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Bcattja ALBERTSON, SARAH DENMON. On Sunday. January 28, 1940. at the home of her sister, Mrs. Henry A. Dawson, Rockville. Md., SARAH DENMON ALBERT SON Services and interment on Wednes day. January 31. in Moline, 111. ARTES. PAULINE. On Monday, January £0. 1040, PAULINE ARTES. sister of Louisa C. Ourand. Barbara Wurdemann and Emma H. fichlppel. Funeral from her late residence. 74 T st. n.w., on Wednesday. January 31. at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Inter ment Prospect Hill Cemetery. 30 BAESSELL. HENRY G. On Monday, Jnnuary 20. 1040. HENRY G. BAESSELL. husband of thp late Mina Baessell. father of Norman F. and Karl Baessell. Remains resting at Chambers’ funeral home, 1400 Chapin st. n.w. Notice of funeral later. BAILEY. CLEVELAND On Fridav. Jan uary 20. 1040, CLEVELAND BAILEY, son of Joseph and Geneva Bailey. He also is survived by two brothers, an aunt and an uncle Funeral services Tuesday. January 30. at 1 p.m., at the Robinson Co. funeral home. 1342 4th si. n.w. Interment Payne's Cemetery. • BANKS. MILDRED A. The Ladies’ United Reaper Society announces the death of Mrs. MILDRED A. BANKS of 19 Chipman st.. Dorchester Mass.. January 14, 1940. Funeral January 17. CRIMMORA THOMAS. President. MARY A. DICKERSON, Rec. Sec. • BECKWITH, REV. JOHN H. On Fri day. January 26. 1040. at Garfield Hos pital. Rev. JOHN H. BECKWITH, beloved husband of Mary E. Beckwith, father of the late Mabel and Seymour Beckwith. Remains resting at Frazier’s funeral home, 380 R. I. ave. n.w. Funeral Tuesday. January 30. at 2 p.m , from the First Church of Christ. 6th and Trumbul sts. n.w . Elder W. M. Acty of Dciatine. Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. BIER, ROBERT L. On Sunday. January 2£. 1040. at his residence. 640 Massachu setts ave. n e.. ROBERT L. BIER, beloved husband of Isabelle Bier and father of Mrs. Penrhyn S. Watts. Mrs. Andrew M. Pen nington. Elmira Bier and Dr. Robert A. Bier. Services will be held at his late resi dence on Tuesday, January 30. at 2 P.m. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. (Balti more. Md., and Columbus. Ohio, papers Dleasp coDv.l BOONE. EVA V. Departed this life Sunday, January 28, 1940. at 7:45 p.m., at her residence. 929 Westminster st. n.w., EVA V. BOONE, daughter of the late Mary L. Boone. Shp leaves to mourn their loss a devoted father. George W. Boone: six sisters, three brothers and a host of other relatives and friends. Remains may be viewed after 0 p.m Tuesday, January 30, at her late residence. Funeral Thursday. February 1. at 1 p.m.. from Asbury Methodist Church. 11th and K sts. n.w. Relatives and friends invited. Services by Stewart. 31 BOUCHER, JULIAN TABOR. On Sun day. January 28. 1940. at his home. Mc Lean. Va . JULIAN TABOR BOUCHER. He is survived by a brother Townsend A Boucher, and four sisters. Mrs. B E. Hummer. Mrs. Frank Cockrill. Mrs. Wil bur F. Donaldson and Mrs. Clifton P. Ash. Remains resting at Birch’s funeral home. 30.34 M st. n.w.. where services will be held on Tuesday. January 30. at 2 p.m. Interment Lewinsville. Va. BRISCOE, ELIZABETH. On Sunday. January 28. 1940. at Gallinger Hospital. ELIZABETH BRISCOE. Remains resting at Frazier’s funeral home, 389 Rhode Island ave. n.w. Notice of funeral later. BROOKS, SIMON. On Saturday. Jan uary 27. 1940. SIMON BROOKS of 214 7th st. n.e.. departed this life. He leaves to mourn their loss a devoted wife. Susie E Brooks: one sister. Henrietta Thomas, and a host of other relatives and friends. Remains may be viewed after .3 p.m. Sun day. January 28. at the George B. Clark funeral Darlor. 1410 Florida ave. n.e. Funeral Tuesday. January 30. at 1 p.m.. from Mount Zion Baptist Church. 13th and C sts. n.e. 29* BROWN, ROSA. On Sunday. January 28. 1940. at Gallinger Hospital. ROSA BROWN, wife of Charles Brown. Remains resting at Frazier’s funeral home, 389 Rhode Island ave. n.w. Notice of funeral later. BROWN, WILLIAM CHESTER. On Sat urday. January 27. 1940. WILLIAM CHES TER BROWN, husband of Helen Brown. He also leaves two sisters. Rosa Counts and Sessle Johnson. Other relatives and friends also survive. Remains may be viewed at the W. Ernest Jarvis funeral church. 1432 You st. n.w.. after 1 p.m. Tuesday. January 30. Funeral Wednesday. January 31. at 1 p.m . from the above funeral church. Rev. E C. Smith officiating Interment Arling ton National Cemetery. Relatives and friends invited. 30 BUTLER. SARAH. On Saturday. Jan uary 27. 1940, at 8:15 p.m., at her moth er's residence. 740 19th st. n.e.. SARAH BUTLER, beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs Riv^ard Butler, sister of Mrs. Mary Ramos. -Vhn. James. William. Frederick and Thom Butler. A host of other rela tives . nr? friends also survive her. Re mains mav be viewed at the W. Ernest Jarvis funeral church. 1432 You st. n.w., after 10 am Tuesday. January 30. Funeral Wednesday. January 31, at 8:30 a m . from the above funeral church; thence to Holy Redeemer Church, where mass will be offered at 9 a m. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. Relatives and friends invited. 30 CALHOUN. JAMES WESLEY. On Sun day. January 28. 1940. at his residence. 63 Myrtle st. n.e.. JAMES WESLEY CAL HOUN. beloved husband of Lurlena Cal houn. father of George Calhoun, brother of Mary Brame. A host of other relatives and friends also survive him. Remains resting at his late residence after 4 P.m. Wednesday. January 31. Funeral Thursday February 1. at 2 p.m.. from Tenth Street Baptist Church. 10th and R sts. n.w . Rev. J. L. Henry of ficiating. Interment Atlanta. Ga. Ar rangements by W. Ernest Jarvis. 31 CAMPBELL, GEORGE FRANCIS. On Bunday. January 28. 1940. at his resi dence. 