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C. C. C. Camps Aid Local Organizations In Wildlife Feeding Special Orders Issued As Snow and Cold Increase Hazards Civilian Conservation Corps camps In the Washington area and throughout the country stood ready today to assist wildlife conservation organizations in aiding birds and game to survive the present cold wave and deep snow. Special instructions were for warded yesterday by James J. Mc Entee, acting director of the C. C. C., to Fred Morrell, Agriculture Depart ment representative on the C. C. C. Advisory Council, and Conrad L. Wirth, Interior Department repre sentative, ' to instruct camp com manders and project superintend ents to provide added assistance to local organizations in caring for wild birds and game. Mr. McEntee acted after consulta tion with officials of the National Wildlife Federation. Part of Regular Program. Aiding wildlife is a part of the regular program of the C. C. C. During the 1939 fiscal year, the C. C. C. built 20,798 crude wildlife shelters and spent 15,601 man days in wildlife-feeding. The severity of the current weath er in some areas, however, made issuance of special orders advisable, Mr. McEntee said yesterday. Only once before, in 1936, were such orders issued, it was learned. It was pointed out that the C. C. C. could not inaugurate a feeding pro gram of its own on any scale be cause no funds are provided. Or ganizations wishing to provide food, however, may enlist the aid of en rollees in distributing it. Weather Conditions Critical. NEW YORK.—HALF A MIL LION DOLLARS’ WORTH OF DIAMONDS—Society staged its diamond ball in the early hours yesterday and Mrs. Adolph Spreckels of San Francisco came to the affair in the spirit of the thing. A half million dollars was the valuation put on the diamond necklace and turban clip she wore, along with four black orchids on her shoulder. —A. P. Wirephoto. Insurance Rate to Rise If Mercury Doesn't By the Associated Press. CURWENSVILLE, Pa., Jan. 27.— Insurance rates will go up if the temperature stays down—unless frozen water mains supplying this j Central Pennsylvania community j are thawed. ! Insurance underwriters warned Borough Council rates would be boosted unless the lines are thawed by Monday. Engineers advised councitmen seven men have thawed 700 of the 2,500 feet estimated to be frozen but that, unless the weather moderates, it will take two weeks to complete the job. _ \ Florida Traiterites Cold TAMPA, Fla., Jan. 27 (JP).—Many trailerites, caught unprepared by Flordia’s worst cold spell in years, had to rustle up some form of heater. Some found that a sun ray lamp, placed in a 10-quart tin can punched full of holes makes a right work able miniature stove. xiiai tuuuiv ntai;uv.i wuuiuvtio are critical for wild birds and game was indicated yesterday in a state ment from W. C. Henderson, acting chief of the Biological Survey, “Present conditions create a prob lem especially for upland game birds and migratory waterfowl,” Mr. Hen derson said. “The lack of natural protective cover and the scarcity of food may subject wild life, especially birds, to starvation' and freezing, or weaken them so that they fall prey to predatory animals and disease.” “In the present