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OlarJi at uhmtlni ROBINSON. HATTIE H. We wish t< thank our many friends for their sym path? and flowers during the illness ant at the death of our beloved auntie. HAT TIE H. ROBINSON. THE FAMILY. Bfalhfl ARTES. PAULINE. On Monday. Januan 29. 1940. PAULINE ARTES. beloved daueh ter of the late Daniel and Sophia Artes sister of Louisa C. Ourand Barbara Wur* demann and Emma H Schippel Funeral from her late residence. 74 1 ft. n.w.. on Wednesday. January 31. at *, p.m Relatives and friends invited. Inter ment Prospect Hill Cemetery. 30 BARTON. HESTER. Departed this lift suddenly. Saturday. January 27, 1940, ai her residence. 804 N st. n.w . HESTER BARTON. She leaves to mourn their lost one daughter. Mrs. Lucile Wiggins of Ham ilton. Ohio; one son. Mr. Shellie Barton ol Roanoke. Va.: a devoted cousin. Mrs. Car rie Hall of Birmingham. Ala. three uncles. Arthur Lee Sawyer of Macon. Ga.: Edward Sawyer of Birmingham. Ala., and Thoma? Sawyer of Albany. Ga . and manv other relatives and friends Remains may br viewed at Jas M. Miller &■ Son’s. 1702 12th st. n.w., after (5 d m. Tuesday. Jan uary 30 Funeral Wednesday. January 31. at 8 p m . from the Shiloh Baptist Church. 9th and P sts. n w. Interment Macon. Ga 3!* BERENS. MAUDE. On Sunday. January 28. 1940. at New London. Conn . MAUDE BERENS. the beloved mother of Mrs. Mar guerite Mulliner of New London. Conn.. and David Veneble of Chicago. 111., and sister of Mrs. Sally Shay of Lancaster. Pa.: Mrs. Birdie Claridge and Henry Frain of Washington. D. C. Services at Chambers’ Georgetown fu neral home. 31st and M sts. n.w.. on Wednesday. January 31. at 3 p.m. Rela tives and friends invited. Interment Con gressional Cemetery. 31 BLAIR. ESTELLA. On Sunday. January 28. 1940. ESTELLA BLAIR. She is sur vived by many friends. Funeral from the Malvan A' Schey fu neral home. N J. ave. and R st. n w . Wednesday. January 31. at 11 a.m. • BLAND. MARTHA. Cn Monday. Jan uary 29. 1940. at Gallinger Hospital. MARTHA BLAND devoted mother oi Madeline Tyler, loving sister of Mrs. Lucy Nelson Jackson and Mr. Beniamin Lone some. Funeral Thursday. February j. at i*’9 pm. from the John T Rhine' A- Co m neral chapel. 3rd md Eve sts. s.w. Inter ment Rosemont Cemetery. . 31 BOONE. EVA V. Departed .this life Sundav. January -,s; 194o. at 7:4o p.m., ar her residence. 92!* Westminster st. n.w . EVA V BOONE, daughter of the late Mary L Boone She leaves to mourn their loss a devoted father. George W. Boone- six sisters, three brothers and a host of other relatives and friends. Remains may be Viewed after A p.m Tuesday, January 3t>. at her late residence Funeral Thursday. February 1. at 1 p.m . from Asbury Methodist Church. 11th and K sts. n w Relatives and friends invited. Services bv Stewart’s funeral home. 30 H ft n.e. 31 BOVEE. VIRGINIA. On Sunday Jan uary 28. 1!>40. at her residence 2'53 4th st n.e VIRGINIA BOVEE. widow of Frank M Bovee Services at the above residence on Wed nesday. January 31. at 2 o nr Relatives end friends invited Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. T Frank Murray funeral serv ice. 741 11th st. s.e. BRISCOE. ELIZABETH. Oil Sunday. January 28. 194** at Galiincer Hospital. ELIZABETH BRISCOE Remain- resting at Frazier's funeral home. 389 Rhode Island ave. n.w Notice of funeral later. BROWN. ROSA PAYNE. On Sunday. January 28. 1940 after a brief illness. ROSA PAYNE BROWN, wife of Charles W Brown niece of H. R Payne, stepmother of Francis Brown. She also is survived by several nieces, nephew.-, two stprs-in law and many other relatives and friends Funeral Wednesday. January :;]. &t 1 pm. from Frazier's funeral home. :{«:• Rhode Island ave n w Relatives and friends invited Interment Lincoln Me morial Cemetery. BROWN. WILLIAM. On Saturday. Jan uary 27. 1940 a* hi- residence 733 2»th s’ n.w WILLIAM BROWN dr voted hus band of Anna V Brown, stepfather of Mrs. Cath°rine Davis. Mrs. Edna Grady and William Jefferson and son of Samuel Brown of Tve River Va He also is survived bv two sisters, two b-others. three uncles end Ofher relatives and many friends. Remains resting at his late residence. Funeral Wednesday January 31. at 2 Pm. from Vermont Avenue Baptist Church Interment Rosemont Cemetery Arrangements by the John T. Rhines & Co. funeral chapel. 3rd and Eye sts. s.w. FROWN. WILLIAM CHESTER. On Sat urday. January 27. 1940. WILLIAM CHES TER BROWN husband of Helen Brown. He also leaves two sisters. Rosa Counts and Sessie Johnson. Other relatives and friends also survive Remains may be viewed at the W Ernest Jarvis funeral church. 1432 You st. n.w after 1 p.m. Tuesday. January 30 Funeral Wednesday. January 31. at 1 pm. from the above funeral church. Rev. E. C Smith officiating Interment Arling ton National Cemetery. Relatives and friends invited. 30 BURKE. SAT LIE V. On Monday. Jan uary 29. 