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Bond Prices Score Moderate Gains On Broad Front Forenoon Sluggishness Gives Way to Rise In All Sections Bond Averages 20 10 10 10 Rails.Indust. Util. F'gn Net change. —.1 unc. +.1 +.1 Today, noon 57.7 102.1 96.4 50.9 Prev. day... 57.8 102.1 96.3 50.8 Month ago. 59.3 102.6 96.6 51.1 Year ago_ 59.4 99.0 94.3 61.4 1940 high.. 59.9 102.6 96.7 51.6 1940 low_ 57.3 101.9 96.1 50.1 1939 high.. 64.9 102.0 97.5 64.0 1939 low_ 53.4 95.8 90.4 41.7 10 Low-Yield Bonds. Noon_112.4 Prev. day. 112.3 M'nth ago 112.0 Year ago. 111.3 1940 high 112.3 1940 low. 111.5 1939 high 112.6 1939 low-. 103.6 (Compiled by the Associated Press.) Ey the Associated Press. NEW YORK, Feb. 6.—All depart- I ments of the bond market joined in | a modest forward move today. Toward the final hour forenoon | sluggishness! was replaced by a broadened inquiry for a wide selec tion of rails, utilities and industrials and some foreign dollar loans, nota bly those of Norway. Gains ran from fractions to a point or more in Missouri-Kansas Texas 5s, Southern Railway 4s, Studebaker 6s, International Tele phone 5s, Norway 4>4s, Queensland 6s and Argentine 4s. United States Governments were Up 1-32 to 6-32 of a point. West Penn Seeks Financing for Expansion By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, Feb. 6.—The West Penn Power Co., subsidiary of the American Water Works & Elec- j trie Co., has been negotiating with j investment bankers on a proposed $7,00.000 loan to finance expansion of the Windsor Station plant, near Wheeling, W. Va., financial circles disclosed today. The plans call for installation of 60.000 additional kilowatts of gener ating capacity. The American Gas & Electric Co., joint operator of the station, has completed its share of a program for enlarging the plant. New financing consisting of $5, 000.000 in first mortgage bonds and $2,000,000 in preferred stock has been considered, it was reported. Scientists Get Data On Sea Bottom Scientists have returned to Mos cow with much valuable data after a two-month study of the bottom of the Caspian Sea. With diving outfits, V. Zenkovich and P. Fyodo- i rov of the Institute of Geography! of the Academy of Sciences, de- j ccended to the bottom of the sea about 30 times. They made a study of the shifting of alluvial deposits and observed the life of the dwellers of the sea bottom. In addition, they investigated the Caspian's ancient shores, now be tween 30 and 100 feet under water. The data is to be used to compile a new chart and the scientists will write a book to describe their expe dition. _ I Check Volume Rises Sharply During Week By the Associated Press. The Federal Reserve Board re ports that banks in 274 leading cities cashed $8,160,975,000 worth of checks in the week ended January 31. compared with $7,871,599,000 in the preceding week and $8,057,178,000 in the corresponding week last year. Freeman Named Head Of Movie Producers By the Associated Press. HOLLYWOOD, Feb. 6.—Y. Frank Freeman, Paramount Studio execu tive, was elected president of the Motion Picture Producers’ Associa tion yesterday to succeed Joseph M. Schenck. James Roosevelt, president of Globe Productions, was elected a member. Iron, Steel Exports Jump in December By the Associated Press. The Commerce Department says exports of iron and steel products totaled 394,035 tons worth $30, 099,593 in December, compared with 332,899 tons worth $22,791,622 in No vember and 166.404 tons worth $11,506,216 in December, 1938. 300 Tons of Lead Sold NEW YORK, Feb. 6 St. Jos eph Lead Co. reported 75 tons of Southeast Missouri pig lead sold yesterday at $5.10 per 100 pounds, East St. Louis; 75 tons at $5.30, New York, and 150 tons at the New York average. -- Chicago Produce CHICAGO. Feb. 6 Wl.—Poultry, live. 41 trucks, steady. White /Rock springs, under 4 pounds. 17; ducks. 4% pounds up. col ored. 13; small colored. 10; white. 11: Seese. over 12 pounds. 14; 12 pounds own. 16: other prices. unchanged. Butter. 003,028. easy: creamery. 03 score. 30-30%; 02. 29%; 91. 29%; 00. 20; 89. 28%; 88, 28%; 00. centralized carlots. 29%. Eggs. 11.143. firm: fresh graded extra firsts local. 23%; cars. 23*1; firsts, local. 23: cars. 23%: current receipts. 22%. Potatoes, 100: on track, 433; total U. S shipments. 544: old stftck dull: sup plies heavy, demand slow: sacked, per. cwt . Idaho Russet Burbanks. U. S No. 1. few sales. 1 80-2.00. mostly 1.80-85; Colorado Red McClures. U. S. No. 1, few sales. 1.45-05. according to color; Ne braska Bliss Triumphs, so or more pei cent U. S. No. 1. few sales washed. 1.86 97%: unwashed. 1.50-55: North Dakota Red River Valley section Bliss Triumphs. 75 to 90 per cent U. S No. 1. few sales. 1.16-25; Wisconsin Katahdans. U. S. commercial. 1.35: New stock stronger, supplies very light, demand fair: bushel crates Florida Bliss Triumphs. U. S. No. 1. washed, few sales. 2.15. Dry Goods Market NEW YORK. Feb. 6 i/P>.—Buyers in the Worth street gray goods market were con tent to stay on the sidelines today and even second-hand offerings at slight con cessions attracted no interest Staple prices remained firm in the rayon fabrics market, although trading was 11m ited mostly to immediate requirements, lilk shears for both plain color and print purposes met a broader interest. In creased buying of overcoatings was re fbrted in the woolen piece goods market, t BONDS ON N. Y. STOCK EXCHANGE By private wire direct to me star. treTsury. High. Low. 2:68. 248 1949-63_ 105.11 105.11 105.11 24s 1945-47_ 108.31 108.31 108.31 24s 1948-51_ 108.4 108.4 108.4 24s 1951-54_ 107.6 107.6 107.6 24s 1956-59_ 106.15 106.15 106.15 24s 1960-65_ 106.6 106 3 106.5 24s 1965-60_ 107.19 107.16 107.19 3s 1951-55 _110.5 110.5 110 5 34s 1946-49_111.8 111.8 111.8 348 1943-45_ 109.28 109.28 109.28 348 1944-46_ 110.12 110.8 110.12 34s 1943-47 _ 109.24 109.24 109.24 4s 1944-54 114.16 114.14 114.14 HOME OWNERS' LOAN. 14s 1945-47 . 101.18 101.18 101.18 24-s 1942-44 .. 104.15 104.15 104.15 3s 1944-62 107.21 107.21 107.21 FOREIGN I0NDS. High Low 2:66 Adriatic Elec 7s 62 .. 80 80 80 Argentine 4s 72 Feb.. 83% 82% 83% Argentine 4s 72 Apr.. 82% 82% 824 Argentine 44s 48_ 95% 95% 95% Argentine 4 4s 71_ 90% 90% 90% Australia 4 4s 56_ 80% 804 80% Australia 5s 65_ 884 88% 88% Belgium 6s 55 _„ 93 93 93 Belgium 64s 49_ 984 984 984 Belgium 7s 65 ... 103 102% 102% Brazil 64s 1926-57... 164 164 164 Brazil 64s 1927-57 _ 164 16% 164 Brazil C Ry El 7s 52.. 16% 16% 16% Brazil 8s 41 . 204 204 20' i Breda Ernesto 7s 54 96 94 96 Buenos Aires 4%s 77 60% 60% 60% Buenos Aires 4 \s 75 60% 60% 60 . Canada 2 4s 45 _ 92% 92% 92% Canada 3s 67 _ 84'- 84 4 84 4 Canada 3 %s 61.