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_—1 Welfare Association Gels Tax Refunds Of $107,700 Sum Is Largest Made To Any Person or Group In Collection District The Welfare and Recreation As sociation of Public Buildings and Grounds, Inc., has received refunds of more than $107,700 on Internal Revenue taxes paid during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1939, it was disclosed today. The corporation received the larg est total refund of an individual or group paying the taxes in the Maryland collection district which Includes the District of Columbia. All but about $3,000 of the refund which was based on a capital stock tax payment, was an income tax rebate. The rebate was one of some 150 paid to Washingtonians or Wash ington representatives of persons or firms paying the taxes in other Jurisdictions. The list for the entire country was submitted by the Treasury to Congress as provided by Act of Congress in 1928 and was made public by Chairman John J. Coch ran of the Committee on Expendi tures in the Executive Departments. Amounts Already Paid. It was made clear by Chairman Cochran that the report covering some $49,413,686 in refunded taxes, Inclusive of interest, represents amounts paid to taxpayers during the fiscal year ending last June 30 and not amounts to be refunded in the future. The bulk of the refunds in the District were on income tax pay ments although there were some social security, estate, processing and other payments. Only about half the rerunds were on amounts paid in the Maryland f t nrlop tVin rt ri of Columbia. The other half is made up of persons or firms filing payments in other States but whose refunds were paid to legal or other representatives in the District. Refunds, Chairman Cochran said, are based on overpayments gener ally due to mathematical errors, re porting of non-taxable income, fail ure to take credit for foreign taxes, and failure to take proper credit for depreciation and obsolescence of physical properties. The larger refunds, he said, are generally based on rulings by the Board of Tax Appeals, the courts, or determination by the Treasury on the basis of board and court decisions. Those Receiving Refunds. Those receiving refunds on amounts paid in the Maryland dis , trict and the taxes on which the rebate was made were: Acacia Mutual Life Insurance Co., 61 Louisiana avenue N.W., $17,157.55, social security. Hugh D. Auchincloss, Merry wood, McLean, Va., $735.61, income. George R. Beneman, Union Trust Building, $2,638.58. income. Bituminous Coal Producers, Board for District No. 7, 320 Washington Building, $820.99. social security. Gist Blair, Union Trust Building, $2,762.29, income. Harvey B. and Eva W. Bolton, 6406 ' Beachwood drive, Chevy Chase, Md., $516.16, income. John W. Burke, 2311 Tracy place N.W., $964.38, income. Elizabeth May Cammack, Ward man Park Hotel, $3,561.96, income. Coltexo Corporation, care of Harry J. Gerrity, Hill Building, $4,452.92, ! Income. Virginia Players Ruled Eligible For Jobless Aid By the Associated Press. RICHMOND, Feb. 1.