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Bankers Will Attend Trust Conference At New York Large D. C. Delegation Registered for A. B. A. Group Sessions By EDWARD C. STONE. The District of Columbia Bank ers’ Association will be well rep resented at the 21st midwinter trust conference to be held at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, New York City, February 13-15. This con ference is sponsored by the Ameri can Bankers’ Association. The following bank officials of Washington banks are planning to attend: T. Stanley Holland, trust officer, American Security & Trust Co.; Major Erskine Gordon, trust officer, Hamilton National; William V. Sim mons, trust officer. Liberty National; Floyd E. Davis, president, Lincoln National; J. Frank White, president, and Ralph G Wilson, assistant trust officer, National Bank of Wash ington; Stanley D. Willis, trust officer. National Metropolitan; Bruce 3aird, president, William B. Wil lard, vice president, and Herman G. Lauten, assistant trust officer, Na tional Savings & Trust; Robert V. Fleming, president, and Sidney F. Taliaferro, Riggs National Bank; John A. Reilly, president, E. F. Col laday. counsel and trust officer, and William B. Wolf, assistant trust officer, Second' National; Willard G. McGraw, assistant trust officer, and J. Wesley Clampitt, jr„ assistant trust officer. Union Trust Co., and William H. Baden, vice president and trust officer, Washington Loan & Trust Co. Experts to Speak. Roland E. Clark, president of the trust division. American Bankers' Association, and vice president of the National Bank of Commerce of Portland. Me., will preside. A number of outstanding speakers have been engaged, including Elmo Roper, market analyst, who con ducts the public opinion surveys for Fortune Magazine, New York; Wil liam A. Irwin, associate educational director, American Institute of Banking; Laurence G. Tighe, as sistant treasurer. Yale University, New Haven. Conn., and John W. Hanes, former Undersecretary of *1_rr-Anr.,,m, Franklin Payments Start. The Franklin Liquidating Trust today began disbursement of $100. 000 to about 17.000 depositors of the former Franklin National Bank, by paying a 10 per cent dividend on the face value of participating cer tificates. This dividend amounts to 3‘/2 per cent of the face value of deposits in the Franklin Bank when It closed in 1933. This dividend, which is the fourth to be paid on the certificates, is in reality the fifth dividend to de positors, as the first dividend of 65 per cent was made available through the City Bank of Wash ington. With the new payment to day depositors will have received a total of $2,650,000, or 93 per cent of deposits. Heads Credit Union. Robert N. Mattingly, principal of Cardoza High School, at Ninth street and Rhode Island avenue, was re elected president of the Educational Employes’ Credit Union of the Dis trict of Columbia at a recent an nual meeting, where an 8% per cent dividend was declared. The treasurer’s report showed that the union’s net earnings be fore providing the addition to the legal reserve approximated 11 per cent for the year 1939: that of a cash turnover of $28,679.28. the amount of $21,320 represented loans to members, thus bringing the total loaned since organization to $51, 256.75 without a loss. With the exception of Mrs. Eu dora Winters, who declined re election on account of poor health, all officers, directors, committeemen and representatives, in addition to Mr. Mattingly, were re-elected. Associates Honor Harrell. John B. Harrell, president of C6 lumbia Federal Savings & Loan Association, was guest of honor at a dinner tendered by his associates last night celebrating his 75th birth day anniversary at the Wardman Park Hotel, with the following present: Clarence E. Kefauver, Albert O. Denham, C. Gay Harrell, George B. Cowles, W. Owen Hohenstein, How ard E. Thompson, R. T. Harrell, William Poulten and their wives. A native of Suffolk, Va.. Mr. Har rell moved to Washington in 1896. Engaging in the real estate business, he assisted in the development of the great Northwest section of the city. In 1907 he organized the Co lumbia Federal, which today has resources in excess of $5,200,000. Last month Mr. Harrell was re elected president of the association fr\r cnpppccivo Hmo Hot Spring Gets Conclave. Local bankers were gratified to learn that the 1940 convention of the Financial Advertisers’ Associa tion will be held at Hot Springs, Va., October 28 to 30, according to announcement just made by Chester L. Price, chairman of the Convention City Committee after unanimous adoption by the directors of the association. Washington had been favorably considered, but the election year was not deemed the best time for the gathering here. Popularity of Hot Springs has been evidenced by Its frequent selection for conventions of the D. C. Bankers' Association. The midwinter conference of the F. A. A. will be held in New York, beginning Friday next and continu ing through Monday. Eliot Thom son, of the Washington Loan & Trust Co., who is a member of the Senior Advisory Council, is expected to attend. Heard in Financial District. Rutherford B. Dooley, vice presi dent and cashier of the National Bank of Washington, has returned from a short trip to New York. He was among the large delegation of Washington Bankers who attended thg American Institute of Banking banquet Saturday night. Edwin C. Graham, president of the Hamilton National Bank, is among the Washingtonians now en joying a winter vacation in Florida, having left here a few days ago for Miami, his favorite resort. The very large number of holders of General Motors common stock in Washington will receive a dividend of 75 cents per share on March 12 provided they will own their stock on February 15. This is the same as the dividends paid last March, June and September. In De cember, $1.25 was paid. Tv TRANSACTIONS ON THE NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE By Private Wire Direst ta The Star. 2:30 p.m. Prev. '30-'4O Stock and Sales— Net. High. Low. Dividend Rate. * Add 00. High. Low. Close, chge. 56* 81* Acme Steel (3a)_ 4 45* 45 45*+ * 11* 6* Adams Exp (,25g).. 