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Richmond Bank Notes Wholesale Trade Rise In December Over '38 Retail Furniture Sales In Capital Also Up, Same Review Reveals By EDWARD C. STONE. Reports from 169 wholesale firms In the Fifth Federal Reserve District for December show a gain of 6 per cent over December, 1938, and dis close that electrical goods, with a 36 per cent rise, led all other lines in demand, according to the monthly review just issued by the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond. Industrial supplies came second In demand with a 24 per cent jump, paper and paper products stood third in the list with an advance of 10 per cent over the previous year, while auto supplies and heating and plumbing tied for fourth place, ex periencing a pick-up of 9 per cent, the bank review revealed. The December demand for drugs was 4 per cent ahead of the previous year, hardware 6 per cent, groceries 3 per cent, tobacco products 3 per cent and miscellaneous sales 8 per cent. Only two lines fell behind 1938. wholesale demand for shoes being off 16 per cent and dry goods 10 per cent, the Richmond report stated. The same review said that retail sales of furniture in Washington in December were 3.1 per cent ahead of December. 1938, and for the full year were 5.9 per cent better than in 1938. Maryland reported a 10.3 per certt upswing and Virginia 5.9 per cent, just the same as Washington. Retail furniture sales in the Carolinas showed much greater increases, making the fifth district gains 13 per cent for December and 10 for the full year, the survey said. Wilson 40 Years With Bank. E. Percival Wilson, secretary of the National Savings <fc Trust Co. will have been with the bank 40 years tomorrow, it was learned in the financial district today. In^ead of pre senting him with a loving cup or some other present, his as sociates have arranged a trip to Florida for both Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, to be taken at once. Born in Wash ington on April 11.1879. Mr. Wil son was edu- Percival Wilson, cated in the District public schools and graduated from Central High School. He entered the employ of the trust company in 1900. when Thomas R. Jones was president, his first job being that of runner. As Boon as he entered banking, he took special courses at George Washing ton University and in Washington Chapter, American Institute of Banking, being a charter member and president of the chapter in 1908. Mr. Wilson advanced rapidly to the positions of note teller, assistant treasurer and assistant secretary, being elected secretary in 1918, suc ceeding the late Charles E. Nyman. He is a member of All Souls' Uni tarian Church. Former S. E. C. Adviser. Francis A. Bonner, recently elected chairman of the Board of Governors of the National Associa tion of Secur ities Dealers, is vice president of Blair. Bonner & Co.. Chicago, and a former adviser to the Securities and Exchange Com mission on over the-counter trading under the Maloney Act. He is a former newspaperman. Mr. Bonner entered the in i' rands a. Bonner vestment bank ing field in 1918 with Lee Higgin ination department in Chicago. He was president of Bonner. Troxell & Co.. Chicago, from 1932 to 1934 and then entered Blair, Bonner & Co. D. C. Office Has Good Gain. In the 90th annual statement of the National Life Insurance Co., Montpelier. Vt., President Elbert S. Brigham says the company con tinued to increase its city mortgage loan investment and this accounts to a great extent for the mainte nance of favorable interest earnings. Favorable experience with F. H. A. loans has continued, the presi dents says. Investment in these loans totaled $50,755,385 on Decem ber 31. 1939. Purchases since 1935 have aggregated $57,943,758 invested in 8.886 loans. Complete lore closures totaled 18. or only two tenths of 1 per cent, a most inter esting record. During the year assets, dividend.? paid policyholders, insurance in force and reserves, all showed in creases over 1938. So far as the Washington office is concerned, Theodore W. Cook reports a gain of 20 per cent in new business in 1939. New Vice President Elected. Charles A. Carry, who has been a director in the Eastern Building & Loan Association, was elected vice president at the annual meeting yesterday to succeed the late Clar ence F. Donohoe. William N. Payne, jr.. was again named president; R. Edward Early, secretary; William H. Harrison, treasurer; Alfred Keir, assistant treasurer, and Arthur G. Bishop, at torney. Resources passed the $4,000,000 mark during 1939, an increase of $960,000; surplus was increased 50 per cent, while real estate loans totaling $1,921,850 represented 323 transactions, Secretary Early re ported to the shareholders. Bippard to Address Auditors. William H. Rippard. auditor of the Perpetual Building Association, will address the auditors' section of the District Bankers Association on '‘Handling of Real Estate Loans and Auditing" at the monthly dinner meeting this evening at the Lee House. Chairman H. Norman Glasco Will preside. Washington Gas Light common stock was again in demand on the Washington Stock Exchange today, selling at 28 78. unchanged. The day’s turnover involved 45 shares. The bid on Washington Railway ft Electric common stock has dropped from $780 a share back to $750 a share, with none offered at any figure. TRANSACTIONS ON THE NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE By Private Wire Direct to TBs star. 2:30 p.m. Prev. '30-'40 Stock and Sales— Net. High Low. Dividend Rale Add 00. High. Low. 2:55. chge. 71', 63 Abbott Lab (1.80a) 2 70 6974 70 ]49', 120 Abbott Lab pf 4.50. 50* 147 147 147 +214 5614 31(4 Acme Steel (3a)_ 5 461, 451, 46', +114 111, 6'4 Adams Exp <.25g).. 2 77, 7*4 7’, + 14 68 45', Air Reduction (la). 17 50>« 49S 501, +1 10 6(4 Alaska Juneau 15e. 6 6V, 6', 6', - 14 2 H Allegnany Corp .. 2 1 74 1 + Hi 2014 5*4 Allegh’y *30 pf ww. 15 1314 1214 13H+1 1814 4>4 Allegh'y *40 pf xw. 1 111, 107, 1114+114 18 414 Alleghany pf xw— 2 11 Ik 1114 1114+1 23(4 8 Allegh'y prior pf... 2 1614 1414 1614+2 21? 