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Notes From the Social Calendar of Washington and Its Environs Diplomats and Others Pay Tribute to King Farouk At Legation Reception The Minister and Mme. Hassan Hosts at Celebration of Young Monarch’s Birth Anniversary His Majesty King Farouk I of Egypt celebrated his 21st birthday anniversary yesterday and at Washington the Envoy from his govern ment. Mahmoud Hassan Bey, and Mme. Hassan gave a large reception at the legation to celebrate the day. The several hundred guests drank toasts to the youthful monarch to wish him health, prosperity and long life. The Minister and Mme. Hassan received their guests in the draw ing room of the attractive Legation on Sheridan Circle, the hours having been set from 4:30 to 6:30 o’clock, but many lingered well into the evening. Atmosphere of Spring In Reception Rooms. The reception rooms were gay with early spring blossoms, roses and carnations in varied hues, and the long windows were opened now and then to let in the breath of spring-like air which made yesterday so delightful. Mme. Hassan was dressed in a very becoming gown of beige crepe, the skirt long and moderately full and about the rather high neckline and the edge of the short, puffed sleeves were heavily beaded bands. Members of the Legation Staff and their wives assisted, many old friends of the Attache, M. Andre Cattaui, and Mme. Cattaui greeting them and welcoming them back to Washington. M. Cattaui was attached to the Legation some years ago, when he made a wide circle of personal friends as well as many for his country. M. Cattaui is gifted with his paint brush as well as his bow, for he was a member of a string quartet during his former station here, join ing a group of diplomats who also were gifted as musicians. The ef fective mural in the entrance hall of the Legation was done by M. Cattaui. The Legation has other equally beautiful paintings, the very handsome puiuuu, ui iving r:aua x in me drawing room, and the new paint ing, hung just in time for yester day's reception, done by Mahmoud Said, the famous Egyptian artist, which attracted considerable atten tion yesterday among the art-mind ed guests. The scene is of ancient Egypt, with fishermen typical of that day. Mahmoud Said is the son of the Egyptian Prime Minister. Dean of Diplomatic Corps Among Guests. The dean of the diplomatic corps, the Peruvian Ambassador, Senor Don Manuel de Freyre y Santander, was among those arriving early and remaining some time to enjoy his hosts, the other guests and do honor to the young King of the country on the Nile. Others from the diplomatic corps who were there in cluded the Turkish Ambassador and Mme. Ertegun, the Ecuador Am bassador, Capitan Colon Eloy Alfaro: the Japanese Ambassador and Mme. Horinouchi, the Venezuelan Am bassador and Senora de Escalante, the Italian Ambassador and Princess Colonna, the Chilean Ambassador and Senora de Cabero, the Spanish Ambassador and Senora de Cardenas, the dean of Ministers of the corps, the Swedish Envoy, and Mme Bostrom; the Guatemalan Minister and Senora de Recinos, the Portugese Minister and Senhora de Bianchi and the latter’s daughter, Senhorita Sinila Skildelsky; the Minister of Thai and Mme. Rajamaitri, the V-; Yugoslav Minister and Mme. Fotitch, the Irish Minister and Mrs. Brennan, the Netherlands Minister and Mme. Loudon, and the Honduras Minister and Senora de Caceres. Many others from the executive and legislative branches of the Gov ernment were in the large company which filled the drawing rooms and dining room of the Legation. Sena tor Arthur Capper was there, as were Representative and Mrs. Sol Bloom and Miss Vera Bloom, and the Governor of Alaska and Mrs. Ernest Gruening. who are back for a brief stay after getting settled in the Governor’s mansion at Juneau. The Assistant Secretary of State and Mrs. Henry F. Grady, the As sistant Secretary of the Treasury and Mrs. Herbert Gaston, the Direc tor of the Division of International Communications of the State De partment and Mrs. Thomas Burke, and the Special Deputy Commis sioner of Internal Revenue and Mrs. Eldon P. King were present. The director general of the Pan American Union, Dr. Leo S. Rowe, was at the party for some time, chatting with representatives of European countries as well as those of Central and South America. The Egyptian Consul General in New York. Dr. Hussein Chawky, who was attached to the Legation here for some