2 7* 7* 7* + * 27* 15* Addressog ph(1.40). 1 18* 18* 18* 68 45* Air Reduction (1a). 3 49l 49 49* + * 10 6* Alaska Juneau .15*. 11 6* 6* 6* 2 * Alleghany Corp _ 11 * * 20* 5* Allegh y $30 pf ww. 3 12* 12 12*+* 18 4* Alleghany pf xw . 1 10* 10* 10*+ * 28* 14 Alleg-Ludlum 50g. 5 21* 20* 21* + * 11* 6* Allen Indus! (lg)_ 1 10* 10* 10* — * 200* 151* Allied Chem <6a>_ 1 172* 172* 172* + * 14* 10 Allied Kid (.80)_ 2 13 13 13 - * 15* 9* Allied Mills dg)_ 5 14* 14* 14* 11* 6 Allied Stores _. 2 8* 8* 8* + * 71 54* Allied Stores pf (5) 1 67* 67* 67* 1* 48* 28 Allis-Chalmers ,25e. 2 37 36* 37 + * 19* 12* Alpha Fort Cmt (1). 2 14* 14* 14* 3* 1* Amalg Leather_ 2 2 1* 1* - * 49* 16* Am Airlines _ 1 48 47* 47*+ * 17* 9* Am Bank Note _ 1 10* 10* 10* 60 46 Am Bank N of (3).. 20s 48 47 48 + * 116* 83* Am Can (4) _ 2 112* 112* 112* + * 179 150 Am Can pf (7)_ 1 174 174 174 - * 40* 16* Am Car & Foundry. 3 25* 24* 25* +1* 64 30* Am Car & Fdry pf.. 2 44 42* 44 +2 25* 13* Am Chain & C .40e.. 2 20* 20* 20* + * 136 109* Am Chicle (4a)_ 2 135* 135* 135* 8* 5 Am Colortype _ 3 6* 6* 6* + * 11* 6* Am Comc'l Alcohol. 1 6* 6* 6* 3* 1* Am & Foreign Pwr. 2 1* 1* 1* 25* 10 Am&FP6% pf .30k. 2 20* 20 20*+* 30* 12* Am&FP 7% pf .35k. 1 23* 23* 23* 35* 12 Am Hawa n SS(la). 2 31 31 31 + * 8 2* Am Hide & Leather. 6 5* 5* 5* 60* 41* Am Home Fr (2.40). 1 58 68 68 9 3* Am International.. 1 5* 5* 5* 30* 13 Am Locomotive . 2 19* 19 19* + * 79* 41 Am Locomotive pf 6 53 52 53 15* 11 Am Mach & Fvt 80) 1 13* 13* 13* + Vi •iO* 22* Am Metals (.Toe) 2 23* 23 23*.-r* 7 3* Am 1 'owe! A: Light 2 4 .' * 4 54 28 Am P&l.$5pf.9376k 2 45* 45 , 45* + * 63* 32 Am PA.-L$6pf 1.125k 1 55* 54* 55 — * 18* 8* Am Radiator 3Ug 27 9* 9 « 9* 22* 11* Am Rolling Mills 5 15* 14* 15* + * 80* 50 Am Roll M pf 1.25k 2 65* G5'» 65* +1* 15* 10* Am Safely Raz 1.20 2 12* 12* 12* 46* 25* Am Ship Bldg 1 5Ug 30s 30* 30* 30*+* 63 35* Am Sm & Ref 50e . 6 4K7» 47* 48* ■+■ 7s 41 20* Am Steel Fdry; .25e. 8 28 27 28 +1 14* 8* Am Stores (.50g)... 1 12* 12* 12* + * 18* 9 Am Stove (.25e)_ 1 16 16 16 — Vs 34* 15* Am Sugar Refining. 1 19* 19* 19V4 98 75* Am Sugar R pf (7). 1 88* 88* 88*-* 172* 148 Am Tel & Tel (9)... 10 171 170*171 88* 73 Am Tobacco (5)_ 1 88* 88* 88*+ * 90* 75* Am Tobacco(B)(5). 5 90* 90 90*+ * 8* 4Vs Am Type Founders. 1 5* 5* 5* 14* 8* Am Water Works_ 6 10 9* 10 + * 15* 3* Am Woolen .. 3 7* 77a 77s + * 64* 28* Am W'oolen pf (3k). 1 42* 42* 42* 12 4 Am Zinc .. 4 5* 5* 5* 40 20* Anaconda (1.25g) _ 26 27* 267s 27* + * 54:s 35 Anaconda Wire & C. 1 35* 35* 35* + V« 8* 3* Armour (111) _. 8 5* 5* 6* bb 50 Armour (111) pf .. 1 6ik 64k 64k -r4k 58 3lk Armstrong C’k ,25e. 2 40(« 40 40k 4 k 10k 5k Artloom Corp 3 9V. 9i 9k -t- k 10k 5k Assoc Dry Goods 3 7k 7k 7k 100 89k Assoc Invest pf (5). 30s 99k 99k 99k 42(4 21 Atch Top&Sante Fa 2 24 23'. 23k + k 71 49k Atch T&SF'pf 2.50e. 2 53k 53 v. 53k 4 k 30k 15 At) Coast Dine .. 5 19k 19 19 — k 26k 5k Atl Gulf & W Ind . .. 1 14 14 14 26 9k Atl Gulf&W Ind pf. 1 16 16 16 + 11. 24k 18k Atl Ketining (1) ... 7 21k 21k 21k + k 9k 7 Atlas Corp (.50g)_ 1 8k 8k 8k 71 50 Atlas Powder (3g)_ 1 68k 68k 68k -1 ok lk Auburn Auto (r)_ 3 2k 2 2 9k 3k Aviation CorD __ 4 7 6(4 7 21k 9k Baldwin Dococlrs.. 12 15k 15 15(4 + Vi 8k 3k Balto&Ohio (f) ... 1 5k 5k 5k 4 k Ilk 4k Balto & Ohio pf (r). 1 6k 6k 6k - k 30k Ilk Bangor& Arstook .. 1 12k 12k 12k + k 87k 45 Bangor & Ar pf (5). 50s 45k 45k 45k 4- k 19k Ilk Barnsdall Oil .15e._ 2 12 12 12 - k 27k 15k Bayuk Cigar (,75a). 6 29k 28 29 4lk 29k 17 Beatrice Crea (la).. 1 28 28 28 128k 104k Beech-,\ut Pkg(4a) 1 122 122 122 -lk o3k 16k Bendix Aviat’n .50e. 42 30<4 30k 30k 4 k 22k 17k Beneticial Un I 85g 3 22V. 22 23 - Vi 56k 48k Beneficial L pf 2.50. 1 56 56 56 100 . OVi Bethlehem Stl (le). 48 75k 73k 75k 4-2k 20A 15k Beth Stl 5k pf (1)_. 2 20s4 20^ iOsi 121 99k Beth Steel pt (7)._. 3 116k 116 116 -1 17k 8k Blaw Knox . 1 10 9k 10 -t Vi 75k 35 Blumenthal (S) pf. 10s 74k 74k 74k 34k 16k Boeing Airplane 10 24k 2t 24k - k 2Sk 16 Bohn Alum & B (1) 3 2* -3k 24 + k 123 s 100k Bon Amli A 11 4a I .. Ills 118 119 118 - Vs 24 12k Bond Stores 1 6ua__ 2 2-k 22k 3_k 23k 16k Borden Co (.3Ce)_ 5 -3V« 23 23k 32 18k Borg-Warner .25e _ 10 22k 22k 22k — k 7k ok Brewing Corp < 60) 1 6k 6k 6H 15k 7k Bridgetiort Brass .. 1 11 10k 11 4 Vi 31k 16V. Briggs Mfg 1.25g... 2 21 20k 21 4 (i 16k 7k Bklyn-Man Transit. 77 17(4 16k 17 4 k 57k 27 Bklyn-Man Tran pf. 2 57k 57k 57k 4 V. 55k 39 Bklyn Manpfctfs.. 5 55k 55k 55V. 4 V. 2 lk Bklyn & Queens ... 2 2 1(4 lk — k 17k 5k Bklyn & Queens pf. 4 18 18 18 ISk 11 Bklyn&Qu’ns pf cfs 3 16 16 16 30k 13k Bklyn Un Gas ,25e.. 2 22k 22k 22k - k 25k 9k Brunswick-B 2.75g_ 3 23k 22k 23(4 41 13k 7 Bucyrus-Erie(.ROg) 3 9k 9k 9k 4 k 106k 94k Bucyrus-E pf (7)_50s 104 104 104 s 4 Budd Mfg 2 5k 5k 5k — (* 6Vi 3 Budd Wheel _ 4 5k 5k 5k 34k 21k Bui ova Watch <2a). 1 29 > 29 29 4 V, 21k Ilk Burlington M (1)... 5 19 , 18(4 19k- k 18k 11 Burr’s Add M ,10e_. 2 12 12 12 7*. 1 Bush Terminal . 1 3k 3k 3k + k 20 «k Bush T Bldgs pf . 50s 10k 10k 10k 4 k 9k 6k Butler Bros (.15e)_. 1 7 6k 7 + k 6V* 2k Butte Copper 2 ok 3k 3k 16k 7 Byers (AM) Co .. 1 12V. 12 12 4 k 30 13V. California Packing. 6 26 25k 26 -t- k 3k k Callahan Zinc 1 lk lk IV. + k 10k 40. Calumet & Hec 25e 3 6k 6k 6k + k 17k 9k Campb’ll Wya’t .40e 13 14k 13k 14k ♦ k 20k 12 Canada Dry l.50g). 66 20k 19k 20k 41 6V. 3k Canadian Pacific . 6 5k 5 5k 4 k 8 4k Capital Admin (A). 3 5k 5V. 5V. — Vi 43 35 Cap Admin pf A(3). 30s 39 39 39 -1 4 2k Carriers&Gen .025e. 4 3 3 3 94(4 63k Case (J 1) Co . 1 68(4 68(4 68(4 4 (4 64k 38k Caterpillar Trac(2) 2 50 49k 50 — k 30k 13k Celanese Corp ,50g. 2 27k 26(4 27k 4 k 114k 84 Celanese pr pf (7).. 