Newspaper Page Text
(Carfc of uljatiku Martin, sarab k. The family of tht lato SARAH K. MARTIN wish to thank their many friends and neighbor! for their kind expressions of sympathy aw beautiful floral tributes during their . bgaeavement. j CHARLES MARTIN AND FAMILY. * § Srall|M FALLEN. LAURA VIRGINIA. On Wednes day. May 22. 1940. at her residence. 3039 OR* st. n.w,. LAURA VIRGINIA ALLEN. b«oved mother of LeRoy Allen. Remains rating at Chambers* Georgetown funeral hame. TServices and interment at Andrews' CRapel on Sunday. May 2d. at 2 D.m. Rel atives and friends invited. 26 ANDERSON. BRIG. GEN. EDWARD D., tV S. A. (Retired). On Wednesday. May 22, 1940. at Walter Reed Hospital. Brig. Gan. EDWARD D. ANDERSON. U. S. A. (retired). beloved husband of Adelaide Ewen Anderson and father of Edward Ewen and C. Milton Anderson of New York City. Services by Chaplain George F. Rixey at Oawler’s chapel. 1750 Pa. ave. n w.. on Saturday. May 25. at 10 a m. Interment with full military honors from Fort Myer gate. Arlington National Cemetery. 24 ATKINS, CAROLINE. On Friday. May 24^ 1940. at the residence of her son. James Atkins. 4844 Rock Spring rd . Arlington, Va.. in her 86th year. CAROLINE ATKINS. Remains resting at the S H. Hines Co. fu neral home. 2901 14th st. n.w. Funeral services at St. Agnes Catholic Church, Cherrydale. Va.. on Monday. May 27, at 9:30 am. Interment St. Mary's CRurch Cemetery. Laurel, Md. 2d BARNES, JAMES W. On Wednesday. Mav 22. 1940. JAMES W. BARNES of New York City, beloved husband of Rose E. Bajrnes. . .. Services will be held at the home of his itater. Mrs. S. E. Schafer of 3253 O st. n.w.. on Saturday. May 25. at 2 P m. In tefment Glenwood Cemetery. ~4 BELU JOHN W. Suddenly, on Thurs- ! day. May 23, I94n. at his residence. 4*502 Fan wick st., Brentwood. Md . JOHN W. B*LL. beloved husband of the late Efnma Bell. Remains resting at Gasan's iu ncral home. 40 Maryland ave., Hyattsvihc. | -Cervices at the above funeral home on j Baturday. May 25. at 11 a.m. Relatives anti friends invited. Interment Fort Lin coln Cemetery. BOWSER. ODIE EDWARD. On Wed nesday. May 22- 1940. ODIE EDWARD BOWSER, devoted son ef Mary and the lake Edward Bowser, beioved husband of Annie Bowser and father ol Mrs. Louise Duckett Also surviving are lour sisters, Mis. Lena Simms. Mrs. Bessie Bayton. Mrs. C'ara Ford and Mrs. Rosena Mackell. ofle brother. George Bowser: a niece. ■vKian Anderson: a granddaughter. Odie DUckett: other relatives and many friends Remains resting at his late residence. 901 tlficlid st. n w„ after 12 noon Sunday. T3olemn requiem mass will be celebrated St Augustine's Catholic Church Monday. V 27. at 1(1 o'clock. Interment at Mount vet Cemetery. Arrangements by Mc ire. .•BRADSHAW, JAMES H. Departed tills tMav 20. 1940. in Ridgeville. Md , UES H. BRADSHAW He Is survived five brothers and four sisters. Re ins resting with L. E. Murray & Son, h and V sts. n.w. ^.Funeral notice later. * BROWN, ARTHUR. On Wednesday, iv 22, 1940. at his residence. 200 49th n e . ARTHUR BROWN, beloved hus £id of Sarah Brown. He also leaves one ter. one brother and many other rent es and friends to mourn their loss Remains May be viewed after 1 P m. Bfiday, May 24. at the above residence. Wtiere funeral will be held on Saturday. Mby 26. at 1:30 P.m Interment Payne s Cemetery. Arrangements by Henry S. Washington & Sons. -* wBUCK, DELLA MAE. On Thursday. May 53 1 »t Sibley Memorial Hospital. MAt della BUCK, beloved wife of Everett mnry Buck and mother of Janet Ellen and Jumes Everett Buck. . "Remains resting at the Lee funeral home, st. and Mass. ave. n.e where services Sbe held on Saturday. May 2o. at - 30 Relatives and friends invited. Inter Bttnt Cedar Hill Cemetery. -.BUNCH, HERMAN D. On Thursday. Mav 23. 