Newspaper Page Text
Btrtlj TORREY. A son. PHILIP HUSTON. HI. til born to Lt. (j. g.) Philip Huston Tor 8y. Jr.. U. 8. Navy, and Mrs. Torrey on arch 10. 1940. at Mercy Hospital. San ntego. Calif The baby is the grandson Of Comdr. Dallas Lalxure. U. 8. Navy (re tired!. and Mrs. Lalzure and of Brig. Oen. Philip H. Torrey, U. 8. Marine Corps, and Mrs. Torrey. tHratfy* BRA1SLTED. NELLIE E. On Tuesday. March IT. 1840. at he_r residence. 1379 P *t. n.e.. NELLIE E. BRAtSTED, widow of Charles A. Braisted. Funeral from the 4T. Prank Murray fu neral home. 741 11th st. s.e.. on Friday, March 1ft, at 8:30 am.: thence to Holy Comforter Church. 14th and East Capitol sts.. where mass will be said at 9 a m. for tha repose of her soul Relatives and friends Invited. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 14 .BRYSON, CATHERINE M. On Wed nesday* March 13. 1940. at Georgetown University Hospital. CATHERINE M BRYSON. Remains resting at the Cham bers Georgetown funeral home, 31st and M sts. n w. Mass will be offered at St. Mary's Cath olic Church on Friday, March 1ft. at 9:30 am Relatives and friends invited. In terment St. Mary’s Cemetery. 14 CANNON, LUTHER S. On Thursday. March 14. 1940. at his residence. 125 Chestnut ave.. Takoma Park. Md.. LUTHER 6. CANNON, beloved husband of Minnie Atkinson Cannon and father of Mrs. Susan Harris, Mr* Minna Wilson- Miss Mary Cannon and Mrs. Martha Edwards. Remains resting at his late residence. Services will be held on Saturday. March Id. at 2 nm . at the Emory Meth odist Church. 0100 Georgia ave n.w. Rel atives and friends invited to attend. In terment Rock Creek Cemetery. 15 CASHELL, PAUL C. On Wednesday. March 13, 1940. at his mother's residence, PAUL C. CASHELL. beloved husband of Frances Cashell (nee Caseyi. beloved son of Fannie Lee Cashell and brother of Dallas. Charles and John Cashell. Funeral will be held from his late resi dence. 1272 Morse st. n e . on Friday. March 15. at 8:30 a m High requiem mass at Holy Name Church at 9 a m. Rel atives and friends invited. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery 14 COLLINS, GUY VICTOR. Suddenly on Wednesday. March 13. 1940. at Sibley Hos pital. GUY VICTOR COLLINS cf 1812 Irving st. n.e. beloved husband of Daisy Memler Collms. Funeral services at the Chambers River dale funeral home on Friday. March 15. at 8 pm. Interment, private. Saturday morning. 15 COLLINS. GUY V, Members of the As sociation of Oldest Inhabitants are re ouested to attend the funeral services of our late associate. GUY V COLLINS, at the Chambers’ Riverdale funeral home on Friday. March 15. 1940. at 8 D m. Inter ment (private) on Saturday morning. THEODORE W. NOYES. President. JOHN B. DICKMAN. Sr.. Secretary. COX, GEORGE E. On Wednesday. March 13. 1940. GEORGE E COX of 718 C st n.e.. beloved brother of Mamie C. Howell. Mabel G. Downong and Benjamin R. Cox Services at the S H. Hines Co. funeral home. 2901 14th st n.w . on Saturday. March 18. at 2:30 om Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. Relatives and friends in vited. 15 COX. GEORGE E. Officers and members of Fidelity Council. No 4. Daughters oi America, are requested to assemble at the 6. H. Hines Co funeral home. 2901 14th at, n.w . on Friday evening. March If). 1940. af 8 o'clock, to attend the services of our late brother. GEORGE E. COX. FLORENCE COX Councilor. Attest: J. H HOWELL. Secretary. CULLINANE. MARY A. On Wednesday. March 13. 1940. MARY A CULoINANel, wife of the late Timothy J Cullinane.. Remains resting at her late residence. ftl7 Park road n.w • until Saturday. March 18. at 8:30 a m thence to the Shrine of the Sacred Heart Church. 18th st. and Park road n.w . where mass will be offered at 9 a m. Interment Mount Olivet Cem etery. 15 DAVENPORT. ROBERTA. On Tuesday. March 12. 