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Come before the builders start tearing out the fixtures, and the dust begins to fly . . . Our entire stocks are marked down . . . Our finest makers are included; Devonshire, St. Albans, Sturdiweve, Hickory Twist, Kerry Keith and Benchwork Clothes. The only exceptions are Al pacuna Coats, which we are never permitted to reduce. Remember, too, that over 60% of our suits are 2-Trouser Suits! Here is a partial list of the Bargains. Open a Charge Account Now! 1 A 2 Trouser Suits $27.50 b $29.50 SUITS GOING FOR Fine styling, smart patterns. All S3 7 7 standard Y. M S. quality. All de- *9 I 2m* • sirable models and sizes for you. iv $30.00 b $35.00 SUITS GOING FOR Single and double-breasted mod- OSU *3 7 ? els. All sizes, styles and patterns. «P W. • • ** Plenty of 2-trouser Suits. Oir $35.00 TO $45.00 SUITS GOING FOR All hand-picked suits. You’ll rec- ffi 7? ognize the fine tailoring. Plenty *9 /lm* • ** of 2-trouser suits to choose from. /tmWW Kerry Keith Hollywood Styled Suits Included $40.00 TO $50.00 SUITS GOING FOR Every wanted size and model. #3 #3 7 S New styles and patterns. An *9 3 • w *9 putstanding group. All sizes. 9W 9W $50.00 TO $60.00 SUITS GOING FOR Hiis group includes our finest fi #3 63 7 bench work models. Rich fabrics, *9 A* • ** fine tailoring. Every size. -$7.50 to $8.50 SPORTS SLACKS Shetland?, Coverts, Herringbones, dV4 QC Zipper fronts and pleated styles. All sizes “*03 $10.00 to $12.50 SPORTS SLACKS Handsome fabrics, patterns and shades. A very special group at the special &■“] QP price of..-.-. ▼» $12.50 to $16.50 Sport Coats, 20% OFF l > (Alpscnnas Excepted) $20.00 TO $25.00 REVERSIBLE TOPCOATS Tweed on one side, gabardine on CP m ^ the other. Smart raglan styles. «P ■ All sizes. All going for only_ » $27.50 & $29.50 COATS GOING FOR Finely tailored Topcoats and n 7 S Overcoats. A few zipper lined «P I X* • *3 coats included. Hurry, men! JLmP • $35.00 & $40.00 COATS GOING FOR All outstanding group! of care- CP 7 fully tailored garments. All the 9 /i|* • « wanted styles, models, patterns. 03* ” S3S & S40 Genuine Hand-woven Harris Tweeds, S29.7S $40.00XTO $65.00 COATS GOING FOR Included are our famous Bench- ^ CP CP 7 T work Hand-tailored Coats. Su- «P -C -C • • perior tailoring, choice styles. PP PP Tuxedos and Full Dress -..-■ - ■■■■ ... $27.50 & $29.50 TUXEDOS NOW Single and double-breasted mod- ffi-p A 7 & els. New styles and models. You’ll «P ■ Pl< f tl find the size you want, but hurry! $29.75 & $35.00 DRESS SUITS NOW Single and double-breasted Tux- « c'P m w edos, smart Full Dress Suits. All *P W.m• *3 standard Y. M. S. quality. All sizes. 030 PLP $40.00 to $50 DRESS SUITS NOW Single and double-breasted Tux- £» CP 03 7 Sf edos, smart Full Dress Suits, in- «P -p t|* • *3 eluding our benchwork models. PP IP $3.95 TUXEDO VESTS____—$2.95 YOU can’t hold a good man down ... And good stores, like good humans, are seldom satisfied to let the grass grow under their foundations. As Washington’s Largest Exclusive Men’s Store, we are ever alert to make this a finer, more convenient store for you to shop in . . . Before many days are over the build ers will be tearing this store apart. They are going to give you one of the finest Shoe Departments you have ever seen... right on the main floor with our Clothing, Furnishings and Hat Departments. Save Up to 20%! 30%! 4©%! 5©%! Before the dust begins to fly we’re going to give you the greatest Sale of Men’s Clothing, Hats, Furnishings and Shoes of the present era. This spacious store is bulging with stocks. You already know the qualities; Our fine Devonshire, St. Albans, Sturdiweve, Hickory Twist, Kerry Keith Hollywood styled suits and our finest Benchwork Clothes . . . Stylep^rk Hats, Bostonian, Johnson & Murphy, Mansfield and Windsor Shoes . . . fine Ties, Hose, Sportswear and other accesso * ENTIRE STOCK $2 to $5 MUFFLERS Including whites as well as fancies. |” Q1 f f Silks, wools and rayons_ ZD 0 Oil $1.00 FAMOUS MAKE SUSPENDERS Regular and extra long. This Is a Re- / q Building Sale Special at.... O/C <576) $1.65 & $2.00 SHIRTS Whites and fancies. All sizes. A & | ■ q few slightly soiled from display. All ^ I • I 7 standard Y. M. 8 quality. s for . V N $2.50 & $3.00 SHIRTS NOW REDUCED Smart patterns. Also broken lots of £ ■ our YMS 2x2 Pima Yarn broadcloths.