Newspaper Page Text
Corporation Bonds Turn Downward in Late Dealings Early Gains Replaced By Losses Ranging To About a Point Bond Averages 20 in 10 10 Rmls. Indust. Util. F’sn. Net change —.1 +.1 —.1 +.5 Today, noon 57.1 102.1 96.7 53.4 Prev. day.. 57.2 102.0 96.8 52.9 Month ago. 57.7 102.4 96.5 51.0 Year ago... 62.4 100.4 94.7 62.6 1940 high.. 59.9 102.6 96.8 53.0 1940 low... 56.7 101.9 96.1 49.9 1939 high.. 64.9 102.0 97.5 64.0 1939 low... 53.4 95.8 90.4 41.7 10 Low-Yield Bonds. Noon- 112.2 Prev. day. 112.2 M’nth ago 112.5 Year ago . 111.1 1940 high 112.6 1940 low. 111.5 1939 high 112.6 1939 low. 103.6 (Compiled by the Associated Press.) B? the Associated Press. NEW YORK, March 15.—Bond prices slanted lower today in sym pathy with a depressed stock list. After early gains, losses running around a point were common among the corporates toward the close. The roll of depressed loans in fairly active trading included Alle ghany Stamped 5s of ’50, Missouri Pacific “F’’ 5s of '77, New York Cen tral 5s, Western Union 5s of ’60. Studebaker 6s. Portland General Electric 4'2s, Nickel Plate 4>2s, In ternational Hydroelectric 6s and Pere Marquette 4'2s and 5s. In the foreign sector Scandinavian loans tended to taper Lower were Norwegian 4Hs of 56 and 6s of ’44. •Iso Danish 6s of ’42. United States Governments, in light trading, showed gains ranging to 10-32 of a point. i i Auto Production Rises to 105,720 Units in Week By the Associated Press. DETROIT, March 15.—Ward's re- : ports today estimated this week s j assemblies of automobiles and [ trucks at 105,720, against 103,560 last week and 86,725 this week a | year ago. Production schedules for the most part, the survey said, evidently are i “in equilibrium" and likely to re main so most of the month. Dividends Announced NEW YORK. March 15.—Dividends de clared. Prepared by Fitch Publishing Co. Initial. Pe- Stock o£ Pay Rate. riod. record, able. B-G Foods 7% nr Dl $1.75 Q 3-20 4-1 Resumed. Ottawa Elec Ry 30c . - 3-20 3-30 Increased. Trust Co of Ga $5 Q 3-20 4-1 Extra. Coleman L & Stove.-25c __ 3-23 3-30 Group Sec AgrlcuU---3c - . 3-15 3-30 Group See Auto lc . 3-15 3-30 Group Sec Aviation -10c __ 3-16 3-30 Group Sec Chemical.. 4c3-15 3-30 Group San Had*Equip..5c_3-15 3-30 Group 6ec Meqch’n ng _2c_3-15 3-30 Group Sec Mining _. 4c_3-15 3-30 Group Sec Steel IVac __ 3-16 3-30 Accumulated. Cit S P & Lt S5 pf $11 25 .. 3-22 4-1 Do $5 Of_$13.50._ 3-22 4-1 Do $7 Pf _ $15.75 . .. 3-22 4-1 ® 6 Int S $5 1st of_$1.25 -- 3-2d 3-30 Regular. Am Foreign Invest 12‘aC 3-15 3-22 Amer Hardware 25c Q 3-15 4-1 Bucyrus-Erie 77c Pf $1.75 Q 3-20 4-1 Cannon Shoe 10c 3-22 4-1 Chem Bk 4 Tr N Y 45c Q 3-10 4-1 Churngold Corp 10c 3-15 3-30 Coco-Cola Bot Del A 62‘jc Q 3-15 4-1 Do B 62'ic « 3-15 4-1 Crum At Forster ... 25c Q 4-5 4-15 Do R7 pf $2 Q 0-10 0-20 Elec Prod 25c Q 3-20 4-1 Emerson El 7r'r pf. $1.75 Q 3-20 4-1 Oeneral Baking . 15c 3-23 4-1 Do $8 Cf $2 Q 3-23 4-1 Ken Mach 25c 3-1K 4-1 Do 4','. pf $1.12'j Q 3-18 1-1 Groun Sec Argicull 2c 3-15 3-30 Group S'-c Auto 4c 3-15 3-30 Groun S"C Bide lc 3-15 3-30 Group Sec Chemical 4c 3-15 3-30 Group Set Elec Equip 5c 3-15 3-30 Group Sec Food 3c 3-15 3-30 Group Sec Inv Co 2c 3-15 3-30 Group Sec Merch'd'ng 5c . _ 3-15 3-30 Groun Sec Mining 4c 3-15 3-30 Group Sec Petroleum 2c 3-15 3-30 Group Sec Railroad lc 3-15 3-30 Groun Sec Steel 2'ic 3-15 3-30 Grouo Sec Tobacco 5c 3-15 3-30 Group Sec Util . 5c 3-15 3-30 Pacific Can __ ... 25c 3-22 .3-30 Fhila Co $6 pf _$1.50 Q 3-25 4-1 Do 6', pf $1.50 S 4-1 5-1 USA- Foreign Sec $6 1st Of $1 50 3-20 3-30 U S Sm Rfg At Min $1 3-25 4-15 Do 7% pf 87 VaC Q 3-25 4-16 Foreign Exchange NEW YORK. March 15 VP>.—The British pound and most other currencies in the •'sterling bloc" lurched downward again today in the "free" money market Still under the influence of British for eign exchange regulations curtailing the uses to which the "free" pound may b* put. sterling dropped 15« cents in terms of the dollar. The Canadian dollar at 81 871- United States cents was t« cent lower. The French franc dipped 01',. of a cent. Neutral monies continued to di^nl-’V <—• siderable stability despite pressure else where. The belga rose 02 nf a cent and the Swiss franc .01 of a con: Down .01 Of a cent, however, was the guilder. Late rates follow 'Great Britain In dol lars. others In centsi: Canada. Official Canadian Control Board rates for United States dollars: Buying. 10 per cent premium: selling. 11 per cent premium: equivalent to discount on Canadian dollars In New York of buying. 0.01 per cent; sell ing, 0.00 per cent. Canadian dollar in New York open mar ket. 18'-8 per cent discount, or 81.87'a United States cents. Europe. Great Britain, demand 3.R0'i: cables. 8.705a: 60-day bills. 3.88*4: 00-day bills. 3.67*»: Belgium. 17.0"; Denmark. 19.33: Finland. 1.75n: France. 2 10'1: Germany. 40.20n (benevolent. 16.90': travel unquoted: Greece. .71: Hungary. 17.65n: Italy. 5 05: Netherlands. 53.11: Norway. 22.73: Portu gal. 3.50; Rumania. ,55n: Sweden. 23 83'/a: Switzerland, 22.43: Yugoslavia, 2.35n. Latin America. Argentina, official. 29.77: free. 23 55: Brazil, official, 6.05: free. 5.10; Mexico, 16.75n. Far East. a Japan. 23.49; Hong Kong, 23.02: Shang hai, 6.45 Rates In spot cables unless otherwise in dicated. n—Nominal. New York Produce NEW YORK, March 15 m.—Eggs. 18.204: easier. Mixed colors, fancy to extra iancy. IP-21: extras. 18%; storage packed firsts, 18%: graded firsts. 18: cur rent receipts, 17%: mediums, 17; dirties, No 1 17% average checks 18%-%. Whites. Resales of premium marks. 23% 25% Nearby ana Western premium marks 21%-22%; exchange specials. 20%: standards, 19% Resales of exchange to fancy heavier mediums 19-21%. Nearby and Midwestern mediums. 18%. -.Browns: Nearby fancy to extra fancy. Nearby and Midwestern specials, Z0%: standards. 18%: mediums. 17%-%. Duck eggs. 38-40. BUTTER. 448.888: easier. Creamery, h.'*h<\r „£xtrJ- 29%-30: extra <02 score). 28%-29: firsts (88-91). 28-28%; seconds <84-871. 26%-27% Cheese. 42.457: irregular. Prices un Changed. Dressed poultry irregular. Frozen boxes—Chickens, fryers. 14-20%: all other fresh and frozen prices unchanged. Live poultry Improved. By freight_ Fowls, colored. 17-28; Leghorn. 18. Tur keys hens. 25; young toms IS. By ex press—Steady: chickens. Rpcks. 21: ccl ered. 18 Broilers. Rocks, 21: crosses. 20. Fowls, colored. 17-28. Pullets. Rocks small. 22: crosses, medium. 23 Old roosters. 12-13 Turkeys, hens. 26: young toms. 18: heavy 15. Ducks. 12. Federal Land Banks NEW YORK. March 15 OP).—Federal Land Bank bonds: Rate. Mo. Year. Bid Asked. 4s July 1946-44_111% 112 3%s May. 1955-45_106% 107% 8s July, 1956-45_105% 106% 8s Jan.. 1966-46_105% 106V, 8s May. 1956-46_105%' 106% BONDS ON N. Y. STOCK EXCHANGE By private wire direct to The Star. TREASURY. Hhth Low 2:83 2s 1947_H6.23 105.23 105.M 2s 1943-60 _104.8 104.8 104.8 2s 1948-60 reg_ 104.8 104.8 104.8 2*8 1961-63_ 104.12 104.12 104.12 2*8 1949-63..