Newspaper Page Text
All Groups of List Share in Advance On Bond Market Buying Policies Based On Conservative Lines; Gains of 2 Points Scored 1 Bond Averages CO 10 10 10 | Rails. Indust. Util F’gn. Net change +.2 —.1 +.2 +.3 Today, close 48.5 99.0 90.7 36.4 Prev. day.. 48.3 99.1 90.5 36.1 Month ago. 58.0 103.4 97.1 46.7 Year ago... 56.9 99.9 96.1 62.3 1940 high.. 59.9 103.6 97.5 53.5 1940 low... 48.3 99.0 90.3 36.1 1939 high.. 64.9102.0 97.5 64.0 1939 low... 53.4 95.8 90.4 41.7 10 Low-Yield Bonds. Close.... 108.6 108.7 M’nth ago 112.9 Year ago. 112.2 1940 high 113.2 1940 low. 108.5 1939 high 112.6 1939 low. 103.6 (Compiled by the Associated Press.) Bs the Associated Press. NEW YORK, May 29.—The bond market moved up fractions to more than 2 points today. While buying policies were based on conservative lines, all groups ehared in’ the advance at the start of the last hour. Traders seemed reassured by the stamina the list showed yesterday in the face of gloomy foreign news and Washington reports that around *3,000.000.000 of new Government financing might be in the offing. Higher in the foreign division were such issues as Denmark 4>/2s, Canada 4s. Belgium 6'2s. Norway 4s. Italy 7s, Tokio City 5'2s and Germany • 7s of '49. German Central Agricultural Bank 6s of July '60 dropped 5 '/2 at one time. Only a few U. S. Government loans appeared on the tape, mostly at slight advances, while traders pondered implications of proposed Federal spending plans. Corporates ahead included Ameri can & Foreign Power 5s, Santa Fe 4s, Commonwealth Edison con vertible 3V2s, Erie 5s of '75, Inter national Hydro Electric 6s, Canadian Pacific Perpetual 4s, National Dairy 3%s and International Telephone 5s. Selective buying was sustained up to the close, when most of the ac tive issues were about the day's best levels. Boston & Maine 5s were especially strong, ending up 5'« points at 44 V Canadian Pacific 4s likewise displayed running stamina, closing up 3>2 at 36'2. 425 Tons of Lead Sold NEW YORK, May 29 <£>).—St. Joseph Lead Co. reported 200 tons of Southeast Missouri pig lead sold yesterday at $4.85 per 100 pounds, East St. Louis; 25 tons at 5.05, New York, and 200 tons at the New York average. Dividends Announced NEW YORK. May 29.—Prepared by Fitch Publishing Co. Extra. Pe- Stock of Pay Rate riod. record, able Gen Relnsur Co N Y 25c __ 6-8 6-15 Lamaque G Mines_10c __ 6-10 7-1 Amer Hawaiian SS_50c_6-16 6-29 Paased. Falconbridge Nickel Minea. Decrease. Amer Safety Raz Co-20c Q 6-11 6-29 Pet Corp of Am_35c __ 6-12 6-28 Regular. Ala Gt Sou R R 6% of $3 6-8 6-28 Do ordinary _ $3 6-8 6-28 A1 Chem A Dye_$1.56 Q 6-8 6-20 Brillo Mfg A_50c Q 6-15 7-1 Brillo Mfg _ 20c Q 6-15 .-1 Carpenter Steel $1.25 6-10 6-20 City A Sub Homes.. 25c __ 6-1 6-4 Clark Controller _25c 6-6 6-14 Clorox Chemical 75c Q 6-18 6-25 Creameries of Amer_12'/aC Q 6-10 6-29 Draper Corp _75c Q 6-1 < -1 Eddy Paper_25c 6-15 6-29 Gulf Oil Pa _25c Q 6-13 7-1 Hubbcl. Harvey _40c Q 6-8 6-20 Lamaque G Mines_10c Q 6-10 7-1 North Am Co _30c Q 6-10 7-1 Penney J C Co_75e __ 6-17 6-29 Peter Paul _60c __ 6-21 7-1 Todd Shipyards_ $1 6-1 6-15 American Hawaiian SS 25c Q 6-15 6-29 Arnold Constable_12%c __ 6-14 6-27 Compo Shoe Ma_25c Q 6-5 6-15 Deisel-Wem-Gilbert _37%cG 6-15 6-25 Nat Cylinder Gas Co_20c __ 6-8 6-21 Ruberoid Co _30c — 6-12 6-28 Bonotone Corp _5c __ 6-10 6-25 Youngst Sh A Tu Co__25c — 6-8 7-1 New York Produce NEW YORK. May 29 uPi —Eggs. 52.760; weak. Mixed colors: Fancy to extra fancy. 18%-20'z: extras. 18%-%: storage packed firsts. 17 3. -18; graded firsts. 17-17%; current receipts. 15%; mediums. 14%: dirties, No 1. 14%: average checks. 14 14%. Whites: Resale of premium marks. 20 24 %. Nearby and Midwestern premium marks. 20-21%: specials. 19%: standards, 17%. Resales of exchange to fancy heav ier mediums. 17-19%. Nearby and Mid western mediums. ]6%. Browns: Nearby fancy to extra fancy. 50-21%: nearby and Midwestern specials. 19%: standards. 17%; mediums. 16%. Duck eggs: 17-19 __ Butter. 1,200.070; easier. Creamery. Higher than extra. 27-27%: extra (92 •core). 26%: firsts i88-91>. 25-20%; sec onds (84-87) 24-24%. Cheese. 285.025; steady to firm. Prices Unchanged. Tallow easy: special loose, 4% nominal; extra loose. 4%. Greases steady: yellow and house. 4 nominal. Other articles steady and unchanged. New York Bank Stocks NEW YORK. May 29 National Association Securities Dealers. Inc.— Bid. Asked. Bk Of Am NTS ISF! (2.40) 30% 32% Bank of Man (.80a) _ 13% 15% tank of N Y (141_ 330 355 ankers Tr (21 44% 40% Brooklyn Tr (4) 67% 70% Cen Han Bk Ar Tr (4)_ 77 80 Chase Nat (1.40) _ 27 28% Chem Bk A Tr (1.80)_ 39% 41% Commercial <8> _162 168 Corn Ex Bk A Tr (3)_ 41% 42% Empire Tr (.60) 8% 9% First Nat (Bos' (2) _ 39% 41% First Natl (lOo) _1565 1605 Guaranty Tr (12) - 235 24(1 Irving Tr (.60) . 9% 10% Manufacturers Tr (2) 29 30% Manufacturers Tr pf (2) 49% 51% Natl City (1) _z... 22% 24% N Y Trust (5)_ 88% 91% Public (1%) - 23% 26% Title G A T- 1% 2% Reichsbank Statement BERLIN May 29 UP.