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Weather Forecast If p—_ SSSL^;,SSSSjfJS9. /<4 U A tiuV^ Established in 1852 warmer tomorrow and Monday Tem- ■ U 4 * | I |7 I W ■ ■ Most people in Washington have The 421 at 1 pm-: \J A ii' I r I I sur de,imed 10 their hom“evw From t>. United State, Weaker Bureau report. 7^0 ♦ |>V \ eVen‘n* ““ 8Un<Uy m°rn‘nr Closing New York Morkets—Soles, Poge 18 ^ ‘ u D *--_----- - . W) Means Associated Press. 88th YEAR. No. 35,018.__WASHINGTON, D. C., SATURDAY, MARCH 16, 1940-THIRTY-SIX PAGES. *** THREE CENTS. Nazi Visits Ciano During Welles Talk Envoy's Call Stirs Belief He Delivered Urgent Message STORM RISING against British supply minister; official Burgin ousted fans flames with charge he was ‘‘sacrificed.” Page A-3 B> the Associated Press. ROME, March 16.—German Am bassador Hans-Georg Viktor von Mackensen made a surprise visit to the Italian foreign office today while Sumner Welles and Italian Foreign Minister Count Galeazzo Ciano were conferring. The German Ambassador s call led to belief that he might have taken an urgent message he wanted deliv ered to Count Ciano before he ended his conference with President Roose velt’s fact finder. Welles Sees Ciano for Hour. Von Mackensen remained at the foreign office only 15 minutes. The American Undersecretary of State, ■who was accompanied by United States Ambassador William Phillips, left Count Ciano at 11:15 a.m. after Bn hour's talk. A communique said the conversa tion was “long and cordial.” Ten minutes after the Americans reached Palazzo Chigi at 10:07 am. the German envoy entered the For eign Ministry. His automobile came from the di rection of Palazzo Venezia, Premier Mussolini's office, causing observers to speculate that he might have seen II Duce first. Back in Rome, the starting point of his confidential survey of Europe, Mr Welles started one of the busiest days of his tour by paying a 45 minute call on King Victor Em manuel, whom he had not seen dur ing his previous stay here. Immediately afterward, he left for the Palazzo Chigi to see Count Ciano. Will See Pope Monday. Shortly after the American’s ar rival it was announced that Pope Pius XII would give him an audi ence Monday. The announcement prompted observers to speculate that possible peace moves might be dis cussed. Diplomats here expected the en tire European situation to be re viewed. In arranging final talks, Mr. Welles was covering the same ground as did German Foreign Min ister von Ribbentrop on his recent Visit here. A possibility that new information from the German standpoint might be supplied Mr. Welles lay in the fact that Von Ribbentrop, in his talk with Mussolini, might have offered Borne suggestion for the Italian Premier to pass along. When Mr. Welles sails from Naples Tuesday he will have ended a 24-day tour that included Rome, Berlin, Paris and London. Police May Meet Dahl On Arrival Tomorrow By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, March 16 —Harold E. (Whitey) Dahl, 31, the American aviator who became Generalissimo Francisco Franco's biggest headache among thousands of prisoners of the Spanish Civil War, will arrive tomorrow on the American Export steamship Exiria. He will be greeted by his blond wife, whose interven tion probably saved him from execu tion by the Franco forces. Edith Rogers Dahl, a dancer, is appearing in a show in Camden, and will be at Pier F, Jersey City, to greet her husband. Others less welcome to Dahl may be there also. Police Chief Arthur C. Hohmann of Los Angeles recent ly asked the State Department to keep him advised of Dahl’s move ments, for Dahl had been paroled In the spring of 1936 after pleading guilty to a worthless check charge. When he vanished and fled to Spain, warrants were issued for his ar rest on three counts of forgery. Five other Americans, who like Dahl, fought with the government forces before they were taken prisoners, are also on board the Exiria, which has been delayed by storms. All were released by Franco on Washington’s birthday. Work Proceeds on Dam; Governor Relies on Claim By the Associated Press. OKLAHOMA CITY, March 16.