Newspaper Page Text
Eratlffl BAILEY, JUNIUS. On Tuesday. April IS. 1940. at his residence. Spring Kill. Va . JULIUS BAILEY, beloved son of Ed ward and Julia Bailey; brother of William. Lawrence. Harding. Dorothy and Marie Bailey and Malanie Johnson. Notice of funeral later. Arrangements by W. Ernest Jarvis. CAMPBELL. DANIEL. On Monday. April 15. 1940. DANIEL CAMPBELL Services (private) at the S. H. Hines Co. funeral home. 2901 14th st. n.w., on Wednesday. April 17. at 9 a.m. CAPL'TO, ALBERT. On Monday. April 15. 1940. at Emergency Hospital. ALBERT CAPUTO Remains resting at the Cham bers funeral home. 1400 Chapin at. r..w. Notice of funeral later. CEASAR. ANNIE G. Departed this life Saturday. April 13. 1940. ANNIE G. CEASAR beloved wife of John B Ceasar. She leaves to mourn their loss two daugh ters. Inez Harris and Martina Bush; two sons. Theodore and James Ceasar; one brother, two sisters and a host of other relatives and friends. Remains resting at the home of her sister. Mrs. Anastasia Kale. 1222 L st. s e. Funeral Wednesday morning. April 17. »t 9 o'clock, from St Cyprian's Church. 13th and C sts. s.e.. where reoulem high mass will be offered for the repose of her »oul. • COLEMAN. LUCINDA. On Monday, epril 15. 1940. at Stoddard Baptist Home, UCINDA COLEMAN, widow of Alfred D. Coleman; devoted aunt-in-law of Almira L. Streets and Mary Thornton of Balti more. Md. * Notice of services later. Arrangements by W. Ernest Jarvis. CRUMPTON. JAMES. On Monday. April 15, 1940. JAMES CRUMPTON He leaves a stepfather and a stepmother. Rook and Martha Dangerfleld: three sisters. Lily Hassell. Ella Lowe and Hattie Taylor; one brother. Charles Crumpton. Other rela tives and friends also survive. Remains Testing at Eugene Ford's funeral home, 1300 South Capitol st. Notice of funeral later. DAPRATO. JOSEPH. Suddenly, on Sun day. April 14 1940. JOSEPH DAPRATO. beloved husband of Marv Daprato and fa ther of Oscar and Mario Daprato Funeral from his late residence. 2213 Randolph st n e . nn Wednesday. April 17. •t 8:15 a.m.; thence to Holy Rosary Church at 9 a.m.. where mass will be of fered for the renose of his soul. Inter ment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. Relatives I «nd friends invited. 10 i DENT. SAR \H BURKE. Departed this life on Sunday. April 14 1910. at New Haven. Conn.. SARAH BURKE DENT. She leaves to mourn their loss a loving hus band. J. B. Dent: a mother. Mrs. Lillian Hunt: iwo brothers Rozier and Robert Burke: two aunts. Mrs. Laura Smith and Mrs. Ollie Webster, and other relatives and friends. Funeral from the residence of her brother. 1002 Oronoco st.. Alexandria. Va.. on Wednesday. April 17. at 2 p m. Friends Invited. Interment Bethel Cemetery. A.lex •ndria. Va. DF. VILI.E. MARGARET. On Monday. April 15. 1940. at the residence of a de voted friend. Mrs. Jennie Wells. 932 48th ft. n.e., MARGARET DE VILLE. Many yelatives and friends survive her. Funeral Thursday. April 18. at 2 p.m.. from Henry S Washington & Sons' funeral home. 4925 Deane ave n e.. Rev Ernest J. Green officiating. Relatives and friends invited DICKERSON. ALEXANDER WALTER. On Friday. April 12. 1940. ALEXANDER WALTER DICKERSON of 114 Washington ave.. Riverdale. Md.. son of the late Alex ander and Margaret Dickerson Funeral services at th" Chambers R:\er dale funeral home on Tuesday. April lh. at 2:30 pm. Interment Union cemetery, Burtonsville. Md 1 *'• DIGGS. ELIZABETH ROBINSON. De parted this life on Saturday. April 1.3. . 1940. at Gallincer Hospital. ELIZABETH ROBINSON DIGGS, devoted mother of Philip Bundy. John and Thomas E. Rob inson: grandmother of Monzella Gary. She aiso leaves to mourn their loss three sisters and other relatives and friends. 1 Remains resting at Barbour Bros.' funeral home. 48 K st. n.e. until 2 p.m. Tuesday, i April lti: thereafter at 349 Eye st. s.w. j DIXON, JAMES R. On Monday. April 15. 1940. at his residence. 2109 Fairlawn i ave s.e.. JAMES R. DIXON, beloved hus- i band of Emma W. Dixon and father of William H.. James E. and James R. and Mrs. Mary Gregg Funeral from his late residence on Thurs- j dav. April 18. at 8:30 a m.: thence to St. . Francis Xavier Church. 2800 Pa. ave. s.e . i where mass will be offered at 9 a m. for the repose of his soul. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cent- | etery. 1 ‘ DONOVAN, JOHN J. Suddenly, on I Sunday. April 14. 