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Pepco Net Declines Moderately Below 1939 in April Month's Earnings Dip 9.66 Per Cent Under Period Year Ago By EDWARD C. STONE. Total net income of the Potomac Electric Power Co. in April amount ed to $325,644.96, compared with $360,475 in April of last year, a modest decrease of $34,830.04, or 9.66 per cent, according to the monthly statement filed with the Public Utilities Commission today. Heavier operating costs, including a large amount of maintenance work in the Capital, were the chief reasons for the earnings slump, the report showed. Operating revenues totaled $1,-' 350,262.87. an increase of $59,515.34, or 4.61 per cent. At the same time operating revenue deductions called for $917,989.96. up $88,365.56. or 10.69 per cent, leaving net operating reve nues of $432,272.91, which was $29, 120.22 less than last year. Income deductions from gross called for $106,643.52, an increase of $5,582.50, the review said. In the first four months of this year the power company had net operating revenues of $5,580,702.87, a gain of $350,932.63. Operating de ductions took $3,699,372.13, an in crease of $373,972.79, leaving net revenues from operations of $1,881, 330.74, off $23,040 from the like 1939 period, or 1.21 per cent. While operating revenues were up 6.71 per cent, operating costs were up 11.25 per cent. Separated into items, operating expenses were up $303, 990.47, depreciation charges ad vanced $5,073.86. and taxes moved up $64,908.46. Deductions for in terest payments, etc., required $32, 000 more than last year, leaving a net income for the four months of $1,444,713.49, compared with $1,500, 944.35 a year ago, a decrease of $56,230.86, or 3.75 per cent, the state ment revealed. Test for Saturday Closing. President Hugh Leach of the Fed eral Reserve Bank of Richmond has Notified member banks that the San Francisco Federal Reserve Bank Vill be closed Saturdays during July and August because of the closing of the San Francisco Clearing House, as a “test.” The notice is given the banks here because of Saturday transfers of funds to the coast. President Leach also announces that member banks in 16 North Carolina counties will come under the Charlotte branch after June 1. Their reserve funds will be trans ferred to Charlotte. Virginia Mortgages Expand. Virginia savings and loan asso ciations which are members of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Win ston-Salem accounted for home financing totaling $4,556,000 during the first four months of 1940, it was stated today by officials of the Federal Home Loan Bank Board Chere, compared with $3,988,000 in the same period of 1939. All types of home-financing in stitutions, including savings and loan associations, insurance com panies, banks and trust companies .in the State, reported home mort gages amounting to $15,874,000 in the January-April period this year, as compared with $14,147,000 in the opening four months of last year. Maryland Loans Increase. Maryland savings and loan as sociations which are members of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Winston-Salem accounted for home financing totaling $4,910,000 during the first four months of 1940, it was stated today by officials of the Federal Home Loan Bank Board here. This figure compares with $3,722,000 in the same period of 1939. All types of home-financing in stitutions reported home mortgages amounting to $14,241,000 in the January-April period this year, as compared with $13,458,000 in the opening four months of last year. Similar loans in the District of Columbia in the four months to taled $15,327,000, a gain of $720,000 over 1939. Xickson Addresses Bankers. Theodore B. Nickson, controller of the Federal Housing Administration, opened today's session of the Amer ican Industrial Bankers’ Association »t the Wardman Park Hotel with an address on "The Effect of Volume Of Business on Efficiency of Opera tion.” Otto C. Lorenz, New York, expert on installment credit, was the next speaker, followed by Dr. Ralph A- Young, Wharton School of finance. who discussed management problems. The luncheon speaker was Z)r. James S. Thomas, president of Clarkson College of Technology; totsdam, N. Y., and his subject, •New Frontiers for Smart People.” * C. & P. to Expend $1,782,000. f Expenditures amounting to $1, 1f82,000 for the rearrangement of facilities and installation of addi tional equipment in three Washing ton central offices were authorized by the directors of the Chesapeake it Potomac Telephone Co. at their May meeting, C. A. Robinson, vice president and general manager, re ported today. j To date a little over $5,347,000 fcas been authorized for the con struction of telephone plant and Installation of equipment in the district of Columbia this year. ? Exchange Trading Improves. * The Securities and Exchange Com passion reported today that the market value of total sales on the Washington Stock Exchange in April amounted to $120,651, against |103.974 in April, 1939. , The market value of stocks Amounted to $50,474, against $60,141 a year ago, while 1,930 shares changed hands, compared with 2,708 In April, 1939. Bond sales totaled $70,177, against Only $43,833 in April a year ago. Total principal amount of bonds gold was $61,500, compared with $43, 800 a year ago. Prices Steady on Exchange. Prices held well on the Washing ton Stock Exchange today, consid ering the tension on other ex changes. The market opened with Capital Traction 5a selling at 98%, ind closing at 98. ■ National Savings & Trust Co. ■tock registered 200% on a small lale and 10 shares of Liberty Na tional Bank stock moved at 170. Lanston Monotype came out at 26 |md Potomac Electric Power 6 per pent preferred at 112%. 5 At the close 10 shares of Security Storage sold at 80 and 60 shares of [ergenthaler Linotype at 12%. TRANSACTIONS ON THE NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE Print* Vir* nir**t t* Th* It** B... 1AM n..w __ _ ^ Prev. 1940 Stock and Sale*— Mat High. Low. Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low. cIom. chit. 7014 60 Abbott Lab (1.60a). 