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Unusual Old Silver and Antique Jewelry Moderately Priced LOUIS ABRAHAMS 711 6 St. N.W. ,3k No other wall decorating paint can five you the results of Texolite. 922 N. Y. Ave. No. 8610 “/t’s All in the Stars” WEALTH? HAPPINESS? ZOLAR'S BIRTHDAY HOROSCOPES Lucky Days Lucky Numbers NOW ON SALE at leading 8 and 10 cent stores and magazine counters Only 10c SPECIAL DEMONSTRA TION THIS WEEK AT F. W. WOOLWORTH CO. ON 12th fir F STS. N.W. ADVERTISEMENT. Joint-Ease For RHEUMAJIG PAIN When rheumatism-arthritis settles In your joints and causes throbbing, pain or misery, just remember that Joint Eue la one remedy that brings quick relief In accessible localities from just such torture. Bren in persistent cases. Just try rubbing on Jolnt-Eaee for quick relief. Joint-Ease is a clean, penetrating preparation. Always remember tnat when Joint-Ease starts to work, joint misery starts out — quick! Ask for Joint-Ease and take notmng else. NOTE — For free sample write Joint-Ease, 22-C St., HaUoweH, Maine. WHEN NOSE “FILLS UP” TONIGHT, DO THIS MEM’S MIGHTY GOOD NEWS... If your nose “closes up” at night and makes breathing difficult, put a few drops of Vicks Va-tro-nol up each nostril. RESULTS ARE SO GOOD because Vicks Va-tro-nol is expressly designed for the nose and upper throat, when transient congestion often hindero breathing. You can actually feel it go to work bringing relief. TRY IT TONIGHT-enjoy the comfort Vicka Va-tro-nol brings. Bequeathed Millions, Employes to Carry on Gravell's Policies 15 KeyWorkers Get Bulk of Estate of Paint Plant Owner B) the Associated Press. AMBLER, Pa., Feb. 6.—Enriched by the millions left by their paint manufacturer boss, the key em ployes of J. Harvey Gravell plan to carry on the traditions and busi ness policies he fostered. The 15 who were bequeathed the bulk of Mr. Gravell’s $3,000,000 es tate, disclosed through a spokes man that there would be no change in the operation of the American Chemical Paint Co. plant here. Grateful for the final generous gesture of the man who one Christ mas gave his workers $100,000 to pay off their debts, the legatees said they intended to establish a per manent memorial for him. Standing to benefit handsomely even after estate and inheritance taxes reduce the fortune, the em ployes, ’most of whom have large families, indicated the windfall would alter the course of their lives. “I'm going to send my sons to college,” said Frank Scardino after terms of Mr. Gravell's will were an nounced yesterday. Grinning broadly and pointing to the overalls he wears as plant fore man, Mr. Scardino added: “You see, now I’m darn well fixed.” “My wife and I always wanted to travel,” remarked another. “The only trouble is to get the time off.” Miss Clara Bordona, 32, Mr. Gravell’s secretary, received the news quietly, and with praise for a “fine man.” “As far as I'm concerned, I would rather have him back than all the money in the world,” she said. “I intend to keep on working for the company.” Mr. Gravell, who died December 8, at the age of 59, wrote that it was his purpose to place control and ownership of tne plant in the hands of his business associates and em ployes. " The stock was placed in trust for the 15 employes for 10 years. After that they will own it outright. * Believing that the wives made his men good employes, Mr. Gravell once gave $300 to each of the “home-makers.” American Chemical Paint Co. has branches in Toronto, Canada; De troit and Newcastle, Del., but only employes of the Ambler plant were named in the will. Christian Endeavor Elects at Banquet In celebrating the 59th anniver sary of the founding of the Chris tian Endeavor Union, members of the District branch held a banquet last night at the Burlington Hotel. Annual election of officers was held. The officers are Pauline Shoemaker, president; Josephine Davis and James Richards, vice presidents; Robert Crammer, treasurer; Em meline Rinker, recording secretary, and Bernice Coate, corresponding secretary. Frank McGeary was toastmaster. An address was made by Arch Mc Quilkin of the Pennsylvania field staff. T. V. Smith to Speak Representative T. V. Smith, Democrat, of Illinois will be guest speaker at a meeting of the Fed eral Club at 8 o'clock tonight at the Roosevelt Hotel. He will speak on “Civil Service." HAUAbSSAUIV, «. J.