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(ftarfa of otyattkai ! UNMI.t, WILLIAM III. NR A’. We wl*h •to express oar sincere thanks to Rev. L. I. Brown, rastor of Miles Memorial Chureh; the organist that played, the Green Mount j Lodge. No 1477. G W. O. O. F.. the Dls- I trict Grand Lodge. No. *2. and Underwood Progressive Lodge, fio. :i8, G. W. O. of Chaldeans for the resolutions that were read, the officers and co-workers of the Beresford printing office, relatives, friends and neighbors for their kind expressions 01 sympathy, cards. ,use of cars and lovely designs of flowers sent at the passing of pur«husband and brother. WIL LIAM HENRY FENDALL. MARY AND ALBERT FENDALL. • HICKS. ROBERT LAWRENCE. We wish to acknowledge our thanks for the kind expressions of sympathy and flora! tributes during the death of our son, ROBERT LAWRENCE HICKS. MR AND MRS. STEWART McINTYRE. LALOR. MARTHA KENNEDY. We wish to gratefully acknowledge with deepest ap preciation the many acts of kindness, beau tiful floral gifts and other expressions of sympathy from friends, neighbors and rel atives during the illness and at the passing of our dearly beloved mother. MARTHA KENNEDY LALOR. ALICE E. LALOR AND FAMILY. • LANCASTER. JAMES A. The family of the late JAMES A. LANCASTER wish to express their sincere gratitude to relatives, friends and neighbors for the beautiful floral tributes kind expressions of sympathy and use of cars at the passing of our de moted father and husband. THE FAMILY. • WOLF. JOSEPH. We wish to sincerely thank our many friends and relatives for their acts of kindness and expressions of gympathy at the passing of our father. JOSEPH WOI.F MRS ESTHER \V PHILLIPS. JACK. 6AMUEL AND MISS RAE WOLF. Beatlja ADAMS. VINCENT L. On Friday. Feb ruary 22. 1940. at Charles Town. W. Va . VINCENT L. ADAMS, beloved husband bf Ann Louise Adams and father of Arian. Jane and Vincent Adams, jr.: brother of Mrs George E. Murray. Remains resting at the residence of his sister. Mrs. George E. Murray. 55:1 14th st. s.e. Funeral services at Fort Myer Chapel Monday. February 20. at 2 p m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Arlington National Cemetery, with military honors. Arrangements by I'. A Taltavull. 25 ANDERSON. EDITH PEARL. On Friday February 20. 1910. EDITH PEARL AN DERSON. wife of Oscar P. Anderson Funeral from her home hois perry st.. Mount Rainier. Md.. on Monday. February j 20. at 9:2o a.m. • Services at St. John's Episcopal Church. Mount Rainier. Md.. at in a.m Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. Services by Chambers’ Riverdale funeral home. 25 BAKER. GWYNETH GRIFFITHS. On Saturday. February 24. 1940. at her resi dence 21.21 P si. li.Vv.. GWYNETH GRIF FITHS BAKER, mother of Valeria Bran non of Durham. N. C. Services at the George W. Wise Co fu neral home. 2!»no M st. n.w.. on Monday. February 2d. at 9 a.m.: thence to St. Mai thews’ Church, where mass will be offered at 9:ho a.m. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. BOSLEY. ANNIE l. On Saturday. Feb ruary 24 1940. at her daughter's home. Mrs Charles M Orme. Gaithersb irg. Md.. ANNIE L. BOSLEY, aged TS. beloved wife of the late George W. Bosley. She is sur vived by two sons. Howard W. P.osley. Gaithersburg. Md . Le Roy Boslev. Purdum. Md : two daughters. Mrs. Wilbur Luhn. Damascus. Md : Mrs. Charles Orme, Gaithersburg Md. Funeral services will be held at Pooles Yille (Md ) M. E. Church on Tuesday. Feb ruary 27. at 1 I a.m. Interment Bealls Ville Cemetery. Arrangements b.v Roy W. Barber. 20 BROWN. MARY F. Departed this life Friday. February 22. 1940. at Grillingt-r Hospital. MARY E. BROWN, wife 0f James F Brown. She also leaves to mourn one sen. Leon Brown, mother. Marv Mack: three sisters and two brothers: one aunt. Eliza Washington: also other relative* and friends. Remains re-ting at Eugene Ford * funeral home. 1200 South Capitol st., and tnay be viewed Monday aft. r 4 p.m. Funeral Tuesday. February 27. at. 2 pm. from the Enon Baptist Church. C st between Oth and 7th sis. s.e. Inter ment Woodlawn Cemetery. 20 BROWN. LUC’RETIA. Departed this life ©n Thursday. February 22. 1940. at her residence. 507 N. Patrick, st.. Alexandria. Va . LUCRETIA BROWN, lovm^ mother of Mrs. Elizabeth Brooks. Mr*. Helen Mead ows. Earl and Mitchell Anderson. She also is survived bv a devoted father. Kemp , Vass: Two brothers, one aunt, other re’a- j fives and friend*. Remain' resting at the j John T Rhines A- Co funeral home. 221 > N. Patrick st.. Alexandria. Va. Funeral Monday. February 20. at 1 P m.. I from the Mount Jez.reel Baptist Church. , Alexandria. Va.. Rev. D L. Miles officiat ing. Interment Douglas Cemetery. 