1940. at EmergencV Hospital. ROBERTA DAVENPORT of the Chastleton APts.. 1701 ltfth st. n.w. Services at the S H. Hines Co. funeral home. 2901 14th st. n w,. on Friday. March 15. at 3:15 p.m. Interment Rock Creek Cemetery. 14 DICKERSON, JAMES L. On Thurs day. March 14. 1940. at his residence. 417 T st. n.w., JAMES L. DICKERSON, beloved husband of Mary A. Dickerson. He also leaves to mourn their loss one daughter. LieafTa L. Beasley: one arandson. Eugene C. Dickerson: one nephew. Ottis Dickerson: one niece. Victina Dickerson: one daughter-in law. Corinthia A. Dickerson. The remains may be viewed at his late residence after 4 p m. Friday. March 15 Funeral service will be held at the Nine teenth Street Baptist Church. 19th and Eye sts. n.w.. on Saturday. March 16. at 1 pm.. Rev. Walter H Brooks officiating. Interment Harmony Cemetery Relatives and friends are invited. Arrangements by the J. L. Lowe funeral home. 15 DIXON. ARTHUR JOHN. On Monday. March 11. 1946. at Georgetown University Hospital. ARTHUR JOHN DIXON, beloved father of Mrs. Muriel Stansbury. Mrs. Ruby Beasley Mrs. Edna Downs. Mrs. Mary Shifflett. Mrs. Audrey Shioman. Harold. Lester. Earl and James Dixon. Services will he held at Urbana Meth odist Church on Thursday. March 14. at 2. p.m Relatives and friends invited. In terment Mount Olivet Cemetery. I rederick Md Services by the Chambers Georgetown funeral home 14 HALEY. MABEL E. On March 12. 1946. MABEL E. beloved wife of the late Tim othy Haley and mother of Roland A. Haley of Mount Ratnier, Md. Funeral from Eastern Funeral Chapel. Inc.. Maryland ave. and 25th st.. Balti more. Md . on Friday. March 15. at 2 p.m. Interment In Lorraine Park Cemetery. Bal timore. Md. HANAGAN. JERRY J. Suddenly on Tuesday. March 12. 1946. JERRY J. HAN AGAN. beloved son of Mary Sheehan Han Bgan and the late John Hanagan. Funeral from his late residence. 9 Grant etrcle n.w., on Saturday. March 16. at 9:60 a m. Reouiem mass will be held at St. Gabriel's Church at 10 a m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Glasgow. Pa. 15 HERL. ANTON E. On Tuesday. March 12. 1940. at his residence 817 21st st. n.w., ANTON E HERL. beloved husband of Evelyn A Herl: father of George. Ed ward. John Antoine. Frank. Clifford, Marie. Margaret and Maxine Herl. Mrs. Xdward Ford. Mrs. George Southall and Mrs. Alice Moore. Services at the above residence on Fri day. March 15. at in a m Interment private. Services by Chambers 14 holmes, makuaket. Departed inis life Tuesday. March 1C. 1940. MARGARET HOLMES, the beloved wife of the late Ben Holmes. She is survived by five nieces, one nephew, other relatives and friends. Remains resting with L. E. Murray & Son, 12th and V sts n.w. Funeral Saturday. March lfi. at 1 pm., from the above-mentioned funeral parlor Interment in Payne's Cemetery. 15* JOHNSTON. FRANCIS B. On Thurs day. March 14. 11*40. FRANCIS B. JOHN STON. son of the late John F. and Su •anna Johnston Notice of funeral later. JONES. SADIE. Departed this life on Wednesday. March 13, 1040. at her resi dence. 1522 S. 11th st. Arlington. Va.. SADIE JONES, loving sister of Mrs Lucy Holmes and Samuel Jefferson. Surviving ■Iso are one brother-in-law. Rev Ammon Holmes, and one sister-in-law. Mrs. Aman da Jefferson: seven nephews, three nieces, other relatives and friends. Remains rest ing at the John T. Rhtnes & Co. funeral home. 3rd and Eye sts. s.w. Notice of funeral later. KEISTER. WILLIAM H. On Tuesday, March 12. 1940. WILLIAM H. KEISTER, beloved father of Mrs. Cathrrme L. Caru ana. Mrs Marie Mangan and Alice Keister; brother of Richard and Harry Keister. He Is also survived by three grandchildren. Funeral from the W W. Deal funeral home. 4812 Georgia ave. n w.. on Friday. March 15. at 10 a m. Funeral and Inter ment private. 14 KEYS. MARGARET MURRAY. Depart ed this life Wednesday. March 13. 