-. 106.16 106.15 106.16 2*/.s 1946-47_ 109.14 109.14 109.14 2*8 1961-64_ 108.16 108.16 108.16 2*8 1960-65_ 107.18 107.11 107.18 2*s 1955-60_ 109. 108.30 109. 3s 1951-55 _111.9 111.9 111.9 3*s 1946-49_112. 112. 112. 3*8 1943-45_ 109.27 109.27 109.27 4s 1944-64 _ 114.29 114.29 114.29 4*s 1947-52 120.23 120.23 120.23 FEDERAL FARM MORTGAGE. 1*8 1945-47 102.5 10216 102.6 3*s 1944-64 108.20 108.20 108.20 FOREIGN BONDS. High Low 2:66 wbltlbl P&P 6s 63 ... 51 60% 50* Antloqula 7s 45 D_ 13% 13% 13% Antloqula 2d 7s 57_ 12* 12* 12* Antloqula 3d 7s 57... 13 12* 12* Argentine 48 72 Feb. 86* 86% 86% Argentine 4s 72 Apr. 86 86 86 Argentine 4 *s 48_ 96 95% 95% Argentine 4*g 71_ 94% 94 94 Australia 4*s 56_ 76 74% 74% Australis Bs 55_ 80% 80% 80% Australia 6s 57_ 80 79 79 Belgium 6s 65 _ 98% 97% 98% Belgium 6*s 49-101 101 101 Berlin C El 6s 55_ 15% 15% 15% Brazil 6*s 1926-57.. 17% 17 17 Brazil 6%s 1927-67 . 17% 17% 17% Brazil C Ry El 7s 62 17% 17% 17% Brazil 8s 41 _ 22% 21% 21% Brisbane 5a 57 _ 72% 72% 72% Budapest 6s 62 9% 94 9% Bueno* Aires 4*s 77 64 64 64 Buen Air 4*s Aug 76 63% 63*, 63% Buenos Aires 4*s 75 67 67 67 Bulgaria 7s 67 _ 13:% 13* 1314 Canada 2*s 44- 93% 93% 93% Canada 2 %s 45___93s, <13^. 9314 Canada 3s 67 - 80% 80% 80% Canada 4s 60_ 96 954 9fi Canada os 62 _101% 101% 101% Chile 6s 60 assd_ 13% 13*4 43*4 Chile 6s 61 Sept 14% 44* . 441, Chll Mun Ln 7s60 asd 13 13 13 Colombia 6s 61 Jan 33% 32* 32* Colombia 6s 61 Oct 34 33* 33* Copenhagen 4*s 63_. 43* 43% 43% Copenhagen 5s 62_ 50 50 50 Cuba 4 % s 77 -• 61 R0% 60% Cuba 5 *s 53 - 102 102 102 Denmark s 62_ 52% 51% 51% Denmark 6%s 55_ 61 60 60 Denmark 6s 42 .. 69% 67 67 Dominie 2d 614s 40 ... 75 75 75 Dominic 1st 5»4s 42.. 75 74 75 Dom 1st 514s 69 ext.. 75 75 75 El Salvador 8s 48 ct.. 15 15 15 Finland 6s 45 _ 75% 75% 75% French Gov 7s 49_116 116 116 Ger Govt 614s, 65 ... 13 12% 12% Ger G 5%s 65 un st._. 888 German Govt 7s 49.. 16% 16% 16% Grt C El Jan 7s 44 . 89% 89% 89% Greek G 6s 68 pt pd . 15% 15% 15% Greek G 7s 64 pt pd._ 20 20 20 Hung Con M 7s 46 9% 9% 9% Hung Con M 714s 45 9% 9% 9% Italy 7s 51 .. 68% 68% 68% Ital P U Crd 7s 62_ 51 51 51 Japan 5%s 65 - 63% 63% 63% Japan 6 %s 64 _ 86% 86% 86% Mexico 5s 45 asst_ 1% 1% 1% Mexico 6s 33 ast_ 1% 1% m Milan 614s 62 50% 50% 50% Minas Geraes 614s 59 11% 11% 11% New So Wales 5s 68 . 82% 82 82% Norway 4s 61 75 74 74 Norway 414 a 65 _ 77 76 76 Norway 414s 66_ 83% 83 83 Norway 6s 44 _ 95 94% 95 Oriental Dev 5 %s 58 56% 56 56% Panama 6s 63 st asd 71% 70% 71% Panama 514s 53 ... 104 104 101 Pernambuco 7s 47_ 9'. 9 9 Peru 1st 6s 60 _ 10% 10% 10% Peru 2d 6s 61 _ 10% 10% 10% Peru 7s 59 _ 11 || j 1 Poland 4 %s 68 asd ... 9 9 9 Queensland 7s 41 ... 100 100 100 Rlode Jan 614s 53... 10 9% 9% Rio de Jan 8s 46 .. 11 n j| Rio Gr do Sul 6s 6S._. 10% 10% 10% Rome 644s 62 _ 60% 60% -60% Sao Paulo St 7s 40_.... 86% 35 36% Sao Paulo St 7s 66_ 11 11 11% Sao Paulo St 8s 50 ... 11% 11% 11% Shin’su E P 644s 52.. 67 66 66 Tokyo City 6 44 s 61... 60 60 60 Tokyo El Lt 6s 53 ... 63 62% 63 (Jjlgawa El P 7s 45 94% 94 94% Uru 3%-4-4 4*8 adl 79 53% 53% 53% Uruguay 3%s 7 8 Dec 50% 50% 50% Yokohama fis f. 1 62 62 62 DOMESTIC BONDS. Adams Exp 4x4< Hi 102 102 Adams Ex 4%s 46 st 107% 107% 107% Alleg Coro 6s 44 79% 79 79% Alleg Corp 6* 49 69% 69% 09% Alleg Corp 5s 50 std 44% 44% 44% Alleg Valley 4s 42 106% 106 106% Allied Stores 4 %s 51 97% 97% 97% Allls-Chaimers 4s 62 110% 110% 110% Am & For Pw 6s 2030 63 62% 63 AmT4T3!4s61 109% 109% 109% Am T & T 3 %s 66 ... 109% 108% 109% Am T & T 6 % s 43 108* 108 108 Anaconda db 4%s 60 107% 107% 107% Armouri Del)lst4a 65 102 102 102 A T&S Fe adj 4s 96 at 87% 87% 87% A T&S Fe gen 4s 96 . 104% 104% 104% Atl Coast L clt 4s 62. 69 69 69 Atlantlo Refln 3s 63 . 105 105 105 Auburn Auto 43/4S 39. 59 68% 59 B*0 1st4S41 „ 67% 67% 67% B & O conv 4 %s 60_ 14 13% 13% BAO4%s60ct 14 13% 13% B & O 1st 48s std_ 68% 68 68 B & O 95 A stamped.. 27 26% 26% B A O 95 C stamped.. 29% 29% 29% B&O 2000 D stpd .. 26% 26% 26% B & O 96 F stamped . 26% 26% 26% B&O SYV 50s std_ 48% 48 48 B & U Toledo 4s 59 54% 54% 54% BangAAroos cn 4s 51 59% 59% 59% Bang & Ar cv 4s 61 st 59 59 59 Bang & Aroos 5s 43 96% 96% 96% Bell T of Pa 6s 4* B 116 116 116 Beth Steel 3%s 59 F 102% 102% 102% Beth Steel 3%s 52 108% 108% 108% Beth Steel 3*s <6 .. 105* 105* 105* Beth Steel 4 % s 60 ... 106A 106* 106* Bos & Me 6s 66 ... 46% 46% 46% Bos* Me 6s 67 .. 46% 46 46 Bos N Y A L 4s 55 9% 9% 9% Bk Qu CAS cn 5s41 ct 46% 46% 46% Man T 4%s 66 101% 101% 101% Bklvn Man 4 %s 66 ct 89% 88% 88% Bklyn Un El 6s 60 ct. 89% 89% 89% Bklvn Un O 6s 67 B 106% 106% 106% Buff R&P cn 4%s 67 37% 36% 36% B R & Pen 4%s 57 ct 37% 37 37 B C R ft N 6s 34 ct . 5% 6% 5% Bush Term 1st 4s 62. 68% 68% 68% Bush Term cn 6s 65 . 42% 42% 42% Calif Ores Pwr 4s <6 103% 103% 103% Canada South 6s 62 81% 81% 81% Canadian NK 4 %■ 61 97% 97 97% Can NR 4 %s 66 .. 97 97 97 Can NK 5s 6D July ... 101% 101% 101% Can NR 6s 69 Oct ... 101% 101 101% Can Nor 6%s 46 .. 110% 110 110 Can Pao db 4a perp_ 67 66% 67 Can Pac 4 %a 60_ 76% 76% 76% Can Pac 6s 44 _ 104 104 104 Can Pac 6s 64 _ 83 84 83 Celotex 4 %s 47 ww._ 88 88 88 Cent of Ga cn 6s 45_ 6% 6% 6% Cent N Eng 4s 61_ 46 46 46 Cent of N J 4s 87_ 15% 15% 15% Cent of NJ gen 6s 87. 16% 16% 1$% Cent Pao 1st rf 4s 4#. 67 67 67 Cent Pacific 6a 60 ... 48% 47% 47% Cerfd deb 6%s 48_ 78% 78% 78% Ches A O 3%s 96 D_ 99% 99% 99% Cbes A O 3 %a 96 O .. 99 99 99 Chi A Alton 3a 49 . 14% 14 14 Chi BAU gen 4s 68... 90 89% 89% ChlBAQ4%s77 80% 80% 80% C B&U 111 dlv 3%s 49 95% 95 95 C BAU 111 dlv 4s 49.. 99% 99% 99% Chi A E 111 6s 61 ... 16% 16 16 Chi A B 111 5s 61 «... 16 15% 16% Chi Gr» West 4s 59 27% 27% 27% Chi Ind A L,ou 5s 66 10% 9% 9% Chi Ind A L rf 6s 47 21 21 21 Chi ind A L gen 6s 66 10% 9% 9% CMAStP gn 3%S 89 B 24 24 24 Chi Mil A St P 4S 89 26% 25 26 CMAStP 4%s 89 C 27% 26% 26% CMAStP 4%a 89 E .. 27% 26% 26% Chi Mil A St P 6a 76.. 7% 7' 7 CMAStP adj 6s 2000. 1% 1% 1% ChIANW gn 4s 87 st- 15% 15% 16% Chi A NW cv 4%s 49. 2% 2% 2% Chi A NW 4%s 87 __ 17 17 17 ChlANW gen 6s 87_ 17% 17% 17% ChiANW 6%s 86_ 17% 17% 17% Chi Rwy 5s 27_ 45% 45% 46% Chi KIAP rf 4s 84_ 6% 6% 6% Chi RIAP rf 4s 84 et_. 6% 6% 6% Chi RIAP gen 4a 88.. 17% 17% 17% • Hlffh. Low 2:65. Chl RIAP rn 4a 88 ct- 17 17 17 Chl RlAP4%a61 A._ 7% 7 7 Chl RIAP ct 4 %a 60.. 1% 1% 1% Chl THAS rf Ba 60 .. 61% 61% 61% Chl THAS lne Ba 60.. 61% 51% 51% Chl Un Sta >%a 61... 106 106% 105% Chl Un Sta 8% a 63 .. 109% 108% 108% Chl Un Sta 4a 44 .. 108 106 106 Chl A W Ind cv 4a BZ 93% 93% 93% Chl A W Ind 4 % a 62 94% 94 94 Chtlda A Co 5a 43 ... 55 , 55 65 Cln OAE 3%a 66 .. 109% 109% 109% Cln On Terre 3% 71.. 109 108% 109 CCCARtL rf 4%a 77 60% 50 50% CCCAStLCW&M 4s91 49 49 49 CleT Un Ter 4 V.a 77 .. 70% 70% 70% CUT Un Term 5a 73 . 