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Committee Formed To Wage Education Fight for Cripples Appropriations for 6 Teachers to 'Start' Program Proposed Active congressional support for an appropriation to make possible establishment of a permanent pro gram for education of crippled children here who cannot leave their homes or hospitals will be sought by the newly formed Co ordinating Committee for Handi capped Children. Members of the House Subcom mittee on District Appropriations will be asked to provide funds in the District budget to pay at least six teachers to instruct these chil dren. See “Start” Toward Program. The Co-ordinating Committee, composed of representatives of pub lic and private agencies who come in contact with the crippled young sters, point out that six teachers would represent only a “start” to ward an adequate permanent sys tem aimed at replacing the W. P. A. project now engaged in teaching crippled children when this latter service is terminated. More than 200 now are receiving their education through the W. P. A. efforts. The committee was established yesterday at a meeting called by the Health Committee of the Coun cil of Social Agencies. Mrs. Goodman Presides. /-»_3_JJ iviidi £jUOaU(Ul V. v** rector of the W. P. A. project here, acted as temporary chairman. It is expected an officer of a private group will be chosen permanent head of the committee. Among those present were Miss Lena Hitchcock, director of occupa tional therapy for Children's Hos ' pital; Mrs. Evelyn Bright Buckley, vice president of the District of Co lumbia Congress of Parents and Teachers; Mrs. C. H. Pierce, vice chairman of the Department of Education, District of Columbia Federation of Women’s Clubs, and Dr. Robert J. Kassan. assistant di rector of Emergency Hospital’s out patient department. Intruder Seizes Purse At Legislator's Apartment Police today were searching for the colored burglar who entered the apartment of Representative Joseph J. Mansfield of Texas yesterday and *tole a purse containing about $12. The pocketbook belonged to Mrs. Richard P. Dorsey, the Represent ative's daughter, who is visiting in his apartment at 2101 New Hamp shire avenue N.W. Mr. Mansfield, his daughter, and his daughter-in law, Mrs. Bruce Mansfield, were in the apartment at the time. When Mrs. Mansfield saw the 1 burglar he warned her to be quiet, picked up the purse and fled. She gave police a description of the man. Mrs. Robert A. Taft, wife of the Senator from Ohio, reported yes- j terday that two watches, the prop erty of her sons, had been stolen from the glove compartment of her automobile. Wiley Stimson, a cab driver who lives at 920 Twenty-third street N.W., was robbed of $9 last night by two passengers. The men forced him to surrender the money at gun point. Theft of a number of shrouds, drapes and other funeral accessories —along with an automobile—was reported today by James McCarthy, of New York City. Mr. McCarthy said the funeral accessories were In the back seat of his automobile, | parked near uonunemm j where he is staying. The car was stolen last night. Service Orders ARMY. CAVALRY. Black. Lt. Col James E. from Monterey to Fort Moutrie. , _ . _ . Habecker Second Lt. John C., from West Point to Randolph Field. INFANTRY. , Tuttle. Ma). Albert L., from Cleveland to Howe. Ind MEDICAL CORPS. m . Llnthicum. Lt. Col. Edgar 8., from Wash ington to Trenton. COAST ARTILLERY CORPS. Cooper. First Lt. Harry B., jr., from Fort Monroe to Panama. QUARTERMASTER CORPS. Heap Lt Col. Theodore P. from Fort Thomas to Fort Benjamin Harrison. Barnett. Maj Theodore T„ from Fort Knox to Fort Thomas . i Cullins. Capt. Harry, from Philadelphia to i Fort Moultrie FIELD ARTILLERY. White. Capt. Robert C.. from Hawaii to [ St. Bonaventure College. CORPS OF ENGINEERS. Welling. First Lt. Alvin C., from Seattle to Fairbanks Alaska. , .... - Hllle. First Lt. Harry L., jr., from Midway Island to Honolulu. NAVY. BUREAU OF NAVIGATION. Bpruance. Capt. Raymond A., from U. S. 8. Mississippi to 10th Naval District. Arndt. Lt. (i. g ' Ralph W.. from Pensa cola to Bombing Squadron 3 Bandy. Lt. (J. g.i Jack I„ from Pensacola to U. 8. 