1940. at 2:48 p.m.. at Harrisburg. Pa . MARGARET MURRAY KEYS, beloved wife of Charles Keys: daughter of the late Walter and Jane Murray; sister of Mary and James Murray. Luvanna Brown and the late Jo aeph. John and Edna Murray. Interment Harrisburg. Pa. LOOMIS, ANNIE ELISABETH. On Wednesday. March 13. 1940 ANNIE ELIS ABETH LOOMIS, in her 90th year. Funeral Saturday. March 10. at 11 a m . from the John R. Wright funeral home, 1337 loth st. n.w. Interment Glen wood Cemetery. 15 LUVE, FRANK. On March 4. 1940, at his residence. In Los Gatos. Calif., PRANK LUVE. He is survived by his wife, Eleanora Luve. and two daughters. Mrs. George M. Granbery and Mrs. C. LeRoy Mar ton. Funeral (private) FridaV morning, March 15. Friend* please omit flowers. MAGRUDER, LEWIS HERBERT. Sud denly. on Wednesday. March 13. 1940. at his residence. HH8 B st. s.e.. LEWIS HER BERT MAGRUDER. beloved husband of Lillian Madison Magruder and father of Lewis W . C. Donald. Milton E.. R Aus tin and F Elliott Magruder; son of Mar garet duFief Magruder and brother of Charles B. Magruder of Baltimore. Md. Remains resting at the Lee funeral home. 4th st. and Mass. ave. n.e.. where services will be held on Saturday. March lfi. at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. In terment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 15 MARSHALL. CHARLES CLEMENT (CLEM). On Wednesday. March 13. 1940. at 220 H st n.e.. CHARLES CLEMENT (CLEMi MAR8HALL. beloved son of the late John F. and Eliza Marshall and broth er of the late J. Ward. Vincent.. Eugene and Bessie Marshall and Mesdames Clem entina Hamilton. Christiana Greenfield and Harriet Rollins. Also surviving are three nieces, many nephews and other rela tives and friends. Remains resting at the McGuire funeral home after 10 a m. Friday. Requiem mass will be celebrated at St. Sugustine's Catholic Church Saturday. larch 16. at 10 a.m. Interment at Mount Olivet Cemetery 15* FUNERAL DIRECTORS. V. L. SPEARE CO. Neither successor to not connected with the original W R Spear* establj.ament 1009 H St. N.W. Natlenei^gttOT J. William Lee’s Sons Co. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Crematorium tt> and Mass At*. N.E. Uneeln 8700 FUNERAL DESIGNS. GUDE BROS. CO. Florml Pieces _l»l« r at N.W_National «7» GEO. C SHAFFER, Inc ROTMSSIVB FLORAL rRIBDTBS A1 MODERATE PRICES PHONE NAT 010« ‘StAStsr Co. 14th & Eye A iratlfa McDonough, perry f. suddenly, on Mondey. March 11. 1940- at Port Belvoir. Va.. PERRY F. McDONOUOH. private. U S. Army. Mr. McDonouch rests at the Tabler fu neral home. 4217 Hth st.. until Friday. March 15. when mass will be said for the repose of his soul in the chapel at Fort Myer. Va.. at 10 a.m., followed by inter ment in Arlington National Cemetery. * McKINNON. DANIEL O. On Wednesday. March 13. 1940. DANIEL O. McKINNON. belo' ed husband of Hazel L. McKinnon (nee Wilson) and father of A. Dale Mc Kinnon Funeral services at the W. W. Deal fu neral home. 4812 Georgia ave. n.w., on Friday. March 15. at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Chicago. 111. (Chicago papers please copy.) MICKLE. ANNIE A. On Tuesday. March 12. 1940, at Westfield. N. J.. ANNIE A. MICKLE, widow of William H Mickle, mother of Mrs Helen M. Maddox and sister of R. B. and J H. Hayes. Remains resting at the 8. H. Hines Co. funeral home. 2901 14th st. n.w.. after 9 a.m. Thursday. March 14. where funeral services will be held Friday. March 15, at 2 p m Interment Olenwood Cemetery. 14 ROBEY. SUMERSETH S. Entered into eternal rest suddenly, on Tuesday, March 12. 1940. SUMERSETH S ROBEY, beloved husband of Mary E. Robev father of H. Fdgpr and Kermit J. Robey. Bertha R Brady. E. Minerva Hay. Ethel M. Hall and Mary Lois Wilburn. Funeral services at the Chambers fu neral home. 517 11th st. s.e, on Friday. March 15. at 10:30 a m : thence to the Church of the Nativity. 