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Capital Transit Net Climbs to $89,987 Paring April i Result Compares With I $82,732 Recorded in f Same 1939 Month By EDWARD C. STONE. Net earnings of the Capital Tran sit Co. in April totaled $89,987.92, in comparison with $82,732.84 in April, 1939, an increase of $7,255.08, or 8.8 per cent, according to the monthly statement filed today with the Pub lic Utilities Commission. Revenue passengers numbered 15.643.988, a gain of 1,139.588 over the same month last year, or 7.9 per cent. Both operating revenues and ex penses increased. Operating reve nues totaled $1,092,651.31, an in crease of $69,049.12, or 6.7 per cent. jPkt the same time operating expenses, taxes and depreciation called for $943,860.39. an increase of $65,466.24, or 7.5 per cent. This left an operating Income of $148,849.28, a gain of $3,532.88 over last year. Deduction from gross for interest payments required $149,849.28. which was (1 .621.55 less than a year ago. The Capital Transit Co., cover ing the first four months of this year, reported a net income of $197,519.78, a gain of $33,814.84 over the like 1939 period, or 20.7 per cent. Revenue passengers numbered 60,196.103, compared with 55.742.091 last year, a substantial increase of 4,504,012. or 8 per cent. Operating revenues of $185,222.62 Were up $301,218, an increase of 7.8 fcer cent; operating expenses and taxes called for $3,745,641.93, which fwas $266,541.81 more than last year, up 7.7 per cent and leaving an op erating income of $439,580.69, a gain ©f more than $34,600, or 8.6 per cent. Deductions from gross required $243,808.93, or $945.72 less than last! J-ear, the report stated. Telephone Calls at Peak. Average daily calls completed by the Chesapeake & Potomac Tele phone Co. in April exceeded 1,200, 000 for the first time in any month In the company's history, totaling 1.222.199, as compared with 1,084.598 in April, 1939. according to latest Reports. In the first four months «f this year, calls were substantially £head of last year, the report re tfleeting improved business condi tions in the Capital. *■' Up to April the company's high est daily call record was in February ©f this year. Comparisons covering the first four months of 1940, with like periods in 1939, follow: 1940. 1939. January_ 1.162.923 1.035,156 February_ 1,168.653 1,057,601 March.... 1.166,232 1,057.540 April _ 1.222.119 1.084.598 The number of telephones in serv ice reached an all-time record in April for any month. 260.174, com pared with 245,176 in April, 1939. and a gain of 1.626 over the end of Marcn. Here, too, is another out standing record in the first four months of 1940, the comparisons with 1939 being as follows: 1940. 1939. January_ 255,846 241,261 February_ 257,076 242,527 March.. 258.548 243.881 April .. 260.174 245,176 Pennsy’s Earnings Higher. Net railway operating income of the Pennsylvania Railroad in April amounted to $5,619,222, an increase of $1,856,236, it was announced to day. Gross revenues in April amounted to $34,521,246, up more than $5,128,000. The main increase in revenues was from freight, a total of $25, 962,714, making a gain of $5,262,784. Passenger revenues were $393,296 less than last year. Railway operating expenses were $2,467,021 more than last year, the report said. Net railway operating income in the first four months of this year amounted to $21,247,163, an increase of $3,640,355. Gross was up more than $18,000,000. but expenses were more than $11,000,000 higher than a year ago. Credit Association Honored. Tire National Association of Credit Men was honored at Toronto yes terday by the first International Credit Congress, when it war. awarded the American Credit Award bronze statuette for 1940, in recognition of "Outstanding Con tributions to American Business.” The presentation was made to President Charles A. Wells, by Daniel C. Roper, former United States Minister to Canada and former United States Secretary of Commerce. In making the pre sentation, Mr. Roper said the jury made the award because of “the association's 44 years of distin guished service to trade and in dustry." The award is a bronze casting symbolizing “Credit-Man's Con fidence in Man.” The purpose of the award is to broaden the in terest in credit as a primary factor in national economy. Traction Payment Pleasing. Holders of Capital Transit stock expressed gratification in the finan cial district today over the ac tion of the directors yesterday in declaring a dividend of 25 cents per share, payable July 1 to stock of record June 15. The last dividend paid by the company was a 50-cent disburse ment on December 20, 1939. At yesterday's meeting the directors voted to set aside the same amount for retirement of the funded debt as they did for the dividend pay ment, or $60,000 for each purpose. A substantial part of the funded debt matures in seven years and the remainder in 11 years. The action was similiar to that taken when the December dividend was Voted. Today’s Trading on Exchange. Capital Traction 5s were active on the Washington Stock Exchange to day, selling at 97, 96^ and closing at ?7%. Washington Gas Light preferred appeared on the board at 100, off from other recent sales. Washington Gas common registered two sales at 21V4, also lower than other recent transfers. Mergenthaler Linotype registered two 50-share transactions at 12*4, up Vs from yesterday’s close. Po t,omac Electric Power 5l/2 per cent preferred moved at 114 on a very light turnover. Riggs National Bank common was the only bank stock appearing on the board, 10 shares changing hands at 260. There were no sales in Capital Transit stock following yesterday’s declaration of a 25-cent dividend, payable on July 1. The bid was 12, with 14 asked. \ i TRANSACTIONS ON THE NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE Bj Private Wire Direct ta The Star. Prev. 1940 Stock and Seles— Hat High. Low Dividend Rate Add 00. High Low Close, chge. 70+ 60 Abbott Lab (1.60a). 9 60+ 60+ 60+ - + 46+ 30 Abr&Strauss (2e). 