15»4o. a' her residence, loon South Ridge rd.. Arlington. Va., SALLTE V BURKE, widow of the Iare James Burke and mother of Mrs. Jermic May Knr. Wil liam Errol and Samuel Lester Burke. Funeral services on Thursday. Feb-unry 1. at 2 pm. at the Wheatley funeral heme. Alexandria. Va Interment Bethel Cemetery. BUTLER. SARAH. On Saturday. Jan uary 27. 194u. at 8:15 p.m . at he- moth er's residence 740 19th st. n.e.. SARAH BUTLER, beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs Richard Butler, sister of Mrs Mary Ramos. John James. William. Frederick and Thomas Butler. A host of other rela tives and friends a1co survive her Re mains mav be viewed at the W Ernest Jarvis funeral church. 1432 You st n.w.. after 10 am Tuesday. January 30. Funeral Wednesday. January 31. at 8:30 a m . from the above funeral church: thence to Holy Redeemer Church where mas? will be offered at 5) a m. Interment Mount Olive* Cemetery. Relatives end friends Invited 30 CALHOUN. JAMES WESLEY. On Sun day. .January 28. 1940 at his residence. 53 Myrtle st. n.e . JAMES WESLEY CAL HOUN. beloved husband of Luriena Cal houn. father of George Calhoun, brother of Mar*-* Frame. A host of other relatives and friends also survive him Remains resting at h:s late residence after 4 p m. Wednesday. January 31. Funeral Thursday. February 1 at 2 pm. from Tenth Street Baptist Church. 1 Orh and R sts. n w Rev J L. Henry of ficiating. Interment Atlanta Ga. Ar rangements by W. Ernest Jarvis. 31 CALLOWAY. MARTHA. On Tuesday. January 3o 194**. at her residence. 1007 24th st. n.w. MARTHA CALLOWAY, be loved w’fe of Robert Calloway. She also is survived bv a daughter. Mrs. Julia Henry two gr?.nddaugh‘ers. Louise Henry and Anna English: two grandsons. Fr^d Henry and Pete Tyler. Remains resting at Allen & Morrow's Funeral Home. Inc.. 1326 V st. n.w Notice of funeral later. •' 1 CAMPBELL. GEORGE F. Officers and members of the Bureau of En graving and Printing Post. No ,4 23. American Legion, are here y by notified of the death of E Comrade GEORGE P. CAMP BELL and are requested to as semble at 1 D m.. on Tuesday, Januarv .30 19-10. at Ives' funeral home. 2S47 Wilson blvd.. Clarendon. Va. Fu neral Tuesday. Januar." 30 at 2 n.m . from the Ives funeral home. Interment Arlington National Cemetery By order of ERNEST F. DWYER. Commander. CHARLES. LF.ONTINE Ft'GFNTF. Sud denly. on Sunda". Januarv 28. 1940. at her re'idnncr. :n Glrn Echo. Mo . I EOr< TINE EUGENIE CHARLES, beloved wife of Louis Charles and mother of Madeleine Charles ard Mrs. Andree Bolton, and sls'orcf Mrs James A Purcell. Funeral services at the Mm. H. .„ardo ft Co. funeral chaoel. 412 H st. n.e . on Wednesday. January 31 at 9 a m .: 'henct to the Church of the Little Flower, where mass Will be said at in a.m. Relatives and friends invited. Intermen' Mount Olivet Cemetery • 0 CHISOLM. BYRON T. On Sunday. Jin ... "' s l940. at Brooklyn. N Y BYRON Ifa rHISOLM beloved husband of Harriett Chisolm and brother of Milton and Sum neRe^iains resting at the McGuire funeral home. 1820 9th st. n.w.. after 4 p m Wed nftdav. where funeral services will be held Thursday. February 1. at 1 p.m. Friends invited. 31 CLARK, ALFRED E. On Monday. Jan uary °9 1940. at his residence 1048 Irving st. n.w.. ALFRED E. CLARK hus band of the late Clara Mae Clark father of Mrs Evelyn M. Vogts and Earl K. Clark Services at Chambers' funeral home. 1400 ChaDin st. n.w.. Thursday. February 1 at 3 p.m. Interment Cedar Pill Cem etery. CORRIDON. JOSEPH \V. Or, Sunday. January 28. 1940. at his residence. Lan ham Md.. JOSEPH W. CORRIDON. be loved husband of Elizabeth (Lillie) C. Cor ridon inee Cunningham' Funeral from the above residence I hurs dav. February l. at 8:30 a.m ; thence tc St George's Catholic Church. Ardmore. Md . where mass will be said at 9 a.m Interment Loudon Park Cemeterv. Balti more. Md. 31 DORSEY'. ALICE. On Sunday. Januarj ¥8 1940 at her residence. 1715 Corcorar it ' n w . ALICE DORSEY, mother of Jamei G and Taylor Long. Remains resting a: the Malvan A- Schey funeral home, N. J ave and R st. n.w. Funeral from Shiloh Baptist Churct Thursday. February 1. at 1 p.m.. Rev E L. Harrison officiating. * FUNERAL DIRECTORS._ ""jTWiTliam Lee’s Sons Co. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Crematorium 4th *nd Mass. Ave. N.L. Lincoln .V20C VTL. SPEARE CO. Neither successor to nor connected with the original W. R. Sneare establishment 1009 H St. N.W. XaJnhanr>8,,e FUNERAL DESIGNS. ~GEO C SHAFFER, Inc EXPRESSIVE FLORAL TRIBUTES AT MODERATE PRICES PHONE NAT. 010C %n s^d'."*5 Co. 14th & Eye GUDE BROS. CO. Floral Piece; 1212 F St N.W. National 4276 ft Bratfyfl i ' DORSEY, ALICE LONG. Departed this ■ life Sunday. January 28. 1940, 12:16 p.m.. I at the residence of her son. Taylor Long, 1715 Corcoran st. n.w,. after a long ill ness. ALICE LONG DORSEY. She leaves two sons. James and Taylor Long, and a niece. Sophie Bell: other relatives and friends * Funeral Thursday. February 1. at 1 p.m.. from Shiloh Baptist Church. 9th and P sts. n w. Remains resting at the Malvan & Schey funeral home. N. J. ave. and R st. n.w 30 FURBCSH. LILLIE RHODES. On Mon day. January 29. 