Navy Shifts Captain Whose Ship Rescued Columbus’ Crew Badt Is Ordered to Navigation Bureau Here; Other Transfers Made Capt. Harry A. Badt, who com manded the cruiser Tuscaloosa dur ing its rescue of the crew of the scuttled German luxury liner Co lumbus last December, has been or dered to shore duty at the Navy Department in the office of the Bu reau of Navigation, it was an nounced yesterday. Capt. Badt will be succeeded by Capt. Lee P. Johnson, who is a stu dent at the Naval War College at Newport, R. I. After a year’s study at the Newport school Capt. Badt, in 1938, was assigned to the Tusca loosa. The ship has been partici pating in the neutrality patrol in recent months, it is understood, op erating along the Southern Atlantic Coast. The Tuscaloosa picked up the trail of the Columbus shortly after the liner left the Gulf of Mexico-and entered the Atlantic on her ill-fated dash for home. Capt. Badt stood by when a British destroyer ap proached the fleeing German ship nearly 300 miles off the lower New Jersey coast. The Columbus was scuttled by the Germans, and the Tuscaloosa took the crew into New York Harbor and then returned to her patrol work. Capt. Frederick C. Sherman, an other student at the Newport col lege, has been put in command of the aircraft carrier Lexington, re lieving Capt. Alva D. Bernhard, who will become an instructor at the school. Capt. Herman E. Fischer was transferred from the Ordnance Bu reau to command of the cruiser Phoenix, relieving Capt. John W. Rankin, whose orders have not been announced. He makes his home here at 2222 Q street N.W. During the World War he served in the same bureau and studied at George Washington University here. Capt. Harold Dodd, also a student at the Naval School, has been assigned command of the cruiser Honolulu, replacing Capt. Oscar Smith, who will come here in the office of the Chief of Naval Opera tions. Marriage License Applications Lee Methvln, 24. 1312 L st. n.w.. end Isabelle D. Cordua, 22, 013 Rock Creek Church rd. n.w.; the Rev. William J. Sweeney. Dennis F. Bennett, 33. 1233 Ingraham st. n.w., and Nellie E. Slonaker. 28. 8 Evarts st. n.e.: the Rev. John C. Ball. Jack R. Rardin. 29. Brooklyn. N. Y.. and Frances R. Cooper. 28. Chastleton Hotel; the Rev. Robin Qould. James C. Heller. 40. Cleveland. Ohio, and Dorothy Doslk. 29, Brooklyn, N. Y.: the Rev. Z. Green. Wilbur A. Sale. 23, 1817 F st. n.w.. and Julia E. Fond. 24. 1739 I st. n.w.; the Rev. Ivan H. Dugan. Samuel Block. 29. 1245 E st. s.e., and Bertha 311ver. 29. 1534 E st. s.e.; the Rev. Charles Wllliamowsky. Jess Fisher. 25, 3725 W st. n.w.. and Mildred Davis, 25. 2305 Huldekoper Pi. n.w.; the Rev. Norman GerstenfqJA., George D. Pitts, 39. 3011 Prospect ave n.w., and Victoria J. Now. 38. 3013 Prospect ave. n.w.; the Rev. Charles B. Austin. Frank Williams, 24. 1733 13th st. n.w., and Thelma Butler. 24, 1846 Varna! st n.w.: the Rev. John P. Hamilton. John C. Moore. 23. 47 Fenton pL_n.e.. and Margaret E. Broadus. 19, ~1418t4 Duncan st. n.e : the Rev. Earl K. Tyler. Zonnle Wanapiaker. 34. 5055 A st. s.e., and Ollle V. Whiting. 24. 713 4th st. n.e.: the Rev. John J. Roger. Jimmie Knight. 25. 2014Va 12th st. n.w.. and Minnie Donaldson. 22. 929 O st. n.w.: the Rev. John J. Roger. Carroll G. Scott, 21. 1615 C st. s.e., and Lillie M. Robinson. 19. 631 L st. n.e.; the Rev. Louis O. Troch. Fletcher H. Wood. 20. Petersburg, Va.. and Veronica K. Proctor, 20. 1456 Fuller st.; the Rev. George M. Rankin. Lewis B. Shapard. 29. 302 S st. n.e., and Mary H. Whetzel. 19. 1802 C st. n.e.; the Rev. John C. Ball. Andrew B. McGowan. 22. 