2 61 6014 61 -1 5214 34)4 Acme Steel (3). 3 3614 36 S6V4 -1*4 9 4V» Adams Express_ 32 4)4 414 4)4 — *4 2714 17 Adams-Millls (1)— 2 1714 1714 1714 - H 1914 13 Addreso^raph 1.40... 8 1414 13)4 14)4 + *4 6814 36*4 Air Reduction (la). 16 3814 37*4 3814 —1)4 7 4 Alaska Juneau .60 . 12 414 414 414 — )4 % *4 Air Way Elec Appl. 6 A -fc * - 4r 14*4 6*4 Allegh'y $30 pf ww. 17 6*» 6b. 6*4 - ** 1214 414 Alleghany pf xw . _ 2 5*» 6K 6*4 17)4 7 Alleghany prior pf. 3 8 7*4 8 - *4 26(4 151a Alleg-Ludlum .25e 37 1814 1614 18 — *» 12*» 714 Allen Indust (,25e) 6 914 7>* 714 — )4 182 13814 Allied Chemical (6) 14 13814 136 13814 -2)4 14 8)4 Allied Kid (.80)_ 3 9)4 9 914 + )4 16*4 10)4 Allied Mills ,75e .._. 6 11)4 1014 1014-1 9*» 414 Allied Stores__ 20 6 4*4 5 — V* 73)4 66)4 Allied Stores pf (5) 1 66 66 {.5 —m 41)4 21*4 Allis-Chalmers ,60e 27 24 22)4 24 — *» 16 1114 Alpha Port .50e_ 1 11)4 IP4 IP4 2*4 1)4 Amalg Leather_ 1 1)4 p* p* — y, 18 9*4 Amalg Leather pf.. 1 9)* 9)4 9lj - y* 58)4 3914 Amerada (2) ... ... 5 39*4 3814 38*4 -1*4 21 1214 Am Ag Ch Del ,30e_ 3 13*4 13 '13*4+ *4 75 41*4 Am Airlines_ 33 61*4 60 6114 —1)4 12*4 614 Am Bank Note_ 7 6)4 6*4 6)4 — *4 50 43)4 Am Bank N pf (3).. 10* 43 43 43 — y« 9*4 6)4 Am Bosch _ 11 6 6*4 6 — )4 46*4 28 Am Brake Shoe ,30e 6 30*4 30 30*4 -114 133 128 Am Brake S pf 6.25. 10s 12814 12814 12814 + 14 1161*, 87 Am Can (4)_ 11 91 88 90*4 + *4 3314 18*4 Am Car & Foundry. 60 21 1R 20)4 -IK 51»* 34 Am Car & Fdry pf . 2 35 35 35 —2 23)4 14 Am Chain&2C.80e. 14 1514 1314 16'/* - )4 112H 100 AmChaln&Cpf (5) 3 100 100 100 140*3 115 Am Chicle (4a) .. 1 112 112 112 -6 9** 514 Am Colortype ,25e 2 6 6** 6 + 14 8V* 414 Am Comc’l Alcohol 5 4** 4*4 4*4 15V* 8 Am Crystal Sugar . 7 9(4 8)4 9V* + y, 9P* 75 Am Crystal S pf ^6) 20s 7614 76(4 '76(4+1 31* 114 Am Encaustic Til _ 2 114 IK P4 2K 1 Am & Foreign Pwr 8 Its 1)4 1)4 24v« 9H Am & F P 6% pf.60k 7 10 9)4 10 - y* 28V* 10*« Am & F P 7% pf.70k 4 12 11 12 - )4 50(* 23 Am-Hawai'n SS(1). 12 26** 25 26*4 —1)4 6K 314 Am Hide & Leather 19 3)4 3 3 — )4 C6V* 4514 Am Home Pr 2.40... 2 49 4814 4814 —2)4 3)4 1*4 Am Ice 4 1*4 IV* 1*4 - y, 35 18 Am Ice pf (,50e)... 3 18 18 18 -1 6*4 3)4 Am International_ 14 3)4 3)4 3*4 — yt 22*« 10 Am Locomotive_ 37 11)4 10(4 lp* — *» 63 38 Am Loco pf (lk) .. 2 41 39*4 41 + y* 14T4 10 Am Mach & Fy .80.. 11 10K 1014 10(4— y« 3*4 l** Am Mach & Metals. 2 214 2 2)4 + 14 25 13 Am Metals (le)- 18 16)4 12*4 1614+314 26 2114 Am News (1.50) 20s 22 22 22 5'/* 2 Am Power & Light. 16 214 2** 2*4 - )4 54 28V* AP&L $5 pf 2.8125k 5 32** 3114 32** - y« 63*4 34*-* AP&L $6 pf 3.375k_, 7 40 3614 40 +*4 10*4 4*4 Am Radiator 47 6K 5 5*4 — )4 163 140 Am Radiator pf (7) 10s J45 145 145 +5 174 94 Am Rolling Mills 49 104- 9% 104 - 4 12% 9 Am Safety Raz 1?20 6 94 9 9 — % 11% 6 Am Seating (,50g) 3 6Vi 64 64 — 4 37% 23 Am Shipbuilding . 100s 25 244 25 —1 54 304 Am Smelt & R (le) . 23 35 324 35 —14 147 1224 Am Smelt&R pf (7) 1 122 122 122 -2 70 517* Am Snuff (3a) 1 53 4 534 534 +14 33% 19'j Am Steel Fdr.v ,50e. 23 214 204 21 -1% 14% 94 Am Stores (,25e)... 1 104 104 104 + 4 17'/* 11 Am Stove (,50e) 1 11 11 11 23% 14 Am Sugar Refining. 8 14 124 134 -14 93 77 Am Sugar R pf (7). 2 75 75 75 -2 18 114 Am Sumat Tob (1) _ 1 12 12 12 1754 146 Am Te! & Teleg (9). 40 148 145 1474 -24 894 69 Am Tobacco (5) . 8 724 714 724 — % 91% 70 Am Tobacco(B) (5). 12 74% 724 74% — % 151 141 Am Tobacco pf (6). 2 138 137 137 —4 5% 2% Am Type Founders. 7 34 3 34 12% 54 Am Water Works 37 6% 6 6% — 4 1014 854 Am W W 1st pf (6). 2 85 844 844 —% 12 6 Am Woolen . _ 22 64 6 . 64 - % 524 254 Am Woolen pf (3k). 17 294 26 294 —1 84 44 Am Zinc & Lead ... 26 44 4% 4% — % 32 18 Anaconda (,75e) 259 214 19 214 - 4 414 20 Anaconda Wire & C 2 25 25 25 22% 124 Anchor Hoc G1.15e 1 134 134 134 15% 8 Andes Copper .50e . 2 10 10 10 -1% 44 2 A P W Paper 12 2 2 354 24 Arcli-fian-Mid .70e 3 244 24 244 1104 99% Armour (Del)pf(7) 1 99% 99% 99% 7% 4 Armour (111) 40 4 4 4 4 4 -4 644 35 Armour (111 pr pf 3 37 37 37 —1 43% 22% Armstrong C’k ,50e. 23 24 22% 24 -1 11 64 Arnold Const .375e 1 64 64 64 - % 94 3% Artloom Corp . 3 44 4 44 + % 9 4% Assoc Dry Goods . 7 4% 4% 4% - 4 1004 82 Assoc Invest pf (5). 70s 83 824 824 — 4 254 13 Atch T & Santa Fe . 18 144 13% 144 - % 574 394 AtchT&SFpf 2.50e 2 40 40 40 +4 23 4 9% Atl Coast Line .. 7 10% 10 10% — % 22% 84 Atl Gulf* Wind .. 1 9 9 9 -4 224 10 Atl Gulf&WInd pf.. 1 10 10 10 274 184 Atl Refining (1) ... 16 20% 20 204 -14 94 7 Atlas Corp (,25e)._. 20 7 7 7 61 44 Atlas Corp pf (3)._. 7 43% 43% 43%-% 54 14 Austin Nichols_ 1 24 24 24 324 10 Austin Nichols pf A 20s 15 14 15 8% 44 Aviation Corp _ 94 5% 54 54 — 4 194 12% Baldwin Loco ctfs_. 74 134 12% 13% — % 6% 2% Balto&Ohio _ 27 3 4 3 34 — % 8 34 Balto&Ohiopf _ 12 34 3% 34 — 4 144 8 Bangor & Arssook._ 1 84 84 84 — % 16% 8% Barber Asphalt .50e 8 94 94 9% — 4 8% 4 Barker Bros .. . 5 44 44 44—4 29% 20 Barker Bros pf 2.7 5. 100s 21 204 204 - 4 13% 7% Barnsdall Oil .30e._ 12 74 74 7% — % 36% 204 Rayuk Cigars .50e .. 8 244 24 24 -2 35% 184 Beatrice Cre (la) _ 8 22 204 21% — % 1124 109% Batr Cr pf ww (5) .. 1 105 105 105 —7 94 74 Belding-Hem 40e 1 74 74 74 —4 36% 254 Bendix Aviat'n(le) 80 27 244 27 -14 224 174 Beneficial Loan.45e 5 174 174 174 — % 56% 50 Beneficial Ln pf 2.50 3 50 50 50 39 224 Best & Co (1.60a) 5 254 244 25 -4 89% 634 Beth Steel 2.25e ... 247 69 64 684 -2% 1254 1094 Beth Steel pf (7) 6 1114 1104 1104 -24 224 15 Black & Decker .25e 4 164 16 16 - 4 11% 5% Blaw Knox . . 15 6% 64 6% — % 234 134 Bliss & Laugh ,25e . 2 14% 144 144 —1% 28% 154 Boeing Aeroplane.. 108 15% 14% 15% -1 29% 19% Bohn Alum’n .50e _ 2 22 214 214 — 4 1234 99 Bon-Ami (A) (4a). 20s 102 102 102 704 -51% Bon-Ami (B) 2.50a. 10s 65 55 55 244 17% Borden Co (,60e)._. 14 184 174 184 -% 254 124 Borg-Warner .50e__ 27 15% 144 15% — 4 2% 1 Boston & Maine_ 1 14 14 14—4 374 26 Bower Roller B (3). 3 274 264 274 7 4% Brewing Corp (.60). 11 5 44 5 13% 8 Bridgeport Brass... 12 9 84 9 — 4 23% 134 Briggs Mfg (.50e)_. 21 14% 134 14% - 4 39% 27 Briggs & Strat (3)_. 1 29 29 29 —1 53% 38 Bristol-Myers 2.40 1 39 39 39 -1 244 134 Bklyn-Man Transit 47 18% 174 18% + Vi 634 48 Bklyn-Man pfctfs. 