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Scandinavian Bonds Turn Downward in Profit Taking Losses Range to 2 Points; Corporate Groups Uneven Bond Averages 30 10 10 10 Rails. Indust. Util. F’gn. Net change unc. unc. unc. unc. Today, noon 57.4 102.2 96.7 53.0 Prev. day.. 57.4102.2 96.7 53.0 Month ago. 57.9 102.3 96.4 51.4 Year ago... 63.5 100.7 95.1 63.7 1940 high.. 59.9102.6 96.8 53.0 1940 low... 56.7 101.9 96.1 49.9 1939 high.. 64.9 102.0 97.5 64.0 1939 low... 53.4 95.8 90.4 41.7 U) Low-Yield Bondi. Noon_112.2 Prev. day 112.1 M'nth ago 112.6 Year ago. 111.2 1940 high 112.6 1940 low. 111.5 1939 high 112.6 1939 low. 103.6 (Compiled by the Associated Press.) Bs the Associated Press. NEW YORK, March 14.—Profit selling dropped quotations on Scan dinavian governments’ dollar loans today, following the initial upswing caused by the Russo-Finnish truce. Declines in these categories ran to as much as two points toward the close, with some of the Latin Amer icans, notably bonds of Buenos Aires and Panama, achieving sub stantial rises. The corporate division of domestic loans was narrow with a preponder ance of small gains. United States Governments in most cases had not been traded in the forenoon but the 2^s of ’48 added more than a point, an unusually wide move for the Federal group, on a single trans action. Losers in the foreign sector in cluded Copenhagen 5s, Denmark 6s, 5Hs and 4Hs, Norway 4s and 4!?s, German 5Hs and Uruguary adjust ments. Ahead were such corporates as Al leghany 5s, Anaconda 4V£s, Com monwealth Edison convertibles, Goodrich 4 Vis, Montana Power 33is and Manhattan Railway 4s. Down a bit were Southern Railway 4s, Rock Island general 4s of ’88 and •Great Northern 4s of ’46. Exchange Moves to Permit Member Corporations By the Associated Press. NEW YORK. March 14.—A New York Stock Exchange committee recommended yesterday member firms be allowed to organize and op erate affiliated corporations to un derwrite security issues. The governing board scheduled the proposal for consideration March 27. The committee emphasized any moves to permit stock exchange firms to incorporate, either in the handling of brokerage business or in the underwriting end, should be wholly on a voluntary basis and ex perimental. Member flxms now are organised as private 'partnerships, making partners individually Uable to meet the firm obligations. The incorporation trend in the financial field recently was marked by the decision of J. P. Morgan & Co., long the outstanding private banking house m Wall Street, to shift from a private partnership to a State-chartered corporation. The exchange report cited figures published by the Securities and Ex change Commission showing stock exchange firms in the fiscal year ended June 30, 1939, underwrote at least 46 per cent of the registered securities offered for sale that year. The committee also suggested a breathing spell On stock exchange reforms after various studies now in the mill are completed and recom mendations have been acted upon. Baltimore Tobacco Ahead of Year Ago Special Dlipateh to The Star. BALTIMORE, March 14.—Forty hogsheads of Southern Maryland leaf tobacco, totaling 24,275 pounds, were sold on or through the Balti more market during January, ac cording to a summary of returns made by selling agents. Although the average price received for the product was below the average for December, it was substantially high er than during January of last year. The average price received this January was 0.1402 per pound as compared with 0.1692 in December, when 897 hogsheads, totaling 513, 655 pounds, were sold. In January of last year 29 hogsheads, or 16,370 pounds, were sold, and the average price received was only 0.0851 per pound. Chemical Consumption Far Above Year Ago By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, March 14.—Con sumption of chemicals in the first two months of 1940 was 23 per cent greater than a year ago, Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering, trade publication, reported today. In view of increased exports of chemical products, production was estimated to have run ahead of last year by an even wider margin. Although some large consuming Industries, such as steel, glass and textiles, reduced operating rates in February, many branches of chem ical trade continued at capacity lev els with shipments running on a par with production. Building Permits Rise, 215 Cities Report By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, March 14.—Build ing permits issued in February for the 215 regularly reporting citiea had an estimated total of $90,508, 453, Dun & Bradstreet reported today. This was a rise of 6.9 per cent over January’s total of $84,632,147 and 115 per cent above the $81, 383,080 recorded In February last year. Check Volume Declines The Federal’Reserve Board reports that banks in 141 leading cities cashed $29,482,006,000 worth of checks during February, compared .„ with $34,717513,000 In January, and $27581,049,000 In February, 1939. i BONDS ON N. Y. STOCK EXCHANGE By print* wire direct te Th* Star. TREASURY. Slab. Low 8:56. 2**1951-51_ 104.4 104.4 104.4 2 *a 1948 _ 108.21 108.21 108.21 8*a 1949-68_ 106.14 106.14 106.14 2** 1960-62_ 106.15 106.16 106.15 2*s 1945-47_ 109.13 109.13 109.13 t>4* 1960-65_ 107.9 107.7 107.7 I*» 1966-40_ 108.24 108.22 108.24 8* 1946-48_111.4 111.4 111.4 8* 1961-66 _111.8 111.8 111.8 **■ 1946-48_ 111.26 111.24 111.26 3*s 1949-52_ 112.28 112.28 112.28 2**1944-46 110.13 110.18 110.13 8** 1941-43 Mar 103.24 103.24 103.24 4*a 1947-62 120.20 120.20 120.20 HOME OWNERS' LOAN. 2*81942-44 104.25 104.25 104.25 la 1944-62 107.29 107.29 107.29 FOREIGN BONDS. Bl*b Low 8:66 Antloquta 7a 45 D 13% 13% 13% Argentina 4a 72 Feb, 86% 86% 86% Argentina 4a 72 Apr. 86 85% 85% Argentina 4*s 48... 96% 95% 95% Argentine 4*a 71_ 94% 94 94 Auetralle 5e 55_ 80% 80% 80% Austrella 5s 87 _____ 79% 79% 79% Belgium 6** 49_ 100 99% 100 Belgium 7s 55 _ 105 104% 104% Berlin Cltv 6* 58_ 12% 12% 12% Berlin C El 8* 55_ 15% 15% 15% Brasil #%• 1926-57.. 17% 17 17% Brasil *%« 1927-57 . 17% 17% 17% Brasil C By 751 7a 58 17% 17 17 Brasil 8* 41 22 ?1% 22 Breda Ernesto 7a 64 97% 97% 97% Buenos Aire* 4** 77 63% 68% 63% Buen Air 4%s Aug 76 63% 63% 63% Buen Air 4*4* Anr 76 66 66 66 Bueno* Aires 4%a 75 67% 67 67% Bulgaria 7*s 58_ 14 14 14 Cansd* 2*s 44_ 9314 93% 93% Canada 2%s 45.__93% 93% 93% Canada Ss 57 _ 80% 80% 80% Canada S*s Sl____ 84% 84% 84% Canada 4s 60 _ 95% 95% 95% Canada tis 62 _101% 101 101% Chile 6s 60 assd _ 14 13% 14 Chile 6s 61 .Tan sssd 14 14 14 i mi* mm ren 14 14 14 Chile 6s 61 Rent assd 14 13% 14 Chile** 62 assd ... 14 13% 14 Chile 7s 42 15 15 15 Phils 7s 42 assd ... 14 14 14 Colombia 6* 61 Jan . 33% 32% 33% Colombia 6a 61 Oct . 34% 33% 34% Copenhagen 4%* 5*.. 44% 43% 44% Copenhagen 5s 62 ... 