14 14 Alleg-Ludlum 60g. 20 227, 217, 22*4+114 1174 6*4 Allen lndust (lg)_ 6 10** 1074 10*4 + *» 2001, 1517, Allied Chem (6a)... 7 17714 176 17714 +1** 1474 1 0 Allied Kid (.80)_ 2 14 14 14+1* lSVk 91, Allied Mills llg)-_. 1 14*4 14*4 14*4+74 11*, 6 Allied Stores .. . 12 8»* 814 8*4 48*, 28 Allls-Chalmers .25e. 11 38 37*, 38 + V4 3*i 114 Amalg Leather .. 4 174 1*4 174 + 14 21 12 Amalg Leather pf_ 1 15(4 151, 151, 49*. 16*4 Am Airlines _ 7 487, 481, 48*4 + 7, 17*4 9*4 Am Bank Note_ 3 11 10*4 11 +7, 67*4 31*4 Am Brake Sb (la).. 2 421, 42 42', +11, 11614 83L Am Can (4) ... 6 1147-4 113S 1141* +114 4014 167-4 Am Car* Foundry. 11 26'. 25 26*4 +174 64 3014 Am Car & Fdry pf.. 3 46 45 46 +2 25(4 137, Am Chain & C 40e . 9 211, 20', 2114 + 1, 136 1091, Am Chicle (4a)_ 1 136', 136', 136', +1 8*4 5 Am Colortype . 12 7*4 71* 7*4 + 14 117, 514 Am Comc’l Alcohol- 1 6*4 6*4 6*4 + 74 1H'4 614 Am Crystal Sugar.. 2 11', 117, ll'j + V* 5*» 2*> Am Encaustic Til_ 1 2', 2', 2*» + 14 3', 1*4 Am & Foreign Pwr. 2 l7, 1*4 l7, + 14 8 2% Am Hide & Leather. 3 5% 5 5% + % 60% 414* Am Home Pr (2.40). 2 57% 67% 57%-% 3% 1% Am Ice __ 2 2% 2% 2% 29% 14% Am Ice pf.. _ 1 28% 28% 28% 9 3% Am International_ 2 5% 5% 5% + % 30% 13 Am Locomotive .. 9 19% 18% 19% + % 79% 41 Am Locomotive pf. 4 53% 53 53%+ % 15% 11 Am Mach & Fy(.SO) 1 13% 13% 13% 5% 2% Am Mach & Metals. 2 3% 3 3% + % 40% 22% Am Metals (.75e) 7 24 23% 24 + % 26 21% Am News <.25e> ...120* 24% 24% 24%-% 7 3% Am Power & Light. 4 4 3% 4 + % 54 28 Am P&LS5pf.9375k 7 46% 47'., 46% + S 63% 32 Am P&L$6pf 1.125k 5 55% 55 55% + % 18% 8% Am Radiator 3Ug . 55 10 9% 9% + % 22*» 11% Am Rolling Mills 13 15% 15 15%+% 15% 10% Am Safety Raz 1.20 1 12% 12% 12% 20 9 Am Seating <50g> 2 9% 9% 9% + % 46% 25% Am Ship Bldg 1.50g 20a 32 31 32 +1% 63 35% Am Sm & Ref ,50e . 15 50% 49% 50% +1 146% 127', Am Sm & R pf (7) . 1 146 146 146 + % 41 20% Am Steel Fdry .25e. 12 30 28% 30 +1% 14%' 8% Am Stores (,50g) 2 12% 12% 12% 34%' 15V* Am Sugar Refining. 2 20 19% 20 + % 172% 148 Am Tel & Tel (9) .. 5 171% 171 171% + % 89 73 Am Tobacco (5).. x 1 87 87 87 y0% 75% Am Tobacco(B)(5) x 7 89% 88% 89% +1 8% 4% Am Type Founders. 2 5% 5% 5% + % 14% 8% Am Water Works . 17 10% 9% 10% + % 99 78 Am W W 1st pf (6). 1 97% 97% 97%-% 15% 3% Am Woolen . 2 8% 8% 8% + % 64% 28% Am Woolen pf (3k). 3 47 45% 47 +3 12 4 Am Zinc ... 1 5% 5% 5% 40 20% Anaconda (1.25g> . 26 28% 27 28% + % 54% 35 Anaconda Wire & C. 3 36% 36 36 + % 27% 13% Anchor Hoc G1 70g 6 20% 19% 19% - % 114'% 111 Anchor H G pf 6.50. 10s 113% 113% 113% 109% 97 ArinourtDel )pf(7). 1 108 108 108 - % 8% 3% Armour (111) .. 20 5% 5% 5% + % 60 33% Armour' 111 tpr pf . 2 50% 50 50% +1% 58 31% Armstrong C’k ,25e. 4 40% 40% 40% + % 10% 5% Artloom Corp . 3 9% 9% 9% + % 10% 5% Assoc Drv Goods 5 7% 7% 7% +■ % 42% 21 Atch Top&Sante Fe 41 24% 23% 24% + % 71 49% Atch T&SF pf 2.50e 4 54% 54 51% + % 30% 15 At) Coast Line .. 15 .'II 19% 19% + % 24% 18% Ati Refining il)_ .5 22% 22% 22% + % 9% 7 Atlas Corp I 50g) . 25 8% 8% 8% + % 71 50 Atlas Powder <3g) 3 7l) 69 70 +1% 127 116 Atlas Powder pf (5) 100s 122 121% 121% - % 5% 1(, Auburn Auto (r)... 3 2 1% 1% — % 3in 2 Austin Nichols 2 2',. 2% 2% + % 30'-, 1« Austin Nich pf (A) 180s 21 20 21 +1 9% 3* Aviation Corp 36 7* 6* 7% + Vi 21% 9'. Baldwin Loco ctrs- 27 16% 15% 16% + % 8% 35, Balto & Ohio <r) ... 9 5% 5% 5% -t- % llVi 4% Balto & Ohio pf fr). 11 7 6% 7 + Vi 30* 11 !j Bangor& Arstook 1 12% 12% 12% — % 87% 45 Bangor & Ar pf (5). 20s 45% 45% 45% — Vt 21% 10% Barber Asphalt.25e 1 14% 14", 14% 13 6 Barker Bros 25g 2 8% 8 8% + ", 33 24% Barker Bros pf 2.75 150s 27% 26% 26%—1 19* 11% Barnsdall Oil .15e 4 12% 11* 12 - Vi 29% 15V. Bayuk Cigar I 75a) 27 30% 29% 30% + %| 29% 17 Beatrice Cres I la) 2 28% 28% 28%+ % 33% 16* Bendix Aviat'n .50e 4u 31% 30% 31% + % 22* 17* Beneficial Ln I 85g 9 22% 22 22 57* 32 Best & Co (1 60a i 1 37 37 37 100 . 0% Bethlehem Stl (le) x 25 77 74* 77 +1% 206 15* Beth Stl b% nf < 1) 11 206 206 206 121 99% Beih Steel pf i7> 15 117* 117% 117% + V« 34* 15* Bigelow Sanf'd(le) 1 31% 31% 31% 17* 8* Blaw Knox 8 10% 10'. 10% + V, 36* 13% Bliss & Laugh 2.50g 3 18* 18% 18*+% 34% 16* Boeing Airplane 27 24* 23% 24% -rl 28* 16 Bohn Alum & B (1) 2 24% 24 24% + % 123* 100* Bon Ami (A) (4a)... 10s 118% 118% 118% + % 65 51 Bon Ami(B)2.50a.. 20s 63* 63* 63V, — % 24 12% Bond Stores 1.60a.. 1 22% 22% 22% 23% 16* Borden Co <30e> .. 4 23% 23% 23% - % 32 18% Borg-Warner .25e._ 18 23% 22% 23%+ % 35% 19', Bower Roll B (3) .. 1 33 33 33 7% 5% Brewing Corp (.60) 6 6% 6% 6% 15* 7% Bridgeport Brass.. 7 lit* 11 11%+ % 31* 16% Brigga Mfg 1.25g 3 21% 21 21%+% 18% 7% Bklyn-Man Transit 120 18* 17* 17*-% 585, 27 Bklyn-Man Tran pf 11 59% 59 59* + * 57 39 BHyn Man pf ctfs 6 57 56% 56% - % 2 1* Bklyn & Queens 6 1* 1% 1* - % 18 5* Bklyn & Queens pf 1 17* 17% 17* — V. 16% 11 Bklyn&Qu'ns pf cfs 3 15, 15 15 -1 30% 13* Bklyn Cn Gas ,25e 5 23 22% 23 + % 25% 9% Brunsu u k-B 2 Tag 4 23 . 23% 23* 13* 7 Bucyiux-Eriei f.Og) 7 10 9* 10 + Vi 106* 94". Bucyrux-E pf (7) 20s 101 104 104 4 Kudil Mfg 4 5% 5% 4- u .'5% 29% Budd Mfg pf. 40.- 40% 40 40%+ % 6% :i Budd Wheel ... 6 5% 5% 5% + % :?0 15% Bullard Co (.Hag) .. 7 24% 23% 24% +1% 34% 21% Bulova Watch ilia) 1 29% 29% 29% + % 21% 11% Burlington M (1) . 10 19', 18% 19%+% 18% 11 Burr’s Add M .10e 4 12 11% 12 + % 9% 5% Butler Bros (.15e) x 2 7 6% 6% 6% 2% Butte Copper _ 11 3% 3% 3% — % 16% 7 Byers (A Ml Co 9 12% 12% 12% + % 84% 25% Byers(AM) pf 2.16k 20s 70 69 70 17% UV* Byron Jackson (11. 1 13% 13% 13%+% 30 13% California Packing. 18 26% 25% 26% + % 3% v, Callahan Zinc 6 1% 1% 1% 10% 4% Calumet & Hec ,25e 1 6% 6% 6% + % 17% 9Vii CampbTl Wya’t .40e 5 14% 14 14%+% 21% 12 Canada Dry (.50g). 42 21% 20% 21 -% 6% 3% Canadian Pacific . S3 5% 5 5% + % 41% 29% Cannon Mills 2.25g. 1 39 39 39 43 35 Cap Admin pf A(3). 10s 39% 39% 39%+ % 88 77 Caro-Clln & O <5)._ 10s 89% 89% 89% +1% 94% 63% Case (J 11 Co .. 2 69% 69% 69%+% 64% 38% Caterpillar Trac(2) 5 50% 49% 50%+ % 30% 13% Celanese Corp .50g. 55 28% 27% 28% + T« 114% 84 Celanese pr pf l7).. 40s 113 113 113 + % 19% 7", Celotex Corp 8 10% 9% 10% + % 30*4 18% Cent Aguirre (1.50) 1 22% 22% 22% + % 5% 2% Central Foundry . 3 3 3 3 + % 14% 3% Cent Violeta (,25g). 