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D. C. Bankers to Take Part in Special Bond Conference Investment Policies Due for Attention At Richmond Meeting By EDWARD C. STONE. Clarence L. Robey, president of the Purcellville National Bank, Purcell ville, Va., has'sent a letter to the 1,250 banks in the 5th reserve dis trict announcing | definite plans for the bond con ference to be held in R i c h mond on March 20-21. The con | ference is spon sored by the i bankers’ associa tions of the Dis trict of Colum bia. Maryland. Virginia, West Virginia and the Carolinas. The Fpripi nl c. L. Robey. Reserve Bank of Richmond is contributing its audi torium for the meetings and is act ing as host at luncheon on both days of the conference. The Rich mond banks will entertain preceding the banquet on the evening of the 20th, at which a speaker of inter national reputation will address the assembled bankers. The entire time will be devoted to problems affecting the employment of bank funds and investment poli cies and programs, with a morning and afternoon session each day. • At each session two well-known speak ers will talk on current subjects in volving problems with which banks are faced in investing properly and profitably the huge sums of money piled up by the Nation's financial houses today. The Bond Conference Committee Is composed of C. L. Robey, presi dent Purcellville National Bank, chairman: James W. McElroy, vice president First National Bank, Bal timore: E. G. Otey, president First National Bank. Bluefield. W. Va.: \V. R. Forster, vice president Hamilton National Bank, Washington: R. P. Holding, president First-Citizens Bank & Trust Co., Smithfield, N. C.; F. E. Grier, president Bank of Green wood, Greenwood, S. C.; consultant W VltV WilUUil WV| A—» 1 • A_J . A A. AAA1AVUAU, consulting economist of the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond. Steamboat Officials Elected. Stockholders of the Norfolk & Washington Steamboat Co. re elected all directors at the annual meeting yesterday as follows: Edgar N. Brawner, Wrisley Brown. G. W. Forsberg, William D. Hoover, G. F. Norment, jr.; J. Allen Riordan, George P. Sacks, Odell S. Smith and Corcoran Thom. Later the Board of Directors re elected C. F. Norment, jr., president: G. W. Forsburg, vice president; Odell S. Smith, secretary-treasurer, and J. Allen Riordan, general manager. The following members of the staff were also retained in office: W. H. Callahan, traffic manager; I. S. Walker, general passenger agent; J. A. Maxwell, auditor; G. E. Herring, purchasing agent: D. Sawyer, superintending engineer; C. H. Ray, general agent, Washing ton; P. G. Minter, general agent. Norfolk. Va.; H. N. Larcombe. agent, Alexandria, Va.. and C. S. Revell, joint agent. Old Point Comfort, Va. Insurance at All-Time Peak. The amount of life insurance pro tection in force in the Connecticut Mutual is now at the highest point in the company’s history, standing at $1,041,855,204. an increase over the previous year of $28,765,245, accord ing to the annual report of its president just received by John L. McElfresh, general agent in Wash ington. Payments to policyholders amounted to $27,958,706. New busi ness amounted to $91,785,229. Regarding social security, Mr. Loomis says: “The concensus of opinion is that the social security program has not been injurious to the life insurance business. Suitably adjusted in respect to those who bear the tax burden, as well as to those who receive protection, it is recognized as a necessary part of our national social life. Essentially and fundamentally these are dif ferent services. While they may supplement each other, social se curity is not a substitute for life insurance." Eisele Heads Discount Firm. Reporting substantial gains in business for the year just ended, stockholders of the Southeastern Discount Corp. elected officers and directors at their annual meeting at 1407 K street N.W. yesterday. Lewis Eisele was re-elected presi dent. Other officers re-elected are M. W. Bohrer, Charles Wilson, Harry J. Donoghue, vice presidents; Paul cnesiey, executive vice president, and Clifton M. Eisele, secretary treasurer. Bank Women to Meet Here. Mrs. Chase Going Woodhouse, di rector of the Institute of Women's Professional Relations, New London, Conn., will address a sectional meet ing of the Association of Bank Women at the Mayflower Hotel tomorrow evening. The meeting will cover Washington and the Mid Atlantic division of the association, many out-of-town guests being ex pected. Lillian M. Russ, regional vice president, from New York, will attend and Miss S. Winifred Bur well of the National Metropolitan Bank will preside. Bankers Congratulate McKee. Many Washington bankers called H. H. McKee, president of the Na tional Capital Bank, today and con gratulated him on his birthday anni versary. Word got around the finan citl district this morning that he had reached another milestone. Mr. McKee recently completed 50 years’ connection with the National Cap ital Bank, an exceptionally long term of service. He is also presi dent of the East Washington Sav ings Bank and chairman of the Washington Clearing House Asso ciation. Heard in Financial District. Constantine Brown, foreign news commentator of The Evening Star, will address a meeting of members of the Virginia Bankers’ Association at Richmond tomorrow. Mr. Brown will discuss the latest developments In foreign affairs. The Board of Governors of the Washington Stock Exchange voted today to close the exchange next Monday, Lincoln's birthday anni versary. Capital Traction 5s sold at 98 on the Washington Exchange again today. In the stock division, Poto mac Electric Power 6 per cent pre ferred moved at 115>£ and Washing ton Gas common at 28%. 4 TRANSACTIONS ON THE NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE By Private Wire Direct te The Star. 2:30 p.m. Prev '30-’40 Stock and Sales— Net. High. Low. Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low. Close, chge. 714 63 Abbott Lab (180a) 2 70 70 70 564 314 Acme Steel (3a)_ 4 47% 464 474 +1 114 64 Adams Exp t.25g)_. 