49 48% 49 Cuba 4%8 77 _ 61 61 61 Denmark 4%s 62_ 52% 51% 52% Denmark 5%s 65_ 601% 59% 60'i Denmark 6s 42 _ 69% 69 69% E1 Salvador 8s 48 et_. 15% 15% 15% Oer Oovt 5%s 65 . 13% 19% 12% German Oovt 7s 49 .. 16% 16% 16% Oer Gov 7s 49 un st . 10% 9% 9% Ort C El Jap 6%s 50 86 86 8K Hungary 4%s 79 ext. 29% 29% 29% Italv 7s 51 _ 68% 68% 68% ftal P O Crd 7s 52_ 51 51 51 Japan 5%s 65 _ 63% 63% 63% Japan 6%s 64 ... 87% 86% 87 Kreux & Toll 5s 59 ct 4 4 4 Lelnzls 7s 47 _ 12% 12% 1214 Lombard El 7s 52_ 70 70 70 Mendoza 4s 54 _ 80% 80% 80% Mexico 4s 54 assd_ 1% 1W 1% Mexico 5s 45 asst_ 1% 1% 1% Milan 8%s 62 _ 50% 50% 50% Norway 4s 62 _ 75% 74"; 75% Norway 4 Its 65__ 77 76% 77 Norway 4 %s 6* __ 85% 85 85 Norway 6a 42 _ 94% 93u 94 Norway 6s 44 _ 94% 93», 94% Oriental Dev 6s 51_ 61% 61 61% Queensland 7s 41 .. 100 10(1 100 Panama 5s 63 ... 76% 75 76% Panama 5s 63 st aad 71% 70 71 Peru 1st 6s 60 _ 10% 10% 10% Peru.2d 6s 61 _ 10% 10% 10% Queensland 6s 47_ 91 91 91 Rhine Ruhr 6s 53_ 16% 16% 16% Rio de Jan Ss 46 _ 10’ 10% 10% Rio Gr do Sul 6s 62... 11 10% 11 Rome*Hs52 _ 60% 60 60 Sao Paul© fit 7s 40 . 35% 35 36% Sao Paulo St 7» 66'.. 10% 10T* 10% Sao Paulo St 8s 36... 23 23 23 Serbs7s62 _ 14 13% 13% Serbs Is *2 _14% 14% 14% Tokyo Cfty 6a 59_ 39%« 89% 39% Tokvo Kl Lt.Ss 61 63 62% 63 tTru 1 It-4-4 Ha add T9 53% 53 63% Urufruay cv 814 s 79 . 52% 52% 52% Uru 4-4V.-4H 73 Feb 54% 64% 64% Ururuay Site 78 Dec 50% 50% 50% DOMESTIC BONDS. Adams Exp 4s 47 102 102 102 Allen Corp 6s 44 ... 79*4 791* 7914 Allen Corp 6s 49 70'/. 7014 7014 Allan Corp 6a SO std 4714 45*4 4514 Allen Valley 4s 42 lOfi 10.6*4 105*4 Allen A Westn 4a 9* 63 63 63 Allls-Chalmera 4s 62 11014 110'4 110'4 Allied Stores 414* 61 97*4 9714 97'4 Am A For Pw 6s 2030 S2'4 62 62V, Am 1 G Ch 614s 49 . 104 104 [04 Am Lntl 514s 49 _ 104V4 104*4 104'/, Am T ATS14sfil_ 109 108*. 108^4 Am T A T 3 <4 s 66 108*4 108*4 108*4 Am TAT5!4s43 108*108*108* Anaconda db 414s 50 107v, I07v, 107'i Armour! Pel Ileus 65 102'/, 102 102V, ArmourinelMs 67 102 101*4 102 ATASFe 4a J905-55 94 94 94 A TAS Fe nen 4s 95 105 104*4 104*4 A TAS Fe ad.1 4s 95 at 87'4 87*4 87',4 A TAS Fe 414a 48 103'* 103'4 103*4 A TAS F»04 414a 62 106V, 106'/, 106*4 A TASF TC StL 4s 68 110 110 110 Atl A Ch A L 6s 44 ... 94*4 94*4 94v, Atl Coast L 6a 46 . 70 6914 69*» Atlantic) Refln 8s 63 . 105'/, 105 105V, Aust A Northn 5s 41. 87 87 87 Baldwin Loco 5s 40.. 10014 100*4 100*4 660 1st 4a 48 __ 67*. 67*4 67'4 B A O conv 414a 60_ 14V, 1414 141/, B A O 414 a 60 ct _ 1414 141/, 1414 B AO 1st 48s std .. 69 6814 68*4 B A O 95 A stamped.. 27 26*4 26!j B A O 95 C stamped.. 30 29*, 29*4 BAO 2000 D stpd _ 26*, 26*4 26*4 RAOPLKAW V4s41ct 66 56 56 B A O S W 50s std ... 4814 48*4 4814 Bann A Ar cv 4s 61 at 59»» 59*4 59*4 Bann A Aroos 6s 43 964, 964, 964, Bell T of Pa 6s 48 B . 116 116 116 Bell TelfPa)6s 60 C 133'/, 133V, 133V, Beth Steel 814a 69 F 102*4 102 10214 Bath Steal 814 a 63 .. 108*4 108 108 Beth Steal S\a 66 .. 105* 105* 106* Beth Steel 414 s 60 . 106* 106* 106* Boe A Me 414 s «1 JJ. 46 46 46 Bos A Me 6s 65 - 4614 46*4 46*4 Bos A Me 6a 67 46H 46*4 46*4 Bklyn C RR 5a 41 cfa 7714 77'4 7714 Bklyn Man T 414s 66 101*4 101*4 101*, Bklvn Man 414 s 66 ct 89 88*4 89 Buff RAP cn 4Ha 67 37*4 37*4 37*4 B R A Pen 414a 57 ct 37*4 3714 3714 B C R A N 6s 34 ct .. 6*» 5*4 6*4 Bush Term cn 6s 55 .. 43 4.3 43 Bush Ter Bldg 6s 60 . 57 67 67 Calif Or«K Pwr «a «« 104 103% 103% Canadian NK 4 %a 61 96% 96 96% Can NR 4 Ha 66_ 96% 96% 96% Can NR 4Ha 67- 96% 96% 96% Can NR 4%a 66 _ 98% 98% 98% Can NR 6s 69 Oet_100% 100% 100% Can Nor 6%s 46 _110% no% no% Can Pao db 4a carp— 66% 66 66% Can Pac 4Ha 46 - 87% 86% 87% Can Pao 6s 64 _ 82Vt 82 82% Cent Foundry 6s 41.. 95 95 95 Centot oa 6s69C.__ 2% 2% 2% Cent of Ga 6 Ha 69__ 2% 2% 2% Cant N Eng 4a 61_ 46% 46% 46% Cent of NJ 4a 87 ... .15% 15% 15% Cant ot NJ gen 6s 87. 16% 16% 16% Cant Pao lat rf 4a 49. 67% 67% 67% Cent Pacific 6a 80_ 48% 48% 48% Cent Steel 8a 41 -110H 110H 110*J Cart'd deb 6 Ha 48 79 79 79 Champ Pa 4%a 88-60 104% 104% 104% Ches & Ohio I Ha 63 F 105 105 105 Ches A O 2 %a 96 D 98% 98% 98% Cbea AOS Ha 96 B . 99 98% 98% C A O R&A lat 4a 89.. 116% 116% 116% Chi BAU gan 4a 68... 89% 89% 89% Chi Burl A Q 6s 11... 86% 86% 86% C BAU 111 diet He 49 95 96 95 C BAU U1 die 4a 49... 99% 99% 99% Chi A B 111 6s 61 _ 16% 16% 16% Chi A E 111 6s 61 ct— 16 16 16 Chi Ort Weat 4s 69 .. 27% 27% 27% Chi Ihd A Lou 6a 47.. 18% 18% 18% Chi Ind A Lou 6s (6.. 10% 10 10% Chi Ind A L rf 6s 47 . 19 19 19 Chi ind A L gan 6a 66 10% 10% 10% Chi Mil A St P 4a 89 26% 26% 26% CMAStP 4H« *9 C... 27% 27% 27% CMAStP 4H* 89 E... 27% 27% 27% Chi Mil A St P 6s 76. 7% 7 7 CMAStP adj 6a tone 1% 1% 1% ChlAN W 4 H* 2087 C. 9% 9% 9% Chi A NW ce 4%a4V_ 2% 2% 2% ChlANW rf 6s 2081.. 10% 10% 10% Chi Rwy 6a 27 _ 46% 46% 46% Chi KlAPrf 4184 ... 6% 6% 6% Chi R1AP rf 4a 84 ct. 6% 6% 6% Chi R1AP gan 4* 81 . 17% 17% 17% Chi RIAF gn 4s II Ot. 17 17 17 Rich. Low S:6ft. Chi RIAP 414s S! A.. 7* 7* 7* ChlRlAP ct 414* 60.. 1* 1* 1* Chi Unfits 164 a 63_ 100 100 100 Chi Un Sta 4a 61 D... 106* 165* 106* Chi A W lnd or 4s SI. S3* 03* 93* Chi A W tnd 414*62. 04* 04* 04* Cln GAB 114s 66 .. 109* 100 109* Cln Un Tarm 364s 69. 110* 110* 110* CCCAStLrf 414s 77 6014 50* 60* CCCAStLStL dv 4s90 64 61 642 Clair El 111 I*a 66 .. 108* 108* 108* Clee Un Tar 414a 77.. 70* 70* 70* Claa Un Terra 6a 71.. 76* 76 76 Cla* Un Ter 614a 73.. 87* 87* 87* ColoF Air 5a 41_ 105 105 105 Color Air 6s 70_ 72* 72* 72* Colo A So 414a 60_ 29* 29* 29* Col GAB 6s 52 Aor_ 104* 104* 104* Col G A B 6a 62 Mar. 104 104 104 Col G A B 6s 61 .. 104* 104* 104* Colum RPAL 4a 65... 108* 108* 108* Comw Ed t *s 68 ... 127* 127 127 Corow Ed t*s6l . 110* 110* 110* Cons Ed N T 614a 46 106*. 106* 106* Cona E NY dbl*s4l 107* 107* 107* Cons Ed N Y l*a 66 106* 106* 106* Cona Ed N Y 114s 61 108* 108* 108* Consol 011 114a 61 104* 104* 104* Conaum Pwr I14a66 107* 107 107* Conaum Pwr 314 a 66 108 108 108 Conaum Pwr l*a 70. 109* 109* 109* Container deb 6a 43.. 101* 101* 101* Container 6s 46 _ 103 103 103 Conti 0112*8 41_ 107* 107* 107* Crane Co 314 a 51_ 105 105 105 Crown CAS 4a 60 .. 107 107 107 Crown C A S 4*s 46 103* 103* 103* Crucible Steel 4*a 41 104* 104* 104* Cuba Northn 6*s 42 29* 29* 29* Cuba R 1st 6a 62 .... 39* 39* 39* Del A Hud ref 4a 43.. 58* 68* 58* Del PAL 4*a 69 .. 107* 107* 107* Den A R G con 4B 36. 9* 9* 9* DARQW6s66aat 2* 2* 2* Den A R Q W rf 6s 71 6* 6* 6* Det Edison 4*e 61 108* 108* 108* Duquesne Lt »*a 65. 108 107* 107* E T V A Gacn 5a 66.. 90* 90* 90* Erie cv 4s 63 A- 20* 19* 19* Erie let 4a 96_ 68 58 58 Erie ten 4a 96- 23H 23* 23* Erie ref 6s 87- 14* 14* 14* Erie ref 6a 75 - 14* 14* 14* Erie Gen Riv 6s 67... 67 57 57 r eu LIA1T bs 42 ... H>4 104 104 Firestone T 3%s 46.. 106% 106 106% FIs E C Rv 6e 74 .. 6% 6% 6% Fonda JAG 4s 82 ct . 2% 2% 2% Francisco Bug 6s 66.. 63 63 S3 Gen Cable 6 %s 47 ... 