Newspaper Page Text
Fague Springman Will Be Soloist at New York Avenue Dr. Peter Marshall Will Preach Two Sermons At Church Tomorrow The Rev. Dr. Peter Marshall, min ister of the New York Avenue Pres byterian Church, will have for his topic Sunday morning. “Were You There?” The choir will sing, "O Holy Lord,” by Dett, and “Were You There,” by Burleigh. Fague Springman, director of music at the National Park College, will be the guest soloist. He will sing "The Lord's Prayer,” by Malotte, and “Consider and Hear Me,” by Pfleuger. The Rev. Dr. Marshall will have for his subject at 8 p.m., “The Limi tations of God.” The choir will sing questions and answers No. 27 through 32 of “The Westminster Shorter Catechism,” by Emurian. At 6 p.m. the young people will have tea with Miss Virginia Fisher and Miss Ruth Hickman as hostesses. At 6:30 p.m. there will be a combined meeting of all the young people. The Rev. Robert W. Anthony, general secretary of the Waldensian Aid Society, will speak and movies will be shown. On.Thursday at 7:30 p.m. Dr. Marshall will conduct the service, and special music will be presented by a choral' group from the choir, j Petworth Methodist Plans Loyalty Day Special loyalty day services are planned tomorrow at Petworth Methodist Church. At 11 a m. Dr. Steelman will speak on "Gifts for the King.” Music will be rendered by both the junior and senior choirs, directed by Mrs. Ardis Can non. It will be young people's night at 8 p.m., with Bill Maness presid ing. Kenny Holmes will tell of the youth rally at the General Confer- j ence in Atlantic City. Tire girls’ | choir, directed by Miss Beth King. j will sing. Dr. Steelman will preach. ' On Monday at 8 p.m. the Berean Bible Class will be entertained at ; the home of Mrs. John T. Shadle, ■ 3724 New Hampshire avenue N.W The Alert Bible Class will meet in the parlor Tuesday evening. Dr. Steelman will speak at 8 p.m. Thurs- ! day on "Scripture That Has Made History.” ‘‘The Pampered Darling,” a one act comedy, will be presented by the Intermediate department Friday at 8:15 p.m. May Is Youth Month At Temple Baptist May will be observed as vouth month in Temple Baptist Church. All offices in the church and church school will be filled bv young peo ple. Lester Thomas, moderator; Miss Irene Boswell, church clerk; Miss Jane Newby, financial secre- ! tary; George Moss, treasurer; Ver non Swiger, superintendent of church school. Tomorrow evening the Rev. Edwin H. Tuller will be their guest speaker. . On Wednesday there will be a youth banquet. The Rev. Ralph Lowe will speak. The Thursday service will be in charge of Harold Bacon, Alvin Bissett, Karl Morri son, Earl Ullman and Fred Fox, Miss Dorothy Hovermale, Alta Lewis, Robena Hodgson, Mildred Doerner, Marion Minnick and Agnis Smith. At 11 a m. the Rev. Randolph L. Gregory will speak on “The Great est Youth of All the Ages.” Chester Hutchinson of the Vaughn Class, Calvary Baptist Church, will con duct part of the Vaughn Class or chestra in the evening. Dr. Fred Buschmeyer To Preach on Publishers “Biographers and Publishers” is the subject of the Rev. Dr. Fred Sherman Buschmeyer, minister of the Mount Pleasant Congregational Church, tomorrow at 11 a.m. Parents and those in the Adult Forum will have an opportunity to attend study groups on the general theme, “Religious Education in the Home,” at 9:30 a.m. on Sunday mornings during May. Parents of younger children will base their dis cussions on the book by Marguerite Harmon Bro, “When Children Ask.” The High School Forum will have ft “work shop” at 6 p.m. on the par ents’ program for Mother's Day. Incarnation Lutheran To Mark Ascension The Incarnation Lutheran Church of the United Lutheran Church, Maryland Synod, will celebrate the Ascension at its 11 a.m. service to morrow. The Rev. Henry Manken will continue his post-Easter series of sermons on the “Apostles” and “Nicene” creeds, and preach on “The Ascension of Jesus Christ.” Ralph C. Masters, sr„ will teach the Muhlenberg adult Bible class for men and women at 9:45 a.m. The Church Council will meet on Monday at 8 p.m. The Guild Loyalty Circle will give a luncheon in the parish hall on Wednesday at 1 p.m. Holy communion will be celebrated on Trinity Sunday at 8:30 and 11 ftm. Self Realization. BraJimachari Jotin of Calcutta, todift. will speak at the morning •■rvlce of the Self-Realization fel lowship on “Absolute Monism.” The public class in philosophy and yoga Will be held Wednesday at 8 p.m. 3Frtrttfi0 FRIJ»TM MEETING (ORTHODOX) 13th and Irvine Streets N.W. • 45 a.m.