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Some Latin American Bonds and Carriers Draw Buyers Other Sections Take Irregular Course in Dull Dealings Bond Averages \ 20 10 10 10 f Kails.Indust. Util. F’gn. Net change +.1 —.1 +.1 —.3 Today, noon 57.8 102.1 96.4 51.1 Prev. day.. 57.7 102.2 96.3 51.4 Month ago. 57.6 101.6 95.8 50.2 Year ago... 57.6 98.8 92.3 59.8 ’39-40 high. 64.9 102.6 97.5 64.0 '39-40 low.. 53.4 95.8 90.4 41.7 1938 high.. 70.5 100.3 95.1 67.0 1938 low... 46.2 93.0 85.8 59.0 1932 low... 45.8 40.0 64.6 42.2 1928 high-.lOl.l 98.9 102.9100.5 10 Low-Yield Bonds. Noon_112.1 Prev. day 112.1 M'nth ago 111.2 Year ago. 110.8 39-40 hi'h 112.6 '39-40 low 103.6 1938 high 110.7 1938 low. 106.7 1928 high 104.4 1932 low. 86.8 (Compiled by the Associated Press.) By the Associated Press. NEW YORK. Jan. 25.—A broad ened demand for railway bonds and certain South American loans con trasted with light interest and mixed movement in other sections of the market today. Toward the final hour a fair-sized number of issues in both groups were up fractions to around 2 points while the main body of b \ i domes tic and foreign loans helu close to Thursdays final levels. Renewed in terest in South American bonds co incided with forecasts' in various circles of an improvement in trade between this country and those to the South. Among the leaders were Chilean Municipals, Buenos Aires and Sac Paulo issues. Among corporates, small gains were recorded for Studebaker 6s. Southern Railway 4s, Northern Pacific 4s, New York Central 5s and Alleghany Stamped 5s of ’50. Declining issues included Youngs town Sheet & Tube 4s. Missouri Pacific 5s of 11 “F,” and Western Union 5s of '60. Aside from the South Americans, the foreign list generally moved somewhat dowmward. United States Governments were so largely ignored by traders that no trends were indicated. Role of Small Exchanges Is Defended by Betts By the Associated Press. CHICAGO, Jan. 25.—Arthur M. Betts, chairman of the board of governors of the Chicago Stock Ex change, asserted yesterday securities markets outside of New York “per form essential services in their communities.” and their members “are responsible for a substantial portion of the New York Stock Ex change volume.” His statement was in the nature of a reply to an article in the New York Exchange Magazine concern ing increased trading on smaller exchanges of stocks listed on the “big board.” The article contended there was a definite shift of business way from New York to Chicago. Boston and other cities, due in part to the New York State transfer taxes on share transactions. “There are many other factors,’1 Betts said, “but in the interest of the whole business the Chicago Ex change board of governors agrees that the transfer tax should be re vised.” “With respect to reports and rumors suggesting possible adverse action by the New York Exchange toward this type of trading on smaller exchanges.” Betts said, “the New York Exchange accounted for 87.5 per cent and the New York Curb 6.4 per cent of the total listed stock volume of the country in the 11 months of 1939, ending November 30. w'hile 6.1 per cent of the total was distributed between the 13 smaller exchanges, according to the Securities and Exchange Commis sion dollar volume reports. “The relations of the New York Exchange and the Chicago Ex change have been cordial and co operative over a long span of years and we are confident no hasty or ill-advised action will be taken tc Interfere with the continued useful functioning of the smaller ex changes. Nothing should be done w’hich would prejudice the welfare of the business as a whole or impair the efficiency of the service rend ered customers.” Canada to Encourage Wartime Tourists By the Associated Press. OTTAWA, Jan. 25.—C a n a d a sought yesterday to encourage tour ist travel in the Dominion by im proving its war-time foreign ex change control. The Exchange Control Board an nounced a new regulation author izing merchants, hotel keepers anc other residents serving tourists tc accept foreign currency from visitors at the official rates. The board noted there was to be no deduction or charge other thar the ordinary bank charges on checks and other negotiable paper. The control pays a premium of 1C per cent in Canadian currency foi the American dollar. The announcement said tourists were “quite as free and welcome tc travel in Canada” as they were be fore the war. Elgin Board Votes 25-Cent Dividend By the Associated Press. CHICAGO, Jan. 25.—Directors o the Elgin National Watch Co. hav< declared a dividend of 25 cents i share on the capital stock, payabli March 23 to stock of record March S A dividend of $1.25 a share wa: paid December 23 last year. 300 Tons of Lead Sold NEW YORK, Jan. 25 (/P).—St. Jos eph Lead Co. reported 175 tons oi Southeast Missouri pig lead sole yesterday at $5.35 per 100 pounds East St. Louis, and 125 tons at th( New York average. New York Bar Silver NEW YORK, Jan. 25 </P).—Bai silver, 34s/4, unchanged. H BONDS ON N. Y. STOCK EXCHANGE Br private wire direct to The Star. TREASURY. High. Low. 2:85. 2 Vis 1951-53_ 103.3 102.30 102.30 2%sl948 . 107.31 107.31 107.31 2 tie 1950-52 . 10&.21 105.21 105.21 2%s 1945-47 rg 109.2 109.2 109.2 2**s 1948-51_ 108.10 108.10 108.10 2%s 1951-54_ 107.15 107.15 107.15 2%s 1968-63_ 106.12 106.12 106.12 2 % 8 1960-65_ 106.11 106.11 106.11 2%s 1965-60 ... 107.26 107.2* 107.23 3s 1946-48 rg_110.17 110.17 110.17 314a 1944-46 110.11-110.11 110.11 3%s 1943-45 rg. 109.26 109.26 109.26 3%s 1940-43 Junerg 101.30 101.30 101.30 FOREIGN BONDS. High Low 2:58 /ibltlbl P&P 5s 63_ 65% 55% 55% Antwerp Ss 58 . ... 69 69 69 Argentine 4s 72 Feb.. 83 82% 82% Argentine 4s 72 Apr— 83 82% 82% Argentine 4%s 48_ 95% 95% 95% Argentine 4%s 71_ 91 91 91 Australia 4%s 56_ 83 83 83 Australia 6s 55_ 91 90% 90% Australia 5s 57_ 90% 90% 90% Belgium 6%s 49_ 100 100 100 Belgium 7s 65 _103% 103 103 Brazil 6%s 1926-57.. 17% 16% 16% Brazil 6%s 1927-67 . 17% 17% 17% Brazil C Ry El 7a 52.. 18% 17% 18 Brazil 8s 41 . 23 21% 21% Buen Air 4%-4%s 77. 61% 60% 61 B A 4%-4%s 76 Aug. 60% 60 60% B A 4%-4%s "6 Apr.. 61 61 61 Canada 2%s 44_ 94% 94% 94% Canada 2%s 45_ 93% 93% 93% Canada 3s 67 _ 85 85 85 Canada 3%s 61_ 89% 89' . 89% Canada 4s 60_100% 99% 99% Canada os 52_ 104% 104% 104% Chtle 6s 60 _ 13% 13% 13% Chile 6s 60 assd_ 14 13% 13% Chtle 6s 61 Jan . 14 14 M Chtle 6s 61 Jan assd . 14 14 14 Chile 6s 61 Feb assd 14% 13% 13% Chile 7s 42 ..14 14 14 Chile 7s 42 assd 14 14 14 Chile Mtg B 6s62 asd 13% 13 13 Chilean Mun L 7s 60 15% 15% 15% Chil Mun Ln 7s60 asd 12% 12% 12% Colombia 6s 61 Ort 30% 30 30 Copenhagen 4 %s 63 . 