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jSjkit SERVE YOURSELF AND SAVE * Fra* Parking Sanaa 16th and F Sta. N.E.* 3722 Georgia Are. N.W.* 8330 Georgia Are. N.W.* 1323 Good Hope Bd.* Old Georgetown Bd.. Betheada* 8217-10 Georgia Are. 614 12th St. N.W. 1426-28 Park Rd. N.W. 203ft-40 14th St. N.W. 1830 Benning Bd. N.E. 1420 20th St. N.W. 8.E. Cor. llth A B Eta. N.W. 2744 14th St. N.W. 1632 Colombia Bd. 6233 Georgia Are. N.W. ' 006 G St. N.W. 421 13th St. N.E. 221-223 Md. Am.. Byattarllle* Some Price* Vary In Md. vionon s Keaay-ro-rry CODFISH 10* del maiz MBLGTS 2120*. 1QC cans Iff ALASKAN PINK SALMON 2 ™“ 25® “ ™ TUNA ’« 15* Choice Red Ko.! Sa TOMATOES_«• Farmdale 9 No.2 1 S0 TOMATOES * caHS *•> Formdale No. 2 ~| An SWEET PEAS c»" Green A No.2'4 1 An SPINACH ~ cans ljf1 Early ONo.2AA«* June PEAS ** cans Glenwood /t No. 2 A S* Apple Sauce * cans Betty Jane A38 oz. ASa Apple Butter ^ J»« Orange—Grapefruit vP No. 2 ASa JUICE cans /vd Campbell’** Soups T "i'Jc Chicken or Mushroom Soup lO'/i os. con IQc COOKED Corned Beef s„' 16c “'\ Our Fancy Sweet PEAS j Blue Label ^ 2 Nc°.n1 25c j Green Label < 2 Stf 27C | -5 WIN-CREST . COFFEEft *13' j ■ » Heinz Soups California Peaches 2 23* Calif. Unpeeled Apricots 3-‘25* uiiimii Spaghetti 2'^-Jle HEINZ BAKED BEANS ’carlo* NOLA BRAND „ „,/■ At Peanut Butter1,1 tv MILD AMERICAN CHEESE ■>. 21*' Creamy Wise. Cheese lb. 25c PRINCESS QUALITY OLEO 2 I9C NO WASTE SLICED <4 lb. H BACON pV 1W Oven Fresh jf SLICED 1 Bread 16 oz. ® \ loaf • 7- - X PLAIN or SUGARED | A. \ DO'NUTS do,. Ill* Aunt Jemima Pancake 2Pk£l9c Maxwell House Coffee 2 in 47 c Kraft’s Miracle Whip & 32* Del Monte Peas ‘ir 11* Del. Monte Asparagus "SJS?’ lBc Wheaties 2 JS. 19c gradTa qt. 1 Oc Fresh MILK ■ »1 ^ CABBAGE 3 - 1Q« Delicious Apples 4 »»• 19c Crisp Calif. Carrots 2 bunches 9c Juicy Fla. Grapefruit 10 »>*■ 33c Crisp Iceberg Lettuce l\ead . 5c Fresh Cocoanuts_ each 5c Pink ^eot Grapefruit Best White POTATOES 10 23' U. S. Graded Good Steer Beef »^i.ii—« . »«i. —»■ ** ■ ^ .» ^N« - TENDER SAVORY 8 1 IjilllS Round >»• 25c Sirloin »: 27c PORTERHOUSE - 33c FRESHLY GROUND REEF 2 ■», 27c FANCY LAMB Shoulder Chops ■b 19C Shoulders n>, 12c V ■ ■ Breast of Lamb <to stew>ib. 8c FANCY VEAL ROAST 15c CHOPS »b 19c VEAL <x. fhi> blQc Price! EBectlre Until Wednesday Cleslnt, Waihinrton, P. Ct Only k London Stocks Edge Moderately Higher Despite Selling Trans-Atlantic Issues Decline Slightly at Session's End By the Associated Press. LONDON. Feb. 12.—Stocks aver aged a bit higher today despite profit taking in-some shares. Trans-Atlantic issues eased slight ly at the close and Far Eastern and industrial bonds weakened, but prices in general showed improve ment. Mining shares tilted upward. Oils were quiet but firm and the stocks of XUbber companies forged ahead on a sharp rise in the price of rubber. Industrial shares were firm with trading in shipping and business stocks active Home rails were active, rising two to three points. Toronto Trading Dull. TORONTO, Feb. 12 The trading tempo was decidedly dull on the stock exchange in the early ses sion today with prices firm in the industrial and base metal sections and a bit soft in the golds. The bids tightened up moderately for the s^eel and miscellaneous in dustrials and the utilities were lower. Textile issues firmed narrowly, Car nadian Celanese and Dominion Woolens added Papers were steady and the big oils mainly un changed. International Petroleum gained a fraction and British Amer ican Oil weakened %. Montreal Prices Down. MONTREAL, Feb. 12 (JP).