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Corporation Bonds Slump 2 to More Than 8 Points Advances in German, Some Scandinavian Issues Recorded Bond Averages 20 10 10 10 Ralls. Indust. Util. F’gn Net change —2.2—1.0— 2.0 —.6 Today, close*49.4 *99.5 *91.3 *37.4 Prev. day- 51.6100.5 93.3 38.0 Month ago- 57.9 103.1 97.0 47.5 Year ago.- 54.3 99.7 95.5 61.3 1940 high.. 59.9103.6 97.5 53.5 1940 low— 49.4 99.5 91.3 37.4 * 1939 high- 64.9102.0 97.5 64.0 1939 low— 53.4 95.8 90,4 41.7 10 Low-Yield Bonds. Close . *108.5 Prev. day 109.8 M’nth ago 112.5 Year ago. 112.0 1940 high 113.2 1940 low. 108.5 1939 high 112.6 1939 low. 103.6 •New 1940 low. (Complied by the Associated Press.) By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, May 21.—Domestic corporate bonds cracked today under a fresh flood of selling on news of the German sweep Into France. * In contrast, German obligations and some Scandinavian issues rose as much as 3 points or more. Losses in many corporate issues in late dealings ranged from 2 to more than 8 points. Secondary rails were among the heaviest losers as bonds followed the plunge in stocks into new low ground for the retreat. News of heavy allied losses, which increased chances for an at tack on England across the chan nel, was the decisive trading factor. Administration air-expansion plans took a back seat temporarily as a price influence, brokers said. Pressure remained severe during the last hour and earlier losses were in many cases extended. In the foreign list Latin American loans weakened. United States Governments fell back with the rest of the list, closing with outside losses of around ’2 a point. Curb Bonds DOMESTIC. High. Low. Close. Ala Power 4*is 67_10*2 10034 lUO3* Ala Power 5s 46 A_10.V-2 105*4 105*4 Ala Power 5s 51_ 105 105 105 Ala Power 5s 56_ 104341<»434 1'' 34 Ala Power 5s 68 _106 102 102 Am P & L 6s 2016 ___ 9.6 91*i 91*i Am Seat 6s 46 cv st_101 100 100 ADPalach E P 4s 68_ 1073« 107*4 1 14 Ark P & I 5s 56_ 104*2 104 104*B As El Ind 4*2S 5.6_ 44 .6034 40 As G & E 4 *2s 49_ 11 *4 11 11 As G & E 5s 50 _____ 11 10 10*8 As G&E 5s 68 __ 1134 10 10 As G& E 5 Vis 77_11 11 11 As T & T 5*is 55 A _•_ 54 5.634 5.63i Atl Gas Lt 4 * is 55_ 107 106 106 Bald Loco 6s 50 108 95 99 Bell Tel C 5s 6.7 B_ 99*2 98 98 Bell Tel C 5s 60 C_ 97Vi 96 97Vi Beth Steel Hs 98.lW* 1 '6* » 1 Birm El 4*is 08 — 95*4 9.634 9.634 Birming aGs 5s 59_ 94 91 91 Can Nor Pwr 5s 5.6_ 70 70 70 Caro Pw & Lt 5s 56 1U.634 l<'83i In - • Central Pw 5s 57 D_ 96* 2 96*i 96Vi Cent St El os 48_ 29 25 V* 25‘a Cent St El 5*2s 54 ___ 27 27 27 Cent St P&L 5*2s 53 __ 675s 60 6758 Chi Ill&M 4*2s 56 A__ 10334 1<W*b Cht. Rys 5s 27 cod.,_ 39Vi .68 38 Cin* St Ry 5V2s 52_ 78 78 78 Cities Svc - 5s 60_ 70* 2 65 Vi 68 Vi Cities Svc os 58_ 69* 2 67 68 Cities Svc 5s 66_ 73*'i 70 70 Citiea Svc. 5s 69 69 67 68 Cit S P&L *5 Vis 52_ 80 »'4 7 7 Vi 78 Cit S P&L 5Vis 49 _ — 80*4 77*2 ?t*'2 Comnty P&L 5s 57_ — 89 81 85 Cons G Bal 4*2s 54_125*4 124Vi Cbn jGEJL&P 3.Vis ! 71,_* 106*/a 106*4 106*4 Cons G.Util 6s 43 st— 8l 75*4 '75Vi Cont.GAr E 5s 58 A.__ 8434 81 */2 82 Cudahy. PkK ns*i; 55 „ 95 95 95' Del El Pw 5%s 5ft_105 105 105 Det tot B« 0%s 521_ 4% 4*4 4*', Det tot Be 7s 52_ % % % East G & F 4s 56 A ... 78% 75% 75% Ed is El IHU 3‘As 65... 108 108 108 E» Pw & Lt 5s 2030_ 73 71 72 El Pas El 5s 50 A_ 103 103 103 Eiud Dis El 5s 52_102% 102 102 Erie , light 5s. 67 _100 10R% ios% Fed Wat 5‘As 54_ 04 00 fto Fla Pwr couon 4 s 06_100% fto oft Florida P& L5s 64... 102 100% 10] Gatineau P 3%s 60.__ OS 66 60 Gary E&G 5s 44 st _. 98% <is% Gen Pub TJt ,6%s 50 8ft 83 85 Gen W W&E 5s 43 A_. 03 00 (10 Georgia Pw 5s 07_10.5% 105 105 Georgia P&L 5s 78_ 00 05% ii.5% Glen Alden Cl 4s 05_ 71 70% 71 Gr No Pw 5s 50 stD_ 1 00 100 100 Grn Moun P 3Hs 03_ 100 00% 00% Grocery Str Os 45 00% 00% on3, Houston G 6%s 43_101 101 ]01 Hygrade Fd Os 49 A_ 68 os OS Hygrade Fd Os 40 B_ 08 08 08 Idaho Pwr 3%s 07 .. 100% loo3, loo% 111 Pwr & Lt Os 63 A. . 103% 102 102 HI Pw&L 5‘/as 54 B __ 102% 00% !l!l% 111 Pw & L 5s 56 C_101% 07 08% Ind Hyd Elec 5s 58_ 0(1% 0K% ok% Indiana Svc 5s 50 A_ 62% 6! 01 Indiana Ser 5s 63 A 01 59 59 Indianan Gas 5s 52 60% 60% 00% Ind P&L 1st 3%s OS 106% 105% 105>4 Inti P Sec 6Hs 55 C._ 21% 21% Inti Pw Sec 7s 57 E.__ 25 24% 25 Interst Pw 5s 57__ 57 63 53 Intern Pw Hs 62.__ 37 35 35 Ia-N L&P 6s 57 A_104% 103% 104% Ital Su Pw Os 03 A._31 30% 31 Jackson G 5s 42 stD ._ 43 43 43 Jer C P&L 4%s 01 C._104%104 104 Kan G&E 6s 2022 A..117 117 117 Lon* Is Lt 6s 45_103% 103% 103% La Pw & Lt 5s 57 104 104 104 McOord R Os 48 st_ 65 05 05 Mengel Co 4%s 47_ 89% 87 87 Mid S Pw 0‘/as 45 A._■ 93 93 03 JJj1 G&E 4%s 67-101% 100 100 Minn P&L 4%s 78- 100% 99 90 Minn P & L 5s 5o_10.3% 103% 1031.. Miss Pow 5s 55 _ 100*/2 99*^ 99*i Miss Pw & L 5s 57_ 103 100% jonn M(S» River P5s 51... 109 109 109 Mo Pub Svc 5s On_ 90 ss% 88% Nass & Su L 5s 45 .. ... 98% 98% 98% Nat P & L Hs 2020 A.. 109'% 109% 109% Nevad Cal El 5s 50.__ 70 02 62% New Ams Gas 5s 48_. 315% 115% 115% New E G&E 5s 47...I 68 56 50 * New E G&E 5s 48 __ • 50 50 50 New E G&E 5s 50... 58 54 54 N Eng Pwr 3%s 61 __ 107% 107*% 107% New E Pw os 48 ... 91% 90 90 New E Pw 5'As 54_ 90 95 95 New Or PS Os 49 A .102 101*4101% NY Pa&Ohio 4%s 50.. 93 92 92 W E&G 3%s 04- 107 105 105 N Y S E&G 4'As 80_ 103 103 103 N Y & W Lt 4s 2004.. 102% 102% 1(1"% N Y & W L os 54 ... 113% 113% 113% Nor A L&P 5%s 50.. 99 95 95 Northw P S 5s 57 A... 105 104 104 Ogden G Co 5s 45 ... 109% 108% 108% Ohio Power 3%s 68... 105% 105% 105Va Ohio Pub Svs 4s 02... 107 100% 100% Ok la aNt G 3%s 55_ 100 105% 105% Okla P&W 5s 48 ... 101% 101% 101% Pac G & E Os 41 B.._ 107% 107% 107% Pac Inv 5s 48 _ 92% 91 91 Pac F -& L 5s 5.i .. 91% 88 88 Park Lex Lshld :is 64 _ 41% 41% 41% Penn C LAP 4%s 77_ Oil’, 98 98% Penn C P&L 5s 79_104% 104% 104% Penn Elec 4s 71 P ... 101 100 100 Penn Elec 5s 63 H_107% 100 100 Penn Oh E 5%s 59 B_1 03% 102% 103 Penn Oh E 6s 60 A_105% 104% 104% Penn P Svc 6s 47 C ._ 107 107 107 Peop GL&C 4s 61 D _ 96Va mi 9(1 Peop GL&C 4s 81 B_ 93V, 93 93 Phila El P 5%s 72-112% 112 112 Phila Rap T 8s 62 __ 99 99 99 Port G&C 5s 40 mat__. 80% 80 80 Port G&C 5s 40 ctfs._ 78 78 78 Pw CP C 4%s 59 B_ 65 65 65 Pub Ser N J tis ctfs— 1.31 131 131 Pub S Okla 4s H6 A ._ 106% 106 106 PUB 3d P&L 5%s 49.. 88% 86 87% PUB S P&L us 50 C .. 86 83 83 Pu 8 P&L 4%s 50 D__ 86% 83% 83% CWee O&E 5%s 52 A.. 84 84 84 Saf» H Wa 4%s 79... 109 109 109 fSjFSSa.IJ4/...43,, . — 100% 100% 100% ShW W&P 4%s 67 A_ 71 70 71 ShW W&P 4%s 70 D_ 71 70 71 3 B P&L 6s 2025 A-_. 108 103% 103% Sou -Cal *d 3%s 60 ... 106% 106% 106% Sou Cal E 3%S 60 B... 106% 106% 106% §°u £“2 5i. 100 100 100 Sou Co Gas Cal 4%s 68 104 104 104 Souw As T 5s 61 A... 104% 104% 104% Souw P&L 6s 2022 A... 94 90 90 Souw Pb Svc 6s 46 A... 105% 105% 105% Spaldm* 5s 89 ..._48 40 40 Std' G&E 6s 48 st _. 