- ^ —T- ——-T— — ' -* Notes From the Social Calendar of ns ■ ' ■■ 1 " 1 * . I ' J 7 'in .«-i'i \ , ti ...|’| i.iiir. .uriil.-i.!.!.'■'Mii.iilhil .-lilM'lin'finf _ ■ ■ Mrs. Roosevelt Gives Tea For Members of Society Of Sponsors of Navy Marquess of Lothian Is Guest - Of Honor at Dinner Given By Mrs. McLean a Mrs. Roosevelt Is In New York today and will spend tomorrow and Thursday at Cornell University, returning to Washington Friday. Satur day the President’s wife will fly to Tallahassee, Fla., to address the stu dents at the Florida State College for Girls and then will go to Daytona Beach to speak Sunday at the Bethune-Cookman College. Mrs. Roosevelt was hostess at tea yesterday for members of the So ciety of Sponsors of the United States Navy, which is meeting in Wash ington this week. The Secretary of the Navy and Mrs. Charles Edison and the Chief of Naval Operations and Mrs. Harold R. Stark were the guests of honor at the luncheon which the Sponsors gave at the Mayflower today. Mrs. Russell C. Langdon is president of the organization. His Britannic Majesty’s Ambassador, the Marquess of Lothian, was the guest of honor at dinner last evening when Mrs. Edward Beale McLean entertained 40 guests at Friendship. Others among the guests were the Minister of Finland, Mr. Hjalmar Procope; Mr. Justice and Mrs. Stanley Reed, Mr. Justice Frank Murphy, Senator and Mrs. Hiram Johnson, Senator David I. Walsh, Senator Alben W. Barkley, Senator Theodore Green, Senator Joseph F. Guffey, Representative Sam Rayburn. Representative Pat Boland, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Jones, Admiral andv v__ ' t \.., _ ' Luncheon Meetmjjf"* Sponsors of the Washington League of Women 8hoppers will Join the executive board at a luncheon meeting Friday at Hay-Adams Hotel to discuss the work of the league and to exchange ideas regarding this year’s programs. This will be the first time the two groups have held such a meeting. 1 A Cappella Choir’s Concert March 11 Draws Interest Society is evincing keen interest in the annual lenten concert of the Washington A Cappella Choir, to be given this season at the Constitution Hall Monday night, March 11, at 8:30 o’clock, under the direction of Ruby Smith - Stahl. With Mrs. Roosevelt heading the list of prominent patrons and patronesses, this musical event always attracts tne presence of the Capital City’s most distin guished music lovers, and already more than half of the entire tier of boxes at Constitution Hall are taken for the concert. Among those who have taken boxes and who will entertain guests are Miss Mary B. Adams, Mrs. Robert Woods Bliss, Princess Boncompagni, Mrs. Edward Burke, Mrs. Wilbur Carr, Mrs. M. Web ster Dawley, Mrs. Carl Droop. Dr. E. Danna Durand, Mrs. C. Willard Hayes, Mrs. Nicholas Longwofm, Mr. Lynch Luquer.'Mrs. Eddtt B. Parker, Mrs. Robert Ritti Mrs. L. Corrin Strong, Mrs. James G. Wentz and MrsfMIlton King. Reservations may be made with ibi. Stahl at her home or at the office of the First Congregational Church. Miss Geach Is Bride of Mr« Steen Rite Performed At One Minute After Midnight. • An Interesting wedding took place Sunday morning at one minute after midnight, when Miss Elvajane Ruth Geach, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Willard Geach of Toledo, Ohio, was married to Mr. Bernard Kenneth Steen of Takoma Park, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bernard Steen of Detroit. Chap lain Donald W. Hunter of the Wash ington Sanitarium officiated. The ceremony took place in the apartment on Roanoke avenue, Ta koma Park, where the couple will reside on their return from their wedding trip to Toledo and Detroit. The decorations included palms and baskets of white lilies, carnations and gladioluses. After the cere mony the wedding music was played over the radio from a local station as a surprise for the bride. The bride wore a -long gown of pink taffeta with close-fitted bodice, having an old-fashioned round neckline, with short puffed sleeves and a full skirt made with three tiers of ruffles. She wore a corsage bouquet of pink rosebuds and sweet peas with a band of rosebuds on her hair. The bride’s mother, Mrs. Geach, and her two sisters, Miss June Geach and Miss Miriam Geach, and about a dozen close friends were present at the wedding and the ^reception which followed. Later Mr. and Mrs. Steen left on their wedding trip, the latter wear ing a tan outfit with matching ac cessories. They will be at home after Feb ruary 25. Mrs. Steen is a graduate of Wash ington Missionary College, and Mr. Steen is a graduate of Emmanuel Missionary College in Berrien Springs, Mich., and both completed the course at the Washington Sani tarium and are registered nurses. Mr. Steen is employed in a Gov ernment hospital. Luncheon Honors Mrs. Bruce Smith Mrs. Bruce Smith was guest of honor at an attractively arranged luncheon at the Shoreham Hotel today, when Mrs. Hardin B. Arledge entertained. T£e centerpiece was made up of two large red hearts, with individual corsages of gar dinias tied with red and white rib bon, which were given to each guest. In the group were Mrs. Eugene E. Cox, Mrs. Laurence F. Arnold, Mrs. Aaron Ford, Mrs. Tomas Cajigas, Miss Virginia Killinger and Mrs. Neitah King. Token of Love Sergt. Stuart N. Saunders of Leu chars, Scotland, who was killed in a Royal Air Force accident over the North Sea, left $500 “to Margaret Hopeless, with whom I spent the few happy days of my life, as a token of I a love that will never die.” "Change About" for Spring, 4-Pc. 4-WAY Ensemble $1 Q.95 Weor Hit chevron twaad finger tip box coot and ikirt with the rayon crept biomt! Wear tht rayon crept bloat* and ikirt as a dr**! Um tht rayon crept bioait with tweed ikirt, tr wear tht twaad coot over tht crept ikirt and bioait ei o cot hunt tn temble. COPEN, AQUA, ROSE, NAVY. Siitt 12 to 20. Drtst Salon, Stcani Floor Beverly Spring Shoe $6.50 A favorite for ^ring—Madiam •tool step-in of Mock Lastax gob ardioa, potent trim, opan or claaad teas. Strut Floor See Wednesday's Star for another Rational FUR SALE Glamorous Fur Coats iu Windows Wednosday!