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Dnttija ALLEN, ELIZABETH COLONELL. Or. Mturday. February 10. 1940. ELIZABETH CObONELL ALLEN, the beloved wife of L. Qrecory Allen and mother of Joan and Benya Allen and daughter of Alexander ■Bd Olga Colonel! Remains resting at her residence. 3419 K st. n.w.. until Tuesday. February 13. at 10 a m Relatives and friends Invited. In terment Holy Rood Cemetery Services by Chambers’ Georgetown funeral home. 12 ASHFORD, GEORGIA ANNA. On Mon day. February 12. 1940. at her residence. 280 Ethan Allen ave.. Takoma Park. Md., GEORGIA ANNA ASHFORD inee Grimes), widow of Joseph Franklin Ashford and Mother of Bertha M Bromwell. Joseph £.. Raymond E., Charles R. and James E. Aft ford. Services at the 8. H. Hines Co. funeral home. 2901 14th st. n.w., on Wednesday. February 14, at 3 p.m. Interment Glen wtood Cemetery. 13 AUSTIN, GEORGE. On Thursday. Febru ary 8. 1940 at St. Elizabeth's Hospital. GEORGE AUSTIN He leaves two sons, t#o sisters and a host of friends. ' Funeral Monday. February 12. et 2 p.m.. from the Robinson Co funeral parlor. 1842 4th st. n.w. Interment Woodlawn CJfmetery. • . BATCH, FRANCIS ELMORE. On Satur day. February 10. 1940. at Takoma Park Hospital, FRANCIS ELMORE BATCH, aged 20 years, beloved son of Francis L. and Rose Batch of Edmonston rd. East Hyattsville. Md. Remains resting at the Gasch funeral home. 46 Maryland ave., Hyattsville. Md. Services at the above funeral home on Tuesday, February 13 at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Evergreen Cemetery. Bladensburg. Md BENTLEY. MARY VIRGINIA. On Sat urday, February 10. 1940. at Bridgeport. Corm.. MARY VIRGINIA BENTLEY, widow of the late Charles P-. Bentley and mother of Mrs Ida May Duff. Services at the S. H. Hines Co. funeral borne. 2901 14th st. n.w.. on Tuesday. February 13. at 3 p.m. Interment Glen wood Cemetery. ! BETTEKER, IDA. On Sunday. February 11 1040 at Georgetown University Hos pital. IDA BETTEKER. beloved wife of the lftte John Betteker of Glen, Md Funeral services at the Colonial funeral home of Wm Reuben Pumphrev. Rcck VCle. Md.. Tuesday. February 13. at 11 gjn. Interment near Chillicothe. Ohio. * BIESINGER, BARBARA M. On Satur ®y. February 10. 1940. BARBARA M JSeSINGER. the beloved wife of Elias Bteslneer ^Funeral from the chapel of Frank's Bns Co.. 1113 Tth st. n.w.. on Wcdres ®y February 14. at 8:30 am. Requiem Mass at 8t. Mary’s Church at 9 a m. Rel atives and friends invited. Interment Ar ®igton National Cemetery. 13 e. RIFSINOFR. RARRARA. WSemhers of General Nelson A. Miles Aux Illiary. No. 8, U. S. W. V.. will assemble at Geler's luneral home. 1113 7th st n.w . on Tuesday. February 13. 1040. at 7 n m.. for the purpose of con ducting services for our late urwvujiivn uiuuikuuh, wv* ' ni St. Mary's Church. 727 5th st n.w.. at t am. Wednesday. February 14. Burial In Arlington National Cemetery. EMMA B BARKER President. ESTHER ERHARDT. Secretary. " BILLINGSLEY. JAMES OGLE. On Sun Bay. February 11 1940, at Colonial Beach. Va . JAMES OGLE BILLINGSLEY hus band of Mrs. Susie Baker Billingsley. Funeral Tuesday. February 1". at 2 fi.m . from the First Baptist Church. Co onial Beach. Va. 13 * BLUSH. JAMES EDWIN. Suddenly, on tttturdav. February 10. 1940. JAMES ED WIN BLUSH, beloved son of the late Ed win H. Blush and Gertrude McDonnell Hardesty. 6 Funeral from the residence of his int. Mrs. Gilbert H Davis. 1020 New n st. n.e. Wednesday. February 14. at Bt30 a m : thence to St. Aloysius Church. Jttiere requiem mass will be said at 10 a m. Hr the repose of his soul Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. Relatives and Blends invited 13 t BODANO. CARMELA FAMA. On Satur &y. February 10 1940. at her residence. 1233 North Capitol st.. CARMELA FAMA BODANO. beloved wife of Anthony Bodano and mother of Mrs. Agnes Middlebrooks. Mrs. Mary Palmarozzo. Philip Fama. Dom taic Fama and three grandchildren Services at the above residence on Tues day. February 13. at 8:30 a m. Mass at ■t Aloysius Church at 9 a m. Relatives tnd friends Invited Interment St. Mary's Cemetery. Services by Chambers'. BOWEN. HELEN VICTORIA. On Sun Bay. February 11. 1940. HELEN VICTORIA BOWEN, widow of I. P Bowen and mother of Perre Bowen. Remains resting at Hark ness funeral home Mutual Calvert Co Md. Services at Christ Church. Port Republic. *t 11 a m. Tuesday. February 13. BREWER. WILLIE. Suddenly on Sat urday. February 10. 1940, WILLIE BREW ER. beloved husband of Martha Pendleton Brewer He also leaves three sisters, three brothers and a host of other relatives and friends. Notice of funeral later. Arrangements by W. Ernest Jarvis. BROWN. ELLA M. On Saturday. Febru ary 10. 1940. ELLA M BROWN, daughter of the late J. W and Annie O. Brown She Is survived by five sisters. Mrs. S. C. Kinch eloe. Nettie E. Brown. Mrs. W M Fuller. Mrs C. M. Cowling and Mrs. Perry E. Taylor: two brothers. Thomas L. Brown and R. F Brown Funeral services Tuesday. February 13. at 2:30 p.m., from the Wheatley funeral come. Alexandria. Va. Interment South ern Methodist Cemetery. 12 BROWN. FLORENCE ELIZABETH.* On Saturday. February 10, 1040. at George town Hospital. FLORENCE ELIZABETH BROWN, beloved sister of Mrs Esther B. Lyvers and Miss Mildred Brown. Funeral services from the £ H. Hines Co. funeral home. 2901 14th st n.w.. on Monday. February 12. at 3 p.m. Relatives and friends invited to attend. Interment Centerville. S Dak 12 BUCKINGHAM. CHARLES J. On Satur day. February 10. 1940. CHARLES J. BUCKINGHAM Funeral will be held from Timothy Han lon's funeral chaoel. 041 H st. n e., on Tuesday. February 13. at 9:30 a m. In terment Congressional Cemetery. Rela tives and friends invited. BUFORD. MARY E. On Saturday. Feb ruary 10. 1940. MARY E BUFORD of 14.14 Q st. n.w.. wife of the lare Henry Buford, mother of Florence Jones and Dr. Fred Buford. Other relatives ami friends also survive. Remains resting at Frazier's funeial home. 380 R I. ave. n.w.. where funeral services will be held on Tuesday. February 13. at 11 am. Interment Lincoln Me morial Cemetery. BYRNE. DAISY MORRISON. On Sun day. February 11. 1940. at her residence. 3707 Woodley road n.w.. DAISY MOR RISON. BYRNE, widow of (he iatc Patiick M. Byrne and daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. G. W B. Morrison and sister of Lily I Morrison and the late Dr. W. ,33 Morrison and aunt of Mrs. J. A. Dun aean. Mrs. V. C. Molloy and Sister Mary ..Jhancetti. Remains resting at the S. H. Hines Co. funeral home. 2901 14th st. n.w. «» Mass will be offered at St. Ann's Church, »*400 Wis. ave.. on Tuesday. February 13. j«t 10:30 a m. Interment Rose Hill Cem etery. Hagerstown. Md. (Kindly omit ailowers.) 