57% 5fi% 57% Std G&E 6s 48 cv st__ 58 57% 58 Std O&E Os 51 A_ 58 56% 58 Std Gas A El 6s 67. __ 57% 56% 57% Std Gas & El 6s 66 3.. 58 56% 57% Stand Pw & Lt 6s 67- 58 60 5A 8tarret Corp 5s 50_ 15% 14% 14% Texas Elec 6s 60 - 103% 102% 10”% Tex Pw & Lt 5s 56 ... 106% 105% 105% Tide Wat P 3s 79 A ... 92% 92 92 Twin C RT 5* is 52 A _ 59% 67% 57'. Ulen & Co 6s 60 IV st.. 8 8 s Unit Lt A Pw 5%s 59 108% 108% 108% Unit Lt & Pw 6s 76 „ 76' a 73 73 Unit Lt & Pw 6%s 74_. 77% 76% 76% Unit L&R D 5‘/as 52... 83 78 78 Unit L&R M 6s 52 A... 115% 114 114 Unit L&R M 6s 73 A... 74% 74% 74% Utah P&L 4%s 44 ... 98 98 98 Utah P&L 6s 2022 A ... 94 91 91 Va Pub Ser 6s 46- 98 ns ns Va Pub S 5‘/as 43 A.. 101% 99% 99% Va Pub 8er os 50 B . 95 95 95 Wald Ast Hot 5s 54_ 5% 4 5% We»t News U 6s 44— 45 46 45 West Pa 5s 2030- 105 105 105 Wi» P&L 4s 66 - 105% 105 105 York Ry 5* 37 mat ... 93 93 93 York Rwy 5s 47 st 9o 95 95 FOREIGN. Saltish Con 5s 53- 20 20 20 edelln Col 7s 51_ 8 8 8 Pled £ 6%s 80 A-27% 27% 27% Bait £ SVC 7s 56 A-27 V, 26 V,. 27 V, V BONDS ON N. Y. STOCK EXCHANGE Approximate Transactions today. Domestic! Bonds_ 11,670.000 Foreign Bonds- 1.630,000 US Govt Bonds_, 440.000 B> private wire direct to The Star TREASURY. High. Low. Close. 2s 1947- 103.2 108.2 103.2 2s 1348-50- 101.28 101.17 101.17 214s 1951-58_ 101.24 101.20 101.22 2 44* 1945_J07.4 107.4 107.4 3 44* 1949-58_ 103.17 103.17 103.17 2148 1950-62_ 103.17 103.17 103.17 214s 1945-47_ 107.4 107.4 107.4 2 Hs 1948-61_ 106.2 106.2 106.2 2Hs 1951-64_ 105.11 105.6 105.6 2148 1956-69_ 104.4 104.4 104.4 214s 1968-63_ 103.29 103.29 103.29 214s 1960-66_ 104. 104. 104. 214s 1955-60_ 105.18 106.10 105.10 3s 1946-48- 108.28 108.24 108.24 Ss 1951-66 _ 108.15 108.6 108.6 344* 1946-49_ 109.14 109.8 109.8 314s 1941 _ 103.25 103.25 103.25 314* 1943-45_ 107.27 107.27 107.27 SVts 1944-46_ 108.26 108.22 108.22 344s 1940-43 Jun 100.22 100.22 100.22 344s 1941-43 Mar 102.24 102.24 102.24 8 44s 1946-56_ 112.18 112.10 112.10 4s 1944-64 _ 112.11 112.11 112.11 444s 1947-62 118.10 118. 118. FEDERAL FARM MORTGAGE. Ss 1942-47 . 103.23 103.26 103.28 Is 1944-49 _ 105.24 105.24 105.24 344s 1944-64 __ 106.18 106.18 106.18 HOME OWNERS' LOAN 144s 1945-47 100.20 100.20 100.20 Is 1944-62 105.16 105.16 105.16 NEW YORK CITY BONDS Ss 1980 Bwi . 89T4 89 89 Ss 1980 1 wl _ 89 8844 88V4 FOREIGN IONDS. High. Low. Close. Argentine 4s 72 Feb 73 70% 70% Argentine 4s 72 Apr. 74 72 72 Argentine 4 94b 48_ 90 88 88 Argentine 4 94s 71_ 80 77 77 Australia 4 94s 66_ 44 43 4394 Australia 6s 65_ 50 46% 4694 Australia 6s 67_ 5094 46 46 Belgium 6s 55 _ 39 39 39 Belgium 694s 49 _ 40 40 40 Brazil 6 94s 1926-57... 10% 1094 1094 Brazil 6 94s 1927-67 _ 1094 10 10 Brazil C Ry El 7s 62_. 11 10% 10% Brazil *8 41 — 14% 14 14 Breda Ernesto 7s 54.. 60 60 60 Brisbane 5s 68 _ 45 42 42 Budapest 6s 62_ 694 6 6 Buenos Aires 3s 84 . 38 38 38 Buenos Aires 4%s 77 6294 50 5094 Ruen Air 4 %s Apr 76 51 50 50 Buenos Aires 4%s 75 6694 56 56 Bulgaria 7 94 s 68_ 9% 994 994 Canafla 2 94 s 44_ 87% 87 8794 Canada 2 94s 45_ 86 85% 86 Canada Sa 67_ 69% 69% 69% Canada 3s 68 ___69% 68% 69% Canada 3 94 s 61_ 72% 71 71% Canada 4s 60_ 809* 79 79% Canada os 62 _ 90% 90 90 Chile 6s 60 assd _ 13% 139-4 1394 Chile 6s 61 Jan assd . 13% 12% 12% Chile 6s 61 Feb assd 13% 13% 139i Chile 6s 61 Sept assd. 13% 13% 13% Chile 6s 62 assd _ 13%. 13% 13% Chile 6s 63 assd _ 13% 13% 13% Chile 7s 42 assd 13 129, 12% Chile Mtg B 6s 61 asd 12% 12% 12% Chile M B 694s 57 asd 12% 11 11 Chile M R 6%s 61 asd 12 11% 11% Chilean Mun L 7s 60. 17% 17% 17% Colombia 6s 61 Jan . 18% 119, 11% Colombia 6s 61 Oct . 18% 16% 1694 Copenhagen 4 94 s 53 2094 19% 19% Copenhagen 6s 52 21 21 21 Cordoba City 7s 57 st. 61 61 61 Cordoba Prov 7s 42 . _ 72 71 72 Costa Rica 7s 61_ 15% 15% 15% Cuba 4 94s 77 _ 56 53 53 Cuba 5s 1904-44_ 99% 99% 99% Cuba 594s 45 _ 71 70 70 Denmark 4 94 S 62_ 2594 2394 2594 Denmark 6 94s 65_ 30 28 28 Denmark 6s 42 _. 32 30% 3194 Dominie 1st 5 94 s 42.. 70 69% 70 Dominie 5 94s 61 ext.. 70 70 70 Dom 1st 5%s 69 ext.. 70% 69% 69% Dorn 2d 5 94s 69 ext—. 70 70 70 French Gov 7s 49_ 105 105 105 French Gov 7 94 s 41— 75 75 75 Ger Govt 6 94 s 65 —. 18% 16 17% Ger G 6948 65 un St— 10% 10% 10% German Govt 7s 49_ 19*4 1694 19% Ger Gov 7s 49 un st— J1W 1094 10% Grt C El Jap 6 94s 50. 67 67 67 Grt C El Jan 7s 44 — 82 82 82 Greek G 6s 68 pt pd_ 8 8 8 Haiti 6s 52_ 79% 79% 79% Italy 7s 51 43% 41% 41% Ital Crd P W 7s 47 B. 47 47 47 Hal P U Crd 7s 62_ 35 32% 32% Japan 694s 65_ 63 62% 6294 Japan 694s 54 —_ 80 78% 78% Lombard El 7s 52_ 53 53 53 Medellin 6 94 s 54 ... 7% 7% 7% Mex 4s 1910-45 asst.. % % % Milan 6 94s 62 31 28% 29% Minas Geraes 694s 59 5% 5% 5% New So Wales 5s 57.. 45% 45 45 New So Wales 6s 58 _ 45% 45 45 Norway 494s 65 _ 24 24 24 Norway 4 94s 56_ 27 26% 26% Norway 6s 43 37 37 37 Oriental Dev 6 94s 68. 63% 52% 52% Oriental Dev 6s 53 — 56% 56 * 56% Panama 6s 63 st asd.. 53% 5294 53% Pernambuco 7s 47_ 6% 5% 5% Peru 1st 6s 60_ 7 6% 6% Peru 2d 6s 61_ 7 6% 6% Peru 7s 59_ 794 7% 7% Queensland 6s 47_58% 58% 58% Queensland 7s 41_ 72% 68 68 Rio de Jan 6 94s 53_ 5% 5% 5% Rio de Jan 8s 46 _ 794 6% 6% Rio Gr do Sul 6s 68_ 6% 6% 6% RioGr do Sul 7s 66._ 6% 6% 6% Rio Gr do Sul 8s 46... 894 8% 8% Rome 694s 62 . 35% 33% 34 Sante Fe Prov 4s 64.. 63 63 63 Sao Paulo St 6s 68_ 694 6 6 Sao Paulo St 7s 40... 23% 22% 23% Sao Paulo St 7s 56_ 8 8 8 Sao Paulo St 8s 50_ 8 6 6 Shtn’su E P 694s 52— 57% 57% 57% Taiwan Elec 6 94 s 71. 5394 53 53% Tokyo City 6 94 s 61—. 56 54 54 Tokyo El Lt 6s 53 ... 56% 56 56% Uruguay cv 3%s 79.. 43 43 43 Uru 3%-4-4 94 s adJ 79 44% 43 43 Uru 4-494-4 94 78 Feb 47 46 46 Venetian M G B 7s 52 27 27 27 Yokohama 5s 61 57% 56% 57% DOMESTIC RONDS. M-bltlbl P&P 6s 63 35 35 35 Adams Ex 4%s 46 st. 10814 106 106 Alb & Sus 3 %s 46_ 72 72 72 Alleg Corp 6s 44_ 76 71 71 Alleg Corp 6s 49_ 63% C3% 63% Allsg Corp 6s 60 std 31 26% 27 Allied Stores 4%s 50. 99% 99% 99% Allied Stores 4 %s 61 94% 94% 94% Allls-Chalmers «s 62 107% 106% 106% Am & For Pw 6s 2030 53% 52% 52% Am 1 O CD 6%s 49... 101% 100% 100% AmT*T3%s61- 105% 104% 104% Am T & T 3 %s 66- 105 104% 104% Am T & T 6%s 43 106JJ 106% 106B Am Type Fdrs cv 60 102 102 102 Am Wat Wks 6s 76 100 100 100 Anaconda db 4%s 60 103 102% 102% Anglo-Chll Nltr db 67 34 34 34 Ann Arbor 4s 95 36 35 35 Armour (Del 11st 4s 66 97% 96 96% AT&SFe 4s 1905-55.. 92% 92% 92% A T&S Fe 4s 60 _ 95% 95% 96% A T&S Fe adj 4s 96 st 83 83 83 A T&S Fe gen 4s 95 101% 101% 101% A T&S Fe 4 %s 48 101 100% 100% A T&S Fe r-A 4 %s 62 106% 105% 105% A T&SF RMt dv 4s 66 99 99 99 Atl * Ch A L 6s 44... 95 95 95 Atl Coast L. 6s 45_ 68 63 63 Atl * Dan 1st 4s 48... 33 33 33 Atl & Dan 2d 4s 48 ... 25 25 25 Atl Gulf & W 1 6s 69. 65 63% 63% Atlantic itefln 3s 63.. 