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TEST-TUBE BROADCAST—Four Paul Junior High School students are shown broadcasting the process and results of an actual chemical experiment over WMAL yesterday. The experiment was part of the theme of scientific projects and how they are carried out in the home, in the classroom and in the. auditorium. The students are (left to right) Jack Lovell, 13; Norton Mar shall, 13; Jeff McNamee, 14, and Warren Krumke, 13. —Star Staff Photo. Biggest U. S. Supply of Radium Used to Make Warships Safer By the Associated Press. America’s largest single supply of radium is making the new naval vessels safer and more sink-proof by photographing their steel parts. The Navy owns approximately seven grams of radium, more than any other organization or hospital In the country. Most of it is used in medical treatment, but about two grams are in constant industrial use, naval construction experts said today. Every drive shaft, engine part. piece of armor plate, gun part or other equipment which is more than 12 inches thick must undergo ra dium inspection before it is ap-. proved for use. Powerful X-ray tubes, using 1,000, 000 or more volts, also will penetrate 12 to 15 inches of steel to reveal flaws, but radium is easier to handle. It can be shuttled about the country by parcel post, in a lead casket, while sufficient X-ray equipments would occupy about half a freight car. The technique of making a ra dliun photograph Is simple, the Navy experts explained. The steel to be photographed to find flaws which do not appear on the surface is laid on the floor of the factory building and a sensitive photo graphic plate is placed against it. Then a radium “egg” with one half a gram of the element en cased in lead with a silver shell is placed from 2 to 6 inches away on the opposite side of the steel. The person handling the radium works with a long pair of pliers be hind a lead screen an inch or more thick. The photographic plate is exposed for five minutes and any flaws or imperfections in the steel show up as lines or spots in the picture. Union Officials Barred From Hearing Case Against Members Unprecedented Decision Made by Jurist in - San Francisco Dispute By the Associated Press. SAN FRANCISCO, March 1.— Two Chicago union executives have been disqualified from hearing mis conduct charges against three 8an Francisco local members in an un precedented decision by Superior Court Judge I. M. Golden. The Jurist yesterday enjoined George Scalese, international presi dent of the Building Service Em ployes’ Union, and Thomas Burke, third international vice president, from sitting as members of a trial board, because, he said, each has a special interest in the matter. Charles Hardy, sr., president of the San Francisco local, and his two sons are Involved in the lengthy dis pute. Suspended by Sealese pend ing trial by the union's executive board, they sought an injunction to prevent the hearing on g:ounds they could not get a fair trial. Judge Golden held that Hardy’s summary suspension was legal be cause it was authorized by the union constitution. He also ruled that Meyer Lewis, Western represent ative of the American Federation of Labor, with which the union is af filiated, is without authority to as sume control of Hardy's local, de spite a power of attorney from Sealese. Five remaining members of the union’s executive board were held eligible to conduct the hearing, which must start here not later than March 5. The Hardys flung accusations of "gangster, racketeer, assassination” at Sealese during the court hearing, but Judge Golden said the charges were beside the issue and were un substantiated. He said the two have a special Interest in the Hardy case, chiefly because Hardy is accused, among other things, of having cir culated disparaging remarks about Sealese. "It has been plainly charged that he (Sealese) murdered or caused SAVE 200 MILES OVERNIGHT BETWEEN WASHINBTON Oufa* t°P On your way Booth? Yon can make direct connec tions with Coctal High ways to the Carolinae. Georgia and Florida points. Or plan to spend a week-end vacation In the crisp salt air of Col onial Virginia. Drive yonr own ear to historic ooints Including Williamsburg. Yorktown and others nearby. Make reserva tions today! NOR FOLK-WASHtNCTOWLIWE Open a r Charge Account Months to “ Interest 4 •No Extr «•* * ""'"H"Po,u I*™*”' ■ 0ne S'°P lor orerytM»» ■ -*r.«aas3gs?s23s*s 1 ■*££»*** suits ■ One nod J29‘75 1 anting nj other®' -latinn®. * ' I in the net? Sf^niWnei * teal hl®*» ® I £.*#*»*jsSVfift *^ens- I 1 topcoats ,25-75 1 i Nc:iS’?r-si?sSSS£ ^ I I ”‘»nSVu“d* • Roblee SHOES 1 I ■ Stetson HATS n. ^ # 1 ft ..«s««si ,s =-“■=•'•“. I 1 ... ««« »> W l • .«« ”«»•“^ _ # to be assassinated, three persons,” Judge Golden commented. "I have no doubt that these unfortunate persons met their violent death in the safe precinct* of Chicago, and that some one caused them to be assassinated, but I have no proof that Scalese did it or caused it to be done.” Injuries to pedestrians last year in the District from March, when pedestrian control regulations were placed into effect, to December, showed a decrease of 118 from the total pedestrian Injuries during a similar period In 1988. Pastel Color Scheme For Living Room A pastel color scheme distinguishes a living room furnished In the 18th Century French style and displayed In a Mew York department store. Whites and off-whites dominate, ac cented by tones of Ice blue and dusty rose. The fabrics are in con temporary mode and the thick and shaggy pile rug is white. Another living room in the same store, done in the 18th Century English manner, presents more vibrant colors. Here the walls are painted pink terra cotta, the carpet Is green and the printed linen draperies bear a Chinese dragon design in soft reds « and greens. A huge fareakfront book case almost conceals one entire wall, and opposite it is an eight-fold Chinese screen in olack lacquer. FALSE TEETH REPAIRED WHILE YOU WAIT KOBT. B. SCOTT. DINTAL TICB. SOS 14th at P. Wl. HO* ISEt 1S83 Private Waltiaa Bmsw Low Sale Prices on Lifetime Furniture will continue all ukek Storewide Savings available to you now "■% ' Thousands of dollars worth of artistic and depend able Lifetime Furniture are on sale now at worth . „ „ . _ while savings. Now is the time to furnish and save morrty as. you do It. The low prices are still in force. End Table Commodes . . . solid Honduras mahogany, as low as. Desk Chairs . . . Duncan Phyfe type, priced as mat low os -. $©«5® r Ivy Stands . . . Grand mg* Rapids made, as low as. $9*5© Tier Tables ... solid Honduras mahogany, ** mi a* as low as_ $10«50 Grand Rapids Sofas ... 18th ***** Century styles, as low as_ $99 i Lamp Tables . . . solid Honduras mahogany, as a*g low as _ $”*™5 Coffee Tables . . . with — glass tr<jy, as I6w as_ $9*95 Corner Cabinets . . . ^ priced now as low as. $59*5® Angora Druggets ... 9xi2-ft. size, priced at $14*95 Chairside Tables... sol id Honduras mahogany, as a*m low as_ $y*^5 Karpen Sofas . . . 18th Century styles, at_ $1Q / Drop-Leaf Tables ... suitable for dining... ACf as low as_ Secretary Desks . . . Winthrop type, as low $4^ 00 Karpen Chairs . . . open arm type, solid §494? MW mahogany _ m Boudoir Chairs ... a^> mm priced now as low as— ^ 15*25 Pullman Sleepers . . . priced now as low as. ' ■» Smoking Stands ... * — mm priced now as low as_ * 1 tVv Lift-top Console Ta- * + m mm' bles ... as low as.— $ 19*95. Love Seats ... priced *^4* mg now as low as_ ^©9« #5 Two-piece Living Room * * *m. Suites... at_ 9149 Small Pembroke Tables a* mm low as. 99*95 Felt Mattresses . . . twin or double, as low $1^ 2$ Hundreds of Other Remarkable Values Savmgs