1000 North Edeewood st., Arlington Va.. GEORGE FRANCIS CAMPBELL, be loved husband of Stella G Campbell (nee Gatewood'. He also is survived by one brother. Ora R. Campbell. Remains resting at the Ives funeral home. 2847 Wilson blvd . Arlington. Va., where funeral service will be held Tuesday. January 30. at 2 p.m. Interment Arling ton National Cemetery. CAMPBELL, GEORGE F. Officers and members of the Bureau of En graving and Printing Post. No. 123, American Legion, are here by notified of the death of 1 Comrade GEORGE F. CAMP BELL and are requested to as semble at 1 p.m.. on Tuesday. January 30. 1940. at Ives' funeral home. 2847 Wilson blvd . Clarendon. Va. Fu neral Tuesday, January 30. at 2 p.m., from the Ives funeral home. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. By order of ERNEST F. DWTER. Commander. CHARLES, LEONTINE EUGENIE. Sud denly. on Sunday. January 28. 1940, at her residence, in Glen Echo, Md.. LEON TINE EUGENIE CHARLES, beloved wife of Louis Charles and mother of Madeleine Charles and Mrs. Andree Bolton, and Bister of Mrs. James A. Purcell. Funeral services at the Wm. H. Sardo ^ Co. funeral chapel. 412 H st. n.e.. on Wednesday. January 31. at 9 a m.; thence to the Church of the Little Flower, where mass will be said at 10 a.m. Relatives end friends invited. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 30 CHISOLM. BYRON T. On Sunday. Jan uary 28. 1940. at Brooklyn. N. Y.. BYRON T. CHISOLM, beloved husband of Harriett Chisolm and brother of Milton and Sum ner Chisolm. Notice of funeral later. Arrangements by McGuire. • CLARK, ALFRED E. On Monday. Jan uary 29. 1940. at his residence. 1048 Irving st. n.w.. ALFRED E. CLARK, hus band of the late Clara Mae Clark, father of Mrs. Evelyn M. Vogts and Earl K. Clark. Services at Chambers’ funeral home. 1400 Chapin st. n.w., Thursday, February 3. at 3 p.m. Interment Cedar Hill Cem etery. 31 CLARK, CHARLES HENRY. Departed this life on Sunday. January 28. 1940. at Children's Hospital. CHARLES HENRY CLARK He leaves to mourn his mother. Annie Clark: his father. Edward Clark; a brother. Edward Clark, jr.; four aunts, five uncles and a host of other relatives and friends. Remains restine at DeLilly & Bailey's funeral home. 923 3rd st. n.w. Funeral Tuesday. January 30, at 11 B.m.. from the above-named funeral home. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. CORRIDON, JOSEPH W. On Sunday. January 28. 1940, at his residence. Lan ham. Md.. JOSEPH W. CORRIDON, be loved husband of Elizabeth (Lillie) C. Cor ridon (nee Cunningham). Notice of funeral later. CRAWFORD. THOMAS H. On Saturday. January 27. 1940. at Providence Hospital. THOMAS H. CRAWFORD, aged 28 years, beloved son of Grace L. Crawford of River dale. Md. Remains resting at the Gasch funeral home. 4« Maryland ave.. Hyatts Ville, Md. Services ar the above funeral home on Tuesday. January 30. at 2 pm. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Evergreen Cemetery. Bladensburg. Md. 29 DAVENPORT. KATIE LEE. On Wednes day. January 24. 1940. at her residence. Miami. Fla., KATIE LEE (KITTY) DAVENPORT, beloved wife of Guilford Davenport and daughter of the late J. T. End S. A. Young. Remains resting at the Oeoree W. Wise funeral home. 2900 M at. n.w.. after 12 noon Monday. Funeral services at the above funeral home on Tuesday. January 30. at 11 a.m. Interment Andrews Chapel. Va. 29 DEBOLD, MARIE B. On Friday. Jan nary 20. 1940. MARIE B. DeBOLD. beloved wife of John T. DeBold. mother of Ken neth J. DeBold; sister of Jack P. and Ed mund J. Stein and Mrs. William McShaf frey. Services at Chambers’ funeral home. 517 11th st. s e.. on Tuesaay. January 30. at 8:30 a.m Mass in the Church of the Assumption at 9 a.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. (Pittsburgh. Pa., papers please copy.) 29 FUNERAL DIRECTORS._ " j. William Lee’s Sons Co. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Crematorium 4th and Mass. Avc. N.E._Lincoln 5200 V. L. SPEARE CO. Neither successor to nor connected with the original W. R. Speare establishment. 1009 H St. N.W. „Aii FUNERAL DESIGNS. GEO. C. SHAFFER, Inc. EXPRESSIVE FLORAL TRIBUTES AT MODERATE PRICES. PHONE NAT. 0106 Open Evenings rn 1 ifk & Eve and Sundays ° GUDE BROS. CO. Floral Pieces 1212 F St N.W. National 4276 1 Dratli* deFORD, MOSES. Suddenly, on Sun lay. January 28. 1940. at his residence, ■>629 16th st.. Philadelphia. Pa., MOSES IeFORD. i Services at the Oliver H. Bair Bldg., ■ 1820 Chestnut st.. Philadelphia, Pa., on . ruesday. January 30. at 2 p.m. Relatives : tnd friends invited. i DORSEY, ALICE LONG. Departed this ife Sunday. January 28. 1940. 12:16 p.m., , it the residence of her son. Taylor Long, 1715 Corcoran st. n.w.. after a long ill- ■ less, ALICE LONG DORSEY. She leaves ' ;wo sons. James and Taylor Long, and a piece, Sophie Bell; other relatives and ! Tiends. < Funeral Thursday. February 1. at 1 p.m., from Shiloh Baptist Church. 9th and P 'ts. n.w. Remains resting at the Malvan fc Schry funeral home. N. J. ave. and R 1 >t. n.w. 30 DUKE. BASIL. On Sunday. January 1 18. 1040. at Mount Alto Hospital. Capt. ' 3ASIL DUKE of 114 Battery lane. Be hesda, beloved husband of the late Anna Duke. Funeral services at the funeral home of Wm. Reuben Pumphrey, 7005 Wisconsin ive., Bethesda. Md.. on Tuesday. January 10. at 11 a m Interment Arlington Na lonal Cemetery. (Louisville, Ky., papers Please copy.) FINIGAN, SALLIE. On Saturday, Jan jary 27, 1940. at her residence. 1402 Meridian pi. n.w., SALLIE FINIGAN. be oved wife of the late Peter P. Finigan. Funeral from the Collins funeral home, 1821 14th st. n.w., on Tuesday. January 10. at 10:30 am. Relatives and friends nvited. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. FISHER. ISABELLE M. On Saturday, fanuary 27. 1940. at the residence of her laughter. Mrs. David L. Isles. 5521 Colo *ado ave. n.w.. ISABELLE M. FISHER, be ovcd wife of the late William Noble Fisher. 