3 BYRNE. HENRY H. On Sunday. Frb eFuary 11. 1940. HENRY H. BYRNE, be hoved husband of Joanns Kenealy Byrne, c- Funeral from his late residence. Kill nCrittenden st. n.w,, on Thursday. February ®45. at 9:30 a m. Requiem mass at the *®hrine of the Sacred Heart Church at 10 0%.m. interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 14 „ CAROW. JULIUS THEODORE. On Sat Tlrday. February 10. 1940 JULIUS THEO DORE CAROW. husband of Anna E. Carow and father of John. Beniamin. Harold. , Herbert and Hyacinth Carow and Mrs. Dorothy Merrick ■ - Funeral from the W. W. Deal funeral Jiome. 4812 Georgia ave. n.w.. on Tuesday. February 13. at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Rock Creek ^Cemetery. 12 CLINE, FLORENCE M. On Sunday, Tebruary II 1940. at Emergency Hospital. FLORENCE M CLINE, beloved wife of the late Frederick H. Cline and moiher of Mrs. Dan Payne and Mrs. Donald Smith: \gister of Mrs. Kate M. Coleman and Charles A. Moore. 4, Services Wednesday. February 14. at 2 igj.m.. at Episcopal Church. Vienna. Va. --Interment Brethren Cemetery. Osktnn. Va (.Remains resting at Money k King's funeral ,*arlor. Vienna Va 13 m CONTEE. LEANA. Departed this life JBunday. February 1 1. 1940. LEANA ■■CONTEE. daughter of the late Lettie Con Ptee. sister of Clarence. Howard and Wil am Contee. She also leaves other relatives nd friends. Funeral Tuesday. February 13. at 1 p.m.. “Irnm E. W Bundy's funeral home. 021 Jlorida ave. n.w . Rev. Edwards officiat ing Interment Rosemont Cemetery * COSTAGGINI. RUTH J. On Saturday. ^February 10. 1940. at Qarfleld Memorial Hospital. RUTH J. COSTAGGINI of 741 •arJewton place n.w.. beloved mother of Mr. yhomas Costaggini She also is survived %y one brother, Mr. Ellis S. Lincoln of Mansfield. Ohio Remains resting at Hysong's tuneral “home. 1300 N st. n.w,. where services will ■fee held on Tuesday. February 13. at 8:30 am.: thence to Sacred Heart Catholic Church. 10th st. and Park road n.w., where mass will be said at 9 a m. for the repose if. her soul. Interment Mount olivet Cem COSTOLOW. CHRISTOPHER J. On Sat urday, February 10, 1940. at his residence, 16.12 A st. n.e., CHRISTOPHER J. COS TOLOW. beloved husband of Elizabeth Cos tolow and father of Bernard. John and Mark Costolow. Funeral from the Geo. W. Wise Co. fu neral home. 2900 M st. n.w.. on Tuesday. February 13. at 8:30 a.m., thence to Holy Comforter Church, where mass will be ofterefP at 9 a,m. Relatives and friends Invited Interment Holy Rood Cemetery. 12 , COX. RUTH. On Sunday. February 11. '1940. RUTH COX. the beloved mother of Mrs. Gertrude Wilson and Raymond Xox and sister of Mrs. Ella Davis and Jleorge Mayhugh. t Funeral from the W. W. Deal funeral home. 816 H st. n.e*. on ruesday, Feb ruary 13. at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends Jnvlted. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery FUNERAL DIRECTORS. V. L. SPEARE CO. Neither successor to nor connected with the original W R Speare establ:.,nment. 1009 H St. N.W. gggjjg J. William Lee’s Sons Co. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Crematorium 4th and Mass Aye. N.E. Lincoln MM FUNERAL DESIGNS. GUDE BROS. CO. Floral Pieces 1212 F BL N.W._National 427* GEO. C. SHAFFER, Inc EXPRE8SIVE FLORAL TRIBUTES AT MODERATE PRICES PHONE NAT. 0100 fandArV Co. 14th fir Eye DAVIS, LAMAR. On Friday. February 9. 1940. LAMAR DAVIS. Services and interment at Oak Hill Cem etery on Tuesday. February 13. at 10 am. Relatives and friends Invited. T. Frank Murray funeral service. 741 11th st. s.e. DENTON. LIIXMN MAE. On Friday. February 9, loItTLILLIAN MAE DENTON, beloved daughter of Edna L. and Talmadcg P. Denton. Services at Chambers' funeral home. R17 11th st. s.e.. on Monday. February 12. at 3:30 p.m. Relatives and friends Invited. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. 12 DEWEY. MARY J. On Saturday. Feb ruary 10. 1940. MARY J. DEWEY, mother of Mrs. Mary Hoffecker. Mrs. Nellie Clubb. Mrs. Grace Hobbs and Mrs. Bessie George. Remains resting at H. M Padgett's fu neral home. 131 11th st. s.e.. where fu neral services will be held on Tuesday. Feb ruary 13. at 11 a.m. Relatives end friends Invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. EDWARDS. WILLIAM L. On Saturday. February 10. 1040. WILLIAM L. ED WARDS. beloved husband of Elizabeth Ed wards and father of William and Robert Edwards Services from his late residence, 1332 L st s.e . on Tuesday. February 13, gt 2 D.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. Services by Cham bers' southeast funeral home. 12 EFFI.ER. JAKE R. On Sunday. Feb ruary 11. 1040. JAKE R. EFTLER. beloved husband <*f Genevieve Efller and father of Richard F. Efller Remains resting at the Chambers' funeral home. 517 11th st. s.e., until Tuesday. February 13. at 8 a.m. Services and interment Brooklyn. N. Y. FENDALL. WILLIAM H. Denarted this life on Thursday. February R. 1940, at his resideiT- 40 Patterson st n.e.. WILLIAM H. FENDALL. He leaves to mourn their loss a devoted wife. Mary Fendall: two aunts and a host of other relatives and friends Remains resting at Campbell's funeral home. 423 4th st. s.w. until Monday at 5 n m . thence to his above residence, where funerai services will be held Tuesday. Feb ruary 13. at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Lincoln Cemetery. 12 FENDALL. WILLIAM. All officers and members of the District Grand Lodge. No. 2. N. G U. O. of Chaldeans, are requested to attend the call meeting Monday. Feb ruary 12. 1040. 7:30 p.m.. at Fishermen's Hall. 320 F st. s.w . for the purpose of making arrangements for the funeral of Brother WILLIAM FENDALL. past deputy master. SOLOMON ALEXANDER. D. G. Master. PEARL SAMUELS. Gr. Fin. Sec'y. • FENDALL, WILLIAM. Members of Un derwood Progressive Lodge. No. 38. G U. O. of Chaldeans, please be present Mon day. February 12. 1040. at 8 p.m., at Fishermen’s Temple. 320 F st. s.w.. to make arrangements for burial wrvices of WILLIAM FENDALL. RALPH COATES. W. L. IRENE GORDON. Secretary. FITZPATRICK, JOHN C. On Saturday. February 10. 1910. at his residence. 110 Maryland ave n e.. JOHN C FITZPAT RICK. husband of the late Elizabeth Kelly Fitzpatrick and father of Elizabeth L. Fitz patrick- brother of Mrs Katherine F. Rog ers and James N Fitzpatrick. Jr. Remains resting at the Lee funeral home. 4th st. and Mass ave n.e.. until Tuesday. February 13. at 9 a m . thence to St Jo seph's Church. 2nd and C sts. n.e.. where requiem mass will be offered at 10 a.m. i •Relatives and friends invited. Interment Congressional Cemetery. 