60s 114 113 113 -1 19k 7k Celotex Corp .. 4 9k 9k 9k - k X6vt 074 V/Cimai nik ui n u - . a t * i’4 r -74 14% 3% Cent Vioieta (.25g)_ 17 7% 7%+ % 52% 32 Cerro de Pasco (le) 1 37% 37% 37% + % 47% 22 Certain teed Df 30s 30% 29% 29% 29% 3% Chesapeake Corp <r) 1 4% 4% 4% + % 47% 27 Ches & Ohio 2 50a) . 4 40 39% 40 + % 14 9% Chi Mail Order _. 1 10% 10% 10% % % Chi M St P& P <r)- 3 % % % 1% % Chi M StP&P pf ir) 1 % % % 1% % Chi & Northwn irl 2 % % % - 3% % Ch) & Northwn pfin 3 % % % 20% 10 Chi Pneu Tool 4 13% 12% 13% + ■% 39% 30% Chi Pn T cv pf (3).. 1 34 33% 34 50% 44 Chi Pn T pr pf 2.50. 1 48 48 48 -1% % % Chi KI£P(r) - 2 % % % + % 1% % Chi Rl&P 67. pf(r). 2 % % % 13% 4% Childs Co - 1 4% 4% 4% - % 94% 53% Chrysler Corp (5g). 64 82% 80% 82% +1% 14% 9 City Ice* F (1.20). 1 13% 13% 13% 97% 79 City l & F pf(6 50). 70s 98 98 98 + % 34% 15 Clark Equip 2.25g . 1 29% 29% 29% + % 39% 20% Clev Graphite 2.50g. 1 38 37% 38 60% 34% Climax Moiib 1.20a. 4 37% 36% 37% + % 40% 21% Cluett Peab 2.76g_ 7 39% 39% 39% + % 133 105 Coca-Cola (6g> _ 2 120 120 120 + % 18% 11% Colgate-Pal-P .50— 9 18 17% 17%+% 107 101% ColR-Pal-P pf (6) . 1 106% 106% 106% + % 37% 20% Collins * Aikm'n 2e 3 35 34% 35 + % 24% 11% Colo Fuel & iron_ 1 18 18 ’ 18 + % 8% 2% Colo & Southern_ 90s 3% 3% 3% + % 9% 3% Colo* So 1st pf .. 20s 4% 4% 4% + % 25% 14 Cclum BC(A)1.50g. 2 24% 23% 24% + % 25% 14 Colum BC(B)1.50g. 2 23% 23% 23%+ % 9 5% Columbia Gas & El. 4 6% 6% 6% + % 15% 6% Columb Pic vtc .... 3 7 7 7 57 38% Cornel Credit (4)... 4 47% 47% 47%+ % 60 42 Oomcl InvTr (()... 2 55% 54% 54%-% 16 8% Cornel Solvents . 52 14% 13% 14% + % 32% 25% Cnmwlth Ed il 80). 45 32% 32% 32% 1 % Comwlth A South'n 8 1% 1% 1% + % 73% 45% Comwlth & S pf (3) 2 65% 65 65 - % 30% 19 Congoleum (la) ... 3 22% 22% 22% + % 32% 15% Consol Aircraft . 1 27% 27% 27% + % 11 4% Consol Cop M< 30g) 6 8% 8 8% + % 35 27 Consol Edison (2).. 27 32% 32 32% + % 108% 101% Consol Edispf (5).. 2 107% 107% 107% - % 7% 3% Consol Laundries— 1 4 4 4 — % 9% 6% Consol 011 (.80) .. 20 7% 7% 7% 9 1% Consolidation Coal. 1 3% 3% 3% 102 88 Consum Pw pf 4.50. 1 103% 103% 103% +1% 17% 9% Container Corp .25e. 5 16% 16% 16% + % 22% 11% Conti Baking (A)._ 4 13% 13% 13% 2 1 Conti Baking (B) 3 1% 1% 1% 100 87% Conti Baking pf (8) 1 94% 94% 94% + % 51% 32% Conti Can (,50e) ... 3 43% 42% 43%+% 40% 29% Conti Insur (1.60a). 2 39% 39% 39%-% 6% 1% Conti Motor - 66 4% 4% 4% + % 31% 19% Conti Oil (.25e)_ 6 24 23% 24 -% 82% 16% Conti Steel (2g)_ 5 27% 27 27%-% 61% 49 Corn Exchange (3). 80s 54 63% 54 + % 67% 54% Corn Products (3).. 7 63 63 63 + % 38 16 Crane Co ( 60g) .. 11 22% 21% 22 -% 32% 26% Cream of Wheat(2) 2 32% 32% 32%-% 13 6% Crosley Corp .. 1 6% 6% 6% — % 41% 20% Crown Cork & Seal 1 28% 28% 28% 40% 33 Cr n C&S pf ww 2.25 60s 41% 41% 41% 17% 0 Crown Zeller 25e 12 16% 16 16% + % 94 75 Crown Zeller pf (6). 30s 91% 91% 91% 62% 24% Crucible Steel _ 3 37% 36% 36% + % 13 3 Cuban Am Sugar _ 1 6% 6% 6% + % 19% 9 Cudahy Packing_ 6 13% IS 13% — % 28% 26 Cuneo Press 375e._ 4 26% 26% 26% 7% 3% Curtis Publishing.. 14 4 4 13% 4% Curtiss- Wright_ 45 10% 10% 10%+ % 32% 19% Curtiss- Wr( A) <2g) 6 29% 29% 29% 10% 4% Davison Chemical.. 2 7% 7% 7% 26% 16% Deere & Co (.75g)_ 8 20% 20 20 + % 27% 23 Deere*CopfO.40) 3 26% 26% 26% + % 18% 11% Delsel-W-O (la)_ 2 16% 16% 16% i 28 12% Det^ Hudson_ 4 19% 18% 19% +» i & 2:30 t>.m. Prev. '39-’40 Stock and Sales— Met. High. Low. Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low. Close, chge. 8% 3% Del Lack & Wn_ 6 5 4V« 6 + % 32% 18 Devoe & Ray A .25e. 40a 21% 21% 21%-% 34% 28 Dlatn'd Match 1.50.. 1 34% 34% 34% + % 44% 36% Diamond M pf 1.50.. 1 43% 43% 43% 10% 6% DiamT Mot .40*_ 1 8% 8% 8% - % 20% 13% DlstlH-Seagr (2)_ 2 19% 19% 19%+% 90 66 . Distil Seagr pf (5).. 1 80 80 80 -1 13% 9%"Dixie-Vortex (lg?.. 2 13 13 13 + % 35% 30 Dixle-Vor( A) (2.60) 140s 35% 35% 35%-% 22% 10 Doehler Die Casting 1 18% 18% 18%+ % 34 20% Dome Mines (2) ... 8 21% 21% 21% 87% 56 Douglas Air (3g)._. 10 83 81% 82% + % 153% 101% Dow Chemical (3).. 9 149% 148% 149 - % 17% 6 Dresser Mfg ( 75g). 6 17% 17% 17% + % 9% 6 Dunhttl Internatl.. 6 6% 5% 5% 188% 126% Du Pont <7g> ... 16 180% 179% 180% +1% 124% 112 Du Pont pf (4.50).. 2 123% 123% 123% 31% 12% Eastern Air Lines.. 11 S0% 29% 30% + % 8% 3% Eastn Roll Mills .. 1 5% 5% 5% + V. J86% 138% Eastman Kodak (6) 14 156 154% 156 -% 32% 15% Eaton Mfg (.7oe) .. 4 30% 30% 30%+% 19% 15 Edison Bros S (la). 1 17% 17% 17%+ % 40% 22% Elec Auto Lltec3g). 2 36% 36 36%+.% 18% 8% Electric Boat(.60g) 16 15% 15 15%+% 12% 6% Elec Pwr & Light 7 6% 6% 6%+% 38 18% Elec Pwr & Lt $6 pf 4 26% 26% 26% 41% 20% Elec Pwr & Lt $7 pf 8 30% 30 30% + % S5 23% Elec Stor Bat (2)_ 5 30 29% 29%-% 42% 28 El Paso Nat G (2).. 2 37% 37% 37% + V4 13% 7 Eng Pub Service .. 2 9% 9% 9% + % 97 69 Eng Pub Svc pf (6). 1 90 90 90 + % 5% 3% Eureka Vacuum Cl. 2 4% 4% 4% — % 26% 14% Ex-Cell-O (lg) _ 1 22 22 22 8% 2% Fairbanks Co pf_ 60s 5% 5 5% + % 43% 24 Fairbks Morse (la). 2 39 38% 39 6% 2% Fed Motor Truck .. 1 4% 4% 4% 1% % Fed Water Svc (A). 1 % % % - % 40% 27% Fidelity Phne 1 60a.' 2 39% 39% 39% 25% 17% Firestone Tire 25e. 1 19% 19% 19%+ % 61 38% First Natl Strs 2.50. 1 44 44 44 31% 15 Flintkote (lg) . 2 19 18% 19 F % •r> 1% Follansbee Bro <r)_ 2 2% 2% 2% 37% 21 Food Mach l.375g . 1 32% 32% 32% - % 29% 14 Fosler Wheeler . 3 18% 17% 17% — % 90% 66% Foster Wheeler pf 20s 70 70 70 36 18% Freeport Sulph (1). 5 33% 33 33% + % 3% 1% Gabriel (A) _. 12 2 2 101% 94 Gannett Co pf (6)._ 10s 104 101 104 7% 3% Gar Wood Indust _. 1 4% 4% 4% 9 5% Gen Am Invest 25g 4 6% 6% 6% 65 40 GenAmTran 2.375g. 5 53% 53 53 + % 18 9 Gen Cable _. 3 9% 9% 9% + % 35 17% Gen Cable (A)_ 4 19% 18% 19%+ % 75 43 Gen Cable pf _ 2 48% 48% 48% - % 25% 16 Gen Cigar (1.75g)._ 2 18% 18% 18% i % 130% 106 Gen Cigar pf (7) .. 30s 115 115 115 44% 31 Gen Electric! 