emergency almost any kind of feeding will help,” Mr. Henderson said. "Wheat, corn, oats and other grains are perhaps the most desirable foods. Most mills will gladly donate screenings, which also is a very satisfactory food. Loose grains shoud not be scattered on soft enow, as that is both wasteful and ineffetive. Instead, it should be placed on patches that are clear of snow and near trees, shrubbery, fallen logs and other natural wind breaks.” Wisconsin Law Voided MILWAUKEE, Jan. 27 (A>).-^Cir euit Judge Gustave Gehrz today declared unconstitutional a law, en acted by the 1939 session of the legislature, restricting the issuance and redemption of trading stamps. Judge Gehrz declared that the law was an effort at price fixing con trary to provisions of the State Fair Trade Act and the Anti-Trust Monopoly Act. Wmthe rnnoo^^/^1 l|BOBHOPEf||,9]||||— CONTEST Jfl fffpSODENT33^ ^ 1 I 40< tooth PASTE ... * PEPSODENT |Q< I 1 PEPSODENT as< TOOTH rowoi* • I 1 so. TOOTH POWDER . • * btpSODENT I I PEPSODENT 39 ^ ^ I I I. — ■— —"■.II I FOR A LIMITED TIME OMLY I (ia/dhvta. %xraIUI •«• as. mt. o« IP A L E T T E CjA S I FACE POWDER. ROUGE 1 LIPSTICK .uuLNAIL POLISH 1 a£&o*t£y ■ • Here's o rare opportunity! Get a complete make-up kit, in cluding a full size box of Barbara Gould Face Powder with Lip stick, Rouge and Nail polish, in harmonizing shades—all for i only $1.00. The Barbara Gould Palette is available only ot our 11 th and G streets N.W. store during the visit of the special I Barbara Gould representative, from Monday, January 29th, ! to Saturday, February 3rd; Miss Helen Lautz will appear at PEOPLES DRUG STORE at 11th and G Streets, N.W. only | > Consult Her About Your Complexion Problems | \ t ' i. l —i——— H ' ] THIS COUPON WQRTH~e"oN ^ TOOTH BRUSHES I SS- ,|1«! 2 for 22c I 3 for 33c | ^ PEOPLES DRUG 8TORES (8) - r th 7s “coupon worth iVoV^ 1 79c Pound Tin I I HALF and HALF i ■ Smoking Tobacco | 1 yith i | Coupon-\J J | ^ Peoples Orii Uteres <§) j I THIS COUPON WORTH 29c ON , I Regular 98c i i SMOKING STANDS l, • yith /cqc i I Coupon-^ ^ | a Handsome. 25 Inches taU. | ^ PEOPLES DRUG STORES (S) .[ THIS COUPON WORTH 4c ON ! I 10c M.P.C, PAPER NAPKINS | i Package of 100 j Wiih | | Coupon_n | 2 for 12c 3 for 18c I | Practical. Buy several | packages. i PEOPLES DRUG STORES (S> | a- — —-—- l THIS COUPON WORTH 45c ON | $1.39 SKYLINE ALARM CLOCKS ^Coupon ... 94' | Streamlined Beautyl Choice ol colors. 1 PEOPLES DRUG 8TORES > i__ J J-1 * THIS COUPON WORTH 2c ON | ! 5c CAPITOL CLOTHES PINS I Box of 24 s I I 3e Coupon _ j 2 for 6c 3 for 9c j Plat sides prevent roll- I ing. I PEOPLES DRUG STORES (S) J • ““ ™““ ““ *“• J --J____ UPON WORTH 15c ON 1 98c BILTMORE j POCKET WATCHES | ! K5- --83*I Chrome case, unbreakable ' , crystal, second hand. ! I PEOPLES DRUG STORES (S> | j THIS COUPON WORTH 7e ON ] I 5c DUNDEE I ! WASH CLOTHS ISS. 4ior13c 8 for 26c I | Larce. thick-napped and I ■ soft ; I PEOPLES DRUG STORES i t_J '-— —-—--1 I THIS COUPON WORTH 14c ON | \ 25c Package of 25 PRESTIGE ■ RAZOR BLADES | With lie I I Coupon-II ! ' 2 for 22c 3 for 33c Keen blue chrome steel. I ! Double-edced. £ PEOPLES DRUG STORES <S> j ,- -——I I Real Saving* With Thi* Coupon I A 24-os. Package and a 9-os. Package i . - — PERK GRANULATED SOAP