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Oeatlja ALLEN. ETHEL. Suddenly on Tuesday January 23. 1940. ETHEI. ALLEN, daugh ter of the latp Virgil and Jane Gray, be loved sister of Florine Brogden. Herman Nathaniel and Henry Gray; devoted cousir of Mrs Vvdie Carter Other relatives anc friends also survive her. Family at 1S4( Vernon st. n.w.. Apt. 33. Notice of funeral later Arrangement! by W. Ernest Jarvis. ALLEN. SAMI EL. Suddenly, on Tues day January 23. 1940. SAMUEL ALLEN Notice of funeral later. Arrangement! by W. Ernest Jarvis. ASHBY. RICHARD HENRY. On Tues day. January 23. 1940. at his residence New Roadway. Marymnd Park. Md RICH ARD HENRY ASHEY. beloved brother ol Nimrod T. Charles B.. Albert A.. Ernest B. and John H Ashby Mildred A Stallard. Toi E Olinper and Mary L. Corbin. Services at the above residence on Thursday, January 25. at 2 p in Rela tives and friends invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery Services by Chambers’ Southeast funeral home. 24 ASHBY. RICHARD H. A special #om munication of Kmc David Lodge. No 2h, F. A. A M is called for Thursday Jan uard 25. 191 n. at 1 pm., for the purpose of giving Masonic burial to our late • brother. RICHARD H ASHBY CLARENCE T BLANZ. Master. W. C. PARRY. Secretary. 24 BARKER. MARION H. On Tuesday January 23. 1940. at her residence. 112? 21 st st. n.w.. MARION H. BARKER, widow of John M. Barker. Services at the T. Frank Murray tunrral hontr. 74 1 11th st. s.e . on Thursday. Jan uary 25. at 3 pm. Relatives and friends invited Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. BEALL. HARRIETT A. Entered eternal life on Tuesriav January 23. 194(» HAR RIETT A BEALL, beloved wife of the latf James L Beall and mother of Mrs. Carrie A Waener and Mrs. Pearl Straehan Funeral from fhe Collins funeral homo. 8S2I 14th st. n w\. on Friday. January 29. at 10:30 am. Interment Oak Hill Ceme tery 25 BEALOR. CATHERINE A. On Monday. January 22. 1940, at her residence. H1 *i New Jersey ave. n.w.. CATHERINE A BEALOR. Remains resting at the Lte funeral horn*'. 4*h st and Mass, ave n.e . where service will be held on Friday. January 29. at 2 p m Relatives v/ri friends invited Tn tr'mrir Rnrk Prppk PomPterv iHa'TlS burg. Pa . and Perry County, Pa., papers cony.) 25 BEHEV KATE C». On Tuesday. January 23 1P40. at Georgetown University Hos pital. KATE G BEHEN. daughter of the late Martin V and Elizabeth F Bchen. Services at the Chambers funeral home I too Chapin st. n.w Thursday January 25. at 8:30 am. Mass in St Paul's Church. 15th and V st: n.w., at 0 a m Relatives and friends invited 24 ROMGARDN'FR. DORIS JEAN. Sud denly. on Smiday. January 21. HU" DORIS JEAN BOMGARDNER. aged 1 I years, belovrd daughter ol Herbert A. anc the late Dora M. BoniSardnei Funeral from the Hwntemann funera home. 5732 Georgia ave on Thur.'tL y January 2.V at s 3" a m tlvuice to tin Shrine of the Sacred Heart Church. 1Gtb st. and Park road n.w. where mass wil' be offered a'. 0 a tn. Relatives and friend? invred. Interment Fort Lincoln Cem etery. 24 ROA D. Ill RBI R r C. Oil January 2! lfUn HERBERT C BOYD, beloved hus band of Ruth Adams Boyd. Funeral from his la-r residence. Green wood rri Lm’hicum Heights. Md . on Sat urday. January 2'. at 2 30 p.m. Inter ment Friendship Cemetery. CAI.HOI \. LETITIV Or Wednesday. January 21 1040 at her residence. 2153 California st n w . LETITIA CAT HOUN aunt of George C and Harry O Cole. Mary Mundell and the late William K Dole. Friends are invited to call at Gawler's, 1756 Pa ave n.w. Services at Gawler's chape! 1*50 Pa. avr n w . on Friday. Januarv 2,; at 2 P.m. Interment. Rock Creek Cemetery. 23 CAMPBELL. ANDREW A. (LACK). De parted this Lfe suddenly, on Tuesday. Jan uarv 23. 104". at 12.3" am, in New York City, ANDREW 4 «T ACK » CAMPBELL, son of the late John and Ann e Campbell, devoted brother of Victoria 4 F C Heriec mon. He also leaves to mourn their loss manv other rotative® and friends. Notice of foneral here-’f:" Arrange ments by Barbour Bros. 48 K st. n.e. ( ARRO! L. I OLI8 Sudden!'* on Mon day. Janua*-v 25 HU" ar Philadelphia, Fa . LOUIS CARROLL of 1428 Varnum st. n w . beloved husband of Sarah Carroll, lovjne broThe- of Mrs. Mann.v Levy and Mrs Harry Sweet, Funeral on Wednesday. Januarv 21. at II 30 am. from 22"0 North Bro-id sr . Philadelphia. Pa. Interment in Philadel phia. Pa CARROLL. MARTIN M O ay. January 22. HU", at hi' resic • ‘2 E s* se., MARTIN* M CARROLL. . beloved husband of the late Dvs:* < me-' Ball* and son of he late H and Josephine R. Carroll Hr :® survived by on** brother. William J Car-oil. and three sisters. Mr®. Juba F Green Mrs. Margaret C Lang and Mr- Lillie M Stan* Funeral from the above residence on Thursday. January 25, a’ 2 n m Relative® and friends invited. Interment Congres sional Cemetery 24 COMER. ADOLPHUS. SB Departed this life Monday Januarv 22. HUO. ADOLPHUS COMER. Sr Hr 1® survived by a devoted mother. Julia Williams, two daugh ers. one son. three brothers, a friend Margaret Dorsey and a host of other relatives and friends Remains rpstme a* Thp Rarer A Matthews funeral home H14 4th st. s.w. Notice of funeral later. CORMVKLI . DOCGI.AS 5 On Tues day Januarv 2’ 104o a* his residence. DOUGLAS V CORNWELL husband of Beatrice D Cornwell Friends are invited To call at Gnwler''. 