1.40g) 30 38% 38% 38%+% 48% 36% Gen Foods (2)_ 2 47 47 47 1% % Gen Gas & El (A)_ 1 % % % 99 72% Gen Mills (3.50)_ 3 94% 94 94 +% 130% 125% Gen Mills pf (5) _ 40s 130% 130 130% +1% 56% 36% Gen Motors (.75e)_. 55 53% 52% 53% + % 126% 112 Gen Motors pf <6)._ 3 124 123% 123% - % 6% 3% Gen Outdoor Adv... 2 4% 4% 4% 28 12% Gen Rwy Signal ... 2 16% 16% 16% - % 1% % Gen Realty At L'tll.. 6 % % % 20% 14 Gen Realty & U of.. 1 17% 17% 17% 41 19% Gen Refractor ,2:.e. 2 28% 27% 28% + % 43% 16 Gen Steel Cast pf 70s 26% 25 26% +1% 22% 13% Gen Telephony la). 2 20% 20% 20% + % 15% 8% Gen Thea Eq ( *9g). 1 12% 12% 12%+ % Id'll Vjreil lilt (V Itlils .Uvf, . £. e- i fcl'l T 84 54 Gillette Sat R (.60). 5 64 64 64 + 4 134 64 Gimbel Bros . 2 74 74 74 + 4 664 43 Gimhel Bros pf (6). 2 55 544 544 -4 244 14 Glidden Co (.50b» .. 3 174 174 174 - 4 47 34 Glidden cv pf (2.25) 1 43 43 43 +1 34 24 Gobel (Adolf) .. 2 3 24 3 + 4 24 14 Goebel Brew (.20).. 2 2 4 2 4 24 + 4 244 134 Goodrich! B F)< IB). 22 174 174 174 384 214 Goodyear Rub 25e. 26 224 224 224 + 4 54 24 Gotham Silk Hose . 1 34 34 34 + 4 80 67 Gotham S H pf (7). 10s 65 65 65 -1 14 4 Graham-Palge . 4 14 14 14 104 44 Granby Consol ,25e. 3 74 74 74 104 94 Grand Union x ctfs. 1 94 94 94 154 134 Grand Un war ctfs. 2 144 144 144 + 4 224 10 Granite C'v S 125g. 1 13 13 13 - 4 35 244 Grant <WT> 85e .. 6 334 334 334 + 4 334 164 Great North n pt 25 234 224 254 * 4 224 124 Gr’t Nor O ctfs 75e 17 14 14 14 + 4 1414 1294 Great Wn S pf (7) 50s 142 1414 14! +4 35 4 244 Green (HL) (2a)... 7 334 33 334 + 4 214 144 Greyhound (1 a i 16 164 164 164 6 4 Guantanamo Suear 1 2'/ii 24 24 38 32 Hack Wat pf (1.75) 10s 354 35 354 + Vi 20 s Hall iW Fi PrtB 2 18 174 18 104 44 Hat Corpi A Ml lOg) 1 74 74 74 - 4 44 2 HayesMfg Corp .. 1 34 34 34 + 4 113V, 93 Haze! AtlasGI (5).. 4 1124 112 1124 +14 184 84 Hecker Prod 60 ... 4 10 , 10 10-4 117 100 Helme iG W115a)_ 2 109 1084 109 - 4 184 10 Hercules Mot 50g.. 1 144 14V, 144 + V, 51 294 Holland Furn (2)_ 6 314 314 314 - 4 114 54 Hollander (A)_ 1 6 6 6 +4 214 84 Holly Sugar ... 1 124 124 124 + 4 66V* 474 Homestake (4.50).. 11 574 574 574 — 4 17V, 84 Houd-Her <B) 75g. 3 114 114 114+ 4 9*. 44 Houston Oil ... 3 54 54 54 - 4 57 40 Howe Sound (3a)... 1 494 49V, 494 + V* 354 214 Hudson Bay 1.75g.. 2 24 4 244 244+ 4 24 4 Hupp Motor - 1 4 4 4 204 9 Illinois Centra!_ 4 114 114 114+4 35 164 Illinois Central pf.. 2 224 22 224 +4 294 164 Indust Ravon Tog . _ 2 264 264 264 + 4 131 86 Ingersoll Rand (le) 1 114 114 114 -4 984 67 Inland Steel (lei . 1 83 83 83 21 94 Inspiration Copper. 3 12 114 12 +4 94 24 Interhoro R T (r I . 9 34 34 34 -4 464 174 Interchemical 40e 3 42 42 42 + 4 54 24 Intercontl Rub 20g 1 44 44 44 '64 74 Interlake Iron 21 104 94 10 + 4 1954 145 Inti Bus Mach (6a). 2 181 ISt 181 + *, 714 454 Inti Harvester 160. 1. 53 4 534 534 + 4 84 34 Inti Hydro-El (A) . 5 44 44 44 + 4 174 24 Inti Mercantile Ma 7 94 94 94 + 4 554 35 Inti Nickel Can (2) 21 364 354 364 + 4 144 64 inti Paper & Power 12 134 134 134 + 4 574 254 Inti Paper* Pw of 22 574 564 574 + 4 604 394 Inti Ry Cen A pf 2k 120s 564 554 56 33 19 Inti Silver . 2 26 254 254 - 4 94 34 Inti Tel & Teles 23 4 34 34 - Vi 94 4 Inti T & T for'n cfs 11 4 .34 34 144 74 Interstate Dept Str. 3 94 9 9 —4 18 13 Jarvis (WB) 1.50b. 1 154 154 154 + 4 105 59 Johns-Manv 2.75b - 1 71 71 71 194 13 Kalamazoo Stov 50. 1 134 134 134 + 4 + O a / __T~v „ „ 19#, 8 19l lOl 1 Ol'. _ I 46V 28 Kennecott Cop(2g). 21 35V* 35 35V + V 16V 8*, Keystone Stl ,80g__ 5 14 13*4 13** - V 39 20 Kimberly-Clark (la) 1 35*4 35*. 35V, 31 12V Kinney *5 pf (3g)_. 30» 29V 29 29 -IV 26V 20 Kresge (SS) 1.20a.. 8 25V 25V 25V + V 29** 23*4 Kress (S H l(J 60).. 2 26V 26V 26V - V 29V 20V, Kroger Groc (1.60). 3 28V 28V 28V + V 13V 7 Laclede Gas ... 20s 8V 8V 8V + H 18V4 14 Lambert (.375e)_ 1 15*. 15*« 15*« 5V 3V Lane Bryant _. 1 4** 4*4 4*. — V 37V 25 Lee Rub & T (,75e). 2 32V. 32 32V, + V 25 17 Leh Port Cmt ,375e. 2 22V 22V 22V + V. 3V V Leh Valiev Coal .81 1 1 8*4 IV Leh Valley Coal pf. 2 3V 3V 3v, - V 6V 2V Leh Valley RR (r). 2 3V* 3V 3V - V 27V 20 Lehman Corp ,20e . 10 22 21V 21*i + V 13V 9V Lehn & Fink 1.375g. 4 13 13 13 32*. 23 Lerner Stores (2) . 3 28 28 28 +1 56*, 36V Libbey-Ow-F 2.75g. 3 49V 49 49V + V 10 4V Libby McN & Lib .. 7 7V 7 7V + V 108V 95 Llgg & Myers (4a). 1 107V 107V 107V 109*. 95V* Liggft Myers(B)4a 4 108V 108V* 108V* - v 20V 15 Lily Tulip Cup 1.20. 1 19*4 19*4 19*, 40V 20*4 Lima Locomotive.. 1 25V 25V 25V + V 47 31V Link Belt (1)_ 1 37 37 37 20V* 10 Lion Oil Ref (1) ... 5 12V 12V 12V 19 13V Liquid Carb&C.25e 2 17 16*. 17 +V 36V* 18V. Lockheed Alrc (lg) 29 31V 30*4 31V + V 54V 30V Loew's. Inc (2)_ 12 36 35*4 36 25V 6 Loft Inc _ 68 24*4 23** 24V + V 25 19V Lorillard (1.40g) .. 2 24V 24V 24V 21V 15*. Louis G*E(A)1.50. 15 19V 18V 18V - V 67 36V Louis & Nash 1.25e. 2 58*4 58 58V* + V 35 28 MacAnd & Forb(2a) 2 34 34 34 - V, 33*. 18 Mack Trucks ,50g . 8 25 24 V 25 + V 43V 25V Macy (RH) Co 50e. 1 29 29 29 +V 19V 11V Madis Sq Gar .25e . 1 12 12 12 40 25V Magma Cope 2.75g). 2 34V 33V 34V + V 6V 1 Manatt Sugar . 1 2*. 2*. 2*. 30V* 27 Man Rwy gtd ct(r). 80s 29V 28V 28V + *4 6 5 Man Rv mod gtd (r) 1 16 16 16 + V 16 12V Man Ry m gtd ct(r) 6 15*4 15V 15V + V 5V* 4V Marine Midl'd lOe 5 5 5 5 8V 3V Market St Ry pr pf 60s 4** 4*. 4*4 + V. >7** 9*4 Marshall Field 30g 4 13V 13V 13V, + V 45V 26V Martin (Glenn) lg.. 15 39V 39 39 10V 2 Martin Parry 95 9V 8V 9 37V 20V* Math Alkili (1.50).. 5 29V 29V 29V 63*. 40V, May Dept Strs <3).. ,3 62 52 52 - V. 105 93 Maytag 1st pf (6).. 10s 100V 100V 100V - V* 17V 9*« McCrory Strs (1)— 3 15 15 15 108V. 88 McCrory Strs pf (6). 3 108 108 108 - V, 25 V 15V McGraw Elec (1)_ 2 24 23V 23V* + V. 10*. 5V McGraw-Hill .15e._ 3 7V 7V 7V + V 69V* 39 McIntyre Pore (2a). 2 43 43 43 18V 8*. McKeesport Tin .. 10 11V 10V 11 + V 10V 6V McLellan Strs ,40e.. 4 8V« 8V 8V4 102V 88 McLellan pf (6) .. 110s 101 100V 101 +1V 63 39V Mead Cpf(B) (5.50) 1 53V, 53V* 53V* -IV 31*. 