11 8% 8 8+4 274 154 Addressog ph* 1.40) 3 184 184 184 68 454 Air Reduction (la). 60 624 50’« 52 +14 10 64 Alaska Juneau 15e. 4 6% 64 64+4 2 4 Alleghany Corp . 5 1 4 1 "04 6% Allegh y $3» pf ww 20 13% 13 13 - 4 184 44 Allcgh'y $40 pf ww. 2 114 11 11 —4 18 41* Alleghany pf xw 1 114 114 114 234 8 Allegh'y prior pf 1 154 154 154 — 4 284 14 Alleg-Ludlum 60g. 21 22% 224 224 - 4 114 6% Allen Indust <lg)._ 10 104 104 10%+ 4 2004 1514 Allied Chem (6a)._. 10 179% 1794 1794 +24 154 94 Allied Mills <lg) ... 8 15 14% 15 + Vi 11% 6 Allied Stores 25 9 84 9 + 4 484 28 Allis-Chalmers .25e 36 384 884 384 + 4 194 12% Alpha Port Cmt (1) 3 14% 144 144 34 14 Amalg Leather .. 2 2 2 2 +4 21 12 Amalg Leather pf.. 1 16 16 16 + 4 744 50 Amerada (2) 7 554 544 554 +14 244 16 Am Ag Ch Del 1.30g 1 204 204 204 + 4 494 16% Am Airlines . . 12 49 48% 484 + 4 17% 9% Am Rank Note .. 6 114 10% 10% — 4 60 46 Am Bank N pf (3)__ 70s 474 474 474 — 4 8 34 Am Bosch .. 1 5% 6% 5% + 4 67% 31% Am Brake Sh (la).. 3 44 43 44 +14 1164 834 Am Can (4) ... 10 1144 114% 1144 + % 179 150 Am Can pf (7) .. 1 174 174 174 404 164 Am Car & Foundry. 27 274 26% 274 + 4 64 304 Am Car & Fdry pf.. 1 464 464 464 + 4 "54 134 Am Chain AC 40e.. 9 21% 21s. 214 + % 1364 1094 Am Chicle (4a) .. 4 137 136 136 -4 8% 5 Am Colortype . 7 7% 7% 7% 114 54 Am Comc'l Alcohol. 1 7 7 7 +4 184 64 Am Crystal Sugar.. 8 114 114 114 5% 2% Am Encaustic Til 1 24 24 24 + 4 1 254 10 Am&FP 6% pf ,30k. 7 214 21 21 +4 30% 124 Am&FP 7", pf ,35k. 2 244 "44 244 + % 35% 12 Am HawanSSilai 6 31% 31 314 + 4 8 24 Am Hide A Leather 2 54 54 54 + 4 434 25% Am Hide A L pf (3) 1 . 34 34 34 60'. 41% Am Home Pr (2.40). 4 584 58 58 + 4 29% 144 Am Ice pf ... 1 28 4 284 284 9 3% Am International.. 1 5% 5% 5% — 4 30% 13 Am Locomotive . 11 204 19'* 20 +4 794 41 Am Locomotive pf 2 544 544 544 +1% 15% 11 Am Mach A Fvi 80) 6 13% 13% 134-4 54 24 Am Mach A Metals 1 34 34 34 404 22% Am Metals (,75e) .. 8 24% 24% 244 + 4 26 214 Am News (,25e) . 30s 244 24% 244 7 3% Ain Pow er & Light 22 44 4 4 54 28 Am PAL$5pf.9375k 11 47% 464 464 + % 634 32 Am PAI.$fipf 1 125k 6 564 654 56%+ % 18% 84 Am Radiator .3"g _ 50 10 9% 9% — 4 22% 114 Am Rolling Mills 21 154 15% 15% 804 .50 Am Roll M pf 1.25k 3, 67 664 664 + % 15% 10% Am Safety Kaz 1 20 2 124 12V, 124 20 9 Am Seating ( 6(>gl 2 104 104 10% + % 46V. 254 Am Ship Bldg 1 f.Og 60s 32 32 324 + 4 63 354 Am Sm A Ref 50e 12 51 5(1 50 - % 694 594 Am Snuff <3a> 1 70 70 70 +1 41 204 Am Steel Fdry 25e_ 25 30% :9. 20 144 8V. Am Stores (.25e) . 3 12% 124 12%+ 4 344 154 Am Sugar Refining. 5 20% 204 :0% + ", 184 114 Am Sumat Tob (1). 2 15% 154 15% + 4 172% 148 Am Tel A Tel (9) .. 13 17 : 1714 1714 - % 89 73 Am Tobacco (5) . 1 88 88 8. + 4 904 754 Am Tobacco! B1 (5). 7 904 89% 904 + Vi 1534 132 Am Tobacco pf (6). 1 150 150 150 - 4 8% 44 Am Type Founders. 7 5% 54 5% -t- 4 14% 84 Am Water Works . 11 10% 104 10% + Vi 154 3% Am Woolen 9 8% 84 8% + 4 '61% 28% Am Woolen pf <3k). 5 474 46V, 464 - % 12 4 Am Zinc .. 6 64 6 6 +4 40 204 Anaconda (1 25g> 6i 284 78 28 - 4 544 35 Anaconda Wire & C 2 374 37 374 +14 274 134 Anchor HocGl 70g 3 204 £0 20 + 4 21 84 Andes Copper 75g . 1 114 114 114 + 4 37 21 Arch-Dan-Mid .35e. 1 324 324 324 1094 97 Armourt Del >pf< 7)_ 1 1084 1084 1084 + 4 84 34 Armour (111 > - 3 54 54 54 60 ?34 Arraouri 111 >pr pf 1 50 , 504 504 + 4 58 . 314 Armstrong C'k 25e 3 404 404 404 - 4 13 74 Arnold Constah 25e 1 104 104 104 + 4 104 54 Assoc Drv Goods 2 8 8 8 +4 384 30 Assoc Invest (2) 1 41 41 41 +24 100 894 Assoc Invest pf i5) 10s 994 994 994 — 4 427* 21 Atch Top&Sante Fe 4" 14 44 24 * — 4 71 494 Atch T&SF pf 2 50e 4 544 544 514 + 4 30V* 15 Atl Coast Line 8 01* 197* 194 264 54 Atl Gulf & W Ind . 1 15 15 15 +1 26 94 Ati Gulf&W Ind pf. 2 164 154 154 - 4 244 184 Atl Kenning 11 1 3 224 924 224+ 4 1104 1044 Atl Refining pf (4). 6 1094 109 1094 94 7 Atlas Corp ( 50g 1 5 84 >4 84 50 434 Atlas Corp of <3 1 1 50 50 50 71 50 Atlas Powder (,75e) 3 73 71 73 +3 127 116 Atlas Powder pf(5) 10s 121 121 121 - 4 54 14 Auburn Auto 1 r) 7 2 174 p* 37i< 2 Austin Nichols 1 24 24 2 + 304 16 Austin Nich pf (A). 60s 224 21 224 +14 94 34 Aviation Corp 95 74 7 74 214 94 Baldwin l,ococtr»- 37 164 164 164 - 4 84 34 Balto & Ohio (r) .. 14 54 54 54 114 44 Balto & Ohio pf <r)_ 5 74 74 774 + 4 304 114 Bangor& Arstook 4 124 12 12-4 874 45 Rangor & Ar pf 15) 120s 454 45 454 214 104 Barber Asphalt.25e 5 15 11V, 15 •+• 4 33 244 Parker Bros pf 2 75 10s 264 264 264 + 4 194 114 Barnsdall Oil 15e 8 124 114 12 3074 154 Ravuk Cigar 1 75a) 12 90 294 294 — 4 294 17 Beatrice Crea 1 la) 3 284 284 28 * 334 16+* Bendix Aviat’n 50e 114 31 31 31 - 4 2274 174 Beneficial Ln I 85g 7 2D, 214 214 - 4 574 32 Best * Co 11 60a) 6 374 374 374 + 4 100 504 Bethlehem Stl (le). 85 79 784 784 + 4 20* 154 Beth Stl 5% pf 11) . 3 20* 20* 20* 121 994 Beih Steel pf (7) 4 117-4 1174 1174 + Vi 244 14 Black & Decker (1) 2 20’* 204 207* ■‘14 174 84 Blaw Knox 12 104 104 10 + 7* 364 134 Bliss & Laugh 2.50g 2 194 194 197* + 4 237a 134 Bloomingdale.l875e 90s 15 15 15 +4 34-4 164 Boeing Airplane 74 254 25 254 - 4 284 16 Bohn Alum & B (1) 4 254 25 254 + 4 1234 1004 Bon Amii AH 4a) __ 20s 118’+ 1184 1184 + 4 65 51 Bon AmD B)2.5<>a 50s 634 634 634 237* 164 Borden Co L30e> .. 12 23'. 234 234+ 4 32 184 Borg-Warner 25e._ 18 2 4 224 234 354 19':, Bower Roll B (3) .. 2 33'. 33 33 7’. 54 Brewing Corp 1 60) 1 65, 6+. 64 15% 7% Bridgeport Brass . H 11% 11% 11% + % 31% 16% Briggs Mfg 1.25g .. 11 21% 21% 21% - % 18Vi 7% Bklyn-Man Transit 82 18% 17% 18 % 59% 27 Bklyn-Man Tran pf 17 63 60 63 +3% 57 39 Bklyn Man pf ctfs 6 58% 56% 58% t 1% 2 1% Bklyn & Queens . 1 1% 1% T% 18 5% Bklyn & Queens pf 10 18 17% 18 + % 16% 11 Bklyn&Qu'ns pf cfs 4 15% 15% 15% + % 30% 13% Bklyn Un Gas.25e . 3 23% 23 23 25% 9% Brunswirk-B 2 75g 11 23% 23% 23% - % 13% 7 Bucyrus-Kriei 50g) 5 10% 10 10 106% 94% Bucyrus-E pf (7) . 20s 104 101% 10 ;% — % 8 4 Budd Mfg _. 14 5% % 5% + % £5% 29% Budd Mfg pf _ 150s 42 40% 40% - % 6% 3 Budd Wheel __ 43 5% 5% 5% + % 30 15% Bullard Co t.25g) _ 4 24*4 24% 24*,+ % 34% 21% Bulova Watch <2a). 