25 CAMPBELL. GEORGE F. Suddenly, on Saturday February 24. 1940. at his resi dence. 1811 4th st. n.w. GEORGE F. CAMPBELL, beloved husband of Mrs. Bessie Campbell. Remains restine at the Frazier funeral home. 289 R. I. ave. n.w. Notice of funeral later. CHAPPELL. N. WEBSTER. In Fairfax County. Va.. N. WEBSTER CHAPPELL, be loved husband of M. Ella Chappell and father of Mrs. Lillian Parahan and Mrs. Lorena Russell. Remains resting at Cham bers' Georgetown funeral home. 21st and M sts n.w. Graveside services and interment in Eldbrooke Methodist Cemetery on Sunday. February 25. at 2 p m. 25 CRAWFORD. MARY. On Saturday. February 24. 194o. at her residence. 24 12 Jefferson Davis highway. Arlington. Va . MARY CRAWFORD, wife of the late Lemuel Crawford, beloved mother of Mrs. Anna J. Turner. Mis. Emma Pierson. Isaiah Crawford and Mrs. Bertie Fvans. She also leaves other relatives and friends. Notice of funeral lafer. Arrangements by \V Ernest Jarvis. 25 CURTIN. HARRIS L. On Saturdav. Feb ruary 2 4. 1940. HARRIS L CURTIN, be loved husband of Anna R Curtin He also is survived by three stepchildren, two , daughters and one son. , Services at the Chambers funeral home. 1400 Chapin st. n w.. on Monday. February 2H. at 2 p.m. Interment Congressional Cemetery. 25 DAILEV. ROBERT A. On Saturday. February 24. 1940. at his residence. 42* Oth st. s.w.. ROBERT A. DAILEY, aged i 72 vears. beloved husband of Agnes T. Dailev (nee Carroll). Funeral from the above residence on Tuesday. February 2 7. at *:2o a.m. Requiem mass at St. Dominic’s Church at P a.m. Relatives and friends invited. Inter ment Mount Olivet Cemetery. Ananee tnents by P. A. Taltavull. 20 DARNEY, CATHERINE EVA. On Sat urday. February 21. 1910. at her residence. 4222 Holliday st.. Brentwood Md., CATHERINE EVA DARNEY beloved wife of the late George Frederick Darney. Sh»> is also survived bv three daughters. Eva and Marie Darney and Loretta Beck, and two sons. George and Frank Darney. Notice of funeral later. DEFRLE, WILLIAM F. On Friday. Feb ruary 22. 194(1, WILLIAM F. DEEBLE. Remains resting at Birch’s funeral home. 3d24 M st. n.w.. where services wil lx* held on Monday. February 20. at 2 p in. Inter ment Cedar Hill Cemetery. DENNISON. MARGARET BIGGS. On Friday. February 22. 1940, at her resi- ! dcnce 32 2 o 17th st. n.w.. MARGARET, BIGGS DENNISON, widow of George O. i Dennison. She is survived bv her niece. Miss Maud G. Dennison. Remains resting at the S. H. Hines Co. funeral home. 2901 14th st. n.w. until 9 a.m. Monday. Feb ruary 26. Funeral services at River View Cemetery Chapel. Wilmington. Del., on Monday. Feb ruary 26. at 2 p.m. Interment Wilming ton. Del 25 DODSON. JULIA ANN. On Friday. Feb ruary 22. 1940. at her residence. 014 G st. s.w., JULIA ANN DODSON, beloved wife of The late Leroy B. Dodson, mother of Mrs. Maude Croy. Capt. Eppa Dodson. Eugene Dodson and Mrs. Eva Castle. Funeral from her late residence on Mon day. February 26. at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cem etery. Arrangements by P. A. Taltavull. 25 EVANS, VIOLETTE G. Suddenly, on Thursday. February 22. 104<). at Everett. Pa VIOLETTE G. EVANS, beloved wife Of Linton S. Evans. Funeral from her late residence. 502 3rd st. s.e.. on Monday. February 26. at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. In terment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 25 FELLOWS. OTTO D. On Thursday. Feb ruary 22. 1940. at Mount Alto hospital. OTTO D. FELLOWS, beloved husband of Edna R Fellows. Remains resting at Chambers’ funeral home,' 517 11th ft. s.e.. Until 10:20 a.m. Mbnda.v. February 26. Services at* Fort Myer Chapel at 11 a.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. 25 GRAVES. CHARLES L. On Saturday. February 24. 194o. after a long Illness, et St Elizabeth's Hospital. CHARLES L GRAVES of 4 12 B st. s.e. Remains resting at the J. L. Lowe funeral home. 913 Florida ave. n w. Notice of funeral later 26 FUNERAL DIRECTORS. ’ J." William Lee’s Sons Co. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Crematorium 4th Md Mm» Ate. N.B._ Lincoln 820U V. L. SPEARE CO. Neither successor to nor connected with the original W R Speare establ'.onrnent. 