28V. Melville Shoe (,50e) 2 30V 30y, 30V* - V 6V 3 Mengel Co __ 15 5 5 28V 14 Mengel Co 5% pf... 130s 23V 23 23V + V. 39V 25 Mesta Mach 50e 2 30 30 30 +1 16V 6V Miami Copper (20e) 15 9*. 9V 9*4 + V* 18 11V Mtd Cnnl Pel ( 6«g> 1 14V 14V 14V - V 40 18V Midland Stl P ,50e . 3 34V 34V 34V + V. 120V 101 Mid Stl 1st pf (8) 30s 114V 114V4 114V - V* 114 103V* Mlnn-Hon pf B (4) 30s 110 110 110 14V 8*. Mission Corp i 65g) 2 10 9*. 10 + Vi 9*. 2V Mo-Kan & Texas pf 8 3*. 3V 3** + Vi IV. ft Mo Pacific (r) ... 2 V V. V. 2V V* Mo Pacific pf (r)_. 4 V ft ft 21 10V Mohawk Carpet .75g 5 17V 17 17V 114+* 85*. Monsanto Ch (3D 3 106V 106 106V +1V 57V* 40V Montg Ward 1.25e_. 30 52V 61V 52V + V* 37V* 22V Morris & Es (3.875) 20s 30V 30V 30V 4- V 19 9V Motor Products .. 3 11V 11V 11V 17V 10 Motor Wheel (1.60). 6 16V 16V 16V + V 30 16V Mueller Brass 80g. 1 23 23 23 - V 7V 3*4 Mullins Mfg (B)_ 1 4V 4V 4V + V 14V 9 Munslngwear_ 1 11 11 11 + H 9V 4 Murray Corp__ 17 6*4 6V «H + H #V 5H Nash-Kel vlna tor_11 6H 6 V «V £\. 2:30 p.m. Prev. ’SO-^O Stock and Sales— Wet. Hleh. Low. Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low. Close, chse. 26% 14 NashChat&StLle.. 60s 20% 19% 20%+% 18% T% Natl Acms L50g)... L 14% 14% 14% + V< 15 7% Natl Avlatlon(.76g) 2 12% 12% 12% - % 28% 21% Natl Biscuit (.40e). 13 24% 23% 24%+% 18 10% NatlBdAInv.gOa.. 1 18% 18% 18%+% 26% 14% Natl Cash Reg (l).. 5 15% 15% 15%-% 16 8% Natl Cyl Gas (.EOg) 2 11% 11% 11% +% 18% 12% Natl Dairy (.80) . 6 16% 16% 16%-% 114 107 Natl Dairy pf B(7). 40s 109% 109% 109% - M 8% 4% Natl Dept Stores 3 6 5% 6 6% 4% Natl Dept Stores pf 16 6 6 28% 20% Natl Distillers (2) 6 24 23% 24 + % 16% 8% Natl Gypsum(.25g). 9 11 10% 11 +% 27% 17% Natl Lead ( 50a) .. 6 19% 19% 19%+ % 35% 14% Natl Malleable lg._ 8 22% 21% 22%+% )0 6% Natl Pwrft Lt 60.. 8 8 7% 8 15% 6% Natl Supply _ 2 9 8% 9 + % 6% 2% Natl Tea Co 2 3% 3% 3% + % 73% 71% Newmont Min 3.50g 1 72% 72% 72% + % 17% 8% Newport Indus 3 12 11% 12 + % 62 27 N Y Air Brake ,50e. 2 41% 43% 43%+% 23% 11% N Y Central .. 37 16% 16% 16% + % 26% 10% N Y Chi & St Louis. 1 17% 17% 17% + % 45% 18% N Y Chi A St L pf _ 2 33 33 33 +1 43% 30 N Y C Omnibus (3a) 2 32% 32% 32%+ % 118% 106 N Y A Harlem (5).. 20s 113% 113% 113% +3 6% 1% N Y N H A H pf (r). 1 1% 1% 1% 17 8% N Y Shipbuilding_ 4 14 13% 14 29% 12% Nor Am Avia 1.40g. 27 25% 25 25 + % 26% 18% Nor Am Co <1.20a)_. 21 21% 21% 21%+% 14% 7 Northern Pacific-.. 8 8% 8% 8% + Vi 10% 6 Ohio Oil_ _ 6 7 6% 7 30 14% Oliver Farm Equip. 1 18% 18% 18% 20% 12 Omnibus Corp 1.20a 1 13% 13% 13% 113% 100% Omnibus pf (g) .. 20s 105 105 105 27% 15% Otis Elevator(.15e). 2 17 17 17 16 7% Otis Steel 7 10% 10% 10%+ % 65% 33 Otis Steel 1st pf_ 1 37% 37% 37% -3% 55 40% Outlet Co (3a) ... 20s 65 55 65 70 50 Owens-Ill G1 50e... 1 63'% 63% 63%-% 7% 3 I’ac Am Fisheries . 3 6 6 6 + % 25 11% Pac Coast 1st pf_ 20s 23 22% 22% -1 15% 3% Pac Coast 2d pf . 10s 12 12 12 34% 27% Pac Gas A Elec (2). 3 33% 33% 33% - % 50% 41 Pac Lighting <3)._. 12 47 46% 46% — % 21% 9% Pac Mills 1 14% 14% 14%+ % 156% 128 Pac Tel A Tel pf (6) 120s 162 151 151% -1% 7% 6 Pac Tin Consol .lag 4 7 6% 7 + % 4% 3 Packard Motor .. 29 3% 3% 3% - % 20% 9% Pan-Am Airways... 9 18% 18% 18% + % •2 % Panhandle _ 2 % % % - % 60% 35 Tarafflne (2.25g).._ 1 42 42 42 14% 6% Paramount (.15g)_ 13 7% 7% 7% + % 13% 7% Param't 2d pf (.60). 1 8% 8% 8% - % 26 14% Park A Tllford_ 2 18 17% 18 +1 4 1% Park Utah Mines .. 3 1% 1% 1% - % 47 36 Parke Davis (80e)_. 2 43% 43% 43% 22 11% Parker Rust (la)_ 3 21% 21% 21% 13% 5% Pathe Film ... 8 10% 10% 10%+% 62% 48 Penick A Ford (3a). 1 56% 56% 56%+ % 95 74 Pennev (.1C) (3a)_ 8 88% 88 88 - % 33 17% Penn Dixie pf (A).. 1 22 22 22 +1% •27% 15 Penn Railroad tig). 35 22 21% 21% + % 45 30% Peoples G A C 50e . 3 37 36% 37 +1 40 13% Pera Marquette pf.. 320s 24 22 24 +2 45 21 PereMarqprpf_ 80s 32% 31% 32% +2% 25 17 Pet Milk (1 ) 1 22 22 22 10% 6% Petrol Corp (,70g).. 1 7% 7% 7% 10% 5% Pfeiffer Brew (1) .. 7 9% 9% 9% — % 47% 28% Phelps Dodge 1.50g. 8 35% 35 35% +1 48% 36 Phlla Co {6 pf 13)_. 2 44 43% 44 +1% 91 74% Phlla Co pf (6) ... 2 78 78 78 -2 1% % Phlla A p. C A 1 (r)_ 2 % % %-% 103% 74 Philip Morris (3)... 3 91% 91% 91%+ Vi 7 2% Philllps-.Tones _ 1 4% 4% 4% 46% 31% Phillips Petrol (2). 3 39 38% 39 4% 2 Phoenix Hoslerv 8 5% 6 6% + % 31% 23 Plllsbury FI (1.60). 1 26% 26% 26%+% 51 35% Pirelli Corp_ 60s 49 49 49 12 2% Pitts Coal _ 1 4% 4% 4% + % 32% 12 Pitts Coal pf- 1 23% 23% 23%-% 11% 4% Pltls Screw _ 2 6% 6% 6% + % +u>» n i-mss w va- ZU9 mm 127, + % 24 1774 Plymouth Oil 1.40a. 5 21% 21% 21% + % 16% 7% Poor & Co < B) 1 10% 10% 10%+ % % 74 Port R Am To B (r) 6 74 74 74 16% 6 Pressed Steel Car 12 11% 11% 11% + % 68% BOH Proctor & (Jam (2a) 6 68% 68 68 119% 112 Proctor & O pf (5) 10s 114 111 114 + % 41% 31% Pub Svc (NJ) 60e . 5 41 40% 40% - % 115% 101% PubSvciNJ )pf(5) 2 111% 111% 111% 128% 112 Pub SvciXJ lpf(6) 1 125% 125% 125% + % 166 147 Puh Svc( N.l tpf (8 ) 60s 161% 160% 161% + 74 41% 22% Pullman (.25e)_ 48 26% 2574 26% + 74 11% 6% Pure Oil < 25g)_ 13 8% 8% 8% 81% 63% Pure Oil pf (5) ... 1 77% 77% 77% - % 18% 10% Purltv Rak (1 50g> 9 15% 15% 15% - % 16 11 Quaker Sta Oil 1.10s 1 15% 15% 15% 8% 5 Radio Corp (.20e) 19 5% SS 5% 6774 53% Itadiocvpf (3.501 6 6374 61% 61% + % 2% 1% Radlo-Kelth-Or (r) 20 1% 1% 1% 11% 4% Ratlr'd Sec [11 Stk 60s 5% 6% 5% - % 22% 10% Reading t o (1) .. 1 15% 157, 15%+ % 54 40 Real Silk Hose pf.. 60s 50 49 50 +2 16% 7 Reis & Co 1st pf .. 10s 12% 12% 12% + % 17% 9% Remlng-Rand 20e 3 9% 9% 9% 75% 49% Rem-R pf ww(♦ 50) 4 50 49% 50 + % 75 60 Renssalaer & S (8). 10s 68% 68% 68% 2% 74 Reo Motor Ir)_ 2 1% 1% 1% + % 28% 1274 Republic Steel 88 20% 19% 197% + % 89% 42 Rep Steel pf A (6).. 1 70 70 70 -114 20% 9% RevereCopper . 7 11% 11% 11% + % 40% 21% Revere Copper (A). 5 2274 22% 2274 -6% 14% 7% Reynolds Metals .. 4 12% 12% 12% + % 45 35 Reyn Tob (B) 50e . 50 40% 40% 40% — % 1014 674 Richfield Oil (,50g) 15 7% 7% 7% 9% 6'* Ritter Dental . 