1750 Pa ave. n w. Services a? Gawlcrs chapel. 1750 Pa. nv*. n.w . on Thur'-dav. Januarv 25. at 11 a m. Interment Lebanon. N. Y. DFLANEY. ROBERT FRANKLIN. On Tuesday. January I04n. at 4:45 a m . a1 Freedmens Hospital ROBERT IRANK t IN DELANEY husband of Katherine Simon Delaney, brother of Thomas S De laney. the loving father of Mrs. Audrpy D. Black and the late Robert F , jr.. and Dr. Roscoe H. Delaney Funeral Thursday. January 25. at 1 P m from Fra/ier ’> funeral home. .ISO R. 1 ave n w Rev David C. Lynch officiat ing Relatives and friends invited. Inter ment. Lincoln Memorial Cemetery 24 DEVOE. HANNAH .1. On Tuesday Jan uary 2.1. I04l>. HANNAH J DEVOE wife of the late John F. L. Devoe. mother of Arthur H Devoe. Services at, her late residence 5001 Nebraska ave n.w . on Thursday January 25. at 11 a m. Services private. Inter ment Arlington National Cemetery. Serv ices by the Chambers Co. DICKSON. ALBERT N. JR. On Mon da' Januarv y’2 104 0. at Children’s Hos Fi'al. ALBERT N. DICKSON. Jr. infant son of Alber N. and Helen Dickson of Bren’wnod Md Remains rps'ing ar chambers’ River dale funeral home where prayers will be offered on Thursday. January 25 at 0:»0 a m. Interment For' Lincoln Cemetery 24 FAIR ALL. JOHN A. On Monday. Jan uary 22. lfi 10 a» the home of his niece. Mrs Alice Grrrnwrll. Lothian. Md.. JOHN A FAIRALL. husband of the late Nellie Noriolk Fairail and father of John A.. Bernard M . Charles I. Fairail and Mrs. Marie Trammell Services a: Ritchie Bros,’ funeral homf. Lnper Marlboro Md. on Thursday. Jan uary 25 at In a m. Interment Cedar Hill Cemeter*. 24 FVF.RHART. FRANCES F. On Tuesday January 2’. 10«0. FRANCES E. EVER HART. beloved daughter cf Walter Ever harf sister of George N Everhart Funeral server at the Chambers fu peral homr 517 11th st. se„ on Friday. January at 0 a m Relatives and friends invited. Interment Union Ceme tery. Leesburg Vs. 25 FLANAGAN. FRANCIS J Suddenly, on Monday. January 22. 10 4n FRANCIS J FLANAGAN. be]ovrd husband of Margaret R Flanacan 'nee Connellv). Funeral from his late residence is Franklin si. ne. on Thursday. January ~5. a’ S MO am Requiem mass at St. Martin’s Church at 0 a m Relatives and friend^ invited Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery Holy Name men of St Mar tin s Church will meet at the above ad dress on Wednesday January 24. at s 15 D.m to recite the Rosary 24 FLANAGAN, FRANCIS J. Members of rotomac Council No. 4 25. Kniehts of Columbus, arc re quested to meet this evening. Wednesday. Januarv 24 1040. r; s no o’clock at the late residence of our dceeasrd brother FRANCIS J. FLANA GAN. is Franklin st. n.r.. for the recital of prayers for -he repose of his soul ROBERT L. SHERIDAN. G. K. GROSS THOMAS FSTON On Sunday January 21. mho. nt Gauinecr Hosmtal. THOMAS ESTON GROSS devoted hus band of Edith Gross, loving father of James Henrv Gross. Ho also is survived by five brothers, four sisters other rela tives and friends Remains resting at the John T Rhinos & Co. funeral charel. 3rd and Eve sts. s.w. Funeral Thursday. January 25 at 1 30 pm from Simms’ Memorial Church. 1st and M sts s.e . Rev JLee officiating. Interment Chapel Hill. Md. GUDE. WILLIAM F. On Tuesday. Jan uary 23. 1040. at his rcsidenee. Winter burn Farm. Laurel. Md., WILLIAM F. GUDE. beloved husband of Katharine Gude and father of Ernest F. Gude. Mrs. Amelia Crude Thomas. Mrs. Louise Gude Davis. Granville Gude. Mrs Wilhelmina Hussev and Mrs. Ernestine Locffier Re mains resting at the S. H. Hines Co. fu neral home. 2901 14th st.. n.w . until 10 a m Friday January 26. Funeral services at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church. R^ek Creek Cemetery, on Friday. January 36 at 1 1 am. Relatives pnd friends invited Interment Rock Creek Cemetery. 25 HALL. MARY F. On Sunday. January 21. 1910 MARY E HALL. helo\ed wife of N K Hall, mother of Samuel K.. Roland R and Geoiee Hall. Mildred M, Eubank. Molltp Clark Mary Olivares and Belle Macoeav: sister of Alberta Glispy. Funeral services at Chambers’ funeral home. 517 11th st. s.e.. on Thursday. Jan uary 25. at 2:30 p m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Congressional Cemetery. 24 HAYES. NELLIE. On Tuesday. January 23. 1040. NELLIE HAYES, the beloved wife of John W. Hayes of North Beach. Md. Funeral fmm the residence of her nierr. Miss Lorie Yeager 1015 Illinois ave. n.w.. on Friday. January 26. at 8:30 a.m. Re quiem mass at the Shrine of the Sacred Heart Church at 0 a.m Relatives and frtend« invited. Interment Mount P1 vet Cemetery. 25 FUNERAL DESIGN'S. ' GEO. C. SHAFKERTIIncC EXPRESSIVE FLORAL TRIBUTES A1 MODERATE PRICES PHONE NAT 0106 °XS Cor. 14th b Eye GUDE BROS CO. Floral Pieces 1212 F St. N.W. National *216 fp r> Srathfl HERRMANN. ROBE A,. On Tuesday, January 23. 1940. at bus residence. 213 7th st n.e. ROBERT HERRMANN, beloved husband of Bertha Herrmann and father of Mrs. Ethel Reisinger. Mrs. Emerald Scott and Henrietta Morris. Services at his late residence on Friday, i January 26. at. 2 p.m. Interment Cedar ; Hill Cemetery. 