1940 at his.residence. i 1500 Van Buren st. n.w.. JOHN J. DON- | OVAN, beloved husband of Annie J. Don- i evan fnee Sullivani. I Funeral from the above residence Wed-. Tiesday. April 11. at 8:30 am : thence to the Nativity Church, "here solemn high | requiem mass will be offered at 9 a m. for i the repose of his soul Interment v edar Hill Cemetery. Relatives and friends in vited. . ! DONOVAN. JOHN J. The members oi the Nativity Holy Name Society are re ouested to meet at the late residence of JOHN J. DONOVAN, 1500 Vail Buren st. n w . at 7:30 P.m. Tuesday. April lb. 1910. for the recitation of prayers REV LAWRENCE A McGLONE. B. D. CLARKSON OAMMILL. Pres. EBERTS, ELIZABETH. On Monday. April 15. 1940. at Sibley Memorial Hos pital. ELIZABETH EBERTS, mother of Mrs. Edna Blankenship Remains resting ■t the Chambers funeral home. BIT 11 tn 4t. s.e.. until 10 p.m. Tuesday. April lo. Interment Vinton. Ohio. EDWARDS. JESSE L.. JR. On Sunday. April 14. 1940. at Glenn Dale Sanitarium. JESSE L. EDWARDS. Jr., son of Jesse Lewis and Sweedie Edwrards: brother of Clarence Edwards: grandson of Ma halie Pinchback: nephew of Mrs. Joseph H Gordon. Mrs. Josephine Carter. Mrs. Hally Warden and Richard George Re mains resting at the residence of his aunt. Mrs Joseph H Gordon. 3117 Sherman ave n.w . after 4 p.m. Tuesday. April lb. Funeral Wednesday. April 17. at 8:30 a m.. from the above address: thence to Et Augustine's Church, where mass will be offered at 9 a.m Relatives and friends Invited. Interment. Mount Olivet Cem etery. Arrangements by W. Ernest Jarvis. EDWARDS. REX I.E ROY. On Mondev. April 15. 1940 REX LE ROY EDWARDS, beloved husband of Shirley L. Edwards, son , of Mrs Nettie C. Edwards and brother of William E and Harry L. Edwards. Services at the Chambers funeral home. 1400 Chapin st. n w.. on Wednesday. April 17. at 11 a.m. Interment Mount Zion. Md. FIELDS, ALICE V. Departed this life on Tuesday. April Hi. 1940. ALICE V. FIELDS, beloved daughter of Paige D. Fields, stepdaughter of Marguerite Fields and sister of Mrs. Vernice Ware, She also Is survived my many other relatives and friends. Remains resting at Allen & Mor row's Funeral Home. Inc., 1.326 V st. n.w. Notice of funeral later. 17 FOLEY, BERTHA J. On Tuesday. April Ifi. 1940. at her residence. 2.70 Channing *t n.e.. BERTHA J. FOLEY, beloved wife of the late David J. Foley: mother of John D. and Charles J. Foley and daugh ter of Sarah Mead. Remains resting at the Francis J. Collins funeral home. 3821 14th st. n w. Notice of funeral later. HARPER. AMY VIOLA. On Saturday. April 13. 1940. at Gallincer Hospital. AMY VIOLA HARPER, loving daughter of Mamie Honesty; devoted wife of Theodore Harper: mother of Sarah and Amy Yvonne [ Harper: sister of Edna Newton. Many other relatives and friends also survive. Remains resting at Frazier's funeral home. 399 R. I. ave. n.w.. until 4 p.m. Tuesday. April 16: thereafter at her late residence. 2800 Chain Bridge road n.w Funeral Thursday. April 19. at 2 p m.. from St. Phillip's Baptist Church. Rev. 4V H. James officiating. Interment Union Cemetery 17 HARRIS. SAMUEL B. Departed this life suddenly on Sunday. April 14. 1940. at Emergency Hospital. SAMUEL R. HARRIS, devoted father of Lawrence Harris, loving brother of Mrs. Mamie Wooden. He also leaves other relatives and friends. Re mains may be viewed after 10 a.m Wed nesday. April 17, at Barbour Bros.’ funeral home. 48 K st. n.e Remains will lie in state on Thursday. April 18. from 9 a.m. until 12:39 p.m.. at Union Wesley Church. 23rd st. between L and M sts. n.w., where funeral services will be held at 1 p.m . Rev. Aistork officiating. Interment Woodlawn Cemetery. 17 HAWKINS. JOSEPH F. Departed this life on Monday, April 15, 1940. at Freed men's Hospital, after a brief illness. Jo seph F Hawkins He leaves to mourn their loss three daughters, one son. two sisters, two brothers and a host of other relatives and friends. Remains resting at Smith's funeral home. 1125 19th st. n.w.. until Thursday a.m.: thence to his late home. 2017 Rosedale st. n e. Funeral Friday. April 19. at 11 a.m. from St. James’ Church. St. Mary's County. Md. HENDERSON, MARY A. On Monday. April 15. 