- yl*// 3 forts.IS OVER 3,000 FINE TIES Formerly were tl.00 to tS.OO 50c, 75c. $1.15 and to $2.45 (576 PAIRS) FAMOUS MAKE 35c HOSE Choose from a complete selection A £ ■ of shades and patterns .. • DlS. $ I (997 PAIRS) FAMOUS MAKE 50c HOSE Rayons- lisles; all sizes. Clocks, 3 FOR plains and fancies.-. $1.10 . J/C (212 PAIRS) $1.00 FAMOUS MAKE HOSE Silks, wools and lisles. 3 FOR / Q _ Now reduced to ... $2._ O/C (98 PAIRS) $1.65 WOOL HOSE_95c (407 PAIRS) $2.50 & $3.00 GLOVES Genuine cape and pigskins; grey tan, black and brown. Clasp or slip- £ ■ ifl on styles. All sizes_ ^ I .TO Balance Entire Stock Gloves, 15% off (22 Pairs) $1.50 White Wool String Gloves .. . 95c Re-Building Sale SPECIAL! SHIRTS & SHORTS -3 for $1 ENTIRE STOCK $7.95 to $10.00 FLANNEL ROBES . . . $5.85 & $7.85 35c GARTERS _23c OUR 50c FAMOUS MAKE GARTERS ' Narrow and wide in single or double grip styles. Variety of new colors to choose from 0OC NOVELTIES & FITTED CASES Were $5-to $12.50. / 0/ ~II Now reduced to.. <50 /3 JO OTT $1.65 & $2.00 PAJAMAS Broadcloths striped and figured. I ^F A Rebuilding Sale Special at .. T I ENTIRE STOCK $12.50 TO $20.00 CELA NESE-LINED ROBES GREATLY REDUCED S2S$8.85 & $ 10.85 ENTIRE STOCK SWEATERS 20%, 35% OFF Were $2 to $8.95. (| IA 1. (C QC Now very special at... f I *vv TO ENTIRE STOCK LEATHER JACKETS, Were $8.50 to $18.50. US’S, $6.80 to $14.80 50c Package of 25 Razor Blades Genuine Swedish blue steel double* ISa edged blades. Only 2 pkgs. to a cus- -■■***■' tomer. Guaranteed! 2 pkgs. 25e ries. Practically all our Fall and Winter stock, excepting those items which we are never per mitted to reduce. Come early tomorrow ... Store opens at 8:15 A.M.! . . . it’s your golden opportunity to save on your ap parel needs! Raw material and manufacturing costs are rising—Take our tip and buy NOW! Below and at left you’ll find a partial list of the hundreds of bargains! Now h the Time To Open a Charge Account b \ i MONTHS TO PAY No down payment and no interest Or carrying charges la pay. FREE PARKING on purchases of $1 or more . . . park at rear of store at 1322 G Street N.W. ... a few steps take you right Into our store through the rear entrance. .. ,. ne-nuudirtg sale OVER 3Op FINE HATS Reduced in These Three Groups i War* $35? ( $J|,45 and $4.00 j ^ W«r« $5.00 ( $A,0S and $650 j Q > War. $$.50 ($541 and $10.00 | ^ j ft '#*2 PAIRS) $5.00 WINDSOR SHOES A Tan and black, wing tips and straight tips, calfskins and quater brogues. Every size in one style or another_ fjt/j (143 PAIRS) $6.00 MANSFIELD SHOES. * Tan and black calfskin in wing tip, ^ yr straight tip and quarter brogue styles __ yii/0 (243 PAIRS) $7.85 BOSTONIAN SHOES Cordovan brogues. Wing tips or straight *r yr tips. Tan or black calfskin. Now _ »PD» / 0 (317 PAIRS) $7.85 b $8.85 Bostonian Shoes Choice styles in fine calfskins. Every &/ yr wanted size in one style or another_ y®* ' (117 PAIRS) $8.95 to $12.50 Bostonian Shoes Styles and models that fit right—feel right . . . because they’re walk fitted. #y *y|" Every size in one style or another_ y/ */0 A GROUP OF $12.50 b $13.50 JOHNSTON b MURPHY SHOES GREATLY REDUCED The finest in America. Tan quarter brogues and blacks in straight tip styles. yr « Your size in one style or another.. y>0«/0 Balance of Entire Remaining Stock of Shoes Also Proportionately Reduced 0 (37) $5.00 CORDUROY SPORTS JACKETS Suede finish. Assorted colors and if sizes. Some spirts shirts included_ (39) $3.50 BUSH COATS Plaid and solid colors. Sharkskins and & | "7r Repp. Assorted colors. All sizes_ (52) $1.65 & $2.00 KNIT SPORTS SHIRTS Stripes and solid colors. Long sleeve styles, "tq _ Variety of colors, all sizes.... It C (6) $6.95 SPORTS JACKETS Double-breasted fleecy fabrics of fine qj“ spun rayon. Tan only. Medium sizes. /O (7) $3.95 CASHMERE TYPE SPORTS SHIRTS * Assorted colors. These shirts are in long * | Qr sleeve styles. Swfll for now!_ T * *'0 ^ $5.00 SPORTS SHIRTS REDUCED Chamois type. Imported fabric. Long PA sleeves. Medium sizes.. (3) $5.00 to $12.50 SPORT TYPE JACKETS Medium and large sizes. tfA AC &t Off Now reduced to. t0 fO.40 (46) $3.50 & $3.95 SPORTS SHIRTS Blue and tan only. Small, medium and £ ■ aq large. Made of gabardine.... T > •• t (8) $2.00 V-NECK SLIPOVER VESTS..79c WASHINGTON’S LARGEST EXCLUSIVE MEN’S STORE 1319-21 F STREET N.W. * A 1 Over 2,000 Men's HANDKERCHIEFS were 15c to 50c each Nou, 12 for_$1.25 /Vow 6 for,. $1.00 /Vow 4 for $1.00 " /Vow 3 for—$1.00 l