25 JENKS. HOLLAND W. On Monday. January 22. 1940, at his winter home. Auburndale. Fla,. HOLLAND W. JENKS. husband of Alice S. Jenks. father Stuart W. Jenks: brother of Mrs. Edward >ar rine. Temporary interment is being made in Florida Permanent interment in the spring in Washington. 24 JONES. WILLIAM LEE. Suddenly, on Tuesday. January 23. 1940. WILLIAM LEE JONES, the son of the late Harvey and Lury Jones. Surviving him are two beloved brothers. Thomas H and Charles A. Jones, and many other relatives and friends. Funeral Friday. January 26. at 1:30 pm., from the J. L. Lowe funeral home. ! 913 Florida ave n.w.. Rev. F. F. King of i ficiating. Interment Arlington National ! Cemetery. 25 | KAINES. HARRY A. On Tuesday. Jan ■ uary 23. 1940. at his residence. 56 T st. n w . HARRY A. KAINES. husband of Fairy W Kaines. Services at the Chambers funeral home. 1*100 Chapin st n.w.. on Saturday. Janu ary 27. at 11 a m. Relatives and friends invited Interment Western Cemetery. Baltimore. Md. 26 KEFERSTEIN CARL B. On Tuesday. January 23 1940. at his residence. 2101 Conn ave. n.w.. in his 73rd year. CARL B. KEFERSTEIN beloved husband of Eliza beth T Keferstein and father of Mrs. W. H Willis of Miami Beach. Fla. , Services at St Margaret's Episcopal Church. Conn ave and Bancroft rl n.w.. ; on Thursday January 25. at 10:30 a.m. j Interment private. KNIGHTON. LAURA BELL. On Tues day. January 23. 1940. at her residence. ! 323 9th st, n.e.. LAURA BELL KNIGHTON. beloved mother of Mrs. Cora Simmons and i Mrs. Eva Simmons, devoted sister of Mrs. j George Playfair. Mrs. Hattie Vandcrcock i and Mrs. E O. Yeaeer of Baltimore. Md.: : William nnH Warn* Milln- nf <nnna Pa B A. Miller of Roanoke. Va., and John | Miller of Lynchburg. Va Funeral from the Zurhorst funeral home. | 60i East Capitol st.. Thursday, January 25. at 2:60 pm Interment Glenwood I Cemetery. 25 KROGSTAI). DR. HENRY Suddenly. on Tuesday. January 26. 1940. at Rich mond Va . Dr. HENRY KROGSTAD. long a resident of Washington, beloved father of Robert B Krogstad and grandfather of Henry r. Krogstad of New York City. Notice of funeral hereafter. I.ONGCOR. IDA F*. On Tuesday. Jan uary 26. 19-10. at Homeopathic Hospital. IDA B. LONGCOR. .mother of Charles C. I.ongcor. Remains resting at the S H. Hmes Co. funeral home 2901 14th st. n.w , until s p m Wednesday. January ’4. Interment Wheeler. N. Y. MENKE, ELIZABETH S. On Monday. January 22. 1940 at her residence. 014 6rd st n w . ELIZABETH S. MENKE, be loved daughter ol the late Meinard and Elizabeth Menke. Services at her late residence Thursday, j January 25 a' 9;6n am.; thence to St. Aloysnis Catholic Church North Capitol 1 and Evp sts. n.w., where mass will be of fered at 10 s. m. Interment private. MEYER. JOHN. Suddenly on Wednes day January 24. 1940. at his residence. IM6 Irvine st n.v . JOHN MEYER, be loved husband of Mrs. R. VV Meyer and father of William J. Meyer of Shrevescort. La Remains resting ai the S H Hmes Co funeral home 2901 14th st. n.w. Notice of funeral later. M IK RAY. ANNA SIMMS. On Monday Jan arv 22 19 in. ANNA SIMMS MUR RAY. beloved wile of the late Samuel J. ; Murray, devoted mother of Samuel Mur ; ray ir Murray Hutchinson, and stepmother of Curtis and Percy Murray and Hallic Murray Coates: grandmother of ’ Drucille Hutchinson, sister of Harry E. : Simms. Funeral from her late residence. 1201 , Ken von st. n.w Thursday. January 25. I at 2 pm Remains may be viewed it her late residence after 10 a.m. Wednesday. January 21. 24* NEBFL. MARY ELLEN. On Sunday. January 21. 191n. a' Providence Hospital. MARY ELLEN NFBEL. beloved wife of Wil liam E. Nebel of Bladensburg. Md. She also is survived by five sons. William T Henrv J . Pete& J James M and Harry F. Nebel. and two daughters. Mrs. Mar caret E Fleshman and Mary L. Nebel. Re mains resting at Gasch's funeral home. 46 Maryland ave . Hvattsville. Md. Services af the above funeral home on Thursday. January 25. at 2 pm. Rela tives and friends invited. Interment Druid Ridcc Cemetery. Baltimore. Md 24 OBRIEN. ROBERT EMMETT. On Tuesday. January 26. iy40. at Garfield Hospital. ROBERT EMMETT O'BRIEN, be loved son of the late Michael T. and Julia A. O’Brien of his brother. George T. O'Brien. 4014 12th st ne, on Fridav. January 26. at i !» 30 a m Hieh requiem mass at Holy , Name Church at 10 a m Relatives and , fr onds invited. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 25 REFShDE. CHELLIE ARMOR. On Tues day. January 23. 1940. at the residence of her son. John E Reesidc. East Cedar lane. Bethesda. Md . CHELLIE ARMOR REESIDE. wife of the late Denison Reside, beloved mother of Armor. John E . James B. D. Janet and Elizabeth Recside. Sarah W. Olivier. Mary A O.ivier. Elien S Smart and sister of Miss Elrnbeih H Armor. Funeral from her late residence Thurs dav January 25. a? 1 p.m Interment. 2:30 p.m.. Oak Hill Cemetery. Services : private 24* REEVES. WILLIAM. On Monday. Jan uary 22. 