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iU.S. Abandons Appeal iln Teamsters' Union t Monopoly Case Action Follows Decision Limiting Responsibility Of Labor Groups t By J. A. FOX. In the wake of a Supreme Court decision yesterday holding that tlabor unions are subject to the ’.Sherman Anti-Trust Act only when .they are responsible for “some form of commercial competition in the ^marketing of goods and services,” the Justice Department today an nounced the Government was dropping plans to appeal from the District Court ruling which freed four teamsters’ union officials from monopoly law charges here early this month. The department assigned no rea son for the decision which was said to have been reached several days *go. It was believed in some quar ters, however, that the principle laid down by the Supreme Court would Jiave made prosecution difficult in a case such as this, where the Gov ernment alleged that a jurisdic tional strike involving two American Federation of Labor unions had re strained trade. As one phase of the Nation-wide drive against abuses in the building industry, which are being prosecuted under the Sherman Act, the Gov ernment charged that the Team sters’ Union had brought about a strike which caused a tie-up in con struction here last fall in an effort to replace members of the Oper ating Engineers’ Union with their own members on concrete-mixer trucks. The defendants denied that ft jurisdictional dispute caused the strike, contending that it was called In an effort to increase wages. Verdict Is Directed. ! After arguments were concluded Justice Letts granted a defense mo tion for a directed verdict, saying the action of the defendants was ♦“just as consistent with innocence fes with guilt.” The four defendants were Stuart M Keyser, Charles J. Bell, Linwood A. Trainham and Aubrey W. Stream. The Government has appealed to the Supreme Court in a similar case from St. Louis where the Dis trict Court quashed the indictment of a group of union officials. There, it was pointed out today, however, the element of boycott is present along with the jurisdictional strike issue. With the Supreme Court decision under study today at the Justice Department, the opinion was voiced by Thurman Arnold, Assistant At torney General in charge of the Anti-Trust Division, that it would reach the building industry re straints which the Government seeks to curb, through indictments in a number of large cities where unions and employer groups are accused of combining to raise prices. The status of labor under the Anti-Trust Act was defined by the court in holding that the Apex Hosiery Co. of Philadelphia could not collect damages under the Sherman Act from a C. I. o. local which staged a sit-down strike in which the Apex plant was wrecked by rioters, and its normal operations halted for six months in 1937. Slaps at “Sit-Down.” The 6-3 decision of the court was read by Justice Stone, who said that the sit-down constituted a “lawless invasion and destruction of property by force and violence of the most brutal and wanton character,” but that it did not fall within the scope of the act. The American Federation of Labor, whose building trades unions are targets of the Government drive, has been contending that the Clayton Act exempts labor from prosecution under the Sherman Act, which pro hibits restraints of trade, but the court brushed aside this contention. "While we must regard the ques tion whether labor unions are to some extent and in some circum stances subject to the act as settled in the affirmative, it is equally plain that this court has never thought the act to apply to all labor union activities affecting interstate com merce,” the decision said. In a sharp dissent. Chief Justice Hughes, who was joined by Justices McReynolds and Roberts, declared the majority interpretation of the act was “too narrow” and that it opened “vistas of new uncertainties” in the application of the law. Restraint on Competition Needed. “This court,” said Justice Stone, “has never applied the Sherman Act in any case whether or not involv ing labor organizations or activities unless the court was of the opinion that there was some form of re straint upon commercial compe tition in the marketing of goods and services; • • • this court has re fused to apply the Sherman Act in cases like the present, in which local strikes conducted by illegal means in a production industry pre vented interstate shipment of sub stantial amounts of the product, but in which it was not shown that the restrictions on shipments had op erated to restrain commercial com petition in some substantial way. “In the cases considered by this court since the Standard Oil case of 1911, some form of restraint of commercial competition has been sine qua non to the condemnation of contracts, combinations or con spiracies under