OCR Interpretation

Evening star. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1854-1972, May 22, 1940, Image 17

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045462/1940-05-22/ed-1/seq-17/

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Bond Prices Mixed
In All Divisions as
Selling Diminishes
Buying of Domestic
Corporates Broadens
During Final Hour
Bond Averages
20 10 10 10
Rtlli. Indutt. Util. p«o.
Net change —.4 —.3 —.7 +.3
relay, close *49.0 *99.2 *906 37.7
Prev. day.. 49.4 99.5 91.3 37.4
Month ago. 58.1 103.2 97.0 47.4
Year ago... 54.8 99.8 95.8 61.3
1940 high.. 59.9 103.6 97.5 53.5
1940 low... 49.0 99.2 90.6 37.4
1939 high.. 64.9 102.0 97.5 64.0
1939 low... 53.4 95A 90.4 41.7
10 Low-Yield Bonds.
Close.... 108.5 Prev.day. 108.5
M’nth ago 112.6 Year ago. 112.0
1940 high 113.2 1940 low. 108.5
1939 high 112.6 1939 low 103.6
•New 1940 low.
(Compiled by the Auoclated Prett.)
By the Associated Press.
NEW YORK, May 22.—Rallies of
minor force occurred in parts of the
bond list today as war fright selling
Near the final hour prices were
Well mixed In all divisions.
Gains ranging to 3 points weie
posted for Germany 7s of ’49 and
»y2s of ’85, Denmark 4%s, Copen
hagen 5s, Belgium 6%s and 6s.
Depressed by as much were Aus
tralia 5s, Brisbane 5s, French un
stamped 7s of ’49 and Canada 2%s.
Italian bonds were irregular.
Rails made the best comeback
In the domestic division. Liens of
companies affected by overseas de
velopments retreated under consid
erable pressure.
Among gainers of as much as a
point were Southern Railway 4s,
Frisco 4%s of '78, Missouri, Kansas,
Texas 5s of ’62, Baltimore St Ohio
stamped convertibles, Montana
Power 3%s, Illinois Central 4Vis and
Northwestern 4Vis of '49.
Losers included International Tel
ephone 5s, American St Foreign
Power 6s, Texas Corp. 3'/2s and
Goodrich 4Vis.
United States Governments fluc
tuated irregularly. Near-term is
sues gave way as much as % point,
but longer dates attracted moderate
Buying of domestic corporates
broadened during the Anal hour and
in many cases earlier gains were
extended .
Up as much as 2 or. more were
International Hydro-Electric 6s at
72, Western Union 5s of ’60 at 52 y2,
Southern Pacific Oregon Division
4%s at 371/4 and Consolidation Coal
6s at 571/2.
Brisk buying appeared for many
Italian issues, the govemmnet 7s
rising 3 to 44%.
Short Selling
Is Under Ban
In Toronto
By the Associated Press.
TORONTO, May 22.—A ban on
short selling on the Toronto Stock
Exchange was announced today.
The Montreal Stock Exchange and
the Montreal curb, it was disclosed,
likewise have prohibited short sales
until further notice.
The New York Stock Exchange for
some time has restricted short sales
by requiring that such transactions
may be executed only at a higher
price than the preceding sale, which
has the effect of stopping bear sell
ing on a falling market.
Short sales consist of selling with
tire hope of making a profit by cov
ering the sale at a lower price. The
seller meanwhile borrows stock to
make Immediate delivery to the
Chicago Livestock
CHICAGO, May 22 OP).—Hoi prices
turned downward today, depressed by
. slightly heavier than expected receipts and
by weakness In the dressed pork market.
Cattle were mostly moderately higher. Little
was done early in the sheep market.
Hogs were mostly 25 cents under yes
terday's average, topping at 5.70. paid
sparingly. Receipts in the open market
totaled 12.000. or 2.000 more than ad
vance estimates, and these were augmented
by 2.000 holdover hoes. Packers had 4.000
direct. Best light loins in the wholesale
market dropped >i cent to 14 cents a
" pound, lowest since early last month.
All grades fed steers and yearlings
•hared in a generally 10 to 15 cent ad
vance. Heifers were fully steady.
Medium to good fed clipped lambs were
held at 0.50. Sheep were scarce, but weak.
(United States Department of Agri
culture).—Salable hogs. 12,000; total.
18.000; open very slow; later trade fairly
•etive; mostly 25 lower than Tuesday’s
average; top. 5.70. sparingly; bulg good
and choice. 180-270 pounds. 5.40-65: 270
360-pound butchers. 5.00-50; good. 400
650-pouad packing sows. 4.15-50; lighter
weights. 4.60-85.
Salable sheep. 1.000: total. 2.000; late
Tuesday; fed lambs and springers fully
steady; best handywelght clippers. 9.66;
ethers 9.40: feedyard cleanup woolsklns
heavily sorted, 9.75; outs, 8.76: few native
springers. 12.00: double Californlas. 11.00:
today s trade: Practically nothing done on
fed lambs; bidding. 9.00, on medium to
good fed clippers held at 9.60; small lots
choice native springers, 12.00, steady; fat
Sheep scarce, weak.
Salable cattle. 8.000: salable calves,
1.000; fed steers and yearlings strong to
15. mostly 10-15 higher: all grades sharing
advance: shipper demand fairly broad on
kinds selling at 10.50 upward: sizable
■upply medtumweights and weighty steers
here, but supply scaling over 1.300 pounds
relatively small: stockers and low price
killers scarce: bulk fed steers and yearlings.
6.00-10.75: top. 1.1.65: several loads 11.15
40; numerous loads 10.00-75; heifers fully
steady; best. 10.15; common and medium
heifers and cutter and common beef cows
unusually scarce; moat cutter cows 5.50
6.00; practical top weighty sausage bulla.
7.00. on alow., steady to weak market;
Outstanding sausage bulls to 7.16: vealera
steady to weak at 10.50-11.50; few se
lects, 12.00.
Foreign Exchange
NEW YORK. May 22 tfP).—Sterlln*
lumped 7 cents and the Canadian dollar
% cent today ai the forelsn exchange mar
ket heard the allied counter-offenalve was
Showing results.
_ The Canadian dollar rallied to 78.50
United States cents after eelllng yesterday
Kthe lowest prloe In modern financial
story. The French frano moved up .03
of a cent.
. Late ratea follow (Oreat Britain In dol
lars. others in cents.
_ Official Canadian Control Board rates
for United States dollars: Buying. 10 per
cent premium; selling, 11 per cent pre
mium. equivalent to discounts on Canadian
dollars in New York of buying,. 9.91 per
• cent; selling. 9.09 per cent.
Canadian dollar In New York open mar
ket. 211% per cent discount, or 78.60 United
States cents.
Argentina, official. 29.77: free. 22.80;
Brasil, official. 6.05: free. 5.10; Mexico.
Far East.
.Japan. 28.48; Hong Kong, 20.30: Shsnt
SsS^^ln^1” Unlt“ 0U“rWl“
New York Bar Silver
«^SchI2S5; *” 22
• (Extern PxIUht Serine Tim.)
Approaimoto TraoiacHoM lj4f.
Domoatlo Bond* .. 6.870.000
Foreign Bends_ 1 860.000
D8Qowt Benda ..... 140.000
•» orteote wire dirxt ta The Mar
Blah. Low. Clow.
*■ 1147 - 108.2 108.2 108.2
la 1948*60 -101.17 101.14 101.14
**■ 1961-11.— 101.15 101.16 101.15
**■ 1946 - 106.20 106.20 108.20
2*0 1848 - 105 28 105.26 105.26
I Ha 19ft 61- 103.14 103.13 103.13
IHs 1950-63._ 103.21 103.12 103.21
2*o 1946 47_ 107. 107. 107.
26*0 1943-61_ 106.3 106.3 106.3
28*o 1961 64 ... 105.6 105.8 105.8
*8*01966-69 _ 104.9 104.7 104.9
**• 1958 62 ... 104.4 103.29 104.1
18*0 196(1 65 104 6 103 29 104 3
1*0 1955 <!0 106 13 105.9 105.11
2*o 1956-60 rg 105.9 105.9 106.9
lo 1946-41 108.22 108.22 108.22
80 1961-66 108.4 108.4 108.4
3o 1951-66 rg... 108. 108. 108.
3HS1948-49- 109.8 109.4 109.4
3*0 1941 ... 103.26 103.26 108.26
3*0 1943-46 107.24 107.23 107.24
3*0 1944-46 .. 108.20 108.18 108.19
t*o 1940-43 Jun 100.22 100.22 100.22
3*0 1941 43 Mar 102.26 102.26 102.26
3*al943-47- 107.22 107.22 107.22
40 1944-64 112.1 111.30 112.1
4*0 1947 62 118.2 117 26 117.26
30 1944 105.2'. 105.26 105.25
2*s 1942 4 4 1039 10.3.9 103.^
»ol944-5:' 106 10 106 9 105.9
to 198(1 B wl 90'* t-9U. 90
to 1980 1 wl 89 88(4 89
High. Low. Clou.
Agr Mtg B Col (a 47 22*> 224 224
Antloqula 7s 46 B ... 74 74 74
Antioquta 7s 45 D ... 7*. 74 74
Antloqula 2d 7s 67... 74 74 74
Antwerp I• 6* .. 40 40 40
Argentine 4e 72 Feb 70 694 694
' Argentine 4s 72 Apr 714 714 714
Argentine 4 4s 42 .. 88 874 874
Argentina 4 4s 71 __ 774 76 76
Australia 44a M_ 40 40 40
Australia 6a 66_ 454 434 444
Australia 6e 17_464 45 45
Austria 7s 67 - 84 8 4 84
Belgium 6s 66_... 45 39 45
Belgium 64s 49_ 45 40 45
Belgium 7s 66 _ 424 42 42
Brazil 6 4s 1926-5710 94 10
Brazil 64s 1927-67 . 104 94 10
Brssll C Ry EH 7s 62. 114 104 114
Brasil 6s 41 - 134 134 134
Brisbane 5s 67_ 40 40 40
Brisbane 6s 66 _ 40 40 40
Budapest 6s 62 _ 64 64 64
Buenos Aires 4 4s 77 604 504 504
Buen Air 4 4s Aug 76 504 50 504
Buenos Aires 4 4a 76 654 544 544
Canada 24a 44_ 86 854 854
Canada la 67_ 684 68 684
Canada la 62 _ 684 88 68
Canada 24a 61_ 71 704 704,
Canada 4a 60 _ 794 794 794
Canada ea 61 _ 904 90 904
Chile 6a 60 aasd . 13 124 124
Chile 6s 61 Jan assd 124 124 124
Chile 6s 61 Feb assd 124 124 124
Chile 6s 61 Sept assd 124 124 124
Chile 6s 6.1 assd 124 124 124
Chile 7a 42 . 144 144 144
Chile 7a 42 asad 124 124 124
Chile Mtg B 6s62 aad 104 104 104
Chll Mun Ln 7s60 asd 104 104 104
Colombia 6s 61 Jan 174 164 174
Colombia 6s 61 Oct 154 154 154
Copenhagen 4 4s 61 20 194 20
Copenhagen 6s 62 214 194 19s.