194 0. at Emergency Hos pital. LILLIE RHODES FURBU8H. wife of John H. Furbush and mother of Lewis A Rhodes She also is survived by other relatives and friends. Funeral from the Malvan Az Schey fu neral home. N J ave. and R st. n.w.. Wed nesday. January 31, at 2 P.m. Interment Harmony Cemetery. • GESNER. MARY V. On Monday, Janu ary 29 194 0. at Emergency Hospital. MARY V GESNER. beloved wife of the late John M. Gesner of 0 44 North Kenmore st.. Arlington Va She is survived by three sons. John W Gesner of Annapolis. Md.: Maurice F and George A. Gesner. both of Arlington. Vi • one daughter. Miss Mary U. Gesner of Philadelphia. Pa , and one lister. Mrs. Margaret Viehmann of Wash ington. D C Rema ns resting at her late residence until Thursday. February 1. at 9 a.m : thence to St Charles’ Catholic Church. Washington blvd., Arlington. Va.. where mass will be offered nt 9:30 a.m. for the repose of her soul Relatives and friends invited. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. (Annapolis. Md.. papers please copy.) 31 GIBSON, MAY. On Monday. January 29. 1940. MAY GIPSON, beloved mother of Mrs. Lawrence E Hutchison. William E. Gibson and Mrs. G. W Hamilton. Services ai the S. H, Hines Co tuneral ! home. 2901 14th st. n.w.. Thursday. Feb i ruarv 1. at in a m. Relatives and friends 1 invited. Interment Rock Creek Cemetery. 31 GIBSON. THOM AS CATLETT. On Mon day. January 29. 1940 nr his residence. 4315 New Hamp.'hire : vc. nw . THOMAS | CATLETT GIBSON M n . husband of the Pete Si Pie French Oibse"u brother of Mrs. I Myrtle O ’"o’r’e- nf washine on D. C |.i Barber G V"-' of W'bb C’ v. Me . fnd I Mrs Daisy G nf Phoenix Ariz. Funer-’! services nt bis bat" r-v ;^mcc on ! Wednede**. Jan”ary 31 nt 2:30 pm j GREFV. ?». Ooparred tbb I life January 1940, :> • 4 15 am. a1 his i res :d pticp Sherman ave. n.w. j CHARI ES H GPFPN son of th« late Dan ! iol and Elizabeth Greer, rrother of the i loto Hrlrn '.Vi1*or He ’eaves to mourn , ’Loir lo«r- a devoted wife Add*e Cbns« lr-.-r.p-. j, faithful brother-in-law. Bryson ! C Chase, and foster daughter. Mayme .Tffrrson three nieces Funire WOson. Mevir.e Jrssun and Louise Patties, all nt New York, pud other relatives and friends Remains resting at his late residence from Tuesdav noon. Funeral Thursday. February 1. at 3 p m . from McGuire's funeral home All relatives and friends are invited. 31* HALL. F.I.LA 8. this life Sat urday. January ”7- UMn. e* Froedmen’s Hospital. ELLA S TIM.I She leaves to mourn their loss a devoted husband. James Hall: a son. S.bermnr.* n. Srtwell: a niece. Mrs Eliza Holton: a granddaughter. Shir lev Sewell’ three greet- rnh.ews. two great *•>iere.s end a host of othe*- relotiv' and friend* Remains may be viewed at Stew art's funeral heme, 30 H s’, no. after 4 : ”u r> m 'r"'"day Funeral Wednesday, January 31. at 1 pm. n* Ebenczer Method’*' Chu*Th. 4th °nd n st*. so Rev. F F Kiny offTciatipc Interment I incoln Memorial Cnrnctrrv. Relatives md friends invited. 30 HML. FI i A. officers and members of Garfield Tabernac’e. No Orde- of Gab ean F’shermrn. are reoiKs'ed to a' teri'i a meeting T-:e*dev January 30. 1940. a' T 30 p m 'o prrange for the funeral of S- er ft t a hat t v ao* tt brown ^ \V. Ruler S. V MURPHY, R W. Sec'y. • HAH.. SARAH T On Sunday. January 28. 194 0 pt her re*:drrjce. 3100 44th s' n.w . q*r*ATi t HAT L 'per rhomsoo*. wife nf Samuel Prescot' Hail and mo'her l "»f Mrs Donald Saunders and Samuel G. j Hal1 Servier th* s. H TTines Co funeral home. 2301 i t'h s’ n.w.. on Wednesday. ! Tannery 3’. nr i :,0 pm. Interment wort I Lincoln Cemetery 30 HAMILTON. JAMES HIGGINS. Sud I deni'* e-' Mondav Jan. arv °9 1940. o' his rnc-rtopee. Mitchellv'He. 'id . JAMFS HTGGTNS HAMIT TON '•ged m years be loved husband of the late Ida Hume Ham ilton Services co Wednesday. Ja~uary 31 at 11 a m.. at St Barnabas' Church. Leeland. : Md HARDMAN. EMERSON On Monday. January 29 1940 EMERSON HAPDMAN. 1 h’ishar.d of Eva Hardman, of Irene Hardman. brother William. Remain. ! Marcus. Juarrine. Haze]. ImegenP and i Audrpv Hardman Remains resting at the Malvan Az Schey funeral home. N. J. ave. ! arid R st. n.W Notice of funeral later. • HOLT. FON HEREIN V On Monday. January 29. 1940 at her residence. 6049 Southern ?vr . Caritol Heights. Md . FON DFRLINA HOT T. Funeral services at. the Chambers fu neral horn*’ 517 11th st. s.e on Wednes day January 3]. at 2 nm Relatives and frmpds invited. Interment Congressional Cemetery. JENNINGS. CORA LEE. On Monday. jammrv » u»4(>. at ue^rgr wnsnirRtnn University Hosmtal. CORA LEY JENNINGS, the beloved wiV of The late Mack A. Jrn | nines avd mother of Mack W Jennings. Mrs. Evelyn L. *ol*»v. Mrs. Alma V Whit { more and Mis. Mary / Parker. Remains rp ijnv a* Chambers* funeral home. 1400 i Chan n st. n w • until Wednesday. Jan uary 31. at 11 pm Interment in Waverly. Va.. Thursday. February 1. 