1 30 30 30 + % 21% 11% Burlington M (1) - 18 19% 19% 19% - % 18*4 11 Burr’s Add M ,10e . 30 12 11% 12 7% 1 Bush Terminal ... 3 4% 4% 4% + % 6% 2% Butte Copper 2 3*4 3% 3*4+ % 16% 7 Byers (AM) Co 23 13% 12% 13% + % 84% 25% Byers(AM) pf 2.16k 100s 70*t 70 70% - % 30 13Vi California Packing 8 26% 26% 26% — % 3% % Callahan 7,tnc 9 1% 1% 1% 10% 4% Calumet & Hec 25e 11 6% 6% 6% + % 17% 9% Campb’ll Wya’t ,40e 2 14% 14% 14%+ % 21% 12 Canada Dry i.50g)_ 65 21% 20% 20% — % 6% 3% Canadian Pacific 27 5% 5 5% 8 4% Capital Admin tA)_ 1 5% 5% 5% 43 35 Cap Admin pf A(3). 30s 40 39% 40 + % 33 13% Carpenter Stl 1 30g. 3 25% 25% 25% +1% 4 2% Carriers&Gen 025e. 13 3 3 94% 63% Case (J I) Co 2 69% 69% 69%+ % 64% 38% Caterpillar Traci2) 8 52% 51 52% +1% 30% 13% Celanese Corp .50g. 68 29% 28% 28% - % 114% 84 Celanese pr pf i7).. 80s 11 i% 113% 113% + % 19% 7% Celotett Corp 24 10% 10% 10% + % 30*4 18% Cent Aguirre ( 1 50) 6 22% 22% 22%+ % 5% 2% Central Foundry 8 3% 3 3 113% 103% Cent 111 L pf <4 50) 100s 114 113% 114 + % 12% 3% Central HR of N J . 2 5% 5% 5% + % 14*4 3% Cent Violeta.i .25g) _ 1 7% 7% 7% + % 52% 32 Pasco (le) 5 38% 38% 38% + % 13 5% Certaln-teed 3 6% 6% 6% + % 47% 22 Certain teed pf 160s 30 29% 29% — % 30 17 Champ P& F t.lOg) 3 23% 23% 23%+ % 105 98 Champ P&F pf (6». 40s 104 103% 103% 21% 6% cnecker i aD lo 1 2U 2d 2U + % 29% 3% Chesapeake Corp (r) 36 4% 4% 4% 47% 27 Ches & Ohio 2 50a) 18 41% 41 41 97% 85% Ches & Ohio pf (4) 1 96% 96% 96%+% 4 1% Chi & East 111 pf (r) 1 2% 2% 2% + % % % Chi M St P& P <r»1 % % % 1% % Chi M StP&P pf (r) 2 % % % 1% % Chi & Northwn <r> 65 fit % ft 3% % Cht & Northwn pftr 6 1 % % — % 20% 10 Chi Pneu Tool .. 8 14% 13% 14%+ % 13% 4% Childs Co 4 5 4% 4% - % 94% 53%, Chrysler Corp 1.25e. 84 87% 86 86% + % 14% 9 City Ice & E (1.20) 1 13%, 13%, 13% + % 4% 2%.City Stores .. 1 3% 3% 3% + % 34% 15 Clark Equip 2.25b . 2 32% 31%, 31% - % 115 106% Clev El lllu pf 4.50 130s 114 112% 114 39% 20% Clev Graphite 2.60b 5 38% 38 38 - % 60% 34% Climax Mollb 1.20a 18 39 38% 38% + H 40% 21% Cluett Peab 2.76b _ 36 40% 40% 40 « + % 140 125 Cluett Peab pf (7).. 80s 140% 140% 140% + % 133 105 Coca Cola >6s) ... 2 121% 120% 121% +1% 62% 58 Coca Cola (A)(3)... 1 62% 62% 62%+ % 18% 11% Colgate-Pal-P .50... 23 18% 17% 17%-% 107 101% ColR-Pal-P pf (6) 2 106 105% 105% -1 37% 20% Collins & Aikm’n 2e 1 33 33 33 24% 11% Colo Fuel & Iron 3 19% 19% 19% - % 9% 3% Colo & So 1st pf 60s 4% 4% 4% - % 26% 14 Colum B C (A) ,45e. 28 26% 25% 25% 26% 14 Colum B C (B) .45e. 8 26% 26 26 + % 9 5% Columbia Gas & El. 83 6% 6% 6% 92% 74% Col G&E pf(A)(6).. 4 87% 87% 87%+% 15% 6% Columb Pic vtc ..17 7 7 96 73 Columb'n Car 4.50g. 1 88% 88% 88% 67 38% Cornel Credit (4) .. 5 48 47% 47% - % 60 42 Cornel Inv Tr (4)_ 10 55% 56% 65% + % 16 8% Cornel Solvents .. 60 14% 14% 14% - % 32% 25% Comwlth Ed (1780). 60 32% 32% 32%+ % 2% 1% Comwlth A South’n. 7 1% 1% 1% 73% 46% Comwlth ft S pf <S) 3 65% 65 65%+% 9% 5 Congress Cigar- T 10% 9% 10% + H 32% 16% Consol Aircraft- 22 29% 28% 28% + Ut A 2:30 D.m. Prev. ’39-’40 Stock and Sales— Set. High. Low. Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low. Close, chge. 94 5H Consol Cigar (.75e). 32 94 9 94 + % 85 73 Consol Cigar pf (7). 10s 81 81 81 91 794 Consol C pr pf 6.50 _ 70s 874 87 87 -1 11 44 Consol Cop M(.30g) 22 84 84 84 85 27 Consol Edison (2).. 65 324 314 314 1084 1014 Consol Edis pf (5).. 3 108 1074 1074 24 4 Consol Film ... 11 1 1 74 34 Consol Laundries.. 11 44 4 44 + 4 94 64 Consol Oil I 801 ._ 36 74 74 74 9 14 Consolidation Coal. 2 34 34 34 34 84 Consoltdt'n Coal pf. 2 16 16 16 102 88 Consum Pw pf 4.60. 2 1034 1034 1014 - 4 174 94 Container Corp .25e. 12 164 164 164 - 4 224 114 Conti Baking (A).. 2 14 134 134 - 4 2 1 Conti Baking <B>._ , 5 14 1 14 614 324 Conti Can t.50e) ... 10 454 45 454 + 4 1164 106 Conti Can pf (4.50). 1 1154 1154 1164 - 4 404 294 Conti Insur (160a). 8 404 404 404 +4 54 14 Conti Motor _ 101 44 44 44 -4 314 194 Conti Oil (.25e)_ 6 24 4 24 4 244 +4 824 164 Conti Steel (2g)_ 2 284 284 284 + 4 614 49 Corn Exchange (3). 230s 55 544 55 + 4 674 544 Corn Products (3).. 14 65 64 644 + 4 54 3 Coty, Inc (.60g> 12 64 64 64 + 4 24 4 Coty Internatl 20g. 4 14 1 1 38 16 Crane Co (.60ft) .. 6 23 224 224 - 4 110 93 CraneCocv pf (5).. 1 994 994 994 -4 13 64 Croslev Corp .. 1 74 74 74 + 4 414 204 Crown Cork & Seal 17 314 314 314 - 4 42 28 Cr'n C&S pf xw 2.25 1 424 424 424 + 4 174 9 Crown /.eller 25e 30 174 164 164 - 4 94 75 Crown Zeller pf (5) x 10s 91 91 91 +1 524 244 Crucible Steel 10 894 384 384 13 3 Cuban Am Sugar .. 10 7 64 64 — 4 93 48 Cub Am S pf (2k)_100s 844 81 84 194 9 Cudahy Packing _. 2 134 134 134 + 4 284 26 Cuneo Press 375e._ 1 264 264 264 + 4 74 34 Curtis Publishing 1 44 44 44 + 4 634 38 Curtis Tub pf (lk). 2 46 454 454 + 4 134 44 Curtiss- Wright 489 114 104 104 324 194 Curtiss-Wri A i (2s) 16 30 294 294 91 734 Cush’n $7 pf 1.75k . 370s 90 90 90 43 25 134 Culler Hanim'r 75g 5 194 194 194 + S 104 44 Da vlson Chemical 2 84 84 84 + Vi! 1124 103 Dayton P&L pf 4.50 20s 1114 1114 1114 20% io% Iieere «s l o t./og) 21 21“** 21% 21% -r ■>» 27% 23 Deere & Co pf( 1.40) 1 26% 26% 26% 28 12% Dei & Hudson 11 20% 20% 20%-% 8% 3% Del Lack & Wn 4 5% 5% 6% 32% 18 Devoe & Ray A 25e 190s 21% 21% 21%+ % 34% 28 Diam'd Match 1.50 1 34% 34% 34%+ % 44% 36% Diamond M pf 1.50- 2 41% 41 41 -1 10% 5% Diam T Mot 40g __ 5 9 9 9 20% 13% Distill-Seagr (21 .. 4 19% 19% 19% - % 13% 9% Dixie-Vortex (lg) 1 13% 13% 13% - % 22% 10 Doehlei Die Casting 2 19 18% 18% - % 34 20% Dome Mines (2) 6 22 21% 21% — % 87% 55 Douglas Air (3g) 42 86 84% 85 153% 101% Dow Chemical (3) . 5 152 151% 152 +2% 18 6 Dresser Mfg ( 75g). 3 18 17% 17% - % 9% 5% Dunhill Internatl_ 2 6 5% 6 + % 14 10 Duplan Silk (1)_ 1 12 12 12 - % 183% 126% Du Pont l7g) 19 184% 183% 183% +1% 124% 112 Du Pont Df (4.50)2 123% 123% 123% 3D. 12% Eastern Air Lines.. 15 31% 30% 30% - % 8% 3% Eastn Roll Mills 2 5% 5% 6% + % 186% 138% Eastman Kodak (6) 8 161 159% 159% — % 183% 155'% Eastm Kodak pf (6) 10s 177 177 177 +1 32%, 15% Eaton Mfg ( 75e). _. 