12, n,i 11 i.a i .1. ujn aaturay. February 10. ] !»40. at Sibley Memorial Hos Oital. BATTISTA GIANNINI of 302 G st. n e.. beloved husband of Angelina G.annini and father of John A., Michael J.. Richard. Leonard. Edna R and Violet R. Glanninl. Funeral services pt his late residence on Wednesday February 14. at 8:30 a m.: thence to St. Aloysius Church, where mass will be sung at 0 a.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment St. Mary's Cemetery. Arrangements by the Wm. H. Sardo A Co. 13 GIANNINI, BATTISTA. Members of _*•'*•’* Washington Aerie. No. 125. jr — A F O. E.. are reauested to T W g 5 assemble at our hall. 731 N. yttif Capitol st.. Monday. February JK- 12 1940. at 8 p.m. sharp. Services for our deceased brother. EAT TISTA GIANNINI. JOSEPH M BONUSO. W. P. M. SELTZER. Secretary. GOULD, MARGARET. On Saturday. February 10. 1940. at Gallinger Ho-pital. MARGARET GOULD. She leaves to mourn their loss a husband, a father, eleven sis ters. four brothers and other relatives. Funeral Tuesday. February 13. in Spot sylvania Countv Va Arrangements by Robmson Co., undertakers. * GRET. ANNIE CATHERINE. On Mon day. Februarv 12. at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Sherwood B Royston. Lin den. Md ANNIE CATHERINE GREY, age 93. beloved wife of the late William J. Grew Funeral services at the funera’ home of Wm Reuben Pumphrey. 7005 Wiscon sin ate.. Bethesda. Md.. Wednesday. Feb ruary 14. at 8:30 a m thence to St. John's Catholic Chufch. Forest Glen. Md.. where rettuiem mass will be said at 9 a.m. Interment Laurel Catholic Cemetery. 12 HAYDE. MATTHEW THOMAS. On Sat urday. February 10. 1940. at 11:30 a m.. MATTHEW THOMAS HAYDE. at hi* home in Kensington View. Md. He Is survived by a wife. Nellie Hayde. and his parents; Edward and Margaret Hayde. and three brothers, all of Dublin. Ireland. Funeral from 8t. John s Church. Forest Glen, Md„ at 9 a.m., Tuesday. February 13. Interment St John’s Cemetery. Father E J. Maloy officiating. Friends invited. 12 HEALY, THOMAS. On Saturday. Feb ™‘rnT.10TAoMA*tI^iL?SidenCe' S°“ 3fd Funeral from the T. Frank Murray fu neral home. 741 11th st. a.e . on Tuesday. February 13. at 1 p.m. Services and In terment St. Lawrence Church Cemetery. Jessup Cut. Md.. at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. HENDERSHOT. MARGIE I. On Satur dey. February 10. 1940. MARGIE I. HEN DERSHOT. the beloved mother of George M. Oakman Melvin L. Hendersho; and Mrs. John P Niedfeldt. Remains resting at the Chambers’ fu neral home. 517 11th st. s.e., until Tues day. February 13. at 8 am. Services in the Morman Church. Buck Valley. Pa at 1 D m Relatives and friends invited. In terment in Methodist, Church Cemetery. Buck Valley. Pa HOLCOMBL. JOHN WALKER. On Fri day. February 0. 1940. at Emergency Hos pital. JOHN WALKER HOLCOMBE of 2127 Bancroft place n.w.. husband of Effie M. Holcombe and father of Lt Col. W. H. i Holcombe and Mrs. Roy William Baker. Services at his late residence on Tues day, February 13. at 2 p.m Interment private, HOLCOMBE. JOHN WALKER. Members of the Association of Oldest Inhabitants are requested to attend the funeral cl our late associate. JOHN WALKER HOL COMBE. from the residence. 2127 Ban croft place n.w . at 2 p.m. February 13. 1940. Private burial will be in Cedar Hill Cemetery. THEODORE W. NOYES. President. JOHN B. DICKMAN. Sr.. Secretary. HOLCOMBE. JOHN WALKER. The Dis trict of Columbia Society of the Sons cf the American Revolution announces with regret the death of Compatriot JOHN WALKER ’ HOLCOMBE on Friday. Feb ruary 9. 1940. C. S. McCONNELL. President. W. HARVEY WISE, Jr.. Secretary. HUGHES, SERGT. CHARLES ESTUS. Departed this life Thursday. February 8. 1040. in New York City. Sergt. CHARLES ESTUS HUGHES. He leaves to mourn their loss a mother. Mrs. A. V. Hughes: a wife. Eva Hughes: one sister. Mary Morris; three brothers William. Harry and Clar ence Hughes, and other relatives and friends. Remains resting at the Barnes A Mat thews funeral home. 014 4th st. s.w.. where funeral services will be held Tuesday. Feb ruary 13. at 1 p.m.. Rev. G. E. Stevenson officiating. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. JONES. ELIJAH. On Friday. February 9. 1940. at his residence. 3222 Grace st. n.w.. ELIJAH JONES, beloved father of Jennie West, brother of George Jones, grandfather of Ruth and Dorothy Gibson. Elmer Murrav and Charmaine Merton. He also leaves other relatives and Iriends. Remains at his late residence after 10 a.m. Tuesday. February 13. Funeral Wednesday. February 14. at 1 D m., from the Rock Creek Baptist Church. Rev W A. Jones officiating Relatives and friends invited. Arrangements by Ernest W. Jarvis. 13 KEENE. GEORGE WILLIAM. On Fri day. February 9. 1940. at his residence. 1032 33rd st n.w.. GEORGE WILLIAM KEENE, beloved husband of the late Maty Higgins Keene, father of George W.. Jr.: Joseph C. Keene of Washington. D. C . ar.d Mrs. Harriet Chistc of N,w York. Funeral from the t hove residence on Tuesday. February 13. at 8:30 a m. Mass at St. Ann's Church at 915 a.m. Inter ment Glenwood Cemetery. Relatives and friends Invited. KETCHAM. CAMLEY J. On Monday. February 17. 1940 at the residence of her son. Oral T. Ketcham of 14 18th st a.e.. CAMLEY J KETCHAM. Services at the S. H. Hines Co. funeral home. 2901 14th st. n w., on Tuesday February 13, at 8 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment flrownstewn, 111. 13 KOCHENDERFER. WILLARD MERRILL. On Sunday. February 11. 1940, at his residence, the Westchester Apts.. WIL LARD MERRILL KOCHENDERFER. the beloved husband of Margaret Naylor Koch enderfer. son of Mrs. Emma Kochanderfer and brother of Gerald Kochcnderfer of Windsor. Vt. Funeral services Tuesday, February 13. at 2:30 p.m.. at Hysong’s funeral home, 1300 N st. n.w. Relatives and friends in vited to attend. Interment Rock Creek Cemetery. KOCHENDERFER, WILLARD M. Mem bers of Sergeant Jasper Post. No. 13. the American Legion, are reauested to attend funeral services for our late comrade, WILLARD M KOCHENDER FER. on Tuesday, February 13. 19*0. at 2:30 p.m. at Hy song's funeral home. 1300 N st. n.w. DOUGLAS O. REED. Commander. CHARLES H. PIERCE. Adjutant. KOLB, LISSETTA M. On Friday. Feb ruary 9. 19*0. at her residence. 1808 La mont st. n.w,. LISSETTA M. KOLB, wife of Charles A. Kolb. Services and Interment private. 11 LE BOUTILLIER. EDWARD IIOWELL. On Saturday. February 10. 1940, at his residence. Rose lane. North Haverfdrd, Pa.. EDWARD HOWELL LE BOUTILLIER. Funeral services and interment private. Please omit flowers. LEE, SUSAN MARIA. On Sunday. Feb ruary 11. 