31 JONFs, annie. On Sunday. January 3S. m Ki. ANNIE JONES, be’oved wife of How on Jones Services at the Chambers funeral home. 517 11th s’ sc. on Wednesday. January 31. a’ 11:30 q.m Relatives an$ triends invi’ed. Interment Fredericksburg. Va. JONES. JOSEPH P. Departed this life ; Sundnv January 10Jo at hr- residence. 1330 l*»th st. n.w.. JOSEPH D JONES, the beloved husband of the late Eva E. Jones He is survived bv a stepmother. Mrs. Sarah Jones: three brothers, six sis ter1 five daughters. thr°« son- and *we]ve Grandchildren Remains resting with L E Murrav <*: Son Funeral Werorcdpr. January 31. a* 3 ; n m.. from the Metropolitan Baptist ! Church. Rev E C. Smith officiating. * JONES. VEE YORK. On Monday. Jan ; uary 30 lf»4o. at Garfield Hospital. YEE | YORK JONES cou.-in of King La Yec ! Remains rest me a* Chambers’ funeral home 140u Chapin st. n.w. Notice of funeral later KOUNDOURIOTIS. DESPINA. On Mon i d^v. January 30. 1040. t her residence. 504 Defense hiGhvaw Decatur He ghts. Md . DESPINA KOUNDOURIOTIS beloved wife of the late Deme’rios Koundouriotis. She is survived bv two dAueh’ers. Mrs. Anna Dewev and Mrs. Mary McKenzie, and one son. Kimon Kounriourioiis. Remain.- resting at Gasch’s funeral home. 40 Maryland ave Hyattsville. Md.. until 1 nm Wednesday. Januarv 31: ‘henre to the above residence, where serv ices will be held at. 3 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. intermpnt Fort Lincoln Cemetery. LACEY. WALTER P. On Sunday Jan uary 3S 1040 at Garfield Hospital. WAL TER P LACEY, beloved husband of Fmily j Lacey and brother of James. Edward. : Henrv C John T ar.d Wiliam Lacey and i Mrs. Henrietta Buckner, a devoted sister. Funeral services at th" Shiloh Baptist r’hurch. Brandy Va . Wednesday- Januarv : 31. at 1 p m . Rev. Mr. Jackson officiating.* LEE. BEAINAKD W. On Monday. Jan uarv 30 into. BRA IN ARP V7. LEF. be loved hn band of Deha M. Lee Remains m-Lne at. T,or’s funeral home. 4*b st. end Mass, -v n e. where services w:’I be he’d on Wednesday Januarv 31. nr 3 d m Relative- and friends invited Interment Rock Crc^k Cemetery. LEE. RICHARD F Departed this life on Saturday. Januarv 37. 1040. at his residence. 1415 Irvine st. n r . RICHARD E LEF. formerlv o’ New York City, de voted brother of Mr. Clara Jackson of Washington. D. C • Estehe Allen. Aluia and David Lee of New York City He also leaves to mourn their loss six nieces, two nephews and o’her relatives and friends. Funeral Wednesday. January 31. at 1 P m from Barbour Bros ' funeral home. 4H K st. n.e,. Rev L. T. Hughes officiating Interment Woodlawn Cemetery (New York and Chicago papers please copy.) LONG. DON M. Officers and members of Fort Stevens Post. No. 32. American Legion, are hereby notified of rhe death of Com rade DON M. LONG and are reouested to assemble at 7:45 pm.. January 30. 1040. at Chambers’ funeral parlors. 14th ."t. at Chapin n.w. Funeral serv'ce Wednesday. January 31. at 10 ! a m.. Arlington Chapel Interment Arling ; ton National Cemetery. By order of FDWT'' L. DONALDSON. Commander. LOM)X. FANNIE A. On Monday. Jan uary 20 1940 at the Washington Sani ] tarium. FANNIE A. LOMAX, wife of th« i latp Sanuie' Frank Lomax and sister of j Henry IT Qibbs. Remains resting at the Lee funeral home. I 4th <• t. and Mass ave. n.e., where services I will be held on Wednesday. January 31. at ; 5 p.m. Relatives pod friends invited. Tn i terment Parksley. Va. 31 MALONEY. MARY CATHERINE. On Sunday January 28. 1040 at Sibley Me morial Hospital. MARY CATHERINE MA LONEY beloved wife of the late William Maloney. M. D.. of No 4 North Wells ave.. Hyattsville. Md. She is survived by a daughter. Mrs. Edwin Wrenn of Kansas, and a son. Mr. W W Maloney 3rd. of New York Remains resting at Gasch's funeral home. 40 Md. ave.. Hyattsville. Md. Services at the above funeral home on Wedne^dav. January 31. at 8:30 a m : thence to St Jerome's Catholic Church. Hyattsville. Md where mass will be said at 0 am Relatives and friends invited Interment Glenwood Cemetery. 30 MANLY. GEORGE R. On Monday. Januarv *.’9 1940. at the Elks’ National Home. Bedford. Va.. GFORGE^R. MANLY, brother of Mrs. C. J. Rem and John W. Manly Funeral from the V L. Sreare Co.. 1009 H st. n w . on Wednesday. January 31. at 1 p.m. Interment Loudon Park Cemetery, Baltimore. Md MOTHER BFRNADINE (SARAH WHITE). On Monday. January 29 1940. at the Ursulmc Convent MOTHER RERNADINE. Reoinem mass at the Ursuline Convent. 519 4th st. n.w. on Wednesday. January 31. pt 10 am. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 30 O BRIEN. GERTRUDE C. Suddenly, on Tuesday. January 30. 1940. at Sibley Me morial Hospital GERTRUDE C. O’BRIEN i nee Smith', beloved wife of John J. O’Brien. 1437 E st. n.e.. anti mother of •John Thomas and Mary O Brien and sis ter of Mrs Marie Sorrell. Mrs. Margaret Kelly. Harry and Charles Smith. Notice of funeral later. 31 | Eratlju ORME. MARY A. On Saturday. Jan uary 27. 1940. at her residence 929 T st. n.w.. MARY A. ORME. wife of the late George M. Orme and beloved mother of Mrs. Jessie F. Bell. Mrs. Cora E. Mahoney. Mrs. Margaret E. Scott and Robert G. Orme Remains resting at the McGuire funeral home. 1820 9th st. n.w.. after 10 a.m. Tuesday. Funeral services at Asbury M. E. Church. 