3 6% 6% 6% 2% % Rutland RR pf (r) 2 1% 1% 1% 51% 27% Safeway Strs 2.50g 4 4874 47% 47% - 74 109 82% Safeway S pf (5 I 60s 107% 107% 106% — % 49% 27% St Joseph Leadda) 1 37 37 37 -1 2 % St L-San Kr pf (r) 1 % 14 % 6 1% St L-Southwn (r) 130s 2% 2'% 2% + % 26 10% Savage Arms (.25e) 15 27% 26%. 26% - % 76% 61 Schenley pt (5 50) .. 1 76 76 76 - % 52% 44% Scott Papert 160a). 1 46% 467* 4674 - % 1 % Seaboard Air L tr) 11 74 % % 3% 1 Seaboard A L pf lr] 12 % % % 37> 1H Sea grave Corp . 2 1% 174 it* 87 60% Sears Roebuck (3).. 16 84 83% 84 + % 18% 11% Servel. Inc (1)_ 24 14% 14% 1«% - % 21% 1074 Sharon Steel _ 4 14 13% 14 + % 7% 374 Sharp & Dohme ... I 4% 4% 4% 38% 28 Sheafter Pen 2.75g.. 70s 38 38 38 17% 9% Shell Un Oil (,50g> 4 11% 11 11% + 74 107% 98% Shell Un O pf (5 50) 4 107% 107% 107% + % 82% 17% Simmons Co 1.75g__ 8 2174 21% 2174 + % 103% 92 Skelly Oil pf (6)_ 1 103*3 103*3 103*3 + A 127 70 Sloss-Sheffieldt3g). 10s 10574 1057, 105% + % 112%101 Sloss-Sheff pf (6)_30s 111% 11174 111% + % 24 1274 Snider Pkg . _ 5 23 22% 23 + % 15% 10% Socony-Vac’m 50g. 65 11% IH4 11% - % 374 1% So Amer Gold .20g_. 12 2% 2% 27* 35% 14 So Porto Sug .25e... 4 23% 23 23 — 74 18% 13 S E Greyh'nd 1.50 .. 1 15 15 15 30 23% Southn Cal Ed 1.50a 10 29% 29% 29% + % 21% 10% Southern Pacific ... 47 13% 127* 13% + % 23% 11% Southern Railway.. 9 17% 17% 17% + % 36% 15% Southern Rwy pt .. 7 30% 2974 30% +1% 3% 1% Sparks Wtthlngton. 12 2 2 51'* 36 Sperry Corp (2g)— 7 45% 45 45% + % 2:30 p.m. Prev. ’30-’40 Stock and Sales— Net. High. Low. Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low. Close, chie. 63 42 Spicer Mfg pf A (I) 10a 50% 50% 50% 16% 8% Spiegel. Ino (.15e).. 3 9% 9% 9% + % 76% 67*4 Spiegel, Inc pf 4.60- 100» 60% 60% 60% - % 34% 18% Square D Co 1.75g_. 1 31 31 31 + *4 7*4 6% Stand Brands .20e - 31 7% 7 7% + % 108 94 Stand Br’ds pf 4.60. 1 107% 107*4 107% - % 10% 3% Stand G&E *4 pf... 3 4% 4% 4% + % 20% 10 Stand G&E $6 pr pf 1 12% 12% 12% 25% 13% Stand G&E *7 pr pf 5 15% 15% 15%+% 33% 24% Stand Oil of Cal (1) 37 24% 24% 24% 30 22% Stand Oil Ind (1)... 14 26% 26% 26% + % 63% 38 Stand Oil N J (la) 35 43% 43 43%+% 80% 65 Sterling Prod (3 80) 4 77% 77 77 - % 7% 3% Stokely Brothers .. 16% 6% 6% 17% 8% Stone*Webster.25g 4 10% 10% 10% 10% 5% Studebaker _ 43 10% 10 10% + % 66 45% Sun Oil (la)_ 3 60% 60 60%+% 11% 7% Sunshine Min 1.60— 2 10% 10% 10% - % 38% 19% Superheater (.50)— 6 23% 23 23% 3% 1% Superior OH _ 5 2 2 2 22% 10 Superior Steel __ 2 14 14 14 + % 30% 22% Suthcrl'd Pap 1.20— 1 29 29 29 - V* 25% 17 Swift & Co 1.20)_ 4 22% 22% 22%+ % 37% 24% Swift Inti (2) 2 31% 31% 31%+ % 12% 4% Symlng-Gould ww_. 1 7% 7% 7% + % 60% 32% Texas Corp (2)_ 35 43% 43 43 6*4 3% Tex Gulf Prod.20g. 7 3% 3% 3% 38% 26 Tex Gulf Sul (2).._ 1 34% 34% 34%-% 11% 7 Tex PacC&O (,40)„ 1 8 8 8 + % 9 5% Tex Pac Ld Tr.lOg.. 1 5% 6% 6*4 - % 22% 8% Texas & Pac Rwy—. 4 11% 11% 11% + % 24 15% Thatcher Mfg (la). 4 16% 16 16 -% 61 48 Thatcher pf (3.60).. 2 60% 60% 50% -1% 5*4 3% The Fair_ 3 3% 3% 3% 6 2% Thermold _ ... 3 4% 4% 4% + % 33 14 Thermold pf (.75k). 80s 30% 30 30%+ % 3% 1% Third Avenue_ 1 2% 2*4 2% 4% 2% Thompson (JR)_ 2 4% 4% 4% 33% 17 Thomp Prod (1)_ 7 31% 30% 31%+ % 3% 1% Thompson-Starrett 2 2% 2% 2% + % 23 7% Thompson-Starr pf 1 21% 21% 21% - % 14% 9% Tide Wat AO.15e . 21 10% 10% 10% + % 96 83 Tide W A O pf 4.50 2 93 93 9 ! - % 25 10% Timken-Det Ax(2g) 3 21% 21% 21%+ % 54% 34% Timken R B (,50e). 1 48% 48% 48%+ % 8% 6 Transamerica i.oU). 3 5% 5% 5% — % 14% 6% Transcontl & W Air 10 14% 14% 14%+ % 4% 2 Tri-Continental —" 4 2% 2% 2U + % 26% 11% 20th Century Fox6 11% 11% ll%- % 34% 19% 20th Cen-F pf 1.50— 1 24% 24% 24% - % 12% 7% Twin Coach (.5Qg)_ 2 10 10 10 -% 4% *« Ulen&Co __ 2 1% 1% 1% 66 34% Underw-Ell-F (2).. 1 42% 42% 42%+ % 14% 6 Union Bag & Paper. 22 14 13% 13% + % 94% 65% Union Carb (,50e) _ 20 80 79 80 + % 118 108% Union EKMo)pf(S). 10s 112% 112% 112% 19% 15% Union Oil(Cal) ,25e. 1 16% 16% 16% 25*4 20% Un Tank Car 1.20a— 3 25% 25% 25% - % 61 31 Unit Aircraft (2g)_. 25 48% 48 48%-% 16% 7% Unit Air Lines ._ 10 15% 15% 15% + % K% 14% Unit Biscuit (.25e)_„ 2 16 16 16 + % 69% 52 United Carbon (3).. 1 54% 54% 54%+ % 3% 2 Unit Corp 17 2% 2% 2% + % 40% 30% United Corp pf (3). 5 40% 40% 40%-% 7% 4% Unit Drug _ 2 5% 5 5 - % 8% 4% Unit Dyewood . 5 5 5 5 74 54% Unit Dyew d pf (7). 50s 61% '61 61% + % 8% 3% Unit Electric Coal . 1 4% 4% 4% - % 35% 25% Unit Ene&Fy ,50c. 1 34% 24% 34% + % 95 62% United Fruit (4) .. 4 81% 81% 81% + % 15 11 Unit Gas Imp (1)... 31 14% 14% 14% - % 14 6% Unit Mer & Mfg ... 8 11% 11 1! - v4 7% 3% Unit Paperboard 3 4% 4% 4% + % 16% 5 U S Distributing pf 20s 8% 8% 8% — % 14 5% U S Freight ( 5(ig). 1 9 9 9 + % 113 65% U S Gypsum (2a)_ 2 85% 85 85 —1% 7% 4 US HniTman _ 1 4% 4% 4% + % 29% 13% U S Indus Alcohol.. 2 22 21% 22 + % 10% 3% U S Leather _ 1 5% 5% 5% + % 15% 5% U S Leather (A) . 3 9% 9% 9% — % 49 32% U S Pipe & Fdry (2) 1 36% 36% 36%-% 93 OCl TT C Din.. DneJe / O) 1 O C ■* 0-1 or,, . 6% 1% U S Realty & Im(r) 1 1% 1% 1% 52% 31% U S Rubber 33 36% 35% 36% 4 % 114% 86% U S Rub 1st nf(12g) 5 110% 110% 110% 4 % 68% 48 USSm&Ref(le) 3 64 63% 64 41 82% 41% US Steel _ 90 58% 56% 58% +1% 120% 98% U S Steel pf (7) ... 2 116 116 116 37% 30 US Tobacco 1.76g 2 37 37 37 4 % 46% 39 IT S Tobacco pf 1 75 10s 45 45 45 4 % 8% 6% Unit Stkyds pf 70 2 7% 7% 7% 85 60% Univ Leaf Tob(4a) 1 62% 62% 62% 87 45% Univ Plctu 1st pf 40g 91 89% 91 41% 40 16 Vanadium (lg) .. 12 31% 30% 31% 41 40 25 Van Raalte (,50e) . 3 38% 38 38% 46 34% Vick Chemical (2a) 1 41 44 44 5% 2% Va-CaroChem 1 3% 3% 3% 4 % ! 118 112% Va Elec Pwr pf (6> 4ns 117% 117 117% + % ! 35 33% Virginian R pf 1.50 2 33 33 33 — % 101 64% Vulcan Detin 4.50e 10s 90 90 90 8 5% Waldorf Syst(.60g) 1 6% 6% 6% 23% 15% Walgreen (1.60)_ 4 21% 21% 21% 4 % 50% 30% Walker (H> («) .. l 34% 34% 34% -t % 20% 14% Walker (H) pf (1). 10 16% 16% 16% 9% 4 Walworth Co 2 5% 5%. 5% 4 % 6% 3% Warner Bros Piet.. 2 3% 3% 3% - % 3% 1% Warren Bros (r)._ 1 1% 1% 1% 35% 19% Warren Fv & P (2). 