60s 30+ 30+ 30+ + + 52+ 35 Acme Steel (3)_ 4 35 35 35 9 4+ Adams Express_ 9 5 4+ 4+ 27+ 17 Adams-Millls (1) _ 2 17+ 17+ 17+ + + 68+ 36+ Air Reduction (la). 13 39+ 38+ 38++ + 7 4 Alaska Juneau .60_. 7 4+ 4+ 4+ 1+ + Alleghany Corp ... 21 & + jfr - 7* 14+ 5+ Allegh'y $30 pf ww_ 10 7 6+ 6+ + + 12+ 4+ Alleghany pf xw . 8 5+ 5 6+ ■+■ + 17+ 7 Alleghany prior pf 4 8+ 8 8 + + 26+ 15+ Alleg-Ludlum ,25e 15 17+ 16+ 17++ + 182 140 Allied Chemical (6) 12 141 138+ 139 -2 16+ 10+ Allied Mills .75e_ 6 11+ 11+ 11++ + 9+ 4+ Allied Stores_ . 11 5+ 5 5 + + 73+ 58 Allied Stores pf (5) l 57+ 57+ 57+- + 41*4 21+ AUis-Chalmers .50e 17 24+ 23+ 23(4 — + 2+ 1+ Amalg Leather_ 6 1+ 1+ Hi 58+ 39+Amerada (2) .. _. 2 40 39+ 40 21 12+ Am Ag Ch Del ,30e... 3 14 13 13 —1 75 41+ Am Airlines- 27 53+ 51+ 51+ - + 12+ 6+ Am Bank Note ... 4 6+ 6+ 6+ + + 50 44+ Am Bank N pf (3).. 40s 44+ 44+ 44+-f + 9+ 5+ Am Bosch - 3 6+ 6 6+ -t- + 45+ 28 AmBrakeShoe 30# 3 31 30+ 31 +1 + 133 130 Am Brake S pf 5.25. 60s 129+ 128 128 -2 116+ 87 Am Can .4) 7 91(4 90 90+ - + 176+ 165 Am Can pf (7) . 1 164*4 164*4 164*4 - + 33V* 18+Am Car & Foundry. 21 21+ 26+ 21+ + V* 51+ 34 Am Car & Fdry pf.. 6 36+ 36 36 +1 23+ 14 Am Chain & C 80s.. 9 15+ 14+ 15 +1 112+ 100 Am Chain&C pf (5). 1 100 100 100 140+ 115 AmChlclaMai ... 1 117 117 117 _i 9+ 6+ Am Colortype 25e.. 2 6+ 5+ 6+ 8+ 4+ AmComc'l Alcohol 3 4+ 4+ 4+ + + 91+ 77+ Am Crystal S pf 16) 40* 76+ 75 76+ -1 3+ 1+ Am Encaustlo Til . 3 1+ 1+ 1+ + 14 2+ 1 Am & Foreign Pwr. 6 1+1 1 — + 28+ 10+Am & F P 7% pf.70k 3 12 11+ 12 7+ 2+ Am& For'n P 2d pt. 1 2+ 2+ 2+ 50+ 23 Am-Hawla n SS < 1) 6 27 26 26+ - + 6+ 314 Am Hide & Leather 15 3+ 3+ 3+ — + 38 27 Am Hide & L pf <3). 1 23 23 23 -4 66+ 45+ Am Home Pr (2.40). 3 49+ 48+ 49+ +1 3+ 1+ Am Ice _ 6 1+ 1+ 1** 35 18 Am Ice pf (,50e)_ 1 18 18 18 6+ 3+ Am International.. 4 4 3+ 3+ — 3! 45 30 Am Inv of 111 1.35e. 1 30 30 30 22+ 10 Am Locomotive _ 11 12 11 11 — + 63 39 Am Loco pf (lk) ._ 2 40 39+ 39+ + + 14+ 10 Am Mach & Fv<.80) 5 10+ 10+ 10+ — V* 3+ 1+ Am Mach & Metala. 12 2 2 25 13>4 Am Metals (le) ._ 4 13+ 13+ 13+ -f V* 26 2D* Am News Co (1.60). 60s 22 21+ 22 + V* 5+ 2 Am Power & Light 8 2+ 2+ 2+ 54 28+ AI’&L $5 pf 2.8125k 4 32 31+ 32 +1 10+ 4+ Am Radiator ... 38 5+ 5+ 5(4 — + 17+ 9+ Am Rolling Mills .. 26 10+ 10 10 — + 70 48+ Am Roll M pt (3k). 1 54 54 54 +1 12+ 9 Am Safety Rax 1.20 4 9+ 9+ 9+ - + 11+ 5 Am Seating t.60g)_ 4 7 6+ 7 + V* 37+ 23 Am Ship Building 100s 24+ 24+ 24+ — + 54 30+ Am Smelt & Re(le) 18 34V* 33+ 34 — + 147 122+ Am Sm & Ret pt (7) 1 126 126 126 +2 70 51+ Am SnufT f3a) . 1 51*4 51*4 51 + 33+ 19+ Am Steel Fdry 60s. 15 21+ 20+ 21 + + 14+ 9+ Am Stores (.25*1 . 1 10 10 10 23+ 14 Am Sugar Refining. 5 15 15 15 18 11+ Am Sumat Tob (1). 2 11*4 11*4 11*4+ + 175+ 146 Am Tel & Tel (9)_ 45 148+ 147+ 147+ + + 89+ 69 Am Tobacco <51_ 1 72 72 72 + + 91s* 70 Am Tobaceo(B I (5). 3 74 73+ 74 — v* 5+ 2+ Am Type Founders. 4 3+ 3 3+ + + 12+ 5+ Am Water Works_ 26 6+ 6 6 12 6 Am Woolen 11 6+ 6+ 6+ 52+ 25+ Am Woolen pf (3k). 11 28 26V* 26V* — + 8+ 4+ Am Zinc 11 4*4 41, 41*, 32 18 Anaconda (,75e) .. 124 19+ 18+ 19+ + + 41+ 20 Anaconda Wire & C. 3 22+ 22+ 22+ +2+ 22+ 12+ Anchor Hoc G1.15s. 5 13+ 13+ 13 + 4+ 2 A P W Paper 3 2+ 2 2 - + 35+ 24 Arch-Dan-Mid .70e. I 24+ 24+ 24+ + + 7*4 4 Armour till) .. 31 4+ 4 4 — + 64+ 35 Armour t 111 1 nr pf. 4 37+ 36+ 37 43+ 22+ Armstrong C’k ,50s. 7 24*4 24+ 24+ — *4 11 6+ Arnold Const 375s. 7 6+ 6+ 6+ — + 9+ 3+ Artloom Corp _ 14 4 4 9 4+ Assoc Drv Goods .. 7 5 4+ 4*4 + + 100+ 82 Assoc Invest pf (6). 10s 82 82 82 25+ 13 Atch Top&Sants Fe 18 14+ 13+ 13+ 57+ 39+Atch T&SF pf 2.50e. 5 41+ 30+ 39+ -1+ 23*a 9+ Atl Coast Line 24 10+ 9(4 10 22+ 10 Atl Gulf & W Ind pf 1 10 10 10 27+ 18+ Atl Refining (1 > 26 20+ 19+ 19+ - V* 110 105 Atl Refining pf (4). 1 104 104 104 -1 9+ 7 Atlas Corp (,25e)_ 22 7 7 7 — + 8+ 4 Atlas Tack _ 1 4+ 4+ 4 + 2+ + Auburn Auto (r)_ 20 + + + 5+ 1+ Austin Nichols_ 1 2+ 2+ 2+ 32+ 10 Austin Nicb pf (A). 110s 13+ 12+ 13++1 8+ 4+ Aviation Corp_ 63 5(4 5+ 0+ — + 19T« 12% Baldwin Loco ctfs_ 45 13% 13 1314+ % 6% 2% Baltl & Ohio (r) ... 21 3% 3 3 -% 8 3% Baltl & Ohio pf <r)_ 2 3% 3% 3% + % 14% 8 Baneor At Arstook 3 8% 8 8 16% 8% Barber Asphalt .50* 4 10 9% 10 + ij 8% 4 Barker Bros .. 2 414 47* 4% — % 137, 7% Barnsdall Oil .30e._ 12 8 7% 7% 36% 20% Bayuk Clear 26* .. 1 24% 24% 24% + % 357* 18% Beatrice Crea (la). 14 217, 21 2114 — V, 127 102 Beech-Nut Pgk (4a) 1 104% 104% 104% +2% 9% 7% Belding-Hem (,40e) 1 7% 7% 7% 36% 25% Bendix Aviat’n (le) 25 277* 267* 27% 221, I7v« Beneficial Loan .45e 8 18 17% 177* 56-7* 50 Beneficial L pf 2.50. 2 50 50 50 39 22% Best & Co 1.60a) . 8 25% 25 25 - % 89% 63V, Beth Steel <2.25e)_. 125 687* 66% 67% + % 125V, 109% Beth Steel pf (7) 3 112% 111 112% +1% 34V, 14 Bigelow SanTd(le) 1 15% 15% 15% 22% 15 Black & Decker .25# 1 15% 15% 15% 117, 57* Blaw Knox _ 9 6% 6% 67, + % 28% 16V* Boeing Airplane .. 267 167* 16 16 — % 2974 197* Bohn Alum'n .5Ae._ 3 21% 20% 21% +1% 123 99 Bon Ami 1 A H 4a ) .. 80s 100 99 100 +1 70% 517* Bon Ami (Bl 2.60a. 30s 52% 52 52 — 71 29% 19 Bond Stores (1.60). 1 19 19 19 — % 24V* 17% Borden Co (,60e) .. 9 18% 18 18*4 + % 25:4 1 274 Borg-VVarner(.50e) 25 15 14 14% + %. 377* 26 Bower Roll B (3 > 4 27% 27% 27', — V* 7 4% Brewing Corn ( 60). 7 4% 4% 47,+ 7, 13% 8 Bridgeport Brass... 10 8% 8% 8',+ % 23»* 1.3% Briggs Mfg !.60e)_. 34 14% 13% 14 537, 38 Bristol-Myers 2.40.. 1 38V* 38% 354% + % 24% 13% Bklyn-Man Transit. 29 18% 17% 171* — i, 37* 1% Bklyn & Queens .. 4 2% 2% 2% 25', 137* Bklyn Un Gas .60#.. 3 14% 14% 14%+ 74 37% 27 Brown Shoe (le) ... 1 27% 27% 2774 29% 14% Brunswick-B (.75e) 4 16% 16 16% +1% 10% 6% Bucyrus-Erle _ 9 6“4 6% 6% + % 111 987, Bucyrus-E pf (7)_ 10s 100 100 100 +1 6% 3 Budd Mfg _ 18 3% 3% 3% 44ai 21 Budd Mfg pf_120s 23 2274 23 - % 674 3 74 Budd Wheel _ 4 3% 3% 374 + % 33% 20 Bullard Co (,75e)._. 8 26% 25% 26 +% 33 17% Bulova Watch (2a). 3 1974 19 19% 217% 12% Burlington M (1)_ 4 1374 13 13% + % 127, 774 Burr’s Add M 20e_ 4 7% 7% 77* — 7* 574 2 Bush Terminal _ 2 2% 2% 2% + % 1374 5% Bush T Bldgs pf_ 30s 7 7 7 +1 7-% 4% Butler Bros (,16e).. 