__Sr. 87 811 v Canada 4s 60 _ 97 97 97 Canada as 52_ 104 1034 101 Chile 6s 60 _ 13% 13% 13% Chile 6s 60 assd 124 12 . 124 Chile 6s 61 Jan assd . 124 #124 124 Chile 6s 61 Sent 134 134 134 Chile 6s 63 assd 12% 12% 12% Chile Mtg B 6s62 asd 114 114 114 Colombia 6s 61 Jan 31 31 31 Colombia 6s 61 Oct 31 31 31 Copenhagen 4 4s 53 . 39 38% 384 Cuba 44s 49_ 1004 1004 1004 Cuba 4 4s 77_ 58 57% 58 Cuba 54s 45_ 76% 764 76% Cuba 5 4s 53 _ 103 103 103 Denmark 4 4s 62_ 43 43 43 Denmark 54s 55_ 54 534 54 Denmark 6s 42 _ 64% 64% 64% Frankfort 64s 53 ... 124 124 124 GerC A Bk 6s 60 Oct. 144 14% 144 Ger Govt 5 4s 65 9 8% 8% German Govt 7s 49 11% 11% 11% Italy 7s 51 , 704 70 704 ttal Crd P W 7s 47 B 70 70 70 Ital P U Crd 7s 52 . 52% 52% 52% Japan 5 4s 65 . 60 60 60 Japan 64s 54 . 824 824 82% Jugos Mtg Bk 7s 57.. 174 174 174 Lombard E! 7s 52_ 694 694 694 Medellln 64s 54_ 124 124 124 Afcvx-lce. 4c It A r 7 *7*7 1 7 Met Water 5 4s 50 ._ 864 86 864 New So Wales 5s 58 __ 874 874 874 Norway 4s 63 _ 60 69 69 Norway 44*65__ 79 694 694 Norway 44s56_ 74 734 74 Norway 6s 43 _ 93 93 93 Norway 6s 44 _ 924 924 924 Oriental Dev 54* 58 524 624 524 Oriental Dev 6s 53 __ 564 564 564 Oslo 4 4* 55 ... 72 72 72 Paulista Rv 7s 42_ 70 70 70 Peru 2d 6s 61 94 94 94 Prussia 64s 51_ 124 124 124 Queensland 6s 47_ 97 96 97 Queensland 7s 41 _ 102*. 102 . 1024 Rto de Jan 6 4s 53 ... 84 84 84 Rto de Jan 8s 46 .. 9 8", 9 Rio Or do Sul Ks 68 ... 94 9 4 9 4 RioGr do Sul 7s 66 .. 94 9 4 94 Rio Gr do Sul Ss 46 . 94 9'. 94' Rome 64s 52 ... 554 554 554 j Sao Paulo C 6 4s 57_ 84 8', 84 Sao Paulo St 6s 68_ 94 94 94 Sao Paulo St 7s 40 ... 324 324 324 Sao Paulo St 7s 56 ._ fc*. 94 94 Saxon St Mtg 7s 45... 18 18 18 Serbs 7s 62 .... 114 114 114 Tokyo City 5 4*61... 54 54 54 Tokvo El L.t 6s S3 ... 584 58 584 Un Stl Wk 64s 47 A 244 244 244 Uru 3 4 - 4-4 4 s adi 79 50 484 50 Uru 4-44-44 78 Feb 51 51 51 DOMESTIC I0NDS. Adams Exp 4s 48 . 1044 1044 1044 Alleg Corp 5s 44 _ 7H4 774 774 AlleK Corp 5s 49 68 68 68 Allee Corp 6s 50 std 44*. 444- 444 Alleg Valley 4s 42 106 106 106 Allied Stores 4 4* 51 964 964 964 Allls-Chalmers 4s 52 1104 1104 1104 Am & For Pw 5s 2030 624 62 62'i Am lGCh 54* 49 103*. 1034 1034 Am lntl 54* 49 _ 104 104 104 Am T A T 3 4s 61_ 1084 108'. 1084 AmT A T 3 VI s 66_ 1084 108*. 108*. Am T & T 54s 43 . 1084 108* 1084 Am Type Fdrs cv 50 1054 1054 1054 Am Wat Wks 6s 75 1074 1074 1074 Anaconda db 44s 50 1064 1064 ^>6*4 Anclo-Chll Nitr dh 67 34 34 34 Ark A M BAT 5s 64 98 9.3 98 Armourt Del )lst4s 55 1014 1014 1014 Arraourt Del)4s 67 1014 101 101 A TAS Fe een 4s 95.. 1064 105*. 1064 A TAS Fe 44s 48 ... 1024 1024 1024 Atl A Ch A L 5s 44 .. 95 95 95 Atl Coast L 1st 4* 52 754 75*4 75*4 Atl Coast L clt 4s 52 674 674 674 Atl Coast L 44s 64 .. 57 57 57 Atl A Dan 1st 4* 48 ... 404 404 404 Atl A Dan 2d 4s 48 . 324 324* 324 Auburn Auto 484* 39. 51 51 51 BA0 1st4s4» 664 66*4 66*4 B A O 1st 4s 48 reg_ 65 65 65 BAG conv 4 4s 60 ... 154 154 154 B A O 44s 60 ct _ 154 144 15 B A O ref 5s 95 ct_ 264 264 264 B AO 5s 96 F _ 27 27 27 B A O 5s 96 F ct ... 274 264 274 B A O rf 5s 2000 D ct 264 26' . 264 B 40 ref 6s 95 30% 29% 30% B * O ref 6s 95 ct 30% 29 30% B&OPLE&W V4s41ct 57% 57% 57% B & O Swn 5s 50 ... 47 46% 47 B & O Swn 6s 50 ct... 46 46 46 Bang & Aroos 5s 43.. 99% 99% 99% Bell T of Pa 6s 48 B .. 116% 116% 116% Beth Steel 3V*s 59 F. 101% 101% 101% Beth Steel 3%s52.._ 107% 107% 107% Beth Steel 3%s 66... 105% 105% 105% Beth Steel 4%s 60 .. 107 106% 107 Bos & Me 49is 61 JJ.. 45% 45% 45% Bos & Me 5s 55_ 45% 45 45% Bos & Me 6s 67 _ 45% 45 45% Brklyn City R fs 41.. 81% 81% 81% Bklyn C RR 5s 41 cfs 73% 73% 73% Bklyn Ed cn 3%s 66 109% 109% 109% Bklyn Man T 4%s 66 89% 89% 89% Bklyn Man 4%s 66 ct 86% 86% 86% Bklyn QC&S cn Fs 41 50 49% 50 Bk Qu C&S cn 5s41 ct 45 45 45 Bklyn Un El 6s 50 .. 93% 93% 93% Bklyn Un Gas 5s 45.. 112% 112% 112% Bklvn Un G 6s 67 R . 106% 106% 106% Buff R&P cn 4%s 57 39 38% 39 B R & P cn 4 %s 57 ct 38% 38% 38% Buff R&P 4 %s ct reg 37 37 37 Calif Greg Pwr 4s 66 103% 102% 103% Canada South 5s 62 83% 83% 83% Canadian NR 4%s 61 100 99% 99% Can NR 4 %s 56 _100% 100% 100 % Can NR 4 %s 57_ 100% 100% 100% Can NR 4%s 55 _102% 102 102 Can NR 5s 69 July_102% 102% 102% Can NR 5s 70 _104% 104% 104% Can Nor 6%s 46 111% 111% 111% Can Pac db 4s perp_ 64% 64 64% Can Pac 5s 44..105% 105% 105% Can Pac 6s 64 _ ■% 82% 82% Cent of NJ 4s 87_ 15% 15% 15% Cent of NJ gen 6s 87. 18 17% 17% Cent N Y Pw 7%s 68. 108% 108% 108% Cent Pae 1st rf 4s 49. 66% 66% 66% Cent Pacific 5a 60_ 49% 49 49 Cert'd deb 6%s 48 .. 77% 77 77 Cites* Ohio 3 %s 63 F 104% 104% 104% Cites* O 3%s 96 D .. 99% 99 99 Cites & O 3%« 96 E... 99 98% 98% C & O gen 4%s 92_124% 124% 124% Chi & Alton 3s 49 _ 14% 14% 14% Chi B&Q gen 4s 58— 89% 89% 89% Chi B&Q 4 %s 77 _ 81 81 81 Chi Burl* Q 6s 71... 87% 87% 87% C B&Q 111 dlv 3%s 49 94% 94% 94% C B&Q 111 dlv 4s 49 . 100 99% 99% Chi &E 111 6s 61 ... 16% 16% 16% Chi & E 111 5s 51 ct_ 16% 16 16% Chi Grt West 4s 69... 26% 26% 26% Cht lnd & Lou 5s 66.. 7% 7 7% Chi M&St P 4*4s 89_ 25 25 25 Chi MU & St P 6s 75.. 6% 6% 6% CM&StP adj 6s 2000.. 1% 1% 1% Chl&NW gen 3%s 87. 12% 12% 12% Chl&NW 4%s2037 C. 9% 9 9% Chl& NW cv «%s 49. 3 3 3 Chl&NW gen 6s 87_ 15 15 15 Ohi&NW rf 6s 2037_ 9% 9% 9% Chl&NW 6%s 36_ 16% 16% 16% Chi Rl&P rf 4s 14 ... 5% 5% 6% Chi Rl&P gen 4s 88 13% 13% 13% Chi RI&P4%s52A cf» 5% 5% 5% ChlRI&P cv 4 %s 60— 2 2 2 Chi Un Sta 3%s $3— 108% 108% 10*5, i r Chi Un Sta 4*63 D .. 106% 106% 106% Chi & W Ind cv 4b 61. 91 90% 91 Chi A W Ind 4 Vis <2.. 91% 91% 91% Childs ft Co 6s 43_ 62% 62% 62% Cln G A E SVis 66- 108% 108% 108% CCCftStL rf 4 %s 77.. 61% 61% 61% Clev Un Ter 4 V.s 77.. 7.7% 73% 73% Clev Un Term 6s 73 79% 79 79 Clev Un Ter 6 Vis 72 89% 89% 89% Coloft So 4%e 80 .. 30 29% 29% Col G&E 6s 62 Aor... 104% 104% 104% Col G ft E 6s 61 ... 104% 104% 104% Colum RP&L 4s 65 ... 108% 108% 108% Comw Ed 3 %e EH .. 128% 128 128% Cons Coal Del Es 60 . 56% 55% 55% Cons Ed N y 3%s 46 106% 106% 106% Cons E N V db 3 %s 48 107% 107% 107% Cons Ed N y 3 Vis 56 106% 106% 106% Consol 011 3 Vis 51 105% 105% 105% Consum Pwr 3 %s 66 107 107 107 Consum Pwr 3 Vis 65 . 108% 108% 108% Consum Pwr 3 Vis 67. 109% 109% 109% Consum Pwr 3 Vis 70. 110% 110% 110% Container 6s 46 . 105 105 105 Conti 011 2Vis 48_ 109% 109% 109% Crane Co 3 Vis 51_104% 104% 104% Crown C*S4Vis 48 103 102% 103 Crucible Steel 4 Vis 48 103% 103% 103% Cuba R 1st os 62. 36 35% 36 Del ft Hud ref 4s 43 . 60% 60% 60% Den ft R Q con 4s 36 .. 9% 9% 9% D ft. R G W 6s 55 set 2% 2% 2% Den ft R G W rf 6s 78 5% 5% 6% Det Edison 4s 65 ... 110% 110% 110% Det Edison 4%s 61 .. 109% 109% 109% DetTer&Tun 4 Vis 61. 98 98 98 Duluth SS&Ttl 5s 37. 13 13 13 Duquesne Lt 3%s 65 107% 107 107 E T V & Ga cn 5s 56 . 91% 90% 91% Elec Auto l.t 4s 62 .. 