3er remains are resting at the residence )f her daughter. Mrs. Harry E. Slye. 423 Dglethorpe st n.w Funeral from the Transfiguration Epis copal Church. 14th and Gallatin sts. n.w.. m Tuesday. January 30. at 2:30 p.m. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 29 GAINES, WILLIAM E. Entered into eter lal life on Saturday, January 27. 1940. at ns residence. 133 Tennessee ave n.e., WILLIAM E. GAINES, beloved husband of Bailie Simpson Gaines and brother-in-law )f Virginia L. Simpson. Remains resting at the Lee funeral home. 1th st and Mass. ave. n.e.. where services will be held on Tuesday. January 30. at 2 p.m.. Rev. L. Topping and H. H. LcfTerts Dfflciating. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Congressional Cemetery. (War renton and Leesburg, Va., papers please :opy.) GREATHOUSE, MARY CURTIS. On Sunday January 28, 1940. at 11 p.m.. at her residence, 1502 Colonial Terrace, Arlington. Va.. MARY CURTIS GREAT HOUSE aged 82. beloved wife of Charles H. Greathouse, mother of Ruth G Leighton of Niagara Palls. Dr. Luclen H Great house of Lake Alfred. Fla . and Raymond R Greathouse. Arlington. Va. Notice of funeral later. GREEN, CHARLES II. Departed this life January 29. 1940. at 4:15 a.m.. at his residence, .3323 Sherman ave. n.w, CHARLES H. GREEN, son of the late Dan iel and Elizabeth Green, brother of the late Helen Wilspn. He leaves to mourn their loss a devoted wife. Addie Chase Green: a faithful brother-in-law. Bryson C. Chase, and foster daughter, Mayme Jefferson: three nieces. Eunice Wilson. Mayme Jessup and Louise Patties, all of New York, and other relatives and friends. Notice of funeral later. • HALL. ELLA S. Departed this life Sat urday. January 27. 1940, at Freedmen’s Hospital. ELLA S HALL, beloved wife of James H Hall, mother of Shermont R. ' Sewell. She also leaves one granddaughter. | Shirley Sewell, and one niece. Mrs Eliza Holton. Remains resting at the Stewart funeral home. 30 H st. n.e. Notice of funeral later. 30 HALL. SARAH T. On Sunday. January 28. 1940. at her residence. 3109 44th st. n.w., SARAH T. HALL <nee Thomson), *ife of Samuel Prescott Hall and mother :>f Mrs. Donald Saunders and Samuel G. Hall. Services at the S. H. Hines Co. funeral home. 2901 14th st. n.w.. on Wednesday. January 31. at 1:30 P m. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. 30 HICKS. WARREN RAY. On Sunday. January 28 1940. WARREN RAY HICKS, beloved son of William E. and Mildred Hicks. Funeral from the W. W Deal funeral home. 818 H st. n.e.. on Tuesday, Jan uary 30. at 11 a.m. Services and Inter ment Congressional Cemetery. Relatives and friends invited. HOSMER. BARBARA CORNWELL. On Friday. January 28. 1940. at Norwood. Mass.. BARBARA CORNWELL HOSMER. he beloved wife of John W. Hosmer and beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs H. King Jornwell. sister of Donald Page Cornwell. Services at Mount Auburn Chapel. Cam jridge. Mass on Monday. January 29. at 2 p.m. Please omit flowers. 29 HUDDLE. REV. JOHN T., D. D. On Saturday. January 27. 1940. at 12:30 a.m.. it Sr. Petersburg. Fla.. Rev. JOHN T. HUDDLE. D D . former pastor of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church. He is survived by ns wife. Virginia O'Neal Huddle. Funeral services will be held in St. Paul’s Lutheran Church on Tuesday. Januarv 30. at 2 p.m. Body will lip in state in church from noon until 1:45 p.m. Interment jettysburg. Pa. 29 JONES, ANNIE. On Sunday. January 28. 1940, ANNIE JONES, beloved wife of Kowson Jones. Services at the Chambers funeral home. 517 11th st. s.e. Notice of funeral later. JONES. JOSEPH. D Departed this life 3unday. January 28, 1940 at his residence, 1,330 10th st. n.w.. JOSEPH D JONES the beloved husband of the late Eva E. Jones. He is survived by a stepmother. Mrs. Sarah Jones; five daughters, three sons, twelve grandchildren five brothers and three sisters. Remains resting with L. E. Murray te Son. 12th and V sts. n.w. Funeral notice later. • MALONEY, MARY CATHERINE. On Sunday. January 28. 1940. at Sibley Me norial Hospital. MARY CATHERINE MA LONEY. beloved wife of the late William Maloney M. D . of No. 4 North Wells ave., Fiyattsville. Md. She is survived by a laughter. Mrs. Edwin Wrenn of Kansas, ind a son. Mr. W. W Maloney 3rd. of 'Jew York. Remains resting at Gasch’s Funeral home. 40 Md. ave.. Hyattsville, Md. Services at the above funeral home on Wednesday. January 31. at 8:30 am.; hence to St Jerome's Catholic Church. Fiyattsville. Md . where mass will be said it 9 a m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Glenwood Cemetery. 30 MANGUM. MABEL. On Friday. January 20. 1940. at Glenn Dale Sanitarium. MABEL MANGUM. beloved daughter of Otis and Sophie Mangum of 1108 Columbia road n.w.; granddaughter of Sarah Gwynn Df Raleigh. N C. Two aunts, three uncles, 3ther relatives and friends also survive her. Remains may be viewed at the W. Erne»t Jarvis funeral church. 1432 Yow st. n.w., after 2 D m Sunday. January 28. Funeral Tuesday. January 30. at 8:30 a.m.: thence to St. Augustine’s Church, where mass will be offered at 9 a.m. Rel atives and friends invited. 29 MATTINGLY. WILLIAM CLEMENT. 3uddenly. on Sunday. January 28. 1940, at his residence. Leonardtown. Md.. WIL LIAM C,. beloved husband of Bessie Abell Mattingly. Funeral from his late residence on Tues day. January 30. at 9:30 a.m. Reauiem nass at St. Aloysius Church at 10 a.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment ;hurch cemetery. MILLER. FRANK J. On Saturday Jan uary 27. 1940. FRANK J. MILLER, be loved husband of the late Marv Ann <neo Conway* Miller and father of John P., Norman E., Harry H. Miller and Mary J. Diers. Funeral from the W. W Deal funeral home. 4812 Georgia ave. n.w., on Tues day. January 30. at 2 P.m. Relatives and friends are invited. Interment Glen wood Cemetery. • 29 MOTHER BERNADINE (SARAH WHITE). On Monday. January 29. 