38 38 38 Copenhagen 5s 52_ 42% 42% 42% Costa Rica 7s 51_ 20 20 20 ' u na ii _ ft i 'y rv i W| ft / 4 Cuba 5s 1914-49_ 103 103 103 Cuba 54s 45 _ 75 744 75 Cuba 54s 53 _ 103 103 103 Denmark 4 4s 62_ 43T4 43*4 434 Denmark 5 4s 55_ 534 534 534 Finland 6s 45 ... 42 42 42 Ger Gen Elec 6s 48 ... 284 284 284 Ger Govt 64s 65_ 84 84 84 Haiti 6s 52 _ 894 894 894 Italy 7s 61 . 70 694 70 Hal Crd P W 7s 47 B. 694 694 694 Ital P U Crd 7s 52_ 504 504 504 Japan 54s 65_ 584 584 584 Japan 6 4s 54_ 784 774 774 Lombard El 7s 52_ 68 68 68 Met Water 54s 50 ... 85 844 85 Milan 64s 52 ... 48 48 48 i New So Wales 5s 58 .. 88 874 88 [ Norway 4 V4S 65 _ 684 674 674 [ Norway 4 4s 56 _ 724 72'- 724 Norway 6s 43 924 924 924 Norway 6s 44 .. . 924 92 924 Oriental Dev 64s 68 524 52 52 Oriental Dev 6s 53 56 56 56 Panama 5s 63 st asd 71 70 70 Paulfsta Ry 7s 42_ 684 684 684 Pernamhuco 7s 47_ 84 84 84 Peru 1st 6s 60 _ 94 94 94 Peru 2d 6s 61 _ 94 94 94 Peru 7s 59 104 104 104 Queensland 6s 47_ 974 974 974 Queensland 7s 41_ 1014 1014 1014 Rio de Jan 64s 53... 84 84 84 RiodeJan8s46 _ 94 94 94 Rio Gr do Sul 6s 68... 94 94 94 RIoGr do Sul 7s 66_ 94 94 94 Rio Gr do Sul 7s 67... 94 94 94 Rio Gr do Sul 8s 46... 104 10 104 Sao Paulo St 7s 40 ... 33 314 314 Sao Paulo fet 7s 56_ 10 94 94 Sao Paulo St 8s 50_ 10 94 94 Tokyo City 5s 62 ... 37 37 37 . Tokyo City 5Vis<l... 54 634 534 Tokyo El Lt 6s 53 SE4 584 584 Venetian M G B 7s 52 43 43 43 Uru 3*i-4-44s adi 79 494 484 484 Uru 4-4V«-4 4 78 Feb 494 494 494 Yokohama 6» 61 584 584 584 DOMESTIC PONDS. Ala Grt Southn 4s 43 1071074 1074 Alb P W P 6s 48 ww 53 5.3 53 Allee Corp 6a 49 674 674 674 AlleR Corp 6s 60 std 444 434 444 Allied Stores 4 4s 61 96 96 96 Allls-Chalmers 4s 52 110 110 110 Am & For Pw 5s 2030 62 62 62 Am 1 G Ch 5 4 s 49 1034 1024 1024 Am Inti 54s 49 ... 1034 1034 1034 AmT&T34s61_ 1084 1084 1084 i Am T & T 3 4s 66_ 108L4 108 IflSi^ Am T & T 5 % s 43 . lOSj? 108ft 1083? Anaconda db 4%* 60 107 107 107 Armour! Del)lst4s 55 101 100% 101 Armour! Del )4s 67 101% 101 101% AT&SFe 4s 1905-55.. 92 92 92 A T&S Fe pen 4s 95.. 105% 105% 105% A T&S Fe 4 %s 48 102% 102% 102% A T&S Fe CA 4 %s 62 1074, 107% 107% Atl & Ch A L 5s 44 95% 95% 95% Atl Coast C 1st 4S 52 76% 76 76 Atl Coast L clt 4s 52 66"'* 664* 66% Atl Coast C 4%s 64 _ 57% 57% 57% Atl & Dan 1st 4s 48 404* 40% 40% Atl Gulf & W 1 5s 59 70 70 70 Atl Knox&N'or 5s246 114 114 114 Atlantic Refln 3s 53 107 107 107 | Auburn Auto 43/*s 39 . 49 48 49 I Baldwin Coco 5s 40 _ 1003? 10031 1003* M&OIst4s4S .. 66% 66% 66% B & O conv 4 %s 60 ... 16% 16 16 ' B & O 4 %s 60 ct_ 16% 15% 15% i B & O 1st 5s 48 _ 67% 67% 67% B & O 1st 5s 48 ct_ 66'* 66'a 66% B * O ref 5s 95 _ 26% 26% 26% B & O ref 5s 95 ct_ 26 25% 25% B & O os 96 F ct _ 26 26 26 B & O ref 6s 2000 D . 26% 26% 26% B & O rf 5s 2000 Dct. 26 26 26 B * O ref 6s 95 ... 27% 27% 27% B & O ref 6s 95 ct_ 27% 26% 26% B & O Swn 6s 50 ct... 44 43% 44 Bang & Aroos 5s 43.. 99% 99% 99% Bell Tel(Pal5s 60 C.. 133 132% 132% Beth Steel 3%s 69 F. 101 101 101 Beth Steel S%s 62._ 105% 105 105% Beth Steel 33is 66... 105% 105 105% Beth Steel 4%s 60... 108% 108 108 Bos & Me 6s 65_ 44 43% 43V* Bos & Me 6s 67 ... 44 43% 44 Brklyn City R 6s 41 . 73% 73% 73% Bklyn C RR 6s 41 cfs 71% 71 71 Bklyn Ed cn 3%s 66 109% 109% 109% Bklyn Man T 4 %s 66 86% 86% 86% Bklyn Man 4 %b 66 ct 84% 84% 84% Bklyn Q C&S cn 6s 41 42% 42% 42% Bk Qu C&S cn 5s41 ct 41% 41% 41% Bklyn Un El 5s 60 . 90% 89% 90 Bklyn Un Gas 6s 45.. 112% 112% 112% Bklyn Un G 5s 57 B _ 106 106 106 Bklyn Un G rf 6s 47. 11214 112% 112% Buff R&P cn 4%s 67. 36% 36s. 36% Bush Term cn 6s 65 . 42% 42% 42% Bush Ter Bldg 5s 60 . 52 62 52 Calif Oreg Pwr 4s 66 103 103 103 Canada South 6s 62 . 84 84 84 Canadian NK 4 %s 61. 100% 100 100% Can NR 4 %s 56_100% 100% 100% Can NR 4%s 67_100% 100% 100% Can NR 4%s 65_102% 102 102 Can NK 6s 69 July_ 104 104 104 Can NR 6s 69 Oct_104% 104% 104% Can NR 6s 70 _104% 104% 104% Can Nor 6%s 46_111 110% 110% Can Pac db 4s perp_ 64% 64% 64% Can Pac 4%s 60_ 74 73% 74 Can Pao 6s 44_105% 105% 106% Can Pac 6s 64_ 82% 82V* 82% Caro Cl & Oh 6s 62... 108V* 108% 108% Celotex 4 %s 47 ww_ 88% 88% 88% Cent of Ga cn 6s 45_ 6% 6% 6% Cent of Ga 6s 69 C_ 2% 2% 2% Cent of Ga 5%s 69_ 3 3 3 Cent N Eng 4s 61_ 44 44 44 Cent of N J 4s 87_ 15% 15% 15% Cent of NJ gen 6s 87. 18% 17% 18% Cent N J gn 5s 87 rg 16 16 16 Cent N T Pw 3%s 68 109% 109% 109% Cent Pac 1st rf 4s 49 67 66% 66% Cent Pacific 6a 60 . 49% 49% 49% Cent P Th St L 4s 64. 63 63 63 Cert’d deb 6%s 48 77% 77 77% Ches& Ohio 3%s 63 F 104% 104% 104% Ches & O 3%s 96 D .. 99 98% 99 Ches & O 3 %s 96 E_ 98% 98% 98% C & O gen 4%s 92_124% 124% 124% Chi & Alton 3s 49_ 14% 14% 14% Chi B&Q gen 4s 68_ 90% 90% 90% Chi B&Q 4%s 77_ 80% 80% 80% Chi Burl & Q 6s 71_ 87% 87 87 C B&Q 111 dlv 4a 49... 100 100 100 Chi & Gill 6s 61 ... 18% 17% 17% Chi Ort West 4s 69... 27% 26% 27 Chi Ind & Lou 6s 66.. 7 7 7 Chi Ind & L rf 6s 47.. 17% 17% 17% ’ Chi ind & L gen 6s 66 7 7 7 CM&BtP 4 Via 89 C— 25 25 25 ▲ A High. Low. 2:S5. Chi Mil* St P 5*75.. 7 664 7 CM&StPadl 6a 2000 . In 1*4 1*4 Chl&NW gen 3 64s 87. 12H 126* 12*. Chi & NW gen 4s 87.. 13<* 1364 1364 Chl&NW 4 64 a 2037... 8*4 8*4 8*4 Chi & NW cv 4 Vs 49. 364 3 364 Chl&NW rf 6s 2037.. 9 8*1 8*4 Chl&NW 66ts36_ 17*4 17 17 Chi Kl&P rf 4s 34 ... 6n 6*4 6*4 Chi Rl&P rf 4s 34 ct. 664 664 664 Chi Rl&Pgen 4s 88 . 1464 14 1464 Chi Rl&P cv 4 64 s 60.. 264 264 264 Chi TH&S Inc 6s 60.. 52 52 52 Chi Un Sta 3 64 S 61 .. 105*4 105*4 105*4 Chi Un Sta 3 *4S 63 10764 10664 106*4 Chi & W Ind cv 4s 62. 90*4 90*4 90*4 Childs* Co 6s 43 ... 5064 50 50 Cln G & E S64s 66 . 108*4 10864 108'4 Cln Un Term 3*4s 69. 110*4 110*i 110*. CCC&StL rf 4 64 s 77.. 5164 5164 5164 Clev Un Ter 464s 77.. 7364 7364 7364 Clev Un Term 5s 73 .. 8064 7964 8064 Clev Un Ter 664s 72.. 90 90 90 Colo & So 4 64s 80 ... 3264 31*4 32 Col G&E 5s 52 Anr .. 104*4 104*4 104*4 Col G & E 6s 62 May. 10464 104 10464 Col G & E 6s 61 .. 10464 104 10464 Colum RP&L 4s 65... 109 109 109 Come Ed 3 64* 68 ... 12764 12764 127*4 Conn R Pw 3% 61 ... 10964 10964 109'/* Cons Ed N Y 3 64s 46 IO664 IO614 106'4 Cons E NY db 3 64a 48 106n 1066, 1061s Cons Ed N Y 3 64s 58 108 107** 108 Consol 011 3 64 s 61 105 105 105 Consum Pwr 3 64s 66 10664 10664 10664 Consum Pwr 3 64 » 70. 110*4 11064 11064 Container deb 5s 43.. 101»* 101** 101*4 Crane Co 3 64 s 51 ... 104'4 104‘4 104r» CrowifC&S 4s 50 . 106 106 106 Crown C & S 4 64 s 48 103 103 103 \-ruciujo oieei * \ys is HUN iupy4 Cuba Northn 5%s 42 29% 29% 29% Cuba RR 7V4s 46 A ... 43 43 43 Del & Hud ref 4s 43 . 60% 60% 60%. Den & R G con 4s 36 10% 10 10 Den & R G W 6s 55 .. 3% 3% 3% D&HGW5s55ast 2% 2 a 2% Den & R G W rf 5s 78 6 6 6 Det Edison 4s 65 ... 110% 110% 110% Det Edison 4 Vis 61 109% 109% 109% Duluth MftlR 3%s 62 107% 107% 107% Duluth SS&Ttl 5s 37. 