1940, at Emergency Hospital. BERMA'ri D. BUNCH, beloved brother of Wilbur Bunch. A E Bunch. L. C. Bunch and Mrs Mabelle Imler. uncle of Paul Holer Remains resting at the Chambers funeral home. 1400 Chapin st. n.w. ••Notice of funeral later. ' CALTABIANO. MARINA. On Wednes day. May 22. 1940. at Los Angeles. Calif.. MARINA CALTABIANO. She is survived by a brother. Ignatius Geract: two sons. Augustus Caltabiano and Joseph Calta biano: two daughters. Grace C. Rubino and Catherine C. De Pietro. Burial in Los Angeles. Calif., on Friday, Mav 24. 1940. ~4 CAUGHMAN, OLL1E. On Thursday. May S3 1940, at Gallinger Hospital. OLLIE CAUGHMAN. Remains resting at Frazier s funeral home, 3K9 Rhode Island ave. n.w. Notice of luneral later. CRILLEY. SUSIE A. On Wednesday, May 22. 1940. in New York City. SUSIE A CRILLEY. wife of the late Frank Cril ley and mother of Francis J. Crilley of Washington. D. C.. and Mrs. Clara Mc Mullen of New York City.. Funeral and interment in Boston. Mass. ”4 CYPHERS, SUE B. On Thursday, May 23 1940. at the Washington Sanatorium and Hospital. SUE B CYPHERS beloved ■wife of Russell S. Cyphers of 129 Chest nut ave . Takoma Park. Md. _ Services at the Warner E. Pumphrey funeral home. 8424 Georgia ave.. silver Spring. Md.. on Saturday.. May 25. at 2X10 p.m. Interment Washington Memorial Park Cemetery. DENSON, JAMES D. Suddenly, on Thursday. May 23, 1940. at Washington. D C, JAMES D DENSON, beloved hus band of Susie M. Denson of 75 Wells ave.. Ifimonston. Md. He also is survived by two daughters. Susanne and Barbara Denson. Remains resting at Gasch s funeral home. *6 Maryland ave., Hyattsville. Md. ' Services at the above funeral home on Monday. May 27, at 10 a.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Arlington Na tional Cemetery. 2ti FILGATE. JAMES F. On Friday, May 24. 1940. at Garfield Hospital. JAMES F. PTLGATE. beloved husband of Nellie E. Plleate tnee Cassell) of 352b N. H. ave. n.w. Notice of funeral later. FINLEY. HENRY JENNINGS. On Fri day. May 24. 1940. at Emergency Hospital, HENRY JENNINGS FINLEY, beloved hus band of Clara Bliss Finley. * Funeral from 3034 M st. n.w. Sunday, May 20. at 2:30 P.m. Interment private. 25 FREEMAN, LEROY A. On Thursday. Mav 23. 1940, LEROY A. FREEMAN, be tovcd son of Margaret O. and the late 1. Frank Freeman. Funeral from his late residence. 24 Pranklin st. n,e . on Saturday, May 25, *t 9 a m. • Requiem mass at St. Mar tin's Church at 9:30 a m Relatives and friends invited. Interment St. Mary s Cemetery. 24 GATES, GERTRUDE L. On Wednesday, Mav 22. 1940. at her residence. 1420 Q at, n.w,. GERTRUDE L. GATES, beloved Wife of Abraham Gates, sister of Albert Crymes and Evelyn G. Richardson and aunt of Sylvester L. Reeder and Albert Orymes. _ Remains resting after 2 p.m. Friday at her late residence, where funeral services will be held on Saturday. May 25. at 11 a.m Friends invited. Interment Harmony Cemetery. Arrangements by McGuire. 24* GILCHRIST. ELIZABETH. On Wednes day. May 22, 1940. at Freedmen's Hospital. ELIZABETH GILCHRIST, beloved sister ST Margueretta Collier and W. C. Jones. Sso surviving are a host of other rela tives and friends. _ . _ ,,Remains resting at the J. L. Lowe lu aeral home. 913 Fla. ave. n.w.. where fu neral services will be held at 2 P m. Satur day Mav 25. Interment Payne's Cem •iery. Rev. G. O. Bullock officiating. 24 HAMMER. CHARLES KELLER. On Fri dav Mav 24, 1940. at his residence. 1, ■Elston ave.. Hyattsville. Md.. CHARLES KELLER HAMMER, beloved husband of Christine Hammer. Notice of funeral later. HANNAN. EDWARD F. On Wednesday. May 22. 