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Bridge and Overpass Work Is Progressing' Despite Bad Weather Rock Creek Parkway's New Lane at K Street To Be Ready Soon Construction work on bridges and overpasses here is forging ahead de spite recent bad weather, according to Highway Director H. C. White hurst. At the K street intersection with Rock Creek, plans are under way, Capt. Whitehurst explained yester day, to divert traffic on the Rock Creek and Potomac Parkway into its new lane beneath the K street overpass in about 10 days or two weeks. Paving work was proceeding yesterday on the new parkway near the intersection with Virginia ave nue. The concrete is laid from that point northward to the north side of the K street overpass. From that point to the permanent connection with the parkway is only a short distance, which will not take long to complete. Two Sloping Curves. North of the K street overpass are two sloping curving roads. One will carry the parkway traffic out of the parkway up to K street, the other will provide a lane to carry K street traffic northward into the parkway. When parkway traffic is diverted from its temporary pathway to its permanent roadway beneath the K street overpass, work can proceed more easily on the new bridge over Rock Creek. Foundations and abut ments are completed on the east bank of Rock Creek. Work soon will be started on foundations and abut ments for the west bank. If weather permits steady progress, the whole job should be completed sometime in June, Capt. Whitehurst estimated. Modified Cioverleaf. The project is a kind of a modified cloverleaf. There will be two low level traffic lanes on the bridge over the creek, one on the north or up stream side, and the other on the south, or downstream side. These lanes will cross the stream from the parkway to the level of K street, at the intersection with Twenty-ninth street. The upper level overpass from K street will make a gradual descent from its present westward abutment, to join the two low-level lanes on the K street level. The overpass structure has been designed, however, so it can be used to connect with the proposed ele- i vated highway along K street, in Georgetown, in case the elevated project is ever authorized. Building Pay Roll Includes Cat at 85 Cents a Week 9s the Associated Press. PITTSBURGH, Pa.. Feb. 24.—A 15-story building in the downtown “golden triangle” has a cat, Betty, en its pay roll. A gray meower of uncertain an cestry, Betty won her job on merit. A gay man about town one night In a hilarious mood dropped her in the vestibule, thinking it was a joke. Betty sniffed and went forthwith te> the basement, where she began liquidating unwanted tenants. She's so efficient that the building's pay roll now lists, along with 67 othre employes, this item: "Betty, 85 cents per week.” And Betty's smart, too. Six days a week she sticks to her job in the basement, never venturing upstairs. But on Sundays she takes the day off, and loafs around the lobby. This panorama, taken from a tall building on the south side of Rock Creek, looks eastward over the complex “modified cloverleaf” traffic separation at the Intersection of K street and Rock Creek. K street is shown coming to an end at the newly completed stone overpass which carries K street over the permanent loca tion of the Rock Creek and Potomac parkway. - Concrete is being laid on this permanent location of the parkway, and ma chines are shown at far right, near intersection with Virginia avenue laying concrete. To immediate left of overpass is shown circular road which will carry traffic out of the parkway up to the K street level. Automobiles are running along the temporary route of the parkway which is to be abandoned in about two weeks when Relief (Continued Prom First Page.) age assistance (3,129) and aid to the blind (210). At the end of January, aome 17, 000 persons were registered with the District of Columbia Employment Center, agency of the United States Employment Service. Two thousand six hundred and ninety persons were receiving National Youth Admin istration assistance, and 863 were on Civilian Conservation Corps rolls. A recent W. P. A. report showed that 11,921 persons were on work assignment here, with 1,921 await ing work assignment, 2.000 eligible for work but with no suitable proj ects available, and another 1,179 awaiting interview. In considering this total of 17,074 persons, it is im portant to remember that to receive W. P. A. certification an applicant must show he is in need and has ! exhausted his own financial resour ces. Thousands, considering them selves in need, have sought W. P. A. jobs here and have been rejected as ineligible. 