— Work proceeded on the last arch of the $20,000,000 Grand River Dam today with the conditional approval Of Gov. Leon C. Phillips, who had declared martial law to halt it. Gov. Phillips said work might pro ceed, under scrutiny of three Na tional Guard officers, so long as the dam was not completed. He has ob tained a temporary injunction to prevent completion of the project pending settlement of a State claim for $889,275 from the P. W. A. for damages to roads and bridges which Would be inundated. In Washington, Clark Foreman, chief of the P. W. A. Power Division, welcomed the court fight with a prediction an “equitable” settlement would be reached. Spain's Falange Leader Is Relieved of Posts By the Associated Press. MADRID, March 16.—Gen. Agus tin Munoz Grande, secretary general of the Falange, Spain’s only party, and chief of the Falangist militia, has been relieved of his posts, it was announced today. By virtue of his party posts Mu noz Grande had a seat in the cab inet. Valentin Galarza Morante was named his successor. No reason was jfiven for the change. Nazi Bomber in Running Fight With British Coastal Patrol London Air Ministry Reports 'Extensive' R. A. F. Flight Over Poland By the Aseoduted Press. • LONDON, March 16.—British and German air forces exchanged raids within the past 24 hours, the Air Ministry announced today, with the British making an “extensive” flight over Poland and a German bomber clashing with the British coastal patrol in a running fight. A ministry communique said air activities of the last 24 hours in cluded “an extensive night flight over Polish territory by the aircraft bpmber command and an engage ment between the aircraft of the coastal command and an enemy bomber.” “During a running fight in which the enemy repeatedly attacked, damage was seen to be inflicted ’ the communique continued. “The enemy aircraft finally escaped in the clouds.” The admiralty announced that the British naval trawler Peridot struck a German mine and sank yesterday with no loss of life British officials said they were unable to confirm a German nigh command communique today re porting one British patrol boat sunk and another damaged by German warplanes. Meanwhile. Britain offered re wards up to $4,000 for “accurate In formation” leading to the "capture of an enemy war vessel.” Other rewards offered to “non service personnel afloat or ashore” are 1200 for information of enemy war snips including minelayers, $20 for position of mines, $4 for the first report of a mine washed ashore, and $20 it it is an “especially interesting mine.” British Patrol Vessel Sunk From Air, Say Nazis BERLIN. March 16 (>P).—-Sinking of a British patrol boat in the North Sea and damaging of another by German planes was reported today by the German high command. Its communique said: “No special developments In the west. The airforce made recon naissance flights over Northeast France and the whole North Sea. In the course of these actions, Brit ish patrol vessels were attacked, one of which was sunk and another badly damaged." Rumania Refuses To Pay Nazi Price For 'Security' Berlin Reported Asking Economic Monopoly and Guardist in Cabinet By the Associated Press. BUCHAREST, March 16.—Sources close to King Carol declared today that Rumania could not pay Ger many’s price for a "security" offer. They described the terms for pro posed Hungarian and Russian bor der guarantees as “intolerable and impossible of acceptance” and said the plan was doomed unless Ger many modified it greatly. Stiff opposition arose in high gov ernment quarters against every con cession asked of Rumania—political, economic and military. Economic Disruption Feared. The King’s advisers were said to feel that any Rumanian attempt to give Germany the virtual monopoly of exports she seeks would disrupt the country's economy almost as badly as war itself. The King was pictured as particu larly indignant over a reported Ger man suggestion that he take a pro Nazi Iron Guardist into his cabinet. A Rumanian military mission now in Berlin, it was reported reliably, has been told that Russia could be persuaded to sign a 25-year non aggression pact with Rumania and that Hungary would pledge not to press territorial revision demands for 10 years. Rumania, which already has a British-French pledge of aid against aggression, holds territory once pos sessed by Russia, Hungary and Bul garia. Germany's Demands. For engineering such assurances, Germany, in need of Rumania's oil