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Srattya BARER, JEANETTE M. On Friday February 9. 1940. at the Masonic f,n< Eastern Star Home. JEANETTE M. BAKER Services at the S. II. Hines Co. funera home. 2901 J4th st n.w.. on Monday. Feb uary 12. at 1 p.m. 11 BARNES. WALTER H. On Thursday February 8. 1040, at St Elizabeth’s Hos pital. WALTER H. BARNES, beloved fathei of Alice Reed. Bessie Matthews. Lucy Dy son. Joseph. Thomas and William Barnes Remains resting at the W. Ernest Jarvis funeral church. 14.12 You st. n.w. Notice of luneral later. BELL, JAMES A. On Wednesday. Feb ruary 7. 1040. at his residence. 1740 Laniei place n.w.. JAMES A. BELL, beloved hus band of Mary L. Bell and father cf Mrs Jessie A. Spates. Mrs. Lucille Biindick Mrs. Pauline Quinn. Mrs. Helen Shenk anc Mrs. Mary Harding. He also is survivec by three brothers and two sisters Funeral services at his late residence or Saturday. February 10. at 2 p in. Inter ment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. 9 BELL. JAMES A. A special communi cation of Naval Lodge. No. 4. F, A. A. M.. is called at 1 p.m. Saturday. February 10. 104o. , //f'W/s for the purpose of attending the funeral oi our late brother. JAMES A. BELL. By order oi the worshiptul master. ROLAND M. BROWN. Secretary. BLOUNT, ARTHUR. On Thursday, February 8. 1940. at Mount Alto Hospital, ARTHUR BLOUNT, devoted and beloved husband of Sadie Blount, brother of Mar garet Smith and John Blount. Funeral Monday, February 12. at 1 :,‘1T p.m . from the W\ Ernest Jarvis funeral church. 14.12 You st. n.w. Friends invited, 11 BOWMAN, GEORGE C. On Wednesday February 7. 1910. at the home oi hif daughter. Mrs. W. D. Hannen. Woodrow ave.. Cabin John. Md.. GEORGE C. BOW MAN. beloved husband of the late Nancy P. Bowman. Funeral services at the funeral home of Wm. Reuben Humphrey. 7005 Wiscon sin ave.. Bethesda. Md.. Friday. February 9, at 1 ::io p.m. Interment Candor, N. C. II BROOKS, MAGGIE EASTON. Departec this life oil Thursday. February 8, 194o at 208 L st. s.w.. MAGGIE EAS'iON BROOKS. She leaves to mo. rn their los? two sons. Edward Easton and Albert Tur ner; four sisters, Sovella Brown. Maude Hensley. Sopnronia Simms and Daisy Stewart. Other relatives and friends a'sc survive. Remains may be viewed at the above residence on Sunday. February 11. Funeral on Monday. February 12. at 1 p m., from the John Stewart Baptist Church. :trd and G sts. s.w. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. Arrange ments by Eugene Ford. Kioo S. Capitol st, 9.11 BROWN. RUTH. Departed this life Mon cay. February 5. 1940. RUTH BROWN daughter of Geneva Davis, sister of Wil liam Bowman and Ellen Wilson. She alsi leaves other relatives and friends. Remains rest mg at me nanus <v mm thews funeral home. OH 4th st. s.w.. where funeral services will be lieici Saturday. Feb ruary in. at 1 pm . Rev Dudley officiat ing. Interment Payne’s Cemetery. BRUMAGER. AMANDA JANE. On Thurs day. February 8. into. AMANDA JANE BRUMAGEIt. wife of the late John Wil liam Brumager and mother of Mrs W. R. Scott, at her residence. 5*2.14 Il linois ave. n.w. She is survived also b> the following grandchildren: Dr. Herbert T Caraway. Mrs. Dorothy Jorgensen. Bill ings. Mon: . E. Ivan Caraway. Denvei Colo : Mrs. Consumce Yeatman. J. B Magill of New York City. Dr. V. A. Moody Ames. Iowa; C. H. Moody. Columbia S. C.: Mrs. Ora Boden. Spnngville. Tenn., and Gladys Brumager. Milwaukee. Wis Remains resting at tiie \V Y.. Deal fun ra. home. 4 81 *.2 Ga ave. n.w Funeral Sunday alternoon. February Jl at 4 p m. Friends invited. 11 CAREY, LOUISE JOSEPHINE. • On Fri day. P'ebruary !». 1940. at the W’ashingtor Sanitarium. Takom.t Par!:. Md.. LOUISE JOSEPHINE CAREY, wife of Joseph A Carey and mother of Mrs. Wallace E RoystPr and Mrs. Joseph E. Bastion, jr Services at the Shrine of the Sacree Heart. 1Gth st and Park road n.w . on Monday. February J*2. where mass will b< offered at 0 am. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. Omit flowers. M il CARTA. VINCENZA. On Thursday. February 8. 15)40. VINCENZA CAR I'A. be loved wife of the late Angelo Carta, mother of Louis. Salvadore. Alfio and Michael Carta; Mrs. Mary C. Cappelletti and Mrs, Mary E. Maresa. Reman;' resting at Chambers’ funeral home. 1 4Chapin st n w . until Saturday. February Jo. at 8a m Mass at Holy Rosary Church. 