—The Reichsbank •tatement aa of May 27 showed (In thou sands of reichsmarks): Gold end foreign exchange. 77,121: de crease. 246 Bills of exchange and checks, 11.595.859: decrease. 393.840. Securities, 143 692: decrease. 26.272. Circulation. 11,767.013: decrease 337.742. Sight de posits. 1.037.938: decrease. 287.368. Re serve ratio. 0.66 per cent. Bank rate. B% per cent. Federal Land Banks NEW YORK. May 29 (/P).—Federal Land Btnk bonds. Rate Maturity. Bid. Asked. iO£ hht ::::: ffi* is Jsn.. 1956-46-101 JJJsi* 3s Mar. 1956-46- 102 102*, London Gold and Silver LONDON. May 29 <45.—Bar silver. 22d, unchanged (equivalent. 39.88 cents on the *°Bar *»olL*l68fc unchanged (eouivalent. S33 85). London Money Rates LONDON, May 29 <45.—Money. 1 per sent Discount rates: Short bills. 1 1-32 Pfj cent: 3-month bills. 11-32-1 1-16. BONDS ON N. Y. STOCK EXCHANGE By yrlnlt wire direct to flto llu Approximate Transactions Today. Domestic Bonds_- 8.460.000 feral an Bonds —... 780,000 O B Goat Bends . 160.000 TREASURY. Hlah. Lev. Close, ms 1949 SI ... 103.17 103.17 103.17 ms 1960-61_ 103.18 103.13 108.18 244s 1945-47 _ 106.30 106.30 106.30 2 S s 1961-64_ 105.1 105.1 106.1 24ts 1966-69_ 104.8 104 3 104.8 2 44s 1960-66 ... 104. 103.24 104. 244s 1966 6" 105.8 105. 105.8 2T4s 1965-60 rg 105 7 105.7 105.7 JHs 1946-49 ... 108.31 108.31 108.81 Sits 1943 46 107.17 107.16 107.17 3V«s 1944-46 108.8 108.7 108.7 S44s 1940-4* Jun 100.19 100.19 100.19 M4s 1941 48 Mar 102.27 102.27 102.27 4s 1944-54 111.25 111.26 111.25 4s 1944-64 rg 111.21 111.21 111.21 HOME OWNERS' LOAN Is 1944-62 105.13 106.13 105.13 NEW YORK CITY BONDS Is 1980 B wt_ 9U4 91 91V4 Is 1980 1 wt _ 9044 90 90S FOREIGN RONDS. , High. Low. ClOM. Antloaula 7a 46 A_ 8 8 8 Antloaula 7s 46 C_ 8 8 8 Antloaula 7* 45 D_ 8 8 8 Antwerp Is 68 20 184 184 Argentine 4s 72 Feb 74 73 74 Argentine «a 72 Apr 744 744 744 Argentine 4 4a 48 90 89% 90 Argentina 4 4» 71 ... 78 78 78 Australia 4 4a 6#_ 38 374 37% Australia 6a 65 _ 42% 42 42'< Australis Rs 57_ 47% 424 42% Austria 7s 57_ 9 9 9 Belgium Rs 66__41 41 41 Belgium* 4s 4»_ 41 404 41 Belgium 7s 66 40 384 384 Brazil 6 4a 192e>67104 10 104 Brazil 6 4* 1927-67 104 104 104 Brazil CRy El 7a 61- 11 104 11 'Brazil 8a 41 _ IS i 184 134 Brisbane 5a 68___ 38 37 38 Brisbane 6a 60 .. 42 42 42 Buenos Aires 4Ha 77 49 484 49 Buen Air 44s Aug 78 494 494 494 Buen Air 4H» Apr 76 49 48% 49 Buenos Aires 4H* 76 524 524 524 Bulgaria 7 s 67_ 8% 8% 8% Canada 84a 45..,76 744 75 Canada Sa 67__ 60 69 59 Canada Sa 68__ 60 60 60 Canada 4s 80_ 704 694 704 Canada ea 58 __ 85 84 84 Chile Rs 60 aasd _ 114 114 114 Chile Mtg Bk 6s 62 12 12 12 Chile Mtg B 6s62 aad 104 .104 104 Colombia 6s 61 Jan 18 18 18 Colombia 6* 61 Oct 17% 17% 17% Copenhagen 4 4s 53 22% 22 22 Copenhagen 6s 63 . 244 2.3% 244 Cordoba Proa 7s 43_ 70 4 70 4 704 Costa Rica 7a 61.134 13 13 Caba 44*77 _ 564 554 554 Denmark 4 4s 63.264 26 264 Denmark 64s 55_ 32 314 314 Denmark 6s 42 _ 36 354 35% El Salvador 8s 48 et. 104 104 104 French Gov 7s 49 1094 1094 1094 Ger C A Bk 6s 60 July 10 10 10 Uer Govt 6 4a Rb 19 18 19 Ger G 64s 65 un at_ 10 94 94 German Govt 7a 49 ... 214 204 214 Ger Gov 7s 49 un at.. 124 12 124 Grt C El Jap 7a 44_ 76 76 76 Haiti 6s 62_ 79 79 79 Italy 7s61 _ 424 41 . 41% llal P U Crd 7s 63_ 33% 32 ^2 Japan 6 4s 65_ 61 60% T>1 lanan 6 4s 64_ 774 76 774 Milan 6%s 63 _ 304 28% 284 New So Wales 5s 67.. 37 37 37 Norway «s 61 _ 254 25 25 Norway* 4s 66 __28 » 284 284 Norway 6s 43 _ 37 34% 37 Norway 6s 44 34 34 34 Panama 6s 68 st asd 58 574 68 Peru 1st 6s 60 6 54 6 PtussIs 6s 62_ 12 12 12 Queensland 6s 47_ 46 46 46 Queensland 7s 41 69 67 67 Rhlnel U 34s 46 asd. 14 14 14 Kto Ur do Sul 6s 68 . 6 54 54 RloGr do Sul 7s 66 ... 64 64 64 Rome 64s 62 37 35 15 Sante Fa Prov 4a 64.. 64% 64% 64% Sao Paulo St 6s 68_ 64 64 64 Sydney 64* 65 _ 43 41 43 Tokyo City 64»«1_ 58 564 58 Ujlgawa El P 7a 45 . 80 80 80 IJru 3% 4 4 4* adj 79 414 40% 40% Uruguay 4 4 s-4 4s 78 41 41 41 DOMESTIC RONtlS. obltlbl PAP os i>i 304 30 30 Adams Kip «s 48_ 103 103 103 Alleg Corp 6a 44 71 71 7t Allag t'orp 6a 60 std 29 29 29 Allied Stores 4 4s 61 94 93 93 Allls-Chalmers 4s 62 1074 1074 1074 Am A For Pw 6s 2030 514 51 51 Am i Q Ch 6 4s 49 102 101% 101% Am TAT I4a61 1054 104% 1054 Am T A T 3 4s 66 1044 1034 1044 Am TAT 64a 41 106% 106% 106% Anaconda db 4 4a 60 102% 102% 102% ArmourtD*nist4a 66 95% 954 954 Armour! Del 14s 61 954 954 954 A TAS Fe gen 4s 96 1024 102 1024 A TAS Fe adj 4s 96 st 764 764 764 A TAS Fe 4 4s 48 100% 1004 1004 A TASF TC StL 48 68 109% 108 109% Ati Coast L clt 4s 62 56 65 55 Atl A Dan 1st 4a 48 28 28 28 Atlantic Retln 3s 68 1044 1044 1044 mao 1st 4a 41 674 574 574 BAOct 60s std .. 9 8% 8% B A O 96 A stamped 174 164 174 B A O 95 C stamped 204 204 204 B A O 96 F stamped 174 17 174 BAG 2000 Dstpd 174 17 174 BangAAroos cn 4s 61 64 54 54 Bali Tell Pa 16s 60 C 129 129 129 Beth Steel 14s 69 F 100% 100% 100% Beth Steel 8 4* 62 106 1054 1054 Bos A Me 4% * 61 ,TJ 484 48 484 BostonAMe 4%s 61 st 444 444 444 Hu. X \i. I., fi:. 