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Bishop Manning Hits Bertrand Russell as 'Adultery Defender' City College Professor Appointment Deplored As Affront to Religion 8s the Associated Press. NEW YORK, March 1.—Bishop 'William T. Manning of the Protes tant Episcopal Church criticized last night the appointment of Bertrand Russell as a professor at the City College of New York and character ized the British philosopher as a “recognized propagandist against both religion and morality" who “de fends adultery.” Mr. Russell, now teaching at the University of California at Los An r.. - — _: geles, will Join the City College fac ulty in 1941. Replying to the clergyman's charges. Dr. Nelson F. Mead, acting president of City College, said In a statement that Mr. Russell had been Invited to teach courses in mathe matics and logic and not to dis course on his personal, ethical and moral views, "to which as an indi vidual he Is entitled.” Cites Passage Prom Book. Bishop Manning, In a letter to the New York Herald-Tribune, quoted this passage from one of Mr. Rus sell’s books, "Education and the Good Life’’: ‘ ‘In teaching my own children, I shall try to prevent them from learning the moral code which I re gard as harmful ... I shall not teach that faithfulness to our part ner through life is in any way desir able, or that a permanent marriage should exclude temporary episodes.” Then the bishop asked: "What Is to be said of colleges and universities which hold up be fore our youth as a reputable teacher of philosophy and as an example of light and leading, a man who Is recognised propagandist against both religion and morality, and who specifically defends adultery?” Called Brilliant Thinker. Dr. Mead declared that Mr. Rus sell’s writings on morals "comprised an almost negligible proportion of his published works.” "Mr. Bertrand Russell is regarded by scholars throughout the world as one of the most brilliant thinkers of our day,” Dr. Mead added. John T. Flynn, economist and member of the college's Administra tive Committee, said It was his opin ion It was "unfair” for Bishop Man ning to “lift a quotation out of his books to make It appear that he favors adultery.” "Re Is a man of highest character whoee morals will compare favorably with those of Bishop Manning,” Mr. Flynn said. , Mothers of England have been warned not to have evacuee chil dren return home. FRANZ X. SC HU MM. —Star Staff Photo. Franz X. Schumm Retires As Marine Band Member Frans X. Schumm, who has played his bass violin before Presidents Taft, Wilson, Harding, Ooolidge, Hoover and Roosevelt, retired yes terday from the Marine Band and Orchestra. For 37 years he had been a mem ber of the service band, and was always one of the few chosen to play at White House affalsg. He per formed for the King and Queen of England on their visit to America. Born In Stuttgart, Germany, Mr. Schumm played the clarinet and violin before coming to Washington In 1908. In 1910 he enlisted In the Engineers Band of the Army. After joining the Marine Band he rose to the rank of principal musician. In ceremonies at the concert hall of Marine Corps Barracks yester day, superiors cited Mr. Schumm for outstanding service, and fellow musicians played for him “Auld Lang Syne” and the .traditional Marine piece, “From the Halls of Montezuma." Mr. Schumm, who lives at 1330 D street SJE., says he now plana to es cape retirement by teaching young musicians. Bomber Flies Non-Stop To Coast From Florida B» tbs Associated Press. SAN DIBOO, Calif., March 1.—A new four-motored Sikorsky bomber was flown here non-stop from Pen sacola, Fla., In 14 hours and 30 min utes. Navy officers Indicated the craft, which alighted on the bay last night after the 1,750-mlle hop, would Join Patrol Wing No. 3 In Hawaii next nusith Another big bomber, the Army’s new four-motored Conaolldated built XB-34, returned yesterday from Riverside, Calif., where It was put through extensive tests by an Army board. It will take on addi tional equipment before being flown to Wright Field, Dayton, Ohio. It. S. Probes Report Stolen Ore Is Sent Abroad By the AmocUUS Pro*. URAVAN, Colo, March 1.—Fear* that atolen one and concentrates may be going to belligerent powers for use in armament making brought a Federal Bureau of In vestigation agent to this Western Colorado mining community last night. The F. B. I. man was assigned to the ease after two men were charged in connection with thefts from the plant of the United States Vana dium Corp. and after Blair Bur well, plant superintendent, asserted: "We have suspicions that the uranium and vanadium ores and concentrates stolen here are Deing sold to belligerent powers through New York brokers. Our suspicions indicate shipments to Germany and Japan may enter the case.” Mr. Burwell estimated that thefts so far, chiefly of high-grade ura nium ore, have a value of at least $30,000. Vanadium Is a steel-hardening alloy used In armament production. Uranium, a radio-active metal, has some use In steel production, but Is chiefly used In porcelain and glass production. 35 Nazi Seamen Sail From West Coast Port By the Associated Press. SAN FRANCISCO, March 1.— Thirty-five middle-aged German seamen were homeward bound on an Italian ship today despite the peril of possible British seizure and Internment. They were the oldest of 512 crew members of the scuttled German liner Columbus, who have been held here at the Angel Island de tention station since January 18. The 35, all over 52 years old, boarded the motorship Fella yes terday, booked for Genoa “en route to Berlin.” The Fella, after touch ing at San Pedro, will pass through the Panama Canal en route to Italy. — > OF SANFORIZED BROADCLOTHS ^xdmim mth The Hecht Co. These features are what you’ll find on better shirts and what you’ll find on these Lord Pep* perells at only $1-39 . . . the lowest price ever. • Lord Pepperell broadcloth is checked and tested for wearability in the Pepperell Testing Laboratories! "> The Celanese Process Fused Collars will re tain their smart appearance throughout the entire day! • Sanforixed-shrunk means a Permanent Fit! Shrinkage is done mechanically, determined in advance and then removed. 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MAM’S Slow Mm noar) V ' Colony Weave WOOL TIES 65* Taka a look at tfaaao spring ties whan yon coma in. * They’re 100% wool ... tie a perfect knot... non-crush able . .. ael! interlining . . . and French shaped and fringad. USE OUR MODERN PARKING BUILDING AT THE REAR OF THE STORE I