76 76 76 CUt Un Ter 6%a 7*.. 87% 87% 87% Colo F Air 6a 70_ 72% 72 72 Col O A B 6a 61 _104% 104V. 104% Colo A So 4 %a SO ... 29 29 29 Col O A E 6a 62 May 104 104 104 Coraw Ed 3 %s 6S 127 126% 126% Cona E NY db 3 84s 41 107% 107% 107% Cona Ed N T 3%a SI 108% 108% 108% Conaol 011 3 %s 51 104% 104% 104% Conaol Ryg 4s 64 . 15', 15% 15% Consum Pwr 3%s 70 110 110 110 Container deb 5s 43 101% 101% 101% Crown C A S 4 %s 48 103% 103% 103% Crucible Steel 4 %s 41 105 105 105 Cubs Northn 5%s 42 29% 29% 29% Del A Hud ref 4s 43 58% 58% 58% Den A R G edn 4s 36 9% 9% 9% Del P&L 4 % s 69 109% 109% 109% Den A R G W rf 5a 78 6% 6 6 Det Edison 4%s61 108% 108% 108% DuquesRT Lt 3%a 65 108% 107% 107% Eleo Auto Lt 4s 52 ... 109% 109 109 Erie cv 4a 63 A_ 19% 19% 19% Erie 1st 4a 96 _ 66% 56% 66% Erte. Ben 4» 96_ 23 -23 23 Erie ref 6* 67_ 14% 14% 14^ Erl* ref 6a 75. 14% 14% 14% Fed Lt & Tr 6s 54 B . 103% 103% 103% Fed Lt&Tr 6s 42 .. 104% 104 104 Firestone T 3 %s 48_106% 106% 106% Fla E C Ry 4 %s 69 ... 49% 49% 49% Fla EC Ry 5s 74 .. 6% 6% 6% Francisco Sug 6s 66- 62 51% 51% Goodrich 4 %s 66 ... 105% 105% 105% Grt Nor Ry 384s 67.. 72% 72 72 Grt Nor Ry 4a 46 G . 100% 100 100 Grt Nor Ry 4s 46 H 90 90 90 Grt N Ry 1st 484s 61. 107% 107% 107% Grt NR 4 Us 76 D 83 83 83 Grt N R (?n 4%s 77 E 82% 82% 82V, Grt Nor Ry 6s 78 .. 90% 90 90% Grt Nor Ry 6%a 52_ 96% 96% 96% Gulf Sta Stl 4%s 61.. 99 99 99 Gulf St Util S%» 69.. 109 109 109 Hock Val «H» 99 __ 121 120% 120% Houston 011 4 %* 54.. 98% 98% 98% Hudson Coal 6a 62 A. 33% 33 33 Hud A Man Inc 6a 57. 15% 15% 15% Hud A Man ref 6s 57. 47% 47% 47% ill Cent 4a 53 _ 45 44 441* 111 Cent 4%s 66 - 43% 42% 42% 111 Cent ref 5s 65 55 54 55 111 Cent Lou 3 %s 53.. 62% 62% 62% ICCAST NO 4%a 63 44% 44% 44% ICCAStL NO 6a 63 A 48% 48% 48% Indust Rayon 4 %s 4* 105% 105 105% Inland Steel 3%s 61 f06% 106% 106% Int R T 1st rf 5s 66 77 77 77 Int R T 1st rf 6» 66 Ct 77% 76% 77 Int Grt Nor 5a 66 B 10% 10% 10% Int Grt Nor 6s 66 C 10% 10% 10 , Int Grt Nor 1st 6s 52 12% 12% 12% Int Hydro El 6s44., . 70% 67% 70 Int Mer Mar 6a 41 68% 68% 68% Int Paper 1st 5a 47._. 102% 102% 102% Int Paper ref 6s 65 ... 97% , 97% 97% Int TAT 4 %* 52 _ 43% 43 43% Int TAT 6s 55 _ 46% <6 46% Kans C Ft SAM 4s 36 36 36 36 K C FSAM rf 4s 36 ct 35% 35% 35% Kans City So 3s 50 65 65 65 Kans City So rf 6s 50 66% 66% 66% Kan City Term 4s 60 108% 108% 108% Kans G A E 4 %s 30 103V4 103% 103% Kings Co El 4s 49 cfs 89 «9 89 Koppers Co 4s 51 105% 105 105% Kresge Found 4s 45 . 104% 104 104 Laclede Gas 5a 39 86% 86% 86% Laclede (las 6 %s 63 47% 47% 47% Laclede Gas 6s 42 B 40 40 40 Lake S A M S 3%s 97 82% 82% 82% Lautaro Nitrate 75 35% 35% 35% Leh CAN 4 %s 64 A . 53% 53% 63% Leh CAN 4 %s 54 C . 53 63 53 Leh Val C 5s 64 std 24% 24% 24% Leh Val Har 5a 54 42% 42% 42% Leh V NT 4%s 40 asd 43 43 43 L V RR con 4s 2003 15% 16% iS‘4 L V RR 4s 2003 asd 15% 14% 14% L V RR on 4 tys 2003 15 15 15 L V RR 4%s2003 asd 15% 16% 15% L V RR 6s 2003 asd 17 17 17 Loew s 3%s 46 ...... 104% 104% 104H La A Ark 5s 69 . 84% 84% 84% Loulsv OAE 3%s 66. 109% 109% 109% L A N St L 3s 10 .. 79% 79% 79% LA Nash 3%a 2003 . 80% 80% 80% L A N 5s 2003 B 98% 98% 98% LAN So Mon It 4s 52. 78 77% 77% McCrory Strs 6s 5. 106% 106% 106% Manhat Ry 4S 90 ct 82% 82 82 Manhat R 2d 4s 2013 48 48 48 Man Rv 2d 4s2013 eft 44% 44% 44% Mead Co 6s 45 I04}J I04H 104|f Metrop Ed 4 %s 68 111 111 111 Mich Cons Gas 4s 63 10i% 104% 104 Mid RR N .1 5s 40 29% 28% 29 Mil Spa A NW 4s 47 *14% 14% 14% MStPASSM cn 4s 38. 6% 6% 6% MStPASSM 5 %s 49 ._ 1% 1% 1% Mo K A T 1st 4s.»0 .. 26% 26 26% Mo K A T 4%8 76._ 11% 11% 11% Mo KAT 5s 62 A _ 12*. 12% 12% Mo KAT adj 6s 67_ 5% 5% 5% Mo Pac 48 76 2% 2% 2% Mo Pac 6s 65 A_ 19% 19% 19% Mo Pac 6s 77 F_ 19% 18% 18% Mo Pac 6s 78 G_ 19% 18% 18% Mo Pae 5s 80 H ... 19% 18% 18% Mo Pac 5s 80 H ctfs.. 19 19 19 Mo Pac 5s 811 19% 18% 18% Mo Pac 5s 81 let ... 19 19 19 Mob A Ohio 4%s 77.. 33% 32% 32% Mob A Ohio 6s SI .. 40% 39% 39% Monong P S 4%s 60 f. 109% 109% 109% Monong P S 6s 65 ... 111% 111% 111% Mont Pwr 3%s 66 .. 100 99% 100 Morris A Es 4 %s 53 33% 33% 33% Nassau El 4s 61 ctfs 63% 53% 53% Nat Dslry 3%s51 ww 107% 106% 106% Nat Steel 3s 66 102% 102% 102% Natl Supply 3%s 54 . 102% 102% 102% New K I AT 1st 6s 62 126% 126% 126% New Jer-PAL 4 %s 60 106% 106% 106% New Orl TAM 6s 54 B 37% 37% 37% N Y Central 3 %s 52 57 57 57 N Y Central 3 %s 97 76 75% 75% N Y Cent 3 %s 97 reg 73 73 73 N Y Central 3%s 46 77% 77 77 N Y Central 4s 42 . 93 92% 92% N Y Cent con 4s 98 57% 57% 57% N Y Cent 4%s 2013 A 52% 52% 52% N Y Cent rf 5s 2013 58% 57% 57% N Y C L Sh 3 %s 98 60 59% 59% N Y Chi A St L 4s 46 81% 81% 81% N Y ChlAStL 4 %s 78 54% 54 64 N Y CfeStL 6%s 74 A 64% 63% 64 N Y Chi A St L 6s 41 St% 81 81 NY Dock 4s 51 ... 53% 53 53 N Y Dock cv 5s 47 .. 50% 50 60% N Y Edis 8 %s 65 D._ 108% 108% 108% N Y LAW 1st 4s 73... 65% 55% 55% N Y LAW 4%8 73 .. 64 64 64 N Y A Long Br 4s 41. 72% 72% 72% NY NH AH 4s 65 .. 16% 16% 16% NY NH A H 4%S 67.. 18% 18% 18% NY NH A H cl 6s 40'.. 31% 31% 31% NY NH A H cv 6s 48 19% 19 19 N Y OAW gen 4s 55 .. 4% 4% 4% N Y DAW ref 4s 92... 8% 7% 8 N Y Putnam 4s 93_ 43 43 43 N Y Rich G 6s 61 _105% 105% 105% N Y Steam 3 %s 63 ... 105% 105% 105% N Y SAW ref 6s 37 ... 29% 28 28% N Y S A W gen 6s 40. 13% 13% 13% N Y Trap Rock 6s 46. 89 89 89 N Y WAB 4 %a 46 ... 5% 5% 6% Norf Southn 6s 41_ 72 72 72 Norf Southn 6s Cl . 14% 14% 14% Norf Southn 6a Cl et. 14 14 14 Norf A W 1st 4s 9S._. 123% 123% 123% North Am 3 %s 49_ 106% 106% 106% North Am 3%a 64_105% 105% 105% North Am 4s 69 _106% 106% 106% Nor’n Ohio 5s 46_ 62 62 52 Nor’n Pao gn 8s 204T. 41 40% 40% Nor’n Pao «s 97 .. 64% 64% 64% Nor’n Pao 4 %s 2047.. 43% 43% 43% Nor’n Pao 6s 2047 C._ 48 A 48 48 Nofn Pao 6s 2047 D. 48 48 48 Nor’n Pac 6s 2047 55% 54% 54% North Sta Pw 3Hs «7 109% 109% 109% Ohio Edison «s 67 . 108% 108% 108% Ont Trans 1st 5s 46.. 105% 105% 105% Oregon W KK 4s 61 106 106 106 Otis Steel 4 %a 62 75% 75% 75% Pao Gas* El 3%s 66 109% 109% 109% Pac G A E 3%s 61 112% 112% 112% Pac TAT rf 3%s 66 B 109% 109% 109% Panhand E T 4s 62 103% 103% 103% Parmelee 6s 44 .. 42% 42% 42% Pat A P G E 6s 49 ... 126 126 126 Penn Co 3%s 41 B .. 102% 102% 102% Penn Co 4s 63 _ 104 104 104 Penn O&D 4 %s 77_ 98 97% 97% Penn PAL l%s 69_108% 108% 108% Penn PAL 4%s 74_107% 107% 107% Penn RR 8^*62_84% 84% 84% Penn RR 2 Cis 70____ 90% 89% 90% Penn RR «%s II_96% 96% 96% Pena RR4%a 14_ 96% 96% 96% Hich. Low. 2'SB. Ponn RR gn 4 Ha (6 .. 101% 1014* lom Ponn RR «Ib 4Hs 70.. 874* 8744 8744 Peoria A B 1st 4a 40 . 674* 67 67 Pero Marquette 4a 66. 65 66 66 Pore Marq 4**a 10... 664* 664* 664* Pare Marq 6a 66_ 61% 61 61 Phelps DodgslHa62 109% 109'* 1094* Phtla BAW 4 Ha II D 108 108 108 t’htla Co 6s 67 — 106% 105% 105% Phlla Eleo I Ha 87 .. 111H U1H 1114* PhllaRCAlr 6a 4*.. 8H 3% 3% Phillips Petrol la 41 109 109 109 PCC&StL 4 Ha 40 A.. 102 102 102 PCC&StL 4 Ha 42 B.. 107 107 107 PCC&StL 4 Ha 77 .. 