19*0, SUSAN MARIA LEE, aged 102 years, wife of the lBte Richard Lra of Darnestown. Md.: mother of Ella Bland of New York City, Laura E. Talley and Samuel T. Lee of Darnestown. Md Also surviving are twenty-one grandchildren, five great-grandchildren, two great-great grandchildren and other relatives and friends. Notice of funeral later. Arrungemant* by Snowden A Dana &?8tl}0 LOYING, FRANCE*. Departed this lift Sunday. February 11. 1M0. at 8:40 p.m., MWftm. wfi?1 of4the &. Vf. J. I. Lovlna. foster mother of Mra. Mabel Rooks, sister of Mary Olbson and Taswell Hart. Notice of funeral later. Arran laments by W. Ernest Jarvis. McGEATH, JAMES MARTIN. On Satur day. February 10. 1940. at Onlted States Naval Hospital. JAMES MARTIN McORATH. beloved husband of Ada L. McGrath and father of Mrs Lulu M. Young. Remains resting at the James T. Ryan funeral home. 317 Pennsylvania ave. s.e., until 3 p.m Monday. Funeral from his late residence, 308 Rth st. s.e . on Tuesday. February 13. at 9:30 a m., thence to St. Peter’s Church, where mass will be offered at 10 a m Relatives ana friends Invited. Interment Arllneton National Cemetery 12 McGEATH, JAMES. Comrades of the noBUtisuuii Oi nClIICQ rOUCF men will assemble at 306 6th st. s.e.. at 0 a m. Tues day. February 13. 1040, to attend the funeral of our late comrade. JAMES MCGRATH. D. J. OARVEY. Pres. OEO. W. ROLLERS. Sec. MrLEAREN. ERNEST H. On Sunder. February 11. 1940. ERNEST H. Mc LEAREN of 909 13th at. -n.w.. beloved brother of Newton L. McLearen. Funeral services will be neld at the Timothy Hanlon funeral chapel. 041 H »t. n.e.. on Wednesday. February 14. at 12:30 p.m. Interment Catletts. Va. 13 MILLS, ELIZABETH B. Suddenly, on Saturday. February 10, 1940. at her resi dence. 1529 Church st n.w.. ELIZABETH B. MILLS, beloved mother of Agnes. Verlne and Sheldon Mills and grandmother of Mrs. Juanita Cooper and John Mills. She is also survived by ona brother, a sister and other relatives and friends. Remains resting at her late residence after 4 p.m. Tuesday. Solemn high reouiem mass will be cele brated at St. Augustine's Catholic Church Wednesday. February 14. at 10 a.m. Ar rangements by McGuire. 13* MILLS. ELIZABETH. Officers and mem bers of the Catholic Beneficial Society are hereby notified of the death of Sister ELIZABETH MILLS. 1529 Church st. n.w. Call meeting Tuesday. February 13. 1940, at her late residence at 7 p.m. Funeral mass Wednesday. February 14, at St. Augustine’s Church at 10 a.m. CHARLOTTE LOCKETT. President. JULIA SUTTON. Recording Secretary. MILLS, ELIZABETH, Officers and mem bers of St. Monica's Ladles' Auxiliary. No. 140. Knights of St. John, and sister auxil iaries are hereby notified of the death cf Sister ELIZABETH MILLS. 1529 Church st. n.w. Call meeting on Tuesday. Feb ruary 13. 1940. at 7 p.m.. at her late residence. Funeral mass Wednesday. Feb ruary 14. at St. Augustine's Church, at 10 a.m. V. C. McKINNEY. President. CHARLOTTE LUCKETT. Rec. Secty. MULLINS. J. ALEXANDER. On Mon day. February 12. 1940. at Georgetown University Hospital, J. ALEXANDER MUL LINS. husband of Agnes Mullins. Friends are invited to call at Oawler's. 175H Pa. ave. n.w.. until 9 p.m. Tuesday. Febru ary 13. Services on Wednesday. February 14. at 3 p jn ■ at the First Baptist Church. Mar tinsville. Va. Interment Oaltwood Cem etery. mlnua. Mattie E. on Monday. reo ruary 12. 1040. at her residence 1*13 Cap itol ave. n.e . MATTIE E. MUNDA. beloved wife of the late John T. Munda and mother of Miss Maraaret Bryan Munda Remains restine at the Lee funeral nome. 4th st. and Mass ave n.e.. until 8 a.m. Tuesday. February 13. Services and interment In Petersburg. Va. OBANNON. CORBAN. On Sunday, Feb ruary ll. 1040. at his residence, near Fairfax. Va.. CORBAN OBANNON. beloved husband of Mary E. Obannon and father of Cecil Obannon Services Tuesday. February 13. at 3 pm . at the funeral home of Money & King. Vienna. Va. Interment Fairfax Cem etery. Fairfax. Va - O'CONNOR. MARY ELIZABETH. On Saturday. February 10. 1940. at her resi dence. 923 L st. n.e.. MARY ELIZABETH O'CONNOR, beloved daughter of Maurice Patrick and Katherine O’Connor (nee Klp lingeri and beloved sister of Kathleen and Clare O'Connor Funeral will be held from the above re'tdence on Wednesday. February 14. at 8:30 a.m . high requiem mass will be cele brated at Holy Name Churcn at 9 am. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. Rela tives and friends invited 13 ORBAN. CAMALE. On Sundav Feb ruary 11. 1940. at h«r residence. 1323 Eye st n.e. CAMALE ORBAN. beloved wife of John Orban. Remains resting at her late re'tdence. Notice rf funeral later. OSBORNL. ALBERTA S. On Sunday. February 11. 1940 at Mobile. Ala.. AL BERTA 8 OSBORNE beloved wife of J. W Osborne. 1811 S st. n.w.. and sister of Mrs. Mary F. Weeks. Also surviving are two nieces. Miss Wilber Weeks and Mrs. Qrace W Blackman: a grandniece. Miss Wilhelmina Blackman, and many other relatives and friends. Notice of funeral later.•** Arrangements by McOuirg. • PFIEL, WILLIAM. On Saturday, Feb ruary 10. 1940. at St. Petersburg. Fla., WILLIAM PFIEL. beloved husband of Emelia Pnel and brother of Mrs. John H. Stewart. _ Funeral services at 315 22nd st. n.w.. on Tuesdsy. February 13, at 2 p.m. Rela tives and friends invited. Interment Pros pect Hill Cemetery. RODMAN, CECIL 8. Suddenly, on Fri day. February 9. 1940. at Walter Reed Hospital. CECIL 8. RODMAN of 1483 Newton at. n.w.. beloved husband of Nellie N. Rodman (nee Grant). Services at the S. H. Hines Ce. funeral home. 2901 14th st. n.w.. cn Tuesday. February 13 at 10 a.m. Interment Ar lington National Cemetery. 12 RYAN. MARGUERITE M. On Sunday. February 11. 1940. at her residence. 3521 Bunker Hill road. Mount Rainier. Md.. MARGUERITE M. RYAN. red 38 years, beloved wife of Philip J. Ryan and mother of Marguerite S. and Philip J Ryan. jr.. and daughter of Mrs. Susan M. Vo’kman and sister of Frank J.. Harry F. and Nor man J. Vo’kman. Funeral from her late residence on Tues day February 13. at 8:30 a.m.: thence to S: James’ Church. 3Tth st. and Rhode Island ave Mount Rainier. Md.. at 9 a.m.. where mass will be offered ’or the renose of her soul. Interment Mount Olivet Cem etery. Relatives anti friends Invited The ladies of the Blessed Mothers' Sodality will meet Monday evening at 8 o'clock to re cite the Rosary. RYAN. MARY E. On Sunday. February 11. 1940. at her residence. 2722 Conn, ave. n.w.. MARY E. RYAN, beloved wife of the late James J. Ryan and mother of Marion E . Agnes R. and John P. Ryan. Funeral from her late residence on Tues day. February 13. at. 9:30 a.m.: thence to St Thomas Apostle Church, where high requiem mass will be offered at 10 a m. Relatives and friend; Invited. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. RYAN, WILLIAM F. On Sunday. Feb ruary 11. 1940. WILLIAM F. RYAN, be loved husband of Mary C. Ryan (nee Mc Caull) of 1525 17th st. n.w. Funatal will be held from the above residence on Wednesday. Februarv 14. at 8:30 a.m. Requiem mass at 8t. Matthew’s Cathedral at 9 a.m. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. Relatives and friends in vited. 33 SIRICA, FRED. On Saturday. Febmary 10 1940. at Miami Beach. Fla.. FRED SIRICA, beloved husband of Rose Sirica and father of Andrew and John J. Sirica. Body resting at his late residence. 0217 14th st. n.w.. after 8 p.m. Monday. Prayers at the residence at 8:30 n m. on Wednesday. February 14: tnence to the Church of the Nativity. 8000 Oa. ave. n.w.. where mass will be offered at 9 a.m. SMITH, ELBERT. Departed this life on Sunday. February 11. 1940. ELBERT 8MITH. beloved nephew of Mrs. Mary O. Jackson. He also leaves to mourn their loss two brothers. Wendall and Leon Smith: a cousin. Theresa Smith: other relatives and friends. Notice of funeral later. Funeral ar rangements by the John T. Rhines & Co. SMITBERS. CHARLOTTE. On Sunday. February 11. 1940. at the residence of Mr. Edward Smith. 454 N st. n w CHAR LOTTE 8MITHERS. She leaves to mourn their loss a loving father, one brother, one sister, eight nieces, ten nephews and many other relatives and friends. Funeral Wednesday. February 14. lrom the Henry S Washington ft Sons funeral home. 487 N st. n.w. Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. Relatives and frlmds invited. 13 SYPHAX. VICTOR HURST. On Sun day. February 11. 1940. at her residence. 2803 11th st. n.w.. VICTOR HURST SYPHAX. widow of ihe late Johfi McKee Syphax and sister of Mrs. Katherine H. McRary. Funeral Wednesday. February 14. at 3 p.m.. from the McGuire funeral home. 1820 9th st. n.w. Friends invited. 13* TEICHMAN. FREDERICK C. On Satur day. February 10. 1940. at his residence. Ferndean Farm, near Vienna. Va.. FRED ERICK C TEICHMAN beloved husband of Elishanette Viers Telchman and brother of Ernest S. Telchman of Lakewood, Ohio. Services Tuesday. February 13. from the Vienna Methodist Church, at 2 p.m. In terment Flint Hill Cemetery. Oakton. Va. Remains resting at the funeral home of Money ft King. Vienna. Va. 12 THOMAS. JAMES BUSSELL. On Fri day. February » 1840. at Freed men’s Hos pital. JAMBS RUSSELL THOMAS of 1717 4th st. n.w.. beloved husband of Nettle Thomas. He leaves to mourn their loss a devoted daughter. Mrs. Oladys Cooper, and a mother. Mrs. Hattie Thomas, and a host of relatives and friends. Remains resting at Frazier's funeral home. 3SO R. I. ave. n.w.. where funeral services will be held on Tuesday* February 13. at 1:30 p.m. Interment Lincoln Me morial Cemetery 12 TIBBS. DANIEL. Departed this life Friday. February 9. 1640. at his residence. 1722 6th st. n.w.. DANIEL TIBBS, belcved husband of the late Hattie Tibbs, father of the late Frederick Tibbs. He leaves to mourn their loss two sons. Daniel W. of Chicago and Harry Tibbs of New Ycrk City: two daughters. Mrs. Mary Gaskins and Mra. Hattie Terrel, both cf this city. He also leaves eleven grandchildren, two great-grandchildren and a host of other relatives and friends. Remains resting at his late residence after 4 p.m. Sunday. February 11. Funeral Tuesday. February 13. at 1 p.m.. from the Liberty Baptist Church. 23rd st. between H and Eye sts. n.w.. Rev. H. Gaskins officiating. Relatives and • friends invited. Arrangements by W. Ernest Jar vis. 12 TOWLES. ISABELLA. Suddenly, on Sunday. February 11. 1940. at Preedmen's Hospital. ISABELLA TOWLES, beloved wife of Tazwell Towles and mother of Robert W„ Annie E. Towles and Catherine T. Freeman.._ Funeral Wednesday. February 14. at 2 p.m.. froaijStewart’s funeral home, SO H, 1 f* Seaton CTTERBACK JOHN L. On Sunday. mHrhAji* glliabeth Perry, Mr*. Viral* Dailey and Rosa of WrlghtsvlUe. Pa. Remains rert SStSi triiMrteN4.08 w,,h Funeral aervlces at Arnon Chanel Fo» estvllle, Va.. on Tuesday. February J3, at 1:30 p.m. Interment Arnon Cemetery. WALLACE. ADDIE. On Sunday. Feb ruary ll. 1940, ADDIE WALLACE, be loved wife of Henry T. Wallace. Services (strictly private) at Chambers’ funeral home. 517 11th st. s.e.. on Wednes day. February 14. at 2 o.m. Relatives and friends Invited. Interment Fort Lin coln Cemetery. 13 WARE, CLARENCE. On Monday. Feb ruary 12, 1940. at his residence. 2539 M st n.w., CLARENCE WARE, devoted hus band of Annie Ware, father of Oliver and Holden Ware and brother of Rose Parson. Peachey Thomas. Hattie Hlckenbocker and William and TTiomas Ware. . Notice of funeral later Arrangements by Malvan St Schey. WATKIN8. LOTTIE. On Friday, Feb ruary 0. 1940. at the residence of her daughter. Beulah Butler. 1119 Zion at., Deanwood Park. Md. LOTTIE WATKINS, wife of the late Oeorae Watkins. She leaves seven sons, three daughters, one sister, eighteen arandchlldrn. two great grandchildren, many other relatives and friends IS mourn their loss. Remains rest ing at the Henry S. Washington funeral home. 4925 Deane ave. n.e.. until 3 pm. Monday. February 12: thereafter at her late residence. Funeral Tuesday. February 13. at 1 &m., from Contec A. M. E. Zion Church, lvlslon ave. and Karl olace n.e. Inter Sent Payne's Cemetery. Relatives and tends Invited. WEIL. FREDERICK W„ SR. On Sun day. Flbruary 11. 1940. FREDERICK W. WEIL, 8r.. beloved husband of the late Emma F. Well (nee Slatford). He la sur vived bv eight children and twenty-two grandchildren. Funeral services at the Thos F. Murray funeral home. 2007 Nichols ave s.e. on Wednesday. February 14. at 2 o.m. Rela tives and friends invited. Interment Glen wood Cemetery. Remains may be viewed after 10 a m Tuesday. February 13. 13 WELSH, AMOS EL On Sund-vv. Feb ruary 11. 1040. at Blbley Memorial Hos pital. AMOS E. WELSH, Husband ol the late Virginia Lee Welsh. Remains resting at the Lee funeral home. 4th at. and Mass. ave. n.e.. where services will be held Wednesday February 14. at 2 p.m. Relatives ahd friends invited. In terment Congressional Ceneterz 13 WHEELOCK. CHARLES A. On Sunday. February 11. U)40. at Mount Alto Hos pital. CHARLES A. WHEELOCK. Services at Chambers' Georgetown fu neral home. 31st and M sts. n.w.. on Tuesday. February 13. at 11:30 a m. Rela tives and friends Invited. Interment Ar lington National Cemetery. , WIGGINS. ELLSWORTH A. On Satur February 10. 