time, came down for the party. Miss Nelle Hoyt And Mr. W. E. Lewis Are Married Mr. and Mrs. Robert Watts Hud gens of Chevy Chase, Md„ announce the marriage of their daughter, Miss Nelle Hoyt, to Mr. Walter Elon Lewis, son of Mr. E. J. Lewis of Kansas City, Mo. The ceremony Was performed bv the Rev. Sher wood S. Day of Catskill, N. Y„ at the home of the bride s parents, at 6 o’clock Thursday evening. The bride wore a pastel-blue street dress and carried a bridal bouquet of orchids. Out-of-town guests were Mr. Earl Furman of Greenville, S. C.; Miss Alice Webber of Mont gomery, Ala., and Miss Helen Car mine, Chestnut Hill, Pa. Mrs. Lewis attended Sweet Briar College and George Washington University. She formerly lived in Greenville and moved to Washing ton a year ago when Mr. Hudgens became assistant administrator of the Farm Security Administration. Mr. Lewis was graduated from the University of Missouri, where he was a member of the Kappa Sigma Fraternity. He has done graduate work at George Washing ton University and is associated with the Retail Credit Corp. in Wash ington. After Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Lev vis will be at home at 211 Delaware avenue S.W. Birth Announced Mr. and Mrs. Grant Hodges an nounce the birth of a son, Grant, Jr., December 18 in Johnson City. Tenn. Mrs. Hodges formerly was Idiss Pearle Glenn of this city. Hendersons Hosts In Celebration Of 50th Wedding Mr. and Mrs. William Henderson entertained at an attractively ar ranged reception yesterday at their residence in Forest Glen. Md„ in' celebration of their golden wedding anniversary. They were assisted! in receiving the more than 75 guests by their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. William Haslet Hen derson of Trenton, Mich., who, with their daughter Peggy, are spending I several days in Forest Glen. Mrs. Henderson wore a becoming gown of blue velvet, with a corsage : of yellow rosebuds, the gift of the Forest Glen Reading Club, of which ! she has been president for the past 1 seven years. The tea table was ; centered with yellow roses and white narcissus flanked on either side with ! white tapers, and a profusion of early spring flowers decorated the various rooms. Particularly effec tive were the mantel decorations of yellow calla lilies and greens. Assisting were Mrs. H. F. Deland, Mrs. Malcolm Chandler, Miss Fran ces Fletcher, Mrs. Lucille Herndon, Mrs. H. H. Howlett, Mrs. Harry Lowe, Mrs. Dorsey McPherson and Mrs. J. P. Greene. Although Mr. and Mrs. Hender son celebrated their anniversary yesterday, the anniversary date is today. They were married in Wash ington, February 12, 1890, and re sided in this city until they moved to Forest Glen about 37 years ago. Luncheon Planned Mrs. Gladys Lackard will enter tain at luncheon Saturday at Nor j mandy Farm. for a Junior A frothy formal of net and lace over a whispering rayon . taffeta slip will make some \ young girl the belle of the 1 Valentine ball! $1495 Junior Vogue Dfen Shop tnd floor MISS ELEANOR WERMOVTH. Mr. and Mrs. William D. Wermouth announce the engage ment of their daughter, Miss Wermouth, to Mr. Stokes T. Henry, son of Mr. and Mrs. Smith T. Henry of Spruce Pine, N. C. —Bachrach Photo. Annual Breakfast Given Mrs. Roosevelt Is Honored At Congressional Club Event The annual breakfast of the Congressional Club in honor of the President’s wife was given at the Raleigh Hotel today, with Mrs. Edward R. Burke, wife of the Senator from Nebraska, president of the club, pre siding and introducing Mrs. Roosevelt, who made a brief talk. The ballroom was decorated with flags and a large emblem of the United States, in a standard on the stage at one end of the room, waved in an artificial breeze. The scarlet-coated members of the Marine Band, under the direction of its new leader, Capt. William Santelmann, played before and during the luncheon. The tables had clusters of red and white carnations and blue iris to carry out the patriotic colors, and Mrs. Roose velt was presented a white orchid, gift of the club, on her arrival. Mrs. Kooseveit. was met at tne front door of the hotel by Mrs. Fulmer, wife of Representative Hampton P. Fulmer of South Caro lina, who substituted for Mrs. Lea. wife of Representative Clarence F. Lea of California, who is ill. Seated at the long speakers’ table with Mrs. Roosevelt and Mrs. Burke were wives of cabinet officers and asso ciate justices of the Supreme Court as well as members of the Board