8 Ranger Gray Lt. (J. g.i Richard, from Pensacola to U. 8. 8. Enterprise. Hulson. Lt. (j. g.i William T.. from Pensa cola to Fighting Squadron 3. McCauley, Lt. (J. g.) James W., from Pen sacola to Bombing Squardon 6. Hewell, Lt (J. g.i James H, from Pensa cola to TJ. 8. 8. Lexington. Heed, Lt. (j. g.i Marion J.. from Pensacola to U. 8 8. Phoenix. , „ . , Southerland. Lt. (j. g.i James J.. 2d., from Pensacola to U. 8 8. Yorktown. MEDICAL CORPS. Barbour. Comdr. Herbert L, from San Pedro to Long Beach. Calif Allman. Lt. Thomas L., from Pearl Harbor to San Pedro. .. , Higgins. Lt Alton R.. from 4th Marines to Chelsea Mass Smith, Lt. Francis K.. from Cleveland to Chicago. SUPPLY CORPS. Hamrick. Lt. Cecil O . from San Clemente Island to San Diego. Deiweiler. Lt. (J. g.i Louis M.. from San Diego to San Clemente Island. Your first accident may be your last. • _ BRONCHIAL To quickly relieve DISTRESS—when j a cold affects your upper bronchial tubes ' —REMEMBER it takes MORE than “just a salve!” You need to rub your chest, throat and back with a warming, soothing **counter-irritant” like good old reliable Musterole which penetrates the outer layers of the skin and helps break up local congestion and pain. Its soothing vapors ease breathing. Used by millions for over 30 years! 3 strengths: Regular, Children’s (mild) and Extra Strong, 40* Hospital Size, $3.00. ? f HERSHEY BARS ALMOND AH Ounces_ PLAIN 7 Ounces...... Bittersweet 7 Ounces_ KRACKEL GVi Ounces.... NOUGAT-ALMOND, « ounces _„13e; 2 for 25c MILD AND MELLOW, « Ounce...] Oc MR. GOODBAR, 6% Ounces -.— 10c BEGINNING THURSDAY 55c EVENING IN PARIS ROUGE with FREE LIPSTICK Both C Cc For A trial size of Lipstick and regular size of Rouge ... two lovely make-up requisites in harmonizing shades. EVENING IN PARIS FACE POWDER With Complimentary Size* of ROUGE and LIPSTICK Choose your most be* ... coming shade of Kve- ALL >1 nine In Paris Face FOR ~ I LPowder, and you will r » I receive generous sites of Route and Lipstick In harmonising shades. LET IT SNOW! *0e LET IT BLOW! MeCOY'S n#%%#nll COD LIVER Drink BOVRIL The "BEVERAGE BEEFSTEAK" TABLETS &...... 45e j—41c fir..:... 89C YEAST A rich, pure conoentrate of FOAIU the finest, lean beef ... hearty in strength - giving protein. s TAB LETS Nothing like it as a “pick-up’’ lelHe of 60 drink. — _ w 10c A CUP AT ALL PEOPLES FOUNTAINS rVi' J I llffiif PRESCRIPTION 7 a IS IN COMPETENT HANDS AT PEOPLES DRUG STORES There are at least two registered pharmacists assigned regu larly to each Peoples Drug Store—assuring you of accurate, intelligent, prescription service at all times. These pharma cists have the benefit of years of practical experience in addi tion to their studies necessary to pass the rigid examina tions required to obtain registration. chllcJfydH/ Ctp&UmcAcC Phwtuictidr JOSEPH W. BRILES Mr. Briles Joined the staff of Peoples pharmacists November 11th, 1922, .over 17 years ago. He is typical of the many senior phar macists who fill prescriptions every day at Peoples. Mr. Briles is located at our 11th and East Capitol Street store. GROVE'S LAXATIVE ANACIN VICK'S BROMO VAPEX PEOPLES _ BROMO TABLETS V“ QUININE NASAL ^.NITIS j-Z SELTZER ™ NGSt Get o u i c k re- ... - , ___ . East. effective ef strength'-'robbmg Full Strength SPRAY *™e»t relief DROPS t these css. ami breathe Bon|e of ,00 Relieve^ nasal Irom headaches. tlblet, 5Oc 31- 55c 75c rn. 60c 60c 3 25c 1C Size 3 “Tv Size Size ^ ^V Size Size 3.WV Sixe I w* L_ ■ : BILL'S MILBURNS COLD I VICKS I I Mustero e TABLETS K^YS CAPSULES SCOTT'S VAPO-M1B EN0 ~“NTER. TABLETS N0SE EMULSION SALVE Effervescent I CAIVE At the first sign RD ADC drag you down— A n excellent c A I T 3MUVC ol a cold, start DROP# . f t ,, f Ionic with all Loosens up that jAL I taking these _ . , _ . *ft Itft rfU" value of cod “tight1 feeling Choice of mild pleasant tablets. Contains Bfche- with these cap- liver oil Pleas- In your chest Pleasant and (for children) or Act promptly. grme^.nd Chlor' sules. ea5y t0 *hce0V°U have -easy to take. regular strength. 