103% 103 103 s & O 1st 4s 48 ._ 60 58 68% B & O 1st 4s 48 reg_ 68% 58% 68% B & O cv 60s Std_ 8% 7% 7% B & O 1st 48s std ... 68% 67% 67% B & O 96 A stamped.. 18 15% 16% B & O 95 C stamped.. 19% 18 18% B A O 96 F stamped.. 17% 15% 15% BAO 2000 D stpd 18% 15% 15% B&OPLE&WVa4s51st 49 46 46 B & O 8 W 60s std N 36 33% 33% Bang & Ar cv 4s 61 st 57 55 65 Bell T of Pa 6s 48 B 112% 112% 112% Bell Tel<Pa)5s 60 C.. 129 128% 128% Beth Steel 8%s 6f F 101% 100 100 Beth Steel t%s 62 105% 104% 105 Bos& Me 4%s *1 JJ 44% 43 43 Boston&Me 4%s 61 st 40 38 38 Bos* Me As 66 44 43 43 Boston & Me 5s 65 at. 40% 37% 37% Bos & Me As 67 44% 43 43 Boston & Me 6s 67 st. 40 36% 36% Bklyn Ed cn 8 %s 66 106% 105 105 Bklyn Man T 4%s 66 102% 102% 102% Bklvn Man 4%s 66 ct 84% 83% 84% Bk Qu CAS cn 6s41 ct 42% 42% 42% Bklyn (Jn El 6s 60 ct. 84% 84 84% Bklyn Un Gas 6s 45.. 111% 111 111 Bklyn Dn Gas 6s 60— 84% 84 84 High. Low. Close. Bklyn UnG Bs 57 B.. 102% 102 102% Bklyn Un G rf 6a 47.. 111% 111% 111% Buff G E 4%a 61_109% 109% 109% Buff Rocta A P 67 atd. 29 25% 25% BC RAN cl 6*84 ... 3 3 3 Bush Term on 6s 66.. 36 35 35 Buab Tar Bldg 5a 60. 48% 47% 47% Calif Ore* Pwr «a 46 102% 101% 101% Canadian NR 4 %a 61 82% 82 82 Can NR 4%s 66 ... 84% 82% 82% Can NR 4 % 56 reg_ 81 81 81 Can NK 4 %a 67 _ 83% 81 81 Can NR 4%a 56 _ 85 84 84 Can NR 6a 69 July_ 86% 85% 85% Can NR 6a 69 Oat_ 87% 85% 85% Can Nor 6%a 46_ 99% 98% 98% Can Pao db 4a oerp— 47% 44% 44% Can Pae 4%a 48- 64 64 64 Can Pao 4%s 60_ 61% 58 58 Can Pao 6a 44 - 91% 91% 91% Celotes 4 Via 47 wtr._ 80 80 80 Cant of Ga cn 6a 45_ 6% 5% 5% Cent of Go 6a 69 C 2% 2% 2% Cent HudGAE 9% 865 106 106 106 Cant N Eng 4a 61- 44 41% 41% Cant of N J 4a 87- 11% 11% 11% Cent of NJ gen 6a 67. 13 12 12 Cant N J gn 6a 87 rg.. 12 12 12 Gant Pae 1st rf 4a 49. 63% 62 62 Cent Pacific Ba 60 . 36% 32% 32% Cent RR&B Ga 5s 42. 55 55 65 Cert'd deb 6%s 48 66% 65 65 Champ Pa 4%s 38-50. 102% 102 102 Ches A Ohio 3 %a 68 7 104% 103% 103% Ches A O 8 Via 96 t) .. 96% 94 94 Ches A O 8%s 96 B. .. 96% 94 94 C A O gen 4%s 98- 121 120 120 Chi A Alton 3a 49 _ 9% 7% 8 Chi BAG gen 4s 59 ... 84 83% 83% Chi Burl A Q 5s 71... 81 R1 81 C BAG 111 dtv 3%s 49 92% 92 92 C BAQ III dl* 4s 4*.. 98% 98 98 TThlAElllRsBl ... 12% 11 U fhl A E 111 fis 51 ct... 10% 10 10 Chi A E 111 6s 34_120% 119% 119% Chi A Erie 5s 82_ 95 95 95 Chi Ort West 4s 69 .. 21% 19% 19% Chi Ind A Lou 4s 4T._ 15 15 15 Chi Ind A Lou 5s 66.. 5 3% 3% Chi Ind A L rf 6s 47 . 13% 12% 13% Chi Ind A L gen 6s 66 4% 3% 3% Chi Mil A St P 4S 89.. 20% 15% 17% CMAStP 4 %sR9C .. 20 19 19 Chi MASt P 4%s 69.. 19 15% 15% Chi Mil A St P 6s 76.. 5 4% 4% CMAStP adj Bs.2000 1% 1% u* ChlANW gen 8Via 87. 10% 10% 10% Chi A NW gen 4s 87 . 10% 10 10 ChlANW 4Vis 2037 C. 7% 6% 5% Cht A NW c» 4%s 49. 2 1% 1% ChlANW gen 5s 87 ... 11% 10% 10% ChlANW rf 6s 2037.. 7% 7 7 Chi RIAP rf 4s 84 4% 4 4 Chi RIAP rf 4s 84 ct. 4% 4 4 Chi RIAP gen 4e 88 . 11 10 10 Chi RIAP 4 Vis 52 A 5 4% 4% Chi RI&P4V&S52A cfa 4% 4% 4% Chi RIAP ev 4 %s 60 . 1% 1 1 Chi THAS rf 5s 60 .. 48 48 48 inets inc t>s eu_ 44 42 42 Chi On Sta 3%s 61 ... 102% 102 102 Chi tin Sta 3%a 63 . 104% 104% 104% Cht A W Ind ev 4s 53. 88% 88% 8«% Chi A W Ind 4%* 62 . 88 88 88 Childs A Co 5s 43_ 41 41 41 Cln G A E 3%s 66 .. 107% 107% 107% Cln ITn Term 3% 71 106% 106% 106% C C C A StL gen 4s 93 59 58% 58% CCCAStL rf 4 %« 77 40% 37 37 Clev El 111 3%s 65 .. 108 108 103 Clev Cn Ter 4V.s 77.. 62 61 61 Clev tin Term 6s 73.. 69% 68% 68% Colo E Air 6s 70_ 67% 66 66 Colo A So 4 %n 80 .. 23% 20% 20% Cql GAE 6s 52 Adt_ 100 99 99 Col O A E 6s 62 May . 102% 99% 99% Col'G A E 6s 61 .. 101% 98 98 Colum RPAL 4s 65... 107% 107% 107% Comw Ed 3 %s 68 ... Ill 109% 110 Comw Ed 3%s 68 ... 108 107% 107% Conn R Pw 3 % 61 .. 108 107% 107% Cons Coal Del 6s 60 . 56 56 56 Cons Ed N ? 3%s 46 103% 103% 103% Cons E NY db 3%s 43 105 104% 104% Cons Ed N Y 3%s 66 103% 103 103 Cons Ed N Y 3%s 6* 106 105% 105% Consol 011 3 %s 61 102*4 102% 102% Consum Pwr 3 %s 66 103 102% 102% Consum Pw 1st 3% 69 104% 104% 104% Consum Pwr 3%s 67 105 105 105 Consum Pwr 3%s 70 106% 106 106 Container deb 5s 43 101* 101* 101* Container 6s 46 _ 100% 100% 100% Conti Oil 2%s 48_ 105% 105 105 Crane Co 3 %s 61_ 102% 102% 102% Crown CAS 4s 60.. .. 104% 104 104% Crown CA S 4%s 48 T 0O% 100 100 Crucible Steel 4%s 48 103 101% 101% Cubs Nortbn BHs 42. 24 . 23 23 Cuba RR 7 %■ 46 A._, 40. 40 40 Del A Hud ret 4s 43.. 44 40 40 Del PAL 4%s 69_ 104 104 104 Del PAL 4%s 69_107% 107% 107% Den A R G con 4s 36. 6 6*4 5% Den A R G 4%» 86 ... 6% 6% 6% Den A R G W 6s 66... 2% 2% 2% D A R G W 6s 55 eet 1% 1% 1% Den A R G W rf 5s 78 4% 4 4 Det Edison 4s 65 .. 110 109% 109% Det Edison 4%s 61 108 107% 107% Duluth MAIR 3%s 62 105% 105% 105% Duluth SSATtl 5s 37 16 15% 15% Duauesne Lt 3%s 65 106% 106% 106% E T V A Ga cn 5s 66 . 92 92 92 Elec Auto Lt 4s 62 ... 105% 105% 105% Erie ev 4s 63 A_ 14% 14% 14*» Erie cv 4s 63 B_ 15% 15% 15% Erie 1st 4s 96__ 49% 49% 49% Erie gen 4s 96__ 20% 18 18 Erls ref 6s 67_ 9% 9% 9% Erie ref 6s 76_ 9% 9% 9% Fslrbks Morse 4s 66.. 106*8 106% 106% Fed LtATr 5s 42_ 101% 101% 101% Fed LtATr 6s 42 St... 102*4 102% 102% Fed LtATr 6s 42 ._ 101 100 100 Firestone T 8%s 4* 103% 103% 103% Fla E Coast Ry 6s 74. 5 4% 4% Gen Am Inv 6s 62_ 101 101 101 Gen Cable 6 %a 47_ 99% 99% 99% Gen Mot Aco 3 %s 61. 103% 103% 103% Gen Stl Cast 6%s 49. 64% 60 62% Ga Caro A Nor 6s 34- 15 15 15 Goodrich 4 %s 66 101% 100% 101 Goth Silk H 5s 46 ww. 80 80 80 Grt Nor Ry 344s 67.. 72 71 71 Grt Nor Ry 4s 46 G.. 98% 95 96 Grt Nor Ry 4s 46 H . 91% 89% 89% Grt N Ry 1st 4%s 61. 107% 106% 106% Grt NR 4%s 76 D . 79 78 77% Grt N R gn 4%s 77 E 79 76% 76% Grt Nor Ry 6s 73 .. 91 91 91 Grt Nor Ry 5%s 62 97 94% «*94% Green Bay A W db B. 5% 2% 2% Gulf Sta Stl 4%s6ll. 101% 100% 100% Gulf St Util 3%a 69.. 108% 108% 108% Har Rlv A P 4a 64_ 67% 67% 67% Hock Val 4%s 99 .. 118 118 118 Housatonlc cn 6a 87— 44 43 43 Houston Oil 4%a 64- 97% 97% 97% Hudson Coal 6s 62 A 25% 24 24 Hudson CG 1st 5s 49 124 124 124 Hud A Man Inc 6s 67 . 10 10 10 Hud A Man ref 6s 67 40 38 88% 111 Bell Tel 8%s 70 B. 108% 108% 108% 111 Cent 4a 63 _ 34 34 34 111 Cent ref 4s 56- 38% 35 35 111 Cent 4%s 66- 31% 28% 29% 111 Cent ref 6s 66_ 45 45 45 ICCAST NO 4%s 63— 33 30 30 ICCAStL NO Ss 63 A 36% 33 33 Indust Rayon 4 %s Is 102% 102% 102% Inspir'n Cop lat 4s 62 92 92 92 lnt H T 1st rf 5e 66 70 70 70 lnt R T 1st rf 6s 66 ct 71 70 70 lnt RT 6s 32 ... 31 29 30% Inter R T 6s 32 ctfs.. 30% 30% 30% Inter R T 7e 32_ 67% 67 67 Int R T 7s 32 ct_ 67% 67 67% Interlake Iron 4a 47— 84% 78 78 Int Grt Nor 6s 66 B_ 8% 7% . 7% Int Grt Nor 6s 66 C._. 8 8 8 lnt Grt Nor 1st 6s 63. 8% 8 8 Int Grt Nor adl 6a 62. Ill Int Hydro El 6s 44... 45% 42% 42% lnt Mer Mar 6s 41_ 68% 54 64 lnt Paper 1st 6s 47... 100% 100 100 Int Paper ref Ss 66... 