Combination, | ■! * | With Coupon-| | j 2 for 34c 3 for 51c I PEOPLES DKUG STOKES (S) j | THIS COUPON WORTH 17c ON j > 35c PEOPLES Flavoring { EXTRACT VANILLA 3 ounces j \With- 1 Qc 2 for \ Coupon-IQ 36c j Pure, potent, hisn ausllty. f I PEOPLES DKUG STOKES j ■ : j THIS COUPON WORTH 10c ON j I 21c GRAHAM COUGH SYRUP ! With lie 2 for ! Coupon-I I 22c ! Soothing to coughs due to colds. I | _ 3 ounces. j j PEOPLES DRUG STORES <S> j J THIS COUPON WORTH 12c ON j I 25c 3-ounce PEOPLES I CAMPHORATED OIL ! With 1 3c 2 foe Coupon- |3 26c j j Counter-Irritant and liniment. ^PEOPLES DRUG STORES _j s THIS COUPON WORTH 12c ON | ! I 29c LUCRETIA I VANDERBILT I | ! PERFUME I J™* 17c 2fogl 1 Coupon -|f 34« I i A glorious fragrance, a lovely I . bottle. | PEOPLES DRUG STORES (81 I ---J » THIS COUPON WORTH 22c ON j I 39c PROPHYLACTIC ! TOOTH POWDER 1 7 C 2 lor | Coupon — | / 34e j | For sparkling teeth. j ^PEOPLES DRUG 8TORES --—-— — — : THIS COUPON WORTH 12c ON \ 23c ATLAS SHOE SHINE \ KITS l with ||c | Coupon — .11 | 2 for 22c > Shoe Polish Dauber I I and Shine Cloth. i | PEOPLES DRUG STORES <S> ■ * mmm mmo mb — mum ^^-J | THIS COUPON WORTH 14c ON j | 45c Pound PEOPLES I PASTE FLOOR WAX I with 31c I Coupon_J I 2 for 62c I For floors, furniture, autos. j. PEOPLES DRUG STORES (S) I-1 ? THIS COUPON WORTH 14c ON | I 45c Pint PEOPLES I I Self-Shining ; FLOOR WAX With 3 1 c 2 for Coupon __5 I 62c | 1WOPLESnDRLGbST6MS <*> I -----1 : THIS COUPON WORTH 19e ON J | 45c GRAHAM LAXATIVE i COLD CAPSULES r With I Coupon ! 2 for 52c ; : Nip that cold In the bud. J | Box of 25. ^PEOPLES DRUG STORES <S> j — — — —— — — — — — THIS COUPON WORTH 26cjON I I 69c Pint PEOPLES j I VITAMIN TESTED COD LIVER OIL \ ! wah AOc Coupon-TT J 86c I Rich In vitamins A and D ^PEOPLES DRUG STORES (S) I THIS COUPON WORTH 12c ON "j 49c GRAHAM ANALGESIC BALM j With 3-7c 2 for Coupon J f 74c s Per rubbing away various minor | aches and pains. j PEOPLES DRUG STORES (■) ; THIS COUPON WORTH 10c ON j 17c WILLIAMS | 1 After-Shoving s I TALCUM j ! With | Coupon__ M j ] 2 for Me 3 for 2le I PEOPLES DRL'G STORES (8) r -1 | THIS COUPON WORTH lc ON S 14c Tube or Jor i PREP For Shoving With lOc 'Coupon... | 3 2 for 26c, 3 for 39c • I PEOPLES DRL’G STORES | | THIS COUPON WORTH 12c ON I 49c LUCRETIA VANDERBILT BATH POWDER j | With J 2 for I | Coupon a f 74e | l Fra»rant. With puff. | PEOPLES DRUG STORES <S> ! —-———--——I r— — — — —— — — — —— —— — — —T | THIS COUPON WORTH 4c ! • 25c SHOE BAGS With <)|c I Coupon _ I ! ! Spaces for six pairs I shoes. I PEOPLES DRUG STORES (8) jj |-1 i THIS COUPONJWORTH 31c ON | 98c CAPITOL HOT ' WATER BOTTLE : <7e I Coupon_^ I | Two-auart Quality seam- | i less rubber. PEOPLES DfcUG STORES (S> I -- -J i-—— — — — —I | This Coupon Worth 31e on 1 I 98c CAPITOL I FOUNTAIN SYRINGES SL.---67' I Two-ouart. Complete with I tfcoPLER1 DRUG STORES <S> THIS COUPON WORTH 15c ON j I 98c BOKER HAIR I TRIMMING SETS !With o a c [ Coupon_Q J j 000 clippers, e o m b i n d s I shears. > | PEOPLES DRUG STORES (8) I t_ ______ __________ _J i THIS COUPON WORTH 16c ON i j 39c ANNANDALE LINEN ! STATIONERY with a a c Coupon_J 2 for 46c ! ' 24 double sheets paper and • i 24 envelopes. j LPEOPLES DRUG STORES <•» J ---- -— < • ,---1 THIS COUPON WORTH 5c ON | 19c ELECTRIC J CORD SETS j With | Ac 2 for l Coupon -. I “J Replace that old cord j 6 feet lone. PEOPLE8 DRUG STORES 5 ■ a r——--- i | THIS COUPON WORTH 11c ON | | 29c HYLITE WINDOW CLEANER. & SPRAYER ! \With 1 QC 2for I Coupon — | O 36c I Effective (or due. porcelain and I tue. PEOPLES DRUG STORES (S) I : .1. —. i .. — i ... — — n * I I THIS COUPON WORTH 11c ON | ! 