1438 Columbia rd. n.w.. and Juanita Pott. 18. Hyatts ville. Md.: the Rev. William A. Myers. Births Reported William and Artie Pruitt, boy. Edward and Mary Scanlon, boy. Lester and Mildred Evans, girl. Herman and Emma Utterback. boy. Vernon and Gretcben Deus. girl. Julian and Mary Wiseman, girl. Albert and Mary Wilhelm, boy. Emmett and Marian Fowler, girl. William and Edna Green, boy. Edmund and Grace Dlugensky, boy. Paul and Kay Gillon. girl. Louis and Isabell Shilling, girl. Robert and Maxine McCharque, boy. Claude and Warrena Shotwell. boy. James and Jean Vennerl, boy. Frank and Carmela Orban. boy. John and Marie Donovan. Jr., girl. Roy and Mary Wells, girl. Stewart ana Vivian Foley, girl. Harry and Mary Yerrlck. boy. William and Marion MacDiarmld. boy. Aubry and Jacqueline Wood. girl. Francis and Ruth Rosser, girl. Theodore and Genevieve Shea, boy. James and Mary Hedrick, boy. John and Edith Eustace, boy. John and Margaret Richardson, boy. Marian and Clara Borowskl. girl. Rocque and Laura Renaldi. girl. Annunzlato and Rose Bantaltl. girl. Philip and Violet Wilson, boy. James and Bessie Savoy, boy. John and Cora Thompson, boy. John and Evelyn Waters, boy. Jessie and Bertha Johnson, girl. John and Mahola Taylor, girl. Ernest and Mary Patterson, boy. James and Beatrice Edwards, boy. James and Dorothy Slaughter, girl. Edward and Marie Young, boy. David and Elizabeth Myles, girl. Charles and Anna Spriggs, girl. William and Vernetta Catoe. girl. Rollins and Serena Colbert, girl. William and Eva Cook. girl. John and Dorothy Davis, girl. Leon and Virginia Stewart, boy. Milton and Eva Hackett boy. Junior and Wachestene Rogans. boy. George and Nellie Edwards, girl. Herbert and Mabel Anderson, boy. Bernard and Rosa Burruss. boy. Joseph and Doris Ashton, boy. Eugene and Ruby Waters, boy. Ralph and Margaret Jacobs, boy. Reginald and Julia Wright, girl. Jessie and Bertha Johnson, girl. William and Mary Lewis, boy. Wesley and Marlon Banks, boy. John and Hattie Williams, boy. Edward and Ruth Thomas, boy. Moses and Ethel Frye. girl. Sidney and Carrie Proctor, girl. James and Jessie Jenkins, girl. Marshal and Myrtle Wilson boy. Zonnle and Hattie Patterson, girl. Frank and Lillian Johnson, girl. Raymond and Virginia Cary. girl. Marshall and Lovella Morgan, boy. Frank and Helen Willis, boy. Herbert and Alberta Nelson, boy. George and Katherine Martin, girl. Philip and Pauline Anderson, boy. Leroy and Florlne Creek, boy. ADVERTISEMENT. Now Amazing Proved Hygienic Protection for Married Women Thousands upon thousands of women have now learned to use a sensational, scientific discovery for hygienic pur poses. This boon to womankind is not a poison, yet actually kills germs at contact. It is called Zonite, and Its action Is amazing when used In a douche. It Instantly Mils germs and bacteria on contact, yet it Is one douche proved safe—will not harm delicate tissues. And Zonite deodor izes—assures daintiness. Helps keep one fresh, clean and pure. So suc cessful has Zonite been that over 20, 000,000 bottles have already been used. Get Zonite from your dgUgglst today. It’s surprisingly easy and eco nomical to use. Ideal for feminine hy giene. Follow the simple directions and enjoy proved hygienic protection that you may never have imown before. Deaths Reported Charles H. Butler, 81, Emergency Hospital. Anthony Schladt. 79. 5601 Potomac ave. James 8. Ruby. 74. 8817 Colorado ave. Jennie Rosenfcld. 73. 1128 Uprlngfleld rd. Julius T. Caroar, 73, 824 Ciuincv st. Loretta V. Walters, 83, 900 10th st. n.e. Mary A. Grimes. 80, 8844 Eastern ave. Blanche A. Bushong. 53. 1329 X st. s.e. William B. Sisson. 50. 1350 8 st. 8ue Loving. 49, Sibley Memorial Hospital. Leon Leckliter. 45. Gallinger Hospital. Mattie L. Bell. 38. Gallinger Hospital. Albert A. Bek. 33. Gallinger Hospital. William Kdwarda. 28, Garfield Hospital. Intent Redmond. Sibley Hospital. Infant Casey. Columbia Hospital. Infant Petsch. Sibley Hospital. Thorny Healey. 