48 47 474 Boston A Me 6s 65 st 44% 444 44% Km. A M» 5» 474 46% 474 Boston A Me 6s 67 st 45% 43% 44% Ukiyn Ed cn 3 4s 66 105% 1054 1054 Bklyn Man T 4 4a 66 1034 103 1034 Bklyn Un Gas 6a 46 109% 109% 109% Bklyn Un Gas 6s 60 88 88 88 Bklvn Un G 6s 67 B 104 103 104 BuC Rocb A P 67 std 284 27 284 B C R A N 6s 34 ct 34 34 34 Bush Ter Bldg 6a 60 474 47 474 Cam Orag Pwr *s 66 1004 1004 1004 Canadian NK 4 4a 61 75 744 75 Can NR 4 4s 66_ 74% 744 744 Can NK 4 46 67_ 74 73% 74 Can NR 4Ha 66_ 75 74% 74% Can NH 6s 69 July_ 804 804 804 Can NR 6s 69 Oct_ 79 79 79 Can Nor 64* 46 _ 95% 954 95% Can Pac db 4s Derp_ 384 35 364 Can Pac 4 4a 46 _ 68% 58% 58% Can Pao 4 4* 60 _ 48 48 48 Can Pac 6s 44 __ 90% 904 904 Can Pac 6s 64 .. 56 54 56 weiotex 4 St a 41 ww 76 76 76 Cent ot N.l cen be 17 1.7 13 13 Cent Pae let rt 4a 49 59*. 59 59*. Cent Pacific 6a CO 36*. 36 36*. Cert'd <leb 6 It* *3 69% 69*4 69% Champ Pa 4%a 36-60 102 102 102 Chaa A Ohio I %■ 63 F 10414 104 104V. Cbes A O IVta 96 B 9514 95 9514 C A O gen 414a 93_ 119'4 US U8 Chi A Alton la 49 ... 914 Cl* 9v* Chi BAU sen «a 60 .. 84*. 84% 84*4 C BAU 111 dl* 4a 49 . 95 95 96 Chi Mil A St P 4a 89.. 1814 18 18 Chi Mil A St P6a76.. 414 414 414 CMAStP adl 6a 3000.. 1*4 114 1% Chi A NOV or 4 Ota 49. 114 114 J% ChiAN W rf 6a 3037_ 7 7 7 Chi K1AP rt «s 14 ... 414 4*4 4*4 Chi R1AP rf 4a 14 ct. 4 4 4 Chi R1AP 414a 63 A.. SI* 614 614 Chi Un Sta lit* II 105 10414 105 Chi A W Ind c* 4a 68 8814 8814 8814 Chi A W Ind 414* 63 88 88 88 Cln Un Term 3%s 69 108 108 108 CieT El III 314*06 108 108 108 CleT Short L 414* 61 66 66 66 C1*t Un Ter 4Uel7 5814 6814 581, CleT Un Term 6s 73 65 65 65 He» Un Ter 61**7* 75 76 75 Coal Rlv RR 4s 45... 106*. 106V. 106*4 Colo A So* Its 60 24 23', 2314 Col O A E 6* 62 May 100 99*. 9914 Col Q A E 6a II 98 97% 98 Come Ed 314* 6* 111*. 11114 111*4 Comw Ed 314*68 107 107 107 Cons Bd N T 3%s 48 10414 1041. 10414 Cons B NT db 314* 48 10514 10514 10514 Cons Ed-N I ilia 66 103*4 10814 10314 Cons Ed N T 314*68 106 106 106 Conaol 011 614s 61 10314 103 108 Conaum Pwr 114a 66 10414 10414 10414 Conaum Pw 1st 114 61 10414 10414 104% Conaum Pwr 614* 66 104% 104% 104% Conaum Pwr Ills 70 106% 10614 10614 Conti Oil 8%s 41 104% 104 104 Cuba Northn Ills 41. 28 23 23 Cuba R 1st Is 83_ 26% 26% 26% 0*1 A Hua rat 4s 4S_ 40% 40% 40% AHlih. Lev. cion. 544 644 544 Det Edison 4s 8t — 109(4 109(4 109(4 DM Edison 4Ha 01 .10* 10744 108 Duluth SBATtl ta IT IT IT 17 Duauaana Lt It4s <1 108(4 10*44 10844 BT V tOientalt . 9144 9144 9144 Elea Auto Lt 4s tl... 105*4 106*4 106*4 Ena lat 4s 98 - 44(4 44(4 44(4 Erls sen 4s 98 ...... 19'4 18(4 19(4 Brts raf ta 8T_ 944 9 9 Rrla rat ta Tt —9*« 9 9(4 Fad LtftTr ta 4J -.101(4101(410114 Ftraatfina I *(4a«» 104(4 103(4 104 Fla E Coaat Ry 5s 74 6(4 4(4 4(4 Gen Mot Arc lit M 103% 104 Gen Stl Cast (Ui <1 59% 58 59% Goodrich 4 %e 86 . 101 100% 100% Ort Nor Ry l%»67._ 71 71 71 Grt Nor Ry 4» 4< G . 95 95% 96 Ort Nor Ry 4a 46 H 88% 88% 88% Grt N Ry lat 4%e «1 106% 105% 105% Ort N R gn«*a77 B 77% 77% 77% Ort Nor Ry 6%e 62 . 94 94 94 Gulf MAN ta SO _ 71 71 71 Har Rly A P 4a 84- 59% 59% 59% Hock Val 4 %a 99- 115% 115% 116% Hoa(R) lat mtg 44 .. 70% 70 70 Heuaatonlc cn (a 17.. 41% 41 41 Houston 011 4 Ha 64 . 98 98 98 Hudson Coal 6s 62 A 27 26 27 Hud A Man Inc (a 67 10% 9% 9% Hud A Man ref 6a 6T 89% 39 89% 111 Cant 4* 61 - 33% 32% 32% 111 Cent 440*1 .. 31% 30 31% ICCAST NO 4%a 61 32 31% 32 ICCAStL NO 6» 62 A 36% 35 36% Induat Ravon 4 %s 41 101 |00 loo Int R T lat rf 6a M 75 74 7S Int R T lat rf 6a 64 et 75 74 74 Int R T 4a *2 _ 38 31% 33 Intar R T 7a 12 _ 71 71 71 Int R T 7a 62 ct 71% 71 71% lnterlake Iron 4a 47 79 79 79 Int Grt Nor lat 6a 62 3% 3% 8% Int Hydro El 6a 44 . 40 38 39% Int Mer Mar 6a 41 ._ 54% 54 54 Int Paper lat 6a 47 100 99 100 Int Paper ref 6a 65— 92% 91H 92% Int TAT 4 %a 61_ 26 25% 26 Int TAT 6a 66 - 28% 27% 27% James E A C 4a 61 41 41 41 Jonea A L Stl 4%s (1 98% 93% 93% Kana C EtSAM 4a 16 25% 25% 25% Kana City Sola 60 . 61 51 51 Kan* City So rf 6a 60 65 53 54% Ketth'a 6a 46 _100% 100 100 Koppera Co 4a 61-101% 101% 101% Laclede Gas 6%a 61.. 41% 40 40 Laclede G 6%a 60 D . 89% 39% 39% Lake 8AMSt%a9T 81% 81% 81% Lautaro Nitrate 1628 28 28 Leh CAN 4 %a 64 C... 46 46 45 Leh Val Coal 5a 64 . 23 23 23 Leh V Coal 6s 42 atd. 50 50 50 L V RR con 4a 2001 9% 9% 9% L V RR 4%s 2002 asd 9% 9% 9% Lice A Mvers 6a 61 123 123 123 Libby MeNAL 4a 66 100% 100% 100% Loew a 1 %a 46 101% 101%‘iniH Lone Star GS%a 51 105% 105% 105% Long laid ref 4a 49 87% 87% 87% Long lal ref 4a 49 at 87 87 87 La A Ark 6a 69 75% 75% 75% Loulsy GAE 1 %a 66 107% 107% 107% Lou Jeff Bldg 4a 46 . 108% 108% 108% LAN 1st 4a 2001 ... 78 78 78 LANPM4S46 101 101 101 MeKassonAR 6%i80 86 86 86 Ma Central 4 %a 60 .. 40% 40% 40% Manat) Sugar 4a 67.. 34% 34% 34% ManhatRy4a90 ... 79 79 79 Manhat Ry 4a 90 ct.. 80 79% 80 MeadCorp 4%s 55... 101 101 101 Metrop Ed 4 Ha 61 . 110% 110% 110% Mich Cons Gas 4s 61 98% 98% 98% MStPASSM cn 4a 16 4 4 4 MStPASSM 6a It gtd 3% 3% 3%, Mo K AT tat 4a 90 .. 22 21% 21% Mo K A T 4%s 71_ 10 10 10 MoKOT ll 616..