12% 12% 12% Duquesne Lt 3 %s 65 107% 107% 107% Elec Auto Lt 4s 52 ... 109% 109% 109% Elgin J&K5s41_105% 105'. 105% Erie gen 4s !'6_ 23% 22% 22% Erie ref 6s 67_ 15% 15% 15% Erie ref 6s 75 15% 15% 15V. Falrbks Morse 4s 56.. 107% 107% 107% Fed Lt & Tr 6s 54 B . 102% 102% 102% Firestone T 3 %s 48.. 105 % 105% 105% Fla E C Ry 4Vis 59 ... ’62 52 62 Fla E C Ry 5s 74 .. 7% 7% 7% Fla E C Rv Bs 74 ctfs 7% 7% 7% Ft St Un D 4%s 41 _ 1004S 100Ji 100*} Francisco Sug 6s 56 .. 49 49 49 Gen Mot Acc 3 %s 61. 106% 106% 106% Gen Stl Cast 6%s 49, 67 67 67 Ga Cgro & Nor 6s 34.. 17 17 17 Goodrich 4 %s 56 .. 104% 104% 104% Grt Nor Ry 4s 46 G.. 100% 100% 100% Grt Nor Ry 4s 46 H . 89% 89% 89% Grt N Ry 1st 4 Vis 61. 106% 106% 106% GrtNP. 4%s76D_ 83 82% 83 Grt Nor Ry 5s 73 ... 91% 91% 91% Grt Nor Ry 6Vis 52 . 99 98% 98% Gulf St Util 3%s 69 .. 108% 108% 108% Hudson Coal 6s 62 A 35% 35 35 Hudson C G 1st 5s 49 126% 126% 126% Hud & Men Inc 6s 67 14% 14% 14% Hud & Man ref 5s 57. 49% 49 49 111 Cent 4s 52 _ 46% 46% 46% 111 Cent 4s 53 _ 46% 46% 46% 111 Cent ref 4s 55_ 47% 471,5 4715 111 Cent 4% s 66 _ 4514 45 4514 111 Cent ref 5s 55 . 54% 54% 54% ICC*ST NO 4%s 63 45% 45% 45% ICC*StL NO Rs 63 A 49 49 49 ■ Ind & Louisv 4s 56 13 13 13 Indust Rayon 4 %s 48 101% 101 101% Inland Steel 3%s 61 109 109 109 Int H T 1st rf as 66 76 75% 75% Int R T 1st rf 5s 66 ct 76 76 76 Int R T 7s 32 ct ... 73% 73% 73% Int Grt Nor 6s 56 C .. 12% 12 12% Int Grt Nor 1st 6s 52. 15 14% 14% Int Grt Nor adj 6s 52. 1% 1% 1% Int Mer Mar 6s 41_ 68% 67% 68 Int Paper 1st 5s 47... 102% 102 102 Int Paper ref 6s 65 ... 97 97 97 Int Ry of C A 5s 72... 89 89 89 Int Ry C A 6%s 47... 99 99 99 Int T&T 4 Vis 52_ 40 39% 40 . IntT&TBs*^- 43% 43% 43% James F & fe 4s 5952H 52% 52% Jones & I. Stl 4 Vis 61 95 94% 94% Kans C FtS&M 4s 36 31 31 31 Kans City So 3s 60 66 65% 66 Kans City So rf 5s 60 66% 66% 66% Kan City Term 4s 60 107% 107% 107% I Kans G & E 4 Vis 80 . 104% 104 104% | Keith s 6s 46 ... 101% 101% 101% Kings Co El 4s 49 89% 89% 89% Kings Co El 4s 49 cfs 88 88 88 Koppers Co 4s 51 104% 104% 104% Kresge Found 3%s 47 105% 105% 105% Laclede Gas 5s 42 85% 85% 85% Laclede Gas 5 %s 63 49 49 49 Lake E&W 2d os 41 . 84 84 84 Lake S & M S 3%s 97 82% 82% 82% Lautaro Nitrate 75... 36% 36% 36% Leh C&N 4 %s 54 A... 53% 52 52 Leh Val C 5s 64 s*d_. 30 29 29 Leh Val Har 5s 54 ... 46 46 46 Leh V N Y 1st 4s 45.. 34% 34% 34% L V RR 4s 2003 asd__ 15% 15 15% L V RR con 5s 2003.. 18% 18 18% L V RR 5s 2003 asd.. 18% 18% 18% Llgg & Myers 7s 44.. 127% 127 127 Loew’s 3 Vis 46 .. 102% 102% 102% Lone Star G 3Vis 53.. 109 109 109 Long Isld ref 4s 49 .. 89 89 89 Long Isl ref 4s 49 st. 89 89 89 Lorillard.5s 51.'_ 127 127 127 Lortllard 7s 44 126% 126% 126% I .a X- Ark RO fi.4u C9i/. cii/. L A Nash 3%s 2003 82% 82% 82% LAN unlf 4s 40_ 101# 101# 101# LAN 4 %s 2003 _ 92 92 92 LAN 5s 2003 B_ 98% 98% 98% LANPM4S 46 _ 104 104 104 LAN So Mon It 4s 52 76% 76% 76% Me Cent Kit 4s 45 .. 80 80 80 Me Centra) 4 %s 60 .. 55% 65% 55% Manat) Sugar 4s 67 . 39% 39% 39% Manhat Ky 4S 00 ct 81% 81% 81% Man Rv 2d 4s2013 cfs 44 44 44 Mead Co 6s 45 105% 105% 105% Met West Side 4s 38. 7 7 7 Mich Cons Gas 4s 63. 102 101% 102 Mil Spa A NW 4s 47.. 13% 13% 13% MStPASSM cn 4s 38.. 6% 5% 5% MStPASSM cn 5s 38.. 4% 4% 4% Mo KAT 4s 62 B ... 13% 13 13% Mo KAT 4 %s 78_ 14% 14% 14% Mo KAT 6s 62 A_ 16% 16% 16% Mo KAT adj 5s 67_ 7% 7% 7% Mo Pao 4s 75 __ 3% 3 3 Mo Pao 5s 65 A__ 18% 17% 17% Mo Pac 6s 77 F_ 18V* 17% 17% Mo Pac 5s 77 Fct_ 18 17% 17% Mo Pac 5s 78 G _ 18% 17% 17% Mo Pac 5s 78 Get_ 17% 17% 17% Mo Pao 6s 80 H_ 18% 17% 17% Mo Pac 5s 811 ... 18% 17% 17% Mnh Xr Dhln 4 q 77 9Ql%. 9Qlt Mob* Ohio 5s 38 . 34% 34% 34% Mob & O Mont 6s 77 .. 22% 22% 22% Morion* PS 6s 65 111% 111% 111% Monong Ry 1st 4s 60 107 107 107 MontPwr3%s66 _ 100% 100% 100% Morris* Es 3 %s 2000 44% 44 44% Morris & Es 4 %s 65 3G 35% 35% Morris & Es 5s 55_ 41% 41% 41% Nash v C&L. 4s 78 ... 70% 70% 70% Nassau Eleo 4s 61 . 60% 49% 49% Nassau El 4s 51 ctfs 48 47% 47% Nat Dairy 3%s 51 ww 107% 107 107 Nat R M 1st 4s 51 as. % % % NatR M 4%s26asst... % % %. Nat Steel 3s 65 . . 103% 103% 103% New E T*T 1st 5s 62 126% 126% 126% New Jer-P&L 4%s 60 108% 108% 108% New Orl Ter 1st 4s 68 69% 69% 69% New OrlT&M 4%s 66 31 31 81 New Orl T&M 6%s 64 36 36% 36 N Y Central3 %s 62.. 57% 57% 67% N Y Central 3%s 97.. 79 78% 79 N Y Central 3%s 46.. 76 75% 76 N Y Cent 4%s 2013 A. 62% 61% 52 N Y Cent rf 6s 2013 . 68% 67% 68 N Y C*StL3%s47. 82% 82% 82% N Y Chl&StL 4 Vis 78 64 54 64 N Y C&StL 6 Vis 74 A 63% 63 63% N Y Chi & St L 6s 41. 86 86 86 N Y Dock cv £s 47 ... 48 48 48 N Y Edis 3 %s 66 D... 108% 108% 108% N Y G E H&P 4s 49.. 118 118 118 NY NH & H 4s 67 .. 6% 6% 6% NY NH & H «%s 67.. 19% 19% 19% NY NH & H cl 6s 40 . 29 29 29 NY NH & H cv 6s 48. 19% 19% 19% N Y O&W gen 4s 65.. 3 3 3 N Y Steam 3 %s 63 . 104% 104% 104% N Y S&W ref 6s 37... 9% 9% 9% N Y Tel £ %s 67 _110%110%110% N Y W&B 4 %s 46_ 6% 6% 6% Nlag L & O 5s 55_108% 108% 108% Norf Southn6s61 .. 13% 13 13% Norf & W 1st 4s 96... 124% 124% 124% North Am 3 Vis 49 .. 105% 105 105 Nor'n Pao gn 3s 2047. 40% 40 40 Nor’n Pao 4a 97 ... 67 66% 67 Nor’n Pao 4 Vis 2047.. 43% '43% 43% Nor’n Pao 6a 2047 C.. 49 48% 49 Nor’n Pao 5s 2047 D-. 49% 48% 48% Nor’n Pao <■ 2047 .... 66% 54% 66 Ohio Edison 8 %• 71.. 107% 107 107 Okla G*E 4a 46_106% 106% 106% * * « High Low 2:88 Ont Pwr Nlag Eg 43._ 1074 1074 1074 Oreg RR & N 4s46 _. Ill 1104 111 Oreg Sh L 6s 46 gtd-. 118 118 118 Otis Steel 4 4s 62 ... 76 76 76 Pec Gas* El *4s 66. 1074 1074 1074 PacGAE214s61 ... Ill 1104 1104 Panhand ET 4s 62... 104 104 104 Par Broadwy 3s 65 ct 484 484 484 Penn Co 4s 63 _ 104 1034 1034 Penn P&L 3 4s 69._ 1084 1084 1084 Penn P&L 44s 74_ 1074 1074 1074 Penn RR 8 4s 62_ 854 854 854 Penn RR 4s 43_ 1094 1094 1094 Penn RR 4s 48 1184 1134 1134 Penn RR cn 4s 48 stp 1134 1134 1134 Penn RR 4 4s 81_ 974 97 974 Penn RR 44s 84. 96?* 964 964 Penn HR 4 4s 60 ... 1174 1174 1174 Penn RR gn 4 4s 65.. 102 1014 1014 Penn RR db 44s 70.. 87 864 86?* Penn RR gsn 6s 68 .. 107V, 1074 1074 Peoples GL&C Es 47.. 1144 1144 1144 Peo G L & C 6s 43 ..115 115 115 Peoria & E 1st 4s 40.. 664 664 664 Peoria & E Inc 4s DO . 74 74 74 Peoria Pek U 6 4s 74. 1064 1064 1064 Pere Marq 4 4s 80 .. 574 674 674 Pere Marq 6s 58 .. . 644 644 644 Phelps Dodge 3 4s 52 1104 1104 1104 I'hlla Co 6s 67 _ 105 1044 105 Phtla Elec 34s 67 .. 1104 1104 1104 Phila R C & Ir 6s 73_. 12 114 12 Phtla R C & Ir 6s 49.. 34 34 34 Philippine Ry 4s 37.. 64 64 64 Phillips Petrol 3s 48. 1114 1114 1114 PCC&StL 44s 63 1... 116 116 116 PCC&StL 4 4* 77_ 99 99 99 PCC&StL Es 70 A . . 1054 1054 1054 Pltt&W Va 4 4s 60 C. 43 414 424 Port Gen El 4 4s 60 .. 73 71!* 71?