1940. at the Ursuline Convent. MOTHER BERNADINE. Requiem mass at the Ursuline Convent. 519 4t.h st. n.w.. on Wednesday. January 31. at 10 a.m. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 30 MORGAN, EDITH JOHNSON. On Fri day. January 26. 1940. at her residence. 1715 Riggs Diace n.w.. EDITH JOHNSON MORGAN, wile of the late Thomas P. Morgan Funeral private. 29 MOUNCE, TALULA T. On Sunday. January 28. J940. at the residence of her daughter, lift Primrose st.. Chevy Chase. Md.. TALULA T MOUNCE. beloved mother of Mrs. Florence Challice. Funeral services and interment at Au gusta. Ga.. Tuesday, January .10. NASH, EDWARD T. On Sunday. Jan uary 28. 1940. at his residence. 1526 W st. s e„ EDWARD T NASH, beloved hus band of Martha O. Nash. Funeral from his late residence on Tuesday. Janusrv .10. at 9 a.m. Requiem mass at St. Theresa's, Catholic Church, 1.1th and V sts. s.e., at 9:30 a m. Rela tives and friends Invited. Interment Congressional Cemetery. NELSON. REV. THOMAS K. Suddenly, on Sunday. January 28. 1940. at the Alex andria Hospital, Rev. THOMAS K. NEL SON. brother of Rev. Robert B. Nelson of Winchester. Va.; Mrs. John I. Yellott of Seminary Hills. Alexandria. Va.: Mrs. Edward T. Helfenstein of Baltimore. Md. Funeral services Tuesday. January 30. at 2:30 om., at the Theological Sem inary Chapel Alexandria, Va. Interment Theological Seminary. NESS. MYRTLE J. On Monday. January 29 1940. MYRTLE J. NESS, beloved wife of John Lerov Ness. Funeral from the W. W. Deal funeral home, 816 H st. n.e., on Monday. January 29. at 8 p.m. Relatives and friends are invited. Interment York. Pa., on Wednes day. January 31. ORME, MARY A. On Saturday. Jan uary 27. 1940. at her residence. 929 T st. n.w.. MARY A. ORME. wife of the late George M. Orme and beloved mother of Mrs. Jessie F. Bell. Mrs. Cora E. Mahoney, Mrs. Margaret E. Scott and Robert G. Orme. Remains resting at the McGuire funeral home. 1820 9th st. n.w.. after 10 a.m. Tuesday. .. Funeral services at Asbury M. E. Church. 11th and K sts. n.w.. on Wednesday. Jan uary 31. at 1 P.m. Interment at Harmony Cemetery. 30* ORME. MARY A. Naomi Household of Ruth. No. 1038. G. U. O. of O. F„ an nounces the death of MARY A. ORME. Sat urday. January 20. 1940. at her residence. 929 T st. n.w. Funeral Wednesday. Jan uary 31, at 1 p.m., from the Asbury M. E. Church. 11th and K sts. n.w. Inmates please attend MARIA YANCEY. M. N. O. HATTIE DRIVER, W. R. ORME, MARY A. Officers and mem bers of Columbia Temple. No. 422, I. B. P O. E of W.. are notified of the death of Daughter MARY A. ORME. Session of sorrow Tuesday, January 30, 1940. at 8 p.m. Funeral Wednesday. January 31, at 1 p.m,. from Asbury M. E. Church. 11th and K sts. n.w. LOTTIE VAN BUREN, D. R. GEORGIAN A HENRY, Secretary. i Sratlja I OWENS, IRENE GLASCOCK. Suddenly. ' m Saturday, January 27, 1940. at her ■esidence, 1153 8th st. n.w., IRENE GLAS- j X)CK OWENS, beloved wife of James H. ' Jwens and devoted mother of Ruth J. and fames A. Owens, and niece of Mrs. Mary 1 Montgomery. Remains resting at her late esidence after noon Tuesday. Funeral services at People’s Congrega ional Church, M st. n.w. between 6th and fth sts.. on Wednesday. January 31. at L P.m. Interment Lincoln Memorial Cem tery. Arrangements by McGuire. 30* PAYNE, MARY LOUISE WATTERS. On Sunday. January 28, 1040. at her resi lence. 3605 14th st. n.w., MARY LOUISE VATTERS PAYNE, widow of Burd W. 5ayne and mother of Miss Mildred W. 5ayne and Allen W. Payne of Washington, ). C.. and Louis W. Payne of Raleigh. N. C. Services at the S. H. Hines Co. funeral tome. 2901 14th st. n.w.. on Wednesday, January 31. at 3 p.m. Interment private. 30 PHILLIPS, MARY SHIERY. On Sunday. ’ January 28. 1940. at Washington Sani- r arium. Mrs. MARY SHIERY PHILLIPS, jeloved wife of the late Thomas N. Phil ips. U. S. N. Services at the S. H. Hines Co. funeral i lome. 2901 14th st. n.w., on Thursday, February 1. at 1 p.m. Relatives and * riends Invited. Interment Arlington Na tional Cemetery. 31 PYLES, JOSEPHINE B. H. On Sunday. : January 28, 1940. at her residence. 806 } st. s.e., JOSEPHINE B. H. PYLES (nee - Hamilton), beloved wife of Dr. J. Chester ; Pyles and mother of John C. Pyles. Funeral from her late residence on Wednesday. January 31. at 9 a.m. Rela tives and friends invited. 30 RAMISCH. HELEN JULIANA. Suddenly on Saturday, January 27, 1940, at her residence, 611 Keefer pi. n.w.. HELEN JULIANA RAMISCH. beloved daughter of Teresa E. and the late AdolDh G. Ramisch and sister of Julius G . Matthew J., Joseph L. J. Richard and Mary Evelyn Ramisch. Services at the above residence on Tues day. January 30, at 8:30 a m., thence to the shrine of the Sacred Heart Church, loth and Park rd. n.w.. where mass will be offered at 9 a.m. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 29 RICH. EDGAR A. On Monday. January .9, 1940. at his residence. 1741 Varnum 1 5t. n.w . EDGAR A. RICH, beloved husband )f Margaret C. Rich (nee Whelehan). Funeral from the above residence on Wednesday, January 31. at 8:30 am.; Lhence to Sacred Heart Church, where mass will be offered at 9 a.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 30 RILEY, EPPA LEE. On Saturday. Jan uary 27, 1940. at his residence. 709 North Jackson st.. Arlington. Va.. EPPA LEE RILEY, beloved husband of Mary Frances Riley (nee Rice). Remains resting at the Ives funeral home. 2847 Wilson blvd.. Arlington. Va., where funeral services will be held Tues day. January 30. at 10:30 am. Inter ment Fredericksburg. Va. Relatives and friends invited. nu t i. t. l. Washington Loage. no. 15. B. P. O. Elks, will convene In session of sor row at 7:30 p.m. Mon day, January 20. 