^ 10% 10% 10% Mo Pac 6s 66 A__ 13% 13% 13% Mo Pac 6s 77 P_ 13% 13 IS Mo Pac 6s 76 O 13% 13% 13% Mo Pac 6a 80 H 13% 13 13 Mo Pac 6a diet_ 12% 12% 12% Mo Pac 6%s 49 I 1 1 Mnh A Ohm 4 %a 77 22% 22% 22% Mob A Ohio 4%a 7Tet 21% 21% 21% Mob A Ohio 6s 11 ct.. 25 25 25 Monong PS4%slO 106'* 106% 106% Monong P S 6s 66 ... 104% 104% 104% Mont Pwr l%a 66_ 98 97 98 Montr Tram 6a 41_ 71% 71% 71% Morris A Es 4 %s 66 28 27% 28 Morris A Es 6s 66 28% 28% 28% Mount StTAT 8%a6t 104% 104% 104% Nassau El 4a 61 etfs 51% 61% 61% Nat Dairy t%s 61 ww 104% 104 104% Nat Distill I Ha 49 99% 99% 99% Nat Steel ts 66 .. 101% 101% 101% Natl Supply J%a 64 . 102% 102% 102% New E TAT 1st 6* 52 123 123 123 New Orl P S 6s 62 A 103% 103% 103% N T Central t%a 62 . 44% 43% 44% N T Central *%a 97.. 70 70 70 N Y Central 1%a 46 74% 74 74 N T Cent con 4s 96 46% 46 46% N T Cent 4%s 2012 A 40 39% 39% N T Cent rf 6e 201* 45% 45 45% N T Chi A St L 4s 48 73 73 73 N Y ChlAStl 4 %s 71 43 42% 42% N T CAStL. 5%s 74 A 49% 48% 49 N T Chi A St I. 6a 41 68 68 68 N V G E HAP 4s 49 115% 115 115 N Y G E HAP 6a 48 . 120% 120% 120% NY NH A H 4%a 67 . 13% 13% 13% NY NH A H cl 6a 40.. 22 22 22 N Y Steam *%s 61. . 101% 101% 101% N Y Tel 1 %s 67 _106% 106% 106% Nlag L A O 6s 65_ 107 107 107 Ntag Sh 6%s 60 ... 98 97% 97% NortA W 1st 4s 96_118% 118% 118% North Am S%s 64_102% 102% 102% North Am 4s 69 .. 103% 103% 103% Nor’n Pac gn ta 204T 34% 33% 34% NoEnPaetstT 61 60% 61 Nor*n Pae 4 Ha 2047.. 39% 39 39% NoEn Pac 6s 3047 C.. 43 43 43 Nor'n Pac 6a 2047 48% 48 48% North Stl Pw I %a 67 106% 105% 106 Ogden L C 4S 41 3% 3% 3% omo Edison *%• 7* 102% 101% 102% Ohio Edison 48 66 105 105 105 Okie GAE 3%s 66 .. 107% 107% 107% Okla GAE 4s 46 . 104% 104% 104% Ont Pwr Ntag 6a 4* _ 96 96 96 Oreg Sh Line 6a 46 .. 113 113 113 Oregon W KK 48 61 105 104% 105 PacGAE3%s61 .. 108% 108 108% Pmc G A E 4a *4 110% 109% 110 Pac TAT rf l%* 61 B 104% 104% 104% Penn Co 3 %s 44 D .. 102 102 102 Penn Co 4a <3 100% 99% 99% Penn GlASd 4%s 60.. 103% 103% 103% Penn RR 1 %a 61 77% 77 , 77% Penn PAL 1 %s 69 106% 105% 106% Penn PAL 4 %e 74*_100% 100% 100% Penn RR l%a 70_82% 82% 82% Penn RR 4a 41_112 111% 112 Penn RR 4*s tl__ 90% 89% 89% Penn RR 4 %a 60_117 117 117 Penn RR rn 4%a 86 .. 96% 95% 96% Penn RR db 4%a 70.. 81 80% 81 Penn RR can 6s ft 101% 101% 101% Peoples GLAC 6a 47 110% 110% 110% Peoria A E tne 4a 90 4 4 4 Phelps llodca !%s 62 107% 107% 107% PhilaBAW 4%s 77 C 106% 106% 106% t'hlla Co ba II 101 101 101 Phlla Elec I %a 67 108% 108% 108% Phils KC A Ir 6a49 2% 2% 2% Phillip* Petrol 3* 41 105 104% 104 PCC&StL 4s 60 H 105 105 105 PlltsAW Va 4%s 69 B 42% 42% 42% Pori lien El 4%a 60 HH 67% 67% Postal Tel AC 6a 61 16% 16% 16% Pressed Stl Car ts 61 79% 79% 79% Purity Ralclne 6s 41 100% 100% 100% Reading Jer C 4s 61.. 50 50 60 Rem Rd 4%a 66 ww 92% 92% 92% Kepublle Stl4%» 66 93% 93% 93% Rapublte Stl 4%s 61 92% 92% 92% Republic Stl 6%s 14 104 104 104 Saguenay re 4Half 69 68 69 8t L I MAS RAG 4e II 60 49% 60 8t L Pub Ser 6a 69.. 68 6T% 68 8t L-San Ft 4a 60 A.. 8% 8% 8% St L-8 r 6s 10 B et .. 8 7% 7% 8t L-San Ft 4Hs 71 8% 8% 8% St L-8 F 4Ha 71 et at 8 8 8 St L-San F 6a 60 B . 9% 9% 9% St L Soutb Wb 6a 68. 12 12 12 St L 8 W raf 6a 90 .. 8% 8% 8% St P K S L 4%a 41 4% 4% 4% St P On Dap rf 6a 7* 110% 110% 110% San AAA Pass 4a 41 66% 56% 66% San Otago CGAB 4sl6 109 109 109 Saabd A L 4a 60 stp 7% 7% 7% Seabd A Leon *s 46 4 3% 3% Shell On OII2 %s 14 94 94 94 Simmons Co 4a 61 94% 94% 94% 8ocony Vac 1* (4 102% 102% 102% So Ball TA T la T9 103 102% 103 So Bell TAT I %s 62 106 105 106 Southn Cal G 4s 66 108% 108 108% 8outnn Kratt 4 Ha 41 99% 99% 99% So Pae IHs 46 _ 45 45 45 So Pae col 4a a* - 32 31% 32 8o Pae ref 4s 66_64% 64% 64% So Pae 4 Ha 66_' 34 33% 33% 8o Pae 4Ha 69_ 83% 32% 33% 8o Pao 4 H* 81_ 88% 82% 33% So Pae Ores 4 Ha TT— 89% 88% 39% 8o Ry can «■ IS A_46% 46 46% So Ry 6s 94 . _ 84 88% 84 So Ry can Is 6I.._ 88% 88% 68% So Ry IHs ft _ 88 81% 68 Stand Oil N J 2%a 88 101% 101% 101% 8tand Oil N J Is 61... 102% 102 102% Studabakar ST la 46_ 90% 89 90 High. Low. CIom. Tmm Carp Is it — 108% 108 108% TaxaeCorpSfcall.. 103% 108A 108% Tb * Paolo 10 D..„. 83% 68% 63% Third A* adl la 60 . 14% 18% T3% Tide Wat 011 8(6* 82. 106 106 llll Un El i Moll % a II... 106% 106% 106% (In PaolB* 8%a 70 . 92% 92% 92% Un Pacific lat 4a 47 Hi ill m UtdCgi W StrataII 61% 61% 61% United Drug la II 77 76 77 Utah LAT la 44 96% 96 961 Utah Pwr A Lt 6a 44 96 95% 96 Utility PA L *%a 47 77% 77% 77% Va Kv lat !%» M 104% 104% 104V4 Va S W lat Sa 2003_ 70 70 70 Wabaah lat la 89 .... 32 3iv. 32 Wabaah l%a 71...... 6% 5% 5% Walworth 4a 66 ... 68 68 68 Warner Broa 6a 41 79 79 79 Warran Broacv la 41 18 18 18 Weatcht L gn 2%a 67 107% 107% 107% Westehaatar L 6a 60 116% 116% 115% West Sh lat 4* 3861 38 38 88 Waat Va PAP Is 64 . 99%. 99% 99% Want kid 1st 4a 61 73 73 78 Waat NTAP gn 4* 43 108 108 108 Waat Union la 61 67% 66% 67% Whaal Btael 4%*ll 99% 99% 99% Wtlkea BAE 6a 42 . 10% 10% 10% Wtlaon A Co t%a 47. 