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a; (Earh of * WALTER. JOSEPH A. The family of the late JOSEPH A. WALTER wish to ex press their thanks and aporeclatlon to their rolatives and friends for the many beautiful floral tributes and acts of kind ness durinar their bereavement. MRS. MABEL WALTER AND FAMILY. • Eratlfi BAKER, LAURA E. On Tuesday. May SS. 1940. at her residence. 2413 North Capitol st.. LAURA E. BAKER. She Is aurvived by her daughter. Mrs. U. W. .Richards of Cleveland. Ohio. '' Funeral services at the Brooks funeral Rome. Starks, Md . on Thursday. May 30, at 11 a m. Internent Black Rock. Md. BENNETT. GERTRUDE B. Departed this life Monday. May 27. 1940, GER TRUDE B BENNETT of 404 South Capitol at., beloved daughter of John and Emma Bennett and devoted sister of Nettie C. Moxley and Grace E Bennett Remains testing at Robert Campbell’s funeral home. *23 4th st s.Vi Funeral Thursday May 30. at 1 pm., from her late residence Relatives and friends invited. Interment Woodlawn Cemetery. BROWN. DOMINIC. On Wednesday. Mav 29. 1940. DOMINIC BROWN, father of Jessie Tolliver. Lillian Ware. Rosie Jack son. Carrie and Arthur Brown He also leaves one brother, one sister, two grand children 8nd other relatives and friends. Remains resting at Stewart's funeral home. 80 H st n.e Notice of funeral later. BROWN. WILLIAM R Departed this life Monday May 27 1940. at Freedmen’s Hospital WILLIAM R BROWN. He leaves to mourn a loving wife- Susie E. Brow-n: two devoted daughters Mabel Mosby and Beatrice Turner, and other relatives and friends Remains mav be viewed at his late residence. 4Rfi M st. s.w.. on Thursday. Mav 30. after 2 n.m. Remains will lie in state after 10 a m. cn Friday. Mav 31. at the Rphoboth Bap tist Church. 1st st between N and O sts. s w . where funeral services will be held at 1 p.m . Rev Johnson officiating. Ar rangements by Barnes Ar Matthews. BROWN. WILLIAM R. Morning Star Lodge. No 40. I B. P. O E, of W.. will hold » session of sorrow Wednesday. May 29. 1940, at R pm. at the home, lflth and Qup sts n w . to arrange for the funeral *f our late bother. WILLIAM R. BROWN. Funeral Friday. Mav 31. at 1 pm., from Rphoboth Baptist Church. 1st st. between N and O sts. s.w , _ , DR LEO S HOLTON Exalted Ruler. JOHN W. JANIFER. Secretary. CARMEAN. EUNICE. On Monday. May 27. 1940. EUNICE CARMEAN. Funeral services at Chamber.'’ Riverdale funeral home on Wednesday. Mav CO. at 3 pm. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. CONWAY. EARL M. On Wednesday. Mav 2ft. 1940. EARL M CONWAY Of 2121 11th st. n.w Remains resting at Frazier's funeral home. .'ISO R I ave. n.w. Notice of funeral later. 30 COOPER. OANIEI.. On Sunday. May ^6 1940, at Freedman's Hospital DANIEL COOPER, beloved father of C.ladys Well ford and Preston Cooper. He leaves one sister and six brothers, other relatives and 'riends. Remains may be viewed at the Snowden A- Davis funeral home. Rockville. Md . on Wednesday. Mav 29. after 1pm. Funeral Thursday. May 30. at 2 pm. frrm Mount C.lorv Bantlst Church. CroPley, Md . Rev. Ernest Gibbs officiating. 20 DRIC.GS, HOUSTON' H. On Tuesday. Mav 2S. 1940. of heart attack. HOUSTON H DRIGGS He was the son of the late Capt William H Dricgs U. S. Navy, and cf the late Mrs Driggs. He is sur vived by his sister. Mrs H. M. Jensen, vufe cf Can' H M Jensen. U. S. Navy, and a niece. Mary Anna Jensen. GORDON. MINNIE F. On Monday. May 27. 1940. at her residence. 1235-A South Capitol st MINNIE F GORDON, devoted wife of Vincent F Gordon, daughter of Shedrick Dickerson and the late Katie A. Dickerson, sister of Phoeba Wright. Annie Hudson and Leila M HoDktns. Also other relatives and friends survive. Remains resting at Eugene Ford's funeral home. 1300 South Capitol st.. where remains may be viewed Thursday after 4 p.m. Funeral Friday. May 31. at 1 p.m- from Zion Baptist Church, F st. between 3rd Rnd 4th sts. n.w. Interment Harmony Cemetery 30 GROETTCM. RICHARO E. On Tues day May 28 1949. RICHARD E GROET TUM of 1547 North 19th st.. Arlington. Va.. beloved husband of Mabel Groettum and father of Theodore. Roger. Richard E 1r.. and Suzan Groettum. and Mrs. Mar jorie Stamp. Remains restine e.t the Ives funeral borne. 