and grain, is reported to want: Rumania’s promise to demobilize most of her 1.600,000 soldiers at once so they can return to work in fields and factories: Acceleration of Rumanian indus try and agriculture to an unprece dented degree: A virtual German monopoly on Rumania’s exports of oil, cereals and other supplies; Admission of one Iron Guard member to the Rumanian cabinet to “safeguard German interest.” Fugitive Leaders Still Barred. Officials abruptly dismissed any possibility of installing a Guardist in the cabinet. Although the gov ernment is offering amnesty to 800 Iron Guardists now in concentra tion camps if they pledge allegiance to the King and join in the National Rebirth Front—Rumania’s only po iltical party—fugitive leaders still in Germany will be barred from the homeland. The reported army demobiliza tion proposal was opposed by mili tary leaders as putting Rumania completely at the mercy of foreign powers, no matter what guarantees were made on paper. In some quarters, belief was held that the Guardist issue might prove insurmountable. Germany was said to have called such a cabinet re vision vital to the suggested security plan. King Carol fears an avowed protector of Nazi interests in his cabinet would be the beginning of the end of Rumanian independence. Mother, Seven Children Die As Farm Home Burns By the Associated Press. HEBER SPRINGS, Ark., March 16.—A young mother and seven of her 10 children burned to death early today when their farm home was destroyed by fire. Otis Allen, father of the family, and his brother-in-law, J. R. Treas, 48, were seriously burned in their efforts to control the flames and were removed to hospitals. Three older sons escaped injury Trapped and lost in the fire were Mrs. Sallie Allen, the 36-year-old mother, and seven children includ ing a son, Ernest, who awoke to find the house in flames and jumped through a window to safety, then returned to warn the others. The flames were believed to have started with the explosion of an oil lamp which had been left burning through the night. Claude Waltermire Dies COLUMBUS. Ohio, March 16 (#). —Claude C. Waltermire, publicist for the late President Warren G. Harding, dfed today. Sinking of 2 More German Submarines Reported by French Nazis Believed Sending New Wave of U-Boats To Prey on Shipping B> the Associated Pres* PARIS, March 16—Sinking of two German submarines was re ported by French naval sources to day with the comment that Ger many apparently was dispatching a new wave of U-boats to prey upon shipping. There were indications, naval men saithat the submarines which had been at sea since February were returning to their base and that others were talcing their places. One submarine was sunk by an armed British trawler, the French informant said. Such a sinking was reported by British seamen Thurs day: it was not clear whether the French and British versions referred to the same incident. The preliminary reports did not specify where either action occurred nor was it announced whether the sinkings had been previously claimed. Meanwhile. Friday passed on the Western front without the slightest evidence of action, and another day of bad weather hindered aviation. British Steamer Sunk; IS of Crew Missing ROTTERDAM, The Netherlands, March 16 (A*).—The 1,589-ton British steamer Melrose has been sunk by an explosion in the North Sea. Eighteen of her crew in two life boats were missing. ’Five were known to have been saved. Pour of the crew were rescued by the Dutch motorship Nettie and landed at Zeebrugge. Belgium; an other crewman was reported landed in England. The Melrose, owned by G. Gibson and Co., Leither, Scotland, has been in regular service between Rotter dam and British ports. Storm Wrecks Ship; 10 Die. RISOR, Norway, March 16 (AP).