96 96 96 Wllaon A Co 4a 66 102 100% 102 Wla Cant lat gn 4a (9 16 16 16 Wla C SAD T 4a 86 ct 4% 4% 4% Wla El Pw 1 %a 68 106% 106% 106% Wla Pub Svo 4a 61 107% 107% 107% Toungat n SAT 4a 4* 102 101% 101% Toungat'n SAT 4* II 101% 101% 101% Bell Aircraft Decides Not to Offer Shares Bj tne Associated Press. BUFFALO, N. Y., May 29.—Stock holders of the Bell Aircraft Corp. approved yesterday an increase in shares from 250,000 to 500,000 but the directors, meeting immediately afterward, decided "not to offer any additional shares at this time,” a company statement said. Stockholders also approved an employes' stock purchase plan. The company has extensive war plane orders for the United States Army and the Allies. Chicago Stock Market CHICAGO. May 28 {/Pi.—Following is the complete list of transactions on the Chicago Stock Exchange today: Sales. STOCKS. High Low Close 40 Abbott Lab 53% 62% 53% 2oo Aetna B Bear_ 8 S’, 8’, 10 AUis-Ch Mfa ... 24*. 24*. 24*. 275 Am Tel A Tel 148*. 147’. 147% 50 Armour A Co_ 4>. 41. 4% 6o Asbestos Mfg _ 1 1 1 50 Aviation Corn __ 5*, 5*. 5% 100 Avia A Trans .3 .3 3 50 Barlow A Seelig A 8*. 8*, 8% loo Bastlan-Bless 12% 12% 12% 100 Belden Mg ___ 8% 8% 8% 45 Bendix Av _ 27% 27*. 27% 100 Berghoff Brew __ 8’, 8’, 8% 50 Bliss A Lauahlin 15 15 15 600 Borg-Warner 18 14% 18 80 Campbell Wyant 12 12 12 150 Cen 111 P Svc pi 77 73% 75% loo Cen A 8 W Ut V, % % 10 Cen A 8 W *7 nf 40 40 40 100 C A S W $7 Dl of 84 93 94 50 Cen Sta P A L pf 4% 4% 4% 1300 Chi Corp _ % % 100 Chi Corp nf 27 ”7 °7 140 Chryaler Corp _ 58% 57% 58*. 2250 Com’whh Edit 28% 28*. 28% 50 Como Ind Oas id II 11 ll 250 Cons Oil 6% 6 6% 100 Consumera Co A % % % lOOConsumera Co B *4 *, % loo Consumers Co Df 2 2 ** 50 Container Corp 11% n% n% 200 Crane Co 13% 13% 13% 150 Cunningham D St 13 i”% 12% 60 Diam T Motor _ . 5*. 5% 5% 200 Fox (P> Brew . 15 14% 15 100 Fuller Mfg 3'. 3% 3% 5 Gen Am Trana . 38% 38% 38% 81 Gen Foods _ .39% 38*. 38% 645 Gen Motors 40*. 39% 39% 5 Gen Out Advert 4% 4% 4', 50 Gillette Saf R 4% 4% 4% 150 Goodyear T A R 14% 14% 14*. SOOossard tHWi 9% 9*. 9% 300 Ot Lakes Dredge 19 18% 19 259 Hall Print 12 11 12 90 Hamilton Mfg A 6% 5% 5% looHeileman <G> Br 8*. 8*. 8% lOHorders _ 12% 12 V. 12% tOOHoud-Her B_ 10% 10% 10% 200 111 Brick _ 2% 2% 2% 100 Hi Cent R R _ 8*. 8% 8% 150 Indep Pneu Tool 21% 20 20% 50 Tnt Harvester 41 41 41 270 Ky Ut Jr cum pi 40 38 40 30 Ky Ut 6*7 pf _ 90 po 90 5o Liquid Carb _12% 12% 12% 100 Loudon Pack __ 1% 1*. 1% 100 Marsh Field _ 9’. 9'. 9% 20 McCord Rad A . 4 4 4 50 Merch A Mfrs A- 3% .3% .3% 850 Mid West Corp 5% 5% 5% 5o Midland Unit pf 2*. 2*. 2*. loo Midi Util 7-. pf % % i, 10 Miller A- Hart of 8 8 8 139Montg Ward .78% .36% 3«% 90 Nat Battery pf 35 .75 .75 100 Noblltt-Sparks 24 24 24 ISnNor'west Bancorp 8% 8 8% 10 No West Ut pi 47 47 47 lOOkla Gas A El nf 108 108 108 12 Penn R R 17*. 17% 17% 45 Peoples G.s LAC 26*. 26% 28% 2oo Pressed Stl Car. 8% 8% 8% 10 Quaker Oats pf 145 145 145 150 Rollins-Hos 3 3 .7 277 Sears Roeb 85 8.7*. 83% 100 80 Bend L Wks . 23 22% 23 100 Spiegel Inc 8 8 8 100 Std Dreda 1% 11, 1% 100 Std Dreda pf... 8% 8% 8% 228 Std Oil Ind .... 21% 21 21% 50 Stewart-Wgrn 5% 5’a 5% 550 Sunstrand M Tool 23% 22 23 115 Swift A Co 18% 17% 18% 300 Swift Int _ 17% 17% 17% 88 Texas Corp _ 38% 34% 34% 200 Trane Co _ 12% 11% 11% 100 Union Carbide . 63 63 63 100 Unit Air Lines _ 14% 14% 14% 250 U S Steel _ 48% 45% 45% SOU 8 Steel pi .. 109% 109% 109% 200 Walgreen _ 17% 17% 17% 187 West Un Tel 18 15% 15% 50 Westlngh El A M 86% 86% 86% 100 Wise Bankshrs 3% 3% 3% 50 Woodall Indust 3*. 3% .7% 148 Wrlgley (W) Jr 76V, 75% 75% 10 Zenith Rad 9% 9% 9% BONDS. $2000 C Ed deb 3%s 58 111% 111 % 111% Stock sales today 20.000 shares. Bond sales today. $2,000. Commodity Prices NEW YORK. May t?9.—The Associated Press weithted wholesale price index of 35 commodities today declined to 71.62 Previous day. 71.72: week ago. 71.50: month ago. 73.88: year ago. 67.20. 1940. 1939. 1938 ’33-37. High 75.29 75.22 74.37 98.14 Low 71.46 63.78 63.86 41.44 (1026 average equals 100.1 Miscellaneous Markets. COCOA—Futures closed 8-9 hither; 2-672 tons: July. 4.72n: September. 4.79: December. 4.88. n nominal. WOOL TOPS—Futures closed at the day’s best levels today. 19 to 28 points net higher on sales estimated at about 700.000 oounds Trade interests, spot houses and local professionals gll were active bidders. July. R8.3b: October. 86.1b: December. 84.5: spot, standard tops, 93.0- unchanged, b Bid. CRUDE RUBBER—Futures closed 18-30 higher: sales. No. 1 standard. 51 con tracts: Julv. 19.55- September. 18 38: De cember. 17.90: amoked ribbed, spot, 20.50n n Nominaf. LEAD—Futures closed 5 lower. 8ales, 120.000 pounds, all switches. ZINC—Futures 1 higher. Sales. 60.000. June. 5.89n. STRAITS TIN—Futures 25 to 50 higher. Sales. 44.800 pounds. July. 52.00b b Bid, n Nominal. COFFEE—Spot nuiet; 8antos No. 4. 7%: Rio No. 7. 5%. Cost and fralght offerings Included Santos Bourbon 3s and 5s at 6.40-7.00. Santos No. 4 ”D’’ futures closed 8 to 11 higher. Sales. 3.750 bags. July. 5.78b; Sen tern her. 5.90b: December. 