2847 Wilson blvtl . Arlington. Va . where funeral services will be held Friday. Mav 31, at 2 p m Interment private. 30 HERBERT. JOHN R.. JR. Suddenly. Monday. Mav 27. 1940. at 0:15 p.m . JOHN F HERBERT. Jr . of 143 Thomas st. n.w . son of the late John R. and Mary Herbert, loving husband of Lucie B. Herbert, de voted father of Sherman. Ellsworth and Celeste Herbert: brother of Eugenia Reese. Rhine Stewart. James T. and Joseph Her bert. Remains resting at his late resi dence after 11 a m. Thursday. Mav 30. Funeral from the Malvan A Schey fu neral home N. J. ave. and R st. n.w., Fri day. Mav 31. at I p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Lincoln Me morial Cemetery 30* JORDAN. RUTH. On Sunday. May 26. 1940. at Gallinger Hospital. RUTH JOR DAN. She leaves to mourn their loss a husband John Jordan: one daughter Gladvs Dudley: one son. Malvin Dudley; one sister. Mary Jackson: also other rela tives and friends. Remains resting at Eugene Ford’s funeral home, 1300 South Capitol st.. until Wednesday after 4 p.m.; thereafter at 311 McClain av». s.w. Funeral Thursday. May 30. at 1 P.m - from thp above-named chapel. Interment Favne's Cemetery. KIDWELL. JOHN BENJAMIN. On Mon day. Mav 27. 1940 JOHN BENJAMIN KIDWELL. beloved son of the late George Kidwell and Louisa Kidwell and brother of 5 Franklin Kidwell and the late Helen Kidwell. Funeral services Thursday. May 30 at 2:30 pm Vale Church. Vale. Va. In terment church cemetery 29 LEE. JAMES F. On Sunday May 26. 194” at his residence. 4615 Sheriff rd. n e JAMES F LEE. beloved husband of Mrs. Fcua Lee. devoted father of Illie Belks. Nellie V and Fairbanks Lee and Elise Ward. He also leaves two grandchildren and other relatives and friends. Remains resting at the W Ernest Jarvis funeral church. 1432 You st. n w Funeral Thursday. May 30. at 1:30 p.m., from Highway Church of Christ. W st. be tween fh and 5th sts n.w . Elder Morris clficia'ins. Relatives and friends Invited. Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. 29 MARTIN, MARY. On Monday. May 27 1940, at Garfield Hospital. MARY MARTIN devoted wife of Ollie Martin. Br and mother of Merrick. Walter. Harry. Ida. David and Ollie Martin, jr.: sister of Olivia Woodland. She also leaves five grandchildren and other relatives and friends. Remains resting at the W. Ernest Jarvis funeral church. 1432 You st- n.w. Funeral Thursday. May 30. at 11 a.m . from St Mary's Episcopal Church. Char lotte Hall. Md. Relatives and friends in vited. Interment Charlotte Hall. Md. 29 MILLER. SARAH C. On Tuesday. May 28 1949. at the residence of her daughter. 7 16 Gresham pi. n.w.. SARAH C. MILLER, wife of the late George Miller, mother of Rev. Levi B. Miller. Ruth Smith. Ethel Murray and Marv Kenerson. Other rela tives and friends also survive. Remains may be viewed at the above address after 6 p m Thursday. Mav 30. Funeral Friday. Mav 31. at 11 a.m.. from the Ebenezei M. E. Church. 4th and D sts. s.e- Rev. F F. King officiating Relatives and friends invited. Interment Waldorf. Md. Arrangements by Thomas Frazier Co. 30 MURRAY. CATHERINE L. On Monday. May 27. 1940. at Emergency Hospital. CATHERINE L. MURRAY, beloved wife of Morris H. Murray of 1261 Simms place B.e.. and mother of Mrs. Walter White. Funeral from the Saflell funeral home. 475 H st. n.w- on Friday. Mav 31. at 9:30 a m. Requiem mass at the St. Matthew's Cathedral at 10 a m Relatives and friends Invited, interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 30 PADGETT, MARY E. On Tuesday. May 28. 1940. at her residence. 924 8th st. n.e.. MARY E. PADGETT, aged 71 years, wife of the late William E. Padgett and mother of George E- William C . Thomas R- Leonard E. and Harry E. Padgett. Funeral services at her late residence on Friday. Mav 31. at 2 pm Relatives and friends invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 30 RILEY. JOHN O. On Tuesday. May 28. 