4rd and F sts. n.w.. at 5* a m. Interment St. Mary’s Cemetery. % CLARK. ALBERT K. On Wednesday. February 7. 1040. at Emergency Hospital. ALBERT R CLARK, the beloved husband of M. Natalie Clark. Funeral from his late residence. ’.20.41 South Dakota ave. n.e.. on Saturday. Feb ruary 1<). at 10:40 a m. Services a* St. John’s Episcopal Church, Mount Rainier. Md . at 11 a m. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. Services by Chambers’ River dale funeral home. 5) CLARKE. JAMES E. On Thursday. Feb ruary 8, 1040. JAMELS E. CLARKE, hus band oi tin* late Cl in: Df Mrs. Margaret Comora of Yonkers. N Y . and brother of Robert D. Clarke of New York City. Remains resting \at the Z2hambers funeral home. 14oo Chapin st. n.w. Services at Arlington National Cemetery on Saturday, February lo, at 10:4o a m. COEFIELD. JOHN. On Thursday. Feb ruary 8. 1040. at his home. 4701 Conn ave. n.w.. jun™ vutriti-u, Deioven Hus band of Ethel B. Coefield and lather ol Mrs. Isabelle M. O'Shea and Mrs. Florence C. Smith. Services at the Warner E Humphrey funeral home. N4\I4 Georgia ave.. Silver Spring. Md.. on Saturday. February 10. at 3 D m. Interment Rock Creek Cemetery. U CREAMER. CHARLES. On Wednesday. Februarv 7. 1940. at Gallinger Hospital. CHARLES CREAMER of *JTu 1 Bruce place s.e. He is survived by one sister. Miss Helen Creamer: several grandchildre n ar d one great-grandchild. Remains may be viewed at his late residence Friday. Feb ruarv 9. after 4 n m. Funeral Saturday. February 10. at pm . from the First Tabernacle Church of Christ's Holiness. Alabama avp. and Amger place s.e. Friends invited. Interment Rose mont Cemetery. CRl’Z, EDWARD. On Wednesday. Feb ruary 7. 1940. EDWARD CRUZ, lather of Edward Cruz, jr Services at W Warren Taltavull. ^d. A Bros.’. 3019 14th st. n.w., on Saturday. February 10. ai in a.m. Relatives and friends are invited. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. DARBY. BESSIE D. On Thursday. Feb ruary x. 194(» BESSIE D DARBY, daugh ter of the late Thomas and Elizabeth Darby. Funeral from the home of her brother. Joseph Darby. Poolesville. Md., on Satur day. February lo. at pm. Interment Monocacy Cemetery. Beallsville. Md. DE FONTES. S. JOSEPH. Suddenly, on Wednesday. February 7. 1940. S. JOSEPH DE FONTES of 3.VJ3 loth st. n.w,. be loved husband of Alice Lindsay De Fontes. Remains resting at his late residence. Funeral services at the above residence on Saturday. February 10. at X:3o am..: thence to the Shrine of the Sacred Heart Church, 10th and Park rd n.w.. where mass will be offered at 9 Interment Mount, Olivet Cemetery. 9 DICKERSON. CFDONIA. On Friday. February 9. 1940. at Sibley Memorial Hos pital. CEDONIA DICKERSON of Seat Pleas A. Dickerson and mother of Marguerite D. Behrend, Mrs. Hester F. Garrett. Mrs. Christie A. Sauber. C. Edward and J Hempstone Dickerson. Remains resting at the S. H. Hines Co. funeral home. 2901 14th st. n.w Notice of funeral later. DUNNINGTON. GEORGE HOWARD. Suddenly, on Wednesday. February 7. 1P40. at Georgetown University Hospital. GEORGE HOWARD DUNNINGTON. be loved husband of the late Mary H. Dun nington (nee Miller) and father of Robert H.. Elizabeth M.. Harvey F.. Thomas A. and Jamps Edward Dunnington. Funeral Saturday. February 10. from 2121 4th st. n e.. at 8:.*IO a m. Requiem mass at St. Martin’s Church at. 9 a m. Interment Mount Olivet. Cemetery. Rela tives and friends invited. 9 EVANS, ARTHUR L. On Thursday. February 8. 1 !»4<>. at George Washington University Hospital. ARTHUR I... EVANS of 480H 14th st. n.w.. beloved husband of Zenobia and father of Merylin M.. Arthur L.. ir : David S. and Frances E. Evans and Mrs. Elaine Evans Maholm. Services at the S 11. Hines Co. funeral home. 2901 14tli st. n.w . on Saturday. February 10. at 1 p.m. Interment Rock Creek Cemetery. FENDALL, WILLIAM H. Departed this life Thursday. February 8. 1940. at his residence. 40 Patterson st. lie. WILLIAM H. FENDALL. He leaves to mourn their loss a devoted wife. Mary Fendall: one arother. Albert Fendall. and other relatives and friends Remains resting at Camp bell's funeral home. 42-2 4th st. s.w. Notice of funeral later. FISHER. MARY E. Departed this life Wednesday. February 7. 