1 4% 47* 474+ 74 23% 18 Butler Bros pf 1.60. 2 18 18 18 474 2% Butte Copper _ 12 2s* 2% 2% 13% 6% Bvers (A M) Co .. 17 7 7 + % 81% 39 Byers AM pf 4.33k.. 20s 41% 41% 4174 1574 9 Byron Jackson (1). 2 10 10 10 2674 1 4 Calif Packing .25e__ 4 15% 1574 15%+% 1% 1 Callahan Zinc . 7 114 1 1 874 4% Calumet & Hec .50*. 14 5% 4% 5% + % 19% 11 Campbell Wy ,65s._ 3 12 11% 11%+ 74 23% 11% Canada Dry _ 39 137* 1274 13%+1 67* 27* Canadian Pacific_ 21 2% 27* 2% + % 90 80 Caro-Clin & O (5)— 20s 79 79 79 -1 32V* 22% Carpenter Steel 60s 1 25% 25% 25% + % 374 2% Carriers & Gen 06e. 4 2 2 2 — % 66% 427, Caterpillar Trac(2) 21 45% 44 4474+ 7* 3574 20 Celanese Corp ,60a. 24 22% 21% 22% + 74 119 105% Celanese pr pf (7)„ 70s 107% 107% 107% —1% 12% 5 Celotex Corp ... 7 5% 5% 5% — 74 26% 18 Cent Aguirre (1.60) 7 18% 18 18 3% 1% Central Foundry . 4 1 74 1 74 174 114'-i 107 Cent 111 L pf (4.60). 60s 108 108 108 11*4 4 Central ♦lo Sugar.. 5 514 5 514 + *i 100 9314 Century R M pf(7). 10a 94 94 94 +114 41'4 23 Cerro de Pasco (2e) 16 2314 2214 2214 —114 8*4 8'4 Certaln-teed _ 2 4*4 414 4>4 — 14 36** 151* Certaln-teed Df ... 60s 17'/* 17 17 106 100V* Champ PAF pf (6). 20s 100'/, 100V* 100'4 42*4 305* Ches A Ohio (2.50). 23 33*« 31*4 31** -114 *4 14 Chi A Northwn (r). 16 v* y* 14 14** 814 Chi Pneu Tool .. 1 914 914 9'4 + 1* 1614 9 Chlckasha Cot Oil.. 2 9*4 914 9*4 + y* 65* 214 Childs Co 3 314 3'4 3y* + V* 91*4 54 Chrysler Corp 2.60s 87 601* 57*4 57** —IV* 14V* 10'4 City Ice A Fuel .60s 1 1014 1014 1014 98 90 City IAF of (6.60).. 290s 92 9114 9114 -1 40V* 24 Clark Equip 1.25e_. 1 25 25 25 — 14 4.3V* 26 Clev Oraphltet.lOe) 5 2814 27*4 28V* - *4 4U4 2514 Oilman Molyb 1.20.. 3 2614 26V* 2614+14 4514 2514 Cluett Peab (le)— 14 29*4 28 29*4 + 14 131 9914 Coca-Cola <1.50e)__ 7 102 101 101 -1 63 57 Coca-Cola (A) (3).. 2 57 56 66 -ly* 20 1014 Coleate-Pal-P (.60) 28 1114 1114 11V* 35*4 1614 Collins A Aik (2.25s 8 1814 1814 1814-14 11214 108 Collins A Aik pf (5) 60s 10914 10814 109 + V* 24 1214 Colo Fuel A Iron... 11 14 13*4 1314+14 4*4 1*4 Colo A Southern__ 80s 2 2 2 5** 2 Colo A So 1st pf. .. 140s 2*4 2V* 214 26*4 16 Columb BC(A) .90s 3 17 1614 17 +1* 26V* 16 Columb B C (B).90s 4 1614 16 1614 + V* 714 4V« Columb G A El 20a. 45 4*4 4*4 414 9314 76 Col GAE pf (AMS). 1 73 73 73 -314 8‘4 314 Columb Pto Ttc _ 6 414 3v4 314 - 14 2314 15 Columb Pic pf 2.7*. 1 14V* 14V* 14V* - 14 98** 7114 Columb'nCarb <2e) 3 73 72 73 +1*4 48 28 Cornel Credit (4) . 16 31 2914 31 +1 56 33 Cornel Inv Tr i4> 29 3614 3514 36 - 14 113 97V* Cornel lnv T pf 4.25. 1 9914 9914 99'+ + Vi 16*4 8 Cornel Solvents . 27 814 8*» 8*4 33 26 Comwlth Ed (1.S0). 99 27*4 26** 27 - 14 114 *4 Comwlth A South’n 68 ft 14 H + 14 73V* 42 Comwlth A 8 pf (5) 4 4514 44 44 -IV* 6V* 214 Conde Nast Pub 2 3*» 3*4 3*4 + is 24*« 14 Congoleum (1)_ 10 15V* 1414 14** - *4 13V* 8 Congress Clear. — 4 10S 10V* 10V* + 14 914 614 Conn Kwy A Lit pf.. 80s 6** 614 614 311* 19** Consol Aircraft .. 15 2214 21 2114 16 7*4 Consol Cigar (.75e). 2 9 8*4 9 + *4 92 79 Consol Cigar pf <7). 10s 77 77 77 -3 95 80 Consol C pr pf 5.50.. 80s 80 80 80 914 4*4 Consol Cop M .16e_. 81 614 6 514 - 14 3214 23 Consol Edison 12)_ 87 2514 2414 24*4 - Is ^ > Prev. 1840 Stock and Salts— Met. Hlth. Low. Dividend Rate. Add 00. Rich. Low. Close, chct. UOVi 97% Consol Edls pf (6) 2 100 99% 99% — % 10% 6% Consol Film pf .60k. 1 6% 6% 6% - % 4% 2% Consol Laundries.. 10 2% 2% 2% 8% 6% Consol 011 (.80) ... 29 6 5% 5% - Vi 4% 2% Consolidation Coal. 1 2% 2% 2% + V4 104 95 Consum Pw pf 4.6ft. 1 93V* 93% 93% -1% 19% 9% Container Corp .60# 6 10% 10% 10% 16% 7% Conti Bakina (A).. 3 7% 7% 7% 1% % Conti Bakina (B)._ 1 U M 49% 33 Conti Can (It) .. 6 36 35% 36% +1 9% 4% Conti Diamond .25e 3 5% 5% 6% + % 40% 28 Conti Insur 1.60a).. 7 28% 28% 28% + % 4% 2 Conti Motor _ 90 3% 3 3% 25 16% Conti Oil (.50e)- 48 18% 18% 18%-% 25% 15% Copperweld Stl ,40e 7 17% 17 17% + % 70 47 Copperweld pf 2.60. 1 48% 48% 48% - % 61% 42Vi Corn Exchange (t). 340s 43% 42% 42% 65% 44% Corn Products (I).. 21 46% 45 45 -1 7% 4 Coty lno (25e) ... I 4% 4% 4% + Vi 1% % Coty International. 20 1 % l + % 24% 13% Crane Co __ 11 14% 14 14% + % 38Vi 18% Crown Cork & Real. 2 21 Vi 21 21 + % 21% 12 Crown Zeller (le)_. 23 13% 12% 13 - Vi 43% 25 Crucible Steel _ 11 27 25% 26%+ Vi 95 64 Crucible Steel pf... I 68 68 68 +4 4% 2 Cuba RR pt _ 20* 1% 1% 1% _ 8% 3% Cuban Am Sugar_ 18 4% 4% 4% + % 91 Vs 60 Cub Am 8 pf I2k)._ 60s 68 67% 67% - Vi 17 10 Cudahy Packing_ 4 10 10 10 + % 4% 2 Curtis Publishing _ 6 2% 2% 2% 61 32 Curtis Pub pf (2k). 3 32 31% 31% — % 11% 7% Curtiss-Wright . 191 8% 8% 8% — Vi 32% 21% Curtlss-Wr (A) Is 26 23 22% 22% — Vi 22% 14% Cutler-Hamm’r .60s 3 17 16% 16% — % 8% 2% Davison Chemical.. 3 44 44 44+ 4 234 13% Deere* Co .. 15 154 14% 14% + % 284 22 Deere & Co pf 0.40) 2 22% 224 224 19% 114 Delsel-Wem-G 375e 2 134 134 134 — 4 23% 84 Del* Hudson ... 22 10 9% 94+4 54 24 Del Lack & Wn lt 2% 2% 2% 1254 984 Detroit Edison (3e> 4 100 994 100 + 4 23V, 124 Devoe* Kay A 25a 100s 13 13 13 36% 254 Dlam d Match 1.60. 1 27 27 27 + 4 104 4% Dlam T Motor _ 1 5% 5% 5% + 4 20 124 Distill-Seagr (2) . 12 124 12% 12% - 4 85% 58 Dlslll-Seagr pf (6). 2 59 664 69 +1 38 30', Dlxls VoriAl)2.60) 130s 314 31 314+ 4 24% 14 Doehler Die C .25#.. 3 154 15 154 + 4 234 114 Dorns Minas (2) ... 10 12 11% 11% — 4 944 71% Douglas Air (3g)— 22 764 73% 754 +4 171 1414 Dow Chemical (S)_. 8 142 140 140 -24 30 14% Dresser Mfg _ 2 18 174 17% + % 10 5 Dunhlll imernatl.. 2 54 54 54 + 4 1894 1484 Du Tont (3.50e) ... x 34 155 1504 150% -2 126 114 Du Pont pf 14 60) 3 117 1164 117 +24 118% 114% Duquesne 1st pf<6). 10s 1124 1124 1124 -24 444 264 Eastern Air Lines.. 32 304 29% 29%+ 4 64 3 Eastn Koll Mills 2 3% 34 34 + 4 166% 125 Eastman Kodak <61 15 130 129 129 -2 178 159 Eastm Kodak pf 16) 120s 160 159 160 +1 37 22 Eaton Mfg (1.50s).. 8 24 4 23 4 244 + 4 14 4 Ettlngtnn Schlld .. 5 ft V, ft + ft 41% 25 Elec Auto-L 1.50e _ 22 28 27 27 + % 18% 104 Electric Boat .40#_ 36 124 11% 12 + % 1% 4 Electric* Music 6 ft 4 4 — 84 3 Eleo Pwr & Light 17 34 3V* 34— 4 31% 15% Eleo Pwr & Lt 66 pf 6 18 17 174 364 184 Eleo Pwr * Lt *7 pf 6 204 194 194 334 26 Eleo Stor Bat 42 > _. 