98*. 98'/* 98V* Port Uen El 4Ha 60.. 71% 71 71 Postal Tel AC 6s 61 23 22H 22H Pub Svo BAGS Ha 61 1114* 111 111 Purity Baking 6a 41.. 1044* 1044* 104H R-K-O 6a 41*_ 60 60 60 Reading R 4 Ha 97 A 704* 70V* 79'/* Rem Rand 4Hs 66 xw 100'* 1004* 1004* Republic Stl 4Ha 66. 96*. 96 96*. Republic Stl 4 Ha 61. 95% 95 95% Republlo Stl 6Ha 64. 108V* 108V* 1084* Rio GW 1st 4s 39 .. 30 30 30 Rutland RR 4Ha 41.. 74* 74* 74* Saguenay Pa 4 %s 66 83 92% 92% St L 1MAS RAG 4a 83 63% 62 62 St L PANW 6a 48_ 22% 22% 22% St L RSJ&P 6a 55._ 40 40 40 St L-San Fr 4s 60 A.. 13% 13 13 St L-San Fr is 80 ct.. 13 13 IS St L-San Fr 4%s 78 . 12% 12 12 St L-S F 4%s 78 ct St 11%- 11% 11% St L-San F 6s 60 B.__ 14% 13% 13% St L S W 1st 4s 89_ 60 60 60 St L S W ref 6s 90_ 9% 9% 9% St P MAM 4s 40 _ 97% 97% 97% San AAA Pass 4s 43 66 62% 63 San Antonio P S 4s 63 108% 108% 108% San Diego CGAE 4s65 111 111 111 Schulco 8%s 46 B stp 42% 42 42 Seabd A L 4s 60 stp.. 12% 12 12 Seabd A L rf 4s 69 ._ 4% 4% 4% Seabd A L adj 6s 49 ._ 1% 1% 1% Ssab’d A L con 6s 45. 6% 6% 6% Seabd A L 6s 45 et ... fr 6 6 Seabd A F 6s 35 A ct- 2% 2% 2% Seabd A F 6s 35 B ct.. 2% 2% 2% Shell Un Oil 2%s 64.. 96% 96 96 Simmons Co 4s 62 .. 101% 101% 101% So Bell TA T 3s 79 .. 104% 104% 104% So Bell TAT 8%s 62.. 108% 108% 108% Southn Cal G 4s 65 .. 110% 110% 110% Southn Cal G 4 %a 61. 108 108 108 So Colo Pwr 6s 47 A 105% 105% t05% Southn Kraft 4%a 46 99% 99% 99% So Pac 3 % s 46 - 62% 52% 52% So Pac col 4s 49_ 45% 45% 45% So Pao ref 4s 66_ 59 59 59 So Pao 4 %s 68- 45% 45% 45% So Pac 4 %s 69- 46% 44% 44% So Pao 4%s 81 - 45 45 45 So Pac Ore* 4%s 77.. 49% 48% 48% So Psc S F Ter 4s 50.. 77% 77 77 So Ry gen 4s 56 A- 56% 56 66 So Ry 5s 94 - 87% 87% 87% So Ry gen 6s 66- 75% 76% 75% So Ry 6 %a 66 ... 80 79% 79% S W Bell Tel 3s 61... 108% 108% 108% Spokane Int 5s 55 ... 23 23 23 Stand Oil N J 3s 61... 105% 106% 105% Studebaker e? 6s 45.. 108% 106% 107 Swift A Co 3 44s 60 . IDS 106 105 Ter RR As StL 6s 44 114% 114% 114% Texarkana 6%s 60 .. 90% 90% 90% Texas Corp 3s 69 .. 105% 105% 105% Texas Corp 3%s 61 . 107% 107 107% Texas A Pac 5s 77 B. 70 70 70 Texas A Pac 5s 79 C-. 69% 69% 69% Tex A Pac 6s 10 D 69% 69% 69% TexAPae 1st 6s 2000 107% 107% 107% Tex A P MPT 5%s 64 91% 91% 91*1 Third A» ref 4s 60 .. 61% 60% 60% Third Av ad] 6s 60_ 22% 21% 21% Un Eli Mo)3%s 62 .. 107% 107% 107% Union Oll(Cal)3s 69 102 102 102 Un Pacino 3 %a 71 .. 97% 97 97 Un Pacino 1st 4s 47.. 114% 114% 114% Un Pac ref 4s 2008 .. 108 107% 107% Un Pao 1st 6s 2008 . 115% 115% 115% United Biscuit 5s 60 105% 105% 105% Utd Cgr W Strs 5s 52 67 67 67 United DruR 6s 63 83% 83% 88% U S Steel 3%s 48 105% 105% 105% Utd Stkydsi %s61ww 92 91% 92 Utah LAT 6s 44 101 101 101 Utah Pwr A Lt 6s 44 102 101% 101% Utility P A L 6s 59 91 91 91 Utility P A L 6%s 47 91 91 91 Va Ry 1st 344s 66 ... 107% 107% 107% Wabash 4 %s 78 C_ 7% 7% 7% Wabash 1st 5s 39__ 44% 44 44 Wabash 2d 5s 89 _____ 17% 17%,, J7H WabMjh Ss 76 B- 7% 7% 7% Wabash 6%s 76_ 7% 7% 7% Walworth 4s 65 __ 67 t>6% 66% Warnir Bros 6s 48 .. 88 87% 88 Warren pros cv 6* 41 36% 34% 36 .West Penn f>SMs 66 112 112 112 West Sh 1st *S 2361.. 48% 48% 48% West Md 1st «s 62... 84 83% 83% West Md 6Hs 77 ... 89% 89 89 Went Pacific 5s 46 A. 17% 17% 17% West Pac 6s 46 A as 16% 16% 16% West Union 4%s 60 66% 66% 66% West Union 5s 51 .. 71 71 71 West Union 6s 60 68% 67% 67% Wheel Steel 4 %* 66 99% 99% 99% Wilson A Co 3 4is 47 99% 99% 99% Wilson A Co 4s 55 106% 106% 106% Wis Cent 1st rp 4s 49 21% 21% 21% Wis C SAD T 4s 36 R% 8% S’, Wis El l‘w 3%s 68 109% 109 109 YounRst n SAT 4s 4* 108% 108% 108% Youngst’n SAT is (1 105% 105% 105% Chicago Union Station Bond Hearing Set Bt the Associated Press. The Interstate Commerce Com mission today ordered a public hear ing March 23 on the Chicago Union Station's Co.’s application for au thority to issue $16,000,000 314 per cent first mortgage bonds, series F, in connection with refunding of outstanding 4 per cent bonds. The commission ordinarily au thorizes such issues without formal hearing. Today’s order gave no in dication of the scope of the hearing, but it was thought probable that the question of competitive bidding might be discussed. In its application the company proposed to sell the bonds through competitive bidding. Halsey Stuart & Co. of Chicago submitted the only bid. This bid, never officially announced, was rejected yesterday by the company, which then ar ranged to sell the bonds, subject to I. C. C. approval, to a syndicate headed by Kuhn, Loeb & Co„ for 99.43 per cent of par. Jesse Jones, Federal loan admin istrator, told reporters yesterday the Halsey Stuart bid was "a little below par.” He added that he thought the bonds should bring “at least par.” Japan Sets Aside Fund For Cotton Purchases By the Associated Press. Donald W. Lamm, assistant United States trade commissioner in Tokio, said today that Japan had created a special foreign exchange fund to buy raw cotton abroad. While Lamm did not indicate the probable source of the supplies, the United States usually has been a major cotton seller to Japan, and his report was taken to indicate that the United States might benefit. Lamm said that Japanese stocks of cotton had been seriously reduced by the last year’s small Chinese cotton crop, on which Japan was depending for much of its supplies. Meanwhile, Lamm said, the use of cotton fabrics in Japan has been restricted sharply, with only special groups, such as farmers and work men. being permitted to use pure cotton clothing. Lamm’s report was made public by the Commerce Department. Directors Re-elected WILMINGTON, Del., March 15 (jP).—Directors of Universal Pictures Co., Inc., were re-elected at the annual stockholders’ meeting to day. A reorganization meeting will be held In. New York City next month. Retail Trade Gains 6 to 12 Per Cent Over Year Ago Broadest Rise Above 1939 Since January Is Reported By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, March 15.—An esti mated Increase of 6 to 12 per cent In last week's total retail trade marked the broadest gain over 1939 since January, Dun & Bradstreet re ported today in their weekly review. Buying of the “sane, steady variety” and a "leveling-off of the industrial recession" were noted by the mercantile agency. “The spring rise in trade,” said the report, “proceeded at a livelier pace this week. Tricky March weather prevented a uniform expan sion, but gains were substantial enough on days of favorable shop ping conditions to widen materially the lead over last year. “Numerous requests for quick de livery received in wholesale markets Indicated that distributors’ stocks of seasonal and other merchandise were in need of replenishment. “There were some reports of more extensive covering by retailers, but buying was said to be still of the sane, steady variety; even in in dustry there was little ordering be yond three months’ needs. “Wholesale buying continued at a leisurely pace, despite the increase in fill-in orders accompanying the seasonal expansion at retail. “In light consumers’ goods in dustries. a moderate seasonal im provement was in evidence, although this was by no means general.” Washington Produce BUTTER—f>3 score, tubs. 31: 1-pound prints. 