1940. at his residence. 18;l» Wood Place n.w*.. EDWARD F. HANNAN, btloved son of Mary A. and the late John 0. Hannan. . Funeral from the above residence on Saturday. May 25. at 9:30 a.m Requiem mass at St. Paul's Church at 10 a.m. In terment (private) Mount Olivet Cemetery. HANNAN. EDWARD F. The members of Spalding Council. K. of C., are hereby notified of the death of Brother EDWARD F. HAN ‘ NAN and are reauested to as ' semble at his late residence. 1839 Mintwood place n.w.. on „ Frioav evening. May 24. 1940. •t 8:30 p.m . for recitation of the Rosary lor the repose of his soul. _ „ M. J O'CALLAGHAN. Jr,. G. K. JOHN M. TABLER. F. S. HENDERSON, LEAH. On Thursday. May 23. 1940. at her residence. 425 3rd at n e. LEAH HENDERSON, mother of Minerva Dabney and George Hudson, Brandmother cf Leah and William Dabney. Notice of funeral later. Arrangements bv Malvan & Schey. HENSON. SEYMOUR H. On Friday. May 24. 1940. at his residence. 171 . S. Monroe st.. Arlington. Va.. SEYMOUR H. HENSON, beloved husband of Emma c. Henson and father of Edna. Frances, Clayton and Seymour Henson. Jr. Notice of funeral later. HOUSER. BESSIE ESTELLE. On Friday. May 24. 1940. at her home. 3300 Prospect ave. n.w., BESSIE ESTELLE HOUSER (nee Harford), beloved wife of J. A. Houser and daughter of the late William A. and Ada E. Harford. Remains resting at the Bethesda funeral home of Wm. Reuben Pumphrey. •7005 Wisconsin ave., until 3 p.m. Satur day: thereafter at her late residence. Funeral services at Calvary Methodist Church, 3040 Que st. n.w.. on Sunday. May 26 at 2:30 p.m. Interment Potomac. Md. ^Winchester. Va.. papers Please copy.) 26 FUNERAL DIRECTORS. vTlTspeare CO. Neither successor to nor connected with the original W R Speare establishment 1009 H St. N.W._NayTXrW J. William Lee’s Sons Co. FtINEBAI DIRECTORS Crematorium 4th and Mata. Art, N.E. Lincoln »2tK>. ’ FUNERAL DESIGNS. GUDE BROS. CO. Flora) Pieces 1212 F St. N.W._National 4276 GEO. C SHAFFER, Inc EXPRESSIVE FLORAL TRIBUTES AT MODERATE PRICES PHONE NAT OlOfl *5 JSS5T Co. 14th & Eye « JENKINS. WILLIAM T. On Friday. May 24. 1940. at hts residence, Oum Sprints. Va.. WILLIAM T JENKINS, beloved hue band of Carol V. Jenkins and father of Johh J. and Alvin Jenkins. Remains rest Inc at the. S. H. Rlnes Co. funeral home. 2901 14th at. n.w. Notice of funeral later. JETER. WALTER D. Departed this life Thursday. May 23, 1040. in Preedmen'a Hospital, after a brief illness. WALTER D. JETER, the devoted husband of Beatrice (Betty) Jeter. He is survived by two brothers. William C. Jeter of Louisville. Ky.. and Thomas A. Jeter: one sister. Mrs. Mary J. HemDhill of Baltimore and one sister-in-law. Mrs. V. B. Jeter: other rela tives and friends. Remains resting with L. E. Murray & Son. Funeral notice later. • LEE. THOMAS E. Departed this life Tuesday. May 21, 1940. at 11:30 a m . THOMAS E LEE. beloved husband of Mabel Lee, father of Edgar P.. Maurice S.. Vivian H. and Furman M. Lee, son of Mamie Loe and the late Thomas H. Lee. brother of Beulah L. Lucas and Lawrence A Lee He also leaves many other rela tives and friends. Remains may be seen at his late residence, 1396 Morris rd. s.e., after 4 p m Friday, May 24. Funeral Saturday, May 25. at 1:30 p.m.. from the Vermont Avenue Baptist Church, Vermont ave. between Que and R sts. n.w. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Harmony Cemetery. 24 LEWIS. ELEANOR LE HUARY. On Fri day. May 24. 