* Portl'd Gen El 5s 50.. 1054 1054 1054 Porto R A T 6s 42 st. 62 62 62 Postal Tel & C Ks 63 19 184 18?4 Potomac E P34s 66 1094 1094 1094 Pub Svc E&G 34s 68 1114 111 111 Pub Svc N 111 3 4s 68 1084 1084 1084 Reading Jer C 4s 61.. 67 564 67 Reading It 44a 97 A. 73 724 73 Rem It d 4t»s 66 ww_ 994 994 994 Republic Stl 4 4s 66. 924 924 924 Republic Stl 4 4s 61. 924 92 92 Republic Stl 64s 54. 108 108 108 Revere Cop 4 4s 66.. 1004 1004 1004 Kicnneiri uil 4s 52_ 108 108 108 R1A&L4V4s34 ... 7% 7 7 Rutland RR 4 Vis 41.. 8% 8% 8% Saguenay Pw 4 % s 66 97 96% 96% St J & Gr 1st 4s 47 110% 110% 110% St L, I.M&S R&G 4s 33 61 60% 60% St L, F&NVV 5s 48 ... 20% 20% 20% St L,-San Fr 4s 50 A.. 12% 12% 12% St ti-San Fr 4%s 78 . 11% 11% 11% St L.-S F 4 %s 78 ct st 11 11 11 St L,-San F 6s 50 B... 13 12% 13 St LS Wist 4s 89 . 67% 67 57% St L South Wn 5s 52. 17 17 17 St L S W ref 6s 90 . 9 9 9 St P Un Dep rf 6s 72. 114% 114% 114% San A&A Pass 4s 43.. 56% 56% 56% Schulco 6%s 46 A ... 21 21 21 Seabd A L 4s 60 stp_. 14% 14% 14% Seabd A L rf 4s 59_ 6% 6 6% Seabd A L rf 4s 59 ct. 5% 5% 5% Seab d A L con 6s 45. 8% 8% 8% Seabd A L 6s 45 ct_ 7% 7% 7% Seabd A F 6s 35 A ct. 3% 3% 3% Seabd A F 6s 35 B ct.. 3% 3% 3% Shell Un Oil 2%s 54.. 95% 95% 95% Simmons Co 4s 52... 100 100 100 Socony V«c 3s 64_105% 105% 105% So Bell T& T 3s 79 .. 104% 104'% 104% So Bell T*T 3%s 62 108 108 108 Southn Cal G 4 %s 61 108% 108% 108% Southn Kraft 4 %s 46 99 99 99 So Pac 3%s 46 _ 62% 62% 52% So Pac ref 4s 65_ 60% 60% 60% So Pac 4 %s 68 _ 46% 46% 46% So Pac 4 %s 69_ 46% 46% 46% So Pac 4 %s 81 _ 46% 46% 46% So Pac Ores 4 %s 77 .. 49% 49 49% So Pic S F Ter 4s 50. 79 79 79 So Ry gen 4s 56 A_ 58V* 57% 57% So Ry 5s 94 _ 87% 87% 87% So Ry gen 6s 56- 77% 77% 77% So Ry 6 %s 56 ... 81% 81% 81% S W Bell Tel 3s 68 .. 107 107 107 S W Bell Tel 3%s 64 110% 110% 110% Stand OH N J 2%s 53 105% 105% 105V* Stand OU N J 3s 61 . 106% 105% 106 Studebaker cv 6s 45.. 104 103% 104 Swift & Co 38is 50_ 106 105% 105% Ter RR As StL 4s 53. 108 108 108 Texas Corp 3s 69 .. 105% 105% 105% Texas Corp 3%s 61_ 107 107 107 Texas & Pac 5s 79 C-. 60% 69 69 Tex & Pac 6s SOD .. 76% 69% 69% Tex&Pap.lst 6s 2000. 109% 109% 100% Third Av ref 4s 60 ... 63% 53% 53% Third Ay adl 5s 60... 16% 15 15% Un El(Mo)3%s 62 .. 108% 108% 108% Union OiliCal 13s 69 102% 102% 102% Un Pacific 3%s 70 . 96% 96 96% Un Pacific I it 4s 47 . 114 113% 114 Un Pac ref 4s 2UU8 . 107% 107% 107% Un Pac 1st 5s 2008 1 14 , 114% 114% United Biscuit 5s 50 108% 108% 108% Utd Cgr W Strs 5s 52 64% 64% 64% United Drug 5a 63 77% 77% 77% US Steel 3%s 48 106% 106% 106% Utd Stkyds4 %s51ww 93% 92% 93 Utah L&T 5s 44 102 101% 101% Utah Pwr & Lt 6s 44 102% 102% 102% uum.v r k 1* os 03 oo'-v 03 Utility P&L 5%s 47. 89 88% 89 Vanadium 5s 41_ 103 102% 102V* Va Ky 1st 3%s 66_108% 107% 107% Va S W con 6s 5*.„_. 60% 60% 60% Wabash 4 %s 78 C_ 9 8% 9 Wabash 1st 6s 39_ 40% 40% 40% Wabash 2d 6s 39_ 18% 18% 18% Wabash 6%s 75_ 8% 8% 8% Walker H&S 4%s 45. 106 106 106 Walworth 4s 65 66% 66% 66% Westcht L gn 3%s 67 108% 108% 108% Westchester L 5s 50. 127% 127% 127% West Sh 1st 4s 2361 47% 47% 47% W Sh 1st 4s 2361 reg 43 43 43 West Md 1st 4s 62 .. 84% 84 84 West Md 6%s 77 ... 89 89 89 West Pacific 5s 46 A. 18 18 18 West Union 4 %s 50 _ 65% 65 65 West Union 6s 61 .. 65% 69 69% West Union 5s 6U .. 67 66% 67 , Wheel Steel 4 %s 66 . 97% 97% 97% Wilson & Co 3%s 47. 97% 97% 97* Wilson & Co 4s 55 105 101% 105 Wis Cent 1st gn 4s 49 18% 18% 18% Youngst n S&T 4s 45 106 105% 106 Youngst’n S&T 4a 61 105% 105% 106% New York Bank Stocks NEW YORK. Jan. 25 OP).—National As sociation Securities Dealers. Inc. (Quotations as of 2 o'clock.) _ Bid. Asked. Bk of Am NTS <SF) (2.40) :t5V« 37% Bank of Man (,80a)_ 17% 18% Bank of N Y (14)_ 428 438 Bankers Tr (2) _ fi(i% 58% Bkiyn Tr (4) ._ _ 80 85 Cen Han Bk & Tr (4)_»_104 107 Chase Nat (1.40) _ 34% 30% Chem Bk & Tr (1.80)_ 50% 52% Commercial (8) 178 184 Cont Bk & Tr (.80)_ 13% 15% Corn Ex Bk & T (3)_ 54% 55% Emptre Tr (.00) _ 11% 12% First Nat (Bosi (2)_ 40% 48% First Natl (100) 1925 1905 Guaranty Tr (12)_ 292 297 Irving Tr (.00) 12% 13% Manufacturers Tr (2)_ 39 41 Manufacturers Tr pf (2) . 52 54 Natl City (1) _29 30% N Y Trust (5)_109 112 Public (1%) _ 31% 33% Title G & T _ .. . 3% 4% a Also extra or extras. Foreign Markets LONDON. Jan. 25 oPI.—Profit-taking and a slowdown in demand checked recent clftaHv Imnrnvemont in the cfnnlr marlret today. British government bonds tended lower and domestic carriers, strong at the outset slipped bark later. Shipping and motor stocks held firm in the Industrial division, which as a whole showed only narrow movements. Oils, golds and rub bers were auletly steady while coppers dis played rising inclinations. PARIS.—Rentes held out with lair suc cess against a lower drift to domestic and lorelgn eauities in the bourse today. Traders appeared worried over German pressure to get oil from Rumania and Brit ish intervention. Rentes ended 20 cen times higher to 95 lower. AMSTERDAM.—Domestic stocks shifted higher in the bourse today after early hesitancy. The list ended with irregular changes. American issues closed mostly with small gains. Boston Wool Market BOSTON. Jan. 25 DPI. (United States Department of Agriculture).—Business was very slow on the Boston wool market to day. Buyers were showing mostly a waiting attitude while some holders were trying to find outlets for their supplies of old do mestic wools, which was causing an easy tone in the market for territory and fleece wools. Current needs of users were being filled largely by purchases of foreign wools, but trade In foreign wools was much slower than last week. Paris Exchange Rates PARIS. Jan. 25 DP).—The United States dollar remained 43.80 francs (2.283 cents to the franc) In foreign exchange dealings today, compared with 2.200 cents to the franc in New York overnight. Exchange on Loxdon. 178.025. Principal rente issues In the bourse were: 3 per cent. 74.30 francs; 4Vis "A”, 83.50; 4Vis. 1937. 210.75. Remember—It’s smart to drhra safely. 4 ■ ‘ ‘ ■ ’"T .. "■ ... ■ A. & P. Stops Buying v From Firms Dealing With Brokers Big Store Chain Acts To Protect Itself Under Trade Law By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, Jan. 25.