1940. at her resi dence. 2815 N st. n.w.. MARY E. FISHER, the devoted wife of the late Barton Fisher. She is survived by one son. Barton Verdi Fisher: two daugliters-in-law. one grand son. other relatives and friends. Funeral Saturday. February 10. at 1 pm., from the Mount Zion M. E. Church. 29th and O sts. n.w.. Rev. A. Hall Whit field officiating. Arrangements bv L. E. Murray & Son. 12th and V sts. n.w. FISHER. ELIZABETH. The officers ®nd members of the Ladies of Oliver Im mediate Relief Society are reauested to attend the funeral of Mrs. ELIZABETH FISHER on Saturday. February 10. 1940. at 1 p m., from Mount Zion M. E. Church. 29th st. between Dumbarton ave. and O ftt- n'*’ MARTHA OMLEY. President. MARY SMACKUM. Recording Secretary. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. ~J. William Lee’s Sons Co. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Crematorium 4th and Mass Ave. N.E._Lincoln 5200 V. L. SPEARE CO. Keither successor to nor connected with the original W R Speare establi^nment. 1009 H St. N.W. N>t,Z°,nW FUNERAL DESIGNS. ~GEO. C. SHAFFER/lmT EXPRESSIVE FLORAL TRIBUTES AT MODERATE PRICES PHONE NAT 0100 ^fffiSSir Co.'14th fir Eye GUDE BROS. CO. Floral Piece* 1212 F St. N.W. National «27fl A Deaths FISHER, MARY E. Officers and mem I bers ol Zerubbabel Court. No. 1. Heroines of Jericho: You are hereby notified to attend the funeral of P. M. A. M. MARY E. FISHER. Saturday. February 10. 1040. Mount Zion Church. 20th st. and Dumbar ton ave. n.w.. l o’clock p.m. MARTHA DAVIS. M. A. M. JESSE F. SNOWDEN. W. F. J. MARTHA E. MARSHALL. Secty. • FISHER. MARY ELIZABETH. Members of Queen Esther Chapter. No. 1, O. E. S.. will please attend the funeral of Past Matron MARY ELIZABETH FISHER. Sat urday. February 10. 1010. at 1 p in,, from Mount Zion Methodist Church. 20th st. and Dumbarton ave. n.w. MARTHA BAILEY. W. M. HARRY THOMPSON. W. P. E. G. HENDERSON. Secretary. HARDESTY. DUDLEY R. On Thursday. February 8. 1040. at his residence. 205 Valley st., Seat Pleasant. Md.. DUDLEY R. HARDESTY, the beloved husband of Elsie E. Hardesty, son of Irene R. Hardesty and brother of Leonard and Wilford Har desty. Iola Robey. May Simmons and Myrtle Hurdesty. Remains resting at Chambers’ funeral home. 517 11th st. s.e. Funeral from above funeral home on Monday. February 12. at 1 l a m. Services and interment Trinity Church. Newport, Md.. at 1 p.m. Relatives and friends in vited. 11 HASSAN. NATALIE HUNTINGTON. Sud denly. on Friday. February it. 1040. at her residence. 5211 R st. n.w., NATALIE HUNTINGTON HASSAN. Wife of Alcheson S. Hassan. Funeral services and Interment private. Please omit llowers. J1 IIF.CKFRT. WILLIAM EDWARD. On Wednesday. February 7. 1040. at 850 Park ave.. Baltimore. Md.. WILLIAM EDWARD HEOKERT. beloved son of Lillian M. Sassi. Services at the T. Frank Murray funeral home. 741 11th st. s.e,. on Saturday. Feb ruary in. at 1 pin. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. IIFPBURN, ALEXANDER G. On Thurs day. February 8. 1040, ALEXANDER G. HEPBURN, beloved husband of the late Marv M. Hepburn and father of Charles A. Hepburn. Funeral services at the Geo. W. Wise Co funeral home. 2000 M st. n.w.. on Mon day. February 12. at 1 p.m. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. 10 IIIKRS. FRANCES ELLEN. On Thurs day. February 8. 1040. FRANCES ELLEN HIBBS. beloved wife of George W. Hibbs nun immin ui .vuiuu xiiiib. wmci, numrj and Harold Hibbs. Funeral from her late residence. 45.'W Reno road n w\. on Monday. February 1*2. at N;.‘lu thence to Si Ann's Catholic Church, where mass will be said at it for the repose of her soul. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Mount Ouvet Cemetery J1 HINSON. C ARROLL W. On Thursday. February s. 18# 10. CARROLL W. HINSON, beloved husband of Virgie C. Jlinson, father oi Clyde E. Hinson. Services at Chambers’ funeral home. 517 11th st. s.e. on Monday. February 1’2. at ’-2 pm. Relatives and friends in vited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 11 lit NULLY. JOHN C. On Wednesday. February 7. li»4o. at Mount Alto Hospital. JOHN C. HUNDLEY, the beloved husband ol Dorothy Hundley. Services at Chambers’ Georgetown fu neral home. :tlst and M sts. n.w.. on Fri day February i». at 1*2:45 P.m Relatives and friends invited. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. it HI NT. CAPT. RICHARD C. DRUM. Sud denly. on Tuesday. February (>. lj»40, (’apt. RICHARD C DRUM HUNT, beloved hus band of Helen Hunt of Tudor Hall, lutli st. and Mass ave. n.w. Funeral services at the funeral home ot Wm. Reuben Pumphrey. 7005 Wisconsin ave.. Bethesda. Md., on Saturday. Feb ruary 10. at lit a in. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. it JACKSON, JOHN LEWIS. On Tuesday. February t». li»4o. at Jefferson Hospital. Philadelphia. Pa.. JOHN L. JACKSON ot Glenn Dale. Md.. and Washington. D. C. lie leaves to mourn their loss a devoted wife. Virginia F. Jackson: mother, two sisters, two brothers and other relatives and a host of friends. Remains resting at 4400 Hayes st. n.e. until Saturday. 1:2 noon. Funeral Saturday. February 10. at *2 P.m.. from Dorsey Chapel. Glenn Dale. Md. Arrangements b.v McGuire. • JAMESON, LAURA ft On Wednesday. February 7. l!i4o. LAURA H. JAMESON, widow of Albert Jameson, of 0.J7 Elliott st. n e. Services at the T. Frank Murray funeral home. 7 4 1 11th st. s.e.. on Saturday. Feb ruary in. at *2:MO pm Relatives and friends invited Interment Mount Olivet : Cemetery. KAVANAGH. JAMES J. Suddenly, on Wednesday. February 7. 1040. JAMES J. KAVANAGH. husband of the late Mary Elizabeth Kavanagh and father of Francis De S and Leo I Kavanagh. Services at his late home. 155 Custer rd.i Bethesda. Md . on Saturday. February lo. at 0:15 a m.: thence to Our Lady of Lourdes Church, where mass will be ot tered at !»::*,o am. for the repose of his , soul. Interment St. Mary's Cemetery. Washington. D. C. i» KEENE. GEORGE WILLIAM. On Fri day. February !». 1040. at his residence, 1 ;j;nd st. n.w.. GEORGE WILLIAM ivKfciNh; Notice of funeral later. ’ KENNEY. CHARLES L. Departed this life on Wednesday. February 104 0. at Si. Elizabeth's Hospital. CHARLES L i KENNEY, beloved husband of the lat< Lillie V. Kenney, brother of the late Ed ward Kennev. He leaves to mourn then loss a devoted daughter. Mrs. Beulah Ken i ne.v Ferguson of 88 Qup st. n.w.. Apt. 8: I a son-in-law. James Ferguson: three grand j daughters. Mrs. Margaret Nick. Mrs. And I rev Bolden and Mrs Lillian Warren: a devoted niece. Mrs. Mae Mason: a great granddaughter. Doris Nick, and a host ol friends. Remains may be viewed after 4 p.m. | Friday. February 0. at Frazier’s funeral ! home. 880 Rhode Island ave. n.w.. where funeral services will be held on Saturday, i February lo. at 2 p.m . Rev. Ernest J. j Greer, officiating. Interment Harmony ; Cemetery. • 0 KENNEY. CHARLES. Columbia Lodge. No. 85. I. b. P. O. E. of W.. is hereby noti , fled of the funeral of Brother CHARLES KENNEY, from Frazier's funeral home. 580 R. I. ave. n.w . on Saturday, February j Hi. 104(». at 2 pm. Session of sorrow’ at Elks' Home. 801 R. I ave. n.w., Friday. February 0. at 7:8.0 p.m. RUSSELL J. BOWSER. E. R. LEE CAMPBELL. Sec. LANCASTER. JAMES A. On Thurs day. February 8. 1040. at his residence. ; 1008 8rd st. n.w.. JAMES A. LANCASTER, beloved husband of Ophelia Lancaster and father of Mrs. Ernestine Davis. Melvin A. and James P Lancaster and the late Es telle M. Lancaster, and brother of Charles and Harry Lancaster. Funeral from Ebenezer Methodist Church. 4th and D sts. s.e.. Sunday. Feb ruary 11. at 2 p.m. Friends invited. Ar rangements bv McGuire. 11* LANCASTER. JAMES A. The officers and members of Corinthian Lodge. No. 18. F. A. A. M.. are hereby ordered to convene j In a special communication at Scottish Rite Hall. 1088 llth st. n.w.. at 12:80 o'clock, on Sunday. February 11. 1040. to arrange ; lor the funeral of our late brother. JAMES A. LANCASTER. Funeral from Ebenezer M. E. Church 4th and D sts. s.e., Sunday. February 11. at 2 P.m. By order of ALLEN S. HAMMOND. Worshipful Master. Attest: OSCAR L. DEANE. Secretary. 10 LAWLER. NICHOLAS J On Friday. February 0. 