— Ten men lost their lives today when the 1,316-ton Swedish steamer Os man was wrecked in a storm on rocks outside Risor Harbor, on Nor way’s southeastern coast. Nine men were rescued by a Nor wegian destroyer. Australian Ship Sinking After Piling Up on Rocks Bt tbe Associated Press. SAN FRANCISCO, March 16 — The Australian steamer Kahika, 1,527 gross tons, reported today it was “sinking fast” after piling up on rocks in a pass between the tip of Australia and Tasmania. An SOS asking for immediate as sistance was picked up by the Mat son passenger liner Monterey, en route from Auckland, New Zealand, to Sydney, Australia, and relayed to Globe Wireless in San Francisco. The Kahika pleaded for any ship available to “render immediate as sistance.” The Monterey reported the nearest ship was 90 miles away, but did not name the vessel. Globe said the Matson ship inter cepted the distress call at 3:10 am. (6:10 am. Eastern standard time). Lloyds’ registe*shows the Kahika, built in 1938 at Leith, is owned by the Uniohion Steamship Co. of New Zealand. She is 242 feet long. There was no information imme diately available on how many per sons were aboard the Kahika or if it carried any passengers. 45 Priests Reported Imprisoned by Nazis B» tbe Aieoclated Prei*. VATICAN CITY, March 16.—Im prisonment of 45 Polish, Czech and Austrian priests in German concen tration camps has been reported to Pope Pius XII, the Polish Embassy to the Holy See announced today. The Pope received the report be fore his conference last week end with German Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop and the Embassy believes the Pope referred to it. Woman, 101, Likes Cigars READING, Pa., March 16 (/P).— Mrs. Nana Fisher reached her 101st birthday anniversary today and ex pects to smoke her usual quota of cigars and between times light up her pipe. . ^ Finns to Fortify New Border and Revamp Army Two More Ministers Reported to Have Quit Cabinet By the Associated Press. HELSINKI, March 16.—Finland will begin immediately to fortify her newly narrowed frontiers and to reorganize her battered army de spite the non-aggression clause in her peace treaty with Soviet Rus sia, informed quarters declaied to day. There will be no general demo bilization of the army, except for certain classes, which will be re leased to help with civil reconstruc tion work after the costly 105-day war, these sources said. (An Exchange Telegraph, Brit ish news agency, dispatch from Stockholm reported the resigna tion of two more members of the Finnish government, Juhu Kusti Paasikivi, Minister Without Port folio, and R. Von Fieandt, Minis ter of Public Works. (Two cabinet members, War Minister Juho Niukanen and Education Minister Uuno Han nula, resigned Wednesday in pro test against the peace with So viet Russia. (Paasikivi was a member of the Finnish delegation that ne gotiated the peace treaty with Russia in Moscow last Tuesday and headed the delegation that went to Moscow before the out break of the war November 30 to discuss Russian territorial demands upon Finland.) Civilization Seen in Peril. The Finnish government attitude toward the future was suggested by ! Premier Risto Ryti. who told the ! Diet last night that the nation would j go forward "with a sword in one hand and a trowel in the other.” Finland's proposal for a defense alliance with Sweden and Norway is another part of her determination to be strong. All of Western civilization remains in the greatest danger, and only the future can show whether Finland acted wisely in making her hard peace with Russia. Ryti said. Addressing the Finnish Diet just before it approved the treaty by a 145-to-3 vote last night, the sad eyed Premier declared: "In the same way as we waged war alone, we concluded peace alone. Only the future can show whether we acted wisely and rightly. “Our country, like the whole of Europe, indeed, the whole of West ern civilization, still is in the great est danger. No one can say what tomorrow will bring.” Three Negative Votes. Told by the premier that "to make peace often calls for more courage and far greater initiative than the resort to war,” the Diet, except for three members of the Swedish Peoples Party who voted no and nine legislators who are absent with the army, voted solidly for the pact. The Supreme Soviet of the U. S. S. R. meets March 29 to approve the treaty and possibly decide on gov ernment of the territory acquired from Finland. This includes the Karelian Isthmus, Viipuri, areas m northern Finland, part of the Arctic coast, and, by lease, the Hanko Peninsula in Southwestern Finland. Withdrawal of Finnish troops and civilians from the ceded areas is un der way and will continue into April according to a schedule appended to the treaty. Given Mach Sympathy. Pointing out that his government came into power