—The Great Atlantic <fc Pacific Tea Co. an nounced today it will stop buying from manufacturers who deal witn brokers. The action follows a Federal Trade Commission order forbidding the paying of brokerage to the gro cery chain on purchases made for it through its mid agents. The United States Court of Ap peals sustained the commission’s or der and the Supreme Court of the United States recently refused to review the case. Caruthers Ewing, general counsel of the A. <5c P., said the company’s step was taken with the greatest re luctance. “It had no choice in the matter,” he asserted. “The Federal Trade Commission and the court forbade it from accepting any allowance or discount which in whole or part represented brokerage being cur rently paid by sellers on sales to others. * • • “By avoiding purchases from a manufacturer who currently pays brokerage, no inference can be drawn that a permissible discount represents in whole or in part bro kerage so currently beifig paid. “Since the Robinson-Patman Act went into effect the A. & P. has paid independent brokers upward of «po,vw,w#v. imo cAuuuca auj luca that the company is hostile to brokers." Washington Produce BUTTER—03 score, tubs. 34; 1-pound prints. 34 Vi; '4-pound prints. 35; 02 score, tubs. 33: 1-pound prints. 33 'j; ‘4-Pound prints. 34: 01 score, tubs. 3234: 1-pound prints. 33'4; Va-pound prints. 33J4: 00 score, tubs. 32 Vi: 1-pound prints. 33. 'i-pound prints. 33'i: 89 score tubs. 31'2; 1-pound prints. 32: '4-pound prints. 32'.'2: 88 score, tubs 31: 1-pound prints, 31 ‘2; '4-pound prints. 32. LIVESTOCK—Calves 12: lambs. 0: Pigs 120-140 pounds. 4.50-4.76: 140-210 pounds 5.00-5.25: £20-240 pounds. 4.75 5.00; 240-300 pounds. 4.25-4 75: sows. 3.50-4.00; whole, undressed calves. 10'j 11 Vi. From Agricultural Marketing Service. Prices paid net l.o.b Washington: EGGS—Market stronger. ! cent higher. For eggs candled and graded in Washing ton 1 January 25>: Whites. U. 8. extras, large 20: U S extras, mediums, 23; U. S standards, large. 24: U. S. standards, mediums. 21: U. S. trades. 10 For nearby ungraded egg*: Current receipts, whites, 22 to 23’ mixed colors. 20 to 21. LIVE POULTRY—Market steady. Fowl: Colored, all sices. 14 to 15: No. 2.«. 8 tc 10: roosters. 0 to 10 Chickens. Virginia Rocks broilers and Iryers. all sues. M to 15: No. 2s. 10 Delaware Rocks and crosses, broilers and Iryers.-all sices. 14 to 15. No. 2s. 8 to 10: mixed colored fryers. 12 to 14. Turkeys, young toms. 15 pounds e.nd un. 13 to 14 young hens 10 pounds and up, 18 to 10. Young guinea keats. 134 pounds and up. 10 a pound; old keats. 10 a pound. Capons, fi pounds and over. 18 to 20: No 2s and slips. 16. Fruits and Vegetables. Compiled by the Market News Bectlon of Agricultural Marketing Service. Sales to 8 a m. on this morning s wholesale mar ket In less than carlot Quantities: APPLES—Market about steady. Truck receipts light. Maryland. Pennsylvania. Virginia and West Virginia. U. 6 No 1. bushel baskets and l'i-bushel boxes, Grimes. 2'4-inch minimum. 65-75: 2'-s lnch minimum 85-00: 234-inch minimum. 00-1.10. Staymans. 2'4-inch minimum. 70-85 2'2-inch minimum. 00-1 00: 234 inch minimum. 1.10-7.1 !Y: Delicious. 2'4 lnch minimum. 85-00: 2'2-inch minimum. 1 00-175; Golden Delicious. 2'4-lnch minimum, mostly around 75: 2‘a-ineh minimum. 90-1.00: 234-inch minimum. 1 oo-l 25- Yorks. 2‘a-inch minimum. 85 90. 234-lnch minimum 1 00-170. Black Twigs. 2‘2-Inch minimum 90-1.00: 23< 3-inches 100-175: Jonathans 2Vi-!nch minimum. 65-75: 2'2-inch minimum. 85 00. 234-mch minimum. 1.00-170: Bonums. 2'i-tnch m'nlmum. 60-65: 2‘w-inch mini mum 75-85 Bushel boxes and cartons, fancy. Staymans. 113s-150s. 1 35-1 50; 04s-l 00s. 1.40-1 65: Delicious. 113s-lS3s. 1.35-1.50: 725-100s. 1.50-1.75: Golden De licious. 113s-163 a 1.25-1.40; 8Ss-100s. 1 50-1.65: Paragons. 113s-150s. 1.25-1.35: 64s-l00s 1 35-1 50. POTATOES—^Old stock, market steady: 100-pound sacks. U. S No. 1. Maine. Green Mountains. 2 25: Katahdlns. 2-ineh mlnimums. mostly around 2 35: New York, round, whites, 1.00-2.00: fair condition. 1.75-1.85: Pennsylvania Katahdlns 2 25: Idah^ Russet' Burbanks 2.35-2 40; fair condition. 2.25. New stock, market dull: Florida, bushel crates. Bliss Triumphs. U. S. No. 1. 1.75-1 00 CABBAGE—Market slightly stronger Truck receipts light Florida. 1'2-bushel hampers, domestic round type, freight re ceipts. 1.20-1.26: truck receipts, packed lo cally. 1.00-1.10: New York. 50-pound sacks. Danish type. 70-75. CARROTS—Market steady. California. L. A. crates, bunched. S3.on: Texas, half cfaics. ouncnea. i ou rennsyivania, ousnej baskets, topped washed l.oo. CAULIFLOWER—Market steady. Call forma crates. 1.50-1.05. CELERY—Market about steady. Flor Ida. Florida standard crates, individually washed. 3-4 dozen. 2 25-2.50: 0-10 dozen 2.75-3.00: California ,?-crates. Individ uallv vuhM, 3-5 dozen. 2.75. LETTUCE—Market about steady. Call fornia. l. A. crates. Iceberg type. 5-dozen 3.00-3.*25- few higher ONIONS—Market slightly stronger. 50 pound sacks. U. S. No. 1. Yellows New York and Ohio. 1.00: few higher; Sweet Spanish. 3 inches and larger. Colorado and Idaho 1.10-1.15 PEAS—-Market sliehtly stronger. Truck receipts light Florida, bushel hampers, 2.50. SWEET POTATOES—Market ’ steady Truck receipts very light. Maryland. Anne Arundel County bushel hampers. Jersey type U S. No. 1. 1.00. TOMATOES—Market steady Truck re ceipts very light Florida, truck receipts, lug boxes, green, ripes and turning, wrrapped. 0x0 and larger. 2.50-3.00: fail condition. 2.00-2.25. BROCCOLI—Market slightly stronger California, crates. 2.50-3.00. 8TRAWBERRIES—Supplies very light Receipts arrived late, too few sales tc quote. Snap Beans Steady. SNAP BEANS—Market steady. Truck receipts moderate. Florida, bushel ham pers. Black Valentines, best, 2.50; ordinary condition. 2.00: Bountifuls. ordinary con dition. 2.00. SQUASH—Market steady. Truck re ceipts very light. Florida, bushel hampers, white, wrapped. 1.50-2.00; yellow, mostly around 2.50. PEPPERS—Market slightly stronger Truck receipts very light. Florida, lVa bushel crates, green. 3.75. AVOCADOS—Market steadv. Truck re ceipts light. Florida, flat crates. 1.00-1.25 LTMES—Market dull. Truck receipt? moderate. Florida. ^4-boxes. Persians, very few sales. 1.25-1.75. KALE—Market slightly stronger. Truck receipts light. Virginia. Norfolk section, bushel baskets. 75. COLLARDS—Market slightly stronger Truck receipts light. Virginia. Norfolk section, bushel baskets. 05-75. BRUSSELS SPROUT—M'arket about steady. California. 25-pound drums. 2.5(1 3.00. SPINACH—Market stronger. Texas, bushel baskets Savoy type, 1.50: Virginia, Norfolk section, supplies insufficient tc E8CAROLE—Market dull. Truck receipt! very light. Florid*. ltu-bushel hampers, verv few sales. 75. MUSHROOMS—Maryland and Pennsyl vania. 3-pound baskets. 30-65: mostly 50 60 PAR8NIPS—Pennsylvania, '/a -bushel bas kets. 40. RHUBARB—Michigan. 5-pound cartons, 50 PARSLEY—Texas. crates. 1.50-1.75. BEETS—Texas, Va crates. 