1040. for the purpose of paying tribute to the memory of our late brother. E. L. RILEY, enrolled May 21. , 1910. died January 27, 1040. Elk services at Ives funeral home. 2847 Wilson blvd. Arlington. Va.. 8t 8 0. m. By order of • HAROLD T. PEASE. Exalted Ruler. Attest: W. S. SHELBY, Secretary. ROBINSON. VICTORIA. On Saturday January 27. 1040. at Gallinger Hospital. VICTORIA ROBINSON. Remains resting at Frazier’s funeral acme, .'ISO R. I. ave. n.w., where funeral services will be held on Tuesday. January to. at 2:30 p.m . Rev. Frank E. Hearns Jfficiating. Interment Harmony Cemetery. iMoorefield, W. Va., papers please copy.! 29 SAUNDERS, NICIE E. On Saturday. January 27. 1940. at her residence. 22 Randolph place n.w., NICIE E. SAUNDERS, widow Of Joseph W. Saunders. Remains resting at Hysong’s funeral dome. 1300 N st. n.w., where services will ie held on Tuesday. January 30. at 2 1. m. Friends invited to attend. Inter ment Rock Creek Cemetery. SAUNDERS, NICIE E. A special meet ing of the officers and mem bers of Cathedral Chapter No. 14. O. E. S., will be held at 2000 10th st. nw- on Tuesday. January 30, 1940. at 1 p m., for the purpose of [ conducting Eastern Star serv ces for our late sister. NICIE E. SAUN DERS. at Hysong’s funeral home. EVA B. McLAURIN. W. M. ELIZABETH R. CORNISH. Sec. SEITZ, IDA. On Sunday. January 28. l94o. at Sacred Heart Home. Hyattsville. Md.. IDA SEITZ. Remains jesting at Chambers’ Riverdale funeral home. Notice of funeral later. SNYDER, JACOB FRED. At Manatee. ?ia.. JACOB FRED SNYDER of 5816 3rd >t. n.w. Services at the S. H. Hines Co. funeral tome. 2901 14th st. n.w., on Tuesday. January 30, at 3 p.m. Relatives and iriends invited. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. SOLARI. KATHRYN. On Saturday. January 27. 1940. at Washington Sani arlum. KATHRYN SOLARI, beloved wife if the late Luigi Solari. Remains resting at 3034 M st. n.w, where services will be held today. Monday, January 29. at 6:30 p.m. SPENCER. FANNIE BUDDEN. On Fri day. January 26, 1940. FANNIE BUDDEN SPENCER of 68 Franklin st.. Hyattsville, Md.. mother of Frank H. Spencer. Re mains resting at Chambers' Riverdale fu neral home, until Monday, January 29. at 12 noon. Funeral services at the First Baptist Church. Hyattsville. Md.. at 2 P.m. In terment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. 29 STEEB, anna' S. On Saturday. Jan lary 27. 1940. at the home of her niece. Mrs. Henry Wold. 3736 Huntington st. n.w., ANNA S. STEEB. Services were held Sunday, January 28. it 2 p.m.. at the funeral home of Wm. Reuben Pumphrey. 7005 Wis ave.. Be :hesda. Md. Funeral services will be held it the Moreland funeral home. Pittsburgh. Pa.. Tuesday, January 30. at 2 P.m. STUNTZ, ADA B. On Monday. Jan lary 29. 1940. at her residence. 4317 15th it. n.w.. ADA B. STUNTZ. widow of the late Arba 1. Stuntz. mother of Mrs. George D. Sutton and George R. Stuntz. Services at the S. H. Hines Co. funeral dome. 2901 14th st. n.w.. on Wednesday. January 31. at 11 a m. Interment Cedar Hi Cemetery. 30 TAYLOR. MARTHA BALDWIN. On Sat jrday. January 27. 1940. at her residence, 71 o Longfellow st n.w.. MARTHA BALD WIN TAYLOR, wife of the late John M. raylor and mother of Mary E . Bessie J-. Alice M. and Walter M. Taylor cf Pitts burgh. Pa. Services at the S. H. Hines Co. funeral home. 2901 14th st. n.w.. on Tuesday, January 30, at 8 p.m. Interment Phila lelphia. Pa. 30 THORPE. MATILDA. On Monday. Jan uary 29. 1940. .at the residence of her daughter. Mrs. Virgie B. Brown. 3643 11th , st. n.w.. MATILDA THORPE, beloved mother of Mrs. N. T. Harrell. Mrs. B. S. Carrico. Mrs. Anna Manville and Edward. Morris. Shirley, Maury and Mathias Tnoroe y bf Washington. D. C.. and Mrs. J. W. Dunn bf Haymarket. Va.: Mrs. W. J. Francis of Cattlett. Va., and Huntley Thorpe of Bris :olsburg. Va. Remains resting at the W. i Warren Taltavull. 2nd. & Bros.’. 3619 14th >t. n.w., until 10 am. Wednesday, Jan jarv 31. Funeral services at Oakdale P/iPtist Church. Greenwich. Va. on Wednesday. January 31. at 1 p.m. Interment church cemetery. Relatives and friends invited. 30 TINSLEY, ROSA. On Monday. January 119. 194o. at Gallinger Hospital. ROSA TINSLEY. Remains resting at Frazier’s funeral home. 389 R. I. ave. n.w. Notice of funeral later. TULL. DOROTHY ELIZABETH. On Saturday, January 27, 1940. at Children’s Hospital. DOROTHY ELIZABETH TULL, the beloved daughter of Dorothy and Richard E. Tull of Grove ave., Washing ton Grove. Md., and granddaughter of Luigi E. Tull. Alexandria, Va. Funeral from W. W. Chambers’ funeral home. 1400 ChaDin st. n.w., on Tuesday. January 30. at 3 P.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. UNDERWOOD, PAUL. On Sunday. Jan uary 28. 1040. PAUL UNDERWOOD, be loved husband of Jennie Underwood and brother at John H. and Milton Underwood. Services at the Chambers funeral home. 517 Uth st. s.e.. on Wednesday. January 31. at 10 a.m. Relatives and friends in vited. 30 VEBER. CLARA ROSE. On Sunday. January 28. 1040. at her residence. 1016 Newton st. n.e.. CLARA ROSE VEBER. widow of John A. Veber and mother of Rose M. Veber. Funeral services at her late residence on Tuesday. January 30. at 1 p.m. Rela tives and friends invited. Interment Schuyler Lake. N. Y. WHITE, HOPIE. On Sunday, January 28. 1040, at her residence. 601 You st. n.w.. HOPIE WHITE, beloved mother of Mrs. Minerva Files. Mrs. Belinda White field and Mamie, William H.. George and Harrison White. Also surviving are six teen grandchildren and eight great-grand children. Remains resting at the Mc Guire funeral home. 1820 Oth st. n.w. Funeral from Metropolitan Baptist Church on Tuesday. January 30. at 3 p.m. Interment Jacksonville. N. C. • YOUNG. EMMERLINE. Suddenly on Sunday. January 28. 1940. at her residence. 