21 584 58 584-4 3% 14 Bklyn & Queens .. 5 2% 24 2% + 4 19% 124 Bklyn & Qu pfctfs 5 18 17% 18 - 4 254 134 Bklyn Un Gas ,50e . 3 154 144 154 — 4 104 64 Bucyrus-Erie 13 7 64 6% - % 111 984 Bucyrus-Erie pf(7) 90s 98 97 97 —2 64 3 Bucyrus-Erie ...... 28 3 4 3 4 3 4 - 4 44% 21 BuddMfgpf_ 70s 24 234 24 — 4 64 34 Budd Wheel _ 9 3% 34 3% — 4 334 20 Bullard Co (,75e) 17 26 24 26 -14 33 17% Bulova Watch (2a). 8 19 I84 19 -1% 21% 124 Burlington M (I)... 6 13% 13 13% - 4 124 7% Burr's Add M ,20e__ 11 7% 7% 7% 54 2 Bush Terminal _ 5 2% 24 2% — 4 134 54 Bush T Bldgs pf ... 20s 6 6 6 7% 44 Butler Bros (.15e).. 6 4% 44 4% 234 18 Butler Bros pf 1.50. 1 174 174 174 — 4 44 24 Butte Copper_ 8 3 2% 2% — % 13% 64 Byers (Am) Co _ 0 74 64 74 814 39 Byers AM pf 4.33k.. 80s 424 41 424 +1 154 9 Byron Jackson (1). 2 10 10 10 — 4 264 14 Calif Packing ,25e.. 6 154 164 154 — % L /n a x% xv* X lMi 8% 4% Calumet & Hec .50*. 32 5% 4% 5% — % 19% 11 Campbell Wy .65*.. 7 11% 11% 11%—% 23% 11% Canada Dry _ 22 13% 12% 13% -1% 6% 2% Canadian Pacific_ 16 2% 2% 2% — % 40% 31 Cannon Mills.'506--. 3 30 29% 29% -1% 45 38% Cap Admin pf A (3) 30s 39 39 39 + % 90 79 Caro-Clin&O (5).. 20s 77% 77% 77% -1% 32% 22% Carpenter Stl ,50e . 3 27% 26 2714+ % 3% 2 Carriers & Gen .05e. 5 2% 2 2% + % 75 39% Case (JI) Co 5 45 42% 44 -1 118% 107 Case (JI) Co pf (7). 60s 105 105 105 -2 56% 42% Caterpillar Tract2). 16 44% 43% 44 -1% 35% 20 Celanese Corp .50a. 31 22% 20% 22% —1% 119 105% Celanese pr pf (7).. 90s 110 109 109 -3% 12% 5 CelotexCorp ... 7 6% 5% 5% - % 26% 18 Cent Aguirre 1.50--. 2 18% 18% 18%-% 3% 1% Central Foundry_ 2 1% 1% 1% — % 11% 4 Central Violetta S-. 1 6% 6% 5% — % 6 3 Century Rib Mills.. 1 3% 8% 3% + % 41% 22% Cerro de Pasco(2e). 8 25% 24 25% — % 8% 3% Certain-teed_ 4 4 3% 3% — % 36% 15% Certain-teed pf- 460s 17% 16% 17% —1% 21% 16% Chain Belt t.60e)_ 1 15 15 15 -1% 29% 11 Checker Cab Co ... 3 12 12 12 - % 42% 30% CbesAOhlo (2.60). 34 32% 30% 32%-% 2% tt Chi Grt West pf <r) 5 % % % — % 12% 6% Chi Mall Order_ 1 6% 6% 6% - % % % Chi M St PA P (r)_ 1 % % % 14% 8% Chi Pneu Tool _ 13 9% 8% 9 - % % % Chi R l A P (n ... 2 % % % 16% 9 Chlckasha Cot Oil 5 10% 9% 10% 91% 54 Chrysler Corp 2.50* 123 57 63% 57 -1% 14% 10% City Ice A Fuel .60* 1 10% 10% 10% - % 98 90 City 1AF pf i«.60) 60s 90% 90 90% 40% 24 Clark Equip 1.25*. x 5 25 24 25 - % 43% 26 Clev Graphite!.40e) 9 28 26% 28 -2 41% 25% Cilmti Molyb 1.19. 14 28% 27 28%-% 45% 25% Cluett Peab (le)_ 34 29 28 29 -1% 131 99% Coca-Cola <1.50e)__ 9 101% 100% 101% + % 63 56 Coca-Cola (A) U>.. 1 56 56 56 20 10% ColK*re-Pal-P 1.60) 22 11 10% tl - % 112% 108 Collins A Aik pf (5) 600s 109 108% 108% -1% 24 12% Colo Fuel A Iron .. 4 15 14 15 — % 4% 1% Colo A Southern_ 90s 2% 2 2% + % 5% 2 Colo A So 1st pf. 280s 2% 2% 2% 26% 16 Columb B C(A) .90* 6 16% 16% 16% -1 26% 16 Columb B C (B).90* 2 16% 16% 16%-1 7% 4% Columb G A El .20* 62 4% 4% 4% — % 93% 70% Col GAB pf (AMO. 3 67% 67% 67%-4% 79 70% ColGAEpf (6)- 10s 66% 66% 66%-4% 48 28 Cornel Credit (4)— 12 32 30% 31%-1% 56 33 Cornel InvTr (4)... 20 35% 34% 35%-1% 113 97% Cornel Inv T pf 4.26. 2 99% 99 99 —8 16% 8 Cornel Solvents_ 42 8% 8 8% — H 33 26 Comwlth Bd (1X0). 81 26% 26% 26% - IS Hlch. Low. Dividend Rato. Add 00. High. Low. Cloee. ehce. 1% % Comwltb A South'n 49 tt % % - X 78% 42 Comwltb A« pf (I). 6 44% 48% 48% -2% 6% 2% Conde Naat Pub_ 2 3 8 8 - % 24% 14 Congoleum (1)- 7 14% 14% 14%-% 13% 8 Congress Cigar_ 8 9% 9% 9% - % 31% 19% Consol Aircraft__ 81 21% 20 21% -1% 9% 4% Consol Cop 11 .IBs.. 60 6% 6% 6% - % 32% 23 Consol Edison «2).. 49 25 24% 24% -1 110% 97% Consol Bdts pf (6) 2 99% 99% 99% —4% 10% 5% Consol Film pf .50k 6 6% 6% 5% — % 4% 2% Consol Laundries.. 1 2% 2% 2% 8% 6% Consol Oil t.SO) 59 6 5% 6 - % 2% 1% Consol RR Cubs pf. 2 1% 1% 1% + % 4% 2% Consolidation Coal 3 2% 2% 2% 19% 9% Container Corp .60s 18 11 10% 10% - % 15% 7% Conti Baking IA>__ 6 7% 7% 7% 1% % Conti Baking <B) 12 % % % 97% 73 Conti Baking pf (S) 1 75 75 76 - % 49% 33 Conti Can (le).. .. 17 36% 34% 35% 9% 4% Conti Diamond .25e 4 6 6% 5% — % 40% 27% Conti Inaur 1.60a).. 7 29 28% 28%-% 4% 2 Conti Motor - 123 3% 2% 3% - % 25 16% Conti Oil (.50e)_ 86 18% 18 18%-% 33 18% Conti Steel (,50e).. 6 20% 19% 20 -2% 25% 16% Coppsrweld Stl .40e 28 17% 16% 17% -1% 70 47 Coppsrweld pf 2.60. 4 49 48 48 -3% 61% 42% Corn Exchange (6). 160s 42 41 41%-1% 65% 44% Corn Products (8).. 9 45% 44% 45 - % 7% 4 Cety Inc l.36e)- 28 4% 4% 4% - % 24% 13% Crane Co . 14 13% 13% 13%-% 32% 25 Cream of Wheat(S) l 26% 26% 26% - % 38% 18% Crown Cork A Seal. 9 22% 21% 22%-1 21% 12 Crown Zeller (le).. 18 13% 12% 13% - % 43% 25 Crucible Steel _ 26 27 26 27 -1% 95 64 Crucible Steel pt_ 4 68 67% 67%-% 4% 1% Cuba RR pt ___ 20s 2 2 2 + % 8% 3% Cuban Am Sugar... 22 4% 3% 4% — % 17. 9% Cudahy Packing 1 10% 10% 10%+% 29% 20% Cuneo Press 11.50). 3 20 20 20 4% 2 Curtis Publishing 11 2% 2 2% — % 51 31% Curtis Pub pf (2k) 1 32 32 32 + % 11% 7% Curtiss-Wright 354 8% 7% 8% — % 32% 21% Curtlss-Wr (A) le 27 23 22 23 - % 22% 14% Cutler-Hamm’r .50e 8 16% 16 16%—1% 8% 3% Davison Chemical. 17 4% 4% 4% - % 23% 13% Deere A Co 17 14% 14% 14% - % 19% 11% Delsel-Wem-0.876e l 13 13 13 — % 23% 8% Del A Hudson _ 21 9% 9 9% — % 5% 2% Del Lack A Wn. .. 24 2% 2% 2% - % 125% 98% Detroit Edison (3e) 6 99% 98% 99% -1% 23V* 12% Devoe A Kay A .26e 90s 13 '13 13 - % 36% 25% Dlam’d Match 1.60.. 2 28 27% 28 — % 43V* 32 Diamond M pf 1.60. 3 35% 35% 35% 4'% 10% 4% Diam T Motor__ 9 6% 6% 6% — % 20 12% Dlsttll-Seagr (!) _ 11 13% 13% 13% 38 30% Dixie Vor< AH2.60). 10s 31 31 31 -% 24% 14 Doehler Die C .25e.. 4 15% 15 15% — % 23% 11% Dome Mines <2) _ 11 11% 11% 11% — % 94% 71% Douglas Air (Ig)_ 60 76% 73% 76% -1% 171 138% Dow Chemical <I).. 5 139% 137 137 -3 au 14% Dresser Mfg _ 10 17% 16% 17% -1 10 5 Dunhlll Intematl_ 2 6% 6% 6% - % 189% 148% DuPont <3.50e) ... 25 150% 146% 150% -4% 126 114 Du Pont of (4 60) 5 118% 117 118% 118% 112% Duauesne let pf(6) 60s 113 112% 112% 44% 26% Eastern Air Lines.. . 47 29% 28V* 29 -1% 6% 3 Eastn Koll Mills 2 3% 3% 3% - % 166% 125 Eastman Kodak i<) 22 127% 125 126 -8% 37 22 Eaton Mfg <1.50e).. 