—The State Unemployment Compensation Com mission has expressed the opinion that professional baseball players in Virginia are eligible for unemploy ment benefit payments under the State law. Commission Chairman Frank P. Evans based his decision on the contention that players in organized baseball were employed in a "sea sonal industry” and as “seasonal employes” were entitled to benefits In the event their clubs paid the taxes. The chairman said he was certain at least three clubs in the Piedmont League, Richmond, Norfolk and Portsmouth, had paid the taxes. While a provision of the Virginia Unemployment Act forbids the re lease of names of persons receiving benefits except to “interested parties,” Maj. Evans said he knew of at least one player who received benefits last fall for several weeks after the regular season closed. The payments ceased when the player obtained an off-season job outside the State. Columbia Title Insurance Co., 503 E street NAV., $1,568.32, Income. Congressional Country Club. Congressional Country Club, $788.05,, social security. Consolidated Title Corp., care of J. Marvin Haynes, Investment Build ing, $636.67, income. Mrs. F. S. Coyle, 2039 New Hamp shire avenue N.W., $587.69, income. Estate of Harry M. Crandall, John J. Payette, Earle Building, adminis trator, $1,686.25, income. Estate of Charles Curtis, Lola M. Williams and Harry K. Curtis, executors, 1037 Shoreham Build ing, $3,532.42, income. Helen S. Devore, 401 Union Trust Building, $763.96, income. District Title Insurance Co., care of Lybrand, Ross Bros. & Montgom ery, Investment Building, $2,578.60, income. Abner Drury Brewery, Inc., care of Ralph D. Quinter, trustee in bankruptcy, 815 Fifteenth street N. W., $690.78, income. Mary Gertrude Durant, care of the National Savings & Trust Co., $3,896.63, income. Estate of John Joy Edson, the Washington Loan & Trust Co., executor, $658.91, income. Henry G. Gore, 2100 Massachusetts avenue N.W., $1,135.83, income. Randall Hagner Estate. ' Estate of Randall H. Hagner, Marguerite Colton Hagner, George N. Ray and the Riggs National Bank executors, $3,211.20, income. Estate of Fairfax Harrison, Hetty Fairfax Harrison, executor, Southern Railways Building, $1,722.55, income. Estate of Fairfax and Hetty F. Harrison, surviving spouse, Hetty rairiax Harrison, executrix. income. Jessie M. Haussermann, care of Lucien H. Mercer, 402 Metropolitan Bank Building, $10,696.51, income. M. H. and Olive Lee Hawkins, 4949 Quebec street N.W., $1,017.79, income. Charles B. Hawley 8650 Rockville pike, Bethesda, Md., $6,287.09, in come. Estate of Katherine Elkins Hitt, William F. Hitt, administrator, care of Mrs. S. R. Hitt, 1501 New Hamp shire avenue N.W., $2,796.57, estate. James C. Kimberly. 2500 Calvert street N.W.. $877.42, gift. Kiplinger Washington Agency, $1,018.78, income. Homer L. Kitt, 1330 G street N.W., $592.68. income. Henry Krogstad. care of the Na tional Savings & Trust Co., $1,086.97, income. William H. Labrot, Holly Beach Farm, Annapolis, Md., $83626, in come. Lawyers Title Insurance Co., 1413 I street N.W., $2,603.36, income. Maryland Athletic Club. Maryland Athletic Club, Bladens burg road and District line. Bladens burg, Md., $1,190.46, social security. Maryland State Fair. Incorporated, post office box H. Laurel, Md., $1, 185.37, social security. Mayflower Management Corp., 605 Munsey Building, $900.99, income. Marv Sprague Miller, 2230 S street N.W., $5,43693, income. Sam D. Moses, 5109 Thirty-ninth street N.W., $4209.44, income. Louise Chase Myers, care of R. G. Rankin Co., 730 