6.07 Rio No. 7 "A” futures 11 to 13 higher. No sales, b Bid. RAW BILK—Futures No. 1 closed % higher to 4 lower. Sales. 460 bales. Sep tember. 2.52b: October, 2.51; November. 2.49%. bBld. RAW HIDES—Futures closed II to 20 higher. Bales. 3.120.000 pounds. June. 9.61b; September. 9.86-87: December. 10.10. , _ Spot. No. 1 Western light native cows. #V*d. n Nominal. New York Sugar NEW YORK. May 20 OPl.—-Sugar futures sold higher today after early nervousness More favorable European news and in dications of a tighter supply situation brought outside and speculative buying into world contracts. Prices In midafter noon were up ft to 84 points: July. 1.26: September. 1.20. Domestic contracts met fair trade and refiner support. Offerings were small. Quotations advanced 4 to 8 points: July, 1 ft*: March. 1.01. The raw market, locally, was nominal. Cubas for June shipment were offered at 2.80 cents, duty paid. Puerto Ricos were available on the same basis. Cuba was reported to have sold 20.000 tons of raw sugar to Great Britain at 1.15 cents f.o.b. shipment during June. July and August. Refined continued aulet. Eastern refiners were generally quoting 4.50 cents a pound. Futures No. 3 closed 4-5 higher. Sales, 0.050 tons. High. Low. Last. July _1 84 1.84 1.84b September _ 1.02 1.87 1.00b January 1.87 1.81 1.84b No. 4 futures 7-04 higher. Sales, 7.660 Judy' _ 1.264 1.164 1.264b September _ 1.234 1.14 1.284b December- 1.23 1.16 1.28b London Tin Quotations LONDON. May 20 iJFi.—Tiri firm: soot, £270 Md. £270 6s asked: future, £268 bid, £268 6S asked. Electric Production Hits Highest Point Since Mid-March Increased Industrial Activity Brings Much Of Advance By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, May 29 —Production of electric energy increased to 2,448,865,000 kilowatt hours during the week ended May 25, highest since mid-March, the Edison Electric In stitute said today. This represented a gain of 1.1 per cent over 2,422,212,000 kilowatt hours in the preceding week and was 11.1 per cent ahead of 2904,858,000 in the comparable 1939 week. Power circles said the higher rate, which was against seasonal expecta tions, was due in large part to in creased industrial activity. The Associated Press power index advanced to 124.6 from 1229 in the previous week and 114.4 a year ago. The Index is based on 1926 as 100 and is adjusted for seasonal and long-term trend. 1940. '9:t9. 1938.1037.1034-38. Hl»h 130.5 129.5 117.2 125.2 110.8 Low 121.4 112.3 102.8 111.8 91,9 Percentage gains over a year ago, according to major geographic areas, were reported as follows by the Institute: New England, 8.1; Middle Atlantic, 7.3; Central Industrial, 14.5: West Central, 6.2; Southern States, 129; Rocky Mountain, 139; Pacific Coast, 8.4. Chicago Grain By the Associated Press. CHICAGO, May 29—The loss suffered by wheat prices following news of the Belgian surrender was wiped out today as the market ex tended its recovery movement that began in the final hour of trading yesterday. Sharply higher prices at Winnipeg and Buenos Aires and firmness of securities strengthened confidence in wheat values. Reports of British flour purchases in Canada attracted attention in view of the threatened Invasion of the British Isles. Although reacting slightly from the best levels of the session, wheat closed unchanged to % higher, com pared with yesterday, July, 83%-%; September, 83%-%. Corn was %-% lower; July, 62%-%; September, 61%; oats, unchanged to % lower. WHEAT— Ooen. Hlth. Low. Close. July _.83% .83% .83 .83%-% Sen. _.83% .84% .83 S.3%-% Dec _.83% 84% .83% ,84y4-% CORN— July _.83 .8:1% .82% 82%-% Sep _.82% .82% .81% 81% Dee ... .69% 59% .59 30*/« OATS— July _ .34 .34 ,33s. 33%-34 Sen .32% 32% .32% .32%-% SOY BEANS— July . ... . 89% Oct. _ .77% .77y« .77 .77 Dec _ ... _ _ .78% RYE— July _.48% .47% .48% .48% Sep. _.48% .40 .48% .48% Dee. ... .50% .50% .50% .50% LARD— M»y _ ... ... . 5.05 July _ 5.15 Sen. . 640 5 40 5.35 5 35 Oct. _ 5 47 5 47 6 45 5 45 Dee. ... . ... ... ... 6.60 BELLIES— July __ _ _ 6.32 Sen. _ ... ... ... 6.35 * Cklnn Osh Market. Wheat, No. 3 red. touah. 88V,. Corn. No. 1. yellow. 68>k-87l,: No. 2, 88'.: No 3. 87',,. 0*t», No. 7 mixed. 38; mixed train. 38: No. 2 white. 30: No. 3. 3*'.. Barley maltine 53-65 nominal: feed. 40-60 nominal. No. 2 malting. 61; No. 3 malting. 50-00 Boy bean*. No. 2 yellow. 87'4. Winnipeg Prices. WINNIPEG. May 29 i/Pi.—Grain range today: WHEAT— Prer. High. Low Close. Close. July ..76', 73', 75’. 73%. October _78%, 76'/, 78*a 76%a OATS— Winnipeg. July _ 33 32'a 32’* 32 Winnipeg Cash Market. Wheat. No. t Northern. 74’,: No. 2. 72'«: No. 3. 68'.. Oats. No. 2 white. 341«; No. 3. 32%,. Baltimore Qnntatlen. BALTIMORE. May 29 iAV—'Wheat. No. 2 red. winter, garlicky, spot domestic. 1.01',. New York Cotton By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, May 20.