2 7% 7% 7% — % 52% 32 Cerrode Pasco (le) 3 37% 37% 37% — % 13 5% Certain-teed 1 6% 6% 6% — % 47% 22 Certain teed of 220s 29'. 29% 29',+ % 3(1 17 Champ P & F (,10g) 2 23% 23 23 - % 29% 3% Chesapeake Corp (r) 1 4% 4% 4% 47% 27 Ches & Ohio 2 50a). 3 40% 40% 40% + % 97% 85% Ches & Ohio pf (4). 1 96 96 96 - % % % Chi M St P&P (r)5 % % v* 1% % Chi it Northwn ir). 1 ik Ik fk + A 3% % Chi & Northwn pf(r 2 1 1 1 + % 20% 10 Chi Pneu Tool -. 2 13% 13%, 13% - % 9% 7% Chi Yellow Cab (1). 19 9 9 13% 4% Childs Co ... 7 4% 4% 4% - % 94*, 53'* Chrysler Corp (5g). 60 85% 82% 85% +1% 14% 9 City Ice* F (1.20). 2 13% 13% 13%+% 98 79 City 1 & F pf(6.50). 30a 98 98 98 34% 15 Clark Equip 2.25g - 5 32% 30% 32% 4 3 39% 20’, Clev Graphite 2.50g 8 38% 38 38%+ % 60% 34% Climax Mollb 1.20a. 16 38% 37% 38% + % 40% 21V* Cluett Peab 2.75g .. 14 40% 40 40V4 + % 13.7 12 < Cluett Peab pf (7).. 50s 140 139V, 140 + 9V4 18% 11% Colgate-Pal-P .50... 36 18 17% 17% 107 101% Colg-Pal-P pf (6) 1 106% 106% 106%- % 371? 20% Collins & Aikm'n 2e x 2 33 32Vi 33 - % 111% 100 Collins & Aik pf(5). 10s 111 111 111 24V, 11V4 Colo Fuel & Iron _. 1 19% 19 19% +1% 9% 3V, Colo & So 1st pf .. 80s 4% 4% 4% + Vi 25% 14 Cclum BC(A)1.50g. 16 25% 247i 25% +1 25% 14 Colum BC(B)1.50g. 13 25% 24% 26% +1 9 6V» Columbia Gas & El. 9 6% 6% 6% 15*4 6% Columb Pic vtc ..2 7 7 7 30% 15% Columb Pic pf 2.75.. 1 22 22 22 + % 96 73 Columb'n Car 4.50g. 2 88% 88 88% + % 67 38% Cornel Credit (4)—- l« 4Y% «i% *Y% 60 42 Cornel lnv Tr (4)_ 2 6414 64% 64% — % 16 8% Cornel Solvents _ 25 14% 14 14% % % 32% 25% Comwlth Ed <1.80). 20 32% 32% 32% - % 2% 1% Comwlth * South’n. 13 1% 1% 1% — % 73% 45% Comwlth & S pf (3). 2 65 65 65 30% 19 Coneoleum <la)_ 1 23% 23% 23% + % 9% 5 Congress Cigar- 6 9% 9 9% + % 32% 15% Consol Aircraft 17 28% 27% 28% +1 9% 5% Consol Cigar (.75e). 22 8% 8% 8% + % 85 73 Consol Cigar pf <7). 30s 81 80% 81 ■*■ % 11 4% Consol Cop M < 30g) 35 8% 8% 8% + % 35 27 Consol Edison <21. * 30 31% 3IS 31% + % 108% 101% Consol Edis Df <5)_ 2 107% 107% 107% + % 7% 3% Consol Laundries.. 5 4 4 4 9% 6% Consol Oil ( 80) .. 20 7% 7% 7% 9 1% Consolidation Coal 3 3% 3% 3% 17% 9% Container Corp .25e 13 16% 16% 16% + V4 22% 11% Conti Baking (A).. 2 14 13% 14 + % 2 1 Conti Baking <B) 4 1% 1 1% + % 100 87% Conti Baking pf <8) 1 95 95 95 51% 32% Conti Can <.50e)_ 11 45 44% 45 +% 10% 5 Conti Diamond - 2 7 6% 7 + W 40% 29% Conti insur < 1.60a). 3 40% 40% 40%+% 5% IS Conti Motor _ 81 4% 4% 4% + % 31% 19% Conti Oil <.25e)_ 10 24% 24% 24% - % 32% 16% Conti Steel <2g)_ 8 28 27% 28 +1 61% 49 Corn Exchange (3). 10s 54% 54% 64%+ % 67% 64% Corn Products (I)_. 2 63% 63% 68% + % , _L .:.iu p.m. Prev. '3f)-'40 Stock and Sales— Net. Hiah. Low. Dividend Rate. Add 00. Hlxh. Low. 2:55. chae. 5% 3 Coty.inoC.50g)- 14 & 5 5 2% H Coty Internatl .20g_ 11 1 1 - % 38 16 CranaCo C.60g) ... 8 22% 22% 22% + % 110 93 CraneCocvpf (5).. 1 100 100 100 -1 13 6% Crosley Corp_ 2 7 6% 7 + % 41% 20% Crown Cork & Seal 19 31% 30% 31% +1% 42% 33 Cr’n C&S pf ww 2.25 90a 43% 42% 43% +1% 41 28 Cr'n C&S pfxw 2.25 2 42 42 42 +1 17% 9 Crown Zeller 25e... 14 16% 16% 16%+ % 94 75 Crown Zeller pf Cl) 10a 91% 91% 91%+% 62% 24% Crucible Steel_ 8 38% 37% 38% +1% 13 3 Cuban Am Sugar_ 2 7 6% 7 + % 93 48 Cub Am S pf (2k).. 10a 81 81 84 +4 28% 26 Cuneo Press 375e_ 1 26% 26% 26% + % 7% 3% Curtis Publishing.. 2 4 4 4 63% 38 Curtis Pub pf (Ik). 1 44% 44% 44%+% 13% 4% Curtiss-Wright. .. 118 10% 10% 10% + % 32% 19% Curtiss-Wr(A)(2g) 5 29% 29% 29%+% 91 73% Cush'n *7 pf 4.37k . 10* 87 87 87 25 13% Cutler Hamm'r75g. 8 19% 19 19%+% 10% 4% Davison Chemical.. 1 8 8 8 + % 26% 16% Deere & Co C.75g)_ 19 21% 20% 21%+% 28 12% Dei & Hudson_ 7 20% 19% 20% +1% 8% 3% Del Lack & Wn_ 4 5% 5 5% + % 125% 103 Detroit Edison (2e) 1 122% 122% 122% 32% 18 Devoe & Ray A ,25e 140* 21% 21% 21% - % 44% 36% Diamond M pf 1.60. a 1 42 42 42 - % 10% 5% Diam T Mot .10g_ 2 9 8% 9 + % 20% 13% Distill-Seagr (2) ... 5 19% 19% 19%+ % 90 66 Distil Seagr pf (5). 1 80 80 80 13% 9% Dixie-Vortex (lg) . 4 13% 13% 13% + % 35% 30 Dixie-Vort A) (2.60) 550* 35% 35% 35% + % 22% 10 Qoehler Die Casting 2 19 18% 19 + % 34 20% Dome Mines (2) ... 13 22% 22 22 + % 87% 55 Douglas Air (3g)... 29 85 82% 85 +2% 17i» 6 nrnsKPr Mfe (.75a). 15 18 17% 17% + % 9% 5% Dunhill lnternatl... 1 5% 5% 5% 188% 126% Du Pont <7g)_ 16 182 181% 182 + % 124% 112 Du Pont pf (4.50>._ 2 123% 122% 123% 31% 12% Eastern Air Lines.. 28 31% 30% 31% + % 8% 3% Eastn Roll Mills 1 5% 5% 5% 186% 138% Eastman Kodak (6) 2 169% 158 159% +1 32% 15% Eaton Mfg <-75e) .. 9 31% 31 31% + % 19% 15 Edison Bros S (la). 1 17 17 17 -% 40% 22% Elec Auto Llte(3g). 6 36% 36% 36% + % 18% 8% Electric Boat(.60g). 6 15% 15% 15%+ % 12% 6% Elec Pwr & Light . 6 6% 6% 6% + % 38 18% Elec Pwr & Lt $6 pf 3 26% 26 26%-% 41% 20% Elec Pwr & Lt J7 pf 9 30', 30 30%, % 42% 28 El Paso Nat G (2).. 4 38% 37% 38%+ % 13% 7 Eng Pub Service 10 9% 9% 9% 89 65% Eng Pub Svc pf 5.50 1 82 82 82 -2% 3 1 Erie P.R (r) ... 1 1% 1% 1% 6 1% Erie RR 1st pf (r).. 7 2% 2% 2% + % 5% 3% Eureka Vacuum Cl. 3 4% 4% 4% + % 13 6 Evans Products_ 1 8% 8% 8% + % 26% 14% Ex-Cell-O (lg)_ 5 23% 23 23 +% 2% ", Exchange Buffet_ 1 % % % 8% 2% Fairbanks Co pf_ 20s 4% 4% 4% — % 43% 24 Fairbks Morse (la). 3 39', 39% 39% + % 38% 20 Fajardo Sugar .50e 5 26% 26% 26% + % 18% 11 Fed Lt & Trac (lg). I 16% 16% 16%+ % 100% 81 Fed Lt&Trpf (6) . 10s 98% 98% 98% +1 31% 24 Fed Min & Sm 1.50* 1 24 "24 24 - % 6% 2% Fed Motor Truck . 2 4% 4% 4% 1% % Fed Water Svc (A). 1 % % % + % 27% 18% Federat Dep St .50e. 1 22% 22% 22%+% 23% 14% Ferro Enamel (la). 2 18% 18% 18% + % 40% 27% Fidelity Phoe 1.60a. 3 40% 39% 40% + % 25% 17% Firestone Tire .25e. 3 20% 20 20!, + % 61 38% First Natl Sirs 2.50. 6 44 44 44 31% 15 Flintkote (lg). .. 9 19% 19% 19% + % 38 25 Florence StoveCig) 2 35% 35 35!, + % 37% 21 Food Mach 1.375* . 1 32% 32% 32% + % 108% 103% Food Mach pf(4.50) 10s 105 105 105 -% 29% 14 Foster Wheeler ... 1 18% 1*% 18% + % 9% 1% Francisco Sugar . 2 4 3 , 4 — % 36 18% Freeport Sulph (1). 7 34% 34 34% + % 3% 1% Gabriel (A) 3 2% 2% 2% + % 5% 2 Gair (Robert)_ 2 3', 3% 3% + % 18s, 7% Gair (Robert) pf_ 1 14% 14% 14% + % 15% 9 Gainewell Co .25e._ 60s 13% 13% 13% — % 7% 3*» Gar Wood Indust . 