of Governors of the club and past presidents. Among those at the table today were Mrs. Robert H. Jackson, Mrs. Harold L. Ickes. Mrs. Henry A Wal lace, Mrs. Charles Evans Hughes, Mrs. Harlan Fiske Stone, Mrs. Hugh L. Black. Mrs. Stanley F. Reed. Mrs. Felix Frankfurter and Mrs. William O. Douglas, who were guests of the club. Former presidents of the Congres sional Club who were present today t were Mrs. Daniel A. Reed. Mrs. James F. Byrnes and Mrs. Horace Mann Towner. Present officers who were seated with the honor guests were the four vice presidents. Mrs. Clarence E. Hancock of New York, Mrs. Robert L. Doughton of North Carolina, Mrs. Ernest Lundeen of Minnesota and Mrs. R. Ewing Thomason of Texas, the recording secretary, Mrs. John R. Murdock of Arizona; the corresponding sec retary, Mrs. Robert F. Rich of Penn sylvania, and the treasurer, Mrs. Clyde H. Smith of Maine. Mr. Reino Luoma, Finnish pian ist, who played with the National Symphony Orchestra at one of its Water Gate concerts, and was heard more recently in a recital for the benefit of the Finnish relief fund, gave a group of numbers before the close of the luncheon. Republicans Plan Dinner Parties This Evening A number of prominent Repub licans are planning dinner parties for guests who will attend the Lin coln Day ball at the Raleigh Hotel this evening. Among these are Mrs. Edward E. Gann and Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Sanger. Among the guests who will be en tertained at dinner by Mr. and Mrs. Sanger are Mr. and Mrs. Robinson Mcllvalne. Mr. and Mrs. Merton A. English, Jr.; Mr. and Mrs. Wells Church, Mr. R. Duncan Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carroll Morgan and Miss Tuckerman. Mrs. Gann's guests will include Mrs. Ralph Harris, Republican na tional committeewoman for Kansas; Mr. and Mrs. Howard S. Le Roy and Mr. and Mrs. William S. Culbertson. Dinner $2—Sat. $2.25 Including Cover Supper Cover, 50c Saturdays $1 Plus Tax Barnee-Lowe Orchestra PRINCE & PRINCESS SELANDIA, Scandina vian Dancers—GENE ARCHER, Famous N.B.C. Baritone—Other Acts by Outstandinf Entertainers. -—x Mr. and Mrs. Branch Feted by Peacocks The vice chairman of the Civil Aeronautics Authority and Mrs. Harllee Branch and their daugh ter, Mrs. Donald Leslie, were the guests in whose honor Mr. and Mrs. JameS Craig Peacock enter tained at a buffet supper last evening. There were 50 guests in the party. Mrs. Leslie is visiting her parents at Wardman Park Hotel. [1 y i Mrs. George Marye is one Washington hostess who spends much time and thought on the selection and arrangement of .flowers—and, Hintwg there the other night, several guests remarked that the table decora tions were the loveliest they had seen anywhere this winter. Dosens of pale yellow and deep bronze talisman roses were arranged in a very low silver um in the center of the table and at each end there was a smaller matching urn filled with the same exquisite combination. Mrs. Wallach Merriam, Mr. and Mrs. 8. M. Breckinridge Long, Comdr. and Mrs. William D. Thomas, Senator and Mrs. Key Pittman, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Wood Robert, jr.; Mr. and Mrs. William Littauer, John Philip Hill and Edward Gardner were among the friends who enjoyed the delicious dinner and stayed on to play bridge afterward. To go back to table arrangements, one of the most effective we have ever seen was used at a children’s party which Mrs. William E. Doeller gave some years ago for her then small son (he is now 6 feet tall!). In the center of the enormous long table there was a complete miniature pond with pebbles and fresh growing plants, and swim ming in the real and very clear water were a dozen or so live and fluffy yellow ducks, which the children were given to take home after the party! Lou Doeller, who is one of the best hostesses in the world, started the very delightful custom (at least in Washington) of ' serving hard-boiled eggs with the sandwiches and champagne toward the end of the evening—a custom which is followed in so many smartly run houses here now. Mr. and Mrs. Doeller, by the way, have taken a house in Nassau for some weeks and are planning to leave here the middle of the month. They will certainly find plenty of Washington friends there—Mrs. Higglnson Rogers, for one; the Snowden Pahnestocks, and now Mrs. Noyes Lewis has decided to make a visit to the quaint resort before Joining her family in Palm Beach. * * * * Just as Mr. and Mrs. Selden