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t ENTICING PANCAKES quicker than you cun suy. Preparing Pillsbury's CA pancakes is about as easy a task as you could imagine • .. and they’re twice as good to eat as they are easy to bake! For full ham flavor at the very first bite, try CUDAHY'S PURITAN TENDER HAM What |fc*a i fl«h, rip* orange ha gash ing gnnifcian? You’ve guessed it!— the furor’s hi the Juice! And why doss tfaa vary first bits of Puritan Taadar Ham fill your mouth with savory ham juice? Right again! Cudahy’s Puritan Tender Ham is P^JUICY-CURED”! ... Serve this delicious, tender, flavor-rich ham tonight! And in- J sist on Cudahy’s; for only Cudahy’s U Puritan Tender Ham is "Juicy-Cured”! ® Tht Cudahy Packing Company Producers of Hie famous Puritan "Better" Bacon eorr»i«MT imo, nm cuoakv paokinc ccmmnv “ Academy of Design Members Guests at Fine Arts Dinner Work in Encouraging Preserving High Art Standards Lauded Distinguished members of the Na tional Academy of Design were entertained at a dinner last night at the Mayflower Hotel by the Washington Society of Pine Arts. Speakers praised the National Acad emy, founded in 1836, for its con sistent work in preserving and en couraging the highest standards in art. Some of the leading artists of the United States were present at the dinner and members of the academy reciprocated in their com plimentary references to the work of the Washington Society of Pine Arts. Albert W. Atwood, president of the Washington Society of Pine Arts, presided and introduced Miss Leila Mechlin, art critic of The Star, who presented the guests and the speak ers. These included Hobart Nichols, president of the National Academy; John Taylor Arms, the etcher; Miss Leila Livingston Morse, the daughter of S. P. B. Morse, founder and first president of the National Academy; Edward McCartan, sculptor, of the National Academy; David E. Finley, director of the National (Mellon) Gallery of Art, and Senator Theo dore p. Green of Rhode Island. Other members of the National Academy present were: Charles Bit tinger, George Elmer Browne. Fred erick D. Detwiller, H. A. MacNeil, Miss Violet Oakley, Charles Keck and Henry R. Rittenberg. The list of guests follows: Arms. John T. MacNeil. Mr. Arrington, Mrs. P. McCartan. Mr. Asplnwall. C. A. McCormick-Oood Atwood. Albert W. hart. L. Atwood. Mrs. McQlaullln. Mrs. W. Bache. Mrs. Martha McKelway. B. M. Berryman, c K. McKelway. Mrs. Berryman. Mrs. McLean. Mrs. R. Berryman. Miss P. Mechlin. Miss Blttinger, Charles Meigs, Mrs. E. B. Blair, David H. Millard. Miss Emily Blair. Mrs. Morehouse. Mrs. J. Bowerman. Mrs. Morse. Miss L. Bowerman. Dr. O. Munn. Miss M. Browne. George E. Nichols. Mr. Browne. Mrs. Nichols. Mrs. Burdette, Miss H. Nlcolay. Miss H. Cambell. Miss Helen Nvman. Mrs. Caemmerer. H. P. Oakley. Miss Cash. W. B. O'Brien. Robert L. Chesley. Mrs. W. Osgood. Miss Ruth Clark. Mrs. Ethel Parsons. Robert Coonley. Mrs. Avery Patterson. Miss N. Cunlberti. Perando Putnam. Dr. Georaw Cunlberti. Fernando Putnam. Mrs. Curran. C. C. Rater. Miss Clara A. Delano. F. A. Rittenberg. Mr. Drinker. Miss C. Rittenberg. Mrs. Detwiller. F. D. Rolle. A H. O. Draper, Ernest G. Rolle, Mrs. Draper. Mrs. Safford Mrs. L. F. Dumbell. Miss K. E. Sager. Miss Ellen Dunn. Charles A. R. Baunders. Miss Clara Dunn, Mrs. ■ Segall. Miss Berta Emerson. Miss Edith Sessions. Mts. B. Faulkner. Barry Shaffer. Marshall Finley. Miss Bliss Sloussat. St. George Finley. David E. Stearns. Foster Finley. Mrs. Stearns. Mrs. Green. Senator T. Kimberly. Mrs. 8. Guest. Miss Grace D. i^iooley. Mr. Herbert. Miss C. W. achooley. Mrs. Holland. Dr. L. B. Steuart. Miss Emllv Hollerith. Miss Lucia Stevens, Miss Marian Hoyt. Miss Edith