the Sherman Act, and, in general, restraints upon competition have been condemned only when their purpose or effect was to raise or fix the market price. This is not a case of a labor or ganization being used by combina tions of those engaged in an in dustry as the means or instrument for suppressing competition or fix ing prices. Here it is plain that the combination or conspiracy did not have as its purpose restraint upon competition in the market for petitioner's (Apex) product.” l/BJMD ACI UIM. “A combination of employee neces eajjly restrains competition among themselves in the sale of their seSrices to an employer,” the court continued, “yet such a combination was not considered an illegal re straint of trade when the Sherman Act was adopted”—in 1890. In the light then of the later Clay ton Act, declaring that labor is not a commodity or an article of com merce, the decision said, “it would seem plain that restraints on the sale of an employe’s services to the em ployer, however much they may cur tail the competition among em plofres, are not in themselves com binations or conspiracies In restraint of trade or commerce under the Sherman Act.” Chief Justice Hughes’ dissent took sharp exception to the majority Auto 'Repairman' Sentenced After Victimizing Visitors An automobile racket victimizing out-of-town visitors brought a sentence of $50 or 30 days in jail to Donald T. Hendricks, 36, a self styled mechanic, who yesterday pleaded guilty in Police Court to a charge of tampering. f Arrested Friday by Park Police man C. A. Mellott, Hendricks, who told police he was a resident of Richmond Hill, Long Island, was ac cused of tampering with automobiles parked near the Washington Monu ment, Lincoln Memorial and on the Ellipse, causing the machines to “stall” within 100 feet when driven off by their owners. The defendant, Mr. Mellott testi fied, chose cars bearing license plates of States, indicating the own ers were strangers in the city. A colored laborer working on the Ellipse saw the youth approach an Ohio car, jift the hood and work a few minutes on the motor. He then lowered the hood and walked away. When the owner drove off In the car. it went only a short distance before sputtering to a stop. Hen dricks then appeared, offering his "services” as a passer-by and me chanic. it was testified. He “re paired” a fuel pump and charged the victim $4-95. The owner, police said, was only one of more than a half-dozen tourists who had been cheated by the ruse. Two Ohio residents—Herman P. Rosetti of Vermillion and Gerald Hasenpflug of Amherst—also turned in similar reports to police. Hendricks traveled in a car bear ing Florida license plates. In it police found four old fuel pumps and a large assortment of tools. Admitting his guilt, the defend ant said he did it because he needed money to send to his family in Florida. He said he was en route from New York to Florida, where he was employed last winter. opinion that precedent was being followed in the present case. “The view is announced,” he said, "that the Sherman Act was not di rected at those restraints which fall short of any form of market control or a commodity such as to mono polize the supply, control its price or discriminate between its would-be purchasers. That is, in short, that it does not apply to the direct and intentional obstruction or prevention of the shipment or transportation of goods to fill the orders of custo mers in interstate commerce such as we have here. I do not read our decisions as either requiring or justi fying such a judicial limitation of the provisions of the act. Rather, I believe that they point to a con trary conclusion.” The dissenting opinion also com pared the broad application that has been given to the National Labor Relations Act, in seeking to reach unfair labor practices that affect interstate commerce, with the find ing here. “It would indeed be anomalous,” Chief Justice Hughes said, “if, while employers are bound by the Labor Act because their unfair labor practices may lead to conduct which would prevent the shipment of their goods in interstate commerce, at the same time the direct and intentional obstruction or prevention of such shipments by the empn.yes were not deemed to be a restraint of inter state commerce under the broad terms of the Sherman Act.” The decision affirmed a ruling by the Federal Circuit Court of Ap peals at Philadelphia, which re versed a District Court verdict granting Apex a $711,932 judgment under the triple-penalty provisions of the Sherman Act. The appellate court said there had been no at tempt by the union to restrain in terstate commerce, and that Apex had its remedy in an “appropriate” tribunal. The company announced today that it would seek $1,000,000 damages in the Pennsylvania courts. The trouble at the plant was stirred when the Full-Fashioned Ho