14th st. and Mass, ave. s.e.. where services will be held at 11 a.m Relatives and friends invited. In terment Forestville, Md. 14 RUSSELL, SERGT. CLARENCE. Depart ed this life Sunday. March 10, 1940. at Walter Reed Hospital Sergt. CLARENCE RUSSELL of 131 Heckman st. s.e. He leaves to mourn their loss one brother. Nathan Russell of Detroit. Mich.; one nephew. Dr Warren Russell: one niece. Ethel Brooks: also other relatives and friends. Remains resting at Eugene Ford's fu neral home. 1300 South Capitol st., where funeral services will he held Friday. March 15. at 1 p.m Interment Arlington Na tional Cemetery. Remains may be viewed Thursday. March 14. after 4 p m. 11.14 RUSSELL. CLARENCE. Comrades of Sergeant George Berry Camp. No. 10. U. S. W V.. are re ouested to attend the funeral of our late comrade. CLAR ENCE RUSSELL. Friday. March 15. 1940. at 1 p.m.. from Eu gene Ford’s funeral parlor. 1300 South Capitol st. By order of the camp. ARTHUR G TAYLOR. Commander. L. A. CORNISH. Adjutant. SCHMOYER. HARRY. On Wednesday. March 13. 1040 at Emergency Hospital, HARRY SCHMOYER of Falls Church. Va.. beloved husband of Belle Schmoyer and father of Marv Elizabeth Schmoyer Services at the S. H Hines Co. funeral home. 2001 14th st. n w . on Saturday. March 16 at 10 a m Interment Arling ton National Cemetery. (Harrisburg, Pa., Papers please copy ) 15 SEMNGER. MONROE M. On Wednes day. March 13. 1040. MONROE M. SEL INGER. aged 51 years, beloved husband of Estelle B. Scllinger and devoted father of Eliot R. Selinger Funeral from the Bernard Danzansky A Son funeral home. 3501 14th st. n.w.. on Friday. March 15. at 10 a m. Interment Washington Hebrew Congregation Cem etery. SHEPPERSON. CHARLES M. On Wed nesday. March 13. 1040. at his residence. 007 Prince st.. Alexandria. Va.. CHARLES M SHEPPERSON. beloved husband of Dolly Pevton Shepperson and father of Mrs C. Booker Powell and Miss Imogene B. Shepperson Funeral services Friday March 15. at 2 p.m . at his late residence. Interment Ivy Hill Cemetery. SHORTER, SARAH LIZZIE. Departed (his life on Tuesday. March 12. 19*0. at Freerimen s Hospital Washington. D. C . SARAH LIZZIE SHORTER of Chaoel Hill. Md.. wife of the late Albert O. Shorter She leaves to mourn their loss one devoted daughter Mrs. Marguerite Lancaster; two sisters. Mrs. Julia Roberts and Mrs Leila Thomas: two brothers, Henry Butler and Marion Butler- four grandchildren one son-in-law. Arthur Lancaster: one daugh ter-in-law. Mrs Frances Shorter, and a*host of other relatives and friends. Remains may be viewed a* her late residence. Chapel Hill Md.. after 2 pm Friday. March 15. Funeral from Grace Chanel M F. Church. Chapel Hill, Md . Saturday. March 16. Rev E O Smallwood officiating. Inter ment church cemetery. 15 SMITH. MARY C. On Tuesday. March 12. 1940 at her residence. 4231 Filers!*© avp . Boulevard Heights. Md MARY C SMTTH. beloved wife of William Smith, mother of Mrs Calvin Hartman and Mrs. James Clement and sister of Mrs. A. T. Ferrv She also is survived bv two grand children. Calvin, ir and Dornthv Hartman. Funeral from her late residence on Fri day March 15. at 8:30 am.- ♦hence to St. Francis Xavier’s Church. 28th st and Pa ave. s e. where mass will be offered at 9am for the renose of her soul Rela fives and friends invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery 14 STEWART. HAUGHTY. On Monday. March 11. 1940. DAUGHTY STEWART, aon of John Stewart, father of Robert and Jeremiah 8tewart. H« also leaves four aunts. Mrs Nancy Waters. Marie Williams. Nellie Thomas and Oora Stewart: other relatives and friends Remains resting at Stewart’s funeral home. 30 H st. n ©.. until 5 p.m Thurs day. March 14: thereafter at 1016 7th st. n e . where services will be held Fri day. March 15 at 1 p.m. Interment Ar lington National Cemetery. SUTTON. GLADYS VIOLA. Departed this life on Wednesday. March 13. 