31’,a: V.-pound prints. 32: S2 score, tubs. 30; 1-pound prints. 30‘a: V.-pound prints. 31: HI score, tubs. 284.; 1-pound prints. 20: '/.-pound prints. 29'.: 00 score, tubs. 274.: l-pound prints. 28; V.-pound prints. 28’.: 80 score, tubs. 284'.: 1-pound prints, 27: '.-pound prints. 27'.: 88 score, tubs. 25s*: 1-pound prints. 26; V.-pound Pr LIVESTOCK—Calves. 10'a: lambs. 0: Digs. 170-210 pounds. 5.86: 150-200 pounds 5.50; 120-140 pounds. 5.25: 100 120 pounds. 5.10; sows, 3.00-3.50; calves, 9-11 From Agricultural Marketing Service. Prices paid net f.o.b. Washington: EGGS—Market steady. For eggs candled and gradea in Washington (March 15): White. U. S extras large. 20. U. S. extras, mediums 16: U S standards, large. 17: U S standards mediums. 15; U S. trades, 14 For nearby ungraded eggs. Current receipts: Whites. 16 to 17: mixed colors, 15 to 16 , LIVE POULTRY—Market about steady. Fowl; Colored, all sizes. 14 to 15; No. 2s, 11 to 13; Leghorns. 10 to 11 Roosters. 8 to 9. Chickens: Virginia Rocks, broilers and fryers, all sizes. 20 to 21 No. 2s. 11 to 13 Delaware Rocks and crosses: Broilers and fryers, all sizes. 18 to 19; No. 2s. 11 to 13 Turkeys; Young toms. 15 pounds and up 12 to 13- old 10 young hens. 10 pounds and up 19 to 20: old 12 to 13. Young guinea keets. 1*4 pounds and up. 10 a pound old keet' lOanound. Capons: 6 pounds and over, 22 to 24: No. 2s and slips, 10 to 17. Fruits and Vegetables. Compiled by the Market News Section of Agricultural Marketing Service. Sale# to s am. on this morning s wholesale market in less than carlor quantities; APPLES—Market stPadv Truck re ceipts light Bushel baskets and 11 n bushfl boxes. U S No 1 : Maryland. Pennsylvania Virginia and West \ irginia. Staymans 214-inch min.. 75-90; 2*2-inch mm. 1.00-1.15: 7a4-inch min. 1.25: Yorks. 21 g-inch min.. 85-1.00: 234-inch mm.. 1 00-1.10: Black Twigs, 2‘^-inch min. 85-1.00: 2a4-lnch min.. 1.10-1.15: Golden Delicious 2‘4-inch min.. 75-85; 2*2-inch min. 1.10-1.25 Grimes. 2*4 inrh min.. 60-75: 2*2-’nch min.. 8,->-90; 2a4-inch min., l.on-1.10: Winesaps. 2*« inrh min.. 1.10-1.25: 2**-incb min . l£5 1.35. Bushel boxes and cartons fancy: Pennsylvania. Virginia and West V’-rghiia. Staymans. 113s-150». 1.35-1.50; ®4s-100s. 1.50-1.65: Delicious. ]13s-163s. 1 40-1.hO; 72s-100s. 1 65-2 00: ripe all sizes. 1.10 1-35: Golden Delicious 113s-lr>0s. 1.35 1 50: 88s-100s. 1.60-1.75. Paragons. 113s 150s. 1.25-1.35; 64S-100. 1.40-1.50. POTATOES^—Old' stock; market fteady: 100-pound sacks. U. S No. 1. New York, round whites. 1.75-1.85: Maine. Green Mountains, size A, 2 10-216; Katahdms and Chippewas. 2-inch minimum. 2.25 2.35. Pennsylvania, round whites 1.90 2.00; Katahdins. 2.15-2.25; Idaho. Russet Burbank*. 2.35-2.40: new stock, market slightly stronger: truck receipts light; Flor ida. bushel crates. Bliss Triumph*. U. S. No 1. 2.35-2 50 BROCCOLI—Market steady. Texts, half •rates. 2.75-3.00. . _ . CABBAGE — Market slightly weaker. Truck receipts liberal Florida, l^-bushe! hamper* domestic round type freight re ceipts. 1.00: truck receipts, packed locally. 75-80 . .. LXLKKT-JV1 *t iKc i Rit-tiuy murnuunuj washed- Florida, some ordinary to fair condition. Florida standard crates. 3-4 dozen. 2.50-2 To. IB-inch crates trimmed tons. :t_4-dozen. 2.50-2.75; B-10-dozen. 2.25-2 75; Doorer. all sizes. 1.50-2.00; exes. 1.50-1 75. AVOCADOS—Market steady. Truck re ceipts light. Flat*. Florida. 1.25-1. < 5; California. 1 50-2 50. BEETS—Market slightly weaker. Texas, mixed cars, half Crates, bunched. 1.65 1.75. LETTUCE — Market sliehtly stronger. Arizona. L A. crates. Iceberg type; 5 dozen. 4.00; few. 3.75. CAULIFLOWER—Market steady. Cali fornia. pony crates. 1.60. CARROTS—Market sliehtly weaker. California. L. A. crates, bunched. 2.60-2.65; Pennsylvania. bushel baskets. topped, washed. 90-1.00. Onion Market Gains. ONIONS—Market slightly stronger; 50 pound sacks. U. S No. 1, yellows. Michi gan. New York and Ohio. 1.35; sweet Spanish. 3 inches and larger. Colorado and Idaho. 1 25. , , , PEAS—Market steady. California, bushel hampers, pole peas. 3.00-3 15. STRAWBERRIES—Market dull. Florida, 36-pint crates, very few sales. 18 per pint. SWEET POTATOES — Market steady. Truck receipts light. Bushel baskets; North Carolina Nancy Halls and Porto Ricans, 90: fair condition. 75-85. EGGPLANT—Market steady Supplies very light. Cuba 1 ‘4-bushel crates. 5.00. PEPPERS—Market steady. Supplies very light Cuba. California Wonders, l'/j bushel crates. 8.00-9.00: bushel baskets, 5.00-5.25. CUCUMBERS—Market steady. Supplies very light. Cuba, bushel crates, fair dual ity. 4 00. TOMATOES—Market steady. Truck re ceipts moderate. Cuba, via New York City, hie boxes, greet rines -and turning, wrapped 0x6. 4.00-4 50; 6x7. 3.25-3.75: 7x7. 2.50-3.00: repacked cartons contain ing 10 l-nnund cartons 1.25-1.60. LIMA BEANS—Market steady. Supplies very light. Cuba, bushel hampers. 4.50 5.50 KALE—MarkPt steady. Truck receipts very light. Virginia. Norfolk section, bushel baskets. 90 COLLARDS—Market steady. Truck re ceipts verv light. Virginia. Norfolk section, bushel baskets. 55- Texas, half crates. 1.50. LANUCRFRR—Market steady. Truck re ceipts very light. Virginia. Norfolk section, bu'hei hamoers 1 on. TURNIP OFEENS—Market steady Truck receipts very lieh* Eastern Shore Virginia, bu-hei hampers. 85. SPINACH—Market about steady Texas, bushel basket' Savoy type. 1.10-1.25: most’'’ 110-115.' MUSHROOMS—Maryland and Pennsyl vania. 3-pound baskets. 30-75: mostly 50-60 PARSNIPS—Pennsylvania. '4-bushel bas ket* 60-65 RHUBARB—Michigan 5-pound ciprtons. 40-45: Washington. 15-pound boxes, choice, 90: fanrv. 1.15: extra fancy. 1.25 . ORANGES — Florida, standard boxes. 2.00-2.50: wire-bound boxes. 1.75-2.25. as to grade and size: California, standard boxes. 2 50-3.25. as to grade and size. GRAPEFRUIT—Florida, boxes. 1.50-2.25, as to grade and size: Texas, pink meats, boxes. 2.50-3.00. as to size. LEMONS—California, boxes. No. 1. 4.00 4.50: No 2. 3.50-4 00. as to size. HONEYDEWS—Chile, standard flats. lib 12s. 1.75-2.00: 9s, 2.25 GRAPES—Argentine. 28-pound lugs, va rious varieties. 2.25-2.75. TURNIPS—Pennsylvania. V3-bushel bas kets, topped. 25-30: Texas, crates. 5-dozen bunches. 3.50. PEARS—Oregon, boxes. D’Anjous, 2.35 2.50 PINEAPPLES—Cuba, crates. 3.00-3.50. DANDELIONS—Texas, >/2 crates. 1.35 1.40 CHICORY-ENDIVES—Texas, L. A. crates, 3.50 RADISHES—Florida. 24-ouart baskets. 2>/4-dozen bunches. 75-80. PARSLEY—Texas. V? crates. 