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Richmond Bank Cites 1939 Building Gain In Washington Year's Total Climbs 66 Per Cent; December Activity Lags By EDWARD C. STONE. District of Columbia building con struction contracts awarded in De cember totaled $2,851,000, against $2,893,000 in December, 1938, a drop of 1 per cent, but for the full year 1939 amounted to $77,175,000, com pared with $46,437,000 in 1938, a sharp gain of 66 per cent, the Fed eral Reserve Bank of Richmond's January review announced today. Turning to permits issued, the Richmond bank stated that Wash ington, with building permits.aggre gating $2,420,925 in December, 1939, led all other cities in the Fifth Re serve District by a wide margin, Baltimore ranking second and Nor folk third. The report is compiled for the review by F. W. Dodge Corp. Permits in 31 cities in December totaled $5,280,866, which was 41 per cent under the November mark and 37 per cent below' the total for De cember, 1938. of $8,387,203. Looking at the year’s record, how ever, permits issued in 1939 in 31 cities amounting to $119,497,619 show an increase of 35 per cent over permits valued at $88,609,428 in 1938. Nineteen of the 31 cities showed a higher total than in 1938. District of Columbia permits for 1939 totaled $49,776,379, against $88. 609.428 in 1938, the figures not in cluding Federal buildings. D. C. Automobile Sales Soar. Final figures on automobile sales in Washington for the year 1939 reveal an advance of 43 per cent, against 41 per cent for the fifth dis trict. The number of new passenger car registrations in Washington in 1939 reached 25,637, against 17,944 in 1938. Sales in December alone in the District of Columbia totaled 2,116, against 21,148 in the previous year, off 1 per cent, the Richmond bank says. Sales in Maryland in December totaled 3,696 new cars, against 3.427 in December, 1938. a gain of 8 per cent, while sales for the entire year 1939 in Maryland totaled 39,389, as compared with 27.331 in 1938, an increase of 44 per cent. Virginia sales in December to taled 3,830, compared w'ith 3,766 new' cars in December, 1938, a gain of 2 per cent. Sales for the whole year 1939 amounted to 42,172, in com parison with 31,204 in 1938, a jump of 35 per cent. Total sales in the whole fifth dis trict reached 201.413, an advance of 41 per cent over the 142.632 new rot1 colnc norri ctororl in iQ^ft Bank Debits I'p 7 Per Cent. Debits to individual accounts in Washington banks in 1939 totaled $3,173,685,000. against $2,966,804,000, an increase of 7 per cent. Debits in December totaled $301,770,000, a rise of 1 per cent over the same month in the previous year. Debits in 25 fifth district cities In December rose 7 per cent over December, 1938. and in the calendar year were 6 per cent ahead of 1938. With one exception, debits in these cities were higher in every month in 1939 than in 1938, the report stated. Sales in 31 department stores for December in the fifth district to taled $19,161,614, compared with $18,410,346 in December. 1938, a stepping up of 7 per cent. Sales of 169 wholesale firms in December amounted to $9,308,000, against $8,818,000 in December, 1938, a rise of 6 per cent. Tobacco Sales Soar. Tobacco sales in the fifth dis trict in December were 163 per cent higher than in December. 1938. while dollar receipts to growers in the same month were 123 per cent bet ter than in the same month in the previous year, the review said. The Richmond Bank says the pur chasing power of farmers in the fifth district was appreciably higher than in the previous year, this fact accounting in part for the good results shown in distributive lines of trade. There were 10 per cent fewer busi ness failures in December. 1939, than in the like 1938 period, and a drop of 42 per cent in the liabilities involved In these failures, the Richmond bank noted. December cotton consumption was up 15 per cent in December and the j price showed an advance of 27 per cent over December, 1938. the sum mary stated. Association Has Fine Year. The 68th annual report of the American Building Association, just distributed, announces an increase in assets during the year of $1,432, 524; 1,002 persons opened new ac counts with the association and there was a net gain of 356 in the number of investing members. Earnings were sufficient to pay dividends at the rate of 4 per cent, $402,322 being added to the accounts of shareholders on February 1. The financial statement shows that there was a net gain of 262 borrowing members during the year and over $3,000,000 was loaned to 541 borrow ers in Washington and the metro politan area. Wilfred H Blanz, secretary, re ports that assets on February’ 1 to taled $12,584,985. more than $11,000, 000 being invested in first mortgage loans. ndiiiidi > L/iau iv» . Washington Suburban Sanitary District, Md.. will offer at competi tive bidding on February 16, $800,000 water and sewer bonds dated March 1 and due 1941-1980. Bidders are asked to name a coupon of 2% per cent. Voters of 41 communities in 19 States during the month of Janu ary authorized new bond flotations totaling $4,571,164. as compared with $2,056,392 in January of 1939, ac cording to the Daily Bond Buyer. William McC. Martin, jr„ presi dent of the New York Stock Ex change, is one of the list of 25 best dressed men in the United States selected by the Merchant Tailors and Designers’ Association at its annual convention in Cleveland. President RooseveJ; has signed a bill extending until June 30, 1942, authorization of the land bank com missioner to make loans on behalf of the Federal Farm Mortgage Corp. Washington Gas Light common was strong on the Washington Ex change today, with 55 shares selling at 2878- Potomac Electric Power 6 per cent preferred moved at 117 and Columbia Title Insurance Co. at 12%. In the bond division. Capital Traction 5s were strong, selling at 98% and 98%. These bonds were active yesterday at the same price. * / TRANSACTIONS ON THE NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE R* Ps'lvaf a VJ'Im 4a 'Pit a Cf ■ t • (t *»i a - I _ — _ 2:30 p m. Prev. ’39-'40 Stock and Sales— Met. High. Low. Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low. Close, chge. 71+ 53 Abbott Lab (1.60a) 2 70 69% 70 + + 56+ 31+ Acme Steel <3a)_ 3 45% 45 45 — % 11+ 6+ Adams Exp <.2bgt . 2 7% 7% 7% + + 27+ 15+ Add ressog'phl 1.40) 1 18+ 18+ 18+ 68 45+ Air Reduction (la). 9 49+ 49% 49++ + 1+ % Air-Way Elec Appl. 3 % % % — + 10 6+ Alaska Juneau 15e. 1 6% 6% 6% 2 % Alleghany Corp 6 + + + 20+ 6+ Allegh y J30 pf ww. 3 12% 12(d 12++ + 28+ 14 Alleg-Ludlum 60g_ 11 21% 21+ 21% + + 200+ 151+ Allied Chem (6a)... 3 175+ 174+ 175+ +3 14+ 10 Allied Kid (.80)_ 2 14+ 13+ 13+ + + 15+ 9+Allied Mills (lg)_ 1 14+ 14+ 14+ - + 11% 6 Allied Stores . .. 6 8% 8% 8% + + 71 54+ Allied Stores pf (5). 2 67+ 67+ 67++% 48% 28 Allis-Chalmers ,25e 6 37% 37 87% + % 3% 1+ Amalg Leather .. 2 1+ 1% 1% — + 21 12 Amalg Leather pf_. 1 15+ 15+ 15+ -1 74+ 50 Amerada (2) .. 2 64+ 54 64 + % ; 24+ 16 Am Ag Ch Del 1.30g 2 20 20 20 - + 49+ 16% Am Airlines _ 5 48+ 48 48+ + + 17% 9% Am Bank Note ... 2 10% 10+ 10 + 57% 31% Am Brake Sh (la).. 2 41 41 41 +2 116+ 83+ Am Can (4) 8 113+ 113 113 + + 40+ 16+ Am Car & Foundry. 9 25'+ 25 25+ — + 64 30+ Am Car & Fdry pf_ 2 44 44 .44 25+ 13+ Am Chain & C ,40e.. 2 20+ 20+ 20%+ + 8% 6 AniColortype . 9 7+ 7 7+ + % 11+ 5+ Am Comc'l Alcohol. 1 6% 6% 6% 3% 1% Am & Foreign Pwr. 1 1% 1% 1% 25+ 10 Am&FP 6% pf ,30k. 1 20+ 20+ 20+ + % 35% 12 Am Hawa n SSI la l. 27 31+ 31 31 8 2+ Am Hide& Leather. 1 5 5 5 — + 43+ 25% Am Hide & L pf (3). 1 34 34 34 -1 60+ 41% Am Home Pr (2.40). 2 58 67+ 58 3+ 1% Am Ice _ 3 2% 2% 2% 29% 14+Am Ice pf _ 1 28+ 28+ 28+ 9 3% Am International_ 3 6% 5% 5% + + 30+ 13 Am Locomotive _ 6 19+ 19 19 — Vs 79+ 41 Am Locomotive pf.. 2 53 52% 53 15% 11 Am Mach & Fv(.80) 3 14 13+ 13+ + + 40+ 22% Am Metals (,75e) .. 4 23+ 23% 23% + Vi 7 3% Am Power & Light. 7 4 3+ 3+ — + 54 * 28 Am P&L$5pf.9375k. 3 46 45% 45% 18% 8+ Am Radiator 30g . 16 9% 9+ 9 + 22% 11+ Am Rolling Mills 4 15+ 14+ 15 + 15% 10% Am Safety Raz 1.20 1 12+ 12+ 12 + ^ ^ n.111 OIIIJI DiUi, 1 ©US >U ©U7M OU *4 62 35* Am Sin & Ref ,60e _ 20 50* 49* 49* + V 69* 59'3 Am Snuff (3a) _ 1 69 69 69 41 20* Am Steel Fdry ,25e. 10 28* 28 28*+ * 14* 8* Am Stores (,50b) - 2 12* 12* 12* 34* 15* Am Sugar Refining. 5 19* 19* 19* + V 172* 148 Am Tel & Te] ( 9) ... 8 171V 1707s 170* - * 88* 73 Am Tobacco (5) .. 13 89 88* 8SV4 — * 90* 75* Am Tobacco) BX5). 7 90* 89* 90* 153* 132 Am Tobacco pf (6). 1 150* 150* 150* +1* 8* 4* Am Type Founders. 1 5* 5* 5* — * 14V 8* Am Water Works._ 8 10 9* 10 15* 3* Am Woolen . 3 8 7* 8 + * 61* 28V Am Woolen pf (3k). 1 44 44 44 +1* 12 4 Am Zinc ... 5 6 5* 5* 40 20* Anaconda (1.25g) . 19 28 27* 27* + * 27* 13* Anchor Hoc Gl 70g 1 20 20 20 +1 111* 111 Anchor H G pf 6.50. 10s 113* 113* 113* 4 1* A P W Paper 1 2* 2* 2* + * 37 21 ArCh-Dan-Mid ,35e. 1 32* 32* 32* 8* 8* Armour (111> ... 4 5* 6* 5* t * 60 33* Armour! Ill ipr pf... 2 49* 49* 49* + % 65 50 Armour (111) pf _ 1 61* 64* 64*+ iP 58 31* Armstrong C’k ,25e 2 40* 40 40 — * 13 7* Arnold Constab .25e 2 10 V 10* 10* 10* 5* Artlooin Corp _ 1 9* 9* 9* — * 10* 5* Assoc Drv Goods 4 7* 7* 7* + * 78* 70 Assoc D G 1st 9.75k 1 76' 76 76 -1 100 89* Assoc Invest pf (5) 30s 100 99* 100 + * 42* 21 Atch Top&Sante Fe 16 24 23V 24 + V 71 49* Atch T&SF pf 2.50e. 2 54 54 54 -t- * 30* 15 Ati Coast Dine _ .3 19* 19 19* -I- * 24* 18* Atl Refining (1)_ 8 22* 21* 22*+ * 9* 7 Atlas Corp ( 50g)_ 5 8* 8* 8V 50 43V Atlas Corp pf (3) .. 2 50* 50* 50* 127 116 Atlas Powder pf(5) 10s 122 122 122 - * 5V 1* Auburn Auto (r)__ 8 2* 2 2 3* 2 Austin Nichols_ 1 1* 1* 1* — * 9* 3* Aviation Corp _ 18 6* 6V 6* — * '21* a>s Baldwin Lococtrs. 15 15* 15* 15* + * 8* 3* Balto & Ohio (r) ... 5 5* 5* 5* 11* 4* Balto & Ohio pf (r). 2 6* 6* 6* + * 87* 45 Bangor & Ar pf (5). 30s 45* 45* 45* — V 21* 10* Barber Asphalt.25e. 1 14* 14V 14V + V 19* 11* Barnsdall Oil .15e . 20 12* 12 12*+ * 27* 15* Bayuk Cigar (.75a). 12 29* 29* 29* + * 115* 109* Bayuk Cgr 1st (7) . 20s 115 114* 115 + * 128* 104* Beech-Nut Pkg( 4a) 1 123 123 123 +1 33* 16V Bendix Aviat'n .50e. 65 31* 30V 31 + * 22* 17* Beneficial Ln 1 85g_ 4 22 22 22 57* 32 Best & Co (1.60a) .. 6 37* 37 37 - * 100- 50* Bethlehem Stl (le). 30 76* 75* 76* + V 20* 15* Beth Stl 57. pf (1).. 8 20* 20* 20* 121 99V* Beth Steel pf (7)._. 4 117 117 117 +1 24* 14 Black & Decker (1). 2 19* 19* 19* 17* • 8* Blaw Knox 7 10* 10 10* + * 36* 13* Bliss & Laugh 2.50g 2 18* 18* 18*-* 34* 16* Boeing Airplane 5 24* 23* 23* — * 28* 16 Bohn Alum & B (1). 1 23* 23* 23* - * 24 12* Bond Stores 160a.. 2 22* 22* 22* 23V 16* Borden Co (.30e) __ 9 23V 23* 23* + * 32 18* Borg-Warner .25e._ 11 22* 22* 22* + V 35* 19* Bower Roll B (3)... 2 £3 32* 33 +1 7* p* Brewing Corp (.60). 7 6* 6* 6* + * 15* 7* Bridgeport Brass... 1 11 11 11 31* 1614 Briggs Mfg 1.25k— 2 20* 20* 20* - * 41 31 Briggs & Strat (3).. 1 39 £9 39 - V 53 41* Bristol-Myers 2.40. 2 52* 62 52* + Vi 17* 7* Bklyn-Man Transit 1,30 18V* 17 18* +1* 58* 27 Bklyn-Man Tran pf 5 58* 57* 58* +1*1 55* 39 Bklyn Man pf ctfs 4 57. 55* 57 +1* ! 2 1* Bklyn & Queens _ 2 1* 1* 1* 18 5* Bklyn & Queens pf 4 17* 17* 17* — * 16 11 Bklyn&Qu'ns pf cfs 8 16* 15* 16 30* 13V Bklyn Un Gas.25e.. 1 22* 22* 22*+* 25* 9* Brunswlck-B 2.75g 6 23V 23* 23* + * 13% 7 Bucyrus-Erie(.50g) 3 9% 9% 9% + % .8 4 Budd Mfg _ 2 5% 5% 5% 55% 29% Budd Mfg pf_ 10s 40 40 40 + % 6% 3 Budd Wheel _ 3 5% 5% 5% + % 30 15% Bullard Co <.25g)._ 8 23% 23% 23% + % 21% 11% Burlington M (1)_ 13 19% 18% 18% - % -18% 11 Burr's Add M ,10e_. 1 11% 11% 11%-% 7% 1 Bush Terminal ... 9 4 3% 4 + % 20 6% Bush T Bldgs pf .. 10s 10% 10% 10% 9% 5% Butler Bros (.loe).. 17 7 7 16% 7 Byers (AM) Co 1 12% 12% 12%+ % 84% 25% Byers(AM) pf 2.16k 10s 70 70 70 17% 11% Byron Jackson (1) 1 13% 13% 13% - % 30 13% California Backing 5 26 25% 25% - % 3% % Callahan Zinc 3 1% 1% 1% 10% 4% Calumet & Hec .25e 5 6% 6% 6% — % 20% 12 Canada Dry (.60g). 52 21% 20% 21% -t- % 6% 3% Canadian Pacific 25 5% 5 5 — % 41% 29% Cannon Mills 2.25g. 1 39 39 39 + % 4 2% Carriers&Gen .025e 13 3 3 94% 63% Case (J 1) Co 2 71 69 71 +2% 64% 38% Caterpillar Traci2) 2 50 50 50 30% 13% Celanese Corp ,50g. 6 27% 27% 27% 4 % 114% 84 Celanese pr pf (7). 