1940 at Falls Church Va . GLADYS VIOLA STTT-' TON. loving daughter of Mrs Alberta Sut ton. devoted sister of Audrey. Agenette, Mildred. Margaret. Hubert. Arthur. George. Robert. Irving and Earl Sutton. Remains resting at the John T Rhines A Co. fu neral home. 3rd and Eye sts. s.w. Notice of funeral later. WASHINGTON, ELLA. On Tuesday. March 12. 1940. at 9:40 pm. at Gal lmger Hospital ELLA WASHINGTON. Sur viving are four daughters. Aletha Gough. Clara Smallwood. Rosie Bush and Anna Johnson, and a hast of other relatives and friends. Services at the Johnson A Jenkins fu neral home Friday. March 15. at 2 o'clock. Interment Woodlawn Cemetery. • WELLS, BIRDIE C. On Tuesday. March 12. 1940. BIRDIE C. WELLS, aged 03 years, beloved wife of th» late Charles L. Wells, mother of Mrs Esther Nester of Grafton. W Va ; Charles A Wells. Mrs. Geraldine Rowe. Mrs Isabella Maroues. Miss Dorothy We”s and William F Wells Services at the Huntemann funeral home 5732 Georgia ave n.w. on Friday. March 15. at 2 p m Relatives and friends invited to attend. Interment Ceda- “ill Cemetery. 14 WHITE. MATILDA. Departed this life on Thursday. March 14, 1940, at her resi dence. 1301 Emerson st n.w . after a brief illness. MATILDA WHITE, devoted aunt of Mrs. Lillian Lee. Mrs. Gertrude Freeman and Mrs Marie Layton. She also leaves to mourn their loss two nephews and many devoted friends. Funeral Saturdav. March 10. at 2:30 pm., from Barbour Bros’ funeral home. 45 K st n.e.. Rev. George O Bullock of ficiating Interment Harmony Cemetery. 15 WHINNEY. GEORGE. On Tuesday. March 12. 1940. GEORGE WHINNEY Funeral will be held from Timothy Han lon's funeral chapel 641 H st. n.e.. on Friday. March 15. at 1 p.m. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. WINTER. HENRY W. On Wednesday. March 13. 1940. HENRY W. WINTER, be loved husband of the late Julia B Winter (nee Lynch), father of Sister Marv St. Perretua of the Good Shepherd Convent. Paul. Raymond. Ralph J. Winter and the late Charles Winter. Funeral from his late residence. 2312 North Capitol st.. on Friday. March 15 at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 14 WINTER, HENRY. A special communi cation of Lebanon Lodge. No 7. F. A. A. M.. is hereby called for Friday. March 15. 1940. at 1:15 p.m.. at the Masonic Temple to conduct Masonic services for our late brother. HENRY WINTER EDWARD L. PAYNE. Master 14 Guy V. Collins Funeral Services Tomorrow Night 0 Veteran Chief Clerk Had Been With Star For 5T Years Funeral services for Guy Victor Collins, veteran chief cleric of The Star business office, who died yes terday, will be held tomorrow at 8 pm. at the Chambers funeral home, 918 Cleveland avenue, River dale, Md. The Rev. R. Cotter Fitz gerald of St. Francis De Sales Church will officiate. Burial will be private. Mr. Collins, who was 68, was one of The Star’s oldest employes in point of service, having begun his career on the newspaper 51 years ago last July 18. His home was at 1812 Irving street N.E. A son of the late William R. Collins, first city editor of The Star. Mr. Collins became chief clerk in 1905 after several years service on the clerical staff and in the book keeping department. Except for service for a time as classified ad vertising manager, he had continued as chief clerk for nearly 30 years. Highly regarded by his colleagues, he was honored by them on his completion of 50 years of service in 1938. Mr. Collins had a wide friend ship among the District's older resi dents and had been identified with many activities. Formerly a mem ber of the old Columbia Athletic Club, Mr. Collins also was well known many years ago for dra matic readings. In Georgetown, where he was born, and where his family has lived for several genera tions, he was a member of the Lin thicum Institute Dramatic Club, also appeared frequently before the Carroll Institute Dramatic Club. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Daisy Memler Collins; a brother, Ralph H. Collins of the Washington Bureau of the New York Sun and two sisters. Mrs. Ada Gaskins of Washington, widow of Samuel Gas kins. and Mrs Edna M. Dickinson of New York, widow of William Dickinson. itt iHrmurtam DEITZ. ELIZABETH E. A tribute of love to the memory of our dear mother, grandmother and area t-grandmother. ELIZABETH E DEITZ. who passed away three years ago today. March 14. 1037. Though suffering she breathed not a mur mur. For the Comforter stood by her side And whispered. ‘Fear not. I am with thee. With Me shalt thou abide." On the river a pale boatman hastened. She heard the soft dip of his oar: Then from earth and sorrow he bore her Across to that beautiful shore HER LOVING CHILDREN. GRANDCHIL DREN AND GREAT-GRANDCHILDREN.* DEITZ. ELIZABETH E. Sacred lo the memory of our beloved mother, grand mother and great-crandmother. ELIZA BETH E. DETTZ. who departed this life three years ago today. March 14. 1037. Somewhere back of the sunset. Where loveliness never dies. She lives In a land of glory. With the blue and gold of the skies. And we who have known and loved her. Whose passing has brought sad tears. Will cherish her memory always To brighten the drifting years. Grieve not. lest our grieving should sadden her there And shadow her kingdom that must be so fair: Still mav we serve her If bravely we send Smiles in return for her love 'round the HER LOSING CHILDREN GRANDCHIL DREN AND GREAT-GRANDCHILDREN.* JACKSON. SARAH M. Sacred to the memory of my dear wife and our mother. I SARAH M JACKSON, who left this life one year aso today. March 14. 10.39. Her tenderness, love and devotion were never-failine and can never die in the memory of her husband and children. • PERRV. THELMA MA& In sacred and loving memory of our beloved daughter and sister. THELMA MAE PERRY, who de parted this life one vear ago today, Tues day. March 14. 193A. And from the sunlight view we get A glimpse of thee. Mount Olivet. Carried by the angels to the lind of rest. Music sweetly sounding through the skies: Welcomed by the 8avior to the heavenly feast. Gathered with the loved in Paradise. THE FAMILY. • THOMPSON, ALBERT C. In lOVint memory of our dear father. ALBERT C THOMPSON who passed away one year ago today. March 14. 1930. Some think we are not lonely When at times they see us smile: Little do they know the heartaches That we suffer all the while LOVING CHILDREN. • THOMPSON. ALBERT C. In sad but lovin« remembrance of my devoted father. ALBERT C THOMPSON who departed this life one year aao today. March 14. 1939. I loved my precious father. I miss him more each day: God knew how he was suffering. So He took Dad away. What would I give to clasp his hand. His happy face to see. To hear his voice and see his smile That meant so much to me? HIS LOVING SON. ELMER, AND FAMILY • THOMPSON. ALBERT C. In loving memory of my dear husband. ALBERT C. THOMPSON, who passed away one year ago today. March 14, 1939. It is so lonely here without you And so sad along life's way: Life does not seem the same to me Since you were called away. But then I knew how you suffered. My loss was your eternal gain: Oh. how I tried to keep you here. My efforts and tears were in vain. Forgotten to the world by some you may be. But dear to my memory you will always be LOVING WIFE, LILLIAN THOMPSON. • VAN RESWICK. REBECCA A. In loving memory of my dear mother. REBECCA A. VAN RESWICK. who departed this life eleven years ago today. March 14. 1929. Ood saw the road was getting rough, The hills hard to climb: He gently closed his loving eyes And whispered. "Peace be thine." YOUR LONELY DAUGHTER. ELLA M FRENCH.