1009 H St. N.W. N«tionii'll28»a ’ FUNERAL DESIGNS. GEO. C. SHAFFER, IncT EXPRESSIVE FLORAL TRIBOTES AT MODERATE PRICES. PHONE NAT. 0106 Oven Evenlm* 14th & Evfi and Sunday*_V»Q. I~MII D *-yC GUDE BROS. CO. Eloral Pieces UM3 F St. N.W National 487* CEMETERY LOTS._ SIX-SITE LOT in-beautiful Cedar Hill. High elevation: priced reasonable for cash sale Cause, changed personal conditions. Phone Adams 7!>T1, * ~ monuments._ Order Today. Pay Deeoratlon Day ' Beautiful Granite MONUMENTS For 4 Sites Granite Markers, $10.00 Up Free Delivery Within 200 Mile* Lincoln Memorial Work$ f408 Nlehol* Are. g.E. Open^Oan^ Biatlttf HARTNETT. ELLEN T. On Saturday. February 24, 1040. at Providence Hospital. ELLEN T. HARTNETT ol .2501 12 th at. n.w, sister of Edward A and Annie M. Hartnett. Services at the S. H. Hines Co. funeral home. 2001 14 th st. n.w., on Monday. Feb ruary 20. at N:.20 am.: thence to the Shrine of the Sacred Heart Church, inth st and Park road n.w.. where mass will be offered at 0 a.m. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 25 HIGGINS, JOSEPHINE. On Friday. Feb ruary 2.2. 1040. at her home. 200 Balti more road. Rockville. Md.. Allss JO SEPHINE HIGGINS. Funeral services at the Colonial funeral home of Wm Reuben Humphrey. Rockville. Md. on Sunday February 25. at 2:20 D.m. Interment Rockville Union Cemetery. 25 HILLS. JOSIA1I BARTLETT. Suddenly, on Friday. February 22. 1040. at his resi dence, Qlenmont. Md.. JOSIAH BARTLETT HILLS, beloved husband of Edith A. Hills. Services at the 8. H. Hines Co. funeral home. 2001 14tli st. n.w.. on Tuesday. February 27, at 1 p.m. Interment Oak Hill Cemetery. 20 HILLS, j. BART. A special communica ~ tion of Hiram Lodge. No. 10. F. A. A. M.. is railed for Tues day. February 27. 1040. at 12 o’clock noon, at Masonic Tem ple. for the purpose of attending the funeral of our late brother. J BART HILLS. WILLIAM A. BARR. Master. 2rt HINCKLEY. JOHN ARTHUR. Suddenly at sea. February 10 1040. JOHN ARTHUR HINCKLEY, aged 34. husband of Helen Robinson Hinckley, son of Mrs. Herbert Beniamin!. Services Tuesday. February 27. at 3 p m . at St James’ Episcopal Church. War rentou. Va. 27 HOFFMAN, REGINA CLARA. On Fri day. February 23. 1040. at her residence. 13OS Buchanan st. n.w., REOINA CLARA HOFFMAN, in her 07th year, wife of the late Joseph Hoffman and beloved mother of Saul. Henry and Emanuel Hoffman and Mrs. Maurice Freedman. Funeral from the Bernard Danzansky & Son funeral home. 3501 14th st. n.w., on Sunday. February 25. at 1 p m Inter ment Adas Israel Cemetery. (Baltimore, Md . papers please copy.) 2ft JECKO, JOSEPH O. On Saturday. Feb ruarv 24. 1040 at Garfield Hospital. JOSEPH O, JECKO of 2222 38th st. n.w.. beloved husband of Blanche 1*. Jecko and father of Perry J., Wilbur II. and Josephine Jecko. Services at the S. II. Hines Co. funeral home. 2001 14th st. n.w., on Monday. Feb ruary 20. at 7:30 pin. Interment private. JOHNSON. LANCER. On Wednesday. Februarv 21 1040. LANCER JOHNSON, beloved husband of Jennie Johnson, father ol Elizabeth Green grandfather of Dorn. Lee Green, son of the late Henrietta John son. brother of Henry Armstrong Remains resting at the W. Ernest Jar vis funeral church. 1432 IT r.t n.w.. where funeral services will be held Monday. Feb ruary 20. at 2 p.m Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. Relatives and friends invited. 2ft KATZ. RAY. On Saturday. February 24. 1040. at her residence. 311 Taylor st. 11 w . RAY KATZ. 08 years of age. wife of the late Joseph Katz and beloved mother of Mrs. Mildred Cramer and Leon Katz. Funeral services at the Bernard Danzan sky «X- Son funeral home. 3501 14th st. n.w.. on Sunday. February 25. at 3:30 p m. Interment District of Columbia Lodge Cemetery. KORN. ROSA C. On Friday. February 23. 1040. at 3043 P st. . n.w.. ROSA C. KORN, sister of Mrs. William E. Pairo and Mrs. Henrik Gahn of Pensacola. Fla Services at Gawler’s chapel. 1750 Pa. ave n w\. on Monday. February 20. at 8:30 a.m : thence to Holy Trinity Catholic Church. 30th and O sts. n.w,. where mass will be offered at o a.m. Interment Oak Hill Cemetery 2ft NELSON. ELIJAH BENJAMIN. Departed this life Thursday. Februarv 22. 104n. at his residence. 1033 O st. n.w . ELIJAH BENJAMIN NELSON. He leaves a devoted mother. Mrs. Irene Butler, and u host of other relatives Mineral Mondav. Februarv 20. at 1:30 pm., fr.-m the R C. Richardson & Co. funeral home. 1700 Vermont ave. n.w. Interment Paynes Cemetery. • OCKERSII AITSEN. ELIZABETH MARY. On Friday February 23. 1040. at her resi dence. 