120s 113 112% 112% - % 19% 7% Celotex Corp 1 10 10 10 + % 30% 18% Cent Aguirre (1.50) 1 22% 22% 22%-% 5% 2% Central Foundry 1 2% 2% 2% - % 113% 103% Cent 111 E pf (4.50) 100s 113% 111% 113% +1% 52% 32 3 38 38 38 + % 47% 22 Certain teed of 50s 30 29% 29% - % 29% 3% Chesapeake Corp (r) 4 4% 4% 4% 47% 27 Ches & Ohio 2 50a). 7 40 39% 40 97% 85% Ches & Ohio pf (4). 1 96% 96% 96% - % 4% IV* Chi Grt West pf(r). 1 1% 1% 1% — % % % Chi M St P & P (r)_. 2 % % V* 1% V4 Chi M StP&P pf ir). 1 % % % 1% % Chi & Northwn (r). 4 ft V* % 3% H Ch! & Northwn pf (r 1 % % % 20% 10 Chi Pneu Tool ... 7 13% 13% 13%+ % 39% 30% Chi Pn T cv pf (3).. 1 35 35 35 41 % % Chi RlJtP(r) ... 5 % % % 1% % Chi RI&P 67, pf(r). 1 % % %+% 15% 10 Chickasha C O 25g. 1 11% 11% 11% 13% 4% Childs Co . 18 4% 4% 4% 41 25 Chile Copper (,50e). 20s 31 31 31 94% 53% Chrysler Corp <5g). 13 82% 82 82%+% 14% 9 City Ice & F (120). 1 13% 13% 13% - % 97% 79 City 1 & F pf(6 50). 120s 98 98 98 4% 2% City Stores .. 13 3 3 34% 15 Clark Equip 2.25g . 1 29% 29% 29% 39% 20% Clev Graphite 2.50g 2 38% 37% 37%-% 60% 34% Climax Molib 1.20a. 2 37% 37% 37%+ % 4iiv« zik Liueii ran i.iag ask -t- it 133 105 Coca-Cola <5g> ... 1 120 120 120 18k Ilk Colgate-Pal-P .50 .. 8 18 177* 177* 37k 20k Collins * Alkm'n 2e 7 35',4 34k 35!*+ 1* 111!* 100 Collins &Aikpf(5)_ 30s 111 111 111 24k Ilk Colo Fuel & Iron... 2 18% 18 18H + k 8k 2k Colo & Southern_ 60s 4k 4 4 + V* 9k 3k Colo & So 1st pf ... 60s 4k 47* 4k - V* 25k 14 Cclum BC(A)1.50g. 8 24k 241* 24k + k 25V* 14 Colum BC(B)1.50g_ 4 24V* 24 24V* + k 9 5V* Columbia Gas & El. 13 6k 6V* 6V* — V* 92'* 74V* Col G&E pf'A»i6).. 1 87 87 87 -1 83 62'* Col G & E pf (5)_ 60s 78k 78 78 - V* 15k 6k Columb Pic vtc_ 3 7 7 7 57 38k Cornel Credit (4) . 7 47V* 47k 47V4 107k 98k Cornel Cred pf 4.25.. 1 107k 107k 107k +lk 60 42 Cornel Inv Tr (4) 4 55 54k 65 + 7* 16 8k Cornel Solvents 15 14Vi 14 14V* + k 32k 25k Cnmwlth Ed < 1.80)_ 15 32k 32k 32k + V* 2k lk Comwlth & South'n 3 174 IV* IV* 73V4 45k Comwlth & S pf (3) 2 65 65 65 30k 19 Coneoleum 1 la)_ 7 23k 23 23k + V* 9k 5 Congress Cigar- 3 9k 9 9k + k 32k 15V* Consol Aircraft .. 3 277* 27% 27% 9k 5k Consol Cigar (,75e). 4 8 8 8 91 79V* Consol C pr pf 6.50.. 20s 88 88 88 11 4k Consol Cop M( .30g) 20 8V* 8V* 8V* 35 27 Consol Edison (2).. 36 32V* 32 32k 108V* IOIV4 Consol Edis pf (5)_. 6 107k 107% 107% + V* 12V* 7k Consol Film pf (Id) 1 87* 87* 87*+ k 9k 6Vt Consol Oil (.80) .. 20 7V4 7k 7k + V* 9 lk Consolidation Coal. 1 3V» 3k 3k 102 88 Consum Pw pf 4.50. 2 104 103'i 104 +7* 17V4 9k Container Corp .25e 5 16k 16V* 16'* — V* 22k Ilk Conti Baking (A).. 1 13% 13k 13k - k 2 1 Conti Baking (B) . 5 lk 1 1 — k 100 87k Conti Baking pf (8) 1 95 95 95 + % 51k 32k Conti Can (,50e) .. 18 44k 43V* 41V* +1V* 407* 29k Conti Insur (1 ROa). 3 40 39k 40 + k 5k lk Conti Motor ... 34 4Vt 4k 4k + V* 31k 197* Conti Oil (.26e)_ 17 24k 24 24V* + k 32k 16kContl Steel (2g)_ 4 27% 267* 27 - V* 61k 49 Corn Exchange (3). 20s 54 54 54 67k 647* Corn Products (I).. 2 63k 63k 63k + k 5k 3 Coty, Inc (.50g)_ 9 6 5 • - 1 ’ f Prev. '39-'40 Stock and Bales— Net. High. Low. Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low Close, chge. 38 16 Crane Co t.60g>- 4 22% 22% 22%+% 32% 26% Cream of Wheat(2) 1 32% 32% 32% 41% 20% Crown Cork & Seal 7 29% 29 29% +1% 41% 33 Cr'n C&S pf ww 2.25 llOe 42% 42 42%+ % 40% 28 Cr'n C&S pf gig 2.25 1 41 41 41 +% 17% 9 Crown Zeller 25e 17 16% 16% 16% 94 75 Crown Zeller pf (I). 40s 91 90% 90% —1% 62% 24% Crucible Steel _ 3 37% 36% 37%+% 13 3 Cuban Am Sugar_ 2 6% 6% 6% 19% 9 Cudahy Packing_ 1 13 13 13 -% 28% 26 Cuneo Press 376e._ 1 26% 26% 26% - % 7% 3% Curtis Publishing_ 14 4 4 63% 38 Curtis Pub pf (Ik). 2 44% 44% 44% +1% 13% 4% Curtiss- Wright . 61 10% 10% 10% - % 32% 19% Curtiss-Wr( A )( 2e) 8 29% 29% 29%-% 25 13% Cutler Hamm'r 75g_ 2 18% 18V* 18% — % 10% 4% Davison Chemical . 1 7% 7% 7% + % 112% 103 Dayton P&L pf 4.50 20s 112 111% 111% 26% 15% Deere & Co (,75g)._ 16 20% 20V* 20%'+% 28 12% Dei & Hudson _ 1 19 19 19 - % 8% 3% Del Lack & Wn ... 1 4% 4% 4% - % 125% 103 Detroit Edison (2e) 1 122% 122% 122% - % 32% 18 Devoe & Kay A 25e 10s 21% 21% 21% + % 20% 13% Dlstlll-Seagr (2) . 3 19% 19% 19%+ % 13% 9% Dixie-Vortex (lg) 2 13% 13% 13% + % 33% 30 Dixie-Vor<A)(2.50) 220s 35% 35% 35% 34 20% Dome Mines (21 ... 4 22 21% 21%+ % 87% 55 Douglas Air (3g)__ 2 82% 82% 82% + % 153% 101% Dow Chemical (3) . 1 149% 149% 149% + % 17% 6 Dresser Mfg (,75g). 9 17% 17% 17%-% 188% 126% Du Pont (7g) ... 14 181% 181 181% +1 124% 112 Du Pont pf (4.50).. 6 123% 123% 123% 31% 12V* Eastern Air Lines . 12 30% 30% 30% + % 186% 138% Eastman Kodak (6) 2 157% 156 157% +1% 32% 15% Eaton Mfg <,75e)_ 5 31 30% 30% 3% 1 Eitlngton Schlld . 1 1% 1% 1% + % 40% 22% Elec Auto Llte(3g). 2 36% 36% 36% 18% 8% Electric Boat(.60g). 3 15% 15% 15%+ V* 3% 1% Electric & Music_ 1 1% 1% 1% 12% 6V* Elec Pwr & Light 6 6% 6% 6% + % 38 18% Elec Pwr& Lt $6 pf 3 26% 26% 26%+ % 41% 20% Elec Pwr& Lt $7 pf 8 30% 30 30% 35 23% Elec Stor Bat (2) .. 2 29% 29% 29%-% 42% 28 El Paso Nat G (2).. 1 37% 37% 37%+ % 13% 7 Eng Pub Service_ 2 9 « 9% 9% + % 25% 14% Ex-Cell O (lg)_ 2 22% 22% 22%+ % 43% 24 Fairbks Morse (la). 2 39% 39% 39%+% 38% 20 Fajardo Sugar (2) 2 26% 26 26% + % 31V* 24 Fed Min & Sm 1.50s 1 24% 24% 24%+ % 6% 2% Fed Motor Truck . 1 4% 4% 4% 23% 14% r erro bnamel (la). 1 IK 18 18 + % 40% 27% Fidelity Hhoe 1.60a. 1 40 40 40 + % 25% 17% Firestone Tire 25e_ 3 20 20 20 + % 61 38% First Natl Sirs 2.50. 4 44 43% 44 31% 15 Flintkote (lg) __ 5 19% 19% 19%+ % 6 1% Follansbee Bro (r)_ 12 2% 2% 2% + % 36 18% Freeport SulDh (1). 3 34% 33% 34%+ % 3% 1% Gabriel (A) 2 2% 2% 2% + % 18% 7% Gair (Robert) pf... 1 14% 14% 14% — % 15% 9 Gatnewell Co .25e._. 20s 13% 13% 13% 7% 3% Gar Wood Indust -. 8 4% 4% 4% + % 65 40 GenAmTran 2.375g. 4 54% 53 54% +1% 11 7% Gen Baking (.60) 4 7% 7% 7% + % 149 128 Gen Baking pf (8).. 60s 143% 143 143 - % 5% 2% Gen Bronze_ 1 2% 2% 2% + % 18 9 Gen Cable _ 4 9% 9% 9% 35 17% Gen Cable (A)_ 2 19% 19% 19%+% 75 43 Gen Cable pf _ 2 50 49% 49% + % 25% 16 Gen Cigar (1.75g)_ 1 18% 18% 18% * % 130% 106 Gen Cigar pf (7) . 100s 114% 114% 114% — % 44% 31 Gen Flectricl 1.40g) 36 39 38% 39 + V« 48% 36% Gen Foods (2) 6 47% 47% 47%+% 1% % Gen Gas & El (A)_ 1 % % % + % 99 72% Gen Mills (3.50)_ 1 94% 94% 94%+ % 130% 125% Gen Mills pf (5) ... 