1.60. Arrivals, Diversions and Track of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. APPLES—One Washington arrived: orn broken and two unbroken cars on track: relief, one Virginia arrived: no cars on track. BROCCOLI—No earlot arrivals: one broken and one unbroken cars on track. CABBAGE—No earlot arrivals: three broken cars on track. CARROTS—One California arrived: one broken and three unbroken cars on track. CAULIFLOWER—One California ar rived: three broken and four unbroken cars on track. CELERY—Nq earlot arrivals: two bro ken and one unbroken cars on track. GRAPEFRUIT—No earlot arrivals: two broken and one unbroken cars on track. LETTUCE—One California arrived: six broken and five unbroken cars on track. ONIONS—No earlot arrivals: one un broken car on track. ORANGES—One California arrived: three broken and two unbroken cars ou track. PEARS—No earlot arrivals; one broken c*t on track. POTATOES—Old stock: Two Idaho ar rived: seven broken and 15 unbroken cars on track. New stock: No earlot arrivals; one broken and one unbroken cars on MIXED VEGETABLES—No . earlot ar ft NEW YORK CURB MARKET bt erivatt wire direct te Tbs Mar. Stock and Sale*— Dividend Rate. Add 00. Blah. U>w. 2:5ft. Aero Sup B .20g.. 1 4% 4% 4% Alnaworth ,25g.. ] 6% 6% 6% Air Assoo (.60) _ 4 10% 10% 10% Ala Power pf <«) 10s 84% 94% 94% Ala Power of (7) 20s 105 106 106 Alum Co Am<6g) 600a 161 14844 148% Alum Co pf (6). 250s 116% 115 115 Alum Ltd (4.25g) 150a 105 104% 105 Am Book (4) 150s 44 44 44 Am Cap pr pf 6% 50a 74 74 74 A Cit PAL A (3h) 25a 33 33 33 Am Cynam B.60a 13 34% 34 34% Am Expt L (.65g) 2 15% 15% 15% Am Fork A H.70g 200g 12 12 12 Am GasAE 1.60a 4 37% 37 37% Am Laund M .10. 1 16% 16% 16% Am LtATrae 1.80 3 15% 15% 15% Am Republics . 1 6% 6% 6% Am Seal-Kap.60g. 1 6% 6% 6% Am Superpower. ‘6 4 % % Am Superpwr of. 1 14 34 14 Am 8up lstpf(t) 100a 70% 70% 70% Arctur Rad T (r) 26 4 4 4 Ark Nat Gas A 3 2% 2(4 2% Aasoo Gas A Eleo 1 % % % Assoc G A E i A). 12 4 4 4 Atl Cosst Fish... 10 2% 2% 2% Austin Sllv M(r). 14 4 4 Auto Vat M .50 ... 2 6 6 6 Avlstlon A Trans 10 8% 3% 3% Ayshtre Patoka.. 1 3% 3% 3% Babcock A Wll_ 2 20% 20% 20% Baldwin Lo war_ 6 6% 6% 6% Bath Iron — 3 11% 11% 11% Beech Aircraft... 10 7% 7 7 Bellanca Aircraft 3 6% 6% 6% Bell Aircraft . 17 20% 19% 20% Bell Tel Can (8) . 60s 135% 135% 135% Bell T Pa pf 8.50. 75s 123% 123% 123% Blrdshoro (.log). 2 6% 6% 6% Bliss < E W) .. 1 14 14 14 Blue Ridge 5 1% 1% 1% Blumenthal <S)_ 2 8 7% 8 Borne Scry 3.60g. 60s 35 35 35 Breeze Corp ,50g. 1 5% 5% 6% Brewst Aero 20g 21 11% 11% 11% Brldgp't Machine 1 2% 2% 2% British Celanese. 2 1% 1% 1% Brown Co pf tr). 60s 23% 23% 23% Brown Rubber 3 2% 2% 2% Buckeye P L (le) 60a 33% 33% 33% B NAEP Df 1.60 4 21% 21% 21% Bunker Hill .7Sg. 1 12% 12% 12% Caro PAL Df (T). 20s 106 105% 106 Carrier CorD 13 14% 14 14% Castle (AM) (1). 50s 18 18 18 Celan ptc of (7a). 60s 108% 108% 108% PallnfnM Parn ‘1 Ell Ei Ea Celluloid pf ... 150s 304 294 304 Cellu'd 1st 3.50d. 10s 774 774 774 Cent NT Pwr pf 6 270s 994 99 994 Chi Flex S (5a).. 100$ 704 704 704 Cities Service_ 2 44 44 44 Cities 8ervlce pf 1 564 564 564 Clt Ser P&LpfCS) 10s 90 90 90 Clt Ser PALpf(7) 10s 92 92T 92 Clsude Neon L 1 ft ft ft Clev Elec 111 <2e) 100s 454 454 454 Club Alum Uten. 13 3 3 Colon Dev 6% pf. 4 44 44 44 Col Fuel A 1 war 1 6V* 54 64 ColtB Pat F A (2) 100s 80 80 80 Coiumb Oil A Oss 1 24 24 24 Comwlth Dls .07* 1 14 14 14 Comwlth A 8 war 1 ft ft ft Com PAL 1st pf 25s 42 42 42 Com'ty P S .65e __ 50s 354 354 354 Cons GAE Pa 3 60 1 81 81 81 Consol GasAElse Balto pf B 4.60. 10* 1194 1194 1194 Consol Gat Util 24 14 14 14 Consol M&S (la) 50s 384 384 384 Coni Steel Corp 1 44 44 44 Conti GAE Drnf 7 40s 93 92 92 Copperwcld .80 . 1 164 164 164 Creole Petm 50a 3 214 21 21 ; Crocker Wheeler 1 64 54 54 Crown Cent Pet 1 14 14 14 Crown Drug .05* 1 14 14 14 ; Curtis Mfg .25* . _ 50s 64 64 64 Decca Rec .20e .. 9 74 74 74 Durham Hoa (B). 1 4 4 4 ! Duro-Test 1 24 24 24 DuvaL Texas Sul 1 74 74 74 Eagle Plcher.ZCg 4 11 104 104 Bast’n Gas A F. 1 34 34 34 Eaatn GAF 6 pf 100* 204 194 194 I Econ’y G S 1.05*. 100s 174 174 174 Elec Bond A 8b 21 74 74 74 Elec B A 8 pf (6) 2 574 574 574 Elec B A 8 pf (6) 4 664 664 664 Elec PAL war 2 24 24 24 1 Electrographic 1» 1 134 13V* 134 | fclefctPol vtc 1 14 14 14 ‘ Bmp GAF 6% pf 40s 651* 65 654 Emp G A F 74 pf 75s 684 68 68 Emsco Derrick.. 1 104 104 104 Equity Corp 5 ft ft ft Fairchild Ay.40g 1 114 114 114 Fanny Fai 1.50a 150s 234 234 234 Fansteel Metal 6 124 12 124 ; Fisk Kubber 2 144 144 144 Flak Hub Df (6» 60s 1104 1104 1104 j Fla P&L pf 1.75k 25s 99 99 99 Froedt cvpf 1.20 1 19 19 19 Fruehauf Tra( 1) 12 324 32 324 Gamewell pf (6) 10s 87 87 87 Gen El Ltd(.67g) 2 15 15 15 1 Gen Fireprf 1.20g 1 14 14 14 Gen Tel pf (3) 1 604 504 504 Glen Alden C .25* 14 74 74 74 Godchaux pf (7) 10s 101 101 101 Gorham Mfg .50e 1 264 264 264 Gray Mfg . 1 104 104 104 G A A P nv 7.50* 50s 1114 1104 1114 Grum’n Air 1.05* 5 164 16 16 Gulf Oil of Pail I 4 364 364 364 Hearn Dep pf.75k 60s 184 184 184 Hecla Min (.35*1 1 7 7 7 Heyden Ch 1.60a. 100s 684 684 684 HolltngerG 65a. 2 12 12 12 Horn A Hard (2) 25a 354 354 354 Humble Oil(2.50) 8 614 614 614 Hummel-Rs .20* 3 64 64 64 Huyler's (Del) 1 ft ft ft Huvler's Del pf 100s 94 94 94 Huyl Del pf st( r) 400s 104 94 104 Hvgrade Food , 1 24 24 24 llllnols-la Power 2 34 34 34 Ill-la Power Df 5 244 244 244 Imp Ch Ind .234g 16 6 6 I m n (Ml l.irt Alls 9 19. 19. Ind Pipe L t.EOg) 16 6 6 ine Co N Am 2a 250s 71'i 71', 71', Int PaAPwr war 6 24* 2'j 21* Int Petrol 1.50a - 1 17'. 17'. 17'. Int Utilities <A). 1 8'* 81* 8M. int Utilities (B). 1 ft ft ft Interst H Ea .50. 1 8M> 81* 81* Interst Hos Mills 1 121* 121* 121* Irving Air C (is) 1 161* 161* 161* Jeanatte Glass 3 It* 14* It* Jer CPftL pf 6.60 300s 884. 88 881* Jsr CP&L pf (6). 30s 96t* 96 96 Jonss ft Lau Stl- 2 301* 30 30 Ken Rad T&T A- 100s 41* 41* 4t* Kingst’n P(.lOg). 1 IT* It* IT* Koppers pf (<)... lOe 86 86 86 Lehigh Coal .10g. 5 214 21* 21* Leonard OH 3 1* V. 1* Line Mater’l .50g 60s 9t* 91* 91* Locke Steel 1.20 100s 13*4 1314 13*4 Lone Star ,70g 1 9*. 9'. 94* Long Island Ltg 4 14* 14* 14* Long lal Ltg pf B 150s 431* 43 431* La P ft Lt pf (6) 20s 1051* 1051* 1051* Ludwig-B pf vtc_ 40s 25 25 25 Majestic Radio 6 ft ft ft Mangel Stores . 1 14» 14* 14* Mapcs Consol 2a 2 261* 261* 261* Massey-Harris 15 5 5 Master Elec 1.70g 50s 23T4 23T* 23T* Memph N G .50g 1 44. 44* 4«* Mich Bumber 1 ft ft ft Mid St Pet B ,10e 1 4* 4* \ Midland Steel (2) 100s 18 18 18 Mid WestCorp 5 94* 91* 91* Minn M&M 2.40g 700s 60 591* 60 Molybdenum 7 644 64* 64* Monogram Plo ..5 1 1 1 Moody pte pf (*). 60s 281* 281* 281* Mount City C-15g 9 3T4 34* 34* Mount Prod(.eO). 1 64* 64* 64* Nachman So .25e. 2 11 11 11 Nat Bella Hesa.. 2 4* 4* 4* Net Brew (2)_ 60s 31 31 31 NatlCont (.40g). 12 114* 11 111* Nat Fuel Gaa tl). 12 131* 13 13 Nat P ft L pf tC). 