2 4% 4% 4% + % 9 5% Uen Am Invest .25* 1 6% 6% 6% + % 65 40 GenAmTran 2.375*. 6 54% 64% 54% + % 11 7% Gen Baking (.60)_ 1 7% 7% 7% + % 5% 2% Gen Bronze_ 2 2% 2% 2% lk 9 GenGahle 2 10 9% 1(1 + % 35 174 Gen Cable (A)_ 2 20 194 20 + 4 75 43 Gen Cable pf_ 2 514 514 514 ,24 254 16 Gen Cigar (1.75g)_. 2 184 184 184 1304 106 Gen Cigar pf (7)... 40* 1144 1144 11*44 - 4 444 31 . Gen Electric(1.40g) 51 394 384 39 484 36". Gen Foods (2)_ 6 474 474 474 + 4 14 4 Gen Gas & El (A).. 2 4 99 724 Gen Mills (3.50)_ 1 94 94 94 - 4 1304 1254 Gen Mills pf (5)... 10* 1294 1294 1294 - 4 564 364 Gen Motors (,T5e)-- 78 544 53". 544 + 4 1264 112 Gen Motors pf li)„ 1 1244 1244 1244 + 4 64 34 Gen Outdoor Adv. _. 3 44 44 44 104 7 Gen Print Ink 8Ug.. 3 94 94 94 28 124 Gen Kwy Signal .. 2 174 17!, 174+14 1*. 4 Gen Realty & Util . 1 "« 4 4 41 194 Gen Refractor ,2ie 4 294 284 294 +1". 434 16 Gen Steel Cast pi 30? 29 28 29 +1 224 134 Gen Telephoneila) 7 21 2i 21 + 4 154 84 Ger Thea Eq i.80g) 1 124 124 124 27". 154 Gen Tire&R ib .50e 9 22 4 214 224 +1 84 64 Gillette Sal K t.60). 4 64 64 6), 134 64 Gimbel Bros_.. 9 74 74 74 66V, 43 Gimbel Bros pf (6)- 1 554 554 554 + 4 24V, 14 GUdden Co (,60g)._. 4 184 18 184 + V, 34 24 Gobel (Adolf) _ 16 34 3 3 244 134 GoodrlchlB F)(lg) 6 184 174 184 +1 744 53 Goodrlch(BF)pf(6) 1 65 65 65 +1 384 214 Goodyear Rub ,25e. 5 224 224 224 + 4 1094 87 Goodyear pf (5)_ 1 924 924 924 + 4 54 24 Gotham Silk Hose.. 5 4 34 4 + 4 80 65 Gotham S H pf (7). 20s 66 654 66 14 4 Graham-Palge. .. 4 14 14 14 104 44 Granby Consol .25e. 1 74 74 7", + 4 384 16V, Great North n pf . 18 244 234 244 + 4 224 12V, Gr’t Nor O ctfs ,75e. 6 144 14 144 + 4 374 234 Great Wn Sug (2).. 3 274 274 2*4 + Vfc 354 24V, Green (HL) (2a)... 8 34 334 34 -t- 4 214 144 Greyhound (la)_ 27 164 16s. 164 6 !, Guantanamo Sugar 8 24 24 24 + 4 22", 11 Gulf Mob A Nor pf 2 154 154 154 + !» 38 32 Hack Wat pf (1.75) 120s 354 354 354 20 8 Hall iVV Hi Prtg 11 19 18-. 19 +1 334 17 Harb-Walker .25e 8 25 214 25 + 4 44 2 HayesMfg Corp_ 2 34 34 34 + 4 134 84 flecker Prod .60 _ 15 104 104 104 + V. 1014 63 Hercules P (2.*5g). 2 904 90 904 + 4 135V, 1284 Hercules P pf (6).. 100s 131 131 131 - 4 51 294 Holland Furn (2).. 1 32 32 32 + 4 114 54 Hollander lAl _ 4 6 54 6 21*4 8*« Holly Sugar_ 1 13 13 13 + V4 66!* 47V* Homestake (4.50)_ 13 67*« 54!* 57S + 2*, 1774 87* Houd-Her (B) .75g. 3 127* 127* 12',+ *, 9*, 4!', Houston OH. _ 1 57* 6:« 57*+ V* 35** 21** Hudson Bay 1.75g.. 8 24** 24** 24** + 7, 17* V* Hudson & Manhat_ 1 7* 7* 7* 57* 27* Hudson & Man pf_ 13 3 3 87* 47* Hudson Motor_ 3 57* 6'* 67* + 74 274 *» Hupp Motor-- 17 7* 74 74 207* 9 Illinois Central_ 12 127* 117* 12'* + 74 35 1674 Illinois Central pf_. 1 227* 227, 227,+ 74 297* 167* Indust Rayon .Tog.. 4 267* 267* 26** + 74 131 86 Ingersoll Rand (le) 1 1147* 11414 1147* + 7* 98** 67 Inland Steel (le) ... 2 83', 83', 83', +174 21 974 Inspiration Copper. 7 127, 117* 12*4 + 7* 6 474 Insurshares (.20g). 2 6 6 6 9'4 27* InterboroRT (r) ._ 2 37, 37* 374 4674 177* Interchemical ,40e_. 3 42 42 42 11074 90 Interchem pf (6)_ 30s 110 110 110 + ** 16!* 77* Interlake Iron _ 12 107, 10t* 10** + 74 3V* 17, lntl Agricultural... 2 1:» 1** IT, + 7« 41 16 lntl Agrleul pr pf.. 1 33 33 33 + T* 195** 145 lntl Bus Mach (6a). 1 184 184 184 +1 717* 457* lntl Harvester 1.60. 22 55 53*, 55 +174 87, 3*4 Lntl Hydro-El tA)_. 4 47* 47* 47* 17«» 274 lntl Mercantile Ma. 5 9', 9', 9l« — 7* 65V* 35 lntl Nickel Can (2). 27 36!* 367* 36*» — ** 14*» 67, lntl Paper & Power. 80 14 137, 14 + ** 6874 2574 lntl Paper & Pw pf. 67 59T» 58*, 597, +17* 407, 317* lntl Shoe (1.50a)- 1 347, 34', 34', — 7i 33 19 lntl Silver . _ 1 25', 25', 257* + V* 97* 37* lntl Tel & Teleg- 18 4 37* 4 + 7, 147, 7!» Interstate Dept„Str. 1 9', 97* 9>* + ** 10** 7V* Intertype Corp ,40g. 4 87* 8V, 8V* + 7* 32*4 18 Island Crk Coal (2). 2 257, 257, 25',+ 7, 18 13 Jarvis <WB) 1.60g_. 2 15** 157* 15**+ V* 105 59 Johns-Manv 2.75g_ 3 72 717* 717, + 7, 133 122 Johns Manv pf (7). 10s 125 125 125 83 36 Jones & Laughlin pt 1 59 59 59 + 74 19M, 13 Kalamazoo Stov .50 1 1474 1474 1474 + 74 12 1 74 1177, Kan CP&L 1st B(6) 40s 120 120 120 - 7, 11', 57, Kansas City Sou 4 7 7 7 + 74 24 11 Kans City So pf(lg) 1 17 17 17 -1 18 127* Kayser (J) 25e . x 1 13 13 13 — S 14** 77, Kelsey-Hayes (A). 1 11'* 117* 117* + V, 1074 5 Kelsey Hayes (B).. 1 6*« 6*, 67, + *» 46'* 28 Kennecott Cop(2g). 30 36 35** 367* 167* 8*4 Keystone Stl 80g... 1 14 14 14 + t* 4 1*4 Kinney <G R) _ 1 27* 27* 2!* + 74 31 127, Kinney *5 pf (3g)_. 10s 30', 307* 30t, +17, 267* 20 Kresge (SS) 1.20a.. 8 25), 25*» 25**, 29** 237* Kress (S HH1.60).. 3 267* 2674 267* 297, 207* Kroger Groc (1.60). 4 29 287* 29 + 7* 187* 14 Lambert (.375e)___. 1 1674 1674 1674 + 7* 377* 25 Lee Rub & T (,75e). 2 337* 33'+ 337* + V* 25 17 Leh Port Cmt .375e. 1 227* 227* 22'+ 118 109H Leh Port C pf 14) 100s 112 112 112 +1 3V* 4 Leh Valley Coal_ 1111 8*. IV. Leh Valley Coal pf. I 34 34 34 + Vi 64 24 Leh Valley RR (r). 10 3H 34 34+4 274 20 Lehman Corp .20e.. 8 22 214 22+4 *24 23 Lerner Stores (2).. 1 274 274 274 - Vi 664 364 Libbey-Ow-F(.50e). 17 504 494 50 + 4 10 44 Libby McN & Lib .. 36 74 74 74 + 4 1094 95Vi Ligg & Myers(B)4a 3 1084 1074 1074 - 4 204 15 Lily Tulip Cup 1.20. 1 20 20 20 +4 404 %04 Lima Locomotive.- 3 27 264 27 +14 47 314 Link Belt (1)_x 1 374 374 374 +4 204 10 Lion Oil Ref (1). 1 124 124 124 -4 19 134 Liquid Carb&C.25e 1 164 164 164 364 184 Lockheed Alrc (lg) 83 314 31 314 + 4 544 304 Loew's. Ino (2)_ 12 364 354 364 254 6 Loft Inc 46 244 24 244 + 4 62 884 Lone Star Cmt(3a). 3 444 444 444 64 2 Long Bell (A) _ 1 34 34 34 -4 110 105 Loose-Wiles pf (5). 10s 1074 1074 1074 25 194 Lorlllard <1.40g)._. 1 244 244 244 1594 138 Lorlllard pf (7)_ 10s 158 158 158 -1 214 154 Louis G*E(A)1.50. 8 18 174 174-4 67 364 Louis* Nash 1.25e. 3 59Vi 594 594 +4 35 28 MacAnd * Forb(2a) 2 34 34 34 834 18 Mack Trucks .60g_- 6 254 254 264 +4 434 254 Macy (RH) Co .50#.a 5 284 284 284 +14 40 254 MagmaCop(2.75g). 1 35 85 35 ti zmup.iii. Prev. ’3fl-’40 Stock and Sales— "**• Hleh. Low. Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low. 2:55. chte. 6S 1 Manatl Sugar _ 13 3 3+44 7** 5 Mandell Bros(.45g) 1 6*4 6*4 6*4-44 16 5 Man Ry mod gtd (r) 6 15*4 1544 1544 “ 44 16 12*. Man Ry m gtd ct(r) 6 15*4 1544 15*4 16vt 10 Manhat Shirt (1) * 1 15 15 15 + 44 6+4 4 44 Marine Mldl’d .10# 16 5 5 6 + 44 8'4 3*. Market St Ry pr pf 80a 5 6 5 17*4 9*4 Marshall Field .30* 14 14 13*4 1344+44 45*. 26'* Martin (Glenn) lg_ 84 4144 39*» 4144 +244 10*4 2 Martin Parry - 11 9 84* 9 57'a 30 Masonite Corp (la). 1 38*4 38S 38*4 + *4 37*4 20*4 Math Alklil (1.50).. 30 30 2944 30 + 44 63*4 40*4 May Dept Strs (3).. 3 52 52 62 17*. 9*4 McCrory Strs (1).. 8 16 1544 16 + 44 108*4 88 McCrory Strs pf(6) 1 108 108 108 2544 15*4 McGraw Elec (1)... 2 23*. 23*4 23*4 59*4 39 McIntyre Pore (2a) 3 4344 43 43*4 + H 1844 8*4 McKeesport Tin 16 1144 11 11*4 + V* 102*4 88 McLellan pf (6)_ 80s 10U4 10144 10144 14*. 6 Mead Corp 3 10*4 1044 10*. + 44 31*4 2844 Melville Shoe (.50e) 6 314. 3044 31*4 + *4 6*4 3 Mengel Co . 2 514 544 544 + 44 2844 14 Mengel Co 5% pf . 60s 23*. 13*4 23*. + V. 164. 644 Miami Copper (20e) 2 9*. 9*4 9H + >* 18 114. Mid Cunt Pet < 60g) 4 14*4 1444 14*4 +*. 40 18*. Midland Stl P ,50e .. 3 S54. 35 35 + 44 85‘6 44'. Mlnn-Hon Ros (2).. 12 60*4 60 60*4 + *4 6*. 2*. Mlnn-Mollne Imp . 6 4 4 4 + 4» 54 36 Minncap-Moline pf. 1 41 41 41 +2 147« 8*4 Mission Corp (.65k) 1 97» 974 974 — 44 2*. 74 Mo-Kan & Texas 8 4. H ’« 9*4 2*. Mo-Kan & Teias pf 4 37« 3*. 3’. + 4. 24. 4. Mo Pacilic pf (r) 4 *» 61 4i 21 10*. Mohawk Carpet 75g 3 19 17*4 19 +17« Il»'4 OiJ't H1UIIM1II III I.ll I or ■ X »uo-« IVI -J a vu * i * •« 122% 112 Monsanto pf B 4 50. 30* 121% 121% 121% 67% 40% Montg Ward 1.25e . 39 63% 52% 63% + % 19 9% Motor Products . 2 11% 11% 11% + % 17% 10 Motor Wheel (1.60) 2 16% 16% 16%+ % 30 16% Mueller Braas SOg. 3 23% 23% 23% 44% 30 Mullins Mfgpf_ 50* 31 31 31 +1 14% 9 Munslngwear_ 3 12 11% 12 + % 9% 4 Murray Corp_ 19 7% 6% 7% + % 9% 6% Nash-Kelvlnator... 19 6% 6% 6% + % 26% 14 Nash Chat&StL le x 20s 20% 20% 20%+% 18% 7% Nall Acma t.&Og) - 16 15% 15 15V* + % 15 7% Natl Aviation) 75g) 2 12% 12% 12% 28% 21% Natl Biscuit t.40e). 9 24% 2.4% 24% 18% 10% Natl Bd & lnv .80*.. 3 18 18 18 26% 14% Natl Cash Keg (I).. 3 15% 15% 15% + % 18% 12', Natl Dairy t.80) . 14 16% 16% 16%+% 117% 110 Natl Dairy pf A (7) 10s 114 114 114 8% 4% Natl Dept Stores 1 5% 5% 5% — % 6% 4% Natl Dept Stores pf 16 6 6 28% 20% Natl Distillers (2) . 4 24% 24% 24% 16% 8% Natl Gypsumt.Zog) 6 11% 10% 11% + % 106 83 Natl Gyps'm pf 4.50 1 94% 94% 94% -1% 27% 17% Natl Dead I 50a) ... 11 19% 19% 19%+% 35% 14% Natl Malleable lg._ 5 23% 23 23%+% 10 6*# Natl Pwr & Dt 60.. 7 8 7% 8 82 52 Natl Steel (1.70*).. 5 67% 66% 67%+ % 15% 5% Natl Supply . 6 9% 8% 9% + % 59% 33% Natl Supply 5.50 pf. 2 41% 41% 41% +1% 50% 40 Natl Supply 6% pf.. 20* 41 41 41 5% 2% Natl Tea Co . 3 4% 4% 4H + % 11% 8% Natotnas < 80a) 7 9% 9% 9% — H 73% 71% Newmont Min 3.50g 3 73% 72% 73% +1% 17% 8% Newport Indus 2 12% 11% 12% + % 62 27 N Y Air Brake ,50e. 2 46 45 46 +2% 23% 11% NY Central .. 103 17% 16% 17%+% 26% 10% N Y Chi & St Douts. 2 19 18% 19 + % 45% 18% N Y Chi & St D pf.. 6 34% 33% 34% +1% 10*. 1% N Y Dork _ 1 4% 4% 4% 15% 4% N Y Dork pf .. 1 6% 6*. 6% 118% 106 N Ye Harlem (5)_ 10s 112% 112% 112% -l 1% % N Y N H & H cr) .. 1 % % + % 17 8% ,\ Y Shipbuilding 6 14% 14 14*. + % 33% 28% Noblitt Sparks(3g). 1 30% 30% 30*. +1% 218 168 Norfolk & Wnl 10a). 2 215 215 215 +2% 29% 12% Nor Am Avia 1.40g 27 26% 25% 26% +1% 26% 18*. Nor Am Co (1 20a) 13 21% 21% 21% 69 50% No Am 5%f4 pf 2.875 5 56'» 56% 56% + 4* 69% 62% North Am 6% pf t3) 4 57% 56% 57% + % 14*. 7 Northern pacific . 9 8% 8% 8% + % 40 29 Northwest Tel <3).. 50* 33% 33% 33% — 44 6% 2% Norwalk Tire_ 3 4% 4% 4% + V. 10% 6 Ohio Oil _ _ 6 7 6% 7+4 30 14% Oliver Farm Equip 5 19% 19 19%+ T» 113% 100', Omnibus pf (*> . 10s 106% 106% 1064 - 4 27% 15% Otis Elevator(.15e). 3 17% 17% 174+4 16 V, Otis Steel 12 114 10% 11 + % 65% 33 Otis Steel 1st pf ... 3 37 37 37 - 4 29% 16% Outb’4 M & M 40e.. 2 30 30 30 -% 70 50 Ow ens-Ill G1 .50e __ 5 624 61% 62 -% 7% 3 Pac Am Fisheries.. 1 5% 5% 5% + % 7% 2% Pacific Coast _ 10s 6 6 6 15% 3% Pac Coast 2<1 pf ... 20s 12% 12% 12% 34% 27% Pac Gas & Elec (2) 2 33% 33% 33% - 4 21% 9% Pac Mills 2 144 14 144 7% 6 Pac Tin Consol .15g 2 7 6% 7 4% 3 Packard Motor 32 3% 34 3% + % 20% 9% Pan-Am Airways 38 19% 18% 18% — % k% 5 Pan-Am Petrol 2ag 2 7% 7% 7*. + 4 60% 35 .'Paraffine (2.25g> . 1 424 424 424 + 4 14% 6% Paramount t.logl . 20 7% 7 7 . 13% 7% Param't 2d pf ( 60). 2 8% 8% 8% 4 1% Park Utah Mines . 7 1% 1% 1% + 4 47 36 Parke Davis (SOe).. 2 43% 43% 43% 22 11% Parker Rust tla>_ 1 21% 21*. 21% 13% 5% Pathe Film _ 3 10% 10% 10%-% 11% 54 Patino Mines . 1 5% 5% 5% — 4 62% 48 Pentck tk Ford (3s’V 1 56 4 564 564 -% 95 74 Penney fJC) (.75e). 5 88% 884 88% 4% % Penn Coal & Coke.. 17 4 3% 3% 5% 2% Penn Dixie Cem ... 2 3% 3% 3% 27% 15 Penn Railroad <lg) 44 224 22 * 22% + 4 45 30% Peoples G & C .50e . 1 36% 36% 36%- '% 19% 7% Pere Marquette 1 11 11 11 + % 40 13% Pere Marquette pf 300s 25% 254 25%+ % 45 21 Pere Marq pr pf .. 20s 33% 33% 33%+ % 104 6% Petrol Corp <.70g).. 1 7% 7% 7% lot, 5% Pfeiffer Brew (1) ... 3 9% 9% 9% 47% 28% Phelps Dodge .25e . 7 36 35% 36 - % 48', 36 Phila Co »6 pf (3)__ 1 44% 44% 44% + % 91 74% Phila Co pf (6) ... 1 78 78 78 1% % Phila & RC& I (r)_ 1 % % % + % ! 103% 74 Philip Morris (3)... 4 92% 92 92% +1% 7 2% Phillips-Jones __ 1 4% 4% 4% + 4 I 46% 31% Phillips Petrol (2). 9 39% 39% 39% 5% 2 Phoenix Hosiery 8 64 5% 64 + % ; 61 36 Phoenix H pf 1.75k 310s 65% 60% 65% 4 5 31 % 23 Pilisbury FI (1.60). 1 27 27 27 +4 01 oo'4 nrem c.ory- aus 4? sa 12 2% Pitts Coal — 2 4% 4%. 4% - % 14% 4 Pitts Coke & Iron-— 2 7 7 7 11% 4% Pitts Screw - 14 7% 6% 7 + % 16% 7% Pitts Steel — 3 9% 9% 9% - % 48% 22 Pitts Steel pf (B)„ 10s 33 33 33 43 411% 18 Pitts Steel pr pf — 120s 30 29% 30 41 25% 12% Pitts Steel 5% pf— 260s 18 18 18 20% 6 Pitts & W Va 220s 13 IS 13 4 % 24 17% Plymouth Oil 1.40a. 2 22% 22% 22% 4 % 16% 7Vi Poor & Co ( B)_ 3 11 11 11 4% 2% % Port R Am To A (r) 3 1% 1% 1% 4 % *» Vi Port R Am To B (r) 1 % % % 4 % 16% 6 Pressed Steel Car.. 10 12% 12 12% 4 % 68% 50% Proctor & Gam <2a) 3 68% 68% 68% 119% 112 Proctor & G pf (5). 50s 113% 113% 113% - % 41% 31% Pub Svc (NJ) 60e_. 