109 109 109 Erie 1st 4s 96 _ 66% 66 66 Erie Ren 4s 36_ 2'-’% 22% 22%. Erie ref 6s 67_ 14. 14% 14% Erie ref 5s 75 _ 14% 14% 14% Fed Lt&Tr 5s 42 ... 104% 104% 104% Firestone 1 3 Vis 48 106 105% 106 Fla EC R.v 4 Vis 59 .. 60 50 50 Fla BO Hv 5* 74 ... 7 6% 7 Ft St Un D 4Vi» 41 .. 100JJ 10045 10045 Francisco Sug 6s 56 . 50 49% 49% Gen Cable 5 Vis 47 . 102% 102% 102% Gen Mot Arc 3%s 61. 105% 105% 105% Gen Stl Cast 6Vis 49. 67% 67% 67% Goodrich 4 Vis 56 ... 104% 104% 104% Grt Nor Ry 3Vis 67 ... 73 73 73 Grt Nor Ry 4s 46 H . 91 91 91 Grt N Ry 1st 4%s 61. 106% 106% 106% Grt NR 4 Vis 76 D 83% 82% 82% Grt N R cm 4 Vis 77 E 83 83 83 Grt Nor Ry 5s 73 .. 90% 90 90% Grt Nor Ry 5 Vi a 52.. 98% 98 98 Gulf M&N 5s 5u ... 80% 80% 80% Gulf Sta Stl 4 Vis 61.. 9G% 96% 96% Hudson Coal 5s 62 A 33 32% 33 Hudson C G 1st 5s 49 126% 126% 126% Hud & Min Inc 5s 57. 14% 14% 14% Hud & Man ref 5s 57. 47% 47% 47% 111 Cent 4s 52_ 47 47 47 III Cent 4s 53 _ 45% 45% 45% 111 Cent 4%s 66_ 44% 44% 44% 111 Cent ref 5s 65 ... 53% 53% 53% » uo no ** . ' P 1 Indust Rayon 4 %s 48 102 101% 102 Int K T 1st rf 5s 66 76% 76 76% Int K T 1st rf 5s 66 ct 75% 75% 75% Int RT 6s 32 31% 31 31% Inter R T 7s 32 . _ 74% 74% 74% Int Grt Nor adj 6s 62. 1% 1% 1% Int Grt Nor 1st 6s 52. 13% 13% 13% Int Hydro El 6s 44... 73% 73% 73% Int Mer Mar 6s 41 67% 67% 67% Int Paper 1st 6s 47_ 103 102% 102% Int T&T 4 %s 52_ 40% 39% 40% Int T&T 6s 55 _ 43% 43% 43% Jones & I. Stl 4 %s 61 94 94 94 Kans C FtS&M 4s 36 31% 31 31% Kans City So 3s 50 68% 63% 68% Kans City So rf 5s 60 68% 68 68% Kans G & E 4 %s 80 . 104% 103% 103% Laciede Gas 5s 3'J_ 86% 86 86% Laclede Gas 5s 42 84% 84% 84% Lake S&M 3%s 97 rg 80 80 80 Laularo Nitrate 75 36 35% 36 Leh Val C 5s 74 std _ 27 27 27 Leh Val C 6s 63 std . 52% 52% 52% L V KK 4s 2003 asd 15% 15% 15V. L V RR cn 4 %s 2003 16% 16% 16% LVRR 5s 2003 asd rg 14% 14% 14% Llgg & Myers 7s 44 . 1270. 127 127V. Loew s 3%s 46 102% 102% 102% Long laid ref 4s 49 .. 90% 90% 90% Long 1st ref 4s 49 st. 90 90 90 La & Ark 5s 69 . 85 85 85 Louisv G&E 3%s 66. 108% 108% 108% Lou Jeff Bldg 4s 45... 108% 108% 108% L&N 1st 4s 2003_ 87% 87% 87% L&N 4%s 2003_ 91% 91% 91% L&N 5s 2003 B_ 98% 98% 98% Manatl Sugar 4s 57_ 42 41% 42 ilanhat Ry 4s 90 ... 81 81 81 Manhat tty 4s 90 ct.. 81 81 81 Market St Ry 7s 40 68 64% 68 Marion St Shov 6s 47 66% 66% 66% , Mark St Ry 70s 40 ret 60 60 60 Mead Co 6s 45 105 105 105 j Metrop Ed 4%s 68 110% 110% 110% 1 Met West Side 4s 38 7 7 7 Mich Cent 3%s 52 92 91% 91% Mich Cons Gas 4s 63 102% 102% 102% Mo K & T 1st 4s 90... 28 27% 28 Mo K&T 4S 62 B_ 14 13% 14 ! Mo K&T 6s 62 A _ 17% 16% 16% Mo K&T adj 5s 67_ 7 7 7 Mo Pac 4s 75 2% 2% 2% Mo Pac 5s 65 A_ 17 17 17 Mo Pac 6s 77 F_ 17% 16% 17 Mo Pac 5s 78 G_ 17 17 17 Mo Pac 6s 80 H_ 17 17 17 Mo Pac 6s 811 _ 17% 17 17% Mob & Ohio 4 4s 77.. 29% 29% 29% Mob & Ohio 5s 38 - 34'. 34% 344. Monong PS 6s 65 111 110% 111 Monong Ry 1st 4s 60 . 106% 106% 106% Mont Pwr 3%s 66 100 100 100 Morrls&Es 3%s 2000 44% 44 44% Morris & Es 4%s 66 . 37% 37% 37% Morris & Es 6s 55 43% 43% 43% Mount StT&T 3%s68 108% 108% 108% Mutual Fuel G 5s 47. 120 120 120 Nashv C&L 4s 78 ... 70 70 70 Nat Acme 4*fcs 46_102% 102% 102% Nassau Eiec 4s 61 _ 57 56% 56% Nassau El 4s 51 ctfs 49% 48 49 Nat Dairy 3%.s 61 ww 107 106% 107 Nat Distill 3 %s 49 105% 105 105% Nat Steel 3s 65 103% 103% 103% New E T&T 1st 5s 52 125% 125% 125% New Jer-P&L 4 %s 60 108 108 108 New Orl G N R 6s 83 72% 72% 72% New Orl P S 5s 65 B 104% 104% 104% New Orl T&M 5s 54 B 30 30 30 NOT&M 5s 54 Bet — 29 29 29 N Y Central 3 Vis 52.. 58 58 58 N Y Central 3%s 97.. 79 78% 78% N Y Centra) 4s 42_ 80% 80% 86% N Y Cent con 4s 98_ 57% 57% 57% N Y Cent 4%s 2013 A 52% 52 52% N Y Cent rf 5s 2013 . 59 58% 59 NYC Mich C 3 %s 98.. 69% 59% 59% N Y C E Sh 3%s 98 .. 68% 57% 57% N YC&StE3%s47- 84 84 84 N Y Chi &St E 4S 46.. 79% 79% 79% N Y Chl&StE 4%s 78. 54% 53% 54% N Y C&StL 6%s 74 A 63% 63% 03% N Y Edis 3 %s 65 D._. 108% 108% 108% NY NH & H 3%8 54_16 16 16 NY NH & H cl 6s 40.. 30% 30% 30% NY NH & H cv 6s 48. 19% 19% 19% N Y O&W ref 4s 92 ... 5% 5% 5% N Y RichG 6s 51 _105% 105% 105% N Y Steam 3%s 63 . . 105% 105% 105% N Y S&W rer 5s 37_ 12 12 12 N Y Tel 3%s67 _109% 109% 109% N Y W&B 4 %s 46 6 6 6 Niag Falls P 3%s 66. 111% 111% 111% Niag Sh 5%s 60 103% 103% 103% Norf Soulhn 5s 41__ 60 58% 60 Norf Southn 5s 61_ 12% 12% 12% Norf & W 1st 4s 96_125% 125% 125% North Am3%s49__ 106% 106% 106% North Am 4s 69 _107% 107% 107% Nor'n Pac gn 3s 2047. 40% 40% 40% Nor’n Pao 4s 97 __ 66 65% 66% Nor’n Pao 4 %s 2047.. 44 43% 44 Nor’n Pac 6s 2047 C._ 47 47 47 Nor’n Pac fis 2047 D-. 47% 47% 47% Nor’n Pac 6a 2047 .. 65% 64% 65% North Sta Pw 3 %s 67 109% 109% 109% Ohio Edison 3%s 72.. 107% 107% 107% Ohio Edison 4S 65_108% 108% 108% Ogden EC4S 48_ 8% 8% 8% Ont Trans 1st 5s 45_105% 105% 105% Oregon W RK 4s6l-_ 105% 105% 105% Pac Coast 5s 46__ 68% 58% 58% Pac Gas* El 3%B 66. 109% 109 109% Pac G & E 4s 64 112% 112% 112% Pac T&T rf 3 % s 66 B 109% 109% 109% Pac T&T 3%s 66 C .. 110% 110% 110% Param’t Pic 3 %s 47.. 85 85 85 Parmelee 6s 44 _ 43% 4.3% 43% Pat & P G E 5s 49_125% 125% 125% Penn Co 4s 62 E__ 105% 105% 105% Penn Co 4s 63 ... 104% 104 104% Penn Dixie C 6s 41 A. 95% 95% 95% Penn P&L 3%s 69... 108% 108% 108% Penn P&L 4%s 74._107% 107% 107% Penn RR 3 %s 52_ 83% 83% 83% Penn RR 3 %s 70_ 90 89% 89% Penn RR 4%s 81_ 98 97% 97% Penn RR 414s 84_ 97% 97% 97% Penn RR 4%s 60_118 117% 118 Penn RRgn4%s65.. 101% 101% 101H Penn RR db 4%s 70.. 86% 86% 86% Penn RR gen 5s 68_107% 107% 107% Peo G L & C 6s 43 ... 114% 114% 114% Peoria & E 1st 4s 40 . 65 64% 64% Pere Marquette 4s 66. 65% 65% 65% Pere Marq 4 %s 80 68% 68% 68% Pere Marq 5a 66_ 64% 6^ 64% Rich. Low 2. SB Phil* B&W 4s 43_109% 109% 109% Phils Co 6s 67_105% 105% 106% Phlla Elec 3 Vis«7 — 110 109% 110 Phillips Petrol 3s 48. 111% 111% 111% Philippine Ry 4s 37— 6 6 6 PCC&StL 4%s 77_ 99 99 99 PCC&StL 5s 75 B ... 106% 106% 106% Pltt&W Va4Vis58 A 42% 42% 42% Pitts&W Va 4Vis 59 B 43 43 43 Port Uen El 4 Vis SO 75 74% 75 Porto R A T 6s 42 st 59 59 59 Postal Tel & C 5s 53 20% 19% 20% Pub SvcN 111 3 Vis 68 109% 109% 109% Reading Jer C 4s 51 .. 56% 66% 66% Reading R 4 Vis 97 A 72% 72% 72% Rem R d 4Vi* 66 ww. 100 99% 100 Republic Stl 4 Vis 66 94% 94 94 Republic Stl 4 Vis 61. 93% 93% 93% Republic Stl 6%s 64. 107% 107% 107% Revere Cop 4 V4s 56_100% 100 100 Roch G&E 3%s 69.„ 108% 108% 108% R 1 A & L 4 Via 34 —_ 7% 7% 7% Rutland(Can)4s 49— 8% 8% 8% Saguenay Pw 4 %s 66 96% 96% 96% 3t J & Gr 1st 4s 47.-- 111 111 111 5t L IM&S RAG4S33 61% 61% 61% StLIM&SR&G4s33 ct 60% 60% 60% 3t L-San Fr 4s 60 A— 11% 11% 11% 3t L-San Fr 4s 50 ct.. 11% 11% 11% St L-San Fr 4 Vis 78 . 11 10% 11 St L-S F 4 Vis 78 ct st. 10% 10% 10% 3t L-San F 5s 50 B.— 12% 12% 12% St L-S F 5s 60 B ct—. 