—Sunday School. 1100 am_ Meetings for worship. AH welcome.' Friends Meeting of Washington (Established 1930—3111 Florida Ave.) Meeting for Worship First Day (Sunday) at H a.m. Sunday school, 9:45 a.m. All interested arc welcome. ffnaitiirg OlfrrtattattttH National (Elfurrif of pflHiliur (Chrifitianily Dr. G. F. Prater, Teacher. 1726 H St. N.W. Sunday, May 8. 11:00 a.m.—"Emotion* and Relirlun.” Claaeet on Wedneaday ALL CLASSES FREE. THE REV. HENRY W. SNYDER, Jr. 'Right Hand of God' Dr. Snyder's Topic "The Right Hand of God” will be the theme of the sermon tomorrow morning at St. Pauls Lutheran Church by Dr. Henry W. Snyder, the pastor. In the evening he will speak on "Christ Lives; Therefore!” The Leeds Bible Class will meet Monday evening at the home of Miss Miriam Brager. On Wednesday afternoon the Woman's Missionary Society will meet at the home of Mrs. Frank Koch, with Miss Laura Gilliland, a former missionary to Africa, as the guest speaker. In the evening the church council will meet. Dr. and Mrs. Snyder will attend the commencement exercises of the Gettysburg Theological Seminary Friday night, when their son. the Rev. Henry W. Snyder, jr., will be graduated with the degree of bach elor of divinity. After completing his course at Gettysburg College three years ago, he studied divinity at Yale University; later he con tinued his studies at Gettysburg Seminary. He is a member of the Phi Sigma Kappa Social Fraternity, and of the Phi Beta Kappa Honor ary Scholastic Fraternity. During his senior year, he was honored with the presidency of the student body at the seminary. He is also a mem ber of the seminary chorus, which sang in St. Paul's Church last month. Special Night Service At Takoma Park Church The Rev R. Paul Schearrer will preach at 11 a.m. tomorrow in the Takoma Park Presbyterian Church on "The Healing Ministry of Jesus.” At 8 p.m. a special service will con stitute Bliss School night, and mem bers of the faculty and the student body will attend. The music will be furnished by the Bliss School Glee Club Dr. Roy J. Burroughs, teacher of the Bliss Bible Class, and Rov M Ray and John W. Louer will participate in the service. The pastor will preach on "Such as I Have.” Dr. E. V. Wilcox, economist and lecturer, will address the Brother hood Bible Class at 9:30 a.m. on "The Church in the World of 1940.” The class meets at the home of H. J. Carr, 107 Holly avenue. The Seventy-Niners will meet Tuesday evening at the Masonic Temple. The choral group of the Takoma Park Woman's Club will give a con cert Saturday evening in the church hall for the benefit of the Takoma Park Health and Welfare Center. Rev. Charles B. Austin Announces Topics The Rev. Charles B Austin, pastor of the West Washington Baptist Church, will preach at 11 a m. to morrow on ‘‘John's Seven Pictures of Christ” and at 8 p.m. on “What to Believe About Jesus.” The pastor will speak Thursday at 7:30 p.m. on “Dedicating the Home.” At the annual meeting of the Woman's Missionary Society last Tuesday evening officers were elected as follows: Mrs. Elsie M. Henry, president; Mrs. Ida Burrows, vice president; Mrs. Inez Lucas, secre tary, and Miss Emma Stevens, treas urer. The Ladies’ Aid Society will serve a chicken salad luncheon May 16 in the Sunday school auditorium. The public is invited. This church will observe Christian home week May 5 to 12. Lincoln Congregational The annual woman's day exer cises will be celebrated tomorrow morning and evening. At the morn ing service Mrs. Henry Gratton Doyle, president of the Board of Education, will be the guest speaker. She will discuss “Woman’s Place in an Age of Doubt.” The vested chorus choir, with Miss Cleota Col lins as director and soloist, will ren der selected music. The Men's Brotherhood will meet at 10:15 a.m. Dr. Ferdinand D. Whitby, psychiatrist, will discuss “A Physical Basis for Moral Behavior.” At 8 p.m. the vested choir will be featured in a musical program, with Miss Otis Holley, soprano, vo cal soloist, and Julius Crrroll as organ soloist. _ Htitlg Society of Washington, D. C. 1326 Eye St. N.W. 11:00a.m.