Cordobe Pros 7s 42 . 72 72 72
Cubs 44s 49_ 100 100 100
Cabs 4 4s 77 _ 634 52 534
Cubs 6s 1904-44_ 99 '. 994 994
Danmark 4 4s 62_ 264 254 254
Denmark 6 4s 55_ 294 294 294
Denmark fa 62 324 304 304
Dominie 1st 64a 42 70 69 70
Dominic 6 4s 61 ext.. 70 70 70
Dorn 1st 64s 69 ext.. 70 70 70
Dorn 3d 64a 69 ext— 7p 70 70
Estonia 7|ip? .L 45 45 46
P1nlapd,6s,4» 50 50 50
French Ota 49 unst. 1084 107 107
Ger Gowt 6 4s 66 194 18 18
Osr G 64s 66 un st— 104 104 104
German Gowt 7s 49 . 204 19 19
Gar Gow 7s 49 un st.. 114 ll 11
Grt C E9 Jap 7s 44 .. 82 82 82
Haiti 6s 62 .. 79 79 79
Heidelberg 7 4s 50 .. 10 10 10
Helsingfors«4s «o 61 61 61
Hung Con M 714s 46 6*. 6*4 64
Irish Free State 6s 60 71 71 71
Italy 7a it 444 43 441*
Ital Crd P W 7s 47 B 454 464 454
Ital P U Crd 7e 62 . 344 34 344
Japan 6 4s 66 _ 624 62 62
Japan 64s 64 78 78 78
Medellin 64s 64_ 74 74 74
Milan 64s 61 314 284 31
Minas Geraea 6 4s 62 64 64 64
Minas Geraes 64s 69 6 6 6 *
New 80 Wales 6s 61 42 42 42
Norway 4a 62 - 244 24 244
Norway 44s 66- 244 24 244
Norway 44s66_ 26 264 26'■
Norway Ca 41 - 874 374 374
Norway 6s 44_ 36 83 86
Oriental Dey 64s 63 614 614 614
Oriental Daw 6s 66 66 66 654
Panama 6s 61 st aad 65 544 55
Panama 54s 68- 103 108 103
Peru 1st 6s 60 _ 6 64 6
Peru 2d 6e 61 _ — 514 54 64
Porto Alegre Is 11_ 64 64 64
Prussia 6s 62 12 12 12
Queensland 6s 47_ 684 684 584
Queensland 7a 41- 664 664 664
Rlod# Jan 64s 62_ 6 64 64
Rio da Jan 8s 46 ... 7 7 7
Rio Gr do Sul 6s 62... 64 64 64
RloGr do Sul 7s 66—. 64 64 64
Roms 64s 62 .. 374 344 874
8ao Paulo St 7s 40... 234 2S 284
Sao Paulo St Is 60 .. 64 64 64
Shln’su EPS4S62 . 68 674 674
Taiwan Else 64s 71. 624 524 624
Tokyo City 6s 62 26 26 26
Tokyo City 64s 61.. 634 534 534
Tokyo El Lt 6s 62 .. 664 664 664
Uruguay 2 4s 24_ 64- 64 54
Uru »4 « 44a »dl 79 414 404 404
Uruguay <4s-44s 7* 454 46 46
Westphalia E P 6a 53 114 11 114
Yokohama 6a ci 66 66 66
Adams Ex 4 it at 103 103 103
Alls* Corp 6s 44 72 714 714
Alias Corp 6s 49 — 61 61 61
Allas Corp 6a 60 std 29 274 29
Allas Valley 4s 41 105 105 106
Allls-Chalmars 4s 62 107 1064 107
Am A For Pw 6s 2010 514 61 514
Am 1 GCh 6 4s 49 1014 1004 1014
Am lntl 64a 49 _ 99 99 99
AmTATUill... 1044 104 1044
Am TAT >%■ 66 1044 104 104
Am T A T 64s 4t 106H 1064 106H
Am Type Fdrs cv 60 102 102 102
Am Wat Wks 6s 76 984 96 96
Anaeondadb4 4a 60 1024 1024 1024
Ann Arbor 4s 96 £4 32 32
ArmourtOel)lst4s 66 964 96 96
ArmoartDeltas 57 964, 954 964
ATASFa4s 1906-66 . 924 924 924
A TAS Fa 48 60 ... 954 954 964
A TAS Fa sen 4S 96 1014 1014 1014
A TA8 Fa 4 4s 41 1004 100 1004
A TAS Fa CA 44s 62 105 106 105
A TASF RMt da 4s 66 99 99 99
Atl A Cb A L 6s 44 .. 94 934 94
Atl Coast L 1st 4a 62 65 644 644
Atl Coast L 6s 46 .. 614 614 614
Atl A Dan 1st 4s 42 .. 82 32 82
Atl Golf A W 16s 69. 684 624 624
Atlantlo Refill 2a 62.. IQS 103 103
Aust A Norths 6s 41. 86 86 86
HA(I 1st as 46 564 664 664
BAOn 60S std ■_ 84 74 84
BAO 1st 42sstd .. 654 65 55
B A O 96 A stamped.. 18 164 18
BA0 96C stamped.. 20 194 20
B A O 96 F stamped.. 184 17 184
BAO 2006 D atpd ... 18 174 18
B A O 8 It 80s std .. 85 324 35
Ball T of Pa 6s 49 B 1124 1124 1124
Ball Tal(Pat6s2SC 1284 1284 1284
Betb 8teei (4s 69 F 1004 100 100
Bath 8teal 2 4s 62 1054 1044 106
Bos A Me 4 4* 61 JJ 43 43 43
BostonAMe 44s 61 st 88 874 88
Boa A Me 6e 66 454 48 454
Boston A Me 6s 65 st. 40 40 40
Boa A Me 6a 67 444 48 44
Boston A Me 6s 67 st. 40 > 88 894
Bklyn C RR 6s 41 ets 784 784 784
Bklm Ed on 14* 16 1054 106 105
Bklyn Man T 4 4s 66 1024 1024 1024
Bklyn Man 4 4s 66 et 854 844 86
Bklyn On El 6s 60 ot. 86 884 854
Bklyn On Gas 6s 46.. 110 110 110
Bklyn Un G 6s 67 B.. 102 101 102
Bklyn On G rt 6s 47„ 1114 111 111
Him. Lew. Close.
Bu« Roch A P17 ltd 28% 28 28%
Bush Term ea la It 84 88% 84
Calif Ores Pwr «a 44 101% 180% 100%
Canadian NR 4 4a 41 81% 80% 80%
Can NR 4 %a Si 81% 81 81
Can NR 4 % 66 rag_ 81 81 81
Can NK 4%a 47 81% 81 81
Can NR 4%a St ... 88 82% 88
Can NH la 49 Jnljr.. 86 86% 86
Can NR 6s 49 Oat .. 86 84% 85
Can Nor f %a 46 .. 09 98% 98%
Can Pae db 4a narp 43 41% 41%
Can Pao 4Ha 60 ... 58% 58 58
Can Pae 6s 44 82 9t 92
Can Par 6a 64 64 <4 64
('ant of G* en i* 46 4% 4 4
Cant of Os 6%a 69 2 2 2
Cant N En* 4a 61 40 39 39
Cant ot N.l sen 6a 97 1 ? |g (2
Cant N T Pw -%a 68 106% 106% 106%
Cant Pae lat rf 4a 49 62 61% 61%
"lant Part do 6a 60 35% 32% 35%
('err'd deb 6%a 46 65% 65 65%
Cham PAF 4%« 36-60 105% 104% 104%
Chaa A Ohio 9 %s 63 P 103% 103% 103%
Chea A O l%» 90 |> 94% 94% 94%
Chaa A O I %s 04 8! 94% 94% 94%
C A O non 4 %a 02 .. 120 120 120
Cht A Alton la 49 .. 9% 8% 9%
Cht BAU ran 4s 48 .. 88 83 83
Chi Bnrl A Q 6a 71 . 78% 78% 78%
C BAU 111 die t %a 49 93% 92% 93%
Chi A Bill Is 61 .. 11% li 11
Chi A B 111 6a 61 et... 11 10 11
Cht Ort Wast 4a 69 21 20 20%
Cht I nd A Lou 6a 66 4% 4% 4%
CMAStP an 3%s 19 B 16% 16% 16%
Cht Mil A St P 4a 19 18 17 18
, CMAStP 1M« 99C 18 16 1R
Cht MASt P 4%s 19 . 17% 17% 17%
'hi Mil A 8t P 6a 76 4% 4% 4%
<'MARtP adj Be *n(in 1% 1% . t%
1'MANW e*b 3 %e 87 10% 10 M0
Chi A NtV am 4a 87 10% 10% 10%
ChlANW 4 %a *037 6 6 0
ChlANW 4 %■ 2037 C 6% 5% 5V,
Chl A NW CS 4%a 49 |% 1% 1H
ChlANW a*n 6a 87 .. 11% 11% 11%
ChlANW rf 6a *017 .. 7 7 7
Chi Rwy 6a 27 38 38 38
Chl KIAP rf 4a 14 4% 4 4%