25c 4-ounce PEOPLES j BROWN MIXTURE | With Ammonium Chlorido J™* lJ,C2for j Coupon | “f* 28c Helps relieve coughs due to colds. ' I PEOPLES DRUG STORES (S) I __< ' THIS COUPON WORTH 17c ON | I 35c FLASH CREME I FURNITURE POLISH I With 1 Q C 2 for ‘I Coupon —--IO 36c I For furniture, floor*, tuto*. 13 f‘ I ounce*. ! PEOPLES 0RUG STORES — — — — — — — .o—. — • — — —— — n THIS COUPON WORTH 12c ON I i 39c Pint GRAHAM { MILK OF MAGNESIA { With 2 for I I Coupon - ^ f 54c I Helps counteract acid—mildly | | laxative. i j PEOPLES DRUG STORES (S) I THIS COUPON WORTH 13e ON | ! 40c DJERKISS POWDER | With n7c2bt Coupon § 54c j Soft and clinging. Rachel | People* Drat Store* (8) | THIS COUPON WORTH 4c ON | ! 18c THOMPSON'S CASTILE j SOAP Hi. 14e! 2 for 28c I 3 for 42c I oples Drag Stores (S) I | THIS COUPON WORTH 4c ON j 1 19c PEOPLES I SHAVING CREAM IJfM 1Cc2 for 30c | Coupon | J 3 for 45c I Quick-lathering, close-shaving. ! | PEOPLES DREG STORES (S) i THIS COUPON WORTH 22c ON J 55c MELBA LOV' ME FACE POWDER With a a c 2 for Coupr.. 33 66c i ! Discontinued package. • j _ Brunette only. 1 ! pfopi.fs nmr. stores <ki I r» — — — — — — — — r « I THIS COUPON WORTH lie ON ; 37c PEOPLES SODIUM ] I • PERBORATE, Flavored | With 2 *•' L Coupon_52t j Soothes minor gum irritations. j ! PEOPLES DRUG STORES (S)J 1 THIS COUPON WORTH 36c ON j ! 89c QUART PEOPLES m WATER-WHITE t MINERAL OIL (part 1 I With COe2for sh • | Coupon_J J $1.06 W j Odorless and tasteless. j PEOPLES DRUG STORE8 (8) V^HgP | !" ' THIS COUPON WORTH 26c ON {j 69c Graham Milk of Magnesia Tablets | Bottle of 200 SL| wuh A Oc2*or * Coupon_j 86c j Relieves acid-indigestion. _ I | PEOPLES DRUG STORES <S> j '-- - - “—■“—rr." i ha — — aa aaa a— — — — — — mam mm mm amm mm amm W • I THIS COUPON WORTH 18c ON 1 39c PEERLESS IRONING 1 BOARD PADS With ^|c I Coupon | j J 2 for 42c ! Non-Inflammable. 54 j 3 inches long. ! j PEOPLES DRUG STORES (SI j r-1 i THIS COUPON WORTH 21c ON | | 98c HANDY-HOT FOLDING I j FLATIRONS HL.-77* ! ! A quick-heating elec- 3 I trie iron. Cord extra. PEOPLES DRUG STORES (S> I !_J — — — — — - —— — — ^ * THIS COUPON WORTH 51c ON j | $1.98 KWIKWAY ELECTRIC | j DOUBLE SANDWICH | TOASTERS I (Cord Extra) I With $1 47 1 RES <S> j mmm — — mm mm mm mm mma J California, Golden, Walnut-Topped STUFFED DATES MONDAY AND TUESDAY ONLY! ^ POUND i Large, luscious, whole 4 dates, pitted and stuffed ^ with more dates, thickly € sprinkled with grated co coanut, and topped with a walnut half. I_. ! THIS COUPON WORTH 24c ON j I 45c Lucretia Vanderbilt BRILLIANTINE \With ^|c 2 for Coupon ^ I 42e l Keros hair tidy without a greasy KM ! I look i | PEOPLES DRUG STORES j j THIS COUPON WORTH 15c ON j I 69c BARNARD THEATRICAL COLD CREAM | S Pound Tin ! St- 54* | ! Economical way to buy a j ■ _____ k°°d cold cream. I PEOPLES DRUG STORES <S> ■______ [ --—-1 •s-THIS COUPON WORTH 10c ON | 69c HERPICIDE HAIR TONIC ! ■ 14-Ounees j St.. 