—Mary McClellan, Speaker, 8:0<)p.m.—Evening Service. Tues., 3:00 and 8:00 p.m.—Lessons In Truth. Wed., s on p m—Healing and Prosperity. 12.20 to 12:40—Noon Day Silence. Unity Literature tor Sale. Tel. Met. 1889. “The Life Everlasting.” ^ SMITH TASSIN \ Sunday, May 5. 8 P.M. 6:30 p.m.—MYSTIC CLASS. Tuesday. 8 p.m.—TROWARD CLASS. Friday. 8 p.m.—LIBERATION CLASS. WASHINGTON LODGE T.S. 1216 H St. N.W. Sun., May 5, 8:15 P.M.—Talk “THE POWER OF THOUGHT." Wed., 8:15 P.M., Study Class. Library Open Wednesday, 7:30 P.M. Saturday, 1:30 to 4 P.M. White Lotus Day Observance Wednesday, May 8, at 8:15 P.M. ALL WELCOME United Lodge of Theosophistt Hill Bldg., ITth and Eye Sta. N.W. No Dues. Fees ar Collection*. News of the Bible Classes Activities of Interest to Local Organizations The Adult Bible Class of Chevy Chase Baptist Church will have as guest speaker tomorrow morning Dr. George S. Duncan of American University. He will speak on "The Nature and Purpose of the Bible." E. P. Jennings will preside. The Class of Friendship of Emory Methodist Church elected the following officers: Mrs. Helen Mauger, president; Mrs. Margaret Roethe, nrst vice president; Mrs. Hazel La' Vallee, second vice president; Mrs. Hazel Hunter, recording secretary; Mrs. Lillian Hough, v corresponding secretary; Mrs. Oreta Branda, treas urer; Mrs. Lilly Smith, assistant; Mrs. Lucy Baumann, home members’ secretary; Mrs. Dorothy Maye, asso ciate, and Mrs. Ethel Goodwin, music chairman. S. P. Beery will teach the Box Bible Class tomorrow morning. The Burrall Class of Calvary Bap tist Church installed officers as fol lows: Miss Margaret A. Reading, president; Mrs. Julia Brueggman, vice president; Miss Laura Bennett, secretary; Miss Anne Renn, treas urer; Miss Eunice Thomas, corre sponding secretary; Miss Gunilda Churchill, editor; Miss Mary Ruth Tindall, Miss Mary B. Clark, Mrs. Lonnie Thomas, Miss Florence Yule, Mrs. Mary Warren and Miss Char lotte Morris, captains. The teacher, Mrs. William S. Abemethy, will teach the lesson tomorrow. Mrs. Mabel Ludwig has been ap pointed by Mrs. Olga Mae Trussell, presiaent oi me L. F. O. Class of I Brookland Meth- | odist Church, as | class representa- 1 five to the Or- 1 ganized Bible 1 Class Associa- I tion. ! Henry J. Lein- 1 back., Jr., assist- | ant teacher, will | speak at the | Zwingli Men’s I Bible Class of I the Grace Re- * formed Church tomorrow morning. Mr. Etehison. The Men’s Brotherhood Bible Class of Hamline Methodist Church will hold its annual banquet on Friday at 6:30 p.m. The speaker will be Dr. William E. Harrison, former Wash ington minister, now district super intendent of the Ann Arbor, Mich., district. Mr. Sweeney, retired police officer of Baltimore, will entertain with dialect stories; Granville Ba geant will play trumpet solos. Wil liam R. Schmucker will lead the singing and Theodore C. Lewis will be toastmaster. The Mizpah Class will have charge of the opening serv ice of the adult department tomor row morning. Miss Nellie Hawke will preside. - The Comparative Religion Class of All Souls’ Church will have the fol lowing speakers: Tomorrow, Rabbi Silverstone speaks on "Tobit”; May 12. E. G. Dodge, Civil Service Com mission; May 19. Thomas G. Sher man; May 26. Winslow H. Herschel, National Bureau of Standards. Herbert Irvin will preside over the Drake Bible Class of Calvary Baptist Church tomorrow. Fred Kirby and Frank Wilkinson will assist in the program. Mrs. Crater will sing. The A. B. Pugh Bible Class of Mount Vernon Place Methodist Church will be in charge of the Congressional Committee tomorrow. A business meeting will be held Monday at 8 p.m. Maj. Ernest W. Brown, superintendent of police, will show pictures of the Boys’ Club. Mrs. J. W. Smith will speak to the adult department at 9:30 a.m. tomorrow, on "Our Church—Estab lishing the Kingdom Throughout the World.” The Rainbow Class will hold its monthly meeting on Wednesday. The Vaughn Class of Calvary Bap tist Church will have Vice President Thomas O. Jones as guest teacher tomorrow morning. Rhodes Mitchell and Golden Dagger will assist in the program. Special musical num bers will be given by the Boys' Glee Club of Washington-Lee High School, Arlington, Va. Gordon Page, director of the club, will sing. The