102% 102% 102% Gen Stl Cast 6 %s 49. 68% 68% 68% Goodrich 4%s 66 _ 105 105 105 Grt Nor Ry 4s 46 G.. 100% 100% 100% Grt Nor Ry 4s 46 H.. 90 90 90 Grt NR 4 %a 76 D 82% 82% 82% Grt N R gn 4%s 77 E 82% 82 82 Grt Nor Rv &a 76 90% 90% 90% Gulf A Ship I 5s 52 st 90% 90% 90% Gulf Sta Stl 4%s 81.. 98% 98% 98% Gulf St Util 3%s 69 . 109 109 109 Housatonlc cn 6s ST.. 60% 60 60 Houston 011 4 %s 64 .. 98% 98% 98% Hudson Coal 6s 62 A 33% 33% 33% Hud A Man tnc 6s 67. 15% 15% 15% Hud A Man ref 6a 67. 47% 47% 47% 111 Cent 4a 52_ 47% 47% 47% 111 Cent 4a 63 -45% 45% 45% 111 Cant ref «a 65_ 49 48% 48% 111 Cent 4%s 66 .. 43% 43% 43% ICCAStL NO 6a 63 A. 48% 48% 48% Inland Steel 3%s 61 . 106% 106% 106% Ind A Louisv 4a 56 _. 16% 16% 16% Int H T lat rf 6a 66 77 77 77 Int R T lat rf 6a 68 ct 77 76% 77 Int R T 6a 32 . 35% 34% 35% Int R T 7a 32 ct .. 73% 73% 73% Interlake Iron 4a 47.. 86 85% 86 Int Grt Nor 5a 66 C 11 11 11 Int Grt Nor lat 6s 62 13% 12% 13 Int Grt Nor adj 6s 62 1% 1% 1% Int Hydro El 6s 44 . 70% 70% 70% Int Mer Mar 6s 41 .. 67% 67% 67% Int Paper 1st 6s 47... 102% 102% 102% Int Paper ref 6s 65 ... 98% 97% 97% Int Ry C A 6%s 47_ 87% 97% 97% Int TAT 4 %s 52 ... 44% 43% 43% Int TAT 6s 65 47% 46% 46% Iowa C 1st A ref 4s 51 1% 1% 1% Kane C Ft SAM 4s 36 37 36% 36% K C FSAM rf 4s 36 et 36% 35% 36% KanaCity So 3a 60 65% 65 65% Kana City 8o rf 6a 60 67% 67 67 •Kan City Term 4s 60 108% 108% 108% ky Ind «%s«l un gtd 83 83 83 Koppers Co 48 61 105 105 105 Kresge Found 3 %s 47 104% 104% 104% Kresga Found 4s 45.. 104% 104 , 104% Laclede Gas 6s 42 .. 84% 84% 84% Laclede Gas 5%k 63 48% 48 «8 Laclede Gas 6s 42 B 40%- 40% 40% Lake S A M S 3%s 97 82 82 82 Lautaro Nitrate 76 . 35% 35% 35% Leh CAN 4%s 54 A.. 55 54 54 Leh CAN 4 %e 54 C._. 54% 54% 54% Leh New Eng 4s 65... 90 90 90 Leh Val C 6s 74 std._ 24 24 24 Leh Val Har 5s 64 43 43 43 Leh Val N Y 4%s 40 44% 44% 44% Lex A East 5s 65 ... 116 116 116 Llgg A Myers 6s 61.. 129% 129% 129% Llgg A Myers 7s 44.. 125% 125% 125% Loew s 3 %e 46 .. 104% 104% 104% Long laid ref 4s 49... 90% 90% 90% Lorlllard 7s 44 - 125% 125% 125% Ls A Ark 6s 69 84% 84% 84% LA N AtlAK C 4s 55 107 107 107 LANPM4S46_ 104 104 104 L A N St L 3s 10_ 79% 79% 79% McCrory Strs 5s 51 . 106% 10B% 106% Manat) Sugar 4s 57 . 43 43 43 Manhat Ry 4a 90 82% 82% 82% Manhat Ky 4a 90 ct 82% 82% 82% Man Ry 2d 4s201S cfs 44% 44% 44% Mich Cons Gas 4s 63 104% 104 104% Mid RR N J 6s 40 ... 30 27 29% Mil No con 4%s 39... 23% 23% 23% Minn A St L 4s 49 ... 1% 1% 1% MStPASSM cn 4s 38 6% ,6% 6% MStPASSM 6s 38 artd 6% 6% 6% MStPASSM 614*78.. 57% 67% 67% Mo K A T lat 4a 90... 26% 26% 26% Mo KAT 6s 62 A _ 12% 12% 12% Mo KAT adj 6a 17_ 5% 6% 5% Mo Pac 4a 76 __ 3 2% Mo Pao 6s 65 A_ 19% 19% 19% Mo Pac 6# 77 F_... 19% 1#% 19% Mo Pac 6s 78 G_ 19% 19% 19% Mo Pac 6s 80 H___ 19% 19% 19% Mo Pac 6s 811 _ 19% 19% 19% Mob A Ohio 4 %s 77.. 33% 33 33 Mob A Ohio 6s 88 . 40% 40% 40% Mob AO Mont 8s 77.. 24 24 24 Monong P S 4%s (0 . 109% 109% 109% Monong P 8 6s 65 .. 111% 111% 111% Mont Pwr 3%s 66 99% 99% 99% MorrlsAEs 3%s 2000 43 43 43 Morris A Es 4%s 6S 34% 34 34 Mount StTAT 3%s68 108% 108% 108% Nassau El 4s 61 etfs 63% 63% 63% Nat Dairy 884a 61 ww 107 106% 107 Nat Dlatill 3%a49 .. 105% 106% 105% Nat Steal 3a 65 „ 102% 102% 102% New E TAT 4%s 61 . 127% 127% 127% New Orl G N R 6a 83 77 77 77 New OrlTAM 4%a 66 36% 36% 36% New O TAM Inc 6s 85 S3 32% 33 New Orl TAM 6s 64 B 37% 37% 37% NOTAM 6a 66 C 36% 36% 36% New Orl CAM 6%s 64 40 38% 89% N Y Central 8%s 68.. 67% 67% 67% N Y Central 8 %a 97.. 76 76% 76% N Y Central 384s 48.. 77 76% 77 N Y Centra] 4a 42 ... 92% 92% 92% N Y Cent con 4s 98 .. 67% 67% 67% N Y Cent «%a 2013 A. 62% 62% 62% N Y Cent rf 6e 2013.. 68% 68% 68% N Y C L 8h 8%* 98 .. 59% 69% 59% NYC Mich C 3%s 98.. 68% 68% 68% NYC M C 3%s 98 reg. 51% 51% 51% N Y C A St L 3%s47. 84 84 84 N Y ChlAStL 4%s 71. 65 64% 64% N Y CAStL 5%s 74 A. 64% 64 64 N Y Chi A St L6s41_ 81% 81% 81% N Y Conn 1st 4%s 68. 106 106 106 N Y Dock 4s 61 _ 62% 62% 52% N Y Dock cv 6s 47_ 50* 60% 60% N Y G E HAP 4s 49 _ 117% 117% 117% NY NH AHctta <1. 19% 19% 19% N Y OAW ref 4s 98 _. 8 7% 8 N Y SAW ref 6s 37 .. 80 27 80 N Y S A W gen 6s 40. 14 12% 14 NY SAW Ter 6s 43 62% 62% 62% N Y Tr Rk 6a 46 stpd. 90 90 90 N Y WAB 4 %s 48 .. 5% 6% 5% Norf Southn 6s 61_ 16 14% 14% Norf A W 1st 4s 96— 123% 123% 123% Norn Pae «s 97 ... 66% 64% 64% Norn Pao 4 %s 2047.. 44 44 44 Norn Pae 6a 8047 C.. 48% 48% 48% Norn Pae 6a 2047 D.. 48% 48% 48% Norn Pae 6a 8047 . 55 64% 66 North Sta Per 8%a 47 109% 109% 109% Ogden L.C 4a 46 .... 6% 6% 6% Ohio Edison *%■ 78.. 108 107% 108 Ohio Edison 4s 46- 108% 108% 108% Ohio Edison 4s 67._108% 108% 108% Okla GAE 2%s 66_109% 109% 109% Oregon W RK 48 61.. 106 105% 106 Otis Steel 4%s 62 ... 74% 74% 74% Pao Coast 6s 46 . 69% 69% 59% Poo Gas* El 3 %s 66 109% 109% 109% Pac G A E 3%s 61 112% 112% 112% Pae G A E is 64 .. 113 112% 112% Pso TAT 3 % s 66 C . 110% 110% 110% Penn Disle C 6s 41 A. 98 98 98 Penn OAD 4 %s 77_ 98 98 98 Penn PAL. 3%s 69_108% 108% 108% Penn PAL 4%s 74.... 107% 107% 107% Penn RR 8 Ha 68_ 86 M6 86 Hlth Low 2:66 Ponn RR 8 4*s TO- 894* 894* 894* Ponn RR 40 41_ 109 109 109 Psnn RR 4s 41-114 114 114 P»nnRR4*stl- 964* 964* 964* Penn RR 41*8 14--™ 964* 96V* 96H Penn RR gn 4 46 s 66... 1014* 1014* 10144 Psnn RRdb44*s70„ 874* 874* 874* Peoples GLftC 5s 47.. 117 117 117 Peo O L ft C 6s 4S_115 115 115 Psotis ft B 1st 4s 46 674* 67'.* 674* Phelps Dodg* 2 Ms 62 1094* 1094* 1094* Phil* Co 6s 67 - 106'* 1064* 1054* Phils Else 14*s 67 — 1114* 1114* 11144 Phils RCft Ir 6s 49.. 84* 34* 84* Phillips Petrol Ss 41. 109 109 109 PCC&StL 44*s 40 A... 102 102 102 PCCftStL 44*s 42 B.. 107 107 107 PCCftStL 44*s 77 ... 984* 9844 984* Pitts Cftlr44*s 62... 100 994* 99'* PlttftW Vs44*s«0C. 444* 44'* 444* Port Qsn El 4 4*s 60.. 724* 714* 7U* Postal T*1 ft C 6s 62 23 23 23 Pub Svo N 111 14*8 66 1094* 109 10944 Purity Baking 6s 41.. 104** 1044* 1044* Reading Jar C 4s 61.. 554* 654* 654* Reading R 4 44 s 97 A. 70V. 70 70 Rstn R'd 4 4*a 66 t». 101 100'* 1004* Rspublle Stl 44*a 66 . 96 954* 96 Republic Stl 44*s 61. 95 944* 95 Republic Stl 64*8 64. 1084* 108V. 10844 Revere Cop 444e 66.. 1004* 1004* 1004* Richfield Oil 4e 62... 107 1064* 107 Rio O W 1st 4a 19- 294* 2944 2944 St J ft Grist 4s 47... 1114* 1114* 111** Si L I MAS RAO 4a S3 634* 63 63V. StLIMASRAG4e33 ct 63 63 63 St L RMAP 6s 55 39 89 39 St L-San Fr 4s 50 A.. 134* I3v* 1st* St L-San Pr 4 4*s 71 . 124* 12'* 124* St L-S F 44*s 78 ct st 12 12 12 St L-S F 5s 50 B ct .. 134* 134* 134* St L South Wn 6s 62. 174* 17 17 San AAA Pass 4s 42 68>* 614* 684* San Antonio P S 4s 61 108'* 1084* 108H Seabd A L 4s 60 stp . 124* 124* 124* Seab'd A Leon «s 46. 64* 64* 6»i Seabd A L«e 45 ct ... 6 6 6 Seabd A F 6s 16 A et. 2‘* 24* 2h Shell On Oil 2 4*s6*.. 964* 96 96>* Silesian Am 7s 41_ 23v. 23'* 2SV. Simmons Co 4a 61_ loia, 1014* 1014* Soconv Vac3644 .. 105'/. 