7 25% 24 25% -1% 17% 11 Edison Bros S <1).. 4 11% 10% 10%-1 41% 25 Elec Auto-L 1.50«_. 27 27% 26 27 -1% 18% 10% Electric Boat .40s.. 60 12V* 11% 12% - % 1% % Electric & Music .. 2 % % % 8V* 3 Eleo Pwr A Light 26 3% 3V* 3% - % 31% 15% Eleo Pwr A Lt 55 pf 7 18% 16% 18% - % 36% 18% Elec Pwr & Lt 17 pf 11 20% 19 20% -1% 33% 25% Elec 8tor Bat (2) 1 25% 25% 25%-% 41% 26 El Paso Nat G (2).. 2 27 26% 26% -1% 112 102 Endlcott-J pf (6)_ 40s 102 102 102 12% 5% Eng Pub Service 9 6% 6% 6% — % 89 68 Eng Pub Svc pf (.50 1 67 67 67 -1 1% % Erie RR tr) _ 8 ft % ft - ft 3% 1% Erl* RH 1st pf (r).. 3 1% 1% 1% - % 11% 5 Evans Products.... 9 5% 5% 5% — % 34% 20% Ez-Cell-O (.40*)_ 40 29V* 28 29% -1% 8% 3% Fairbanks Co pf_ 20s 3% 3% 3% — % 49V* 30V* Fairb'ks Morse (la) 13 31% 31% 31%-1% 31% 17% Fajardo Sugar (le) 7 18% 18V* 18% -1% 18'. 11 Fed LtATrac (le) 7 12% 11% 12%+% 102 88 Fed Lt & Tr pf (6) 20s 88 88 88 4V* 2% Fed Motor Truck 16 2% 2% 2% - % 1 ft Fed Water Svo (A) 4 % % V* 25 15'/* Federst Deo St .75* 7 15% 15 16% - % 95 83 Federat’d DS pf 4.25 1 82 82 82 -2 20 10 Ferro Enamel (la) 3 10% 10% 10% 40% 27% Fldeltty Phoe 1.60a 6 29 28 28% - % 21% 12% Firestone Tire .50* 5 14 13% 14 — V* 46 32% First Natl Str* 2 60 2 35 34% 34% 21% 10V* Fllntkot* (lgt 9 11% 10% 11% - V* 38% 25% Florence Stove .60*. 5 25% 25% 25% -1% 3% 1% Follansbe* Bro (r). 7 1% 1% 1% 35 19 Food Mach (,25c).. 4 20% 20 20% - % 21% 9% Foster Wheeler__ 9 10% 9% 10% — % 6% 2% Francisco Sugar_ 4 3 3 3 — % 38% 26 Freeport Sulph (1). 19 25% 24% 25%—% 2% 1% Gabriel (A) 1 1% 1% 1% 5% 2% Gair (Robert) ... 2 2% 2% 2% - % 18% 12 Gamewell Co(1.50e) 50s 13% 13% 13%-% 105% 98 Gannett Copt (6).. 10s 98 98 98 -1 6% 4 Gar Wood Induat 3 4 3% 4 — % 14% 9% Gaylord Cont (.20e) 1 9% 9% 9% - % 7% 3% Gen Am Invest .... 1 4 4 4 — % 104 100 Gen Am Invpf (6).. 2 96% 96 96 -4% 57% 35% Gen Am Tra *.*75g. 6 37 36 37 -1 8% 5% Gen Baking (.15*).. 3 5% ft% 5% 117% 102 Gen Cigar pf (7) 40s 102 102 102 -2 41 26V* Gen Electrio (.70e). 185 29% 27% 29%+% 49% 36 Gen Foods (2) 19 39% 38 39 - % 118% 111% Gen Foods pf (4.50) 1112 112 112 % V* Gen Gas A El (A) 3 ft ft ft-% 101 77% Gen Mills <4a> _ 3 79V* 79 79 -3 130'*119 Gen Mills pf (5) 50s 118 118 118 -1 56% 37% Gen Motors (1.75e) 292 39% 37% 39 -1% 127'* 116 Gen Motors pf 16> 3 117 117 117 -1% 7Vi 3% Gen Outdoor Adv 6 4 3% 3% - V* 58% 35% Gen Out Ad(A) 2k.. 2 35 35 35 -1 10 5% Gen Print Ink 10e_. 1 6% 6% 6% - % 19% 9% Gen Rwy Signal ... 6 10% 10 10 -1 ft % Gen Realty & Util.. 3 ft ft ft 33% 20 Gen Refractor ,50e. 7 21 20% 21 —1 15% 11% Gen Shoe (1.20) .. 1 11% 11% 11%-% 31% 14 Gen Steel Caet pf.. 150s 18 16% 17% — % 24% 17 Gen Telephone 1.20. 3 17% 16% 16% — V* 13% 7% Gen Thea Equ .20#.. 6 8% 8% 8% - % 23% 14% Gen Time Inst .25*. 1 11% 13% 13% - % 23% 10% Gen Tire A R.60#.. 8 11% 11 11% - % 6% 4% Gillette Saf R (.80). 12 4% 4% 4% 51% 33% GllletteS R pf (5).. 1 38 38 38 - % 9 4% Glmbel Bros _ 12 4% 4% 4% - % 19% 11 Glidden Co (.30e)_. 4 12 11% 12 +% 44% 30 Glidden cvpf (2.25) 2 33 33 33 +3 4% 2 Gobel (Adolf) _ 3 2% 2% 2% - % 3% 2 Goebel Brew (.20).. 1 2% 2% 2% - % 20% 10 Goodrich (BF) ... 29 11 10% 11 -% 69% 45 Goodrich!BF)pf(5) 3 45% 45 45 -1% 24% 12% Goodyear TAR 75* 43 14% 13 14%-% 97V* 72% Goodyear of (6) 2 71% 71 71% -3% 4'* 1% Gotham Stlk Hose .12 2 2 IV* % Graham-Paige 15 % ft % + ft 9% 4% Granby Consol 60* 5 5 4% 5 — % 14% 10 Grand Un war ctfs 2 10 10 10 16% 10 Granite City S 6 11 10% 11 - % 36% 26 Grant (WT) 1.20#.. 5 27% 26% 27% + % 28% 15% Great North’n pf . 47 17% 16% 17% -1% 18% 11% Grt NorOctfe.76*. 9 12% 12 12% 29% 18% Great Wn Sug (2).. 4 20% 20% 20%-% 35% 23 Green (HL) ((2a).. 10 26 24% 26 17% 9% Greyhound (!) ... 59 10 9% 9% — % 12 9% Greyhound pf (.55). 3 9% 9% 9% + % 25% 16 Grumman Aircraft. 41 18% 16% 18% —1% 3% 15* Guantanamo Sugar. 6 15* 1% 1% - % 30% 11 Guantanamo S pf_ 20a 14 14 14 -1 34% 30 Hacken Water 1.60. 1 30 30 30 -1% 20% 954 Hall (WF) Prtg (1) 1 10% 10% 10%-% 105% 96 Hanna(M)pf(6)_ 120s 96 96 96 -1 28% 16% Harb-Walker <.60e) 3 18 17 18 -1 104 90 Hat Corp pf ((.60).. 10a 89 89 89 -1 4% 2% Hayes MfgCorp ._ 19 2% 2% 2% — % 11% 7% Hecker Prod (.60).. 12 7% 7% 75* - % 21% 12% Hercules Mot .16e.. 4 135* 13% 135* - % 100% 76% Hercules Powd 60s. 12 78% 77 78% + % 133% 128% Hercules Ppf (8) . 10a 128 128 128 -% 35% 19 Holland Purn (le)_. 11 21% 21 21% -1% 7% 4% Hollander (A) . 1 5% 6% 5% — % 16% 8 Holly Sugar .. 7 10% 10 10% 60% 35 Homestake (4.60) . 18 39 38% 38% — % 16% 85* Houd-Her (B) ,75e. 8 10 9% 9% -1 6% 3% Houston OH .. 9 3% 3% 3% — *4 605(, 30 Howe Sound (3) ... 2 30 29% 30 -1 27 12 Hudson Bay (le)._. 10 12% 12 12 — % 1% 5* Hudson ft Manhat.. 4 % % % 6% 3 Hudson Motor ... 9 3% 3% ; 3% — % 1 % Hupp Motor _ 4 4 & 44 — ^ 13% 5% Illinois Central 18 6% 6% 6% — % 24% 12 Illinois Central pf.. 1 16 13 13 + % 95* 5 Indian Refining_ 1 5 5 5 — % 29 16% Indust Rayon .50e_. 4 19 18% 18% +1 118 72 Ingersoll-Rand (2e) 2 74 73 74 -1 90% 66% Inland Steel (2e)_ 14 68 66% 66% -4% 15% 7% Inspiration Copper. 29 9 8% 9 — % 6% 5 Insursbares (.20g). 8 5 5 5 5% 2% Interboro R T (r)_ 2 2% 2% 2% 47% 24 Intercbemloal(.80e) 2 25 24 25 +1 12% 6% Interlake Iron_ 66 7% 6% 7% — % 2% 1 lntl Agricultural_ 1 1% 1% 1% 38 18% lntl Agrlcul pr pt._ 1 18% 18% 18% - % 191% 140 lntl Bus Mach ((a). 4 142 140 142 -2 625* 38 lntl Harvester 1.80. 29 40% 40 40% -1% 6% 1% lntl Hydro-El (Ak- 7 2% 2 2 - % 14% 5% Int) Mercantile Ma. 57 6% 5% 6% - % 7 3% lntl Mining <.20e). 1 3% 35* 35* - % 38% 20 lntl Nickel Can (2). 86 20% 20 20% 133 116 lntl Nickel pf (7) . 2 110 110 110 -6 21% 10% lntl Paper A Power 124 11% 10% 11% - % 73 40% lntl PapftP pf l.J5e 67 44% 41% 435*-2% 5% 15* lntl Ry Cent Am... 2 2 2 2 + % 37% 27 lntl Salt (1.60)_ 1 26% 26% 26%-% 36% 25 lntl Shoe (1.60)_ 1 28% 28% 28% + % 45* 1% lntl Tel ft Teleg .. 46 2% 2% 2% 4% 1% lntl T ft T foi-n efs. 16 25* 2 % 2% - % 10% 4% Interstate Dept Str. 4 6% 6% 5% - % 8% 5% Intertype Corp .40g. 2 5% 65* 55* 28 20% Island Crk Coal (». 1 20% 20% 20%-1 17 9 Jams (WB)(.(76e) 8 9% 9% 9% 62 34% Jewel Tea (2.40) ... 2 37% 37% 37% 77% 45 Johng-Manville ,75e 18 48 45 46% + % 132 122% Johns-Manvpf (7). 