—Cotton fu tures held steady at small gains to day in limited pre-holiday dealings. The trade bought near months while some support in distant positions was encouraged by steadiness in stocks and a slightly unfavorable weather report. Offerings were limited to hedging by leading spot interests and scattered selling by locals and the South. Midaftemoon prices were up 4 to 7 points: July (old), 9.61; Octo ber, 8.78; May, 8.38. Futures closed 2-4 higher. Old contract: Open. High. Low Last. July 9.58 9.67 9.56 9.60 New contract: July _ 9.79 P.83 0.70 0 80n October _ 8.75 8 82 8.74 8.77 December _ 8.64 8.73 8.04 8.66 January _ 8.59n March _ 8.45 8 63 8.45 8.47-48 May 8 31 8.40 8.30 8.34 Middling, soot (’a-lnch). 10.43n. n Nominal. Cottonseed Oil. Bleachable cottonseed oil futures closed 5 to 6 higher. Sales, 36 con tracts. July, 6.05b; September, 6.09; October, 6.11b; December, 6.16; Jan uary, 6.18b. b Bid. New Orleans Friees. NEW ORLEANS. May 29 (4%.—Pre holiday covering and trade buying ad vanced cotton futures today. Cloilng prices were steady. 1 to 2 point* net higher. Open. Hith. Low. Close. July _ 9.72 9.78 9.71 9.71 October _ 8.80 8.87 8.79 8.81 December _ 8.67 8774 8.87 8.70 January _8.59b 8.60b March _ 8.51 8.57 8.50 8.50b May _8.34b 8.37b b Bid. Cottonseed oil closed steady. Bleach able prime summer yellow. 6.90 nominal; prime crude. 5.12Vk-5.25. July. 5.68b; September. 5.62b: October. 5.66b; De cember, 6.72b. bBid. Utah Power to Quit Appliance Business By the Associated Praia. SALT LAKE CITY, MAy 29.—In the avowed interest of quickened "industrial mobilization under the national defense program,” the Utah Power Sc Light Co. said it would re linquish to Independent dealers its business in electrical appliances. George M. Gadsby, president, said the personnel will concentrate upon providing electric service for Indus tries, commercial establishments, homes and farms of the area it serves. Baltimore Stocks Special Dispatch to The Star. BALTIMORE- Mar 29.— Sales. STOCKS. Hlsh. Low. Close. 240 Arundel Corp . 14H 14 14H 08 Baltimore Trans .36 .36 .36 260 Balto Transit pfd 1.60 1.60 1.60 57 Consol Pow com. 70 69ft 70V4 25 Consol Pow pfd 112 112 112 02 Fidelity * Deposit 100 99 100 30 Fidelity A Ouar- 27 27 27 100 North Amer Oil 1.05 1.06 1.06 110 Mt Ter W Mis Pfd 41 dl 41 22 Northern Central. 86 85 86 4«§ 0*8 lASeTS^Ouir li% 1?% 60000 Balto Tr deb 4sA 29Vi 28V4 29'/a NEW YORK CURB MARKET ■v Mbita vtr* Umt to Tfc* Mu. • I Stock and St In Dividend Kate. Add 00. Blah. Low. Clou AeroBup B .I0g.. 8 64 84 64 Air Investor*.... 2 2 2 2 Ala Ot Sou (Iff).. 80s 684 68 684 Ala Fowor pf <T) 10s 824 924 924 Allied Prod (1) 60s 94 94 94 Alum Co Am (2o) 660s 149 146 148 Alum Copf ill 60s 1094 1094 1094 Alum Goods 80s 2 164 164 164 Alum Ltd (Is) . 100s 664 66 664 Am Bonk < 41 60s 88 38 88 Am Cap pf <.26k) 1 13 13 13 Am City P A Lt (A) ww (2.76H) 1 25 25 25 Aml'yiumB ID 34 314.304 304 Am Export ,50a . 9 94 94 94 Am Gaa A El 1.60 6 274 264 274 Am Ganorai l 24 24 24 Am Gen of <21 600s 23 23 23 AmLaunM.IOa. 1 134 184 134 Am LtttTrao 120 1 12 12 12 Am Mf* <25e>... 60s 16 16 16 Am Maracaibo_ 19 4 4 4 Am Kopubllca 16 6 6 Am Superpower, 8 4 4 4 Appal BP pf (7). 40s 108 108 108 Ark NatGaaiAi. 3 14 14 14 Ashland OAR 40 1 44 44 44 AaaoGA Elee(r) 2 4 4 4 Aasoe TAT (A). 60s 1 1 1 Ati Coast Flab .. 8 2 2 2 Atlaai'orp war 14 4 4 Atlas Plyw 125s 1 13 13 13 Aviation A Trans 9 34 3 3 Babcock A W.ZOe 9 22 21 22 Baldwin Lo war 22 64 .64 54 Baldw L pf 2 10 200s 21 21 21 Baldwin Rub.60a l 44 44 44 Barium Stain Stl l f, jfc Bath Iron . 15 114 114 114 Beech Aircraft 8 44 44 44 Rellanca Aircraft 1 44 44 44 Bell Aircraft 3 18 174 174 Berk tt Oay Fur 7 4 4 4 Bickfords ( goal 60s 11 11 11 Bickfords pf 2.60 25s 374 374 374 Bliss lEWl ... 21 154 144 144 Blue Hldge_ 3 4 4 4 BreeseCorp SO*. 17 64 5 54 Brewster Aero . 43 104 9 4 94 Brown Co pf (r). 200s 18 174 174 Brown Rubber _. 3 14 14 14 BNAEPpf 1 40 . 3 174 164 174 Bunker Hill lit. 4 94 94 94 Burry Biscuit ... 2 1 4 1 Cable El Pro vte. 3 s % % Calllte Tungsten 1 IS is IS Can Cel Airways. 8 7 6% 6% Can Mar W 04* 7 A A A Cap 01 ty Pro .16* 60* 6S 6% 6S Carman <B>_ 2 6 4S 4% Carrier Corp- 2 6% 6S 6S Catlln (Am)_ 2 2 2 2 Celan ptp pf <7a) 125* 107 105% 105% Celluloid pf . 25* 22 22 22 Cent NY Pwpft 10* 94 94 94 Cent P A L pf (7) 25* S8 98 98 Cent States Elec 1 % % % Chesehro (4ai 100* 100 99 99 Chi Rivet (.50*) 1 7 7 7 Chief Consol ... 1 Vi % % Childs pf 25* 15 15 15 Cities Service pf 1 60% 60% 60% City Auto Stpg.10 2 5 4% 4% Claud* Neon L 2 A A A Clayton A Lamb. 14 4 4 Col G A E pf (6) ' 25* 55 55 55 Columb Oil A Gas 5 1% 1% 1% Comwttb A 8 war 4 A A A Com PAL lat pf 100* 35 33 33 Community Wat. 4 % % % Compo 8ho* (1) 1 12%. 