2020 olive ave. n.W.. ELIZABETH MARY OCKERSHAUSEN. the beloved mother of Mrs. Amelia Henry Mrs. Carroll. Mrs. Gladys McMillian. Harry J. and Fred C Ockershausen and sister of John and William Baker. Mrs. John Kleir. and Mrs. John Klung. Remains resting at the Chambers Georgetown funeral home. 31st and M sts n.w. Mass at Holy Trinity Church on Monday. Februarv 20. at 10 a.m. Rela'ives and friends invited. Interment Oak Hill Cem etery. 25 PENDLETON. EMILY BARTON. On Saturday. Februarv 24. 1040. at her resi dence. 5804 Ventnnr ave . Ventnor City. N. J. EMILY BARTON PENDLETON, widow of Edward Gray Pendleton Relatives and friends are invited to at tend funeral services at the above ad dress on Tuesday. February 27. at 4 p.m. Interment on Wednesday. February 28. at 12 noon, in Oak Hill Cemetery. Wash ington, D. C. 27 POWDERLY. EMMA (NEE FICKEN SCHER). On Saturday. February 24. 1040. at her residence. 3700 5th st n.w.. EMMA POWDERLY. beloved wife of the late Ter ence V. Powderlv and sister of Daisy. Frank and Arthur Fickenscher. Funeral from thft sbove residence on Monday. February *;R. at 2 p.m. Kindly omit flowers. Services and interment pri vate. 2ft PRICE, JESSIE I. On Friday. February 29. 1940 at 14 58 Monroe st. n.w.. JESSIE I PRICE, beloved aunt of Mrs. Elizabeth A. Metzger. Services at the S. H. Hines Co. funeral home. 2.901 14th st. n.w.. on Monday. February 20. at 9:45 p.m. Interment Rock Creek Cemetery. PRYOR. RALPH B. On Thursday. Feb ruary 22. 1940. at his residence. 509 You st. ii.w . RALPH B PRYOR, devoted son of Cora L. Dandridgp Pryor and Charles B. Pryor and brother of Gilbert E. D. Pryor. Remains mav be viewed at his late rest- ' pence after 12 noon Saturday. February 24. Funeral from Second Baptist. Church. I 9rd rt between H and I ct.s. n.w.. Sunday. ; February 25. at 1 p.m.. Rev. J. L. S. Hoi- 1 loraai) officiating Interment Harmony Cemetery. Arrangements by Allen it Mor row-. Inc. 25 REID. JAMES C. On Friday. February 29 1940. at Hyattsville. Md.. JAMES C. REID, beloved husband of the late Anna M I?$id Funeral from the Colonial funeral home of Wm. Reuben Humphrey. Rockville. Md.. Monday. February 20. at 9 a.m.: thence to St. Mary's Catholic Church. Barnesville. Md.. w-here requiem mass will be offered at In a.m. Interment church cemetery. 25 ROWLEY. CONWAY G. On Friday. February 29. 1940. at Walter Reed Hos pital. CONWAY G. ROWLEY, beloved hus band of Nettie C. Row lev (nee Brown) and father of Phyllis and Muriel Rowley. Funeral from the W. W. Deal funeral home. 4812 Georgia ave. n.w . on Monday. February 20 at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends invited Interment Glenw-ood Cem etery 25 SETTLERS. BENJAMIN. Suddenly, on Friday. February 29. 1940, at 12:20 a.m., at Emergency Hospital BENJAMIN SET TLERS. devoted husband of Edra Smith Settlers and devoted brother of Rosa Till man. Jessie S. Johnson. Anna M. Brown. Bessie Montgomery. Bertha Stewart and George, Joseph. Samuel and Charles Set tlers Remains resting at the Barnes A Matthews funeral home. 014 4th st. s.w. until Sunday February 25. Remains may be viewed at his iate residence. 2125 Ward «place n.w-. Funeral Monday. February 20. at 2 p.m.. from Alexander Memorial Baptist Church. 27th and N sts. n.w.. Rev. Frazier officiat ing. Relatives and friends invited. In terment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. 25 SWAGART. JOHN JOSEPH. On Thurs day. February 22. 1940. at Sibley Memorial Hospital. JOHN JOSEPH SWAGART. be loved husband of Emily Jeffries Swasart and lovinc father of John M. and Dorothy E. Swaeart. Funeral from his late residence. 94 Randolph place n.w.. Monday. Febmary 20. at 8:90 a.rfL: (hence to St. Martin’s ; Church, where reauiem high mass will be offered at 9 a.m. for the repose of his soul. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. Rela tives and friends invited. 25 THOMAS. MAYME C. On Friday. Feb ruary 29. 1940. at her residence. 1912 S st. n.w . MAYME C. THOMAS, beloved wife of William P. Thomas, mother of Carolyn and Constance Thomas and niece of Mrs Christie Cook. Shp leaves also a devoted friend. Gertrude Carroll, and manv other friends and relatives. Remains may be seen after noon Monday. February 20. Funeral services at Peoples’ Congrega tional Church. M st. near 7th st.. at 1 n m. Tuesday. February 27. Rev. A. F. Rimes officiating. Relatives and friends In vited. Arrangements by McGuire. 