Chi RIAP rf 4a 84 ct 4% 3% 3%
Chl KIAP can 4a 18 10 9% 10
Chl RIAP 4%a 62 A 4% 4% 4%
Chl RlAP4%s62A cfa 4% 4 4
Chl RIAP cy 4 %a 60 111
Chl THAS Ine 6a 60 . 40 40 40
Chl Un Sta 3%s <3 .. 104 104 104
Childs A Co 6s 43 ... 41 36% 86%
Cln Q A B 3%s 68 ... 106% 106 106
Cln Un Term 3% 71.. 106% 106% 106%
CCCAStL rf 4 %<■ 77 37% 37 37%
CCCAStLStL dy 4s90 59 59 69
Clay El III I%s 66 108 108 108
Clay Un fer 4V.» 77 60 67 67
Clay Un Term 6a 73 . 67% 64 65
Clay Un Ter 6%a 7* 75 74 74
Colo F Air 6s 46 ... 104% 104% 104%
Colo A So 4 %a 10 21% 21 21%
Col O A E 6a 6! May 100 9914 100
Col O A E 6a 61 .. 97% 97% 97%
Colum RPAL 4s 66 . 107% 107 107
Coma Ed 3 %a 6* ... Ill 110% 111
Comw Ed 3%s 61 ... 107%, 107 107
Conn R Pw 3% 61 . 107% 107 107
Cona Coal Del 6a 60 . 67% 56% 57%
Cona Ed N T 3%s 46 103% 103% 108%
Cons E NT db 3%s 41 106% 104% 105%
Cons Ed N T 4%a 61 105% 106% 105%
Consol Oil 8%a 61 . 102% 102% 102%
Consol Rya 4s 64 12 12 ]2
Consum Pwr 3%a 66 102% 102% 102%
Consum Pw lat I % 69 105 104% 105
Consum Pwr 3 %■ 70 106 106 106
Container 6s 46 ... 100% 100% 100%
Cnntl Oil !%* 41 .. 106 104% 105
Crana Co 1 %s 11 102% 102% 102%
Crown C A 8 4%s 48 100 99% 99%
Cruelhla 8teei 4 %a 41 101% 101% 101%
Cube Northn 6%s 4* 23% 23 23
Cuba R 1st 6e 62 24 24 24
Hei * Hun ret 4s 43 41% 39% 41%
Del PAL 4%a 71 108 108 108
Den A R O con 4a 38 6% 5% 5%
Den 6 K O W rf la 71 4% 4 4
Det Edison 3 %s 66 108% 108% 108%
Det Edison 4s 66 109% 109% 109%
Dot Edison «%a 61 107% 1074*107%
Duluth MAIR 3%s 62 105% 105% 105%
Duluth 9SATtl 6s *7 20 20 20
Duquesne Lt 3%s 66 106% 106% 106%
Blee Auto Lt 4s 62 105% 105% 105%
El PAS W rf 6s 65... 51 61 61
Brio ev 4s 63 B_ 16% 15% 15%
Brio 1st 4B 86_ 46% 45 45
1 Brla pen 4a 96_ 19 18% 18%
Brla raf 6s 67__ 10 9% 10
Erie ref 6a 76 _ 10 9% 10
Briioan Rlyda 67 ... 67 67 57
Fairbka Morae 4s 66 106% 106 106
Fad LtATr 6s 4*. 100 100 100
Fed LtATr 6s 4* 100 100 100
Firestone 7 3%a4t 103% 103% 103%
Fla E Coast Ry 6a 74 4% 4% 4%
Fla KC Rv f>s?4etfa 4% 3% 3%
Fonda JAO 4s 82 filed 2% 2% 2%
Fonda JAG 4s 32 et 2% 1% 1%
Gen Am Inr 6s 62 101% 101% 101%
Gen Cable 6 %■ 47 99% 99% 99%
Gen Mot Ace 1 %a 61 103 103% 103%
Gen Stl Cast 6%a 49 60% 57 57
lloodrlth 4 %a 66 101 100% 100%
Grand Rap 1 4%a 41 104% 104% 104%
Grt Nor Ky 3%s67 71 71 71
Grt Nor Ry 4s 46 G . 96% 95% 96%
Grt Nor Ky 4s 46 H 90 89% 90
Grt N Ry lat 4%s 61 106% 106% 106%
Grt NR 4%a 76 D . 77% 77% 77%
Grt N R an 4%s 77 B 77% 76 77%
Grt Nor Ry 6s 78 88% 87 88
Grt Nor Ky 6%s 62 94% 94% 94%
Graen Bay A W db B. 3% 3% 3%
Gulf Sta Stl 419s 61 99 , 99% 99%
HarRlyAP4af4 .. 66% 66% 65%
Houston 011 416* 64.. 98 97% 97%
Hudson Coal 6a 6* A 23 22 22
Hud A Man Ine 6a 67 10 9% 9%
Hud A Man raf 6a 67 41 S$% 41
111 Bell Tel l%a 70 B 108% 108% 108%
111 Cent 1st 3Ha El... 85 85 85
111 Cent 4a 61 _ 33% 33% 33%
111 Cent ref 4a 66_ 34 34 34
111 Cant 4%s 66 _ 30% 29 30%
111 Cent ref 6a 66 _ 45 46 45
111 Cant Ltch 3a 51_ 68% 68% 58%
lot-AST NO 4 4S 63 33% 30 33%
ICOAStL NO 6s 63 A 35 34 35
Induct Rsvnn«Us 48 102% 101% 102
Insplr’n Cop lat 4s S3 90 90 90
Int K T lat rf as 66 72 70% 72
int K T 1st rf 6s 66 at 72% 70 72%
Int RT 6s 12 .. 31 31 31
Intar R T 7s 32_ 69 69 69
Int R T 7s 32 ct .. 67 67 67
Interlake Iron 4s 47. 80 80 80
lnt Qrt Nor 6b 66 B 8 7% 8
lnt art Nor 1st 6a 61 S% 8% 8%
lnt Ort Nor ad] 6s 68 1% 1% 1%
lnt Hydro El 6s 44 44% 43% 44
lnt Mer Mar 6a 41 .. 54% 54 54
lnt Paper 1st 6a 47 „ 100 99% 99%
lnt Paper ref la 66 . 92% 92 92
.lnt Ry of C A 6s 72 _ 80 80 80
lnt TAT 4%s S3 23% 22 22
lnt TAT 6a 66 25% 24% 24%
Iowa C 1st A ref 4s 81 1 1 1
James F A C 4s 69 .. 88 38 38
Kans C FtSAM 4s 86 27 27 27
K C FSAM rf 4s 86 at 27% 27% 27%
Kans City So rt 6s 66 51% 50 51%
Kan City Term 4s 60 105% 105% 105%
Keith s 6s 46 .'. 101% 101 101
Kings Co Lt 6s 97 ... 157 157 157
Kings Co El 4s 49 104% 104% 104%
Kings Co El 4s 49 cfs 84 84 84
Koppers Co «s 61 . 101 100V4 101
Laclede Gas 6s 48_ 80 80 80
Lake EAW 8s 47_ 71% 71% 71%
Lake 8 A M S 8 Hs 97 81% 80% 81
Leh CAN 4 %e 64 A 47 46% 46%
Leh Val Coal 6s 43 . 60 50 50
Leh V Coal 6s 48 std 61 61 51
Leb V NT 4 %s 40 asd 80 30 30
L V RR eon 4s 8608 9% 9 9%
L V RH 4a 8003 asd 8% 8% 8%
L V RR cn 4 %a 8003 10 9% 10
L V RR 4%s 8008 asd 9% 8% 8%
L V RR eon 5s 8003 . 10% 10% 10%
Libby MeNAL 4s 56.. 100 100 100
Llgg A Myers 7s 44 . 121% 121% 121%
Liquid Carbon 4s 47.. 105% 106% 106%
Loew s 3%s 41 .. 101% 101% 101%
Lone Star O 8HS 61.. 105 104% 104%
Long laid ref 4s 49... 91% 89 89
LAN 4%s 8008_ 85 84% 84%
L A N 6s 8008 B_ 94 94 94
L A N P M 4s 46_108% 103% 103%
LAN So Mon It 4s 68. 77 77 .77
MeKessonAR 6%s 60 82 81 82
Manhat Ry 4a 90 cl 76% 76 76%
Man Ky Id 4s8018cfs 40% 40% 40%
Marlon St Shoe 6s 47 70 70 70
Metrop Ed 4 %s 68 111 111 111
Met West Side 4s 38 5% 6% 5%
Mich Cons Gas 4s 68 97% 97 97%
Mid KR N J 6s 40 .. 21% 21% 21%
Minn A St L 4s 49_ 1% 1% 1%
Mo 111 6s 69 _ 65% 55% 65%
Mo KAT 4a 68 B _ 8% 8% 8%
Mo K A T 1st 4a 00 — 20% 20% 20%
Mo KAT 4%s 78.... 9 9 9
Mo KAT 6s 62 A_9% 7% 9%
Mo KAT ad] 6s 67_ 3% 8% 8%
Mo Pao 48 76 _ 1% 1% 1%
Mo Pan 6s 77 F_18% 12% 18%
Mo Pac 6s 710 _ 18% IS 13%
Mo Pao 6s 78 Get_ 12% 12% 12%
Mo Pao 6s 80 H_IS 18 18
Mo Pao 6s 811.___ 18% 12% 13%
MoPaoSHaOS^^. 1 H I
.... Hlrt. Low. CIom.