105V. 105V. So Bell TAT 14*a 51.. 1084* 108'* 1084* Southn Cal O 4a 65 . HOT* HOT* HOT* Southn Cal 0 4 Ha 41 108 108 108 Southn Kraft 44is 46 994* 994* 994* Os Mat) n t _ m* ... _ ouiiauumni_JOS JOS J06 So Pac 3 4* a 46 - 6*% 53 53% So Pac col 4a 49-46% 46% 46% 8o Pao ref 4a 51_69% 59% 59% So Pac 4 %s <1- 46 45% 45% So Pac 4 %s 69- 46% 45% 45% So Pao 4 Ha 91 - 45% 45% 45% So PacOrea 4%sT?.. 49% 46% 48% So Pac S F Ter 4a BO.. 77 77 77 So Ry yan 4a 59 A.— 56% 56% 66% So Ry 5a 94 - 87% 87% 3711, So Ry yen 9a 59- 75% 76% 76% So Ry 6 %a 65 ... 81 80% 80% S W Bell Tel 3a 61 . 108% 108% 108% S W Bell Tel 8%s 64. 112 111% m% Ter RR As StL 4s 53. 108% 108% 108% Texarkana 6%* 60... 90% 90% 80% Texaa Corn 3a 69 .. 105% 105% 105% Taxaa Corn 344 a 61.. 107 106% 106% Texas* Pao Ss 79 C.. 69% 69% 69% TexAPac 1st 6a 2000. 107% 107% 107% Third A* ref 4s 60 .. 61 59% 61 Third A* ad) 6s 60_ 22% 20% 22 Un El(Mo)8%a 62 107% 107% 107% Union OlMCallSa 19. 101% 101% 101% Un Pacific S%s 70_ 97% 97% 97% Un Pacific 3 %s 71 _ 97% 97% 97% Un Pacific 1st «s 47 .. 114% 114% 114% Un Pacific 4s 47 rey.. 113 113 US Un Pac ref 4a 2001 108% 108% 108% United Biscuit 6s 50 107% 106% 106% Utd Cgr W Strs 5s 62 67 66% 67 United Drue 6s 58 84 83% 84 U S Steel 8%s 48 105% 105% 105% Utd Stkyds4%sSlww 91% 91% 91% Utah LAT 6s 44 101% 101% 101% Utah Pwr * Lt 6s 44. 102 101% 102 Utility PA L 5s 69 . 91 91 91 Utility P* L 6%s 47 91 91 91 Va El A P 3 Hs 68 B_. 109% 109% 109% Va Ry 1st 34*a 66- 107% 107% 107% Wabash 1st 6s 19_ 44% 44 44% Wabash 2d 6s 89_ 17% 17% 17% Wabash 6s 76 B_ 8 8 8 Walworth 4a 96 .... 66% 66% 66% Warren Bros ct 6s 41 32% 32% 32% Westcht L yn 3 %s 67 109 109 109 West 8b 1st 4s 2361 49 49 49 W Sh 1st 4s 2361 rey. 46% 46% 46% West Md 1st 4s 62 84% 84 84 West Md 77 .. 90% 90 90% Went Pacific 6s 46 A. 17% 17% 17% West Union 4 %s 60 . 67 67 «7 West Union 6s 61 70% 70% 70% Waat Union 6s 60 .. 69 68% 68% Wheel Steel 4%s 66. 99% 99% 99% White Sew M 6s 40... 102A 102A 102A Wilkes BAE 6s 42 .. 13 12% 12% Wilson A Co 8%s 47 99% 99% 99% Wls Cent lat yn 4s 49 22 22 22 WtaC SAD T 4s 36... 8% 8% 8% Wla El Pw (Via 61 .. 109% 109 109 Tounysm SAT 4a 48 108% 108% 108% Tounyafn SAT 4s 61 105% 106% 105% Chemical Consumption Continues at High Rate Special Dispatch to The Star. NEW YORK. March 14.—While some of the large consuming in dustries, including steel, glass, and textiles, reduced operating rates in February, many branches of chem ical manufacture continued at ca pacity levels, with shipments from plants running on a par with pro duction, according to the monthly malysis published by Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering. Rayon parn output was on a steady basis, with only moderate increases in stocks. In the petroleum industry, runs to stills were relatively high, with seasonal gains reported in outputs of paints, varnishes and lacquers. Preliminary figures for February, with no adjustments for seasonal influences or for number of work ing days, place Chemical and Metal lurgical Engineering's index for con sumption of chemicals at 133 as against 109.82 for February last year. Preliminary figures for Jan uary were found to be low in almost every instance and the revised index for that month moved up to 144.15, which compares with 114.97 for January, 1937. As measured by these ’ indexes, consumption of chemicals for the first two months of this year has run about 23 per cent above that for the like period of 1939 and as exports in January were valued at $16,792,512 and $8,984,046 ir. 1940 and 1939, respectively, it is probable that production of chemicals this year has gained to a higher degree than that reported for consumption, even though a part of current ex ports carry higher unit values. B. & 0. Wins Approval Of Equipment Issue By the Associated Press. 'Hie Interstate Commerce Com mission today authorized the Bal timore & Ohio Railroad to sell at 103.0391 per cent of par $4,750,000 of 2% per cent equipment trust certificates in connection with pro curement of new equipment. New York Bank Stocks NlfW YORK. March 14 (*>._Notional Association Securities Dealers, Ine.: (Quotations at of 2 o'clock ) Rtf ASSAM!*?* Bank of N Y (14)_ 444 464 KV?4),2) xd ::::: 8* 88* <4):::::*8% *8% Chem Bk ft Tr (1.80)_ 61 5.3 Commercial (8) _ .... 2on 208 Cont Bk * Tr (.80) xd_ 13% 16% Corn Bx Bk ft T (3) — 53% 64% Empire Tr (.60) _ 12 13 First Nat (Bos) (2) _ 45% 47% First Natl (100) Xd_1895 1935 Guaranty Tr (12) _ 292 297 Irvine Tr (.80) ... 12% 13% Manufacturers Tr (2) xd... 38% 40% Manufacturers Tr pi (2)... 62 84 Natl City (1) _ 29 .30% "4 Construction Awards Remain 7 Per Cent Below Year Ago Public and Private Totals Both Lag Behind 1939 By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, March 14.—Engi neering construction awards for the week ended Tuesday totaled $43,308, 000, a 10 per cent Increase over the previous week, but 7 per cent less than the same week a year ago, En gineering News-Record reported to day. Public construction contracts topped the previous week by 17 per cent but were 1 per cent lower than a year ago. Private awards were 1 per cent smaller than a week ago and 18 per cent less than the corresponding week of 1939. Comparisons follow: Private. Latest Week. Previous Week. Year A*o. §14,748,000 *14,931.000 *17.507.000 State and Municipal. *26,023.000 *21,985,000 *26.942,000 Federal. *2,537.000 *2.392.000 *2.000.000 Total. *43.308,000 *39,308.000 *46.449.000 Sales of Hardware Manufacturers Soar By the Associated Press. The Commerce Department esti mates that sales of hardware manu facturers were 22.8 per cent higher this January than in January, 1939. Sales of wholesalers were 15.4 per cent higher, and sales of independ ent retail stores were 7.1 per cent higher. Washington Produce BUTTER—93 score, tubs. 30*4: 1-pound prints. 31.%-pound prints. 31%. 92 score, trubs 29%: 1-pound prints. 30: %-POund prints. 30%: 91 score, tubs. 28%: 1-Pound prints. 29; %-pound prints. 29%; 90 score, tubs. 27%: 1-pound prints. 28: %-pound Drints. 28%; 89 score, tubs. 28%: 1-pound prints. 27: %-pound prints. 27%: 88 score, tubs. 25%: 1-pound prints. 2b, %-pound prints. 20%. LIVESTOCK—Calves. 10%: lambs. 8. (Other livestock prices unavailable). From Agricultural Marketing Service. Prices paid net l.o.b. Washington: EGOS—Market steady. For eggs can died and graded in Washington (March 141. Whitts. U. S. extras, large. 20; U 6. extras, mediums, 18: U 8. standards, large, 1 <: U. 8 standards, mediums. 15; U. 8. trades. 14. For nearby ungraded eggs, curren^recelpts, whites. 18-17. mixed col LIVe' POULTRY—Market dull. Fowl, colored, all sizes. 14-15. No 2. 11-13; Leghorns, 11-12; roosters. 9-9. Chickens. Virginia Rocks, broilers and fryers, all sizes. 19-20: No. 2 11-13; Delaware Rocks and crosses, broilers and fryers, all sizes. 18-19; No. 2. 