2310 Ashmead pi. n.w., EMMERLINE YOUNG, the beloved wife of Charles Young, daughter of Samuel and Julia Butler. Pour sisters, three brothers and many other relatives and friends survive her. Funeral Wednesday. January 31. at 1 p.m. from the Henry S. Washington fu neral home. 4925 Deane ave. n.e. Inter ment Payne’s Cemetery. Relatives and friends are invited. 30 in fllfmortam CAMPBELL. PHOEBE. In sad but lov ing memory of our loved one. PHOEBE CAMPBELL, who departed this life on January 29. 1939. Short and sad was the call, When you were taken from us all. THE FAMILY. COLLIER. JULIA CHRISTIAN. In hal lowed memory of our loving and beloved mother. JULIAN CHRISTIAN COLLIER, who lolned our dear father. Lewis Col lier. one year ago today, January 29. 1939. HER CHILDREN, HARRIET. JULIA. ES TELLE. GRAYSON, GEORGE W. In loving tribute to our beloved husband, father and brother, GEORGE W. GRAYSON, who left us nine years ago today, January 29, 1931. Though the years be many or few. They are filled with love and remembrance of you. HIS LOVING WIFE. MRS. ANNA GRAY SON: CHILDREN AND SISTERS. HAWKINS, ALBERT J. In sacred mem ory of my beloved father. AIJ3ERT J. HAWKINS, who passed to the great be yond four years ago today, January 29, Your tired hands are now at rest, Your voice is forever stilled: . . As a devoted father, you were the best: DEVOTE DACUGHTE&?V£rENI COLVIN. ' 4 )r. Thomas K. Nelson, Seminary Professor, Dies in Alexandria Former Missionary In China Succumbs To Heart Attack The Rev. Dr. Thomas Kinloch kelson, 60, professor at the Virginia rheological Seminary, Seminary Bill, Va., for the last 20 years, died >f a heart attack yesterday at Alex indria General Hospital. Dr. Nelson was the son of the Rev. iCinloch Nelson of Clark County, Va., and the former Miss Grace I'enton McGuire of Essex County. Be was born at the seminary. He was educated at Episcopal Bigh School in Alexandria, Mc 3uire’s School in Richmond, and the University of Virginia. He was graduated from Virginia Episcopal rheological Seminary with a B.D. iegree in 1910 and was awarded his D.D. in 1920. Dr. Nelson served as a missionary ,n China from 1910 to 1913. He served as rector of St. Paul’s Church, Salem, Va., and afterward became /ice rector of the Virginia Episcopal School at Lynchburg. In 1920 Dr. Nelson returned to the seminary as professor of Old Testa ment and Hebrew. Since 1923 he las served as chaplain of Episcopal Bigh School, which is adjacent to ;he seminary. Surviving are two sisters, Mrs. John I. Yellott of the seminary* ind Mrs. E. T. Helfenstein of Balti more, wife of the Right Rev. Dr. E. r. Helfenstein, Bishop of Maryland, ind a brother, the Rev. R. B. Nelson if Winchester, Va. Funeral services will be held at 2:30 p.m. tomorrow at Seminary Chapel with the Right Rev. Dr. F. D. Goodwin, Bishop Coadjutor of the Diocese of Virginia: the Rev. Wallace E. Rollins, dean of the Vir ginia Seminary, and Dr. Alexander C. Zabriskie, professor of church nstory at the seminary, officiating. Burial will be in the Seminary Cemetery. Priests (Continued From First Page.) ind driving the Catholic religion underground; with beating, humili iting and imprisoning clergymen, md with forcing a mass migration af Poles from the Archdioceses of Poznan and Gniezno. The context indicated the priests eported shot had been killed, though he report did not say specifically. Young Deported to Reich. The Polish report charged that lersons expelled from their homes vere left in the open country to shift for themselves and that boys md girls of 14 and younger were de Dorted to Germany to be brought tp under Nazi doctrines. Polish Embassy officials said that she report was read by Pope Pius XII and August Cardinal Hlond, primate of Poland. In charging that the Germans sought to exterminate the Catholic Polish inhabitants, the report said: "It is a real extermination, con ceived with diabolic malice and carried out with unequalled cruelty.” It described the deportation of housands of Poles, including priests, m cattle cars from their homes to that part of Poland known as “gen eral government” Poland, with re ports that many died on the trips. This referred to the section of Po land under German control, but not joined to Germany under "perma lent” annexation. Religious Building, Confiscated. Churches and buildings of religious orders of priests and nuns were con Iscated by the Gestapo along with ether property, the report charged, ind the altars of churches and con sents allegedly were profaned. “Priests detained in the camp of Kazimierz Biskupi are forced to per :orm hard labor if they cannot pay 4 zlotys a day for their upkeep,” the report continued. "In the Gorna Grupa camp they are often mistreated. It is not rare to see priests in the midst of labor ;ompanies in the country repairing roads and bridges, pulling wagons Df coal, working in sugar mills and even demolishing synagogues.” Of the 251 parishes in the arch iiocese of Gniezno about half were ;aid to be without priests. Those churches still open allow services on Sunday from 9 a.m. to 11 am., but the service must be in German, it was charged, and priests must pray for Hitler. Details Are Given. Naming persons and places in de tail. the report charged: At Gniezno the archdiocesan headquarters were closed by the Gestapo and funds of 80,000 zlotys (nominally about $16,000) were seized. Soldiers occupied the seminary THE REV. THOMAS K. NELSON. at Gniezno, with a German general living in the archbishop’s palace. The Gestapo was accused of ter rorizing the Catholic clergy. “Dozens of priests are in prison, where they have been humiliated, beaten and mistreated,” the report said. "Some have been deported to Germany and there is no news of them. Others are detained in concentra tion camps.” Priests are beginning to say mass and administer the sacraments clandestinely in private houses, the report said. Conditions in the archdiocese of Poznan were