11th and K sts. n.w.. on Wednesday. Jan uary 31. at 1 p.m. Interment at Harmony Cemetery. 30* OWENS, IRENE GLASCOCK. Suddenly, on Saturday. January 27. 1940. at her residence. 1153 8th st. n.w . IRENE GLAS COCK OWENS, beloved wife of James H. Owens and devoted mother of Ruth J. and James A. Owens, and niece of Mrs. Mary Montgomery Remains resting at her late residence after noon Tuesday. Funeral services at People’s Congrega tional Church. M st. n.w. between 6th and 7th sts.. on Wednesday. Januarv 31. at 1 pm. Interment Lincoln Memorial Cem etery. Arrangements by McGuire. 30* PARKER. WILLIAM A. (BUD). On Monday January 29. 1940. at Veteran's Administration Hospital. Tuskegee. Ala . WILLIAM A. PARKER, beloved husband of Helen L. Parker of Fairmont Heights. Md. He also leases four sisters, two step sons. other relatives and friends. Notice of funeral lat*>r. iFayetteville. N. C . and Newport News. Va.. i apers Please copy.) PARRAN. CHRISTIANA R. On Friday. January 26. 1940. at her residence. 1612 D st. s.e.. CHRISTIANA R. PARRAN. She leaves to mourn their loss five daughters, Reatrice M. Chambers. Elizabeth Thomas. Mary E. Crowder, Avolia Dixon and Avon Goman: one son, Warren P Parran: one sister. Mary E Dash: two brothers George T. and Eugene Ray. and other relatives and friends Remains resting at Eugene Ford’s funeral home. 1300 South Capitol st.. un til Tuesday. January 30. at 4 p.m.; there after at her late residence. Funeral Wednesday, January 31. at 11 a m from First S. D. A Church. 8th and F sts. n e.. Elder Pr.vor officiating. Inter ment St Edmond's Cemetery, Calvert County. Md. PAYNE, MARY LOUISE WATTERS. On Sunday. Januarv 28. 1940. at ner resi dence. 30(i5 11th •. n.w. MARY l.OUISE WATTERS PAYNE, widow oi Kurd W. Payne and mother of Miss Mildred W. '-ayne end Allen w. Payne of Washington. ! D. C and Loujs W P. vne oi Raleigh. N. O Service at the S. H. Hines Co funeral I home. 2901 14th st. n.w. on Wednesday. January 31. at 3 Interment private. 30 PHILLIPS. MARY SHIERY. On Sunday. January 28. 1940. at Washington Sam far.uni Mrs. MARY SHIER Y PHILLIPS, beloved wife of the late Thomas N. Phil lip:-. U S. N. Services a! the S H Hines Co funeral borne. 2901 14th st. n.w., on Thursday. February i. at 1 p.m. Relatives and j friends invited. Interment Arlington Na tional Cemetery. 31 PLOW DEN, CHARLOTTE. Departed this ! life Sunday. Januarv 28. l«»40 ( HAR I LOTTE PLOWDEN. She leaves to mourn i a devoted brother. Walter Foster: two t nieces, two cousins, one sister-m-law and a host of friends. Remains resting at i ;he Matthews funeral home. 614 ! 4th st. s w. Funeral Wednesday. Januarv 31 at 9 I a.m . irom St. Vincent Dc Paul's Church. I Soil t h Caoirol ni.ri \' St* Sp Tntrvmnn* I Mount Olivet Cemetery PRATT. THE REV. I) BUTLER. On ! Sunday. January \>\ join, the Rev n. i BUTLER PRATT, husband of Ahrota North I r:’1? Remains resting fit the chapel oi John R Wricht. 1337 10th m. n.w i Funeral services at Moun* Pleasant Congregational Church- Columbia rd near M-h s’, n.w.. on Wednesday. January 31. at 10:30 a.m. Interment Brooklyn. N. Y. PYLES. JOSEPHINE B. II. On Sunday. January 28, 1940. at her residence, so,*; 0 st s.r . JOSEPHINE B. H PYLES (nee Hamilton^, beloved wife of Dr J Chester Pyles end mother of John C. Pyles. Funeral from her late residence on Wednesday. January 31. at 9 a.m. Rela tives and friends invited. ;>o RICH. EDGAR A. On Monday. January ; *.9. 1940. at his re idence. 1741 Varnum j si n w . EDGAR A RICH, beloved husband I 0- Margaret C Rich (nee Whelehan) and fattier of Edgar C and Catherine Rich. Mrs. Mary Rich Murray and Mrs. Eleanor Rich Tyrrell. Funeral from the above residence on Wednesday. January 31, at ,v30 am. thence to Sacred Heart Church, where ms's will be offered at 9 a m. Relative! I and friends invited. Interment Mount I Olivet Cemetery. 30 RICHTER. J. PAUL. On Monday Jan uary 29. 191o. a’ his residence 2124 Eve sc n.w. J PAUL RICHTER husband ol Catherine F Richter Friends are invited to ca’l at Gawler's. 1750 Pa ave. n.w .Services at St. Johns Episcopal Church, loth and H sts. n.w.. on Thursday. Feb ruary 1 at 2 p.m. Interment Congres sional Cemetery. 31 ROBINS. DR. WILLIAM LITTLETON. On Sunday. January 28. 1940. at his resi dence. 3 7o5 Morrison st. n.w.. Dr WIL LIAM LITTLETON ROBINS, beloved hus band of the late Elizabeth Gray Palmer Funeral private. 31 ROBINS. WILLIAM LITTLETON. Evan gelist Chapter. Knights Rose Croix, of ; the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite ! of Freemasonry in the Valiev r.f Wash I incton. will give its Rose Croix service for our late brother. Illustrious WILLIAM ' LITTLETON ROBINS 33'. on Thursday morning. Fcbruarv l. I9t«*. at 11 o'clock, at his late residence. 3705 Morrison st n w MARVIN E. FOWLER. PI C. C H. „ Acting Wise Master. ARTHUR B. HAYES. 