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Davoc'i, Benjamin Moore's, Winslow's, and Taxolite are all Paints of QUALITY. 922 N. Y. Are.Na. B610 Unusual Old Sllvar and Antique Jewelry Moderately Priced LOUIS ABRAHAMS 71IGSP.N.W. jjfe , I WITH EVERY PERMANENT MACHINE OR MACHINELESS Best Volue in r Town for Complete • Stripes with • Dry Heat 9 Shampoos, • Pulline Fincerwave e Split Ends and Haircut • Discomfort ..____“I ROYAL MACHINE Eueene, Duart. less, no fear of heat “ and burns in eettlne Bonat Oil Wave. » permanent. Ea Ml cellent for Gray. UVallU Dyed. Bleached ^ Hair. NOW.. ROIX SHAMPOO OR HAIR DYE Continued for this month only. Com plete with shampoo and finier wave ...... _ __ADVERTISEMENT._ Asthma Agony Choking, gasping, wheesing Bronchial Asthma attacks poison your system, ruin your health and put a load on your heart. The prescription Mendoco works thru the blood and often aids Nature to dissolve and remove strangling mucus. Often the quick palliative action helps Nature bring welcome sleep and proves a "Ood-send". Mendoco is not a smoke, dope or injection. Just pleasant tasteless tablets and is offered under a guar antee of money back on return of empty package unless completely satisfactory. Ask your druggist for Mendoco today. EDMONSTON covers the field in Special Fitting Shoes Both in price range and style. Many ills can be traced to in correct shoes. Hardly a day passes that some new friend tells ys of the great pleasure they get out of life since wearing our shoes. No, they are not cure alls, but many leg, back and head pains •re caused by your shoes. | KEEP YOUR FEET FIT IN Edmonston & Co.’s TYPE FITTED SHOES 523 11th St. N.W. Columbus Crew Fails To Sail Because of British Warships 3 Vessels Reported Outside Golden Gate Ready to Seize Nazis By the Associated Press. SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 18.—Re ports that three British Warships were lurking outside the Golden Gate apparently caused cancella tion of plans for 513 Nazi sailors to sail from San Francisco today for Germany via the Orient. Taken to Immigration Station. The Germans, greater portion of the crew of the Nazi , liner Colum bus, which was scuttled in the At lantic last month to avoid capture, arrived in two special trains at transbay Oakland early today. Heavily guarded by Federal officers and police, they were taken to the Government immigration station on Angel Island on San Francisco Bay. It was arranged originally that the Nazis should leave at noon to day on the N. Y. K. liner Tatuta Maru for Japan, from where they would go to Siberia and eventually to Germany. N. Y. K. officials, however, said the ship would sail without the Germans. Immigration Commissioner J« J. McGrath, meantime, disclosed that Angel Island quarters have been prepared for the men.' • The change in plan was attributed to water front reports that two Aus tralian cruisers and a Canadian gunboat were cruising 100 miles outside San Francisco, ready to re move the Nazis from any ship on which they might sail. Capt. Fritz Wiedemann, Nazi consul general here and commander of the company in which Adolf Hit ler fought in the World War, joined his countrymen yesterday at Sparks, Nev., a railroad center adjacent to Reno. Jealousy Over Son Blamed For Slaying by Father* By the AuocUted Preu. LANSDALE, Pa.. Jan. 18.—Police Chief Samuel Wofflndin said today that jealousy over his wife's devo tion to their infant son apparently was responsible for Benjamin Mc Cabe's admitted slaying of the child on New Year Day. McCabe, lodged in jail after pleading guilty to a murder charge, retained the composure he displayed as he told police he smothered the 51-day-old boy. “I was jealous of my wife and the affection she showed the baby,” he was quoted. The baldish young W. P. A. worker told guards at the Norris town County prison he was "glad that’s off my mind.” "I murdered the baby by putting a pillow over his mouth,” Wifllndin quoted McCabe as saying. Army Shifts Observers In Finland and Italy The