Mob * Ohio 4 Hs 77 234 20 20
Mob * Ohio 4 4* 77 et 20 20 20
Motion* P ■ S3 104 103 108%
Monon* Ry lot 4s (0 106 106 106
Mont Pwr 3 %s S3 964 9(4 964
Morris*Es 14s 2000 854 864 *64
Morris* Bs 44s l» 26 244 26
Morris * Bs Rs 65 29 274 284
Mount StT*T tUs6l 105 106 105
Nassau B1 4m 61 Otfs 504 604 604
Nst Dairy 14a 61 ww 1084 1034 1034
Not Distill 34s 49 1004 994 994
Nst Steel 2s 36 1014 1014 1014
Natl Supply 84a 94 102 102 102
Nsw E TAT 4 4s 31 123 123 123
Nsw F. TAT 1st 6s It 1224 1224 1224
Nsw Jar-PAL 4 4s 30 107 1064 1064
V"W *»n PR As 62 A 1034 1034 1084
Nsw Orl P S 6s 61 B 1034 103 103
Now UrITAM 4 4s 63 264 254 264
Nsw Orl TAM 6s 64 B 24 234 24
N T Csntrsl 3 4*63 45 434 434
N Y Csntrsl 8 4s 97 71 70 704
N Y Central 34s 43 76 744 744
N Y Central 4s 42 884 884 884
N Y Cant eon 4s 98 464 444 464
N Y Cent 44a 3013 A 404 884 40
N Y Cent rf 6* 3018 454 434 464
N Y C I. 8h 34a It 564 664 664
NYCA8tL84s47 824 82 82
N Y ChlAStL 4 4s 71 42 894 414
N Y CAStL 64s 74 A 484 464 4«4
N Y Chi A St L 6s 41 69 69 69
N Y Conn 1st 44s It 1014 1014 1014
NY Dock 4s 61 484 484 484
N Y Edls 3 4s 66 D 106 1044 104H
NY Edls rsf 3 4s 61 1064 1064 1064
N Y O E HAP 6s 48 . 1224 1224 122*
N Y LAW 1st 4s 78... 494 494 494
NY NH AH 4s 47 ... j| It H
NY NH A H 4* 57 .. 3 24 8
NYNHAHtVt.il 18 124 13
NY NH A H r* Is <1 134 124 J3
N Y OA W *en 4s 66 14 1h 14
N V <>AW rsf 4s 02 34 3 3
N Y Strum 3 Us 62 102 101 101
N Y SAW rsf 6s 87 214 2|it 21*
NY SAW sen 6*40 84 *4 *4
N Y Tr Rk 8s 46 stpd 80 F0 F0
NY WAR 4 4* 43 4 34 3H
Nla* 8h 64s 60 100 99 100
Norf Snufhn 6s 61 9 84 9
Norf Southn Es 61 ct 9 84 8'
Norf A W 1st 4s 91 . 1194 1194 1194
North Am 3%a 49 .. 1034 1034 1034
North Am 4a 69 103 103 108
| Nor’n Pae *n 8s 2047 83 324 324
Nor’n Pso 4s 37 ... 604 f0 6O4
Nor’n Pso 4 4s 2047.. 36 334 36
Nor’n Pic 6s 2047 C.. 41 41 41
Nor’n Pae 6s 2047 D 42 41 414
Nor’n Pan 6s 2047 47 45 46
North 8ta Pw 3%a 47 107 1064 1064
Ohio Edison «s 66 1054 105 1054
Okls GAE884S68 .. 1074 1074 1074
Ont Pwr Nla* 5s 48 . 98H 984 984
Ore* Sh L6s 41 *td.. 1164 115 115
Orsson W RR 4s 31 1044 1044 1044
Otis Steal 4 4s (2 69 69 69
Pso Gas A El 3%e IS 1064 106 1064
PaeQ4RH.il 1084 I0H 108
Psc G A E 4a (4 1104 110 110
Pae TAT rf 3 4a 68 B 1044 1044 1044
Panhand ET 4s 33 .. 1034 1034 1034
Penn Co is 88 ... 100 994 994
Penn OAD 4Me 77... 96 96 96
Penn PAL 8 He 39... 1054 1044 1054
Penn PAL 4Hs 74_ 100 100 100
Penn RR 3 He 63_ 774 764 774
Penn RR 4a 48 - 1134 1134 1134
Penn RR « Ha 81_ 904 894 904
Penn RR 4He 84_ 90 89 89
Penn RR 4 Ha 30 __ 1174 1174 1174
Penn RR *n 4 He «fc .. 954 944 954
Penn RR db «He 76 804 80 80
Penn RR *en 6att 101 1004 101
Peoples OLAC 6s 47 113 113 118
Peo G L * C <8 43 .. 1104 1104 1104
Peoria A E 1st 4s 40 56 56 66
Per* Mara 6s 66 55 66 65
Phelps Dnd*s 3 Hs (2 1074 1074 4074
Phils BAW 4s 42 1094 1094 1094
Phils BAW 4 Hs 77 C 10s 108 108
Phils BAW 4Hs 31 D 106 105 105
Phils Co 6s 87 103 1024 1024
Phils Else I Hs 67 . 1084 1084 1084
Phils HC* Ir6s 73 . 94 94 94
Phils R C A Ir «s 49. 24 2 4 24
Philippine Ry 4s 87 . 4 4 4
Phillips Petrol 8s 48 1064 1054 1064
POCAStL 6s 70 A- 1014 994 994
PC CAStL 6s 76 B 1004 1004 1004
PlttsAW Vs4Hs59 B 40 40 40
PlttAW Vs 4 Hi 90 C 404 40 40
Port Gen El 4VtilO 67 66 664
Portl'd Gen El 6* 60.. 1064 106H 106%
Porto Rico A T fs 43 77H 73 77'
Porto R A T 4s 43 st 76 „ 724 76
Postal T*1 A CCS S3 164 144 16H
Pub See EAG 8%a 88 108 10ft 108
Pub Sec N 111 8%* 61 1064 1064 1064
Purity Bakin* 6s 48 1004 1004 1004
Reading R 4 %■ 37 A 63 604 604
Rem R'd 4%s6f ww 964 94 944
Republic Stl 4Hs 66 93% 934 934
Republic Stl 4%s 61 914 904 gm
Republic Stl 6He 64 1044 1034 104
Reeere Cop 4 He 63 101 1004 100'
Richfield 011 4s 62 103% 1034 103%
Rio G W col 4s 49 A. 6 6 6
R I A A L 44s 34 ... 6 6 6
Roeh GAE 3 %a 39 1054 105 105
Rutland RR 4%s 41 44 44 44
Saeuenev Pw 4 4a 86 77 77 77
St J A Grist 48 47 .. 1114 1114 1114
St L-San Ft 4s 60 A 9 84 84
St L-Ssn Ft 4s 60 ct. 84 84 84
St L-Ssn Fr 4%s78 8 4 8 4 84
St L-8 F 4 %s 78 ct st 8% 7% 84
St L8 W ref 6s 90 ... 74 7 4 7H
St P K 8 L 4H* 41 .. 4H 44 44
Ssn AAA Pass 4s 48 66 64% 66
Ssn Dts*o cg&e 4s(5 110 110 no
Schulco 6 H* 46 A stp 26 25 26
Seat’d A Leon 6s 46 8 4 34 84
Seabd A L 3s 46 ct . 84 8 8
Seabd A F 6s 16 A ct. 14 14 14
Shell Un 011 34s 64- 944 94 94
Silesian Am 7s 41- 12% 12% 12%
Simmons Co «s 63... 96 954 96
Skelly Oil 4s 51_ 994 994 994
Sooony Vec 8s 84 . 102% 1024 1024
So Bell TAT 3 % a 63. 105 105 105
Southn Cal O 4s 66 108 108 108
Souths Cal Q 4 Ha 81 107% 107% 107%
Southn Kraft 4 %a 48 99% 98% 99
So Natl G 4 %« 61_ 104% 104% 104%
So Pao Mia 48 - 43% 43% 48%
So Pao col 4a 49.____. 30% 30% 30%
So Pac ref 4a 68_ 56 54% 64%
So Pao 4 %a 8* .._84% 32 34
So Pao 4 Vis 89- 33% 31% 33%
So Pao 4 Via 81 _ 33% 31% 33%
So Pac Ore* 4 %s 77 . 37% 36 37%
So Pac S F Ter 4e 60. 70 70 70
So Ry aen 4s 66 A- 46 42% 46
So Ry 6s 94 _ 86 86% 86
So Ry gen 6s 61- 66% 66% 66%
So Ry 6 Vis 66 - 61% 60% 61
So Ry St L div 4a 61.. 64 64 64
S W Bell Tel la 66 . 102% 102% 102%
8 W Bell Tel 3%s 64 109 109 109
Stand Oil NJ M|a 68 101% 100% 101%
Stand Oil N J Is 61 102% 101% 101%
Studebeker ct 6s 46 84% 82% 84
Swift A Co M|n 66 104% 104% 104%
Ter RR Aa StL 4a II. 108% 107 107
Taxaa Corn la 69 102% 102% 102%
Taxaa Corn I Ha II . 103% 103%. 108%
Texas A Pac 6a 77 B. 66% 66 66%
Texas A Pao 6s 79 C.. 66% 66% 66%
TexAPao 1st 6a 3000 106% 106% 105%
Third AT ref 4s 60 . 46% 45% 46%
Third At* lat 6s 17.. 99% 99% 99%
Third A* ad) 6a 60 14% 12% 14
Tlda Wat 011 8 Via it 106% 105% 106%
Tri-ConU 6s 43 ... 105% 106% 106%
Un £l<Mo>*%s63 .. 105% 105% 106%
Union 011 1 Cal 1 la 69 101 101 101
Un OIKCaDls 43 A— 109% 1091(109%
Un Pacino t%aTl .. 93 92% 92%
Un Pacino 1st 4s 47.. 112% 112% 112%
Un Pac raf 4a 3003 .. 108H 108H 108H
Un Pao 1st 6a 8003 108% 108% 108%
Utd Ccr W Stra 6a 62 62 62 62
Unltsd Drug 6a 62 .. 76% 76% 76%
Utah LAT fa «« _ 96% 96. 96%
Utah Pwr A Lt 6a 64. 97 96 97
VaBlAPSVlalSB.. 108% 107% 107%
Va Ry lat M|a 66- 102% 102 101%
WabaahiVfaTBC-4% 4% 4%
Wabash 1st 6a S»_ 82 21 32
Wabash 6a 76 B_ 4% 4% 4%
Wabash 6s 60 D_4% 4% . 4%
Wabash 6V|s 76___ 4% 4% 4%
Walwortk 4a 66_ 68 68 68
Walworth Is 66- 66% 66% 66%
Warnar Bros Is 46 .. 82 82 82
Warran Bros ee 6a 41 19% 17% 18%
Wash Term 4s 45_108% 108% 108%
W Pa Pw 1st 6s 81 B 116 116 116
Want 8h lat 4a 3361 40 40 40
West Va PAP la 14.. 99% 99% 99%
Want bid 1st 4a bl 73% 78% 73%
Wsat Union 4VI*60 62 60 60
Wast Union 6a 61 ... 67% 66% 67
Want Union 6s 60 .. 62% 61 62%
Wbael Steal 4 Via 66. 91% 98% 89%
Wilkes BAB 6s 43.... 10 10 10
WUaon A Co 8%a 47 . 98 98 98
Wla Bl Pw I Via II... 106% 106% 106%
Toungarn BAT 4s 46 102 101% 102
Youngst*n BAT «s II 102% 101% 101%
Federal Land Banks
KKW YORK. Max 33 Ifk-Mml Land

Big Industry Starts
To Build Supplies
Of Raw Materials
Brood-Scale Buying
Seeks to Forestall
War Dislocations
By tbe AuoclaUd Frew.
NEW YORK, May 22 —Big In
dustry is starting to build up sup
plies of raw materials in an effort
to forestall possible war disloca
tions, a spokesman for the National
Association of Purchasing Agents
said today.
While buyers of such key products
as steel, copper, paper pulp and
cotton textiles continue to show
considerable caution in view of mil
itary uncertainties, a broad-scale
buying movement is likely to get
under way if a prolonged war ap
pears probable.
Orders for some products, such
as paper pulp, have already piled
up so heavily, the official said, im
mediate delivery is out of the ques
The vast air expansion program
envisaged by President Roosevelt
in his message to Congress has not
yet gained enough momentum to be
felt in industrial supply depart
ments, said the spokesman, adding
that Government orders could be
expected to take priority over in
dustrial needs.