1940. it Garfield Hospital. MARY A HENDERSON of 6601 Connecticut ave . Chevy Chase. Md.. wife of the late Edgar B Henderson Services at the S. H Hines Co. funeral home. 2901 14th st. n.w.. on Wednesday. April 17. at 10 a m. Interment Rock creek Cemetery 16 HERBERT. LAWRENCE L. On Monday. April 15, 1940. LAWRENCE L. HERBERT, husband of Sadie A Herbert, son of John F and the late Addie S. Herbert and broth er of James and Howard A. Herbert, Mrs. Eva Owens. Mrs. Amy Powell and Mrs. Louise A. Tennyson. , , Services at the Chambers funeral home. 817 11th st. s.e.. on Thursday. April 18, at 11 a m Relatives and friends invited. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 17 FUNERAL DIRECTORS. J. William Lee’s Sons Co. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Crematorium 4th and Mass. Aw. N.E _Lincoln 6200 V. L. SPEARE CO. Neither successor to nor connected with the oriiinal W R Speare establishment 1009 h st. n.w. N.tlopnh:rgw,2 FUNERAL DESIGNS. GEO. C. SHAFFER, Inc EXPRESSIVE FLORAL TRIBUTES AT MODERATE PRICES PHONE NAT 0106 °aind fiSBT Co. 14th fr Eye GUDE BROS. CO. Ftorml Piece* 1212 F St. N.W. National 4276. CEMETERY LOTS. CEDAR HILL GRAVE SITES. TWO LOTS. six sites each: reasonable price. OWNER. Phone Randolph 7173. • Epatlja HUDSON. GEORGE. Departed this life on Friday. April 12. 1940. at the Veterans’ Administration Hospital, GEORGE HUD SON of 241 Banner st.. Brentwood. Md„ son of the late Jane E. Thomas: brother of Walter and Eugene Thomas and Re becca Jefferson. He also leaves to mourn their loss two nieces. Lillian Smith and Missouri Pollard; two nephews. Perry Pol lard and Eugene Perry Thomas; also a devoted friend. Alice Wilson. Remains at his late residence after 10 a.m. Tuesday. April 16. Funeral Wednesday. April 17. at 1:18 p.m.. from ths W Ernest Jarvis funeral church, 1422 You st. n.w. Relatives and friends invited Interment Arlington Na tional Cemetery. Rev. George W. Lucas officiating. 16 HUDSON. GEORGE. A special com munication of Eureka Lodge. No. 8. F. A. A M.. is called for Wednesday. April 17. 1940 at 12 noon, at Scottish Rite Tem ple. 1622 llth st. n.w., for the purpose of paying the last Masonic tribute lo our deceased brother. GEORGE HUDSON LOCKWOOD L. BUTLER. W. M. SAMUEL W WATSON. Secretary. HUDSON, GEORGE. Coomrades of Sergt. George Berry Camp. No. 10. U. S. W. V.. are requested to attend the funeral of our late comrade GEORGE HUDSON. Wednesday, April 17. 1940. at 1:15 p.m.. from the W. Ernest Jarvis funeral parlor. 1432 You st. n.w By order of the camp. ARTHUR G. TAYLOR. Commander. L. A. CORNISH. Adjutant. • KATE C. On Sunday. April 34. 1940, at her residence. 714 Decatur st n.w., KATE W. C JUSTH. beloved mother of Elmer S. Justh. Adele E. Smith, Lydia C. Nevitt and Charles N. Palmer. Funeral services will be held at the above residence on Wednesday. April 17. at 2 p.m. Interment Glenwood Cemetery. Rel atives and friends invited. (Baltimore papers please copy.) 10 KENDRICK. GRANT S. On Sunday. April 14. 1940. at his residence 4000 4th st. n.w . GRANT S. KENDRICK, be loved husband of Katie L. Kendrick (nee Coppersmith), father of Mrs. Beulah East burn. Remains resting at the above residence, where services will be held on Wednes day April 17. at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Glenwood Cem etery. 10 KING, CORNELIA V. Departed this life Sunday. April 11. ]94o. in Frecdmen's i Hospital. CORNELIA V. KING of 524 21st •cf n e., the beloved wife of Malvin J. Km?. She also is survived by one son. Malvin. jr.: one daushfpr. Marilyn: three brothers, two sisters and other relatives and friends. Remains resting with L. E. : Murray A: Sen. 12th and V sts. n.w. Funeral notice later. KLAKRING. ALFRED. on Monday. April 15. 1940. at his residence. 1423 Manchester lane. ALFRED KLAKRING, beloved husband of Emily E. Klakring. Services at Chambers’ funeral home. 1400 Chapin st. n.w.. on Wednesday. April 3 7 at 2 P.m. Relatives and friends in vited. Interment private. 10 LEONARD. ARTHUR CLYDE. On Tues day. April 9. 1940. at St. Luke’s Hospital. New York City. ARTHUR CLYDE LEON ARD. formerly of Washington. D. C. LOMAX, LOTTIE LEE. On Friday. April 12, 1940. at Medical Center, Jersey City N J . LOTTIE LEE LOMAX, beloved wife of James Lomax, daughter of Edward and Eliza Shepherd and sister of Maria Clagett. Rosa Wadsworth and Henry Shepherd. Re mains resting at her late residence. 1419 Swann st. n.w.. after noon Tuesday Funeral services Wednesday. April 17. at Third Baptist Church. 