194o. a’ his resiaence, 34 ( uy ! ave . Hyattsville, Md.. WILLIAM REEVFS. i beloved husband of Elizabeth Reeves He also is survived by one son. Jemes A Reeve... and three daughters. Mrs. Robert . England. Mrs. Edith Negus and Mrs. Flor ence Jameisson. Remains testing at the i G-asch funeral home. 46 Maryland ave.. j T>Vi 1 ]r, Md Services a» the above funeral home on Thursday. January 25. at I 1 am. Rela tives and friends invited. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. 24 RHODES. ELLA CARTER. On Tuesday January 23. 1940. at her residence, the home of her sister. Mrs. Joseph H Wine field. 3746 Oliver st. n.w. ELLA CARTER RHODES, widow of David H. Rhodes and daughter of the late William H. and Mary C. Carter Funeral services at her late residence on Thursday. January 25. at 2 d m Rela i rives and friends invited Interment (pri vate! at Arlington Nation'll Cemetery. 24 ROBINSON. LAURA. Departed this, life i Sunday. January 21. 1940. at her residence. 1 '04 1st st. s.w. LAURA ROBINSON. She leaves to mourn their loss four children. John Swann. William Robinson. Bertha Thomas and Mary Lane: an adopted niece. Mamie Lawson: a devoted friend. Lena Harr, five grandchildren. Alphonso King. Beatrice Thomas. Charles Thomas. Ruth Douglas and Harry Robinson three great grandchildren. a sister-in-law, Mary Mar lowe and a host, of friends. FuneraJ Thursday. January 25. at 1 p.m from Rehoboth Baptist Church. 1st ! st between N and O sts. s.w.. Rev Johnson offiei3t nc Interment Lincoln Memorial | Cemetery. Arrangements bv Barnes & ; Matthews. RYAN. B. On Sunday. Janu ary 21. 1940. ... LIAM B RYAN, beloved husband of the late Leelinau Ryan and father of Leelinau McDonald and Charles , J. Ryan Funeral from the. Collins funeral home 3821 14th st. n w.. ou Thursday. January 2n. at 8:30 a.m. Requiem mass at St. Mary's Church a? 9 a.m. Relatives and friend- invited. Interment Mount Olivet | Cemetery. . i SCOTT, DORIS MAE. On ilnnday. .January 22. 1940 at Freedmen's'Hospital, after a brief illness. DORIS MAE SCOTT. 1 beloved daughter of James and the late Lillie Scott of 208-A Morgan st. n.w . the beloved granddaogh'er of Priscilla Wallace, j Also surviving are 4hree sisters and many other relatives and friends. Remains rest , iog at the Henry S Washington & Sons fu ! neral home. 467 N st n.w.. until 5 p.m. Wednesday. January 24; thereafter at her la!" residence. Funeral Thursday January 25. at 1 P m., from Galbraith A. M. E. Zion Church. 1 6th st. between L and M sts. n.w. Inter mrn: Harmony Cemetery. slaughter. MARY. On Tuesday. Jan uary 23. 1940. at her residence. 1322 W ! st n.w . MARY SLAUGHTER, beloved i mother of Emma S. Fisher, mother-in-law I of John D Fisher. Four grandchildren i and other relatives and friends also sur vive Remains may be viewed at the W. Frnest Jarvis funeral church. 1432 You st. r. w . after JO a.m. Thursday. Janu ary 25. Funeral Friday. January 26. at 2 P.m . from the above funeral church. Rev. E L. Harrison ofTiriatintr RrlnHvpc onrt frinnric | invited. Interment Lincoln Memorial Cp>m I etory. 25 SLY. REV. JAMES WILLIAM. PH. P. Suddenly, on Wednesday. January 24. 1940. at his residence. 214 A st. n.e,. Rev. JAMES WILLIAM SLY. Ph. D. beloved ; husband of Grace Sly inee Taintor'. Re mains restine at the Lee funeral home. 4th i st. and Mass. ave. n.e. Notice of funeral later. SNIPER. GEORGE L. On Tuesday. Jan uary 23. 1940. at United Stales Soldiers' Home Hospital. GEORGE L. SNIDER, the beloved husband of the late Delia M. Snider. He is survived by one sister. Mrs. Sophie Kramer of Chambersbur*?. Pa.: one daughter. Mrs Jane O’Lonr. and five sons. Levis H Snider of Ocean View. Va.: John J. Geor". Thomas Carlisle. William K. and Richa^a Sedan Snider. Remains may be view d after 12:30 p.m. Thursday at Untten States Soldiers' Home Hospital. Funeral services at United States Sol diers' Homp Chapel Friday at 10:30 a.m. Relatives and friends invited Interment Soldiers' Home National Cemetery. 25 STEIPFL. WILLIAM C. On January 22. i 1040 WILLIAM C. STEIDEL of 315 Franklin st n.e.. beloved husband of Elma : v. Stcidel and stepfather of Mrs. Maude C. Curry Services private. WEBB. SUSAN ANN. On Tuesday. Jan uary 23. 1940. at her residence. 29 Florida ave n.w . SUSAN ANN WEBB, mother of Mrs Mabel Partello. William and Chailes Webb and the late Josephine Coleman. Nora Madre. Lucy Lee and Abbie Smith: grandmother of Mrs. Pauline Turner. Bea trice and Chester Lee. Remains temporar ily resting at Frazier’s funeral home. 389 R. I ave. n.w. Notice of funeral later. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. J. William Lee’s Sons Co. FITNERAI DIRECTORS Crematorium ith and Mii» Ave N.E. Lincoln 5206 V. L. SPEARE CO. Neither successor to nor eonnectea trim the original W R. Spear* establishment 1009 H St. N.W. National0 2892 T t Dr. Thomas E. Green, Former Red Cross Official, Is Dead Peace Advocate, Lecturer and Author Was Minister 25 Years Dr. Thomas Edward Green, 82, former national director of the Speaking Service of the American National Red Cross, died early today in the Washington Sanitarium. He had been in ill health several years. He retired four years ago. Peace advocate, lecturer and au thor. Dr. Green was a minister of the Episcopal Church 25 years before the World War caused his interest in work for the Red Cross. He was born in Clarion County, Pa., attended McKendree College, Princeton University and Princeton Sratljfl WILLIAMS. WILLIAM L. On Tuesday. January *23. 