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, Advances and Losses About Balanced On Bond Market Prices Twist Back And Forth Nervously On War Reports Bond Averages 20 10 10 10 Ralls. Indust. Util. F'sn. Net change +.2 unc. +.2 —.1 Today, close 48.7 99.2 90.5 37.9 Prev. day.. 48.5 99.2 90.3 38.0 Month ago. 58.0 103.2 97.1 47.9 Year ago... 55.7 99.8 96.0 62.3 1940 high.. 59.9103.6 97.5 53.5 1940 low... 48.5 99.2 90.3 37.4 1939 high.. 64.9102.0 97.5 64.0 1939 low... 53.4 95.8 90.4 41.7 10 Low-Yield Bonds. Close_ 108.7 108.6 M'nth ago 112.5 Year ago. 112.2 1940 high 113.2 1940 low. 108.5 1939 high 112.6 1939 low. 103.6 (Complied by the Associated Press.) By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, May 24.—Bond market leaders twisted back and forth today in nervous response to indecisive war news. Near the end of the session gains and losses ranging to around 2 points were fairly even. Issues affected by special develop ments showed wider swings. Puerto Rican American Tobacco unstamped 6s of ’42, for instance, jumped more than 5 following completion of a reorganization plan. Confused price patterns mirrored i the uncertainty in the minds of many traders concerning outcome of the war and effects of a long or short struggle on United States busi ness. Turnover was considerably below some recent breezy sessions. Still under pressure were British Empire loans, but German issues •Iso tended lower. Down fractions to more than 2 were Australia 4Us, Canada 3s. Brisbane 5s, Germany 7s of ’49, Italy 7s and Uruguay 4Us. The more speculative sections of the domestic list captured fair sup port, while high-priced liens were hesitant. On the plus side were Nickel Plate 4 Vis, Baltimore & Ohio stamped convertibles, International Tele phone 5s and Southern Pacific 4Us of ’68. Down a notch were Chesa peake & Ohio 3Vis, Goodrich 4Vis. Great Northern 4s of ’46 “G” and International Hydro-Electric 6s. United States Governments fell back as much as U point. Mixed price trends persisted through the last hour. In the foreign list German issues received more support and the Government 7s of '49 ended U ahead at 18%. i 1 i 1 Reo Discloses $367,672 Loss In Quarter By the Associated Press. DETROIT, May 24.—Reo Motors, Inc., today reported March quarter net loss of $367,672 after deprecia tion, costs of plant changes and ex traordinary charges in connection with a reorganization program. No comparison was possible since the present company was organized as of January 2 this year. The predecessor company, Reo Motor Car Co., showed a net loss of $277,942 in the comparable 1939 period. First truck produced by the new company came the assembly line Tuesday after suspension for more than a year. Operating plans call for production of 600 trucks a month on a full one-turn schedule. The company expects to be in full output on all models in July. Dividends Announced NEW /VORK. May 24 — Dividends de clared. Prepared by Fitch Publishing Co. Resumed. > Pe- Stk. of Pay Rate. riod. record, able. , Motor Prod __50c_6-1 6-10 Extra. Abbott Laboratories_10c_6-12 6-29 Accumulated. Int Silver 7% pf_$2 __ 6-12 7-1 Wood Alan Steel 7% pf _$1.12*4 — 6-3 6-15 Increase. Penn Traffic Co_10c SA 7-10 7-25 Interim. Mat Oil__25c_ 6-20 6-28 Regular. Abbott Laboratories 40c Q 6-12 6-29 Air Associates_12Vic Q 6-14 6-25 Do Pf - ... $1.75 Q 5-31 7-1 Anaconda Copper Min.60c 6-4 6-24 Andes Copper Min_25c 6-7 6-14 Federal Min Sc Smelt.-25c . _ 6-3 6-20 Girdler Carp -- -25c Q 5-27 6-15 Great West Sugar._ 50c Q 6-15 7-2 Do pf_ .. $1.75 Q 6-15 7-2 Greene Cananea Cop 75c_6-7 6-17 Midvale Co .$1.50 . 6-15 7-1 Natl Cash Reglster.__25c Q 6-29 7-15 Natl Steel Car Ltd..-50c Q 6-29 7-15 Perfect Circle_50c Q 6-12 7-1 Spartan Mills _ $4 ._ 6-20 7-1 Starrett (L S) Co._ 75c.. 6-12 6-29 Do pf _$1.50 ... 6-30 Towle Mfg--—$1.60 Q 7-5 7-15 Wagner Elec _60c _ 5-31 6-20 Yale & Towne Mfg—-15c Q 6-10 7-1 Bayuk Cigars --—-26c 5-31 6-15 Commercial Invest Tr—$1 Q 6-10 /-I De Long Hook & Eye_$ 1.50 Q 6-20 7-1 Gen Elec_35c — 6-28 7-25 GiebSi Brew--5c Q 6-8 6-29 McCrory Stores_26c . 6-17 6-28 Univ Consol Oil_50c 6-1 6-12 Chicago Livestock , CHICAGO. May 24 (4^ (U. S. Dept, of ^Agriculture).—Salable hogs. 10.000; total. 13 000; open, 10-20 lower; closed active to all; mostly 10 lower than Thursday's average; top. 5.70: bulk, good and choice. 180-270 pounds. 5.40-65; 270-330 pounds, butchers, largely 6.15-45: bulk, good 400 600 pounds, packing sows. 4.40-50; light butcher, kinds. 4.75-5.00. Salable cattle. -1,000; salable calves, §«,on wry small run red steers and year steady to weak, with Thursday's de no snap In market: all buying in s cautious: nothing choice here; bulk. 9T6; best steers. 10.35; very com mon kinds 7.75 and 8.00: general market draggy but clearance fairly good; hardly enough she stock here to make a market; anrlnkliBg medium heifers. 7.50-8.25; good grades In odd lots. 9.25; comparative handful cutter and canner cows being cleaned IIP at 4.00-6.00; mostly 4.75-6.00; with beef COWS. 8.60-7.25: few choice rows strong UP to 8.26; light sausage bulls under pressure at 6.25 down to 5 75: best weighty bulls. 6.85 with 7.00 quotable; vealei* steady at 10.50-11.60; outside "MWee^W total. 6.500; late 'TtuirsSlay' Fed lambs steady; one deck handywelght clippers. 9.60; other good to Vhotcenclnds. 9.35-50; nine decks Cali fornia springers. 11.50; small lots natives. ‘K Today's trade: Trading slow; steady on all classes; early sales SJSSand Choice, 88 pounds, fed clipped ufSSis*840) bidding 9.00-25 on others; liJSt and handy weight native springers. V?*nh??6“ few choice lightweights, 12.00: Aone on Western springers: small foU fX native ewes mostly 3.00-30. Baltimore Stocks . Cpeclkl Dispatch to The Star. 9 _ BALTIMORE. May 24 — . STCXTEs High. Low. Close. 1215 Arundel Corn 11% 11 11 40 Consol Pow com ~ 70 70 70 521*.51,SuI DJLvt" 1» 19 19 , 25 Fidelity A DeDoi 98 98 88 100 Mar Tex Oil Co_ 35 35 35 12 North Amer Oil 1.03 106 I 06 CIO New Amster Cas 12 12 12 16 Pa aWter A Power 55 55 SB 450 D S Fidel &(Guar 15% 15% 15% ^ 16,000 Bal Tr deb 4s A 26 26 26 BONDS ON N. Y. STOCK EXCHANGE By private wire direct te The dtar. Approximate Transaction! Today. Domeetlo Bonda_ 4.170,000 ForelRn Bonds__ ,830.000 D S Govt Bonds__ 160.000 TREASURY. High. Low. Close. 24isI9M-5S_101.8 101.7 101.7 I 2448 1948 _ 105.14 105.18 105.14 244s 1960-52_ 103.5 103 4 103.4 29is 1966-69_ 103.24 103.24 103.24 I\s 1968-63_ 103.17 103.17 103.17 89is 1960-65_ 103.22 103 22 103.22 284s 1966-60_ 105. 