class will have charge of the service at Central Union Mission Saturday evening. The following have been appointed as the Nominating Com mittee to select new class officers: Carl E. Bogardus, chairman; Clyde J. Crouch and Norman Gill. The Organized Bible Class Asso ciation will meet at Ingram Memorial Congregational Church on May 15. George M. Lamsa of Phila delphia will speak. The Tower Class of Gunton Temple Presbyterian Church will hold a meeting and social at the home of Glenn Slicer, 18 Parkside road, Sligo Park Hills, Md., on Tues day evening. Current scientific literature dealing with important popular religious themes will be reviewed. The Temple Bible Class of Gunton Temple Church joined the Organized Bible Class Association and Vice President Willard S. Lines will pre ffitjriatian NINTH STREET CHRISTIAN CHURCH 9th & D Sts. N.E. CLIFFORD H. JOFE, Minister WM. GEO. ORAM, Assistant 9:30 a m.—Bible School. 11:00 a.m.—Sermon. ‘'Christians in a Time of Crisis." Dr. Jesse M. Bader of New York. 11:00 a.m.—Junior Church. 6:30 pm.—Christian Endeavor. 7:45 p.m.—Sermon. "Preparation for Pentecost,” W m. Geo. Oram. Columbia 1435 Park Road N.W. Arthur P. Wilson, Minister 11:00 a.m.—"The Christian and His Leisure." 8:00 p.m.—Marla Dayaon ot the Philippines. THE NATIONAL CITY CHRISTIAN CHURCH THOMAS CIRCLE RAPHAEL HARWOOD MILLER. IVAN H DUGAN. Ministers: 8:45 a.m.—Church School. 10:60 a.m.—Morning Service. "The Christ ianity sf All Christians," Sermon by Dr. Miller. 6:30 p.m.—Youns People’s Meet ings. >-—-! sent the certificate of membership tomorrow morning. Rudolph H. Gaber, boys’ work director, Y. M. C. A., is teacher; George S. Tougias. president, and George W. Talburtt' class representative, to the associa tion. __ The Men’s Class of Congress Heights Methodist Church elected the following officers; John G. Mc Gee, president; Paul L. McConahay, vice president; Guy P. Walker, recording secretary; T. Prank Allen, treasurer; Rev., James M. McCauley, teacher; Adam McGibbon, pianist; R. T. Thrift, chorister; Prank Pinion, chaplain; Wesley L. Newton, mon itor; L. R. Philpott and Joshua B. Finagin, assistant teachers. Page McK. Etchison, president of the Organized Bible Class Associa tion, will attend a meeting of the World's Sunday School Association at Lake Mohonk, N. Y., next Thurs day and Friday. George E. Harris, executive secretary; George M. Gooch and Mr. Etchison will attend the meeting of the Advisory Com mittee of the National Federation of Men’s Bible Classes in Philadel phia on Saturday. The Harrison Bible Class of Con gress Street Methodist Church is conducting a membership and at tendance campaign. under the leadership of Representative Sam Hobbs of Alabama. Twenty-five teams of five men each have been organized and the class attendance has been doubled. Dr. Elmer Louis Kavser, dean of George Washington University, will teach tomorrow and May 19. Representative Hobbs speaks May 12 and May 26. tary; Miss Nellie V. Griffin, mem bership chairman, and Mrs. Ruth Gilmore, social and recreation chair man. Mrs. Eleanor Nordeen is tefccher. , The Anna May Wood Class of Waugh Methodist Church will hold a business meeting Tuesday at 8 p.nv, at the home of Mrs. William Kline, 1820 Potomac avenue S.E. The Yaden Bible Class of Pet worth Baptist Church installed the following officers: P. C. Ellet, presi dent; H. B. Peck, secretary, G. H. Norton, treasurer, and James G. Yaden, teacher. The Kinnear Class of Women, known as "Class 30," of Calvary Baptist Church will hold its annual banquet Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. Mrs. Hattie G. Ruppart is in charge of reservations. Charlns C. Haig speaks to the O. W. L. Class of Covenant-First Presbyterian Church tomorrow morning on "Zephaniah, Habakkuk, Nahum." The Men's Class of Calvary Methodist Church will have charge of the service at the Central Union Mission on Monday eve ning. The annual banquet will be held Wednesday, The George H. Winslow Men's Bible Class of Eastern Presbyterian Church will conduct the service at the Northeast Rescue Mission on Monday evening. Irctljrnt CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN 4th and North Carolina Are. DR. WARREN D. BOWMAN. Minister. 9:00 a m. and 11:00 a m —"When God Fonets.” 10:00 a m.—Church School. 