Fifteenth street N.W., $5,093.31, income. National Electrical Supply Co.. Inc., 1330 New York avenue N.W., $7,397.17, income. National Fruit Product Co., 840 Woodward Building, $2,527.48, in come. Edwin O. and Mrs. Ray T. Nourse, 722 Jackson place N.W., $592.20, in come. Theodore W. Noyes, 1730 New Hampshire avenue N.W, $2,439.75, income. James O'Donnell, care of the Liberty National Bank, $1,205.18, income. Arthur E. Otto, 949 Munsey Build ing, $1,386.31, income. The Paving Supply & Equipment Co., Tenth and Girard streets N.E., $608.64, income. The Phillips Properties, Inc., 1218 Connecticut avenue N.W., $5,196.14, capital stock. The Real Estate Title Insurance Co., 503 E street N.W., $1,414.77, in come. Donald R. and Florence W. Rich ber;g, 111 Shadow road, Chevy Chase, Md., $775.23, Income. The Riggs National Bank, 1503 Pennsylvania avenue N.W.. $5,724.51, income. Security Savings and Commercial Bank, 701 Ninth street N.W., $1, 558.17, income. Estate of Edward B. Simonds, Geneva B. Simonds, administratrix, 115 West Madison avenue, River dale, Md., $1,872.96, income. Andrew T. and Helen B. Smith, National Press Building, $546.33, in come. Mary E. Stewart, 401 Union Trust Building, $897.03, Income. Hattie M. Strong trust of De cember 17, 1934, L. Corrin Strong, trustee, 809 Hill Building, $529.71, income. Edward R. True, jr., 819 Invest ment Building, $1,302.43, income. United States Savings Bank, Frederick J. Young, receiver, 2000 Fourteenth street N.W., $2,650, income. William Henry and Dorothy H. Van Benschoten, 1228 Connecticut avenue N.W., $709.14, income. 8. F. Vance, transferee, care of Independent Publishing Co., 1065 (Continued on Page A^!5) TO AVOID FAILURE ALWAYS USE FIAKD PIE CRUST @ You know beforehand, at every baking, that your pie will be light,flaky and golden, because Flako’s quality ingredients are precision-mixed. No guesswork, therefore no failures. You sim ply add water, roll and bake. r WHEN IT 7 RAINS, *) IT POURS 4 COSTS AN AVERAGE A FAMILY ONLY 2c I A WEEK TO ENJOY! DELECTABLE PANCAKES aaic^aS mafic A You could hardly make Pillsburys pancakes more quickly if you used a magic wand. And they disappear as if by magic, because they’re so good! 1 7j jj p.___ A A The Newest Acme Market Opened TODAY ► 16th and T Sts., N. E. | Serve Yourself M GEORGIA8! vi.,N«.*w* W 'tEwk Wr ► 1819 BENNING B .immiwnm^^n i«» *otb I m B P d *i« mth mK8T, n. w. ' Even though Acme Market* are the laet word It. modem food merchandi* h M P ^P W P I r W H UH COLUMBIA road Ing. we have never deviated from our almoet half-a-century old policy— P ■ . m k p ^ M W ^1^ Y 9*s# Georgia AVE..N. W. “You must be eatlefled or your money will be refunded.” Select your food f ■ kd ^V * e m P d B m ^PPI I JJi ?stmRrtbeet. n. e. here from the best the world has to offer — be sure of quality and rock I I ^^P P MB I B U Y I 231-223 Md. Av®., MyatUvllle, Md.A bottom price* .. . B imammmmmm y°w D°uar *«>« M°re «* *** Acme ^ ^ Del Moiz Niblets 2 “ 19 f 1 Campbell’s Beans 3 - 20* 1 4 Tomato Juice a > 4 “"23* l 4 Campbell’s Soup; 8* 1 4 Phillips Beans ~,h ’•» 4* 1 4 Veget«Me Soup a 3 N°- 29c | ^ WHOLE UNPEELED i APRICOTS < 2-15* ASSTD SOUPS If 16-oz K 4 c«n MJi M Heinz Ketchup | Heinz Spaghetti 1 Z7 16c | 2^ 21c f 4 Cranberry Sauce® 2 » 2 lc I 4 Calif. Peaches - 2-" 23* I 4 Tomato Juice s= 