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Almas Temple Nobles * Frolic Amid Scenes I Of Oriental Splendor New Potentate, Found By Dancing Girls, Takes Over Position Palm trees, striped tents, incense and dancing girls last night trans formed the Mayflower Hotel into "A Night in Arabia,” for Almas Tem ple, Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. It was the third annual poten tate’s party, full of novelty and surprise. Karl E. Jarrell, the new notentate of Almas, first was miss ing as the party opened with gay festivities. Later he was “found” by some dancing girls of the Ara . bian harem, and hauled into the party, wrapped in an Oriental rug, to succeed the outgoing potentate, Stanley D. Willis, whose disappear ance was through a qpflln. Without waiting for the dinner to be over, the entertainment program ■ started when the red-fezzed nobles entered gay portals of the “Mosque of Mecca.” This was a giant tem ple front erected in the Mayflower lounge. Behind the walls of this temple several oases under striped tents were surrounded by palm trees. Dressed in the flowing, colorful robes of the Orient were all members of the Reception Committee. “Fatima” Performs. Going from the oases, still prior to the dinner, nobles gathered in the Chinese room, which was by decorations, transformed by soft lights and heavy incense into one of the secret rooms of the “harem.” There “Fatima,” the favorite danc ing girl, performed. Afterwards, at the meal, strolling musicians in gay costumes added to the festivities prior to the floor show of thr evening. This was an elaborate presentation, with skat ing. dancing, comedy and song. t There were many distinguished guests, only a few of whom were introduced, including Potentate E. Elmer Longrall of Boumi Temple, Baltimore, Md., and Potentate Charles W. Pinnell of Acca Temple, Richmond. Members of Committee. ' Heading the committees arrang ing the affair was James A. Coun cilor, general chairman. Vice chair men were Floyd D. Akers, Howard P. Foley, William C. Shelton and Earl W. Shinn. Subcommittee chairmen included Ara M. Daniels. A. E. Geldhof, Wil liam J. Mileham, Raymond M. Flor ence, Lloyd F. Gaines, Edmund O. Carl and George E. Harris. The guest list follows: > A. Ach. Frank L Altglass. Adam Adams. Senator A B. Altmann. Leslie L. Adams, George W. Amos. John H. Agate, Jerome Amos. William P. Akers, rioyd D Anderson, E. D. Alderman. F. H. Appleman. F. S. Alexander, Dr S. A. Arends. Rep L. C. Allen. Dr. C. B Augustine. C. H. Allen Robert M. Ayre. Edward E. Allen. Roy C. B. Bachschmld. W. H. Boss Harry K. Back. T. Kelley Boswell. Wirt T. Bailey. Howard P. Bouchard. M J. Baker. Joseph M. Bradley. John H. Baker. Tracy Brashears, E. S. Baker, Earl Bress. David L. Baker. Harry M. Brewer. Nixon A. Baldwin. Charles E. Bridgman. John P. Ballard, John W. Bright. Herbert Barlow. H. L. Bromwell. D. L. Barton. J. W. Brooks. Dr. J. L. Bateman. E. R. Brown. Dewey 'Bates, Samuel H. Brown. Mai. E. W. Bauer. Ralph C. Brown. M. G Beasley. A. F. Brown. R. Carey Bedell. Harry Bryan. H. Eugene. Behrend. Mendel Bull. Walter Berkowich. B. Burch. William D. Bernstein. Dr. H. F. Burke. Senator E. R. Bitting. C. W. Burkholder. E Black. Frank Burn. Francis W. Blackburn. F B. Burn. Emile Blake. Melvin B. Burrows. Fred Blakely. C. F. Burrows. G. G. Bluestein. A. I. Burrus. G. B. » Bogan. C. W. Burton. D E Bonbrest, Dr. J. W. Bush. William L. Bonnette, G. W. Butts. Elmer Bonnette. G. W., Jr. r Cady. William A. Cliborne. Howell B. Cahill. Victor Coe. Theodore I. Camaller. Renah F. Goff Martin M. Carl. Edmund O. Cohn. Fletcher Carlisle, Charles A. Cole, Dr. Charles D. Carpel, Albert