11% 11% 11% St LS W 1st 4s 89—67% 67% 57% 3tPKSL4Vis41 . 6% 5% 5% St P Un Dep rf 6s 72. 115 115 115 San A&A Pass 4s 43.. 56% 56% 56% Seabd A L rf 4a 59 . 4% 4% 4% Seab d A L con 6s 45 7% 7 7% Seabd A L 6s 45 ct . 6% 6% 6% Seabd A F 6s 35 A ct. 2% 2% 2% Shell Un Oil 2 %s 54.. 96% 96% 96% Simmons Co 4s 52_ 100 100 100 Soconv Vac 3s 64 ... 105% 105% 105% So Bell T& T 3s 79 ... 104% 104% 104% Southn Cal G 4s 65 .. 110% 110% 110% So Colo Per 47 A 106 106 106 Southn Kraft 4%s46 99% 99% 99% So Natl <J 4%s 51_ 107 107 107 So Pac 3%s 46 _ 63 52% 52% So Pac col 4s 49_ 44% 44% 44% So Pac ref 4 s 56_ 60 59% 60 So Pac 4 %s 68_ 46% 46 46% So Pac 4 Vis 69_ 46 45% 46% So Pac 4Vis 81_ 46 45% 46 So Pac Oreg 4%s 77.. 48% 47% 48% So Pac S F Ter 4s 50.. 78% 78% 78% So Ry gen 4s 66 A_ 58 57% 68 So Ry 5s 94 __ 87 86% 86% So Ry gen 6s 56_ 76% 76% 76% So Ry 6 Vis 66 _ 81 81 81 Stand Oil N J 3s 61... 106 106 106 S W Bell Tel 3%s 64 . 110% 110% 110% Stand Oil N J 2%s 63 105% 105% 105% Studebaker cv 6s 45 .. 106% 106% 106% Swift & Co 3 %s 50 .. 106 106 106 Ter RR As StL 4s 53. 107% 107% 107% Texas Corp 3s 69 — 106 105% 106 Texas Corp 3 Vis 51.. 106% 106% 106% Tex & Pac 5s SOD .. 67% 67% 67% Tex&Pao 1st 6s 2000. 109% 109% 109% Third Av ref 4s 60 .. 52 51% 51% Third Av adl 5s 60 . 15% 14’- 15% ! l ine wai uu *‘isaz. jut,;ub4 Tol & Ohio C 3 4is 60. 87 87 87 Un El Chicago 5s 45.. 84 84 84 Union Oil»Cal)3» 69.. 1024 1024 1024 Un Pacific 1st 4s 47.. 1144 1144 1144 Un Pacific 34*71_ 964 964 964 Un Pac ref 4s 2003 107 1064 107 Utd Cgr W Strs 5s 52 624 624 624 United Drug 5s 63_ 78 78 78 U S Steel 3V4s 48_ 1064 1064 1064 Utah L&T 6s 44 _ 102 1014 1014 Utah Pwr & Lt 6s 44. 1024 1014 1014 Utility P & L 6s 69 . 93 914 93 Utility P & L 64s 47. 93 924 93 Wabash 4 4s 78 C_ 8 8 8 Wabash 1st 5s 39_ 414 414 414 Wabash 2d 5s 39_ 184 184 184 Wabash 5s 76 B_ 8 8 8 Wabash 5s 80 D_ 8 74 74 Wabash 54s 75 ... 74 74 74 Westcht E gn 3 4s 67 1084 1084 1084 West Penn P 34s 66 1104 1104 1104 West Sh 1st 4s 2361 484 484 484 W Sh 1st 4S 2361 reg 45 44 45 West Md 1st 4s 52 844 834 844 West Pacific 5s 46 A. 18 18 18 West Pac 5s 46 A as.. 174 174 174 West Union 4 4• 50.. 67 67 67 West Union 5s 51_ 68 68 68 West Union 6s 60 .. 674 66*4 674 Wheel Steel 4 4s 66 .. 984 984 984 White Sew M 6s 40 .. 102 102 102 Win Sal SB 1st 4s 60. 110 110 110 Wls Cent 1st gn 4s 49 17 164 164 Wls El Pw 34s 68... 1084 1084 1084 Wls Pub'Sve 4s 61... 1094 1094 1094 Joungst n SAT 4s 48 107 107 107 Gold Imports for Week Tolal $49,555,496 B> the Associated Press. Gold imports amounted to $49. 555,496 in the week ended Janu ary 31. The Commerce Department said principal shipments included $12, 729,395 from the Netherlands, $5, 182,853 from Norway. $7,011,867 from Sweden. $4,872,948 from the United Kingdom. $6,631,291 from Canada, $2,334,860 from India, $6,154,605 from Australia and $2,600,360 from South Africa. Foreign governments and central banks withdrew $2,275,915 during the week from their deposits of gold under earmark at the Federal Re serve Banks, reducing the total of earmarked gold to about $1,125, 541.000. Silver imports amounted to $1,059, 227, including $110,694 from Cana da, $506,192 from Mexico and $218, 283 from Japan. Exports totaled $2,826 of gold and $34 755 of silver. France Gets Big Share ut Aviation txports By the Associated Press. France got $20,050,539 of the $28, 893,811 worth of airplanes and parts shipped out of the United States in December. The Commerce Department said other shipments included $4,414,895 to the United Kingdom, $1,763,412 to Australia, $522,865 to Canada and $205,190 to Venezuela. The French received 171 planes costing $15,641,311 and 246 engines worth $2,666,382, as wrell as consid erable parts and accessories. To the United Kingdom went 53 planes worth $2,870,000 and 38 engines worth $288,691. December exports included 294 planes valued at $21,000,157; $139, 978 worth of parachutes, 382 engines worth $3,467,105, $965,616 worth of engine parts and accessories, $376, 478 worth of instruments, and $2, 953,476 worth of other parts and ac cessories. Slab Zinc Shipments Climb in January By the Assoct- Press. NEW YORK, Feb. 6.—Slab zinc shipments from domestic mines In creased In January to 57,551 tons compared with 53,468 In Decem ber and 42,639 in January, 1939, the American Zinc Institute re ported today. Output amounted to 57,158 tons against 57.941 in December and 44.277 In January a year ago. Stocks declined to 65,602 from 65 995 the previous month and i28, 407 a year ago. - \ Lumber Exports Rise Exports of lumber in 1939, the Commerce Department says, totaled 1,172,092,000 board feet, compared with 1,060,300,000 board feet in 1938. New York Sugar NEW YORK. Feb. 6 UP*.—Sugar futures No. 3 opened unchansed. March. 1.84; May. 1.91b: July. 1.98; September. 2.01: January. 1.98. b—Bid. 7* Industrial Rayon Net Soars to $1,348,923 Mark in Year Result Compares With $184,409 Earned, in Preceding Period By the Associated Press. CLEVELAND, Feb. 6.—Industrial Rayon Corp.’s 1939 net profit was $1,348,923 against $184,409 the pre ceding year and $262,210 in 1937, President Hiram S. Rivitz reported to stockholders. Rivitz also announced the com pany would expend an estimated $4,000,000 from its cash resources to increase present capacity of the Painesvllle, Ohio, plant more than 50 per cent “Our engineers are al ready at work preparing plans and we expect to break ground within six to eight weeks,” he said. The extension is expected to be ready in the spring of 1941. Industrial Rayon also has plants "here and at Covington, Va. “We are entering the new year under much more favorable con ditions than prevailed in 1938 and the first half of 1939,” Rivitz said. “Inventories are low, the demand continues to be good, and prices are firm. Orders booked ahead are for 60 days only. This condition un doubtedly prevails in the rayon in dustry generally.” South African Order Given to Lockheed By the Associated Press. BURBANK. Calif., Feb. 6.—Lock heed Aircraft yesterday Signed an order with South African Airways for 16 Lodestar transport planes. The cost, with special equipment and spare parts, totals $2,000,000. The planes, the first of which will be ready for delivery in May, will be operated between Lake Vic toria and the Cape of Good Hope. Washington Produce BUTTER—03 score, tubs. 32%; 1-pound prints. 33; 14-pound prints. 33%. 92 score, tubs. 31%: 1-pound prints. 32; %-pound prints. 32%: 91 score, tubs. 31%; 1-pound prints. 31%: %-pound prints. 32%: 90 score, tubs. 31: 1-pound print*. 31%: %-pound prints 32; 89 score, tubs, 30: 1-pound prints. 30%: %-pound prints. 31: 88 score tubs. 29%: 1-pound prints. 3o: %-pound prints. 