89. 604 3rd at. Mary Dewey. 86. 220 H st. n.e. . Joseph P. Krayer. 63. 3100 MacomB st. Barbara Belslnser. 82. St. Elisabeth's Hos pital. Charles Buckingham. 81, 220 H st. n.e. L»Ui*r Davis. 77. 2124 Worth Capitol st. Christopher J. Costlow. 76. 1632 A st. n.e. MSS? W*TBflESfc 7?227M 'sta'tes Naval Hospital. George P. Davidson, 70. St. Elliabeth’s Hospital. Nicholas Catsopulas. 70. George Washing ton Hospital. Emma J. Moul, 69. National Lutheran Home. * Ida Wilson. 60. GarAeld Hospital. Florence Cline. 68. Emergency Hospital. Catherine McFarland, 66, 220 IT st. n.e. ave. n.e. \ Charlie A. Wheelock. 63. Mount Alto Hos pital. Ruth J Costagglnl. 69. Oarfleld Hospital. Henry a. Johnson. 62. •«. Xllsabeth’s Hos Kochenderfer, 61. 3900 Cathe dral ave. Sarah Grose 48, 1003 X at. s.w. Thomas A. Curtin, 48. 38 New York ave, Cecil 8. Rodman, 46. Walter Reed General _ Hospital Florence X. Brown, 32, Georgetown Hos Xltsebeth A. C. Allen. 29. Georgetown Hospital. Mary R. Hlbbs. 21. Garleld Hospital. Mary X. O'Connor. l». 023 L at. n.e. tti.TRi'SWA.ssas'ii. fesry«ffy )*« ■p-"* Ida Peter*. 74, 457 Weal ol. Suite B. Chamber*, 6(1, 730 H at. n.e. ftfliS LL.inC«3638« ?trd 4t John Pinkney. 50. Preedmen’a Hospital. Maggie Brooks, 54. 208 L st. s.w. Walter H. Barnes. 49, St. BUiabeth's Arthur Blount. 44. 2650 Wisconsin aye. Joseph Borum. 41, Oalltncer Hospital. SSl'VnWeWolln^'al^Sfe^i Hoe i oltal. Clara Monroe, 23. Oalllnger Hospital. Irene Olbaon. 5. Freedmen’s Hospital. Agnes Johnson. 5, Oalllnger Hospital. Service Orders NAVY. BUREAU OF NAVICATION. Amsden. Capt William F.. from Ports mouth, If H„ to Destroyer Squadron 4.' Badt. Capt. Harry A., from U. 8. 8. Tusca loosa to Washincton. Dodd. Capt. Harold, from Newport to U. 8. 8. Honolulu. Fischer. Capt. Herman B., from Washlna ton to U. 8. 8. Phoenix. Ocarina. Capt. Henry C.. from Destroyer _ Squadron 4 to U. 8. 8. Riael. Godwin. Capt. Donald C.. from TJ. 8. 8. Whitney to Berkeley. Johnson. Capt. Lae P.. from Newport to T7. 8 B. Tuscaloosa. Sherman. Capt. Frederick C.. from New port to U. 8. 8 Lexlnstrn. Robinson.. Lt. Comdr. Robert B.. Jr., from V B 'A. Boise to Washlntton. ■»k«r. Lt. Robert de C.. from Newport to U. 8. 8. Louisville. Foster. Lt. < (J f.) Bverett J.. from tf. 8. 8. Holland to U. 8. 8. Pennsylvania. ^UMy.-L1-.(i- «•> Robert A., from XJ. 8. 8. Tattnall to U. 8. 8. Pennsylvania. Stark. Lt. (J. g.) Harry B„ from U 8. 8. Meet to p. 8 8. West Vlrsinla. Barry. Bnslsn RJchartF.. Jr., from U. 8. 8 Truxtun to V. 8. 8. Arkansas. I Crouch. Bnslsn Partee W. Jr., from D. 8. 8. Arkansas to V. 8. 8 Truxtun. Havana, Cuba, may purchase 10 mules and water wagons to dis* tribute water to suburbanites. ePJut ^^^ilQUOtlMUTS. MIVS. NOSt oaO*01 “$1.95 to $2.95 "TOPPER' *1.69 —Brand-new Spring styles of wool or wool-and-cotton. Chsice of full zipper, half zipper and crew neck styles, many With longer wearing double elbows. Smart solid colors and fancy patterns. Ftill cut sizes 28 to 38. Just Arrived Students* Slacks, $2.99 Many with Talon fasteners and self belts—12 to 20. I • -V If Kfcnn’s—Boys’ store—Second Floor. IN POPULAR TOILETRIES 20 >« $1 —Pure Ivory soap. Me dium size cakes tor bath and laundry use. 20 for $1 —Kann's fine toilet tis sue. 1.000 sheet rolls. White or colors. Re*. 20 tor $1.32. Both *<* $1 —Daggett and Ramsdell’a Golden Facial Package. Jar cleansing and jar tissue cream. Reg. $1 each. $1.00 —Du Barry Glamour Mat e-up combination. Reg. SI box (ace powder plus 30-day supply of make-up base. Palmolive Beads 11 boxes 31 —Quick sudslnf chips for washlnx fine fabrics. Economical for dish wash inf. e Colgate Soap 30 cskes 31 —Popular brand soap that keeps your skin lovely. Medium site cakes. —500 sheet P*cs. of ab sorbent cleansinc tissue. White, flesh or sreen colors. Regularly 21c box. 6 tot $1 —Kami’s aoap chips. Ex cellent for fragile laundry or dish washing. 