104.28 104.29 Sa 1961-65 __ 107.25 107.25 107.25 8 44s 1949-52_ 109.14 109.14 109.14 3 44s 1943-45_ 107.22 107.21 107.22 SV«s 1944-46_ 108.12 108.12 108.12 S94s 1940-48 Jun 100.20 100.20 100.20 894s 1941-48 Mar 102.23 102.23 102.23 !*is 1946-56_111.31 111.31 111.31 4s 1944-54 - 111.27 111.25 111.27 444s 1947-52- 117.16 117.16 117.16 FEDERAL FARM MORTGAGE. Ss 1942-47 _ 103.20 103.20 103.20 8a 1944-49 - 105.21 105.20 105.21 HOME OWNERS' LOAN 144s 1945-47 _ 100.8 100.8 100.8 8a 1944-62 105.6 105.5 105.6 NEW YORK CITY BONDS 8s 1980 B wi- 90V* 90 90V, Ss 1980 Iwl ..,-89V* 89 894* FOREIGN RONDS. High. Low. Close. Antloquta 7s 45 A_ 8 8 8 Antloquta 7s 45 R__ 7% 7% 7% Antioquia 7s 45 C_ 8 7% 7% Antloquta 3d 7s 57 7% 7% 7% Argentine 4s 72 Feb„ 71 70% 71 Argentine 4s 72 Apr.. 71% 71% 71% Argentine 4%s 48_ 87% 87% 87% Argentine 4%s 7t____ 78% 76% 76% Australia 414s 66_ 39 37 39 Australia Ss 65 ____ 45 44 45 Australia £s 67__ 45 44 45 Relglum 6s 65 __ 60 49 60 Belgium 614s 49_ 60 50 60 Belgium 7s 55 __ 46 46 46 Brazil 614s 1926-57 10 9% 9% Brazil 614s 1927-57 10% 9% 10 Brazil C Ry El 7s 62— 11 10% 10% Brazil 8s 41 __ 13% 13% 13% Brisbane Bs 57__ 38 38 38 Brisbane 5s 58_ 39 38 38 Budapest 6s 62_ 6% 6% 6% Ruenos Aires 4%s 77 48% 48 48% Buen Air 414s Aug 76 48% 48 48 Buen Air 4%s Apr 76. 49 48% 48% Buenos Aires 4%s 75. 53 53 53 Canada 2%s 44_ 85 84 84 Canada 214s 45_ 84% 82% 82% Canada 3s 67__ 66% 65% 66 Canada 3s 68 __66% 66 66 Canada 3%s 61_ 69% 69 69 Canada 4s 60__ 78 77 77 Canada os 52__ 90 89% 89% Chile 6s 60_ 13% 13% 13% Chile 6s 60 assd_ 12% 12% 12% Chile 63 61 Febr_ 13% 13% 13% Chile 6s 62_ 13% 13% 13% Chile 6s 63 _ 13% 13% 13% Chile 6s 63 assd_ 12 12 12 Chile 7s 42 assd_ 12% 12% 12% Chile Mtg B 6s 61 asd 11% 11% 11% Chile Mtg Bk 6%s 61. 12 12 12 Colombia 6s 61 Jan__. 16% 16% 16% Colombia 6s 61 Oct ._ 16% 16% 16% Copenhagen 4%s 53 — 20% 20 20% Cuba 4%s 77_ 53% 53% 53% Cuba 6%s 45- 73% 72% 73% Denmark 4%s 62____ 24% 24% 24% Denmark 5%s 55__ 29 29 29 Denmark 6s 42 _ 32 32 32 Domlnlo 1st 6%s 42 — 70 70 70 Dominic 5%s 61 ext_. 72 72 72 French Gov 7s 49_105% 105% 105% French G 7s 4 9 un st- 107 107 107 Ger C Ag Ln 614s 58_. 10 10 10 Ger Govt 61*9 55 _ 16 15H 16 Ger G 614s 65 un st_ 10»4 10 1044 German Govt 7s 49_ 1814 17'4 181* Ger Gov 7s 49 un st._ 10'* 101* 101* GrtC El Jap 6l*s 50.. 66 66 66 Grt C El Jap 7s 44 .. 82 82 82 Hung Con M 71*s 45_. 6'* 61* 6'* Italy 7s 61 _ 42 40 42 Ital P O Crd 7s 62_ 34 32'* 3214 Japan 51*s 65_ 61'4 6114 6114 Japan 6Its 64 7814 78 78 Jugos Mtf Bk 7s 67__' 8 8 8 Lombard B4-7s 52_ 52 52 52 Milan «14s6* 30 29 2914 Minas Geraes 61*s 5* 614 61i 614 New So Wales 5s 68.. 41 41 41 Norway 4s 63 _____ 25 25 25 Norway 414s 65_ 2514 25 2514 Norway 6s 44_ 3514 3514 351* Oriental Dey 6a 58_ 651* 551* 651* Oslo 414s 65_ 20 20 20 Panama Cs 63 st asd.. 54 54 54 Peru 1st 6s 80__ 6 644 6 Peru 2d 6s 61 ___ 614 6 61* Poland 41*8 63 asd__ 4 4 4 Poland 4%s 68 asd™ 5 5 5 Rio de Jan 8s 46 ___ 71* 614 614 Rio Gr do Sul 8s 46._ 9 8 8 Rome 61*9 52 _ 34 34 34 Rumania 7s 59_ 814 8'* 81* Sao Paulo St 7s 40_21'* 201* 20'* Sao Paulo St 8s 50 71* 71* .71* Tokyo City 61*s 61_ 5414 53'4 54 Tokyo El Lt 6s 63_ 5614 66 5614 Uru 3 84-4-«1*s adJ 79 401* 39T* 401* Uruguay cv 3 44s 79 40 40 40 Uruguay 414s-41*s 78 4014 4014 401* Venetian 51 G B 7s 52 271* 27 27 Yokohama 6s 61_ 561* 551* 5514 DOMESTIC BONDS. Adams Exp 4s 47_102% 102 102 Adams Exp 4s 48_ 104 104 104 Adams Ex 4%s 46 st. 100% 100 100% Alb & Sus 3 %s 46_ 70 70 70 Alleg Corp 6s 44_ 72 72 72 Alleg Corp 6s 49_ 61% 61% 61% Alleg Corp 6s 60 std.. 27% 27 27 Alleg Valley 4s 42... 104% 104% 104% Allied Stores 4%s 61. 94% 94% 94% Allls-Chalmers 4s 62. 106% 106% 106% Am A For Pw 6s 2030 51% 51 51 Am lOCh 6%s 49_ 102 102 102 Am Inti 6%s 49- 94% 93% 93% Am T A T 3 %s 61_104% 104% 104% Am T A T 3%s 66- 104% 103% 104% Am T A T 6%s 43_ 106% 106% 106% Am Type Fdrs cv 60.. 102% 102 102 Am Wat Wks 6s 76... 99% 95% 95% Anaconda db 4%■ 60. 102% 102% 102% Armour(Del)lst4s 66 96 95% 95% Armour<Del)4s 67 . 96 95% 95% A T&S Fe 4s 1909-55. 92% 92% 92% A T&S Fe 4s 60_ 95% 95% 95% A TAS Fe gen 4s 96.. 101% 101% 101% A TAS Fe 4%s 48. . 100% 100% 100% A TAS FeCA «%s 62 105 105 105 A T&SF RMt dv 4s 65 99% 99% 99% A T&SF TC StL 4s 68 108 108 108 Atl Coast L 1st 4s 62. 64% 64% 64% Atl Coast L 4%s 64.. 43 42 42 Atl A Dan 1st 4s 48_ 28 28 28 Atl A Dan 2d 4s 48 ... 25 25 25 Atl Gulf A W 1 6s 69.. 64 64 64 B A O 1st 4s 48 - 57% 57% 67% BAOcv60sstd__ 8% 8% 8% B AO 1st 48s std__ 58 56% 58 B A O 95 A stamped.. 18 17% 18 B A O 95 C stamped.. 20 19% 19% B A O 96 F stamped.. 18 17% 18 BAO 2000 D stpd_ 18 18 18 BAOSW 60s std_ 35% 35% 35% Bell Tel(Pa)6s 60 C„ 129 128% 128% Beth Steel 3%s 69 F. 100 100 100 Beth Steel 3%s 62 .. 105% 105 105% Bos A Me 4%s 61 JJ 45 45 45 BostonAMe 4%s 61 st 42% 41 42% Bos & Me 6s 65 46% 45% 46% Boston & Me 6s 65 st. 43 42 43 Bos * Me f.s 67 . 46% 45% 46% Boston & Me 6s 67 st. 43 41% 43 Bklyn Man T 4%s 66 103% 102% 103% Bklyn Man 4 %s 66 ct 85% 85 85% Bklyn On Gas 6s 45__ 109% 109% 109% Bklyn (In G 6s 67 B.. 103% 103% 103% Bklyn Dn G rf 6s 47.. Ill 111 111 Buff G E 4%s 81_109% 109% 109% Buff Roch A P 67 std. 28% 26% 26% Bush Term cn 6s 65.. 33 33 33 Calif Ore* Pwr «a 86. 100H 100 100 Canadian NR 4 Ha 61. 80 7844 79>4 Can NR 4 Ha 66_8014 7814 7844 Can NR 4Ha 67_81 79V* 7914 Can NR 4%a 66_81 81 81 Can NR 6s 69 July___ 85 8414 8444 Can NR 6a 69 Oct_8444 83V* 84 Can Nor 6Ha 46_ 9844 9814 9814 Can Pac db 4a oerp_. 39 38 38 Can Pao 4Ha 46_ 62 60 60 Can Pao 4Ha *0- 6544 6614 6544 Can Pac 6s 44 _ 92 92 92 Caro Cl & Ob 6s 62_1U4 104 104 Cent of NJ gen be 87. 1214 12 12 Cent N J gn 6s 87 rg.. 11V* 1114 1114 Cent N ? Pw ?44a6S. 1061* 10614 10614 Cent Pao let rf 4a 49. 60 6914 69h Cent PactOo 6a 60_ 35 34 34H Cent Steel 8s 41_ 109 109 109 Cham P&F 4%s 86-60 10414 10414 104H Champ Pa 4fca 38-60. 10214 102H 10214 Cbss & Ohio 8 Ha 63 F 10314 10314 10314 Ches*0 8He96D_ 9514 95 96 Ches A O I Ha 91 D— 95H 9514 9514 C A O gen 4H» 92-11914 119 119 Ckl Burl A Q 6a 71_ 7514 75 75V* C BAQ 111 dla 4a 49_ 9714 9714 9714 Chi A B XU 6a 61_'ll 10 11 High. Low. CIom. Chi Grt West 4a 69._ 21 204i 21 Chi Ind A Lou 5a 66_ 444 444 454 Chi Mil A 8t P 4a *9_ 13 18 18 CMAStP 414a 89 C— 1844 18% 18H Chi MU ASt P6a78_ 414 414 41t CMAStP adj 8a *noo_ 114 1 1 ChlANW 414a 9037_ 6 6 6 ChlANW 414a 9037 C. 6 6 6 Chi A NW ey 446 s 49. 144 I44 jy4 ChlANW pen 6s *7 .„ 12 12 12 ChlANW rf Ba 2087... 614 8*4 614 Chi Rwy 6s 27- 3014 8614 3614 Chi RI&P rf 4a 14_ 414 4 414 Chi FMAP pen 4a 3*._ gy4 944 flv, Chi THAS Ino 5a 60._ 40 40 40 Cbl Un Sta 3%s 61— 102 102 102 Chi On Stasis 63 . 10414 104 104W Chi A W Ind ov 4a 61. 