1040. at his home, near Da mascus. Md.. WILLIAM L. WILLIAMS, aged 37 years, beloved husband of Mary Erowning Williams. He also is survived by his father. Danny M. Williams: four sons. James. Robert. Maurice and Franklin: four brothers and four sisters. Funeral services at. the grave at Mount Lebanon Cemetery on Thursday January *25. a> 11 a m. Arrangements by Roy W. Barber STOCKMAN. SUSAN V. On Tuesday morning. January ‘23. 1040. SUSAN V. STOCKMAN, beloved mother of Roy M Stockman, at 5370 Nevada ave. n.w. Funeral services at Etchison’s funeral i home. I OH East Church st.. Frederick. Md . • Thursday. January ‘25. at 2 p.m Inter i ment Mount Olivet Cemetery. Frederick. Md 24 TRl SSF.I.L. ROBERT LEE. On Monday. January 22. 1040. at his home Forest Glrn. Md.. ROBERT LEE TRUSSELL. be ■t loved husband of Grace B Trussed. Services at the Warner E Pumphrev fu neral home. 8424 Georgia ave . Silver Spring. Md. on Thursday. January 25. at , 1 I a.m. Interment Edgehill Cemetery. Charleston, W. Va. YOUNG. HARRY E. Suddenly, on Moil i day January 22. 1040. HARRY E YOUNG, beloved husband of Ruth E Young and father of John R. and Harry E Young, jr Funeral services at the Chambers South i ra2 funeral home 517 11th rt s e.. on Friday. January 2H. at 11 a.m Relatives and friends invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 25 In f&rituiriam BOONE. MARY LOUISE. In loving ; memory of our dear wife and mother, i MARY LOUISE BOONE, who departed this life ten years ago today. January 24. 1030. We were standing at your bedside And saw your life depart. And when we knew you had gone It almost broke our hearts. We tried so hard to save yon. Our oravers were all in vain: This world would seem like heaven If we had you back again. HFR DEVOTED HUSBAND AND CHIL DREN • CARNES, JAMF* T. In loving remem brance of mv dear husband. JAMES T CARNES who departed this life January . 24. 1936. Gone. but not forgotten DEVOTED WIFE. MATTIE B. CARNES. • DUFFIELH. ELIZA A. A sacred tribute of love to the ever sweet memorv of my dearly beloved mother. ELIZA A. DUF FIELD. who went to rest it seems out yps i terday. though sweet memories recall I twelve years ago today. January 24. 19*28 Remembered and revered for her loving kindness, her charitable deeds, her inspir ing example lives on in the memory of i many friends I am proud of the heritage 1 which is mine. 1 There is some one. mother, who misses you badly. And finds the dav long since you went; i There is some one who longs for you daily. But tries to be brave and content. 1 You brought me nearer to Jesus. You taught me the value of prayer And some day I hope to meet you again In that heavenly home over there. ; No drearv nights nor weroing eyes. No achine hearts nor broken ties. Ah. w-ho would dwell forever here, i Away from those we love so dear. I Not always shall this parting be. For though I travel slow. I. too. may claim eternity ' And find my way to you YOUR LONELY DAUGHTER. ELIZABETH I DUFFIELD WEDLAKE. • GRAVES, LILLIAN MOORE. Sacred to j the precious memory of my lifelong friend. I LILLIAN MOORE GRAVES, who fell asleep four years Rgo today. January 24. 1936. Death was a ktndlv friend to her: How gentle was His healing hand That led her where the lilies stir In a w'arm and lovely land. Her dark eyes clouded with the pain I could nor wish her back again. Who sorrowfully mourn. The only one wrho could control The anguish of hpr labored breath Was the good friend who made her whole— The shining angel. Death. How beautiful the iourney was Benpath His ministering touch I could not wish her back because I loved her far too much. ANNA TAYLOR BANKS (Philadelphia) * GRESHAM. ROSA E. In loving re membrance of my dear wife. ROSA E GRESHAM, who passed away two years ago today. January 24. 1938. Her loving face I hope to see aeain. Though the days have passed away; Sleep on dear, and take your rest. I miss you most who loved you best. HER HUSBAND. JOHN H GRESHAM. * HAZEL. LILLIE MAY. In sad but lov in': remembrance of our dear mother. , LILLIE MAY HAZEL, who departed this life two years ago today. January 24. 1938. Wp seem to see in the soft, dim light A face wre love the best. And think of her when the sun's last ray Goes down In the far-off west. We miss you no less as the time passes on Than we did on the dav of your eoinc. For absence ran never close the door of our hearts And the lamp of our love is still glow ing. Your heart was the truest in all the wide w'orld. Your love the best to recall. For no one on earth could take your place. You are still the dearest of all. HER LOVING HUSBAND AND CHILDREN. • HORN. ELIHl’. In loving memory of our dear son and brother. ELIHU HORN, who departed this life two years ago today. January 24. 1938. Loved in life remembered in death. MOTHER AND SISTERS. * SAYLES. ROBERT 1). In loving mem ory of my husband ROBERT D. SAYLES who entered into eternal rest January 24. 