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Ji . S' N-e-w Flowered Jonquils Jonquil delights in giving you clever adaptations at an econ omy price . . . Sketched Is a petite Cloque completely cov f ered with tiny white flowers and a proud white bird with frothy net bow perched on \ top .. . This is Just one of a collection of many gay styles. The Palait Royal, Millinery.. Second Floor ft New! Longer Length Rayon Bemberg Gloves $1 Gloves that go to fashionable lengths to please you in fine quality rayon bemberg . . . You’l enjoy a certain elegance when you wear really long gloves this Spring . .. And you can delve into color up to your elbows with royal, coral, heather, beige, gink, oleander, French blue, gold, moss, rown, navy and black. Sizes 5 Ya to 7Ya. Tko Palois Royal, Clovot.,. First Floor # Black Patent Leather With Sculptured Capeskin ji From Our Collection at Patent leather gives an extra sparkle that adds a pick-up to any ensemble . . . When patent is combined with capeskin, an en tirely new and adaptable effect is obtained. Each bag has something about it that makes it individual . . . Select one now for your “Winter pick-up.” | Tht Palais Royal, Handbags , .. First Floor T. A. G. Hose ! Exclusive ffcT 3 pairs With Usl * X. $2.90 , I With everyone talking about the new hos iery colors, we like to say a few words about Lady Washington’s wearing qualities. . . . For example: The heel-within-a-heel, the toe-within-a-toe, for additional wear. Of course, we have the latest shades, too . • • Musk, Toast, San Tan and Goldenrod. 3-Threads and 5-Threads in "Pert,” "Ideal” and "Stately” Lengths Tkt PeleU Rsysl, Hotitry . . . first flssr 1 > i coa‘vr ,ktTt fir-, " *; / %Z'npbn / ""**+4 s I j Herringbone jacket and gktrt, rayon crepe blouse As Changeable As a Lady’s Mind . . . Our Famous 4-Way • , * Four-Piece Suits j $10.95 | In New Pastel Tweeds $ .3 Almost like getting four costumes for the price of one—this four-piece ensemble which you mix and (hatch four ways. Wear | the muted herringbone Jacket and skirt with the rayon crepe blouse; the rayon crepe skirt and blouse os a two-piece team; the rayon blouse and muted herringbone skirt os a casual; or the muted herringbone jacket with rayon skirt and blouse. ^ Rose, Aqua or Blue in sizes 12 to 20. Tho Falait Royal, Battor Drottot , . . Third Floor ^ l « BloUSeS TO THE RESCUE They Perform “Miracles” \ %' 1 fi > ;v. | |s ; * •' •-•'• ■■■■•••• .vw- .<•- ..,;. Jacket Dresses COME FOR WINTER—STAY FOR SPRINC $£.95 ■*.■& • •• ; x- X-Xx - ' • i. : - • ■ xV:-:: x :• .* ■ X x - x-xx-xX; with o very wide solid color girdle. Note the chorm of the beautifully tucked skirt . , . the weorobility of the brief bolero. Printed rayon crepe in navy with rose or black with chartreuse. Sizes 12 to 18 --$8.95 B. This five-way jacket dress H a wardrobe in itself. It consists of o blbck or navy rayon olpaco basic dress ■ with a seporate bolero, plus o detachable print vestee and a Rngerie-ond-loce vestee with matching -honkies, Sizes 16Vi to 24}/i $8.95 ra ' - <. .-x ■ v •:> » Wt -A ✓ M • r Oxford Frames and Chains (Lomu Extra) See our registered Optometrist for an examination without extra charge. i $7- $ "7.95 Without Lenses Tkt Palais Royal, Oftomotrist . . . Balcony SALES! For Preps and Young Men 2-Trousers Preps’ Suits $1 e-95 Sizes 12 to 20 I / Single or double breasted suits of smart Spring tweeds . . . sturdy wool-and-rayon fabrics with Earl-glo linings. Sports coats; two pairs pleated Talon zipper trousers. Young Men’s Regular $12.95 Overcoats Originally $15.95 Clearance of 20 Balmaccan overcoats. Green in sizes 13 and 15; Brown in sizes 13, 14,15,16 and 22; Gray in sizes 15 to 22. Young Men’s Reg. $2.95 with Zippers $ New Spring Patterns Good-looking slacks, well tailored of wool and rayon fabrics in new spring patterns. Zipper closure; self belts. Sizes 14 to 20. Tht Palais Royal. Boys’ Shop . .. First Floor Our Exclusive "KENILWORTH ROYAL” SHIRTS These are the details men expect in good shirts: COLLARS are cut to Insure perfect fit and so that the tie fits snugly without bulges. Sanforized to I Insure shrinkage of less than 1%. BUTTONS are of first quality ocean pearl, cross- i stitched through the four holes so tney stay on longer. CUFFS have a full inch of underlay so they won’t gape or wrinkle and Insure neat, easy ironing. PATTERN MATCHING—a detail found only in the more expensive shirts. The Fains Royal, Men’s Furnishings ., . First Floor