40s 123 123 123 +% 69 48% Jones ft Lau pf <lk> 6 50 49 50 -1% 16 10 Kaiamasoo Stov JO. 1 10% 10% 10% 121 120 KanCPftk. 1st B((). 20s 117% 117% 117%-2% 7% 3% Kansasaty Sou... 4 8% 3% 3% - % 15% 9 Kaufman Dept J6e. 7 10% 9% 10 +1 rrev. imu Broca ana salt*— net. Blab, low Dividend Rata Add 00. Blah. Low Close, ehse. 17% 8% Keiaey-Hayes (A) 8 9% 9% 9%-1 9% 4% Kalaey-Hayee <B) 16 5% 6 6% - % 88% 24% KennecottCop (la) 106 28 26% 28 -1% 14% 10 Keystone Steel .60e. 4 11 10% 10% 2% 1% Kinney iQ R) l i% /i% i% - % 26 19% Kreage (SS) 1.20a.. 11 20 20 20 29% 24% Kreaa (8 H)(1«0).. l 24% 24% 24%-% 84% 23% KrogorGroe (2)- 25 24% 24 24%-% 16% 12 Lambert (.760)_ 8 12% 12 12 - % 6% 3% Lane Bryant _ 1 3J4 8% 3% - % 36% 16% Lee Rub ft T (.760). 4 18 17% 18 1% % Leh Valley Coal ... 3 % 41 % 4% 2 Leh Valley Coal pt. 3 2% 2% 2% - % 4 1% Leh Valley RR (r). 19 1% 1% 1% - % 24% 16% Lehman Corp (,40e) 11 17 16% 16%-% 14 9% Lehn ft Fink (,50e)_ 2 10% 10% 10%+ V« 29 18% Lamer Stores 42) . 2 19% 19% 19% - % 53% 32% Llbbey-Ow-r (le). 2 33 32% 32% -2 9% 6 Libby MeN ft Lib... 8 6% 5% 6% - % 46 33% Life Severe (1.80).. 1 33 33 33 -1% 8Z Llgg* Myers (4a). 1 91 91 91 +2 109% 87 Llgg ft Myera(B)4a 9 93 90% 93 29% 13% Lima Locomotive.. 5 16 14% 16 -1 41 27 Link-Belt (1) _ 1 27 27 27 14% 9 Lion oil Ref (1). 10 9% 9 9% - % 18% 10% Liquid Carbonic (1) 6 12 11% 12 41% 27% Lockheed Atrc_ 162 29% 27% 29% -1% 20% Loew s Ino (I) ... 16 22% 21% 22%-1% 109% 97 Loew’a Ino pf (8.60) 1 97 97 97 -1% 39% 15% Loft ino . ... 241 17% 16% 17% -1 46% 29% Lone Star Cmt <*).. 3 30% 30% 30% -1% 18% 16 Loose-Wiles 75a._. 1 15% 15% 15% 25% 18% Lortllard (.60e) ... 9 19% 19 19% - % 35 25% MacAndftForb 12a) 1 25% 26% 25% - % 28% 17 Mack Trucks 10 19 18% 19 — % 31 20% Macy (RH) Co (le) 16 21% 21% 21% — % 38 21% Magma Copper (le) 6 25% 24% 25 - % 4% 2 Marian 8ugar 13 2% 2% 2% - % 17% 14% Man Ry mod gtdtr) 4 15% 15% 15%+% 17% 13% Man Ry mgtdctir) l 15% 15% 15% - % , 32% 24 Man Ry gtd ct(r)._ 260s 27 25% 27 +1% 1% 1 Maracaibo Oil 11 l i 5% 3% Marine Midi d(.20e) 6 3% 3% 3% 8% 2% Market St Ry pr pf. 60s 3% 3% 3% 15% 8% Marahall Field 40.. 12 9% 9 9% — % 47% 29% Martin (Glen)- 61 33% 31 33% - % 14% 6% Martin-Parry.. 73 7% 6% 7% - % 40% 22 Masonite Corp (la) 1 22% 22% 22% — % 82% 21% Mathleson Aik 1.60. 8 22% 21% 22% - % 63% 36% May Dept Stra (*).. 9 41% 39% 39%-2% 4% 2% Maytag Co . _ 1 2% 2% 2% 105 98 Maytag 1st pf (6).. 10s 98% 98% 98% -1 16% 10% McCall Corp (1.40). 6 11 10% 10%-% 17% 10 McCrory Stra (1>__. 4 n% n n — yt 29 17% McGraw Eleo (1) .. 2 18 18 18 - % 9% 5% McGraw-Hill (.30e) 2 5% 5% 5% 47% 27 McIntyre Pore (2a) 6 28 27% 28 -1 12% 6% McKeesport Tin ... 5 6% 6% 6% — % 8% 4 McKesson ft Ro6 .. 14 4% 4% 4% - W 32% 18 McKesson ft R pf.. 6 19 17% 19 - % 9% 5 McLellan Stra .40e. 8 5% 5% 5% - Vi 14% 7% Mead Corp ... jo 8% 7% 8% - % 34% 24% Melville Shoe (2).1 25% 25% 25%+% 6% 2% Mengel Co ... 8 2% 2% 2% 11% Mengel < o 6% pf 280s 12% 12% 12%-% 32% 24 Mesta Mach (1.50e) 4 26 24% 25% +1 12% 6% Miami Topper ZOe 17 7% 6% 7% - % 17% 11% Mhl Cont Pet (,40e) 11 12% n% 12%-% 40% 23% Midland Stl PUe) . 3 26% 25% 26% -1% 122 103 Mid Stl 1st pf ill 80s 109% 107% 107% -1% 54 33% Mlnn-Hon Ros (2a) 6 38 37 37% -1% 4% 2% Minn-Moline Imp 6 2% 2% . 2% — % 11 7% Mission Corp (.65*) 18 8 8 1% % Mo-Kan-Texas_ 2 % % % 4% 1% Mo-Kan-Tex pf_, 13 2 1% 2 % ft Mo Pacific (r)_' 1 ft ft ft % ft Mo Pacific pf fr) 9 % % % 19% 9% Mohawk Carpet ,50e 3 10% 10% 10% -1% 119 89% MonsantoCb (Z) It 90 89% 89%-1% 121% 113% Monsanto pf B 4.60 20s 114 114 114 66 31% Monts Ward 2.25e . 47 34% 33% 34% - % 30% 22% Morris & Es (3 *76) 20s 23 23 23 16 8% Motor Products.50e 14 10% 10 10% — % 18% 12 Motor Wheel 11 60) 9 13% 12% 13 -1% 5% 2% Mullins Mfg (B>.._ 8 3 2% 3 + % 39 20 Mullins Mix pf __ 30s 24 23% 23% -1% 83 57% Murphy (GC) (4).. 5 59% 56 57 -2% 8% 4 Murray Corp ... 29 4% 4% 4% - % 7% 3% Nash-Kelvtnator 65 4% 3% 3% — % 22% 11% Nash OhatAStL le 20s 12 12 12 21% 13% Natl Acme ( R0g» 29 17% 16 17% — % 11% 6% Natl Auto Fib ,40e 5 6% 6% 6% - % Natl Auto Fibres pf 1 8% 8% 8% 16% 9% Natl Aviation 10 10% 9% 10% - % 24% 18% Natl Biscuit! 80e). 36 18% 17% 18 - % 16% 9-% Natl Cash Keg 11) 8 10% 10% 10%-% 13% 6 Natl Cyl Gas ( 20e) 7 8% 8 8% - % 18% 12% Natl Dairy i 80 1 . 40 13 12% 12% - % 6% 3% Natl Dept Stores .. 6 3% 3 3% 26% 17% Natl Distillers (8). 18 19% 18% 19 - % 12% 5% Natl Gypsum - 19 6% 5% 5% - % 22% 14% Natl Lead i 60) . 12 14% 14% 14% -1% 27 13% Nat Malleable .50e. 2 14% 14% 14% —1% 8% 6% Natl Pwr A Lt 60.. 18 6 5% 6 73% 48 Natl Steel L60e)_ 13 50 49% 50 -2 9% 4% Natl Supply- 21 6 4% 5 - % 8% 3% Natl Taa Co _ 1 4% 4% 4% _ % 10% 7% Natomaa (.80)_ 5 7% 7% 7vt — % 75% 47 Newmont Min (le). 5 45% 45% 45% -2 14% 6% Newport Indua ... 14 7 6% 6% - % 50 30% N Y Air Braka (la). 2 32% 31% 32% - % 18% 9% N y Central .. 126 10 9% 9% - % 21% 8% N y Chi A St Loula. 11 10% 9% 10% — % 39 15 N y Chi A St L pf . 12 17 16 17 -1 33% 20% N y C Omnlbua (J). 8 22% 22 22% - % ■ 8% 3% N y Dock . 7 3% 3% 3% 12% 4% N y Dock pf. 3 5% 6% 5% - % % % N y N H A H (r)... 1 % % % + ft 2 % N Y N H A H pf (r) 2 ft ft A % % N Y Ont & Wn (r).. 2 % % % 26% 13% N Y Shlpblldlng 67 19 17% 19 ®2 N * Shtpbg pf I T5k 5550s 134ft 134ft 134ft 226%17n Norfolk A Wn (10) 1 180 180 180 -2% 26% 15 Nor Am Aviation 120 17% 16% 17% - % 23% 14% Nor Am Co (1.20) 32 15% 15% 15% - % 58 47% No Am 6%% pf 2.875 1 48% 48% 48% + % 69 47% No Am Co 6% pf (8) 1 50 50 50 +2% 9% 4% Northern Pacific 25 6% 5 5% - % 36 27 Northwest Tel (8). 60s 29% 29% 29%+1% ,5* 2* Norwa'k^lre 3 2% 2% 2% + % 15% 14% Norwich Pharmacal 1 16% 16% 16% + % 8% 5% Ohio Oil (,20e)_ 20 6 5V* 6 - % 23% 10% Oliver Farm Equip. 2 11% 11 11% —1% 14% 7% Omnibus Corp 1.20.. 9 9% 8% 9% — % 5% 2% Oppenhelm Collins. 1 2% 2% 2% 18% 11% OtlsElavator .35#.. 6 11% 11% 11% - % 12% 7 Otis Steel _ 17 7% 7' 71^ _ ^4 64% 45 Owens-Ill G1 (la).. 16 45 43% 45 -1 10% 5% Pao Am Fisheries.. 11 5% 6 5% — % 6% 2 Pacific Coast _ 1300s 2% 2 2 - % 23% 8 Pao Coast lat pf_ 650s 8% 8 8-1 12% 3% Pac Coast 2d pf ... 1070s 4 3% 3% - % 34% 25% Pac Gas A El (2)... 23 26% 26% 26%-% 50 33 Pac Lighting (8)... 