L. Coleman, A. I Carpel, Harry L. Collier. A. Walter Carr, Edward R. Combs. Earl B. Carr. F. P. Conolly John J . Jr. Carusl. Ugo Cooke. Charles H. Casbarian, Harvey T. Costello. Ed. Casbarla,n, James P. Costello. R. J Cassidy. James Councilor. James A. Church. Guy N. Councilor. J. A., jr. Churchill. W. H. Cowan. J. 6 Clark Raymond W. Cox. Gen. Albert L. Clarke. Owen W. Cramer. G Fenton Claud. Dr. Harry L. Creighton. T. H., Jr. Clayton. Charles W. Crippen L K Clayton. Paul G Crone. Edear K. Clever, Donald G. Crouch, George D. Daniels. Ara M. Deck Charles J. Daugherty. Robert E. Delvgine. Louis Davis. Earl H. De Witt. GeorgeA. Davis. Harry C. Dillingham. C. W. Davis. Henry 8. Dodson Earle L. Davis, J. T. Doing. Robert B. Davis. John H . sr. Dominy. W. L /• Davis. Dr. L F Dondero. Col. A H Davis. Dr. Mark O. Dove. Bernard Davis Marshall Dove Morns W. Davis. Paul A Dravton. W,H lr Davis. Thomas McL. Duffs Ch»rles Dawson Walter W. Duncan. W H Deahl. Ernest Dunn. Thomas R De Bruhl. B. A. Dyer. George L. E. Eastburn. A C. Ellis Edward O Eccleston. Noel E. Engelmann. M«. O. Eckert. Charles Ernst. Donald R. Edelblut. W. Bradley Erway. R. E ' Edwards. I. SsPy' Elliot Clarence W. Estes. L. Whiting Ellis. Edward N. F.irhalrn C. A. Ford. J Arthur Fans' Dr Marion W.Ford. George A. F.rher Floyd J. Foster. Fred Farter! Nicholas Fowlen Harry S. «arrv Tumps Franklin, b o. £V“‘ '• RssnJii '• Ftde/’ Howard P. Funkhouser. C. M. Fonorofl10Jack A. Funkhouser, F. Oalliher, C. Emery Goldberg, M M. D. Garrity. Raymond Goodwin. E. W. rvirvin Otis H. Goodwin. Leo gi™ William T. Gordon Max &Uewmarn 8 raff am. Jnse/h oSwl^W. A. g^Ge^M. geldhM. Ar E- g^eSAdolphnEW' IS-Si: 8SfcJffiRin. I Smonh,pB l* SSSSS^- Senator C. giickman, HaVry 8. Guy. F. Carlyn Hugo H Heicie. Francis C. wliH'e John H Heitmuller. R E. ’ Arthur M. Herzog. Henry W. Frank Hess. Samuel Hahn. Franx H1n. Jesse ms&A. 'lilt/ iSfesv1- fan&t Haskell Earl 8. Howes. Edtar B waasall Albert R. Hussey. Dr. Hugh Hatch. Senator C. A. Hutchinson. J. R- *■ Havell. Thomas C. Hyde, Edward A. Hayghe, W. E. ^ ' j a cobs.n w*pr j$5SS: J aeger?°Marvln “ Johnson! Lee M Jarrell. Xarl B. Johnson, Walter P. Jarrell. Thomas B. Jones. Evan Jenkine. John R. Jones, R. L. Johns. Henry A. Jones, g**™®1}? Johnson. A. R.. Jr. Jones. Robert C. Johnson. — Jones. Dr. Robert J. Senator Edwin C. Joy. Leslie j/ RCH * _NA. 452$' « HONORED AT POTENTATES’ PARTY—Karl E. Jarrell, left, new potentate of Almas Temple, and E. Elmer Langrall, potentate of Roumi Temple, Baltimore, were honored guests at Almas Temple’s third annual potentate’s party last night at the May flower Hotel. K Keen. Owen A. Kirkland. James R. Kelly, Arthur D. Knowlton. Dr. D 8. Kelly. James Korman John A. Kennedy, J Frank Korman, Milton D. Kennedy. Frank Kornemann, William Kern, John C. Krakow, L. Kern. Walter E. Kreusber*. Dr. H. F. Kilmartin, Col. R. C. Kuechle. Fred B. King. Loyal T. Kurtz. A. 8. King. William L. L Lamar. Charles T Lewenthal. 1. Myer Lamar. Russell Lewis. John A. Lamond, D. D. Lins Clarence Landon. Cart. C R. Little. V 8. Lane. John J. Littlepage. John Langrell. E. Elmer Littleton. Robert A. Leslie. Herman D. Lohr. Leonard D. Lawrence. Meade Longley, J. D Lawson, Jesse E. Longley. James B. Lee. A1 W. Lore. F H. Lee Ed Lundquist. J. E. Leesh. Llewellyn G. Lundy. William J. LeFevre, James 8. Luttes. J. B. Leppert. J H. Lyon, Wolford H. Levy, Harold M. Macftain. Dr M. M. Morris. A J., sr. Madore. James E. Morgan Dr. W. A. Mankln, Dr. J. W. Morrison. J. E. Mallatt. K. B. Mosmiller. Walter Mathews. F. G. Moulton. C. H. Mattingly. J. M. Moyer. Joe May. Maurice L. Mueller. F. J. Means. John R. Mugleston, F. W. Meany. John T. Murphy. Patrick