11-13. Turkeys, young toms. 15 pounds and up. 12-13: old, 10; young hens, lo pounds and up. 19-19. old. 12-13. Young guinea keets. 1% pounds ana up, lti; old keets. 10 a pound. Capons, tl pounds and over, 22-14; No 2 and slips, lb-17. fruits and Vegetables. Compiled by the Market News Section of Agricultural Marketing Service. Sales to 8 a m on this morning's wholesale market in less than carlot Quantities. APPLES—Market steady. Truck re ceipts light. No carlot arrivals, no cars on track. Bushel baskets and l's-bushel boxes, U. 8. No. 1 Maryland. Pennsylvania. Virginia and West Virginia. Staymans. 2‘. inch minimum. 75-90: 2tfe-inch minimum. 1 00-1.15: 2*.-inch minimum. 1.25. Yorks. 2'a-inch minimum, 85-1 OOi 23.-inch min imum. 100-1. Jo: Black Twigs. 2Va-inch minimum. 85-1.00; 234-inch minimum. 1.10- 1.15: Goiden Delicious. 2‘,4-inch min imum. 75-85: 2'a-inch minimum. 1.10-1.25; Grimes. 2'.-mch minimum, 00-75: 2',2-inch minimum. 85-9o: 23.-lnch minimum. 1 .00 Winesaps. 2t*-inch minimum. 1.26: 2'2-mch minimum. 1.24-1.35. Bushel boxes and cartons. fancy: Penn sylvania. Virginia antf West Virginia. Slay mans. 1 ]3s-150s. 1.35-1.50: «4s-100s. 1.50 1.05. Delicious. U3s-lti3s. 1.40-1.00; 72s loos. 1.05-2.00: npes. all sizes, 1.10-1.35: Golden Delicious. 113s-150s. 1.35-1.60: 88s-100s. l.OU-1.75; Paragons, 113s-150s. 1.25-1.35: 04s-l00s. 1.40-1.50. POTATOES—-Old stock: Market steady. One Idaho, three Maine arrived: three broken and 11 unbroken cars on track, lou Dound sacks. U S. No. 1: New York, round whites. 1.75-1.80: Pennsylvania. Katah dins. 2.00-2.20: Green Mountains, size A. 2.10- 1.15: Katahdins and Chippewas. 2 lnch minimum. 2.25-2.35; Idaho, Russet Burbanks. 2.35-2.40. New stock: Market slightly stronger Truck receipts light, Florida, bushel crates. Blis Triumphs. U. S. No 1. 2.25-2.40, mostly 2.35-2.40. BROCCOLI—Market about steady No carlot arrivals: one unbroken car on track. Half-crates: California. 2.75-3.00: Texas. CABBAGE—Market about steady. No carlot arrivals; two broken cars on track. Truck receipts liberal. Florida. 1'2-bushel hampers, domestic round type, freight re ceipts, l oo-llo. mostly 1.00; truck re ceipts. packed locally. 90-1.00. CELEKY—Market steaoy. No carlot ar rivals; two broken cars on track. Florida, some ordinary to lair condition, individually washed. Florida standard crates. 3-4 dozen, 2.90-2. > 0; poorer, 1.75-2.00; 10-inch crates, trimmed tops. 3-4 dozen. 2.50-2.75; poorer. ) 5-2.25; 0-10 dozen. 2.25-2.75: poorer, 1.50-2.00; exes. 1.30-1.75; poorer, i.25. AVOCADOS—Market steady. Truck re ceipts moderate. Flats. Florida. 1.25-1.75; Calllorma, 1.50-2.00; few. 2.25. BEETS—Market about steady. No carlot arrivals; no cars on track. Texas, half crates^bunched. 1.75-1.85; mostly 1.75. LETTUCE—Market slightly stronger. One Arizona arrived: five broken and two un broken cars on track. Arizona. L. A. crates. Iceberg type. 5 dozen. 3.75-4.00; fair con dition, 3.50; 6 dozen, lair condition, 2.00 CAULIFLOWER—Market about steady. One California arrived; two unbroken cars on_track. California, pony crates. 1.50 li I o, CARROTS—Market steady. Two Califor nia arrived: two broken and three unbroken hnnS track CalUorniR l. A. crates, bunched.; Pennsylvania, bushel baskets, topped, washed. 90-1.uo. union Market Improves. ONIONS—Market slightly stronger. One Colorado, one Ohio arrived: two unbroken cars on track, ftu-pound sacks. U. 8. No I yellows, Michigan. New York and Ohio' 1.25: Sweet Spanish. 3 inches and larger, Colorado and Idaho. 1.25. PEAS—Market steady. No carlot ar rivals; three broken cars on track. Cali fornia, bushel hampers, pole peas. 3.00 STRAWBERRIES—Market weak. Truck receipts light. Demand slow. Florida 36 pint-crates. 18-20; mostly 18-10 per pint SWEET POTATOES—Market * Steady Truck receipts light. North Carolina bushel baskets. Porto Ricans. BO; Nancy Halls, 1.00; poorer lower. ' MIXED VEGETABLES—One California arrived; one unbroken car on track. LIMA BEANS—Market steady. Supplies light. Cuba, bushel hampers. 4.50-6.50 EGGPLANT-—Market steady. Supplies ve r.Cu^a 1'6-bushel crates. 5.00. PEPPERS—Market steady. Supplies very light. Cuba. California Wonders. 1 '/a-bushel crates, large slae. 8.00-8.5o; bushel basket*, 4.00- 6.00 TOMATOES—Market steady. Truck re ceipts moderate. Cuba, lug boxes, green, ripes and turning, wrapped. 6x6. 4.25-4.50 basketsjl !25 *L 75^ °°' rePacked' 10-DOUn<i KALE—Market slightly stronger. Truck receipts moderate. Virginia. Norfolk section, bushel baskets, 90-1.00. COLLARD8—Market steady. Truck re ceipts moderate. Virginia, Norfolk section bushel baskets, 65. LANDCRESB—Market steady. Truck re ceipts light. Virginia, bushel baskets. 90 TURNIP GREENS—Market steady. Truck receipts light. Eastern Shore Virginia bushel hampers. 65. RAPE—Market steady. Truck receipts veryllght Virginia, bushel baskets, 76. SPINACH—Market slightly stronger. One Texas arrived; two broken and one un brokencars on track. Bushel baskets. Savoy type, Texas. 1.10-1.16; Virginia. Norfolk section. 66-75. LEMONS—No carlot arrivals; one bro ken car on track. ORANGES—One California, one Florida arrived; 10 broken and two unbroken cars on track. PARSNIPS — Pennsylvania, '6-bushel baskets 60-65. MUSHROOMS—Maryland and Pennsyl vania, 3-pound baskets. 36-75; mostly 50-60; RHUBARB — Washington, 15-pound boxes, choice, 90; fancy. 1.10, extra fancy, 1.25; Michigan, 5-pound cartons, 35-45. ORANOEB—Florida, standard poxes. 2.00- 2.60; wire-bound boxes. 1.50-2.00, as to grade, California, boxes. 2.60-2.76, as to grade and sixe. _ ORAPEFRUrr—Florida. boxes. 1.50 2.25 as to grade and sise, few special marks higher; Texas, boxes, pink meats, 2.50-3.00, as to rise. LEMONS—California, boxes. No. 1, 4.00- 4.60; No 2. £00-3.60, as to site. HONEYDEWB-—Chile, standard crates, Xl»-12s, 1.75*2.00; 0s, 2.25. GRAPES—Argentine, 28-pound lugs, various varieties, 2.25-2.75. TURNIPS—Pennsylvania, '6-bushel bas kets topped. 25-30: Texas, crates. 5 dosen bunchea. mostly 3.75 PEARS—No carlot arrivals; no ears on track. Oregon, boxes, D'Anious. 2.36 2.50. PINEAPPLES—Cuba, crates, 8.00-3.50. as to slae and condition. ^DANDELIONS—Texas, one-half crates, ^ ^ARTICHOKES—California, boxes, 3.50 NEW YORK CURB MARKET ■> snvate wire direct t* The Star Stock and Sale*— Dividend Rate. Add 00. Blah. Lew. 2:55. Acme Wlra ,25a.. 60a 20%. 20% 20% Ainsworth .25*.. 1 0% 6% 6% Air Assoe (.60).. 1 11 11 li Alum Co Am (6*) 200s 167% 160% 157% Alum Industries. 60s 9% 9% 9% Alum Ltd (1.60a) 260s 103 103 103 Am Book (4)- 10s 45 45 45 Am Cynam B .60. 15 88% 38 38% Am Export ,26*_. 11 16% 15% 16% Am Gas A El 1.60 2 33% 33% 33% Am Gen pf (2)... 26s 31 31 31 Am Laund M .60. 1 16% 16% 16% AmMf*Co (1*)_ 160* 19 19 19 Am Maracaibo... 3 % % % Am PotAC 4.76*. 200s 107 106% 107 Am Republics 7 7% 6% 7% Am Superpower.. 