6:00 pm—The Holy Communion Will Be Observed. 2utn Jerusalem _ (SWEDENBOKG1AN) CHURCH OF THE HOLY CITY „ 16 above Q X.W. , —S. S. 10—Arcana Class. 11:00 a.m.—Worship. Sermon, “With You Alway.” 8:00 p.m —Fellowship Circle __Pastor. Rev. Paul Sperry. ulrutij (d enter A TRUTH CENTER MRS. APPLETON, Leader. 1713 K Street N.W. Sun,. 11 a m —“I Will Make a New Covenant.” Tiles.. 8:15—Dynamic Livinf. Thurs.. 8:15—Healinc. Interviews Tues. and Thurs., 2-5 Wed 2 to 6 o.m. • (fifrrigtian &gjgttrg Christian Science CHURCHES OF CHRIST SCIENTIST Branches of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ Scientist, Boston, Mass. First Church of Christ Scientist Columbia Rd. and Euclid St. Second Church of Christ Scientist 1U C 8t. N.E. Third Church of Christ Scientist 13th and L Sts. N.W. Fourth Church of Christ Scientist 16th and Oak Sts. N.W. 8UBJECT: “EVERLASTING PUNISHMENT” SERVICES— Sunday. 11 A M. and 8 P.M. Sunday School—11 a.M WEDNESDAY EVENING MEETING_ 8 o’clock RADIO . PROGRAMS SUNDAYS 10:45 A.M.. 8TAT10N WJSV SECOND AND FOURTH FRIDAYS, 12 30 P M. STATION WRG READING ROOMS FIRST CHURCH—730 17th St. N.W. Hours. 9 to 9 (except WEDNESDAYS, 9 to 7, and Sun days and holidays,2:30to5:30). SECOND CHURCH—111 C St. N.E. Hours 12 to 5:30 p.m. week days; 12:30 to 5:30 Sun days and holidays. THIRD CHURCH— Colorado Bldg., 14th and G Sts. Hours 9 to 9 (Wednesdays, 9 to 7:30 and Sundays and holidays, 2 to 6). FOURTH CHURCH—Riggs Bank Bldg., 3300 14th St. 9 to 9 week days; Wednesdays, 9:30 to 7 Sundays, 2:30 to 5:30 pjn. Holidays, 2:30 to 5:30 pjn. Alt are welcome to attend our church tervices and use our reading roomt. First Church of Christ Scientist EAST falls church, fa. At Little Falls Street Station Sunday Services and Sunday 8choo!. 11 A.M. _ .Wednesday Services. 8 P.M. Readini Room at 3248, Wilson Bird., Arlington, Va. Pressures of Modern Life on Marriage To Be Discussed Church of Reformation Gathering to Hear Latest Sermon of Series "The Pressures of Modern life Upon Marriage” is the subject of Dr. Oscar P. Blackwelder, pastor of the Lutheran Church of the Refor mation, tomorrow evening. He is continuing his series of sermons on “The Responsibility of the Church for Developing Citizenship.” At 11 a.m. Dr. Blackwelder’s subject is "The Divine Interlude.” Holy Communion will be observed at 8:30 a.m„ when the Rev. Ralph W. Loew, associate pastor, will speak on "The Vision That Wouldn’t Die.” Dr. Joseph Brunn of New York City will be the guest speaker of the round table at 6:45 p.m. He will present the work of the Walden sians. A group of Italian young peo ple, under the direction of the Rev. Olinda Marseglio, will sing. James Taylor, vice president of the Luther League of the Maryland Synod, will be the guest speaker at the Life Service Day program at 6:45 p.m. The Sunday school class of Mrs. Raab will meet at the home of Mrs. Oscar P. Blackwelder, 9 Wetherill road N.W., Monday evening. The Church Council meets Tues day evening in the pastor’s study. Sessions of the midweek school will be concluded on Thursday at 7:30 p.m. The Matin Choir will hold its annual spring picnic on Saturday afternoon. Metropolitan Baptist To Hear Dr. Montgomery Dr. James Shera Montgomery, chaplain of the House of Represent atives, will be the guest preacher at the Metropolitan Baptist Church tomorrow at 7:45 p.m. In the morning Dr. John Compton Ball will preach on “What It Means to Live for Jesus," with observance of the Lord’s supper following. The ordinance of baptism will be ad ministered at the evening service. The Women’s Missionary Society on Wednesday at 1:30 p.m. will have ; as guest speaker the Rev. N. M. Cressman, pastor of the Christian j and Missionary Alliance Church and returned missionary from Indo- I China. The new officers will be in stalled. The Senior B. Y. P. U. will have charge of service Thursday at 7:45 p.m. On Friday at 8 pm. the Rev. Robert Savage will conduct a recre ation night for the young people. New Thought. Dr, Brown Landone. whose latest, book, "Prophecies of Melchi-Zedek " in the Great Pyramid and the Seven Temples,’’ has already had a sale of thousands of copies, will give a lec ture at the Raleigh Hotel on Wednes day at 8 p m. on “The White Powers Are on the March." All are invited. _fljpittf ftrtenrf First Divine Science Church