8814 88 8814 Chi A W Ind 414a 62_ 8814 88 88 Childs A Co 6a 43_ 38 38 38 Cln Un Term 314 71 10614 10614 10614 C C C & StL pen 4s 91 62 62 62 CCCAStL rf 414S77 3814 8714 3714 CCCAStLStL dr 4s90 67 57 57 Clay El 111 314a 66 ... 108 108 108 Cler Un Ter «V.,bT7_. 6614 6614 5614 Clay Un Term 6a 73 6514 6414 65 Clay Un Ter 614a 72.. 73 73 73 Colo F A Ir 6s 4&- 10414 10414 10414 Colo F A tr 6a 70_ 65 65 65 Colo A So 4 14a 30_2U4 2114 2114 Col QAE 6s 62 Apr... 10014 100 100 Col G A E 6s 6! May.. 10014 9944 10014 Col G A E 6s 61 .... 99 9844 9814 Comw Ed 8 14 a 5.8-112V4 11144 11214 Comw Ed 314a 63 -.. 107 107 107 Cons Coal Del 6a 60.. 6214 6814 6214 Cons Ed N 7 3%a 46 104 104 104 Cona E NY db 3148 49 10544 104tl IO414 Cons Ed N 7 814s 66. 103 103 103 Cons Ed N 7 3 14a 69. 105% 10544 105% Consol 011 314a 51 . 103 10214 10214 Consum Pwr 814s 66. 104 104 104 Consum Pwr 3148 70. 10614 10614 106'4 Conti Oil 244s 46 .. 10444 10414 104H Crown C A S 414s 48 100 99% 9944 Cruclhle Steel 414s 48 10111 10114 101V4 Cuba R 1st 5s 62_ 27 27 27 Del & Hudr ref 4s 43 ._ 4014 40 40 Den A R G eon 4s 36.. 514 514 514 Det Edison 4s 66 .. 10944 10914 10944 DetTer&Tun 414s 61. 8814 8814 8814 Duouesna Lt 314s 66. 10644 10644 10644 East R Minn 4s 48- 106* 106* 106* Eleo Auto Lt 4s 62 105* 105* 105* Erie cv 4s 63 A_ 14 14 14 Erie 1st 4s 96_ 45 45 45 Erls gen 4s 98- 18* 18* 18* Erie ref 6s 67- 9* 9* 9w Erie ref 6s 76_ 91,4 9 9 Fed Lt&Tr 6s 42- 100* 100 100H Fed Lt&Tr 5s 42 st— 100* 100* 100* Fed Lt&Tr 6s 42 _ 100 100 100 Firestone T 3*s 46„ 103* 103* 103* Fla EC Rv 4*s 59 . 48 48 48 Fla E Coast Ry 6s 74. 555 Fonda J&G 4s 82 filed 2 2 2 Gas & El Berg 5s 49_121 121 121 Gen Am Inv 6s 62_101*101 101 Gen Mot Aco I*s 61. 104 104 104 Gsn St) Cast 6*s 49.. 67* 55* 55* Goodrich 4*s 66 — 101* 100* 101* Grt Nor Ry 4S 46 G— 95* 95* 95* Grt Nor Ry 4s 46 H_ 89* 89 89 GrtNR4*s76 D ... 77 77 77 Grt N R gn 4*s 77 B. 77* 77 77 Grt Nor Ry 6s 73 88 87 88 Grt Nor Ry 6*s 62_ 95* 95 9514 Gulf St Util 8*s 69.. 107 107 107 Hock Val 4*s 99_117 117 117 Hoe(R)lst mtg 44_ 70 70 70 Houston Oil 4 *s 64.. 97 96* 96* Hudson Coal 6s 62 A. 26 25 25 Hud & Man ref 5s 57 . 39* 39 3914 111 Bell Tel 8*s 70 B. 108* 108* 108* 111 Cent 4s 63 _ 32* 32* 32* 111 Cent ref 4s 55_ 38 38 39 111 Cent 4*s 66- 31* 31 31* 111 Cent ref 6s 65 42'« 42* 42* ICC&ST NO 4*s 63.. 32 32 32 ICC&StL NO 6s 63 A. 36 35* 36 Ind & Louisy 4s 66_ 8* 8* 8* Indust Rayon 4*s 46 102 101* 102 Int R T 1st rf 6a 66 73 72 73 Int R T 1st rf 6a 66 ct 73 71* 72* Int RT 6s 32_ 31* 31* 31* Interlake Iron 4s 47_ 80 79* 80 Int Grt Nor 6s 66 C— 7* 7* 7* Int Hydro El 4ts 44— 42 38 38 Int Mer Mar (s 41_ 54* 54* 54* Int Paper 1st 6s 47_ 99* 99* 99* Int Paper ref 6s 56„ 93 92* 92* Int T&T 4*s 62-- 25 24* 24* Int T&T Ss 65_ 27* 27* 27* Kan City Term 4s 60. 105* 105* 105* Keith's 6s 46_ 100 100 100 Kings Co El 4s 49_ 103 103 103 KoppersCo 4»j61_101* 101* 101* LaeledeGas 6*s 61 . 4t>* 39 39* Lake S & U S 2 *s 9T. 80* 80* 80* Lautaro Nitrate 75_ 29 29 29 Loh C&N 4 * a 64 A_ 42 42 42 L V RR 4s 6001 asd.. 9 9 9 LVRR4*e2003aad 11 11 11 L V RR con 6a 2003 .. 10* 10* 10* Libby MeN&L 4s 55.. 100 100 100 Llgg A Myers 6s 61„ 122* 122* 122* Llgg & Myers 7s *4 __ 122* 122* 122* Liquid Carbon 4s 47— 104 106 106 Loew s 3*s 46 .. 101* 101* 101* Lone Star G 3*s 63— 105* 105 105 Long Isld ref 4s 49_ 89 88* 88* Lorlllard.Bs 61_ 120* 120* 120* La & Ark 6s 69_ 76* 75* 7c* L&N 4*s 3008_ 85* 85* 85* L & N 6s 2003 B_ 93* 93* 93* L&N So Men It 4s 52. 77 77 77 MeKesson&R 6*s 50 83 82* 83 Me Cent KR 4s 46_ 72 72 72 Manatl Sugar 4s 57_ 32* 32 32* Manhat Ry 4s 90 ct _ 77 77 77 Manbat R 2d 4s 2013.. 43 43 43 Mlcb Cons Gas 4s 63. 98* 97* 98 Mid RR N J 6s 40_ 18 18 18 Minn & St L 6s 34 ct— 5 5 5 MStP&SSM 6s 38 gtd. 3* 3* 3% Mo 111 6s 69__ 56* 56 66* MO K&T 1st 48 90_ 22 21 22 Mo K&T 48 62 B_ 8% 8% 8% Mo K&T 4%a7g___ 999 Mo K&T 6s 62 A ( 9% 9% 9% Mo K&T adl 6s 67_ 8% 3% 3% Mo Pao 4a 76-_ 1% 1% 1W Mo Pao 6s 66 A__ 13% 13% 13% Mo Pao 6s 77 F_13% 13% 13% Mo Pac 6a 78 G_13% 13% 13% Mo Pao 6s 80 H__ 13% 13% 13% Mo Pao 6a 811_13% 13% 13% MoPac6%a49__ 1 % % Mob & Ohio 4 %s 77_ 20 20 20 Mob* Ohio 6s 88_ 26 25 25 Mob&q,hio5s3Sct._ 25 25 25 Monong PS 4%s60._ 106 106 106 Mont Pwr 8%s 66_97% 96 96% Montr Tram 6s 41_ 73% 73% 73% Morris & Es 4%s 68 . 27 26% 27 Mount StT&T 8%s68 105 104% 104% Nassau El 4s 61 cMs- 51% 61% 61% Nat Dairy 8%s 61 ww 104% 103% 104% Nat Distill 3 %a 49_ 100 99% 100 Nat Steal 3a 65 .. .. 101% 101% 101% Newark C Gas 6s 48.. 120 120 120 New Eng RK 4s 45_ 31% 31% 31% New Orl P S 6s 62 A.. 103% 103% 103% New Orl P S 6s 66 B 103% 103% 103% New Orl T&M 6s 64 B 24% 23 24% NOT&M 5s 54 B ct._. 24 24 24 N Y Central 3 %s 62.. 45 44 44 N Y Central 8 %s 97__ 69% 69 69% N Y Central 8%a46_ 75 76 75 N Y Cent con 4s 98_ 46% 46 46 N Y Cent 4%s 2018 A. 41% 40 40% N Y Cent rf 6s 2013.. 44% 44 44% N Y C L Sh 3 %s 98_56 54% 54% N Y Chi & St L 4S 46.. 73 73 73 N Y Cht&StL 4%s 78. 41% 40% 41 N Y C&StL 6 % a 74 A. 47% 46% 47 N Y Dock 4a 61_ 48 47 47 N Y Edls8%s65 D .. 105 105 105 N Y Edls ref 3%a 68. 106% 106% 106% N Y G E H&P 4s 49... 116% 115% 115% N Y G E H&P 6s 48._ 122% 121% 121% NY NH & H 3%s56._ 11 11 11 NY NH & H 4s 66_11 11 11 NY NH & H 4s 67_ 3 3 3 NY NH & H 4%s 67._ 13 12% 12% NY NH & H cl 6s 40„ 22 22 22 NY NH & H ca 6s 48_ 13% 12% 12% N Y O&W gen 4s 65__ 1% 1% 1% N Y O&W ref 4s 9*._ 3% 3% 3% N Y Queens 3%s 65.. 107 107 107 N Y Steam 8%s63 .. 101% 101% 101% N Y S&W Ter 6s 43_ 52% 62%. 52% N Y W&B 4 %s 46_ 3% 3% 3% Nlag Sb 6%a 60_ 99 99 99 Norf Soutbn 6s 61__ 9 8% 8% Norf* W 1st 4s 96_ 119% 119% 119% North Am 8 %s 49_ 103% 103% 103% North Am 8 % a 64_ 102 102 102 Nortb Am 4a 69 103 102% 102% Nor^n Pao gn 8s 2047. 34% 33 34% Nor’n Pae 4a 97 60% 60 60% Nor’n Pao 4%s 2047_ 36% 36 36% Nor’n Pae 6a 2047 C._ 41% 41% 41% Nor’n Pao 6a 2047 D.. 41% 41% 41% Nor’n Pao 6a 2047 : 47% 46 46% North SU Pw 3%s 67 106% 106% 106% Ohio Edison 3%a 72.. 102% 102 102% Ohio Edison 4a 65_ 105 105 105 Okla G&E 3%s 66_107% 107% 107% Ont Pwr Nlag 6a 43.. 97% 97% 97% Oreg Sh L 6a 46 gtd_ 115 115 116 Oregon W RR 4a 61„ 104% 104% 104% Otis Steel 4 %a 62_ 69 68 69 Pao GaaA El 8%a 66. 107 105% 105% PacG & E 3%s 61_ 108% 108 108% Pao G&E 4a 64_110% 110 110 Param’t Pic 8%a 47— 77 77 77 Pat & P G E 5a 49_121 121 121 Penn Co 3 %s 44 D_ 102 102 102 Penn Co «a 61 100 S9% 99% _ High. Low. Clow. P«nn Dixie C la 41 A. 89 89 89 Pann PALS46a106% 106 106' Pann PAL 446s 74__ 100% 100% 100% Psnn RR 844s (I... 78 77% 78 PennRR846s70__ 81 81 81 Psnn RR 414a 84_90% 90% 90% Psnn RR 4 46 s 80—«, 117% 117% 117% Pann RRxn 4 46s <6_ 96 96% 96% Tenn RR db 446* 70_ 80% 80% 80% Psnn RR ssn 6s 88 ... 101% 101 101% Peoples GLAC Ba 47.. Ill 111 111 Peo G L A C 6c 43._.. 