20* THOMASSON. RAYMOND A. On Friday. February 29, 1940. at the Nicholson Con valescent Home. 1210 Madison st. n.w., RAYMOND A THOMASSON. husband of the late Alice Thomasson (nee Hutchinson) and father of Mrs. Viola E. Jenkins and William T. Thomasson. aged 00 years. Remains resting at the Lee funeral home, 4th st. and Massachusetts ave. n.e.. where services will be held on Monday. February 20. at 11 a m. Relatives and friends in vited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. THOMA8SON, RAYMOND A. Washing ton Lodge. No. 15, B. P. O. Elks, will convene in session of sorrow st 7:20 p m. Sun day. February 25. 1(140. for the purpose of paying tribute to the memory of our late brother. RAYMOND A. THOMA8SON. enrolled June — - 10, KUO. died February 2(1. ' 1040. Elk services at the Lee chapel. 4th st. and Mass. ave. n.e., at 8 p.m. By order of HAROLD T. PEASE. Exalted Ruler. Attest: W. S. SHELBY. Secretary. TURNER. CHARLES F. Departed this life Thursday. February 22. 1040, at the residence of his sister. Nokesville. Va.. CHARLES F. TURNER, husband of Corrine Turner, devoted father of Louise Turner, loving brother of Sophia E. Williams. He also leaves a host of nieces and nephews and manv friends. Funeral services Sunday, February 25. at 1:30 o'clock, at Nokesville. Va. 25* WASHINGTON. WILLIAM. Departed this life Wednesday. February 21. 1040. at his residence, sol Delaware ave. s.w.. WILLIAM WASHINGTON. He leaves to mourn their loss a son. James Washing ton. and a host of other relatives and friends. Remains resting at the Barnes & Matthew's funeral home. 014 4th st. s.w. Funeral Monday. February 20 at 1 p.m.. from Zion Baptist Church. F st. between :ird and 4th sts. s.w . Rev. Edwards officiat ing. Interment Arlington National Cem etery. 25 WIEGAND. HENRY MARTIN. Suddenly, on Saturday, February 24. 1340. at, his res idence. 5324 10th st. n.w . HENRY MAR TIN WIEGAND, beloved non of Elisabeth Tripp Wiegand and th* late Martin Wie gand and brother of Martin and Barbara Wiegand. Notice of funeral later. Raymond V. Ingersoll Dies NEW YORK, Feb. 24 C4>).—Ray mond V. Ingersoll, six years borough president of Brooklyn, died today in Long Island College Hospital. Mr. Ingersoll, a former city magistrate, managed Alfred E. Smith's cam paign for Governor in 1924, YOUNG, BARTGIS HARRY. Suddenly. on Thursday. February 22. 11140. BARTGIS HARRY YOUNG, beloved husband ol Ger trude Young and lather of. Jeaa and Bar bara Youtia. Funeral services will be held at SI2 Eye at. n.e on Monday. February 211. at 1 ::I0 Pin.: thence to the Pentecostal Holiness Church, where services will be held at 2 p.m. Relatives and Irlends invited. In terment Fort Lincoln Cemetery Arranae nients by the Win. H. Bardo & Co. 25 In Jfflfntnrtmn ACER. HERBERT W. In loving memory of HERBERT W. AGER. who passed away lour years ago today. February 25, 193d. Treasured thoughts of one so dear Often bring a silent tear. Thoughts return to scenes long past. Time rolls on. but memory lasts. WIFE AND DAUGHTER. • BREMERMAK. ABA F. A tribute of love and devotion to the memory of our dear mother. ADA Ff BUKMKKMAN. who passed away seven years auo today. February 25, 1933. Mother, dear, gone from us, Never more in life to see. You're with us in memory still. Not just for tod:iy. but always will. YOUR LOVING CHILDREN. • CARR. LAWRENCE LE ROY. Jiv fond but sad remembrance of our dear son and brother. LAWRENCE LE ROY CARR, who departed this life one year ago today. February 25. 1939. We never thought when you left home I hat you would never return: That you so soon in death would sleep And leave us here to mourn. We do not know the pain you bore. We did not see you die: We only know’ you went away .. And did not say good-by. HIS LOVING FATHER. MOTHER AND SISTER. MR. AND MRS ROBERT W. CARR. MRS MILDRED GARDINER. • CARRINGTON, JOHN. In remembrance of m*r dearly loved father. JOHN CAR RINGTON, who passed away one year ago today. February 25. 1939 HIS CHILDREN. • DORSEY, SARAH C. AND KOSCOE II. In memory of my devoted mother SARAH C. DORSEY, who UH' sect away thirty-one years ago. February M. 1909. and my de voted brother. KOSCOE II. DORSEY, who Passed away twenty-four years ago, De cember 11. 1 Dili. There is no death! What seems so js transition. \ This life of mortal breath Is but a suburb to the life Elysian, Whose portal we call d^ath. THEIR DEVOTED DAUGHTER AND SISTER. ESTHER L. DORSEY. • , FORSTER, 1IENKY. In memory of Mr. HENRY FORSTER, who departed this life two years auo today. February 25. 