Grafton Hotel, Conn. An. at De Sales. REV. G. L. PATCH. Miniater 11 :nn a m —"Overcoming Fear.” Thurs.. f< o m—Healing Service and ProDhet of America. Bring a Gneat. _ £>?lf-2Ualizatimt SELF-REALIZATION, FELLOWSHIP < Brahmachari Jotin of India “ABSOLUTE MONISM” Sunday, May A, at 11 A.M. Public Class in Philosophy and Yora Wednesday, May 8, at 8 P.M. 4*48 Western Ave. N.W\ (Bus Stop Chesapeake and 4Bth 8ls.) Ulljitr OlrnfiB WHITE CROSS CHURCH OF^CHRIST 1810 Ontario Place N.W. REV. JANE B. COATES. Tues.. Fri.. 10 ■»—-Prayer Service. Consultations by Appoint._Col. 6227. • Spiritualist REVTMRSrMTiTMANDIS 1326 Farragut St. N.W. Meetings every Fri day 8 P.M. TA. 9377._ _ * EMMA SUIT holds a message circle Mon. and Fri S p.m.. 3423 Holmead Place N.W.. Detween 13th and 14th at Newton. For private reading, call TA. 1488._•_ Rev. Mrs. Carol E. McKinstry 1342 Gallatin St. N.W. at SOOO Block 14th St. Ordained bv the Intern’l General Assembly of Spiritualists "Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall he comforted.” Matt. 5.4. Message Meetings. Tues. and Fri. Eves., 8 p.m Public welcome. AH reached. Georgia 6563._•_ LONGLEY MEMORIAL 3423 Holmead Placo N.W. Between 13th and 14th at Newton Bt. Sunday, May 5, at 8 P.M.. LECTURE BY REV. D. J. CAVE. Messages by Mrs. Eggers, Mrs. Highsmith, Mrs. Suit. _Mrs, Jean Hampson in Charge. * Spiritual Srirurr Church of Spiritual Science Dr. Z. A. Wright. Pastor 1330 N ST. N.W. 'SUNDAY SERVICE. 1:30 p.n.. Address o.' uk. a. a. nKiuni. Midweek Service. Thnrsday, 8 P.M. Men a res to oil by clergy. Rev. M. Mc Farland Dr. Z. A Wright. Dr. J. Gray. Dr Geo. D Klinefelter, visiting min ister, and others. Please bring a friend. Seances 4.%o N. J. Ave. 8~E.. Mon Wed., Prl. at 8 n.m. Line. 10027. CORDIAL INVITATION TO ALL. • National Spiritualist Assuriatiun J. K. Simmons, 1341 Newton St. N.W. Message Meetings every Thurs., 8 P.M.. Readings by Appt. Col. 4342._ Unity Spiritualist Church 1330 Mass. Ave. N.W. Sunday, 8 p.m.—Lecture by Rev. Harry P. Straek. Spirit reading by Rev. Ida X. Straek. Mrs. Thomas, Mr. Simmons, Mrs. Mil tar and Mr. Myers. Midweek message service at 600 Pa. Ave. B.E. Thursday at 8:00 p.m. The First Spiritualist Church Services at the Psychic Center. 131 C Street N.E., Sunday, 8 p.m. Lecture by the Pastor, REV. ALFRED H. TERRY. Subject: “HERE AND HEREAFTER” Followed by Spirit Messages Consultations by Appt. LI. 1S7Z. * The Church of Two Worlds Hotel Continental P11M Rev. Hi Gordon Burroughs, Minister ‘The Purpose of Meditation" Wetneidar. I p.B., Mhuii S*rric«. Dr. Douglas Horton Talks Tomorrow at First Congregational A Cappella Choir Will Sing Number Dedicated to It The Rev. Dr. Douglas Horton, minister and general secretary of the Congregational and Christian Churches in the United States of America, comes to the First Congre gational Church this week end as a diamond jubilee feature and will preach at 11 ajn. tomorrow on “The Essence of the Gospel." He is the author of many mooks. The Washington A Cappella choir, Ruby Smith Stahl, director, will sing “Red River in the Night," by Deane Shure, Washington composer, i who dedicated the number to Mrs. Stahl and this choir. Dorothy Wil son Halbach will be soloist. Dr. Ernest Harold Clay, recently returned medical missionary from Changli, North China, speaks at 8 p.m. on “Experiences of a Physician in China.” The Scrooby Club meets at 6 p.m. The Tuxis Club meets at 6:30. “A Christian’s Attitude in Time of War" will be discussed by a panel including E. Donald Preston, Mar tin Schram, Carl Mark with, Paul Sedgwick, Cornelia Rand and others. There will be no dinner on Thurs day. Cleric From Ireland To Conduct Service Evangelist J. Edwin Orr of Bel fast, Ireland, a life fellow of the Royal Geographical Society, will conduct a city-wide ‘‘spiritual awak ening campaign” beginning tomor row and continuing daily, except Saturdays, through Mav 19. The service will be held at Grace Bap tist Church, of which the Rev. F. W. Johnson is pastor. The meetings are sponsored by the Laymen's Evangelistic Association. ' (Churrh of (gob CHURCH OF GOD 2407 Minnesota Avenue S.E. (Headquarters at Anderson. Indiana.) ORDER OF SUNDAY SERVICES: Church School—Classes ior Every Age ... __ 10 (in am. Morning Worship.. 