6 37% 36% 37%-% ^ ?, PooWHs 5 8% 8% 8% - % 7% 3% Pac Tin Consol .ZOe 2 3% 3% 3% - % 4% 2% Packard Motor .. 75 2% 2% 2% - % 25% 12 Pan-Am Airways . 68 13% 12 13%-% 1 % Panhandle 1 %, s^ % + ft 45% 29 PRraffine Inc 1.25e . 1 30 30 30 + % 8% 4% Paramount Pic ,15e. 37 4% 4% 4% - % 10% 6% Parana t 2d pt t 60). 3 6% 6% 6% - % 2% 1% Park Utah M 10e ._. 7 1% ]% 1% - % 44% 32% Parke Davts (.*0e). 6 33 32% 33 - % 22% 13% Parker Rust (la)__ 3 16% 16% 15%+ % 2% 1 Parmelee Trans_ 3 % % % - % 12% 5% Paths Film _ 6 6 6 6 -1 10% 5% Patino Mines_ 7 6 6% 6 — % •'”7» .o nugt; CJt) l.76e». 19 74% 73% 74% -2% 4 1% Penn-Dlxle Cement 8 2 2 2 — % 24% 15 Penn Raildoad ,50e. 66 17% 16 17% — % 38% 23 Peop G L&C (1.50e) 6 26 25% 25% -1% olu Per<» Marquette . 1 6% 6% 6% + % oni4 Per® Maruuette pf. 260s 13 12% 13 -1 o * Per* Mar0 pr pf ... 60s 21 21 21 -1% 6% Petrol Corp (.70g)_. 7 6% 6% 6% JJ”? 6% Pfeiffer Brew (1)._. 2 6% 6% 6% + % T?'4 nS Ph»lps Dodge ,50e.. 38 28% 27% 28% -2% 47 37% Phlla Co 6% pf (l)_. l 37% 37% 37%+% 85 74% Phlla Co pf (6)_ 1 71 71 71 -4 % V* Phlla* RCA 1 (r). 15 % % % 97% 68 Philip Uorris (Sa).. 9 73 72% 73 -2 41% 27% Phillips Petrol (2). 24 29 28 28% -1% 6% 2% Phoenix Hosiery 1 2% 2% 2% + % 66 37 Phoenix H pf 2.625k 59s 37 36 36 -1 28% 22% Pllisbury FI u.60) 1 22% 22% 22% - % 7 3% Pitts Coal 14 4 » 4 8% 4% Pittsbgh Screw .IBs 28 5% 5 5% - % 11 5 Pitts Steel 3 7% 6% 7% + % 34% 16% Pitts Steel pf-(B).. 190s 17% 17 17% 37 22% Pitts Steel pr pf ... 10s 25 25 25 +2% 19% io Pitts Steel B% pf... 10s 11% 11% 11%+% 16% 7 Pitts A W Va .. 60s 8% 8% 8% — % 22% 15% Plymouth 011 1.40.. 10 15% 15 15%-% 12% 6% Poor A Co (B) ... 3 6 6% 6 -1% 2% A Port K Am To Air). 2 % % % 14% 6% Pressed Steel Car.. 78 8 6% 7% — % 71% 53% Proctor A Gam (2a) 20 64% 64 54%-% 118% 112% Proctor AO pf (6) 20s 113% 113 113% + % 43% 82% PubSvc (NJ) 1.20e. 9 33% 32% 33%-% 116% 100 Pub SvclNJ )pf (6). 1 102 102 102 -1 32Vi 16% Pullman (.BOe) 33 18% 17% 18% + % 11% 7 Pure Oil . _ 68 7% 7 7% - % 89 74 Pure Oil pf (6) _ 8 74 73% 74 -1% 15% 9% Purity Baking .BOe. 9 10 9% 9% - % ‘ 7% 4% Radio Corp (.20e)_. 115 4% 4% 4% - % 69 48% RadioCovpf(8.60) 8 51 60 61 1% % Radlo-Kelth-Or (r) 1 % % % 23 16% Raybest-man .50e._ 1 16 16 16 29% 13% Rayonler Inc .. 20 15 13% 16 - % 37% 24% Rayonler pf (Ik)... 12 25 24 24 -1% 17% 10% Reading Co (1) ... 14 10% 9% 10%+% 13 6% Reis A Co 1st pf_ 20s '6% 6% 6% 8 6% Reliable Stores ... 1 6% 6% 6%+% 10% 6 Remlng Rsnd MOe) 13 6% 6% 6% 57% 42 Rem R'd pfww 4.60 1 40 40 40 -2% 69 52% RenssalaerAS (8). 10s 50 50 50 -2% 2 1 Reo Motor vtc ctfs. 17 1% 1% 1% — % 23% 14 Republic Steel_ 207 15% 14 15% - % New York Sugar NIW YORK. May 28 MV—Hedge sell ing and speculative liquidation, on less favorable Kurooesn news, pushed sugar futures lower today. Domestic contracts found trade support limited and prices sagged 3 to 7 points; July selling at 1.80, March 1.83. World futures met ™»«n Wall street baying orders, but failed to rally from early lows. Afternoon quotations were off 1 to 3 Mi points: July, 1.10: September, 1.09 Mi. Raw sugar was quiet. Puerto Ricos for mid-June clearance were offered at 2.80 cents, duty paid: Cubes for June shipment also were offered at a similar price. Refined was unsettled. Two Eastern re finers announced a 10-point reduction in their price basis on existing contracts only in an effort to stimulate withdrawals. Generally, the refined price was maintained at 4.50 cents a pound. ... . Futures No. 3 closed 3-6 lower; sales. 45,700 ton*. High. Low. Last. JuJ» v .1.81 1.77 1.80b September -1.86 1.8.1 i.85b January -1.81 1.78 l.80b . No. 4 future* 1V4-5 higher; tale*. 10,000 tons. High. Low. Last. gW~--iA84 IM l:i»b December_1.16 1.08 ii 1.16b b Bid. Frey. 1940 Stock and Sales— Net. Hlah. Ik>w Dividend Rate Add 00 High Low Close. eh*e 14% 7% Revere Copper 8 9 8 9 — V4 61% 43 Revere Cop 6V«% or 60s 40 40 40 -1 15% 8% Reynolds Metals 6 9% 8% 9% — % 96% 87% Reynolds M pf 6.60. 1 75% 76% 75%-19% 11% 6% Reynolds Spring 3 7'/, 6% 7% - % 63% 62 Reynolds Tob (le). 40s 62 52 52 44 35 Reyn Tob (B) (le). 23 35 34% 35 - % 8% 6% Richfield Oil (.60g) 64 6% 6% 6% — % 22% 12% Kuberold (1.10g)... 6 12% 11% 12%-% 53 34 Safewsy Stre 76e 8 37 36 37 -1% 111% 96 Safeway 8 of (6) 380s 96% 96 96% 42 29 St Joseph LeadUa) 6 30% 29 301* 4% 8% St L,-So'wn pf (r) 10s 4 4 4 — % 31% 17 Savage Arms ( 50*) 13 20 18% 20 -1 14% 7% Schenley Distillers 11 8% 8% 8% - % 85% 65 Schsnley pf 15.60) 2 65 65 65 - % % 74 Schulte Retail 8 (r) 17 % % % - i 7% 2% Schulte R S pf «r)_ 3 2% 2% 2% 49 34 Scott Paper (1.60). 2 36 35% 35% -1% % % Seaboard Air L ir) 6 % % % 1% % Seaboard A L pf (r) 1 % % % 20 11 Seaboard 011 (1) .. 3 13 12% 12%—1% 88 61% Sears Roebuck (3). 34 64% 62 64% -2% 16% 8% Servel Ino (1)_ 0 9% 9 9% - % 15% 8% Sharon Steel__ 2 9 9 9 6% 3 Sharp & Dohme_ 3 3% 3% 3% + % 7% 4% Shattuck (FGH.40) 9 5% 5% 6% — % 40% 34% Sheaffer Pen 2.25e_. 20s 34% 34% 34% 13% 8 Shell Un Oil (.60g) 9 8% 8 8% + % 6% 3% Silver King (,10e).. 4 4 4 4 24 12% Simmons Co .. 14 13% 12% 13% —1 2% 1% Simms Petroleum.. 2 1% 1% 1% 23% 13 Skelly Oil ( 25ei 3 13% 13% 13% — % 120 70 Sloss-Sheffleld 1.50e 20s 77 75 75 -2 114% 105 Sloss-Sheff pf (#).. 50s 107 107 107 -2 18% 10% Smith lA O) _ 5 11 10% 11 24% 16% Snider Pkg _ 1 15% 15% 15% -1 12% 7% Soeony-Vac 2Be 102 8 7% 774 — % 2% 1% So Am Gold (.10e)_. 1 1% 1% 1% — % * 30% 16% So Porto Rug (1)... 5 19% 18% 19% - % 152% 130 South P R pf (8) 10s 128 128 128 -2 30% 23% Southfi Cal Ed 1 60s 8 24 23% 23% — % 15% 6% Southern Pacific 5i 7% 7 7% — % 20’% 8 Southern Railway. 40 9% 8% 9% — % 34% 13% Southern Rwy pf 26 15 13% 15 - % 3% 1% Sparks Wlthlngton 4 1% 1% 1% 23% 17% Spencer Kell (1.60) 2 15% 15 15 -2% 47 33 Sperry Corp (2g)._. 36 37 35% 37 -1% 38% 19 Spicer Mfg (le)_ 2 22% 22% 22% -1% 57% 46 Spicer Mfg pf A (J) 50g 45% 45% 45% -1% 11% 4% Spiegel. Ino (.30e).. 22 5% 5% 5% - % 66% 46 Spiegel Ino pf 4.60.. 20s 48% 48% 48%+ % 40% 2674 Square D Co (.SOe). 6 28% 27% 28%-% 7% 5 Stand Brands ,20e._ 56 5% 5% 6% 2% 1 Stand Gas & Elec... l ly, 1% 1% - % 774 2% Stand G&E 14 pf .. 13 2% 2% 2% — % 18% 974 Sta/iri G&E $6 pr pf 2 10% 10% 10% -1 22% 12% Stand G&E 17 pr pf 7 13 1274 127« — 1% 26% 17% Stand Oil of Cal (1) 34 1874 17% 18%-% 29 2074 Stand Oil Ind (1) .. 