75s 95 ' 95 95 Nat Rub M ,30g__ 1 51* 61* 61* Nat Transit 8Eg. 4 10 91* 10 Nat Tunnel ft Min 1 144 14* 14* N Eng T&T 6.50g 60s 127 127 127 New Idea ( 60s)) 1 12 12 12 NJZ1not2a) 100s 62% 62% 62% Newmont <3.60g) 1 71% 71% 71% N Y Hon R 4.25g 50s 28% 28% 28% N Y P ft Lt pf 16 > 20s 108% 108% 108% N Y Pft Lt Dt (7) 110s 118% 118% 118% Nlag Hudson Pwi 20 5% 5% 5% Nlag Hud A war. 1 A A A Niles-Bem-Ptlg) 1 65 65 65 Noma Elect.30g). 3 5% 5 5 N A Ray B 2.60g_ 1 25% 26% 25% 'Nor A R prpf tS). 40s 50 50 50 Nor Xnd PS pf 6d. •60s 102% 102% 102% North'll Sta P<A) 1 13% 13% 13% Oho Brass (B) lg 76s 21% 20% 20% OklaNatOaa (1) 4*19% 18% 19% OklaNat G pft3) 100s 49 49 49 PacGas 6%pf 1.60 3 34 33% 33% Pao Pft Lt pf(7) 30s 90 90 90 Pantapae Oil --- 2 4% 4% 4% Psnnroad 4.10g). 6 2 2 2 ’ Pa-Cant Airlines. 16 12% 12 12% PSMPALpt(I). 26s 112% 112% 112% PaaaBalt (6g)„. 25a 171 171 171 ft Stock and Sales— Dividend Rata. Add 00. Blah. Low. 2:86 Pepperell (4k) 25a 83* 83V* 83V* Pharls T A R .15* 1 74* 74* 7* Phlla Co (.25e)... 1 61* 6* 61* Phlla Elec pf (5) 90*118 118 118 Phoenix Recur 4 74* 71* 71* Phoenix Secur pf 100a 374* 374* 874* Pierce Gov (.40*) 1 91* 91* 91* Pioneer Gold 40 7 11* 11* 11* Pltney-Bow 40a. 2 8 8 8 Pitts Forg .40g._ 1 10 10 10 Pitts A L E 3.50g 120s 691* 58V* 684* Potrero Sugar 2 U # W Pwr C Can 1st 6 . 40s 811* 811* 811* Prudenl Inv .25g 2 6'* 64* 61* P Sind *7 or of 75s 85 84’* 85 PS Ok Dr In pf<«> 40s 105V4 105* 105* Pug Sd J5pf 1.25k 100* 80* 80* 80* Puget S d P *« Df 376a 274* 27 271* Puget Sd PAT 3 12* 12 12V* Quaker Oata pf • 40s 151 151 161 Red Bank Oil . 1 24* 24* 24* Republic Avlat’n 28 6V* 6* 6* Rio Gr V G vtc .. 7 4* 4* 1* Roes A Pend(la). 1 134* 134* 13** Root Petroleum. 1 24* 2*t 24* Royal Typ (le)— 100a 56 66 56 Rustless Ir .25*.. 6 134* 13* 134* St Kegis Paper . 7 3* 3 3 8t Regia Pap pf- 125* 74 72* 74 Schiff Co (la) .. 2 14 13* 13* Scovlll Mfg 1.25* 3 29* 29 29 Scranton L (2g). 20s 26* 25 25* Scullln Steel ... 1 84* 84* 8* Selherllna Rub 1 7* 7V« 7V* Sel Ind al ct 5.50. 60s 56 65 55 SentrvSafCon . 3 * * * Sher-Wilms 2.75* 300* 93* 93 93 Sher-Wlll pf (5). 10*112 112 112 Sonotone (.15g)_. 6 14* 14* 14* Soss Mfg (.50)... 1 4* 4* 4* South Coaat ... 12 2 2 So Penn 011 1.60a 1 41* 41* 41* S C Ed of C 1 *76. 1 29 29 29 South P L <.30g). 2 544 5* 5* South'n Un Gas.. 2 24* 24* 24* Sou W PL (2). 100s 24 23* 2‘4 Std CAS cvpf 1.60 50a 20V. 20* 20* Stand Invest pf 250s 8* 8* 8* Stand Oil Ky(la) 3 20* 20* 20* Stand Oil Oh pf 6 60s 109 109 109 Stand Pwr A Lt . 1 i, i, A Stand Sllver-Ld- 11 A * A Starrett vtc 1 1* 1* 1* Sterchl Bros .20* 6 4* 4* 4* Sunray 011 .10*.. 1 1* 1* 1* Taggart .. 1 5* 5* 5* Tampa Elec 2.24 2 36 36 36 Taylor (Ky) Dlst 2 * * * Technicolor (1*). 2 14* 14* 14* Texon OH _ 1 24* 2* 2* Transwest Oil — 1 3* 3* 3* inuinu war _ 1 Tublz* Chatlllon. 1 94 94 94 Udylite (,125g)._ 2 44 44 44 Unit Chemical... 1 124 124 124 Ut<1 Cgr VTh Stra. 2 ft M ti Unit Gaa ... 810 14 14 14 Unit Gas war . 2 ft ft ft United Gas pf 8d. 1 99 99 99 Unit LlAPwr (A) 4 1 1 1 Unit Lt* Pwr of 6 334 33 83 Unit NJRRAC 10 20s 240 240 240 Uni) Sh M 2.60a 400s 324 814 824 U 8 Foil (B). 1 64 54 54 U S Line* of . 4 34 34 34 U S Plyw'd .30e . 3 22 22 22 Unit Wall Paper. 2 24 24 24 Unlv Core vtc.„. 6 34 34 34 Unlv Pictures_ 19 9 9 Utah-ldaho Sue. 3 14 14 14 UtP&Lpf 1.17k. 60s 624 624 624 Util PAL of ir) 300s 14 134 14 Valspar pf 1.25d 25s 17 17 17 Van Norm Mt 2g 100s 26 26 26 Venezuela Petrol 1111 Wentworth 2Ue 1 14 14 14 W Tex Ut 86 pf < 10s 101 101 101 Western Air Exp 7 44 44 44 Willms Oll-O-M 1 14 14 14 Wolverine T ,«ug 1 64 64 64 Wright Harg.40a 21 64 64 64 r In bankruptcy or receivership or being reorganized under the Bankruptcy Set or securities a'surn'd by such companies Rates of dividends in the foregoing table are annual disbursements based on the last auarterly or semi-annual declara tion. Unless otherwise noted, specia1 or extra dividends are not included a Also extra or extras, d Accumulated dividends paid last year. e Declared or paid so far this year f Payable In stock, g Paid last year h Cash or stock k Accumu lated dividends paid or declared this year, ur Under rule ww With warrants, xw Without warrants, war Warrants. Egg and Butter Prices Boosted at Chicago By the Associated Press. CHICAGO. Jan. 25.—Zero weather and prospects of continued cold in important producing areas yester day boosted egg and butter prices to their best levels in two and three years. January refrigerator egg con tracts. which have staged one of the sharpest advances in the his tory of the mercantile exchange here during the past two weeks, soared 2 cents to 2212 a dozen, highest for a refrigerator future since December, 1938, and closed near their peak. January fresh firsts jumped 2 cents to 24 at the start of trade and closed at that level, a new top since 1937. Butter futures scored one of their sharpest upturns in recent years, scaling two-year peaks on advances ranging to V/2 cents and closing at the top. In the wholesale market eggs advanced 2V4 to 2t* cents a dozen as receipts at leading markets con tinued to run sharply behind last year. Graded firsts sold at 24 cents locally and 24 >2 in cars. Cash butter prices gained ’4 to % cent with 92 score at 31. best since Feb ruary, 1938. Roosevelt Choice Accused By Downey in Tax Case By the Associated Press. Charges of criminal law viola tions were leveled yesterday by Senator Downey, Democrat, of Cali fornia against Paul R. Leake, pub lisher of the Woodland (Calif.) Democrat and President Roosevelt’s nominee for customs collector at San Francisco. Senator Downey told a Senate Finance Subcommittee that “in my opinion as a lawyer” the nominee violated State law in three instances by claiming, over a period of years, certain tax exemptions on the grounds of World War service in the Naval Reserve. Concerned by the gravity of the charge, the committee abruptly re cessed its investigation to permit Mr. Leake to engage counsel and prepare a defense. The accusation by Senator Dow ney gave a new turn to a contest which Californians have said would test the Senator’s control over pa tronage. Senator Downey had in aorsea Calvin c. Cook, Oakland Democratic leader, for the customs Job, while Mr. Leake was the choice of Representative Buck, Democrat, of California and the party wing associated with former Senator Wil liam Gibbs McAdoo. Senator Downey informed the committee that he based his charge on the nominee’s own testimony Tuesday that he obtained tax ex emptions. Mr. Leake said he acted in good faith in the belief that serv ice in the Naval Reserve entitled him to exemptions granted World War veterans. Distribution Ordered NEW YORK, Jan. 25 (Special).