95% 92% 92% Int Ry of C A 6s 72_ 85 85 85 Int Ry C A 6%s 47_ 88 88 88 lnt TAT 4 %s 62_ 25% 23 23 Int TAT Ss 65 28 25 26% Iowa C 1st A ref 4s 61 1 1 1 (Cans C Ft SAM 4s 36 28 27% 27% K C FSAM rf 4s 16 et 27% 27% 27% Kane City 80 3s 60 . 57 57 57 Kana City 80 rf 6a 60 50% 60 60% Kan City Ter 4s 60 rg 106% 105% 105% Keith's 8a 46 102 101% 162 Koppera Co 4s 61- 102 100% 100% Laclede Gas 6a 39_ 80% 80% 80% Laclede Gas 6a 42_ 81 81 81 Laclede Gas 6%s 68.. 42 88 38 Laclede G 5%a 80 D 40 40 40 Lake SAMS 3%s 97 81 79% 79% Lautaro Nltrafh 76 . 33 31 81 Leh CAN 4 %• 64 A 48 47% 47% Lehigh V C 5s 44 std. 39 39 39 Leh Val C 6e 64 atd 24% 24 24 Leh V Coal 6s 43 atd. 52% 62% 52% Leh Val N Y 4%s 40 30 30 30 Leh V NY 4 %s 40 asd 35 85 35 L V RReon 4a 2003.. 9% 8% 9 L V rr «a 2001 asd 9% 8% 8% L V RR 4s 2003 asd r| 9 "9 9 L V RRcn4%s2003 10 9% 10 L V RR4Hs 3008 asd 9% 9% 9% L V itR 6a 2003 asd . 11 11 11 Libby MeNAL 4s SB.. 100% 100 100 Llgg A Myers 6s Bl_ 128% 122 122 Llgg A Myers 7s 44__ 122% 122 122 Liquid Carbon 4s 47— 105% 105 106 f High. Low. Clow. IWitHKI. 101% 101% 101% Long laid rot 4s 49_ 91% 91% 91% Long 1*1 ref 4e 49 et_. 90 90 90 LoulsvGAES Us 66.. 107% 107% 107% LAN «%e 2003 _ 88 87 87 L A N 6e 2001 B .. 95% 95% 96% LAN So Mon It 4e 68. 78 77 77 MeKeeeonAR 6%e 60. 88% 82 82 MeCentrel 4%s60... 40 -40 40 Me.netl Sugar 4s 67.. 36 35 35 Manhat Ry 4S 90_ 76% 76 76 Manhat Ry 4e 90 ct 76% 76 76 Man By td 4*201 Sofa 40% 39 39% Marlon St Shoe 6* 47 72 72 72 Market St Ry 7a 40 60 60 60 Mark St Ry 70s 40 ret 60 60 50 Mead Co «s 46 _102% 102% 102% Metrop Ed 4%a <8 — 111 111 111 Mich Cons Oas 4a 63 * 99% 97% 97% Mid RR N J 6s 40_ 20% 19% 20% Mil No 1st 4%s 89._ 40 37% 37% Mil Spa A Nff 4s 47.. 9 9 9 MStPASSM on 4s 88.. 4% 4 4 MStPASSM 6s 38 gtd 4% 4 4 Mo 111 6s 69.. 55 55 55 Mo KAT 1st 4s 90_ 20% 20 20 Mo KAT 4s 62 B_ 9% 9% 9% Mo KAT 4%s 71_10% 9% 9% Mo KAT 6s 63 A_ 10% 7% 7% Mo KAT adj 6s 67_ 8% 3% 3% Mo Pao 4s TS__ 2 1% 1% Mo Pac 6s 66 A_ 13 13 13 Mo Pao 6s 77 F__ 13% 12% 12% Mo Pao 6a 77 F ct_ 12% 12% 12% Mo Pac 6a 78 G _ 13 13 18 . Mo Pao 6a 78 G ct_ 12% 12% 12% Mo Pao 6s 80 H .. 13% 13 13 Mo Pao 6s 80 H ctfs_12% 12% 12% Mo Pao 6s 81 l _ 14 13 13 Mo Pao 6%s 49 __ % % % Mob A Ohio 4 %s 77 24% 20% 20% Mob A Ohio 4 %s 77 ct 20% 20% 20% Moh A Ohio R* S3 27% 25 25 Mob A Ohio 6s 38 ct.. 26 26 26 Monong P S 4%a 60.. 107% 106% 107 Monong P 8 6s 65_106% 104 104 Mont Per 3%s 66_ 98% 96% 96 Montr Tram 6s 41_ 73% 73% 73% MorrlaAEs 8%s 2000. 38 37% 37% Morris A Es 4%s 68.. 27% 25 25 Morris A Es 6s 66 27 27 27 Mount StTAT 814s68 106% 105 105 Nassau El 4s 61 ctfs 49 49 49 Nat Dairy 3%s 61 ww 104% 103% 103% Nat Distill 8 %s 49 100% 100 100 Nat Steel Ss 65 .. 101% 101% 101% Natl Supply 3%a 64.. 102% 102 102 New Eng RR 4s 45 .. 32 32 32 New E TAT 4 %s 61 123 123 123 New E TAT 1st 6s 62 123% 122% 122% New Jer-PAL 4%s 60 107 107 107 New Orl PS 6s 62 A.. 103% 103% 103% New Orl P S 6s 65 B 104 103% 103% New OrlTAM 4%s 66 30% 30% 30% New O TAM Inc 6s 35 26 21 21 New Orl TAM 6%e 64 30 27 27 N Y Central 8%s 62.. 46 42% 42% N Y Central 3%s 97.. 70% 70 70 N Y Central 8% a 46.. 75 75 75 N Y Central 4s 42_ 89% 89 89 N Y Cent con 4s 98... 48 46% 46 N Y Cent 4%s 2013 A 41 38 38% N Y Cent rf 6s 2013.. 48 43 44 N Y C L Sh 3%s 98 .. 57 55% 65% NYCAS«L8%s47. 83 83 83 N Y ChlAStL 4%s 78 43% 38% 39% N Y C&StL 6%s 7« K. 45% 45% 45% N Y Conn 1st 4%a 63. 104% 102 102 N Y Dock 4s 61 _ 50 49 49 N Y Dock cv 6a 47 48 46 46 N Y Edls 8 65 D 106 106 106 N Y Edls ref SUs 66 107 106% 106% N Y & E 1st 4s 47 92% 92% 92% N Y G E HAP 5s 4» 122% 122% 122% N Y & Harl 3 Us 2000 97 97 97 N Y L& W 1st 4s 73... 49% 49% 49% NY NH & H 4S 67 3% 3 3 NY NH & H 4%s 67.. 14 12 12 NY NH St H cl 6s 40 .. 25 25 25 NY NH & H cv 6s 48 14 12% 12% N Y OAW gen 4s 65 .. 2% 2 2 NY OAW ref 4s 93 .. 4% 3% 3% NY OAW rf 4s 92 rg.. 4 4 4 N Y Rys »s 68 stpd . 106% 105 105 NY Tel 3 Us 67 106 106 106 N Y Tr Rk 6s 46 stpd 85 85 85 NYWAB4%s 46 4% 4 4 Ntag Falls P 3%s 66. 108% 108 108 Nlag Sh 6%s 60 ... 101 99% 100 Norf Southn 6s 41... 60 60 60 Norf Southn 5s 61 . 9% 7 8y4 Norf Southn Ss 61 ct. 9% 7% 7% Norf A W 1st 4s 96... 121 120% 120% North Am 3%s 49- 103% 103% 103% North Am 3Us 54- 103% 103 103 North Am 4s 69_ 103% 103 103 NoTn Ohio 6s 46_ 60 50 50: Narn P«e gn 3s *047 35% 31% 32 Norn P gn Ss 2047 rg 34 34 34 Not'd Pso 4s 97 .. 61% 60% 60% Norn Pac 4s 97 ^g__ 69 59 69 Norn Pao4Us *047.. 40% 83% 83% Norn Pac 6s *047 C.. 45 44 44 Norn Pao 6s 2047 D.. 45% 40 42 Norn Pao 6s *047 50% 45 46 North Sta Pw 3%s *7 107% 107 107 Ogden LC 4a 49_ 4% 4% 4% Ohio Edison 3%s 72 104 103% 103% Ohio Edison 4s 65 ... 106 105 105 Ohio Edison 4s 67_ 105% 104% 104% Okla GAE 3U* 66_ 107% 107% 107% Okla GAE 4s 46 _ 104 103% 103% Ont Pwr Nlag Rs 43 . 98$} 98$} 98$} Ont Trans 1st Rs 41.. 100% 100% 100% Oreg Sh L 5s 46 gtd 115% 115% 115% Oregon W HR 4s 61 104% 104% 104% Otis Steel 4 %s 62 69 69 69 Pac Gas* El 8%s 66 107% 107% 107% Pao G A E 3%s 61 ._109% 108% 108% Pac G A E 4s 64_ 110% 110 110% Pao Mo 1st 4s 38_ 77 73% 73% Pac TAT rf 3 Us 66 B 103% 103% 103% Pac TAT SUs 66 C .. 104% 104% 104% Panhand E T 4s 6* 104% 104 104 Par Broadwy 3s 55 ct 45 45 45 Parmelee 6s 44 40 40 40 Penn Co 3%s 44 D... 104% 104% 104% Penn Co 4s 63 100% 99 99 Penn Dixie C 6s 41 A.. 92% 90 90 Penn OAD 4Us 77_ 97% 96 96 Penn PAL SUs *9— 106% 105% 105% Penn PAL 4Us 74-101% 100% 100% Penn RR SUe 6*_ 78% 76% 76% Penn RR 8Us 70_ 83 81 81 Penn RR 4s 48 _114 114 114 Penn RR 4Us 81_• 91% 90 90% Penn RR 4Us 60- 117% 117% 117% Penn RR gn 4 Us 65 .. 97 94% 94% Penn RR db 4 Us 70.. 82 80 80 Penn RR gen 6s 68 .. 102 100 100 PeoDles GLAC 5s 47.. 114% 114 114 PSorla A E 1st 48 40.. 59 69 59 Peoria A E Inc 4s 90 3% 3% 3% Phelps Dodge * Us 62 108 107% 107% Phlla BAW 4s 43 109% 109% 109% Phlla BAW 4%s 77 C. 109% 108% 108% t'hlla Co 6s 87 - 1049* 102% 102% Phlla Eleo 3%s 67 .. 109% 108% 108% Phlla H C A Ir 6s 78.. 10% 9% 9% Phlla R C A Ir 6s 49.. 2% 2% 2% Philippine Ry 4s 37.. 4% 3% 4 Phillips Petrol 3s 48 105% 105% 105% PCCAStL 4 %s 42 B . 106% 106% 106% PCCAStL 4Us 42 C— 108% 108% 108% PCCAStL 4%s 77 ... 95 95 95 PCCAStL 6s 70 A- 100% 100% 100% PCCAStL 6s 76 B . _. 102% 101 101 PittAW Va 4 Us 68 A 41% 40 40 PIttsAW Va 4Us 69 B 40% 40% 40% PtttAW Va «Us 60 C. 41% 40 40 Port Gen El I Us 60 68% 66 66 Porto Rico A T 6s 42. 73% 70 73% Porto R A T 6s 42 st. 73% 70 73% Postal Tel AC 6s 63 16% 14% 14% Pub Svc EAG 3 Us 68 111% 111% 111% Pub Svc N 111 3US 68 106% 106% 106% Purity Baking 6s 48. 101 100 100% Reading Jer C 4s 61.. 54 54 54 Reading R 4Us 97 A. 64% 63 63 Rem R’d 4Us 66 ww 97 95 95 Rem Rand 4Us 66 xw 97 95% 95% Republic Stl 4 %s 66 94% 93 93 Republic Stl 4 Ua 61. 92% 91 91 Republle Stl 5Us 64. 104% 103 103 Revere Cop 4Us 66.. 102% 101% 101% Richfield Oil 4e 62... 103% 103% 108% Rio Gr June Ss.39_ S3 88 113 Rio G W col 4s 49 A_ 9 7 7 Roch GAB SU* 69— 106U 105% 105% R 1 A A L 4Us 34_ 6 6 6 8t L IMAS RAG 4a >1 55(4 62(4 52(4 St LiPubSerSs 69_ 56 56 56 St L-San Fr 4a 60 A.. 9 8(4 8(4 St L-San Fr 4a 60 ct.. 8(4 8(4 8(4 St L-8an Fr 4(6s ?S_. 