New York Cotton
By the Associated Press.
NEW YORK. May 22.—Cotton fu
tures followed the lead of grains and
securities today, registering gains of
more than $1 a bale.
The letup In foreign selling and
Wall Street and professional buying,
said to have been stimulated by an
improved technical positions, aided
trade buying in bolstering prices.
Late prices were 16 to 25 points
net higher; July (old), 9.21; Decem
ber, 8.66; May, 8.21.
Futures closed 11-16 higher.
Old contract:
Open. High. Low. Last.
July 9.03 9.28 9.02 9.16-18
New contract:
July _ 9.21 9.40 9.21 9.36
October _ 8.52 8.78 8.52 8.87
December_ 8.44 8.68 8.44 8 56
January_ 8.53 8.53 8.53 8.40n
March _ 8.19 8.42 8.19 8.30
May _ 8.07 8.28 8.07 8.16
Middling spot (’/e-lnch >. 9 96n, up 20.
Cettenseed OU.
Bleachable cottonseed oil futures closed
15-22 higher. Sales. 136 contracts. July.
6.15b: September. 6.23: October. 6.23b;
December. 6.30b: January. 6.32b.
b Bid. n Nominal. ^
NEW ORLEANS. May 22 UPt.—Favorable
allied war news and strength In other
commodities advanced cotton future* to
day. Clostna prices were steady at net
gains of 16 points.
Open. High. Low. Close.
July - 9.17 9.40 9.10 9 30b
October _ 8.50 8.8<> 8.55 8.71-72
December_ 8.47 8.69 8.47 8.80n
January_ 8.40b 8.52b
March 8.38 8.38 8.31 8.35b
May . 8.25 8.25 8.21 8.22b
bBld. n Nominal.
Cottonseed oil closed steady. Bleachable
prime summer yellow. 5.95b. Prime crude
nom. Mty 5.60b: July. 5.87b: September,
5.75b: October, 5.76b, December. 5.82b.
b Bid.
Washington Produce
BUTTER—93 score, tubs. 29: 1-pound
prints. 29(4: (.-pound prints. 30: 92 aeors.
tubs. 28; 1-pound prints. 28*V (.-pound
prints. 29: 91 score, tubs. 28: 1-pound
prints. 28(4: (.-pound prints. 29; 90 score,
tubs. 27: 1 -pound prints. 27*4: (.-pound
prints. 28; 89 score, tubs. 26(4: 1-pound
prints. 27: (.-pound prints. 27(4: 88
score, tubs. 26; 1-pound prints. 26V4;
V.-Pound prints. 27.
LIVESTOCK—Calves. 10(4: inring
lambs. 11: pigs. 120-140 pounds. 4 25
4.50: 140-160 pounds. 4.75-5.00: 180
175 pounds. 5.00-5.25: 170-210 pounds.
5.00-5.50; 210-240 pounds. 4.00-4.25: 240
300 pounds 3.75-4.00: sow' 3.00-4.00;
whole undressed calves, 10-10(4.
(Prices paid net f.o.b. Washington.)
BOOS—Market about steady. Prices paid
for Federal-State graded eggs received from
grading stations (May 22): White*. U. 8.
extras, large. 21(4-23: U. S. extras, me
diums. 18-19*4; U. S standards, large. 19
20(4: U. 8. standards, mediums. 17-18;
U. S. trades. 14-17. Browns. U. 8. extras,
larxe, 20*4-22: U. S. extra, mediums. 18
19: U S. standards, larxe, 19-20*4: 0. S.
standards, mediums. 17-18: U. S. trades.
14-17. For nesrby ungraded eggs, cur
rent receipts, whites. 16'?: few higher;
mixed colors. 15(j: few higher.
LIVE POULTRY—Market sliahtly weak
er on chickens: about steady on other
classes. Fowl, colored, all sizes. 17: No.
2s. 12-13: Leghorns. 12-14. Roosters. 8
10. Chickens. Virginia Rocks, broilers and
fryers, all sizes. 24: No. 2s. 14-16. Dela
ware Rock* and crosaes. broilers and fryers,
all sizes. 23: No. 2s. 14-16. Leghorn
broilers, 2 pounds and up, 17-18: under
2 pounds 15-16. Turkeys, old, tome, 10
11: hens. 13: No. 2a. hens and toms.
Dividends Announced
NEW YORK. Max 22.—Prepared by Pitch
Publlshlnc Co.:
Pe- Stock of Pay
• . . Rate. riod. record.able.
Amalgamated Sugar _ 10c .. 6-15 7-1
Am Bakerlet A 2506-14 7-1
_ 8peeial.
Kennecott Copper 50e . 5-31 6-20
Pitts Brewing pf . Si 6-1 6-15
Tbermoid pf _ SI.. 6-3 6-16
Yel Tr A Coach of. S1.75 -- 6-14 7-1
Honolulu Oil.
Dlrco-Twin Truck Co 25c __ 6-5 6-18
Penn Railroad Co 50c __ 6-1 6-26
Niles-Bement-Pond Co ,75c __ 6-5 6-15
No Action.
Mock Judson Voehrtnger Co.
Am Bakeries A_ 50c Q 6-14 7-1
Do Of - -Si .75 Q 6-14 7-1
Art Metal Works- 15c 6-10 6-20
California Ink _62'Ac Q 6-10 6-20
Poote-Burt Co_ 35c __ 6-5 6-16
Hathaway Mf* S1.50 _ ' 5-16 6-1
Houdaille-Hershey A 62'Ac Q 6-20 7-1
_ Do B 50c __ 6-5 6-15
Kennecott Copper ... 25c 5-31 6-2B
Lord A Taylor _S2.50 Q 6-17 7-1
Magnin I A Co_10c - . 5-31 6-15
Mohawk Carpet _25e __ 6-1 6-16
Nat City Lines _25e.. 6-16 7-1
8t Helens PAP_20c . 5-21 6-1
Seovill Mfg -25e 6-14 7-1
Shattuck P O Co_10c Q 6-1 6-21
Sheller Mfg -10c 6-16 7-1
Sutherland Paper -30e Q 6-3 6-16
United Elastic 15c 6-1 6-24
Amer Maize Products 25c . 6-17 6-28
Ches A Ohio Rwy 62Vic Q 8-7 7-1
Hewitt Rubber Corn 25c 6-1 6-15
Inti Salt Co_37>Ac J 6-15 7-1
Louis Land A Explor 10c 6-1 6-15
Pet Milk Co 45c Q 6-10 7-1
Plymouth Oil Co . . 35c Q 6-7 6-28
Public Service of N J.60e 5-31 6-28
Waldorf System_15c Q 6-20 7-1
Short-Term Securities
(Reported by Smith. Barney ft Co.)
Bid. Asked.
Ala Ot South "A” 6s '43- T. 110%
Alleghany Corn Cv As '44._ 72 76
Amer Tel ft ftl 6%s ’43.. 106% 108%
Austin ft Northwes 6s ’41 86 06
Central Foundry 6s ’41 . ... 03
Central ft R of Oeor 6s '42 55 Si
Chi Union Station 4s ’44 102% 104
Colorado°^tml ft Iron 5s ’43 104& 106*
Conn ft Pass Rlv R R 4s'43 88%
SContainer Corp 5s '43 101 102
ha Northern Rwys 6%s '42 24 27
la ft Hudson 4s '43 48 46
srn as '41 . 04
__ _ ary 6s '41 35 47
Liggett ft Myers 7s '44 121% 124
N f cent ft Bud Rlv 4s '42 80 03%
N T ft Long Branch 4s 41 76
Norfolk ft Southern 5s '41. 55 68
Pennsylvania Co 3%s '41 101% 102%
Penn-Dlxle Cement 6s '41 02% 03%
Penna R R Co 4s ’43 . • 108% . „
Peon Qas Lt ft Coke 6s '43 110% 113%
Phils. Balt ft Wash 4s '43 100%
Studebaker Corp 6S '45 04
Texas ft New Orleans 6s '43 62% 100
Union Oil of Calif 6s ’42 100% 111%
Utah Power ft Light 6s ’44 00 00%
Warren Bros 6s *41 _ 21% 26
Western N T ft Pa 4s '43 .. 108 108%
New York Metal Market
st£8! sMtic^t.
ley. 11.25-50: export. f.a.s. New Tort
11.35. Tin stsiady: spot and nearby. 64.00;
forward. 61.60; lead steady; spot New
York. 6.00-5.06: Bast St. Urals. 4.85. Zine
htr&JL.nss-.oS&.'d eeB:
ww imui win mw n na nir
Stock IBl
Dividend Rat*. Add 00. Rich. Low. Close.