5th and Que sts. n.w., at 1 p m. Interment at Lin coln Memorial Cemetery. Arrangements by McGuire. lfi* MEREDITH, MRS. MAY GORMAN. r On Sunday. April 14. 1940. at 44 Vermont ave . Hempstead. Long Island. MAY GOR MAN MEREDITH, beloved mother of Mrs. Loring Y. Gibson She also is survived by two brothers. Thomas J. Gorman, deputy commissioner of customs, and Comcir. Frank J Gorman, both of Washington D. C : an aunt. Mrs. Katharine A. Gorman of Hempstead. Lone Island and three Grandchildren. Peter. Richard and Bar bara Mav Gibson Reposing at the F. E. Cornell funeral chapel. Hempstead. Long Island: thence to Our Ladv of Loretta Roman Catholic Church, where a mass of requiem will be celebrated a* 9 am. Wednesday. April 17. Interment St. Agnes' Cemetery. Albany, N. Y. MITCHELL, LUCINDA. Departed this j life cn Monday. April 15. 1940. at 0 pm., at her residence. 1812 T st. n w.. LU CINDA MITCHELL, beloved w ife of* Andrew Mitchell. She leaves to mourn their loss one son. Harrv B. Mitchell, two sisters. Susan Mitchell and Marv Boss: three grandchildren. Shelby Rhone. Creed and Henrietta Mitchell: a host of other rela tives and friends. Remains resting at the J. L. Lowe fu neral home. 913 Florida ave n.w . where funeral services will b° held on Wednesday. 1 April 17. at 12 noon. Rev Walter H. Brooks officiating. Interment Bluemont, ; Va. 17 OVERBEE. FLORENCE M. On Tuesday. April 16. 1940. FLORENCE M OVERBEE. beloved wife of Fred R Overbee. sister of ; Luella M Kendall nf Port Townsend, j Wash., and aunt of Frances J Rice. Funeral from th° W. W Deal funeral home. 4812 Georgia ave n.w. on Thurs-I day. April 18. at 2 p.m Relatives and friends invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery 17 j PEYTON, BETTIE. Departed this life j Monday. Anril 15. 1940. after a href ill ness. BETTIE PEYTON, mother of Mrs. Mamie Peyton Miller. Mrs. Carrie Dobbins. Mrs Bertha Thompson. Frank. Freddie and Eugene Peyton. Notice of funeral later. • PRATT, MARGARET S. On Sunday. April 14. 1940. in New York City. MAR GARET S. PRATT, in her 83rd year, widow of James Calcdtt Pratt and beloved mother of Stuart C. Pratt. Interment Rock Creek Cemetery on Tuesday. April 16. at 4:15 p.m. RAKESTRAW. ANNE A. Suddenly on Sundav. April 14. 1940. ANNE A RAKE STRAW. beloved wife of Clarence E. Rake straw of 3900 Connecticut ave. n.w Mrs. Rakestraw rests at the Tabler fu neral home. 4217 9th st. n.w . where serv ices will be held on Wednesday. April 17. at 11 a.m., followed by interment in Cedar Hill Cemetery. 16* RETTSTATT, WILLIAM G. On Sun day. April 14. 1940. at his residence. 4719 Conduit road n.w.. WILLIAM G. RETT STATT. beloved husband of Ida Lear Rettstatt and father of Mrs A H. Schutz. of this city and Lucien D. Rettstatt of Rawlins. Wyo. Services at his late residence on Thurs day. April 18. at 2 P m. Interment Na tional Memorial Park Cemetery. ROBEY, EDITH MAE On Monday. April 15. 1940. at Children's Hospital EDITH MAE ROBEY, beloved daughter of Kermit and Irene Robey. Services at the T Frank Murray funeral home. 741 11th on Wednesday. April 17. at 2 p.m. interment Forestville Episcopal Church Cemetery. Forestville. ROBY. ROBERT E. On Monday. April 15. 1940. ROBERT F ROBY, belovpd son of Catherine Roby Wittstatt and the late Guy M. Roby and stctv on of T.t John T Wittstatt; brother of Mary Roby Lea and nephew of James Condon. Fttneral from his late residence. 918 Madison st. n.w.. on Wednesday. April 17. at 9:30 a.m. Requiem mass at the Church of the Nativity at 10 a m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery 16 SILENCE. HATTIE G. On Monday. Anril 15. 1940. at the home of her daughter. 3616 11th st. n.w.. HATTIF G SILENCE, belovpd wife of Charles C. Silence, mother of Mrc Morris L Heath and Mrc. Robert Kimmel and sister of Mrs Mollie Jefferies and Mrs Frank Boyle nf New York Services at the Chamber funeral homp. 14no Chapin st n.w.. on Thursday. Anril ' 18. at 2 p.m. Interment Glenwood Ceme tery. 17 j SMITH. JAMES A. On Monday. Anril : 15. 1940. JAMES A. SMITH, beloved hus band of Lillian M Smith and father of Robert J. Richard M., Virginia M. and Betty C Smith Services at the Chambers funeral home. 517 11th st. s.e.. on Thursday. April 18. at 8:30 a m. Mass at Holy Comforter Church. 14th and East Capitol sts.. at 9 a m Rel atives and friends invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery 17 STEWART, MATTIE A. On Saturday. April 13. 