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REGARDLESS OF CUT OR COST, ALL GUARANTEED MEATS ARE OF THE BETTER GRADES ONLY! Yes, the inex pensive Guaranteed Meat cuts, come from the same fine sides of meat as do costly steaks, finest rib roasts ... from the bet ter grades only of steer beef, pork, veal, lamb. What’s more, all inexpensive cuts of Guaranteed Meats are properly aged like the costly cuts. They’re kept under constant temperature control. Delivered to your Sanitary daily to reach you at peak tenderness. They’re prepared for you the same as meat selling at much more per pound. They’re guaranteed to please you or all your money back! t PORK LOIN ROAST 114‘ PORK CHOPS-™ 13' ™' -18' x FRESH SHOULDERS --12' Smoked Shoulders ">• 13c Standard Bacon ** - - - «> 17c Triangle Beef Roast • • ">23c Pork Pudding.«> 15c Sanitary Sousogs Links " " “ " 23c > ] FRESH or SMOKED j HAMS Ja. * -19C I CORNED BEEF Made from selected Guaranteed Beef Briskets which are carefully trimmed and processed so as to produce fine flavored Corned Beef with a minimum of waste. SANICO SB BACON Sanieo Is sliced from the center portion of carefully selected, ex pertly cured sides and prepared under U. S. Government Inspec tion. Graded U. 8. No. 1. SANICO «a HAMS Eanieo Hams simply can't be surpassed in tenderness and fla\or. and as for economy. Wholt they have been trimmed of nearly all *aste—the hock Of bone removed, giving you a Hock maximum of edible meat for _ . your money. tnd \r% As Fine as Money Can Buy! I SANICO FRYERS I Scientifically fed to produce email bone structure and heavy breast meat. Freshly killed every day rtsht here In Washlna- !■[ ton. packed in boxes covered with tee and rushed to your nelchborhood Sanitary In refrigerated trucks. RED JACKET I GROUND BEEF I Selected cuts, ground according . S to a formula In our own meat H plant, packed In vtsking casings, then delivered daily to your nelchborhood Sanitary In refrtger ated trucks. JV Briggs U. S. No. I Grade I _ Scrapple 3"~25c I Bklw»\sr * I ssr«ffl»5s?Ssxff*°« to. J I ■ r?ear?oun «C «ie P=a* »i ^ I ^^| goodness. —p I — bun. 1 ■ Bunch Beets - . n». jqc I H New Cabbage lbl. l5c 1 -■ Fresh Spinach 23c 1 ■ Brussels Sprouts ^ 25c 1 ^B Box Apples -^- - » 3c l H potatoes I ■ I»« "?£&'£*£■ A,bs- 19° II £5^-^^ Save Time—Save Money At Your Neighborhood SANITARY CfifJQFr«h JUMBO OQc CUUd“U-S-GradeB”doz- £mU CfifiCF,,sh S4MIC0, QQc LUud“u- S- Grade A”doz' OO BUTTERS"-35' MARGARINE £». - 2 19° STOKELY’S A5E ..3™20« HEINZ KETCHUP 8booz 12* 16c HEINZ SOUP lrJ .. 2 - 25c i HEINZ ■ mb m 22I‘ 1 KRAFT’S MS'.25‘ ) PRUNES A.S15* * While They Last 48-Page Illustrated ■ “Story of PinocchioM by Walt Disney Hjpl With the Purchase of Any Size Can of ■ COCOMALT IS jBH oatmifr ■ 9H ro&KiK Ju&ajgglll’iujVft DATED BREAD Mari" of only the fin est ingredients. Try a loaf today. Full 1 lb. O C Loaf_Q JUMBO BREAD.'IT 7c STANDARD TOMATOES .3 Stf 17c STRING BEANS swo'ii __.3**m 17c MANNING’S HOMINY.. .2 15c SAUERKRAUT IS ....2 "iS4 15c STOKELY’S PUMPKIN .3 "SJ.* 25c SANICO MACARONI Spaghetti-5c KARO Si SYRUP..«• 22c HERSHEY’S Chocolate - ■ .S? lie BORAXO C? .14c MULE-TEAM BORAX.St 14c Prices are for the District of Colombia until the, close of business’ Saturday, January 20, 1040. Due to the Maryland and Vircinla Unfair Trade Practice Acts, some prices are hisher in those States. NO SALES TO DEALEBS. MAD ARTICU I "THI MORI THI MIRRIIR" kt it* ndA 1 FAMILY CIRCLE I Octagon Powder_2 !**»• 9c I Gold Dust_s« <*• pk*- 18c I Lighthouse Cleanser_3c I m Saleh MN suTSasll* Frreshh Z ^^Snaps‘::::I Z ,'oc £?& Starrs Sfefufte—--:-i * Sanico Asst Jellies " “J*r25c Apple Butter—-y:“ Lake Shore Hone/-2 “ ' ?IC High in Quality Low in Price On our money-back guarantee compare Canterbury to the ^ critic?" Su mS»,ury faUs 40 PIe“« absolutely noting? ^ y°U -CANTERBURY TEA -25° f Corn Kix Cereal___ ? n. I Cream of Wheat Z 23c I Lava Hand Soap-- ~ ^ “c Lux or Lifebuoy Soon-T fc ,! No. 33 Liquid Bleach-"Jc uieQCn-quart bot. |QC j If J I !°.U 3 iP»d-L£eH, I^WuuCr I m this New Soap the 1A‘and-lo'tian DinoD°soap Wlth ■m.zia* “ow quiCk?;rf.d‘en!,- «" ftaSfor Use him like m!!kitUgUetSir*feas,y dish_ ^atMshtT T8 ?»»«? S*<m ta^Sdlent.' 8u'Purb’« hand- mm SU-PURB SOAP *f C IBfil Check These Values CIGARETTES tea- _2pk«.,25« ALL 5c CANDY.... 3* JU. 5c GUMS:... 3 ^ io« j P%AC« CHEESE . 2Pk. 25e EEJJ0 PIE CRUST. pk« io« .BEEE $TEW as .. 2 - 29* ySHSTEWa ..2aa29« SfE-WELDESSERT.PM* WWgtWHOOS.. * CHERRIES fe'_2-19* PEACHES &£&$, . 2 "si* 27* EJJjJ CCCKTAIL a? :.riie SEE.. EE' *S£&... ■ar* 15c CORNED DEEF 1!“'i7e WUjEMi IW'oSMTi^j. WtWBM SiUT. gas a tween costs' wn iii... 2 ln-be charees Trv a «. handling less fou lSetettSSL t0?ay ! Un smooth flavor »nrHC«,i«esiui*M> ■ — »'jsug'sas? airway o oCa COFFEE. ZIb,Z5C a i I Aft A * 4 Pi A