Acme Wire .Me.. 90a 16*4 14 14*4
Aaro Sup B .10*.. 18 6* 6 6*4
Ainsworth ,35g.. 0 4 4 4
Air Assoc*<.60)„ 1 11 11 11
Air Investors- 7 2*4 1* 2*4
Air Invest war... 1 *4 *4 *4
Ala Power pf (7 ) 200a 98*4 91*4 91*
Allied Prod (1) 180s 8*4 8*4 8*4
Alum Co Am (2a) 1800s 160 148 160
Alum Co pt «() 260a 109*4 108 109*
Alum Goods 20a 2 17 16* 16*
Alum Indus .16a. 800a 6*4 6*4 6*
Alum Ltd tie) . 460s 65 68 66
Am Bos Board 6 4*4 4 4*4
AmC PALI A) Sh 76a 28 26* 26
Am City PALiB) 8 * * *
Am Cynam B .10. 42 29* 27 29*
Am A For P war. 1 * *4 *4
Am Export .60s .. 19 9*4 9 9*
AmForkAH.70a 400s 10* 10 10*
Am Gas A El 1 *0 17 27* 27 27
Am Hard Rubber 1060* 11 11 11
Am Laund M .10a 1 14* 14* 14*
Am LtATrao 1.89 6 12 11* 12
Am Maracaibo 24 * * *
Am Mater 11.60a) 1 23* 23* 23*
Am PotAC 4.78g_ 26a 73 73 78
Am Republics 6 6* 6* 5*
Am Saal-Ksp .12a 14 4 4
Am Superpower. 15 A * *
Am Superpwr pt. 4 7* 6* 7*
Am Thread pf .21 18 8 8
Angostura. _ 1111
Ark Nat uas _ 10 1* 1* 1*
Ark Nat GasiA) 26 1* 1* 1*
Ark Nat G pf .60k 2 6* 6* 6*
Art Metal W .80s. 8 4* 4 4*
Ashland OAR .40 4 4* 4* 4V«
AosoGAB IA)lr) 2 A * A
Ati Coaot Fish 10 2* 1* 2
Atl Rayon (.10a) 7 5* 4* 6*
Atlas Corn war 40 * * *
Atlas Plyw 625e 2 12 11* 12
Austin Stlv M cr) 30 A A A
Auto Vot M 1.60) 4 3* 3* 3*
Avery A Sons 1 3* 3* 3*
Aviation A Trans 40 3 2* 2*
Babcock A W.ZOe 8 21 20 21
Baldwin Lo war 24 6* 6 6*
Baldw L pf 2.10 100a 20 19 20
Baldwin Rub.60a 3 4* 4* 4*
Barium Stain Stl 3 * * *
BsrlABeel A 1.80 100a 8 8 8
Beale Dol .125s.. 3 3* 3* 3*
Beth Iron .. 22 10* 10 10*
Beach Aircraft 6 4* 4* 4*
Ballanca Aircraft 10 6 4* 4*
Ball Aircraft 23 18* 17 17*
Bark A Gay Fur 1 * * *
Bickfords pf 2.60 60s 38 38 38
Birdsboro Fdry.. 6 5 4* 4*
Bliss IE W> .. 84 16* 13* 14*
Blue Ridge .. 1 * * *
Blue R cv pfllh) 1 36 36 36
Blumenthai IS) 1 3* 3* 3*
BohackiH C)lst 30s ,19 19 19
Borne Scryms 2a 60s 30 30 30
Bourjois ilg) 2 4* 4* 4*
Bowman-Blit 4 * * *4
Brasilian TrLAP 27 3* 3 3*
BreesaCorp 60g 16 4* 4* 4*
Brewster Aaro 68 10* 9* 10
Brldgp't Machine 15 1* 1* 1*
Brill IA) 5 2* 2* 2*
Brtllo Mfg 1.80) 1 11* 11* 11*
Brlt-AmUrg (1) 1 lo 10 10
Brown Co ptlr) 800a 17 16* 17
BrownFAW ... 4 2* 2H 2*
Brown For Dlst.. 1 1* 1* 1*
Brown Rubber .. 5 1* 1* 1*
B NAEP pf 1 *0 . 14 16* 16 16
Bunker Hill 60s. 9 9* 9* 9*
Burma Ltd .05<e. 1 * * *
Cable Elec Prod 8 A tt tt
Caiamba Bug 1.60 1 11% 11% 11%
Callite Tungsten 9 1% is is
Can Col Airway* 30 5% 5% 6%
Can Mar W 04* 2 S S S
Carib Syndicate. 6 % % S
Carnation (la) l 31 31 31
Caro PAL pf (61 6 Os 87 86 86
Caro PAL pf <71. 60s 99 99 99
Carrier Corp 15 6% 6% 6%
Casco Prod (Is). 3 6% 6% 6S
Catlln (Am)- 17 2% 2 2
Celan pto pf (7a) 25s 102% 102% 102%
Cent HGAE (.10) 3 14S 14% 14%
Cent NT Pw pf & 80s 93 92 92
Cent Ohio StU5e 1 7% 7% 7%
Cent P A L pf (7) 76s 98% 98S 98%
Cent A 8own Dtll 7 AAA
Cent States Elec 4 % % %
Cent 8t E 6% pf 100s S S S
Childs pf ... 126s 14 13% 14
Cities Service 21 6% 4% 4%
Cltlaa Service pf 19 66 64 65
Cities Sve pf (B) 1 6% 6% 6%
Cities Sve BB pt. 20s 59 69 69
Cities Sve PAL
(7) pf 15.76k 20* 76 75 75
City Auto Stpg.60 5 4% 4% - 481
Claud* Neon L 8 A % %
Cl*v Elec III (Ja) 200s 30 30 30
Clev Tractor 2 4% 4% 4%
Cllnchfleld Coal .1111
Club Alum Uten 3 2% 2% 2%
Colon Develop 4 1 1 1
Col Fuel AI war 11 4% 3% 4%
Colt* Pat F A (2) 400s 71 68 71
ColumbOil A Gas 21 IS 1% IS
Comt'y P S 1.30a 50s 26 26 26
Compo Shoe ill 1 12% 12% 12%
Conn Tel A Elec 6 S % %
Cobs GAE Bo 3.66 4 69% 69 69%
Consol GasAElee
Balto pf B 4.60 120s 112% 112 112%
Consol Gaa Dtll 4 1% 1% 1%
Consol R 8 pf (3) 40s 75 75 75
Cons Royalty .20 1 1% 1% 1%
Cons Steel Corp 26 3% 3% 3%
ContlGAB pr pf 7 20s 86 85 85
Conti Roll A Stl 4 4% 4% 4%
Cooper-Bess 4 6% 6% 6%
Coop-B prpf 2.25k 1 23 23 23
Copper Kang* 200a 8% 3% 3%
Cornucopia Gold. 10 % % %
Coaden Petrolm. 1 IS 1% 1%
Coaden Petr pf... 2 7% 6% 7%
Creole Petr 60s 6 16% 16% 16%
Crocker-Wheeler 6 8% 3% 3%
Croft Brewing 11 A A A
Crown Cent Petr 1 2% 2% 2%
Cm Ck Int A .60k 1 5% 6% 5%
Crown Drug 06* 8 111
Cuban Atl 8ug Co 1 6% 5% 5%
pCun Press pf 6.60 60s 108 108 108
Darby Petroleum 7 3 3 3
Dayton Rub .50* 300s 10% 8% 9%
Dacca Ree .60 6 4% 4% 4%
Dennison (A) 2 A A A
Dennison deb (S) 10s 93 93 93
Derby Oil 1 1% 1% 1%
Det GAM pf 1.20. 1 15% 16% 15%
Det Gray Ir .04a. 8 1% 1% 1%
Det Paper Prod.. 1 S S %
Dlvco Twin Trfc. 6 6% 8 6%
Domin St) A Coal 2 4% 4% 4%
Dublller Con .07* 1 1% 1% 1%
Duka Powar .75a. 75a* 66 66 66
Duro-Test 6 * * H
Duval Tex 8.25a. 1 6* 6* 5*
Basle Pitch Lead 89 7* 7 7
Baat’n GasAFual 8 174 1* 174
Bastn GAP 6 Df 460a 13* 1274 1374
Baatn Gas A Fuel
prpf (1.125kI) 850a 84 2974 84
Baatn 8ts pf A . 150s 1474 14 14
Bastn Sts pf B 200a 14 14 14
Easy W (B).126a 8 2* 2* 274
Eleo Bond A Sh 214 4V4 374 874
Else B A 8 pf (6) 3 46 4374 46
Elea BA 8 pf (6) 6 6374 61 6374
Else PAL 3d pf A 200s 874 774 .8
Emerson Electric 1 874 374 374
Emp GAF 7 % pf 604“ 64 63 63
Bmp GAF 8% pf 26s 66 65 65
Empire Pwr (lk) 100s 2474 24* 2474
Equity Corp 2 74 74 74
Equity or pf tl) 76s 20 20 20
Esquire 1.6O) .. 2 374 3 874
Fairchild Avia .. 12 974 774 874
Falrehlld BAA 41 674 6 674
Falstaff Brdw .60 2 674 674 674
Fanny Farm 1.50 460s 18 1774 18
Fanned! Metal 8 9 9 9
Fla PAL.pt 1.94k 175s 86 8474 86
Ford(CsniAU) . 6 9* 9 9
Ford Can (B)(1). 26a 974 9* 974
Ford Ltd (.Ilf).. 6 174 1 74 174
Froedtert (.80).. 2 974 974 974
Pruehauf T .60s. 8 21 20 20
FuUarevpf (I).. 100a IS 12 18
Gan Alloys 1 ' 74 74 74
Gan Plreprf .36a. r 2 1074 1074 10*
Gan Pub 8vc pf . 20a 2674 2674 2674
Gian Aldan .1260 19 674 674 6
Godchaux A (I). 100a 20 20 20
Godebaux (B)... 2 6 674 6
Gray Mfs 2 6 6 6
GAAPnv(Sa) 200s 91 90 90
Grt Nor Pap (la) 60s 88 88 38
Greenfield TAD 8 7 674 674
Gulf Oil of Pad) 11 2874 27 2874
Hail Lamp t.OOa) 2 7 7 7
Ham'arm 111 ,25a 100a 21 21 21
Hartford Kayon 2 74 74 74
Hat Corp (B).tOe 1 474 474 474
Haseltina (2) 2 17 17 ‘ 17
Hearn Dept Stra 8 174 174 174
Hearn DSpf 1.60k 100a 12 11 12
HeclaMln .20a... 87 474 474 474
Hayden Cham (I) 60s 60 60 60
Hires (CE)-60s. 2 14* 14 1474
Horn A Hard (2) 160a 2774 26 26
Humble 011 .76a.. 18 61* 48 61*
Hum’l-Ross .16a. 11 674 674 674
Illinois* la Powar 8 8* 8 8*
111-la Powar pf . 6 2874 22* 28*
Ill-la Pwr div at. U 6* 4* 6*
MOCK tua iiium.
Dividend Rate. Add 00. Blgh. Low.CIom.