1937. Today recalls sad memories Of a loved one gone to rest. And these who think of him today Are those that loved him best DEVOTED WIFE. • SCHRIDER BERNARD E. (BUD). A tribute of love to the memory of my hus band and our father. BERNARD E. (BUD> SCHRIDER. who departed this life six years aeo today January 24. 1934. HIS LOVING WIFE AND CHILDREN. • SMITH. ROBERT H In sacred memory of mv dear husband and our honorable fa ther. ROBERT H. SMITH, who passed to iii' feira. ut *uiui mice .icnio ntu iuua;< January 24. 1937. I do not forget you. nor do I intend. I think of you often and will to the end: Gone and forgotten by some you may be. But dear to our memory you ever will be THE FAMILY. • TESKE. CHARLES. In lovinc remem brance of our dear husband and father. CHARLES TESKE who departed this life one year ago today. January 24. 1939. HIS LOVING WIFE AND DAUGHTER EDNA. WALTER. FRANK B. In sad but loving remembrance of my dear friend. FRANK B WALTER, who departed this life two years ago today. January 24. 1938. Re quiem anniversary mass was offered at St. Mary’s Church for the repose of his soul. Deep in my heart is a picture Of a loved one laid to rest: In memory’s frame I shall keep it. For he was one of the best. He had a smile for every one, A heart as pure as gold: Tc those who knew and love him His memory will never grow old. HIS DEVOTED AND LOVING FRIEND, SADIE H. MILLER. • WORK. JACK W. In loving remem brance of our dear husband and father. JACK W. WORK, who died one year ago today. January 24. 1939. Today recalls the memory Of a loved one laid to rest. And those who think of him today Are the ones who loved him best. HIS LOVING WIFE. ELLA WORK. AND CHILDREN. HELEN. NELLIE AND JACK. • Seminary, and was later awarded several honorary degrees by schools throughout the Nation. Declined Election to Bishopric. While an active clergyman, Dr. Green declined election to the bishopric of Iowa in 1898. He left the church in 1903 to travel in the interests of peace, writing and speaking on that subject. Dr. Green lectured for the Carnegie Founda tion in 1915-16 and also for the American Peace Society. At the outset of the World War he became associated with the Red Cross and was decorated by the French, Polish and Chinese govern ments, as well as the Red Cross, for his efforts on behalf of peace and war refugees. Dr. Green had been a resident of Washington since 1917. In this city he became a member of the Society of Social Hygiene, chaplain general and honorary president for life of the District of Columbia Society of Sons of the American Revolution, vice president general of the Society of the War of 1812, chaplain of the District of Columbia Society of Colo nial Wars, a member of the Loyal Legion, a member of the Washing ton Commandery, Knights Templar, and associate prelate of Albert Pike Lodge of Masons. Aided Victory Loan. He was a delegate of the Ameri can Red Cross to the Council at Geneva in 1920; directed the Speak ers' Bureau, victory loan campaign, 1919; director of the Speakers' Bu reau, European Relief Council, 1920, and the China famine relief in 1921. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. R. W. Goodell of Minneapolis, Minn., and Mrs. Hiter King of New York City. I - : Health Officers to Get Monoxide Death Data i In response to a request by the Health Department, Police Supt. Ernest W. Brown today ordered his commanding officers to notify im mediately the Health Department in all cases of carbon monoxide poison ing or other poisoning of this type. Health officials said they had made the request because they have experienced delay in their investi gations of deaths caused by de fective equipment thsough failure to receive notification. Ma.j. Brown ordered precinct com manders to have special reporus of such cases forwarded to.the Health Department. He also ordered the officers to notify the Health De partment in such instances by tele phone as soon as possible. Jamaica has a campaign against ! food hoarding. I Dr. Henry Krogstad, 83, Dies on Way to Florida Dr. Henry Krogstad, who wai for many years a Washington phy sician, died yesterday in Richmond Va., on his way to St. Augustine Fla., it was learned today. Dr. Krogstad was 83. He is sur vived by a son, Robert B. Krogstad and a grandson, Henry P. Krog stad, both of New York City. A graduate in 1888 of the College of Homeopathic Medicine at lows State University, Dr. Krogstad tool further courses during 1889 at Nev York Medical College and Flowei Hospital, New York City. Soor afterward he came to the District He was on the staff of Homeopathie Hospital here, and was for a time s lecturer at its training school foi nurses. Physician friends said today thal Dr. Krogstad had one of the mosi active practices in Washington unti his retirement about six years ago He was a member of the Wash ington Homeopathic Medical So ciety and of the American Institute of Homeopathy. | Col. Duke Is Chairman LEONARDTOWN. Md„ Jan. 2 < Special).