siery Workers sought a closed-shop contract at the time it was said to have had but eight members ih the 2,500 employes of the plant. School Children fo Visit Home of Douglass Public school children will make the annual pilgrimage to the home of Frederick Douglass, noted colored leader, at Cedar Hill, An ac ostia, to day. A memorial service will be held, with students in all levels of in struction represented. Mrs. Julia West Hamilton will speak, and Mrs Velma Williams, a member of the Board of Education, will preside. Music will be given by the Cardoza High School Orchestra and the Stevens Elementary School Glee Club. Other schools taking part will include Miner Teachers’ College, Gamet-Patterson Junior High School and Biraey Elementary School. The program is under the direc tion of the Douglass Home Memorial Committee, of which Mrs. Thelma Bryant is chairman and A. K. Savoy, assistant superintendent of schools, is adviser. Liner Roosevelt Safe From German Attack, Berlin Assures U. S. Warns Embassy That Foes Plan to Molest Refugee Vessel By the Associated Press. BERLIN, May 28.—The German government informed the United States Embassy today that the strictest orders had been issued to German naval units not to molest the United States liner President Roosevelt on its journey to Ireland to evacuate Americans. Germany, however, warned the embassy that it had information that Germany’s enemies, in an ef fort to disturb American-German relations, planned an attack on the Roosevelt. Orders Issued to Navy. The German government, in a communication to the embassy, said: “Ships which travel in the man ner indicated by the American Gov ernment (that is, unarmed and without escort) are, according to the fundamental principles of German conduct of war, in no danger from German arms. But in considera tion of the fact that this American ship will travel through the war zone which American ships usually avoid, the German government has notified its forces of the voyage and has issued strict orders that the ship be permitted to make the Jour ney without hindrance. “It may be observed in addition that there are no German sea forces along the route of the journey from and to America. Any possibility of danger to the vessel from the Ger man side is, therefore, excluded." Fifth Column Activity Denied. In informing the embassy-it had avUWicf ibat an attacfcjm IfeffcBrec fde5t Roosevelt was pStmed by Ger many's enemies, the German govern ment ’ expressed hope the United States would take “appropriate measures to forestall such criminal designs.” German authorities sought to quiet American fears concerning the possibility of fifth column opera tions in the Western Hemisphere. They charged that stories of al leged “Nazi sabotage acts" in the region of the Panama Canal and of Nazi demonstrations in Mexico were “inventions of the British se cret service to arouse fear and to stimulate the war psychosis in the United States ’’ Committee Calls Off Hatch Act Meeting Plans to take up the Hatch Act in the House Judiciary Committee to day went awry when a committee meeting was called off because the House went into session at 11 a.m. Backers of the measure, which would curb political activities of State em ployes paid from Federal funds, had hoped to get the bill to a vote. Why Must They Die? No. 22 Z* -One of a Series of Factual Analyses of D. C. Traffic Fatalities_ The place: Connecticut avenue and N street N.W. The accident: A 64-year-old man was fatally injured when he ran into the right front door of a north bound automobile on Connecticut avenue about 21 feet, north of the crosswalk at N street N.W. The victim died four hours later in Emergency Hospital from a frac tured skull and internal injuries. Inquest testimony revealed that the man had first gone across Con necticut avenue from a loading plat form at N street to a parked taxi cab on the east side of the thor oughfare to inquire about the fare to the Southeast. Then, seeing a streetcar proceeding south on the thoroughfare nearing the loading platform, he suddenly wheeled and started to run back to the platform and ran into the side of the auto mobile. The driver said she had no opportunity to avoid the man. The time: About 7 pm.. May 18. Weather: Clear. Visibility good. The street: Straight and dry with a slight downgrade. The vehicle: A1836 sedan. Brakes were described by police as good. The driver told police she was traveling between 20 and 26 miles per hour. The driver: A 38-year-old woman with six years’ driving experience and no previous accident record, she claimed. She said she had no opportunity to avoid the man, since he ran into her car without ap parently watching for traffic. The man was not thrown by the car, but dropped to the ground at the point of impact Coroner’s Jury verdict: Accidental death due to carelessness of de ceased, and