1940, at the home of her daughter. Mrs E B. Broocks, 6921 Fairfax rd.. Edgemoor. Md.. ELEANOR LE HUARY LEWIS, beloved wife of the late James Lewis. Remains resting at the Bethesda funeral home of Wm. Reuben Pumphrey, 7095 Wisconsin ave. Funeral services and interment private. Please omit flowers. LOWHORN. ROBERT. Departed this life Wednesday. May 22. 1940. ROBERT LOWHORN. the beloved husband of Cora Lowhorn He is survived by one daughter. Mrs Valeria James: three brothers, five sisters, two stepchildren other relatives and friends. Remains resting with L. E. Murray & Son. 12th and V sts. n.w. Funeral notice later. • MARMADUKE, ISABELLE. On Wednes day. May 22. 1940. rt Georgetown Uni versity Hospital. ISABELLE MARMADUKE. beloved wife of Thomas G. Marmaduke and molher of Mrs. Leona Ardigo and Thomas G Marmaduke. jr. Funeral from the residence of her sister. Mrs. Alice McNalley, 45 Quincy pi. n.e.. on Saturday. May 25. at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Glenwood Cem etery. McKENZIE. JANET. On Friday. May 24, 1940. at her residence. 3907 Biltmore st. n.w.. JANET McKENZIE. beloved sister of Blair McKenzie and Mary McKenzie. Funeral services at her late residence on Monday. May 27. at 2 p.m. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 25 McPIIF.RSON, On Wednesday. May 22. 1940. at his home. Gainesville. Va.. ALLEE McPHERSON. devoted father of Robert Lee and beloved son of Cleve land and Mary McPherson. He also leaves three sisters, Mrs. Ethel Nickens. Mrs. Mary Randle and Mrs. Martha Champ: a devoted friend. Miss Maria Lewis, and a host of relatives and friends. Funeral Sunday. May 20, at 2 p.m., from Mount Pleasant Baptist Church. Gaines ville, Va. 25 MONTGOMERY, JOSEPH. On Tuesday. May 21, 1940, at Charles County. Md., JOSEPH MONTGOMERY He leaves to mourn their loss a wife. Susan Montgom ery: one daughter, Etta Jones: three sons, Lawrence. Raymond and Grafton Mont gomery. Also other relatives and friends survive. Remains resting at Eugene Ford's funeral home. 1300 South Capitol st.. until Thursday. May 23. then at 1705 Sth st. n.w., where remains may be viewed until 2 p.m. Friday; thence to his Charles County residence Funeral Saturday at 2 p.m. from the Zion Baptist Church. Hilltop. Md. Inter ment Mount Hope Cemetery. 24 MOORE, MAUDE TORREYSON. On Thursday. May 23, 1940. at Georgetown University Hospital. MAUDE TORREYSON MOORE of 1815 N. Randolph st.. Arling ton. Va.. beloved wife of Lyman M. Moore and daughter of Andrew Duke and Blanche Schutt Torreyson and mother of Mrs. Emilie Moore Fearson. Dorothy. Eleanor and Eileen Carolyn Moore. She also Is survived by a sister. Mrs. Guy N. Church, and a brother. William Francis Moore. Remains resting at her late residence, where funeral services will be held Satur day. May 25. at 3 p.m. Interment Oak wood Cemetery, Falls Church. Va. MORRELL, EMILY'. On Thursday. May 23, 3 940. at her residence. 4421 Jay st. n.e., EMILY MORRELL, devoted mother of Dr. David Morrell and Ophelia Augustine. She also is survived by many other rela tives and friends. Remains resting at the Malvan & Schey funeral home. N. J. are. and R st. n.w. Notice of funeral later. • NELSON. HENRY PAUL. On Thurs day. Mav 23. 1940. HENRY PAUL NEL SON. devoted son of Randall and Inez Nelson and nephew of Ruth and John Robinson. He also is survived bv other relatives and friends. Remains resting at the Malvan Sc Schey funeral home. N. J. ave. and R st n.w. Notice of funeral later. • NIXON, THOMAS. On Friday, May 24. 1940. at Gallinger Hospital. THOMAS NIXON. Remains resting at the Frazier funeral home. 389 Rhode Island ave. n.w. Notice of funeral later. NOONE, PATRICK ROBERT. On Thurs day. May 28, 1940. at the re&idence of hi* daughter. Mrs. Charles R. Baker. 