11 (in a.m. Youth and Junior Crusaders 7:(i(lpm. Evening Evangelistic Service 8:00 p.m. . ESTHER M. ROYER. Pastor. o't! ,*lh St N w- Fhone RE. O.ttW Building Site 16th and Taylor Sts. N W Sfrur (Thought ' 1 DR. BROWN LANDONE v _ One Lecture Only n ■ Th* White Powers Are on the £ March.” v Wed . May R, »t R P.M. 2 RALEIGH HOTEL. __All Are Welcome. _• Unttg $rljnnl New Colonial Hotel, lMh at M St. N.W. Margaret Ann Feldt, Speaker. •ll:noa.m.—"Praying Through.” Wed. 8 pm.—Healing Practice. Cnlty Literature Available. . DI. 3438.* GJrutlj ^rmirra Universal School of Truth 907 1 5Hi St. N.W., Room 303. Virginia Neuhausel Founder and Director, Speaks. Sunday, May 5, 8 P.M., “Detire*— How to RealizeThem.” Healing Service Every Friday at 8 p m. Come and Be Healed. Public Welcome. Write, call or telephone for further information RE. 1778. * penterostal Assemblies of (Sob PARROTT CITY-WIDE REVIVAL Subject Sunday Evening 7:45 “THE UNPAR DONABLE SIN” FULL GOSPEL TABERNACLE 915 Mass. Ave. N.W. You Cannot Alford to Mitt It! BETHEL Pentecostal Tabernacle ! North Capitol and K Streets . School 9:30 I A.M. Rev. L. S. Evans EVANGELIST Shreveport, La. Conducting City-wide Revival Every Night (Except Sat.), 7:45 P.M. The Friendly Church The White Church with The Red Creu "The Heme ef Gomel Boar” 1911 H St. N.W. Take Penna. Ave. Care to 18th St. N.W. 11:00 a.m. and 7:45—Ker. John Nieolleh, Hospital Evan xelist (rops California. Dk. JONAS I. MILLER. Minister. • Everybody Welcome. Dr. Pierce Will Preach On 'Joy of Religion' The Rev. John L. Mixon, direc tor of the department of social wel fare, Washington Federation of Churches, will address the current problems class at AH Souls’ Uni tarian Church tomorrow at 10 a.m. on “The Church and Social Rela tions.” At the same time before the com parative religion class, Rabbi Harry Silverstone will continue his course of lectures on "The Hebrew Apoc rypha,” speaking on “Tobit.” Dr. Ulysses G. B. Pierce will preach at 11 a.m. on “The Joy of Natural Religion.” The spring meeting of the Joseph Priestley Conference of Unitarian (Hmtgmjattmtal I Churches will be held at German town. Pa., May 8 and 9. A num ber of representatives of All Souls’ Church will attend. At the meeting of the Unitarian thought group Thursday at 8 p.m., Miss Lela Allred will speak on "An Hour With the Biologists." Miss Dorothy Swift, who spent last sum [mer in Finland, will give an trated talk on that country at a meeting of the Women s Alliance Friday. (Hmtgrtgatumal MOUNT PLEASANT CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH 141# Colombia Road Fred Shermon Buschmeyer, Minister ll:OOAM. "BIOGRAPHERS AND PUBLISHERS." i ruiioru ioth & G s»* n w iSt V/il U l\Vil HOWARD ” TONE* ANDERSON * WALTER G. BORCHER8, JR. 11:00 A.M. DR. DOUGLAS HORTON Minister and General Secretary of the Congregational-Chrlstlaa Church in United Slates Dr. Horton belongs among the six greatest preachers of our country A scholar, an author, a translator, a world traveler. He has had every conceivable honor conferred on him. Pastorates were in Connecticut, Massachusetts and Chicago, Illinois. Great soul, great preacher, great Christian. Hear Dr. Horton on “The Essence of the Gospel” The Washington A Cappclla Choir will sing Deane Shure's anthem "Red River in the Nieht " Dean Shure. a Washington composer, dedicated this anthem to Ruby Smith Stahl and this choir. Dorothy Wilson Holbach, alto, sings "The Penitent," by Van de Water 8:00 P.M. ERNEST HAROLD CLAY, M. D. “The Experience of a Physician in China” Dr. Clay is Superintendent of the Martyr’s Memorial Hospital in Changli North China. He has been In charge of medical work since 1P2A and during ail the days of recent active warfare During the World War he was in France as a Sfrgeant in the Medical Corps. Following his medical training he was an interne in the Roseiand Community Hospital. Chicago, and was commissioned as a medical missionary by the Methodist Church. Vieitore to the City Are Welcome to Thete Special Services IBapttat_ Eaptiat TEMPLE Str*et»BN.W. MINISTER. RANDOLPH L. GREGORY. 0:30 a m.—Church School. 11:00 a m—"The Greatest Youth That Ever Lived.” 8:00 p.m.—Guest Speaker. Rev. Edwin H. Tuller. CHEVY ^HASE Western Ave., W. of Circle. Rev. Edward O. Clark. Pastor. 0:4f» a.m.—Church School. 11:00 a.m.—Communion Service. "The Sixth Word From the Cross." 