110% 110% 110% Peoria A E Inc 4s 90„ 8% 3% 3% Pare Mara 4 46s 80... 48 48 48 Pere Mara 6s 68_ 63 63 63 Phelps Dodge 846 s 88 107% 107% 107% Phils BAW 444s 77 C. 108% 106% 106% Phils Co 6s 87 ___ 102% 102 102 Phils Eleo 8 44s 67 108% 108% 108% Phils R C A Ir 6s ?8_ 9% 9% 9% Philippine Ry 4s 37.. 4 4 4 Phillips Petrol 3s 48.. 105% 106 105 PCCAStL 4 46s 77- 93% 93% 93% Pitts CAIr 446 s fi8_ 96 96 96 PlttAW Vs 4 46 s 68 A. 41% 41% 41% PlttAW Vs 4 %s 80 C. 42% 42 42 Pitts Y A A 5s 62B—_ 110% 110% 110% Port Uen El 4 44 s 60.. 68% 67% 67% Porto Rico A T <s 42. 80% 79 80% PortoR A T 6s 42 st.. 80 78 80 Posts] Tel A C 6s 68.. 16% 16 16% Pub Svo N 111 8 44s 68. 106% 106% 106% Purity Baking 6s 48_. 100% 100% 100% Reading JerC 4s 61.. 62 60 62 Reading R 4 468 97 A. 63 62% 63 Rem R’d 4 46 a 66 ww 93 92 92 Rem Rand 4 46 s 66 xw 92% 92% 92% Republlo Stl 4 468 61.. 93% 92 93% Republle Stl 6 44s 64.. 103% 103% 103% Richfield 011 4a 62_103% 103% 103% Rio G W col 4s 49 A.. 6% 6% 6% Roch G&E 344s 69_ 106 106 106* R 1 A A L 446s 34_ 5 5 5 Saguenay Pw 4%■ 66 70% 70% 70% St L. 1 MAS RAG 4a 33 62 62 62 St L Pub Ser 6a 69_ 67 67 67 St Li-San Fr 4a 50 A__ 9 8% 9 St U-San Fr 4 j 60 ct_. 8% 8% 8% St L-San Fr 4 Vis 78__ 8H 8% 8% St L S W ref 6s 90 ... 7% 7% 7% St P Un Dep rf 6s 72.. 112 111% 112 San AAA Pass 48 43 . 67 66 67 Schulco 6Vis 46 A stp 24 23% 23% Seabd A L 6s 45 ct- 3% 3% 3% Seabd A F 6s 36 A et_ 1% 1% 1% Shell Un Oil 2%s 64-. 94% 94 94% Simmons Co 4s 62_ 96 95 95 Skelly Oil 4s 61_ 99% 99% 99% Sorony Vac Ss 64_103% 103 103% So Bell TA T Ss 79_102% 102% 102% Southn Cal G 4s 66_ 108 107% 107% So Natl G 4 Vis 51_104% 104% 104% So Pao 3%a 46- 43% 43% 43% So Pao col 4a 49_ 32% 32 32 So Pao ref 4s 65_ 55 64% 54% So Pac 4 %s 68_ 34 33% 33% So Pao 4 Via 69_33% 33 33% So Pac 4Vi8 81- 33% 32% 83% So Pac Oreg 4 Vis 77— 39 38 38% So Pac S F Ter 4s 60_ 70 70 70 So Ry gen 4s 66 A_44% 43% 43% So Ry 6s 94__ 85% 85 85 So Ry gen 6s 66_ 66 65 66 So Ry 6 Vis 66_ 61% 60% 61% S W Bell Tel 3 Vis 64- 109 109 109 Spokane Int 6s 65_ 15 15 15 Stand Oil N J 3s 61_102 101% 101% StudebakercT 6s 45.. 85 84 85 Swift A Co 3%s 60_104% 104% 104% Texas Corp 3s 69_102% 102% 102% Texas Corp 3 Vis 61._ 103* 103* 103* Texas A Pac 6s 77 B_. 55% 65 65 Texas & Pac 6s 79 C— 56 55% 56 Tex&Pao 1st 6s 2000. 106 105% 106 Third Av ref 4s 60_ 45% 45% 45% Third A» ad.1 6s 80-.. 13% 13 13% Tide Wat 011 3 Vis 62- 105% 105% 105% Un Ell Alo)3%s 62 -. 105% 105% 105% Union OiKCaDSs 69.. 101 101 101 Un Pacific 8 Vis 70_ 93 93 93 Un Pacino 3 Vis 71- 93% 93% 93% Un Paclflo 1st 4s 47.. 112% 112% 112% Un Pao ref 4s 2008_ 108* 108* 108* Un Pac 1st 6s 2008 ... 108H 108jJ 108H Utd Cgr W Strs 6s 62. 61% 61% 61% United Drug 6s 63.._ 75% 75% 75% Utah L.AT 6s 44_ 97 97 97 Utah I’wr A Lt 6s 44. 97 96% 97 Va El A P 3 Vis 68 B__ 107% 107% 107% Wabash 1st 6s 39_ 32 32 32 Wabash 6Vis 76_ 6 4% 4H Walker HAS 4%s 45- 102% 102% 102% Warner Bros 6s 48... 80 80 80 Warren Bros cv 6s 41 17% 16% 17 Westchester L. 6s 50. 122% 122% 122% West Penn P 3 Vis 66—108% 108% 108% West Sh 1st 4a 2361 . 38 38 38 West NY&P gn 4s 43. 108 108 108 West Union 6s 6u ... 54 64 54 Wheel Steel 4 Vis 96% 99 99% Wilkes B&E 6s 42_ 10% 10% 10% Wilson A Co «s 66_101 101 101 Wis Pub Svo 4s 61_108% 108% 108% Youngst’n SAT 4S 48. 101% 101% 101% Youngst’n SAT 4a 61. 102 101% 102 Quarter's Rail Loss Below 1939 Mark By the Associated Press. Class 1 railroads of the United States had a net deficit of $12,603, 606 in the first three months of 1940, compared with a net deficit of $42. 819,986 in the same period of 1939, the Association of American Rail roads said today. In March they had a net deficit of $4,954,703, compared with a net deficit of $10,240,752 In March, 1939. 375 Tons of Lead Sold NEW YORK, May 24 OF).—St. Joseph Lead Co. reported 125 tons of Southeast Missouri pig lead sold yesterday at $4.85 per 100 pounds East St. Louis, 100 tons at $5.05 New York and 150 tons at the New York average. Chicago Stock Market CHICAGO, May 24 UP).—Following is the complete list of transactions on the Chi cago Stock Exchange today: Sales. STOCKS. High. Low. Close. 150 Abbott Lab_ 50% 50% 60% 190 Adams Mfg_ 8 77, 7% 50 Aetna B Bear_ 9 9 9 500 Allied Lab _ 11% 11% 11% 20 Allis-Ch Mfg ... 24% 23% 23% 433 Am Tel Sc Tel_148% 147% 147% 760 Armour & Co_ 4% 4 4 200 Autom Wash_ % % y4 150 Aviation Corn_ 6 5% 5% 200 Avia & Trans_ 2% 2% 2% 100 Bastian-Bless_12% 12% 12% 100 Belmont Radio .. 3% 3’/, 3% lOOBendix Av _27% 27% 27% 100 BerghoS Brew .. 8% 8% 8% 50 Bliss k Laughlin. 15% 15% 15% 300 Borg-Warner _15 14% 16 50 Brach & Sons_ 18 16 16 200 Brown F Sc W_ 2 % 2 % 2 >/4 lOOBunte Bros_ 13 13 13 450 Butler Bros 4% 4% 4% 300 Butler Bros pf _ 18 17% 18 30 Cen 111 Pb Sv pf 71% 71 71% 100 Chi Corn _ % % % 50 Chi Coro nf _ 28y, 26% 26Va 60 Chi Flex Shaft. 60 60 60 10 Chi Towel of-1 V 105% 105% 50 Chrysler Com_ 0 60 60 100 Club Mum _ 2% 2% 2% 3900 Comwlth Edis_27% 26% 26% 205 Cons Oil _ 6V, 6% 6 10 Consumers Co of. 2% 2% 2% 60 Container Com.. 10% 10% 10% 46 Crane Co - 14Va 14% 14% 80 Deere & Co_ 15 14% 15 50 Dodge Mfg_ 9 9 9 100 Fuller Mfg_ 3% 3‘/4 3y4 50 Gardner-Denver _ 16% 15% 16% gen Foods - 38% 38% 38% 250 Gen Motors _39V« 38% 39V, 50 Gen Out Advert 4% 4% 414 140 Goodyear T & R 13% 13y, 13% lOOGossard (H W) . 9% 9% 9% 50 Gt Lakes Dredge 18% 18% 18% 50 Helieman (G) Br 8y4 8% «% 154Houd-Her B- 10% 9% 10% 75 Hupd Mot_ % % % 50 111 Brick _ 2% 2% 2% 10 111 Cent R R_ 6% 6% 6% 150 Inden Pneu Tool. 19 19 19 68 Inland Steel_ 68 67% 67% 168 Int Harvester_42% 4] % 42% 400 Jarvis (W B)_ 9% 9'/4 9>/a 50 Katz Drug _ 4% 4% 4ya 70 Ky Ut Jr cum pf 38% 38 38% 100 La Salle Ext_ 1% iy4 1% 25 Llb-McN Sc L ._ 5% 5% 5% -70 Lktuld Carb_12% 12ya 12% 750 Marsh Field__ 9% 9% 9y4 750 Merch tc Mfrs A. 3% 3% 3y4 850 Mid West Corn . 6y4 5% 6y4 20 Miller Sc Hart pf. 5 5 5 100 Montg Ward_34% 34% 34% 100 Noblitt-Sparkg_21 20% 20% 50Nor’west Eng __ 14 14 14 30 No West Ut 7% pf 10 8% 10 10 Omnibus Corp — 9% 9% 9% 50 Penn El SW A.. 13% 13% 13% 100 Penn RR ... 16% 16% 16% 60 Peoples Gas L * C 25% 25% 25% 50 Pressed Stl Car.. 7% '/% 7% 10 Quaker Oats_103 103 103 150 Sears Roeb _. 63 62% 62% 300 Serrick Corn B— 1% iy4 1% 350 So Bend L Wks 22% 22 22% 10 So’west L Sc P pf 05 95 95 125 Spiegel Inc- 5% 5% 6% 150 Std Oil Ind_ 22% 21% 21% 100 Stewart Warn_ 4% 4% 4% 250 Sunstr M Tool_ 22 21% 22 400 Swift Sc CO- 18% 18% 18% 200 Swift Int -: 18y. 18% 18% 100 Texas Com - - 35 34 % 34% 600 Thompson (J R)_ 4% 4% 4% 137 Union Carbide .. 64% 84% 64% 70 Unit Air Lines... 13% 13 13% 100 U 8 Steel _ 43V, 43% 43% 15 U S Steel pf-108% 108% 108% 800 Utah Radio_ - 20 Viking Pump .-h_ 450 Walgreen _ 186 West Un Tel.. . 