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Boys'Club Alumni Present Testimonial To Frank R. Jelleff Albert Horn Elected President; Col. Erwin Named Treasurer Frank R. Jelleff. chairman of the board of the Washington Boys’ Club was presented a written testimonial by 52 young alumni last night hon oring his 20th year of service to the club. The testimonial to Mr. Jelleff was the highlight at the club’s annual meeting, held at the Southeast Branch, Seventeenth street and Massachusetts avenue S.E. The message, bound in book form and hand-lettered, expressed "sincere thanks and appreciation for all of the fine things you made possible for us and thousands whom we rep resent.” Albert F. E. Horn was elected president of the organization for the coming year. Col. Henry P Erwin was elected treasurer and James A. Dent secretary. Vice presi dents chosen to represent the vari ous branches were Sidney L. Hech inger, Northeast Branch; R. J. A Kaemmerer, Central Branch; Ches ter D. Swope, Georgetown Branch and Albert E. Conradis, Southeast Branch. Elections added 22 new trustees to the board of volunteers, increas ing the number of members from 52 to 74. New members who were recommended by the Nominating Committee included David A. Baer Carter Barron, Edward Burling, jr.; Maj. Gen. Fred Coleman, U. S. A.; Howard P. Foley, Dr. G. Bache Gill J. Louis Gundling, Patrick J. Hurley Charles H. Kindle. George M. Mc Kee, Charles P. Maloney, J. Willard Marriott, Eugene Meyer. Alfred G Neal, Llewellyn Nicholson. J. Louis O'Connor. Rear Admiral George Pettengill. U. S. N.; L. Metcalf Wal ling, J. Benton Webb, Howard L Wilkins, Arthur D. Willard and W •ftiacher Winslow. One of the organization's main objectives in 1940 will be the estab lishment of a new and adequate Northeast Club, Mr. Jelleff said in his annual report. Managing Di rector Charles M. Fyfe pointed out In his annual report that there has been an increase of 20 per cent in new boy members. Mile. Curie to Speak Here Next Friday Mile. Eve Curie, daughter and biographer of the discoverer of ra dium. will lecture before the Na tional Geographic Society next Friday. She will speak on "French women in the War.” Deaths Reported Marion H. Barker. 00. 1427 21st st. Hannah J. De Voe. 80, st. Elizabeth's Hos pital. Robert Herrmann, 84, 213 7fh st. n.e. Margaret Crosby. 81. Emergency Hospital. Catherine A Bealor, 81. 010 N. J ave Letitia Calhoun, 81. 2153 California st. Mary M. Gillin. 80. 1200 North Capitol st, Ruth L Knight. 80. Gallinger Hospital. George L. Snider. 78. United States Sol diers’ Home Hospital. Laura Bell Knighton 7.3. 323 Oth st n.e Carl B. Keferstein. 72. 2101 Conn. ave. Kate G. Behen. 08. Georgetown Universits Hospital Elizabeth S Menke. 87. 814 3rd st. Harry A. Karnes. 82. 58 T st Martin Melvin Carroll. 80. 842 E st. s.e. Peter Mallett. 57. St. Elizabeth's Hospital. Douglas V. Cornwell 40. 37oo Mass, ave Fred Allen. 41. Gallinger Hospital. Infant Kirk. Columbia Hospital. Infant Kelley. Georgetown University Hos pital. Laura Ann Wilson. 70. 1771 T st. Robert F. Delaney. 78. Freedmen's Hos nital. Susan Ann Webb. 78. 20 Florida ave. Mary E. Bowman. 70. St Elizabeth's Hos pital. Henry Ellicott. 80. Freedmen's Hospital. Caroline Ragins. 62. 1111 4th st. Charles Gross. 5P. 308 Florida ave. Mazie Leonard. 54. Gallinger Hospital. Thomas Harris, jr , 45. U*10 1st st. Thomas E. Perry. 37. Garfield Memoria Hospital. Thomas Cross. 