—Losses were in slight majority in early dealings on the stock market today. Fractional declines showed for Steel oi Canada, Dominion Steel, Massey Harris, Bell Telephone and Canada Steamships, while tm nar rowly were- Canadian Pacifrc and McColl. Fundation added 1% points, while Canadian Car was up 1%. Stationary issues included Asbes tos, International Nickel, Canadian Celanese, Imperial Tobacco and a few utilities. Colorado Fuel Net Climbs to $785,836 by the Associated Press. DENVER, Feb. 12.—The Colorado Fuel & Iron Corp. and subsidiaries reported a net profit of $785,836124 for the last six months of 1939 as compared with a net loss of $805, 661.09 for the corresponding period of 1938. The corporation, which operates the Minnequa Steel Plant at Pueblo, reported its net profit for the last three months of 1939 at $554,553.88. Washington Produce BUTTER—93 score, tubs. 32; 1-pound prints. 32%; %-pound prints. 33; 92 score, tubs. 31; l-pound prints. 31%; Vt-pound prints, 32; 91 score, tubs. 31; 1-pound prints, 31%; %-pound prints, 32; 90 score, tubs. 30%: 1-pound prints. 31; ‘/.-pound prints. 31%; 39 score, tubs. 30%; 1-pound prints. 30%; %-pound prints, 3l,J 88 score, tubs. 29. 1-pound prints. 29%; %-pound prints. 30%. . LIVESTOCK—Calves, 10: lambs. 9. (Other livestock prices unavailable today.) From Agricultural Marketing Service. Prices oaid net f.o.b. Washington; EGGS—Market steady. For eggs can dled and sraded In Washington (Feb ruary 12): Whites. U. 8. extras, large. 29: V. 8. extras, mediums. 27: U. 8. stand ards,large, 28; U. 8. standards, mediums, 96: 0. 8. trades. 24. For nearby un graded eggs: Current receipts, whites. 23 to 24; mixed colors. 21 to 22. tlVK POULTRY—Market steady. Fowl, colbred. all sizes. 1ft to l«: No. 2s. 8 to 10: roosters, 8 to 10. Chickens, Virginia Rocks, broilers and fryers, all sizes. 15 to 16: No. 2a 10. Delaware Rocks and Crosses, broilers and fryera all slsea 15 to 16: No. 2s. 8 to 10; mixed colored fryera 15 to 16. Turkeys, young tOms. 15 pounds and up, 13 to 14: young hens, 10 pounds and ud. 18 to 20. Young guinea keata 1% pounds and up. 16 a pound: old keata 10 a pound. Capons. 6 pounds and over. 18 to 20: No. 2> end silos. 16. grain ana veinann. Compiled by the market news section of Agricultural Marketing Service. Sales to 8 a.m. on this morning’s wholesale market in less than carlot quantities: POTATOES—Market steady. Old stock. 100-pound sacks, U. S. No. 1—Maine. Oreen Mountains, size A. 2.10-2.15; Katah dins and Chlppewas. 2.25-2.30: New York, round whites. 1.75-1.90; Pennsylvania. Katahdlns 2.15-2.25: Idaho. Russet Bur banks. 2.25-2.35. New stock, truck re ceipts light. Florida, bushel crates. Bliss Triumphs. U. 8. No. 1, mostly around 2.00. APPLES—Market steady. Truck re ceipts light. Maryland. Pennsylvania. Virginia and West Virginia, bushel baskets and 1 la-bushel boxes. U. 8. No. i—Stay mans. 214-lnch minimum. 