30%. LIVESTOCK—Calves. 11%: lambs. 9: pig.s. 140-170 pounds. 4.75-4.90; 170-220 pounds 5.00-5.10: 220-250 pounds. 4.25 4.50: sows. 3.00-3.50; whole undressed calves. 11-12 From Agricultural Marketing Service. Prices paid net I.ob Washington: EGGS—Market steady. For eggs can died and graded in Washington 'Februanr Or Whites. U S. extras large. 20: U. S. extra* mediums. 23. U. S standards, large. 24; U. S standards, mediums. 21: U S. trades. 19 For nearby ungraded eggs: Current receipts, whites. 21 to 22; mixed colors. 19 to 20. LIVE POULTRY—Market steady Fowl: Colored, all sizes. 14 to 15; No. 2s. 8 to 10; roosters. 9 to 10. Chickens: Virginia Rocks, broilers and fryers, all sizes. 15. No. 2s. 10. Delaware Rocks and crosses, broil ers and fryers all sizes. 15: No. 2s. 8 to 10: mixed colored fryers. 12 to 14 Turkeys, young toms 15 pounds and up. 14; young hens, lo pounds and up. 18 to IP Young guinea keats. 1% pounds and up. 18 a pound: old keats. 10 a pound. Capons 8 pounds and over, 18 to 20: No. 2s and slips, 10. Fruit* and Vegetables. Compiled by the Market News Section of Agricultural Marketing Service. Sales to 8 a m. on this morning's wholesale market in less than carlot auantities: APPLES—Market steady. Truck receipts moderate. Maryland. Pennsylvania. Vir ginia and West Virginia, bushel baskets and 1%-bushei boxes U. S No. i: Stay mans. 2%-inch minimum 75-85: 2%-inch minimum. 90-1.15 2%-inch minimum. 1 15-1.25: Grimes 2%-inch minimum. 05 75: 2%-inch minimum. 90-1.00: 2%-inch minimum. 1.00-1.10; Black Twigs. 2% inch minimum 90-1.00: 2%-inch mini mum. 1.00-1.25: Yorks. 2%-inch minimum. 85-75: 2%-inch minimum 85-90: 2%-inch minimum. 1.00-1.15: Golden Delicious. 2%-inch minimum. 75-85: 2%-inch mini mum. 1.00-1.25: Delicious. 2%-inch mini mum 90-1.00 2%-inch minimum 1.15 1.25: 2%-inch minimum. 1.35-1.50: Romes. 2%-inch minimum 1.00-1.10: 2%-inch minimum 1.15-1.25: Jonathans. 2%-inch minimum 90-1.00; 2%-inch minimum. 00-75. Pennsylvania. Virginia and West Virginia, bushel boxes and cartons, fancy, Delicious. 113s-103s. 1.35-1.50; 72s-100s. 1.80-1.75; Staymans. 113s-150s. 1.35-1.40; 04s-lOOs. 1.50-1 05; Golden Delicious. 113s-150s. 1.25-1.35: 88s-100*. 1.50-1.65; Paragons. 113s-150s. 1.25-1 35: 04s-lOOs. 1.35-1.50 No carlot arrivals: two broken cars on track: relief, no carlot arrivals; one broken car on track. LETTUCE—Market about steady. No carlot arrivals six broke" and three un broken cars on track. California. L. A. crates. Iceberg type 5 dozen. 3.00: few 2.85- 4 dozen. 2.75: 8 dozen. 2.50. ONIONS—Market steady. One Indiana, one New York arrived: two broken and three unbroken cars on track. Fifty-pound sacks. U S No. 1: Yellows. New York. 1.15- 1.25: fair condition. 1.05-1.10: Ohio. 1.15- 1.25; sweet Spanish. 3 inches and larger. Colorado and Idaho, mostly around 1.25 PEAS—Market steady. One California arrived; two broken and one unbroken cars on track. California, bushel hampers, 3.30-3.50: fair condition. 2.75-3 00. KALE—Market steady. Truck receipts light. Virginia. Norfolk section, bushel basket*. 75-85. COLL ARDS—Market steady. Truck re ceipts light Virginia. Norfolk section, bushel baskets. 00-05 TOMATOES—Market steady. No carlot arrivals: one unbroken car on track Truck receipts moderate. Florida mostly ordi nary to fair condition: truck receipts, lug boxes ripes and turning, wrapped. 8x8 and larger, best. 3.00-3 50: ordinary condi tion 2.00 r- TTT PDV arrived: four broken and four unbroken cars on track. Individually washed—Flor ida. IH-inch crates, trimmed tops, ail sizes. 1.50-2.BU. according to condition: Florida standard crates, all sizes. 2.50-2.75: mostly around 2.50: California. Va-crates. all sizes, mostly around 2.50. Cabbage Prices Steady. CABBAGE—Market steady. One Florida, one Texas arrived: three broken and three unbroken cars on track. Truck receipts liberal Domestic round type—Florida. 1‘'2-bushel hampers. 1.50; truck receipts, packed locally, fair quality. 1.25-1.40; bushel hampers. 85-1.00: New York. 50 pound sacks Danish tyne. 1.00. LIMES—Market steady Truck receipts very light. Florida, very few sales. '/« boxes. 1.50-1.75. AVOCADOS—Market steady. Truck re ceipts moderate. Florida, flat crates, 1.25-1.50; poorer lower. MIXED VEGETABLES—No carlot ar rivals: three broken and one unbroken cars on track. SNAP BEANS—Market steady. No car lot arrivals: one broken car on track. Supplies very light. Florida, bushel ham pers. Tenderareens. fair quality. 3.00-3.25; Black Valentines. 3.00-4.50, according to condition LIMA BEANS—Market steady. Supplies very light. Florida, bushel hampers, fair queOtv. 3.50. PEPPERS—Market steady. No carlot ar rivals: one broken car on track. Florida. 1‘2-bushel crates, green, large size. 4.00; small size. 3.00. CUCUMBERS—Market steady. Indiana, hothouse stock 1.00-1.25 per dozen. EGGPLANT—Market steady. Supplies very light Florida, l'/i-bushel crates, fair quality 1.50-2 00 CAULIFLOWER—Market- dull. No car lot arrivals- one broken and one unbroken cars on track California, crates. 1.40 1.50: ordinary condition. 1.00-1 25. CARROTS—Market steady. One Cali fornia arrived: four broken and three un broken cars on track. L. A. crates, bunched: California. 3.00: Arizona. 2.75: Pannsylvanla. bushel baskets, topped, washed 1.00. „ . . BROCCOLI—Market steady. No carlot arrivals: no cars on track California, crates. 2.50-2.75; fair condition. 2.00 SPINACH—Market steadv. Two Texas arrived: three broken and two unbroken cars on track Texas, bushel baskets Savoy type 1.55-1.65: fair condition. 1.25-1.35. BRUSSELS SPROUTS—Market steady. No carlot arrival*: no cars on track Cali fornia. 25-nnnrvd drums, best. 3.00: fair f)0 MUSHROOMS -Maryland end Pennsyl vania 3-oouod baskets. 35-70 PARSNIP8—Pennsylvania, ‘v-bushel bas ket* 45-50 TURNIPS—Pennsylvania, ti-bushel bas ket*. tnnned. 25-35. RHUBARB—Michigan. 5-pound cartons. 50-55. RFETS—Texas, '/-.-crates. 1.85. ORANGES—One California, two Florida arrived: five broken and 10 unbroken cars on track. Florida, boxes. 2.25-2.50: few special marks higher, as to grade and size. GRAPEFRUIT—Three Florida arrived: two broken and five unbroken cars on track. Florida, coxes. 1.50-2.25: few spe cial marks higher, as to grade and size. LEMONS—California, boxes, 4.50-5.50. as to grade and size. AVOCADOS—No carlot arrivals: part car diverted: no cars on track. BANANAS—Two cars arrived: two un broken cars on track. SWEET POTATOES—Market steady. No carlot arrivals: no cars on track. Truck receipts light. Maryland. Anne Arundel County, bushel hampers. Goldens and Jer sey type, 75-85: Nancy Halls/VOO. Li NEW YORK CURB MARKET nival:1 win direct te na Mar Stock and Sales— Dividend Rate. Add 00. Hlah. lew. 2:55 Air Aaaoc (.60) . 