38. Gallinger HosDital. Infant Wallace. Gallinger Hospital. Infant Gray, 1821 15th st. Births Reported William and Mary Maykrantz. boy. Edward and Margaret Fien. boy. William and Grace Kegley boy. Hardy and Jean Maclay. boy. Allen and Naomi Perrie. boy Robert and Hilda Mahoney, boy. William and Ruth Simmons, boy. Edward and Phyllis Arneson. boy James and Mary Robertson, jr . girl. Richard and Osie Wheaton girl. Arthur and Ruth McKenney. girl. James nd Mry Robertson, jr.. girl. Ned and Mary Arick. boy. , JoseDh and Sylvia Ginberg. girl. George and Flora Bolger girl. Harry and Nita McKenzie, girl. Robert and Mary Gold. girl. Thomas and Helen Mason, girl. Reed and Elizabeth Johnson, girl. Benners and Florence Milligan. girl twins. Wilbur and Martha Jecko. boy. Fleet and Frances Hathorn. boy. Charles and Catherine Hauser, boy. Dana and Margaret Doten. boy. Russell and Lena Shugars. boy. Oscar and Mary Altman, boy. Leo and Lola Tisch. boy Edgar and Ella Smith, bov. Walter and Arrah Butler, jr.. eirl. Paul and Dorothy Brooks, girl. Louis and Betty Feldman, girl. Noury and Zarouhia Manoukian, girl. Linwood and Lillian King, girl Beniamin and Marjorye Baylor, girl. Bovd and Louise Sims, girl Wayne and Mary Kirk, girl Frank and Alice Patton, girl. Hollie and Dorothy Peyton, girl. Reed and Elizabeth Johnson, girl. James and Florence Hackley. boy. Boyd and Margaret Armstead, boy. William and Cordelia Northineton. boy. Milton and Maggie Johnson, boy. James and Pauline Chase, boy Robert and Johnness Green, boy. Henry and Emily Johnson, boy. Roosevelt and Audrey McKethan. boy. John and Beatrice Burgess, girl. John and Cecelia Jones, girl. Alfred and Alice Srnartt. girl. Thomas and Geneva Henson, boy. John and Mattip Sumlin. boy Godfrey and Clarice Mills, boy. Walter and Ella Downing, boy. RalDh and Mazie Pickerel, boy. Robert and Ruth Oates, boy. Benny and Clara Wedge boy. Alexander and Virginia Williams, girl. Isaiah and Ruth Johnson, girl. Marriage License Applications ■dward Dornlas. jr.. 28. South Boston. Mass., and Bertha Disdier. 22. Pocatello. Idaho; the Rev. Wilbur F. Wheeler. Carl £. Anderson. 32. 221(1 Pennsylvania ave n.w . and Jeanette C Hayes. 28, 2100 N st. n.w.; the Rev. J H Dunham John J. Spencer, jr., 24, 654 Girard st, n w.. and Ruth E. Syphax. 25. 1.106 S at n.w ; the Rev. J P Hamilton. Joseph M Harris, 26, Crestview. Md.. and Mabel Shelter. 25. Baltimore. Md.: the Rev Bernard Braskamp Lee Ward Wilson. 20. Philadelphia. Pa . atjd Marie E. Linnenbrogger. 31. l219Va E st. s.e.: the Rev Freeley Rohrer. Arthur C Thomas, 21, 1127 9th st. nw. and Mary Robinson. 18. 65 Quincy pi. n.w.: the Rev. Alexis St. Onge HERE’S WAY TO LIMBER SORE MUSCLES Don’t fool with muscle stiffness, ach ing back or rheumatism pain, speedy relief’s no further than your Omrga OH bottle, it's wonderful the way this tried and true liniment goes to work— pcnrlrafe* where it does most good— aooffce.t nu'itg bad muscle pains in a flash Known and used for two grncra finn.t Breaks up misery of chest-cold tightness, too' 35r all drug stores. Your money back if n,,t delighted. Marriage With Brother Ended, Girl Returns to Foster Parents By the Associated Press. INDIANAPOLIS, Jan. 26.—Al attractive 18-year-old brunette, tol< her 20-day-old marriage to her owi brother never existed before the law was back home with her foster L parents today, waiting for her baby I to be born. i Juvenile Judge Wilfred Bradshaw , explained to Virginia Wolfe Wil liamson yesterday evidence showed she and Leroy Williamson, 20, whom she wed here January 6, nad the same mother and probably the same father. "Under the law you never were married,” he said, “and under the law it is not necessary to annul the marriage. But it might be wise to have annulment proceedings.” Virginia, a 90-pound slip of a girl, when asked If she understood, sobbed and said, “I don’t believe It, but I’ll have to accept It.” Born here, the two were separated as babies. They met last April when Leroy returned from a Lafayette orphanage to take a casket trim mer’s job. Their mother is dead. His study of records convinced the young man he and she were not re lated. But he admitted Tuesday he had been wrong, and went to Ur bana, 111,, to live with an aunt. He was not In court yesterday. The girl went back to Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Wolfe of Indianapolis, who reared her. She said she was expecting to become a mother In July. Make more use of care and much less use of dare. Two Boys Born in Snow On Way to Hospitals >7 the Associated Press. NEWTON, Iowa, Jan. 26.