1040. at the Alexandria Hos pital. NICHOLAS J. LAWLER, husband of Annie F. Lawler, father of Margaret A. Lawler, son of the late Martin and Mary H. Lawler. Remains resting at his late residence 517 S. Washington st., Alex andria. Va. Funeral services on Monday. February 12. at 10 a.rn.. at St. Mary's Church. Alex andria, Va. Interment St. Mary’s Cem etery. 11 LINK INS. ANNIE. On Thursday. Feb ruary 8. 1040. at her residence. 807 Pleas ant st.. Maryland Park. Md., ANNIE LIN KINS. beloved mother of Clayton W., Perry F. and Raymond S. Linkins. Mrs. Mamie Williams. Mrs. Gertrude Stone and Mrs. Mabel M. Weisbacker. F’uneral services at Chambers’ funeral home, 517 llth st. s.e.. on Saturday. Feb ruary 10. at 8 p.m. Relatives and friends Invited. Interment Congressional Cem etery. lo McGITNIGAL, BERTHA MAY. On Thurs day. February 8. 1040. BERTHA MAY McGUMGAL, the beloved wife of Sylvestro B. McGunigal. Services at her late residence. 520 14th st. s.e., on Saturday. February 10. at 1 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. In terment Congressional Cemetery. Services by Chambers’ Southeast funeral home. 0 MILEY. JFl’ARY. On Wednesday. Feb ruary 7. 1040. at Glenn Dale Sanitarium. JEUARY MILEY. beloved son of Thomas Miley and the late Jessie Mae Miley. grand son of Mrs Jessie Jennings. He also leaves other relatives and friends. Re mains may be viewed at the W. Ernest I Jarvis funeral church. 1482 U st. n.w ! aftpr 5 p.m. Saturday. February 10. Funeral Monday. February 12, at 1 p.m.. from the Salem Baptist Church, N st. between Oth and 10th sts. n.w.. Rev. R. D. Grymes officiating. Relatives and MISCHOU. HELEN IRENE. On Thurs day. February S. 1**40. at Sibley Memorial Hospital. HELEN IRENE MISCHOU. be loved w ife of Frank J. Mischou of 822 7th st. n.p. Funeral from the Saflell funeral home. 475 H st. n.w.. on Monday. February 12. at 8:30 a m Requiem mass at Holy Name Church at 0 a m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Mounts- Olivet Cem etery. 11 MOLNAR. STEPHEN. On Thursday. February 8. 1040. on Lee Highway, near Falls Church. Va . STEPHEN MOLNAR. husband of Florence Masters Molnar. Remains resting at the Ives funeral home. 2847 Wilson blvd.. Arlington. Va.. where funeral services will be held Mon day. February 12. at 2:30 p.m. Inter ment Arlington National Cemetery. 10 OLIVER. EARLIE C. On Thursday. Feb ruary 8. 1040. at Mount Alto Hospital, EAP.LIE C. OLIVER. Services and interment in Grande. Va. Services by Chambers' Georgetown funeral home. PEABODY. MARTHA J. On Wednesday February 7. 1040. at her residence. 725 13th st. se. MARTHA J. PEAHOOY. sis ter of William McCutchen. Mrs. Mary E. Peabody and Miss Margaret McCutchen. Remains resting at H. M. Padgett’s fu neral home. 131 Ilth st. s.e.. where fu neral services will be held Saturday. Feb ruary 10. at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends Invited. 0 RICHARDSON, MARY ALICE. On Fri day. February 0. 1040. at her residence. 5421 Kith st. n.w.. MARY ALICE RICH ARDSON. the beloved wife of.Thaddeus A. Riehardson and mother of Mrs. Harry J. Coffman. Mrs. T. A. Bean. Mrs. T. C. Tal bert. Arthur B.. John C.. Lawrence E. and Robert I. Richardson. Funeral services at the above residence on Monday. February 12. at 1,1 a m. In terment Cedar Hill Cemetery. Services by Chambers. II Rl'BY, JAMES S. On Friday. February 0. 1040. at his residence. 5017 Colorado • n.w.. JAMES S. RUBY, beloved hus band of Ellen Kenny Ruby and father of Mary D'Aibora and Jamea S. Ruby. Jr. Funeral notice later. k Arthur L. Evans, 72, Law Firm Head, Dies Arthur L. Evans, 72, president and treasurer of the Victor J. Evans pat ent law flrm, died yesterday in George Washington University Hos pital after a month’s illness. Funeral services will be held to morrow at 1 p.m. in the Hines fu neral home, 2901 Fourteenth street N.W., with burial in Rock Creek Cemetery. Mr. Evans was born in Chicago, but came to the Capital when a small boy. He served for many years as captain in the District National Guard and was a member of the Ordway Rifle Club. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Zenobia Evans; three sons, Merlin M. of Bethesda, Md„ and Arthur L. of Green Acres, Md., and Davis S. of Washington, and two daughters, Miss Frgfices Evans and Mrs. Thomas Maholm, both of Washing ton. Mr. Evans lived at 4806 Four teenth street N.W. Deaths sAi.E, PRENTISS DIXON. SR. On Fri day. February li llUu. FHENTISS DIXON HALE. Hr., oi 1050 Irving .st. n.w.. beloved husband of Carrie E. Sule and father of Mrs. Cecile M. Holly. Hubert P. and Pren tiss D Sale, jr. Remains resting at Cham bers’ funeral home. 1400 Chapin st. n.w. Notice oi funeral later. SCIILADT, ANTHONY. On Thursday. February 8. 1040. ANTHONY SCIILADT beloved husband of the late Catherine Schiadi and father of Mrs. Harry Loveless. Mrs. Hugh Buhrman. Mrs. Thomas Mon roe. George J., Howard A. and Philip B, Schladt. Services at Chambers’ Georgetown fu neral home. 51st and M sts. n.w.. on Sat urday. February lo. at 0:50 \.m.: thence To Our Lady cf Victory Church, where mass will be offered at lo am. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Mount Ohvet Cemetery. SIICH KEY. REBECCA E. On Friday. February 9. 1940, at Sibley Memorial Hos pital. REBECCA E. SIIOCKEY. the be loved wife of the lute Samuel E. Shockey and mother of Mrs. Mary Hovermale. Mrs. Clarice Biser and Avon Shocke.v. Remains resting at the Chambers’ funeral home, 1400 Chapin st. n.w. Services and interment Berkeley Springs. W. Va„ Saturday. February lo. at 2 pm. SWIFNEY. ALICE ELIZABETH. On Thursday. February 8. 1940. at the resi dence of her daughter. Mrs. Horace B. Wells. Lee land, Md.. ALICE ELIZABETH SWEENEY, the wife of the late Samuel Pinkney Sweeney and mother of J. Ev erett. H. Snowden and Wade S. Sweeney and Mrs. Horace B. Wells. Relatives and friends are invited to call at Ritchie 3ios.‘ funeral home. Upper Marlboro. Md. Services at St Barnabas' Church Lee land. Md . on Saturday. February 10. at 2:5o p in. Interment church cemetery. TELLEFSEN. OLC.A G. On Thursday* February 8. 194U. at her residence. 121 j 15th st. n.e., OLGA G. TELLEFSEN. bel I loved wife of Car! L. Tellefsen. mother of ! Miss G Evelyn Tellefsen of Washington, i D. C : Mrs. Ingrid Fay of Worcester. Mass. ! and Lt. Carl R Tellefsen of San Diego. ! Calif. Remains resting at the Lee funeral | home. 41li st. and Mass. uve. n.e.. where ; services will be held on Saturday. February i lo. at 2:50 p in. Relatives and friends in i vited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. THOMAS, JAMES E. Oni Wednesday, February ?. 1940. at Gallinger Hospital JAMES E. THOMAS, devoted husband of Mary E. Thomas, stepfather of Albert Johnson and Rosetta Morgan brother of Ethel Woodfork and John Thomas. He also is survived by two nieces and other relatives and friends. Remains resting at Frazier’s funeral home. 389 Rhode Island ave. n.w until 11 am. Sunday. Februarv 11: thereafter at his late residence. 1656 j Reeves court n.w. Funeral Monday. February 12. at 1 pm., i from thg above-mentioned parlor Inter j meat Arlington National Cemetery. 11 WELLS. A. COULTER. On Thursday. February 8. 1940. at his residence. 42ol Fordham rd. n.w . A. COULTER WELLS, j husband of Elizabeth T. Wells, j Services at the Foundry Methodist I Church, lfith end Church sts. n w . on ■Monday. February 12. at 1:50 pm. In i terment Arlington National Cemetery. 11 WORTMAN. ARTHUR T. Suddenly, on Tuesday. February 6. 1940. at his home I near Ashburn. Va . ARTHUR T. WORT j MAN. beloved husband of Maude T. Wort ' man. Funeral services at his late residence on Leesburg. Va. Relatives and friends in vited. WYNES. HAROLD L. (HARRY). Sud denly. Friday. February 9. 1940. at Emergency Hospital. HAROLD (HARRY) L. WYNES. beloved son of Mrs. Susie Wynes Blaney and the late Samuel Wynes: hus band of the late Charlotte Collins Wynes and nephew of Mrs. Theodesia E. Robinson. Notice of funeral later. Arrangements by McGuire. • YOUNG. GEORGE F. On Friday. Feb ruary !». 1940. at Alexandria Hospital. | GEORGE F. YOUNG, son of the late Sid ! nev J and Annie D Johnson, brother of 1 Mrs Esther West. Mrs. Clara Booze. Mrs. ! Bessie Chandler. Mrs Eli?abefh Casey. Mrs. Mary Roberts. William. Sidney and Morris Johnson. Remains resting at the John T. Rhines A: Co. funeral home. 221 North Patrick st Alexandria. Va. Funeral Sunday. February 11. at 2 pm., from Oakland Baptist. Church. Seminary. Va.. Rev Howard Barnes officiating. In j ter men t Seminary. Va. 11 ZIMMERMAN, ELIZABETH JOHNSTON. | On Thursday. February s. 1940. at her i residence. 