10s 129% 129% 129% - ■% 56% 36% Gen Motors (.75e) _ 42 64 53% 54 + % 10% 7 Gen Print ink 8og_. 1 9% 9% 9% 1% % Gen Realty & Util.. 2 •% % % + % 20V* 14 Gen Realty & U pf.. 1 17% 17% 17% 41 19% Gen Refractor .25e. 2 28% 28% 28% 15% 12% Gen Shoe (1.20) 5 15 15 15 43% 16 Gen Steel Cast pf 70s 28 27 28 +1% 15% 8% Gen Tliea Fa i 80s:) 2 12% 12% 12% — % 27% 15% Gen Tire&Rub ,50e 4 21% 21% <21% — V* 64 43% Gillette S K pf to).. 2 50% 50 50%+ % 13 * 6% Gimbel Bros _ 4 7% 7% 7% + % 66% 43 Gimbel Bros pf (6). 1 55 55 55 + % 3% 2% Gobel (Adolf i .. 3 3 3 3 2% IV* Goebel Brew (.20)-. 1 2% 2% 2% - % 24** 13% GoodrichiB FHlg). 5 18 17% 17%+ % 74% 53 Goodrich(BF)pf(5) 2 64 64 64 + % 38% 21% Goodyear Rub 25e_ 7 22% 22% 22% — V* 109** 87 Goodyear pf (5) 2 92 92 92 5% 2% Gotham Silk Hose.. 3 3% 3% 3% 80 65 Gotham S H pf (7). 20s 66 66 66 41 1% % Graham-Paige . 6 1% 1 1% 10% 9% Grand Union x ctfs. 1 9% 9% 9% 15% 13% Grand Un war ctfs. 2 14% 14% 14% — % 35 24% Grant (W’Ti 8oe .. 2 33 33 33 - Vi 25 22% Grant (W T)pf(l).. 2 23% 23% 23%+ V. 33% 16% Great North n pf _. 18 24 23% 24 + % 22% 12% Gr’t Nor O ctfs 75e 4 14% 14 14 142 129% Great Wn S pf (7).. 20s 141V* 141V* 141% - % 21% 14% Greyhound (la) .. 11 16% 16% 16%+ % 12% 10 Greyhound pf (.55). 1 11% 11% 11%-% 6 % Guantanamo Sugar 1 2% 2% 2% 22% 11 Gulf Mob & Nor pf- 1 15 15 15 -1% 38 32 Hack Wat pf (1.75) 70s 35% 35 35% 103% 96 Hanna (M)pf(5) - 40s 102% 102 102% + Vi 33% 17 Harb & Walker(lg) 1 24% 24% 24% + % 4** 2 HayesMfg Corp .. 4 3% 3% 3% — V* 113% 93 Hazel Atlas G1 (5).. 1112 112 112 - % 101% 63 Hercules P (2 85g). 3 90 89 90 +1% 135% 128% Hercules P pf (6).. 10s 131% 131% 131% - % ol 29% Holland Furn (2)_ 1 31% 31% 31% + % 11% 5% Hollander (A)__ 16 6 6 21% 8% Holly Sugar _ 1 12% 12% 12% + % 66% 47% Homestake (4.50)8 57 55 55 —2% 36% 27 Houd-Her(A)(2.50) 1 34% 34% 31% + % 17V* 8% Houd-Her(B) 75g- 3 12% 12 12% + % 73V* 60% Household Fin (4a) 3 69 68% 69 + % 111% 102 Household F pf (5). 2 110 110 110 -1% a 7 40 Howe Sound (3a),_. 1 49 49 49 — % 35% 21% Hudson Bay 1.75g__ 5 24% 24V* 24% — % 8% 4% Hudson Motor_ 1 5% 6% 5% + % 2% % Hupp Motor _ 7 % % % 20% 9 Illinois Central_ 2 11% 11% 11%+ V. 49 38% Illinois C L I. (4) .. 10s 39% 39% 39%+ % 29% 16% Indust Rayon 75g . 1 26% 26% 26% 131 86 Ingersoll Rand (le) 1 113% 113% 113%- H 98% 67 Inland Steel (le) _. 4 83 82% 82% - % 21 9% Inspiration Copper. 4 12 12 12 9% 2% Interboro R T (rl . 11 3% 3% 3% 46% 17% Interchemical ,40e . 2 42 41% 42 110% 90 lnterchem pf (6)... 10s 109% 109% 109% + % 16% 7% Jnteriake Iron _. 5 10% 10 10% + % Z% 1(4 lntl Agricultural . 3 1% 1% 1% — % 195% 145 lntl Bus Mach <6a>_ 1 183 183 183 +2 71% 45% lntl Harvester 1.60. 14 53% 53% 53% - % 10 5-% lntl Mining l.45g)._ 2 6% 6% 6% - % 55% 36 lntl Nickel Can (2). 27 36% 36% 36%+ % 14% 6% lntl Paper & Power. 37 13% 13% 13% 57% 25% lntl Paper* Pw pf 28 58% 57 58% + % 60% 39% lntl Ry Cen A pf 2k x 10s 53 53 53 -1 38 29 lntl Salt (1.50a)_ 1 36 36 36 +1% 40% 31% lntl Shoe (1.50a)... 3 35 35 35 9% 3% lntl Tel & Teleg .. 5 4 3% 3% 10% 7% Intertype Corp 40g. 1 8% 8% 8% 32% 18 Island Crk Coal (2). 2 25% 25% 25% — % 93 68 Jewel Tea (4a) .. 5 92 91% 92 - % 105 59 Johns-Manv 2.75g . 2 71% 71 71 — % 83 35 Jones & Laughlln pf 2 58% 57% 58% +2 19% 13 Kalamazoo Stov',50 1 14 14 14 + % 18 12% Kayser (J) 25e . . 1 13% 13% 13% - % 46% 28 Kennecott Cop( 2g). 25 36% 35% 36% + •% 16% 8% Keystone Stl 80g 1 13% 13% 13% 39 20 Kimberly-Clark! la) 1 35 35 35 — % 26% 20 Kresge (SS) 1.20a . 2 25% 25% 25% - % 29% 23% Kress (S H )(1 60).. 4 26% 26 26%-% 29% 20% Kroger Groc (1.60). 6 28% 28% 28%+ % 18% 14 Lambert <.375e) ... 1 15% 15% 15% + % 37% 25 Lee Rub & T (,75e). 2 32% 32% 32%+ ■% 3% % Leh Valley Coal ..3 1 1 1 6% 2% Leh Valley RR (r). 1 3% 3% 3% + % 27% 20 Lehman Corp .20e__ 7 22% 21% 21% + % 32% 23 Lerner Stores (2) . 1 28 28 28 56% 36% Llbbey-Ow-F(.50e). 2 49% 49% 49% + % 10 4% Libby McN & Lib .. 2 7 7 7 - % 108% 95 Ligg & Myers (4a). 1 107% 107% 107% 109% 95V. Ltgg & Myersl Bl4a 3 108 107% 108 - % 20V. 10 Lion Oil Ref (1) 2 13 13 13 + % 19 13% Liquid Carb & C.25e 1 16% 16% 16%-% 36% 18% Lockheed Alrc (lg) 10 31 30% 31 - % 54% 30(4 Loew s. Tnc (2) _ 6 36% 36 36%+ % 25% 6 Loft Inc ... 26 24% 23% 24 - % 62 38% Lone Star Cmt(3a). 8 44% 43% 44% +1 6% 2 Long Bell (A) 1 3t» 3% 3% 25 19% Lorillard (1.40g)__. 16 24% 24% 24% - % 159% 138 Lorillard pf (7)_ 10s 159 159 159 +1 21% 15% Louts G*E( A 11.60 . 13 19 18 18 - % 67 36% Louis * Nash 1.25e. 5 59 58% 59 + V* 33% 18 Mack Trucks .60g _ 4 25 24% 25 43(4 25% Macy (RH) Co .50e. 5 29% 29 29%+% i jvj iiy» iuduia oq udi _ o i +. +2 t '.3 40 25% Magma Copt2.75g)_ 1 35 35 35 + % 6% 1 Manatl Sugar _ 2 2*4 2*4 2*4 16 5 Man Ry mod gtd <r) 3 16 16 16 16 12*4 Man Ry m gtd ct(r) 3 15*4 15*4 15*4 + H 30*4 9 Man Ry gtd <r) 10s 30 30 30 + *4 30% 27 Man Rwy gtd ct(r). 10s 30 30 30 +1% 5*» 4% Marine Midl’d 10e 3 5 4% 4% - % 8% 3*4 Market St Ry pr pf 110s 5 5 5 + % 45*» 26% Martin (Glenn) Ig 9 39% 38% 39%+% 10% 2 Martin Parry 6 9% 9 9 57% 30 Masonite Corp (la). 2 37% 37% 37% + % 63% 40% May Dept Strs i3)_. 3 52 51% 62 6% 3% Maytag Co — 1 3% 3% 3% + % 16% 10% McCall Corp <1.40). 2 15% 15 15 17% 9% McCrory Strs (1).. 2 15% 15 15%+ % 25% 15% McGraw Elec <1).„ 2 23% 23% 23%-% 59% 39 McIntyre Pore < 2a) 6 43 42% 43 18% 8*4 Mckeesport Tin_ 2 11 10% 11 + % 102% 88 McLellan pf <6)_ 20s 101% 101% 101% + % 14*4 6 Mead Corp _ 2 10% 10% 10% - H 31*4 28% Melville Shoe <.50e) 2 30% 30% 30% + % 6% 3 Mengel Co _ 15 5 5 39% 25 Mesta Mach ,50e 3 30% 30% 30% + % 16% 6% Miami Copper (20e) 7 9% 9% 9% — % 18 11% Mid Cont Pet <.60g) 2 14% 14% 14% 120% 101 Mid Stl 1st pf <8) 30s 116% 114% 116% +1% 85% 44% Minn-Hon Ros <2) 4 60 49% 50 +1% 14% 8% Mission Corp <65g) 3 10 10 10 2% % Mo-Kan & Texas... 1 % % % 2% % Mo Pacific pf <r)... 21 ft ft ft 114% 85*4 Monsanto Ch <3r) 1 107 107 107 + % 57*4 40% Montg Ward 1.25e . 19 52% 52% 52%+ % 37% 22% Morris & Es <3 875) 10s 30% 30% 30%-% 19 9% Motor Products ... 3 11% 11% 11%+ % 17% 10 Motor Wheel 0.80). 1 16% 16% 16% 30 16% Mueller Brass .SOg. 9 23% 23 23% + % J* V *.ou y.iu. Prev. '39-40 Stock and Sales— He*. High. Low. Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low. Close, enge. 144 9 Munsingwear _ 1 11 Vi 114 114 + 4 704 50 Murphy <GC) *.25* 2 694 684 694 +14 94 4 Murray Corp _. 13 64 64 64 52 434 Myers (FE) (3a)... 1 604 604 504 -4 9V* 64 Nash-Kelvlnator_ 15 64 64 64 264 14 Nash Chat&StL le_. 30s 204 204 204 + 4 J8V* 74 Natl Acme (,60g> _ 3 15 144 15+4 15 74 Natl Aviation) 75g) 1 124 124 124 + 4 284 214 Natl Biscuit ).40e). 6 244 244 244 -4 184 104 Natl Bd & Inv 80a .. 2 184 18 18 954 87 Natl Bd & In pf (5). 1 95 95 95 26V* 144 Natl Cash Reg (1) _ 1 154 154 154 + 4 16 8V* Natl Cyl Gas (,50g) 3 114 114 114 184 124 Natl Dairy *80) 5 164 164 164 -4 1174 110 Natl Dairy pf A (7) 10s 114 114 114 +3 84 44 Natl Dept Stores 2 6 6 6 64 44 Natl Dept Stores pf 16 6 6 284 204 Natl Distillers (2) . 6 244 24 244 +4 164 8V* Natl Gypsum(.25g). 2 11 104 104 -4 274 174 Natl Lead ).60a) . 23 194 194 194 1734 152 Natl Lead pf(A)(7) 1 173 173 173 -4 1484 132 Natl Lead pf(B)(6) 20s 1484 1484 1484 + 4 354 144 Natl Malleable lg._ 2 224 224 224 +4 10 6V* Natl Pwr & Lt 60.. 2 8 8 8 82 52 Natl Steel (1.70g)._ 4 674 67 67 -4 154 54 Natl Supply 3 9 84 9 59V* 334 Natl Supply 5.50 pf. 1 404 40V* 404 + V* 54 24 Natl Tea Co ..... 10 44 44 44 + 4 114 84 Natomas ( 80a)_ 1 94 94 94 -4 174 84 Newport Indus_ 4 12 12 12 23V* 114 NY Central .. 17 164 164 164 -4 254 104 N Y Chi & St Louis. I 184 184 184 + 4 454 184 N Y Chi & St L pf 4 334 324 334 + 4 434 30 N Y COmnibus (3a) 4 32 314 314 -4 17 84 N Y Shipbuilding 1 144 144 144 +4 33Vi 284 Noblitt Sparks(3g). 1 29 29 29 294 124 Nor Am Avia 1.40g. 23 254 244 25 264 184 Nor Am Co (1.20a) 21 214 214 214 69 604 No Am 54% pf 2.875 1 664 564 564 - 4 694 624 North Am 6% pf (3) 1 57 67 57 -4 144 7 Northern Pacific . 6 84 84 84 113 100 Nor’n Sta Pw pf(5). 11114 1114 1114-4 444 324 Norwalk T pf(3..50J. 10s 42 42 42 - 4 •104 6 Ohio Oil . 6 64 64 64 - Vi 30 144 Oliver Farm Equip. 2 19 19 19 + V. 1134 1004 Omnibus pf (8 i . 30s 1064 1064 1064 + Hi 84 44 Oppenheim Collins. 1 5 5 5—4 274 154 Otis Elevator!. 15e). 15 17V* 164 17 1484 128 Otis Elev pf (6) .. 10s 142 142 142 +4 16 74 Otis Steel .. 1 104 104 104 + 4 294 164 0utb’d M & M .40e._ 1 294 294 294 70 50 Owens-Ill G1 ,50e .. 6 624 624 624 - 4 74 3 1'ac Am Fisheries . 6 54 54 54 — V* 74 24 Pacific Coast _ 10s 6 6 6 25 1IV* Pac Coast 1st pf_ 10s 23 23 23 + 4 154 34 PaoCoast 2d pf .. 10s 124 114 124+4 344 274 Pac Gas & Elec (2). 8 334 334 334 504 41 Pac Lighting (3)... 1 464 464 464 21V, 94 Pac Mills .. 1 144 144 14V* 74 6 Fac Tin Consol .15g 2 7 64 7 44 3 Packard Motor 16 3V* 34 34 + 4 204 94 F’an-Am Airways... 12 19% 184 194 + »» 144 64 Paramount (.15g)_ 8 74 74 7% 4 14 Park Utah Mim s _. 5 14 14 14 47 36 rarke Davis (80e)_. 3 434 434 434 134 64 I’athe Film ... 7 104 10% 104+ Vt 114 5V« Patino Mines . 2 6 54 6 +4 624 48 Penlck A Ford (3a). 1 57 57 57 + 4 95 74 Penney (JC> (3a).. 8 884 884 884 + 4 4** *t Penn Coal * Coke... 12 34 34 -34 +4 5% 24 Penn Dixie ('em . 1 3% 3% 34 + 4 £7% 15 Penn Railroad dg) 31 22 21% 22 +4 40 134 Pere Marquette of.. 120s 25 22 25 8 1 45 21 Pere Marq pr pf_ 10s 33 33 33 + 4 25 17 Pet Milk (1) 2 22 22 22 104 64 Petrol Corp (,70b).. 1 74 74 74 — 4 104 54 Pfeiffer Brew (1)_.. 3 94 94 94 474 284 Phelps Dodge l.Sflp 14 36% 354 36% + 4 14 4 Phila & R C A 1 (r). 2 % % % 10.34 74 Philip Morris (3)... 1 91 91 91 — Vi 35 25 Phillips-Jones pf... 10s 314 314 314 +14 464 314 Phillips Petrol (2). 9 394 39 394 + Vi 44 2 Phoenix Hosiery . 2 54 5% 54 + % 314 23 Pillsbury FI (1.60). 1 264 264 264 51 354 Pirelli Corp_ 50s 49 49 49 12 24 Pitts Coal .. 1 4% 44 44 144 4 Pitts Coke & Iron .. 17 7 7 95 50 Pitts C & ir pf (5).. 10s 70 70 70 11% 44 Pitis Screw ... 4 64 64 64 164 74 Pius Steel ... 1 9% 94 94 + % 484 22 Pitts Steel pf (B).. 50s 30 30 30 20% 6 Pitts* WVa . 20s 12% 124 124 24 4 Pittston Co . 2 4 4 4 24 174 Plymouth Oil 1.40a. 4 224 22 2.4 + 4 164 7Vi Poor*Co(R) 4 104 10% 10% + 4 24 4 Port R Am To A (r) 11 1 1+4 4 Vi Port R Am To B (r) 5 4 Vi 4 164 6 Pressed Steel Car 7 12 114 12 + 4 684 50% Proctor & Gam (2a) 3 68% 684 684 + 4 1194 112 Proctor & G pf (5) 30s 114 114 114 414 314 Pub Svc (NJ) 60e . 8 41 40% 40% - 4 166 147 Puh Svc< NJ Ipf (8 ). 20s 16Hi 1614 1614 414 224 Pullman (.25e)_ 12 27% 2S4 27% + 4 114 64 Pure Oil ( 25k) 9 8% 84 8% - 4 184 104 Purity Bak (1 50gS- 1 15% 15% 15% 84 5 Radio Corp (,20e)_. 13 54 5% 54+ % 674 53% Radio cv pf (3.50) . 9 64 634 63% — % 24 1% Radio-Keith-Or (r). 17 14 1% 1% 194 6% Rayonier. Inc 1 18 18 18 - 4 224 10% Reading Cod) _ 2 15% 154 15% + 4 27 16 Reading 2d pf (2)._ 1 214 214 214 * % 5% 2% Real Silk Hose _ 1 3% 3% 3% — 4 174 9% Reming-Rand 20e.. 3 94 94 94 + 4 24 4 Reo Motor <n 5 1% 1% ]s, _ 284 124 Republic Steel 27 20% 194 20% + % 20% 9% Revere Copper 7 11% 11% 114 404 214 Revere Copper (A). 9 224 22% 224 + % 144 74 Reynolds Metals . 3 124 12% 124 + 4 45 35 Reyn Tob (B) ,50e . 3.3 404 404 404 + % 10% 6% Richfield Oil (.50g). 1 74 7% 74 514 274 Safeway Strs 2.50g 4 48% 48 48% + 4 109 824 Safeway S pf (5)... 20s 107% 107 1074 + 4 114 96 Safeway S pf (6).. 40s 1134 113 113 — 4 1164 1044 Safeway S pf (7) . 10s 115 115 115 * 4.» 7« ut. u t7 0C|7ii urau U/- * O I OOH O0>4 “4 74 Vi St L.-San Fran (rF- 1 Vi 4 4 2 4 St L-San Frpf(r).. 2 4 4 4+4 6 14 St L-Southwn < r) _ _ 40s 34 3 34+1 274 104 Savage Arms (,25e) 7 264 254 254 -14 174 10 Schenley Distillers. 2 124 124 124 104 34 Schulte R S pf (r) 2 6 6 6+4 1 4 Seaboard Air L <r)_ 3 4 4 4 34 1 Seaboard A L pf (r) 5 4 4 4 87 604 Sears Roebuck (3)_. 9 844 84 844 + 4 184 114 Servel. Inc (1)- 11 15 144 15 +4 214 104 Sharon Steel _ 1 134 134 134 _ u, 74 34 Sharp* Dohme __ 2 44 44 44 + 4 54 43 Sharp & D pf (3.50) 1 51 51 51 114 64 Shattuckt F G1 (.401 2 7 64 7 +4 oo'i in nneaner ren i t.aue) luus 40 3S « 40 +2 17Vi 94 Shell Un Oil (,50g) 2 114 114 H'j — 4 1074 984 Shell Un O pf (5 50) 2 1084 1084 1084 +1 324 174 Simmons Co 1.75S-- 2 22 214 22 +4 294 154 Skelly Oil (.25e) .. 2 194 19', 19H - 127 70 Sloss-Sheffield (3g). 30s 109 108 109 +34 21 114 Smith (AO) _ 4 15 15 15-4 24 124 Snider Pkg __ 6 234 234 2S4 + 4 154 104 Sooony-Vac (.25e).. 20 114 114 114 + 4 354 14 So Porto Sug ,25e__. 