the driver released. Three Are Reappointed To Public Library Board Theodore W. Noyes, Wendell P. Stafford and Albert W. Atwood to day were reappointed by the Com missioners as members of the Board of Trustees of the Free Public Li brary. Their present terms expire June 19. The terms are for six years each. Mr. Noyes is presi dent of the board. ! a Diagram shows how a middle-aged man crossed Connecticut avenue from a loading platform at N street N.W. to a taxicab parked across the street and then suddenly wheeled around to run back to the platform, intending tb catch a southbound streetcar. He ran into the right front door of a northbound automobile about 18 feet west of the east curb of the thorough fare and about 21 feet north of a crosswalk atN street. Theman fell on the spot* fatally Injured. Wire-Tapping Probe Told by Girls of Defectives' Offer Women Say They Spurned $200 Jobs in Office Of Democrats' Foe By the Associated Press. Two young Pennsylvania women, former college students, testified today they had been offered $200 a month to work for a private detec tive who “wanted to run the Demo crats out of Pennsylvania and then out of the country.” Miss Virginia Campbell of Phila delphia, a graduate of the Univer sity of Pennsylvania, told a Senate committee investigating wire tap ping that Basil Needham, an agent for a New York detective agency operated by Frank B. Bielaski, said he would “arrange for me to meet prominent Democrats in Phil adelphia ” Both Miss Campbell, a 21-year-old blond, and red-haired Virginia Stintz, Uniontown, Pa., said they had refused positions as reception ists in Mr. Needham's Philadelphia office which originally were tendered to them. Linked to Magazine Article. Both told the committee Mr. Needham had informed them he had “either written or aided in pre paring a magazine article on the insurance business” of James Roose velt, son of the President. Miss Campbell remarked that Mr. Need ham had said “and it was very effective.” The young women both testified that Mr. Needham contacted them through the Rev. William B. Stimson of Philadelphia. Mr. Stimson explained to the com mittee that a cousin, Henry Bowen Stimson, New York, had called him to say Mr. Needham would contact him to try to find a girl to be receptionist. Later, Gov. William H. Vanderbilt of Rhode Island said a “train of circumstances” caused him to “won der a little bit” about his attorney general in respect to prosecution of 1938 election frauds and “municipal corruption.” Questioned About Jackvony. He made this assertion in response to questions by members of the Sen ate committee as to whether the Governor had "any reason to doubt the integrity of the attorney gen eral, Louis V. Jackvony.” Mr. Jackvony’s wires were tapped during the course of an investigation by a private detective agency em ployed by Gov. Vanderbilt. After testifying that he had con ferred with Matthew W. Goring, former assistant attorney general who was dismissed by Mr. Jackvony, about employing outside investi gators, Gov. Vanderbilt said he had held that conference because Mr. Jackvony had rejected a proposal for obtaining outside aid. Mr. Goring, the Governor de clared, had “complained very bit terly about delay in prosecuting the election fraud cases.” Racing Results Belmont By the Associated Preaa. FIRST RACE—Purse. $1,200; claiming: 2-year-olds: 6 furlongs. TrlDlt (James) 3.70 300 2.40 Rippling On (Renlek) 10.60 4.80 My One lEccard) 2.80 Time. 1:00*4. Also ran—Brown Flower. Red Welt and Sweet Sukey. SECOND RACE—Purse. $1,200; claim ing; 3-year-olds; 7 furlongs. Maechance (James) 7.30 3.80 2.80 Dark Level (Arcaro) 5.80 4.00 Be Prepared (S. Renlek) 3.60 Time. 1:27. Also ran—Tyrone. Bun Lark Old River, Maeace and Bouncealong. Suffolk Downs By the Associated Press. FIRST RACE—Puiae. $1,000: maiden 2-year-olds: 4*4 furlongs. Winabeau (Taylor) 11.20 4.00 2.80 Meriotorious (Bye) 3.00 2.40 Rosalie R. (Delpino) 2.60 Time. 0:68*5. Also ran—Arestlno. Sly Heels and Oay Mate. SECOND RACE—Purse. $1,000: claim - lna; 3-year-olds and up; 6 furlongs (chute). Savltar (Ross) 6.00 3.00 2.60 Pore Isus (Bassett) 4.40 3.00 John Allen (Schutte) 3.60 Time. 1:18*4. Also ran—Tramp Ship. Marson and The Grey Nun n. (Dally Double paid $40.40.) Thousands Respond To Mrs. Roosevelt's Red Cross Appeal Gifts Include Quarter From Girl, 11, and $10 From Elderly Woman When Mrs. Roosevelt urged Amer icans to obey the Red Cross sum* mons to “love thy neighbor as thy self” a little girl and an elderly woman were among the thousands who heard her and responded. Into the District Red Cross head quarters yesterday came a quarter and a $10 bill. The first was from 11-year-old Jennie Ammann of 2032 Belmont road N.W. The bill was from the elderly woman, who didn’t give her name, but told officials at Red Cross headquarters it was “for myself and my husband.” She also volunteered the state ment: "The Red Cross always does the right thing.’’ Inspired by a similar sentiment, Washingtonians so far have con tributed $39,573.87 toward the Dis trict Red Cross’ $150,000 goal. Treasury Employes Lead. Treasury Department employes led yesterday’s contributions with a gift of $653.15. The Tariff Com mission was second with $96. The total from booths scattered through the city’s banks and stores was $767.12, giving Red Cross offi cials reason to believe that Wash ington's givers wil not only reach the boal, but exceed it. To emphasize the desperate need, the Red Cross made public a cable from France, adding that “every cable from our representatives in France paints a blacker and more appalling picture of condi tions among the millions of refugees fleeing from the battle zones.” Refugees Swamp Paris. The cable follows: “ Paris is swamped with terror stricken, hungry, exhausted men, women and children. Roads from the north are cluttered with carts, bicycles, bullet-scarred automobiles. Under the shadow of the Palace of Versailles, voluntary first-aid work ers are bathing feet of old men, women—some who walked 40, 50, 60 miles in past three days. Stockings had to be cut from lacerated, swollen, blistered feet. Many were too tired to eat. Women faint at sight of food—too starved to eat. There are pens of unidentified, frightened children under 8 years of age at every refugee concentration point. French peasants, aristocrats work side by side in best democratic fashion.” A picture of the need abroad will be presented to the Soroptomist Club at its luncheon meeting in the Wil lard Hotel tomorrow by Mrs. Lewis Clark, a member of the Nurses’ Aide Corps of the District Red Cross. Contributions War Relief Gifts Received by Star The following contributions to the Red Cross War Relief Fund have been received by The Star. Con tributions forwarded to The Star cashier will continue to be acknowl edged in the news columns. Amelia D. Potts_ $1.00 Kate George . 5.00 Phillip Diatz, M. D. 5.00 Ben D. Dreyfuss . 15.00 Edna Dreyfuss_ 5.00 John S. Beach._. 3.00 Thomas Salts .... 100.00 A. V. W. 2.00 Laura V. Snuggs.. 10.00 American Women’s Legion .. 10.00 Jessie M. Stabler . 5.00 “In memory of Vadim’s moth er” ... 100 E. H. A. 1.00 M. C. Lee.--. 5.00 Employes of the Commercial Office Service . 15.00 S. C... 1.00 E. W. and H. W. . 10.00 Mrs. H. W. Erisman_ 2.00 Jesse Burritt . 20.00 Total - $216.00 Previously acknowledged... 307.00 Grand total .$613.00 Baseball (Continued Prom First Page.) Walker doubled down the left field line scoring Welaj. Gordon threw out Bonura. One run. NEW YORK—Crosetti walked. Knickerbocker sacrificed, Lewis to Bonura. Keller singled to center, scoring Crosetti. Di Maggio hit into a double play, Pofahl to Bloodworth to Bonura. One run. Washington, lr New York, 1. SECOND INNING. WASHINGTON—Time was called as a steady rain began to fall. After a delay of 25 minutes the skies cleared and play was resumed. Bloodworth popped to Gordon. Po fahl walked. Ferrell flied to Di Maggio. Haynes struck out. No runs. NEW YORK—Dickey popped to Bloodworth. Selkirk was credited with a double when Case slipped in fielding the ball. Gordon doubled down the left-field line, scoring Selkirk. Dahlgren flied deep to Welaj, Gordon taking third after the catch. Gordon scored on a wild pitch. Russo singled to center. Crosetti was hit in the back by a pitched ball and took first. Knick erbocker singled to right, scoring Russo and sending Crosetti to third. Keller singled to left, scoring Crosetti. When Knickerbocker over ran second he was out, Walker to Bloodworth. Four runs. Washington. 1; New York, 5. THIRD INNING. WASHINGTON—Case filed to Sel kirk. Lewis walked. Walaj hit Into a double play, Knickerbocker to Gordon to Dahlgren. No runs. NEW YORK—Hudson replaced Haynes on the mound for Wash ington. Pofahl threw out Di Mag gio. Dickey popped to Pofahl. Sel kirk walked. Gordon hit a 415-foot home run into the Yankee bull pen, scoring Selkirk ahead of him. Gahl gren walked. Russo took a third strike. Two runs. Washington, 1; New York, 7. FOURTH INNING. WASHINGTON—Walker beat out a slow roller. Bonura singled to right, sending Walker to tbfrd. Bloodworth fanned. Pofahl hit into a double play, Gordon to Crosetti to Dahlgren. No runs. NEW YORK—Crosetti flied to Welaj. Knickerbocker singled to left. Keller filed to Walker. Di Maggio walked. Dickey singled to right, Meting Jtaiokarboctar and Countess van Rechteren Limpurg (left), wife of the Coun selor of the Netherlands Legation, who came to the District Chapter of the Red Cross this morning to inquire about her rela tives and friends abroad, is one of the many persons who daily request such information from the Home Service Department of the Red Cross. Mrs. F. S. Clark (right), a volunteer worker of the department, is taking the inquiry.