4707 Conn ave. n.w.. ELIZA | BETH JOHNSTON ZIMMERMAN, beloved i wile of Robert Hough Zimmerman, mother f of Mrs. John W. Tucker and Johnston ; Robert Zimmerman and mother-in-law of ! Mrs Marie C. Zimmerman. Remains ; resting at the residence of her son. John I ston R. Zimmerman. 20(1 Larry pi.. Rock I Creek Forest, Chevy Chase. Md., until ! 9 a m Monday. February 12. Funeral services at Hysong’s funeral ' home. 1 .‘500 N st. n.w . Monday. February ; 12. at 11 a m. Relatives and friends In vited to attend. Interment Congressional Cemetery. 11 In Mrmorlam BARNES. ROSALIND B. In loving re membrance of our wife and sister. ROSA LIND B. BARNES, who departed this life two years ago. February 9. 1938. Your memory fondly lingers in our hearts. HARVEY AND ALICE. CHASE. EVA A. In loving remembrance of my dear friend. EVA A. CHASE, who left us nine years ago. February 2. 1931. May her soul rest in peace. HER FRIEND. RAY E. BELL. • DEEGAN. KATHERINE T. Sacred to the memory of our devoted wife and mother. KATHERINE T DEEGAN. who departed this life two years ago todsy. February 9. 3 938. Anniversary mass at Nativity Cath olic Church. LOVING HUSBAND AND CHILDREN. • HAUCK. CHRISTINE MARTIN. In mem ory of our darling daughter and sister. CHRISTINE MARTIN HAUCK. who left US five years ago today. February 9. 1935. Your dear smile Is with us still— Our sweetest memory. MOTHER AND SISTERS. ELIZABETH. ANNICE AND ALICE. K LA WANS. LENA. In loving remem brance of our mother. LENA KLAWANS. who passed awav eight years ago today. February 9. 1932. CHILDREN. * SCHEUCH. LUDWIG. In sad but loving remembrance of our loved one. LUDWIG W. SCHEUCH. who entered into rest eleven years ago today. February 9. 1929. ’Tis sweet to remember him who once was here. Though absent to us he is just as dear: The midnight stars shine on the grave Of the one we loved but could not save. DEVOTED WIFE AND SON. • WILSON. HANNAH JOHNSON. In lov ing remembrance of our dear mother. HANNAH JOHNSON WILSON, who passed aw-ay two years ago today. February 9. 1938. Today with sadness filling our hearts. My. oh. why. did we have to part? Then came the answer, soft and sweet, “We will meet again at Jesus' feet." THE FAMILY. • Reverence 'T'HE final requisite of a mortician’s work—far more I important than such details as technical knowledge, skill or equipment—is the reverence due the body which has been the dwelling place of a human soul. | Our modern funeral home is a model of comfort and conven ience. De Luxe ambulance serv ice, with courteous attendants, always available. James T, Ryan | Funeral Director 317 Pa. Are. S.E. Atlantic 1700, 1701 iaBBBBBBtOBHHi John Coefield Rifes Will Be Held Tomorrow Funeral services will be held at 3 p.m. tomorrow in the Pumphrey funeral home. Silver Spring, Md., for John Coefield, 70, general presi dent of the United Association of Journeymen Plumbers and Steam fiitters, who died yesterday at his home, 4701 Connecticut avenue N.W. Burial will be in Rock Creek Cemetery. Long active in labor circles, Mr Coefield had been president of the plumbers and steamfltters’ o r g a n i z a tion since 1920 and hod lived in Washington since its head quarters were moved here 11 ___ also was fourth* Mr.>co*n«id. vice president of the Executive Council of the American Federation of Labor, having been a member of the council since 1928. Mr. Coe field was a native of Petroleum Center, Pa. He was taken 111 December 31 while in New Yorjc City. Death was attributed to a heart ailment. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Ethel B. Coefleld, and two daughters, Mrs. Isabelle M. O’Shea and Mrs. Flor ence C. Smith, all of this city; a sister and two brothers. Almost three times as many per sons last year in the District were victims of traffic accidents occurring in clear weather as those killed in accidents in rainy or foggy weather or on icy streets. Nicholas J. Lawler, Retired Merchant, Dies in Alexandria Former Councilman Had Been in III Health for Year By a Staff Correspondent of The Star. ALEXANDRIA, Va„ Feb. 9.