1040, at Freedman's Hospital. ELLSWORTH A 'VIGOINS. be loved husband of the late Ada M. Wizglns. father of George F. Fevmond It.. Bernice R and Stephen Y. Wiggins: brother ol Mrs Annie M Queen and Mrs. Ethel W. Walker. He also leaves a devoted friend. Mrs. Mamie B. Ross. Remains may be viewed at his late residence. 730 G:rard Ss. n.w , after 4 p.m. Monday February 12. Funeral from the Ebenezer Methodist Church. 4th and D sts. s.e.. ruesdav. Feb ruary 13. at 1:30 p.m.. Rev F. w. King officiating. Interment Woodlavn Cem etery. Friends Invited. Arrangements by W. Ernest Jarvis WILLIAMS. JOSEPH. On Saturday Feb ruary 10. 1940. JOSEPH WILLIAMS, be loved husband of Laura E. Williams: be loved father of Mrs. Helen G. Hiags. M>s. Hampton Peed. Mrs George Grimes of Washington. D C.: Mrs. Clarence Hughes of Baltimore. Md.. and Mrs. L'oyd Wl'llams of Forestvillt Md. Funeral from the T. Frank Murray fu neral home. 741 11th st s e.. on Wednes day. February 14. at 9:30 a m : thence to St. Peter'a Church. 2nd and C sts. s e., where mass will be said at 10 a m for the repose of his soul Relatives and frlrnds invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. (Baltimore papers please copy.) 13 WILLIAMS. JULIA. Departed this life Sunday. F*«-bru»rw 11. 194(1. at 9:30 am.. JULIA WILLIAMS wife of the late L B Williams. She leaves to mourn their loss two devoted daughters. Mrs Melvinla Stewart and Mrs Charlotte Lee; a devoted son-in-law. Chester M. Stewart She also leaves one sister, one granddaughier. one great-granddaughter and a host of nieces. : nephews, other relatives and friends. Funeral Wednesday February 14. at ; j pm from the W Ernest Jarvis funeral church. 14.32 You it. n.w. Relatives »nd frtend3 Invited. 13 H'YWS. HAROLD L. (HARRY). Bud- 1 denly Thursday. February 8, 1940. at Emer gency Hospital. HAROLD (HARRY) L. j WYNES. beloved son ol Mrs Susie Wynes and the late Samuel Wynes. husband of the late Charlotte Collins Wynes and nephew of Mrs Theodosia E. Robinson. Funeral services Tuesday. February 13. at 2 pm., from ,'ne McOuIre funeral home. 1820 9th st nFriends Invited. 12* In UUmnrtam ALSOF. JACKSON LEE. In loving re therl'^MCK e3?N° LEE 'aLSOp!'1 who * pa ss*ed away one year wo today. February 12, Short and sudden was the call When you were taken from us all; And while you lie in peaceful sleep Your memory we will always keep. Keep him. Jesus. In Thy neepint. TUI we reach tha shining shore: Then, O Master, let us have him. To love and cherish as before LOVING WIFE AND CHILDREN. BEALL. WILLIAM M. In loving remem brance of our beloved husband and father. WILLIAM M. BEALL, who departed this life nine years aao today. February 12, 1931. HIS DEVOTED WIFE AND CHILDREN. • BROOKS. ROSA. In loving remem brance of mv dear friend. ROSA BROOKS, who departed this life five years ago today. February 12. 1935. I have not forgotten you. dear Rosa, nor do I Intend. I think of you always and will to toe end: Gone and forrotVn by some you may be. But dpar to mv memory you ever will be LONESOME FRIEND. ANNIE NELSON. • BROWN. BENJAMIN F. In rad but loving remembrance of my dear husband. BENJAMIN F BROWN, who passed away one year ago today. February 12. 1939. Days of sadness still come over me. Hidden tears so often flow: Memory keeps you always near me. Although you left one year ago. DEVOTED WIFE. IRENE BROWN. • CORRY. JAMES ROBERT. A loving tribute to the memory of my father. JAMES ROBERT CORRY. who passed away fif teen years ago today. February 12. 1925. HIS SON. ROBERT. • EDWARDS. GRACE HUTTON. A tribute of love to the memory of my dear daugh ter. GRACE HUTTON EDWARDS, who departed this life twenty-three years ago today. February 12, 1917. In this dark and lonely day. Bid my throbbmg heart be still: Oh. wipe the flowing tears away And give me strength. It was Thy will. "Tis not the tears at the moment shed That tells how loved was the soul that fled; ’Tla the silent tears frequently went And the sweet remembrance ferever kept. The beautly of her life will linger through the years. LOVING MOTHER. LAVINIA HUNT. • HUNT. MALACHI. Sacred to the mem ory of my dear husband. MALACHI ITUNT. who entered .nto (ternal rest one year ago today. February 12. 1939. Weary, sad and heavy hearted. Thus I pass each lonely day; For my loved one has departed. Gone before to show the way. From this world of pain and sorrow To the land of peace and rest. God has taken you. dear husband. Where you have found eternal rest. I shall keep your memory enshrined forever in my heart. LOVING WIPE. LAVINIA HUNT. • FISHER. JENNIE, 8. A tribute of love to the memory of our devoted mother, JENNIE 8. FISHER, who left ur, seven years aeo today, February 12. 1933. Loved in life, remembered in death. OLIVE T. NIXON AND MABEL T. MC NAIR. • GENUES. SAMUEL ANDREW. A tribute of love and devotion to our dear father. SAMUEL ANDREW GENUE8. who departed this life six years ako today. February 12. 1934. Leal by leaf the roses fall. Soul by soul the Saviour chiIs. Calls not for one. but lor all: We. too. must answer to His call. HIS LOVING CHILDREN. HAMILTON. FRANCES R. In sad but loving remembrance of our dear aunt and sister. FRANCES R. HAMILTON, who de parted this life three years ago today. Feb ruary 12. 1937 NIECES. NEPHEWS AND SISTERS. • JONES. GEORGE W. In sad but loving remembrance, of our dear husband and father. OEOROE W JONES, who departed this life twenty years ago today. February 12. 1920. me rolling stream of life rolls on. But still the vacant chair Recalls the love, the voice, the smile. Of him who once sat there. LOVING WIFE AND CHILDREN. • MOUNTJOY, ANNIE L. In sad but lov ing remembrance of our dear wife and mother. ANNIE L. MOUNTJOY. who de parted this life one year ago today. Feb ruary 12. 19.19. WALTER AND CHILDREN. • PAYNE, STANLEY. In sad memory of my husband. STANLEY PAYNE, who passed away two years ago today, February 12, 19.18. Until life departs your love lives forever. WIFE, CLARA. • SONDHEIMS R, VIRGINIA. In loving remembrance of our dear mother and grandmother. VIRGINIA SONDHEIMBR. who passed away twenty -flya years ago today. February 12. t91l> Gone, but not forgotten HER DAUGHTER. PEAP.L. AND GRAND CHILDREN. • UNDERWOOD. ELIZABETH. In loving remembrance of our dear mother. ELIZA BETH UNDERWOOD, who departed this life one year ago. February 12. 1939. Dearest mother, how we miss you. Since from earth you passed away; And our hearts are aching sadly As we think of you today. DEVOTED CHILDREN. UNDERWOOD. ELIZABETH. In sad but loving remembrance of our beloved vice superior. Sister ELIZABETH UNDER WOOD. who departed this life one year ago today. February 12, 1939. As time passes on we miss her more and more. n*CftM0* -*• I • ) i. Mrs. Ada Morrison, Former Biological Survey Employe, Dies . Held Many Positions During 42 Years' Federal Service Mrs. Ada Byron Morrison. 