2 234 22+, 224 — 4 184 13 S EGreyh nd 1.50... 1 15 15 15 I * .ow y .Ml. Prev. '30-’40 Stock and Sales— Net. High. Low. Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low. Close, chge. 30 23% Southn Cal Ed 1.50* 10 29% 29% 29% - % 21% 10% Southern Pacific ... 11 13% 13% 13% 23% 11% Southern Railway— 10 18 17% 18 + % 36% 15% Southern Rwy pt — 6 30% 30 30% + % 3% 1% Sparks Wlthington. 2 2% 2 2% + % 61% 36 Sperry Corp (2g)._. 7 46 45% 45%+ % 34% 11 Spicer Mfg <2g)_ 2 31% 31 31% +1% 16% 8% Spiegel, Ine (,15e).. 6 9% 9% 9% + % 75% 67% Spiegel, Inc pf 4.50. 20s 60% 60% 60% + % 34% 18% Square D Co 1.75g— 1 31 31 31 7% 6% Stand Brands .20e . 43 7% 7 7% 108 94 Stand Br ds pf 4.60. t 107% 107% 107% 4% 1% Stand Gas* Elec—. 1 1% 1% 1% 10% 3% Stand G&E $4 pf __ 1 4% 4% 4% - % 20% 10 Stand G&E $6 pr pf. 1 12% 12% 12%+% 25% 13% Stand G&E S7 pr pf. 3 15V* 15% 15'%-% 33% 24% Stand Oil of Cal (1) 25 24% 24% 24% - % j 30 22% Stand Oil Ind (1) .. 18 27% 26% 27 +%l 53% 38 Stand Oil N J <la). 30 43% 43% 43%+ %. 80% 65 Sterling Prod (3.80) 2 77 76% 76%-%' 12% 6% Stewart-Warn 25g. 4 8 7% 7% + % 7% 3% Stokely Brothers .. 1 6% 6% 6% 17% 8% Stone&Webster.25g 6 10% 10% 10% + % 10% 5% Studehaker _ 68 10% 10% 10%+ % 66 45% Sun Oil (la)_ t 60% 60% 60%-% 128% 118% Sun Oil pf (6) _ 10s 121 123 123 11% 7% Sunshine Min 1.60— 9 10% 10% 10% 38% 1»% Superheater (.50).. 1 23'% 23% 23% +% 3% IV* Superior Oil ._ 7 2% 2 2 30% 22% Sutherld Pap 1.20.. 1 29% 29% 29%+% 10% 5% Sweets of America. 4 6% 6% 6% — % 25V* 17 Swift & Co 1.20)_ 3 22% 22% 22%-% 37% 24% Swift Inti (2) ... 6 31% 31% 31%-% 9% 3% Syming-Gould xw_ 1 5% 5% 5% + % 6V* 3% Telautograph .05e__ 6 4% 4% 4% + % 9% 4 Tennessee Corp_.1 6 6 6 + % 60% 32% Texas Corp (2) _ 14 43% 43% 43%+ % 5% 3% Tex Gulf Prod .20g_ 7 3% 3% 3% 38% 26 Tex Gulf Sul (2) _ 5 34% 34% 34%+% 9 6% Tex Pac Ld Tr.lOg.. 1 5% 5% 5% + % 22% 8% Texas & Pac Rwy_ 2 11% 11% 11% 5% 3% The Fair _ 1 3% 3% 3% 6 2% Thermoid _ 2 4% 4% 4% - % 33% 17 Thomp Prod (1)_ 11 32% 31% 31%+ % 3% 1% Thompson-Starrett. 1 2% 2% 2% — % 14V* 9% Tide Wat A 0.15e . 20 10% 10% 10% - % 96 83 Tide W A O pf 4.60. 1 93% 93% 91%+ % 25 10% Tlmken-Det Ax'2g) 4 21% 21% 21% - % 64% 34% Timken R B (,50e) 2 49 49 49 + •% 8% 6 Transamerica t.50). 1 5% 5% 5% + % 15 6% Transcontl & W Air 7 14% 14% 14% 4% 2 Trl-Continental ... 6 2% 2% 2% 88 74 Tri-ContT pf (6)... 1 78 78 78 - % 26% 11% 20th Century Fox _ 7 11% 11% 11%+ % 34% 19% 20th Cen-F pf 1.50 - 1 24% 24% 24% 35% 17% Twin City Rap Tpf 30s 27% 27% 27%+% 66 34% Underw-Ell-F (2) ._ 2 42% 42% 42% 14% 6 Union Bag & Paper- 10 13% 13% 13%+% 94% 65% Union Carb (,50e) . 10 80% 80 80%+ % 19% 15% Union Oll(Cal) ,25e. 1 16% 16% 16%+ % 90 78 Union Pac pf (4) __ 1 86% 86% 86% - % 25% 20% Un Tank Car 1.2fta„ 5 25% 25% 25% + % 61 31 Unit Aircraft <2g).. 13 48% 47% 47%-% 16% 7% Unit Air Lines — 8 15% 15% 15% 18% 14% Unit Biscuit (.25e)_ 2 16% 16 16 3% 2 Unit Corp _ 24 2% 2% 2% — % 40% 30% United Corp pf (3). 11 40% 40% 40%+% 7% 4% Unit Drug - 6 5 5 5 74 54% Unit Dyew’d pf (7). 30s 61 61 61 - Vi 1 8% 3% Unit Electric Coal 2 4% 4% 4% + % 35% 25% Unit Eng & Fy .50e. 2 34% 34% 34% 95 62% United Fruit (4) - 4 82 81% 82 + % 15 11 Unit Gas Imp (1) 27 14% 14% 14% + % j 117% 110 Unit Gas Imp pf (5) 1 115%. 115% 115% — % 14 6% Unit Mer& Mfg 1 11% 11% 11% + % 7% 3% Unit Paperboard 3 4% 4% 4% j 871% 75 U S & For Sec pf<6) 2 83% 83% 83% -1% 14 5% U S Freight (,50g>_ 19 9 9 113 65% U S Gypsum «2ai — 2 85 84% 84% — % 29'-» 13% U S Indus Alcohol.. 3 22% 21% 22% + % 15% 5% US Leather (A) 1 9% 9% 9% 49 32% U S Pipe & Fdry (2) 5 37% 37 37%+% 6% 1% U S Realty & Imir) 2 1% 1% 1% 52% 31% U S Rubber 8 36% 36% 36% + % 114% 86% U S Rub 1st pf(12g) 1111 111 111 +% 82% 41% US Steel 52 58% 57% 58%+% 120% 98% U S Steel pf (7)_ 5 116% 116 116% + Vi 4 1% Unit Stockyards_ 1 2 2 2 — % 8% 6% Unit Stkyds pf 701 7% 7% 7% - % 2% 1% United Stores (A > _ 1 1% 1% i , 85 60% Univ Leaf Tob(4a). 2 62% 62% 62% — % 163 146 Univ Leaf T pf (8)_ 10s 156% 156% 156% -1 91 45% Univ Pictu 1st pf80s 94% 92 94% ' 3% 1 % Vadsco Sales _ 1 % % % 40 16 Vanadium ilg) .. 2 31% 31% 31% 40 25 Van Raalte (.50e) _ 1 38% 38% 38% + Hi 46 34% Vick Chemical (2a) 1 44 44 44 33% 17 Va-Caro Chem p[ 1 27% 27% 27% 118 112% Va Elec Pier pf (6) 20s 117% 117% 117% - % 3 % Wabash (r) 11 1 1 8 5% Waldorf Syst(.60g) 1 6% 6% 6% 23% 15v» Walgreen (1.60)_ 4 21% 21% 21% 50% 30% Walker (H) (4) 1 34% 34% 34% - % 20% 14% Walker (H) pf (1). 6 16% 16%. 16% 9V4 4 Walworth Co . 2 5% 5% 5% — %! 44 21 Ward Bak pf 1.50d 1 23% 23% 23% + %: 6% 3% Warner Bros Piet 4 3% 3% 3% -t- % j 58 36 Warner Bros Pic pf 20s 47 47 47 35% 19Vi Warren Fy & P (2). 2 30 30 30 28% 28% Wash'ton G Lt 1.50- 2 28% 28% 28% + Vi 24% 14% Waukesha Mot (1)- 1 17% 17% 17% 32% 20 Wayne Pump (le) _ 3 23% 23% 23%+ % 4% 1% Webster Eisenlohr 14 4% 4% 41-, 108 88 West Penn E pf (6) 30s 104 101 104 115% 105% W Penn Pw pf 4.30 2 116% 116 116 + % 19% 15% W VaPulp&P.Ooe 1 16% 16% 16% + V« 36% 20% West’n Auto S (2a) 2 36 35 36 + % 6% 2% West’n Maryland _ 1 3% jy, ,-jy4 _ ^ 37 16% West’n Union Tel 7 21 23% 21 + 1 3<% 18% Westhse A B (,25e). 6 25 24 25 +1% 121 82% Westhse Elec 875e_ 13 110% 109% 110% +1% 39% 15% Westvaco (.35e)_ 1 36 36 36 - % 38% 15% Wheeling Steel- 3 30% 30 30% + % 15% 7 White Motor 2 11% 11% 11%+ % 7 3% White Rock <.50g)_. 15 5 5 _ % 6% 1% White Sewing Mch. 1 5% 5% 5% 3% 1 W'illys-Overland_ 2 1% 1% 1% + % 6% 2% Willys-Overl' 3 3% 3% 3% + % 7% 2% W'ilson&Co 5 5% 5% 5% 60% 32 Wilson&Co pf 1.50k V 60 60 60 + % 50% 36 Woolworth 12.40 > 42 41% 41% 4m + % 23% 10% W’orthington Pump 2 19% 19% 19% + % 124% 85 Wright Aero <2g) . 20s 112 110% 112 +1% 21% 11% Yellow Truck 17 17% 16% 17% + % 21% 9% Young Spg & Wire 2 11 11 11 + % 56% 30 Ygstwn Sneet & T lfi 41% 40% 41 34 17 Ygstwn Stl Dr (lg) 4 23 23 23 + % 3% 2 Zonite Products 1 2% 2% 2% + % a___*_ c_ 1 __ r > 1 _ _ .1 * . .. —. . — • 1 me ii. i . jiulk txenange 11.00 A.M - 130.000 12:00 Noon_ 210.000 1:00 P.M- 280 000 2:00 P.M _ 330.000 s Unit of trading. 