Mehler. W. Myers. John F. Melick. Neal A. McCallum. A. R . Jr. Membert, James A. McCarty. W H. Mertens. F.. jr McCawley. H. B. Meyer. Dr. William McClure. John E Middlemtss. H. 8. McCord. Dr. T B. Mtleham. W. J. McDowell, T. O. Millan, B. C. McKee. A. B. Miller. C. A. McKee. A. J Miller, Roy McKee. Ralph Miller. W. A McKee. W. C. Minear, L Otto McKeever. R. L. Minton. Senator 8. McKenzie. Albert Mitchell. Dr. J. E. McKeown. J. A. Mohsburg. M. L. McKericher. J. W. Monaghan. Joe McMains. W. H. Mooers, 8. E. McMlllln. F. E Mooney. T. C. McNeil. George E. Moore. K. H. McReynolds, W. H. Morris, A. J., Jr. , N. Nalley. W F. Newmyer Alvin L. Nalls. Willard Novak. Mitchell Neilson. G. D. Nussear. Jesse T. Neuenhahn. H. E. Nye. Senator G. P. Nevils. E. N., jr. o. O'Connor. Fred J. Osgood. H W. Orr. Dr. W. J. B. Owen. Claude Osborne. M. H. Owens. Henry 8. F. Padgett. Harry F. Pine. David A. Payette John J. Plnnell. Charles W. Payne. Clarence Pittenger. Rep. W. A. Payne. Lewis A. Plankinton, H. B. Peacock. F. L. Pledger. C E.. ir. Pelland. Dr. P O. Porter. C. B. Penman. James Porter. Frank J. Perkinson. P W. Post. Robert E. Peterson, Capt. A. S. Potter. Dr. J. A. Peterson, Dr. E. O Pratt, J. Alton Peterson. Ralph W. Pratt, Lester A. Peyser. Col. Julius I. Price. John J. Phillips. Homer Proctor. Justice J. M. Piers. Bertram Pugh. M. Pike. C. C. Puryear. Frank M. B. Raeba. James Ristig. William Ramsey. Oliver F. Ritzenberg. Abe Randall. George W. Roberts. D. F Ransopher, S. M. Robinson G Edgar Rector, J. M. Rodgers. Robert L. Reese, James G. Rogers. Harold B. Regar. Robert 8. Romm. Joseph N. Rensch. Leo W. Rose, Hilllary Rhea. Garnett 8. Rose. Leonard J. Rhodes. Charles M. Rosenfeld Phil Rhodes. Thomas E. Rothenberg, Pincus Rich. Rep. Robert F Roudabush Byron Richardson. W. E. Rouse E. Kenneth Rieeks, E. H Row A. L. Riefkin. Philip M. Rupert. E. E C. Riggali. Carel J. Russell. George R<ggs. Thomas Russell. William Risk. Le Roy Rutan. H. H. Ristig. Martin V Rutherford, Albert G. s. Sanders. C W. Shoemaker. Geo. C. Sanger. Monle Shrtro. A. SchaafT. Joaeph Silk. Dr. S. A. Schamp. Carl D Simon. James H. Schirmer. H. G. Simonds Geo. W. Schmidt. E. C. Simons. Geo W. Schrlder. James E. Skeen. Wm D. Schooley Wm. E. Slaby. R. T Seagren. Arthur Smith. A Irving Seay. Temple W. Smith, Beverly J. Selbold. B Smith, Dwight, L. Shackelford. C. D. Smith, Ed. Shaffer. George C. Smith. Maj. H I. 8hawen. S. Maynard Smith. Orville F Shelton. Wm. C Smith. Robert P. Shepherd. Thomas Smith. R. 8cott 8herler. Jos. T. Snyder. George R. Sherman. Geo. M. Somerville. A. J. Sherwood. J. W. Somerville. H. Shields. Jas. W. Somerville. Thos., 3d Shinn, Earl W.Spaulding. Fred 8neck David J. Stickle, Wm. F, Bpencer W. C. Btinchfleld. B. H. Staseerk. John W. Stinemetg, Sam W. Stahlberg. Roy F. Stringer, Oeorie F. Stanton. I. C. Stryker. Frank J. Steele. William Sutton. Clarence W. Stein. Henry C. Sutton. Granger G. Stephenson. Col. H. E. Swan. Edward E. Steuart, Curtis 8. Sylvester, Comdr. 8. 8 euart. L. K Syverson. T. 8. Stewart, Thomas T. Taylor, Charles H. Toepper Charles G. Tay or. Charles L Tolley. Dr. John A. Taylor. Col. John T. Torbert. William W, Tendler. Max Totton. J. O. Thomas. Branson Trammell. M. Y. Thomas. Edward A. Turnbull. William M. Todd. Brooke Tyree, Dr. John C. V. Valentine T O Van Duser. W. A. Vanderwende O 8. Van Vleck. Perry B. Van Dolsen. Fred L. Vreeland. Rep. Albert w Waesche. Rear Ad- Whitesal. Roy O. miral Russell R. Whitlock. E. H Walker. F. Lawrence Whitmeyer. D. N. Walker. George W iegand Henry Walton. Max Wilken. Frederick Waters. Frederick Wilkes. James C. Waters. Dr James C. Wilkins. Andrew C. Weill. Nathan Wilkinson. Joseph