11 32 31% 32 + % 3% 1 Eitington Schild . 1 1% 1% 1% 40%, 22% Elec Auto Llte(3g). 22 37% 37 37 - % 18% 8% Electric Boat(.60g) 19 15% 16% 15%-% 12% 6% Elec Pwr & Light 9 6% 6% 6% - % 38 18% Elec Pwr& Lt JB pf 8 27 26% 26% 41% 20% Elec Pwr& Lt J7 pf 16 31% 30% 30% i % 35 23% Elec Stor Bat (2)... 6 29% 29% 29% 3% % Elk Horn Coal _ 3 1% 1% 1% 42% 28 El Paso Nat G (2).. 1 38% 38% 38% + % 13% 7 Eng Puh Service ... 16 10 9% 9% - % 1% % Equit Office Bldg_ 3 % % % + % 3 1 Erie RR (r) ... 2 1% 1% 1% 6 1% Erie RR 1st pf ir).. 1 2% 2% 2% + % 5% 3V* Eureka Vacuum Cl. 6 4% 4% 4% - % 13 6 Evans Products_ 3 8% 8% 8% + % 25% 14% Ex-Cell Ollg) ... 9 21% 27% 23% + % 43% 24 Fairbks Morse (la). 19 40% 40 40% +1 38% 20 Fajardo Sugar ,50e. 20 27% 26% 27% + % 18% lb Fed Lt & Trac tig) 3 16% 16% 16% % % 100% 81 Fed Lt & Tr pf 16) 10s 98 98 98 - % 31V, 24 Fed Min & Sm l.aOg 1 24% 24 24 - % 6% 2% Fed Motor Truck 2 4% 4% 4% 1% % Fed Water Svc lA) 1 ", % % 27% 18". Federat Dep St .5de. 4 22% 22% 22%+ % 23% 14% Ferro Enamel ilai. 5 19% 19% 19% 4- % 40% 27% Fidelity Phoe 1 60a 9 40% 40% 40% + % 25% 17% Firestone Tire 25e. 4 20% 20% 20% + % 106 99% Firestone pf <6> 1 105% 105% 105% 51 38% First Natl Strs 2.50 4 45% 45 45%+ % 31% 15 Fllntkote (1 g) . 12 19% 19% 19%-% 5 1% Follansbee Bro (r). 4 2% 2% 2% 37% 21 Food Mach 1.375g._ 1 33 33 33 + V* 29'. 14 Foster Wheeler . 1 18% 18% 18% - <% 90% 66% Foster Wheeler pf 60s 71 71 71 +1 9% 1% Francisco Sugar . 3 4% 4% 4% + % 36 18% Freeport Sulph (1). 15 35 34% 34% - % 5% 2 Galr (Robert) .. 1 3% 3% 3% + % 18% 7% Gair (Robert) pf .. 2 14% 14% 14*,— V. 15% 9 Gamewell Co 25e 100s 14V* 14 14 4 % 9 5% Gen Am Invest 25g 2 7 6% 6% + % 65 40 GenAmTran 2 375g 4 55% 55% 55% + % 11 7% Gen Baking ( 60) 3 7% 7% 7% 149 128 Gen Baking pf (8).. 10s 143% 143% 143% + % 5% 2% Gen Bronze _ 13 3 3 18 9 Gen Cable _ 6 10% 10% 10% 4 % 35 17% Gen Cable (A)_ 1 20% 20% 20%+ % 75 4" Gen Cable pf _ 2 55% 55 55 *3% 25% 16 Gen Cigar (1 75g) _ 6 19 18% 19 + % 130% 106 Gen Cigar pf (7 ) 50s 114% 114% 114% 44 ■ 31 Gen Rlectrlc( 1.40g> 60 40% 39% 39% - % 48% 36% Gen Foods (2) 14 47% 47% 47% 1% % Gen Gas & El (A).. 2 % % % - % 99 72% Gen Mills (3 50) 1 94% 94% 91%+ % 130% 125% Gen Mills pf (51 . 90s 129% 129 129 - % 56% 36% Gen Motors (.75e)-_ 80 55 54% 54% — % 126% 112 Gen Motors pf i5)„ 1 124% 124% 124% + % 6% 3% Gen Outdoor Adv 1 4% 4% 4% + % 10% 7 Gen Print Ink S0g_. 9 9% 9% 9% + % 28 12% Gen Kwy Signal .. 3 18% 18% 16%+ % 1% % Gen Realty & Ctil _ 2 % % H 20% 14 Gen Realty & U pf . 3 17% 17% 17% 41 19% Gen Refractor .25e 4 32 31% 31% + % 43% 16 Gen Steel Cast pf 290s 29% 29% 29% - % 22% 13% Gen Telephonei la) 2 21% 21 21 15% 8% Gen Tbea F.q < 80g) 8 12% 19% 12%+% 99% 97% Gen Time Inst pf 6 20s 98 98 98 —2 27% 15% Gen Tire&Rub .50e 3 22% 22% 22% 6% 6% Gillette Saf R (.60). 7 6% 6% 6% 54 43% Gillette S R pf (5).. 1 30 50 50 - % 13% 6% Glmbel Bros _ 18 8 7% 8 + % 24% 14 Glidden Co (.50g) . 2 18% 18 18 - % 47 34 Glidden cv pf (2 25) 1 43 43 43 3% 2% Gohel t Adolf) _. 2 3% 3% 3% 2% 1% Goebel Brew (.20) .. 5 2% 2% 2% + .% 24% 13% Goodrich (B F) (lg) 34 19% 18% 18%+ % 38% 21% Goodyear Rub 25e. 27 23% 23% 23% - % -109% 87 Goodyear pf (5) . 1 93 93 93 + % 5% 2% Gotham Silk Hose _ I 4% 4% 4% Hi % Graham-Patge _ 10 1% 1 1 — % 10% 4% Granby Consol ,25e_ 8 8% 8 8% + % 15% 13% Grand Un war ctfs. 1 14% 14% 14%+ % 22% 10 GraniteC’vS 125g. 1 14% 14% 14% +1% 35 24% Grant (WT) 85e .. 3 33% 33% 33%+ % 25 22% Grant < VV T)pf(l)-. 1 24 24 24 + % 33% 16% Great North n pf 64 25% 24% 24%-— % 22% 12% Gr’t Nor O ctfs 75e 10 14% 14% 14% 37% 23% Great Wn Sug (2) — 11 28 28 28 142 129% Great Wn S pf (7).. 20s 140% 140% 140% -1% 35% 24% Green (HL) (2a)... 9 34% 34% 34% 4 % 21% 14% Greyhound (la) 12 17 16% 16% 12% 10 Greyhound pf (.55). 3 12 11% 11% + % fi % Guantanamo Sugar 4 2% 2% 2% + % 6% 3 Gulf Mob & Northn. 1 3% 3% 3'4 4 % 22% 11 Gulf Mob & Nor pf. 3 16% 15% 16% 4 % 32V* 29 Hacken Water 1.50.. 1 32% 32% 32% + % 20 8 Hall (W FI Prte . 1 18% 18% 18% - % 33% 17 Harb-Walker .25e _ 17 25% 25 -25 - % 10% 4% Hat Corpi A)(1.10g) 2 7% 7% 7% + % 4% 2 HayesMfg Corp ... 4 3% 3% 3% - % 13% 8% Hecker Prod .60 ... 2 10% 10% 10% - % 117 100 Helme (G W ) (5a).. 1 109 109 109 ■18% 10 Hercules Mot 50g . 1 15 15 15 4 % 101% 63 Hercules P (2 85g). 3 91 91 91 + % 135% 128% Hercules P pf (6).. 60s 131 131 131 51 29% Holland Furn (2).. 3 32% 32% 32% 4 % 11% 5% Hollander (A)_ 12 6% 6 b 21% 8% Holly Sugar _ 2 13% 13% 13% + % 66% 47% Homestake <4 50) 8 57% 56% 56% -1% 36% 27 Houd-Her(AI (2.50) 1 34% 34% 34% + % 17% 8% Houd-Her (B) 75g 3 12% 12% 12% - % 73% 60% Household Fin (4a) 1 68 68 68 -1 9% 4% Houston Oil __ 2 6 6 6 + % 67 40 Howe Sound (3a)... 1 49% 49% 49%+ % 35% 21% Hudson Bay 1.75g_. 9 25% 24% 24% + % 8% 4% Hudson Motor_ 10 5% 5% 5% + % 2% % Hupp Motor _ 15 % % % 20% 9 Illinois Central_ 6 12% 12% 12% - % 35 16% Illinois Central pf— 1 23% 23% 23% + % 49 38% Illinois CLI<(4)... 10s 40% 40% 40% +1% 9% 4% Indian Refining_ 3 5% 5% 5% + % 29% 16% Inijust Rayon 75g . 4 27% 26% 27%+% 131 86 Ingersoll Rand (le) 2 114 114 114 — % 98% 67 Inland Steel (le) x 4 84% 84% 84% +2 21 9% Inspiration Copper. 19 12% 12% 12% — % 6 4% Insurshares (,20g)_ 1 6% 6% 6% + % 9% 2% lnterboro R T (r) . 2 3% 3% 3% + % 46% 17% Interchemical ,40e.. 12 43% 42% 43% +1% 110% 90 Interchem pf (6 > 110s 109% 109 109% — % 5% 2% Intercontl Rub ,20g 1 4% 4%' 4% 16% 7% Interlake Iron _ 35 10% 10% 10% — % C% 1% Inti Agricultural .. 1 1% 1% 1% 71% 45% Inti Harvester 1.60. 35 56% 65% 55% + % 8% 3% Inti Hydro-El (A)_. 4 4% 4% 4% + % 17% 2% Inti Mercantile Ma. 73 9% 9% 9% - % 10 5% Inti Mining (,45g).. 1 6% 67* 6% + % 55% 35 Inti Nickel Can (2). 44 36% 36% 36% 14% 6% inti Paper & Power 124 14% 13% 13%-% 59% 25% Inti Paper & Pw pf 62 60% 58% 687* — % 60% 39% Inti Ry Cen A pf 2k. 60s 53% 53% 63% + % 38 29 Inti Salt (1.50a).... 1 36 36 36 9% 3% Inti Tel & Teleg .. 7 4 3% 4 &74 371, IntlT&Tfor’ncfs. 2 4 4 4 + % 14% 7% Interstate Dept Str. 2 9% 9% 9% + % 18 13 Jarvis <WB) 1.50g. 6 16 16 16 + % 93 68 Jewel Tea (4a) ... 1 92 92 92 105 69 Johns-Manv 2.75g.. . 