75-85; 214-inch minimum. 1.00-1.15; 244-inch minimum. 1.15-1.25; Grimes. 214-inch minimum, 60-65: 214-lnch minimum. 58-90: 214-lnch minimum mostly around 1.00: Jonathans, 214-lnch minimum. 65-76: 214-inch mini mum, 90-1.00; 244-inch minimum. 1.00 1.10: Yorks. 214-inch minimum. 65-75: 214-inch minimum. 85-90; 244-inch mini mum. 1.00-1.10; Delicious, 214-lnch mini mum. 90-1.00: 2‘2-inch minimum. .1.10 1.25: Golden Delicious. 214-inch minimum. 1.00- 244-inch minimum. 1.25-1.35. Pennsylvania. Virginia and West Virginia, bushel boxes and cartons, fancy. Romes. 11.3s-150s, 1.25-1 35: 64s-100s. 1.40-1.50; Staymans, 11.3s-150s. 1.36-1.40; 64s-100s. 1.40-1.60: Delicious. 113s-163s, 1.40-1.60: 72s-100s. 1.50-1.75; Golden Delicious. 113s-163s. 1.25-1.50: 80s-100s. 1.50-1.65; Paragons. 113s-150s. 1.1571.35: 64s-100s. 1.35-1.50. BROCCOLI—Market (lightly weaker. Texas, crates. 3.00. CABBAGE—Market steady. Florida, do mestic round type. 1 >4-bushel hampers, showing offerts nf freezing injury, freight receipts. 1.25-1.50; truck receipts, packed locally. 1.00-1.15; bushel hampers. 70-75: New York 50-pound sacks. Danish type. 75-90. CELERY—Market steady. Florida. 16 Inch rrates. trimmed tops, individually washed. 3-dozen to XXs. showing effects of freezing Injury, best. 2.50-2.75; poorer, 2.00. CARROTS—Market steady. Arizona and California. L. A. crates, bunched. 2.75: Pennsylvania, bushel baskets, topped, washed, l oo. CAULIFLOWER — Market slightly weaker. California, crates. 1.50; fair con dltlon. 140. LETTUCE—Market slightly stronger. California. L. A. c rates. Iceberg type, 5-dozen 3.25-3 50; 4-dozen. 3.00-3.25. ONION8—Market steady. 60-oound sacks. U. S. No. 1, yellows. New York, freight r-ce’nts. 1.15-1.25: truck receipts, 1.00- 1.15: Ohio. 1.15-1.26; Sweet Spanish, 3 inches and larger. Colorado. 1.25. PEAS — Market steady. California, bushel hampers, pole peas. 3.25-3.30: ordi nary condition. 2.50-3.00. SPINACH—Market slightly weaker. Vir ginia Norfolk section, bushel baskets, Ssvor type. 1.40-1 50. mostly 1.50. STRAWBERRIES—Market weak. Truck SSfoSl/ llehA «<*«»■ . 36-pint crates, 20-2244. mostly 20 per pint. _ Sweet Potatoes steady. SWEET POTATOES—Market steady. Truck receipts light. Bushels: Maryland. Anne-Arundel County, hampers. Goldens »nd Jets'r tme. 76-85; Nancy Halls. 90 1.00; North Carolina, baskets. Puerto Ricans. 90-1.00. —M»rket steady. Supplies light. Florida. 12-pound baskets. 1.60 t TS. JS-ocmnd baskets, 3.00-3.60. _ BRU8SELS 8PROUTS—Market steady. California. 25-pound drums, 3.00; poorer lower. „ KALE—-Market steady. Truck receipts light. ’Virginia, Norfolk section, bushel baskets. 65-76. COLLARDS—Market steady. Truck re ceipts ‘l«ht. Virginia. Norfolk section, bushel baskets. 55-65. LIMES—Supplies insufficient to quote. AVOCADOS—Market steady. Truck re ceipts moderate. Florida, flat crates. 1.26 1.60: full ripe. 75-1.00: ventilated crates, 2.50- 3.50. according to size. 8NAP BEANS—Market slightly stronger for best stock. Supplies light. Florida, bushel hampers, Black Valentines, few sales. 