Weir. Davis Williams Wash B Weiss Lou Willis, Percy H. Werner. C. D Willis. Stanley D Whelan Thomas A Wilson Charles E Whitaker Samuel E Witts. W Crosdale White. Dr. Charles 8. Wolfe. Garland W. Y. Yerkes. W. H„ Ir. Young. John R. 8. Zarln. Jocob Zimmerman. W. C. Zebley. J. E. Virginia D. A. R. to Meet in Williamsburg By the Associated Press. WILLIAMSBURG. Va., Feb. 24 — The annual State conference of the Daughters of the American Revolu tion will be held here March 5, 6 and 7. The Virginia Society, Children of the American Revolution, will hold its annual one-day meeting coinci dentally with the opening of the D. A. R. conference. Mrs. C. A. S. Sinclair of Alexan dria. State regent, will preside at an evening meeting of the. D. A. R. March 5. HARD OF HEARING? HEAR _ WITHOUT Relieve the embarrassment and strain of impaired hearing with this new product of the Bell Tele phone Laboratories. It's a decided advantage to hear well during busi ness and social contacts, and you CAN hear with a Western Electric Audiphone. Accented by American Medical Association BH. Tel.—BE. 10«e. on Bids., Waihinston. D. C. tails an Aadiphone lodel)—82.SS. State- ---Ii DESIGNER High Pressure Steam Piping Competent man in connection with de signing High Pressure Steam Generating Plant. Please give your age, education, experience and salary desired. Box 414-H, STAR OFFICE I SAINT ANTHONY DEVOTIONS Every Tuesday Throughout the Year I Tuesday Morning at 9:00 O'clock Mass, Benediction and Prayers Tuesday Evening at 8:00 O'clock Instruction, Benediction, Prayers FRANCISCAN MONASTERY 14th and Quincy Streets N.E. WeahinotMi, D. C jliBnmfeDBiBaiiiiBisiiBsyrainBBnnHissiGnsiiBaiBiiliBnRBBnBBiBBanBanaBBi Boys' Club Drive For $86,000 Begins On March 15 Goal This Year Is Raised to Meet an Increased Membership . A campaign to raise $86,000 for the Metropolitan Boys’ Club will be held this year from March 30 to April 15 under the chairmanship ot Mack L. Langford, according to an announcement yesterday by Morris Cafrits, president of the club. The goal was’raised this year to meet the cost of an expanding mem bership. Some 2,000 new members were added during the last 12 months, and the total number of boys now benefited by the five club houses in Washington and the sum mer camp at Scotland, Md., is 14, 000. The club observed its sixth anni versary this year on Washington’s Birthday. The club was founded by MaJ. Ernest W. Brown, superintend ent of police, and has helped reduce juvenile delinquency, it was said, from 300 cases in 1933 to less than 100 in 1938. Vice chairman of the drive for funds will be Thomas N. Beevers, Martin R. West, Bruce Allen, Samuel Mooers, Randall Hagner, Jr.; Ed mund O. Carl, Will L. Oates, Fred erick P. H. Siddons, Charles A. Rob inson and James E. Dingwell, jr. Inspector E. J. Kelly will lead the campaign work among the precincts and Chief Stephen T. Porter will act similarly in the Fire Department. Joyless Pay Day FRANKLIN. Mass., Feb. 34 UP).— As the town treasurer paid oil 350 snow shovelers today the town col lector stood beside him and put the finger on tax delinquents, collected on the spot. Annual 'Gym' Night Slated March S at Central Y. M. C. A. Star Gymnasts and Others to Perform at Third Event of Kind Star gymnasts and other perform ers will entertain at the third an nual “gym night” of the Central Young Men’s Christian Association at 8 p.m. March 8 in the main gym nasium of the "Y” Building, 1738 O street N.W. Among the performers will be Robert Porter, flying trapeze ex pert, who for five years was with the Ringllng Bros, and Baroum 8s Bailey Circus and who has worked with the famous Flying Concellos and other