5 % % % Am Superpwr pf. 1 12% 12% 12% Am Thread pf .25 1 8% 3% 3% Appal EPpf (7). 60s 114% 114 114 Ark Nat Gas 1 2% 2% 2% Ark Nat G pf ,60d 2 7% 7% 7% Assoc G A E (A). 3 % A A Atl Coast Fish... 1 2% 2% 2%> Atl Coast L (1*). 200s 19 19 19 Atlas Corp war 25 1% 1% 1% Avery pf ww 1.50. 60s 20 20 20 Aviation A Trans 7 3% 3% 3% Axton Fisher A.. 20s 49 49 49 Babcock A Wil 6 25 24 24 BarlASeel A 1.20. 150s 10 10 10 Bath Iron .. 1 10% 10% 10% Beech Aircraft .. 1 6% 6% 6% Bellanca Aircraft 8 6% 6% 6% Bell Aircraft . 87 27 25% 25% Bell Tel Can (8). 120s 128 126% 126% Bickfords (.30e). 200s 14* 14 14 Bliss (EW) . 1 14% 14% 14% Born* Scry 3.50*. 60s 43% 43% 43% Bourjois (lu) . 3 6% 6% 6% Bowman-BUt 1st 60s 8 8 8 Bowman-B 2d pf. 6 1 % 1 Brazilian TrL&P 1 7% 7% 7% Brewst Aero 20* 13 14% 14% 14% Brldgp't Machine 1 2% 2% 2% Brill (A) . 4 2% 2% 2% Brlt-Am O cp (1) 3 16% 16% 16% Brown F&W .20*. 2 4% 4% 4% Brown Rubber .. 3 2% 2% 2% B NAEP pf 1.60.. 1 21 21 21 Can Col Airways. 8 7 6% 6% Can Mar W ,04e._ 13 1% 1 1% Carman (B) 1 6% 6% 6% Carnation (la)... 2 39% 39% 39% Caro P&L pf (6). 20s 98 97% 97% Celluloid pf. .. 25s 32 32 32 Cellu’d 1st 3.50d.. 80s 82% 82% 82% Cent HG&E (.80). 1 15 15 15 Cent NT Pw pf 5 80s 102% 101% 102% Cent A Sown Util .3 % % % Charis Corp .60e. 100* 6% 6% 6% Chi Rivet (.25e).. 1 9% 9% 9% Cities Service .. 26 5% 4% 4% Cities Service pf. 2 59% 59% 59% C Svc P&L pf (6). 110s 107 100 107 C Svc P&L pf(7). 160* 110 102% 110 Clark Contr .75*. 60* 16 16 16 Claude Neon L 8 A % % dev Elec 111 (2a) 100* 42% 42% 42% Clev Tractor 1 6% 6% 6% Col Fuel & l war 1 5% 6% 5% ColumbOII & Gas 4 1% 1% 1% Comwlth Dls .08* 2 1% 1% 1% Comwlth &S war 2 ii it h Com P&L 1st pf 125* 44 43% 44 Cons G&E Bo 3.60 2 82% 82% 82% Consol M&S (la) 60* 33 33 33 Cons Royalty .20. 2 1% 1% 1% ContlG&E pr pf 7 10* 90% 90% 90% Cosden Petrolm.. 1 1% 1% 1% Cosden Petr pf___ 5 9% 9% 9% Creole Petr 50a . 5 21 21 21 Crocker Wheeler. 4 4% 4% 4% Crown Cent Petr. 1 2% 2% 2% Crystal Oil pf. .. 60s 8% 8% 8% Cun Press pf 6.50 70* 112 112 112 Dejay Stores ,20e 1 4% 4% 4% Det Paper Prod.. 1 % % % DlvcoTwln 40g 1 9% 9% 9% Domin Stl & Cost. 2 10% 10% 10% Driver-Har 1.10g. 2 31 30 31 Duro-Test .... 1 1% 1% 1% Eagle Plcher .20* 3 11% 11% 11% East'n Gas&Fuel 1 3% 3% 3% Eastn G&F 6 pf 300* 23% 23% 23% Eastn Gas & Fuel prpf (1.126k)) 250s 54% 53% 64 Easy W (B).126e 3 4 3% 4 Eleo Bond & Sh . 8 6% 6 6 Elec B & S pf (5) 8 58% 57% 58% Elec B & 8 pf (6) 10 67% 66% 67% Emsco Derrick... 19 9.8 Equity Corp 1 £ j, £ Equity cv pf (2). 25* 25% 25% 25% Esquire (.80)- 1 4% 4% 4% Fairchild Av .40* 2 10% 10% 10% Fairchild E&A 48 5% 5 5% Fanny Farm 1.50 100* 25 25 25 Fansteel Metal 1 13% 13% 13% Fisk Rubber 23 15% 15% 15% Fla F&L pf 3.94k 100* 105% 105 105% Ford(Can)Ad). 1 16 16 ' 16 Ford Ltd (.16*) 1 2% 2% 2% Fruehauf Tra.25e 3 29% 29% 29% Gen Out Ad pf(6) 20* 90 90 90 Gen T&R pf A(6) 40* 105% 105 106 Gilbert'(AC)_ 5 7% 6% 7% Goldfield Consol. 1 ± + * Gray Mfg .19 9 9 G A&P 1st pf (7) 50* 132 132 132 Greenfield T & D 1 8% 8% 8% Grum'n Air 1.06* 4 16% 16 16% Gulf Oil of Pa(l) 3 35% 35 35% Hall Lamp (,60e) 8 8% 8% 8% Hat Corp B 1.10g. 1 7% 7% 7% Hearn Dept Strs. 1 2% 2% 2% Hearn D S pf .75k 50* 19% 19% 19% Hecla Min ,10e 1 6% 6% 6% Holllnger G 65a 1 10% 10% 10% Holophane (.25e) 1 12% 12% 12% Horn & Hard (2) 100* 35 35 35 Humble Oil 375e 1 60 60 60 Hum'l Ross F.15e 15 5 5 Ill-la Power pf . 1 23% 23% 23% Imp Oil Ltd 50a. 1 11% 11% 11% Imp Oil reg 50a.. 1 11% 11% 11% Indus Flnanpf_ 25* 11 11 11 Int Cigar M (2)._ 1 21% 21% 21% Int Indust'(.10g). 2 1% 1% 1% Int Pa&Pwr war. 7 1% 1% 1% Int Petrol 1.60a.. 2 17% 17% 17% Int Products .. 1 4% 4% 4% Int Safety Raz B. 1 % % % Int Utilities (A) 1 9% 9% 9% Int Util prpf 3.50 50s 31 31 31 Interat H Eq .60 3 8% 8% 8% Irving Air Ch (1) 1 16% 16% 16% Jacobs Co 1 2% 2% 2% JerCP&Lpf 5.50 25* 89% 89% 89% Jer CP&L pf (6). 10* 95% 95% 95% Jones & Lau Stl 1 28% 28% 28% Kennedy's (.65e). 6 7 7 7 Kingst'n P(.10g) 3 1% 1% 1% Knott Corp (.45*) 1 7 7 7 Kress(SH)pf .60. 1 12% 12% 12% Lake Shore M.50* 11 18% 17% 18% Lakey Fdry&M. 10 4% 4% 4% Lehigh Coal ,10g. 6 2% 2% 2% Leonard Oil_ 7 % ft % Lone Star .20e . _ 2 9% 9% 9% Long Isl Lt pf B. 26s 37% 37% 37% Loudon Packing. 2 2% 2% 2% La Land&Ex 10e 8 6% 6% 5% Lynch Corp (2).. 60s 28 28 28 Majestic Radio 4 % ft % Marion St Shovel 1 3% 3% 3% M & M pt pf (2a). 25s 26% 26% 26% Merr-Chap & S .. 4 4% 4% 4% Mesabl Iron 2 ft ft ft Mid St Pet B .10*. 2 ft ft ft Molybdenum 25# 4 6% 6% 6% Monarch M 50* . 1 31% 31% 31% Mont Ward A(7) 20s 167 166% 166% Mount City C.lSg 6 3% 3% 3% Mount Prod (.60) 2 6% 5% 6% Muskegon .35#... }00s 16 16 16 Nat Auto t.25e).. 15 9% 9% 916 Nat Bella Hess.. 22 ft % % Nat Brew (2)-100s 28% 28% 28% Nat Cont ,20s_ 2 10% 10% 10% Nat Fuel Oas (1) 11 12% 12% 12% Nat P & L pt (6). 76s 92% 92 92% Nat Rub M 30g... 4 5% 6%' 5% Nat Tea pf 25s 7% 7% 7% Nat Tunnel&Mtn 2 1% 1% 1% Nehl Corp (2a) 1 68% 68% 68% NEPA 6%pf 1.50k 76b 69% 68% 69% N Eng T&T 1.75* 20s 132 132 132 New Idea (.60a). 1 12% 12% 12% N J Zlne t.50e)... 60s 61 61 61 NT Auction_ 1 2% 2% 2% NT Hon R 4.26g. 60s 24% 24% 24% NT March (.60) . 1 8% 8% 8% Nlag Hndaon Pw 6 5% 5 5% Nlag Hud lat (6) 100s 87% 87% 87% Nlag Hud A war 10 ft ft ft Noma Elec (.I0g) 2 4% 4% 4% Nor AmLtAPwr 8 ft ft ft Nor Am L&P pf 26s 83% 83% 83% No Cent Tex .20g. 6 3% 3% 3% Nor Ind PS pt 6d. 80s 102 101% 101% NIPSpf (7d>... 10s 109% 109% 109% North's P L .30g. 1 7% 7% 7% North'n Sta P (A: 1 12 12 12 Ohio Brass B.50# 60s 21 21 21 Ohio Oil pf (6) . 60s 102% 102% 102% Ohio PS 1st (6) 60s 107 107 107 Okla Nat Gas .26* 1 19% 19% 19% Oldetym* Diet 17 2% 2 2% Pso Gaa6 % pf1.80 4 34% 84% 34% Pae Pft L pf (7) 10s 92 92 92 Pantepee OH 80 5% 6% 6% Pat Plymouth 6g 10s 31% 31% 31% Pennroad t.lOg) 9 2 1% 1% Pa-Cent Airlines 25 16% 16% 16% PennP&Lpf <T) I Z6s 111% 111% 111% Pena W ftP (4)./jp0s 63% 63 63 Stock and Salta— Dividend Ratr. Add on. High. Low. 2:5ft Perfect Clr (2).. 60s 28% 28% 28% Pharis TAR .lfte. 1 7% 7% 7% Phoenix Secur. 18 10% 10% 10% Phoenix Secur pf 200« 89 89 39 Pierce Gov (.25e) 1 11 11 11 Pioneer Gold .40 3 1% 1% 1% Pltney-Bowes .40 2 7% 7% 7% Pitts For* .40* 1 10% 10% 10% Pitts A L B 3.60* 70» 57% 67% 57% Pitts Pi G1 (le).. 3 102% 102 102% Powdrell A1.10e. .1 4% 4% 4% Press Metals ,25a 1 9% 9% 9% Pruden'l Inv ,2 ft* 38 7% 7% 7% Pb Svc Ind 3ft pf. 100s 44% 43 44% P S Ind *7 pr pf . 125s 89% 89 89% Puget Sd P |S pf. 75s 24% 24% 24% Rwy ALt (.I0g). 25s 10 10 10 Reiter Foster_ 1 % % % Republic Aviat’n. 2 6 5% 5% Rheem Mfg (1).. 1 18% 18% 18% Roosevelt Field.. 1 2% 2% 2% RoyalTyp (le).. 60s 62% 62% 62% Rustless IAS lfte 4 IV 13% 14 Ryan Consol .10*. 2 2 2 2 St Regis Paper... 9 2% 2% 2% SchiftCo(l)- 1 13% 13% 13% Scovill (.25e)_ 1 29 29 29 Segal Lock — 24 1% 1 1 Seiberllng Rub.. 1 7% 7% 7% Selby Shoe .125e_ 150s 10 9% 9% Select industries 2 % % % Select Ind cv pf.. 100s 6 5 5 Sel Ind al ct 5.50. 