5.60-6.00; showing effects of freez ing injury. 4.50-5.00. PEPPERS—Market dull. Supplies very light. Florida. 144-bushel crates, World Beaters and California Wonders, large size, best 4.50: fair quality, 4.00; small size, fair quality. 3.00. MU8HROOM8—Maryland end Pennsyl vania. 3-pound baskets. 30-50. PARSNIPS—Pennsylvania, 44-bushel bas kets. 45-50. TURNIP8—Pennsylvania, 44-bushel bas kets, topped. 25-30. RHUBARB—;-Michigan, 5-Pound cartons, LEMONS—California, boxes. No. 1. 5.26 5.60: No. 2. 4.00-4.50 as to slse. HONEYDEW8—Chile, crates. 2.26-2.50. NECTARINES—Chile, boxes. 1.50-1 T5. GRAPES—California. 32-nound boxes, sawdust pack, Almerlas. 2.25-2.60. ORANGES—Florida, standard boxes. 2.50- 3.00; some special marks higher, few very small sizes. 1.75-2.00; wire-bound Baltimore Markets 8*»ci»l Diiptteh to The Star. BALTIMORE, Md., Feb. 12.—Pota toes, 100-pound sacks, 1.50a2.10; Idaho, 2.25a2.35; new, bushel, 1.50a 2.00; sweet potatoes, bushel, BOaOO; nearby, 40a65; yams, 40a00; beans, bushel, Southern, 6.00a7.00; beets, Western, crate, 1.00al.60; broccoli, crate, 2.00a2.75; brussels sprouts, Vk drum, 2.50a2.75; cabbage, old, 50 pound sacks, OOal.15; new, ltf bushel hampers, 50al.00; Texas, crate, 2.25a2.50; carrots, bushel, 75a 1.00; Western, crate, 2.25a3.00; cauli flower, crate, 1.25al.50; celery, crate, 1.50a3.25; collards, bushel, 20a40; kale, bushel, 30a85; lettuce, crate, Iceberg, 2.50a3.00; lima beans, bushel, 4.75a5.00; mushrooms, 4-quart bas ket, 35a50; onions, 50-pound sack, 85al.l5; Western, l.lOal.15; peas, bushel, Western, 2.25a3.25; Southern, 1.25a2.75; spinach, bushel, 1.25al.75; tomatoes, hig, 75a2.00> turnips, nearby, purple tops, >/2 bushel, 10a 25; yellows, 100 pounds, 1.00al.l5* apples, bushel, 35al.35; grapefruit, box, Southern, 1.25a2.25; Western, 2.00a3.00; lemons, box, 3.25a525; oranges, box, Florida, 1.50a2.50; California, 1.25al.75; rhubarb, car ton, 25a50; strawberries, pint, 20a23; tangerines, box, Florida, 1.00al.75. rounry ana nggs. Live poultry—Chickens, Rocks, pound, 15al8; pullets, 18al9; crosses, 14al7; mixed colors, 14al7; fowl, Rocks, 16al7; mixed colors, 15al6; Leghorns, 12al4; roosters, mixed colors, 10al2; Leghorns, 7al0; ducks, Pekins, 13al5; Muscovy, 14ai6; mixed colors, 10al2; geese, 16al8; guineas, each, 30a45; capons, 22a23; turkeys, hens, 18a20; toms, 13al5. Eggs—Nearby, ungraded, large, white, dozen, 28; medium, 26a27; mixed colors, 26a27; receipts, 742 cases. Butter—Prints, 92 score, pound, 32a33; 90 score, 31a32; country rolls, 21a23; packing stock, 17al8; re ceipts, 384 tubs. v Livestock Market. Cattle, 950. Trading on all classes slow; sales steers around steady to weak with Thursday; me dium and good grades around 900 to 1,300 pounds, 8.25a9.25; load thick fat 1,400 pounds, 9.00; fat cows, 25 cents or more lower, mainly from 5.25a6.00; odd head to 6.25; canners and cutters steady to weak, mostly 3.50a5.00; sausage bulls. 15 to 25 cents lower; top, 7.10; most sales. 7.00 down. Calves, 275. Strong to 50 cents higher than close last week; good and choice vealers, 10.50all.50; com mon and medium mostly S.OOalO.lO. Hogs, 2,000. Steady with Friday; good and choice 170 to 210 pounds, 5.95&6.20; practical top, 6.20; 220 to 240 pounds. 