6 73 72% 72% + % 133 122 Johns Manv pf (7). 20s 126 126 126 +1 83 35 Jones & Laughlln pt 3 62 61% 61% +1% 19% 13 Kalamazoo Stov .60 3 14% 14 14 — % 11% 6% Kansas City Sou... 2 7% 7% 7% + % 14% 7% Kelsey-Hayes (A).. 8 12 11% 11% + W 10% 6 Kelsey Hayes (B).. 5 6% 6% 6% + % A 2:30 p.m. Prev. '39-'40 Stock and 8ales— Net. High. Low. Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low. Close, cbge. 46% 28 Kennecott Cop<2g) 37 37 36% 36%+ % 16% 8% Keystone Stl 80g 8 14% 14% 14% + % 38 20 Kimberly-Clark (la) 2 36 35% 36 +1 4 1% Kinney iSRI ... 1 2% 2% 2% + % 31 12% Kinney $5 pf (3g)__ 60a 30% 20% 30% 26% 20 Kresge (SS) 1.20a . 8 25% 25% 25% + % 29% 20V* Kroger Groc (1.60). 29 29% 29 29 + % 13% 7 Laclede Gas ... 20a 8% 8% 8% 18% 14 Lambert (.375e) .. 2 15% 15% 15% - % 37% 25 Lee Ruh&T (,75e). 4 34 33% 34 +% 25 17 Leh Port Cmt. 375e. 1 22V* 22% 22% - % 3% % Leh Valley Coal 1 1% 1% 1% + % 8% 1% Leh Valiev Coal pf. 4 3% 3% 3% - % 6% 2% Leh Valley RR (r). 7 3% 3% 3% + % 27% 20 Lehman Corp 20e . 24 22% 22% 22% + % 13% 9% Lehn & Fink 1.375b 2 13% 13% 13%+% 32% 23 Lerner Stores (21 l 28% 28% 28%+ % 56% 36% Llbbey-Ow-F(.50e). 10 50% 50% 60% - % 10 4% Libby McN & Lib 7 7% 7% 7% 109% 96% Llgg & Myers(B)4ax 3 108 107% 108 +1% 47 31% Link Belt (1) . 3 37% 37% 37%+% 20% 10 Linn Oil Ref (1) 2 13 13 13 + % 19 13% Liquid Carb&C.25e 7 17% 17 17%+% 36% 18% Lockheed Aire (lg) 124 32% 31% 32 54% 30% Loew's. Inc (2) 38 36% 36% 36% 109% 101% Loew's Inc pf (6.50) 1 108% 108% 108% + % 25% 6 Loft Inc 390 26 24% 25% +1% 52 38% Lone Star Cmti 3a). 4 44% 44% 44%+% 22% 16% Loose-Wiles 25e... 1 17% 17% 17%+% 25 19% Lorlllard (1.40k)_ 10 24% 24'% 24% 159% 138 Lorlllard pf (7) .. 20a 159 158 159 4 1 21% 15 b. Louts OA-Fi A 11.50 . 11 17% 15% 15% -1% 67 36% Louis & Nash 1.25e. 4 59% 59% 59% 33% 18 Mack Trucks 5<'e . 7 27 26% 26% - % 43% 25% Macy (RH) Co 50e. 5 29% 29 29%+% 40 25% Magma Copi 2 75g). 1 35 35 35 — % 6% 1 Manatl Sugar 3 3% 3 3 '6 5 Man Rv mod gtd (r) 7 15% 15% 15% 30% 9 Man Ry gtd <r) ... 60a 30 30 30 2% 1 Maracaibo 011 2 1% 1% 1% 5% 4% Marine Mldl'd 10e 18 5% 5 5 17% 9% Marshall Field 30g 15 14% 13% 13% - % 45% 26% Martin iGlenn) lg 112 42% 41% 41% + % 10% 2 Martin Parry . 29 9%. 9 9% + % 37% 20% Math Alklll (1.60).. 3 30% 30% 30% + % 63% 40% May Dept Strs (31.. 7 52V* 52 52% + % 6% 3% Maytag Co .. 1 4 4 4 + % 16% 10% McCall Corp (1.40). 2 15% 15% 15%+% 17b 9% McCrory Strs (1).. 9 16 15% 15% — % 25% 15% McGraw Klee (1) ... 2 '24 23% 24 +% 10% 5% McGraw-Hill .15e . 3 8% 8 8% + % 18% 8% McKeesport Tin 26 11% 11% 11% 10% 6% McLellan Strs 40e 1 8% 8% 8% + % 102% 88 McLellan pf (6) 10s 102 102 102 + % 1 A a Med O 1 Ail/. IA5L 1 n.v. _ K. 31% 28% Melville Shoe < 50e) 7 31% 31% 31%+% 6% 3 Mengel Co 1 5% 5% 5% 28% 14 Mengel To 5®, pf 120* 23% 23% 23% - % 16% 6% Miami Copper (20e) 10 10 9% 10 + % 18 11% Mid <\>nt Pel ( 60s) 1 14% 14% 14% 40 18% Midland Stl P .50c _ 3 85% 35% 35%+ % 120% 101 Mid Stl 1st pf (8) . 80* 1 !fi% 116% 116% + % 85% 44% Mlnn-Hon Ros <2> 3 51 60% 60% - % 14% 8% Mission Corp t 65s) 1 9% 9% 9% 2% % Mo-Kan H Texas 9 % % % 9% 2% Mo-Kan & Texas pf 8 4 3% 4 + % 2% % Mo Pacific pf (r) 3 % th % + 4 21 10% Mohawk Carpet 75s 1 18% 18% 18% — % 114% 85% Monsanto Ch <3r> 5 109% 109 109% +1 121 110 MonsantoC pf 4 50. 10s 117% 117% 117% - % 57% 40% Monts Ward 1.25e ._ 63 55 51% 54% + % 19 9% Motor Products . 3 11% 11% 11%- % 17% 10 Motor Wheel <1 60) 4 16% 16% 16% + % 30 16% Mueller Brass 80s. 1 23% 23% 23% + % 7% 3% Mullins Mfs IB) ... I 4% 4% 4% + % 44% 30 Mullins Mfs of_ 10* 32 32 32 +1 14% 9 Munstnswear .. 7 12% 12 12% + % 70% 50 Murphy (GO (4)-. 2 72 72 72 +2% 9% 4 Murray Corp ... 36 7% 6% 6% — % 9% 5% Nash-Kelvlnator .. 36 6% 6% 6% — % 26% 14 Nash Chat&StL le.. 10* 20 20 20 - % 18% 7% Natl Acme (,60g) 16 16 15% 15% + % 15 7% Natl Aviatinnt 75g) 14 13% 12% 13 + % 28% 21% Natl Biscuit «.4Oe) _ 13 24% 24 24 - % 18% 10% Natl Bd & Inv 80a . 5 18 18 IS 26% 14% Natl Cash Res it).. 6 15% 15% 15% 181* 12 , Natl Dairy I 80) 28 17 16% 16% + % 117% 110 Natl Dairy pf A (7) 20*114 114 114 •.8', 0% Natl Distiller* (2) 7 24% 24% 24%+ % 18% 10% Natl F.nam & Stpg . 1 13 13 13 16% 8% Natl Gypsumi 25s) 7 11% 11 11 - % 27% 17% Natl Lead t 50a) 25 20% 1S% 20 +• % 148% 132 Natl Lead pf< BH6) 30* 148% 148% 148% 35% 14% Natl Malleable Is . 3 24% 24% 24% + % . 10 6% Natl Pwr & Lt 60.. 9 8 7% 7% - % 82 52 Natl Steel (1.70s).. 18 69% 69 69 +1% 15% 5% Natl Supply . 2 9% 9% 9% + % 20 10 Natl Supply 82 pf . 1 13% 13% 13% + % 50% 40 Natl Supply 6% pf . 40s 41% 40% 41%+ % 112% 105% NewberrviJJ )pf<5) 30s 109 109 109 -% 73% 71% Xewmont Min 3.50g 1 73 73 73 — % 17% 8% Newport Indus 11 12% 12% 12% — % 62 27 N Y Air Brake 50e. 3 47 46% 47 +1 23% 11% N Y Central 140 17% 17% 17% - % 25% 10% N Y Chi & St Louts. 4 19% 19% 19% + >% 45% 18% N Y Cht & St L pf 12 34% 34 34 - % 43% 30 N Y C Omnibus (3a) 2 32 32 32 +4* 10% 1% N Y Dock _ 2 4% 4% 4% + % 15% 4% N Y Dock pf ._ 1 7 7 7 + % 1% % N Y N H & H fr).._ 2 % % H 17 8% N Y Shtphulldtng... 4 14% 14 14 - % 29% 12% Nor Am Avia 1.40g. 104 26% 25% 25% - % 26■* 18% Nor Am Co (1 20a > 37 22 21% 21% 59 50'j No Am 5*4% pf 2 875 3 57 56% 57 + % 59% 52% North Am 6% pf (3> 2 56% 56% 56% - % 14% 7 Northern Pacific 20 9 8% 8% - % 40 29 Northwest Tel (3). 40s 34 34 34 + % 6% 2% Norwalk Tire ... 2 4% 4% 4% + % 10% 6 Ohio Oil .. 4 7% 6% 7 30 14% Oliver Farm Equip 5 20% 19% 20 + % 20% 12 Omnibus Corp 1 2fta 1 13% 13% 13% + % :.7% 15% Otis Elevator!.15e). 18 17% 17% 17%+ % 16 7% Otis Steel _. 23 11% 11 11%+% 70 50 Owens-Ill G1 ,50e.._ 7 62% 62% 62%+ % 7% 3 Pac Am Fisheries.. 7 5% 5% 5% 7% 2% Pacific Coast _ 10s 6 6 6 25 11% Pac Coast 1st pf_ 10s 23% 23% 23%+ % 15% 3% Pac Coast 2d pf . ’30s 12% 12% 12% 12% 9% Pac Finance (1.20). 1 12% 12% 12%+ % 34% 27% Pac Gas & Elec (2). 8 34% 34 34 50% 41 Pac Lighting (3)— 2 47% 47% 47%+% 21% 9% Pac Mills 4 14% 14% 14%+ % 156% 128 Pac Tel & Tel pf (6) 20s 151 151 151 -% 7% 6 Pac Tin Consol .log 6 7 6% 6% — % 4% 3 Packard Motor 33 .3% 3% 3% + % 20% 9% Pan-Am Airways 25 19 18% 18% — % 8% 5 Pan-Am Petrol .25g 2 7% 7% 7% 2 % Panhandle _ 3 ' % % % 60% 35 Paraffine (2.25g).._ 1 42% 42% 42% 14% 6% Paramount i logl . 