1.25; Vir ginia. bushel baskets. 50-75. ARTICHOKES—California, boxes. 3.50. Carlot Arrivals. Diversions and Track. APPLES—No carlot arrivals; l broken car on track BROCCOLI—No carlot arrivals; one unbroken car on track. CABBAGE—No carlot arrivals; one broken car on track. CARROTS—No carlot arrivals: two broken and three unbroken cars on track. CAULIFLOWER — One California ar rived: two broken anfl one unbroken cars on track. 1 CELERY—No carlot arrivals; two broken cars on track. LEMONS—No carlot arrivals; one broken car on track. LETTUCE—Seven Arizona arrived: three broken and seven unbroken cars on track. ONIONS—Two New York arrived: lour unbroken cars on track. SPINACH—No carlot arrivals; three cars on track. NEW YORK CURB MARKET w irinU wire direst to The Her Stock and Salea— Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Dow. 2:35. Aero Sup B .20*.. 4 5% 5* 5% Air Investors ... 1 2* 2* 2* Air Invest war... 7 A A A AlaGrt Sou tig). 25a 73 73 73 Ala Power pf (6) 10s 95* 95* 95* Alum Co Am(6g) 600s 157 149 150H Alum Co pf («) . 50s 116* 116* 116* Alum Industries 50e 9 9 9 Alum Ltd (1.50e) 200a 102* 101* 101* Am Capital (A).. 12 2 2 Am Centrifugal 2 * * * Am C PAL(A) 8h 75s 33* 33* 33* Am City PAL(B) 2 1* 1* 1* Am Cynam B .10. 37 38* 37* 37* Am Export .25e_. 10 16* 15* 15* Am GaaA Ei 1.60 6 34* 34 34* Am General_ 1 3* 3* 3* Am Gen pf (2) .. 25s 29* 29* 29* Am Gen pf (2.50). 25s 33 33 33 Am Laund M .10 1 16* 16* 16* Am Lt&Trac 1.20 1.14% 14% 14% AmMfgCo(lg). 60s 19* 19* 19* Am Maracaibo .. 5 * # ft Am Meter (.75e). 1 34 34 34 Am Republics .. 25 8* 7* 8% Am Superpower. 88 * * * Am Sup lstpf<«). 60s 63* 63* 63* Ark Nat Gas ... 12 2 2 Ark Nat Gas(A) 3 2% 2% 2* Ark Nat G pf ,60d 1 7* 7* 7* Ashland OAR .40. 3 5* 5* 5* AssocGAE(A). 16 jk ik Ik Assoc Gas&El pf. 1 2* 2* 2* Atlas Corp war . 110 1*' 1* 1* Atlas Plyw'd ,25e 3 16* 16 16 Aviation & Trans 2 3* 3* 3* Axton Fisher A._ 70s 48* 48* 48* Babcock & Wll .. 4 23* 22* 22* Baldwin Lo war. 3 6% 6 6 Baldw L pf 2.10.. 50» 23* 23* 23* Bath Iron ... 2 10* 10* 10* Beech Aircraft 12 6* 6* 6* Bellanca Aircraft 1 6* 6* 6* Bell Aircraft . 6 25 24 24 Bell Tel Can (l)_. 10s 126* 125* 125* Berk & Gay Fur.. 1 tk Ik Ik Bliss (E W). 2 14 13* 13* Blue Ridge . ... 5 1% 1% 1% Blumenthal IS).. 2 7* 7% 7% Borne Scry 3.60g. 300s 44 43 43 Bourjois (lg)_. 1 6* 6* 6* Bowman-Silt. ... 1 * * * Bowman-Bilt 1st 60s 7* 7* 7* Bowman-B 2d pf. 1111 Breeze Corp ,50g. 3 6* 6* 6* Brewst Aero .20g 44 14* 13* 13* Brill (R)_ 2 111 Brill pf ... ... 60s 33 33 33 Brown For Dist.. 2 1* 1* 1* Brown Rubber .. 13 2* 2* 2* Buckeye P L (le) 150s 38* 38 38 B NAEP pf 1.60 _. 2 21 20% 20% B NAEP 1st (5) . 60s 100% 100% 100% Bunker Hill .25e. 4 12* 12* 12* Can Col Airways. 4 7 6% 6% Can Mar W ,04e . 1111 Carnegie Met 1 Ik Ik Ik Caro PAL pf («). 20s 97% 97% 97% Caro PAL pf (7). 10s 105 105 105 Carrier Corp 9 12* 12 12 Celan pte pf (7a) 100s 114 113% 114 Cent NT Pw pf 5 30s 102 101* 101* Cent Oh Stl 3d* 1 9* 9* 9* Cent States Elec 1 Ik Ik Ik Childs pf 25s 25 25 25 cutes service 4 44 44 44 Cities Service pf 3 594 59 59 Cities Svc pf (B) 1 54 54 54 C Svc PAL pf<«> 30s 1084 IO64 1084 C Svc PAL pf(7) 180s 1134 1094 112 City Auto Stpg.60 2 64 64 64 Clev Tractor 2 64 64 64 Colon Develop 2 14 14 14 Colon Dev 6% pf 9 44 44 44 Colts Pat F A (2) 100s 764 74 74 Columb Oil A Gas 12 14 14 14 Comt'y Pub S 65e 50s 364 364 364 Consol Gas Util 8 14 14 14 Consol MAS (la) 200s 324 324 324 Cons Steel Corp 2 44 44 44 Conti Roll A Stl 1 64 64 64 Cook Paint (.60) 100s 10 10 10 Cooper-Bess 1 84 84 84 Copper Range 150s 5 5 5 Cosden Petrolm 10 14 14 14 *Cosden Petr pf 2 94 94 94 Creole Petr 50a 6 214 21 21 Crocker Wheeler 4 44.44 44 Darby Petroleum 1 44 44 44 Davenp’t Hos.25e 50s 184 184 184 Dayton Rub .25# 100s 174 164 164 Decca Rec 20e 67 7 7 Det Steel P 1.50g 2 21 20% 204 , Draper Corp (3a) 10b 734 734 734 Dubllier Con T3g 23 I4- 14 14 Duke Power .75e 50s 714 714 714 Durham Hos (B) 1 4 4 4 Duval Texas Sul. 3 74 74 74 . JSagle Ptcher .20g 4 11 104 104 Eastn GAF 6 pf 600s 234 214 224 Eastn Gas ft Fuel prpf (1.125k)) 325s 544 524 S3 Eastn Sts pf A 25s 154 154 154 Eisler Elec ,08g._ 4 2 2 2 Elec Bond A Sh 24 6 54 54 Elec BAS pf (6) 5 58 574 58 Elec B A S pf (6) 4 67 664 664 Electrographic 1 1 124 124 124 Emp GAF 8 % pf 25s 674 674 67», Equity Corp 12 £ & £ Equity cv pf (3) 200s 254 25 25 Fairchild Av 4(lg 8 104 94 94 Fairchild EA A 10 54 54 54 fanny Farm 1.50 150s 25 25 25 Fansteel Metal 1 134 134 1.34 Fisk Rubber 30 154 154 154 Fla PAL pf 3.14k 100s 108 1064 107 Ford (Can IA (1) 1 164 164 164 Ford Ltd ( 16g) 1 .3 .3 .3 Fruehauf Tra.25e 6 29 284 284 Gen Fireprf ,25e 4 16 16 16 Gen Invest 10 Vi 4 4 Gen Pub Svc pf 220s 384 384 384 Gen Share pf (6h) 10s 734 734 734 Gen WGAE pf(3) 55s 394 394 394 Ga Power pf (5) _ 10s 9ft4 904 904 Ga Power pf (6). 50s 994 99 99 Gilbert (AC) .. 3 74 74 74 Glen Alden C 25g 33 74 74 74 Godchaux A (2). 50s 234 234 234 Gorham Inc pf 25s 144 144 144 Gorham Mfg(le) 1 264 264 264 Gray Mfg 19 9 9 G AAP n v 3.50e 50s 109 109 109 Grt Nor Pap .50e . 50s 43 43 43 Greenfield TAD 4 84 84 84 Grum’n Air 1.05g 12 164 154 154 Gulf Oil of Pa(l) 4 354 354 354 Hall Lamp ( fiOe) 7 9 84 84 Haloid Co (.25?). 1 174 174 174 Hartford Rayon 1 14 14 14 Hecla Min lOe 2 64 64 64 Hayden Chem 2a 100s 764 764 764 HnllingerG 65a 4 10 10 10 Hubbell (H) 1.60 50s 164 164 16% Humble Oil 375# 3 604 604 604 Hvgrade Syl.625e 200s 394 384 384 Illlnols-la Power 3 34 3 3 Ill-la Power pf 5 234 23 23 Ill-la Pwr div ct 2 44 44 44 Illinois Zinc 100s 74 74 74 Imp Oil Ltd 50a 5 11 11 11 Imp Oil reg 50a 1 ll 11 11 Ind Pipe L l.50g) 1 64 64 64 Indus Finan vtc 14 4 4 Ins Co N Am 2a 150s 714 714 714 Int Hydro El pf . 1 94 94 94 Int Pa&Pwr war. 8 14 14 14 Int Petrol 1.50a . 8 174 174 174 Int Utilities (A). 2 94 9 9 Int Utilities (B). 1 4 4 4 Interst H Eq .50 2 84 84 84 Inv Royalty (.04) 1 ft ft ft Iron Fire vtc 1.20 100a 174 17 174 Irvine Air Ch (1) 1 164 164 164 Jacobs Co . 1 24 24 24 Jeanette Glass .. 2 2 2 2 Jones & Lau Stl.* 1 274 274 274 Kennedy’s (.65e). 17 7 7 Ktngst’n P(.10g) 5 14 14 14 Kirby Petroleum. 1 24 24 24 Koppers pf (6) 20s 884 884 884 Lake Shore M.50e 6 184 174 174 Lakey Fdry & M 1 44 44 44 Lehigh Coal ,10g. 2 24 24 24 LeTourneau (1). 1 32 32 32 Line Mater’l SOg 50s 104 104 104 Locke Steel 1.30. 100s 134 134 134 Lone Star 20e . 1 94 94 94 Loudon Packing 6 24 24 24 La Land&Ex lOe 2 5 5 5 Lynch Corp (2).. 100s 284 284 284 McCord Rad (B). 2 2 2 2 Majeatio Radio 14 4 4 Marlon St Shovel 1 34 34 34 Mercantile Strs.. 60s 17 17 17 Merr-Chap A S .. 1 44 44 44 Mesabl Iron .. 5 ft ft ft Metal Text(.35g) 3 3 3 3 Mich Bumber_ ‘5 ft 4 4 Mich Sugar ._. 2 4 4 4 Mich Sugar pf .. 1 44 44 44 Mid St Petr A-,63< 1 34 34 34 Midland Stl .fiOe .. 