• J4ere is an architectural masterpiece, built like the Pyramids to survive the passing of Time. It affords single crypts, lounge crypts, family sections, a non sectarian chapel, modem Crema torium and Columbarium. Cedar Hill is truly Washington's most beau tiful cemetery where permanence and perpetual care are far more than a promise. Drive out Pennsylvania Avenue, S E., to Cemetery Gates, open until 7:00 P. M. (jsd&r Hill WJailtinylon. 4 *Wlost $eauli^ut Cemetery Claude W. McSwain, Textile Expert, Dies Claude M. McSwain, 58, textile ex pert for the Agriculture Department and brother of the late John J. Mc Swain, former Representative from South Carolina, died yesterday at Casualty Hospital of a heart attack. A native of South Carolina, Mr. McSwain had been assigned in re cent years to Raleigh, N. C., for re search in new uses for cotton. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Lucille Rhyne McSwain; a daughter, Mrs. William Farmer, Honolulu, T. H., and two sons, John W. of Waynesboro, N. C„ and Alex, who has been connected with the Santee Cboper power development in South Carolina. Miss Annie Loomis, Retired Teacher, Dies Mfts Annie Elisabeth Loomis, 89, retired school teacher and long a resident of Washington, died yes terday at her home, the Davis San itarium, 2332 Wisconsin avenue N.W. Miss Loomis was born in North Bridgewater, now Brockton, Mass. She was educated at the Wilbra ham Academy in Massachusetts and taught in Bernardston, Mass.; Hagerstown, Md.; Meriden, N. H. and Yonkers, N. Y., before coming to Washington in 1881. Here she taught in several public schools, and at one time was prin cipal of the Cranch School. She retired from teaching about 20 years ago. Miss Loomis was the author of several children’s books. She leaves no immediate rela tives. Funeral services will be held at the Wright funeral home, 1337 Tenth street N.W., Saturday. Bur ial will be in Glenwood Cemetery. K. of C. fo Place Plaque In Amphitheater A Knights of Columbus plaque, dedicated “To the Undying Memory of All Who Served God and Country in the World War,” was to be in stalled today in the trophy room of the Amphitheater at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. At ceremonies at 3 p.m., the plaque was to be presented by Supreme Knight Francis P. Matthews of Omaha, Nebr.. and received by Lamont A. Williams, in charge of functions at the amphitheater. Scheduled to accompany Mr. Mat thews were Supreme Treasurer Daniel J. Callahan, Supreme Advo cate Luke E. Hart of St. Louis, the State deputy of Maryland, John A. Flanigan of Baltimore; the State deputy of Virginia, Lawrence W. Corbett of Alexandria; the State deputy of the District of Columbia, Col. Thomas F. Carlin; the master of the Maryland-District province of the fourth degree, Knights qf Co lumbus, Dr. W. Victor Maconachy of Baltimore, and a large delegation of local members of the order. Requiem Mess Saturday For Jerry J. Hanagan Requiem mass for Jerry J. Han agan, 37, who was fatally injured in a traffic accident Tuesday, will be held at 10 am. Saturday at St. Gabriel’s Church, Grant Circle, with the Rev. William J. Sweeney offi ciating. Father Sweeney is to conduct a private service at the home, 9 Grant Circle N.W., at 9:30 am. Burial is to be at Glasgow, Pa. Mr. Hanagan was born in Bland burg, Pa., and had lived in Washing ton eight years. He had been em ployed by The Star as a watchman for about five years. He is survived by his mother, Mrs. Mary Sheehan Hanagan of Wash ington; four sisters, Mrs. Catherine O'Neill and the Misses Sarah, Mary and Marguerite Hanagan, all of Washington, and five brothers, Wil liam, Francis, James and Lawrence, all of Washington, and Patrick Hanagan of Blandburg. Lack of steel is delaying thi launching of many new ships in Denmark. ANY WATCH Omb*« Ail Wort OrarhasM Gaarmatm* Watch Crystals. 