67 7% 7% 7% + % 13% 7% Param't 2d pf ( 60). 2 9 8% 9 + % 4 1% Park Utah Mines ._ 3 IT* IT* 1% + % 47 36 Parke Davis (SOe)- 3 43% 43% 43% 22 11% Parker Rust (la)... 2 21% 21% 21% 13% 5% Pathe Film _ 11 10% 10- 1014+ % 11% 5% Patino Mines . 2 5% 5% 5% - % 62% 48 Penick fk Ford (3a). 3 56% 56 56 — % 95 74 Penney (JC) (,75e). 11 89% 89 89 4% % Penn Coal & Coke _ 7 4 3% 4 5% 2% Penn Dixie Cem 5 .3% 3% 3V4 + % 17 11% Penn Glass S ct.75g. 2 14 14 14 +% .7% 15 Penn Railroad (lg) 72 22% 22% 22% - % 19% 7% Pere Marquette .. 2 11% 11% 11% + % 40 13% Pere Marquette pf 340s 25% 25% 25% + % 45 21 Pere Marq pr pf ... 60s 34 33 33 -1 10% 5% Pfeiffer Brew (D... 7 9% 9% 9% - % 47% 28V* Phelps Dodge .25e.. 21 37% 37 87%+ % 48% 36 Phila Co S6 pf (3)._ 2 44% 44% 44%+% 103% 74 Philip Morris (3)_ 4 94% 93% 94% +2 i 45 IT IllllliJO-*! Ulica-— o ? 1'4 i r4 46% 31% Phillips Petrol (2). 12 40% 39% 39%-% 6% 2 Phoenix Hosiery _ 12 6% 6% 6% + % 66 36 Phoenix H pf 1.75k. 30s 66 66 66 9% 6 Pierce Oil pf _ 1 8% 8% 8% + % 12 2% Pitts Coal .. 1 5 5 5 + % 14% 4 Pitts Coke & Iron... 6 7% 7% 7% + % 11% 4% Pitts Screw ... 4 7% 7% 7% + % 48% 22 Pitts Steel pf (B)_80s 33% 33% 33%+% 25% 12% Pitts Steel 5 % pf... 80s 19 18 19 +1% 20% 6 Pitts & W Va ... 480s 14% 13% 14 + % 2% % PittstonCo . 2 % % % 24 17% Plymouth 011 1.40.. 2 22% 22% 22%+ % 16% 7% Poor & Co t B) 9 11% 11% 11% + % 2% % Port R Am To A <r) 1 1% 1% 1% 16'* 6 Pressed Steel Car 16 13 12% 12%-% 68% 50% Proctor & Gam 12a) 24 68+4 68% 68%+ % 119% 112 Proctor & G pf (5) . 10s 114 114 114 +% 41% 31% Pub Svc (NJ) 60e . 6 41% 41% 41%+ % 143 129 Pub SvctNJ )pf (7). 2 143 143 143 + % 166 147 Pub SvctNJ >nf(8). 30s 162 161% 161% - % 41% 22% Pullman t.25e)_ 32 29% 28% 28% - % 11% 6% Pure Oil t.25g). 18 8% 8% 8% 90% 79 Pure Oil pf (6) .. 2 87% 87% 87‘*+2% 18% 10+4 Purity Baking ,25e. 9 15% 15% 15% - % 8% 5 Radio Corp t.20e)_ 28 6 5% 5% — % 67% 63% Radio cv pf (3.60).. 2 63% 63% 63% 2% 1% Radlo-Keith-Or (r) 10 1% 1% 1% 11% 4% Railr’d Sec til Stk_. 110s 5% 5% 5% 23% 16% Raybest-Man .25e.. 1 20% 20% 20% + % 19% 6% Rayonier, Inc _ 3 18% 18% 18% 28+4 12% Rayonier pf .50d_ 2 28 27% 27+4 28+4 20% Reading 1st pf (2)_. 2 26% 26 26%+1 27 16 Reading 2d pf (2).. 5 22 21+4 22 + % 5% 2% Real Silk Hose .. 1 3% 3% 3% - % 14% 9 Reliance Mfg (.15e) 4 13% 13% 13% + % 17% 9% Remlng-Rand 20e_. 1 9+t 9+4 9+4 75% 49+4 Rem-R pf wwt4.50) 2 51 60+4 61 + % 2+4 % Reo Motor tr) ... 3 1+4 1+4 1+4 28% 12% Republic Steel . 103 21% 21% 21%-% 95+4 43 Rep Stl cv pf 7.50d. 1 89% 89% 89% +1 89+4 42 Rep Steel pf A (6).. 1 72% 72% 72%+ % 20% 9+4 Revere Copper . 7 12+4 12% 12% 40% 21% Revere Copper (A). 1 24+» 24»» 24+4 +1+4 14+4 7% Reynolds Metals... 40 13+4 12% 12%-% 11+4 5% Reynolds Spring... 10 7H 7% 7% + % 45 35 Reyn Tob (B) 50e.. 59 41 40% 40%+% 10% 6+4 Richfield Oil t.60g). 2 7% 7% 7+fc + % 9+4 6% Ritter Dental _ 2 6+4 6+4 6+4 34 15+4 Ruberold (1.10g)... 4 19% 19 19% + +4 2:30 p.m. Prev. ’30-’40 Stock and Sale:— Met. High. Low. Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low. Close, chge. 2% % Rutland RR pf (r)-' 2 1% 1% Ht t H 61% 27% Safeway Strs 2.50g 17 50% 49% 49%-% 109 82% Safeway S pf (5)... 40a 107 107 107 -% 114 96 Safeway S pf (6).. 60s 113 112% 113 116% 104% Safeway S pf (7) . 30» 114% 113% 113% -1% 49% 27% St Joseph T.ead (1). 2 37% 37% 37% 4 1% % % St L-San Kran (r).. 1 14 Vi % 2 % St L-San Fr pf (r). 1 % % % 6 1% StL-Southwn (r). 30a 3% 3% 3*4 + % 27% 10% Savage Arms (,25e) 11 27% 26% 26% 17% 10 Schenley Distillers 6 12% 12% 12% — % 76% 61 Schenley pf (5.50) 1 76% 76% 76% + % 1 % Schulte Retail S cr) 6 % % %+ % 10% 3% Schulte R S pf (r).. 11 7% 6% 7 4% 1 % Seaboard Air L «r)_ 4 % % % 24% 15% Seaboard Oil (D... 1 18% 18% 18%+% 3% 1% Seagrave Corp __ 2 1% 1% 1% 87 60% Sears Roebuck (3). x 22 85 84% 84%+% 18% 41% Servel. Jnc (1)_ 7 15% 15% 15% 21% 10% Sharon Steel _ 3 14% 14% 14%+ %' 7% 3% Sharp & Dohme_ 7 5 6 5 ] 54 43 Sharp & D pf (3.50) 2 50% 50% 50% - V« 11% 6% Shat lurk i F G11.401 2 6% 6% 6% - % 40 28 Sheaffer Pen(1.50e) 190a 40 39% 40 + ^ 17% 9% Shell Un OU ( 50b)- 14 11% 11% 11% % 8% 4% Silver King (,25g).. 1 6% 6% 6% + % 32% 17% Simmons Co 1.75e.. 3 22% 22% 22% + V, 28% 16% Simonds S&S 1.40g. 1 23 23 23 + % 29% 15% Skelly Oil < 25e) . 3 20% 20 20%+ % 127 70 Sloss-Sheffield 13g)_ 60a 113 113 113 +1 112% 101 Sloss-Sheff pf (6).. 130s 111% 111% 111% + % 21 11% Smith (AO) ... 1 16 16 16 + % 17% 9 Smith & Coro(.50g). 2 10% 10% 10% 24% 12V« Snider Pkg .. 11 24% 24 24 - % 15% 10% Socony-Vac (.25e).. 62 12 11% 11%+% 3% 1% So Arner Gold 20g.. 1 2% 2% 2% — % 36% 14 So Porto Sug 25e... 2 24% 24% 24%+ % 18% 13 S EGreyh'nd 1.50 .. 1 15% 15% 15%+ % 30 23% Southn Cal Ed l.50a 13 29% 29% 29'.+ % 21% 10% Southern Pacific . 43. 14% 13% 13% - % 23% 11% Southern Railway.. 13 18', 18% 18% - % 36% 15% Southern Kwy pt .. 11 31% 31% 31% — % 3% 1% Sparks Withington 3 2% 2 2% + % 61% 36 Sperry Corp (2g)_ 21 47 46 46%+ V, 34% 11 Spicer Mfg (2g) 7 32% 32 32% -1 V, 53 42 Spicer Mfg pf A (3) 60s 51 51 51 +% 16% 8% Spiegel. Inc (.15e) . 22 10% 10% 10%+ % 75% 57’. Spiegel. Inc pf 4.50. 110s 62 61% 61%+% 34% 18% Square D Co 1.75g__ 7 32 31% 32 7% 5% Stand Brands .20e _ 60 7% 7% 7% 108 94 Stand Br'ds pf 4.50. 1 107% 107% 107% 4% 1% Stand Gas & Elec... 3 1% 1% 1% a 4 stand U&E 14 pr .. 10 5 4% «•» + % 20% 10 Stand G&E 16 pr pf 1 124 12'. 12*. + 4 25% 13% Stand G&E J7 pr pr 5 16% 15% 15% - % 33% 24% Stand Oil of Cal (1) 30 24% 24 24% - 4 30 224 Stand Oil Ind (1) .. 10 27% 274 27% 63% 38 Stand Oil N J (la). 34 44% 43% 444 + 4 36 204 Starrett (LS) 1.25g 1 30 30 30 + 4 80% 65 Sterling Prod (3 80) 10 78 774 78 +14 12% 6% Stewart-Warn 25g_ 5 8% 8% 8% + % 7*. 3% Stokety Brothers . 5 64 6% 6% 17% 8% Ston«&Webster.25g 12 11 10% 104 + 4 104 5% Studehaker .. 272 11% 10% 11 + 4 «6 454 Sun Oil (la)_ 2 60% 60% 60%+ % 114 7% Sunshine Min 1 60.. 12 104 10% 104 38% 194 Superheater (.50)_ 2 24% 24*. 244 3% 14 Superior Oil _ 3 2% 2% 2% + % 22% 10 Superior Steel_ 2 16% 16 16+1 254 17 Swift & Co 1.20)_ 18 23 22% 23+4 37% 244 Swift lntl (2) ... 