9 8 8 St L-8 F 4Ha 78 ct at 8 7(4 7(4 St L-San F 6s 60 B .. 9(4 9(4 9(| St L-S F 5s 60 B ct ..999 St L Sontb Wn 6s 62. 14 14 14 St LS W ref 6s 90... 8(4 8 8 St P K S L 4(4s 41 — 4(4 4(4 4(4 San AAA Pass 4s 43 59 55 55 San Antonio P S 4s 63 105 105 105 San Diego CGAE 4s65 110 110 110 Scbulco 6(4a 46 B stp 89 38(4 38(4 Seabd A L 48 50 stp.. 7 6(4 6(4 Seabd A L rf 4a 69 . 2(4 2(4 2(4 Seabd A L rf 4s 69 ct. 2(4 2(4 2(4 Seab’d A Leon 6s 46. 4(4 2(4 3 Seabd A LSa45ct 3(4 3(4 3(4 Seabd A F 6s 36 A ct. 1(4 1(4 1(4 Shell Un 011 2 (4s 64.. 94 93(4 93d Silesian Am 7s 41_ 16 15 15 Simmons Co 4s 62_ 98 96 96 Skellr OH 4s 61_ 99(4 99(4 99(4 Socony Vac 3s (4_ 103(4 102(4 102(4 So Ball TAT 8s79_ 102(4 102 102(4 So Bell TAT 146s (2— 106(4 106 106 Southn Cal G 4(4s 61. 107(4 107H 107(4 So Colo Pwr 6s 67 A— 104(4 103(4 103(4 Bottthn Kraft 4 (4 a 44 99(4 99 99(4 So Natl G 4 46a 51_ 104(4 104(4 104(4 1 Martin Reappointed Exchange Chief for One-Year Term Robert Boylan Named Vice Chairman of Governing Board By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, May 21.—The Board of Governors of the New York Stock Exchange yesterday reappointed William McChesney Martin presi dent of the exchange for a one-year term commencing June 1. Martin, who is 32, became chief executive of the exchange more than a year ago following a reor ganization of its administration. He was installed as the first salaried president to serve “at the pleasure of the board.” On the Board of Governors at its organization meeting yesterday were five new members elected last week. Robert P. Boylan, a former presi dent of the Chicago Board of Trade, was named vice chairman of the board, succeeding Charles B. Hard ing, who was made chairman at the May 13 election. Harding and Boylan are members of the exchange and serve in their present capacities on a non-salaried basis. Dividends Announced NEW YORK, May 21.—Dividends de clared (prepared by Fitch Publishing Co.): Extra. Pe- Stk. of Pay __ , _ Rate.riod.record. able. Prankenmuth Brew _.2%c Q 0-5 6-15 Perron Gold Mines. lc fi-1 6-21 Si Joseph Lead 25c . H-7 fl-20 Beech-Nut Packing __25C-_ 6-10 7-1 Interim. Glidden Co- 30c __ 6-18 7-1 Accumulated. Am Pub Svc 1% pf *1.75 __ 5-31 6-20 Central & Southwest Util *7 Dr lien pf $1 75 5-31 6-20 Central & Southwest Util *6 pr lien pf *1.50 __ 5-31 6-20 Wls PAL 7% pf-*1.75.. 5-31 6-16 Wls P&L 0% pf _ *1.50.. 5-31 6-15 Decrease. Johns-Manvllle . ... 75c.. 6-10 6-24 _ Passed. Famtse Corp A. Regular. Alum Co of Am ... *1. 6-31 6-11 Belmont Radio _ 15c O 6-1 6-15 Bond Stores . 40c Q 0-3 6-15 Burlington Steel Ltd ]5c Q 6-15 7-2 Central Eureka Mining Sc 5-31 0-15 Duncan Elec Mfs 25c 0-1 0-15 Edison Bros 8*rs 25c Q 5-31 0-15 Edison Bros Strs pf 6214c Q 5-31 0-15 Eire Storage Battery 50c Q ti-s 0-21). Elec Stor Bat ptc Df 50c Q 6-8 0-2!) lanny Farmer Candy Shops 37%e Q 6-15 7-1 Frankenmuth Brew _.2%c Q 6-5 6-15 Gamewell Co . 75c 6-5 6-15 Gamewell Co Df *1.50 Q 0-5 0-15 Group No 1 OH Corp *50 6-10 0-2* Hall Printing 25c Q 0-5 0-20 Haverly Furr, Cos 25c Q 5-18 5-25 Haverty Furn pf 37 %c Q 0-18 7-1 Humble Oil & Ref 37%c 6-1 7-1 Lake Shore Mines Ltd 50c 0-1 0-15 Mode O Day Corp 25c 0-14 6-24 Monsanto Chemical 50c Q 5-28 0-15 National Oats Co 25c Q 5-21 6-1 Perron Gold Mines 4c Q 6-1 6-21 Quaker Oats . .. _ $1.25 Q 0-1 6-25 Reed Drug . .. .. 10c 6-15 7-1 Reed Drug A _ 8%c Q 0-15 7-1 St Joseph Lead_. 25c Q 6-7 0-->n Scott Paper 40c Q 0-1 6-15 Shepard Niles c * H .50c 5-21 0-1 Standard Oil Co Ky . 25c Q 5-31 0-15 Tecumseh Prod 10c 6-5 6-25 Texon Oil A: Land 10c 6-10 6-28 Thomson Elec Welding *1 5-0 6-1 Universal Commodity C 5c M 5-10 5-27 Western Exploration._2%e Q 6-15 0-20 Beech-Nut Packing _ *1 Q 6-10 7-1 Cutler-Hammer _25c 6-3 0-15 M A Hanna 20c 0-8 6.14 Prudential p« f ■■A”.60c .. 0-1 0-I6 Sutherland Paper ...30o_. 6-3 01-16 Short-Term Securities t Reported by Smith. Barney A Co.) ... , Bid. Asked. Alabama Gt Sou A" 5s 43_ 110'A Alleghany Corp cv 5s 44_ 72% 75 American Tel & Tel 5%s 43. 106% 107 Austin A Northw 5s 41_ 88 05 Central Foundry 6s 41_ . 03 Cen R R Oi 5s 42- 65 58 Chicago Union Sta 4s 44_102% 104 Childs Co 5s 43_ 46 47% Colorado Fu A Iron ns 43. 104', 105 Conn A Passum Ri R R 4s 43 _ __ 88% Container Corp 5s 43 _ 101 102 Cuba Northern Rwys 5%s 42 24 27 Delaware A Hudson 4s 43 _ 43 46 Fed Lt A Traction R* 4" Ini'. 103% Grand Rap A Ind 4%s 41 104% Inti Hvdro-Elec 0s 4! 45 40 Intrrna Merc Mar 6s 41 _ 50% Laclede Gas Light 5s 42 83% 84 Lake Erie A Western 5s 41 88 04 Lehigh Va Term Rwy 5s 41 35 47 Liggett A Myers 7s 44 _ 122% 1 "5 N Y Cen ft Hud Riv 4s 42 __ 00 01 N Y A Long Branch 4s 41 75 Norfolk A South 5s 41_ 55 * «o Pennsylvania Co 4%s 41 . 101% ]o°% Penn-Dixie Cement 6s 41 __ 02% <133; Penn R R Co 4s 43 108% Propies Gas Lt A Coke 6s 43 1103, 113% Phila Balt A Wash 4s 43_100’4 Studebaker Corp Hs 45_ 06% 07% Texas ft New Orl 5s 43_ 02% TOO Union Oil of Calif 6S 42 100% 111% Utah Power A Light 5s 44_loo inn% Warren B-os 6s 41 _ 21 »<! Western N Y A Pa 4s 43._ 108 108% Argentina is granting cash loans to farmers for com on the cob. _ ' .. _ High. Low. Close. So Pao 3%s 46- 44 ’42% 43% So Pae col 4s 49_ 34% 34 34 So Pae ref 4s SS_ 66 64 64 So Pac 4 %s 68- 35 32 32 So Pac 4%s 69- 34% 32 32% So Pao 4%s 81_ 33% 32 32% So Pac Oreg 4%s 77 . 40 35 35 So Pac S F Ter 4s 60 70% 70 70 So Ry gen 4s 56 A 47% 42 42 So Ry 6s 94 - 85% 85% 85% So Ry gen 6s 56- 60 63 54 So Ry 6%s 66 .. 65% 57 69% So Ry St Ldlv 4s 51-. 63 63 63 S W Bell Tel 8s 68 104 102 102 S W Bell Tel 3%s 64 109% 109 109 Staley 4s 46- 103% 103% 103'v Stand Oil N J 2%s 63 101% 101 101 Stand Oil N J 3s 61 . 102% 101% 102% Studebaker ey 6s 46 95% 81 81 Ter RR As StL 4a 61. 108% 108% 108% Texas Corn 3s 69 103 102% 102% Texas Corn 3 %s 51 103% 103% 103% Texas ft Pac 6s 77 B 56 56 56 Texas & Pec 6s 79 C— 56% 66% 65% Tex & Pac 6s 80 D... 57 65 65 Third AT ref 4s 60 _. 48 45 45% Third Av ad16s 60 15 11% 12% Tide Wat ©11 3%s 62 105% 105% 106% Un El<Mo)3%g 62 . 106% 106% 106% Union OU<Cal)3s 69. 101 100% 100% Un Paclfle 8%s 70.... 93 92% 93 Un Pacific 3 %s 71 ._ 94 93 93 Un Pacltlo let 4s 47 .. 113% 112% 112% Un Pac ref 4s 2008 108H 108H 108JJ Utd Cgr W Strs 6s 62 62 62 62 United Drug 6s 63 .. 79% 75% 75% Utd N J R 4s 44_109% 109% 109% US Steel 3%s 48_ 103H I08H 103H Utah L&T 6e 44_ 100 96 96 Utah Pw: & Lt 6s 44. 99 97 97 Va El ft P 3 %e 68 B._ 108% 108% 108% Va Ry 1st 344* 66._ 106 102 102 Wabash 4 %s 71 C_ 4% 4% 4% Wabash 1st 6s 39_ 35 33% 33%, Wabash 2d 6s 89_ 13 12 12 Wabash 6s 78 B_ 4% 4% 4% Wabash 6%s 75 - 5% 4% 4% Wabash Det 5s 41_ 44% 44% 44% Walker H&S 4%s 45. 102% 102% 102% Warner Bros 6s 48 .. 