182,000 Names Cleared. Figures on the total number of applicants at private welfare insti tutions would be virtually meaning less because of the varied and non relief services offered. But It Is interesting to note that last year the Social Service Exchange, which maintains a master file of persons and families that have sought aid through local social agencies, report ed that 175 agencies "cleared” some 182,000 names with the Exchange. These factors added together ob viously do not give a comprehensive picture of local relief needs, for they are neither mutually exclusive or all inclusive. They are presented, in! part, to illustrate the point that no one person or agency knows the ex : tent of the public relief problem. Simple addition of general public, relief and W. P. A. rolls will not1 provide an answer, despite the pop ularly accepted idea that public re ' lief takes care of the “unemploy-! CAPEHART RADIO-PHONOGRAPHS NEW PANAMUSE MODEL PRICED AT *249 *° The new Panamuse, developed by Capehart sound engineers and built by Capehart craftsmen, is a pre eminent instrument with tonal qualities that will amaze you. Created by the makers of the famous Capehart, this superb quality instrument fills a long-felt need of music lovers, who have always wanted a Capehart, but who have found the cost of the De Luxe instru ment beyond their reach. ' The Panamuse embodies outstanding Copehart fea tures, including the ''Maestro" Tonol Control, and a — superb tonal quality. The dependable automatic record changer which plays ten 12-inch or twelve 10-inch records provides almost an hour's continuous music without interruption. The radio Unit is of su perb quality, and is equipped for television sbuhd. Other Capehart Panamuse models are priced from $159.50 to $299.50 on easy terms. De luxe models are from $595 up. Write or phone for descriptive literature. CALL NATIONAL 4730 ablet" and W. P. A. the "employ ables." Ne Work for Many Eligible. It has been shown that there are several thousands W. P. A. eligibles for whom there are no (available jobs. Further curtailment of W. P. A.'s program this spring will add to this number. And, even if the W. P. A. program were to be expanded, there are several hundred so-called employables, certified by physicians as “able to do very light work,” who would be difficult to fit into suitable projects. These include several per sons recovering from tuberculosis. And, for reasons which will be ex plained in a subsequent article, the Public Assistance Division lays no claims to provision of adequate re lief for all of the “unemployable" needy. In the fiscal year 1938-9 Ihe Public Assistance Division expended a total of about $2,400,000 in local welfare programs. The total in the current fiscal year and the Bureau of the Budget's estimated requirement for the next fiscal year will be slightly less, with some $700,000 allocated each year for general public relief, exclusive of the co-operative social security programs. * Since it is this 1700,000 item that is referred to particularly when Mr. Bondy expresses doubt that the tax payer is getting his money’s worth, this series will be confined primarily to the general public relief program. In this phase of welfare work the District is strictly on its own. There is no matching of local funds by Federal funds. Alpha Phi Chapter Initiates Three American University’s Beta Xi Chapter of Alpha Phi International Fraternity last night initiated three new members from Washington and vicinity at its banquet at the Ken nedy-Warren, 3133 Connecticut ave nue N.W. Initiates were Germaine Coffey of 3361 Rittenhouse street N.W., Elaine Davenport, 2929 Connecticut avenue N.W.. and Doris Kanode, 3113 North Eighth street. Arlington. Va. Betty Slick Will Marry Lewis J. Moorman, Jr. ll the Associated ?rm OKLAHOMA CITY, Feb. 24.—Oil Heiress Betty Slick—once named one of the Nation's five most eligible bachelor girls—will wed Lewis J. Moorman, jr., March 19. - Mr. Moorman, now a senior law student at the University of Vir ginia, is a son of Dr. Lewis J. Moorman, nationally known chest specialist. His family lives here. Announcement of the impending marriage was made by Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Urschel. Miss Slick is a daughter of Mrs. Urschel and the late T. B. Slick, pioneer oil man known throughout the industry as -the “king of the wildcatters.” In 1936 the “rocking chair bri gades" at the wealthy summer re sorts named Miss Slick as one of the five leading candidates for des ignation as America’s "eligible bach elor girl No. I.1' Others were Barbara Field, daugh ’ ' Just Arrived! Only 17 Famous-Make All-Electric Machines w 6-Day Special! Your machine in spected, Piled Pnd adjusted- 59c Brand-New 1940 Models Made to Sell for $58 Full-Size Westinghouse Cool-Running Motor! Buy on Our Liberal Budget Plan. Pay $1 Down, Balance in Monthly Payments. 5-YEAR WRITTEN GUARANTEE A product of the famous "New Home" Company, whose name for eighty years has represented the lost word in sewing machines. Act now, and act fast, os these machines at this low price should sell out in o ljurry. Only 40! EXTRA! 8 Electric Portables, from $19.75 ug Treedle Machines-,..,$$.