724 Varnum st. n.w. PATRICK ROBERT NOONE. beloved husband of the late Mar garet C. Noone. Funeral from the above residence on Saturday, May 25. at 9 a m.; thence to St. Gabriel’s Church, where mass will be offered at 9:30 a.m. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 24 ONTRICH. PAUL W. H. On Thursday, May 28. 1940. at his residence. 1719 Var num st. n.w., PAUL W. H. ONTRICH. be loved husband of Neva Ontrich. Services at the S. H. Hines Co funeral home. 2991 14th st. n.w., on Saturday. May 25, at 3 D.m. Services and interment private. PLGH, MARIA. On Monday. May 20, 1940. at Gallinger Hospital. MARIA PUGH. She leaves to mourn their loss a husband. Will Pugh: three daughters. Willie Mae. Fannie Mae and Bessie Pugh: six sons, Fred and James Curtis. George. Eugene. Colie and Douglas Pugh: three sisters, Betty Hcper. Lou Ramage and Minsey Coleman: two brothers. John and Tim Cole man: also other relatives and friends. Re mains may be viewed after 2 p.m. Friday, May 24. Remains resting at Eugene Ford’s fu neral home. 1300 South Capitol st.. where funeral services will be held on Saturday at 3 p.m. Interment Saluda, S. C. RAPEE, CHARLES A. On Thursday, May 23. 1940. at Garfield Hospital, CHARLES A. RAPEE. beloved husband of Mollie V. Rapee and father of Dr. Law rence A. Rapee and Mrs. Earl C. Sharits. Funeral services at the S. H. Hines Co. funeral home. 2901 14th st. n.w.. on Sat urday, May 25. at 1:30 p.m. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 25 REYNOLDS, MARY J. On Wednesday, May 22, 1.040. at Providence Hospital, MARY J. REYNOLDS (nee Pistorio). be loved wife of the late William R. Reynolds. Funeral from her late residence. 1326 East Capitol st., on Saturday, May 25, at 8:30 am.: thence to Holy Comforter Church, where mass will be offered at 9 a m for the repose of her soul. Interment private. Kindly omit flowers. 24 ROBBINS, ELIZABETH A. On Friday. May 24, 1940. at her residence. 614 H st. r.w., ELIZABETH A. ROBBINS, aged 70 years, widow of Charles S. Robbins, mother of Marguerite E. Robbins. Mrs. John M. Daly. Mrs. Leslie H. McDaniel, Charles J. Robbins and Mrs. Bernard J. Folliard. grandmother of John B. and Arnold J. Daly. Funeral from the above residence on Monday. May 27. at 8:30 a m. Requiem i mass at St. Dominic’s Church at 9 a.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. Members of the Third Order of St. Dominic please take notice. Arrangements by P. A. Taltavull. 26 SIMMONS. JESSE R. On Thursday. May 23. 1.940. at his residence, 1110 Oth st. s.e.. JESSE R. SIMMONS, husband of Georgie A. Simmons, father of Mrs. Mary C. Newton. Mrs. R. Alberta Phillips. Mrs. Annie Mae Bundy. John R.. David W., Lillian M. and Naomi E. Simmons. He also leaves two sisters, two brothers, three grandchildren, other relatives and friends. Remains resting at Stewart's funeral home, 30 H st. n e. Notice of funeral later. 25 SMITH. AMMON E. On Thursday, May 2.3. I94(i, at his residence. Vienna. Va.. AMMON E. SMITH, beloved husband of Ellen May Smith and father of Norman J. Smith Mrs. Esther M. Driver, Eugene F. i and Walter S. Smith. Services Monday. May 27- at 1 D.m., at Antioch Church. Vienna. Va. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. 26 SPICER. JAMES THOMAS. On Thurs day, May 23. 1940. at his home, in Hern don. Va., after a long illness. JAMES THOMAS SPICER, aged 56 years. He leaves nine sisters and two brothers. Funeral services will be held at his late home on Sunday. May 26. at 2 o'clock. In terment in Chestnut Grove Cemetery. Hern don. Va. • STANSBURY, FORREST EDGAR. On Thursday. May 23. 