4 11% 11% 11% Air Invest ev of.. 2 20% 20 20% Allied Prod (la). 60a 10% 10% 10% Alum Co Am(6c) 2050a 160% 166 160% Alum Ltd (4.25k) 200a 99% 99% 99% Am CentrlfUKal 1 % % % Am Cynrnm B.60a 20 34% 33% 34% Am Expt L (.65k) 36 18% 17% 17% Am GasAE 1.60a 4,36 35% 35% Am Oen pf (*>.. 50a 28% 28% 28% Am Maracaibo 3 % % % Am PotAC 4.75k- 25a 101 104 104 Am Seal-Kap.60K 5 6% 6% 6% Am Superpower. 7 % ft ft Am Buperpwr of. 1 13'* 13% 13% Am Rup lstpf(6> 60a 70% 70% 70% Am Thread pf .26 4 3% 3% 3% Angostura __ 1 1% 1% 1% Arotur Had T (r). 17 % % % Ark Nat Gas A ' 7 2% 2% 2% Ark Nat G pf ,60d 8 7% 7 7 Ashland OAR .40. 1 5% 5% 6% Asaoc El Ind .63k. 1 7% 7% 7% Assoo GaeAEl pf. 1 2% 2% 2% Atl Coast Pish .. 1 2% 2% 2% Atlaa Drop Forg 8 2% 2% 2% Atlaa Plyw'd ,25e 1 14 14 14 Avery ft Sons_ 1 6% 6% 5% Aviation ft Trans 3 3% 3% 3% Baldwin Lo war 3 6% 6% 6% Baldwin Ru ,125a 1 6% 6% 6% Bath Iron .. 11 12 11% 12 Beech Aircraft . 27 8% 7% 8% Beltanes Aircraft 2 7% 7% 7% Bell Aircraft ._ 4 24% 23% 24% Berk A Gav Fur.. 1 ft ft ft Blue Rldee .. 3 1% 1% lv» Blue R cVDf (Sh). 1 41% 41% 41% BohaokiHOl 1st. 10a 27% 27% 27% Borne Srry 3.50g 100s 35 35 35 Breeze Corp 50g 3 6% 6% 6% Brewst Aero ,20g 90 15 14 14% Brill (A1. 6 2% 2% 2% Brill (B>.__. 4 1% 1% 1% Brill of _100a 37% 37% 37% Brown F&W 20k 4 5% 5 5% Brown Kubber .. 3 2% 2% 2% B N&EP nf 1 60 . 1 21% 21% 21% Bunker Hill .25e. 3 12% 12% 12% Can Col Airways. 2 6% 6% 6% Can Marc Wire_ 1 ft M -ft Carnation <la)._. 1 39% 39% 39% Carnegie Met_ 1 % % % Carrier Corp_ 3 13% 13 "13% Celluloid Corp_ 15 6 5 Celluloid pf .. 25a 33% 33% 33% Cent P A L pf (7) 25» 109 109 109 Cent NT Pwr of 6 30s 100 100 100 Cent A Sown Util 4 ft % ft Cent Statea Else. 3 % ft % Chi Flex 8 (5a).. 250s 73 72% 73 Cities Service ... 3 4% 4% 4% Cities Service pf. 1 55% 55% 53% Clayton AL.lOg. 16 5 5 Clev Tractor .. 1 5% 6% 6% Col Fuel A 1 war. 1 5% 6% 5% Colts Pat FA (2) 100s 79 79 79 Columb Oil A Gas 1 2% 2% 2% Com PA List of 60s 40% 40% 40% Com’tyPS.65e _ 50s 35% 35% 35% Cone GAE Ba 3 60 2 80% 80 80% Cons Retail Strs. 2 3 3 3 Cons Royalty .20. 1 IV IV IV Cons Steel Coro.. 2 5V 44 54 Conti Roll & Stl_. 1 64 6V 64 Cooper-Bess ... 1 84 84 84 Copper Ranee . 100s 44 44 44 Copperweld .20e 5 164 164 164 Corroon & Reyn . 2 IV IV IV Courtalds(.136g) 17 7 7 Creole Petm 60a. 5 20V 20V 20V Croft Brewing ..14 4 4 Crown Cent Pet 1 24 24 24 Cr’n C'k Int A.23k 1 84 84 84 Dayton Rub ,25e . 100s 18V 18V 18V Dav ton R (A)(2) 20s 31 31 31 Decca Rec 20e._. 1 7V 7V 7V Dennison (A) 1 4 4 4 Dennison deb (S) 10s 844 844 844 DivcoTwln 40g 1 74 74 74 Drivcr-Har 1.10g 1 28 28 28 Dubllier Con .13g 1 IV IV 14 Duke Power(4g). 50s 76 76 76 East n Gas A F . 1 34 34 34 Easin OAF 6 of 100» 184 18 184 EGAFprpf4.50d 50s 454 454 454 Eastn Mall Iron. 25s 9V 9V 9V Eastern States 1 V V V Eastern Sts pf B. 75s 184 184 184 Elec Bond A Sh . 17 7 64 64 Elec B A S pf (5) 1 574 574 574 Elec BAS of («l 2 66 654 66 Elgin Nat W(2g) 100s 23 23 23 Emp G A F 6% pf 10s 64V 64V 64V Equity Corp 2 & 4 ic Equity cv of (I). 100s 23V 234 234 Esquire (.60)_ 3 4V 44 44 Fairchild Av.40g. 3 114 10V 114 Fanateel Metal.. 29 144 134 144 Fldello Brew 1 V V V Fire As Phila 2a 30s 694 68V 694 Fisk Rubber 27 14V 144 144 Fla TAL pf 1.75k 150s 101 1004 1004 Ford (Can) A (ll 3 154 154 154 Fruehauf Tra(l) 3 314 31 314 Gen Flreprf 1.20g 1 144 144 144 Gen invest 1 H A Hi Ga Power pf (6) 50s 1014 101V 1014 Glen Alden C 25g 5 64 64 64 Godchaux pf (7) 40s 101 101 101 Goldfield Consol 4 4 4 4 Gorham Mfg (le) 4 274 27 274 GrtNoPap(2a) 100s 43 42 43 Greenfield TAD 18 8 8 Grum'n Air 1.05g 6 154 15 154 Gulf Oil of Pa<ll 2 354 354 354 Harv-d Brew .05g 3 IV IV IV Hecla Min (.35g). 1 64 64 64 Hoe (R) A Co A-. 1 74 74 74 Holllnger G 65a. 2 12 12 12 Humble 011(2.50) 11 61V 61 61 Hummel-Rs .20g. 3 5V 54 54 111-la Power pf . 1 244 244 244 imp Oil Ltd ,60a. 25 12 12 12 Ind PLBf 6.60... 50* 111 111 111 InsCoN amil.. 50s 71V 71V 71V Int Cigar M (2).. 2 22 21V 21V Int Hvdro El pf- 1 11V 11V 11V Int Metal Ltd A 100s 104 104 104 ini PaAPwr war. 10 2V 24 24 Int Petrol 1.50a .. 60 19 18V* 19 Int Ptr ree 1.50a. 2 18 18 18 Int Utilities (A). 19 9 9 Interst H Eq .50. 2 8 8 8 Irving Air C (la) 1 164 164 164 Jacobs Co .. 5 2V 24 2V Jeanette Glass .. 12 2 2 Jer CPAL pf (6). 60s 974 974 974 Jer CPAL pf (7). 20* 104 104 104 Jones « t>au ou .. o za zimi za Klngst'n P(.10g). 2 1% 1% 1% KresslSHl pf 60 2 12% 12% 12% Kreuger Br.l25g. 1 5% 6% 5% Lake Shore M(3). 4 22% 22% 22% Lakey ITdry & M- 3 4% 4% 4% Lane-Wells (1).. 1 9% 9% 9% Lehigh Coal ,10g. 1 2% 2% 2% Leonard 011 1 ft ft ft Llpton pf (1.60).. 60s 18% 18% 18% Lone Star ,70g... 2 9% 9% 9% Long Island Ltg 1 1% 1% 1% Long laid Ltg pf 100s 42% 42% 42% Long Isl Ltg pf B 100s 41 40 40 La Land & E .35* 2 6% 5% 5% Lynch Corn (2)_60s 25% 25% 25% Malestlo Radio.. 3 % % % Manatl Sue war.. 2 ft ft ft Mangel Stores_ 1 1% 1% 1% Masssy-Harrls 2 4% 4% 4% Master Elec l.TOg J00s 26% 25% 25% MemphNG.50g 1 4% 4% 4% M-C & S pf 6.50d 100s 63 63 63 Merr-Ch & S war. 1 % % % Mesabl Iron 1 % % % Metal Text(.35g) 1 2% 2% 2% Mich Bumber 1 ■ % % % Mid St Pet B .10e. 1 % % % Mid-West Abras. 1 1% 1% 1% Mid W est Corn . 8 9% 8% 9% Midwest 011 90 2 7% 7% 7% Minn MAM 2.40g. 60s 59% 69% 59% Molybdenum 13 6% 6% 6% Mont Ward A (7) 50s 169% 168 169% Mon LHAP 1.50.. 200s 25 24% 24% Moody ptc pf (3). 25s 29% 29% 29% Mount City C.16g 10 3% 3% 3% Murray (OXlg). 1 1(1 10 10 Nat'ICont (.20e). 7 11 11 11 Nat Fuel Gas (1) 2 12% 12% 12% Nat P A Lpf <«>. 450s 95 93% 94% Nat Rub M .30g_. 1 4% 4% 4% Nat Tunnel A Min 1 1% 1% 1% NehlCorp(2a) . 1 68 68 68 N Eng TAT 6.60g 60s 128 127% 128 New Proc’s 3.50g. 1 33 33 33 N X Hon R 4.25g 50a 28% 28% 28% N X P A Lt pf 17) 100a 116% 116% 116% NT 8hlpbld fd sb 1 12% 12% 12% N T Water Svc pf 10s 25 25 25 Nias Hudson Pwr 9 5 4% 5 Nlac Hud let (6) 50s 88% 88% 88% Nor Am LAP pf.. 25s 76% 76% 76% N W Eng (.25e).. 1 16% 16% 16% Ohio OU pf (6) 60s 104 104 104 Okla Nat Gas (1) 2 19% 19% 19% Okla Nat Q of (3) 150s 49 49 49 Ok Nt G c pf 6.60. 25s 112% 112% 112% Pac P S 1st 1.30— 1 20 20 20 Pantepee OU 1 4% 4% 4% P’k'b'g R A R.SOg 2 9% 9% 9% Pennroad (.10g). 2 2 2 2 Pa-Cent Airlines. 19 13% 12% 13% PennGAE(A).. 12 2 2 Penn Salt (6g) .. 76s 175 173 173 Penn WAP (4).. 60s 71 71 71 Pharls TAR .15* 2 7% 7% 7% Phlla Co (.25e)._. 1 6% 6% 6% \ BtocK ui'J Baiei— Dividend Rite. Add 00. Blfh. Low 2:55 Phlla El Ppf (It 150a 31 31 81 Phillips Pkg ,26g 16 6 6 Phoenix Secur. 19 8% 8% 8% Phoenix Secur pf 200* 40% 39 40% Pioneer Oold .40. 4 1% 1% 1% Pitts Forg .40g . 1 9% 9% 9% Pitts ALE 3.50g 50s 68% 68% 68% Potarla Mining 6 1% 1% 1% Powdrell A1.50g 1 4% 4% 4% PrattALam 1.75g 1 22 22 22 P S Ino S7 or pf 25s 81% 81% 81% Pug Sd |5pfl.25k 125s 82 81% 81% Pugst S d P Sfi of 125s 27% 27 27% Puget Sd PAT. 1 14 14 14 Rwy A Lt (.30g)_ 50s 10% 10% 10% Rad Bank Oil . 