—LbULtSS tSKIUr. STAKIS ING—Mr. and Mrs. James Steward (she’s the former Jesse Simpson, model, who lost her legs in a train mishap) were back home from their honeymoon yesterday and busy getting started housekeeping. The bride learned to use artificial limbs and now operates a beauty shop. —A. P. Wirephoto. Burtner to Address Bar William O. Burtner of the So licitor General’s Office will be the principal speaker at the Federal Bar Association’s weekly luncheon meeting at 12:30 p.m. tomorrow at the Army Navy Club. His topic will be “Executive Orders and Proc lamations.” \ik771 ecotunmcaX I \ swift cooch-slMpMr train for LOS ANGELIS, SAN DIIOO, SAN FRANCISCO • Here's the spick and span Santa Fe economy train that pro* vides tha utmoat in traval com* fort to and from California at tha Very lowest You’ll like the Scout’a stainless steel coaches (there's one reserved for women and children)... roomy tourist sleepers . . . cozy club car .. .free and friendly Courier-Nurse service ... and the delicious Fred ^ Harvey meals in the cheery dining cat for only 90c a day' B Why not us send you the new Scout booklet that tells the whole story in beau* tiful color photos, so you can saa for your* Kir just how much this swift line Santa Fe train offers you tor sucl| bttle cost? J. C. BATHAM. General Agent MW K. V. HENDERSON. Dlst. Paaa. Aft, SANTA FE RY. Its Shoreham Bldg . WASHINGTON. D. C. Flionea: District 79J4-S Send the New Scout Booklet of Natural Color Photos. Am me.......mml Brickwork Cabinetwork Carpentering Caulking Cement Work Electrical Work Excavating Fencing Floors Floors Refinished Gas Ranges Glazing Gutters and Spouts Gas Water Heaters Hot-Water Heating Hot-Air Heating Insulating Iron Work Kitchen Cabinets Latrobes Linoleum Time To Be Looking Springward I —to the things the house will be needing for your greater comfort and convenience Homes grow old and need rehabilitation. They grow old-fashioned and need renovizing and modernizing. WHAT to do—and WHERE to begin—may seem a problem, but there is a simple way to answer both these questions economically and efficiently. Put them up to The Eberly Plan and have the benefit of our long and varied experience. Our Supervisors will come and talk it over with you. Let them suggest how to turn that old-fashioned kitchen into one that is up-to-date. If you have rooms that are not needed, let them show you how they can be converted into a rentable apartment. Whatever the problem may be—our solution will be a practical orie—and you will enjoy your home more because it will be more livable—and therefore a better realty investment. When we have finished you will say it has been “money well spent.” No matter how little is to be done; or how elaborate—it will ALL be done by Eberly Plan craftsmen—with only ONE modest overhead—and with only ONE responsibility—OURS. Mantels Marlite Wall Products Masonry Metal Work Painting Papering Plastering Plumbing Refrigerators Roof Repairs Sanitas Screens Steamfitting Stoves Stucco Work Tile Work Tinning Water Heaters Weather Stripping The cost can be conveniently budgeted if yon wish under The Eberly Financing Plan. A. Eberly’s Sons nos k n.w. di. ess7 jf Btform you /"»>•*<—_ Ex-Senator Deneen Will Be Buried in Chicago Thursday Republican Leader Is Deacf of Heart Ailment at 76 B» th* Associated Pres*. CHICAGO, Feb. 6.