5.65a5.90; 140 to 160 pounds, 5.60a5.85; 250 to 300 pounds, 5.25a5.65; 120 to 140 pounds, 5.25a 5.50; packing sows, 4.20a4.70. Above prices based on grain-fed hogs and price premiums occasionally paid for through billed rail consignments purchased for reshipment not repre sented. Sheep, 1,050. Practically nothing done on several decks fed lambs up until 11:30 am.; early indications weak to lower than quotations late last week; other classes lacking. ' ■ ..I I— 9 Boston Wool Morket BOSTON. Feb. 12 UPl (United State* Department of Aarleulturei.—The wool Market WM Terr eulet today. A .waowteotinrer* were _ukin* *amo4 wwaot^taeSSd* to* mat_ eommltmenta. Domettle wool* wtr* re ceiving little attention and bolder* were mtkln* no effort to puih talet. Atkin* nrlcet on domestic sale* fenerally were unchanged compared with th* elos* of Utt week. Approximately 50 par cent af^tha traffic fatalities last year in the Dis trict were persons over 45 years of are, and more than half of this number were 65 and over. Winnipeg Grain By the A Mode ted Frees. WINNIPEG, Feb. 13.—Grain open ing: Wheat—Mmy, % lower, 85%; July, %-% lower, 86%; October, % lower, 87%. Oats—May, unchanged, 40%; July, % lower, 88%. Barley May, % lower; 54%. Rye—May, unchanged, 73%. _ft __ New Orleans Cotton By the Associated Press. raw ORLEANS. Peb. 12.—Cotton fu tures opened steady at net declines of 8 to 9 points. March. 11.05: May. 10.76: July. 10.41: October, 0.67: December. 9.52b; January. 0.49b. Cottonseed Oil. Cottonseed oil opened steady; March, 6.49^ Msr^fl.eOb; July, 6.72b; September. Liverpool prises. LIVERPOOL. Peb. 12 UP).—Prices in the Bombay cotton market declined to day, the sell-off attributed to a new strike of workers there. Liverpool prices re acted accordingly, with opening quotations down as much as 16-100 of a penny a pound. Trading thereafter was narrow and prices moved irregulqrly. The market recovered as much as 7 points, declined again In midafternoon only to pick up near the close. They finished 5 to 10 Points net lower. Quoted values were easily Influenced by scattered liquidation on one side and lo cal support on the other. Chicago Produce CHICAOO, Feb. 12 OP).—Poultry, live, 1 car. 17 trucks; hens firmer; chickens and ceese easier; hens, over 6 pounds. 15; 5 pounds and down. 16; Leghorn hens. 12; broilers. 2'A pounds and down, colored, 15; Plymouth Rock. 18; White Rock. 17; Leghorn chickens, 10: springs, 4 pounds up. colored. 16: Plymouth Rock. 18‘A; White Rock. 18)4; under 4 pounds, col ored. 15V4: Plymouth Rock, 1714; white Rock, 17; bareback chickens. 11-13; roosters. 10; Leghorn roosters. 9‘A: ducks. 4V4 pounds up. colored. 13; white. 14; small, colored. 11: white. 12; geese, over 12 pounds. 12; 12 pounds and down. 13: turkeys, toms. old. 11: young. 18 pounds up. 1214; under 18 pounds, 13: hens. 15'A; capons. 7 pounds up. 18; under 7 pounds. 18. _ Potatoes. 190: on track. 376: total U. 8. shipments Saturday. 