1 2% 2% 2% Republic Avlat’n IS 6% 6% 6% Richmond Rad .. 4 1% 1% 1% Rome Cable .10e. 1 11% 11% 11% Root Petroleum.. 2 3% 3 3 Rustless Ir .25g.. 3 14% 14% 14% Ryerson H_ 2 2 1% 2 St Kegla Paper 2 3 3 3 Scovlll Mfg 1.25g 5 28% 28% 28% Scullln Steel ..19 9 9 Scullln Steel war 6 % % % Segal Lock . 10 % % % Selby Shoe ,625g. 50s 10% 10% 10% Sel lnd al ct 6.60. 100s 53% 63% 53% Sentrv Saf Con.. 1 % % % Seton Leath lg.. 17 7 7 Shattuck-D 275g 2 6% 5% 5% Sher-WiU’ms .75e 100s 90 90 90 Singer Mfg (6).. 10s 143 143 143 Sonotone (,05e)__ 1 1% 1% 1% So Penn 011 1.50a 2 42 42 42 S C Ed pf B 1.60 2 29% 29% 29% SC F.d of C 1.376 1 29 29 29 So Un Oas of A . 75s 19 19 19 So'lund Hoy 30g_ 2 6% 6% 5% Sou W PL (2! .. 50s 25 25 25 Spalding insw) 2 2% 2% 2% Stand CAS (1.60) 3 15% 15% 15% Std < 'AS cvpf 1.60 100s 21% 21 21% Stand OH Ky( la) 3 20 % 20% 20% Stand Oil (O (1). 1 29% 29% 29% Stand Pwr A Lt 2 % % % Sterl Alum(.75g) 16 6 6 Sunray Oil .10g.. 1 1% 1% 1% Technicolor (lg). 18 16% 15% 16% Thew Shov 1.50g 500s 20 19% 19% Trans-Lux _ 12 1% 1 1 Udylite <.125g)_ 6 4 4 4 Un Gas Can .80... 1 13% 13% 13% Unit Airc’t P .10g 1 6% 6% 6% Unit Oas 1 1% 1% 1% Unit Gas pf 2.25k 1 98 98 98 Unit LtAPwr «Ai 18 1 1 1 Unit Lt A Pwr pf 6 31% 31 31 Unit Sh M 2.50a 225s 81% 81% 81% US Foil (B) .. 24 6% 6 G , USA Inti Secur. 1 % % % U S Lines Df 2 3% 3 3 U S Plyw'd .30e .. 1 22% 22% 22% U S Plyvy pf 1.60 150s 30% 29% 30V. U S Radiator_ 12 2 2 Unii Wall Paper. 1 2% 2% 2% UnlvCorpytc .. 1 8% 3% 3% Univ Prod (2g)._ 60s 16% 16% 16% 1/llKU |U Mil. ZDS bl*» Cltl Ol}x Util F&J. Dtir) . 100s 18'* 18* 18* Utility Equities.. 11 1 1 Utility & Indus.. 1 * H * Venezuela Petrol. 8 1* 1* 1* VVaitt & Bond A— 4 3*i 3A* 3*-» Wentworth ,20e_. 2 1*4 1*» 1*» WestVaC&C ..1222 Western Air Exo. 2 4* 4H 4* West'n Md 1st pf. 10s 57 57 57 Wolverine T Aug 5 6Vi 6* 6Vi Wriaht Ha/g.40a 3 6* 6* 6*» r In bankruptcy or receivership or betnz reorganized under the Bankruptcy Act or securities assumed by such comDanies. Rates of dividends in the foregoing table are annual disbursements based on the last Quarterly or semi-annual declara tion. Unless otherwise noted, specia' or extra dividends are not included a Also extra or extras d Accumulated dividends paid last year. e Declared or paid so far this year t Payable in stock z Paid last year h Cash or stock k Accumu lated dividends paid or declared this year ur Under rule ww With warrants, xw Without warrants war Warrants. Wholesale Commodify Average Goes Down Commodity prices were generally lower last week and the wholesale price index compiled by the National Fertilizer Association declined to the lowest point reached since the mid dle of December. This index in the week ended February 3 was 77.5 compared with 78.2 in each of the two preceding weeks. 78.3 three weeks ago, 78.5 four weeks ago. and 72.8 a year ago, based on the 1926 1928 average as 100. Declines were widespread through out most of the commodity list with six of the principal group indexes declining, one registering a slight advance and four remaining un changed. The food price average fell to the lowest point reached since the advance began early last Sep tember; 15 items in this group de clined in price during the week and four advanced. With cotton, grains and live stock all moving downward the farm product average showed a moderate recession. The only two products included in the farm group to ad vance were lambs and poultry, while 14 items declined A fractional drop in gasoline quo tations resulted in a slight decline in the fuel price average, reversing tha upward trend of recent weeks. All of the changes in textile prices dur ing the week were downward, with burlap, wool, silk, cotton goods and cotton yarns all moving lower. Lower prices for steel scrap, copper and lead were responsible for a drop in the metal index. A small increase in lumber quotations caused an up turn in the index representing the prices of building materials. Dividend Is Ordered NEW YORK, Feb. 6 (Special).— Directors of Electrolux Corp., man ufacturers of vacuum cleaners, to day declared a dividend of 30 cents a share on the 1.237.500 capital shares outstanding, payable March 15 to holders of record February 15. In 1939 the company paid divi dends aggregating $1.20 a share. Insurance Stocks NEW YORK. Feb. fl —National Asso ciation of Securities Dealers. Inc.: Bid. Asked. Aetna Cas (4a' _ 130=4 184=4 Aetna Ins (l.HOa'_ 52% 54% Aetna Life (1.20a)_ 31=4 .33*4 Am Eauit (1) _ 20% 21=4 Am Ins Nwk Cia)_ 13'4 ,15 Am Reins (l.flfla)_ 47 40 Am Reserve (1%)_ 23 24% Am Surety (2=4)_ 51 53 Automobile Ha) _ 35 37 Balt Amer (20a)_ 7'4 8% Carolina (1.30' CO1:. 30=4 City of N Y (1.20)_ 23=4 25% Conn Gen Life (.80)_ 27 =4 20 Contin Cas (1.20a)_ 37=4 30% Fid & Dep (4) _127 130 Firem s Nwk (.40)_ 0=4 11=4 Frank Fire (la) _ 32 34 Gen Reinsur (la)_ 43*4 45*4 Geora Home (la' _ 24% 2fl*< Glens Falls (1.60)_ 43 45 Globe & Reo (%)_ 10=4 12 Globe & Rut _ 21=5 24=4 Gt Amer Ins (la)_ 28=4 20*4 Hanover (1.20) _ 28=4 20*4 Hartford Fire (2a)_ 80 80 Home Fire Sec _ 1*4 2*4 Home Ins (1.20a)_ 33=4 35=4 Homestead (1) ___i_ 10=4 21=4 Knick'bk’er (=4)_ 0=4 10=4 Lincoln Fire _ 2 3 Maryland Cas _ 2=4 3*4 Mass Bond (3=4)_ 64% 66=4 Merc Ins Pr _ 3 4% Natl Fire (2) 62=4 64% Natl Liberty (.20a)_ 7=4 8=4 N H pshire (1 60a>_ 46=4 48=, N Y Fire (.80)_ 16 17% Nor East Ins _ 3=« 4*4 Nor River (1) _ 27 28=4 Phoenix (2a) _ 83% 87% Prov Wash (la) _ 33% 35% Rep Ins Tex (1.20a) - 28 20% Revere <P> In (1.20a)_ 25=4 27% Rh Isl Ins _ 3 4% St Paul Fire (8) _ 240 245 Sprint!field (4%a)_ 122 126% Sun Life (15) _ 200 340 Travelers (16)_ 461 471 U S Fid & O (1)_ 22% 23*4 U 8 Fire (2) _ 54=4 56=4 Westchester (1.20a)_ 35 37 a Also extra or extras. Quotations furnished by National Asso ciation of Securities Dealers. Inc. which states they do not necessarily reflect actual transactions or firm bids or offers, but should indicate approximate prices. More people were killed but year in the District in traffic accidents occurring from 5 to 10 p.m. than met their deaths during the 12-hour period beginning 1 aun. t . Daily Oil Production Shows Decrease of 129,355 Barrels Oklahoma and Texas Both Report Drop In Output 4 By the Associated Press. TULSA. Feb. 6.—Daily oil produc tion in the United States declined 129,355 barrels daily to 3,511,953, the Oil and Gas Journal said today. Oklahoma production was off 11, 650 to 418,475. East Texas was up 210 to 394,598, but all Texas dropped 128,397 to 1,238,478. Louisiana de clined 1,775 to 271,622; California, 14,500 to 597,250; Eastern fields, 200 to 108,000; Michigan, 545 to 63,279, and the Rocky Mountain area, 3,010 to 86.820. Kansas increased 13,850 to 181,600 and Illinois 16,182 to 373,300. DOMESTIC. High. Low 1 PM. Ala Power 4%s 87 103 103 103 Am Scat Os 40 cv st_101% 101% 101% Appalach E P 4s 03 108% 108% 108% As G A E 5s 50 __ 10% 10% 10% As G A E 5s 08 16% 18 16 As T A T 5%s 55 A . 