333. General Secretary. SCHLOSSER. GRACE ELIZABETH On Monday. January 29 1940. at Washing ton D C GRACE ELIZABETH RCHI.OS SER. beloved wife of Edward Schlosser of Capitol Heights. Md. Remains resting at Gasrh's funeral home. 46 Maryland ave . Hyattsville. Md Services at the above funeral home on Wednesday. January 31. at 3:30 Dm Rel atives and friends invited In’erment Evergreen Cemetery. Bladensburtr. Md. S’.ITZ. IDA L. On Sunday. January 28. I9to. at Sacred Heart Home. Hvattsville. .,Id IDA L. SEITZ, wife ol the late Wil liam W. Seitz Funeral services at Chambers’ Riverdale funeral home on Wednesday. January 31. at 2 D m. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. SMITH. MARY ELIZABETH. On Tues dav. January 3u. 1940. at her residence. 16^4 Park rd n.w.. MARY ELIZABETH SMITH Remains resting at Hysong's fu neral home. J3oo N st p.w. Notice of funeral later SPEAKE. RUFUS HENRY. On Satur ~ ‘ 1940 at Jackson. Miss . RUFUS HENRY SPEAKE son of the late ! Rufus H and Amelia Speake. brother of ; Mrs Elsie R Rossini and Charles K. j Speake Remains resting at Chambers’ funeral home. 1400 Chapin st. n.w . until ’Thursday. February l at 1:30 pm ; tr S.rrwiccs aL * P™- at Fort Myer Chapel. Port Myer. Va. Interment Arlington Na i tional Cemetery. 31 STORCK, ANNA. On Monday. January ‘JJ,- JjJrl0, al Garfield Hospital. ANNA STORCK. widow of the late Louis Storck 1 and mothe- of Dorothea Storck of Arling ton County. Va.. and Mrs. R A Hansen of Annapolis, Md Remains resting at the ; Wheatley funeral home. 809 King st.. Aiex ! andria. Va. Funeral services on Wednesday. Janu ary •’*!: at 2 J ."* p.m, at th® Calvary Methodist Church. Virginia Highlands inrerm'-.nt Arlington National Cemetery. STUNTZ. ADA B. On Monday Jan uary 29. ]94n. at her residence. 4317 15th st- Vu ADA B STUNTZ. widow of the late Arba T, Stuntz mother of Mrs. Georg® O. Sutton and George R. Stuntz Services at the S H. Hines Co. funeral homo 290J 14th st. n.w.. on Wednesday. January 31. at 11 a m. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 30 SWANN. JACOB. Columbia Ixidge. No. r? ,\ *5 P °, Er 5f W.. is hereby notified of the funeral of Brother JACOB SWANN from Elks’ Home. 301 R 7, ave n w Wednesday. January 31. 1940. at. 130 P. m. Session of sorrow at Elks’ Home. Tuesday. January 30. at 7:30 pm. Re mains will rest at Elks’ Home after 10 a.m. Wednesday. T ^^SSELL T BOWSER. Exalted Ruler. LEE CAMP3ELL, Sec TAYLOR. MARTHA BALDWIN. On Sat urday. January 27. 1940. at her residence. ' J ll°^v sf- n.w.. MARTHA BALD WIN TAYLOR, wife of the late John M. ia'lor and mother of Mary E. Bessie J. Alice M and Walter M Taylor of Pitts burgh. Pa. Services at the S. H. Hines Co. funeral home. 2901 14’h st. n.w.. on Tuesday. January 30, at 8 p.m. Interment Phila delphia. Pa. 30 THORPE. MATILDA. On Monday. Jan uary 29. 1940. at. the residence of her daughter. Mrs Vircie B. Brown. 364.3 11th st. r..w.. MATILDA THORPE, beloved mother of Mrs. N. T Harrell. Mrs. B S Carrico. Mrs. Anna Manville and Edward. Norris. Shirley, Maury and Mathias Tnorpp of Washington. D. C . and Mrs. J. W. Dunn of Haymarket. Va.: Mrs. W. J. Francis of Cattlett. Va.. and Huntley Thorpe of Bris tolsburg. Va Remains resting at the W. Warren Taltavull. 2nd. & Bros.’. 3619 14th st. n.w.. until 10 a.m. Wednesday. Jan uarv 31. Funeral services at Oakdale Baptist Church. Greenwich. Va. on Wednesday. January 31 at I p.m. Interment church cemetery. Relatives and friends invited. 30 j Warmth There is a warmth of feeling that enters into every service we conduct. We are personally interested and deeply conscious of our responsibility. Every family can afford Ryan Service. Our modern funeral home is a model of comfort and con venience. De Luxe ambulance service, with courteous attend ants, always available. James TV Ryan Funeral Director 317 Pa. Are. S.E. Atlantic 1700, 1701 Ibatlfa TIGHE, MARY COLTON. On Tuesday. January 30, 1940. MARY COLTON TIGHE of 209 Holly ave.. Takoma Park. Md., be loved sister of Allen L. Colton. Services at the Takoma funeral home. 254 Carroll st.. Takoma Park D. C.. on Monday. February 5. at 2 p m Relatives and friends are Invited. Interment pri vate. 30,4 TINSLEY. ROSE. On Monday, Jan uary 29. 1940. at Galllnger Hospital. ROSE TINSLEY of Louisa County. Va.. loving mother of Mary Tinsley Johnson: sis'er of Jack and Archie Tyler and Alice Mitch ell: grandmother of James Tinsley. • Remains resting at Frazier's funeral home. 389 Rhode Island avr n.w., where funeral services will be held at 1 p.m. Thursday. February 1. Rev. Robert L. Rol lins officiating. Interment Payne's Cem etery. 31 UNDERWOOD. PAUL. On Sunday, Jan uary 28. 1910 PAUL UNDERWOOD, be loved husband of Jennie Underwood and brother of John H. and Milton Underwood. Services at the Chambers funeral home. 517 11th st s.e.. on Wednesday. January 31 at 10 a.m. Relatives and friends in vited. Interment Bethel Cemetery. Alex andria. Va. 30 WALDEN. CHARLES A. On Tuesday. January 30. 1040. at the residence of his daughter. 