Taggart. Mrs. M. H. Huntington. W. C. Thom, Corcoran Jex. Garnet Thom. Mrs. C. Jex. Mrs. Thompson. Dr. L. M. Kauffmann. R M. Thompson. Mrs. Kauffmann. Mrs. Tibbott. Mrs. Atwood. Bishop Totten. Ralph Keck. Mr. C. Uppercue. Miss D Klbbey. Miss B. J. Vail. Mrs. Eugene Lea. Mrs. C. A. Walcott. Mrs. C. D. Leland. Dr. Waldo Warren. Mrs. C. Leland. Mrs. Weiss. Eugen Lewis. Miss E. R. Weiss. Mrs. Lillard. Stout Wilson. Clyde Lillard. Mrs. Wilson. Mrs. Lober. George Wolfe. Dr. A. B. Lober. Mrs. Young. Gordon Luquer. Lynch Zlmmele. Mrs. M. B. Long. Mts. B. Willoughby. Mrs. Lowry, Mist Elinors Delirious Fever Patient Plunges to His Death Andrew Richard White, 29, col ored, of the 1600 block of Thirty second street N.W., an undulant fever patient in Providence Hospital, plunged to his death yesterday from his fourth-floor ward while in a de lirium, according to police reports. Hospital doctors said the man, admitted several days ago, had been under close observation, but ap parently became delirious while the nurse was out of the room and leaped from the window. He was pronounced dead by a member of the hospital staff. Police Seeking Man In Double Stabbing Police today were looking for a 24-year-old colored bus boy accused of stabbing two fellow employes with an ice pick at the Metropolitan Club, Seventeenth and H streets N.W., yesterday. Injured when the youth ran amok were Prank McCormick, 47, in charge of bus boys, and Lewis Hackley, 23. They were treated at Emergency Hospital for minor stab wounds and allowed to return to work. Their assailant fled after the attack. According to information given police, the youth rushed from the elevator he was operating on the fifth floor and slashed at Mr. Hack ley with the ice pick, cutting the latter’s lip. He then rode the eleva tdr to the ground floor, where he scuffled with Mr. McCormick, wield ing the Ice pick and beating him In the face with his free hand. After saying something about “more money,” Mr. McCormick said, the employe ran out a rear door. IN aomis OR CANS ^ k _ _ Hiflaaf CTAY slim and attractive! Drink delicious, non-fattening STEERO Bouillon twice daily. When tempted to indulge in fattening tooas, enjoy STEERO instead! Thousands keep graceful figures this way. A cube makes a cup. NEW COOK BOOK YOURS FREE Get 114 exciting new recipes. Coupon for free STEERO Cook took In every 5-cuke 10c package and 12-cube size. • At year grocer's aew. I 4 4 if 11 0. 1 **7i Mrs. G P. Gorman, I who has I 3 children to please I t Biggest Shortening Discovery in 29 Years! The light and lovely cake you take from the oven when you first use New “Sure-Mix’* Crisco is not due to a stroke of luck. It’s what- you expect with Crisco! An amazing discovery now makes Crisco do things for cakes unheard of before with any home shortening we know of. SEE HOW YOUR CAKES IMPROVE!. Hundreds of cakes made in our kitch ens showed the difference. “Sure-Mix" Crisco cakes turned Out higher than the same cakes made with other short enings—up to 15% higher depending on the type of cake. They were lighter —and tenderer. Better-eating! Get these same triumphs with your cakes! TENDER PIES-COLDEN FRIED FOODS! Use Crisco’s help to get tender, flaky pastry. Fry foods golden-crisp the Crisco way... digestible as if baked No shortening we know of is purer, Jresher or creamier than Crisco. APPLESAUCE SPICE CAKE with dates, nuts and raisins-yum! Vs, cup Crisco x teaspoon soda n teaspoon salt Vi teaspoon cloves 7S cup sugar Vi teaspoon cinnamon 1 egg Vi cup nuts, chopped 1 cup applesauce Vi cup raisins cups flour H cup dates, chopped Blend together Crisco, salt, sugar and egg. i (See what a smooth mixture ".Suro-Mixi' Crisco gives.) Add alternately applesauce and flour