1940. at his residence, 3720 31st st.. Mount Rainier. Md.. FOR REST EDGAR STANSBURY. beloved hus band of Maggie May Stansbury. Services at the above residence on Sat urday. May 25. at 2:30 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Congres sional Cemetery. STREIFUS. JOSEPH A. On Thursday, May 23. 1940. JOSEPH A. STREIFUS. be loved husband of Virginia Strelfus and father of L. J. Strelfus and Mrs. H. M. Tebeau. Funeral from the William J. Nalley fu neral home. 522 8th st. s.e.. on Saturday, May 25. at 8:30 a.m.: thence to St. Al oysius Church at 9 a.m., where mass will "be offered for the repose of his soul. In terment Mount Olivet Cemetery. Relatives and friends invited. TURNER. CATHERINE B. On Wednes day. May 22. 1940. at the residence of her mother. 11 IB Neal st. n.e.. CATHERINE B. Turner inee Friedrichs) of 323 Gar land ave.. Takoma Park. Md , beloved wife of George G. Turner and mother of Jean Ellen and George G. Turner. Jr. Remains resting at the S. H. Hines Co. funeral home. 2901 14th st. n.w. Services at the S. H. Hines Co. funeral home. 2901 14th st. n.w.. on Saturday. May 25. at 10 a m. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 24 WATHEN, ANNA NORA. Suddenly, on Thursday. May 23. 1940. at her residence. 1331 S st. s.e., ANNA NORA WATHEN, beloved wife of George B. Wathen. Funeral from the Thomas F. Murray funeral home. 2007 Nichols ave. s.e.. on Saturday. May 25. at 8:30 a.m.: thence to St. Theresa’s Catholic Church. 13th and V sts. s.e., where mass will be of fered at 9 a.m. for the repose of her soul. Relatives and friends Invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. A Tuberculosis Work In Capital Praised Tuberculosis work in Washington was praised last night by Holland Hudson, director of rehabilitation of the National Tuberculosis Associa tion, at a meeting of the District Tuberculosis Association at its head quarters, 1022 Eleventh street N.W. He said the number of cases in Washington was not staggering. Vocational training of a patient costs between (200 and (500, Mr. Holland said. Dr. J. Winthrop Pea body, president of the Washington branch, presided. London _(Continued From First Page.) Flanders and Northern France, forc ing either a surrender, a break through against the German wedge to the coast or destruction of the entrapped troops. Ghent lies about 80 miles east of Calais. Coupled with word that Boulogne had fallen came a British Air Minis try announcement that at least 20 German planes were shot down and 25 more damaged by far-flung British aerial stabs yesterday at both enemy communications along the fighting front and dn Germany itself. The loss of eight British planes and forced landings for four others were acknowledged. Defenses Strengthened. Confronted by the German suc cesses on the French Channel coast, only 22 miles from the chalk cliffs of England at the nearest point, Britain strengthened coastal de fenses against the zero hour of a German crossing to smash at her key ports. She worked quickly while await ing the outcome of the battle be tween the allied and German armies for mastery of the strategic Belgian and French coastal positions. The British felt certain the next blow would fall directly upon Eng land if the Nazi mechanized col umns were able to drive home their wedge between the allied forces and thus consolidate footholds along the coast. With powerful British naval units patrolling the Channel and strong detachments of troops taKing up positions in south coast towns ail during the night, the first defense activity of the day occurred in the southeast this morning. There anti-aircraft guns went into action as German planes appeared over the coast. 