—Star Staff Photo. Two D. C. Democrats Qualify as Members Of Central Committee Names of Others Are Withheld Until After Executive Meeting Two local Democrats, Identified with the movement for open prim aries In the District, through which all party members here would be given ample opportunity to vote for delegates to the Democratic National Convention and for members of the local Democratic Central Commit tee. have qualified as candidates for membership of the committee. They are Sidney Katz, executive secretary of the Industrial Union Council, and Harlan Wood, attorney, who is a director of the Independent Democratic Associatidn, a group of Democrats leading the fight for an open primary. Mr. Wood also is past department commander of the American Legion in the District While admitting Mr. Katz and Mr. Wood had qualified as candi dates, Russell Balderson, the Cen tral Committee chairman, today de clined to give the names of others who have so qualified, until after a meeting of the Executive Committee scheduled for tomorrow morning. He indicated, however, there will be no real contest in the primary for committee membership, because the number of candidates filing. 22, is the same number of committee memberships to be filled by elec tions. Following the Executive Commit tetee meeting tomorrow morning, voting places for the primary on June 5 are to be announced, it is said. Walter F. Bramhall, secretary of the Central Committee, said all resi dents of Washington who are Demo crats or interested in the party’s aims, are qualified to vote in the primary. Polling places will be es tablished in Georgetown, on Georgia avenue, residential Northeast and Southwest Washington and in the Willard Hotel, the exact location of those other than in the hotel to be announced after the committee meets. A resolution asking Mrs. J. Bor den Harriman, United States Min ister to Norway, to accept renomi nation as Democratic national committeewoman for the District of Columbia recently was adopted by the Democratic Central Com mittee of the District, it was an nounced yesterday. The resolution asked Mrs. Harri man to continue as committeewom an “even though her duties require her presence in Scandinavia.” It de clared “the entire United States hails with great satisfaction and ap preciation the outstanding achieve ments of Mrs. J. Borden Harriman as American Minister to friendly and beleaguered Norway.” Further, the resolution expressed “appreciation for her many long years of service rendered to the cause of the Democratic party and its principles." A subcommittee consisting of Mal colm S. McConihe, national com mitteeman; Melvin D. Hildreth and Russell Balderson was named to see that the resolution reached Mrs. Harriman. Mrs. Ella J. Miller Will Be Buried Today Mrs. Ella J. Miller, 83, of 5116 New Hampshire avenue N.W., widow of William O. Miller, died Satur day at her home after a long ill ness. She was a native and life long resident of Washington. Funeral services were to be held at 3:30 pm. today at the home, with burial in Rock Creek Ceme tery. Mrs. Miller is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Robert E. StiUions, Mrs. John R. McChesney and Miss Sarah Miller, all of this city. sending Di Maggio to third. Dickey was picked off first, Ferrell to Bo nura. One run. Washington, 1; New York, 8. FIFTH INNING. WASHINGTON—Ferrell filed to Selkirk. Hudson singled to right. Case filed to Selkirk. Lewis forced Hudson. Gordon to Croaetti. No runs. • NEW YORK—Selkirk singled to center. Gordon sacrificed, Hudson to Bonura. Dahlgren filed to Case, Selkirk holding second. Russo fan ned. No runs. Washington, 1; New York, 8. SIXTH INNING. WASHINGTON—CrosetU threw out Welaj. Walker doubled to right for his third straight hit. Walker took third as Russo tossed out Bonura. Blood worth singled to left, scoring Walker, but was out at second attempting to stretch the hit, Selkirk to Gordon. One run. NEK YORK—Pofahl throw out Crosetti. Knickerbocker doubled to left, for his fifth straight bit in two days against the Nats. Keller walked. The bases were filled when Lewis fumbled Dl Maggio's grounder. Dickey popped to Pofahl. Selkirk fanned. No runs. Washington, 4; Mm York, t, 25 Per Cent Increase In Budget Approved By Women Voters Definite Action on Means of Raising Money Proposed The District. Voteless League of Women Voters today voted to in crease its budget next year approxi mately 25 per cent over estimated expenditures last year, the action being taken at the annual meeting at the Y. W. C. A. Vacation Lodge near Cherry dale, Va. Ways and means were discussed to raise the money, but definite ac tion was postponed. The Increased budget is in line with the extension program of the National League of Women Voters. The proposed budget is for $2,070, while this year’s budget was for $1,571.56. A recommendation was made for the league to continue its campaign for a new and suitable building for the Women’s Bureau and the House of Detention. Mrs. Pearl B. Klein, chairman of the department of government and legal status of women last year, included this rec ommendation in her final report. This department, by action of the National. League, recently was ab sorbed by other departments. Mrs. Klein also recommended that the league conduct an action campaign on behalf of the right of married women to continue employ ment in both private and public life. A total of 448 paidup members in the league at the present time was reported during the morning ses sion. Most of the morning session was devoted to reports of the recent national convention in New York while reports of department chair men and suggestions for next year's program were to be made at the afternoon session. Mrs. M. O. Lorenz, local league president, pre sided. Michelson in Mayo Clinic Charles Michelson, publicity direc tor for the Democratic National Committee, has entered Mayo Clinic at Rochester, Minn., for what his office here today described as “just a checkup.” Mr. Michelson arrived at Rochester this morning, according the Associated Press. Congress in Brief TODAY. Senate: Considers bill to authorize Fed eral aid for hospital construction. Labor subcommittee hears New York and Chicago Mayors on Pepper employment bill. Military Committee considers Army construction bill House: Debates naval and Interior De partment appropriation bills. Judiciary Committee resumes study of Hatch bill. Weather Report (Punilihed by the United States Weather Bureau.) District of Columbia—Increasing cloudiness tonight, with showers be ginning late tonight or tomorrow; not much change in temperature; lowest tonight about 55 degrees; moderate northwest winds becoming variable. Maryland—Increasing cloudiness tonight followed by showers tomor row; not much change in temperature. Virginia—Increasing cloudiness followed by showers tomorrow and in extreme south portion tonight; not much change in temperature. West Virginia—Mostly cloudy followed by scattered showers tonight and tomorrow; slightly cooler in west portions tomorrow. JW_____ Pressure continues relatively low off the Middle Atlantic Coast, while e disturbance has developed over New England. Boston. Mass., rooft.5 millibars (29.78 Inches). The disturbance over the upper Greet Lakes region la moving slowly southward. Chi cago. 111. 1.010.2 millibars <29.83 Inches), while pressure continues low over the West Gulf States and the Par Southwest, Alnlne. Te*. 1.006.1 millibars (29.71 Inches). Pressure Is relatively high over the South ern Appalachian region. Charleston. W. V*., 1.015 9 millibars (30.00 Inches), and over the Northern Plains, Pierre. S. Dak- 1.020 millibars (30.12 Inches) During the last 24 hours there have been scattered showers in portions of the Atlantic and Gulf States, the Central Talleys, the Southern Plains, the Middle Rocky Mountain region and the upper Great Lakes region Cool weather continues In the Central Talleys. Revert for Last 24 Hears. Temperature. Barometer, Yesterday— degrees. Inches. 4 p.m._ 71 29 90 8 p.m. - 65 29.91 Midnight _ 59 20.90 Today— ta.m._ 66 29.90 a.m._ 64 29.92 Noon _ 73 29.99 2md far Kjm4 24 man (Prom noon yesterday to noon today.) Highest. 73. at noontodar. Year ago. 92. Lowest. 55, at 6 a.m. today. Year ago. 73. Rsesrl Tsmperatare This Yaw. Highest. 92. on May 14. Lowest. 7. on January 29. ■■aridity far Last 24 Hears. (Prom noon yesterday to noon today.) Highest. 98 per eent at 9 p.m. yee Lowest. 39 per cent, at noon today. Rieer Repart. Potomac and Shenandoah Rivera muddy | Great11??®! todZj1'' Poto,n*c mud<tT The Sea and Moan. Rises. Sets. Sun. today _ 4:46 7:24 Sun. tomorrow_ 4:46 7:26 Moon, today-12:07 a.m. 11:36 aJB. Automobile lights must be turned or one-half hour after sunset. Prasipttstien. Monthly precipitation In Inches in the Capital (current month to date): Month. 1940. Ave. Record. iSSSEy —z: itf r March_ 3.42 3.75 April_6.19 3.27 _ 2.74 “ ' Tide Tablet. (Furnished by United States Coast and Geodetic Survey ) Today. Tomorrow. High -12:55 a.m. 1:49 a.m. Low - 7:47 a.m. 8:43 a.m. High _ 1:13 p.m. 2:08 p.m. Low _ 8:07 p.m. 8:58 P.m. Weather in Various Cities. ^Temp.^ Rain t Baro. High Low. fall. Weather. Abilene... 29.89 87 63 0.10 Cloudy Albany .. 29.83 77 57 0.03 Cloudy Atlanta 29.97 78 59 0.09 Cloudy Atl. City _ 29.86 66 56 0.43 Rain Baltimore 29.89 70 66 0.22 Clear Btrm'gham 30.00 75 60 0.43 Rain Bismarck .30.12 68 40 _ Cloudy Boston .. 29.77 75 59 _ Cloudy Buffalo 29.94 71 49 Cloudy Charleston 30.00 81 70 0.02 Cloudy Chicago . 29.83 66 53 0.61 Cloudy Cincinnati 2994 71 49 0.16 Rain Cleveland. 29.94 68 47 Clear Columbia 30.00 84 63 0.06 Cloudy Davenport 29.91 69 51 0.36 Cloudy Denver 29.97 66 51 0.24 Cloudy Des Moines 29.94 68 50 0.01 Cloudy Detroit . 