3 31% 31% 31% 12% 4% Symlng-Gould ww. 1 84 84 84 + % 64 3% Telautograph .05e_. 5 4% 44 4% + 4 604 32% Texas Corp (2) .. 23 444 43% 444 + % 5+. 34 Tex Gulf Prod 20g. 10 3a* 3a. .34 + 4 38% 26 Tex Gulf Sul (2) .. 8 354 35 35 114 7 Tex Pac C&O (.40).. 5 8 7+i 74- % 9 6a. Tex Pac Ld Tr.lOg.. 3 6 5% 5% + % 24 15% Thatcher Mfg (la). 1 16 16 16 41 30 The Fair pf _ 10s 38 38 38 - % 6 2% Thermoid 7 4% 4% 4% + % 33 14 Thermoid pf (.75k) 120s 304 304 304 + % 3% 1% Third Avenue .. 3 3% 3 34 + % 334 17 Thomp Prod (1) 12 32% 31% 324 - 4 34 1% Thompson-Starrett 6 2% 2% 2% + % 23 7% Thompson-Starr pf 3 21% 214 21’* + % 144 9% Tide Wat A 0,15e . 27 10% 10% 10% 96 83 Tide W A O pf 4 50 1 93 93 9 ; - % 25 10+. Timken-Det Ax(2g) 10 22% 22 4 22% + % 644 344 Timken R B (,50e) _ 5 43% 49 49% + v. 8% 5 Transainenca i.aU) 3 5+. 5% 5% 154 64 Trsnscontl & W Air 15 154 14% 14% - %, 10% 5% Transue& Williams 2 7% 7% 7*. + % 4% 2 Tri-Continental ? 2% 2% 2% 88 74 Tri-Cont'J pf (6)_ 1 78 78 78 264 11% SOtnCenturv Fox .. 13 12 11% 11% + % 3+. 1% Twin City Rap Tr__ 2 2% 2% 2% + 4 12% 7% Twin Coach i.50g). 6 104 10% 104+ 4 4*. a4 L'len & Co 2 lv. 14 14 66 34% Underw-Ell-F (2) .. 2 424 42% 42% - a. 14% 6 Union Bag & Paper. 33 14% 13% 14% — 4 944 65% Union Carb <.50e> . 30 83 81% 83 +2 19a. 15% Union Oil(Cal) ,25e 4 164 164 164 105 81% Union Pacific (6) ... 8 95 93% 9.34 + 4 90 78 Union Pac pf (4) .. 2 884 88 884 +1 26 20% Un Tank Car 1.20».. 2 26 26 26 51 31 Unit Aircraft (2g). 80 49% 48% 48+. - 4 16% 7% Unit Air Lines 70 16% l?,a4 1574, 4. 18+4 14% Unit Biscuit <.25e). x 6 164 16 16%+ % 69% 52 United Carhon (3) 1 56% 56% 56% + a. 20 13% Unit-Carr F (1.20g) 1 184 184 184 + a4 3+. 2 UnitCorp .. 14 2% 2% 2% + % 41% 30% United Corp pf (3). 16 414 414 41%+ 4 7% 4% Unit Drug 5 5% 5% 5% 8a. 4% Unit Dyewood _. 2 4% 41. 4'. - % 8% 34 Unit Electric Coal.. 4 4% 4% 4% 95 62% United Fruit (4) .. 6 82% gO'-. 804 -14 15 11 Unit Gas Imp 11)... 20 144 14% 14*» + % 14 6% Unit Mer & Mfg ... 4 If,. 11% 11% _ % 7% 3+. Unit Paperboard_ 4 4% 4% 4% - t* 11 5a. U S & For'n Secur.. 2 6% 6% 6% 113 654 U S Gypsum (2a) .. 1 847. 84*. 84% + ij 29*» 13% U S Indus Alcohol.. 1 22% 22% 22% + % 01/ 1 7 C I 1 /s o Z 15V* 5*« U S Leather l A) 15 10*4 9% 10% + *, 49 32% U S Pipe & Fdry (2) 3 37*. 37% 37% + % 6% 1% U S Realty & lm(r) 21 1% 1% 1% + % 62% 31% U S Rubber 91 3g% 37% 37,, _ 114*4 86*4 USRublstpf(12g) 5 111'4 110% 111 70*. 60 U S Sm & R pf 3.50. 1 69% 69% 69% - % 82*4 41% US Steel 150 61% 60% 60% - *, 120% 98% U S Steel pf 4 7) __ 3 116*. 116 116% - *. 37*. 30 U S Tobacco 1.76er._ 2 37% 36% 37% + &% 8*» 6*» Unit Stkyds pf 70._ 1 7% 7% 7% 2*» 1*. Uniied Stores 1 A).. 2 1% 1%, 1% - % 17 9 Univ-Cyclops (lg)_ 1 14% 14% 14%+ v. 94% 45% Univ Plctu 1st pf10a 94 93 94 1 % V'adsco Sales _ 1 % % 44 40 16 Vanadium <lg) __ 14 331, 32% 32% - % 40 25 Van F.aalte <.50e) 5 39% 39V, 39% + % 46 34% Vick Chemical (2a) 2 44% 44 44% + % 31 18% Victor Chem 1.40g_ 2 31 30*, 31 +1 5% 2% Va-CaroChem 1 3% 31, 3% +. 14 k 33*4 17 Va-Caro Chem pf .. 6 29% 28% 29% +1% 118 112% Va Elec Pier pf (6). IO3 117% 117% 117% 101 64% Vulcan Detin 4.50e_ 10s 90 90 90 3% 1% Wabash pf (A) (r). 6 1% 1% 1% - v. 8 5% Waldorf Syst(.60g) 1 6% 6% 6% + % 50% 30** Walker (H) (4) ... 1 341, 34% 341, _ v4 9% 4 Walworth Co 4 5% 5*4 5%+ t* 6% 3% Warner Bros Ptct 12 4 3% 37, 68 36 Warner Bros Pic pf 20s 47% 47V, 47% _ i, 3% 1% Warren Brfls (r) 2 1% 1% 1% + 1, 35% 19% Warren Fv & P (2). 2 30% 30% 30% -4. *. 28% 28% Wash'ton G Lt 1.50. 1 28*. 28% 2S% + % 24% 14% Waukesha Mot (1). 1 18% 18% 18% + % 32*4 20 Wayne Pump (le)__ 2 24 23*4 23*. - % 4% 1% Webster Eisenlohr. 6 4% 4% ""4% 28% 16 Wesson^pil & Snow 4 24*. 24 24% + % 79 55% WessonTl&S pf (4). 2 69% 69 69%+% 109 85 West PennE(A)<7) 50s 107% 107% 107% + % 108 88 West Penn E pf (6) 70s 104 103% 104 in so west yenn E pf(7). 250s 113% 111% 113 +2 116% 105% VV Penn Pw pf 4.50. 6 116% 116% 116% + y. 19% 15% W VaPulp&P.05e. 3 17% 17 17 + % 371‘ ^ <2/K 3 37>» 37W 37%+% 6% 2% West n Maryland... 14 4 4 + % 2 % West’n Pacific pf._. 2 % % % 37 16% West’n Union Tel . 65 25% 24% 25 + Vi 37% 18% Westhse A B (,25e). 22 26% 25% 26%+ % 121 82% Westhse Elec ,S75e x 20 114 113 in +1% 143 1fu, ^eithse E> pf(3.50)x 30s 135%, 135 135% VlH qqv ,7eS,‘°n E‘ InSt 1S 1 2?l* 2714 27% + £ 39£ 9Q m!S. aCO ,j!oe), — 4 38% 37% 38% +1 3“^ 29 \\ est\ aco pf (1.50). 4 39 3gv4 S9 +iu 98 74 Wheel & LE pf 5.50. 70s 97% 97% 97% 38% 15% Wheeling Steel ... 40 32% 31% 3K . u 15% 7 White Motor ... 13 J2% 12 12% 7 3% White Rock <.50g)_. 1 514 5% + v* 6% 1% White Sewing Mch. 8 5'* 5% 5% + *4 4% 2% Wilcox Oil & G ,10e. 1 31, 31* 3^ _ ^ 3% 1 Willys-Overland .. 8 1% 1% i£ H 6% 2% Willys-Overl’d pf._ 2 3% 3% 3% + u 7% 2% Wilson & Co . 20 5% M + W 60% 32 Wilson&Co pf 1.50k. 2 60 59% 59% - y, 31% 15 Woodward iron ... 3 26% 24% 24%-% 60% 36 Woolworth (2.40).. 30 41% 41 IT% 53% 31% WnrJh'pgt°n P“JnP 16 20 1944 19t* ~ * 53% 31% Worth Pcvprpf .. j 47U 47,4 47,4 . 124% 85 Wright Aero (2g)._ 20s 113 113 113 -1 33% 18% Yale & Townel.60a) 1 24 24 24 21% 11% Yellow Truck ... 65 18% 17% 17% - u 21% 9% Young Spg& Wire. 4 11* U% 11% + % 66% 30 Ygstwn Sheet & T_. 32 42% 42 42 - % 34 17 Ygstwn Stl Dr (lg). 20 24% 23% 23% - y4 23^ 2en\lh nadl° ,lK)" 3 1614 15 16% + % 3% 2 Zonlte Products_ 2 2% 2% 2% + % Approximote Soles of Stocks on the N. Y. Stock Exchonoe. 11:00 A.M--— 320.000 12:00 Noon_ 650 000 1:00 P “ -. 800.000 2:00 P.M..." 890 000 s Unit of tradlns. 10 shares r In bankruptcy or receivership or being reoreanirorf Bankruptcy Act. or securities assumed by such eomnanleT d* Rates of dividend in the foregoing table are annual dia bursements based on the last Quarterly or semi-annual diilari lnc“udedn,e“ °therWl8e not,d- 6DP.cia' or 'extrsdlvidenda <aS*not ^ear* 07 pK stock k Accumulated dividend^ paid* or** dedVredoSa ,e.Cra!h °r Norfolk & Western Superintendent Dies By the Associated Press. BLUEF1ELD, W. Va., Feb. 9.