0 King to Broadcast. At the same time King George VI prepared to broadcast an Empire Day measure of inspiration to his peoples at 9 pm. t3 p.m., E. S. T.i. This Empire Day—Queen Vic toria's birthday—marked the gravest crisis in the history of the British Commonwealth of Nations. In two weeks the flying German columns had advanced 200 miles to the French Channel port of Bou logne, at England's doorstep. Bou logne is 26 miles from Folkstone and only 85 air miles from Londpn. The London Times underscored the gravity of Britain's position in an editorial calling for the imme diate appointment of a director of defense to co-ordinate the home tdrces in the event England becomes a decisive battleground for the first time since the year 1066. To counter the threatened blitz krieg invasion, whether it is launched with parachute troops or with forces rushed across the narrow Channel in speedboats, England has formid able home defenses. British believed that the divisions which have been training quietly and have been deployed in strategic centers could, with the help of the home defense battalions made up of ex-service men, the Dominion troops already here and the newly organized local defense volunteers, destroy any force the Nazis would be able to throw upon this island. Air Ministry communiques told Scatlja WATERS. ALBERT NORTON. On Thurs day. May 28, 1040. at Casualty HosDital ALBERT NORTON WATERS, beloved hus band of Irene Waters. Funeral from the Lee funeral home, 4th Et. and Mass. ave. n.e.. on Monday. May _,at i1 a m- Relatives and friends In vited. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 26 WOOD, ERVA ELIZABETH. Departed '-h‘s life on Friday, May 24. 1940. ERVA ELIZABETH WOOD, beloved daughter of Lester and Ella May Wood, sister of Evelyn Wood. Also surviving her are a grand ,.Mr5- ®lla ®»s: » grandfather. Rev. Richard T. Epps, and other relatives and friends. Remains resting at the fu neral home of John T. Rhines St Co., 3rd and Eye sts. s.w. Notice of funeral later. In HUmariam BEHRENS, HERMAN. In loving mem who 0d'.ed°%.^eri98H8ERMAN BEHREN8' Our hearts still ache with sadness. _ °Ur eves shed manv tears: ood only knows how we miss you, father. At the end of two sad years. HIS DEVOTED CHILDREN. • BURRELL. CARRIE G. Sacred to the r"mrnD°Jr,my darling mother. CARRIE G. BURRELL. Who departed this life live years ago today. May 24, 1935. When sinks the soul, subdued by toil to slumber. Its closing eyes look uo to Thee in prayer. Sweet the repose beneath Thy wings o’er shading. But sweeter still to wake and find thee there. HER DEVOTED SON. THOMA8. • CLEVELAND. THOMAS B. In sad but SToriyv?! our dear father. THOMAS B. CLEVELAND, who departed thi* life six years ago today. May 24. 1934. Although you are gone. ____ memory lingers on. HIS LOVING DAUGHTERS. JUANITA AND NAOMI. CLINTON, GRANT, in memory of our beloved son and brother. GRANT CLIN 7,ON'.7!ho departed thla life four year, ago. May 24. 1986. THE FAMILY. • JARBOE, AUSTIN I. In loving memory of our dear father, AUSTIN I. JARBOE. 5-h° passed away one year ago today. May He bid no one a last farewell. He said good-by to none: His loving heart had ceased to beat, Before we knew It he was gone. He did not fail to do his best. His heart was true and tender: He worked hard for those he left And ever will be remembered. HIS DEVOTED CHILDREN. • LOHR. ANNIE B. In sad but loving re g'cmbrance of our dear mother. ANNIE LOHR. who passed away eleven years ago today. May 24. 