83, for mer assistant to the chief of the Bureau of Biological Survey, De partment of Agriculture, and veteran of more than 43 years’ service with the department, died Saturday after a long illness at her home, 1503 New ton street N.W. Bom at Morganton, N. C., Mrs. Morrison was the daughter of the late MK and Mrs. John Wilson Mc Elrath. She was married in 1877 to Herbert Knowles Morrison, en tomologist of Cambridge, Mass., who died in 1886. Appointed by Cleveland. After her husband’s death Mrs. Morrison came to Washington to take a position in the Division of Entomology of the then newly or ganized Department of Agriculture. She was appointed a clerk in that division by President Cleveland Oc tober 1, 1886. Shortly after Mrs. Morrison came to the department, its division of ornithology and mamology, later to become the Biological Survey, was formed, and she was transferred to that division of the bureau. For a number of years she was entrusted with confidential matters concerning the work of the chief of the bureau, at that time Dr. C. Hart Merriam She was later assistant to each of the four chiefs of the bureau succeeding Dr. Merriam, and the nature of her work gave her an intimate knowledge of personnel problems. Held Many Positions. Mrs. Morrison during the long period of service, was successively clerk, chief clerk and executive as sistant. assistant biologist, admin istrative assistant and assistant to th> chief of bureau. She leaves a daughter, Mrs. Ernest Peyster Waud of Chicago; two grrndscns and four great-grand chi'dren Funeral services will be held at 4 p.m. tomorrow at Lee's funeral home. Fourth street and Massachu setts avenue NF. Burial will be in Morganton. Court _(Continued From First Page.) of a motor vehicle entering the State. In the Watermen case Justice Black pointed out that the Labor Act provides that board findings supported by evidence shall be con clusive. He said: "It is of para mount importance that the courts do not encroach upon this exclusive power of the board if effect is to be given the Intention of Congress to apply an orderly, informed and specialized procedure to the com plex, administrative problems aris ing in the solution of industrial disputes. "As it did in setting up other ad ministrative bodies, Congress has left questions of law which arise be fore the board—but not more—ulti mately to the traditional review of the judiciary. Not by accident, but In line with the general policy, Con gress has deemed it wise to entrust the finding of facts to these spe cialized agencies. It is essential that courts regard this division of responsibility, which Congress as a matter of policy has embodied in the very statute from which the Court of Appeals derived its juris diction to act.” Union's Contentions. In support of its contention that the change in union affiliation was responsible for dismissal of the men, the Maritime Union cited seveial facts. These, union officials said, were remarks made by responsible officers of the corporation; uncon tradicted evidence that it was the unbroken custom of the corporation to retain part, if not all, of the crews of laid-up ships for work on repairs; convincing evidence of dis crimination against the members of the two crews in the allotment of the repair work during the layup. When the ships finally sailed, it was with men from the A. F. of L. affiliate. This, Waterman said, was due to the fact that when the time came to staff the ships after the layup, the corporation was re quired by its contract to hire mem bers of the International Seamen’s Union. In arguing against the reinstate ment of the men. Waterman had said that the cost of paying them for the time lost would run up to $200, 000. Right to Employment. In his decision. Justice Black said that if the board shows sufficient support for its findings that the sea men had a continuing right to their employment that the Circuit Court of Appeals was required to enforce the order. He added that from the evidence “it is glaringly apparent’’ that this condition existed. "In the words of the act,” the court said, “an employer cannot terminate his employes’ ’tenure of employment or any term or condition of employ ment’ because of union activity or affiliation. These words are not lim ited so as to outlaw discrimination only Yher® there is in existence a formal contract or relation of em ployment between employer and em ploye. They embrace as well all elements of the employe relationship which in fact customarily attend employment and with respect to which an employer’s discrimination may as readily be the means of in terfering with employes’ right of self-organization as if these elements were precise terms of a wirtten con tract of employment.” The decision was in line with re cent rulings of the court, which has upheld the powers of administrative agencies in their particular fields. U. S. C. Educator Dies LOS ANGELES, Feb. 12 (if).—Dr. Charles J. Rockwell, 68, professor of insurance and finance at the Uni versity of* Southern California, died yesterday of pneumonia. Australia has established an “anti-waste” board to prevent ex travagance in defense expenditures. In tfrmnrtftm WILLIAMS. ESLIX. In sad but loving remembrance of our daddy. ESLIX WIL LIAMS. who departed this life two yean ago today. February 12. less. Daddy, dear, you are not forgotten. ytij-giP memory >de; oWfctcst tnoutnti of you will Uzifw D*^%«V*A^'8A&M>r I John W. Holcoriibe, Former Inferior Official, Dies at 86 Author and Poet Also Taught History At G. W. U. John Walker Holcombe, 86, author and former chief of the Appoint ment Division of the Interior De partment, died Friday in Emergency Hospital. Burial will be tomorrow in Cedar Hill Cemetery after fu neral services at his home, 2127 Ban croft place, at 2 pm. Mr. Holcombe's career in Gov ernment service began in 1887 with his appointment as chief clerk in the office of the Commissioner of Education, Interior Department. Six years later he was named chief of the Appointment Division and held the position through four admin istrations. When he retired in 1923 he was an attorney in the Bureau of Indian Affairs. Early in life Mr. flolcombe wrote a biography of Thomas A. Hen dricks. Governor of Indiana and Vice President under Grover Cleve land. He also contributed to mag azines, published a volume