888; Sunday, 74: supplies liberal: Idaho Russets and Nebraska Bliss Triumphs steady, demand good: Colorado Red McClures and North ern stock, all varieties, about steady; demand light: sacked per hundredweight, Idaho Russet Burbanks. U. 8. No. 1. 1.80- 2.00. mostly 1.86; Colorado Red Mc Clures. 2 and 2 Vi Inch minimum, few sales 1.70: Nebraska Bliss Triumphs. 85' per cent or more D 8. No. 1, washed. 1.80- 2.06: mostly around 2.00: unwashed, 1.5714; Minnesota and North Dakota Red River Valley section cobblers. 75 to 90 per cent O. 8. No. 1. few sales 1.20-30; Bliss Triumphs. 70-75 per cent D. 8. No. 1, few sales 1.10-16: new stock slightly weaker, supplies light, demand light; less than carlots. Florida bushel crates Bliss Triumphs. U. 8. No. 1, washed, few saloa 2.05. London Bar Silver LONDON. Feb. 12 OF—Bar silver. 21 3/18d. off A. (Equivalent 38.42 cents on basis of dollar at >4.03.) Bar gold. 168s, unchanged. (Equivalent >33.85.) Income Tax Returns In March May Reach $500,000,000 Employes of State and Local Governments Must Pay for First Time By the Associated Press. Treasury offlcials figured today that Federal Income tax returns, due within five weeks, should bring in $550,000,000 during March. * That is their conservative esti mate, but profitable corporation re ports now brightening the financial pages haye given some experts hope for even more. The $550,000,000 would be $50,000, 000 more than was collected last March, but still Is about $175,000,000 less than the post-war banner month of March, 1038. me returns, aue Dy miamgni March 15, will include, for the first time, taxes from the more prosper ous among the 2,000,000 State and local government employes. The 'total from their 1939 Income has been estimated at slightly less than $20,000,000, but only one-fourth will be due on March 15. The tax forms for individuals will be substantially the same as in re cent years but corporation returns will be somewhat different. The un distributed profits tax is out. The tax on corporations earning more than $25,000 is changed from a slid ing rate of 16% to 19 per cent to a flat 18 per cent. Corporations earn ing lefs'than $25,000 still will pay at the 12% to 16 per cent rate -of last year. In his January budget message, the President said he feared that the revisions would cause some im pairment of revenue. Barring sudden—and unexpected —congressional action, the exemp BIOTCHYS* ~ Help relieve externally % caused blem-' ishea ... aid your com plexion with Out*t$l°o° • . i Resumption of regular nightly service will be welcome news to those who prefer a good night’s sleep and deli rious mewls to icy high ways and other hazards t of winter driving. Drive direct to dock. A | modern steamer will be yonr hotel and garage. Keep going In safety! 5 Save 500 miles * over I night. NORFOLK WASHINGTON LINE | [ . .1 I The famous six-bottle carton k of Coca-Cola goes into millions of homes. Because every member of the family enjoys the delicious taste of ice-cold Coca-Cola and the happy after-sense of complete refreshment. Your dealer has the six-bottle carton. 