10 26 25V, 25V*— % 414 26 El Paso Nat G (2)_ 1 29 29 29 12% 5% Eng Pub Service .. 20 6% 64 64 — 4 3% 14 Erie RK 1st pf ir) .. 1 14 14 14 + 4 5 3 Eureka Vacuum Cl. 2 3 3 3 114 5 Evans Producta_ 6 64 54 5V, + 4 34% 204 Ex-Cell-O t.40s)_ 28 284 274 28 +4 8% 34 Fairbanks Co pf_ 40s 34 34 34 — 4 494 304 Fairh’ka Morne(la) 5 32 314 31% + V, 314 17V, Fajardo Sugar (le) 7 19 18 19 + 4 184 11 Fed Lt & Trac (le). 5 114 114 114+ 4 20 10 Ferro Enamel (la). 5 104 10 10 -1 40% 274 Fidelity Pho# 1.60a. 2 28% 28 4 284 - 4 21% 124 Firestone Tire ,60a. 6 144 14 14 - V, 46 324 First Natl Sirs 2 60. 3 354 344 344 — 4 21% 104 Fllntkote llg) . 8 11% 11% 11%+ 4 384 254 Florence Stove ,60e. 1 26 26 26 + 4 34 14 Foliansbee Bro (r)_ 5 1% 1% 1% 35 19 Food Mach l.25e)._ 1 21 21 21 +4 214 94 Foster Wheeler_ 6 10% 10% 10V, + «, 64 2", Francisco Sugar . 5 3 3 3 324 21 Franklin Simon pf.. 20s 20 20 20 -1 38% 25 Freeport Sulph (1). 12 264 25% 25% 24 14 Gabriel (A) 1 14 14 14 5V* 24 Gair 1 Robert) 1 24 24 24 184 12 Gamcwell Co(l.SOe) 450s 14 134 14 6% 4 Gar Wood Indust 2 44 44 44 + Vi 144 9% Gaylord Cent (.20e) 1 104 104 104 + % 7% 34 Gen Am Invest .. 2 3% 3% 3% — 4 57V* 364 Gen Am Tra 2.376g. 3 374 364 36',— *, 84 5% Gen Baking (,15e).. 1 5% 5% 5% + 4 34 1% Gen Bronze_ 5 2 1% 2 + V, 114 44 Gen Cable _ 9 4% 4% 4% 294 12 Gen Cable (A) —3 12 11% 12 1174 102 Gen Cigar pf (7)... 10s 104 104 104 42 41 264 Gen Electric (.36e). 83 294 28% 28% - 4 494 36 Gen Foods (2) 5 38% 384 38% +14 118% 111'3 Gen Foods pf (4.60) 3 112 1114 112 + 4 % V, Gen Gas & El (A)-_ 3 % ft ft 101 77% Gen Mills (4a) _ 2 81 81 81 +1 1304 120 Gen Mills pf (5).... 140s 1204 120 120 - V, 56% 374 Gen Motors (1.76e). 174 39% 38% 384 1274 116 Gen Motors pf (6).. 5 118 116% 117 -1 74 3% Gen Outdoor Adv__. 10 4 4 4 +4 58% 354 Gen Out Ad(A) 2k.. 1 36 36 36 -2 10 5Vi Gen Print Ink 10# 1 54 54 54 - 4 110 1024 Gen Print Ink pf (6) 10s 1034 1034 1034 +1 194 94 Gen Rwy Signal ... 4 104 104 104 - % # % Gen Realty * Util.. 6 ft ft ft+* 184 154 Gen Realty * U pf.. 1 15 15 15 — Vi 33% 20 Gen Refractor ,50e. 10 20 4 20 204 + 4 15% 11Vi Gen Shoe 11.20) . 4 11% 114 11%+ 4 13% 7% Gen Then Equ 20e.. * 6 8V* 7% 7% 23% 104 Gen Tire *K 60s .. 11 11 104 11 + Vi 6V, 44 Gillette Saf R (.60). 13 44 4% 4% + 4 9 44 Otmhel Bros .. 6 4% 44 4% + 4 19% 11 Glidden Co (.30e).. 8 11% 114 11%+ % 34 2 Goebel Brew (.20).. 3 24 24 24 20% 10 Goodrich (BF) ... 18 104 10 104 - 4 694 45 Goodrlch(BF)pf(S) 1 46 46 46 244 124 Goodyear T&R ,75e. 26 13% 13 134+ % 97V, 724 Goodyear Dt (51 .. 2 75 75 75 +1 44 1% Gotham Silk Hose.. 12 2‘ 2 IV* Vi Graham-Palge .10 H 94 4% Granby Consol .60s. 3 4% 4% 4% 16% 10 Granite City S __ 4 10', 10% 10%+ 4 36% 26 Grant (WT) 1.20e— 3 27 26% 27 284 154 Great North'n pf — 32 18 17 17%+% 18% 11% Grt NorOctfs.76e. 10 124 12 12-4 294 18% Great Wn Sug (2)._ 6 21 204 204 + % 354 23 Green (HL) ((2a)„ 2 26 254 26 +% 17% 9% Greyhound (1) ... 71 104 104 104 - % 12 94 Greyhound pf (.65). 2 9% 9% 9% — 4 25% 16 Grumman Aircraft. 17 184 174 174 — Vi 3% 1% Guamanamd Sugar. 2 1% 1% 1% 4 2 Gulf Mob & Northn. 2 2 2 2 —1 20% 9% Hall < WFl Prtg <1) 1 10% 10% 10% 106% 100% Hamilton W pf (6). 70s 101 101 101 105% 96 Hannat M >pf <5) 70s 97 97 97 +1 28% 16% Harb-Walker ( 50e) 7 17% 16% 16%+ % 9% 5% Hat Corp (A) 30e_ 1 5% 5% 5% — Vi 104 91 Hat Corp pf <6.60).. 40s 90 90 90 -5 4% 2% Hayes Mfg Corn __ 7 2% 2% 2% + % 11% 7% Hecker Prod 4.60>__ 6 8 7% 8 + % 21% 12% Hercules Mot .25*.. 1 13 13 13 + % 100% 76% Hercules Powd 60e. 1 77% 77% 77% +1% 35% 19 Holland Furn .50e.. 6 22% 22 22 + % 16% 8 Holly Sugar __ 3 9 8% 8% + % 60% 35 Homestake <4.501.. 26 38% 38 38% 16% 8% Houd-Her (B) .75e. 8 10% 10 10% 71% 64% Household Fin Ms) 1 55% 65% 55% - % 6% 3% Houston Oil _ 7 3% 3% 3% 50% 32 Howe Sound (3)___ 7 31% 30 30 -2 27 12% Hudson Bay (le)__. 13 12% 12 12% - % 7% 2% Hudson A Man pf 1 2% 2% 2% + % 6% 3 Hudson Motor 10 3% 3% 3% + % 1 % Hupp Motor ._ 9 % A % + 4, 13% 5% Illinois Central 14 6% 6% 6% + % 24% 12 Illinois Central pf.. 2 13 12% 12% 43% 35% Illinois C L <4) ... 10s 32% 32% 32% -3% 29 16% Indust Rayon .50e._ 2 17% 17% 17% 118 73 Ingersoll-Rand <2e) 1 73 73 73 158 150 Ingersoll-Rd pf<6). 10s 151% 151% 151% 90% 66% Inland Steel (2e) .. 10 68 67% 67% +1 15% 7% Inspiration Copper- 11 8% 8% 8% 47% 24% Interchemical< *0e) 7 25 24 24 —1 5 2% Intercontl Rubber.. 1 2% 2% 2% + % 12% 6% Interlake Iron _ 24 7% 6% 7% + % 2% 1 Inti Agricultural... I 1% 1% 1% - % 191% 147 Inti Bus Macb <«a). 12 145 140 140 -9 62% 38 Inti Harvester 1.60. 15 42% 41% 42% + % 5% 1% Inti Hydro-El <A!.. 10 2% 2% 2% + Vi 14% 5% Inti Mercantile Ma. 36 6% 5% 6% + % 38% 20 Inti Nickel Can <2). 61 21 20% 20% — % 21% 10% lntl Paper A Power 88 11% 10% 11 — % 73 40% Inti PapAP pf 1.65a. 57 45% 42 43 - % 56% 38 lntl RyCA pf 3.25k. 80s 40 40 40 36% 28 Inti Shoe (1.50)_ 6 27% 25% 27%+2% 28 13% Inti Silver _ 1 15 15 15 — % 4% 1% Inti Tel A Teleg .. 80 2% 2% 2% + Vi 10% 4% Interstate Dept Str. 3 6% 5% 5% + % 8% 6% Intertype Corp ,40g. 1 5% 5% 5% + % 28 20% Island Crk Coal <2). * 1 20% 20% 20%+ % 17 9 Jarvis <WBX.S7Re) 3 9% 9% 9% + % 77% 48 Johns-Manville ,75e 6 48% 46% 46%-1% 16 10% Kalamazoo Stov 60. 1 10 10 10 — % 20 11 Kans City Sou pf... 1 11% 11% 11%+% 15% 9% Kaufman Dept .25e. 2 9 9 9 15% 7% Kayaer <J) 60e_ 1 7% 7% 7% - % 17% 8% Kelsey-Hayes (A)_ 3 9% 9% 9% 9% 4% Kelsey-Hayes (B> .7 5 5 6 38% 24% Kennecott Cop (le). 39 27% 26 27%+% 14% 10 Keystone Steel ,60e. 1 10 10 10 46% 27% Kimberly-Clark la. 3 29% 29% 29% + % 2% 1% Kinney 1OR1 . 3 1% 1% 1% - % 31% 17% Kinney (OR) 66 pf. 40a 18% 18% 18% + % 4 2 Kresge Dept Strs... 2 2% 2% 2% + % 26 19% Kresge (SS) 1.20a.. 10 20% 20% 20% + % 29% 25 Krese <S HX1.60).. 2 24% 24% 24%-% 34% 23% Kroger Oroe (2)_11 25% 24 24 — % 9% 4 Laclede Gas_ 30s 4 4 4 16% 12 Lambert (.75e)- 2 12% 12% 12%-% 35% 16% Lee Rub A T (,76e). 3 16% 16% 16% 23% 15% Leh Port Cmt ,75e.. 4 16 16% 16 + % 1% % Leh Valley Coal ... 1 % % %+% 4 1% Leh Valley RR (r). 