8:00p.m—Dr Charles E. Resser. Welcome! metropolitan' Sixth and A Sta. N.E. John Compton Ball, D. D. REV. ROBERT CARLTON SAVAGE. MORNING AT ELEVEN SERMON BY DR. BALL ON "Living for Jesus” Dr. Ball will administer the Lord s Sup per following the sermon. EVENING AT SEVEN FORTY-FIVE "Beautiful Baptisism” SERMON BY GUEST PREACHER. James Shera Montgomery Chaplain of House of Representatives. Sermon Theme “The Glory of an Obscure Life” Do not miss this thrilling discourse by our beloved chaplain. IF LATE CALL A TAXI. Maryland Avenue 14th and Md. Ave. N.E. W. A. Emmans, Pastor We Preach ( Cnicifled CHria. ( A„in 11:00 am. “These Last Days.” 7:45 p.m. “Auctioneers of Souls.” SEVERAL BAPTISMS. PPTWOPTU 7th Si Randolph Sta. ■ ff vllVIfl Rev. H. J. Smith. Pastor Communion and Reception of New Members. Guest Sneaker Rev. Frederic F. Briggs. 11:00 a.m.—Subject, “He Is Risen.” 8:00 p.m.—Subject. “The Simplicity of Salvation.” 9:45 a m.—S. S. Classes for All. Yaden Bible Class for Men. Tues., 8 p.m—Annual Meeting of Church. WEST WASHINGTON 31 at and N Streeta N.W. CHARLES B. AUSTIN. Paator. Worship. 11:00 a m. and 8:00 p.m. FIFTH E N,ar 7th St•sw 1 * * * Dr. J. E. Brins. Pastor 11:00 am.—“The Officers and Ordi nances of a New Testament Church.” Communion < 45 D.m.—"Who Will Be Remembered After Death.” The Young People of the Church Assist ing 8:30 a.m.—Congressman Jed Johnson teaching the Bereas: Deacon Price, the Baracas: Deacon Tune. Philatheas. d:30 p.m.—B T. U. Services. Tues . 7:45 pm—W. M. S. Meeting, with Rev. Elton Johnson of Brazil as guest. Thurs ■> p.m.—Rev. J Herrick Hal! of La . assistant to the Pastor and Min ister of Music will speak and sing. The Church That Care*. Come’ GRACE 9th St. and South Carolina Avi*. S.E. PASTOR F. W. JOHNSON Assistant Walton L. MacMillan. Spiritual Awakeninr Campaign. May 5 to May 19 BY J. EDWIN ORR of Balfast. Ireland. Service? Conducted in Co-operation With Laymen’s Evangelistic Committee. Sunday Services Sunday at 11 and S and Every Night »t 7:45. Communion Sunday Morning. All Are Welcome. "CENTENNIAL 7th and I Streets'N.E. Wilson Holder, Pastor. 9:30—Bible School 11:00 AM. Dr. Hubert Bunyea. 6:45—Baptist Trainin* Cnlon. 8:00 P.M Dr. Hubert Bunyea. Thursday at 8:00 p.m.—Prayer and Bible Study Meeting. Prayer for the Sick at Each Service. Fountain Memorial W. B. KING, Minuter. Noylor Rd. Above Minn. Ave. S.E. 9:30 a m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a m—"The Days of Pentecost." 6:45 P.m —Young People. 8:00 p m.—“God With Us.** KENDALL 9th Near Independence Are. S.W. Len Franklin Stevens. Minister. 11:00 a m.—“The Abundant Life.** (Communion.) 8:00 p.m.—“The Vanity of Human Hopes.** SECOND 17th and East Capitol Sts. Rev. J. Ray Garrett. Pastor. 9:30 am—Bible School. 11:00 a.m.—“First Things First.” 8:00 p.m.—"A Living Sacrifice.” 6:45 pm.—B. Y. P. U REVEREND GARRETT ASSUMES PASTORATE TODAY Rational baptist memorial 16th and Columbia Rd. N.W. Gove G. Johnson, Pastor. A. Lincoln Smith, Assistant Pastor. 11:00 a.m.—“THE ONE WHO BRINGS TO REMEMBRANCE.” The Lords Supper. 8:00 p.m.—“CHRIST AND YOUTH’S VICTORY,” By Howard Rees. (Closing Youth Revival Service.) 1 Large Chorus Choir. 9:45 a.m.—Bibie School. 6:45 p.m.—Training Unions. Midweek Service. Thursday, 8 p.m.—“THE HOLY SPIRIT.” DCTU A \TV R *• A»*. and »nd St. N.W., M. P. GERMAN, Minister KK I H *\f\l J ll:OOa.m.—“When Forgiveness la Costly." 8:OOp.m.—“A Plain- Man’s Religion." The Men’s Bible Class Invites Ton to Hear Horace Stevenson Give a Practical Interpretation of the Lesson. FI p c T 16th and O Streets N.W. 1 I' J 1 EDWARD HUGHES PRUDEN, Pastar 11:00 a.m.—“COVENANTERS,” Dr. Pruden. 8:00 p.m.—Rev. Robert P. Anthony of the Waldenslan Society. Choir of 80 Voices at Both Services. Sunday School at 9:30 a.m.; B. Y. P. U. at 6:45 p.m. 8th and H Sts. N.W. REV. W. S. ABERNETHY, Minister Rev. E. H. Tuller, Assistant 11:00 am.—"WHEN JESUS SANG.” (Communion Service.) 8:00 p.m.—"WASHINGTON’S PUBLIC ENEMY NO. 1—LIQUOR.” 7:45 pm.—Organ Recital, Thomas Moss. 9:30 a.m.—Sunday School. 6:30 pm.—B. Y. P. U. _.___ _ * HEAR J. EDWIN ORR of Belfast, Ireland AT Grace Baptist Church Ninth St. and South Carolina Avo. S.E. May 5 to May 19 Sundays 11:00 A.M. and 7:45 P.M. Monday to Friday 7:45 P.M. Laymen's Evangelistic Association