84 83 83 Warren Bros ct 6s 41 21 19 19 Wash Term 8 H* 45 107% 107% 107% Westcht L gn 3 %s 67 106% 106% 106% West Pfcnn P 8%s 66 109 109 109 W Pa Pw 1st 6s 63 E 116 116 116 West Sh 1st 4s 2361 40 40 40 W Sh 1st 4s 2361 reg 35% 35 35 West Va PftP 3s 64.. 99% 99% 99% West Md 1st 4s 62 76 75 75 West Md 6%s 77 86 86 86 West Pacific 6s 46 A 12% 10% 10% West Pac 6s 46 A as. 10% 10% 10% West Union 4%s 50— 66 54 54 West Union 6s 61_ 69% 67% 67% West Union 6s 60 .. 58 52 52 Wheel Steel 4%s 66- 96% 99 99 Wilkes B&B 6s 42 ... 10% 9% 9% Wilson ft Co 3 %s 47. 99% 98 98 Wilson ft Co 4s 66... 105% 104 104 Wis Cent 1st gn 4s 49 15% 13% 13% WlsCSftDT4sS6_ 5% 5 5 Wis El Pw 3%s 68_106% 106% 106% Wis Pub Svo 4s 61_108% 108% 108% Toungsfn SftT «a 48. 102% 101% 101% Toungsfn SftT 4a II. 101% 101 101% NEW YORK CURB EXCHANGE By orlvatc win direct to Tbs Star. Stock and Sales— Dividend Rate. Add 00. Hith. Low. Close. Acme Wire .65e.. 60s 15% 13 13 Aero Sup B .20k.. 17 5% 6 5% Ainsworth .26k_ 4 4% 4 4 Air Assoc*(.60)— 2 11% 11% 11% Air Investors- 19 2% 1% 1% Air Invest war_ 4 % % % Ala Gt Sou (Ik).. 100s 66% 62% 62% Ala Power pf <7) 3Gs 93 93 93 Alliance Invest.. 2 % % % Ail’d Inti pf (lk). 100s 4 3% 3% Allied Prod (1) - 300s 9 9 9 Alum Co Am (2e) 2300s 153 141 146 Alum Co pf (6) 150s 110 109% 109% Alum Goods .20e. 1 17 17 17 Alum Indus .15e. 150s 6% 5% 5% Alum Ltd <3e)_ 600s 73% 65 68 Am Book (4)_ 40s 40 39 39 Am Box Board_ 3 4% 4% 4% Am Capital (A).. 1 1% 1% 1% Am City P & Lt (A) ww (2.75h) 2 28% 28% 28% Am City PAL.(B) 7 % % % Am Cynam B 60. 70 29 26 26% Am Export .50e.. 31 11 8% 9% Am & For P war. 2 % % % Am Fork & H.70e 60s 10% 10% 10% Am Gas & El 1.60 61 27% 25% 27% Am General_ 6 2% 2% 2% Am Gen pf (2) 300s 26% 24 25 Am Gen pf(2.50). 100s 28 26% 27% Am Hard Rubber 350s 13% 11 11 Am Laund M .80a 4 15 14 14 Am Lt&Trac 1.20 21 12% 11% 11% Am Mfg (.25e)._. 200s 16 13% 13% Am Maracaibo 5 % % % Am Meter(1.60e) 1 23 23 23 Am Pot&C 4.76k. 75s 80 70 70 Am Republics 34 6% 5% 5% Am Seal-Kap ,12e 7 4% 4 4 Am Superpower. 9 fr % % Am Superpwr pf. 5 7 6 6 Am Thread pf .26 1 3 3 3 Anchor Post F 1111 Angostura - 1111 Apex Elec (.zae). iu iu 8% 8% Appal E P pf <7)_ 100s 113 11U* 111'* Ark Nat Gas_ 5 1% lVi 1* Ark Nat Gas(A) 11 1% lVa 1% Ark Nat Gpf .60k 13 6% 6'*' 6* Art Metal W ,15e. 4 4*4 4 Ashland O&R .48 6 4* 4* 4* Asso G & Elec(r). 2 * * * AssoG&E (AKr) 20 ft ft ft Assoc G&E pf (r) 2 1% IV 1% Atl Gas Lt pf (6). 10s 104% 104% 104% Atl Coast Fish . 9 2'4 2 2 Atl Coast L <lg). 100s 13 13 13 Atlas Corp war 2 ft % % Atlas Drop F ,20a 12 2 2 Atlas Plyw ,625e 4 1354 12* 12* Auto Vot M (.60). 4 4% 4 4 Avery & Sons- 14 4 4 Aviation & Trans 116 3* 2* 2% Alton Fisher A 150s 38 35 35 Babcock & W.20e 12 20* 18% 19* Baldwin Lo war. 51 6% 4* 6* Baldw L pf 2.10 250s 21% 18 18 Baldwin Rub.SOa 4 5 4% 4% Barium Stain Stl 1 % % % Barl&Seel A 1.20. 100s 8* 8* 8% Basic Dot .1256.. 5 4* 4 4 Bath iron „ 72 11* 9* 9% Beech Aircraft.. 41 6 4*- 4% Bellanca Aircraft 6 5 4% 4% Bell Aircraft ... 104 20* 17 18* Berk & Gay Fur.. 2 * Vi Vi Bickfords (.6UeV_ 100s 12 12 12 Bickfords pf 2.50 100s 38 38 38 I Birdsboro Fdry.. 1 4* 4* 4* Bliss (EWl ... 146 16* 13* 13* Blue Ridge _ 6 % % % Blue R cv pf(3h) 2 37 36 36 Blumenthal (S).. 2 4* 4 4 Bohack(HC) _. 5 1% 1% 1% BohackiH Cllst. 250s 20 16* 16* Borne Scryms 2e 150s 30 29 29 Bourjois (lg> 2 5 4% 4* Bowman-Blit 1st 60s 4 4 4 Brazilian TrL&P 5 4 3% 3% Breeze Corp 50g 9 6* 4% 4* Brewster Aero . 67 11% 9 10% Bridgp t Machine 9 1% 1* 1* Bridgp’t Mch pf. 30s 30 30 30 Brill (A) 3 2% 2* 2* Brill pf . ... 100s 22 22 22 BrllloMfg (.80).. 2 12* 12 12 Brown Co pf (r). 600s 21* 15 18 Brown F & W_ 1 2* 2* 2* Brown Rubber 3 1% 1% 1* Buckeye P L (2e) 100s 33 33 33 B N&EP pf 160.. 5 17 16* 16* B N&EP 1st (5).. 60s 95 95 95 Bunker Hill 50e. 19 10* 9 9* Burma Ltd .Q56e_ 1 54 * * Cable Elec Prod- 2 ft «‘ # Cable El Pro vtc. 7 ft ft tt Calamba Sag 1.60 2 12% 12* 12%. Calllte Tungsten 10 1% 1%' 1% Can Col Airways. 18 6* 5*- 5* Can In (A) .15g_. 4 1% 1* 1* Can Mar W 04e 34 % * * Cap City Pro .15e 60s 7 7 7 Carlb Syndicate. 19 * % % Carman (B)_.. 1 5* 5* 5* Carnation (la)._ 4 30* 29 29 Carnegie Met- 10 * * * Caro P&L pf <7). 120s 100* 99 99 Carrier Corp . 24 7* 5* 6 Casco Prod (le). 6 6% 6* 6* Catlln (Am)'... 7 2* 2* 2* Celan pte pf (7a) 100s 106 103V* 103* Celluloid pf__ 25s 25 25 25 Cent HG&E (.80) 3 14% 14* 14* Cent NY Pw pf 5 80s 92 91* 92 Cent Oh Stl 30e 4 8% 6* 6* Cent & Sown Util 3 ft ft ft Cent States Elec 3 * * % Cent St E 67„ pf 100s 7» 54 % Charts Corp .60.. 100s 5 5 5 Chesebro (4a) __ 50s 98 98 98 Chi FlexS (5a) . 200s 62* 59 59 Chi Rivet (.25e). 2 6 6 6 Childs pf .... 250s 13% 13 13 Cities Service... 27 5* 4% 5 Cities Service pf. 14 67* 65 65* Cities Svc pf (B). 1 5% 5% 5% ; Cities Svc BB pf. 110s 62 60 61 i Cities Svc P&L (7) pf 15.75k 10s 85 85 85 City Auto Stpg.60 7 5 44 44 Clev Eleo 111 (2a) 60s 34 34 84 Clev Tractor . 11 5 4 4Vi Clinchfield Coal.. 2 14 14 14 Club Alum Uten 4 24 24 24 Cohn & Rosen.60i 6 64 6 6 Colon Develop 3 14 1 1 Colon Dev 6% pf. 3 44 4 . 4 Col Fuel & 1 war 18 44 34 34 Colts Pat F A (2) 250s 77 70 70 Col G & E pf (5) 125s 62 60 604 Columb OH & Gas 7 14 14 14 Comwlth & S war 2 ft ft ft Comfy P S 1.30a. 300s 29 25 25 Compo Shoe (1).. 3 134 13 13 Conn Tel & Elec. 7 4 4 4 Consol Biscuit 12 2 2 Cons G&E Bo S.60 7 714 694 714 Consol Gas Util . 4 14 1 Vi 14 Consol M&S <la) 400s 20 194 194 Cons Retail Strs. 7 2 14 14 Cons Steel Corp.. 6 34 34 34 Conti Roll & Stl 9 54 44 44 Cook Paint (.60). 150s 74 7 7 Cooper Bess 6 74 64 64 Coop-B'prpf2.2Sk 2 24 234 234 Copper Range .. 500s 34 34 34 Cosden Petrolm. 11 14 14 14 Cosden Petr pf—. 9 8 64 64 Creole Petr 60a 19 164 154 154 Crocker-Wheeler 5 34 34 34 Croft Brewing - 20 ft ft ft Crown Cent Petr. 3 24 24 24 Crn Ck Xnt A 60k 4 64 54 54 Crown Drug 05e. 3 1 1 1 Crown D pf 1.75 . 25s 184 184 ■ 184 Cuban Atl Sug Co 14 64 54 54 Cuban Tobacco , . 5 14 14 14 Cun Press pf 6.50 50s 108 108 108 Darby Petroleum 10 34 3 34 Dayton Rub .60e_ 250s 114 94 94 Dayton RlA)(2). 60s 214 214 214 Decca Rec .60- 4 44 44 44 Dennison (A) . 1 4 4 4 Dennls'n pr pf 3e 25s 19 19 19 Det Gasket (.50e) 18 8 8 Det G&M pf 1.20. 1 154 164 154 Det Gray Ir .0*a 6 14 14 14 1 Det Stl Prod .25* 2 14 13 13 Divco Twin Trk 6 7 6% 54 Domln Stl ft Coal 5 44 44 44 Dubiller Con .07e 4 14 14 14 Duke Power .75e. 300s 69 64 66 Duro-Test -.8 1 4 4 Duval Tex S .25e. 1 64 54 64 Eagle Pitcb Dead 15 74 7 74 Bast’ll Gas&Fuel 7 2 14 14 Eastn GftF 6 pf 350s 144 124 124 Eastn Gas & Fuel prpf (1.125k)) 400s 38 28 28 Eastern States.. 1 % 4 4 Eastn Sts pf A... 175s 15 13 14 Eastn Sts pf B . 25s 14 14 14 Easy W <B) 125e 4 24 24 24 Econ'y G S .25e._ 50s 134 134 134 Eleo Bond ft Sb . 337 44 3 4 4 Eleo B ft S pf (6) 9 464 42 424 Eleo B ft 8 pf (() 11 554 52 52 Eleo PAD war.. 5 1 4 4 Eleo P&D 2d of A 250s 104 74 74 Electrographic 1. 