1040. at 6:45 am. at Freed man's Hospital. MATTIE A STEWART, wife of Rev. Joseph Stewart, mother of Mrs. Ruth A. Barnes, grandmother of Fredericks Barnes. She also leaves one sis'er. one aunt, other relatives and friends. Remains resting at Stewart's funeral home. 30 H st. n.e., until 4:30 p.m. Tuesday. April IB: thereafter at her late residence, 140 60th st. n.e Funeral Wednesday. April 17. at 1 p.m.. from Macedonia Baptist Church, Anacostia. D C . Rev. H. N. Coleman offi ciating Interment Harmony Cemetery. 16 STORM. MARGARET T. On Sunday. April 14. 1040. at 6:30 p m., at the home of her sister. Mrs. W. W. Medley. 3800 30th st.. Mount Rainier. Md.. MARGARET T. STORM. Funeral services at the Mount Rainier Christian Church on Wednesday. April 17. at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends, in vited. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. 16 TASKER. GEORGE A. Suddenly on Sat urday. April 13. 1040. GEORGE A. TAS KER of 2217 Quincy st. n.e., beloved hus band of the late Stevanna Tasker <nee Albro'. brother of Mrs Harriett Faunce and Mrs Estelle Sonnemann Funeral from William J. Nalley’s funeral home. 3200 Rhode Island ave. n.e.. Mount Rainier. Md.. on Wednesday. £April 17. 1040. at 3 P.m. Interment Cohgressional Cemetery. Relatives and friends invited. 16 THOMPSON, ALICE GERTRUDE. On Sunday. April 14. 1040. ALICE GER TRUDE THOMPSON (nee Loeffier). be loved wife of Henry O. Thompson and mother of Henrietta O. and Ernest A. Thompson and Mrs. Alice G. Larkin. Services at Chambers’ funeral home. 617 11th st s.e.. on Thursday. April 18. at 2t.30 pm. Relatives and friends Invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 17 THOMPSON, ANNIE B. On Monday. April 16. 1040. at Sibley Memorial Hos pital. ANNIE B. THOMPSON (nee Hurdle), beloved wife of the late Oscar Thompson Funeral from her late residence. 36 Eye st. n.w.. Thursday. April 18. at 8:30 a m.: thence to St. Aloysius Church, where solemn hiah requiem mass will be offered at 0 a m for the repose of her soul. In terment Mount Olivet Cemetery. Rela tives and friends invited. 17 WAGNER. REGINA M. On Sunday, April 14. 1040 REGINA M WAGNER, beloved sister of Henry C. W’aener. Funeral services at Chambers' funeral home. 517 11th st. s.e.. on Wednesday. Anril 17. at 2 n.m Relatives and friends invited. Interment Prospect Hill Cem etery. 16 WELSH, HENRY F. On Monday. April 15. 104(1. HENRY F. WELSH, beloved hus band of Grace C Welsh and father of Mar garet K. Riedel. Virginia C. Steuart and Patricia Eileen Welsh. Funeral from his late residence. 1625 Southern ave. s.e.. on Thursday. April 18. at 0:30 am.: thence to St. Frances Xavier Church. 2Sth st. and Pa. ava. s.e.. where mass will be offered at 10 a m. for the repose of his soul. Relativei and friends invited. Interment Cedar H1U Cemetery. 17 Norwegian Whale Oil Vessel Arrives at Hampton Roads Suderoy, With Six Smaller 'Killer' Boats, Awaits New Orders By the Associated Press. NORFOLK. Va„ April 16—The Suderoy. a Norwegian whale oil re finery ship carrying about 12,500 tons of the oil, moved into Hamp ton Roads yesterday with its brood of six smaller •'killer” boats—ap parently diverted there by the war abroad. The Suderoy was to have taken her cargo into Curacao, ill the Dutch West Indies, but before reaching that port was directed to proceed here to await orders. Other Norwegian vessels which came here yesterday to wait orders concerning future movements were the Kai Knudsen, from sea; the Risar.ger from Harstad and the Pollux from Rotterdam. Meanwhile the huge freighter Panamanian which sank at a dock in Baltimore March 21 while loading a cargo for Europe, was being towed today to Newport News, for repairs. At a Federal hearing recently, witnesses testified water poured into the ship through an open fuel port, flooding the engine rooms. The task of refloating and remov [ ing the 11,500 tons of cargo required two weeks. The Compania Transatlantica Centro Amencana, operator of the freighter, said it would return to Baltimore to take on cargo for a voyage to Liverpool and Dublin May 5. I __ French Plane Shot Down BRUSSELS, April 16 (/P).—A French plane fell in flames today, killing one of the crew and injuring two others, after a fight with a Ger man plane near Londlier, near the French border. — In fHemorinm ADDELLE. CHARLES W. A tribute of love and devotion to the memory of my dear husband. CHARLES VV. ADDELLE. who passed away three years aao today. April 16. 