20 Westhse El St M. 50 Wrigley <W) Jr._ 450 Zenith Rad _ Stock sales today—27.00< | shares. f 4 Dumping of'Cheap' Foreign Sugar in U. S. Barred Agriculture Officials Put Out Statement To Quiet Fears By the Associated Press. The Agriculture Department, In a move to reassure domestic sugar markets, declared today that it would not permit "cheap” foreign sugar to be dumped on United States markets. Officials said in a statement that "excessive” world supplies appar ently had been exerting a weaken ing influence on domestic prices in recent days. The statement noted that the Sugar Act of 1937, through its im port quota system, exerted power to maintain American prices at lev els independent of world prices. "So long as the act or similar leg islation is in effect,” the department said, “there is no prospect that ex cessive and price-depressing world supplies above quota levels will be releaesd for consumption on the domestic market.” The Sugar Act expires at the end of this year, but steps have been taken in Congress to continue it for another year. Newport News Shipbuilding Adds New Directors Special Dispatch to The 8tar. NEW YORK, May 24. —Earle Bailie, chairman of Tri-Continental Corp., and Francis F. Randolph, president of Tri-Continental Corp., were elected directors of Newport News Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co. at a meeting held here yesterday. Tri-Continental Corp. headed an investment group which recently bought the Newport News Ship building & Dry Dock Co. from the Huntington family, which had owned it since 1886, preliminary to the public offering of two-thirds of the company’s stock. The invest ment group is retaining one-third. Other members of the board, who are all operating officials of the com pany, are: Homer L. Ferguson, presi dent; Roger Williams, vice president; William Gatewood, vice president; William B. Woodward, jr., general manager, and Edward A. Adams, treasurer. Collis H. Holladay, who represented Huntington interests, has resigned from the board. The investment group comprising the new owners of the shipbuilding company, in addition to Tri-Conti nental Corp., include United States & Foreign Securities Corp., United States & International Securities Corp., Stone & Webster and Blodget, Inc.; A. C. Allyn & Co., Inc.; Divi dend Shares, Inc.; Massachusetts Investors Trust, Chicago Corp., Har riman Ripley & Co., Inc.; Laden burg, Thalmann & Co.; Adams Ex press Co., First York Corp. and American International Corp. Auto-Lite Declares 75-Cent Dividend By the Associated Press. TOLEDO. Ohio, May 24.—Electric Auto-Lite Co. announced yesterday a 75 cents-a-share dividend, pay able July 1 to stockholders of record June 18. Directors authorized the usual $350,000 a year redemption of the company’s 4 per cent debentures of 1952, and an extra $326,500 worth, which will reduce those outstanding to $9,000,000. Rock Island Income Far Above Year Ago By the Associated Press. CHICAGO, May 24.—The Rock Island lines reported net railway op erating income during April totaled $243,420, compared with a deficit of $230,396 in the corresponding month last year. Net railway operating income for the four months ended April 30. 1940, totaled $898,381, com pared with $290,050 for the like 1939 period. New York Banks Vote To Close Saturday By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, May 24.—Member banks of the New York Clearing House Association voted unanimous ly today to remain closed each Satur dayjrom June 30 through the Labor Day week end, "subject to such regulations as the Clearing House Committee may consider necessary.” The procedure is similar to that followed last year. Glidden Co. Reports Profit of $614,933 By the Associated Press. CLEVELAND, May 24.—The Glid den Co., paint manufacturers, re ported $614,933 net profit for the six months ended April 30, against $366,147 the comparable six months a year before. Net sales climbed to $23,324,275 from $21,061,398, Zinc Price Advanced NEW YORK, May 24 (&).—Zinc sold at 6 cents a pound. East St. Louis base today, an advance of >4 cent and the highest price thus far in the year. The previous price was established in late February when the metal was advanced V* cent. In 1939 zinc sold as high as 6 Vi cents. Commodity Prices NEW YORK. May 24.—The Associated Press weighted wholesale Drlce Index of 36 commodities today advanced to 71.68. Previous day, 71.46; week ago, 72.41: month ago. 73.71); year ago, 67.26. 1940. 1939. 1938. 1933-37. High_ 76.29 75.22 74.37 98.14 Low_ 71.46 63.78 63.86 41.44 (1926 average equals 100.) Miscellaneous Markets. Additional New York markets (as com piled by the Associated Press): WOOL TOPS—Futures closed unchanged to 1 point lower. July. 86.8b; October. 85.1b: December. 84.8b. Spot, standard tops. 93.0. unchanged. STRAITS TIN—Futures closed 40-100 lower. Sales. 56.000 lbs. July, 49.86b. No sales In lead and zinc futures. COFFEE—Spot quiet. Santos No. 4. 714: Rio No 7. 6V*. Cost and freight offerings Included Santos Bourbon 3s and 5s at 6.40-7.00. Santas No. 4 “D” fu tures closed 2-4 higher. Sales. 1,750 bags. July. 5.65b: September. 5.76b: December, 5.88b: Rio No. 7 m” futures 2 bU<^UDENRDBBER—Futures closed 14-40 higher. Seles. No. 1 standard. 206 con tracts. July. 18.85-90; September. 17.80; December, 17.45, Smoked ribbed spot, 20.25n. RAW HIDES—Futures closed 15-30 higher. Sales. 8.720.000 pounds. June, 9.65b; September, 9.88-90; December. 10.16b. Spot No. 1 Western light native cows. 11. RAW SILK—Futures No. 1 closed Vi higher to 2Vi lower. Bales. 170 bales. June. 2.65; July, 2.60b: September. 2.56. COCOA—Futures closed 2-4 higher. Bales. 1.614 tons. May. 4.59n; July. 4.64n; September. 4.69n. j NEW YORK CURB MARKET By private win direct te The Star. Stock and ,Sales— Dividend Rate Add 00. Hlih. Low. CIom. Acme Wire .65e.. 20* 154 154 154 Aoro 8up B .20g.. 9 64 64 54 Ainsworth ,25g_ 4 44 44 44 Air Investors.™. 2 2 2 2 Ala Gt Sou ((g)_75a 634 634 634 Ala Power pf (6) 10a 824 824 824 Ala Power pf (7) 10s 904 904 904 Alum Co Am (2e) 6B0e 152 150 150 Alum Co af *6>__ 650s 109 108 108 Alum Ltd (3e)_1500s 62 424 47 Am Beverage- 1 % % % Am Book <4)_ 80s 39 38 39 Am Centrifugal.. 2 -ft A A Am City P&L(B). 2 4 4 4 Am Cynam B .60. 41 30 284 284 Am Export .50e_. 7 94 84 94 Am Oae ft El 1.60 29 264 264 264 Am Gen pf (3) 200s 244 244 244 Am Laund M .80a 1 14 14 14 Am LtftTrao 1.20 1 114 114 114 Am Mfg pf (5)— 10s 65 65 65 Am Maracaibo_ 2 4 if 4 Am Republics__ 3 64 64 64 Am Superpower.. 1 ft ft ft Am Thread of .25 1 24 24 24 Appal EPpf (7). 40s 110 110 110 Ark Nat Gas- 3 14 14 ' 14 Ark Nat Gaa(A). 