100s 57% 67% 57% Sel Ind pr pf 5.50 160s 67% 67% 67% Sentry Saf Con 15 111 Shattuck-D .275* 6 6 6% 5% Simmons H A P- 1 2% 2% 2% Singer Mfg (6).. 20s 145 145 145 Solar Mfg..- 1 1% 1% 1% Sonotone (.05e).. 1 1% 1% 1% South Coast _ 1 1% 1% 1% South’n Un Gas . 4 2% 2% 2% Stand CAS (1.60) 3 16 16 16 Std CAScvpf 1.60 100s 23 23 23 Stand Dredg ,10e. 1 2% 2% 2% Stand Oil Ky (1). 8 20% 20% 20% Stand Oil O (1).. 1 36% 35% 35% Stand Pwrr A Lt.. 20 % % % Stand PAL pf(B) 2 % % % Starrett vtc_ 11 1 1 Stlnnes (H)_ 2 V, b b Sunray Oil 05e 86 lb lb lb Sun’y O cv pf 2.75 1 36 36 36 Tampa Elec 2.24. 1 28 2$ 28 Technicolor (lg) 2 15b 15b 15b Tllo Roofing (1) . 3 12b 12b 12b Trans-Eux (.10e) 1 lb lb 1V« Transwest Oil... 1 2b 2b 2b Trl Conti war ... 3 b H b Tung-Bol L ,10g.. 3 3 3 3 Udyllte (.lOe)__ 10 4 3b 4 Ulen & Co pf A— 1 b b % Un Gas Can .80... 1 12b 12b 12b UnPremFStl). 1 19 19 19 Unit Alrc't P .10# 6 7 6b 6b Unit Cgr-Whelan 1 ft ft £ United Gas war . 1 D 4 ^ Unit Gas pf 2.25k 2 101 101 101 Unit Et&Pwr (A) 2 *« b b Unit E & P (B) . 1 b b b Unit Lt&Pwr pf.. 4 33b 33b 33b Unit Sh M 2 50a . 75s 77b 77 77b Unit Specialties. 2 6b 6b 6b USFoiltBj .. 12 6b 6b 6 b U S & Inti Secur. 2 ft ft ft U Sfc I S pf I5d) 150s 68b 68 68b U S Plyw d ,30e . 8 23b 23b 23b U S Plyw pf 1.50. 100* 30 30 30 U S Rub Reclaim 2 3b 3b 3b Unit Wall Paper. 15 2b 2b 2b Unlv Corp vtc _. 18 ob 5 5b Utah Idaho Sug 1 lb lb lb Utah P&L pf 2bk 60s 63b 63 63b Valspar Corp _• l m lb lb Venezuela Petrol 16 lb 1 lb Waco Aircraft ..15 5 5 Wentworth .2Ug.. 1 lb lb lb Western Air Exp 16 6b 5b 6 Wey’berg Sti.75g. 100s 7 7 7 Wichita Rlv Oil 3 6b 6b 6b Will’msRC log. 2 7b 7b 7b Wilson Prod .20e. 25s 10b 10b 10b Wolverine Pt C-. 5 4b 4b 4b r In Bankruptcy or receivership or pelnt reorganized under the Bankruptcy Act or securities assumed by such companies Rates of dividends in the foregoing table are annual disbursements based on the last Quarterly or semi-annual declara tion unless otherwise noted, special or extra dividends are not included a Also extra or extras d Accumulated dividends jMt rear # Declared or paid so far this rear I Payable In stock k Raid rear h Cash or stock k Accttmu* Without warrants war Warrants. Dividends Announced YORK, March 14.—Dividends de clared, prepared hr Fitch Publishing Co. Extra. _ Pe- Stock of Pay Rate. nod. record, able. Am Tr Co. Chari N.C..$1_ 3-30 3-30 Aeeaaalated. Arner Zinc Lead A 8m $5 Pr Df -$1.25 „ 4-15 5-1 Concord Oas 7% pf__50e __ 4-30 5-15 Sou Bleaehery Ac Pr Wka 7% pf_ $1.75 _ 3-20 4-1 Union But Mills 7% pf__$l II 3-26 4-1 _ . Ha Actios. Dejay Stores. Regal ar. Aeronautical Secur_10c Q 4-6 4-16 Allen Elec At EQUIP 2laS Q 3-20 4-1 Amer Screw-20c Q 3-10 4-1 Art Metal Construct 25c . 3-23 4-1 Boston Insurance_$4 Q 3-20 4-1 Brit-Am Oil Ltd reg 25c Q 3-1K 4-1 Bnt-Am Oil Ltd coup_25c Q _ 4-1 Caro Po & Lt $ii pf_$1.50 Q 3-I« 4-1 Caro Po A Lt $6 pf $1.50 Q 3-1H 4-1 Case IJ Ii 7<~, pf.__$l 75 Q 3.J2 4-1 Cojg-Palm P Of $1.50 Q 3-5 3-12 Dnver-Harris 7", pf_$1.75 Q 3-21 4-1 Foundation Co For._ $1 __ 3-1H 3-°3 Gen Firepr 7". pf_..$l.7S Q 3-20 4-1 Glib t lA Cl $3.60 pf.87',ic Q 3-22 4-1 Gt Lakes Eng Wks_15c Q 4-24 5-1 Hartford Fire Ins_5oc Q 3-15 4-1 Hoover Ball At Bear.. 30c __ 3-22 4-1 Island Cr Coal $0 Df.$l .50 <3 3-21 4-1 McQuay-Norris Mfg_50c _ 3-22 4-1 Old Colony Insur_$5 Q 3-20 4-1 Peninsular Tel_60c 3-15 4-1 Phillips P 6V««£ pf_$l 31V« Q 3-15 4-1 Pitt Bess A L Erie R R 6C _ vl -$1.50 8 5-15 6-1 Proc At Gam 8% pf_$2 Q 3-25 4-15 Prov-Wa Insur_25c Q 3-14 3--'a Prudential Inv_ 3c — 3-20 4-1 Pub Svc Colo 5*V pf__41V.c M 3-20 4-1 Pub Svc Colo fic-r pf_50c M 3-20 4-1 Pub Svc Colo 705, pf._58>g M 3-20 4-1 Sangamo Co Ltd_25c Q 3-27 3-30 South Carolina El At Gas $6 pr pf..-Sl.mi Q 3-11 3-30 Superheater Corp_12 Vac Q 4-5 4-15 Tubise-Chat 7ro nf ..$1.75 Q 3-20 4-1 Union 8tk Yds Omaha $1 Q 3-21 3-21 Unit Shoe Ma6~„ pf.37'4e Q 3-10 4-5 Wolverine Tube_10c . 3-23 4-1 Insurance Stocks NEW YORK. March 14 (45 — National Association Securities Dealers. Inc.: Aetna Cas (4a) 121% *27% Aetna bis (1.60a)_ 51 Vi 53% Aetna Life (1.20a)_ 32% 34vJ Am Equit (1) _ 19% 218 Am Ins Nwk (%a)- 13% 15 Am Reins (1.60a) _ 47 49 Am Reserve (1%)_ 23% 25 Am Surety (2%)- 48% 50% Automobile (la) _ 34% 36% Balt Amer (,20a)_I" 7Vi 8% Boston (16a) 828 637 Carolina (1.30) _ 30 32 City of N Y (1.20' _ 24% 26 Conn Gen Llf (.80)_ 27% 28% Cpnti? £a» 0,20)- 36V, 38V, P d & Dep (4) 126% 128% Stem's Nwk (.40)- 9% 10% Frank Pire (la)_ 31V, 33% Gen Relnsur (la)_ 43% 45% Georg Home (la) _ _ 27 29 Glens Palls (1.60) xd_ 44 46 §!°Ee £ *tp - 10% 11% Globe & Rut _ 19V, 22 Ot Amer Ins (la)_ 28 29% Hanover (1.20) _ 27% 29 Hartford Pire (2a) xd_ 83% 86% Home Pir# Sec _ 1% 2% Home In* (1.20a)_ 32% 34% Homestead (1) 19 V, 21 Knickerbocker (%1 _ 9 10 Lincoln Pire __ 2 2% Maryland Cas _ 2% 3% Mass Bond (3%)_ 68% 70% Natl Pire (2) 59V« 61V, Natl Liberty (,20a)_ 7% 8% New Amst Cas (%) __ 16V, 16% New Hampshire (1.60a) xd 47% 49% N Y Pire (.80)_ 16 17% Nor East Ins. _ 3 4 Nor River (1)_I 25% 27 Phoenix (2a) 81 85 Prov Wash (la) - 35 37 Rep Ins Tex (1.20a)_ 25V, 26% Revere (P) In (1.20a)_ 26% 28 T Rh Isl Ins . _ 3% 5 St Paul Pire (8)_ 241 246 Sprlnkfleld <4%a) _120% 124% Sun Life (15) 290 340 Travelers (16) 456 466 U 8 Pld ft Q (1)_ 23 24% D S Pire (2) 51 63 Westchester (1.20a) _ 34% 38% a Also extra or extras. xd Ex-dlvldend. Quotations furnished by National As sociation of Securities Dealers. Inc., which states they do not necessarily reflect actual transactions or Arm bids or offers, but should Indicate approximate prices. Boston Wool Market BOSTON. March 14 OPi.—United States Department of Atrlculture).—The bulk of the demand for spot wools In the Boston market waa for fine lines today. Good •combine fine Australian merino wool* have been sold at 92-93 cents, scoured basis. In cluding the duty. Good combing 12-month South African merino wools brought 90-93 scoured basts, including the duty. The principal tnteroat in domestic wools on the Boston market was centered In recently contracted Texas wools. Contracts for average to good length 12-month Texas wools have, bean offered ot 83-8# cents, scoursd basis, delivered to mills as soon os available. Don’t ramble with safety—the odds mn against youA Rail Loadings Hold Above 1939 Despite Week's Decline 620,997-Car Total 2.1 Per Cent Below Preceding Period By tbe Associated Press. The Association of American Rail roads reported today 620,997 cars of ' revenue freight were loaded during the week ending last Saturday. This was a decrease of 13,413 cars, l or 2.1 per cent, compared with the preceding week; an increase of 32,571, or 5.5 per cent, compared ‘ with a year ago, apd an increase of j 64,267, or 115 per cent, compared with 1936. The report classified the loadings as follows: This Last Year week. week. aio. Miscellaneous . 