5 104 104 104 Emerson Electrie 5 34 34 34 EmpG&F6%pf. 20s 60 60 60 Emp GftF 7 % pf. 60s 654 65 65 Equity Corp.i... 62 4 4 4 Equity cv pf (I). 50s 21 21 21 Esquire (.60)_ 6 34 3 S Fairchild Avia_ 26 * 74 84 Fairchild E ft A— 87 64 44_64 1 Stock and Sale*— Dividend Rate. Add 00. Hllh. low. Close. Falstmff Brew .<0 4 7 7 7 Fanny Farm 1.50 250s 19 18 1814 Fansteel Metal - 6 9ft 8ft 9 Fodders Mfg .15a 1 6ft 6ft 6ft Ftdalio Brew- 41 ft ft ft Fla P&L pf S.94k 400s 90 84ft 85 FordlCaniAU) 5 9ft 9 9 Ford Can (B)(1)- 100s 9 9 9 Ford (.He). 8 1ft 1ft 1ft Fox Brew (la) .. 60s 14ft 14ft 14ft Froedt cv pf 1.20. . 2 17ft 17 17 Fruehauf T .60s- 19 22ft 20 20 Fuller pf. (4)_ 50s 33 80 30 Gamewell pf (6). 20s 86 86 86 Gen Alloys- 8 11 1 Gen Flreprf ,26e. 5 10 9ft 10 Gen Invest- 1 & & 4 Gen Invest pf_ 25s 60 60 50 Gen Sharebold... 5 ft ft ft Gen T&R pf A(«) 30s 102ft 102ft 102ft GenWG&Epfd) 25s 32 32 32 Gilbert (AC)_ 2 4ft 4ft 4ft Gilbert pf (3.50). 60s 46 46 46 Glen Alden ,125e. 27 6ft 5ft 5ft Godchaux A (2). 150s 21 20 20 Godchaux (B)_ 4 6ft 5 5 Godchaux pf (7). 25s 98ft 98ft 98ft Gorham inc pf ... 60s 13 13 13 Gorham M 1.50e.. 2 20ft 20 20 Grand Rap V .40. 1 5 6 5 Gray Mtg .. 4 5 6 6 G A&Pny (5e). 375s 96 90 90 G A&P 1st pf (7) 25s 123ft 123ft 123ft GrtNor Pap (le) 100s 39 39 39 Greentleld T & D. 3 7ft 7 7 Grocery Prod_; 2 1% 1ft 1ft Gulf Oil of Pad) 12 31ft 30 30 Hall Lamp (.60e) 1 7ft 7ft 7ft Ham'ermlll .25e 400s 23 20ft 20ft Harv’d Brew ,05e 2 1ft 1ft 1ft Hat Corp (B).30e 1 5ft 5ft 6ft Hazeltme (3)_ 5 20ft 16 16 Hearn Dept Strs 2 1ft 1ft 1ft Hearn DSpf 1.50k 100s 12 12 12 Hecla Min ,20e... 2 4ft 4ft 434 Helena H( A Ml) 400s 8ft 8 8 Heller (WE) ,40a 1 7ft 7ft 7ft Heller pf ww 1.75 100s 23ft 23ft 23ft Hewitt Rub .25e -1 8% 8% 8% Heyden Chem (3) 100s 70 65% 65% Hires (CE) „60e. 2 14 13% l|h Hoei R)& Co A_ 3 6% 6% 6% Hollinger G 65a. 3 6% 6% 6% Holophane .50e.. 1 10 10 10 Horn & Hard (2) 150s 30 28 28 Horn&Har pf (5) 60s 110% 110% 110% Humble Oil 376e 12 50 48% 49 Hum’l-Ross .15e. 7 6% 6% 6% Hygrade Food 2 1% 1% 1% Hygrade Syl.625e 300s 36 33 34 llllnols-la Power 8 3 2% 2% Ill-la Power of . 12 23% 21% 22% 111-la Pwr dlv ct. 5 5 4% 4% Imp Oil Ltd 60a. 5 7% 7 7 ImpOilreg 60a 2 6% 6% 6% ImpTob Can 40a 1 9% 9% 9% Ind Ter 111 (A).1 % % % Ind Ter 111 (B)_ 1 % % % Ind Svc 6% pf... 60s 12'% 10 10 Ind Svc 7% pf ... 20s 12% 12% 12% Indus Finan pf.. 50s 10 9% 9% Ins Co N Am 2a.. 350s 57% 51% 51% Int Cigar M (2).. 1 19 19 19 Int Hydro El pf.. 8 6% 6 6 int lndust (.log) 8 1% IV* IV* Int Met Ind (A). 100s 5 5 5 int Pa&Pwr war. 127 2% 2% 2% Int Petrolm 1.50. 23 10% 10% 10% Int Products ,25e 13 3 3 Int Utilities (A). 1 6V* 6% 6V* Int Utilities pf 60s 9 9 9 Int Vitamin <.30) 4 2% 2% 2% interst H Eq .60 6 7% 7% 7% Iron Fire vtc 1.20 250s 14 12 12 Irving AlrCh (1) 5 14 12% 12% Jacobs Co 11 2 1% 1H Jer CP&L pf 6.50 25s 85 85 85 Jer CP&L pf (6). 10s 94 94 94 Jer CP&L pf 47»_ 20s 99% 99% 99%, Jones & Lau Stl 13 21% 18V* 21 Kennedy’s (65e). 2 5% 5% 5% Kgs C Ltd pi B 7. 10s 85 85 85 Kingston Prod __ 15 1% 1 1 Kirby Petroleum 16 2% 2 2 Kreuger Brew 60 2 4% 4% 4% LakeSh M (le).. 6 13% 13 13 Lakey Fdry&M. 11 2% 2% 2% Lane-Wells (la). 3 10 9% 9% Lehigh Coal- 13 1% 1% 1% Leonard Oil_ 2 % % % Le Tourneau (1). 2 23 22% 22% Line Material.l5e 250s 8% 8 8 Lit Brothers_ 3 1% 1 1 Locke Steel 1.20. 1000s 10% .10 10% Lone Star .20e .. 22 8% 8 8% Long Island Ltg. 17 1" % '% Long lsl Lt pf B. 200s 28 27% 27% [ Long lsl Ltg pf.. 225s 28 25 25 Loudon Packing. 2 1% 1% 1% La Land&Ex 10a 44 4% 3% 3% La P&Lpf (6) 20s 99 99 99 Lynch Corp (2).. 200s 23% 23 23% McWill’msDredg 10 5 4% 4% Manatl Sug war. 29 ft % ^ Mangel Strs pf.. 100s 32 30 30 Mapes Consol (2) 1 25 25 25 Marlon St Shovel 5 2% 2% 2% Massey-Harris . 4 2 1% 1% Master Elec .60e. 500s 28% 26% 28% Mead John 13a). 120s 138 126 126 Memph NG.15e__ 4 3% 3% 3% Merr-Chap & S 2 2 2 2 Merr-Ch & S pf A 25s 55 55 55 Mesa hi Iron 12 % % % Metal Textile.lOe 1 .2% 2% 2% Metro Ed pf (6). 30s 105% 105% 105V* Mien Bumotr . 2 4 4 4 Mich Steel .30e 100s 44 44 44 Mid St Petr A 63« 6 34 34 34 Mid St Pet B ,10e 2 & fj, & Midl'd O cvpf 50k 100* 54 54 54 Midland Stl (le). 450s 15 14 14 Midvale Co (le). 150s 100 98 98 Mid WestCorp _ 7 54 ■ 54 54 Midwest Oil .90.. 3 64 64 64 Minn M & S ,60e_. 175s 52 50 50 Mock Jnd V 25e_. 4 6 54 54 Molybdenum 25* 44 6 54 54 Monarch M 1.50e. 1 36 36 36 Mont Ward A(7) 20s 150 150 150 Moore (T) St- 14 4 4 Mount City C_ 113 24 24 24 Mount Prod (.60) 2 5 5 5 Mount Sta P (le) 3 12 12 12 Murray (O) .25*. 17 7 7 Muskegon .35e 100s 13 13 13 Muskogee_100s 7 7 7 Nachman Sp .50* 1 84 8 4 84 Nat Auto(.40e)._ 7 64 54 54 Nat Bella Hess.. 8 4 Vi 4 Nat City L 25* _ 4 144 124 124 Nat Cont (.45e)._ 9 94 74 74 Nat Fuel Gas <1) 15 104 104 104 Nat Oil Prod .25* 4 324 32V* 324 Nat P & L pf <6) 425s 84 78 79 Nat Rubber Mart 12 34 34 34 Nat Steel Car (2) 25s 25 25 25 Nat Sugar Refln 17 74 7 74 Nat Tea pf . 100s 54 54 64 Nat Tranp't ,50e. 5 10 94 94 Nat TunnelAMin 16 14 14 14 Navarro Oil 40a 3 94 9 9 Nehi Corp(1.25e) 30 9 4 84 84 Neptune M (A) 1 64 64 54 NEPA 67« pf (3k) 150s 584 55 55 New Haven Clock 1 44 44 44 New Idea (.60) . _ 4 114 104 104 N J Zinc (le)_ 950s 53 494 494 NY Auction _ 1 24 24 24 N Y Hon R.75*.. 500s 17 154 164 NY P&L pf (7) . 30s 109 109 109 NY Shlpb'g fd ah 6 134 11 11 Nlag Hudson Pw 31 34 34 34 Nlag Hud A war 10 A * * Nlag S Md B .25g 2 34 34 34 Niles-Bem-P .60* 9 69 50 50 Nlplsslng M ... 1 4 4 4 Noma Electric_ 9 34 34 34 Nor Am L.t & Pwr 28 4 4 4 Nor Am LAP pf 225s 70 67 67 N A Rayon A .50* 3 154 154 154 Nor A R prpf (S) 60s 48 48 48 No Cent Tex ,20g 6 24 24 24 NIPS 6% pf 1.60k 60s 98 95 97 North'n P Ii ,40e 4 64 6*4 64 North’n Sta P (A) 13 84 7 74 N West Eng(.50e) 150a 12*4 124 124 Ohio Brass B.50* 200s 20 194 194 Ohio Edlspf (6). 25s 98 98 98 Ohio OH pf 16) 50s 984 984 984 Ohio P S pf A (7) 20s 110 110 110 Ollstocks l.40a) 16 6 6 Okla Nat Oas 26c 13 154 134 14 Okla Nat O pf 12) 150s 42 414 414 Okla NG cvpf 5.(0 50s 104 103 103 Oldetyme Dlst 50 4 3 4 34 Omar, Inc_ 60s 6 6 6 Pac Gas8%pfl.(0 3 294 284 284 Pao P & L pf (7). 10s 754 754 754 Pantepeo 011 106 3 24 24 Parkbg R&R ,25c 5 64 6 64 Peninsular T (2) 50s 294 294 294 Pennroad 38 14 ,14 14 Pa-Oent Airlines 18 14 114 12 PennGftE(A) 14 4 4 Penh P&L pf (6) 20s 101 100 100 Penn Salt (5.25e) 25s 164 164 164 PennW&PM) 300s 604 59 59 Pepperetl (3a) .. 225s 61 59 59 Phans T&R 16e. 2 44 44 44 FhllaCo (,36e) _ 2 54 54 54 Phlla El Ppf (2). 60s 304 304 304 Phillips Packing 3 4 3% 34 Phoenix Secur 136 7 4 5 54 Phoenix Secur pf 450s 25 204 204 Plane Got (.3(e) 1 12 12 12 Pioneer Gold .40 19 14 14 14 Pltney-Bowes .40 10. 6H* 64 64 Pitts Pprg t.26e) 11 84 8 8 Pitts * LE (2e). 250s 61 48 484 / Stock and Sales— Dividend Rate Add 00. High. Low. Close* Pitta Metal .2Se 6 9% 9% 9% Pitts Plate G(2e) 6 79% 78 79% Pleasant V~W .05e 1 1% 1 % 154 Potrero Sugar... 