Imp Oil Ltd .(On. IS 744 6*4 644
Ind dvo 7 % pf 70a 12*6 12 1244
Ind apPALpI 6.16 10a 106)4 10644 106)4
Ins Co N Am la 600a 64 60*4 64
Int Hydro 81 pf. 4 6 644 644
Int indnat (.10*) 6 1*4 1)4 1*4
Int PaAPwr war 66 2*4 2W 2*4
Int Petrolm 1.60 S4 1044 10U 1044
Int Products .26# 1 2)4 2)4 8)4
Int UtllUtos (A). 16 6 6
Int Utilities (B). 2 44 tt *4
Int Vitamin (.10) 6 2*4 2*4 2*4
Interst H Eo 60 l 7)4 7)4 7)4
Irvin* AlrCb (1) 6 12*4 12 12*4
Ital Superpwr A. 8 4* 44 H
Jacobs Co .. 18 1*4 1)4 1*4
Jeanette Glass . 1111
JerCPALpf (7). 80s 100 08 08)4
Jones A Lao Stl 9 21 19)4 21
Ken-Rad TAL A. 100s 8*6 8*4 8*4
Kingston Prod .. 2 1 1 1
Kirby Petroleum 2 2 2 2
Kr*ss(SH)pf.60 l 1U4 11’4 11*4
Kreuger Brew .69 1 4*4 4*6 4*4
LakeShMUe)-. 8 IS IS IS
Lakey Pdry AM 10 2*4 2*4 2*4
Letoourt Real pf. 1 4)4 4)4 4)4
Lehigh Coal 16 1*4 1)4 1*4
LeTournaau U) 2 21)4 21 21
Line Materlel.l6e 260s 8)4 8 8)4
Lit Brothers. .6111
Locke Steel 140. 160s 10)4 10)4 10)4
Loqe Star .20o . 10 I 7*4 7*4
Long Intend Ltg. 16 *4 % %
Long 1st Lt pf B 76s 26)4 26 26
La LandAEs 10s 16 4 3*4 8)4
Ludwig-Bau pf.. 60s 25 25 26
Ludwig-B pf vte. 80s 25 25 25
Lynch Corp (2) 100s 22*4 22*4 22*4
McCord Rad (B) 8 1)4 1)4 1)4
MoWlll msLradg 9 4*4 4)4 4)4
Majaotlo Radio 1 *6 )*. a
Manati Bug war 7 *4 A %
Marlon St Shovel 1 2)4 2)4 2)4
Massey-Harrts 8 1*4 1*4 1*4
Master Elec 60s 100s 29)4 29)4 29)4
Mead John (8a» 90s 129)4 128 129)4
Memph NG.lSe 8 4)4 4 4)4
Mercantile Sts 1# 100s 11 11 11
Merr-ChapAS 3 2)4 2)4 2)4
Merr-Ch A 8 pf A 26s 61*4 61*« 51*4
Mesabl Iron 4 fc A A
Metro Ed pf (6). 40s 106)4 104)4 104)4
Mich Steel ,10e.. 100s 4)4 4)4 4)4
Mien Sugar 8 *4 % > *1
Mich Sugar pf 14 4 4
Mid 8t Petr A .68. 7 8)4 2)4 2)4
Mldl’d O cvpf.SOk 100s 6)4 6)4 6)4
Midland Btl (le) 300s 14 14 14
Midvale Co (le). 126s 101 100 101
Mid West Corp 11 5*4 6)4 5)4
Midwest Oil »0 3 6*4 6W 6*4
Minn MAS 60s 170s 49 47)4 49
Mock Jud V 25# 3 6)4 5 5)4
Molybdenum 26e 20 5*4 5*4 5*4
Monarch M 1.50e. 1 33 83 33
Monogram Pic 5 )4 *4 )4
Mont Ward A(7) 20. 148 145 145
Moody pic pf (8) 26. 28)4 23)4 23)4
Mount City C 33 2)4 2)4 2)4
Mount Prod 1.60) 6 6 4)4 4)4
Mount Sta P (le) 1 12 12 12
Nat Autot.40*).. 6 6% 5% 6
Nat Bella Bess 11 % % %
Nat City L 26*. 1 12% 12% 12%
Nat Cont (,45e)_. 6 8% 7% 8%
Nat Fuel Gas <1) 6 10% 10% 10%
Nat Oil Prod .26* 1 31% 31% 31%
Nat P A 1. of i • i 226s 80 78% 80
Nat Rubber Mac! 4 3% 3% 3%
Nat 8ugar Refln 4 7% 7% 7%
Nat Tranp’t .60*. 6 9% 9% 9%
Nat TunnelAMln 2 1% 1% 1%
Navarro Oil 40a 2 8% 8% 8%
Nehi Corp .125e.. 11 9 8% 8%
Nehi 1st pf 8.25 . 30s 84% 84% 84%
Neptune M <A) 4 5% 5 5
NEPA 6f« pf (3k) 76s 65 55 55
New Haven Clock 1 4% 4% 4%
New Idea < 60) 2 10% 10% 10%
NJZineda) 1350s 52 60% 62
New Mes A Arls 2 11 1
NT Auction 4 2% 2% 2%
N T Hon R .76* 50s 15% 16% 16%
NT PAL pf 17) 10s 109 109 109
NT 8hlpbg fd sb 6 13% 11% 13%
Nlag Hudson Pw 76 $% 3% 3%
Nlag Hud 1st 16) 25s 73 73 78 !
Nlag 8 Md B .26* 3 3% 3% 3%
Nllea-Bem-P 60s 2 55 65 55
Nlplsslng M 6 % % %
Noma Elec trio... 6 3% 3% 8%
Nor Am Lt A Pwr 49 % % %
Nor Am LAP pf 175s 66 64 65
N A Rayon A .60* 1 16% 15% 15%
Nor A R prpf <31 60s 50 60 60
NIPS 6% pf 1.50b 70s 97 96 96
NIPS 7* pf 1.76k 80s 99% 99 99%
North'n P L .40* 1 6% 6% 6%
North’n Sta P (A) 1 8% 8% 8%
Ohio P 8 pf A 17) 10s 105 105 105
Okla Nat Gas .26* 5 18% 13% 13%
Okla NG cvpf 1.60 50s 104 102 102
Oldetvme Oist 35 4 8% 3%
Omar, Inc_ 50s 6 6 6
Pao <»as6%pfl.60 2 28 28 28
Pao P A L pf 17) 10s 76 75 75
Pao Pub Sve .40 2 4 4 4
Pantepee on 18 2% 2% 2%
Parkbg RAR .26* 5 7 6 6%
Pender Gr A 1.60 20s 41 41 41
Pennroad 29 1% 1% 1%
Pa-Cant Airlines 9 13% 12 13%
Pann PAL pf (7> 50s 104% 103% 103%
Penn W A P (4) 200s 67 66% 66%
Papparell (la) 75s 56 56 66
Pharls TAR 15* 3 4% 4 4%
Phil* Co (.15*).. 6 5% 5% 5%
Phoanlx Secur 94 6% 5% 6%
Phoanlx Secur pf 500s 23% 21% 23
Pioneer Gold .40 9 1% 1% 1%
Pltnay-Bowas .40 6 6% 6% 6%
Pitta Forg t.26a) 10 8% 8 8%
Pitts ALE (2e) 90s 47% 46 47%
Pitts Plate G(2a) 4 80 79 79
Plough lne (,30a) 18 8 8
Polaris Mining 4 M % V
Powdrall A A ,20a 8 2% 2% 2%
Premier Gold .12 8 % % %
Press Mauls .60* 1 5% 6% 5%
Prosperity (B).. 6 3 2% 2%
Prudential Inv... 8 5 6 5
Pb 8vo Ind 36 pf 225s 37% 36 87%
P 8 Ind 37 pr pf 25s 73 73 78
PS Ok pr In pf (7) 50s 106 106 105
Pug Sd 36pf 1.26k 175s 62 60% 61%
Puget Sd P 36 pf 675s 16 14 16
Pug Sd Pulp 1.26< 18 16% 14 16%
Pyl* Nat .25*) — 60s 7% 7% 7%
Pyrene (,20a)... 3 6 6,5
Quaker Oau (3) 40s 105 105 105
Raym d Concrete 150s 7% 6% 6%
Raym d Coir pf 2 20s 84% 84% 34%
Read Roll B i la) 6 16% 16% 16%
Ratter Foster ... 6 % % %
Rhaam Mfg 11) 1 12% 12% 12%
Rallano EAE .26* 60s 11% 11% 11%
Republle Avtafn 73 6% 4% 5
Richmond Rad .. 8 1% 1% 1%
Rom* Cable .20*. 2 8 8 8
Root Petroleum. 10 1% 1% 1%
Royal Typ (2*).. 150s 47 46 46
Rusaaks Fifth Av 2 2% 2% 2%
Rustless IAS .16a 19 9% 8 9%
Ryan Consol- 3 1% 1% 1%
nyeraon at- 1 4 4 4
St ttegis Paper.. 66 24 24 24
8t Bagla Pap pf.. 75a 664 66 664
Salt Dome OH ... 5 6 44 44
Savoy Oil - 14 4 4
Sc h Iff Co (1) 19 9 2
Scovlll Mfg.50e 3 26 284 25
Scranton L(.50e) 10a 24 24 24
BculUn Steel 1 64 54 64
8eullln Staal war 6 £ £ £
SecurCorpGen .4 4 4 4
Saaal Lock 28 £ 4 4
Salbaritna Rub 10 84 34 84
Select induatnea 3 4 4 4
Sal lad al et t.CO 400* 40 894 40
Sal Ind pr pf t.60 100s 40 894 40
Sentry Saf Con 1 £ £ £
Shattuck-D(.lOa) 7 34 84 84
Sher>WHl 1.60# 460a 72 70 70
Sbar-WiU Of (I) 40a 1064106 106
8tmmons BAP. 21 44 4 44
Simplicity Pat... 2 111
Singer Mfg (6).. 170a 116 108 110
Soaotona t.OSe).. 17 i 14 14 14
8oaa Mfg .0185#.. 1 84 84 84
So Penn 011 1.10. 2 29 28 28
8CSaptBL69.. 2.274 27 274
8 C Kd pf C 1.8TI. 1 244 244 244
Soutb'a da Oaa . S 24 24 24
So*land Roy -96a. 6 64 64 64
Spalding Co ... 2 14 14 14
Spencer Shoe .2111
StaadCAS.IOa. 1 74 74 74
Stand Dredg 10a. 2 11 1
Stand Oil Ky ID 7 17 164 164
Stand Oil O (1) . 6 27 264 264
Stand Pwr A Lt 8 4 £ 4
Stand PAL pf 60a 22 22 22
Stand Prod 60a 4 64 6 64
Stand Silver Ld 2 £ £ £
Stand St) Sp 60a 4 214 21 21
Starrett vte 2 4 4 4
8tarllna Alum .. 9 64 64 54
Starling Brew... 1 14 14 14
Sterling Ine (.20) 1 14 14 14
Stataop (J B) .. 76s 24 84 84
8troock ACo—. 200s 84 84 84
SunmrOl] Ola.. 20 14 14 14
Sup OU of Cal... 1 24 24 24
Taggart .. 11 24 24 24
Taatyaaat (A) ..1444
Taobnleolor .10a. 19 94 24 24
Teaon Oil (,20a). 2 24 24 24
TSaw Shovel 200a 14 124 44
TlloRoof U6a)_. 1 24 |4 24
Stock and Sale*— mf.
Dividend Rat*. Add 00. Rich. ham. mt*.