5 1% 1% 1% 24% 15% Lehman Corp (.40e) 14 16% 16% 16% — % 63% 32% Libbey-Ow-F (le)_. 8 34 33% 34 9% 5 Libby McN A Lib... 2 5% 5% 5% 45 33% Life Savers (1.60).. 1 33% 33% 83%+% 109 87 Ligg A Myers («a>_ 1 89 89 89 109% 87 Ligg A Myers(B)4a 6 91 89% 90%+1 29% 13% Lima Locomotive_ 5 16 16 16 41 27 Link-Belt (1)_ 1 27% 27% 27% + % \ A Prey. 1940 Stock and Sales— Net. Hl*h Low Dividend Rate Add 00. Rich low Close. ch*e 14H 9 Lion oil Kef < 1 > l 10 10 10 + % 18% 10% Liquid Carbonic (1) 1 12 12 12 41% 27% Lockheed Alrc. 85 31 28% 28% - % 37% 20% Loews Ino (1)_ 9 22% 22 22%+% 39% 15% Loft Ine . 164 18% 17 17% + % 46% 29% Lone Star Cmt (I).. 3 29% 29% 29%+% 4% 2 Lon* Bell I A) ... 12 2 2 18% 16% Loose-Wiles ,76a .. 2 15% 15% 15%-% 109% 105% Loose-Wiles pf 16). 30s 105% 105% 105% + % 25% 18% Lorillard (,60e)_ 16 19% 19 19 - % 21% 15% Louis GAE i A I 1.50 1 17 17 17 +% 60 38 Louie A Naeh l.ZSe. 2 41% 41 41 -1 35 25% MacAndAForb 42a) 1 26% 26% 26% + % 28% 17% Mack Trucks 17 18 17 17% + 16 31 20% Macy (KH) Co lla) 19 21% 20% 20%-% 12% 9% Madia Sq Qar 60e 6 9% 9% 9% 38 21% Magma Copper (le) 3 24% 23 23% + % 4% 2 Manaii Sugar 4 2% 2% 2% 17% 14% Man Ry mod gtdlr) 1 16% 15% 15%+% 17% 13% Man Ky m gtd etir) 30 15% 15 15W+ % 16V* 11% Manhst Shirt 11 > 2 12V* 12 12% + % 5% 3% Marine Midl di 20e) 17 3% 3% 3% - % 8% 2% Market St Ry pr pf. 80a 3% 3 3% - % 15% 8% Marshall Field 40.. 7 9% 9% 9% — % 47% 29% Martin (Olen)_ 60 34 32% 32% — % 14% 6% Martin-Parry ... 12 8 7% 7% 32% 21% Mathleenn Aik 1.50. 4 22% 22% 22% 176 161% Math Alkali pf (7).. 10*162 162 162 -3 *>3% 36% May Depi Stra (*).. 3 41 40 40 +1 4% 2% Maytag Co _ 1 2% 2% 2% - % 105 98 Maytag 1st pf (6).. 10s 99'% 99% 99%-% 17% 10 Mcfrory Stra (11... 8 11% 10% 10% - % 29 17% MeGraw Elec (1) 4 17% 17% 17%-% 9% 5% MeGraw Hill (,30e) 1 5% 6% 5% + % 47% 27 Mclntyra Pore (2a) 1 28 28 28 —1% 12% 6% McKeesport Tin 2 6 6 6 +- V* 8% 4 McKesson A Rob .. 19 4% 4% 4% + % 32% 18 McKesson & R pf.. 3 19% 19 19 + % 9% 5 McLellan Strs 40e. 9 5% 5% 6% + % 14% 7% Mead Corp . 3 8% 8 8 - % I 82 53% Mead C pf(B)(5 50) 1 60 60 60 34% 25% Melville Shoe (2)... 4 26% 24% 24% -1% 6% 2% Mengel Co 3 2% 2% 2% + % 28% 12 Merch A Min Trans 1 13 13 13 - % 12% 6% Miami Copper ZOe 9 7% 6% 6% + % 17% 11% Mid Cent Pet 1.40e) 6 12V* 11% 12% + % 40% 23% Midland Stl g(le>._ 2 25% 25% 25%+ % 122 104% Mid Stl 1st pf < 8) 20s 104% 103 103 -1% 54 33% Mtnn-Hon Ros (2a) 2 37% 36% 36% +1 110 101 Mlnn-Hon pf B (4). 60s 100 99% 99% -1% 4% 2% Mlnn-Moline Imp 13 2% 2% 2% 11 7% Mission Corp ( 65*) 2 7% 7% 7% + % 1% % Mo-Kan-Texas_ 5 % % % 4% 1% Mo-Kan-Tex pf_ 4 1% 1% 1% + % % Sr Mo Pacific pf (r) 7 % Sr Sr ~ At 10% 9% Mohawk Carpet .50e 5 10% 10% 10% - V* 119 89% Mnnsanlo CD (Zi 8 90 89% 89% + % 118 110 Monsanto C pf 4.50. 60s 114 112 114 +2 66 31% Montg Ward 2 25e . 38 35% 34% 34% + % 30% 22% Morris A Es (3 *76) 40s 23 23 23 -1% 16 8% Motor Products . 14 10 9% 9% + % 18% 12 Motor Wheel! 1 60) 7 13 12% 13 + % 39 20 Mullins Mfcpf ... 60s 22 21 22 +2 83 60 Murphy (GCl (4).. 3 57% 57% 57% -2% 8% 4 Murray Corp - 14 4% 4% 4% <% o * Nasn-Kelvtnator... 28 4 3% 3% + V, 21% 13% Nall Acme (,50g)_ 9 17 16% 16% + % 16% 9% Natl Aviation ... 7 10% 10% 10% — % 24% 18% Natl Biscuit! 80e).. 8 19 18% 18% - % 16% 9*4 Natl Cash Keg ill.. 4 10% 10% 10% 13% 6 Natl Cyl Gas ».20s). 2 8% 8% 8% + % 18% 12% Natl Dairy t SOI . 17 13 12% 12% - % 114 107 Natl Dairy of B(7). 20* 108 107*7 108 -% 6% 3% Natl Dept Stores . 6 3% 3% 3% — % 7% 5*, Natl Dept S pf 30k. 7 5% 5*, 5*4 + % 26% 17% Natl Distillers «2)_. 14 18*4 17% 18'.+ % 12% 5% Natl Gypsum _ 11 5% 5% 5% 22*i 15% Natl Lead * 50)_ 27 15% 14% 14% -1% 8% 5% Natl Per A Lt *0._ 8 6 5% 5% 73% 48 Natl Steel (.60e)_ 14 50 48*4 48% - % 9*4 4*4 Natl Supply ... 12 4% 4% 4% 14% 8 Natl Supply 82 of . 4 8% 8 8 43*4 28 Natl Supply 6 60 pf. 1 26% 26% 26% -1*4 8% 3% Natl Tea Co . ... 2 4% 4*. 4% +• % 10% 7% Natomas 1.80) 5 8% 7% 8 + % 110 102 Newberry (JJ )pf (5) 10s 100** 100% 100% -1% 75*4 47% Newmont Min lie). 1 47 47 47 — % 14% 6% Newport Indus_ 10 7 6% 6% 18% 9% N I Central ... 73 10% 9% 9% - V, i 39 15 N T Chi A St L pf .. 10 17% 16 16% + % * 33*7 20'-N Y COmnlbus (3). 5 22* ■ 22 22 -1% % AN'yNHAHtr). 2 ft ft ft- ft 2 %NyNH*Hpf tr). 3 ft % ft + % 1 26% 13V* N y Shtphlldlng .. 22 17% 16% 16% — % I 226*7 175 Norfolk A Wn tlO). 2 180 180 180 - %| 26% 15 Nor Am Aviation... 89 18% 17% 17% + % 23*4 14% Nor Am Co 11.20)... 35 16', 15% 15%-% 9% 4*7 Northern Pacific . 32 5% 5 5% + % 113 102% Nor'n Sta Pw pf(5). 1101 101 101 -1% 5% 2% Norwalk Tire _ 10 2*4 2*4 2% 8*4 5% Ohio Oil <.20e)_ 20 6 5% 6 + H 23% 10% Oliver Farm Equip. 9 11% 11% 11%+ «, 14% 7% Omnibus Corp 1 20.. 1 9 9 9 + t, 5% 2% Oppenhelm Colllna. 1 2% 2% 2% + % 18% 11', Otis Elevator ,35e.. 5 11% 11% 11% 12% 7 Otla Steel _ 10 7% 7% 7% 55 50 Outlet Co (3a)_ 20s 47 47 47 -3 120 117 Outlet Copf (7)- 10s 115*4 115% 115% -1% 64% 46% Owens-Ill G1 tie).. 20 47 45 45 -2 10% 5% Pae Am fisheries— 10 5*4 5% 5% 6% 2 Paclflo Coast _ 130s 2% 2% 2% - % 12% 3% Pac Coast 2d pf_160s 4% 3% 3% — % 34% 25% Pac Gas A Elec (2). 7 26', 26% 26% 50 33 Pao Lighting til... 5 35*4 35% 35%-% 16% 8 Pao Mills ... 3 8% 8% 8% 1% 3% Pae Tin Consol .20s. 1 3% 3% 3% + % 8% 6 Pse Western 0.40g. 3 6 6 6 4% 2% Packard Motor _ 40 2T4 2% 2% 25% 12 Pan-Am Airways_ 41 14 12% 12% + % 1 % Panhandle 4 ft ft ft 8% 4% Paramount Pic ,15e. 62 4% 4% 4% 10% 6% Param t 2d pt t 60). 2 6% 6', 6% + % 2%' 1% Park Utah M ,10e... 6 1% 1% i*t4 + v4 44% 32*4 Park# Davis <.80e). 16 33% 32% 33 + % 22% 13% Parker Rust (la) 1 14% 14% 14*4+ % 12% 5% Pathe Film _ 3 6% 6% 6% + % 10% 5% Patino Mines..._ 12 6 5% 6 96% 73 Penney iJC) (.76s). 16 76*4 75 75 + % 4% 1% Penn Coal A Coke _ 2 1*4 1% 1% - % 4 IV, Penn-Dtxle Cement 7 2% 2 2% + % 25 11% Penn-DIxle Cem pf. 2 12% 12% 12% -1 24*4 15 Penn Railroad tie) 47 17% 16% 16% + % 21% 15 Peoples D new ,50e. 3 IS*. 15% 15%+ % 38*4 23 Peoples GLtACUe) 3 26 25% 25%+ % 29% 11% Pere Marquette pf.. 100s 13 12V* 12% 39** 17% Pere Marq pr pf ... 70s 20% 20% <20% + % 10% 6% Pfeiffer Brew <!)