10 shares r In bankruptcy or receivership or being reorganized under Bankruptcy Act. or securities assumed bv such companies Rates of dividend in the foregoing table are annual dis bursements based- on the last auarterly or semi-annual declara tion Unless otherwise noted, special or extra dividends are not included xd Ex Dividend xr Ex rights a Also extra nr extras, d Accumulated dividends paid last year e Declared or paid so fai this vear. f Payable in stock g Paid last year h Cash or stock k Accumulated dividends bald or declared this year Mohawk Carpet Has Best Year Since 1930 By the Associated Press. AMSTERDAM. N. Y., Feb. 7.— George McNeir, chairman of the board of the Mohawk Carpet Mills, Inc., announced today net earnings of $1,798,567.83 last year, the largest profit shown since 1930. The figure compares with a net loss of $1,485,901 in 1938. At the same time the Board of Directors authorized a dividend of 25 cents a share on outstanding capital stock to stockholders of record March 1, 1940, payable March 15. . — : i ; foreign Markers LONDON. Feb. 7 i/P'.—A last-minute rush to buy rails boosted prices sharply in the stock market today. Earlier the carriers had been neglected as the "city” awaited announcement of government compensation terms, expected todav. Oils also advanced and selected Kaffirs im proved. Gilt-edged issues finished at the day's lows. Industrial leaders and base metals were negleoted. Japanese and Czecho-Slovak loans gained in the foreign bond market. PARIS. Feb. 7 MPt.—The bourse started a slow climb after a hesitant opening to day Traders appeared cheered by the allied Supreme Council meeting and both domestic and foreign stocks were bid up. Rentes closed 5 centimes lower to 240 higher. AMSTERDAM, Feb. 7 OP'—Improved Wall Street prices spurred bidding in the Bourse today. Profit taking orders were easily absorbed and gains ranged to S points. Steels led the rally in the Amer ican section. LIVERPOOL Feb. 7 OP'.—Easiness of Far Eastern cotton markets attracted lo cal pressure today and futures closed 4 to 5 points lower. U. S. Treasury Notes NEW YORK. Feb. 7 MV—Prices quoted in dollars and thirty-seconds: Approx. Rate. Mo. Yr. Bid. Asked.yield. 1«4 Mar , 1940 _ inn.4 i Vi June. 1940_101.19 101.21 ... l'a Dec.. 1940_ 102.4 102. K _ lVi Mar.. 1941.____ 102.9 102.11 ... 1 \ June. 1941.102.9 102.11 ... 1'4 Dec.. 1941_ 102.19 102.21 . . la4 Mar. 1942_10.1.28 10.1.28 2 Sept.. 1942_ 105.1 105..1 .04 134 Dec.. 1942_ 104.21 104.2,1 .09 1>, June, 194.1_ 102.21 102.23 .31 IV, Dec.. 1943 _ 102.27 102.29 .38 I Mar., 1944_ 101.27 101.29 .54 34 June. 1944_ 100.25 100.27 .54 1 Sept., 1944_ 102.1 102.3 .54 A V Insurance Stocks NEW YORK. Feb. 7 -P1—National As sociation Securities Dealers. Inc.; Bid. Asked. Aetna Cas (4a) _ 101‘/a 165*2 Aetna Ins (l.HOa) _ 52 54 Aetna Life (1.20a) _ 02 04 Am Equit < 1) 20’ 4 21 34 Am Ins Nwk (’aa) _ 1034 15*4 Am Reins (l.HOa) _ 47*4 40*4 Am Reserve <1*2) _ 20 24*2 Am Surety (2*2> _ 51 50 Automobile (la* _ 05 37 Balt Amer (.20a> _ 7*4 8*4 Carolina (1.30) 29*4 0O34 City of N Y (1 20) _ 2034 25*4 Conn Gen Life (.80) _ 2734 20*4 Contin Cas (1.20a) _ 07*4 00*4 Fid & Dpp (41 _127 100 Firemen's Nwk (.40) _ 034 1 1 V4 Frank Fire (la) _ 32 34 Gen Reinsur (la) _ 4034 4535» Georg Home (la* _,_ 245 2 2034 Glens Falls (1 GO) _ 40 45 Globe <fc Reo (V2) _ 10*2 12 Globe & Rut __ 21*4 24*4 Gt Amer Ins (la) _ 28*4 2034 Hanover (1.20) _ 28*/* 00 Hartford Fire (2a) __ 86*2 80*2 Home Fire Sec __ __ l5n 25s Home Ins (1.20a) _ 30*2 35*2 Homestead (1) _ 20 21 ’2 Knickerbocker (Va) _ 934 lo34 Lincoln Fire _ 2 3 Maryland Cas _ 2 ',2 o5r Mass Bond (3Va) _ 64*2 6634 Merc Ins Pr _ 0 4*2 Natl Fire (2) _ 6234 64 34 Natl Liberty (.20a) _ 734 834 N Hampshire »l.HOa) _ 47* 40*4 N Y Fire (.80) _ 16 17*2 Nor East Ins _ O3* 43s Nor River (1) _ 27 28*,a Phoenix (2a) __ 84 88 Prov Wash (la) _ 30*4 05*/a Rep Ins Tex (1.20a) _ 28 29*2 Revere (P) In (1.20a) _ 26*/4 273i Rh Is! Ins __ 0 4Va 3t Paul Fire (8) _ 240 245 Springfield (4’^a) _121*2 126 Sun Life (15) _._ 290 040 rravelers (16) _ 465 475 LJ S Fid & G (1) 22*4 2034, LJ S Fire (2) _ 54*2 56*2 Westchester (1.20a) 05 07 0—Also extra or extras. Quotations furnished bv National Asso ciation of Securities Dealers. Inc . which states they do not necessarily reflect actual transactions or firm bids or offers, but should indicate approximate prices. Boston Wool Market BOSTON. Feb. 7 (>Pi (United States Department of Agriculture).—Most top nakers and manufacturers were so Indif ferent toward domestic wools that holders sere making little effort to close sales on :hr Boston wool market today. Holders who have solicited bids received only a few offers. These bids were con siderably lower than asking prices and holders would not accept them. Asking prices were around 40 to 42 cents, in the grease, delivered for country packed three eighths and Quarter blood bright fleeces, while the scattered bids were around .'18 to 30 cents in the grease. Holders wanted around 00 to 02 cents, scoured basis, for short to average French combing lengths, fine territory wools in original bags, but the few bids were in the range 82 to 85 cents scoured basis, and buyers were not keen for the wool at this level. Think fast, drive slow and you’ll always be able to go. Copper, Lead Prices Reduced At New York By the Associated Press. NEW YORK. Feb. 7.—Cash copper and lead were reduced In metal markets today. Two leading producers today re duced domestic electrolytic copper for immediate delivery ** cent a pound to 11U cents, New York, and principal supplies cut lead cent to 5-5.05 cents a pound, New York. Both metals moved up sharply last year when the trade anticipated European war. But since the start of 1940 both have been sliding lower in domestic markets. Copper was selling at 10 cents a pound at mid-1939, then climbed in a series of advances to 12'i cents in October, a quotation maintained until markdowns began in January this year. Lead, selling at 4 cents a pound, New York, in May of last year, climbed to a high of 5V2 cents last September. This quotation held until late last month, when the price was pared to 5 *4 cents. Chevrolet Sales Rise Above January, 1939 Bs the Associated Press. DETROIT, Feb. 7.