7 % % %‘ Powdrell & A ,20e 22 8% 8 3 Pratt & Lam .60a 1 16% 16% 16% Premier Gold .12. 5 % % % Prent Hall 2.80.. 76a 36 34% 34% Press Metals ,60a 6 6% 4% /%' Producers Corp_ 4 4k % % Prosperity (B)_ 1 2% 2% 2% Provld Gas .60_ 2 8% 8% 8% Prudential Iny_ 3 6% 6 5 ; Pb 8vo Ind S6 pf. 100s 40 86 35 P 8 Ind 27 prpf. 275s 78% 67 70 Pub 8 Ok pi pf («) 10a 100 100 100 ‘ Pug Sd 25pf 1.26k 175s 67 68 68 Puget Sd P 28 pf 550s 18 15 15 Pug Sd Pulp 1.25e 16 19 16 16 Pyrene (.20«)- 1 6% p% SH, Quaker Oata (6). 60s 110 110 110 . Quaker Oata pf 6. 180s 160 142 142 Quebec Pwr (1).. 25s 8 8 8 Raym d Concrete 300s 8% 7% 7% Red Bank Oil_ 1 % % Reed Roll B (la). 6 17% 16% 16%* Reeves (D)(.60). 8 4% 4% 4% Rellanc E&E .25a 800s 11% 11% 11%* Republlo Avlat’n. 107 5% 4%. 6 - Rheem Mfg (1).. 3 13% 12% 12% Rice Styx DG.50e 2 4 4 4 Richmond Rad... 4 1% 1% 1% RloGr G vte_ 23 % % % Roch G&E pf C 6. 60a 95 95 95 ft Roch G&E pf D 6. 75s 100 99% 99% Roes & Pend (1). 1 11 n n . Rome Cable .20s. 5 8% 6 6- f Roosevelt Field— 2 2 2 2 - Root Petroleum.. 3 1% 1% 1% Root Petrol pf... 1 6% 5% 6% Royal Typ (2e).. 60s 47 47 47 ‘ Russeks Fifth Av 2 2% 2% 2%* Rustless l&S .16a 15 10 8% 8% Rust l&S pf 2.60. 60s 40 40 40 Ryan Consol- 4 174 1% mr' Ryerson H_ 8 % % % si .Lawrence Ltd. 1 2 2 2 -» St Kegl* Paper.. 146 2% 2H 2% St Regis Pap pf.. 300s 69 62 62 Salt Dome Oil_ 26 6% 4% 4% SchifTCoU)- 3 10 10 10 J Scovlll i.Zfie) ... 16 26% 22% 23 Scranton L(,50e). 40s 23% 23% 23% Scullln Steel_ 6 5% 4% 4%. Scullln Steel war. 9 tt 4 ■& Secur Corp Gen . 4 % H <% • Seeman Bros .7 5e 1 35% 36% 35%‘ Segal Lock ..11 4* % % Seiberllng Rub.. 15 4% 3% 3% Select Industries 1 % % 44 Select Ind cv pf.. 100s 2% 2% 2%. Sel Ind al ct 6.60. 600s 44 40 40 Sel Ind pr pf 6.60 100s 44 43 43 Sentry Saf Con 8 & % £ Shattuck-D(.lOe) 34 4% 3% 3%‘ Sher-Wlil 1.50e.. 800s 74% 71% 74 »“ Sher-Wll) pf (6). 70s 108% 106 106 Silex Co (1.20a).. 14 8 8 8, Simmons H & P.. 18 4% 4 4 Singer Mfg <6> . 30s 118 116 118 Sioux CG&E pf 7. 100s 96 95 95 Solar Mfg. ..... 9 % % Sonotone (.05e)__ 2 1% 1% 1% ’ Soss Mfg ,0625e.. 1 3% 3% 3% South Coast __ 2 1% 1% i% So Penn 011 1.60. 3 32% 31% 31% S Cal Ed pf 1.50a. 100s 40 40 40 S C Ed pf B 1.60 . 1 28% 28% 28% S C Ed pfC 1.376. 1 25 25 25 ' SoColPwr(^)2 1% 1% 1% Southern P L ,25e 4 8 7% 7%/ South n On Gas.. 6 2% 2% 2% So’land Roy 05e 3 5% 5% Spald (AG) 1st pf 110s 10% 10 10 Stand C & S ,60e. 4 8 6% 6%. Stand Oil Ky (1). 18 18% 16% 16%: Stand Oil O (1)._ 8 30% 27% 27% Stand Pwr * Lt . 12 % * * Stand P&L pf(B) 2 % % %» Stand P&L pf ... 60s 22 22 22 Stand Prod 60s.. 4 7% 6% 6%t Stand Stl Sp ,60a. 24 24 20 21 — Starrett vtc_ 9 % & £ Sterchl Bros_ 12 2% 2 2% Sterling Alum_ 3 6 6% 5% Sterling Brew- 1 m m m Sterling Inc (.20) 7 1% 1% 1% Stroock & Co- 200s 8% 8% 8% Sulllvan Mach... 2 7 6% 6V4~ SunrayOil Oae 131 1% 1% 1% Sun'y O cv pf 2.75 3 35% 34 34 Taggart - 20 3% 2% 2% Tampa Elec 2.24. 1 26% 26% 26%. Taylor! KylDlst. 4 % % % Technicolor .60*. 47 10% 8% 8%' Texon Oil (.10e). 8 2% 2% 2% Thew Shovel ... 550s 15% 12% 12% Tilo Roof 4.66a).. 3 9% 9% 9% Tob & All Stks le 100s 48% 48% 48% ' Tob Prod Exp.40g 2 4 4 4 * Todd Shlpy’d .75# 25s 56 66 56 Tol Ed pf (6)_100s 97H 95 97 Toledo Ed pf (7). 50s 106% 106% 106% Tonopah Mining. 1 ft * ft Trans-Lux l.lOe) 6 1 1 1 - Transwest Oil... 18 2% 2% 2% Trl Conti war_ 1 flr Tubize Chatillon. 16 5% 5 5 Tubize Chat A le 100s 22% 20% 20% Tung-Sol Lamp 6 2 1% 1% Tung-Sol L pf .30 1 6% 6% 6% * Udviite i.lOe) 22 34 34 34 Ulen & Co pf A... 2 4 Vi 14* Unexcelled Mfg 3 14 14 14 Union Invest .10e 1 24 24 24’ UnPremFS(l). 1 15 15 15 * Unit Alrc t P lOe 17 124 11 114 Unit Chemical 1 84 84 84 - Utd Ch ptpf 1.50k 100s 614 614 614 Unit Cgr Whelan 60 4 4 4 United Corp war. 4 4 4 4* United Gas .. 36 14 1 14 United Gas war.. 2 V* 4 4* Unit Gas pf 4.50k 2 90 89 89 1 Unit G&E pf (7). 10s 81 81 81 Unit Lt&Pwr (A) 13 4 £ Unit L & P <B) 2444 Unit Lt&Pwr pf_. 34 204 164 18 .. Unit Milk (le)_ 75s 20V4 20 20 Unit Sh M 2.50a 275s 604 594 604 ' Unit Sh M pf 1.60 30s 424 424 424' Unit Specialties.. 7 44 34 34» US Foil (Bl ... 26 44 34 34* U S & Inti Secur.. 3 4 4 Vi„ U S & 1 S pf 1.25k 75s 54 63 54 , U S Lines pf ... 20 24 14 14' U S PlyWd .60e._ 0 22 214 214 U S Plyw pf 1.60. 60s 264 264 264 ‘ US Radiator- 1 14 14 14 U S Rub Reclaim. 8 4 3 34 •• U S Stores _ 14 4 Va*, Unit Wall Paper. 30 14 14 14. Univ Corp vtc .. 15 3 24 24 . Univ Prod .80e__. 150s 15 144 144 ’ Utah Idaho Sug.. 2 14 14 14 . Utility Equities. 144^ Utility Equitpf. 175s 434 404 404 Utllity&Indus pf 11 14 14 14 ValsparCorp ... 5 1 4 4 Van Norman .40a 300s 24 22 22 Venezuela Petrol 7444 Va Pub Serv pf.. 80s 65 65 65 Voght Mfg ,40e._ 2 84 74 74 Waco Aircraft 7 44 4 4 Wagner Bak ,25e. 16 6 6 Walker Mining 1 4 4 4 Wellington Oil_ 2 2 2 2 West Va C & C— 8 14 14 14 Western Air Exp 11 44 34 34 Westn Md 1st pf. 70s 34 314 314 ~ Western Tab &S 50s 144 144 144 Wey'berg Shoe.. 100s 64 54 54 Wichita Riv Oil.. 11 54 64 54 WlH’ms (RC)- 3 44 44 44 Wilson-Jones.25e 7 64 6 6 Wolverine Pt C._ 4 34 34 34 Woodley Pet .40.. 2 44 44 44 Wright Harg.40a 25 3 4 3 4 34 r Jn bankruptcy or receivership or betne reorganized under the Bankruptcy Act. or securities assumed by such companies. Rates of dividends tn the foregoing table are annual dlsburiements baaed on the lest Quarterly or semi-annual dtclara tton Unless otherwise noted, special or extra dividends are not Included, a Alto extra or extras d Accumulated dividends ua'd ast rear e Declared or paid so far this rear t Payable m stock, g Paid a St year h Cash or stock k Accumu iated dividends oald ot declared this fear ur Under rule ww With warrantk gw Without warrants war Warrantk | Boston Wool Market BOSTON, Mir 21 UP) (V. 8. Dent, of Agriculture).—There was very littlebual ness being transacted In wool today on the Boston market. Quotations were steady on spot wools aJ <£i w*5, reported being quoted fiigJt»!,« eas, 'r i. Oood .French combing* length fine territory wools In original bags were quoted mostly at 82 to 83 cents' SiShth? JS5,*1*' Country-packed three eighths and quarter-blood bright fleece for shipment from the country were 2“°ted mostly at 37 to 38 cents. In the grease, delivered to users, little demand for these wools was reported here but some local mills were reported active In tne country. Freight Loadings NEW YORK, May 21 IIP).—Revenue freight carloadlngs on ralroads reporting ‘oday for the week ended May 18 Included: _ ,, May 18. Prev. wk. Yr. ago. Burlington_ 20,377 20.556 20.388 Frisco ... 12.258 12.402 11.508 Missouri Pacific_ 21.182 21.546 19.904 New Haven 21.489 20.922 20.089 Norfolk & West’n 22.977 24.694 Northwestern_ 20.817 28.927 N. Y. Central... 78.819 - Illinois Central . 29,202 Southern Pacific^ 27.945 St. Paul._ 25,590 }