3 40% 40% 40% 4 % 166 147 Pub SvctNJ Inf (8)_ 20s 162 162 162 4 % 41% 22% Pullman (.25e)_ 32 28 27% 28 4 % 11% 6% Pure 011 (.25k)- 26 8% 8% 8% - % 8U, 63% Pure Oil pf (5) ... 1 77% 77% 77%-% 18% 10% Purity Baking .25e_ 9 15% 15'% 15% 4 V, 8% 5 Radio Corp (,20e)_. 51 5% 5% 5% 67% 53% Radio cv pf (3.50) . 7 63% 63% 63% 2% 1% Radio-Keith-Or <*) 12 1% 1% 1% 11% 4% Railr'd Sec 111 Stk .. 100s 5% 5% 5% 4 % 23% 16% Raybest-Man ,25e_. 5 20 19% 20 19% 6% Rayonier. Inc - 1 18% 18% 18% 4 % 22% 10% Reading Co (1) ... 2 15% 15% 15% - % 28% 20% Reading 1st pf (2).. 1 25% 25% 25% 4 Vi 5% 2% Real Silk Hose — 15 4% 3«» 4% 4 % 17% 9%. Reming-Rand .20e 10 9% 9% 9% — % 7R1.4 Kem-R nf U’\v(4.S0) 1 &HI. 4- L. 2*. V* Reo Motor (r)_ 3 14* 14, 1*, 28', 12V* Republic Steel . 62 214, 20V* 21H+1V4 95*4 43 Rep Stl cv pf 7.50d.. 2 88V* 88 88V, -1 89** 42 Rep Steel pf A (6).. 1 72 72 72 +2 20V4 9-’, Revere Copper ... 7 12 114, 12 + Vi 40', 21V* Revere Copper (A). 3 23'* 22V* 23V* + 1* 14*, 7V* Reynolds Metals— 25 13 124* 13 + v* 114, 5V, Reynolds Spring... 20 6V, 64* 6v* + 4* 45 35 Reyn Tob (B) 50e_. 27 40*4 40'/* 40*.+ V* lOH 64, Richfield Oil V.50g)_ 2 7'-« 7l* 7"* + V* 9*. 6!« Ritter Dental . 1 64, 64* 6** 51*4 27*4 Safeway Strs 2.50g- 14 49*, 484, 494, + IV* 109 82V* Safeway S pf <5> 150s 108 107V* 108 + V* 49", 27V* St Joseph Bead (1). 1 36Vi 36'., 36V, + V* V* y* St B-San Fran (r).. 5 V* V* t» 2 »* St B-San Fr pf (r) 2 V* V* Vi - U 27‘, 10% Savage Arms (.26e) a 5 26V* 25'-, 26V* +1V« 17V, 10 Schenley Distillers 2 12V* 12*» 12V* + 4, 1 v, Schulte Retail S (r) 3 *, ** V* 10V* 3*4 Schulte R S pf (r).. 4 6*4 6V* 6*4+4. -Sr .-HI D m. Prev. ’39-’40 Stock and Salei— Ret. Hiah. Low. Dividend Rate Add 00. Kith. Low. 2:35. cha*. 62 * 44* Scott Paper! 1.60a). 1 47* 47* 47* +1 ' V* Seaboard Air L. (r). 10 * V4 Vi 3* * Seaboard A L pf (r) 1 * * * 24* 15* Seaboard Oil (1) . 1 18* 18* 18*-* 87 60* Sears Roebuck (3).. 9 85 84* 84*+* 18* 11* Servel. Inc (1)_ 6 15+ 15 15+ + * 21* 10* Sharon Steel_ 2 14* 13* 14* +1* 7* 8* Sharp Sc Dohme_ 10 5 5 6 + * 11* 6* ShattuekfFGM.401 1 7 7 7 40 28 Sheaffer Pen(1.30e) 40* 40 39* 39*-* 17* 9* Shell Un OH (.50*). 1 11* 11* 11*-* 32* 17* Slmmone Co 1.76*.. 3 22* 22 22* + * 29* 15* Skelly Oil (.25e).— 2 20 20 20 +* 127 70 Sloss-Sheffleld(3*>. 60* 112 111 112 +3 21 11* Smith (AO) _ 2 15* 15 15* + * 17* 9 Smith *Coro(.50*). 1 10* 10* 10*-* 24 12* Snider Pk* .. 27 24* 23* 24* + * 1** 10* Socony-Vac (.25e)_. 66 11* 11* 11* 3* 1* So Amer Gold .20*.. 2 2* 2* 2* + + 35* 14 So Porto Su* .25e... 2 24* 23* 24* +1* 30 23* SouthnCal Ed 1.60a 9 29* 29* 29* + * 21* 10* Southern Pacific_ 33 13* 13* 13* + * 28* 11* Southern Railway.. 11 18* 18 18* + * 36* 15* Southern Rwy pt... 20 31* 30* 31*+ * 3* 1* Sparks Withlngton. 4 2* 2 2 — * 22* 14* Spencer Kelld.10*) 1 22* 22* 22*+* 61* 36 Sperry Corp (2*)... 20 46 45* 46 + Vi 34* 11 Spicer Mfg (2g) ... 5 31* 31* 31*+ »< 16* 8* Spiegel. Inc (.15e).. 32 10* 9* 10*+ * 75* 57* Spiegel. Inc pf 4.60. 100» 61 60* CO* + * 34* 18* Square D Co 1.75*.. 5 32 31* 32 +1 7* 5* Stand Brands ,20e . 65 ’ 7* 7* 7* + * 108 94 Stand Br’ds pf 4.50. 1 107* 107V.. 107* - * * ■ OiailUUdBOl bleb... 1 1^4 1^4 I'U — Ml 10*4 34 Stand G&E *4 pf... 3 4'* 4*. 4*. + 14 254 134 Stand G*E *7 prpf. 3 16 151* 16 + Vi 33H 24'/. stand Oil of Cal (1) 22 24'* 241* 244 + V* 30 22*4 Stand Oil Ind (1) _. IS 27V* 27 274 +4 6314 38 Stand Oil N J (la). 23 43** 4314 43*4 36 20Vi Starrett (LSI 1.25* 1 29'. 29'. 29*. + *4 80'. 65 Sterlln* Prod <3 10) 6 76tj 76V* 76V* - V* 12*4 6V4 Stewart-Warn .25*. 3 8 774 8 + V* 7»* 3*» Stokely Brothers .. 7 6«* 6'4 6'4 17*4 8'* StoneAWebater.25* 8 10*. 10*4 10*4 + V* 1014 5!* Studebaker_ 204 10** 101* 104 + 4 66 45'* Sun Oil (la)_ 2 60'* 6014 60** + 14 11'* 7*4 Sunshine Min 1.60.. 2 10*» 10*« 10** 381, 1914 Superheater (.50)_ 6 24'* 234 24*»+lV* 224 10 Superior Steel_ 1 15 15 12 +1 25V* 17 Swift & Co 1.20)_ 8 224 22** 224 + V* 371, 24'* Swift lntl (2) 8 31*« 31*, 31** + 4 124 44 Symlng-Gould ww_. 5 84 7:, 84 + 4 /9'4 3*. Symlng-Gould xw_. 3 5*4 5*4 54 - 4 61* 3'4 Telautograph ,05e.. 2 414 44 44 94 4 Tennessee Corp_ 1 64 64 6*4 + 4 50'* 324 Texas Corp (2) ... 28 434 434 434 + 4 5'* 34 Tex Gulf Prod 20*. 6 3', 3*. 34 384 26 Tex Gulf Sul (2) . 4 35 344 3.7 + S 9 54 Tex Pac Ld Tr.10*.. 8 54 674 57. 224 8'j Texas & Pac Rwy... 2 12 11** 12 + *1 54 34 The Fair _ 1 34 34 34 - 41 30 The Fair pf_130s 37 367* 37 +14 6 24 Thermold .. 2 44 44 44 + 4 33 14 Thermoid pf ( 75k). 40* 307» 304 30'. — 4 34 14 Third Avenue_ 4 34 3 34 +4 334 17 Thomp Prod (1)_ 3 32 32 32 + 4 3'* 14 Thompson-Starrett 2 24 24 24 + 4 23 74 Thompson-Starrpf 1 214 214 214 144 94 Tide Wat A 0,15e x 23 104 104 104 -4 25 104 Tlmken-Det Ax<2*) 4 224 22 224 + 4 644 34V* Timken R B (.50e> 2 48'* 484 48*. - 4 84 5 Transamerlca (.50). 3 5', S'* 54 15 6'.* Transcontl & W Air 18 154 147« 15V* + 4 104 54 Transue & Williams 1 74 74 74 44 2 Tri-Continental ... 4 24 24 24 + 4 88 74 Tri-ContT pf (6) — 1 78 78 78 7', 3 Truax-Traer Coal ._ 1 44 44 44 26'* 114 2hth Ceniurv Fox 9 11*. 114 114+ 4 354 174 Twin City Rap T pf 60s 274 274 274 124 74 Twin Coach (.50*). 7 104 101* 104 + 4 44 Ulen * Co . 1 14 14 14 + 4 144 6 Union Bag & Paper. 42 144 134 14 + 4 »*'. t>»4 Lnionurbl.odei . 24 HI*. 80 80*. + V. 19’. 15V. Union Oil(Cal) .25* 1 164 16’. 164 105 814 Union Pacific (6) _. 4 934 93 4 934 + 4 25’. 204 Un Tank Car 1.20a.. fi 26 26 26 + 4 51 31 Unit Aircraft (2g)_. 21 49 484 49 +14 164 74 Unit Air Lines .. 15 154 154 15*. 18*. 144 Unit Biscuit (,25e). 1 16 16 16 694 52 United Carbon (3).. 2 56 56 56 +14 34 2 UnltCorp .. ... 20 2 4 2 4 2 . + 4 40*. 304 United Corp pf (3). 17 414 404 41 +4 74 44 Unit Drug . - 1 54 54 54 + 4 74 544 Unit Dyew'd pf (7). 20* 614 61 61 354 254 Unit Eng & Fy .Sue . 1 344 544 344 + 4 95 624 United Fruit (4) .. 3 82 814 82 15 11 Unit Gas Imp (1).. 8 144 144 144 14 6*4 Unit Mer & Mfg ... 1 114 114 114+ 4 74 -3*. Unit Paperboard 5 44 44 44 + 4 164 5 U S Distributing pf 10s 8 8 8-4 11 54 U S & For'n Secur 3 64 64 64 + 4 87 4 75 U S & For Sec pf (6) 1 844 844 814+14 14 54 U S Freight <.50g> 2 94 94 94 +4 113 65V. U S Gypsum (2ai 5 84 . 83*. 844 - 4 181 149*. U S Gypsum pf (7) s 177 177 177 -2 154 5*. US Leather (A) 3 94 94 94 + Vi 49 324 U S Pipe & Fdry (2) 2 374 37 37'. 