1929. MARGARET AND ELIZABETH. • NASH. ROBERT EARL (ELEMMIE). In sad but loving remembrance of our dear daddy. ROBERT EARL (FLEMMIE) NASH, who passed away ten years ago today. May Faithful and honest In all your ways, CourageAs and true to the end of your _ days: You were loving, gentle, gweet and kind. What a beautiful memory you’ve left _ behind. HIS DEVOTED SONS. WILMER AND DONALD NASH. • LI 2204 AT 1622 T. Frank Murray FUNERAL HOME 741 llth St. S.E. Ambulance Service Cremation! CEMETERY LOTS. SEVERAL FINE LOTS, SECTION C (chapel section). PORT LINCOLN CEM ETERY, p. 6. Box 303. Collece Parle Md. . | how the Royal Air Force Wednes day night carried out its most dead ly series of raids against Germany since the start of the war. They said British planes dropped1 100 bombs on the headquarters of a German tank division; blew up an ammunition train at the German town of Geldem, near the Nether lands frontier; shattered roads and railway tracks along the supply lines of the German offensive, and ranged into the heart of Germany as far as Leipzig, 300 miles frcm Germany’s western border. Losses Since April 0. * British war losses since April 9 were two capital ships slightly dam aged, one cruiser which struck an uncharted rock and seven destroyers and four submarines sunk, naval sources said. The capital shlpe apparently were the battleship Rodney, 33,000 tons, reported damaged by a bomb, and the battlecruiser Renown, 32,000 tons, hit by shellfire off Norway. The 9,550-ton cruiser Effingham was reported lost after running onto a rock off the Norwegian coast last Monday. German claims that 15 capital ships, 3 aircraft carriers, 46 cruisers, 44 destroyers and 29 submarines were sunk or damaged were scoffed as “fantastic.’’ 2 D. C. Residents Die In Auto Smashup Two Washington residents were burned to death e^rly today when their automobile crashed into a cul vert, overturned and burst into flames near Aquasco, Md. Two others escaped with minor injuries in the same accident and were taken to Gallinger Municipal Hospital for treatment. All four oc cupants of the car were colored. The dead, according to Maryland State police, were Julius Arnold, 45, of the 1000 block of Park road N.W., driver bf the automobile, and Anna Berman, who was said to live on New Jersey avenue. Injured are Inez Catlett, 17, of the 1000 block Hawkins avenue N.E., who suffered a broken left ankle and cuts about the face, and Robert Arnold, 24, of the 800 block of Third street N.W, who was cut about the face. Police said the car in which the Jour were riding was proceeding along the Brandywine-Patuxent road, near Aquasco, when it struck the culvert. The dead were removed to Grimes’ funeral home in Brandy wine. JULIUS "BEST SELLERS" for SATURDAY Use the “JL” Convenient Budget Plan 2-pc. 18th Century Living Room $88 Chippendale design, with solid mahogany carved base and deco rative nail trim. Care fully constructed and covered in heavy rayon brocatelle. Luxurious sofa and club chair to match. Open a “Jt” Budget Charge Account All-Steel Chairs Tubular frame steel chair in choice of colors. Special.. .50 Lanstyle Coil Spring 6-Cushion GLIDER $17 All-steel glider with com fortable spring base. 6 soft cushions covered in water repellent fabric. Glider and cushions nicely decorated. Choice of colors. All metal table_$1.95 . ^ 3-pc. Genuine Mahogany Bed Room Suite ‘69 It comprises a 4-poster double bed, roomy chest of drawers and large dresser with hanging mirror. Built of genuine mahogany veneers on cabmetwood. An extraordinary value for Saturday. Convenient Termt 6-pc. Solid Walnut Dinette Suite Superbly constructed of solid maple, finished in rich honey tone. Comprises buffet, oval extension table and 4 chairs to match. Convenient Terme Arranged J'ULIUS VANSBURGH furniture Ju Company 9 0 9 t STREET, NORTHWEST ■