described as similar to those in the Gniezno region. Msgr. Dymek, vicar general of Poznan, was said to be a prisoner in his own home. About 50 priests were reported in prison in that arch diocese. Catholic newspapers also were said to have been suppressed. Millions of persons were reported to have been driven from their homes by the Germans. Tens of thousands of families were driven out after losing everything they pos sessed, with the Gestapo arresting from 500 to 1,500 persons nightly in raids on whole sections of cities. Transported to other sections on trips of from two to four days in cattle cars without food or water, the Poles were reported to have suffered intensely, many dying. At their destination, sometimes in the open country, they were aban doned to their fate, the report charged. Mrs. Mary Louise Payne Dies at Home Here Mrs. Mary Louise Watters Payne, widow of Burd W. Payne, veteran civic leader, died yesterday at her home, 3605 Fourteenth street. Her husband died two months ago. Born in Ashland, Pa., Mrs. Payne was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Watters. Her father, an officer in the British Army, brought his wife to this country on their wedding trip and settled in Ashland. Married to Mr. Payne in Ash land, Mrs. Payne came with him to Washington in 1901. Except for the period from 1906 to 1911, when she was with her husband in the Canal Zone, she had made her home in Washington. During her early years here, Mrs. Payne was active in civic affairs. Ill health during the last several years forced her to discontinue the work. She leaves a daughter, Miss Mil dred W. Payne of Washington, and two sons. Alan W. Payne of this city and Louis W. Payne of Raleigh, N. C. Funeral services will be held at 3 p.m. Wednesday at the Hines funeral home, 2901 Fourteenth street N.W. Burial will be private. Mrs. Isabelle M. Fisher Funeral Tomorrow Funeral services for Mrs. Isabelle Maria Fisher, who died Saturday afternoon, will be held tomorrow at 2:30 p.m. in the Church of the Transfiguration, Fourteenth and Gallatin streets N.W. Mrs. Fisher was born in Wash ington April 6, 1865. She was the widow of William Noble Fisher, a former member of the House of Delegates of Maryland and for many years deputy recorder of deeds in the District. Mrs. Fisher will be buried from the home of her daughter, Mrs. Harry E. Slye, 423 Oglethorpe street N.W. Seventeen grandchildren and one great grandchild survive Mrs. Fisher along with her 10 children, who are: William Noble Fisher, jr.; W. Willis Fisher, New York: Mrs. Harry E. Slye, Mrs. Albert Nelson, Mrs. Paul H. Darby, Silver Spring, Md.; Mrs. David L. Isles, and Mrs. Warren H. Weare, Mrs. W. Clinton Brown, Mrs. Schuyler L. Townshend and Edwin H. Fisher, all of Seat Pleasant, Md. Two sisters also survive, Mrs. John D. Davidson, St. Petersburg, Fla., and Mrs. Theodore Snell of this city. Fools the Birds The manager of a cotton mill in Lancashire, England, has had its chimney camouflaged to look like a palm tree, ”to make the birds think they’re over Africa,” he explains. Robert L. Bier, 71, 1 Head Bookbinder of 1 Folger Library, Dies j Was Long an Expert In Restoration Of Old Tomes • Robert L. Bier, 71, head book- i binder at the Folger Shapespeare j Library, died yesterday after a brief ! illness at his home, 649 Massachu setts avenue N£. , An expert in the care, preserva tion and restoration of old books and manuscripts, Mr. Bier had been with the Folger Library since it was opened. Bom in Baltimore he received only a summary education in the , public schools of that city and began , working there as a bookbinder at an early age. In 1897 he came to Washington to assume the position of binder with the Government Printing Office. Mr. Bier worked in that capacity until 1913, when he was made binder in charge and was transferred to the fine arts section of \he Library of Congress. Meanwhile he educated himself largely by reading. He became so proficient in his work with old books and manuscripts that collectors of books from all over the country came to him for aid and advice. Persons who sought his help included Presidents Taft, Coolidge and Hoover. When the Folger Library was opened, in 1932, Mr. Bier was made head binder and put in charge of the valuable literary works of that institution. A resident of Washington since 1917, Mr. Bier was a former secre tary-treasurer of the Stanton Park Citizens Association. He retained his membership in the Masonic Lodge at Odenton, Md., where he formerly lived. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Isa belle Kneidert Bier; three daugh ters, Miss M. Elmira Bier of Wash ington, Mrs. P. S. Watts of Severn, Md., and Mrs. A. M. Pennington of McLean, Va.; a son, Dr. Robert A. Bier of this city. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. tomorrow at the home, with burial in Cedar Hill Cemetery. Dr. W. L. Robins, Retired, Is Fatally Stricken Dr. William Littleton Robins, 70, retired physician, died suddenly yesterday at the home of Elmer E.! Rogers, 3705 Morrison street N.W. Dr. Robins was stricken with a heart attack at the dinner table and died shortly afterward. Born near Snow Hill, Md., Dr. Robins attended the University of Maryland Medical School and was graduated at 21. He practiced medicine in Snow Hill for a number | of years and was at one time head 1 of the medical staff at the Maryland Hospital for the Insane. He came to Washington in 1896 to enter general practice, later specializing in neurology. He re tired in 1925 and had been making his home with Mr. and Mrs. Rogers since the death of his wife in 1932. Since his retirement, Dr. Robins had devoted much of his time to welfare work and fraternal activities. He was a 33d degree Mason, being a member of Temple-Noyes Lodge No. 32, and was a member of the Cosmos and University Clubs. Capital Girl Wins $200 For Democracy Essay An essay on democracy in schools of this country by Marie Louise Ralph, a Roosevelt High School stu dent, won second prize in a na-: tional contest sponsored by Town Hall. Inc., producer of the weekly broadcast, America's Town Meeting of the Air. Miss Ralph, who lives at 5210 Illinois avenue N.W., described a day in school during which contro versial issues were discussed freely. Her essay, “What Does American Democracy Mean to Me?” won $200. Louise Catherine Riggs of 3105 Thirty-sixth street N.W., and Agnes Burkhalter. 