70 21% 20% 21 - % 46% 30 Stand Oil N J (la) , 120 31% 30% 31%-% 34% 23 Starrett(LS) 1.25e. 7 28% 26 28% +2 80% 56 Sterl g Prod 3.Sfta . 7 60 59 59 * - % 84 44 Stewart-War (.25), 15 54 44 54 + 4 84 44 Stokelv Brothers .. 3 4*» 44 414 + 4 124 6 Stone A Webster_ 19 54 54 57, _ ^ 124 54 Studebaker ... 76 64 6 64 - 4 654 47 Sun Oil < la > .. 4 474 4714 474-174, 104 74 Sunshine Min 1 60.. 8 8 • 7*» 8—4 274 124 Superheater 1 50) . 4 14 13 14 24 14 Superior Oil .. 12 14 14 14-4 174 94 Superior Steel . 2 94 94 914 _ a4 354 20 Sutherl d Pap 1.20.. 2 20*, 204 20V,- 4 244 18 Swift & Co (1.20) _ 31 184 18 18 - », 32V, 18 Swift Inti (2) 14 18 174 18 -4 04 4*, Symlng-Gould ww. 7 54 4*, 54 74 3*i Symlng-Gould zw.. 9 4 34 4 7 44 Tennessee Corp ... 1 44 44 44— 4 474 33 Texas Corp (2) 57 35 33 35 +4 44 24 Tex Gulf Prod(.lOe) 16 2*, 24 24 -4 35*, 264 Tex Gulf Sul (2a).. 18 294 29 294 - 4 84 64 Tex PacCAO (.40). 10 5 4 5 4 54 -4 64 4 Tex Pae Ld Tr ,10g_ 10 4 4 4 424 31 The Fair pf.. 20s 304 304 304 -4 5% 3 Thermold 5 3 3 3 — ^ 34 204 Thermoid pf 1.75k .. 100s 25 234 25 74 24 Third Avenue 3 311, 31,, 3^ _ ^ 5*, 4 Thompson (JR). 1 4^ 4*, 44 + t* 38V, 274 Thomp Prod(.75e) 8 274 254 274 -14 24 1 Thompsnn-Starrett 11 1 12 9 Tide Wat As 0.40e 21 9 84 9 97 84 Tide W A U pf 4.60 1 81 81 81 -3 274 18 Timken-Det Ax (1) 11 19 184 19 -1 52 354 Timken R Brg 1.2£e 5 364 354 364 - 4 7 44 rrartsamerlca (60) 8 44 44 4.4 — 4 214 104 Transcon*1 A W Air 39 144 124 144 - 4 84 44 Transue A Will 15e 1 54 54 54 - V, 24 lv, Tri-Continental 2 14 14 14+1* 54 34 Truax TraerC 25e 15 34 34 34 -4 134 5 20th Century Fox 10 54 54 54 - 4 34 14 Twin City Rap Tr 2 14 14 14—4 30 134 Twin City Rap T pf 40s 14 134 14 -1 134 64 Twin Coach . 6 64 64 64 -4 45 26 Underw-El-F(le) . 1 26 26 26 -14 184 94 Un Bag A Pap ,15e) 34 10 94 10 -4 884 624 Union Carb (l.lOe) 45 63 61 63 -4 1164 1084 Union El(Mo)pf(6) 70s 107 106 107 +2 174 12 Union Oll(Cal).60e 26 124 12 124 98 71 Union Pacifle (6) 7 76 74 76—4 294 224 Un Tank Car (1.80) 4 24 4 244 244 - 4 534 404 Unit Aircraft 1.60e 94 434 404 434 — 4 234 12 Unit Air Lines 64 134 124 134 - 4 18 134 United Biscuit .50e 1 124 124 124 -14 119 111 Unit Biscuit Df <71 20s 1114 1114 1114 + 4 194 12 Unlt-Carr Fast ,60e 1 12 12 12 -1 24 14 United Corp 81 14 14 14 42 27V* United Corp pf (31 7 284 28 284 - Vi 74 4 United Drug .. 25 4 34 4 - 4 6 24 United Dvewood 1 24 24 24 + 4 654 40 Unit Dyewd pf (7) 10s 42',• 424 424 +1 54 24 Unit Electric Coal 7 3V, 3 3—4 35 254 Unit Eng A Fy (le) 1 264 264 264 + 4 854 60 United Fruit Ml 9 6:< 6I4 63 15 104 United Gas Implli 33 104 104 104 - 4 1174 108V, Unit Gas Imp pf (5) 1 109 109 109 -1 13*. 64 Unit Mer A Mfg 60e 7 7 64 64 - 4 74 3 United Paperboard 3 34 34 34 — 4 74 34 U S A For'n Secur.. 1 34 34 34 - 4 104 54 U S Freight ( 25e).. 4 54 54 54 — 4 89 554 U S Gypsum (2)_ 7 59 574 59 -1 28 14 U S Indus Alcohol.. 6 154 154 154 -14 74 34 U S Leather ... 2 34 34 34 - 4 124 6 U S Leather (A)... 8 7 64 7 - 4 384 22 U S Pipe A Fdry (2) 10 24 4 23 4 244 + 4 14 4 U S Realty A lm(r) 6 4 4 4 414 15 U S Rubber . .. 92 17V* 154 17V* - 4 117 684 U S Rub 1st pf (8). 9 72 69 72 —2 65 394 U S Sm A Ref (2e)_ 4 42 414 42 —3 684 42 U S Steel (le) _ 345 454 424 454 -14 1244 1034 U S Steel pf (7) .. 7 109 107 109 -14 394 32 U S Tobacco (1.28) 1 324 324 324 - ft 74 54 Unit Stockyds pf.70 8 6 4 5V* 54 _ Vj 24 1 Unit Stores < A) . 4 14 1 14 40 vanadium .. 62 29% 26 29 —Vi 49% 36% Vick Chemical (2a) 3 36 35% 35% - % 31% 19 Victor Chem (.30e)_ 1 19 19 19 31% 14 Va-Caro Chem pf 3 15 14% 15 —1 118 109 Va Elec Pwr pf (6) 20s 111% 111 HI — % 15% 5 Va Iron Coal&C pf 40s 6% 6% 6% - % 100 71 Vulcan Detln 4 50e 10s 75 75 75 -3 135 135 Vulcan Detln pf (7) 10s 128% 128% 128% -5% 7% 5% VValdort System 60 2 6% 6% 6% - Vi 36% 18% Walker (H) (4)_ 9 20 19 19%-2 6% 3 Walworth Co ... 29 3% 3 3% - % 9% 3% Ward Baking (A).. 1444 4% 2 Warner Bros Plct. 36 2% 2% 2% 50 30 Warner Bros Pic pf 30s 30 30 30 2 % Warren Bros (r) . 6 1 lit 1 31% 22 Warren Fy & P (2). 1 24 24 24 28% 20 Wasb'ton Q Lt 1.60. 1 20 20 20 - % 20% 13% Waukesha Mot (1). 1 14 14 14 + % 24 14 Wayne Pump <le)_. 1 16% 15% 15% -1% 4% 2% Webster Elsenlohr. 2 2% 2% 2% 29% 15% Wesson Oil & Snow. 1 16% 16% 16% — % 108 91 West Penn E pf (6) 20s 92 91 92 +1 115 96% West Penn E pf <7> 220s 98% 97% 97%-2 25% 11 W VaPulp & P ,25e. 1 14 14 14 _i 40% 22 West'n Auto S t2)_. 6 23 22% 23 — % 5 2% West’n Maryland_ 3 3 3 3 + % 8% 4% West’n Md 2d pf_ 1 4% 4% 4a; 28% 14% W-est’n Union Tel.. 24 15% 14% 15% -1% 28% 15% Westh’se A B .60e . 23 18% 17% 18% - % 118 76 Westhse Elec 1.75e 27 86% 82 86% +1% 138 110 Westhse El pf<3 60 30s 112% 112 112%+% 37% 26 Weston El Inst (2). 3 29 28 29 38% 27% Westvaco <1.40) .. 1 29% 29% 29% -1% 67 60 Wheel & L(le)._ 10s 60 60 60 -10 35% 18% Wheeling Steel 22 20% 18% 20% - % 13% 7% White Motor 18 8% 7% 8% — % 7% 3% White Sewtng Mch. 15 3% 3% 3% - % 3% 1% Wlllys-Ovsrland .. 31 2% 2 2% — % 6% 3 Wlllys-Overl’d pf.. 6 3% 3% 3% - % 7% 3% Wilson ft Co _ 25 4 3% 4 — % 27% 15% Woodward Iron_ 13 19 17% 19 -2 42% 30 Woolworth <2.40).. 48 30% 30 30% - % 24% 13% Worthington Pump 17 16% 14% 16% - % 129 95 Wright Aero <2g)._ 10s 100 100 100 -6 25 15% Yale ft Towns (.60). 1 15% 15% 15% - Vi 19% 9% Yellow Truck _ 79 11% 10% 11% - % 14 6% Young Spg ft Wire. 4 7% 6% 7 —1 48% 28% Ygstwn Sh ft T.25* 93 29% 27% 29% -1% 93% 86 Ygstn SAT pf 6.60 1 80 80 80 -6 28% 12% Ygstwn Steel D.50s 7 14% 13% 14% — y4 17% 8% Zenith Radio (Is).. 13 9% 9 9% - % 4% 2 Zenit e Products_ 16 2% 2% 2% — % Approximate Sales ot Stocks on the N. Y. Stock Exchange 11:00 A.M. 640.000 12:00 Noon. 790 000 1:00 P.M. 880.000 2:00 P.M .. 