73% 73% 73% Bald Loco 0s 50 _ 107 107 107 Bell Te C 5s 57 B .. 113% 113% 113% Birm El 4%s 68 ... (to3, 06% 96% Burning Gas 5s 50 _ 97% 97% 97% Broad River P 5s 54 ... loo3, 100% 10O3, Can Nor Pwr 5s 53 _ 99% 99% 99% Can Pac 6s 42 __ 83 83 83 Central Pw 5s 57 D _ .99% 09% 99% Cent St El 5%s 54 36% 30% 36% Cen St P * L 5%s 53 ... 74% 74% 74% Cities Svc 5s 50 70% 70% 70% Cities Service 5s 58_ 69% 69% 69% Cities Svc 5s 66 __ 72% 72% 72% Cll S P A L 5%s 52 . 85% 85 85% Cit 8 P A L 5%s 49 . 86 86 88 Comun'ty P A L 5s 57 9»% 94% 94% Cons G E L A P 3s 69 108% 108% 108% Cont G A E 5s 58 A 90% 89% 89% Del El Pw 5%s 59 ... 106% 106% 106V. Eas» G A P 4s 56 A __ 79% 78% 78% El Pw A Lt 5s 2030 79% 79% 79% Fed Wat 5%s 54 . 96% 96% 96% Fla Pwr coupn 4s 66 _ 100% 100% 100% Florida P A L 5s 54.. ]04% 104% 104% Orn Bronze 6s 40 __ S33, 83% 83% Gen W WAE 5s 43 A . 96% 96% 96% Georgia Pw 5s 67 106% 106% 106% Glen Alden Cl 4s 65 71 % 71% 71% Hygrade Fd 6s 49 B 68% 68% 68% Idaho Pwr 3%s 67 109% ion's 109% 111 Pw A Lt 5%s 57 _ 99 . 98s* 99 111 Pwr A Lt 6s 53 A . 108% 106% 106% 111 Pw A L 5s 58 C 102% 102% 102% Ind Hyd Elec 5s 58 99 99 99 Ind PAL 1st 3%s 68 . 106% 106% 106% Town PArT. d a m*i» u.*i. Ital Su Pw 6s 63 A _ 40% 40% 40% Jer C PAL 5k 47 B . 105 105 105 Miss Pow 5s 55 103% 103% 103% Miss River P 5s 51 110 110 110 Mo Pub Svc 5s 60 ... 04% 94% 94% Ness & Su L 5s 45 98% 98% 98% Nat P * L 6s 2026 A _ 112 112 112 Nebr Pwr 4%s 81 _ 110 110 no Nevad Cal E! 5s 56 . 81 % 81% 81% New E O A- E 5s 48 65 64s, 64s* New E G Ac E 5s 50.. 65 65 65 New E Pw 5s 48_ 98% 98% 98% New E Pw 5%s 54 99’, 99s, 99s, NY S E A- G 4%s 80 _ 104s* 104s* 104 s* Ohio Power 3%s 68 . 108% 108% ios% Pac Inv 5s 48 94 94 94 Pac P A- L 5s 55 9.3% 93% 93% Penn C L & P 4%s 77 103% 103% 103% Penn Elec 4s 71 F 104% 104% 104% Peon G L & C 4s 81 B 96 96 90 Phila El P 5%s 72 113% 113% 11.3% Phila Rap T 6s 62 OS', 98 * 98% Potomac E 5S 56 E 109 109 109 Pug SdP&L 5%s 49 97% 97 97% Pw S P Ac L 4%s 50 D 91s* 91s; 91% Scripps 5%s 43 103% 103% 103% Shw W A- P 4%s 67 A 97% 97% 97% Shw \VD A- P 4s 70 D 97% 97% 97% S E P A L 6s 2025 A 11 0s, 110% 110s, Sou C G of Cal 4%s 68 105', 105', 105% Std G A- E 6s 48 st 61s* 61s* 61s, Std Gas A- El 6s 51 A 61’, 61’, 61% Std Gas A El fls 57 61’, 61’, 61’, Std Gas A El 6s 66 B 61s, 61s, 61s, Texas Elec 5s 60 105s, 105s, 105s, Twin CRT 5%s 52 A 66 60 66 Unit Lt A Pw 6s 75 77’, 77% 77% Unit Lt A Pw 6%s 74 . 81 81 81 Unit LARD 5%s 52 89% 89 89% i Unit L A R M 6s 52 A118%118%118% , Unit L & R M 6s 73 A 76% 76% 76% ! Va Pub Ser 6s 40 ... 99% 99% 99% West Pa 5s 2030 _ 107% 107% 107% York Rwy 5s 47 st . 97s, 97% 97s, FOREIGN Col Agr M B 7s 46... 26% 26% 26% Parana Braz 7s 58_ 11% 11% 11% ww With warrants, xw Without warrants. 3 New st (stp) Stamped. {Negotiability impaired by maturity. Dividends Announced NEW YORK Feb. 6—Dividends de clared—prepared by Fitch Publishing Co.: Resumed. Pe- Stk of Pav Rate riod. record, able. Miami Copper _20c . _ 2-16 3-1 Bobbs-Merrill Co 50c . _ 2-1 2-19 Accumulated. f Carthage Mills 8?e Pf B 60c .. 3-20 4-1 Do. 8fa pf A $1.50 .. 3-20 4-1 Increase. Westingh Air Brake 25c .. 2-15 3-lS Regular. Aluminum Mfrs _ 50c Q 3-15 3-31 Do _50c Q 6-15 6-30 Do _50c Q 9-15 9-30 Do _ 50c <3 12-15 12-31 Do pf _$1.75 Q 3-15 3-31 Do pf _$1.75 Q 6-15 6-30 Do pf _$1.75 Q 9-15 9-30 Do pf . _ ...$1.75 Q 12-15 12-31 Am Inv Co of 111_60c Q 2-15 3-1 Columbia Brewing-_30c Q 2-8 3-1 Crown Drug _ 5c . _ 4-15 4-25 Electrolux Corp_30c 2-15 3-15 Fishman M H _15c Q 2-15 3-1 Inti Nickel Co of Canada . ...50c Q 2-29 3-30 Natl Container Corp Del 20c .. 2-24 3-15 Parke Davis & Co_40c 3-16 3-3o St Joseph Lead _25c Q 3-8 3-20 Seaboard Oil Co of Delaware _25c Q 3-1 3-15 Timken Roller Bearing _50c 2-16 3-5 Walgreen Co_ 40c <3 2-20 3-20 Do pf $1.12% Q 2-20 3-15 Williams J B Co.. _ 25c <3 2-5 2-15 Do pf 25c <3 2-5 2-15 Fajardo Sugar_50c 2-15 3-1 Socony-Vacuum 625c 2-21 3-15 New York Produce NEW YORK. Feb. 6 UP*.—Rutter. 1 006. 665. weaker Creamery, higher than extra. 364-31: extra (92 score). 30; firsts 188 1)1). 294-4: seconds (84-87). 27-29. Cheese. 354.416; steady to firm. Priees unchanged. Eggs, ) 4.006; irregular. Mixed colors—• Fancy to extra fancy. 254-26; extras. 25-25 ■/«: storage packed firsts 25; graded firsts. 25; seconds. 234-244: mediums. 23-234; dirties. No. 1, 24: average checks. 214-22. Refrigerator. firsts, 23-24: seconds 21-22. Whites—Resale of premium marks. 274-30: nearby and Midwestern premium marks. 254-27: specials. 25; standards. 244-4. Resale of nearby heavier me diums. 254-274. Nearby and Midwestern mediums. 244-4. Browns—Nearby fancy to extra fancy. 254-26, Nearby and Midwestern specials. 25: standards. 244: mediums. 244. New York Bank Stocks NEW YORK. Feb. 6 iJP—National As i sociation Securities Dealers. Inc : (Quotations as of 2 o'clock ) Bid. Asked. Bk of Am NTS (SF) (2 40) 35 37 Bank of Manhattan <.80a) 174 19 Bank of N Y (14) 427 437 Bankers Tr (2) 57 59 Brooklyn Trust (4) ,9 84 Cen Han Rk A Tr (4)_103 106 Chase National (1.40)_ 34 4 364 Chem Bk A Tr (1.80)_ 514 534 Commercial (8) 182 188 Cont Rk A Tr (.80) _ 14 154 Corn Ex Bk A Tr (3)_ 53 54 Empire Trust (60) .. . 124 134 First National (Boston) (2) 47 49 First National (100)_1895 1935 Guaranty Tr (12)_ 292 297 Irving Trust (.60) .. 124 134 Manufacturers Trust (2)__ 39V« 414 Manufacturers Tr of (2)_ 52 54 National City (1)_ 29V« 304 N Y Trust (5) _110 113 Public (14) _ 314 334 Title Guar A Trust_ 3V* 4*/« " • Boston Wool Market BOSTON. Feb 6 (United States Depart ment of Agriculture.)—The wool market in Boston was extremely dull today Most users were making no effort to buv spot wools either of domestic or of foreign origin. The lack of demand has caused an easing In asking prices on soot foreign wools which were Quoted in Boston* rela tively lower than In foreign markets. Quotations were entirely nominal on do mestic wools because of the lack of trading. Paris Exchange Rates PARIS. Feb 6 l/P).—The United States dollar was kept at 43.86 francs (2.283 cents to the franc) In foreign exchange dealings today, compared with 2.262 for the franc In New York overnight. Ex change on London. 176.625 In the bourse 3 per cent rentes were 73.80 francs; 44s “A.'' 82.20: 44s. 1937, 213.60. Rubber Futures NEW YORK. Feb 8 (/Pi.—Crude rubber futures opened 4 to 5 lower. March. 1867; Map. 18144: Alp. 18.00: Septem* ber. 17.75b. b Al