December 1, the day after war broke out, Ryti said it "has regarded as its chief task the restoration of peace.” Of Finland’s struggle, the Premier commented: “We were given an abundance of sympathy, but no effective help from any direction. Not until it had become evident that Finland was capable of successfully defend ing herself did we begin to receive humanitarian and material help and munitions, especially from Sweden and the western powers. “On the other hand, we received no help in the form of manpower in actual fact, merely a few rein forced battalions, mostly from Sweden.” when the western powers (Brit ain and France) eventually offered soldiers, Ryti said, “the first batch of troops would have reached the front, providing normal transport could have been maintained, not earlier than the end of April, and the strength of the troops then ar riving would have been so small as to have been insufficient even to make up for the casualties our own army would have suffered in the meantime.’' In addition, he said, acceptance of such help would have made Fin land a battlefield in “the great war," because “the opponents of the west ern powers would have resorted to war against these troops.’’ Rich Areas Yielded. The areas yielded by Finland were among the richest in Finland, said Prof. Iivari Leiwiska of Hel sinki University’s geography depart ment The Karelian Isthmus, which the Finns must leave by March 26, con tains the best larch forests in Eu rope, along with rich farming areas around Viipuri and along the shores of Lake Ladoga, he said. Heaviest losses, however, are in the sawmills and paper mills around Suojarvi, Viipuri, Sortavala and Kakisalmi and in the fact that the lower part of the industrially im portant Internal water transporta tion system goes to Russia. Huge Buck Attacks Man PRATT, Kans., March 16 <*).— Dick Golden, State game protector, found Jim Servaes battling for his life against a 450-pound buck. He killed the deer and warned Mr. Servaes: “Be careful of bucks at this season. They’re not to be 1 trusted.” a % fCQ me ON, Fellows/^ WE CANT GET AROUND L IT. LET'S GO UNDER Speaking of Underpass— 1 "" " ‘ * — ■"1 ' ■ ... i .— ■ - Sales-lncome Tax Combination Given Overton's Support House District Committee Action on Proposal Seen Early Next Week Senator Overton, Democrat, of Louisiana, chairman of the Senate District Appropriations Subcommit tee, has thrown his support behind the program for adoption of a combination of a sales tax and an income levy on the higher brackets as a means of solving the District’s tax problem. The statement of Senator Overton came as members of the House District Committee prepared to act promptly on the recommendation of the Fiscal Affairs Subcommittee of the House District Committee for adoption of such a plan as a substi tute, effective next year, for the present personal net income levy of the District. Randolph Approves Principle. Chairman Randolph o(4he Bouse District Committee has announced plans far action by his committee early next week on the recommenda tion of the Fiscal Affairs Subcom mittee, which is headed by Repre sentative Nichols, Democrat, of Oklahoma. Mr. Randolph yesterday registered general approval of the combination tax plan because of the difficulties faced by the District in applying the present income levy to all “domiciled” in the District. Senator Overton, who last year supported a similar program, based Dn the report of Dr. Chester B. Pond, New York tax consultant, said: “I think this plan is an excellent solution of the District’s tax prob lem and shall be glad to support it if such a program is sent to the Senate by the House. I favored such a plan last year when the District tax program was considered by the Sen ate District Committee. Cites Visitors. “The National Capital is an ideal place for a sales tax because of the large number of visitors who come here and enjoy the benefits of Dis trict services. The sales tax would apply to them as well as to District residents. These visitors would not be reached by the present District income tax although they use mu nicipal facilities here.” He added that he was in favor of the proposed income levy on persons having incomes of $10,000 or more, on the ground that by this means the tax burden is equalized as be tween persons in the lower and higher income levels. Earlier he had said careful con sideration should be given to any proposal for repealing the present income levy, fearing that the Dis trict might be left in a financial crisis this fiscal year, but he noted that the Nichols committee program would leave the District income levy in force for the ^pril 15 payment due this fiscal year and the second half payment due by October 15. The new program, on which a favorable report has been ordered (See D. C. TAXES, Page A-7.) I De Valera Urges U. S. To Aid Irish Reunion Ej the Associated Press. BUBLIN, March 16.