990.000 Total Sales for the day 1,260,000 ■ Unit at trading 10 ghmreg r In Bankruptcy or recelrerabln or Being reorganised under Bankruptcy Act. or gecurttlet assumed by such companies Rates ot dividend in the toresolne table are ennual die* bunements based on the last auarterly or lemi-annui) declara tion Unless Otherwise noted special or extr* dividends are not Included lit dividend sr Bx rttbti e alto extra or extras ? *te<* ONUd'hds pato last year eDeciared or paid ao tar this year f Parable in stock x Paid last year h Cash or >tock b Accumulated dividends said or declared this veer Early Slock Declines Ranging lo $7 or More Reduced Many issues Recover More Than Half of Sharp Losses Stock Averages 30 15 15 60 „ . . Indust. Ralls. Util. 8tks. Net change —1.1 —.4 — £ —.8 Today, close 53.9 13.5 31.1 38.0 Prev. day _ 55.0 13.9 31.9 38.8 Month ago. 72.0 18.8 39.0 50.2 Year ago... 67.6 19.2 37.5 47.8 1940 high.. 74.2 20.5 40.6 52.2 1940 low... 53.5 13.1 31.1 37.7 1939 high.. 77.0 23.8 40.6 53.9 1939 low... 58.8 15.7 33.7 41.6 60-Stock Range Since 1927: ... , 1037-38. 1032-36. 1027-20. High ... 75.3 72.8 157.7 Low 33.7 16.9 61.8 (Compiled by the Associated Press.) By VICTOR EUBANK, Associated Press Financial Writer. NEW YORK, May 28.—Traders dumped stocks In today's market, as war bearishness revived with the surprising capitulation of Belgium to Germany but bought some of them back later and substantially reduced early losses running to 7 or more points. The forenoon shock to sentiment was subsequently offset to some ex tent by Prime Minister Churchill's speech to the House of Commons declaring that, while the situation was exceptionally serious, the Brit ish and French would fight on to the finish. Blocks of 1,000 to 10,000 shares were turned over at the start as frightened holders scurried to neu tral territory. Several pivotal steels, aircrafts and motors were nearly 15 minutes late in making their ap pearance owing to difficulty of spe cialists in co-ordinating bid and asked prices. Offerings quickly dried up and a recovery move got under way. Deal ings, however, slowed to a crawl. At the close many issues which had slumped to new 2-year lows more than halved their early declines. Transfers were around 1,300,000 shares, with volume picking up a bit in the final hour. The belief that the domestic re armament program, already huge, would be greatly accelerated if the Nazis won, acted as a sustaining in fluence, notably for steels which were among the first to convalesce. Announcement of the adminis tration's plan to finance defense expenditures by new taxes, special bonds and an increase of $3,000,000 000 in the national debt limit, brought new market repercussions although some inclined to Interpret it as mildly inflationary. Conspicuous on the forenoon slide were United States Steel, Bethle hem, Chrysler, General Motors, Douglas Aircraft, Glenn Martin, Sperry, Du Pont, Eastman Kodak, American Smelting, Anaconda, American Telephone, Sears Roe buck, United States Rubber and Great Northern. Washington Exchange SALES. Capital Traction 1st 5s—$1,000 at 98 V $1,000 at 98. National Savings & Trust Co—3 at 200 V Lanston Monotype—10 at 26. Liberty National Bank—10 at 170. Potomac Electric Power 6% pfd.— 10 at 112V 1 at 112V Security Storage Co.—10 at 80. Mergenthaler Linotype—60 at 12 V BONDS * PUBLIC UTILITY. Bid. Asked. Anacostia & Pot 5s 1949._ 97 101 Ana & Pot Guar os 1949.. 106% Cap Traction 1st os 1947__ 97% 100 City A Suburban 5s 1948 98 108 Georgetown Gas 1st 5s 1961 115 _ Pot Elec Pow 3%s 1966 __ 103 _ Washington Gas 5s I960.. 122 _ Wash Rwy A Elec 4s 1951.. 106 ___ MISCELLANEOUS. Chevy Ch Cl 1st 4%s 1957 103 _._j Col Country C 1st 4%s 1957 103 _ TerBUtWCp 1st 4%s 1948 100 _ STOCKS PUBLIC UTILITY. Amer Tel A Te! (9)_ . 145% Capital Transit (t.50) __ 12 14 N A W Steamboat (4) 58 70 Pot Elec Pow 6't pfd (6i .*112 113(4 Pot El Pw 5%V pfd (5.50).’Ill Wash Gas Lt com (1.50) _. 20% 2114 Wash Gas Lt pfd (4..=>(»> _ 96% 101 Wash Ry A El com (g36)_-*600 _ Wasn Ry A El pfd <5)_*106 _ BANK AND TRUST COMPANY. Amer Sec A Tr Co (e8)_ 225 240 Bank of Bethesda (.75) .. 30 40 Capital (vlI 150 174 Com A Savings (ylO.OO)-- 300 Liberty <«>__... _ 168 200 Lincoln (y.5) . .180 _ Natl Sav A Tr (4 00) 190 Pr Georges Bk A Tr <t.60)_ 10 25 Rig'S (eS) __ _ 250 270 Riggs pfd (5) _ 101 _ Washington (6) 120 __ Wash Loan A Tr (e8)_ 225 ' FIRE INSURANCE. American (t«>_110 Firemen's (1.40) .27 National Union (.75)_ 13 18 TITLE INSURANCE. Columbia fk.30) _ 14 16 Real Estate (m6) _140 185 MISCELLANEOUS Carpel Corp (2.00) 24 30 Oarflnckel com (.70) 8% 10 G'finckel 6'1 cu cv pf (1.60) 22 26 Lanston Monotype (2.00).. *25% 30 Lincoln Serv com (ti.00) 17% 22 Line Svc 7(V. pr pf (3.50). 46% 52 Mergenthaler Lino (o 50)._ 12 13% Natl Mtge A Inv Df (d.35) . 3% 4% Peon Drug com new (tl.OO) 15% Real Est M A G pfd (.50) 5% 6Vi Security Storage (5) 75 95 ler Ref A Wb Corp (3) .. 53 58 W-»wd A Loth com <s2 00)_ 35 65 Wdwd A Loth pfd (7) 118 _ •Ex dividend. t Plug extras, d 35c paid in 1939. e 2% extra, g $14.00 extra paid December 23. 1930. k 20c extra. mS1.50 extra. p50o paid September 20. 1938, s *2.00 paid In 1939. 150c paid December 20, 1930. v*l.()0 extra paid January, 1940. y *6.00 Commodity Prices NEW YORK. May 28.—The Associated Press weighted wholesale price Index of 35 i smmodities today declined to 71.72. Previous day. 71.97: week ago. 71.90: month no, 73.87: year ago. 07.04. 1940. 1939. 1938. 1933-37. Hhth _ 75.29 75.22 74.37 98.14 Low 71.40 63.78 63.86 41.44 (1926 average eauals 100.) Miscellaneous Markets. Additional New York markets as com piled by the Associated Press: WOOL TOP—Futures closed 22 to 28 points lower. July, 85.5: October, 83 7 December. 83.4b; spot, standard tons! 93.0. LEAD—Futures closed unchanged. Selea. 9611,1)00 pounds, all switches. ZINC—Futures closed s higher. Salem. 240.000 pounds May. 5.88n. ^ STRAITS TIN—Futures closed 100 ta 20o hisber. Sales. 235.200 pounds June. 52.00n; July. 51.75n: December. 60 25n COCOA—Futures closed 6 to 8 lower Sales. 6.217 tons. July. 4.64n; September! 4.7(): December. 4.79n. CRUDE RUBBER—Futures closed 1 higher to 40 lower. Sales. No. 1 standard 59 contracts. July. 19.30-34: Sent ember 18.10: December. 17.60n. Smokedrlbbed! . RAW SILK—Futures No. 1 closed 14 higher to 2 lower. 8 ales. 430 bales^June. 2.62-6214: September. 2.6314b: November! RAW HIDES—Future! alosed 31-41 tower. Salea. 10.080.000 lb*. June BAmr Seotemtar. 9.74; December. 9BSb biid i'NotiiSi"11^ "£****'