1938. MISS ROSA. • GRANT, BERNARD O. In sad but lov ing remembrance of our dear husband and father. BERNARD O. GRANT, who depart ed this life three years ago today. Feb ruary 25, J 937. HIS WIFE AND CHILDREN. • GRUBBS, WILLIAM F.. In memory of my beloved husband. WILLIAM E. GRUBHS who passed away lour years ago today. February 25. 1939 HIS WIFE. ETHEL HARRIS GRUBBS. * GORDON. WILLIAM nF.NRI. A loving tribute to the memory of my lather. WIL LIAM II. (JORDON, w’ho passed away one year ago today, February 25. 1939 HIS SON. AUBREY. • MAGLF. JtyiN tx. In *ad but lovin* remembrance of our dear brother. JOHN C. MAULE. who PRSsen away seven years ago today. February 25. 1933. ’Tia sweet to remember him who once was here. Though absent to us he is just as dear. The midnight stars shine on the grave Of the one we loved, but could not save. LOVING SISTERS. * PARKER. JOHN EDWARD. In memory of our beloved son. JOHN EDWARD PARKER, who left us sixteen years ago today. February 25. 1924. Edward, though you have passed far beyond To the land of everlasting peace. Our love for you. dear, sweet son. Will never, never cease. THE FAMILY. SCOTT, ISAAC W. A tribute of love and devotion to the sacred memory of my devoted husband. ISAAC W SCOTT, who Passed into the great beyond eight years ago today. February 25, 1932. I. who have known and loved him. Whose passing has brought sad tear*. Will cherish his memory always . To brighten the drifting years. DEVOTED WIFE. J ELIZA SCOTT. • SULLIVAN. JAMES E. Sacred to the memory of our dear son and brother. JAMES E. SULLIVAN, who entered into eternal rest two years ago. February 25, 1938. fchort and sudden was the call When you were taken from us all. But never will those who loved >ou best Forget the day you were laid to rest. The years may jriPe out many things. But this thev wipe out never: The memory of those happy day* When we were all together. - _ THE FAMILY. • I HUNTEMANN | FUNERAL HOME m m 5732 Georgia Ave. mSA LI. 5537 LI. 5537 "■ t. ZIRKLE co. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Ambulance Service 510 C St. N.E. ! W. Warren Taltavull II & Bro. Funeral Directors 3619 Fourteenth Street N.W. HObart 5900 ■ ■ John T. Rhinos & Co. 901 3rd St. S.W. MEt. 4220 LEADING COLORED FUNERAL DIRECTORS Funerals to Fit the Smallest Income PRIVATE AMBULANCE SERVICE COMPLETE FUNERALS Frazier*s Funeral Service Gives You 1. Prompt Attention 2. Efficiency 3. Economy 4. Quality 5. Friendly Advice 6. Service 7. Cors for all fu nerals Thomas Frazier Compaay 389 R. I. AVE. N.W. Mich. 7705-7796 . ■ i Mrs. Powderly, 84, Widow of Pioneer Labor Leader, Dies Private Funeral Rites To Be Held Tomorrow Afternoon at Home Mrs. Emma Powderly, 84, widotg 3f Terence Vincent Powderly, pioneer labor leader and one-time commis sioner general of immigration, died yesterday at her home, 3700 Fifth street N.W., after an illness of sev eral months. Mr. Powderly played an important role in the organization of the old Knights of Labor, forerunner of the American Federation of Labor, and headed the organization as general master workman from 1879 to 1893. Both Mr. and Mrs. Powderly were natives of Carbondale, a mining town in the heart of the anthracite coal region of Pennsylvania. They early became interested in the plight of miners, although he had planned a law career and she had taken up the study of music. They first came to Washington in 1897, the year President McKinley appointed Mr. Powderly commis sioner general of immigration. Their home was long the hub of local and national labor gatherings. Among the friends and associates of the Powderlys was ‘'Mother" Jones, courageous friend of mill hand and miner during the tur bulent early days of labor organiz ing, who lived at the Powderly home many years. The Knights of Labor was ab sorbed by the A. F. L. in 1893, when the Powderlys returned to Penn sylvania, Mr. Powderly re-entering the practice of law in Scranton. He continued as an attorney until called to Washington by President McKinley. After retiring as com missioner general of immigration, he held several legal posts with the Department of Labor until his death in 1924. Funeral services for Mrs. Pow derly will be held at 2 p.m. tomor row at the residence, with burial in Rock Creek Cemetery. The serv ices are to be private. She leaves a sister. Miss Daisy Fickenscher of Washington, and two brothers. Frank Fickenscher j of Washington, and Prof. Arthur! Fickenscher of the faculty of the University of Richmond. Mercer Alumni to Hold Dinner Friday Night The Mercer University Alumni | j Club of Washington