103' . HIS DEVOTED WIFE. SUSIE E fiD- j DELLE. • | BOWMAN’, BELLE C. A tribute of love and devotion in memory of my dear moth er. BELLE C. BOWMAN, who entered sweet rest five years aeo today. April 16. 1035. Rest, dear mother, sweetly rest DEVOTED DAUGHTER. MARGARET E. JONES BRYANT, IX’LA. A tribute of love to the memory of our dear mother and sister. LULA BRYANT, who entered eternal rest five years ago today. April 16. 1935. LOVING DAUGHTER. JESSIE: SON. ROY: SISTER. EDITH. • COLE, EMMA HALL. Not today only, but every day. sweet and fresh is the mem ory of our dearest mother. EMMA HALL COLE, who entered into eternal rest ten vears ago today. April 16. 1930. HER CHILDREN. SARAH. RICHARD. BES SIE. EMMA MAE AND PORTIA. • FERGUSON, VIRGINIA CARR. In lov ing remembrancp of my dear wife. VIR GINIA CARR FERGUSON, who passed away one year ago today. April 16. 1939. Oh. the memory of that mornine. When I knew that she was dead: My heart was crushed w’ith sorrow And many tears wore shed. HER LOVING HUSBAND. L. HOWARD FERGUSON. • GILROY, MARY. In sad but loving re membrance of our dear mother. MARY GILROY, who departed this lifr twenty three years aco today. April 16. 1917. An niversary mass at St. Stephen s Church. Remembrance keeps you near HER LOVING CHILDREN. • HALLMAN. WALTER C In remem brance of our beloved husband and father. WALTER C HALLMAN, who departed this life April 16. 1939. ESSIE P. HALLMAN AND FAMILY. * HAWKINS. IRVING E. Sacred to the memory of our dear father, son. brother and grandson. IRVING E. HAWKINS, who entered into eternal rest two years ago today. April 16. 1938. Short and sudden was the call When vou were taken from us all But never will those who loved you best Forget the day you were laid to rest. ’Tis sweet to remember him who once was here. Though absent to us he is just as dear; The midnight stars shine on the grave Of the one we loved, but could not save. THE FAMILY • HAYDEN. C. LORRAINE. Sacred to the memorv of mv little friend. C LORRAINE HAYDEN, who departed this life two vears ago today. April 16. 1938 ’Tis sweet to remember her who once was here. Though absent to me she is just as dear. JACQUELINE KELLY. • HEACOCK. HARVEY E. A tribute of devotion to his memory by those who loved him as Grandpa. Unk and Pon. HARVEY E HEACOCK. w’ho passed into eternal rest one year ago today. April 16. 1939, at 3 a m. Loving and kind in all his ways. Upright and just to the end of his days: Forgiving to those when he felt the sting of neglect. Charitable, sincere in heart and mind. And the lonely absence is mourned by all In the home in which he lived NURSE. • MANCUSO, LOUIS. In sad but loving memory of our dear husband and father. LOUIS MANCUSO. who left us four years ago today. April 16. 1936. Days of sadness still come over us. Hidden tears so often flow: Memories keep you always near Us Although you left us four years ago. YOUR DEVOTED * WIFE. ^SALVATORE. LOUIS AND MARGARET • MOORE, JOSEPH SAMUEL. In sad but loving remembrance of my devoted hus band and our dear father. JOSEPH SAM UEL MOORE, who entered into eternal rest one year ago. April 14. 1939. Dying is only going home. Sleep on. dear father, and take your rest: W’e love you. but God loves you best. DEVOTED WIF£ AND CHILDREN. • I —■ ■ — ■■ Mrs. Henderson, Widow Of Civic Leader, Dead Mrs. Mary A. Henderson, 77, widow of Edgar B. Henderson, civic leader and Government attorney, died yesterday in Garfield Hospital after an illness of two weeks. A native of Flemmgton, N. J., Mrs. Henderson came here in 1900. For many years she was a member of the Mount Pleasant Congrega tional Church, being active in affili ated women’s clubs. In recent months she had been making her home with a son. Dr. Robert E. Hen derson, at 6601 Connecticut avenue, Chevy Chase, l^fd. Mr. Henderson, who died four i years ago, was active in community welfare work while serving 12 years as president of the Piney Branch Citizens' Association and for 14 years as a delegate to the Feder ation of Citizens’ Associations. He was an Interstate Commerce Com mission lawyer for 30 years, retiring in 1933. Besides Dr. Henderson, Mrs. Hen derson leaves another son, Earl Y. Henderson of Washington, and