Chapin are about to take off for Hobe Mn. Ni(Mu Lonrworlh. sound, Fla., to visit Mrs. Hamilton Me> i Cormick-Goodhart, Col. Pitzmaurice Day | writes that he has rented his delightful 1 little house there and will be coming North | for a visit any day now. The Robert Posts, who were in town last week on leave from Bob’s newspaper work in London, plan to take a Florida vacation before going back to England. The Argentine Ambassador and Mme. | Espil are Jekyl Island-bound, where the | Hugh Auchinplosses are already doing some | serious fishing, and Alex Hagner plans to I join the general exodus for Florida the I middle of this month. So much for the I travelers. For the stay-at-homes there was Mrs. Pearsons Rust's dinner Saturday | night, and Mrs. Nicholas Longworth’s very | gala supper party for Elsa Maxwell follow » ing the latter’s lecture at Town Hall last i night, and yesterday afternoon Sammy Biddle gave a very gay and amusing cock tail party for the younger set. AND BY THE WAY— Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pell have returned from a trip to the Dominican Republic, where Mr. Pell went on official business regarding the refugee situation. They both report they had the most marvelous trip—with so many parties arranged in their honor that they returned to the States completely exhausted. Eugene Hinkle, who is our Charge d’Aflaires at the American Legation and was such a popular bachelor here several years ago, is now married to a most charming and beautiful young wife, and along with the rest of the Legation staff is looking forward to the arrival of the Robert Scottens (he has Just been made Minister to the Dominican Republic). Col. Ralph Hallett And Wife Hosts Col. and Mrs. Ralph Hubbard Hallett entertained at tea yesterday at the Washington Club in honor of Miss Ruth Hale and Mr. Wiley Buchanan, whose marriage will take place early in April in Midland, Mich. ■» Know how to be a safe driver and be the safest driver you know. tor a—_ — r Hammonds Feted At Luncheon The Secretary of the Italian Embassy and Countess Robert! entertained at luncheon today in compliment to the latter's par ents. former United States Am bassador to Spain and Mrs. Og den H. Hammond, who are guests for several days of the Spanish Ambassador and Senora de Car denas. Valentines Some sensible and loving for family and friends Some charmingly sentimental . Some delightfully humorous Some just mushy SAY IT WITH A VALENTINE ^BReaxDD Engravers & Fine Printers 1217 G Street MISS ANN LEE RABORG. Her engagement to Mr. Ernest Neal Cory, jr., son of Dr. and Mrs. Cory of College Park, Md., is announced by her parents, Lt. Col. William Anderson Raborg, U. S. A., retired, and Mrs. Moorg.—Messier Photo. Eleanor Wermouth Engaged to Wed Mr. and Mrs. William D. Wer mouth announce the engagement of their daughter. Miss Eleanor Wer mouth, to Mr. Stokes T. Henry, son of Mr. and Mrs. Smith T. Henry of Spruce Pine, N. C. Miss Wermouth attended Bucknell University, the Washington School for Secretaries and was graduated from the Critcher School of Art. Mr. Henry is a graduate of the Wharton school of business and finance at University of Pennsyl vania. He is a member of Phi Gamma Delta social fraternity. No date has been set for the wedding. Plan to Entertain Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Freeland, 1806 Kilboume place, have reserved a table ir the Valentine dinner dance ormandy Farm Thursday. As their guests they will have Dr. and Mrs. Lewis Cassidy. Miss Herd Wed Mr. and Mrs. Iindaey B. Herd announce the recent marriage of their daughter, Miss Evelyn Louise Herd, to Mr. William J. King, jr. Dinner to Be Given Senator and Mrs. Charles L. Mc Nary will entertain at dinner this evening. ANY WATCH Wmw« All Wert Overstates GuiuImI Watch Crystals, 35c WADE'S JEWELERS 615 15th St. Hi.ft. Mrs. Lawson Visits In Baltimore Mrs. Huron W. Lawson la spending today in Baltimore, where she went to attend the an nual Bohemian night of the Bal timore Music Club this evening. Mrs. Lawson will be the guest at the party tonight of Dr. How ard R. Thatcher, professor of harmony and theory at the Pea body Conservatory of Music, and Mrs. Thatcher. She will remain overnight in Baltimore and will join Dr. Lawson in their Wash ington home tomorrow. Mb\npMAN mHmdmnuuc uartL SELBY...the World's jtf*’’’ k^t Greatest Name In Women's Shoes stamped on every flrth Preserver Shoe In our store. HAHN Exclusively 1207 F St. J