§5 we 1 White Electric Censele, Like New-$42.50 Tht Palais Ray at. Sitting Machines , . . Secand Flaar Ample Stocks in Our Famous a February Sale Spring Fabrics ONLY A MORE DAYS remain in this important annual fabrics event. You will note that only newest Spring (and some Summer) fabrics ore included in the collection. A Particularly Inripor _ ,tant Group! • Regular 59c Printed Rayon, a Regular 59c Rayon "Playtime "Thick and Thin"_49c Cheeks." • Regular 69c Novelty Rayon a Regular 59c Spun Rayon Mix Sharkskin ---49e tures. a Regular $1 "Ninjoh," and "Iverfost" Fabric; rayon with a lintn look_*_•_____—— 49c I mmmmm i - 59c Y°rd Rtf ulor $1 Cotton Loco in a wide os* sortment of patterns. The Palais Royal, Fabric» , . . Second Floor 29^ Yard Regular 39c Rayon Toffeta in ef se lection of 40 shades. the permanent roadway under the overpass is opened. In foreground on the east bank of Rock Creek are seen the foundations and abutments of the bridge which is to carry traffic over the creek on two levels. The high-level bridge comes from K street. The low-level bridges seen in beginning of curve on either side of the abutment, will carry traffic to and from the parkway across the creek. • ter of Marshall Field of Chicago; Ethel Du Font of the famous mu nitions family; Gloria Baker, daugh ter of Mrs. Margaret Emerson and half-sister of Alfred and George Vandeerbilt, and Dorothy Fell, daughter of Mrs. Gordon Mills. Miss Slick, who met Mr. Moor man while both were attending high school here six years ago, attended the Madeira School, Washington, D. C.; Briarcliff Manor, New York, and 8mith College, Northampton, Mass. Mr. Moorman took his academic work at Dartmouth College, Han* over, N. H. Almost three time* as many per* sons last year in the District were victims of traffic accidents occurring in clear weather as those killed in accidents in rainy or foggy weather or on icy streets. _ Free-'Nee Ling" T. A. G. Hose Here is a radically new stocking that eliminates strain causing garter runs. Most runs start when the tops are too taut . . . To absorb this strain and cut down stocking casualties, Lady Washington now uses 2-way stretch elastic fabrics in their 3-thread chiffon hose. Obtainable in sizes 8V2 to 10’/2 . . . Colors, Musk, Toast, Sun Tan and Dewberry. 3 pairs, $3.60 or, pair— $1.25 The Palais Rayal, Hosiery , . . First Floor Helena Rubinstein's Reg. $1.50 Herbal Cleansing Cream.$1 A magical beauty preparation especially good for dry, sensitive skin. Highly recommended for the mature woman. $2.50 size now $1.75. $4 size now $3. Stop in or phone MISS MARGARET HOFFMAN, Special Helena Rubinstein Representative, who will help you solve all of your skin and make-up problems with the following preparations. Novena Night Cream Anti-Wrinkle Lotion $2 and $5 $1.25 and $2.25 Tkt Ptltis Mtytl, T&iUtrin , , . First Fl»or Town and Country Make-up Film $1 and $1.50 Community Plate Reduced 25% 8's for Hie former price of 6's! Get tfo silverware you need while these savings Ore possible. Each spoon and fork is reinforced by an overlay of pure silver at the point of greatest wear. All Community patterns are here. Pick yours today while your money still goes so much farther. • t Teaspoon*. (M Were $5.33. Now. *P ' • 8 Knives. • ^19 Were $16.67. Now. 'Y ' *• • * $8 'Were $10.67. Now. Y0 • t Salad Forks. CTO were $10.67. Now.. • 26-Piece Set for Six in tomish proof chest Tkt Palms M oyal, Silvtrwmrt . . . Firti Flamr f COtONATlON BERKELEY SQUARE LADY HAMILTON ' FOREVER RENDEZVOUS fi). C. Man Held For 'Kidnaping' Automobile Federal Bureau ox Investigation agents yesterday accused 33-year oM Logan E. Hill of the 3«00 block O( Ordway street N.W. with ‘'kidnap ing'’ a Baltimore woman’s automo bile and holding it for ransom. , Announcing that a complaint had been filed in Baltimore charging Hill with extortion, the agents said ■tm had stolen the car February 10 from Mrs. Jeanette Beck. The car was then brought to Washington, it was said, where Hill is alleged to have transferred it from one parking lot to another to avoid detection. t Meanwhile, according to the F. B. I„ Hill obtained the owner’s name from articles in the glove compart ment and sent Mrs. Beck a threat ening letter, saying he would strip the car if he didn’t get $50. Tracing the automobile through a radio lookout, the agents took Hill , into custody recently at a drug store • near his home. He is lodged in the District jail, awaiting return to Baltimore to face the charges. Lame Beggars Arrested , ' / Police of Bucharest, Rumania, have arrested a band of 200 cruppled # beggars, including their leader, Tanasi Burdujan, a legless man who traveled in a hand-propelled invalid chair. It has Just been disclosed that he owns several houses, two taxicabs and a private automobile. Washington traffic victims last year who were 75 years of age and over accounted for 15.3 per cent of the total of 85 fatalities, although that particular age group formed only 1.8 per cent of the population. * 4