12 14 14 14 Ark Nat G pf ,«0k 4 64 64 64 Art Metal W ,30e. 1 44 44 44 Ashland O&R .40. 4 44 4 4 AssoG&E (A)(r) 3 4 4 4 Assoo G&E pf (r) 3 14 14 1% Atl Coast Fish ._ 2 24 24 24 Atl Rayon (.10e). 2 6 5 6 Atlas Corn war.. 14 4 4 Aviation ft Trans 4 24 24 24 Babcock ft W.20e. 1 204 204 204 Baldwin Lo war 21 64 6 54 Baldwin Rub.50a 1 44 44 4% Barl&Seel A 1.20. 100s 84 84 84 Basic Dol .125#.. 14 4 4 Bath Iron _10 11 104 104 Beech Aircraft... 16 44 4 44 Bellanca Aircraft 1 44 44 44 Bell Aircraft- 12 174 164 174 Berk ft Gay Fur_ 3 4 4 4 Bliss (EW)- 11 154 144 144 Blue Ridge__ 3 4 4 4 Blumenthal (S)_. 3 5 44 44 Borne Scryms 2e. 100s 314 31 314 Brazilian TrL&P 3 4 34 4 Breeze Corp 60g. 4 44 44 44 Brewster Aero .. 36 104 94 10 Brldgp't Machine 5 14 14 14 Brill (A) .. .. 1 24 24 24 Brlllo Mfg (.80).. 1 104 104 104 Brown Co pf <r). 200s 17 164 164 Brown For Dlst.. 3 14 14 14 Brown Rubber... 1 14 14 14 B N&EP pf 1.60.. 6 16 16 16 B N&EP 1st <5>_. 60s 94 94 94 Bunker Hill ,50e. 13 94 94 94 Calamba Sug 1.60 1 12(4 12(4 12(4 Calllta Tungsten. 4 1(« 1% m Can Col Airways. 8 6(4 5(4 61* Can Mar W .04e._ 1 (4 *4 (4 Carlb Syndicate.. 1 v4 (4 (4 Carman (A) (2)._ 1 19(4 19(4 19(4 Carnation (la)_ 1 31 31 31 Caro P&L. pf (7). 40s 98 98 98 Carrier Corp .. 5 6(4 6(4 6(4 Carter! JW).16e.. 1 6** 5(4 Casco Prod (le)_. 1 6>4 6>4 6(4 Catlln (Am)- 1 2(4 2(4 2(4 Celan pto pf (7a) 175s 100 99(4 100 Cent NY Pw pf 6 20s 92*4 92 92*4 Cent P & L pf (7) 50s S8 97(4 98 Cent St E 6% pf. 200s 1 1 1 Chamb MW ,10e_. 4 3(4 3 3 Chesebro 14a) 50s 96 96 96 Chi Flex S (5a).. 100s 60 60 60 Childs pf_150» 16 14(4 16 Cities Service_ 2 4*4 4*4 4(4 Cities Service pf. 2 63(4 63 63 Clark Contr ,25e_ 50s 12 12 12 Claude Neon L— 4 ft ft ft Cl ev Tractor_ 2 4(4 4(4 4(4 Club Alum Uten-. 2 2(4 2(4 2(» Colon Dev 6% pf. 2 3(4 3(4 3(4 Col Fuel & 1 war. 2 4(4 4 4 Colts Pat F A (2) 250s 71(4 71 71(4 Col G & E pf (6) 25s 59 59 59 Columb Oil & Gas 2 1(4 1(4 IS Consol Biscuit. 12 2 2 Cons G&E Bo 8.60 1 69*4 69*4 69*4 Consol Gas Util.. 1 1(4 1(4 lvi Cons Steel Corp.. 4 3S 3S 3*4 Conti Roll & Stl— 5 4% 4 4S Cooper-Bess 2 6H 6(4 6(4 Cor & R pf A .75k 10s 59 59 59 Cosden Petrolm. 1 is IS IS Creole Petr ,60a.. 13 15(4 14S 15W Crown Drug 05e. 5 1 ft ft Cuban Atl Sug Co 4 5(4 5(4 5(4 Cun Press pf 6.50 20s 108 108 108 Darby Petroleum 13 3 3 Decca Reo .60_ 2 4*4 4(4 4(4 Derby Oil_ 1 1(4 1(4 IS Det G&M pf 1.20. 1 15S 15S 15S Det Gray Ir .04a. 1 IS IS IS Divco Twin T.25e 4 6(4 6S 6*4 Draper Corp (3a) 20s 64S 64S 64(4 Eagle Pitch Lead 6 7 6S 6(4 East’n Gas&Fuel 2 2 2 2 Eastn G&F« pf 100s 14S 14S 14S Eastn Gas & Fuel prpf (1.125k)). 325s 39S 37 37 Eastern States_ 1 S S S Eastn Sts pf A_ 25s 14(4 14(4 14(4 Eleo Bond & Sh.. 35 44 4 4 Eleo B & S pf (5). 1 47S 47S 47S Eleo B & S pf (6) 3 56*4 56S 56(4 Electro! vtc_ 2 (4 14 (4 Emerson Electric 1 3S 3S 3S Emp G&F 6% of 10s 58S 58S 58S Empire Pwr (lk) 50s 24S 24S 24(4 EaultyCorp - 2 ft ft ft Equity ev pf (3). 60s 20 20 20 Esquire (.60)_ 2 3 3 3 Fairchild Avia— 7 8*4 7(4 8S Fairchild E & A.. 21 5 4(4 5 Ford(Can)A! 1)_ 2 9 9 9 Ford Ltd (.16g)_. 2 IS IS IS Froedtert (.80).. 3 9 8(4 8(4 Fruehauf T .60e_ 2 20(4 20 20 Fuller cv pf (3).. 60s 13 13 13 Gen Out Ad pf!6) 20s 65 65 65 Glen Alden .125e. 2 6S 6S 6S Godchaux pf (7). 20s 94S 94 94S Gorham Inc pf... 125s 12 12 12 Gorham M 1.50e. 2 20S 20 20 G A&Pnv (Be). 275s 90 88 90 G A&P 1st pf (7). 60s 123(4 123V4 123S Greenfield T & D. 17 7 7 Gulf Oil of Pa!l) 12 28S 28 28 Gulf St Utpf 5.50 10s 106S 106S 106S Gulf St Ut pf (6 ). 40s 109 107S 107S Hall Lamp (.60e) 17 7 7 Hartford Rayon. 1 ft ft Hecla Min ,20e... 4 4S 4S 4S Heyden Chem (3) 125s 62S 62H 62S Humble Oil .75e_. 7 50 49 50 Hum'l-Ross 15e 3 5S 5S 6(4 Hygrade Syl.625e 50s 30 30 50 Illlnols-la Power 2 3 2(4 2(4 111-la Power pf _ 3 23S 23 23H Ill-la Pwr dlv ct. 2 5(4 5(4 5(4 Illinois Ztno 100s 4(4 4*4 4(4 Imp Oil Ltd .50a. 7 6S 5S 6 Imp Oil reg 60a.. 3 5S 5S 5S imp Tob Can .40a 1 7(4 7(4 7(4 Ind Ter 111 (A)_ 1 S S S Ind Pips L lOe_ 3 7 6S 6(4 Ind Svo 6% pf— 20s 12S 12S 12S Ins Co N Am 2a.. 400s 55 54 54 Int Indust (.10g). 1 1(4 1% 1% Int Pa&Pwr war. 22 2S 2*4 2S Int Petrolm 1.50. 7 10S 10*4 10(4 Int Products ,25s 2 3S 3(4 3S Int Utilities pf._ 60s 9 9 9 Int Util pr pf 8.50 60s 23S 23S 23S Int Vitamin (.30) 4 2*4 2(4 2(4 Interst H Eq .60 7 7 7 7 Iron Fire vtc 1.20 160s 12 12 12 Irving Air Ch (1) 1 13 12 12 Jacobs Co... ... 4 2 2 2 Jones & Lau Stl- 4 20 19(4 19S Kingston Prod— 1 1(4 1(4 1(4 Klein (DE)(1)— 3 12 11(4 11(4 KopperspfK)_ 10s 76 75 75 Lake Sh M (le)— 2 12% 12% 12% Lakey Fdry & M. 2 2% 2% 2% Lehigh Coal- 2 1% 1% 1% LeTourneau (1). 1 22% 22% 22% Locke Steel 1.20. 400s 10 10 10 Lone Star-20e... 7 8 7% 7% Long Island Ltg. 9 % % % Long Isl Lt of B 60s 25 25 25 La Land&Ex .20e 4 4% 4 4 Lynch Coro (2).. 100s 22% 22% 22% McCord Rad (B). 1 1% 1% 1%' Malestio Radio.. 2 ft ft ft Mangel Btores— 3 1% 1% 1% Master Eleo .60*. 100s 31 31 31 M«ad John (8a>_ 30s 124 123 124 M*rr-Chao ft 8_ 1 2% 2% 2% M*sabl Iron_ 1 ft ft ft Mich Bumber_11 % % % Mich Sugar. 2 ft ft ft Mid St Pet B .10e 2 ft ft ft Midl’d O cvpf.fiOk 50s 5% 5% 5% Midvale Co (le). 100s 99% 99 99 Mid West Corp.. 1 5% 5% 5% Minn MAS 60s 75s 45 43% 45 Miss R Pw pf (6) 60s 116% 116% 116% Mock Jud V 2Se.. 1 6% 6% 6% Molybdenum .25* 6 6% 6 6 Monogram Plo_ 2 % % % Mount City C_ 6 2% 2% 2% Nat City Lpf (!) 100s 38 38 38 NatCont (.45e)_. 1 8% 8% 8% Nat Fu*l Gas (1). 4 10% 10% 10% NatPALof (6) 25s 78 78 78 Nat Rubber Mack 14 4 4 Nst Tunnel&Min. 2 1% 1 1% Nat Onion Radio. 4 % ft ft Navarro OU.4QaJ 3 8% 8 8 J* J ? % 1 Stock and Sales— Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low. Close. Nehl Corp ,125e.. 8 9% 9% 9% Nelson Herman.. 1 3% 3% 3% New Idea 1.60)— 2 11 10% 10% NJZlno(le)- 1050s 60 49 i49 New Mex & Aria. 4 111 NIHonR.IBs.. 100s 16% 15% 15% NY Shlpb’g f<3 ah 1 13 13 13 NY 8t E&G pf 6% 10s 99 99 99 N Y Transit .25e. 1 6% 6% 5% Nlag Hudson Pw. 11 3% 3% 3% Nlag 8 Md B .’6b. 6 3% 3% 3% Noma Electric_ 1 3% 3% 3% Nor Am Lt A Pwr 3 % % % N A Rayon A 50e 3 16% 15V* 15% NIPS 6% pf 1.60k 40s 96 96 96 N West Engl.60e) 100s 14 14 14 Ohio Edit pf (6). 25s 95 95 95 Ohio Oil pf (6) 150s 95 95 95 Ohio P 8 pf A (7) 20s 106 105 106 Oldetyme Dlst_ 9 4 4 4 Omar, Inc_ 60s 5 5 6 Pao Gas6%pfl.60 2 28% 28% 28% Pao P & L pf (7). 20s 73 72 73 PantepeoOll 41 2% 2% 2% Parkbg R&R ,25e 1 6% 6% 6% Pennroad - 12 1% 1% iv« Pa-Cent Airlines. 17 13% 13 13% Penn P&L pf (6). 20s 100 100 100 Penn P&L pf 17). 25s 104% 104% 104% Penn W & P (4)_ 10s 63% 53% 53% Pepperell <3e)_60s 56% 53 53 Perfect Cir (2)_ 60s 22 22 22 Phlla Co <.36e)_ 1 5% 5% 5% Phoenix Becur... 64 6 5% 5% Phoenix Secur pf 150s 23% 22 23% Pioneer Gold .40. 