a daughter, Mrs. W. B. Spear of Kirby, Mont. Funeral services will be held at 10 a.m. tomorrow at the Hines fu neral home, 2901 Fourteenth street N.W., with burial following in Rock Creek Cemetery. President Vetoes Bill To Reopen Claims Case By the Associated Press. Lest it set “highly undesirable precedent,” President Roosevelt vetoed yesterday a bill which would have permitted a Government con tractor to reopen claims which the President said had already been settled. The bill by Senator Mead, Demo crat of New York, would have per mitted the Eberhart Steel Products Co. of Buffalo, to bring action in the United States Court of Claims for damages claimed in connection with the rejection of some parts of military trucks the firm made for the War Department 20 years ago. The President objected particu larly to a section of the measure which would have given the Court of Claims authority to consider a claim for losses sustained in plant expansion undertaken on assurances of War Department officers that the i firm would receive additional orders. Operating Engineers Will Hear Taft Senator Robert A. Taft. Repub lican, of Ohio is scheduled to address concluding sessions of the 21st con vention of the International Union of Operating Engineers at the Ral eigh Hotel tomorrow morning at 10 o’clock. After tending to routine business today's meeting was adjourned at noon to permit convention attend ants to see the opening baseball game at Griffith Stadium. The engineers yesterday adopted a resolution recommending that local units of the union “be given the signal to go ahead and organize all employes" if such action is made necessary by encroachment by elec trical workers into I. U. O. E. juris diction by organization on an indus trial basis. fp'* Mokes All Graves Soaking j Wet—Coskets, Too | * Protect the Casket in a ^ SHEEN I GRAVE VAULT J * Waterproof and Airtight Q ^^^AsIMfouH-unerolDirecto^^f How would you like cosh for all the useless trinkets that are lying about the house. Selingers will poy fthe Highest Cash Prices ||j for all your old gold or silver rings, pins, wotches, even dental gold INCLUDES 60 SERVICES Bjf One of the Largest Undertakers in the World Remember, when yon can get a complete funeral by Chambers for only $75.00, consider the value of other Chambers funerals with Copper and Bronze caskets that are less than some steel caskets. Chambers is the Largest Under taker in Washington with four big modern funeral homes in con venient locations for better service. No Extra Charge for Funerale in Nearby Maryland or Virginia Clarke Is Reappointed. Fine Arts Chairman President Roosevelt today reap pointed Gilmore D. Clarke as chair man of the Commission ©f Pine Arts. A landscape architect by profes sion, Mr. Clarke was first appointed to the commission by President Hoover in 1932. He was reappoint ed by President Roosevelt in 1936. His home address is Pelham, N. Y. Before becoming a member of the commission Mr. Clarke was a land scape architect during construction of the Mount Vernon Memorial Highway and at one time was planning consultant of the Mary land State Planning Board. He was a member of thq Board of Design for the New York World’s Fair. The Commission of Fine Arts has jurisdiction over public buildings and grounds of the Federal Gov ernment. Louisiana Formally Ends Long Political Dynasty By the Associated Press. NEW ORLEANS, April 16 — Louisiana voters formally ended in a general election today the 12 year-old political dynasty founded by the late Huey P. Long. Sam Houjton Jones, 42, a “reform” candidate, was nominated for Gov ernor in the February Democratic primary, equivalent to election in Democratic Louisiana. He will suc ceed Gov. Earl K. Long, who sought unsuccessfully to perpetuate the rule of* his brother. Mr. Jones will be inaugurated May 14 for a four-year term. While election of Louisiana's 49th Governor was a mere formality, in terest was widespread in the out come of the vote on four proposed constitutional amendments. British Claim Sinking Of 11 Nazi Transports By the Associated Press. LONDON, April 16.