—Prime Min ister Eamon de Valera appealed to Americans today for “active moral support” of efforts “to end the dis memberment of Ireland” and to ex tend the freedom enjoyed by Ireland (Eire) “to the whole of the national territory.” The American-born Premier re ferred to the long campaign of his government of Southern Ireland to incorporate the six counties of Northern Ireland (Ulster), which re mains part of the United Kingdom. In a “St. Patrick’s Day eve” state ment, #De Valera declared that "in five-sixths of our island we are as free as any people upon earth.” Ancient prophecy, said that when St. Patrick’s Day and Palm Sunday fell on the same day blood would flow in the streets of Ireland. De spite this superstition, official Ire land looked for a calm observance, but made the usual precautions against Extremist action. In his statement, addressed to “our friends in the United States,” De Valera said that “the political task that remains for us * * * is securing an extension of that free dom to the whole of the national " I Ship Sinking Protested To Reich by Norway By the Associated Press. OSLO, March 16.—Norway pro tested to Germany today against the 1 sinking of the Norwegian steamer Nidarholm off Ireland February 12 "without examination and without permitting the ship’s papers to be taken into security.” The protest asked that steps be taken against the submarine com mander and reserved the right to claim compensation. President Awaits Doctor's Verdict on Appointments Today Temperature Still High; Had Scheduled Radio Broadcast President Roosevelt awaited the verdict of hit doctor today as to whether he could keep two appoint ments—a 10-minute international radio broadcast this aftemon and attendance at the 18th annual din ner of the White House Correspond ents' Association tonight. Bothered by a cold throughout the week, the President was forced to cancel all engagements yesterday and remain at the White House proper. This morning he was re ported still having a temperature about one degree high, but was to be examined by Dr. Ross T. Mclntire for a decision on whether he might leave his room. The scheduled broadcast was to be part of an afternoon program sponsored by the Christian Foreign Service Convocation and emanating from New York. Mr. Roosevelt had planned to speak from here for about 10 minutes shortly after 3 o'clock. With the President keeping away from his office, yesterday’s telegram from Senator Tobey, Republican, of New Hampshire, on the disputed 1940 census, was referred to Secre tary of Commerce Hopkins for re ply. As guest of honor at tonight’s dinner, the Chief Executive will be entertained (the correspondents hope) by a Paramount newsreel bur lesquing all the 1940 presidential possibilities and impossibilities, and by a show donated by the Columbia Broadcasting System. The Supreme Court, Congress, the cabinet and all other branches of Washington officialdom are repre sented among nearly 700 for whom dinner places have been reserved. The afTair is being held at the Wil lard Hotel. Only serious business contem plated during the evening is the transfer of the association presi dency from Earl Godwin of the Washington Times-Herald to Felix Belair, Jr., of the New York Times Washington bureau. Tobey May Take His Census Fight Into the Courts Citizens' Offers to Seek Injunctions Studied; Replies to President f By the Associated Press. The “battle of the census’’ may shift from Congress and the White House to the courts. This word came today from the office of Senator Tobey, Republican, of New Hampshire, who is leading the fight to prevent census-takers irom asking citizens how much money they make. President Roosevelt, defending