22 oi. boxes. Reg. 21c each. $1.00 —A norted Wembdon cleansing and retiring creams. Regularly SI.75 Jar. 5 cake* $1 —Mammoth alia Wrfs ley’s bath soap. Choice of seren delightful fra grances. Regularly 4 for Cl.00. $1.75 Nexzeme $1.00 —Large 30-ounce Jars of this essential cream. Soothing for burns, chap, after-shave use. • Evening in Paris S.I $1.06 —Regular 91.00 box face powder, plus matching rouge and lipstick. Kann’t—ToUetrfoa Strut Hoar. Butterick Pattern 8799 50c THE VOGUE FOR SPRING AND SUMMER t —You read about them In all the latest fashion magazines. Soon you'll be seeing them on the smartest women. Stripes—and especially striped cottons—are f creating a furor in the style world. In keeping with the trend. Kann's brings you a most exciting collection of brilliant striped cotton fabrics. Broad and narrow stripes . . . solid and multi color stripes . . . diagonals and verticals with which to make your Springiest dresses and blouses. Choose These Stripes Mow for Cool Cotton Frocks • 36 in. "Keycroft" Woven Chembroy. Yd...49c • 36 in. "Gadabout" Woven Chambroy. Yd.-59c • 36 in. "Koycraft" Woven Seersucker. Yd.-68c • 36 in. "Everfost" Printed Poplins.. Yd....39c ft. 36 in. "Everfost" Printed Piques. Yd.- -.39e • 36 in. "Secret" Printed Seersuckers. Yd...39c • 36 in. "Keycraft" Printed Poplin. Yd.49c Kann's— Wash Goods— • Street Floor. Royon Blouses *1.19 —To strike a gay note with your Spring suit . . . multi-colored striped shirtwaist blouses with long sleeves, collared necks and neat band bottoms. Tailored of printed and woven rayons in sizes 34 to 40. Kann's—Neckwear—Street Floor. OUR POPULAR 59c AND 69c * \ Regular and Extra Sizes —These are the practical rayon undies you like for every day wear. Smooth , fitting so that no lines will show under ' tight dresses. Easy to wash . . . you can rinse them out in a minute. Full cut for comfort and neatly tailored... Get them by the half dozen wl)ile>orou can make these savings! Tearose color with lus trous rayon satin stripes. Panties, vests, stepins and bloomers, sizes 5 to 10. Briefs, sizes 4 to 7. Kann’s—Underwear—Street Floor. Most Slenderizing of All Fashions! -—Smart women will hail with delight this exceptional group of their favorite Spring Costumes! Beautifully detailed rayon crepe coats in fresh navy or black, lined with the same lovely mono tone rayon prints that fashion their accompanying dresses. Defi nitely the most slenderizing, the most versatile fashion in your wardrobe. Wear them now and know the thrill of Spring . . . in February! Size» I6V2 to 24 V2 and 38 to 44. Better Dress Shop—Kann's— Second Floor. HA\DMDES! 88c ea —Infants’ Dainty White Cotton Dresses. Styles with scalloped bottoms and yoke tops or hemmed bottoms and tiny collars. Hand-embroidered. —Toddlers’ Tiny Cotton Dresses. Whites and pas tels with big bow sashes and becoming little col lars. All beautifully hand-embroidered. Biaes 1 to 3. —Infants’ Cotton Gertrudes. Prettily scalloped at neck, sleeves and bottom. Others with elaborate cotton lace trim. Very lovely for gifts. —Toddlers’ Cotton Creepers. Made of white or pas tM colored broadcloth with Peter Pan collars and belts. —Sheet and Pillow Case Set. Made of soft cotton, trimmed with embroidery and appliques. Crib size. Kann’a—Infants'—fourth Floor. l9c “Turtla’’ , °re*s Weight f Jil T*Ul<>we*Ze8t 8priag fabrf 8uit» and drt2f0n «abardinlC Sen4a«onf ln the ne^S?*1 W2S*** /or fr°m A/arch ?*er CoI°n, it 2f,a.nd cI, you at a one !? ^tember ** id«al WJJJ bring ^day lntroductoryBnr(U^ht to * W0Ine» bur^™* that £0w