will hold a din l ner in Wesley Hall, Seventeenth and i and K streets N.W. at 7:30 p.m. Fri ! day. Senator George of Georgia, an j alumnus of the university, will speak. Among other alumni invited to ! attend the meeting are Representa tives Cox, Tarver, Vinson and Gibbs, all of Georgia. Linton M. Collins, i acting president of the club, will be | toastmaster. John Joseph Swagart Rifes Set Tomorrow Funeral services for John Joseph Swagart, 54 years old, for 20 years a Washington grocer, will be held tomorrow at 8:30 a.m. from the home, 34 Randolph place. H.W., fol lowed by requiem high mass at 9 a.m. from St. Martin’s Church and burial in Mount Olivet Cemetery. Mr. Swagart died Thursday after an illness of three months. He is survived jay his widow, two children, John M. and Dorothy Swagart; his mother, Mrs. Mary Daniel; three brothers, Fred, Harry and Charles Swagart, and a sister, Mrs. Mary Qraham, all of Washington. Sister Mary Serena Dies in South Bend Sister Mary Serena, C. S. C., for merly in charge of the sister s home at Dunbarton College here, died yesterday at South Bend, Ind., where she had been a resident of St. Mary's Convent, the Associated Press reported. She was stricken with a cerebral hemorrhage a week ago. Born Ann Kujawa in Poland, she went in 1891 to St. Catherine's Nor mal Institute in Baltimore, Md., and remained there 30 years in charge of the sister's home. From 1915 to 1925 she served in the same ca pacity at Dunbarton College. I Miss Higgins' Funeral To Be Held Tomorrow Special Dispatch to The Star. ROCKVILLE, Md„ Feb. 24.—Fu neral services lor Miss Josie Hig gins, long-time resident of Rockville, who died Friday after a long illness, will take place here at 2:30 p.m. to morrow from the funeral home of W. Reuben Pumphrey. The Rev. Herbert O. Cooper, pastor of the Rockville Baptist Church, will offi ciate and burial will be in Rockville Union Cemetery. Miss Higgins, who would have been 83 in May, was a daughter of the late Hilleary Riggins. LI 2204 AT 1622 T. Frank Murray FUNERAL HOME 741 llth St. S.E. Ambulance Service Cremations In Cate of DEATH Call iOL •432 e/ved (5/umra/ j%0me> Detail Is the Prime Factor in Today’s Well Conducted Funeral Service Established in Arlington County over thirty years ago. Ives Service is recognized as one giving full and personal attention to the smaliest details of funeral arrangement. Thus through personal supervision by men of experience you are assured an appropriate service for your loved one Here the charge is plainly marked so that you may select a complete and appropriate funeral service as low in cost and high in quality as any offered elsewhere. Cremation—Chapel, Pipe Organ, Lady Attendant Phone: Oxford 2062 2847 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, Va. I0BP* Number 39 in the Hietorieal Seriet i TBEV THE YEARS ; iVITH 17ASHI8ST0S » _ During the presidential campaign of 1852 Joseph Tate and three other men founded the American Telegraph, a newspaper published solely in the interest of General Scott's candidacy; * with the failure of Scott's campaign, the paper suspended, whereupon Tate' established another paper containing local news, and non-political, which he called the Daily Evening Star; Tate's office was on Pennsylvania Avenue and the paper was printed elsewhere until 1853 when editorial, business, and mechanical departments were moved to D Street between 12th and 13th. In 1853 it was purchased by W. D. Wallach and, W. H. Hope, who sold’it to Noyes, Baker fir Company in 1867. ’ The Evening Star was always an outstanding » success, as has been the unique principle adopted i by Hysong's in 1913— * one standard of service, the highest, to all ► regardless of financial circumstance. t p IK S I* ; MARTIN W. HYSONG THOMAS M. HYSONG FUNERAL HOME 1300 N ST. N.W. NAtiond 8420 MEtropolit*n 472S Lt. Benjamin H. Hiett Funeral Tomorrow Funeral services for First Lt Benjamin H. Hiett, Philippine Scouts, U. S. A., retired, will be held at 1:30 p.m. tomorrow at the Fort Myer gate, Arlington National Cemetery. Chaplain Harry D. Southard will officiate. ' Burial will be with full military honors in the cemetery. Born in 1874 in Tennessee, Lt. Hiett enlisted in the Regular Army in 1895. He served as private, corporal and sergeant, respectively, until 1908, when he accepted a commission as second lieutenant, Philippine Scouts. He was promoted to first lieutenant February 1, 1910 •and resigned February 9, 1914. Re-enlisting in July, 1914, Lt. Hiett served in the 122d Company, Coast Artillery Corps, until 1918. He was retired May 31, 1919. First Man Selected. In War Draft Dies » By the Associated Press. NEW ORLEANS, Feb. 24.