._ 1 6% 6% 6% + % 40% 26 Phelps Dodge .60e.. 25 27% 26% 26%+% 97% 68 Philip Morns tSa).. 1 74 74 74 +1 41** 27*4 Phillips Petrol 12). 27 28% 27% 28 — % 6% 2% Phoenix Hosiery 1 2% 2% 2% — % 66 39 Phoenix H pf 2.625k 30s 38 38 38 -1 28% 24 PUlsbury FI (1.60). 1 24 24 24 7 3*4 Pitta Coal _ 1 3% 3% 3% + % 27*4 16V* Pitts Coal pf_ 3 16V* 16 16 -1% 9% 5% Pitts Coke A Iron .. 3 5*, 5% 5% — % 8% 4*1 Plttsbgh Screw ,16s 8 5*4 6 5 11 5 Pitts Steel _ 4 6% 6 6 — % 16% 7 Pitts * W Va__ 40s 8% 8 8 1% % Pittston Co _ 3 % % % 22** 15% Plymouth OH 1.40.. 2 16 15% 16 12% 5% Poor A Co tB) ... 6 6% 6% 6% + % 2% ft Port K Am To A(r). 3 % % % 14% 6% Pressed Steel Car _ 23 8 7% 7% + % 14% 6% Pressed Stl C 1st pf 1 8 8 8 + % 71% 53% Proctor A Gam (2a) 13 56 54*4 54% - V* 118% 112% Proctor A G pf <5) 20s 113 113 113 43% 32% PubSvc (NJ) 1.20e. 5 34 33% 33%-% 115*4 100 Pub SvctN.) ipfiS). 1 101% 101% 101%+1% 32% 1614 Pullman (.50e)_ 20 18% 17% 18% + % 11% 7 Pure Oil _ 24 7% 7% 7% + % 89 74 Pure Oil of (6) 2 74 74 74 -% 15% 9H Purity Baking ,50e_ 4 10 9% 9% 7% 4 V* Radio Corp t.20ei__ 104 4% 4% 4% 69 48% Radio Ccv pf(8.60). 5 61 50 50 6'i 3 Rallr’d Sec 111 Stk._ 20s 3% 3% 3% 29% 13% Rayonler Inc 25 15 13% 13% -1% 37% 25 Rayonler pf (lk)_ 6 26% 24% 24% -1% 17% 10% Reading Co (1)_ 6 10% 10% 10%+ % 23 17 Reading 2d pf (2)_ 1 17% 17% 17%+ % 4% 1% Real Silk Hose_ 3 2 2 2 8 6% Reliable Stores_ 1 6% 6% 6% 10% 6 Reining Rand (?40e) 13 6% 6% 6% 67V* 44 Rem R'd pfww 4.50. 1 42* 42 42 -2 69 66 Renssalaer&S (8). 10s 52% 52% 52% -3% 2 l Reo Motor vtc ctfs. 7 1% 1% 1% 23% 14 Republic Steel 106 15% 14% 14V* 95 70% Rep Steel cv pf(9k). 1 71 71 71 14% 7% Revere Copper _ 2 8% 8% 8V* + y* 15% 8% Reynolds Metals__ 6 9 8% 9 + % 11V* 6% Reynolds Spring... 6 7 6V* 7 + % 44 35 Reyn Tob (B) tie). 6 35% 35% 35%-% 8% 6% Richfield OH i.SOg). 17 6% 6% 6% 22% 12V* Ruberold il.lOg)... 3 13 13 13 63 34 Safeway Strs 76e.. 11 37% 36V* 36%+ % 111% 96 Safeway S pf (5) 150s 96% 96% 96% — y* 42 29 St Joseph Lead (la) 7 29% 29 29 — % % % St L-San Fr pf (r)_. 2 % % % 4% 3% St L-So'wn pf (r)_10s 4% 4% 4% — % 31V* 17 Savage Arms t.60e) 10 19% 19 19%+ % 14% 7% Schenley Distillers. 6 8V< 8% 8% + % % % Schulte Retail 8 (r) 4 Dr Dr ft + D» 49 34 Scott Paper (1.60).. 1 37% 37% 37% + % 109 102 Scott Paper of (4).. 10s 102 102 102 % % Seaboard Air L <r). 1 % % % + £ Prev. 1940 Stock and Salas— Nat Blah. Low. Dividend Rate Add 00. Blah. Low Cloie. chae. 20 11 Seaboard 011 (1)_ 3 124 124 124 24 14 Seagrave Corp- 1 14 14 14-4 88 614 Sears Roebuck (t). 27 634 624 624 — 4 164 84 Sarvol Ino ID_ 13 94 9 9 154 84 Sharon Steal_.. 3 9 9 9 64 3 Sharp* Dohme_ 7 34 34 34 74 44 Shatturk IFO11.40) 1 64 54 54 +4 404 344 Sheafter Pen 2.25e.. 60s 344 344 344 +4 134 8 Shell Un Oil l.60g). 4 84 8 8 6Vi 34 Silver King 1.10e>_. 1 34 34 34 24 124 Simmons Co _ 11 13 124 13+4 24 14 Simms Petroleum.. 5 14 14 14 25 18 Simonds SAS (.80e) 2 18 174 174 -14 234 13 Skelly OH i 26ei 15 134 13 13 120 70 Sloss-Sheffleld 1.50e 100s 70 67 67 -3 1144 105 Slosa-Sheft pf <S>_150g 109 109 109 -4 124 74 Soconv-Vao 26e ... 75 8 4 8 84 +4 24 14 So Am Gold (.l(la).. 12 ' 14 14 14-4 304 164 So Porto Sug (1) ... 3 184 18 184 +14 164 10 S EUreyh'nd 1.60__ 2 104 104 104 +4 304 234 Southn Cal Bd 1.60a 16 244 234 234 - 4 154 64 Southern Pacific . 49 74 74 74 204 8 Southern Hallway.. 34 94 84 94 + 4 344 134 Southern Kwy pf .. 34 154 144 154 + 4 34 14 Sparks WlthlnEton. 6 14 14 14 47 33 8perry Corp I2g)._. 88 36V» 35V* 364 +4 384 19 Spicer Mfg lie)_ 6 24 234 234 +14 574 46 Spicer Mfg pf A (3) 50s 46 46 46 114 44 Spiegel. Inc 1.30e).. 20 64 54 54 +4 664 46 Spiegel Inc pf 4.60.. 60s 49 49 49 - Vi 404 264 Square D Co 1.30e). 3 274 27 27 +4 74 5 Stand Brands .20*_ 27 5 4 5 4 54 + 4 24 1 Stand Gas A Elec_ 3 14 1 1-4 74 24 Stand OAE 34 pf... 20 3 24 24 +4 184 10 Stand GAE 36 pr pf. 1 104 104 104 - 4 224 124 Stand GAB *7 pr pf. 1 13V* 134 134 + 4 264 174 Stand Oil of Cal <1) 12 20 194 194 29 21 Stand Oil lnd 111... 19 224 214 214 -4 464 30 Stand Oil N J 111).. 52 334 32 32 -4 804 66 Sterl g Prod 3.30a._ 10 584 57 58 - V* 84 44 Stewart-VVarner._ 6 44 44 44 + 4 8V* 44 Stokely Brothers.. 2 44 44 44 — 4 124 6 Stone A Webster__ 15 54 54 54 124 54 Studebaker _ 28 64 6 6 —4 664 49 Sun OH i la)_ 6 49 47 49 104 74 Sunshine Min 1 *0_ 2 74 74 74 — 4 274 124 Superheater (.5013 134 13 13 - Vi 2’i IV* Superior Oil _ 5 14 14 14+ V* 174 94 Superior Steel ... 7 94 94 9V* + 4 354 20 Sutheri d Pap 1.20.„ 1 21V* 21V* 21V* + v4 244 18 Swift A Co (1.20)_ 12 184 18V* 18V* - V* 32V* 18 Swift Inti i2) .. 13 19 184 184 94 44 Symlng-Gould »»., 2 5 6 5 + V* 74 34 8vmlne-Gould xw_ 2 4 4 4 b 4% Talcott (J) ,30e_ 1-4% 4% 4% - % 7 4% Tennessee Corp_ 4 4% 4V« 4% 47% 33% Texas Corp (2) ... 47 35 34 34 4% 2', Tex Gulf Prod(.lOe) lb 2% 2% 2% - % 35% 26% Tex Gulf Sul (2a).. 11 27% 27 27 + % 8% 5% Tex Pae CAO (.40).. 8 5% 5% 5% 6% 4 Tex Pae LdTr log. 7 4% 4 4 12% 5 Texas A Pae Rwy_ 1 6 6 6 + % 18% 8 Thatcher Mfg (1).. 1 8% 8% 8% + % 4 2% The Fair _ 1 2% 2% 2% 42% 31 The Fair pf_ 10s 31 31 31 5% 3 Thermoid _. 13 3 3 _ % 34 20% Thermoid pf 1.Jilt . 80s 25% 25 25 7% 2% Third Avenue ... 2 3% 3% 3% + % 5% 4 Thompson (J R)_._ 6 4% 4% 4% 38% 27% Thomp Prod(.75e).. 8 28% 27% 28 12 9 Tide Wat As O 40e. 14 9% 9 9 - % 97 84 Tide W A O pt 4.60. 1 84 84 84 27% 18 Timken-net Ax (1) 17 20% 19 19 -% 62 35% Timken R Brg 1.25s 4 36 36 36 7 4% 1'ransamerlca (.60) 7 4% 4% 4% 21% 10% Transconf A W Air 26 13% 12% 13%+ % 8% 4% Transue A Will ,15s 1 5 5 5 + % 2% 1% Tri-Continental .. 5 1% 1% 1% + % 13% 5 20th Century Fox._. 9 5% 5% 5% 3% 1% Twin City Rap Tr__ 1 1% 1% 1% + % 13% 6% Twin Coach - 1 6% 6% 6 „ + % IV, V, Ulen A Co (n _ 8 Ar A 45 26 Underw-El-F(le) . 5 27% 27% 27% - % 18% 9% Un Bag A Pap ,15e). 9 10% 9% 10 + % 88% 63 Union Carb (l.lOe). 39 65 64 64%+ Vi 17V, 12 Union OlliCal) 60s. 6 12% 12% 12%+ % 98 71% Union Pacino 16) .. 2 72 71% 71% -1% 89% 76 Union Pac pf (4) 2 75% 75% 75% - % 29% 22*i Un Tank Car (1.80) 22 24%. 24% 24% + % 53% 40V, Unit Aircraft 1.60e 58 43% 41% 41% +1 23% 12 Unit Air Lines 36 13% 12% 13V* + % 19% 14 I'nit-Oarr Fast ,60e 2 12 12 12 -2 2% 1% United Corp 64 1% 1% 1% + % 42 27% United Corp pf (J) 5 30 28% 28%+ % 7% 4 United Drug 3 4% 4% 4% — % 65% 40 Unit Dyewd pf (7). 