64 14 U S Realty tlmm 3 14 14 + 4 624 314 U S Rubber 34 364 354 364 1144 864 U S Rub 1st of(12g) 3 111 111 111 684 48 U S Sm & Rsf (le). 2 634 63 4 634 -4 824 414 U S Steel . . 84 594 58 594 + 4 1204 984 U S Steel pf (7)_ 2 1164 116 116 -4 374 30 U S Tobacco 1.76g.. 1 364 364 364 — 4 4 14 Unit Stockyards_ 3 24 2 24 + 4 84 64 Unit Stkyds pf 70.. 1 74 74 74 + 4 85 604 UnlT Leaf Tob(4a). 1 644 64V. 644 +14 944 454 Univ Pictu 1st pf... 30s 944 944 944 40 16 Vanadium (lg) ... 14 33 314 324 + 14 40 25 Van Raalte (.50e) . 1 39 39 39 +4 46 344 Vick Chemical (2a) 2 44 44 44 31 184 Victor Chem 1.40g.. 1 30 30 30 54 24 Va-Caro Chem _ 2 34 34 34 334 17 Va-Caro Chem pf... 1 28. 28 28 +4 20*. 14V, Walker (H) pf (1). 2 164 164 164 - 4 »‘4 » nainui ill LU _ 1 O'** OV4 0*1 44 21 Ward Bak pf 1.50d 1 23*. 23*. 23*.— 4 64 3li Warner Bros Piet 30 3r. 3:. 3:. + *» 58 36 Warner Bros Pic pf 30s. 48*. 48'. 48*. +1*4 3:« 14 Warren Bros <r) 2 14 1'* 14 284 28'. Wash’ton G Lt 1.50. 3 28*. 28*. 28*. 24*. 14*. Waukesha Mot (1). 2 174 17*. 17*. 32*. 20 Wayne Pump (le) . 1 24 24 24+4 4'4 14 Webster Eisenlohr. 4 44 44 44 284 16 Wesson Oil & Snow 1 23*. 23*. 23*. — 4 109 85 West PennE(A)(7) 50g 107 107 107 - *. 108 88 West Penn E pf (6) 10s 104 104 104 114 95 West Penn E pf(7). 10s 1114 111', 1114 - 4 1164 1054 W Penn Pw pf 4.50. 1 1164 1164 1164 + 4 364 204 West'n Auto S (2a). 2 364 364 364 + 4 114 34 West'n Md 2d pf_ 1 7 7 7 +4 37 164 West’n Union Tel.. 4 244 244 244 + 4 374 184 Westhse A B (.25e). 17 25*. 25 254 + 4 121 824 Westhse Elec .875e 12 1114 1104 1114 +14 145 126 Westhse El pf (3.50) 10s 135 135 135 +4 294 104 Weston El Inst lg. 1 27 27 27 +4 39V* 154 Westvaco ( 35e) _. x 3 36*. 364 364 + 4 394 29 Westvaco pf (1.50). 3 374 37V. 374 + 4 75 42 Wheel &LE(4g) 10s 65 65 65 98 74 Wheel & LE pf 6.50. 60s 974 974 974 - 4 384 154 Wheeling Steel- 11 304 30 30*. + 4 15*. 7 White Motor - 6 114 11*, 114 + 4 64 14 White Sewing Mch. 2 54 54 54 34 1 Willys-Overland_ 1 14 14 14 + 4 64 24 Willys-Overl'd pf_ 3 34 34 3*. + 4 74 24 Wilson & Co . 2 54 54 54 60*. 32 Wilson&Co pf 1.50k 1 5a*. 594 594 - 4 314 15 Woodward Iron .. 2 244 24V. 244 + 4 504 36 Woolworth (2.40) x 21 41 404 41 +14 23V, 104 Worthington Pump 3 194 19!, 194- 4 74 474 Worth Pump pf A 100s 70 70 70 -1 384 234 Worth Pump pr pf. 1 37 37 37 534 31V, Worth Pcvprpf .. 2 464 464 464 + 4 124', 85 Wright Aero (2g)_. 10s 112 112 112 89*. 75. Wrigley <3a) ... 2 884 884 88', - V, 33b 18b Yale & Townel.60a) 1 24 24 24 21b lib Yellow Truck ... 50 17b 17b 17b + S| 21b 9b Young Spg & Wire. 2 lib lib IK, + bl BBS 30 Ygstwn Sheet & T.. 14 43 41b 43 + 3 34 17 Ygstwn Stl Dr Clg). 5 23b 23b 23b + b 22b 12 Zenith Radio (lg)_. 3 14b 14b 14b 3b 2 Zonite Products_ 2 2b 2b 2b — b Approximote Soles of Stocks on the N. Y. Stock Exchange. 11:00 A..M_ 140.000 12:00 Noon_ 210.000 1:00 P.M_ 420.000 2:00 P.M_ 500.000 s Unit of trading. 10 shares. r In bankruptcy or receivership or being reorganised under Bankruptcy Act. or securities assumed by such companies. Rates of dividend in the foregoing table are annual dis bursements based on the last auarterly or semi-annual declara tion. Unless otherwise noted, special or extra dividends are not included. xd Ex Dividend xr Ex rights a Also extra or extras, d Accumulated dividends paid last year e Declared or paid so far this vear f Payable In stock g Paid last year h Cash or stock k Accumulated dividends paid or declared this year Libbey-Owens-Ford Declares Dividend Special Dispatch to The Star. TOLEDO, Feb. 8—Directors of Libbey-Owens-Ford Glass Co. de clared a dividend for the first quar ter of 1940 of 50 cents a share, pay able March 15 to stockholders of record February 29. Total dividend payments by Lib bey-Owens-Ford in the year 1939 amounted to $2.75, 50 cents a share having been paid in each of the first three quarters and $1.25 a share in the final quarter. Announcement was made also, fol lowing today’s meeting, of the elec tion of Milton Knight, vice presi dent, to the Board of Directors to fill a vacancy created by the resigna tion of Ralph A. Bard. Uruguay has dropped its export tax on wool and sheepskins which was established in September as a wartime-profits measure. New York Cotton By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, Feb. 8.—An irregular price trend ruled cotton futures trading today. Mill price fixing steadied nearby contracts despite liberal spot house selling in March. Foreign interests were early buy ers of October and December but in midafternoon Bombay houses sold December. Distant months also met some New Orleans selling and Southern liquidation. Price in midaftemoon were 6 lower to 2 higher: March (old), 10.97; May (old), 10.64; December, 9.50. Cottonseed Oil. Bleachable cottonseed oil futures closed 7-8 higher. Bales. 120 contracts. March. 7.00b: May. 7.13b: July, 7.23: Septem ber, 7.32. b Bid. Now Orleans Prices. NEW ORLEANS. Feb. 8 idb.—Cotton fu tures were Irregular heer today with trad ing moderately active and the range nar row. Prices at noon were 2 points net i higher to 2 points lower. Cottonseed oil opened steady: March. I 6.44b: May 6.55b; July. 6.67; September. 6.76b. b Bid. ■amapmmmmagBMi Mutual Loan Group Elects Officers for 1940 Albert Kassan was elected presi dent of the District Mutual Loan Association, 1405 I street N.W., at the recent annual meeting; Harry B. Wolfe, first vice president; Harry Seir, second vice president; Louis Karchem, treasurer. The Board of Directors includes Simon Albert, J. S. Bohrer, Wolfe Cavalier. Bob Fink. Samuel Rosen field and Arthur Schiller. Dry Goods Market NEW YORK Feb. S l/Pi.