— Nicholas J. Lawler, 62, former city councilman and retired merchant, died at the Alexandria Hospital early today. Mr. Lawler had been in ill health for nearly a year, but his condition was not considered serious until complications devel oped yesterday. Born in Alexandria. Mr. Lawler was the son of the late Martin and Mary Hartley Lawler. He was asso ciated with the firm of Edward E. Lawler Co., wholesale grocers, for 35 years until his retirement in 1930. At the time of his death he was a member of the Board of Di rectors of the Union Life Insurance Co. of Virginia and was well known throughout Northern Virginia. Mr. Lawler served two terms as a member of the Common Council from the fourth ward and at one time was a member of the Board of Police Commissioners. He took an active interest in local politics, serving for a time as member of the City Democratic Committee. In recent years, Mr. Lawler, who lived at 517 South Washington street, had taken an active interest in the affairs of St. Mary’s Catholic Church and St. Mary's Cemetery. Recently he had been assisting with the work of the St. Mary’s Boys’ Club. He is survived hy his widow, Mrs. Annie F. Lawler; a daughter, Miss Margaret A. Lawler, and a brother, Edward E. Lawler, of Alexandria, and a sister, Mrs. John J. Byan of Richmond. Funeral services will be held at 10 am. Monday from St. Mary’s Catholic Church. Burial will follow in St. Mary’s Cemetery. Forum Discussion Follows Talk on Eye Neurological disturbances and their relation to the eye were dis cussed by Dr. H. R. Downey- at a meeting of the District Society for the Prevention of Blindness yes tefday at the Nurses’ Home of Epis copal Hospital. Mrs. Grethe Tobias led an open forum that followed Dr. Downey’s talk. Among the guests was Mrs. Eleanor Brown Merrill, executive director of the National Society for the Prevention of Blindness. Russia has smnounced it will open 1.500 new post offices this year and that 1500 of these will be in rural areas. MUburn T. ZIRKLE Co. I' FCNERAL DIRECTORS Ambulance Service 510 C St. N.E. Line. 5537 North Side of Stoo too Pork I!?SI7 WILSON BLVD. OX. KOM | ARLINGTON. VA. I A Complete Funeral Service 1 _Within Your Budget . . | LI 2204 AT 1622 T. Frank Murray FUNERAL HOME 741 llth SI. S.E. Ambulance Service Cremations PfM i B ^ M i~F * A rm *■ * x r P expressed by M FUNERAL f m SPRAYS OF m LOVELY g m FRESH m FLOWERS | Sp Priced at 1 $5°° Iy Other sprays in smaller sizes py arranged to your order. $2.00 |K and up. Delivery Service on all funeral orders. JULIUS LANSBURGH FURNITURE CO., 909 F ST. N.W. Open a • “JL” Budget Account Take advantage of the Feb ruary Sale discounts and open a “JL” Budget Account. Up to 18 Montha to Pay on Convenient Terma Just ask any salesman or in quire at the office. JULIUS r* > ui td S Q. X Mill Modern Wolnut Bookcase $*| £ 50 Generous slse modern bookcase, bull* of genu ine walnut veneers on hardwood Has 2 shelves, convenient drawer, nu merous pigeon holes and writing space. Convenient Terms 4-Pc. Modern Walnut Bedroom Suite An outstanding value of our February Sale. 4-pc. modem bedroom, built of genuine walnut veneers on £ gum wood. The suite as pictured includes a panel bed, chest of’drawers, knee hole vaniy wih round mirror and massive dresser with round mirror. Full dustproof interiors, center drawer guides. Convenient Terms Arranged Modern Walnut Lamp Table Sturdily constructed of solid walnut. Modern design. Convenient Terms Modern Cocktail Table | *1095 iConstrueted of solid Iwalnut. Has remov | able (lass top. Modern Couch End Table *1095 Use It as a couch end. or an end table. Has humidor in terior. constructed of solid walnut. Convenient Termt Arranged Modern Book Trough and End Table $10 95 Hu 3 convenient shelves, drawer and compartment. Constructed of solid walnut II— Modern End Table $4-95 Sturdily constructed table of modem design. Constructed of solid walnut. a 2-Pc Modern Living Room in Mohair A new and beautifully finished living room suite, modern design, covered in genuine mohair. Has sagless spring foundation, reversible spring cushions. Comprises lux urious sofa and club chair to match. Convenient Terma Arranged J'ULIUS -irANSBURGH furniture Jm Company m.9 9 9 r STREET, NORTHWEST