1 30 30 30 32% 20 Wayne Pump (le) _ 2 23% 23% 23% 4 % 4% 1% Webster Eisenlohr. 7 4% 4 4% 4 % 28% 16 Wesson Oil & Snow 1 24 24 24 4 % 108 88 West Penn E pf (6) 10s 104 103% 104 114 95 West Penn E pf(7) 10s 111% 111% 111% - % 36% 20% VVest'n AutoS (2a) 3 35% 35% 35% 4 % 2 % West'n Pacific pf .. 1 % % % - 37 16% West’n Union Tel . 14 23% 22% 23% 4 % 37% 18% Westh'se A B 62og 28 23% 23% 23% 4 % 121 82% Westhse Elec .S!5e 9 109 s 108% 109 4 % 29% 10% Weston El Inst lg 1 26% 26% 26% 39% 15% Westvaco (.35e) 1 36% 36% 36% - % 39% 29 Westvaco pf (1.50). 1 37% 37% 37% — % 38% 15% Wheeling Steel . 32 30% 29 30% +1 15% 7 White Motor 1 11% 11% 11% - % 7 3% White Rock L50g)_ 1 5% 5% 5% — % 6% 1% White Sewing Mch 1 5% 5% 5% 22 14 White Sew pepf 50e 2 21 21 21 4 % 3% 1 Willys-Overland 5 1% 1% 1% — % 7% 2% Wilson & 3 5% 5% 5% 60% 32 Wilson&Co pf 1.50k 1 59% 59% 59% 31% 15 Woodward Iron 2 24% i.4% 24% 4 % 50% 36 Woolworth (2.40) . 3;{ 41% 40% 41% 4 % 23% 10% Worthington Pump 3 19 % 19 19% - % 89 75 Wrigley <3a) . 1 89 88 89 - % 33% 18% l'ale & Towne(.60a) 1 24 24 24 4 % 21% 11% Yellow Truck .. 24 17 16% 17 4 % 21% 9% Young Spg & Wire. 2 10% 10% 10% 4 % 56% 30 Ygstwn Sheet & T .. 26 41 39% 41 +1% 34 17 Ygstwn Stl Dr (lg). 10 22% 22 22% 4 % 22% 12 Zenith Radi® (lg).. 6 14% 14% 14% 4 % Approximate Sales of Stocks on the N. Y. Stock Exchange. 11:00 A.M_ 120.000 12:00 Noon_ 210.000 1:00 P.M_ 300 000 2:00 P.M_ 420,000 s Unit nf trading. 10 shares r In bankruptcy or receivership or belne reorganised under Bankruptcy Act or securities assumed bv such companies Rates of dividend in the foregoing table are annual dis bursements based on the last Quarterly or semi-annual declara tion Unless otherwise noted, special or extra dividends are not included xd Ex Dividend xr Ex rights a Also extra or extras, d Accumulated dividends naid last year e Declared or paid so far this year f Payable in stock g Paid last year h Cash or stock k Accumulated dividends paid or declared this year Bureau Issues Report On Imported Cotton B> the Associated Press. The Customs Bureau reported that imports of cotton staple one and one-eighth inches or more be tween September 20 and January 27 filled 15,238.101 pounds of the 45,656,420-pound quota for the year ending next September 20. Egypt and the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan shipped 15,044.007 pounds and Peru 193,956 pounds. Imports of staple less than one and one-eighth inches amounted to 2,153.551 pounds of the 14.516.882 pound quota. Principal shippers in this classification were Mexico. 1, 026,067 pounds: India, 798.250 pounds: Brazil. 298.011 pounds, and Peru, 22.176.pounds. Imports of cotton card strips and waste amounted to 1,540,341 pounds of the 5,482,509-pound quota, in cluding 1.257,386 pounds from the United Kingdom and 239,690 pounds from Canada. International Nickel Names New Director By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, Feb. 6 — H. R. Mac Millan of Vancouver, B. C.. regarded as one of the largest individual charterers of ocean tonnage in the world, was elected yesterday a di rector of International Nickel Co. of Canada, Ltd. MacMillan, long prominent in Dominion government and financial circles, is head of the export com pany which bears his name. Eels Stop Water Supply Two eels caught in a water meter at the Tamneymore reservoir caused a stoppage of the water supply in the Waterside district of Londonderry City, Eire. More than 50 blocks were without water for hours until city employes went to the reservoir, found the Intruders and removed them. Steel Scrap Price Again Reduced 50 Cents By the Associated Press. PITTSBURGH. Feb. 6.—Dow, Jones & Co., financial news agency, said today No. 1 heavy melting steel scrap was quoted at $18 to $18.50 a ton, a drop of 50 cents a ton from the last quotation. There is little busines being done at the new levels, the agency said. War Boosts Foreign Trade Opportunities By the Associated Press. The European war has increased oy 67.1 per cent the foreign trade opportunities passed on to business men by the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce. James W. Young, reported yes terday that in the last four months of 1939 foreigners sent him 122,472 inquiries about purchase of Ameri can goods which were relayed to American businessmen. In the sim ilar period of 1938 the number of such inquiries was 73,296. “The impact of the war,” Mr. Young said, "left many exporters bewildered and confused. Rapidly shifting foreign exchange regula tions. import license requirements, embargoes placed by certain coun tries on shipments to others, pas sage of the Neutrality Act, the opening of new markets for goods in some cases and the closing of them in others, all added to this bewil derment and confusion.” Chicago's Buildings The city of Chicago has 450,000 buildings. Kaskakia, the first capital of Illinois, was washed away when the Mississippi changed its course. Drive • little slower and Uve a little longer. A Farmer Oil Executive Leaves $3,818,779 By the Associated Press, PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 0—J. W. Van Dyke, former chairman of the Board of Directors of the Atlantic Refining Co., who died last Sep tember. left an estate amounting to $3,818,779, an inventory disclosed. The appraisal showed most of the estate consisted of Atlantic Refining Co. stock. In his will. Van Dyke put half : his estate into a trust to aid de serving children, especially children of Atlantic Refining Co. employes, obtain an education. B. F. Avery & Co. Gets Ford Motor Contract By the Associated Press. LOUISVILLE, Ky„ Feb. 6.— Charles T. Ray, president of B. F. Avery & Co., said today the con cern had contracted to supply the Ford Motor Co. with farming im plements and special equipment for all Ford tractors. Ray, who declined to estimate the value of the contract, said: “We have already started produc tion of the equipment under the eyes of several experts from the Detroit company.” Philadelphia Textile Wages Are Increased By the Associated Press. PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 0.