1 1% 1% i% PI tney-Bowes .40 1 6% 6% 6V4 Pitts Forg l.25e) 4 8% 8 8V* Pitts & L E (2e). 250s 46% 43 44 Pitts Metal 25e 2 10 10 10 Pitts Plate G(2e) 7 77% 76 77% Polaris Mining _ 5 % % Powdrell & A .20e 25 2% 2% 2% Premier Gold .12. 5 ft £ Jj, Prud Inv pf (6).. 60s 95 95 95 P 8 Ind $7 pr pf 25s 73 73 73 Pug Sd $5pf 1.25k 60s 63 62% 63 Puget Sd P 16 pf 25s 16 16 16 Pug Sd Pulp 1.25c 1 16% 16% 16% Rellanc E&E .25e 100s 10% 10% 10% Republlo Avlat’n. 15 5 4% 4% Rheem Mfg (1)_ 1 12% 12% 12% Root Petroleum.. 2 1% 1% 1% Royal Typ (2e). _ 60s 43 43 43 Rustless I&S .30e 13 9% 9 9% Ryan Consol_ 1 1% 1% i% St Kegls Paper.. 8 2% 2% 2% St Regis Pap pf.. 250a 531% 50 50 Salt Dome Oil_ 9 51% 4% 5% Samson United_ 4 % % % Schlft Co (1) — 1 9>4 914 gvj Scovill Mfg .50e_. 2 25 2414 24V* Segal Eock 6 % ft ft Select Industries 1 % % % Sel lnd pr pf 6.60 300s 40 38 38 Shattuck-D(.lOe) 4 4 4 4 Sher-Will l.SOe.. 100s 6614 66% 66% Sher-Wlll pf (6). 20s 107 107 107 Simmons H & P_. 2 414 414 4% Solar Mfg__ 4 % % % Sonotone (05e).. 1 11% 1% 1% So Penn 011 1.50.. 2 31 30 31 S C Ed pf B 1.60.. 1 2714 2714 2714 S C Ed pf C 1.376. 4 2414 24% 24% Spalding Co .... 1 1% 1% 1% Spald (AG) 1st pf 210s 814 8 8 Stahl-Meyer- 1 IV* 1% j % Stand C & S .60e_ 1 7% 7% 7% Std C&Scvpf 1.60 50s 15% 15% 15% Stand Dredg .10e. 1111 Stand Oil Ky (1* 4 1714 17 1714 Stand Oil Oh pf 5 25i 103 103 103 Stand Pwr & Et._ 1 14 % % Stand Prod .60e_. 2 6% 6 6 Stand Stl Sp .60*. 5 20% 1914 20% Sterchl Bros_ 1 2V* 2% 21* Sterchi Br 2d pf. 50s 7% 7% 7% Sterling Alum _ 2 6% 6% 6% Sterling Inc (.20) 1 1% 1% 1% ! Stetson (J Bi_175s 3% 3% 3% Sunray Oil 05e_ 30 1% 1% 1% Sup Oil of Cal_ 2 22% 22% 22% TaylorcKy IDist. 2 % % % Technicolor .50*. 5 10 10 10 Texon Oil (.20c). 1 2% 2% 2% Thew Shovel_100s 14 14 14 Tilo Roof (,65a). 1 10 10 10 Tob Prod Exp.40g 6 4% 4Vi 4% Todd Shlpy d ,75e 150a 57 55% 57 Tol Ed pf (6). __ 10s 97% 97% 97% Toledo Ed pf (7). 10s 104 104 104 Trans-Eux (.10e) 6 114 1 1 Tubize Chatillon. 2 5% 5% 5(4 Udyllte (,20e)... r 5 3% 3% 3T4 Unexcelled Mfg.. 2 1% 1% 1% Unit Atrct P .10* 6 12 11% 12 Unit Cgr-Whelan 8 ft ft ft United Gas .. . 5 114 " 1 1% Unit Gas pf 4.50k 1 90% 90% 90% Unit Et&Pwr (A) 3 ft ft ft Unit Et&Pwr pf. 2 18% 18% 18% Unit Sh M 2.50a 400s 60 59% 59% Unit Sh M pf 1.50 20s 42% 42% 42% U 8 Foil (B).. 5 3% 3*4 3% U S Graphite .30e 50s 4 4 4 U S Elnes pt _ 1 2% 2% 2% U S PlyWd .60*.. 1 21% 21% 21% U S Radiator- 4 1% 114 1% Unit Wall Paper. 4 1% 1% 1% UnivCorpvtc_ 5 3% 3% 3% Unlv Insur (1)_ 50s 16 16 16 Unlv Pictures_ 3 4% 4 4% Utah Idaho Sug 4 1% 1% 1% Utah P&E pf2%k 50s 50 49% 49% Valspar Corp_ 5 1 1 1 Waco Aircraft 14 4 4 Wayne Knit 1.25g 1 13 13 13 W Tex Ut 66 pf 6 10s 92% 92% 92% Western Air Exp 3 4% 4% 4% Wichita Rlv Oil— 4 5% 5% 5% Wtllms (RC)... 3 4 4 4 Willson Pr(.40e). 25s 8 8 8 Wllson-Jones.25e 3 6% 6% 6% Wls P&E pf 3.50k 40s 98 98 98 Wolverine T .10e 3 4% 4% 4% Wright Uarg.4Ua 5 3% 3% 3% r In oankruntey or receivership or oelnt reorganized under the Bankruptcy Act or securities assumed by sucb companies. Rates of dividends tn the foregoing table are annual disbursements based on the last auarterly or semi-annual declara tion Unless otherwise noted, special or extra dividends are cot Included, a Also extra or extras d Accumulated dividends patd last rear e Declared or paid so far this year t Payable In stock g Paid last year b Cash or stock k Accumu lated dividends oaid or declared this (ear ur Under rule wv With warrant*. *w Without warrant* war Warrant*. Insurance Stocks NEW YORK. May 24 IIP.—National As sociation of Securities Dealers. Inc.: Bid. Asked. Aetna Cas (4a)_ 94 98 Aetna Ins (1.60a)_ 41 43 Aetna Life (1.20a)_ 2| 26% Am Eauit (1)_ 16% 18 Am Ins Nwk (%a)- 9% 10% Am Reins (1.60a)- 34 36 Am Reserve (1%)- 16 18 Am Suretv (2%)- 42 44 Automobile (la) - 32% 34% Balt Amer (,20a)- 5% 6% Boston (18a)_ 640 660 Carolina (1.30) _ 25% 27% City of N Y (1.20)_ 18% 19% Conn Gen Life (.80)- 24 25% Contin Cas 11.20)- 29 31 Fid & Dep (4)_ 91 99 Firem's Nwk (.40)- 7% 8% Frank Fire (la)_ 24 25% Gen Reinsur (la)_ 34 36 Georg Home (la)_ 23% 25% Glens Falls (1.60)_ 34% 36% Globe & Rep (%) -- 7% 8% Globe & Rut_•- 10% 14% Gt Amer Ins (la)_ 19% 21% Hanover (1.20)_ 19% 21% Hartford Fire i2a)_ 71 % 73% Home Fire See _ IV* 2% Home Ins (1.20a)_ 24% 26% Homestead il)___ 16% 18% Knickerbocker (%)_ 7 8 Lincoln Fire _ 1% 2% Maryland Cas_ 1% 2% Mass Bond (3%) _ 52% 55% Natl Fire (2)_ 48% 60% Natl Liberty (.20a)_ 6 7 New Amst Cas (%)_ 11% 13 N Hampshire (1.60a)_ 39% 44% N Y Fire (.80)_ 12% 14 Nor East Ins_ 2 3 Nor River (1)_ 19% 21 Phoenix (2a)_ 71% 73% Prov Wash (la) _ 27 29 Rep Ins Tex (1.20a)_ 23 24% Revere (P> In (1.20a)_ 19% 21 Rh Isl Ins_ 2% 4 St Paul Fire (8)_201 214 Springfield (4%a)_ 98 103% Sun Life (15)_ 240 290 Travelers (16)- 395 405 D 8 Fid A G (1)_ 15 16% D S Fire (2)_ 40% 42% Westchester (1.20a)_ 27% 28% a Also extra or extras. Quotations furnished by National Asso ciation of Securities Dealers. Inc., which states they do not necessarily reflect actual transactions or firm bids or offers, but should indicate approximate prices. New York Bank Stocks NEW YORK. May 24 OP).—National As sociation of Securities Dealers. Inc.: (Quotations as of 2 o'clock.) Bid. Asked. Bk of Am NTS (SP) (2.40) .31 % 33% Bank of Man (,80a)_ 13 14% Bank of N Y (14)_ 335 360 Bankers Tr (2)_ 44% 46% Bklyn Tr (4)_ 66% 71% Cen Han Bk A Tr (4)_ 77 80 Chase Nat (1.40)_ 26% 27% Cbem Bk A Tr (1.80)_ 39% 41% Commercial (8)_159 166 Cont Bk to. Tr (.80)_ 10 11% Corn Ex Bk & T (3)_ 42 43% Empire Tr (.60)_ 8% 0% First Nat (Bos) (2)_ 37% 39% First Natl (100)_1640 1580 Guaranty Tr (12)_ 227 232 Irvin* Tr (.60)- 9% 16% Manufacturers Tr (2)_ 29% 31 Manufacturers Tr pf (2)_48% 60>/4 Natl City (1)- 21 23 N Y Trust (6)- 88 91 Public (1%). 24% 25% Title OAT -TJ^-_ 2 3 Farmers' Cash Income Reported 12 Per Cent. Above Year Ago 0 Total for First Four Months Estimated at $2,615,000,000 By the Associated Press. *. 