0 BOTTLED UNIX* AUTHOUTY Of THE COCA4XJLA CO. BY WASHINGTON COCA-COLA BOTTLING WORKS, INC. 400 7Hi St. S.W. Don Holland, Manager Metropolitan 4727 tlons (till will be $1400 for single persons, $2400 for family heads and $400 extra for each minor or unem-f ployable dependent. The President has estimated Fed eral revenues in the current fiscal year (ending June 30) at $4,703,795, 000, of which $3419418490 had been taken in by February 6. Crude Oil Prices TULSA. Feb. 13 (47.—Base crude Oil prices: Mid-continent area, Illinois. $1.06; Oklahoma-Kansas, srarltr scale SO cents to $1.10; North. North Central and West Central Texas, srarltr scale 71 cents to $1.03. Bast Texas, $1.10; West Texas, srarltr scale 53 to 95 cents. North Louisiana Arkansas, srarltr scale 73 cents to $1.05; Rocky Mountain area. Salt Creek. Wro., Srarltr scale 80 cents to $1 10. Eastern area. Pennsylranla trade (Brad ford 'AUethanr. $2.75; same trade in Southwest Pennsylvania lines. $2.40; same trade In Eureka lines, $2.09; Corning. $1.12. Paris Exchange Rates . PARIS. Feb. 12 (47.—The United States dollar kept at 43.80 francs (2.283 cents to the franc) in foreign exchange tradlns today, compared with New York’s rate of 2.268 cents to the franc over the week end. Exchange on London. 178.625 francs. In Bourse tradlns 3 ner cent rentes were quoted 73.75 francs: 4Vis "A." 82.20; 4Vis, 1937, 214.55. imm'nrrii’irimmmiiiniiMBnfm mnrnmrnr Larger Drop Revealed . { In Store Collections % * By tkr AiwdiM Pm*. The rate of collections on depart ment store charge accounts declined 8.6 per cent in December from No vember, compared with a decline of 1.5 per cent in the corresponding months of 1938, the Commerce De partment says. It Your Dontist Hurts You Try DR. FIELD PLATE EXPERT Double Suction 1 narantea a Tlfht Pit in any Moot* Violet Kay Treatment (er Pyorrhea Extractiana. $1 and *2. Alao Oaa note. $10 t» $30 Geld Crowns - $« n» FilUnca —. $1 ■» DR. FIELD 406 7th St. N.W. MEt. 9256 Over Waal worth Oa A 10a Store miilinflOliaiiaiRNItSliSIIHieiHSfiBnilBISJBiiSIBiniRr HALL’S (Since 1885) RESTAURANT AND CARDEN 7th & K Sts. S.W. •ft tht Water Frtat TUESDAY'S SPECIAL, 4Sc 11:30 to 2 P.M. Fried Chicken, Maryland Style j Mashed Potatoes.Hot Biscuits Green Peas.Tea or Coffee _ OYSTERS ANY STYLE _ jj Whole Broiled Live Maine Lobster, $1.00 INCLUDING P Salad Potato** Too Coffaa jj CHOICE STEAKS, CHOPS, CHICKEN I MIXED DRINKS—IMPORTED A DOMESTIC WINES A BEER g AMPLE PARKING SPACE I FRANK HALL, Prop. STerling 8580 jj I IM3GST.N.W. 9I4FST.N.W. 1103 H ST. N.E. Announces Their Appointment os Exclusive Distributors in Washington of i | Fine Chocolates FAMOUS SINCE 1880 FOR THEIR TRUE DELICIOUSNESS AND FULL FLAVOR . . . THEY HAVE BEEN THE CANDY FAVORITES OF MILLIONS OF PEOPLE EVERYWHERE . . . YOU WILL FIND MANY DELIGHTFUL OLD PREFERENCES WELL DISPLAYED AT YOUR NEAREST . . . STANDARD DRUG STORE ... GET SOME . . . TODAY I i * Loft's Chatelaine Bax Assarted Milk and Sweet Chocolates Found Box Other One Pound Boxes 39c 89c the perfect Valentine Loft's 8-oz. Assorted Chocolates_39c Loft's 11 Vz-oz. Miniature Chocolates, 79c Loft's 23-oz. Miniature Chocolates_1.39 Loft's 14-oz. Satin Heart Fruits Gr Nuts, 99c Loft's 23-oz. Satin Heart Miniature Chocolates-1.89 The Above Numbers lu Heart Shaped Boxes ALSO AGENTS FOR \ Whitman 9 Nunnally’s Fine Chocolates j