—The Philadelphia joint board of the Tex tile Workers Union of America (C. I. O.) announced yesterday agree ments had been reached with 15 manufacturers in the city increasing the wages of 7,580 workers from 7 Vi to 10 per cent. The increases, expected to add $200,000 a year to payrolls of the 15 companies, are to be effective im mediately. < k Steel Shares Lead 1 Advance Ranging to $2 at Best Fair-Sized Gains Retained Despite Some Shading Stock Averages 30 IS IS 80 „ . , Indust Ralls. Util.Stlcs. Net change +.2 + .1 + .1 +.1 Today, noon 70.1 18.7 39.2 49.3 Prev. day ... 69.9 18.6 39.1 495 Month ago. 72.6 19.7 405 51.1 Year ago __ 71.5 20.4 37.6 50.1 1940 high . 74.2 20.5 40.6 525 1940 low_ 69.9 18.6 39.1 495 1939high.. 77.0 23.8 40.6 53.9 1939 low_ 58.8 15.7 33.7 41.6 60-Stock Range Since 1927: 1937-38. 1032-38. 1927-20. High_ 75.3 72.8 157.7 Low. 33.7 16.9 61.8 (Compiled by the Associsted Press.) By VICTOR EUBANK, Associated Press Financial Writer. NEW YORK. Feb. 6.—Stock mar ket traders stepped in with bids for lately dormant steels today and favorites were pushed up fractions to around 2 points at the best. While extreme gains were reduced at the close, fair-sized advances were retained by selected issues in virtually all groups. Dealings broad ened a bit on the rallying flurry after midday, then slowed again in the final hour. Transfers approxi mated 550.000 shares. Brokers ascribed the comeback mainly to ‘•technical" factors. Among better stock actors were United States Steel, Bethlehem, Youngstown, Crucible, Wheeling Steel, Standard Oil of New Jersey, Chrysler, General Motors. Douglas Aircraft, Pullman. Anaconda. Can ada Dry, Du Pont and American •'■'*** -*,-»**e* Lagging were Eastman Kodak. United States Gypsum, J. C. Penney and Goodrich. Talk of peace moves in the Euro pean war seemingly were not taken too seriously in boardrooms. Bonds improved along with com modities. Wheat at Chicago was up l's to l5e cents a bushel and corn firmed % to •%. In late transactions cotton was unchanged to 50 cents a bale higher. Foreign markets were without definite trends. Attachment of U. S. Rubber Property Is Refused By the Associated Press. BOSTON, Feb. 6.—Expressing : doubt of jurisdiction. Federal Judge Hugh D. McClellan denied yesterday an application for a warrant to at tach property of the U. S. Rubber Co. for $20,000,000. The justice also denied an appli | cation for an injunction to prevent j the sale of the Fisk Rubber Co. to ! the U. S. Rubber Co. Sale of the Fisk company, which operated plants in Chicopee and New Bedford, was consummated January 19. the day after the origi nal injunction application was filed. The attachment warrant request, in the form of an amended com plaint to the original injunction ap plication, was filed by Whitfield Reid, West Springfield attorney. Chicago Grain By the Associated Press. CHICAGO. Feb. 6.—Wheat trade i today followed the pattern of yes | terday's session, easing early and 1 then turning upward, the market i scoring gains of as much as lli | cents in closing minutes. Buying and short covering was | prompted by Southwest reports of flour business and a better tone in the stock market. May contracts reached 98%. up 1% from the pre vious close, and July 96’8, up 1% cents. Wheat closed H8-ls8 higher, May, 98'i>-58: July. 95%-96; corn, 38-58 up, May. 563g; July, 56%-%; oats %-u higher. WHEAT— Open. High. Low Close. May .97% .98% .97'a .98%.% July _ .94% .99% .94% ,97%-9fi Sep. __ .93% .95% .93% .95%-% CORN— May „ _ .59 .59% .55% .59% July .55% .59% .55% .59%-% Sep .59% .57 .59% .56% OATS— May .38% .39% .38% .39% July .33% 34% .33% .34% Sep, .31% .32% .31% .32'% SOY BEANS— May 1 ni’, i.ns% 1.93% 195 July 1.03 1 03 1.02% 1.03 RYE— May .65 .6614 .65 .60** July .64 34 .6534 .64*^ .65s* Sep. .66,;» LARD— Mar. _ 6.20 May _ 6.32 6.37 6 32 6.35 July_ 6.55 6.55 6.52 6.52 Sep 6.70 6.72 6.70 6.72 Oct. 6.80 _ _ 6.80 BELLIES— Mar. ... _ _ 5 80 May 6.10 Chicago Cash Market. Cash wheat, no sales. Corn. No. 2 mixed. 58*2 No 1 yellow. 5834: No. 2. 573/4-5812: No 3. 57*4-58. Oats, sample grade, mixed. 3834: No 1 white. 4234: No. 2. 42-4.1: No. .1, 41-42*4; sample grade, white. .19*b-4o34. Barley, malting. 55-64. nom.: feed. 40-50. nom. Field seed, per 100 pounds nominal. Timothy seed. 4.90 5.25. Sweet clover, 4.50-5.25. Red clo ver 12.50-15.00. Red top. 8.50-9.00. Alsike, 15 00-18.00. Alfalfa, 18.00-23.00. New York Cotton By the Associated Press. NEW YORK. Feb. 6.—Cotton futures advanced steadily in quiet trading today as a holiday in Bom bay and New Orleans restricted volume. Moderately higher Liver pool market aided quotations with persistent selling by spot interests in nearby positions readily absorbed. ♦ Late prices were unchanged to 9 higher with March (old), 10.87; March (new), 11.80. Cat&nsecd Oil. Bleachable cottonseed oil futures moved narrowly in forenoon trading today. Busi ness was mostly of local origin. A rally in grains offset the Influence of a small decline In lard. Midday prices were un changed to 3 lower. March. 6.82; Septem ber. 7.15. Southeast and Valiev crude oil was quoted at S’, cents, nominal. Texaa was bid 5% to 5%, depending upon loca tion. Brokerage Firm Placed Under U. S. Receiver By the Associated Press. PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 6.—The brokerage firm of McMillan, Rapp & Co. of Philadelphia was placed yesterday under control of a Federal receiver by Federal Judge Guy K. Bsfrd. He named as receiver Irving L. Stone, a member of the brokerage ‘ firm of Newburger, Loeb & Co. Judge Bard acted on a petition for receivership by three customers who said the firm ‘‘misappropriated, misapplied and converted to Its own use” their securities. 'w