1 The Agriculture Department re-* ported yesterday that American, farmers received a cash income of $2,615,000,000 during the first four months of this year, or 12 per cent more than in the corresponding pe riod last year. The income included $2,258,000,000 from the sale of products and $357, 000,000 from Government benefit payments. In the first four months of 1939, the income from marketings was $2,059,000,000 and from benefit payments $282,000,000. Income in April was reported at $625,000,000 compared with $568, 000,000 in April a year ago. The department said the increase, which was greater than normal, was due to larger return from cattle, wheat, truck crops, strawberries and tobacco. , The department explained that the January-April income re port did not reflect sharp declines in prices of grains and cotton. It said these price losses, which did not occur until after Germany invaded the Low Countries this month, were not likely to seriously affect the levei of farm income in May, since May • marketings of these products are relatively small. The January-April income last year and this, respectively, by major classes included: Grains, $256,000,000 and $327,000, 000; cotton and cottonseed, $59,000 000 and $68,000,000; fruits, $73,000, 000 and $70,000,000; vegetables, $160,000,000 and $151,000,000; to bacco, $56,000,000 and $74,000,000; meat animals, $683,000,000 and $712, 000,000; dairy products, $425,000,000 and $479,000,000, and poultry and eggs, $192,000,000 and $191,000,000. Wrigley Board Orders Extra Of 50 Cents By the Associated Press. CHICAGO, May 24.—Directors of William Wrigley, Jr., Co. today de clared an extra dividend of 50 cents a share on the capital stock, payable July 1 to stock of record June 20. A monthly dividend of 25 cents a5 share was previously declared with the same payable on record dates. : Curb Bonds DOMESTIC. High. Dow. Close. A a Power 4%s 67_ 99% 99% 99% A a Power 5s 51 _ 105 105 105 Ala Power 5s 68 _100% 100% 100% Am P & L lis 2016_92 gj gj 34 Apnaiacji E P 41 js 48_ 104*4 104% 104% Ark P * L 5s 56 103*4 103% 103% As El Ind 4%s 53_ 39% 38% 38% As O & E 4%s 49_ 11*2 11 11 As G & E 5s 68 ._ 11 11 11 As T & T 5%s 65 A-53% 53% 53% Atl City El 3%s 64_104% 194% 104% Atl Gas Dt 4*48 55_ 105 105 105 5a ,dJjOCO 6s 50 _102% 99 100 Bell Tel C 5s 57 B_97% 97% 97*4 Bell Tel C 5s 60 O_ 97 97 97 Beth Stel 6s 98_140% 140 140 Birm El 4%s 68 _ 91 90 91 Birming Gas 5s 59_ 93 93 93 Can Nor Pwr 5s 53_ 60 69 69 Can Pac 6s 42 _ 65 64 04 Caro Pw & Lt 5s 56_103% 103*4 103% Central Pw 5s 57 D_ 96 96 96 Cent St El 5s 48 ... 26% 20 26% Cent St El 5%s 54_26% 26% 26% Cen St P&L 5%s 53_ 65% 65% 65% Chi Rys 5s 27 cod_ 37 37 37 Cities Svc 5s 50_ 68 07% 68 Cities Svc 5s 58_ 67% 67 67*4 Cities Svc 5s 66 70% 70% 70% Cit S P&L 5%s 52_ 76% 76% 76% Cit S P&L 5%s 49 ... 76% 76 70V* . Comnty P&L 5s 57... 85% 85 85 Con GEL&P 3%5 71... 106 106 106 Cons G Util 6s 43 st _. 76% 76 78 Com G A- E 5s 58 A__ 80% 80% 80% Cudahy Pkg 3%s 55_ 95 95 95 Del El Pw 5%s 59 ... 104% 104 104% East O * P 4s 56 A... 79 75% 79 Edis El Illu 3%s 65. _ 108% ln8>, 108*4 El Pw & Lt 5s 2030 _. 72 70% 71 Emo Dis El 5s 52_107% 100% lO'*% Fed Wat 5'4s 54_ 92 92 92 Fla Pwr coiinn 4s 66_99% 99*4 99*4 Florida P&L 5s 54 _ 1 no*, ion 100’, Gatineau 5s 56 _ 65 65 65 Gatineau P3%s 69 65 65 85 Gary E&G 5s 44 st _ 98 98 98 Gen Pub Ut 6*is 58 _. 87 86*4 80*4 Gen W WA-E 5s 43 A 91 00% 91 Georgia Pw 5s 67_ 104 103% 104 Glen Alden Cl 4s 65_ 70*4 69% 09% Gr No Pw 5s 50 stp... 100*4106*4106*4 Grn Moun P 3%s 63_ 100 100 100 Hou Gulf G 6s 43_ 102 102 10° Idaho Pwr 3*is 67 _ . 100% 100% in«% 111 Pwr & Lt 6s 53 A ._ 102 101 101*4 111 Pw & L 5%s 54 B 101 99% 101 111 Pw & L 5s 56 C . 98 97% 98 Ind Hvd Elec 5s 58... 95*4 95*4 95*4 Indiana Svc 5s 50 A_ 58*4 58 58 Indiana Ser 5s 63 A... 56*4 56 56 Ind P&L 1st 3%s 68_105% 105*4 105*4 Interst Pw 5s 57_ 52% 51 % 52% Intcrst Pw 6s 52 _ 30 29 30 Ia-N LA*P 5s 57 A ... 10.3% 103% 103% Jer C PA-L 5s 47 B ... 102% 102% 10"% Jer C PAtL 4%s 61 C—_ 104*4 104 104V4 La Pw A* Lt 5s 57_ 104*4 104 104% Metron Ed 4s 65 Q___ 108% 108*4 108% Mid S Pw 6%s 45 A... 93 93 93 Mil G&E 4%s 67_ 99*4 99% 99% Minn P&L 4%S 78_ 99% 99*4 99% Minn P & L 5s 55_ 103 102*4 103 Miss Pw A: L 5s 57 _ 98 97 98 Nat P & L 8s 2026 A._ 110 109% 110 Nat P A- L 5s 2030 B... 101% 101 101 Nevad Cal El 5s 56 ... 68 64% 86 New Ams Gas 5s 48... 116% 118 116% New E G&E 5s 47 . 52 51 51 New E G&E 5s 4 8 . 52 52 52 New E G&E 5s 50 _ 52 52 52 New E Pw 5%s 54_94% 94 94 New Or FS 6s 49 A... 97 97 97 Nor A L&P 5%s 58. __ 98% 96% 96*4 Northw P S 5s 57 A... 10.3 103 103 Ogden G Co 5s 45 ... 107% 107% 107*4 Ohio Power 3%s 68.. 103*4 103% 103V4 Ohio Pub S*’C 4s 62_108*4 106 106 Pac O & E 6s il B_107% 107% 107*4 Pac Iny 5s 48 _ 88 88 8.8 Pac P ft L 5s 55 87% 87 87% Park Lex Lshld 3s 64.. 40 40 40 Penn C L&P 4%s 77 99% 98% 98% Pe&3 Oh E 5%s 59 B._ 102% 102V, 102% Penn Oh E 6s 50 A_ 105 1 04% 10474 Penn P Svc 6s 47 C... 106 106 106 Penn P Svc 5s 54 D_ 105 105 105 Peon GL&C 4s 61 D___ 96 95% 96 PeOD GL&C 4s 81 B.__ 94 94 94 Phila Ran T 6s 62_ 93% 9.3% 93*4 Potomac E 5s 50 E_ 108 108 108 Pug Sd P&L 5*4* 49... 88 88 88 Pug S PAL 5s 50 C___ 84 83% 84 Pu S P&L 4'4s 5n D 82 81 82 Quee G&E 5%s 52 A.. 83% 83% 83% Safe H Wj 4'4s 79__ 109 109 109 Scripns 5%s 43 ._ 101 101 101 Shw W&P 4%s 67 A . 70 70 70 Shw WAP 4%s 70 D... 69 69 09 Sherid Wyo 0s 47 _ 87 87 87 8 E P&L 6s 2025 A... 104*4 102% 104% Sou Cal Ed 3%s 80 __ 106% 106*4 106% Sou Cal E 3%s 60 B ino% 106% 106% Sou Caro 5s 57 _ 97% 97% 97*4 Sou Ind Ry 4s 51 _ 37% 37 37% Souw As T 5s 81 A_104% 104% 104*4 Std G&E Ks 48 st 80% 59% 80 Std G&E 6s 48 CV St.. 60% SO'/, 80*4 Std Oas&El 8s 51 A... 59% 59% 59% Std Gas A- B3 6' 57_ 60 60 «n Std Gas&El Hs 66 B.__ 60 60 60 Stand Pw&Lt 6s 57... 60% 59% 60% St arret Corn 5s 50_ 15 15 15 Texas Hec 5s 60 _102 101% 102 Tex Pw & L 5s 50 ... 105 105 105 Tide Wat P 5s 79 A... 88% 88% 88% Twin C RT 5%s 52 A 57 5874 57 Unit Lt&Pw 5%s 59.. 108'/, 10774 107% Unit Lt&Pw 6s 75_ 74% 74 74 Unit Lt&Pw 0%s 74... 75 75 75 Unit L&R D 5%s 52 ... 79 79 79 Utah P&L 6s 2022 A_ 87 87 87 Va Pub S 6%s 48 A... 100% 99% 100% West Pa 6s 2030 _105 105 105 West Pa Tr 5s 60_108% 108% 108% Yadkin Riv P 5s 41_103% 103% 103% York Ry 5s 37 mat_ 93 92% 93 York Rwy 5s 47 st_ 95 95 95 FOREIGN— Sttnn (HI 4s 40 2d at.. 31 31 31 Stinn (Hi 4s 46 3d st .. 20 20 20 Unit El Svc 7s 56 A.. 28% 28% 28% ww—With warrants, xw—Without war rants n—New. st (stp>—Stamped. tNetotiablllty Impaired by maturity. Boston Wool Market BOSTON. May 24 liPi United Statei Department of Agriculture).—Very little business was being transacted In the Bos ton wool market today. The price situation remained confused because of the ex tremely Umlted buying Interest and the reluctance of most holders to make an ef fort to sell wools Prices on scattered transactions were very Irregular, ranging from about steady to considerably lower, compared with last week. An occasional voluntary offering of good French combing length fine territory wool In original bags was available in Boston at around 75 cents, scoured basis. Quotations were Inclined to ease on coun try-packed three-eighths and quarter blood bright fleece wools, although few offerings had been -made at prices under 83 cent*. In the grease, delivered to users.