Army yesterday announced several changes in its observers in European capitals, including the as signment of Capt. Robert M. Losey, now on duty in the office of the chief of Air Corps here, to Helsinki as assistant military attache and attache for air to Finland, Latvia,, Estonia and Lithuania. Maj. Frank B. Hayne was relieved as military attache to Finland and assigned to the 28th Infantry, Fort Ontario, N. Y. Maj. George E. Huthsteiner was assigned as military attache to Finland in addition to his present duties as military attache for Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania. Capt. William C. Bentley, jr„ Air Corps, was ordered to Rome as as sistant military attache, relieving Maj. Jack C. Hodgson, who has been assigned to Maxwell Field, Mont gomery, Ala. THE CHEERFUL CHERUBl My feet tre very wet «xid cold. I'm going to tke dentist too, I Peel tket I fern growing old— Ho vi cfen l ST\ write e ^ »y ver^e for you? Sj vC RTC*—. Cry ft Dr. Carrel's Chicken Heart Still Alive After 28 Years By the Auoclsted Pres*. NEW YORK, Jan. 18.—A segment of chicken heart which Dr. A. Alexis Carrel hopes to make immortal ob served its 28th birthday yesterday in a test tube in the Rockefeller In stitute of Medical Research. The “perpetual” heart, a scientific achievement because it has almost tripled the life expectancy of the average chicken’s ticker, has been kept alive by Dr. Carrel at the in stitute since January 17, 1912. A report that the piece of heart had “died” brought an indignant denial from Waldo Flinn, associate business manager of the institute. “It’s doing as well as ever,” he said, adding that the experiment was being continued by associates of Dr. Carrel, now in France. Physiologists believe the heart fragment, which doubles in size every 48 hours, may live forever if adequately nourished. Dr. Carrel began the experiment to demonstrate that body tissue can be insured against the ravages of time by proper circulation. Because of its swift growth the heart frag ment must be trimmed every few days to keep from outgrowing its glass house. NEW TREASURY AIDES AND THEIR CHIEF—Daniel W. Bell (left), when he was sworn in yes terday as Undersecretary of the Treasury, marked 28 years of service in the Government, all of which was In that department. In the center is Secretary Morgenthau and at right is John L. Sullivan of Manchester, N. H., new Assistant Secretary. Mr. Bell formerly was acting budget director. —A. P. Photo. Five More Vessels Sunk by Mines And Torpedoes New Losses Suffered by Great Britain, Germany, ’ Norway and Greece By the Associated Press. LONDON, Jan. 18. — Germany, Britain, Norway and Greece today counted new losses of their mer chant, shipping from mines and tor pedoes while a Danish vessel was wrecked on the rocky Norwegian coast. Norway was the heaviest loser with two vessels reported sunk by torpedoes in European waters. Pour teen of the crew of one vessel, the 1,590-ton steamer Pagerheim, were missing after she went down in the Boy of Biscay on her way from Africa to England. A second Norwegian ship, the 1,140-ton Enid, was sunk off the Shetland Islands, but all her crew was saved. The German casualty was the 2342-ton steamer August Thyssen which sank near the Aland Islands, at the mouth of the Bothnian Gulf, after striking a mine believed to be Swedish. The vessel was carrying iron ore frolh Sweden to Germany. Crewmen of the 5,494- ton British vessel Calrnross landed at a south west English port to report their ship sank an hour after striking a mine last night. The 3313-ton Greek steamer Asteria was sunk by a mine in the North Sea last night. Eleven sur vivors of the crew of 24 were latmed on Britain's east coast. They brought the body of one companion. The rest were believed to have drowned. The 801 -ton Danish steamer Olga was wrecked near Torungen light house on the south Norwegian coast. Ships Warned of Mine In Sea Off Hong Kong MANILA, Jan. 18 UP).