—The Chevrolet division of General Motors Corp. re ported today that its January retail sales of new vehicles totaled 73,328 units, an increase of 21,326 over the like month a year ago. It reported used car sales last month at 118,272, approximately 3.800 more than those of January, 1939. Oldsmobile today reported its Jan uary sales of new vehicles as 12,307 compared with 10563 units for the corresponding month a year ago. f <§ * f Stocks Advance Over Wide Area; Industrials Lead Trading Is Sluggish, With Transactions At 500,000 Rate Stock Averages an is is «n Indust.Rails. Util.Sties. Net change +2 -t-.l +.1 +.1 Today, noon 70.6 18.9 39.3 49.7 Prev. day.. 70.4 18.8 39.2 49.6 Month ago. 72.7 19.8 40.3 512 Year ago .. 722 20.9 37.8 50.6 1940 high.. 74 2 20.5 40.6 52 2 1940 low_ 69.9 18.6 39.1 49.2 1939 high.. 77.0 23.8 40.6 53.9 1939 low_ 58.8 15.7 33.7 41.6 60-Stock Range Since 1927: 1937-38. 1932-36. 1927-29 High ... 75.3 72.8 157.7 Low 33.7 16.9 61.8 (Compiled by the Associated Press.) w r » ivswiv t-1. Associated Press Financial Writer. NEW YORK. Feb. 7—Stocks ad vanced by fractions over a wide area today. Metals and industrials made the best gains, but plus signs showed in virtually every section of the board near the fifth hour on the basis of sluggish trading. Transac tions were at the rate of approxi mately 500.000 shares. Share gainers included American Smelting. Kennecott. Cerro De Pasco, American Can. Westinghouse. Dow Chemical. Allied Chemical. Union Carbide, Montgomery Ward. Sears Roebuck and Continental Can. Brooklyn - Manhattan Transit, moving actively, reached a new 1939 40 high. Chicago Grain Ev the Associated Press. CHICAGO. Feb. 7.—Temporr strength which the wheat mark derived today from reports of im proved flour demand faded in the final hour and prices slipped frac tionally lower. Profit taking inspired bv recent small price gains and prospects of fresh rain or snow over much of the grain belt the next 24 hours weak ened the market. Wheat closed cent lower than yesterday. May 98-98'8, July 95?g-!2; corn, U-v* down. May 56!8 56, July 56; oats, i8-38 higher. WHEAT— Open. Hieh. Low. Close. May .98s, .99', .98 .98-981, July .. _ .951, .96'a .95*, .Bo3,-1., Sep .95 .953, .943, ,943. CORN— May . 5«3, 563/« .58 .56',-56 July .56', ,563, .56 .56 Sep . 563, .56’-, .56', ,56V* OATS— May _ .39 .39s, .39 39Vi July .34', ,34'2 .34', .34 V, Sep .32', 32s, .32 V, ,32s. SOY BEANS— May 1 94", 1.05 1 04'., 1 04V« July 1.03 1.03', 1.02 1 OS RYE— May _.653, .66', ,65'a .65s, July .65', .65’, 64s, .64’, Sep. -.66', .663, -653» .65 *, LARD— Mar..6.IT 6.22 6,17 6 22 May _ 6.35 6.3? 6 .35 6.3? July _ 6.55 6.57 6.55 6 5? Sep. _ 6.72 6 75 6.72 6 75 Oct ... 6 80 < BELLIES— Mar. _ _ _ 5 80 May _ _ _ 610 No cash wheat sales. Corn—No. 2 mixed. 58'i: No 3. 58',: No. 1 vellow, 58-59: No. 2, 57s,-5S3,. No. 3. 5?',: No. 4. 57V^. Oats—Sample red. 40",: No. 2 mixed, 42',-',. sample xrade mixed 39',: No. 2 white. 43Vi: No 3. 423,-43, sample . (trade white. 41 >,-3, Barley—Maltina 55-64 nominal: feed. 40-50 nominal; No. l barley. 60. No. 3. 62 Field seed—Per loo pounds, nominal. Timothy seed—4.90-5,25. Sweet clover—4.50-5.25 Red clover—12 50.15.00. Red top—8,50-9.00. Alsilte—15.00-18.00 Alfalfa—18.00-23 00 Winnipeg Prices. WINNIPEG. Peb. 7 'iP'—Grain today: Prev Wheat— High. Los- Cloee Close. May -.S53, .R5i, s.5>,i r,v ! -July - .86*2 .88 .88 R8i, : Oct. -.8>H .87 .87 ,87'i i Oats— | May _ -.41 ,403, ,40'g ,40’« New York Cotton By the Associated Press. NEW YORK. Feb. 7.—Cotton fu tures opened 1 to 4 lower. After opening slightly lower the market recovered to around pre vious closing levels on further trade price fixing and buying by local ' professionals on a steadier Liver pool market. A leading spot interest who sold March actively yesterday was again offering this position on each point advance. . Around midmtyning, except for the December contract, which was down 5 on an early sale at 9.48, the list held net gains of 1 to 4 points; March < old), 10.94; May (oldi, 10.64; October. 9.66. March position eased a point or two under local realizing and scat tered liquidation. Others held steady at small net gains around midday. Occasional trade price fix ation met only light offerings. March was quoted 1 higher at 10.94 and October was ahead 3 at 9.65. Cottonseed Oil. Firmness of allied markets stim ulated commission house buying in bleachable cottonseed oil futures to day. Strength in crude oil checked pressure and the market advanced 3 to 6 points by midday. March was ahead 5 at 6.89 and May gained 4 at 7.01. Crude oil sold at 6 cents a pound in North Carolina. Fair sales were reported in the valley at 57g. Texas quoted at b%, nominal. Dry Goods Market NEW YORK. Feb. 7 i/Pk—Worth street cotton goods dealers said today consumer demand for finished goods has not ex panded sufficiently to absorb the surplus supplies accumulated during the heavy buying last September. Selling agents reported continuation of the quiet conditions of the past few weeks, with only scattered fill-in buying coming t from leading converters and domestic manufacturers. Prices, while holding mainly to last week's established levels, were shaded in some instances by various mills. Activity in rayon goods was confined mainly to box loom weaves and spun rayon blends Silk weavers waited for some measure of stability in the raw silk market and fabrics continued to meet limited buy ing. The woolen market had a fair de mand for women’s wear goods. New York Metals NEW YORK. Feb. 7 ppi.—Copper cagy: electrolytic soot. 11 25 export, f.a.s. New York. 11.50. Tin barely steady: spot and nearby 45.12V4; forward. 44.37V4. Lead easy; soot. New York. 5.00-5.05: East St. Louis. 4.85. Zinc steady: East 8t. Loupts. spot and forward. 5.50. Quicksilver. 180.00-182.00. nominal. Plx Iron, alumi num. antimony, platinum. Chinese wolf ramite and domestic scheeltte unchanged. Freight Carloadings NEW YORK. Feb. 7 i/P<.—Revenue * freight carloadings on railroads reporting today for the week ended February 3 In cluded: t Feb. 3. Prev. Wk. Yr. Ago. Nor. A West 24.015 24.OOP IP.789 Wabash _ 15.050 Ches A Ohh*_31.940 Nickel Plate ... 10.004 Pere MarQ_11.742 k ,