2 »25c I 1 Evap. Milk k 4 ■ 27c I 4 Gorton’s Codfish K »■ 10e j ] Dom. Sardines a llc 1 i G0RT0N’8 ground pepper M f FISH ROE #r C,NNAM0N I 4 2 IS 1 A 1 ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► Lean Mealy Pork Chops £ Afoouf’s Slav Link Sausage . Sausage Meat swin^eroVk^id_ i ^ FANCY FRESH HEN TURKEYS TENDER LEAN CHUCK ROAST 15c w Fresh Killed Frying 1 y Chickens I ► j* h Tender Shoulder Lamb Roast ( f Fancy Rib Roast lb 21c Breast of Lamb (*« •“*) lb 8e ■ k Loan Boilbis Boef lb 10c Bonoloss Steak Fish lb 9c K S Freshly Bround Beef »b 15c Fillet of Haddock >b 21c f [ Dry strip Bacon (b? P|tc*> ,b 15c Fresh Boston Mackorel lb 15c 5 b U. S. QRADEDQOOD STEER BEEF SirloUl Steaks lb 27e I L CHP V II UF Cl Round Steaks lb25e ( ^ ■9 A Slam II Porterhouse Steaks ,b 33c I f ---1 k 2 f MTUQ - ^ _ _ ! / Apples 5 14* \ ^ A W,,t*mPolictousApplet4ib.iftc ^ 4 I fpn «,*£!"* mm CHOICE SLICING % 4 / TOMATOES \ 4 ! c 2-25° § 5 m I“»cy Florida Oranges 2 “ 25c I 4 V • in-Skin Fig. Tangerines do* lOe f i A 1 QUALITY WHITE | < T Potatoes 10*23* / 4 Fresh Pulled Carrots bch 5c j\ 4 RED OR yellow m 4 CRUSHE^ l Sweet Potatoes / 4 CORNY , ; 3*"20' beets 44 4:."25' Maxwell House Coffee 2 2 Choice Tomatoes White Star Tana Argo Red Salmon Libby’s Corned Beef « 16€ Dole Pineapple Juice « 21* Butter Kernel Peas 2 ^ 29* Aunt JemimaPancake2 35.' 19* Pancake Flour Buckwheat pkg 5* I Log Cabin Syrup At' 17* Pure Tomato Catsup 2 15 15* Blue Mill Cocoa At 7* 2 At 13* C & B Date-Nut Bread 2 ,t°„'. 25* N. B. C. Shredded Wheat » »10* Gold Medal Wheaties 2 PtV. 19* Quaker Oats Quick or Regular 2 pkgs 15* Wheat or Rice Puffs 2 ’"•* 9* Gold Seal Oats Regular pkg 7* Crispo Fig Bars 2 lbPkgl,019c Gelatine Desserts Puddlnga 3 pk°* 10* Macaroni or Spaghetti 2 S 9* __ — r bmt pUBt m V Vat A > y y pur«Wve9 , W Shoitciu^ ! 3 39* t . . .tter shorten- r Try thU «|J» £d**io W y otso^ 2 i9c ; o.^^b!* y *«••***• y 2-27* y . CREAMERY ROLL OR TUB CREAMY, MELLOW WISCONSIN i butter cheese. ^ «■ 34c ©tl JttonteV ^ ____ Early Gordon Halvas or Slicas i :g BACON«10 ◄ ~ RICH, CREAMY "heat-flo" Roasted OUR OWN can* 14 Tomato Soup W in-Crist Coff 13c Pork ©Boons--— 4 4 2S lie H&jjBWg. t'b,33«l 4 5S 19c <*•! Monte Spinach 2gj,;25c 2 «£} 29* Biggest Value in Town • • k Oven-Fresh Sliced Victor ^ Bread /»\ RICH n n n h n Plain Angel Cakes •» 17c k | MILK oHEAD Iced Raisin Bread'o.f 9c ^ L a i6-oz f pc Walnut Loaf Cake «• 23c w \ dU loaves JU Pan Rolls pkaoM2 6c W ◄ FINEST 1 / All-Purpose 1{FLOUR i \12~43* Try It on our J Money-Back Guarantee 4 ^ i FLOOR ” sTl8”'" I WAX SODA I Pineapple lie i'sOAp" borax \12* X‘S« ! -gI 3**n*j^£ J B^O oVeonTm, 3 can !£ \ ASPARAGUS # B^oforhandsSS-oVcXil* j /Toiin Soap ,ck,„cte37e \ =.„ 16' 2^45« wy“,tlth r Octagon Toilet Soap 3 cks 13c Picnic Tlp#-^ 9 10l-ozcan, 99 r^i"***.* *0r windows 8'>*bot13ci O. K. Laundry Soap 4bars1le can. 27e ^ Gorham’, Silver Cream 8-oz ar 11° I CLEAN QU.CK----2 No 1 sqcans 4 ^ Dish Cteth^-5a pn Soup Flakes pk« i4c*V- ^ free I DOG FOOD un,“ •—<* <««-» >. 3 :,‘:’25c ^\ ► / FRANCO- \ k / AMERICAN \ Y ' Spaghetti*! y Macaroni 1 ► Vy2“"15*/ ^ —^ ► ◄ r »»T malMtlc Aluminum •<*»» »» k TISSUE TISSUE TOW£LS=^^ Now at a Fraction of Former j FILMS W Homo Domonatratlon Prices. s Expo..™ a.ii. v ^ 4r°|is15c 4roNt 25c 3rol|$ sa rut display 220* p ^ ^ ^ ^ m " If A ^_ - -S