—Rayon mar kets were fairly active today, with spun fabrics .jneeting a good demand, particu larly on novelty types. A fair demand was also reported by mills for sports pat terns. Despite somewhat more active bidding from converters and the bag trade, deal ers said 0,'iiet prevailed in the Worth Street cotton cloth markets. Minor sales were made at unchanged prices Woolen markets generally were listless. Mill operations are slackening off and many manufacturers are running short of | orders. Silk fabrics sold only In routine fash 1 ion. with total business confined to the small scale of recent weeks. Selected Stocks Up .7 Fractions to $2 at Session's Close Aircrafts Lead Early Rally; Steels and Motors Follow Stock Averages 30 15 IS 00 Indust.Rsils. Utll.Stks. Net change +.2 -+-.1 +.1 -+-.1 Today, noon 71,0 19.0 39.3 49.9 Prev. day.. 70.8 18.9 39.2 49.8 Month ago. 71.9 19.4 39.9 50.6 Year ago... 714 20.4 37.2 49.9 1940 high.. 74.2 20.5 40.6 52.2 1940 low... 69.9 18.6 39.1 49.2 1939 high.. 77.0 23.8 40.6 53.9 * 1939 low ... 53.8 15.7 33.7 41.6 60-Stork Range Since 1927: m 1937-18. 1932-10. 1927-29 High ... 75.3 72.8 157.7 Low 33.7 16.9 61.8 r (Compiled by the Assoclsted Press.) By VICTOR EUBANK. Associated Press Financial Writer. NEW YORK. Feb. 8—For the third consecutive session the stock marekt today leaned to the rally ing side with favorites extending gains by fractions to around 2 points. The list began to gather sup port after a forenoon spent in un even territory. Aircrafts displayed firmness at the start. Selected steels, motors and specialties then stepped into line and, at the close, plus signs were to be seen in virtual ly all groups. Volume picked up for a while, but slackened later. Trans fers approximated 700.000 shares, best in about two weeks. There were few outstanding de velopments in business. Congress, politics or the European war, but speculative contingents thought the k list appeared more responsive to * bullish inspiration than otherwise. In addition, the opinion was wide spread that the recent industrial •• recession may have been pretty well discounted. New highs for the past year were » recorded for Studebaker and Dresser Manufacturing, among others. Prom inent on the upside were Douglas Aircraft. Boeing. Glenn Martin, Chrysler, General Motors, United States Steel. Bethlehem. Sloss- Shef field. Montgomery Ward. New York Central Pullman. Westingliouse, American Can. Philip Morris, Home stake Mining, California Packing and Consolidated Coppermines. Chicago Grain By the Associated Press. CHICAGO. Feb. 8—Wheat prices reached their highest level in two weeks today as the market advanced 2 cents a bushel, due to buying in spired partly by forecast of cold weather over the grain belt. Temperatures as low as 10 degrees above zero were predicted for some sections of the hard winter wheat zone Southwest. Eastern interests were in the mar ket for oats and rye on rumors that Finland may be a purchaser. Some - Canadian wheat was sold to Great Britain and the continent, and Fin- • land took quantities of U. S lard Wheat closed 1>2-178 cents higher than yesterday. May. 9974-V. July, 97-97’?; corn, 7i-s« up. May, 56ss s4; July, 565a: Oats 1 cent higher. Open. Hi8h Low. Cios«. WHEAT— . . „ May .. .97’. .99’. 97». 99 «-’i I July __ .95*? .97*4 .95'. .97*. Sept .. .94’. 963. .943. 96’.-'« CORN_ Miv _.557« .5Hs4 557* .5fl}»-34 i July .557* .56*4 .557* 56s" I Sent. .50*2 .57*4 .5fi3* .57*4 OATS— May .39*4 .40** .310 4 .40*2 July .34*2 .35'* 34*« .35*2 SeDt. .32*4 33*2 .32s* .33** SOY BEANS— , Mav 1.03*2 1 o5l* 1.03*2 l.o.-iU July 1.01 >4 1.03 1.01*4 103 RYE— May .053* 9*7 3* .05*4 .H,1* July .*>4 s« .OH7* .04** .60**-*a Sept. .65*4 07*4 .05*4 .07 LARD— Mar. 0.27 0.35 0.21 0 May 0.47 0.52 0.45 0.5o Julv 0 00 0.72 O.Ou 0.70 Sf pi. 0.7 7 0.90 0 77 0 9<» Oct 0.95 0.95 0.92 0.95 BELLIES— Mar. __ _ -- 5 SO May - - O.lo Chicago Cash Market. Cash wheat. No 2 mixed. 1 ol V Corn. No. 1 yellow. 58-59*4 No. 2. 5?34-58,2; No 3. 57-58*4. No. 1 white. HO**; No. 2. tiO*j. Oats, sample grade, mixed. 41: No. * 2 white. 44; No. 3. 43*4-44; No 4. 42-42*4. * Soy beans. No. 3 yellow. l.OSVa No. 4. 1.04*2 Barley, malting. 55-04. nominal; feed. 40-50. nominal. Field seeds, per 100 ^ pounds, nominal. Timothy seed. 4.90-5 25. Sweet clover, 4 50-5.25. Red clover, 12.50 15.00. Red top. S.50-9.Oo. Alsike, 15.Ou 18.00. Alfalfa. 18.00-23 00. Winnipeg Prices. % WINNIPEG. Feb. 8 Grain range today; Prov. Wheat— High. Low. Close, close. May _.85 T* .85V* .85s* .85 V* July _.8H*« .80 .80** >0 October _.8734 .87 .8734 .87 OATS— May _ .477* 403* .40** .40'/* Baltimore Quotations. BALTIMORE. Feb x iiP> —Wheat. No. 2 red winter, garlicky, spot domestic. 1.13*4. Insurance Stocks NEW YORK Feb 8 .P‘—National Asso ciation Securities Dealers. Inc.: Bid Asked. Aetna Cas i4a> --- 131% 135% Aetna Ins (l.tjiiai _ 52% 54% Aetna Life (1.20a)- 31% 3.3 % Ant Equit (1) -- 2d% 21% Ant Ins Nwk (%a>- 13% 15% Am Reins il.6cia)- 4T(« 48% Am Reserve <1%I _ 23 24% Am Surely (■.’%> _ 51 63 Automobile flat _ 35 37 Balt Amer (,20a) _ 7% 8% Carolina (1.30) _ 28% 3o% City of N Y (1.20)_ 23% 25% Conn Gen Lif (.80)_ 27*4 28% Contin Cas (l.COal- 0H% 38% Fid & Den <4 > 127 1.30 Firem's Newk (.40) _ 0% 11% Frank Fire (la) - 32 34 Gen Reinsur (1 a> _ 43% 45% George Home (la) _ 24% 27 Glens Falls (l.HO) _ 43 45 Globe A: Rep (%) _ 10% 12 < Globe 4: Rut _ 21% 24% w Gt Amer Ins (la)_ 28% 30 Hanover (1.20) _ 28V, 30 Hartford Fire (2a) _ 86% 88% Home Fire Sec _ 1 % 2% i Home Ins (1.20a) _ 33% 35% Homestead (1) _ 20 21% Knickerbocker (%) _ 0% 10% Lincoln Fire _ _ 2 3 Maryland Cas _ 2% 3% Mass Bond i3%) _ 65% 68 * Merc Ins Pr _ 3 4% Natl Fire (21 _ 62% 64% Natl Liberty (,20a)_ 7% 8% . N Hampshire (1.6(18)_ 47 48% N Y Fire (.80)_ 1« 17V, Nor East Ins _ 3% 4% Nor River (1) _ 27 28V, Phoenix (2a I _ 84 88 Prov Wash (la) 33% 35% Rep Ins Tex (1.20a) xd_ 25% 36% Revere (P> In (1.20a)_ 26% 27% Rh Isl Ins 3 4% St Paul Fire (8) 240 245 Springfield (4%a) _121V, 125% Sun Life (15) _ 280 340 Travelers (161 463 473 O S Fid & O (1) __.. 22% 23% U S Fire (2) - 54% 56% Westchester (1.20a)_ 35 37 a—Also extra or extras. Quotations furmshed by National Asso ciation of Securities Dealers. Inc., which states they do not necessarily reflect actual transactions of firm bids br offers, but should indicate approximate prices. Dividend increased NEW YORK, Feb. 8 l£*t.—Directors of United Elastic Corp., stretched the dividend announced today to 15 cents a share from 10 cents paid in previous quarters. The latest pay- * ment is due March 23 to holders of record March 1. Think fast, drive alow and yonl always be able to go. \