— Directors of the Maryland Fund, Inc., have declared a distribution of 10 cents per share, payable March 15, 1940, to stockholders of record February 29, 1940. This compares with a previous distribution of 10 cents per share paid December 19, 1939. v\ « -- Big Cut in Copper Supplies Revealed Af Endof 1939 Stocks at Year's Close Equal Only V/2 to 2 Months' Needs Bj the Associated Press. NEW YORK, Jan. 25.—Domestic copper statistics, published yesterday by ,he Copper Institute for the first time since they were discontinued because of war, disclosed that re fined stocks in the hands of pro ducers had been virtually cut in half during the last five months of 1939. At the end of the year they were equivalent to only one and a half to two months' supply at the indicated rate of consumption. Domestic production and ship ments to consumers stepped up sharply during the period, but for eign buying held at approximately the July level. Figures showed that the fall buy ing wave cut producers’ stocks of re fined metal from 316,543 tons on July 31 to 159,485 tons at the year end. A year ago stocks totaled 289,755 tons. Production during the period amounted to 379.841 tons, an average of about 80,000 tons a month, com pared with 57,339 tons in July. Shipments to domestic consumers were up still more sharply, totaling 457,315 tons, or about 91,000 tons a month. July shipments were 59,681 tons. Deliveries to foreign customers amounted to 79,584 tons, an average *bf approximately 16.000 tons a month and on a level with July ship ments of 16,127 tons. Total shipments, both domestic and foreign, were 536.899 tons, or about 107,000 tons a month. At this : rate of deliveries domestic stocks of refined copper at the year end were | equal to about one and one-half | months’ supply. Present shipments, : however, are reported in trade ! sources to be substantially below the average level of last fall. Pan-American Stock Offering Is Registered By the Associated Press. Pan-American Airways Corp. filed a registration statement with the Se curities Commission yesterday cov ering 525,391 shares of capital stock of $5 par value, class A warrants for the purchase of 486.416 shares of the | capital stock and class B warrants i for the purchase of 38,975 shares. The statement said that the class A warrants were to be distributed to stockholders and the class B war rants to officers and employes. The warrants will be transferable and will enable holders to purchase 5-14 of a share of capital stock. Captain Takes Own Life When Destroyer Sinks By the Associated Press. SPLIT, Yugoslavia, Jan. 25.^-The Yugoslav destroyer Ljubljana, 1.400 tons, sank within an hour at the naval base of Sibenik yesterday after it struck a submerged cliff. Comdr. Ahlin committed suicide when the boat sank, while the other j officers and crew\ numbering ap | proximately 300, jumped overboard. ' All were rescued. The Ljubljana was completed only last spring. Her loss was a heavy blow to the Yugslav Navy, which has but two destroyers left. ^ i,»k Oah J I---I DOMESTIC BONDS. High. Lew. Neon. Ala Power 4%s 67_103 103 103 Ala Power 6s 51_107Y, 107y« 107V« Ala Power 5s 68_100% 106% 106% 1 Am P & L (is 2016_100% 100 100 ! Ark P & L 5s 50_106% 106% 106% j As El Ind 4%s 53_ 55% 54% 54% As G & E 4%s 49_ 17% 17y4 17% i As G & E 5s 50_ 17% 17V4 17% As G & E 5s 68 1?44 17%. 17% As T S T 5%s 55 A.. 71 71 71 Atl City El 3%s 64.. 107% 107-% 107% ' Bald Loco 0s 60_108% 107% 108% Blrm El 4%s 68_ 98 97% 97% Can Nor Pwr 5s 53_ 99% 99% 99% I Can Pac 6s 42_ 83% 83% 83^ i Central Pw 5s 57 D__ 99 99 99 Cen St P & L 5%s 53_73% 73% .73% Chi Rys 5s 27 c o d_ 48 48 48 | Cities Svc 5s 50_ 72% 71% 72% Cities Service 5s 58.. 71% 71 71% Cit S P * L 5%s 52.. 85 84 84 j Clt S P & E 5125 4 9 _ 86 84 84% Coumn ty P&L 5s 57_ 93 93 93 ; Con GEL&P 3%s 71.. 119% 110% 110% ; Cons G Util 6s 43 st.. 82% 81% 82 Cone G & E os 58 A 89% 89% 89% I Cudahy Pke 3%s 55.. 95s, 95% 95s, ! Det Int Be 6%s 52.. H 6 6 Det & In B 6%s 52 cd._ 5% 5% 5% East G & F 4s 56 A.. 80 79 79 ; El Pw & Lt 5s 2030._ 79% 79% 79% 1 El Pas El os 50 A_105% 105% 105% Emp Dis El 5s 52_105% 105% 105% Fla Pwr coupn 4s 60_. 99% 99% 99V, Florids P & L os 54__ 104% 104% 104% Gen Pub Svc 5s 53_99% 99% 99% Gen Pub Ut 6%s 56.. 97% 97% 97% . Georgia Pw 5s 67_106% 106% 106% Glen Alden Cl 4s 65_ 72 71% 72 Gobel Inc 4%s 41 A_ 72 72 72 111 Pw & Lt 5%s 57_97% 97% 97% 111 Pw & Lt 6s 53 A_106% 106s, 106% 111 Pw & L 5%s 54 B._ 103% 103% 103% 111 Pw & L 5s 56 C_101% 101% 101% Ind Hyd Elec 5s 58_98% 98% 98% Inti P Sec 6%s 55 C-. 40 40 40 Interst Pw 5s 57_ 03% 63% 63y, j Ia-N L&P 5s 57 A_106% 1M0% 106% Ilal Su Pw 6s 63 A.. 38% 38% 38% Jer C P&L 4%s 61 C__ 105% 105% 105% L S Dlst P 3%S 66 A__ 1001% 100% 106% | La Pw & Lt 5s 57_ 107 107 107 j Mil G & E 4%s 67_101% 101% 101% ; Minn P&L 4%s 78.. 102% 102% 102% Miss Pow 5s 55_102% 102% 102% j Miss Pw & L 5s 57_103% 103% 103% Nat P & L 6s 2026 A.. 112 1113, 111% i a cv. aj .IB Xj _ _ X4»n’8 llln'l 1(10% Nevad Cal El 6s 5B__ 80 79% SO New Ams Gas 6s 48 _ 122 l0” 1°2 New I G ft E 5s 60.. 63% 63% 63% New E Pw 5%s 54_ 99% 99% 99% New Or 5s 42 stpd_101’, 101’, 101% NY PaAOhlo 4%s 60.. 83% 83% 83% ™th o ? 1 57 A._ 105% 105', 105% SD 0 »?u.b„SJS, 4s 82— 107'^ 107% 1°7% Okla Nat G J%g 55- 106% 106% 100% Pac Coast Pw 5s 40— 10"% 100% 1"0% Psc P ft L 5s 55- 93 93 93 Penn C L&P 4%s 77.. 102% 1Q1% 101% Penn Elec 5s 62 H_ 108 108 10$^ Penn Oh E 5%s 59 B_107 107 107 Penn P Svc 5s 54 D— 108 108 108 Peop O LAC 4s 61 D— 97% 97 97% Peop O LAC 4s 81 B-. 96% 96% 984 Phila El P 5%s 72-113% 113% llS% Port and G A C 5s 40.. 84% 84% 841 Portland GAC 6s 40 mat 87% 87% 874 Potomas E 5s 56 E-108% 108% 108’. Pw Cp C 4%s 59 B_87% 87% 87’ Pub Ser N J 6s ctfs_151% 151% 1*14 Pug Sd PAL 5' 28 49— 97 93 9f Pug 8d PAL 5s 50 C— 94% 93% 94% Pug Sd PAL 4%s 60 D 93 92% 93 Shw WAP 4%s 67 A_ 98 97% 97% 8 E PAL Rs 2025 A_112 112 112 Sou Cal Ed 3%s 60.. 109% 109% 109% Sou Caro 5s 57- 99% 99% 9QV Std OAE 6s 46 st_ -- I Std GAE 6s 48 cv st.. Std Gas El Rs 51 A.. Std Gas A El 6s 57.. 8td Gas A El 0s HR B._ Stand Pw A Lt 6s 57— Starret Com 5s 50_ 22 Texas Elec 5s 00_105', 105% 105% Tex Pw A L Ss 56_107% 107', 107% Tide Wat P 5s 79 A._ 101 % 1"1 % 101% Twin CRT 5%s 62 A__ 04% H4% 04% Ulen A Co Rs 50 IV st 9% 9% 9% Unit Lt A Pw Rs 75_7R 75 76 • Unit LARD 5%s 52.. 88% 88% 88% Unit L A R M Rs 73 A— 74 74 74 m Va Pub Ser Rs 4fl__-- - Yadkin Rtv P 58 41__ York Rwy 5s 47 st_ FOREIGN BONDS. Rio de Jan 6%s 69.. 9 9 9 Terni-Soc H'is 53 A_43% 43% 4341 ww—With warrants, xw—Without warrants, n—New. st istpi—Stamped. • Negotiability Impaired by maturity. Remember—It’s mart to tfrfra aafely.