1P40. at his residence. 1014 D st. n.e.. JOHN O. RILEY, husband of the late Emma W. Riley, father of John W. Riley. Miss Mae C. Riley. Mrs. Hattie M Stans fleld and brother of William S. Riley. Remains restine a! the Lee funeral home. 4th st. and Mass. ave. n.e.. where services will be held on Friday. May 31. at 11 a.m Relatives snd friends invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 30 SALE. JOSEPH W. On Monday. May 27. 1040. JOSEPH W. SALE, beloved hus band of Lura E. Sale and father of Perry W. and Clinton E. Sale. Mistress Callie D. Snell and Mrs. Rosa L Walton. Remains resting at Chambers' funeral home. 517 11th st. s.e- until ll a.m. Thursday. May 30. Interment Lakewood Cemetery. Bolling Oreen. Va. 29 SAXE. SAMUEL E. On Tuesday. May 28. 1940. at his residence. 1938 4th st. n.e.. SAMUEL E. SAXE, beloved husband cf Estella Saxe and father of Leo C. and Glenn T. Sexe. Remains resting at the Lee funeral home. 4th st. and Mass. ave. n.e.. until 10 p m. Wednesday, May 29. Interment Dushore- Pa. 29 FUNERAL DIRECTORS. J. William Lee’s Sons Co. EITNERAl DIRECTORS Crematorium ♦th and Mass, Aye, N.E. Lincoln B8W. LINCOLN 0372. LINCOLN 0468. Zurhorst Funeral Home, Established 1857. Day and Night Ambulance Service. City Calls. $2. V. L. SPEARE CO. Neither successor to nor connected with the orlilnsl W R Spear, establishment 1009 H St. N.W. NatlonaT*en»s CEMETERY LOTS. CEDAR HILL. LOT 20. SECTION 19. VERT desirable location; leavlnz town: sacrifice. Lincoln 6590-J. FUNERAL DESIGNS. GUDE BROS. CO. Floral Pieces t«I« r St. N.W.National Htt. GEO. C SHAFFER. Inc JwsgVk£BuUBffti!F& Co. 14th & Eye ,/H Dean, Hopkins Quit Justice Department For Private Life Jackson Aide Goes Into Law Firm; Trial Section Chief Joins U. M. W. Two members of the official stall of the Justice Department an nounced their resignation today, Gordon Dean, special executive as Gordon Dean. slstant to At torney General Jackson, leaving Government service to re enter the private practice of law, and Welly K. Hopkins, chief of the trial sec tion of the Crim inal Division, going to the United Mine Workers as as sistant general counsel. Mr. Dean came to the department in 1934, and in addition to extensive legal work has been in charge of public relations for much of the time under At torneys General Cummings, Murphy and Jackson. Among the cases which Mr. Dean argued in the Su preme Court were the first growing out of the so-called Lindbergh kid naping law, the criminal appeals rules and the National Firearms Act. A native of California, Mr. Dean is a graduate of the law school of the University of Southern Cali fornia. For a time he was assistant W. K. Hopkins. dean oi uuKe University Law School. He will be associated in private practice with Brien Mc Mahon, former head of the Criminal Divi sion of the Jus tice Department. Mr. Hopkins entered the de partment in 1936 and has repre sented the Gov ernment in a number of im porrant cases, including the Harlan County conspiracy trial, and the Southern Illinois bombing cases, in which 36 defendants were convicted of anti-trust law violation and con spiracy to obstruct the mails. He served in the Texas Legislature sev eral years. Farmer Found Guilty Of Stealing Steer By a Staff Correspondent of The Star. ROCKVILLE, Md„ May 29.—Al len D. Schaeffer, a tenant farmer at Darnestown, was found guilty in Circuit Court yesterday of stealing a steer owned by Thomas C. Darby of Darnestown. Judge Stedman Prescott deferred sentence until June 4. The steer allegedly jumped a fence from the Darby farm to the farm on which Schaeffer is a tenant, and Schaeffer is said to have kept it for three weeks and then arranged with John H. Haines of Damascus to sell the animal. Haines obtained a severance of trial and will be tried at a later date. The court granted a change of venue to Clifford H. Sikes. Washing ton taxicab driver, who is charged with attempted criminal