Tob &od Sxp.40g 4 4 IAQ'4
Toddltaipy’d Tta 78a 66 ff«
Tonopah Mining 2 ft ft* ft
Trans-Lux t.lOa) 18 1 1 * 1
Trmnawaat OH . 10 M t 2
Tubla* Chatlllon 9 6k 4% 6k
Tubtad Chat A la 160a 20k 20 20k
Tttng-Sol Lnmft 1 1% lk it*
Tung-Bol L pf .80 2 6V* 6k 6V*
UdPllto«.19a) 11 4 3k 3k
Ulan A Co pf A 1 k * h
JJn GaaiCanMOa 1 7H 7V* 7Vfc
Un Pram P Bill 6 16 14k 16
Unit Ain't P .10* 10 12k 11 12
Unit Cgr-Whalen 48 ft k ft
United Corp war. 14 k k H
United Gae 184 1 M l
Unit Gaa pf 4.10k 2 88 88 'Mi
Unit GAE pf (7). 160a 81 80 AO
Unit LtAPwr IA) 17 ft k £ ft
Unit LAP <B).. 2 k kfk
Unit btAPwr pf. 28 21 19 C9k
Unit Milk (Id)... 60a 22k 20 f£k
Unit 8b M 1.60a. 600a 61k <0 fO
UB Pttl IB) 82 4 3k f«*
U 8 Graphite .16g 60a 6k 0k 6k
U 8 A 1 B pf 1.2tk 126a 56 64k 55
U B Linas pf 12 2k 2 2
, UBPljrw'd.fOa.. 1 21k 21k 21k
U ■ Rub Reclaim 6 3k 8k 8k
Unit Stores_ li ft ft ft
Unit Well Paper. 26 lk lk lk
Unlv Corp vtc_ 2 3 3 3
Ualv Pictures .. 16 6 6
Unlv Cooler (B). 3 H. k k
U tab I da bo Rug., n m lk lk
Util PAL pf (r) 60a 10 10 10
Utility Equities 3 H H k
Util Equity pf lk 60s 40k 40k 40k
Vaispar Corp 19 ft k k
Vcaasuala Patrol 2 k k vk
Vn Pub Sarv pf 59a 63 63 «
Voght Mfg ,40a . 1 7k 7k Ik
Waco Aircraft 11 4k 4k lk
Walkar Mining 1 s k k
Wayna Knit 1.25* 1 13 IS It
Wellington 011 8 2 2 2
Wentworth Mfg 9 lk lk lk
W Tex Ut 56 pf 5 30* 92 92 92
WastVaCAC 1 lk lk lk
Westarn An Exp 6 4k 4 4k
WasternTabAB 60s 14 14 14
Wldhlta Rlv Oil. 2 5k 5k 6k
Will’ma (RC) 6 4k 4 4
Willson Pr(.40e) 100s 8 8 8
Wllaon-Jonea.25* 6 6 6 6 i *
Wls PAL pf 1.751c 10* 99 99 99
Wolvanna T ,10a 4 4k 4k 4k
Wright Uarg.40a 22 3k 3k 3k
r In bankruptcy or receivership or ooln*
reorganized ander the Bankruptcy Act ar
securities assumed by such companies.
Rates of dividends m use foresotnt table
are annual disbursements eased on tho
•« ouarterlr or semi-annual declare
lion Unless otherwise noted special er
extra dividends «ra not included o Also
extra or extras d Accumulated dividends
P* Te*r • Declared or os Id «o
far thl* rear t Parable m stock * Paid
*st raor h cash or stock k Aeeumu
••led dividends noid oi declared thl* ' ear
ur Under rule ww with warrants rw
without warrants war Warrants
Curb Bonds
DOMESTIC Hi*h Low Close
A » Power 4%s 67._106% ufo 1W>
A s Power 5s 48 A_105% 105 105
Ale Power 5s 61 _ 105 105 105
Ale Power 6s 6«_104% li»«% 104%
Ala Power 5s 08 _102 101% 101%
Am P A L 8s 2018 ... 02% 91% 91%
Aopalach E P 4s 83... 107 108% 108%
Appalaeh E P4*as 48... 104% in*% 104%
Appal P 6s 2024 A—_ 123 123 123
Ark P A L 5s 56 ... 104 102% 102%
As El Tnd 4%s 53 ... 40% 40% 40%
A« O A E 4%s 49- 11% 10 11%
2 4 5 5* 52 - 11 11
As O A E 5s 66 _ 11 10% 11
As O A E 5%s 77 .. 10% 10% 10%
As, T A T 5%s 55 A - 53 53 53
Atl Oai Lt 4%s 55 . 106% int% 106%
Bald Loco 6s 50 ... 105 98 101
g* Te C 6s 57 B ... 97% 96% 97
g*> Tel C 5s 60 C- 97 96 % 97
Beth Steel 6s 98 142% li" ]
Birm El 4%s 68 ... 93% 92% 92%
Blrmlni Oas 6s 59 ... 93 92 93
Can Pac 6s 42 .. 8? 87 67
Caro Pw A Lt 5s 56 . .. 103% 103% 103%
Central Pw 5( 57 D_ 96% 96% 96%
Cent St El 5s 48 _ 26% 25% 26%
Cent St El 5%* 54 ... ;6% 25% 26%
Cen St PAL 6%a 63... 86 84% 84%
Chi IUAM 4%s 56 A... 103% 103% 1”%
hC! Rys 6a.27. cod_38 “ 88
Cities Sve 5s 50_ 68% «*%*
Cttles gve 5s 59- 67%
Cities Sve 5s 66 _ 71
CU 8 PAL 5%a 62_ 77V«
Olt S PAL 6%s 49 ... 78
Comnty PAL 6s 67... 85
Cons OEAP 3s 69... 106
Cons o mil 6s 43 at... 76
Cont S A E 5s 56 A... 81
Cudahy Pka 3%* 55... 95
Del El Pw 5%s 69 .. 104% 104
Det A In B 6%* 52 ed_. 4 4
2,^.,F 41 58 A... 76
Mis El D u 3%* 65,—_ 108 m
El Pw A Lt 6s 2030... 71% .. -
S»? £>* ® ®S 52-102%1014jl01%
£1* IJlht 5s 67_108% 108% 108%
PM Wat 5%s 54 .. 90 89 96
ga Pwr eoupn 4s 86 §9% 99% 99 H1;
gorlda PAL 5s 54 100% 100 loot?'
Gatineau P 3%s 69... 67 66% 68%
Gary EAO 5s 44 st ... 99 98% 08tJ
gen Pub Ct 6%s 56... 88*4 83% 86%
Oen W WAE 5s 43 A . 90 89 89
Oeortta Pw 5s 67 .. 105 104 104
Oeorila PAL 5s 78... 60 69 60
Glen Alden Cl 4e 85 ... 70% 70% 70%
Grocery Str 8s 45 ... 60% 56 66
Guard Inv 5s 48 A... 27 27 27
Hou Gulf G 6s 43 ...101 loo>; i •%
Idaho Pwr 3s% 67... 106% 108V« 106%
111 Pwr A Lt 6* 83 A .. 103 102 102
S> Lt 8 %s 54 B— 99% 98% 99%
Py A L 5« 66 C—. 97 96% 96%
Ind Hyd Elec 5s 58 ... 98 98 98
Indiana Sve 5s 50 A... 67 57 *7
Indiana Ser 5s 63 A... 59 68% 68%
T2SVa5*B.°*5, 5f.»2 — 61 61 61
Inti £? 5*c 7* 87 E_ 28 26 28
SsSRe6.7V2.5::; If ||&
lySift J%-a::7 ifw §?* I?*
g V V B°:: 102% 102% 102%
g«n *> Pw 3%s 86 A.. 102% 102% 102%
Kan OAE 6s 2022 A_119% 119% 119%
L 8 Dlst P 3Hi 66 A” 105 104‘? 105
“bnillLt 6s 48 - 103% 103% 103';
La Pw A Lt 5* 57 ... 104 103% 103%.
Meniel Co 4%s 47... 85 85 85^
Metrop Ed 4 s 65 O-108% 108% Jo«%»
Mil GAE 4%s 67 _99% 99 M l
MJnn PAL 4%s 78... 99 98% 98%
M nn P A L 5s 56.. 103% 1<'3% loot?*.
*f}»* Pow 6s 55 _ 96 96 96 ■ '
Mias Pw A L 5s 57_99'; 96% 09%;
Nat P A L 6| 2026 A ... 109% 109 1 09**
Nebr Pwr 4%s 2022 A_ 120 120 1°0
Nevad Cal El 5s 66_ 63 63 *«{ X
blgtlfSlS:::; ff% Sf f? 1
n£ S & 55!%t854::: 8* §5$
nS: pSft V flV.:: i8T i8S^
NY PsAOhlo 4%s 50 .. 92 92 92 E
NY St EAG 3%s 64.. 105 104% 104'*
N 2 5 4^s R0 — 163 102% 1021*
N IA WL1 4s 2004... 102% 102% 102%$
N T AWL 6s 54 ... 113V« 113% 113?®
w? ^ J*AP 5ft* 55— 86% 94 96y5?
No Bo*t Lt 3%s 47- 104 104 104 i
Nohtw P 8 5s 57 A... 104 103% 103%T
gho Power 3%s 68... 106 105 106 ■
Ohio Piib Sve 4s 82... 106% 106% 10fl%£
Sic 2 i ? 2* tl B --- 107ft 1Q7H 167%P
Pac PA L 5, 85 _. 87% 87 87 Vi?
P»rk Lev Lahld 3s 64.L 40% 40 40 *
Penn C LAP 4%s 77— 98% 97% 97%|*
Penn »ec_ 4. 71 p _ 101 ioo loi^4
F«gn Oh B 6%s 59 B... 102% 102 102%*
Penn Oh E 6( 60 A ... 105 104% 104%*
Pen" p »« 6s 47 C... 107% 107% 107%a
gS1VKVU a9:: P 1
g*fe H Wa 4%s 79... 109 109 109 4
I«7 a::: W lW ■
rs MP4M 5::: A* #i7^^
g; &M2Aa::: 8% ^% 1&M
puw Pb fve 6s 46 A... 105 105 105
rafi8*t :: |g% U Ik’
ltd S^eiMVa*1.- »* ** 5JJ
Std Oai A El 6s 57.. !
Std OaaAEl 6s 66 B... „
stand PwALt 6s 67... 59
bitg W:.-;
LtiPw .6%i#J«.. f
waaaw us «vv I* oa n hh „
Unit, Ind Vb 6%s 41 ll 19
n*—With warranu. xw—without wai
r*Wetotlabll*tT lmpa'lrM'bT m“?urlty.
U. S. Treasury Notes

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