the income questions yesterday, accused the Senator of inciting the public to violate the law. Senator Tobey charged, in turn, that if the Presi dent considered an “unauthorized ruling” of the Census Bureau to be the law of the land, then the people should recall “that such were the tactics used by Hitler in gaining powers never sanctioned by the people.” Mr. Rooeevelt’s statement was made through his press secretary, Stephen Early. It did not mention Senator Tobey by name, but there was no doubt as to whom the Presi dent meant because the New Hamp shire Republican had declared that citizens would be within their rights in refusing to answer the income inquiries. Injunctions Suggested. Charles Tobey, jr., the Senator’s son and secretary, told newsmen to day that citizens in all parts of the country had written in, suggesting they were willing to seek injunc tions against the income questions “as a violation of constitutional rights.” These letters were being studied, young Tobey said, with a view to bringing suits in representative areas throughout the country. Administration supporters re ported increasing indications that Senator Tobey would fail in his effort to obtain Senate approval of his resolution declaring that the questions should be eliminated from the coming enumeration. The reso lution was approved by the Sen ate Commerce Committee recently, 9 to 7. Chairman Bailey, Democrat, of North Carolina of this group, who supported the Tobey proposal, said the plan announced by Secretary Hopkins since the committee voted had altered his position. 1 Secret Answers. The Commerce Department Sec retary announced that citizens might avoid telling enumerators about their earnings by sealing un signed answers to the income ques tions in an envelope which would be mailed to census headquarters here. This procedure was designed • (See CENSUS, Page A-7.) Summary of Today's Star Page. Amusements, B-1S Church News, A-12-15 Comics --B-14-15 Editorials . A-10 Finance. A-18-19 Page. | Garden Pg. B-S Lost, Found B-9 Obituary ... A-8 Radio.B-14 Real Estate B-l-7 Society .A-9 Sports.. A-IS-17 Foreign Rumania refuses to pay price of Nazi “security” plan. Page A-l Finns to fortify new border and re vamp army. Page A-l Nazi envoy visits Ciano during Welles talk. Page A-l Storm rises against British Supply Minister Burgin. Page A-3 Japan protests to Soviet on Sakhalin battle. Page A-7 Notional Tobey says census “battle” may shift to courts. Page A-l Roosevelt and Taft get Ohio’s con vention delegates. Page A-3 Georgia Governor seeks to escape contempt writ. Page A-7 Selma Lagerlof, Swedish authoress, dies at tl. Page A-7 Washington and Vicinity Roosevelt awaits doctor’s permission to keep appointments. Page A-l District sales-Income tax plan given Overb n support Page A-l Police war on crime in Washington making progress. Page A-3 Capital plays host to Byrd’s men at Little America. * Page A-M ■ Whitehurst is lauded by Traffic Council for underpass. Page A-20 Justice Letts approves Park Savings Bank report. Page A-20 Editorial and Comment This and That. Page A-10 Answers to Questions. Page A-10 Letters to The Star. Page A-10 David Lawrence. Page A-ll Alsop and Kintner. Page A-ll O. Gould Lincoln. Page A-ll Lemuel P. Parton. Page A-ll Jay Franklin. Page A-ll Sports Americans loom far stronger than all-star rivals.. Page A-10 Track stars threaten records in But ler relays. Page A-10 Tale, Princeton share laurels in title swimming. Page A-10 Brookland Recreation pinmen set 727 season’s record. Page A-17 Doll paces Colorado U. to national basket title. PageA-17 Miscellany Dorothy Dix. Page A-9 Barbara Bell Pattern. Page A-9 Needlework. Page A-9 Vital Statistics. Page A-ll Service Orders. Page A-ll Nature’s Children. Page B-S Of Hearts and Song. Page B-7 City News in Brief. Page B-9 Bedtime Story. Page B-14 Letter-Out. Page B-14 Winning Contract Page B-14 Uncle Ray's Corner. Page B-IS Bandit Shoots Collector and . Flees With $700 Will iam Gladstone, 41, Wounded in Holdup At Traffic Light William E. Gladstone, 41 years old, a collector for the Try-Me Bottling Co., was shot early this afternoon in a stop-light holdup near New York avenue and Bladensburg road N.E. Two robbers escaped with about $700 in cash and checks, police said. Gladstone, despite his