—Col. Roland B. Duke o Leonardtown has been appointee chairman of the President's Birth day Ball, to be held here on Janu ary 30. IT" . . I irreverenz i met Takes Tire Chain Off Police Car In the wake of the snow storm: Capt. Lloyd C. Kelly asked all police to look out for the theif who stole a tire chain off one of the Police Department's scout cars while it was parked in front of the eighth precinct this morning. Between Salisbury and Del mar. Md„ a snow plow, sent out to clear the road, got stuck. Officials sent a heavy-duty rotary plow out to rescue it. Nothing had been heard from either several hours later. PERTUSSIN COUGHS Don't let a dry. ticliing cough, due torn cold, annoy you. Pertussin, a pleasant herbal syrup, prescribed by many physicians, will bring you quick, safe relief. Pertussin ii I excellent for children, too. Get a hottie at your druggist today! Or for FREE trial bottle, write: Pertussin, Dept. E, 440 Washington 6treet, New York City. Marriage License Applications Harry W. Fenner, IB. 21(19 F tt. n.w.. and Mildred L. Sandison 29. 5131 2nd tt. I n.w.; the Rev. Robin Gould. George A. Platt. 22. and Beatrice V. Dalton, 18. both of *05 6th tt. n.w.; the Rev. J. H. Zerhuaen. Raohael A. Auatln. 23, Plnehurat. N. C, and Vivian E. Moore. 20. Clinton. N. C.; the Rev John L. Henry. Junior Benton. 24. 132« U at, n.w., and Bailie Quick. 23. 208 Emerson at.; Judge Nathan Cayton. Walter M. Williams. 34. 12 Franklin st. n.e, and Elizabeth V. Dugan. 32. 508 A at. a.e.; the Rev. Francis E. Sullivan. John E. Lucas, 34. 2034 Higdon rd. n.e, and Mildred Bernard. 21. 2028 Higdon rd. n.e.: the Rev. Ralph W. Lewis. Moses L. Macon. Jr, 23. Greensboro Fla, and Mary R. Ashton. 18. 320 9th st. n.e.: the Rev. E. P. McAdams Constantine P. Pergantis, 22. 1362 Spring rd. n w and Juanita H. Johnson. 18. 1631 8 st. n.w.; the Rev. John Papanico laon. Wilfred E. Thompson. 20. 313 16th st. n.e, and Evelyn G. Abeel. 18. Baltimore. Md : the Rev. C. S Abbott. Aaron Chait, 40, and Kitty Kandel 29. both of Baltimore. Md.: the Rev. J. T. Loeb. Daniel Horst. 26. and Claire Ullman 30. both of Baltimore, Md.; the Rev. Clifford H. Jope. Eugene Norwltz. 22. and Dorothy Shocket, 19. both of Baltimore. Md.; the Rev. Henry Segal. Stewart B. Shaw. 60. College Park Md . and Mossle G Bayless. 4 7. 1401 Colum bia rd. n w.: the Rev. Andrew R Bird Edgar C McIntosh. 26. 1701 16th st. n.w, and Janaan P. Leonard 22. Dubuque. iuws , uir nrv, unnra ^uir. Edw ard J Knadle 26. 2122 P st. n.w . and Janet B. McMichael. 22. Wahpeton. N. Dak.; the Rev. Herbert S Smith Harold F. Carter. 23. 1440 R. I. ave. n.w.. and Jewel Andrews. 22. 1712 R. I ave i n.w.: the Rev. Edward H. Pruden. ' Earl H. Parsons. 34. Arlington Va . and r Marian T. Hoover. 22. 1104 Queen it. I n.e : the Rev. F. Dade. 1 Woodrow A Roberts. 23. Haskell Okla.. and Ladessa L. Howell. 23. Muskogee. Okla : the Rev. Frederick W. Johnson • James W. Barry, 25. 3027 7th st n.e . and Helen M. Schimmels, 25. 4422 7th st. n.w : the Rev. John B. Roeder Jerry Van Landingham. 30. 1230 12th st. n.w., and Adelaide C. Culver 24. Atlanta. Ga : the Rev. C. T. Warner. Robert S. Jacobs. 32. 316 Taylor st nw. and Dorothy W. Ramsay. 23. 5754 Col. ave. n w.; the Rev. William M. Bradner Warren F Bond 10. 71 P st n.w . and Gloria Evans. 17 1533 1st st. n.w.; the Rev. R D. Grymes. Bob Davis, 24. and Orrie G. Brown. 21. both of 208 D st. n.w the Rev. Earl K Tyler Melvin J. Adams. 10. 1003 N J ave se and Frances L. Prue. 18. 2827 Elvans rd. s.e : the Rev. M. J O'Neil. George W Bullock 55 and Dessie Keeslev. 44 both of Arlington. Va ; the Rev. John H. Ford Claude Foxx, 30. 1751 Corcoran st. nw. and Ethel M. Woolfolk. 22. 1424 W st. n.w : the Rev B J Pogue. Governor Herndon. 22. 1424 California st. n.w., and Elmira Baker 21. 217 F st. n.w. Rnrkvillf. Thomas Ray Hagner 24. and Marsarft Alice Armentrout, 20, both of Washing ton. Bernard Franfis Shanahan. 23 and Anna Mae Sullivan. 37. both of Washington. Creighton 8. Seott, 25. and Pavlo H. Foster. 20, both of Washington. Reginald B Williams. 32. and Lucinda R. Russell. 28. both of Washington. John O Woodfleid. 27 Germantown. Md . and Elizabeth B. Zimmerman 20. Lib erty. Md. Service Orders ARMY. AIR CORPS. Stace. Ma). Donald F. from Fort Leaven worth to Banta Monica. Hurd Ma). Leland C.. from Inglewood, Calif., to Hawaii. INFANTRY. Jeflres. Ma). James E.. from Everett, Wash . to Vancouver Barracks. Ayer. Ma). Ernest C.. from Fort Crook to Brooklyn Chappalear. First Lt Louis 8. Jr# from Fort Bcnning to San Francisco. FIELD ARTILLERY. Gjelsteen. Capt Elnar B, from Fort Leavenworth to Fort 8111 GENERAL STAFF CORPS. Bluemel. Col. Clifford, from Baltimore to the Philippines. CAVALRY. Merrill, Ma). Gyles, from Silver Citv. N Mex . to the Philippines Williams. First Lt. Edward W , from Philip pines to Fort Riley i Cameron. Capt Douglas, from Fort Knox to Fort Oglethorpe. CORPS OF ENGINEERS Burlln. Mai. Charles W . from Philadelphia to Cleveland Ely First Lt William J„ from Midway Island to Honolulu NAVY. Bl'REAU OF NAVIGATION. Rfad .Comdr. Henry T., from Annapolis to U. 8 S. Wasp. Organ Lt. William H . from San Fran cisco to U. 8 8 Nevada Collins. Lt. (J. g.i William M. Jr.. Obser vatlon Souad. U. 8 8. New Mexico Leach. Lt. i). g.i Robert W from U. 8 8 Chaumont to U S S. Nevada Lt. (j. II Clark A. jr., from V S 8 Spica to U. S. S. Lexington. Schlacks. Ensign William J jr from U. 8. 