assault upon a 14-year-old girl. The case will be tried in Baltimore. Houston H. Driggs Dies; Former D. C. Resident Houston H. Driggs of Bronxville, N. Y„ died yesterday at the Low rence Hospital in Bronxville of a heart attack, it was learned here today. A son of the late Capt. .William H. Driggs, U. S. N., and the late Mrs. Driggs, Mr. Driggs formerly lived in Washington. His sister, who sur vives, is Mrs. Henry Martin Jensen, wife of Capt. Jensen, U. S. N„ now assigned to New London, Conn. He is also survived by a niece, Miss Mary Anna Jensen of New York City. Funeral arrangements have not been completed. Drattja SIMMONS. EDITH E. On Tuesday. May 28. 1940. at her residence. 1341 Newton st. n.w . EDITH E. SIMMONS, beloved wife of James K Simmons. Services at the S. H. Hines Co. funeral home. 2901 14th st. n.w . an Friday. May 31. at 11 a m Relatives and friends in vited. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. 30 . SNYDER. MARTHA. On Monday. Mar 27. 1940. at Madison County. Va.. MAR THA SNYDER, beloved wife of the late Edmond 8nyder. mother of Susie J. Wash ington. Edward and George Snyder and Rebecca James: devoted daughter-in-law of Emma J. Snyder and devoted friend of Mrs Bell Hundley. She also leaves thirty eight grandchildren. forty-nine great grandchildren. fourteen great-great-grand children and a host of other relatives and friends. Interment at Madison County. Va. • STANTON. THOMAS. Departed this life on Tuesday. May 28. 1940, at 1:30 a m., at St. Elizabeth's Hospital. THOMAS STANTON Remains resting at the fu neral home of George W. Lewis Si Co., 2032 8th st n.w. Notice of funeral hereafter. TALBOTT, JAMES H. On Sunday. May 26. 1940. at Mount Alto Hospital. JAMES H. TALBOTT, beloved husband of Mabel A. Talbott, son of the late John L. and Elizabeth Masson Talbott of Prince Georges County. Md. He also is survived by one brother and two sisters. Funeral from Chambers' funeral home, 517 11th st. s.e.. on Wednesday. May 29. at 1:30 P.m. Relatives and friends in vited. Interment Arlington National Cem etery. THOMPSON. WILLIAM. On Saturday. May 25. 1940. at Baltimore. Md.. WIL LIAM THOMPSON. Remains resting at Frazier's funeral home. 389 R. I. ave. n.w. Funeral services Thursday, May 30. at 9 a.m.. at Indianhead. Md. WALKER. AGGIE. On Wednesday. May 29. 1940. at Galllnger Hospital. AOOIE WALKER. Remains resting at Frazier’s funeral home. 380 R. I. ave. n.w. Notice of funeral later. MO St! flltmartam NAYLOR. LAURA VIRGINIA. In loving remembrance of our mother. LAURA VIR GINIA NAYLOR, who pasted away thirty two years ago today. May 29, 1908. Oh. happy hours we once enjoyed. How sweet the memory still: But death has left a loneliness The world can never fill. Days of sadness still come o'er us. Hidden tears so often flow: Memory keeps you always near us. Although you left us thirty-two years ago. Gone, but not forgotten. HER DEVOTED CHILDREN. • TWINE. CARRIE. A tribute of love to our devoted mother. CARRIE TWINE, who Sassed away twenty-five years ago today, lay 29. 1915. Loved, remembered, longed for always. Bringing many a silent tear. HER CHILDREN. • YOUNG. ELIZABETH F. In devoted memory of our loved one. ELIZABETH F. YOUNG (nee Buie), who departed this life fifteen years ago toddy. May 29. 1926. Oh. happy hours we once enjoyed. How sweet the memory still; But death has left a loneliness her Mother" husband*' and chil dren. 9 * ■1 CAPT. ROBERT P. MOLTEN. Capt. R. P. Molten, Aircraft Carrier Commander, Dies Saratoga Officer Succumbs Aboard Ship After Heart Attack Capt. Robert Patter Molten, U. S. N„ commanding officer of the air craft carrier Saratoga, died suddenly yesterday of a heart attack while aboard his ship in Honolulu, the Navy Department revealed today. He was 53 years old. The officer’s wife and family live at 4 Rosemary street, Chevy Chase, Md. Since his graduation from the Naval Academy in the class of 1911, Capt. Molten had seen service in Washington twice. He studied at the Anacostia air station