50c IQ- DC#* DC#* *120 55c 3120 40c Hr Tin I /V 3DC 3 Sixe Sixe Size Size A/C PERTUSSIN DR MILES for aika SAL IRONIZED FLEET S COUGHS SELTZER HEPAT,CA YEAST PHOSPHO Relieves coughs Effective laxative. TABLETS SODA due to colds. Safe 30c easy 10 take be- 1 ** .... for children and cause It Is eller- Rich ln vitamin f„Le f.L*,?),*. fe' adults. Stxe veacent. B and Iron fast la*®1"* Sir It 49c St 39c it0 71c it 21c A Medicated, Greaseless Cream That Every Member Will Find Many Uses For ... NOXZEMA Hrig" SKIN CREAM ' *ei tc u_*._> c.'_- Enough Noxzema to last the 1 fl.75 Hospital Size entire family for months! ^SAst^sTMEOlCAf^ ^ ^ ^ For chapped skin, pimples, Skill CDCANL £«■ *4 Chafing and other skin ir ^ B J ritations from external causes. Save money . . . | A | get the big jar of this w “miracle” cream today! I ctop IT GRAHAM TABLETS MILK 0F WAMPOLE'S ALL'S tab^ctc BAUME WAMrULt J headaches, minor Muu >» TABLETS DCkJ <• A V PREPA- pa!ns EXPECTORANT DCN-oAT RATION 25c r.nlft COMPOUND 25cT,n|Q_ J.V head' colds of 12 - ■ 7C Soothing to 0f jq I /V —a 1 s o soothing A systemic ton- “ coughs due to to muscular aches ic and stimulant. colds. Pleasant to due to colds. $1.00 take. 75c Sir.75c 79c S£, 34c 69c JS. 50c TAMPAX | NOW IN THREE SIZES! Regulor or Junior Size ^ VjC Box of 10. Mm3 wmmmrnmk SwtT.„p„ 33c Box ’of 10_ *3 *3 This famous INTERNAL sanitary pro tection now comes in three sizes to care for your needs on different days. No pins, pads, or belt required . . . nothing to hinder or show. 1 ' 'I , I MISTOL GRAHAM ""JUS SQUIBB NOSE fAIIGH BROWN ASPIRIN REL HEAD DROPS SYRUP MIXTURE TABLETS COLD JELLY, Aid, in relief of * LOZENGES Bottl. of 200 J^lne^c{gg minor nasal con- Relieves colfthi High quality and head, makes gestlpn due to due to colds. Bottle of 30 quick-dissolving. breathing easier, colds. sst _ 45c I?' 21c 19e L 59e ft. 24c Prices May Vary Slightly in Maryland and Virginia Stores on a Fete Items Which Are Under Stale Contract Lams. A I Keep Uoufi TNedicim Cabinet Stocked witii I I / V V In our modern, scru pulously clean labora tory, under the capable supervision of a mas ter pharmacist, Peo ples Quality products are bottled and pack aged. Here, highest qual ity drugs, gathered from the four corners of the world, must pass a rigid test for purity, potency and uniformity before be ing offered to you. You can rely on Peoples Quality prod ucts for freshness, pur ity, potency and uni formity today and every day. \ _ Chloroform LINIMENT *i f* — 3-ounce C floH/e Excellent r u b b 1 n t lubricant and coun ter-irritant. Double-Dietilled WITCH HAZEL Pint Bottle Aromatic ' SPIRIT OF AMMONIA 3-ounce ^ jC Bottle WATER-WHITE MINERAL OIL 49c /.a. • m SPIRIT OF ^pjj^ TURPENTINE II I 1A. I |yC Bottle H§ U. S. F. Quality A CAi7L0R Ipwsn ol^ |||||: 25«tt" SI FLUID EXTRACT CASCARA Aromatic 0% W" _ 2-ounce Bottle RUBBING ALCOHOL 7 Or Piu‘ ^Zf*0 Bottle Por rubbina away muscular aches and other minor pains. rj U. S. P. Quality JX Camphorated OIL I rni>mt I 1 P #ou»ajrv ■ §§| 25c ^ 0 SPIRIT OF CAMPHOR ■ I MO«ll B ■ I '*'**.«> I j Anta ^ 4-ounce felW^IJ DIJC floM/e 'SR Brown Mixture ici and Ammonium Chloride ^ ^ 4-ounce ^ jC Bottle PEROXIDE of Hydrogen 19c SSL bqr|c ACID POWDER 29c V U. S. P. Quality BORAX POWDER 15c v ELIXIR IRON, QUININE and STRYCHNINE 89c ill SODIUM BICARB ONATE 23c Pound Tin EPSOM SALT 15c Pound Tin I U. S. P. Quality | ROCHELLE SALT 1 4-ounct Box ■ PSYLLIUM 390" U. S. P. Quality 'JtBSm POWDERED K ALUM '■BPj25c MBB U- S. P. Quality SHf SENNA •mBSI' LEAVES L;lHQV < M f _ 3-ounce So* : . ' ' - PERUNA TONIC U ooaeor I 93* 1 7Sc I ACIDINE POWDER For A*M 63* 1 SOc AYER'S Cherry Flavored PECTORAL 39* I 11.25 Quart SQUIBB MINERAL OIL 89* I $t.oo SQUIBB ! COD LIVER OIL 79* I 30c Tint UN6UENTINE OINTMENT 25* I SOc REWAMOL For Cough* DO* to CoMt * 42* | SOc PEPTO BISMOL For Upset , Stomach 42* | ISc DJER KISS TALCUM 15* I 60c AMOLIN Deodorant POWDER 49* I 60c IODENT TOOTH powder 33* 1 MASSO TOOTH BRUSHES 23* 1 ' THERMOS I BOTTLES IfW 89* 8T. »16»| Pock of 10 EVSRREADY &AZQR BLADES - 48e A