—It was 14 below zero when Burton Pauls and his wife started from their farm home to a hospital yesterday. The car stalled in a drift. While Mr. Pauls went for a team of horses the stork overtook his wife and a boy was bom to her in the car. Hospital attendants said mother and baby were getting along •'fine.” BIRMINGHAM, Ala., Jan. 26 </P). -Snow-clogged roads slowed Mrs. Ruel Snow's cross-country dash to a Birmingham hospital. Six miles from town the little Snow (boy) arrived. I FROM MOVIE CRITICS & AUDIENCES FOR "GONE WITH THE WIND" J FROM WASHINGTON MEN FOR THE SMASH VALUES IN RALEIGH S SEI-AIUAL SALE * QUALITY CLOTHE OTR 450 T0IT04TX, OtEMlI \ I ■’•TllOlXIilt SUITS Were *29u, *35 Judging by the nation-wide reception it's been given .. . "Gone With the Wind" is definitely a "smash hit" movie success. Judging by the Washington male's acceptance of Raleigh's Semi-Annual Sale, this event is a "smash hit" success... for selections, for fabrics, for outstanding savings. Come in to morrow and see clothing values that have won Washington's acclaim. "" * 1 Other Groups! 'Semi-Annual Savings on TOPCOATS, OVERCOATS, SUITS iii. Were $35 to $40 Were $45 to $50 4 MONTHS TO PAY Were $40 to $45 *54 Were $50 to $65 Bench-made Suitt On Our Extended Payment Plan. No Down Payment, No Carrying Charge. I* h PRICE L $89.95 RICHLY r TRIMMED C L Styles that are identical twins of the seo f son's best sellers. Magnificently trimmed in skunk, Persian, silver fox, dyed squirrel, j i j ! i ! | I jX $2, $2.50 WHITE, PATTERNED SHIRTS And even some solid colors! All Raleigh (quality) tailoring. -M ^ $1.50, $2 FINE HAND TAILORED TIES $1.29 Distinctive patterns and colors in satin brocades, repps, others. # jX $5 Raleigh and Dunlap 1 Men's Hats_82.95 Fall and winterweight felts in cofors, styles you'll want. All sizes included. ^ Regular $7.50 and $8.50 Famous Make Hats_84.85 Names you know and wear for REAL quality, at special savings for this event! " « $5.95 to $7.95 Robes and « Wrap-around and slide fastened styles in flan-> net, rayon brocade, H satin, or dovesuede, and cotton chenille. Sixes 12 to 20. w I $6, $6.85 Winterweight j Raleigh '8' Shoes_84.45 i Scotch grain, genuine shell cordovan and Norwegian calf! All double soles. ^ $9.75 Hanan Touchstone j * Shoes, Reduced_87.85 | Winterweight models and fine leathers. All sizes inc^ided! Plain or wing toe. I^ Entire Stock $12.50, $15.50 Hanan Shoes_89.85 > Some models reduced to $10.85 and $11.85. Great selection in new styles. ^ $7.95, $8.95 KNIT COLLAR SUEDE COATS gf* 99 Knit collar and cuff. Soft, clear, warm tan or grey suede. V* $3.50, $4 ALL WOOL PULLOVER SWEATERS g*).99 Also spun rayon sports blouses in popular styles, colors. jSt* 75c RALEIGH QUALITY BROADCLOTH SHORTS ,0( Other fine sturdy fabrics included. Fine tailoring. - \ ^ $2.50, $3 WOVEN BROADCLOTH PAJAMAS $|.99 Included are some fine mercerized fabrics and madrases. i FAMOUS MAKE SUPPERS j ^2*95 to $5*50 •2**8 Kids, royon satins, and velvets. Sizes 4Vt to 9, but not in each style. SPECIAL ON BLOUSES mere $5.95, $6.50 . . . S 3 Satins, crepes, lace, or metallic cloth. RALEIGH HABERDASHER WASHINGTON’S FINEST MEN'S WEAR STORE 1310 F Street