29.81 67 62 ... Clear El Paso _ 29.77 88 61 -. gear Galveston- 29.89 83 71 0.01 Cloudy Helena — 30.00 71 46 0.12 Cloudy Huron 30.09 69 41 . Clear ffl® 3:S? Si S? 0 01 » Kan». City 30.00 76 61 0.06 Fbggy L. Angeles 29.91 67 58 Cloudy Louisville 29.94 67 60 0.08 Rain Miami 30.00 86 74 cloudy Mpls.-SLP. 29.97 67 51 0.15 ClMdy N. Orleans 29.94 86 70 Rain New York. 29.83 65 56 0.40 Rain Norfolk 29.94 80 61 0.19 Cloudy Okla. City 29 94 72 61 0.09 Rain Omaha 30.03 70 46 Pear Pbtlad’phla 29.89 71 59 0.28 Cloudy Phoenix 29.77 100 65 ... Cloudy Pittsburgh 29.97 70 62 - ‘ PHI nd. Me. 29.80 76 60 ... PHI d. Ore. 29.81 74 52 ... Raleigh .. 29.94 82 60 _ St. Lrnli 29.97 76 50 ... 8. Lake C. 29.80 76 50 ... S. Antonio 29.83 84 67 _ San Diego 29.91 65 58 _ 8 Pr’ciseo 29.94 57 52 _ Seattle .. 29.97 68 44 _ Spokane 29.94 72 41 _ _ Tampa 30/in 91 70 Cloudy WA8K .D C. 29.91 79 55 0.04 Clear Peralta Stalina (Noon. Oreenwteh time, today.) Horta (Payal), Asores 85 Cloudy (Current observations.) s&sraSr*-?? s sss Coton. Canal Bum_ 50 Goody Plans for Girls' Clubsj Wait Fuller Report On Existing Facilities Committee Agrees To Inspect Results Of Current Survey A civic committee headed sy Miss Sibyl Baker of the Recreation De partment yesterday decided that fuller use of existing facilities through larger staffs and more in viting programs should be tried be fore organization of special girls’ clubs. The group met at the Force School after an earlier meeting called by Commissioner John Russell Young to consider the desirability of form ing girls’ clubs along the lines of the Police Boys’ Clubs. The committee generally agreed to await the results of a survey now being conducted on the unmet needs in recreation for girls and to sum up what is now being done by pres ent facilities. This will probably be several weeks, it was indicated, Enlarged Committee Named. Commissioner Young, who today received a report of the study from Chairman Baker, announced that an enlarged committee would develop the program further, members of the group being: Judge Fay Bentley, Mrs. Smith Hempstone, Miss Elizabeth Howry, president of the Women’s Auxiliary of the Metropolitan Police Boys' Club; Mrs. Prank Linzel, president of the Washington Council of Church Women; Mrs. C. D. Lowe, president of the District Congress of Parents and Teachers; Mrs. Wil liam C. McNeill, Mrs. Gabrielle Pelham, Capt. Rhoda Milliken, Mrs. Horace Phelps of the Federation of Women’s Clubs; Mrs. W. A. Roberts, Council of Social Agencies; Mrs. Edward Sonnebom. president of the Council of Jewish Women; Mrs. William C. Van Vleck, president of the Washington Branch of the American Association of University Women; James S. Vance and Roy Klomparens of the Georgetown Lions Club; Mrs. Henry Grattan Doyle, Mrs. Ernest H. Daniel, John Paul Jones and Mrs. Eleanor Pat terson. Agencies Might Expand. At committee meetings the point has been stressed that various agencies now offer activities for girls which might be expanded. Those listed were, for white girls. Neighborhood House, Friendship House, Juanita K. Nye Council House, Georgetown Children’s House, Christ Child Society, Opportunity House, Girls’ Friendly Society, Jew ish Community Center, Girl Scouts, Southeast Boys’ Club, Georgetown Boys’ Club, Y. W. C. A., Y. M. C. A., Salvation Army and the District community centers and playgrounds, and for colored girls, Northwest House. Southwest House, Southeast House, Twelfth Street Y. M. C. A., Twelfth and U Streets Boys’ Club, Phyllis Wheatley Y. W. C. A., Girl Scouts. Salvation Army, Police Boys’ Club and the District community centers and playgrounds. Engraving Bureau Rites Will Honor War Dead Senator Mead, Democrat, of New York will head a list of distinguished speakers at the memorial service in the Bureau of Engraving and Print ing Annex Auditorium tonight under auspices of a committee headed by James F Kehoe of the American Legion. It will be a service for the dead of all wars and for deceased employes of the bureau. Others speakers will include J. B. Fitzgerald, national vice commander of the American Legion; Maj. Ed ward Dolan, register of the Treas ury, and Gen. Frank T. Hines, ad ministrator of veterans' affairs. Among guests invited are Senator Gurney of South Dakota, Repre resentative Anderson of Missouri, Representative Flannery of Pennsyl vania, Daniel W. Bell, Undersecre tary of the Treasury; Alvin W. Hall, director of the Bureau of Engrav ing and Printing; Arthur Giegen gack, public printer ; Miss Marguerite E. Le Hand, private secretary to the President; Rabbi Isadore Breslau, William T. Slattery, department commander, and five national offi cers of the American Legion and the presidents of the various organi zations within the bureau. Comdr. Ernest Dwyer is in charge and James F. Kehoe chairman of the committee.