— ' An illness of a year ended yesterday in the death of W. O. Tracy, 64, r general Western superintendent of the Norfolk & Western Railway. He was a native of Winchester, Ky., and a graduate of the Uni versity of Kentucky. Tracy became connected with the railroad in 1905 as a rodman on the Pocahontas A division and came to Bluefleld in 1915 as resident engineer. He was promoted to superintendent of the Pocahontas division in 1931 and named general Western superin tendent in 1936. His widow and two children sur vive. i 1 i \ Most Stock Gains Reduced at Close Of Erratic Day Rallies and Retreats Alternate in Quick Succession Stock Averages 30 15 15 80 Indust Rails. Utll.Stlcs. Net change -4-.6 +.2 +.1 +.4 Today, noon 72.4 19.6 39.5 50.8 Prev. day.. 71.8 19.4 39.4 50.4 Month ago. 70.7 18.9 39.3 49.7 Year ago... 71.2 20.5 37.4 49.9 1940 high.. 74.2 20.5 40.6 52.2 1940 low... 69.9 18.6 39.1 49.2 1939high.. 77.0 23.8 40.6 53.9 1939 low.... 58.8 15.7 33.7 41.6 60-Stock Range Since 1927: 1937-38. 1932-38. 1927-29 High.... 75.3 72.8 157 7 Low 33.7 16.9 61.8 (Compiled by the Associated Press.) By VICTOR EUBANK, Assonated Press Financial Writer. NEW YORK, Feb. 9.—Stocks bounced up and down at frequent intervals in today's market, and most favorites finished well under best levels of the session. Leaders were at their tops during the second hour. They encountered profit selling and dipped before mid day. There were several other ral lies and retreats, and at the close der water. It was noticeable that volume jumped appreciably on rising inter vals and contracted on reactions. Nothwithstanding several extremely quiet lapses, the day’s turnover ex ceeded 1.000.000 shares, one of the largest since last November. While the news was sketchy. Wall Street began to feel that maybe the worst of the current business recession had been discounted. Also there was a little more opti mism regarding politics and poten tial overseas purchases of American goods. At the same time, some analysts .nought yesterday's sharp market budge was mainly technical and far from convincing. Among new highs for the year or j longer were Studebaker, Loft, ! Brooklyn-Manhattan Transit pre j ferred. Atlas Powder and Cluett. Well ahead most of the session— | some skidded at the last—were Bethlehem Steel, National Steel, Chrysler, Sears Roebuck, Interna | tional Harvester, Glenn Martin, Douglas Aircraft. Western Union, Westinghouse, Du Pont, Allied Chemical, Union Carbide, Philip Morris and Union Pacific. Belated hesitancy was shown by United States Steel. General Mo tors. Santa Fe, Youngstown Sheet, Goodyear, Eastman Kodak and ; International Paper preferred. Chicago Grain B> the Associated Press. CHICAGO. Feb. 9—Wheat prices advanced a cent a bushel today to the best level in more than two weeks, but then backed down, giving up all of the session’s gains. Improved demand for cash wheat aided the early upturn, while profit taking encouraged by the fact that prices were about 5 cents above last ' week's lows accelerated the reac tion. Some attention was attracted : bv Washington reports of diplo matic moves which many traders j regarded as encouraging peace pros | pects, but these were offset by news : of strained international relations | m the Near East. Wheat closed U lower to ’s j higher compared with yesterday's I finish. Mav 9Q50_n. • .Tnlv Q7-Q7U j corn, 4-4 down, May, 5638-)4; j July, 56 4; oats, !4-38 lower. WHEAT— Open. H:sh. Low, Cl-S?. May . .994 100’* .994 994-4 July .974 .98 984 .97-974 Sep .964 97 .954 .964-4 CORN— May . . .564 57 .564 .564-4 July _ . -. .SH-1* .57 .564 .564 Sep .57 .574 .564 .564-4 OATS May . .404 .404 .404 .404 July . .354 .354 .35 .354 Sep r* .334 .334 .33 .334 SOY BEANS— May 1.043 4 1.064 1 044 1.054 July 1.024 1 044 1.024 1.03 RYE— May _ .67 4 .68 .664 664 July _ .664 .674 .664 .684 Sep -,i7 •8T34 -664 •«* LARD— Mar. 6 40 6.40 6.95 6 35 May ._ 6.55 6 55 6.50 6 50 July _ 6.72 6 72 6.70 6 70 I Sep 6.92 6.92 6 90 6 90 j Cct 7.00 l.OO 6.97 6.97 BELLIES— Mar. 5 70 May 6 15 Chicago Ca>h Market No cash wheat sales. Corn. No. 1 yel low. 59-594; No. 2. 584-554. No 2 white OH',: No 3. 664 Oat' N- 2 mixed. 43-434: No, 3. 424; No. 2 white. 44; No 3, 43-434; sample grade, white, 404-424. Barley, malting. 55-64 nomi nal: feed. 40-50 nominal; sample grade barley. 45. Soy beans, sample grade, yel low. 994-1.01. Field seeds, per 100 lb-, nominal: Timothy seed 4.90-5 25: sweet clover. 4.50-5 25: red clover. 12.50-15 00: red top. 8.50-9.00: alsike. 15.00-18.00; alfalfa. 18.00-23.00. Baltimore Quotations. BALTIMORE, Feb. 9 (4>>.—Wheat. No. 2 red. winter, garlicky, spot, domestic. lilo'4. New York Colton By the Associated Press. NEW YORK. Feb. 9—Cotton fu tures broke into new high ground for the current move today on con tinued firmness abroad. Trading was active, with Wall Street participation more than suf ficient to absorb spot house selling and hedge pressure. Late prices were 4 to 9 higher; March (old), 11.01; July (old), 10.41; Deremhpr 9 fi.3 Cottonseed Oil. Firmness of most commodity mgrket* started a buying movement in blearhable cottonseed oil futures by commission houses today. Prices were no 4 ro 7 Doints In moderately active forenoon deal ings March. 7.07. May. 7.19: July. 7 30 Crude oil sales were made at 6 cents In the Southeast and Valley. Texas Quoted 51s. nominal. New Orleans Prices. NEW ORLEANS. Feb. 9 (JFi.—Good cables, heavy exDorts and trade buying advanced cotton futures here today At noon orices were 2 to 8 Doints net higher. „ . High Low Last. March -11.13 11.10 12 12 -10.88 10.81 KISS —.. 10.51 10.47 10 50 October - 9 78 9.75 9.78 Cottonseed oil onened steady: March. «.50b: May. 6.69: July. 6.77b; September, O.oOD. Hudson Motor Sales Far Above Year Ago Special Dispatch to The Star. NEW YORK, Feb. 9.—Retail sales of Hudson cars In the United States during the month of January to taled 5,189, a gain of 51 per cent over January of last year, according to George H. Pratt, general sales manager of the Hudson Motor Car Co. Mr. Pratt also stated that 720 new dealers have joined the Hud son organization so far in the cur rent model season. I A