59e S&'SrIS-I | THIS COUPON WORTH 24c ON I I 98c SIX-WAY I ECONOMY I COOKERS I *7Je | Coupon I ^ j Of gleaming alum * J lnum. Four pieces. . I PEOPLES DRUG STORES (S> L_J S THIS COUPON WORTH 21c ON * | 98c KWIKWAY 1-BURNER | ELECTRIC STOVES I w% ™th 77c | Coupon I | I Long - life heating | element. Attached • cord. PEOPLES DRUG STORES (S) | _____ _ _______ j THIS COUPON WORTH 22c ON | i 59c MANICURE j SCISSORS '.Wiih 37e 2 for j Coupon ^ f 74c ■ A very special sale priee J for these. I PEOPLES DRUG STORES —— — — — | l rf 15 tuurun wun t n ipc un | j 35c PEOPLES CASCARA ! SAGRADA TABLETS I | Bottle of 100 $ j With l4Tc2for j Coupon- |V/ 32c j I Pleasant laxative tablets. j I PEOPLES DRUG 8TORES i L_J F THIS COUPON WORTH 7c ON { 15c PEOPLES QUALITY EPSOM SALT | Pound Tin i With QC 2 for J Coupon ... Q ]ge I ! Cathartic. U. S. P. qualltr. I | PEOPLES DRUG 8TORES (8) --— ! TjHIS COUPON WORTH 4c ON "j I 10c Peoples Tincture MB .Iodine, Vi Ounce ' With ^ e 2 for fif | J Coupon_Q 12e tB ■ With applicator. «£ * j PEOPLES DRUG STORES (S) I ^^^^N^OUPON^EQUIRE^O^HlI^PECIAL^^^Jj THIS COUPON WORTH 10c ON jj X 20c Tuba PEOPLES 2 ZINC OXIDE 8 OINTMENT \ ^ With lAcZfor; | Mat Coupon- |U 20c I ! Li Beneficial to minor skin irrtta- | | L— ,l0n'pEOPLESCDtUG STORES (S> | I- - ' --—-1 ! THIS COUPON WORTH 25c ON | | 59e Pint PEOPLES j . Imported ‘ BAY RUM j O Ac 2 to Coupon 58c I Soothlnc after-shave lotion. f I PEOPLES DRCG STORES (S) i _I L__ __I r—-—-—-1 I THIS COUPON WORTH 2c ON | ! 23c SPIRO DEODORANT ! ! POWDER ■ 1 a IC 2 for ! Coupon jL | 42c | Pure-jwhite safe powder. De- j _ strors odor. ! I PEOPLES MHO STOKES (S) >_______ | THIS COUPON WORTH 13c ON j I 50c MAR-O-OIL | . SHAMPOO | WHh a-7c 2 for j Coupon-3 / 74c I A shampoo and oil treatment i all in one. j PEOPLES DKUG STOKES eh Art Under Slut* Contract Lows. t ;-—-I | THIS COUPON WORTH He ON | *• 69c JERIS j HAIR TONIC SL 57°! Gets rid of loom dandruff. Keeps I hair well-troomed. j PEOPLES DSUG STOKES (S> j i THIS COUPON WORTH 3c ON j ! 21c Z. B. T. S BABY POWlfcR S-.18* ! ■ Sooth ini powder, sale price, j PEOPLES DKCG STOKES L — _ — _- 1 iland and Virginia Stores an a Few Items Wk ~ J ! THIS COUPON WORTH 4c ON I BlOt ICE STIK ! FOR CHAPPED LIPS 4Tc 2 for 12c I I Coupon Q 3for1|e | ! _ *ott- *•! ^PEOPLES DRUG STORES (g)^J I THIS COUPON WORTH aa7 50c ACE RICH LATHER j SHAVING CREAM l{f** 17c 2 ^ | Coupon — | / J4e I &_5S£F£ln IPI the J PEOPLES DRUG 8TORBS (g) | " — — —•■—•.I t i ————————————————-1 j THIS COUPON WORTH 7c ON I ! 10c VIAL PEOPLES j DENTAL FLOSS With ^ for 1 J C 4 lor Coupon £* | J 26c § Handy tor pocket or purse. ' j PEOPLES DREG STORES (S) —— — — — — — — —— — — —— — — ——I s THIS COUPON WORTH 5c ON I i 19c QUALITY WHISK BROOMS j With 1 J§c 2 for | Coupon |*T 28c I Good quality broom straw. J securely bound. I PEOPLES DREG STORES (S) I_—--; \ 4 |F THIS COUPON WORTH 9c ON j ■ 25c Peoples Aromatic | A Spirit of Ammonia I rBl 3-Ounce* I i ■•I With I >c 2 for I l-l Coupon- | Q 32c j I I mh I Necessity of every medicine j j S J cabinet. J I PEOPLES DRUG STORES (S) | I_I [ THIS COUPON WORTH 2c ON ; ! 5c KITCHEN j UTILITY BRUSHES I wuh 3c | Coupon_J j 2 for 6c 3 for 9c | Special sale prieed! ^PEOPLES DRUG STORES <B> | Prictt May Vary Slightly in Mar\ I* i