8. Sampson to U. 8. 8. Mississippi. MEDICAL CORPS. Kimball. Lt Comdr. James C. from San Francisco to Puget Sound VanDerAue. Lt Otto E. from U 8 8 Kanawha to Portsmouth. Va i Pratt & Whitney Gets $3,000,000 Engine Order - By the Associated Press. j The War Department announced today the award of contracts for $3,005,600 worth of airplane engines to the Pratt <5i Whitney division of the United Aircraft Corp., East Hartford, Conn. The number of engines was not disclosed. They are for pursuit and corps and division observation planes. fc/I^ONUMENTS liiTl *40 up LI iMARKERS^lSq3 ■ 1 FALVEY ■ Vgranite CO. INC. wm':[: :: U £»ha bhthtd 50 Ytnrs W i!^209 UPSHUR ST.N.W. ■ Crt** Cemdwt <$ve6 'v/unera/fflowe, 12*47 WILSON BLVD. OX. 2062 I ARLINGTON. VA. 1 A Complete Funeral Service 1 Within Your Budget . . .I In Case of "\ DEATH * Call I if- % col. k i 0432 l CluiHthcrP' PiwyTT^-wi I Every Family Can Afford Ryan Service j Objective Since the foundation of this institution, our objective has always been the same: To give the utmost in funeral services at a cost in keeping with one’s ability to pay. There is a Ryan Service available for all. ----- TO WAR VETERANS' FAMILIES: Cell Rvan for perfect Funeral Service* w’th the Icnowlerlg» tha* you ? will not lorfeit any Veterans' Funeral Allowance to which you are I entitled. : James T. Ryan Funeral Director 317 Pa. Are. S.E. ATlantic 1700-1701 ___! Milburn T. ZIRKLE Co. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Ambulance Servtce 510 C St. N.E. Line. 5537 North Side of Stanton Park t—mssssssssass no LI 2204 AT 1622 T. Frank Murray FUNERAL HOME 741 I Ith SI. S.E. Ambulance Service Cremations j ^b A KEEP-FITTIP FOR WINTER DAYS —Dietitians say ' Be sure your m ^b 9 daily menu includes meat for M ^b fl^ ^b ■ W fl each member the family." amm ■■ MjB ^B'B9 I B^ Meat elements essential fl U fl fl fl to the body tissues—ele m ^b fl ^b Bfl fl ■ ^b fl ^^9 ^^^b A ^ ^ that maintain body vigot Ab W wbik Ab 9BVB9 9 9 9 and efficiency try the CHEAPER CUTS I ' "IT'S POT ROAST PORTO RICAN." To make this flavorful, thrifty dish, select a thick cut of pot roast. Plunge a paring knife deeply into the meat—at about 1 \'i inch intervals on all sides. Push a whole stuffed green olive into the first cut, a small piece of salt pork the next, and so on—alter nating between salt pork and olives until all cuts are filled. Then cook the roast in the usual manner. Pot Roast Porto Rican is equally delicious sliced cold -mi . i POT ROAST —one of the cheaper Guaranteed Meat cuts you are I S invited to test. Notice the large proportions of tender-textured, juicy meat. Our risk-free test offer holds on any cut of Guaranteed ; Meats you buy at Sanitary! ^ Unless you find our Guaranteed • Meats marvelously tender, delicious—the trial costs you nothing Up to recently, Washington housewives found choosing good meats a real problem. Would it be tender — or tough? Tasteless — or full of flavor? Seldom could you be sure until the meat was served — and then it was too late. Today a revolutionary improvement in meat re tailing has taken place. Sanitary has perfected a complete new plan. It guarantees fine meats every time you buy. Even the cheaper cuts! So that you may judge results, Sanitary makes this offer on Guaranteed Meats-. At any Sanitary . . . select and buy a pot roast today. Put it on the table tonight. Note how ten derly it carves. How temptingly juicy it is. How all the family pass the plate for more! Unless you find your Sanitary pot roast entirely satisfactory—you get all the purchase price back. If you'd rather, make this risk-free test on rib roast, chops . . . any kind or cut of Guaranteed Meats you like. Guaranteed Meats sell at regular prices In Sanitary’s Central Meat Plant every piece of meat is used for its correct purpose — nothing is wasted. Usual wastes in markets are cut to a mini mum. Such efficiencies enable Sanitary markets to price Guaranteed Meats at not a fraction of a cent extra per*pound! I-“— THESE GUARANTEED MEATS SAVE ME MONEY -BECAUSE I NEVER MAKE A "POOR BUY* The 4 steps Sanitary takes to bring you Guaranteed Meats 1... IMPROVED MEAT SELECTION - All Guaranteed Meat» are of better grades only. The better grades of steer beet, the better grades of lamb, pork and veal. !■■■ SCIENTIFIC MEAT AGING — Every cut of Guaranteed Meat at Sanitary markets has been properly aged to de velop utmost tenderness, richest flavor 3 ... CONSTANT TEMPERATURE CONTROL protects all Guar anteed Meats until the moment you buy them. Even the delivery trucks are refrigerated. 4 •.. DAILY DELIVERIES — Every day your Sanitary'market man receives just the meats he expects to sell that day. You get Guaranteed Meatt at their peak of perfection GUARANTEED MEATS TWO DAYS COOKINO IN ONCI Your pot roast for tomorrow night can be cooked at the back of the stove while you cook tonights dinner. Or if you’ve only time to half-cook it tonight, you can finish it easily tomorrow b ' . from SANITARY MARKETS SPECIAL MEAT VALUES AT YOUR SANITARY MARKET TODAY I Buy with confidence under this guars,.tee: MONEY BACK if you ever gel meal from Sanitary that fails to please