20s 41% 41 41% - % 5% 2% Unit Electric Coal.. 5 3 3 3 + % 85% 60 United Fruit (4) 8 62 61% 62 + % 15 10% United Gas imp (11 23 10% 10% 10% + V, 13% 6% Unit Mer A Mfg 6Pe 2 7% 7 7% + % 7% 3 United Paperboard 2 3% 3% 3% + % 10% 5 US Distributing pf 10s 5 5 5 — Vi 7Vi 3% U S A For’n Secur 7 3% 3% 3% - Vi 97 80 U S A For Sec pf 16) 1 84 84 84 -12 89 55% U S Gypsum (2) 3 58% 56% 57 -1 181 165 U S Gypsum pf (7) 10s 165 165 165 6% 2% U S Huffman 2 3 2% 2% — % 28 14 U S Indus Alcohol.. 1 15% 15s, 15% + % 7% 3% U S Leather _ 4 4 3% 4 12% 6 U S Leather (A). 2 6% 6% 6% — % 38% 22 U S Pipe A Fdry (2) l 23% 23% 23% + % 39 32V, U S Play Cards (2a) 1 32% 32V, 32v, - v, 1% % U S Realty A lmtr) 1 % % % 41% 15 U S Rubber . .. 65 16% 16 16% + % 65 9% U S Sm A Ref (2e) 8 40% 40 40% +1% 70% 60 U S Sm A R pf 1.60 1 60 60 60 - % 68% 42 US Steel (le)_ 164 45% 42% 43% - % icsu. iuu4 u s steel pi <7i ... 7 109 1084 109 +1 24 14 Unit Stockyards 2 14 14 14 + 4 74 54 Unit Stockyds pf.70 2 6 6 6 24 1 Unit Stores IA1 6 14 1 1 17 13 Univ-Cyclops S 20e 1 124 124 124 - 70 48 Unlv Leaf Tob (4a> 1 45 45 45 -3 112 60 Unlv Ptctur 1st pf.. 20s 63 61 63 4 4 Vadsco Sales_ 10 * 4 4 — 434 25 Vanadium ..._ 49 284 26 274 +14 314 194 VictorChem ( 30e). 4 20 19 19—4 44 14 Va-CaroChem -.1222 314 14 Va-Caro Chem pf 1 144 144 144 + yi 118 109 Va Elec Pwr pf (6) 100s 111 110 111 +2 154 5 Va Iron Coal&C pf. 10s 7 7 7 100 71 Vulcan Detln 4.60s. 30s 74 74 74 +3 24 4 Wabash pf (Al(r) . 1 4 4 4 — 4 74 54 Waldorf System 60 2 54 54 54 — 4 234 164 Walgreen 11.60) . 4 174 17 17 + Vi 101 93 Walgreen pf (4.50). 1 924 924 924 — 4 36V* 184 Walker <H) (4)_ 2 184 18V* 184 64 3 Walworth Co- 11 34 34 34 + 4 14 4 Ward Baking (B)_ 1 4 4 4—4 4V* 2 Warner Bros Plct 30 24 2 4 24 +4 60 30 Warner Bros Pic pf 100s 30 30 30 2 4 Warren Bros (r)_ 2 4 4 4—14 314 22 Warren Fy & P (2). 7 22 22 22 284 20 Wash'ton G Lt 1.60. 3 21 20 4 204 + 4 20V* 134 Waukesha Mot d)_ 3 134 134 134 _ »4 24 14 Wayne Pump del.. 4 154 154 154 + 4 44 24 Webster Eisenlobr. 4 24 24 24 294 154 Wesson Oil & Snow 5 17 164 164 + 4 115 964 West Penn E pf (7) 10s 994 994 994 _ 4 254 11 WVa Pulp* P.25e. 4 14V* 134 134 - 4 404 22 West n Auto S (2).. 8 23 224 224 — 4 5 24 West n Maryland_ 2 24 24 24 84 44 Westn Md 2d pf_ 2 4V» 4V* 44+ 4 284 144 West n Union Tel._ 17 154 15 15 284 15V* Westh se A B 60e . 13 18 174 174 _ 4 118 76 Westhse Elec 1.76e 20 854 83 83 —4 138 110 Westhse El pf <3.50 100s 112 112 112 + 4 384 274 Westvaco (1.40) . 5 284 274 284 394 284 Westvaco pf (1.60). 1 304 304 304 + V4 98 90 Wheel&L E pf 6.50. 30s 85 85 85 -5 354 184 Wheeling Steel .. 6 194 I84 194+ 4 114 84 White Dental (.60). 1 9 9 9 + Vi 134* 74 White Motor_ 8 8 74 74 114 44 White Rock __ 6 54 6 5—14 74 34 White Sewing Mch. 6 44 34 34 — 4 34 14 Wilcox OH 6k G 10e. 2 2 14 2 +4 34 14 Wlllys-Overland 6 24 24 24 —4 64 3 Wlllys-Overl’d pf__ 8 34 34 34 + 4 74 34 Wilson 6b Co _ 20 4 34 4 + 4 274 154 Woodward iron__ 3 184 174 174 + 4 42V* 30 Woolworth (2.40)._ 18 324 314 324 - 4 244 134 Worthington Pump. 8 164 15V* 154 + 4 129 95 Wright Aero (2g)._ 40s 1004 100 1004 -4 93 73 Wrlgley (Sa)_ 3 74 73 73 25 16V* Yale 6k Towns (.60). 1 154 154 164 - 4 194 94 Yellow Truck . .. 35 114 114 114+4 124 100 Yellow Tr’k pf (7).. 320s 101 99 100 -1 14 64 Young Spg 6k Wire. 8 74 64 64 -4 484 284 Ygstwn Sh & T 25e 48 304 294 294 -4 284 124 Ygstwn Steel D .60* 7 144 14 14 174 8% Zenith Radio tie).. 5 94 94 9.4 44 2 Zonlte Products.... 6 21/* 24 24 Approximote Sales of Stocks on the N. Y. Stock Exchonoe. - 260.000 12:00 Noon- 390.000 1.00 P.M. 540,000 2:00 P.M _, 680.000 Total Sales for tbs dsy , 870,000 • Unit of trading 10 snares EEgtfWMKSSaaSS Washington Produce BUTTER—93 score, tubs, 28%: l-pound prints. 29%: %-pound prints. 29%; 92 score, tubs, 27%; l-pound prints, 28%; %-pound prints. 28%; 91 score, tubs. 27%; l-pound prints. 28%; %-pound prints. 28%; 90 score, tubs, 20%; l-pound prints, 27%; %-pound prints, 27%: 80 score, ‘ubs, 26%: l-pound prints. 27: %-pound prints. 27%; 88 score, tubs, 26: l-pound prints. 26%; %-pound prints, 27. LIVESTOCK—Calves. 10%: sprint Iambs, 11. Other livestock prices unavail able From Agricultural Marketing Service. Prices nairt net f.o b. Washington: IOOS—Market about steady. Prices paid lor Federal-State graded eggg re ceived from grading stations (May 24): Whites, U. 8. extras, large. 21-23: U. 8. extras, mediums. 18-19: U. 8. standards, large. 19-20Vs: U. 8. standards, mediums, 17-18; U. 8. trades. 14-17. Browns, U. 8. extras, large. 20%-22; U. 8. extras, me diums. 17-18%: U. 8. standards, large. 18 20%; U 8. standards, mediums. 18-17: U. 8. trades. 14-17. For nearby ungraded egs. current receipts, whites. 16%: few higher: mixed colors. 18%: few higher. LIVE POULTRY—Market slightly weaker on chickens: about steady on other classes Fowl, colored, all sises. 17: No. 2s. 12-13: Leghorn, 12-14. Roosters. 8-10. Chick ens. Virginia Rocks, broilers and fryers, all sises. 23-24: No. 2s, 14-16. Delaware Rocks and crosses, broilers and fryers, all sises, 23: No. 2s. 14-16. Leghorns, broil ers. 2 pounds and up. 17-18: under 2 pounds, 15-16. Tufleers, old. toms. 10-11: Hens. 13; No. 2s. Lens and toms. 9-10, New York Sugar NEW YORK, May 24 (JPi.—Domestic sugar futures rallied today and in late trading were substantially ahead of previ ous closing levels. The upward swine was attributed to a statement by Washington offlcials indi cating domestic sugar prices were low and implying a quota cut if quoted values reacted further. Midafternoon prices were up 5 to 7 Points: July. 1.82; March. 1.85. World futures advanced sympathetically with gains ranging 3 to 7 points; July, 1.10: December. 