1126 Eleventh street N.W., received honorable mention and prizes of $10 each, today’s an nouncement said. Nazi Girls to Work Nearly 350,000 girls leaving school in Germany within the next few months will be liable to a year’s compulsory service in households and farms. t J ^ ' I THE CHEERFUL CHERU& How nice it is to be polite And bow end screpe end tip the het ! It mink* vs e* superior —— You never see e do$ do thet> JJ.TC*'"'! I K ^eniimenii. » expressed by M FUNERAL ( m SPRAYS OF ' m LOVELY K FRESH K FLOWERS K Priced at I $c.oo 9? Other sprays in smaller sizes WL arranged to your order. $2.00 §K and up. Delivery Service on all funeral orders. C&CW&uwiawiei i 808 14th St. MEt. 7433 609 12th St. MEt. 9369 K 804 17th St. MEt. 7945923 F St. MEt. 7404 £ DC U ieorge Francis Campbell )ies of Long Illness George Francis Campbell, 62, oreman of the Surface Printing >ivision of the Bureau of Engrav ng and Printing, died yesterday at lis home, 1600 Edgewood street, Arlington, Va., after a long illness. A native of Jacksonville, 111., he ;ame to Washington 33 years ago o work at the bureau and had been in Arlington resident 12 years. Dur ng the World War he served as a Irst lieutenant in the Veterinary 3orps with station at Camp Meade, Md. He was a member of the bureau post of the American Legion and Masonic Lodge No. 209 at Oden x)n, Md. Besides his widow, Mrs. Stella G Campbell, he leaves a brother, Ora 2. Campbell, Jacksonville, 111. Serv ices will be held at 1:40 p.m. to morrow in the Ives funeral home and burial will be in Arlington Na tional Cemetery. Covers Suffocate Baby In His Carriage Suffocated by his covers. 2t4« month-old Warren R. Hicks was found dead yesterday in his carriage in the front room of the Hicks home at 1530 East Capitol street. Coro ner A. Magruder MacDonald issued a certificate of accidental death by suffocation. The tragedy was discovered by the child's father, William E. Hicks. The covers had twisted around his head. g$ve& 'G/unera/j&me, 12847 WILSON BLVD. OX. 2062 | ARLINGTON. VA. J A Complete Funeral Service 1 Within Your Budget ... J iSjBh — — ★ Free Parkin* Space 5723 Georgia Aye. N.W. ★ 8529 Georgia Ave. N.W. * 1325 Good Hope Rd. * Old Georgetown Rd . Betheida i 8217-19 Georgia Ave. HI4 12th St. N.W. 1128-28 Park Rd. N.W. 2938-40 14th St. N.W. 1829 Benning Rd. N.E. 1429 20th St. N.W. S.E Cor. 17th A R Stg. N.W. 2714 11th-St. N.W. 1852 Columbia Rd. 8235 Georgia Ave. N.W. 908 G St. N.W. 421 13th St. N.E. 221-233 Md. Ave. Hyattsvllle* Some Prices Vary in Md. j DEL MAIZ 1 Giblets i ™ io< BUTTER KERNEL CORN &• lQc SEEDLESS CALIF. Raisins pk« * Fancy Sweet Peas LBJbei 2 ca0™2 25c ^ Tiny Sifted Peas £w 2 can,2 27c d IVola Peanut Butter 'IT 10c ] Sunsweet Prunes 2 13c ] Fresh Prunes De,rsu;rupI|um* 2*^ 19c i Crispo Fig Bars 2 "T019c ^ Argo Bed Salmon can 19c M PREPARED ] GOLDEN 4 PUMPKIN N ^ No. 2',* A £ cans GLENWOOD APPLE SALCE 4 2u* 25c SUNRISE TOMATO JUICE 2 — 25« A Orange Grapefruit Juice 4»»!3Sc a Pabst-ett Cheese 2 p*^- 25c 2 Diamond Walnuts Red Diamond ,b19c 1 Robford Asparagus 2 25c ^ Apple Butter T»l 2 3£» 25c i Del Monte Peaches 14c a Wheaties_ 2 19c 1 DELICIOUS CAL ^ Peaches a Halves or Slices i 2 - 23c WHOLE Apricots Natural Unpeeled 2*—23c WIN-CREST Coffee “heat-flo" roasted JUICY FLORIDA ORANGES 2 *«• 25c 2 THIN SKIN FLA. TANGERINES *»• 10c 1 CHOICE SLICING TOMATOES 2.25c 4 FRESH PULLED CARROTS >.- 5c A JUICY CALIFORNIA LEMONS * 19c A CRISP ICEBERG 2 LETTUCE 2 head 5® BEST WHITE POTATOES 10 -■ 23' t LEAN SMOKED ^SHOULDERS ^ »• 13c i Lean Boiling Beef »• lOe 1 Freshly Ground Beef >» 15c Shoulder Lamb Boast «>• 12 *Z2C 4 Breast Lamb (To stew) 8c A___- _ _ A Sal Soda z;Ji°; 5© i 20 Mule Borax 2 lb. pkg. 23c ^k Wytex Bleach qt. bot. 10c ^ Lighthoaie Cleanser can 3c 4 EXTRA STRENGTH 1 Ammonia iV 10c I ft!, BREAD 16 o*. WJ C loaf f PLAIN OR SUGARED ito'MTS <u». 10e ^ MAJESTIC WATERLESS COOKWARE A Get It Here for a Fraction of Former Demonstration Prices ^ Price* Effect!** Until Wedncadmr doilnr. W»»blmtcn. P. C.. Only. a In ifUmortam LANE, VERONICA B. In remembrance of our dear mother. VERONICA B. LANE (nee Ward), who died eighteen years ago today. January 29, 1922. Anniversary mass St. Aloysius. HER DEVOTED CHILDREN. CATHERINE B. HANLON AND DANIEL F. LANE. LYLES. EMILY. In sad but loving re membrance of my dear wife. EMILY LYLES, who passed away four years ago. January 29. 193fi. Her memory I shall always keep. HUSBAND. • MAYN, CHARLES E. In sad nut lov remembrance of our dear husband and daddy. CHARLES E. MAYN, who departed this life twenty years ago today. January 29. 1920. Deep in our hearts is a picture Of a loved one laid to rest: In memory's frame we shall keep it, For he was one of the best. LOVING WIFE. AMNON. AND CHILDREN. MORTIMER. LAURA L. In sad but lov ing memory of our devoted mother. LAURA L. MORTIMER, who departed thU life two years ago today. January 29, 1938. Her memory is as dear today As in the hour she passed away. HER DAUGHTERS, MRS. BERTHA WALK ER AND MRS. OCEANIA FLETCHER. • SEAY. HARRY A. Sacred to the pre cious memory of my dear, beloved hus band, HARRY A. 8EAY. who died two years ago today, January 29. 1938. HIS DEVOTED WIFE. EVANGELINE A. SEAY._*