50s 184 184 184 Mid-West Abras 3 14 14 14 , Midwest OU .90 1 74 74 74 Minn M&M 2.40g 150s 654 654 654 Mock Jud V 25e8 104 104 104 Molybdenum 25e 13 64 64 64 Monarch M 50e.. 2 304 3.0 30 . Monogram Pic 4 ft 4 4 Mont Ward A(7) 240s 1674 166 1674 Mount City C.1 fig 3 34 34 34 Mount Prod (.60) 1 64 5 4 54 Murray (O) .25e 1 114 114 114 Muskogee Co(lg) 100s 84 84 84 Muskogee pf (6). 20s 774 774 774 -NMftute L26el_ 23 10. 94 94 •toe* ud isles-■ Dividend Rate. Add 00. Hlah. Low. 2:5ft Nat Bella Hess 29 % % A Nat City L pf (3) 60s 44% 44% 44% Nat Cont .20e._.r 3 10% 9% 9% Nat Fuel Gaa (1) 6 12% 12% 12% Nat Oil Prod .25a 1 43% 43% 48% Nat P A L pf (6). 60a 92V« 92 92 Nat Rub M 30* 3 6% 5 5 Nat Steal Car (2) 860a 47% 46 47% Nat Sugar Rafin. 1 10% 10% 10% Nat Tea pf . 26a 7% 7% 7% Nat Transit ,25e . 1 10% 10% 10% Nat TunnalAMln. 6 1% 1% 1% Nahl Corp <2a) 3 69 69 69 NEPA 6?»pf 1.90k 125» 70% 69% 69% N Eng TAT 1.76a 30» 131% 131% 131% New Haven Clock 2 5% 6% 5% N J Zinc t.50e) 100a 60% 60% 60% New Meg A Aril. 1 1% 1% 1% N Y Hon R ,76e_60a 24% 24% 24% NT PAL pf (7)... 30a 115% 116% 115% NT Transit .40*.. 1 6% 6% 6% Niag Hudson Pw 20 5% 5% 6% Ntag Hud 1st (6) 126s 87 86% 86% Niles-Bem-P 60s 6 66% 63 63 Noma Elec (.30*) 3 4% 4% 4% Nor Am Lt A Pwr 3 % A A Nor Am LAP pf 376s 84% 83% 84% N A Ray A 2.50* 1 25% 26% 26% Nor ARprpf (3). 20a 51% 51% 61% Nor Europ Oil... 5 A A A North'n P L .30*. 3 7% 7% 7% North'n SU P (A; 2 11% 11% 11% N W Eng (,25e)._ 1 17% 17% 17% Ohio Edia pf (6). 76s 110% 110% 110% Ohio OH pf (6) . 100s 103 103 103 Ohio Pwr pf (6) . 50*114 114 114 Ohio P S pf A (7) 10» 114% 114% 114% Oilstocks i.40a) 1 7% 7% 7% Okla Nat Gas .25* 9 20 19% 19% Overseas Secur.. 1 3% 3% 3% Pacific Can .25e._ 1 14% 14% 14% Pac Gas & Elec 5 % To pf 1.375 . 1 30% 30% 30% Pac Gas#%pf 1.50 3 34% 34% ^1% Pantepec Oil . 43 6% 5V. 5% Pennroad I.10g). 2 1% 1% 1% Pa-Cent Airlines 7 16 15% 15% Penn PAL pf (6). 10s 110 110 110 Penn PAL pf (7) 25s 111% 111% 111% Penn Salt (2e) ... 25s 168 168 168 Penn WAP (4) 50s 64% 64% 64% Pharis TAR 15e 2 7% 7% 7% Phlla Elec pf (5). 10s 117% 117',2 117',a Phoenix Secur 52 10% 10',j 10% Phoenix Secur pf 50s 38% 38% 38% Pierce Gov (.25e) 1 10% 10% 10% Pioneer Gold .40 6 1% 1% 1% Pltney-Bowes .40 1 7% 7% 7% Pitts ALE 3.50g 290s 67% 56% 56% Pitts PI G1 (le) . 2 102% 102% 102% Press Metals ,25e 2 9'4 9% 9% Pruden’l Inv 25g 32 8% 7% 8% PbSvcColpf (7) 10s 113 113 113 Pb Svc Ind $6 pf 100s 45% 45 45 P S Ind 37 pr pf 25s 89 89 89 Pub S Ok pl pf(6) 20s 108% 108% 108% Pug Sd $5pf 1.25k 275s 78% 77% 78% Puget Sd P 36 pf. 125s 24% 23% 23% Puget Sd P ,50e . 2 15% 45% 15% Quaker Oats (5). 20s 117 117 117 Bwy & Lt (.30g) 100s 104 104 104 Raym'd Concrete 60s 124 124 124 Red Bank Oil . 12 2 2 Reeves (D>(.50) 1 54 54 54 Relianc E&E .25e 50s 134 134 134 Republic Avlat’n 23 6 54 54 Rustless l&S 15e 3 134 134 134 Ryerson H .._ 2 14 14 14 St Reels Paper—. 6 24 24 24 Salt Dome Oil_ 6 64 64 64 Scovill (,25e)_ 4 284 284 284 Sepal Lock — 6 1 « ft Seiberling Rub _ 1 74 74 74 Select Industries 2 4 4 4 Sentry Saf Con 23 1 1 1 Snatturk-D 275g 2 54 54 54 Sher-YVtirms 75e 300s 944 92 92 Simmons H & P 13 24 2 24 Solar Mfg — 2 14 14 14 Sonotone (.05e)_. 1 l5* 14 14 Soss Mfg (.50) .. 1 44 44 44 So Penn Oil 1.50 3 384 384 384 S Cal Ed pf 1.50a 100s 45 45 45 S C Ed pf B 1.50 2 304 304 304 Southern P L .25e 1 64 64 64 South n Un Gas 2 24 24 24 Sou WPL (5e) ions 274 274 274 Stand C&S (1.60) 1 164 164 164 Std C&Scvpf 1.60 100a 24 24 24 Stand Dredg lOe 2 24 24 24 Stand Dr pf 1.60 50a 14 14 14 Stand Oil 0(1) 3 354 344 344 Std Stl Sd l.SOg . 2 344 34 34 Starrett vtc 11 1 1 Sterchi Bros .20g 14 4 4 Sterl Alum (.75g) 1 74 74 74 Sullivan Mach. „ 1 104 104 104 Sunray Oil Ooe—. 6 14 14 14 Tampa Elec 2.24. 1 274 274 274 Tastyeaet (A)... 4 4 4 4 Technicolor <lg) 5 154 154 154 Thew Shov 1.50g 100s 22 214 214 Tilo Roofing (1) 1 124 124 124 Todd Shlpy’d.75e 100s 66 66 66 Tonopah Mining 2 & & ft Trans-Lux (.10e) 1 1V4 14 14 Trans west Oil .. 5 24 24 24 Tri Conti war 14 4 4 Tubise Chatillon 1 94 94 94 Tung-Sol L pf .80 1 8 8 8 Udyllte (,10e) 7 4 34 34 Unexcelled Mfg . 3 14 14 14 CnPremFSU) 3 194 19 19 Unit Aire tP lOe 1 64 64 64 Unit Chemical 1 14 14 14 Unit Cgr Whelan 49 »« H 4 United Gas 3 14 14 14 Unit Gas pf 2.25k 1 1004 1004 1004 Unit Lt&Pwr (A) 9 4 4 4 Unit Ll&Pwr pf 4 334 324 324 Unit Sh M 2 50a 500a 774 77 77 Unit Sh M pf 1.50 50a 434 43 434 U S Foil (B) 10 64 6 6 U S & I S pf 1.25k 25s 674 674 674 U S Lines pf 3 44 44 44 U S Plyw d ,30e 3 24. 234 234 U S Plyw pf 1.50 400s 314 30 30 Unit Wall Paper. 20 24, 24 24 Univ Corp vtc ... 19 54 54 64 Univlnsur(l)_ 60s 22 22 22 Univ Pictures .. 1 114 114 114 Univ Prod t.40e). 100s 174 174 174 Utah Idaho Sug 2 14 14 14 Utah P&L pf 24k 50s 634 634 634 Util P&L pf (r) 350s 164 164 164 Utility Equities.. 11 1 1 Utility & Indus.. 1 4 ‘ 4 Vi I Venezuela Petrol 11 IV* 1V4 IV* Western Air Exp 28 6 5*4 5% Wey'berg Sh.Tog 100s 7 7 7 Wichita Riv Oil 16 6 6 Wilson Prod .20e 25s 11 11 11 Wison-Jones ,60g 2 8*i 8H 8*4 Wolverine T ,40g 6 6*t 6V* 61* Wright Harg.40a 1*4 5 bH 64s r In bankruptcy or receivership or Delns reorganized under the Bankruptcy Act or securities assumed by such companies Rates of dividends in the foretolnt table are annua) disbursements based on the last Quarterly or semi-annual declara tion Unless otherwise noted special or extra dividends are not Included a Alto extra or extras d Accumulated dividends patd last year e Declared or paid so far this vear f Payable in stock g Paid last year h Cash or stock k Accumu lated dividend* paid or declared this vear ur Under rule ww With warrants *w Without warranta war Warrants. -- New York Bank Stocks . NEW YORK. March 15 UP).—National Association Securities Dealers. Inc.: (Quotations as of 2 o'clock.) Bid. Asked. Bk of Am NTS ISP) (2.40)- 38V4 4014 Bank of Man 1.80a)_ 18*4 18'« Bank of N Y (14)_ 444 454 Bankers Tr (2) 58V4 80>4 Bklyn Tr (4) . ... '84 80 Cen Han Bk * Tr (4) xd._ 104 107 Chase Nat (1.40) _ 34 38 Chem Bk & Tr 11.80)_ 51 53 Commercial (8) _ 199 205 Cont Bk tr Tr (.80)_ 13*4 1514 Corn Ex Bk * T (3)- 5314 54 >4 Empire Tr (.80) 12 13 Ptrst Nat (Bos) (2)_ 4514 4714 Pirst Natl (100)_1900 1940 Guaranty Tr (12)_ 291 298 Irving Tr 1.60) _ 12 13 Manufacturers Tr (2) 3814 4014 Manufacturers Tr pf (2)_ 52 54 Natl City (1) _ 28*4 3014 N Y Trust (5)_113 116 Public (114)-32*4 34*4 Title O & T_ 314 414 Dry Goods Market NEW YORK. March 15 UP).—Sales were reported today In print and carded broad cloths at the recently lowered prices. Sheetings continue quiet with mill* holding prices firm. Dealers In rayon fabrici reported a brisk demand for pigment -affetas and spun rayons from dress goods cutters and garment manufacturers. Business in silk fabrics was confined to silk sheers and all silk dye prints. Lln Jerie manufacturers report a better demand or all-silk as well as silk rayon mixtures 'or fall promotions. Trading In woolen goods Improved, with buyers booking orders on new fall men’s wear lines. Cloak and suit production In New York last week totaled 550.000 pieces, which was a new record, compared with 510.000 pieces the previous week. New York Sugar NEW YORK. March 15 UP).