in the early 20s and in 1929 was assigned as aeronautical aide to the Assistant Secretary of Navy. For his services during the last World War on the North Sea mine barrage, he was awarded the Victory Cross. Capt. Molten had taken over the command of the Navy’s aircraft car rier only last March and had joined in the Pacific maneuvers. Transferred to Asiatic Fleet. Following graduation, he was as signed to the battleship Minnesota and the next year was transferred to the Asiatic fleet on the old battle ship New York. He returned to this country in 1915 as engineer officer aboard the minelayer Baltimore, which later operated in the North Sea during the war. At the close of the war Capt. Mol ten served as aide and flag lieuten ant on the staff of the Pacific fleet commander-in-chief. Studying at the Naval Aviation School here, he was designated as naval aviator. Between 1924 and 1927 he commanded the Naval Air Station at Coco Solo, Canal Zone, and later was placed in charge of the air department of the carrier Langley. commanded Aircraft Squadron. Capt. Molten was placed In com mand of the aircraft squadron and the fleet air base at Coco Solo in 1932, following his assignment here as aide to the Assistant Secretary of Navy. Completing post-graduate work at the Naval War College in Newport, R. I., in 1935, Capt. Molten was made an executive officer of the Saratoga. In addition to his widow. Mrs. Elizabeth Wylly Molten, he is sur vived by two sons, Robert P.. jr„ and Richard W.; a daughter, Miss Alice L., all of Chevy Chase, and a sister, Mrs. A. H. Van Keuran, wife of Ad miral Van Keuran of Washington. Funeral arrangements have not been completed. Retail Stores to Close All retail stores in Washington, with the exception of drug stores, will be closed tomorrow in observ ance of Memorial Day, Edward D. Shaw, secretary of the Merchants and Manufacturers’ Association, an nounced today. LI 2204 AT 1622 T. Frank Murray FUNERAL HOME 741 11 Hi St. S.E. Ambulance Service Cramatieni 1 JUNE 2 IN $4* fcuaiittg ftlar A Harry C. Grove, 71, D. C. Civic Leader, Slugged and Robbed Stunned by Blow After Parking Car Near His Home Harry C. Grove, 71-year-old Dis trict civic leader, was slugged and robbed by a colored thug late last night as he neared his home, at 2708 Cathedral avenue N.W., after parking his automobile. Mr. Grove remained in bed this morning with a severe cut on the right side of his head and bruises on his legs and arms. He was treat ed by a private physician. The attack occurred on Twenty seventh street. His assailant knocked Mr. Grove to the street with a blow on the head, apparently inflicted with a heavy stick, and rifled his pockets. He escaped with the vic tim's wallet, containing $10 and identification cards. Mr. Grove, who is president of the Connecticut Avenue Citizens’ Association, was stunned by the blow, but managed to walk home where a doctor was summoned. Among other civic activities, Mr. Grove holds membership in the Northwest Council of Citizens’ As sociations and the Washington Board of Trade. Carl c. Powell, Capital Transit Co. driver, told police a change car rier containing $10 in cash and takens was stolen from a bus parked in Rock Creek Park. Mr. Powell said he left the bus momentarily at the end of the line and on his return the carrier was missing. He said he suspected several youths seen loitering near the bus. Blast and Fire Raze Rumanian Arms Plant By the A'sncUted Presi. TIMISOARA, Rumania, May 29 — A nitro-cellulose plant recently equipped with German machinery burned to the ground today with a loss estimated at 40,000,000 lei (about $208,000). An explosion of undetermined origin preceded the blaze. r1—1 ~ Gannett Says N. L. R. B. Is Doomed if He Wins SALT LAKE CITY, May 29.