1022 Newton #t. n.e.. CHARLES A. WALDEN, beloved husband of the late Isabel C Walden and father of Charles A., jr.: James A . George L.. Andrew R . Prank H. and Dorothy E. Walden. Mrs. Helen W Walker nnrl Mrs Thelma W. Webster of Washington. D C.: Wil liam E. Walden of Atlanta. Ga„ and Mrs. Frances W. Blake of Baltimore Md. Services at the above residence on Thursday. February 1. at 2 p.m. Inter ment Rock Creek Cemetery. 31 WILKINS. FANNIE WASHINGTON. On Tuesday. January 30. 1040. at her resi dence. 1131 Oth st. n.w. FANNIE WASH INGTON WILKINS, wife of Harry P Wil kins daughter of the late Frances V. Washington and sister of Elizabeth West wood Washington Notice of services will be given later. YOUNG. EMMERLINE. Suddenly on Sunday. January 28. 1040. at her residence. 2310 Ashmrad pi. nw. EMMERLINE YOUNG the beloved wife of Charles Young, daughter of Samuel and Julia Butler. Four sisters, three brothers and many other relatives and friends survive her. Funeral Wednesday January 31. at 1 p m from the Henry 8 Washington fu neral h^me. 402.3 Deane ave. n.e. Inter ment Payne’s Cemetery. Relatives ^nd friends are invited. 30 MR lit lurntnrtmtt BOSTIC’. HR. JOHN A. In loving mem ory of our devoted father and grandfather. Dr. JOHN A BOSTIC, who departed this life ten vears ago todav. DEVOTED DAUGHTER AND GRAND CHILDREN. • FONT, MARIA BAYASCA. In loving memory of our dear wife and mother MARTA BAYASCA FONT who departed this life three years ago. January 30. 1937. Till memorv fades and life departs You will live forever in our hearts. HER LOVING HUSBAND AND DAUGH TER. ROSALIE FRAZIFR. EDNA. In sad but loving memorv of our dear devoted daughter. EDNA WIGHTMAN FRAZIFR who de parted this life three years aco today, January 30. 1937. Remembrance is a golden chain Death tries to break but all in vain: To have, to love and then depart. Is the greatest sorrow of one's heart. MAMMA AND DAD. • IIAIJ.ER. C'OLEN P». F. Sacred to the memorv of our dear father. COLEN B F HALLER who departed from us ten years aco todav January 30. 1930 HIS DEVOTED CHILDREN MRS REGINA HOLFORD MRS GENEVIEVE MAURER. MRS THERESA YORK Cl AUDE B I EO A AND FRANCIS J. HALLER. • LFC'AS, JOSFPII IV. In sad but loving memorv of my dear husband. JOSEPH W LUCAS who departed this life January 30. 1930. Days of sadness still come o’er me. Hidden tears so often flow. Memory keeps you always near me. Although you left four year- pgo. HIS LONELY WIFE. CARRIE LUCAS Though the vears be manv or few They are filled with love and remem brance of you DEVOTED DAUGHTER. RUTH * MOHl'N, SARAH ANN. In sad but lov ing memorv of our devoted mother SARAH ANN MOHUN who departed this life three years ago today. January 30. 1937. We miss you now. our hearts are sore, As time eoes bv ue miss you more: Your loving smile, your gentle face. No one can fill your vacant Clare AGNES. EDDIE AND FRANCIS. • MORTON. CATHERINE S. A tribute to the memory of our daughter and mere. CATHERINE S MORTON, who joined the angelic host fourteen years ago. January 30. 1920 We had a precious treasure once. She was our joy and cride; We loved her much—Perhaps too well. Fourteen years ago she died. In our hearts her memory Ungers. Sweetly, tcr.derlv fond and t-ue. There's never a day dear Catherine. That we do not think of you. MOTHER AND AUNT. LILLIAN E. MOR TON. REBECCA F NORTON • Mother Bernadine Dies At Ursuline Convent Mother Bernadine, Catholic sister of the Ursuline Convent, 519 Fourth street N.W., for 28 years and a mem Der of the Ursuline order since 1873, died yesterday at the convent. She was 83. Born Sarah White in New York City, she joined the order at the Bedford Park Convent in that city. In later years she taught in varous convents, including those at Frost burg and Brunswick, Md., and Provi dence R. I. After coming to the Ursuline Con vent in 1917, she taught until 10 years ago in St. Patrick’s School here. Mother Bernadine leaves a sister, Miss Mary Agnes White of New York City. The Rev. Lawrence J. Shehan, assistant pastor of St. Patrick’s Church, will say the funeral mass at 10 a.m. tomorrow at the convent. Burial will be in Mount Olivet Ceme tery. In mpmnriam ROGERS. HENRY P. In sad but loving remembrance of 4our dear father. HENRY P. ROGERS who departed from this life three vears ago today. January 30. 1937. Until memory fades and life departs You will live forever in our hearts; Time takes away the edee of Brief. But memory turns back every leaf. HIS LOVING CHILDREN. THOMAS. SIIERMONT B. A tribute of love to the memory nf our be’oved husband and father. SHERMONT B THOMAS, who en'ered life eternal two years ago today. January 30. 1938. Gone, but not forgotten: No vou shall never be As Ions as life and memory last We shall always think of thee HIS DEVOTED WIFE AND DAUGHTERS. • TURNER. LOUISE. In sacred memory of mv beloved wife. LOUISE TURNER, who passed away one year sro today. Jan uary 30. 