38a WADE'S cn.R JEWELERS eta lata at. w.w FORDS ENGINE HEADS WELDED I WELDIT, INC. 516 1st St. N.W. ML 7944 Comprehensive Ryan has a very comprehensive array of funeral merchandise, so that it is not at all difficult for one to find exactly what is desired, and within their price range. Our modern funeral home is a model of comfort and conven ience. De Luxe ambulance serv ice. with courteous attendants, always available. James T. Ryan Funeral Director 317 Pa. Are. S.E. Atlantic 1700, 1701 CAPITAL CAMERA EXCHANGE ssszstst MAtitRil HU HltnpililM MM Presents t ...ON YOUR OWN NOME MOVIE SCREEN IT’S A CASTLE MOVIE SCOOP! 16 MM • 8 MM Cameramen faced the same dangers as the Finns them* selves in order to record this startling motion picture -* filmed in biting 40below zero weotherl You'll tee Red f hordes spilling over the icy borders of Finland...The first mission airraids over Helsinki... Civilians fleeing the Finnish Capital. Amazing shots of actual fighting on the Mannerheim Line.-..The famous Finnish Ski Troops in scenes of grim, breathless action...Finns capturing vast stores of supplies...Taking huge numbers of prisoners I You'll see right on your own home Screen a tremendously important historical document and a vital contribution to. newsdllm achievement! Get your eopy of this Castle fllmj today. Come in—telephone or fill-in the order blank below] Also a complete line of other Castle Films. ■■ ■» ■■ • ■■ ■■ M ■■ ■■■ ■■■ mmm mb mmm mb mmm mb mmm tmm tmm mmm Capital Camera Exchange 1003 Penn. Ave. N.W. Pleose send me FINLAND FIGHTS m the following sizes; of the prices listed. , QuantifySizesPrices * lift!* * « arm » * « B'av i <un« * v r V » • 50 ft. 8 mm. tiknt edition ..... - ISO. ft. 8 mm. tiknt edition* llllt IOO ft. 16 mm. tilent edition* m mi m , 360 ft. 16 mm. tilent edition Wm ■ « 350 ft. 16 mm. tound edition s « * 4 . . $ 175 5.50 3.50 8.75 17.50 IPrintI NAME_ IPrintI ADDRESS_ Cty._*»"«« Only Mail for Germany Removed From Clipper By the Auodtted Fnu. HAMILTON, Bermuda, March 14. —Only mail addressed to Germany was removed for censoring from the Yankee Clipper yesterday on ar rival of the last e&stbound Pen American plane to stop In Bermuda. The chief censor explained that mall addressed to neutrals was not removed, as heretofore, because of lack of time. The German mall amounted to six bags, containing 300 pounds. I **47 WILSON BLVD. OX. 2062 | ARLINGTON, VA. § A Cpmplttt Pune- at Strvte'j I Within Your Budget . | COLLINS FlfflQUL HUE Francis J. Collins 3821 14th St. N.W. T.l.phow. Randolph 7117 Fl^TIUHS Colonial Reproductions Fashioned from Cherry Are Favorites Now ft Colonial Furniture Reproductions fashioned from sturdy, beautiful cherry wood are favorites now. And it's no wonder! For when you see the Stick ley Colonial copies in our Cherry Volley House, you will agree that this lovely furniture possesses enduring charm. See this house. Get ideas for furnishing any or every room in your home. Do it today. It will be a pleasure to show you through. Visit Our Cherry Valley House Of Stickley’s Cherry Furniture « MAYER & CO. Seventh Street Between D and E SAVE with CHAMBERS When selection is made at Chambers’, remember that the price of each complete f nnerai is plainly marked on each casket displayed—and that price includes casket and all with over 6b services. Funerals in large volume enable Chambers to purchase equipment by the car load and pass on the savings to an appreciative clientele, which Is the largest in Washington. Modern Half •Couch Casket This handsome half-coach casket is beautifully lined and fitted. Finished in silver or plain doeskin. Included In a complete funeral with M services. Complete Funeral *165 Enduring Solid Metal Casket Itb beantifal all-metal racket la silk lined with ptDew and everdrape te match. A worthy tribute. Included In • complete faneral with N aerrlcea. Complete .Funeral *265 /60 ^ SERVICES OR MORE are available With Each Funeral 4 BIG MODERN FUNERAL S. HOMES REMEMBER: 9m Ftemm, Fmmm* : *r AmbttUmc* S**km, CM Cham imk **r* , [ . -- ~ 7