—Sidney J. Dufuentes, 63, whose name was drawn first in the United States' second World War draft, died yes terday. He was a prominent cotton broker. noLuin I FUNERAL NOME | Francis J. Collins ■ I 3121 14th St. N.W. ! I Ttlaphone Randolph 7117 \ Ci^ONUMENTS II falvey MARKERS^ ■j I FALVEY ■ kGRANITE CO. INC IMF Wt EstubUtMSOYaan l W 11 ^209 UPSHUR ST.N.W. k ... . r i 1 > Crttt Col. A. H. Griswold Dies; A. T. & T. Executive By the Auociated Preu. NEW YORK, Feb. 24.—Col. A. H. Griswold, 00, senior vice president and director of the International Telephone Sc Telegraph Co., died today at New York Hospital after a short illness. He was a member of the French Legion of Honor, was cited by Gen. Pershing for “exceptionally meri torious service,” and awarded the Order of the Purple Heart for his work as director of telephone and telegraph services of the American Expeditionary Force in 1918. He was in charge of construction, in stallation, operation and mainte nance of all Signal Corps lines of the A. E. F. in Europe. In 1920 Col. Griswold helped for mulate A. T. Sc T.’s radio policy and in the construction of Station WEAF, New York. Cities with modern boulevards, electric lights, theaters and banks are being constructed in Ethiopia. {For information that it honest Reference that it real— L'“ Just ask your neighbor about P* The Funeral Home of Deal Public Inspection Invited! COMPLETE FUNERALS At $100 and Up DEAL FLJNERAL HOME 4812 Georgia Ave. N.W. At Emerson St. Phone GE. 8700 Branch Home: t!6 H St. H£. CONCERNING CEDAR HILL CEMETERY Regardless of reports to the contrary, neither Cedar Hill Cemetery nor its manage ment is in any manner con nected or interested in any other cemetery. * Prices begin at $50.00 per site- and include perpetual care. Located at the end of Penn, A ve. S.E. Gates open until 7:00 o’clock ^ ipedar Hill niUrfutytmi Mrit’ &uurfitfit£ CiMifr/y • v- • • . - . .. - ' • • ■ " • 3-Pc. Modern Bedroom Suite An attractive and well made bleached mahogany bedroom suite in the newest ff modern design. Three pieces include dresser, chest and bed. Vanity (not shown), $27.50. An exceptional value at this low price. Reclining Chair & Ottoman Designed for C A complete re- . J U loxotion. Stur dily constructed. Attractively, covered in durable cotton tap estries. Desk Chair Gracefully 70 styled with white 7 leatherette seats, ** Choice of walnut or mahogany finish. Tier Table Well propor- Crt tioned tier table ,Jw with pie crust * edges. Finished in mahogany veneer on hardwood. A FEW OF THE MANY VALUES 3-Pe. Modem Suite*. Wol- Was Now rut veneers. Dresser, Chest qq rn pq /p ond Bed. 4 only.. °^u 3- Pc. Solid Maple Suites, Colonial design. % Dresser, r. cr. .. __ Chest ond Bed. 6 only__ 64.50 41.75 4- Pc. Hepplewhite Suites, mahogany veneers. Dresser, Chest, Vanity and Bed. 2 , r-n cr. ... -- only.. 159.50 111.45 2-Pc. Knuckle Arm Suites, Sofa and Lounge Chair. Frieze covering. Blue or 1147c- OC green. 5 only_ I 14.0 8Z.85 2-Pc. Kreehler Suites, Sofa and Lounge Chair.- Boucle covering. Carved frame. , rr\ 2 only_ 169.50 124.40 2-Pc. Modem Suite uphol stered in white boucle. Sofa . 00 cn ... .. and Lounge Chair. I only. _ I 9o.5U 138.50 10-Pc. 18th Century Suites, Duncan Phyfe Table. Ma- 1 m cr. M -A hogany veneers. 4 only_139.5U 99.50 10-Pc. Swedish Modem Suites. Bleached mahog- - .A _A any veneers. 4 only_ 174.50 129.50 Open Evenings by Appointment. / . * t ' Drum Tablet, mahogany or ff'as \gw wolnut finish. One 0 nc- _ e_ drawer. 8 only_ O.sJ 5.85 Coffee Tables, mahogany or walnut finish. Remov- qt « .. able tray. 10 only_ • 9.00 Inlaid Linoleum. 5 pat- * terns to choose from. 210 1 QQ qa yards only. Per yard_ ' -O' 99C Axminster Rugs, high-pile 39.75 26.85 Vanities (out of suites). w Modem ond Colonial. Ma hogany and walnut veneers, pp. pn .. n_ 8 only__ 59.50 22.85 Iroadloom and Floor Plan Rugs. One of a kind. Size -7 nr . .n 27x54 inches. 28 only __ '-95 . 9.19 Gold Seal Rugs. Drop pat y S,“M- a 3.95 2.49 Feather Pillows. Feather proof ticking. Size 21x27 n /q 1 30 inches. 48 pairs only Arry 1.90 Poster Beds. Mahogany finish. Single or double p op — —— size. 10 only_ 9.95 5.55 Call Di. 3180 before 6 P.M. w::* . '* . v ;? ' * W ■ f ' * v • ■' ... -J • ' . . 7 th ami E7« Sts. * 3433-35 Georgia Are.