—Raw sdgar futures No. 3 opened unchanged to ] high er. March. 1.82b: May. 1.89b: July. 1.94b: September. 2.00: January. 1.99b. bBld. Cuba’s new law, establishing limits for dwelling house rentals may fur* ther restrict building activity. Investment Trusts Challenge Aims Of Wagner Bill Senator's Statement Called 'Prosecutor's Address to Jury' By the Atxoclited Press. Spokesmen for investment groups sharply challenged last night the intent of the legislation Introduced in Congress yesterday to impose Federal Government regulation on investment trusts and investment companies. The bill, drafted by the Securi ties Commission, was introduced by Senator Wagner, Democrat, of New York, chairman of the Senate Bank ing Committee, and Representative Lea, Democrat, of California of the House Commerce Committee. They accompanied the bills with state ments. The proposed legislation would re quire investment companies and trusts to file registration state ments and other data with the Se curities Commission and observe regulations now operating in other investment and security fields. Registration Required. One section of the measure would require all “investment counsel and other investment advisory persons’'" to register with the S. E. C. Another would limit new investment com panies to a minimum net worth of $100,000 “to prevent indiscriminate formation of investment companies.’’ A single management would be lim ited to supervising a maximum of $150,000,000 of assets to eliminate impediments to the effective super vision of investments, to protect securities markets and to prevent excessive concentration of wealth and control over industry.” Senator Wagner, in his statement, said that the investment companies had been guilty of numerous "defi ciencies and abuses,” including ma nipulation by management for ben efit of “insiders.” “high-pressure salesmanship,” “lack of uniform accounting,” “self-dealing” and "un sound, mushroom growth.” Lead said that “properly managed these companies are in position to be of very substantial benefit to the country. Unscrupulously or reckless ly managed, the investor may be fleeced and legitimate business handicapped by their activities ” The bill, he added, "would fairly complete the regulatory system of investment agencies of the country.” Statement Deplored. Senator Wagner's statement was described as a “prosecutor's ad dress to the jury” by two officials of financial organizations. Arthur H. Bunker, executive vice president of the Lehman Corp.. and Raymond D. McGrath, executive vice presi dent of General American Investors Co., made that assertion in a state men which also said: “No worse service to the 1.500.000 holders of investment trust securities could be rendered by the S. E. C. than the attack it has sponsored. ; Its clear implication is that there j is not an honest and capable man agement in the industry ” The bill was termed "merely an attempt by the S. E. C. to force its highly debatable economic ideas on business” in a statement made pub lic by Merrill Griswold, chairman of Massachusetts Investors Trust of Boston, and Hugh Bullock, vice chairman of the firm of Calvin Bullock of New York. They said they spoke for a "group of open-end trusts in New York, Boston and Chicago, representing over 40 per cent of the combined assets of all open-end companies.” New Colgate Shares Exempt in Virginia By the Associated Press. RICHMOND, Va.. March 15.—The State Corporation Commission ruled yesterday that a proposed issue of 125.000 shares of $4.25. no par value, preferred stock of Colgate-Palm olive-Peet Co. was not subject to control under the Virginia Securities Act and accordingly granted formal exemption. Curb Bonds Am P & L 6s 2016_101 101 101 - Appal P 6s 2024 A... 127 127 127' As G & E 4'as 49_ 14% 14% 14% B« Tel C 5s 57 B_110% 110% 110% Bell Tel C 5s 6(> C 112 112 112^ Beth Steel 6s 98_150% 150% 150% Birm El 4%s 68 _ 96% 96% 96% Blrming Gas 5s 59 ... 96 96 96 Can Pac 6s 42 ... 80% 80 80 Caro Pw Si Lt 5s 56 _ 107 107 107 gen StoP*Ii 5‘,?s 33— 78% 78% 78% Cities Svc 5s 50 70% 70% 70% Cities Svc 5s 58 .... 70 70 70 Cities Svc 5s 69 _ 70 70 70 Cit S P&L S'is 52_ 85% 85 85% Clt S P&L 5%s 49_ 85 85 85 Comnty P&L 5s 57_ 96% 96% 96% Conn LAP 7s 51 A_1.34% 134% 134'* Cons G Util 6s 43 st... 89% 89% 89% Com G & E 5s 58 A . 90% 90% 90% CU'—iy Pkg 3%s 55 _. 94% 94'* 94% Dei Int Bg 6%s 52... 6% 6% 6% East G& P 4s 56 A .. 83% 83% 83'I El Pw & Lt 5s 2030 .. 78 77% 78 £e<J. Wat 5%s 54 ... 99% 99% 99%‘ Gatineau P 3%s 69 .. 84 84 84 . Gary E&G os 44 st . _ 100% 100% lno% Gen Bronze 6s 40 ... 88 88 88 Oen Pub Ut 6%s 56... 97% 67% §7% Georgia Pw Is 67 ... 107% 107% 107% Guard Inv 5s 48 A 33 33 33 Heller IW E) 4s 46 ww 103 103 103 Houston G 6%S 43 . 103 108 103 Hygrade Pd 6s 49 A__77% 77 77 J Pw & Lt 5'is 57 __ 100 99% 100 I Pwr ft Lt 6s 53 A.. 106% 106% 106% 111 Pw & L 5s 58 C _ 104'* 104% 104% Ind Hyd Elec 5s 58... 99% 99% 99V? Indiana Svc 5s 50 A .. 68'« 66% 66% ?n? P*L 1st 3%s 68.. 107% 107% 107'J Inti Pw Sec 7$ 52 F.__ 41% 41% 41% Interst Pw 5s 57 . 62% 02% 6"% Iowa- NL&P 5s 6i B .. 106Va 106% 106% wns la Lt 6s 45 ... 105 • 105 105 M ss Pw & Lt 5s 57... 104 104 104 Miss River P 5s 51- 109 109 109 Nebr Pwr 4%s 81 .. 110% 110% 110% Nevad Cal El 5a 56.. 78% 78% 78% New Ams Gas 5s 48.. 121 121 121 New E G&E 5s 47 ... 67 66% 67 New E O A E 5s 48 .. 67 67 67 New K Oft E 5s 50__ 67 67 67 New E Pw 5s 48 _ 96% 06% 96% New E Pw 5%s 54.. 99% 99% 99% NY Pa & Ohio 4%s 50.. 87 87 87 N Y S E&G 4%s 80 .. 102% 102% 102% , No Con U 5%a 48 A.. 47 47 47 Northw P S Rs 57 A _ 105% 105% 105% Ohl° p«wer 3 %s 68.. 108% 108% 108% Okla Nat G 3*»s 55_ 107 107 107 Pac Ur 5i 48 . .... 95% 95% 95% Penn C L&P 4%s 77.. 102% 102% 102% Penn Oh E 6s 50 A.. 108V« 108% 108% Peon GLAC 4s 81 D._ 97% 97% 97% Peon OLftC 4i 81 B.. 95% 95% 96% pSg sd p** 5%,’ tS : if if if lSw8wptV4\%66°7 5-: l\% l\l l\% sW 47D:: II if If I E h «>.2026 A . 111% 111% 111% Sou Cal E 3%s 00 B. 109% 109% 109% Sou Caro 5s 57 .. .. 101 101 101 Sou Ind Ry 4s 51 .. 52 51% 51% SjuwPft t6.* 2022 * - 1«*1 101 101 8tand Pw & Lt 8s 57.. 83 63 63 Tex Pw * L 5s 56 107% 107% 107% Twin c R T 5%s 52 A 65% 65% 65% 5? f N J 4s 49 ... 118% 118*1 118% Unit Lt A Pw 6s 75 . 81 80% 80% Un t Lt & Pw 6%s 74.. 82 82 82 ’ Unit L & R D 5'/as 52 . 89% 89% §9% Utah P ft L 6s 2022 A . 100 100 100 FOREIGN. 8auca Val 7s 48 .. 13% 13% 13% uant* W 8s 58 A . 51 51 Si Fled El 6%s 60 A_ 47% 47% 47% Unit El Svc 7s 56 A.. 44% 44% 44% ww With warrants, xw Without warrants, n New. st (atn) Stamped. INegotlabiltty impaired by maturity. Rubber Futures NEW YORK. March 15 '/Pi.—Crude rub. 93. b Bid.