noted performers. Mr. Porter now live* In Arlington, Va. On the program will be both men and women. Among the latter will be Margie Weismann, national A. A. U. gymnastic champion, who will come from New York with three other young women to perform. Other featured performers will be L. C. Everard, former captain and coach of the Yale University gym nastic team, who Is an expert In gymnastics, Indian club swinging and rope skipping; the Central Y. M. C. A. gymnastic team, which placed third in the national Y. M. C. A. gymnastic championships last year, and Ernest Gaither, the team captain and an outstanding gymnast. Prank Portillo, well known throughout the city for his stunts as a clown, will be on hand to provide a series of "spills” and laughs. Ad ditional laugh-provoking stunts will be provided in clown acts by K. Matsudaira. Sixteen girls from the Marjorie Webster School will do a fancy march and drill and take part in an old-fashioned square dance. Other features will include turn bling acts by junior and senior tumblers, tap dancing, "statue pos ing” and a dance act by Elynor Johnston, 13, and Mary Jane Owens, 13. "Gym night” will be under the di rection of William E. Hutzell. SOILLESS GARDEN BOOK ED EE grow FLOWIRS, ■ aw CC Vegetables- ■ Indoors ALL YEAE BOUN0 ROSES blaomlnt In midwinter . . . Vets tables growing In house windows . . . m water sand, or cinders—without sell, without tell. Enjoy this' thrill now with our simple Illustrated instructions. Just send postcard today. Gustaeus Bice. 4680 Tamos St.. Phlla.. Pa. 1 I lJ ft j$gg$g'MWB t.|. v<$f p +,||% V£0? I \ National 9600 W£ IRE SALE | a J Eighty-eight Different Combinations Can Be Made Up from These fi/fjfriCP1 CUSTOM-COVERED PERIOD CHAIRS & SOFAS % $119 Divided-Back Lawson Suite Select from Any Sofa and Chair Pictured Here! Regularly 119.00 Both for $119 Handsome Georgian Suite §88 Every Sofa and Every Chair With Solid Mahogany Exposed Frame Make up your 2-piece suite from a wide variety of fine brocatelles, friezes, damasks, tapestries and novelty weaves (cottons, rayons and mixtures). You match or contrast them—as you prefer—in plain or figured*combinations— in gorgeous decorator colors—making up your suite exectly as you want it. Make up your ensemble in the same or two different styles just as decorators do from this group of authentic period reproductions. These superior fea . tures—super-sagless construction . . . reversible seat cushions . . . solid mahogany exposed frame. You save $31 on the two pieces. Separately, Sofas, 59.50; Chairs, 29.95 Lansburgh’t—Furniture—Fifth Floor T $119 English Chippendale Suite : — $119 Modern Square-Arm Suite $88 Xv/S'liv: .•■•Xf.y--. - $119 Chinese Chippendale Suite $88 $119 English Tuxedo 2-Pc. Suite $88 / ' ° »ou\ / p 'V>f£ \T I Annul?" l / 5ZrjZ‘^Z2 I - c„d;^£;;— b, I Last 6 Days to Save on This Introductory Price! OSTERMOOR Inner spring MATTRESSES Oitermoor is nationally advertised far much more. Twice a year the manufacturer makes up his broken assortments of fine coverings—and allows the price to be reduced. Choose from beautiful woven-stripe, art pattern and damask fabrics in high-count cottons and rayons. All regular sizes. Exclusively at Lansburgh's! Box Spring to Match, 29.85 Laruburgh’i—Hattrette*—Fifth Floor Regularly 45.85! Three-Piece Poster BED OUTFIT Solid Maple, Walnut or Philippine Mahogany Thororest mattress with 312 high temper steel innersprings end cov- £ 1 M \ Of ered with durable cotton ticking, W iOJ and helical-tied coil spring. Twin, W three-quarter or double bed sizes. Lansburgh’t— JGUU I rm floor BOOKS CLOSEDt Ail Charge Purchases made the Balance at the mouth Are Payable In April