1939. Your tired hands are now at rest. Your voice is forever stilled; As a devoted wife you were the best; Your place can never be filled HER DEVOTED HUSBAND, GEORGE J. TURNER. * WOODLAND. LUCY ELLEN. In sad but precious memory of my dear mother. LUCY ELLEN WOODLAND, who departed this life six years aeo todav. January 30. 1934 Dear is the Rravp where mv mother is laid. Sweet is the memory which never shall fade. LOVING DAUGHTER. ALICE M. LAVALL. Capt. Charles W. Hensey Funeral Rites Today Funeral services were to be held this afternoon in Arlington Na tional Cemetery for Capt. Charles W. Hensey, Finance Department, U. S. A., retired, who died Sunday in Maxton, N. C. A native of Cumberland, Md., Capt. Hensey enlisted in the Army in 1914 and served through the World War as a cavalryman. At the end of the war he resigned, but accepted a commission as second lieutenant of Field Artillery in 1920 and was transferred to the Finance Department 10 years later. He was promoted to captain in 1932 and retired November 30, 1938. Capt. Hensey served in Wash ington in the Office of the Chief of Finance from 1935 to 1938. His widow, Mrs. Sarah Hensey, survives. _ Mrs. Koundouriotis Dies After Fall in Home Mrs. Despina Koundouriotis, 92, mother of Stephen Koundouriotis, chancellor of the Greek Legation, died last night of a broken neck suffered when she fell down a stair way at their home, 504 Defense highway, Decatur Heights, Md. Funeral services will be held to morrow at 2 p m. at the home. In terment will be in Fort Lincoln Cemetery. Besides her son, she is survived by four grandchildren here and a daughter and several grand children in Athens, Greece. She was a native of Greece and had lived here for the past 15 years. Dr. James I. Boyd, Prince Georges County medical examiner, said Mrs. Koundouriotis was going down the stairway to open a rear door when she tripped and fell. The second vertebra of her neck was broken. Execution Is Remembered Business halted in Cuba for the commemoration of the 68th anniver sary of the execution of eight stu dents during the Spanish colonial uprising. Dr. Thomas C. Gibson Dies After Long illness Dr. Thomas Catlett Gibson, 74, former head of the Utah State Medical Board, died yesterday after a long illness at the home of his sister, Mrs. Myrtle G. Boteler, 4315 New Hampshire avenue N.W. Born in Madison County, Va„ Dr. Gibson was graduated from Georgetown University Medical School, later practicing in North Carolina and Colorado before set tling in Salt Lake City, Utah, 38 years ago. He served as Army medical ex aminer in Salt Lake City during the World War and retired there a year ago after 45 years' practice. Since that time he had been living in Washington. Besides Mrs. Boteler, he leaves another sister, Mrs. Daisy McClenny of Phoenix, Ariz., and a brother, J. Barbour ibson, Webb City, Mo Funeral services will be held at 2:30 p.m. tomorrow at the home. Burial will follow in Warrenton, Va. F. F. Downs, 83, Father Of D. C. Woman, Dies F. F. Downs, 83, father of Mrs. Lynn Talley, 2540 Massachusetts avenue NW„ died yesterday after a brief illness at Temple, Tex., his home. Born in Waco, Tex., Mr. Downs attended Washington and lee Uni versity, graduating in 1876. He founded the First National Bank of Temple in 1881 and served as its president until he retired in 1932. He came to Washington to visit Mrs. Talley in 1934. FACTS concerning CEDAR HILL CEMETERY • Prices in beautiful Cedar Hill begin as low as Fifty Dollars (S50) per burial site and include perpetual and thorough care. Every section of this sacred Garden of Memories is beautifully landscaped and ready for immediate use. Both monument and non-monument ections are available. Your inspection is respectfully i nited. Ced&r Hill Washington’s Most Beautiful Cemetery Located at the end of Penn. Ave. S.E. Gates open until 1:00 o’clock 12817 W ILSON BLVD. OX. 2002 ■ ARLINGTON, VA. I A Complete Funeral Service 1 Within Your Budyet . . . ._I -[ j SB This beautiful solid copper fl| casket is one of the finest &pj fl| in the world. Chambers ||a|2 has conquered exorbitant WK-. H prices with extensive facil- §m ■ ities for. hiqh quality fu Iff. nerals in a ranqe of prices Ijg ■ that anyone can afford. , i r In years gone by. none but the rich could afford a stately funeral with a solid copper casket. Today Chambers Jlj ^k Jj? includes over 60 services with this XX beautiful casket at a single price. ill OF DEMONSTRATED AND FLOOR MODEL Here ’S the opportunity you’ve been looking for to begin enjoying the Servel Electrolux Gas Refrig erator at a saving. All models have been carefully reconditioned and carry a new refrigerator guarantee. And don’t forget that the Gas Refrigerator is the only automatic refrigerator in the world with no moving parts in its freezing system ...which means permanent econ* omy, permanent silence and perfect food protection for years to come! These bargains are limited in number... come early for a wide selection! Also a limited number of new 1939 Gas ' Refrigerators at these special extended terms w-l Mil . ' .......•. A, <> ^ t