—Funeral serv ices will be held Thursday after noon for Charles S. Deneen, 76, for mer United States Senator and a dominant figure in Illinois Repub lican politics for 20 years. Mr. Deneen collapsed and died of a heart ailment at his home yester day a few hours after visiting a physician. Friends said he appeared to have enjoyed excellent health except for a cold during the last two weeks. Burial will be in Oak Woods Cemetery after funeral services at the Englewood Methodist Church. Mr. Deneen’s political career spanned a half century and in cluded two terms as governor—from 1904 to 1912. He served in the Senate from 1924 to 1930. Only re cently he was organizing his follow ers for the Impending Cook County (Chicago) and Illinois primary elec tions. He Is survived by his widow, a son, Charles A. Deneen of Chicago, and three daughters, Mrs. Almond M. Blow, Tulsa, Okla.; Mrs. Carl Birdsall, Chicago, and Mrs. Thomas W. House, jr., Houston, Tex. Perhaps Mr. Deneen’s most dramatic political battle was the 1028 primary campaign In which he vanquished the Republican faction led by Gov. Len Small, Mayor Wil liam Hale "Big Bill” Thompson of Chicago and State’s Attorney Robert E. Crowe. The bombing of Mr. Deneen’s home and the slaying of two Deneen followers marked the bitter light. 13 Air Crash Survivors Being Taken to Formosa Br tbs Associated Press. TOKIO, Peb. 6.—A rescue ship headed toward Formosa today with the 13 persons who lived through the wrecking of a Japanese Airways landplane in a forced landing on Uotsuri Island. The stranded crew of four and nine passengers were sighted by the ship along the beach, 110 miles north of Formosa. Driving is a privilege—abuse it and you lose It. if you would avoid COUGHS and COLDS When your throat is dry and parched, cough germs breed. Get quick relief from Dry Throat with Pine Bros; Glycerine Tablets, which spread s moist, soothing film over your dry, irritated throat tissues; Recommend* ed by many Doctors and Druggists for 70 years; WON’T ONSET T00I STOtUCI • — Record Breaker DUBUQUE, Iowa, Feb. 6 UP).—For 30 years William H. Craft, railroad switchman, has worked around trains without being hurt. While changing his shoes in a locker room this week a fellow em ploye accidentally stepped on his foot, breaking Craft’s ankle. He’ll be away from work six weeks. ■ Watchful Waiting % WISCONSIN RAPIDS, Wis., Feb. 9 UP).—Two women who watched from their home across the street while burglars committed one of a series of six robberies, waited until morning to notify police. They said they tried to telephone the owner of the store being robbed but failed to arouse him. "I'm Sorry, Too —But Nothing Can Be Done" A Five years ago he had hair. He also had dandruff, his hair was falling, his scalp itched, but shampoo ing gave relief. He tried home remedies. He thought consulting a specialist would be costly. He tried first one thing, then another. Finally he did consult a Specialist . . . but it was TOO LATE. Scalp condi tions leading to baldness require expert care at the I proper time. Call today for examination and con sultation without obligation. Treatment will not | be advised unless I believe it will benefit your case. P. ». JOHNSON Hair and Scalp Specialist 1050-53 Shoreham Bldg., 15th and H Sts. N.W. PHONE NATIONAL 8081 HOURS—O A.M.-7 P.M. SAT. TILL 8 P.M. Sanitary’s Guaranteed PORK LOINS miJh Fresh Spareribs.10c ‘s Smoked Hams .* 19c h End Pork Chops.,b 12c y Center Pork Chops ,b 17c Save At Sanitary CRISCO Shortening 45c SOUPS S can Sc I Thrum Varimtimt ...... TUNA-.»15« COCOA Iroakfast »12c, BEANS TT....* 6c Prlcea are for the District of Colombia ontil the close of basinet* Wednesday, Febrnary 7. I Doe to the Maryland and Vlrrtnla Unfair Trade Practice Acts, some Driers are hither In X those States. NO SALES TO DEALEBS. I * '■ \ Luxury Lonee l nriitily rriced Del Mai* Niblets.2 e,ns 19c Silver Floss Sauerkraut---3 20c Standard Tomatoes.«»2 5c Pineapple Juice d.d.0,m<£..“r 21c Kraft Miracle Whip.«urt 32c Gorton's Codfish..“"10c DATED, SLICED WHITE DREAD It’e Dated—It’, Freeh 1 lb fit loaf W ! ... 11 — - ———a Marco Dog Food_3 lsr*e «**»• 20c Cut-Rite Wax Paper_4 Vs/iV 19c Sunsweet Prune Juice_ _quart 15c I Quaker Oats. _ -15c I Pillsbury Pancake Flour_2 pm*. 15c | Softasilk Cake Flour_pm. 21c Old Dutch Cleanser_2«*»» 11c Hershey's Choc. Syrup_2 cans 15c 1 Pebst-ett Cheese _2 pm*. 21c Firm—Ripe TOMATOES From Florida 2"25c J b IV1 * ^^^B ^p ^B ^BB Bbh^B * ^B A B ^Br "■ BT B1 p^^^BI W “ B k B ^1 * B _ BVIBB