1.12V4. Raw sugar offerings were confined to June shipment Cubas at t.7l cents a pound, duty paid basis. Business in refined was glower than In B^eSSSon^ftS, r«gg"uer* ‘dhered mSKmSoa0, 3 Cl0*e<' fl'8 “«*«• Me.. . , Bilb. Low. List September-::;:: i:«I i:?9 i S«j January _1.85 17* ,225 t0”°- * future* 2-5 higher Sales, 0150 gntember-;:::: 1:JSH iU * ^b'Bid?1-lllti 105'4 1.0914b Odd-Lot Dealings By the Associated Press. The Securities Commission reported to °*r these transactions by customers with odd-lot dcalm or specialists on the New York Stock Exchange for May 23: 12.037 purchases, involving 301.090 shares: 8,71* sale,, involving 188,821 shares, lncludini 174 short sales. Involving 6,619 shares. Japan’s premier is the eighth in less than eight years. t Stock Prices Follow Irregular Course In Slow Trading Selective Advance Of Fractions to $2 Reduced Later Stock Averages 30 15 15 AO Indust. Rails. Otll. 8tks Net change —.3 —.1 unc. —.2 Today, close 53.8 *13.1 31.1 37.8 Prev. day.. 54.1 13.2 31.1 38.0 Month ago- 71.4 18.8 38.7 49.9 Year ago .. 66.9 18.6 37.1 47.2 1940 high- 74.2 20.5 40.6 525 1940 low... 535 13.1 31.1 37.7 1939 high-. 77.0 23.8 40.6 53.9 1939 low-. 585 15.7 33.7 41.6 60-Stock Range Since 1927: 1937-38. 1932-38. 1927-39 High ... 75.3 725 157.7 Low .... 33.7 16.9 61.8 • New 1940 low. (Compiled by the Associated Press.) By VICTOR EUBANK, Associated Press Financial Writer. NEW YORK, May 24 —Tlie stock market swung idly with the war bulletins today and generally failed to develop a definite trend. A selective rise of fractions to 2 points at the start was succeeded by a let-down and thereafter shifts in either direction were frequent. While firm spots were to be seen here and there at the close, losses were also well distributed. Dealings W'ere the slowest in about two weeks, with the ticker tape fre quently at a standstill. Transfers for the five hours were in the neighborhood of 900.000 shares. . Wall Street placed varying inter- * pretations on dispatches from Eu ropean battlefronts. Chilling senti ment to some extent was the British admission the Nazis had captured the important Channel port of Boulogne and reports of the sinking by the Germans of six transports. Hope, though, was seen in claims by Paris of stronger Allied resistance and the "isolating” of certain en- ' emy contingents. At the same time fears that Italy was about to make the leap into the fray on the side of the axis were revived by word from Rome sailing of the liner Rex had been postponed. A sustaining factor remained in expectations that the huge domest.c rearmament program would give a lift to many lagging industries. Steels and aircrafts did fairlv well. Up the greater part of the time were Bethlehem, Youngstown, Douglas Aircraft, United Aircraft, Lockheed and Glenn Martin. Favored at one time or anothr were United States Rubber, Good year, Caterpillar Tractor, Interna tional Harvester, J. c. Penney, Ana conda. American Telephone, Santa Fe, Southern Railway and Texas Corp. Lacking recovery vigor were Du M Pont, Dow Chemical, Allied Chemi cal, Eastman Kodak, Johns-Man ville, Chrysler, Sears-Roebuck and Standard Oil of New Jersey. Chicago Grain By the Associated Press. jd CHICAGO, May 24.—Grain traders who sold or otherwise eliminated their market positions in the drastic liquidation since the start of Ger many's western drive in Europe showed little inclination to re-enter the market in today's sluggish ses sion. The result was an unusually quiet trade characterized by nervous and narrow price fluctuations, although wheat closed with net gains of more than a cent. A rally in stocks and reports that stem rust has spread northward caused some late buying. Wheat- closed 1-1% cents higher than yesterday. July 83V September 835s-,2; corn. ■%-';* up, July 62V%, September 61%-%; oats, %-V* higher. W’HEAT— Open. High Low. Close. July- .82%-% .83% .81 % .83% Sept- .82%-83 .83% .82 .83%-% ' Dec- .S33. .84% .82% .84% CORN— July_ .82 .82% 81% 8"%-% 8«Pt-.81% .81% .80% :«!%-% Dec _ _ .09% .sa3, .58% .59% OATS— July-.33% .33% .33% .33% Sept .31% .31% .ax% .31% SOY BEANS— July- .89% - - .89 % OCt- .4 <7% _ _ 77s Dec- - - - .78% RYE— July-.48% ,4fi% .45% .48% Sect ... .48V4 .48% .47% .48% LARD— May- 5.10 5.15 5.10 5.15 July- 6.20 5.27 5.0s 5.25 Sept- 6.40 5.50 5.25 5 45 Oct- 5.47 5.57 5.32 5 55 Dec- 5.82 6.67 5.50 5 67 BELLIES— July - .... .... Ban SCDt- - - - 6.35 Chicago Caah Market. No cash wheat sales. Corn—No. 1 ye I asW' S0' S' ““Pi* *rade. 48 Oats—-No. 2 white. 38: No. 3. 37V4 snrl7^^i,itln,6 53-64. nominal: feed. 40 sn. nominal. Soy beans—No. 3 yellow, Baltimore Quotations. BALTIMORE, May 24 OP.—WTieat. No. 10"% wlnter' “t-llcky, spot, domestic. New York Cotton By the Associated Press. NEW YORK. May 24.—Cotton fu tures advanced as much as $1 a bale today, due to a tight spot situ ation in the old July option. Ac- % tive trade buying took place in the spot month. Although offerings were light. Wall Street accounts supported new crop deliveries. Late afemoon prices were up 9 to 20 points with July (old) selling at 9.37 and January 8J53. Futures closed 19-2R higher Open. High. Low. Last - Jul^ --» 21 9.47 9.19 9.45-40 1 New contract; igjv -9-45 9.00 9.43 950n October __ 8.04 8.82 8.83 8 81 December . 8.56 • 8.73 8.54 8.73 i*nu»ry — 848 8 53 8.46 8,H6n March- 8.34 8.58 8.32 8.65n M»y - 8.22 8.43 8.20 8.42 Middling spot (%-inch). 10.37n. . , Cettenseed Oil. Bleachable cottonseed oil futures closed 8-11 higher. Sales, 90 contracts; July. 652b; September. 6.09b: October. 0.’2b: December, 0.17b; Janusry, 6.19b. bBld. _ New Orleans Prices. NEW ORLEAN8. May 24 OF.—Favor able AUled war news, week-end short cov ering and strength In other commodity markets advanced cotton futures todsy. Closing prices were very steady. 22 to 29 points net higher. . . Open. High. Low. Close. July _ 9.34 9.60 9.34 9.59-00 October _ 8.00 8.88 85H X.85-80 December _ 8.59 8.72 8.56 8.70b January_8.50b 8.88b March _ 8.44 853 8.38 857b May -- 8.33 8713 8 33 8.44b Cottonseed oil closed steady. Bleach able prime summer yellow. 6.80 nominal; 5 Srlme crude nominal. May, 5.47b: July. • 55b; September. 551; October. 6 63b; December. 6.72b. b Bid. , Amnesty by royal decree freed Jtalisn prisons cn the birth of a daughter to Crown Prince Umberto. A