—The Admi ralty announced today that 11 Ger man transports and naval auxiliaries totaling 50,486 tons had been sunk or scuttled and that four merchant men totaling 9,498 tons had been captured by Great Britain as a re sult of the Nazi invasion of Norway. Seven of the ships sunk were torpedoed by British submarines, the announcement said. Naval sources estimated that in addition to the losses listed by the Admiralty “at least 18.000 tons of German shipping has been sunk by British submarines." An additional number of German ships was be lieved sunk in Norwegian ports, these sources said. i “It all sorta began like this. While I was looking out for Pinnochio in that big movie, I found myself building up a public. I even got fan mail calling pie the biggest little star on record. And the lady crickets who proposed marriage would crowd the warmest hearth. Then the editors of THIS WEEK and Walt Disney got together and decided I might as well stay in public life a while longer. So, beginning Sunday after next, you’ll see me in my further adventures, direct from Mr. Disney’s studio—as an exclusive THIS WEEK feature. Next Sunday, however, I’ll tell you more about myself. So don’t miss me, and so long 'til then." ']fmWEEK J magazine k iatniag S>tar , Liquor Store Robbery Suspect Shot in Fight A policeman’s alertness resulted in the capture of a colored man sus pected of robbing a liquor store early today, but only after two other policemen came to his assistance and the resisting burglar was shot in the right ankle. Policeman Oscar J. See of No. 12 precinct stopped a colored man carrying a burlap bag on Fourth street near V street N.E. about 3 a.m. When the policeman found that liquor the man said was pur chased in Baltimore proved to have D. C. tax stamps, a 10-minute strug gle ensued and See was disarmed. As the colored man ran away, Pvt. J. G. Beach and Sergt. W. H. Bailey, also of No. 12, came up. and the man was trapped on a back porch and arrested after an exchange of shots in which he was wounded in the right ankle. Police later traced the liquor to a store in the 400 block of Rhode Island avenue N.E., which had been forcibly entered through a back door. Another policeman, P. N. Guest of the Washington Terminal force, said that he fired twice last night at a 32-year-old colored man, who broke away and ran after Guest had taken him in custody for prowling. Guest said that one shot apparently struck the prowler, who escaped. Two Washington men are being questioned by police today in con nection with a shooting and five robberies in Baltimore and several armed holdups here. The men, 22 and 28, captured in a police trap here yesterday, according to authorities, are wanted in Balti more in connection with the holdup shooting of a Baltimore Sun employe on March 12. for LATEST NEWS The Night Final Star, containing the latest news ! of the day during these dramatic times, is de livered every evening throughout the city ana suburbs between 6 P.M. and 7 P.M. Telephone National 5000 for ^immediate delivery. FORDS ENGINE HEADS WELDED WELDIT, INC. i 516 1st St. N.W. ME. 7944 Hyde Sweet Wins Race For Heinke House Seat By the Associated Press. LINCOLN, Nebr., April 16.—The official canvass of last Tuesday’s special election showed today that Republican Hyde Sweet, newspaper publisher, wdn the seat in the House of Representatives left vacant by the death of Representative George Heinke, Republican, 1st district. Mr. Sweet received 40,514 votes to 31,640 for Charles A. Dafoe, Demo crat and former State Senator. The special election was held simul-! taneously with the State’s primary, and Republican leaders looked on1 the result as indicative of the trend. Canvass of the primary results will be made later. FENCES-GATES FRED S. CpICHMK IRON WORKS, INC. RE. 2420 i — ==L ft Co-operation Whenever it is the family’s wish to include in the services tie ritual or ceremonies of some social, fraternal or religious organization, our complete co operation is available. Our modern funeral home is a model of comfort and con venience. De Luxe ambulance service, with courteous attend ants, always available. James T. Ryan Funeral Director 317 Pa. Are. S.E. Atlantic 1700,1701 JoR more than a quarter of a century beautiful Cedar Hill has been dedicated to Wash ington families. Its fine, friendly service reaches Into almost every neighborhood Its prices are within reach of all. Improved beautifully land scaped sites begin as low as $50. Drive out Pennsylvania Avenue, 5 E , to Cemetery Cates, open until 7:00 P M (jsd&r Hill Waikinyton'i Woit (Ceautifuf Cemetery