sifted with soda and spices. Stir in chopped nuts, raisins and dates, the latter floured lightly. Bake in a loaf pan (9 Vi" x 5") in a moderate oven (350° F.) for about one hour. When cool, ice with— CREAM CHEESE ICIH6: Blend 1 package cream cheese with Vi teaspoon vanilla. Add 1 Vi cups sifted confectioners sugar and 1 to 2 tablespoons milk to form spreading consistency. Frost top of cake. All Measurements Level _ I NO MORE BATTERS THAT SEPARATEI AfElY "S(/K£-AUX" CM SCO FOR CAKES. PASTRY. FR/EP FOOPS Make your next cake with New "Sure* Mix” Crisco and see the difference. It blends with other ingredients so batters are nerer separated or "curdled.” That’s one reason why your cakes turn out better... higher, lighter, tenderer! SMOOTH SEPARATED WITH "lUU-IIIIX" WITH AHY OTMR FRESH SPANISH MACKEREL lb. 36 Butterfish, Croakers, or Trout 2,b* 15c FANCY POLLOCK FILLETS*10c FRESH LOINS ,, 1 Ofi Whole or Half «• | CH UCK All Cuts One Price 15c Cudehy'i 10 to 12 Ib. Skinned I Smoked Hams u.nkV.'r_ib. 19c Fresh B*oSD Fryers_"> 23c B Star Strip Bacon puce ib. 15c V Star Sausage Meat. »■ i**. 15c 1 Premium Franks'** 21c I Country Style Sausage >b 17c m Shoulder Lamb Roast 'b 12c A CRISP Iceberg lettuce « Crisp, Fresh Celenr buntU 5c California Carrots— 4 f#r igc Large Gropefru‘ "floamA 2 «jox. 25c > Melina. Orange* * ,9c Large Fl«- Orange*-— ^ ,5e Juicy Tangerine*-, i9e Roo*tcd^r°nut< ^ TOMATOES LUSCIOUS, RED-RIPE Nc°02 I ^MP PC P* BORDEN'S AMERICAN i/21b. P VnCCjC * OR PIMIENTO z. pLgs. /JjC HEINZ SOUPS<.X“) “n12c Sugar GrinlaM 10 & 47c A&P Sauerkraut_V 7c N. B. C. 100% Bran_^ 9c Rinso—2 *&. 15c Igr. box I9c Spry_1 lb. ran 20c S lb. can 5lc Cigarettes POPULAR BRANDS ctn* 1.20 Yukon Club Sparkling Water .3 boti.' 23c Karo label Syrupib.»» 12c Tomato Sauce Monte_2 can.' 9c Lima Beans_3 «:» 20c Date & NutB?i$D_2 ?.r. 25c Grape Nuts Nvwr.$?w__2 box.. 25c Daily Dog Food_6 25c Aunt Jemima W -.2 •><*«» f 9c Nutley Margarine_2 »*■ 19c Light Meat Tuna_2 is 25c Pineapple del monte no. 2% «n 17c Peaches del MONTE __No. 2% can 14c Tender Peas_3 no. 2 cans 23c Spinach DEL MONTE _No. 2 Vi can I5c I IIaIkv sliced cucumber a at os.». ! nemz pickle _ c i»r. ooc PapHaiI DSL MONTF OR 9 No. 1 96, VOGKIBII ARP FRUIT C tall cans Z3C Gibbs’ Ketchup_3 U 25c Bab-e For Cleaning Porcelain, etc. can 10c I Babbitt’s Cleanser—3 I0c Waldorf Tissue_4 «>us 15c =====SB= rhw fJaae Woo/t OF 4-STAR BARGAINS ★★★★Preserves - - »M5C !|J27‘ ★★★★Peanut Butter-.2^29c X -X X- X- D mm Choico of Tomato Saaco, 16 os. Pj ^ ^ rt DeanS Bolton Stylo, or Vogotarian — _ can ★★★★Macaroni !,fi" 2<><>«*9e ★★★★Pure Jellies Currant) _ ^ f1***1 19e It’s WHITE HOUSE % Milk Week X Cold weather suggests: Add "food fuel" to jl your meals thriftily with White House Evapo- JS rated Milk ... it gives richness and smooth- ^1 ness to soups, vegetables and desserts. Made, \l sold and guaranteed by A&P. 11 4 r, 27e ) A&P SUPER MARKET ADDRESSES: 3412 CONNECTICUT AVE. N.W. 6205 GEORGIA AVE. 3228 WISCONSIN AVE. 4121 13TH STREET 4439 CONNECTICUT AVE. 3646 GEORGIA AVE. 4851 MASSACHUSETTS AVE. 5010 1ST STREET 3105 NICHOLS AVE. S.E. 18th & RHODE ISLAND AVE. N.E. (at Hamlin St.) ' PRICES EFFECTIVE UNTIL CLOSING SATURDAY * It's New! dexo PURE VEGETABLE SHORTENING c «,39e for all cooking and baking for quick meals SPAM MIRACLE MEAT 29* DINTY MOORE Beef Stew - 2 2«L? 29c FRESH CREAMERY BUTTER TUB-CUT . SUNp^NFTLD »>■ 34c ,b-36e SUNNYFIELD FLOUR - -19* -43* PILLSBURY'S OR GOLD MEDAL FLOUR-25* - 53* Pure Lard 2 1 lb. rtns. 15c JANE PARKER SPICE and MOLASSES CAKES - 27c ROUND LAYER 1 CAKES AICING8D Ca ■ ■ A regular size cake of WOODBURY'S FACIAL SOAP 1 C For Only | with the purchase of 3 cakes for 22c ■ ■ *• ----'.. ■*»... Wfc:'* * ' ' ~#!->. - . %'