wound, managed to drive his automobile five blocks to South Dakota avenue, where he collapsed as he attempted to get out at a service station. James Stevens, a liquor store proprietor, rushed him to Sibley Hospital, where an emergency operation was ordered to remove a bullet from his ab domen. According to police, Mr. Gladstone had stopped his automobile at a red light on Bladensburg road. One of the holdup men—a tall white man— jumped In the car, put a pistol against the driver and ordered him to hand over the money. Mr. Glad stone grabbed at the gun and in the struggle was shot. The police today announced the arrest of a number of holdup and theft suspects. Solution of two cases, which in volved loot valued at $25,000, was announced at police headquarters by detectives. In one case, a colored maid, Mary McCorrie Mann, 26, of the 900 block of Q street N.W., was charged with grand larceny in connection with the theft of $5,000 worth of jewelry po lice said the woman had stolen over a period of several weeks from the apartment of Col. and Mrs. Glenn S. Smith at the Broadmoor Hotel, 3601 Connecticut avenue N.W. Col. Smith, who works in the Geo logical Survey in the Interior De partment, first reported that some of the jewelry was missing in De cember. More disappeared in ensuing weeks. The detectives investigating the case learned that at the same time small sums of money had been disappearing from a coin bank in the apartment. They investigated and ih searching the maid’s home found the jewels hidden in a rat hole in a closet. Five Men Arrested. The second case brought the ar rest of five colored men by Detec tive Sergts. Thomas Sweeney and Michael Mahaney. The men were charged with stealing and disposing of $20,000 worth of imported lace and linen. The goods were stolen from a car owned by Fouad A. Zraick a New York importer, on December 18 Police said that they had recovered about $1,000 worth of lace and had hopes of finding at least part of the rest of the loot. Three colored men were caught red-handed during the night by po lice working on the special night pa trol. Pvts. J E. Ashe and E. E. Helmes, patrolling their beat near Seventh and M streets N.W., trapped two of the men in the act of burglarizing a dry-cleaning establishment at 1201 Seventh street N.W. Sergt, T. M. Poland, with Pvts. C. E. Davis and J. D. Hall, picked up another colored man near a service station at Fairview and New York avenues N.E. The man admitted he was waiting to hold up the station and police recovered a pistol he had thrown away when he saw them ap proaching. Admits Robbing Station. Under questioning, the man ad mitted robbing the station on Feb ruary 17 and gave police the names of two other colored men who had participated in other robberies with him. The men were arrested and faced questioning today. Headquarters detectives announced they had disproved the story of a 30-year-old colored boy who had confessed a murder—in an effort to avoid being connected with a bur glary. The youth is Andrew Ashton, who is held at the District Jail on a housebreaking charge. He was ar rested about a week ago for in vestigation and surprised police by admitting participation in the hold up-slaying of Herman Sirkis. North east liquor store proprietor. He said he had been the lookout man for the two robbers who en tered the store and shot Mr Sirkis. Police believed his story until he started to describe in detail the conversation between Mr. Sirkis and the robbers. Police could not get an explana tion of how he had heard this con versation—if he had been standing outside the store as a lookout. He admitted the confession was a hoax and police then linked him to a minor housebreaking. Scottish Peer Dies LONDON, March 16 (£•).—'The Duke of Hamilton and Brandon, 77 year-old premier peer of Scotland, died today. The 37-year-old “Fight ing Marquess” of Douglas and Clydesdale, an air force squadron leader, succeeds to the title. Julius Caesar On WMAL A radio version of Shake speare’s “Julius Caesar” will he presented tonight by the Cross Roads Theater player* over WMAL starting at 7:3Q o'clock. This show is one of a series of educational broadcasts for junior high school students sponsored by The Star with tha co-operation of the Board of Education and the National Broadeasting Co.