255.961 —183 +18.770 Less than carlot 149.291 —259 —3.117 Coal . 123.329 —6.575 +8.331 Grain and pdts. 30.548 —4.775 —66*3*. West, districts 17.9.39 —3.087 —910>J Livestock 10.972 —159 +79x32 West, districts 8.155 +106 + 50K33 Forest products 31.564 —705 +5,6lISl Ore _ 10 368 + 290 + 2.840* Coke _ . 8.964 —1.087 +1,99#^ All classes of loadings except or»1 declined during the week. The drop^* was contrary to normal seasonal ex-'5f pectations and may have beeq$4 caused to some extent by the sever*t sleet storm in the East. The Associated Press seasonally"’* adjusted index of loadings, based 1929-30 as 100, declined to 70.0, com- - pared with 71.6 the previous week i and 63.0 a year ago. 1940. 1939. 1938. 1937. 1934-36t'1‘l> High ... 77.2 78.6 71.3 82.2 84 5 Low _ 695 57.6 55.7 62.5 58.0 - u J. C. Brill Co. Orders Increase in 1939 By the Associated Press. ", J PHILADELPHIA, March 14.—-. Charles J. Hardy, president of the-* J. C. Brill Co., manufacturers of transit equipment, told stockholder* at their annual meeting that or- , ders booked during 1939 amounted'! to $9,848,996. He said this was an increase of 66t? per cent over 1939 orders amounting to $5,912,840. Di-‘' rectors were re-elected. San Francisco Reserve Chairman Appointed By the Associated Press. Raymond C. Force of Oakland, Calif., was appointed chairman of the San Francisco Federal Reserve Bank yesterday by the Federal Re-Ii serve Board. Force is chairman of the Execu tive Committee of the Caterpillar Tractor Co. Curb Bonds DOMESTIC High. Low 1PM. Ala Power 5s 48 A_108% 106% 106% Ala Power 5s 51 _105% 105% 105% Am P L 6s 2016 ... 101% 101% 101% Appalach E P 4s 63 _. 109 109 109 Ark P & L 5s 56 . 107% 107% 107% As El Ind 4%s 53 _ 52% 52 V, 52% As G Hr E 4%s 48... 14% 14% 14% At O A E 5s 68 ... 14% 14% 14% As T A T 5%s 55 A 69% 89% 89% All City El 3%5 64 108% 108’. 108% Atl Oss Lt 4%s 55 107>, 107% 107% Bald.Loco 6s 50 111% 110 110 Bell Te C 5* 5? B 110’, 110% 110% Birm El 4%s 68 _ 96% 96% 96’, Can Nor Pwr 5s 53. . 95% 95% 95% cent St El 5s 48_ 34% 34 34% Cent St El 5%s 54 33% 33% 33% Cen St P A L 5%s 53 77% 77% 77% Chi Rys 5s 27 c.o.d. 45% 45 45 Cin St Ry 5%» 52 92% 92 % 92% Cin Str Ry 6s 55 B _ 95% 95% 95% Cities five 5s 50 ._ 70% 70% 70 % Cit S P A L .V,s 52 ... 84% 83% 84% Cit S P A L 5%s 4P _ 84% 83% 84% Comun’ty P A L 5s 57 96V, 96% 96% Con O E L A P 3%s 71 110’, 110', 110% Cons O Util 6s 43 st 89% 89% 89% Corn O A E 5s 58 A 89% 89% 89’, East G A P 4s 56 A 83% 82% 83% Em W L A R R 5s 56 118% 118% 118% Emp Dis El 5s 52 . 104 103% 104 Florida P & L 5s 54 ... 104% 104% 104% Oatineau P 3%s 69 . 103% 103% 103% Oen W W A E 5s 43 A 98% 96% 96% Georgia Pw 5s 67 . 107 107 107 Hygrade Pd 6s 49 A . 78 78 78 HI Pw A Lt 5%« 57.. 99% 99% 99% 111 Pw A Lt 6s 53 A . 106% 106*. 106% 111 Pw A L S%« 54 B 104’, 104’, 104’, HI Pw A L 5s 56 C . 104 V, 103% 104% Intern Pw 5s 57 ... 83 83 63 la-N L A P 5s 57 A 106% 106% 106% Jackson Q 5s 42 sto 53% 53% 53% Jer C P A L 4%s 61 C 105% 105V, jnfiv, Mengel Co 4%s 47 92% 92', 9"% Minn PAL 4%s 78 103 103 103 Miss Pow 5s 55 104 103%] <14 Nat P A L 5s 2030 B 107% 107', 107", Nevad Cal F' 5s 56 78% 78% 78% New E G A- E 5a 50 67 67 67 New E Pw 5s 48 96’, 96% 96% New E Pw 5%s 54 99% 99", 99% New Or P 5 4(1 A 103 10"% 103 N Y Pa A Ohio 4,/,s 50 87 87 87 Nor A LAP 5%s 56 in" in" 10" Oeden G Co 5s 45 111 % 11 i % 111 % Ohio Pub Svc 4s 62 108’, ins’, in*% Pac P A L 5s 55 93% 93% 93’, Penn CLAP 4%s 77 102’, 102% 102% Penn El 4s 71 P 104% 104', 104% Penn E!»c 5s 62 H 108% 108% 108", Pitts 8teel 6s 48 . 101 101 101 Portland G A C 5s 40 9"% 9"% 9"% Potomac E 5s 56 E 108V, 108% 108", Pug 8d PA L 5%s 49 . 97% 97 97% Safe H Wa 4%s 79 lost, 108", 108"! Sculltn Steel 3s 51 72% 7"’, ?"% ™ £ J" 4,w» R7 A 91% 91% 91% Shw W A P 4%s 70 D 91 90% 90% 2 E £ £ i -°-s A 111% 111% 111% Sou Cal E 3%S 60 B 10(1', loot' inn'i SDaldlng 5s 89 58% 58% 58% Std G A E 6s 48 cv st 63’, 63% 63% Std Gas A El 6s 51 A 63 63 63 stand Pw * Lt 6s 57 63 63 63 Tex Pw A L 5s 56 10?’, 107'.', 107% Tide Wat P 5s 79 A ] 01 ’, 1 01 % 101 Twin CRT 5%s 52 A . 68 66 66 Va Pub S 5%s 46 A 10"% in"% ln"% West News U fls 44 59 59 5P West Ps 5s 2030 . 107% 107% 107% Yadkin Rlv P 5s 41 104»i 104% 104% FOREIGN Bore M B 7s 47 M A N 26", 26% 26% Boeot M B 7s 47 A-O 28", 28% 26% Ger Con Mun 7s 47 14 14 14 ww with warrants, xw Without war rants. n New at latpl Stamped {Negotiability impaired by maturity. Foreign Exchange NHTW YORK. March 14.—The pound Sterling took another tumble In the foreign exchange market today, following the gen erally lower trend It has pursued since an nouncement of forthcoming new and strict British exchange regulations. Sterling lost 2 cents in morning dealings, and the Canadian dollar and French franc, linked closely to It. >4 of a cent and .01 V« of a cent, respectively. Canada wa» quoted 82 American cents Natural bloc currencies were steady, with Swiss francs and guilders unchanged and the belga up .02 of a cent. Noon rates follow (Oreat Britain in dol lars. others in cents) Canada: Official Canadian Control Board rates for the United States dollar: Buying 10 per cent premium, selling 11 per cent premium, equivalent-to discounts on Canadian dollar* In New York of buying 0.81 per cent, sell ing. 9.09 par cent. Canadian dollar In New York open mar ket. 18 per cent dlacount or 82.00 U. S. cents. Europe—Great Britain, demand. 3.74: cables. 3.75: 60-day bills, 3.73'«: 00-day bills. 3.72. Belgium. 16.98: Denmark. 19.33: Finland. 1.80n: France, 2.12*4; Germany. 4025 (benevolent. 16.90: travel unquoted): Oreece. 71: Hungary. 17.85n; Italy. 5.05; Netherlands. 53.12: Norway. 22.73: Portugal. 3.67: Rumania. 55n; Sweden. 23.83; Switzerland. 22.42; Yugo zlzvia. 2.35n Latin America—Argentina. official. 29.77: free. 23.55; Brazil, official. 6.05; free. 5.10: Mexico. 16.75n. Far East—Japan. 23.49: Hong Kon*. 23.28: Shanghai 6.50. (Rates in spot cables unlesa otherwise indicated.) n—Nominal. New York Produce „ raw YORK. March 14 Eggs. 22 070: firm. Mixed colon: 'Fancy to extra . fancy, 19*4-21; extras, earlots. 19: lest thin earlots. 1*54; storage-packed flrsts. 18*4; graded first*. 18*4; current receipt*. 17*4: mediums. 17*4: dirties. No. l. 17*4; avenge checks. 16*4-1% Whites: Resale of premium marks 23*4-2554. Nearby and Midwestern, pre- " mlum marka 21*4-2254: exchange specials 2034: standards. 19*4. Resale of exchange ■„ to fancy heavier mediums. 19-21*4. Near- * by and Midwestern mediums. 18*4. -> Browns: Nearby, fancy to extra fancy. 21-2154. Nearby and Midwestern, ipeelafi! 4 20n4: standards. 1854: mediums 17*4-54. « Duck etas. 38-40. Butter. 1.084.082: Arm. Creamery. 3 higher than, extra. 2®y«-30 Extra (92 . seore). 29. firsts!88-9i), 28*4-29: see onds (84-87). 27-28. Cheese. 83.489. irregular State, whole SPfeofffy *** 1»*0. 20-20*4: fresh. MV4-18.