of poetry and was an assistant professor of history at George Washington Uni versity for two years. Born in La Porte, Ind., he moved to Lynchburg, Va., where he at tended public and private schools. In 1875 he was graduated from Har vard University and later from the Iowa University Law School. Be coming interested in education, he was twice elected superintendent of public Instruction in Indiana before coming to Washington. Mr. Holcombe was a member of the Board of Directors of the Uni versity Club and a member of the Harvard Club here. He leaves his wife, Mrs. Effle M. Holcombe: a daughter, Mrs. Roy William Baker; a son. Lt. Col. Wil liam H. Holcombe, and five grand children. Mrs. Daisy M. Byrne, Apartment Owner, Dies Mrs. Daisy Morrison Byrne, 3707 Woodley road N.W., died at her home yesterday. She will be buried in Hagerstown, Md., Tuesday after funeral services at St. Ann's Church, 4400 Wisconsin avenue N.W., at 10:30 am. Mrs. Byrne was the widow of Pat rick Byrne and was owner of the Fleetwood Apartments, which she managed. She had lived in Wash ington for 20 years and was a mem ber of the Daughters of the Amer ican Revolution and the Daughters of Union Veterans. Mrs. Byrne’s parents were Mr. and Mrs. G. W. B. Morrison of Hagers town. She had one sister, Lillie Morrison, and a brother, Dr. W. B. Morrison of Hagerstown. Pfeil Funeral Rites Will Be Tomorrow Funeral services for William Pfeil, 71, retired meat merchant of 315 Twenty-second street NW., who died Saturday in St. Petersburg, Fla:, will- be held at 3 pm. tomorrow at the residence, with burial in Prospect Hill Cemetery. A native and lifelong resident of the District, Mr. Pfeil operated a meat counter in the old Center Mar ket for more than 50 years, retiring when the market went out of exist ence. He had been in failing health the past several years and was in Florida for the winter when he died. His widow, Mrs. Emelia Pfeil. and a sister, Mrs. John Stewart of Wash ington, survive. Cleveland Park Meeting Plans for future social and busi ness functions will be discussed at a meeting of the Cleveland Park Busi ness Men’s Association .tonight at 8:15 o'clock at the City 'Bank, 3401 Connecticut avenue N.W. Guns Booming Nightly to Defend Capitol They've Umbered up the artillery to defend the Capitol against an aerial attack. Capitol poUce are manning the defenses and every night at dusk they can be seen, peering with wor ried eyes into the sky. Then comes the boom of big guns as the at tackers swoop down. The attackers are starlings. "They’ve chased the birds away from downtown,” explained a lieu tenant of the defense force, “and they are coming to roost here.” The police are using shotguns, loaded with blank shells. They wait until the birds settle on the lower ledges of the Capitol, then blast away. The starUngs rise in great clouds. A short time later they settle down once more and the police guns boom again. Finally the starUngs get dis couraged and fly off elsewhere. Courtney White Dies BALDWIN, N. Y„ Feb. 12 (/*>).— Courtney White, 54, stage and radio actor, died suddenly Saturday night after suffering a heart attack. A sister, Mrs. Joseph L. Holden of Escanaba, Mich., his birthplace, survives. Mrs. Roosevelt (Continued From first Page.) vestigating the institutions, before which she testified Friday, will meet again at 10:30 am. tomorrow to hear inmates from Blue Plains, Frank Haskel', superintendent of the Home for the Aged and Infirm and Robert Bondy, director of the Board of Public Welfare. Mrs. Roosevelt said she had read the newspaper which carried an opei letter to her from the 70 small school children of North Randle Highlands portables. May Visit Portables. The conditions described in the letter, and the accompanying article soundea “appalling.” She said she might visit the portables if she has time before she leaves for the South. During her testimony Friday Mrs. Roosevelt said she had visited Gal linger Hospital and planned to make another visit there. Today she said she had promised Gallinger she would make the visit, but doubted if she would find time before she returns to Washington in March. Mrs. Roosevelt will go to New York Tuesday, spend Wednesday and Thursday at Cornell University, come back to Washington for Friday and Saturday and fly to Florida on Sunday. She will return to Wash ington March 3. W. M. Kochenderfer, Hotel Association Secretary, Dies Lafayette Hotel Manager Lived in D. C. 25 Years Willard M. Kochenderfer, 81, ex ecutive secretary of the Washington Hotel Association and manager of the Lafayette Hotel for 10 years, died yesterday after a heart attack at hi* home, 4100 Cathedral avenue NW. Mr. Kochenderfer also was repre sentative in Washington of the American Hotel Association. A resi dent of this city for 25 years, he was a member of the Washington Board of Trade, the American Legion, Greeters of America, Columbia Country Club and was a past presi dent of the Civitan Club. During the World War Mr. Koch enderfer served overseas with the United States Army Motor Trans port. He was bom in Millersburg, Ohio, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kochenderfer. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Marguerite Nallor Kochenderfer, and a brother, Ger ald Kochenderfer of Windsor, Vt. Funeral services will be held at 2:30 p.m. tomorrow at Hysong's fu neral home, 1300 M street N.W., with burial in Rock Creek Cemetery. Members of the Civitan Club and the Washington Hotel Association will serve as honorary pallbearers. Active pallbearers, all managers of Washington hotels, will include Harry Sommerville, Floyd Rush, C. J. Cook. Charles Hutchinson, Gard ner Moore and Herbert H. Rogers. <$veb Wunwv/ 12*47 WILSON BLVD. OX. 24M2 ■ ARLINGTON. VA. I A Complete Funeral Service I _ Within Your Budget , ,_I expressed by | FUNERAL m SPRAYS OF *§ LOVELY fl FRESH “ FLOWERS C Priced at SC. 00 ' Other sprays in smaller sizes arranged to your order. $2.00 and up. Delivery Service on all funeral orders. C, iC^jfowcn. St6\ei 808 14H» St. MEt. 7433 609 12th St. MEt. 9369 804 17th St. MEt 7945 923 F St. MEt. 7404 333 33 3 33 311 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ J I LONG is Long Enough ^Yhen you are telephon ing, please wait at least 10 ringing signals before hanging up. This means only a minute’s waiting, and may mean the difference between getting or not getting your party. If They're Worth Calling, They're Worth Waiting For! THE CHESAPEAKE AMD POTOMAC TELEPHONE COMPANY 723 13th fltMt N. W. Metropolitan 3900 ——'————-———'———MM————■ - *■■■■• _