— FrankQannett's first act as Presi dent, if he were elected, would be to “fire the National Labor Relations Board, which has done so much to retard recovery and promote strikes and strife,” the New York publisher saidin a public address last night. "By stopping persecution of busi ness, encouraging new enterprise, re vising our labor laws, we can bring peace in industry,” he added. Race Track Cashier Accused of Larceny Special Dispatch to The Star. CHARLES TOWN, W. Va., May 29.—A grand larceny warrant has been Issued here for Paul Leo Han dley of Fairmont, W. Va., a cashier in the mutuel department at the race track. Handley, it is charged, disappeared Friday when a checkup revealed a shortage of $550. Handley, accused of the first em bezzlement at the track, was work ing his second meet. Richard E. Groetfum Dies of Heart Attack Richard E. Groettum, 51, associate editor of the United States Law Week, died of a heart attack last night while at the Colonial Village Clubhouse in Arlington, Va. A native of Minneapolis, Minn., where he began his career as a pub lisher, Mr. Groettum joined the stall of the legal publication in 1930 and was instrumental in its reorganiza tion. Mr. Groettum attended the uni versity of Minnesota Law School and was a member of the American Bar Association and the Minnesota Bar Association. He Is survived by his widow, Mrs. Mabel Olson Groettum; three sons, Richard E.. jr.; Theodore R. and Roger W„ and two daughters, Mrs. Marjorie Stamp and Miss Suzanne M Groettum. all of Arlington. Also surviving are his mother, Mrs. John R. Groettum; three sisters, Miss Rosetta G., Miss Anne and Miss Ada G. Groettum, and two brothers, Julius M. and Clarence A. Groettum, all of Minneapolis. Every Family Com Afford Ryan Strvict A Complete Organization To insure perfection in every funeral service we handle, an organization trained in efficient, dignified service is maintained. Yet the cost is always kept within one’s ability to pay, whether the services are sumptuous or simple. Air conditioning assures comfort under the most extreme weather conditions. TO WAR VETERANS' FAMILIES: Call Ryan for perfect Funeral Servlcet with the knnwlerlee that you will not forfeit any Veteran » Funeral Allowance to which you are entitled. James T. Ryan Funeral Direttor 317 Pa. Are. S.E. ATlantic 1700-1701 Radioman Killed at Sea In Unusual Accident ■» the Associated Press. NORFOLK, Va., May 29.—The Coast Guard cutter Hamilton yes terday brought to port the body of Chief Radioman William B. Swan of the cutter Pontchartrain, killed MS MSS utsuuuni avbSUbiiV Hb oca, Comdr. F. 8. Yeandle of the Ham ilton said Swan was working behind the switchboard of the Pontchar train In rough weather 500 miles at sea. The cutter was rolling, and Swan was thrown against high voltage wires and burned on the chest and leg. His wife and two children reside in Staten Island, N. Y„ where the body was to be sent today. Modest Girl Loses in Court LOS ANGELES, May 29 (JP). — A 16-year-old high school girl who refused to take shower baths in the presence of other girl students lost her $10,000 damage suit against the Alhambra School Board yesterday and her fight to have her expulsion order revoked. 0NUMENTS MO up MARKERS ♦15”p FALVEY TE CO. INC jftSSMSfe NtarHotk Cmto Cimitma " JWLORlIOO MEMORIAL DAY SERVICES At the Little Church of Fort Lincoln Bladensburg Road, at the District Line 11:00 A.M. Thursday, May 30 Dr. James H. Miers Wilt Speah on 'THE RESURRECTION HOPE" Music by the choir of Foundry Methodist Church Justin Lawrie, Director The Public Is Invited SOUND AMPLIFICATION FOR THOSE OUTSIDE OF THE CHURCH port Jiacoln, ^emeter^ r™ 4 Big Modern Air-Conditioned Funeral Homes MAIN FUNERAL HOME 14th & Chapin N.W. Columbia 0432 GEORGETOWN 31st & M N.W. Michigan 0123 SS2S^2E5S5SS2S55S^SS^=S^=a 60 SERVICES INCLUDED with every Chambers funeral regardless of cost. This beautiful half-couch casket offers a fine tribute in a dignified and complete modern funerbl at a single price. Complete ML C | Funeral | ^0 Chambers* Fleet of Cadillacs^^t II Chambers' Garage Cars and Ambulances SOUTHEAST 517 11th St. S.E. Atlantic 6700 SUBURBAN Riverdole, Md. Warfield 1221 Complete Funerals, $75, $95, $125, *150 and Up