—The Philip pine government today broadcast a warning to all ships that the Dutch steamer Tjlnegara had sighted a mine floating in the open sea off Hong Kong, 430 miles northwest of the Philippines. Gas mask drills are being held in cities of Eire. Nagle Elected President Of Montana Society The Montana State Society last night elected officers at a meeting in the Wardman Park Hotel. Ray Nagle was chosen president to suc ceed Ben W. Barnett. Other officers include Joe Meglen, first vice president; Dan J. Har rington. second vice president; Steve Angland, third vice president; Jeanette Rotering, recording sec retary- G. W. Valine, secretary; John Burke, treasurer, and Orville Watkins, publicity manager. /Musical Instruments I ILOANED FREEij TO BEGINNERS! We give lessons on the accor dion, cornet, clarinet, violin, gui tar, xylophone, marimba, saxo phone and trumpet. All instruc tion is given by capable teachers at hours convenient to you. If you want to learn music or would like to have your children learn, but hesi tate to buy on instrument until you are sure progress will be made, we will loan you the instrument, with out charae, for a trial period. The only cost to you being a small charge for PRIVATE LESSONS, which you pay for as they are taken, not in advance. No deposit necessary and you can take the instru ment with you. FOR DETAILS CALL NATIONAL 3223 Arthur Jorum PIANO COMPANY Corner B-&G sts* National 3223 . They Do Make Fine Tea Eftlf TEA-BAGS Open for the Entire Season The ORANG RY 3201 NT. PLEASANT STREET N.W. PHONE HOBART 9533 ( Announcing the Opening of Three New Stores at 5000 Wise. Ave. N.W. Cor. Wise, b Fessenden St. N.W. 2503 Champlain St. Neer 18th b Cel. Rd. 5425 Georgia Ave. N.W. I Between Kennedy b Jefferson Sts. Several Express Loads of Grove-Ripened j DELICIOUS GOLDEN PINEAPPLE ORANGES Positiroly no color added oranges. Just the natural tree color. V3 bu Fills a standard 20 lb. bag Just 36 Hours from groves to you. Every orange grove-ripened, hand-picked, carefully selected, graded, Government inspected and guaranteed to be | brimful of fine, wholesome, full-flavored juice. Physicians everywhere are* recommending grove-ripened fruit as an aid in ! preventing colds. < I INDIAN RIVER TEMPLE ORANGES O 5C Pk- basket SILVER CLUSTER GRAPEFRUIT 4 to 7 f°r U C TANGERINES Vi 2^5* IKumquats_15c q1 Tangdos. .25c to 35c doa Lemons.30c doz. I Guava Jelly_*A lb. 30c | | Kumquckt Preserves....:_lb. 30c j Strained Orange Blossom Honey.-1 lb. 25c | “Just tike having a tree hg your table** I _A_I 5 FALSE TEETH REPAIRED WHILE YOU WAIT KOBT. B. SCOTT. DENTAL TEVB. 60S I4tb at F. Rial. Ml. ME MEt 1833 PrliaU Waiting Inai t i llllliBII ftSaUpMBj||M Thermostatically controlled heat in all Super-Coaches For a super-trip, go by Super-Coach^ and enjoy super-savings! It’s always warm and comfortable aboard thesa highway liners—the service is quick and the fares are rock-bottom. Sample One-Way fa ret PITTSBURGH _$5.75 MIAMI _ _ 12 95 BALTIMORE . ” 75 PHILADELPHIA. 2.55 ALBANY _ 6.80 SAN FRANCISCO __. 40 95 RICHMOND _ 2 25 HARRISBURG -.. 2.30 NEW YORK_ 4 30 BOSTON .. _ 7.70 Bi* EXTRA Savinxs on Round Trip* GREYHOUND TERMINAL 1 IQ7 New York Art N.W.. Telephone National WMHi. Blue Rfdre. Phone Metropolitan 1523. Alexandria, Va.. inti North Waxhinfton St., Telephone Alex. 330. 1 s «j£lftmhu Sale | OF LIFETIME FURNITURE # | Storewide Savings Now CUSTOM MADE Slip Cover Special I ' $33.50 to $47.50 Grades j SALE PRICE j for average 3-piece suite I These ore our regular $33.50, $39.75 and $47.50 three-piece Custom Made Slip Covers with French Seams, box pleats on all four sides and correctly fit ted and cut right on your upholstered pieces. Dustite cotton prints and attractive cotton Cambridge Cloths j ... some figures, some stripes and some plain colors. Selections to be made from our present stock of ma terials on hand. We urge you to make your selection at once as we cannot duplicate these covers at this *• low price when our present stock is exhausted. | Take Advantage of This Offer at Once t * I . MAYER & CO. Seventh Street Between D and E A A A to