12% 12% Cona GAE Bo 3.60 1 69H 69% 69S Consol MAS (la) 100* 19 19 19 Cons Retail Strs 1 2% 2% 2% Cona 8te*l Corp 2 3% 3% 3% ContlGAE pr pf 7 40* 85 84% 85 Conti Roll A Stl 6 5% 5 5% Cooper Base 17 7 7 Coop>B prpf2.Z5k 2 25 24% 25 Corroon A Reyn 6 1% 1 1% Cor A R pf A .75k 50* 60 55 60 Craoi* Petr 6(ia 14 15% 14% 15% Crocker-Wheeler 1 3% 3% 3% Crown Cent Petr 1 2% 2% 2% Crown Dpf 1.76 76* 18% 18% 18% Darby Petroleum 3 3 2% 2% Dayton Rub .60* 300* 10% 9% 9% Dacca Reo 60 4 4% 4% 4% Derby Oil pf(lk) 10* 37% 37% 37% Dlvco Twin T.25e 4 6% 6% 6% Duke Power .76* 50* 68 68 68 Dt/Val Tex S .25e 1 6% 5% 5% Eagle Pitch Lead 4 8S 7% 8% Bast’n GasAFuel 1 2% 2S 2% Eaatn GAF 6 of 50* 16 16 16. E GAF prpf 2.25k 150* 40% 40 40% Klee Bond A Sb 37 4S 4% 4% Elee B A 8 pf (6) 4 50% 48 50% Eleo BASpf <•) 15 60 57% 59% Elee PAL 2d pf A 100* 10 10 10 Equity Corp 11 A % A Equity cv pf (t) 100* 19% 19% 19% Fairchild EA A • 29 5% 5 5% Falataff Brew SO 2 6% 6% 6% Fanateei Metal 5 9% 9 9 Fideilo Brew 2 % % % Fire A* Phils 2a 10* 51% 51% 51% Ford i Can i Ail) 5 9 9 9 Ford Ltd i 16a) 2 IS IS IS Fruehauf T .60* 3 21% 21% 21% GenPubSvcpf 50s 27% 27% 27% Gen Shara pf(Ch) 40* 58 57 57 Gilbert (AC) 1 4% 4% 4% Glen Aldan 126* 6 6 5% 5% Grand Rap V .40' 1 4% 4% 4% Gray Mfg 1 5% 5% 5% GAAPnv (5e) 100* 90 90 90 Grt Nor Pap (le) 200* 39 37 39 Gulf Oil of Pail i 6 27 26% 26% Gulf St Dt pf 6.60 20* 103S 103S 103S Hecla Min .20e .. 5 4S 4% 4S Helena K(A)il) 50* 7% 7% 7% HotUnger G 66a. 2 6 5% 5N Humble Oil .75e 12 50 48% 49S Ulinols-la Power 2 2% 2% 2% 111-la Power pf 9 25S 23% 25% 111-la Pwr dlv et 9 5S 5% 5S Illinois Zlne 200* 4% 4% 4% Imp Oil Ltd .60* 9 6S 6% 6% Ind apPALpf 6 6" 20* 103% 103% 103% ImCoNAmli 100* 57 57 57 lnt Cigar M (2) 1 18% 18% 18% lnt induat i log) 2 1% IS IS Ini PaA Pwr war 53 3 2S 2% lnt Petrolm 1.60 19 10% 9% 10% Interai H Eq 60 1 7S 7% 7% Iron Fir* vtr 1.20 50* 12% 12% 12% Irvins Air Ch (11 4 13% 13 13 Itai Superpwr A 5 % % % Jacobs Co 3 2% 2% 2% Jon** A Lau 8tl 11 21 19% 19% Ken-Rad TAL A 50* 3% 3% 3% Kennedy a (.65*) 1 5 5 5 Kirby Petroleum 2 2% 2 2 Koppere pf (6) . 10» 75 75 75 Lake Sh M (le).. 1 12% 12% 12% Lakey Fdry AM. 2 3 2S 3 Lehigh Coal- 2 IS IS IS Leonard OH_ .2 A A A LeTourneau (1). 1 22% 22% 22% Lon* Star >0* .18 8 8 Long Island Ltg. 1 £ £ £ Long lal Lt pf B 50* 24 24 24 La LandAEx .20* 3 4% 4S 4S Ludwig-Bau pf 10* 25 25 25 Ludwig-B pf vtc 20* 25 25 25 Me Will meUredk 1 5% 5% 5% Mangel Stores 5 1% 1% 1% Mead John <3*1 10* 126 126 126 Merr Chap A 8 l 2% 2% 2% Metal Textile.lOe l 2% 2% 2% Met Tex pt pf 3.2n 10* 37 37 37 Mid Warn cori< 6 5% 5-« 5% Minn MAS 60e 125* 46% 46% 46% Molybdenum 26* 3 6S 6% 6% Mont Ward A(7i 10* 139% 139% 139% Moody ptc pf 111 25* 23 23 23 Mount City C 20 3 2% 2% Mount Prod 1.66) 1 4% 4% 4^ Mount SUP (16) 3 14% 12% 13% Nat Balia Hess 1 % % % NatCont (.46*).. « 9% 8% 8% Nat Fuel Gas (1) 7 10% 10% 10% Nat Mfg A Strs . 2 IS is is NatPALpfii) 276* 78% 78 78 Nat Bugay Refln 2 7% 7% 7% Nat TunnalAMln 1 1% 1% 1% N*ptun* M (A) 1 .6 6 5 NEPA t% pf (3k) 26a 67*4 57*4 57*4 Now Ha van Clock 6 4)4 4 4 Naw Ida* (.60) 1 111* 11)4 11)4 NJZlnetla) .. 400a 61 60. 50)4 NT Auction 1 2*4 2*4 2*4 NT Merck (.40) 3 7 7 7 NT Shlpk a fd ah 5 16)4 15)4 1514 NT St EtS pf 6M 10a 99 99 99 Nla a Hudaon Pw 19 4 3*4 4 Nlaa 8 Md B 35c 1 3*4 3*k 3*4 NIUs-B-P 1.25* . 3 66 65W 55H ! Nor Am LI A Pwr 3 *4 *4 *4 Nor Am LAP pf 75a 71 70 71 N A Rayon A .60* 1 16 16 16 Nor A R prpt (6) 180* 45 45 45 NIP8 6% pf 1.60k 10* 99*4 99)4 99*4 NIPS 7% pf 1.76k 10a 100 100 100 Ohio Pwr pf it) 10*111 111 111 Okla Nat Oaa .26* 6 14 14 14 Oldatyma Dlat.. 3 4 4 4 Pantapaa 011 27 2% 2*4 2)4 Parkbg RAR .26a 4 6*4 6*4 6*4 Panlnaular T (2) 400a 29)4 27 29 Pannroad _ 10 1*4 1*4 1*4 Pa-Cant Alrllnaa 4 14*4 14 14*4 Pann PAL pf (I) 20a 99)4 99)4 99)4 'Papparall IS*)... 60a 67 67 67 Phlla Co (.16*)— 1 6*4 6*4 6*4 Pboanlx Sacur_ 40 6*4 6)4 6 A. ■toek and Salta— Dividend Rat*. Add 00. HI ah. Low. Clot*. Phoenix Secur pt 200a 26 25 25 Pitts ALE (2a). 110* 52 48 61 Pitts Metal 26* 1 11 11 11 Pitts Flat* G(2e) 2 7« 7614 7* Pleasant VW .06* 1 114 114 114 Potrero Sugar 1 A A A Pratt A Lam 60* 1 16 16 16 Prent Hall (2.40) 26* 32 32 B82 Pb Sve ind 6* pt 100* 4114 40H 4114 PSIndlTprpf 800* 83 7814 82 Pug 8d 86pf 1.86k 125* 7014 69 6914 Puget 86 P |6 nf 760* 20V* 16K 19 Pug Sd Pulp 1.26. 5 1814 18 18 Quaker Oat* <6) 10s 100 100 100 Quaker Oate pf • 30( 142 142 142 Repuhlle A vtafn 16 6 44 44 Rustless I&8 .30s 21 94 94 94 Rysrson H .. 2 4 4 7. 8t Regia Paper 20 24 24 24 St Regia Pap pf ISOs 62 484 62 Seovlll Mfg .50e.. 3 264 254 254 Scullln Steel .. 2 64 <4 64 Secur Corp Gen.. 8 4 4 4 Saul Lock .. 15 4 4 4 Salberltng Rub.. 1 44 44 44 8elby Shoe 126e 60s 84 84 84 8hattuck>D(. 10s) 1 44 44 44 Shawm W * P .90 1 104 104 104 Sher-Will l.tOe . 60s 66 66 66 8har-W1» pf i6> 100s 108 1074 1074 Sher-Will of Can 60s 67. 54 64 81mmons H ft P 30 4 4 4 4 44 Singer Mfg <«) . 100s 110 108 108 Sonotone t.O&e) .. 2 14 14 14 So Penn 011 1.60. 5 304 304 304 S C Ed pf B 1 60 7 274 27 274 S C Ed Df 1 375 2 264 254 254 So Col Pwr < A1 1 14 14 14 So land Koy uSe 4 54 54 54 Spald l AG I 1st pf 40s 8 8 8 Spencer Shoe 1 14 14 174 Stand C ft S «0e 3 74 74 74 Stand Dredg 10a 6 1 1 1 Stand Dr pf 1.60 100* 84 84 84 Stand utIKy il) 9 164 164 164 Stand Oil O (1) . 2 294 294 294 Stand Pwr ft Lt 1 ft ft ft Stand P&L pflB) 1 4 4 7* Stand Prod 60s.. 3 64 6 64 Stand Stl Sp 60a. 1 22 22 22 Surratt vte 4 4 4 7, Sterling Inc 1.20) 3 2 14 2 SunrayOU 06e.. 3 14 14 14 Sup OH of Cal_ 1 22 22 22 Tampa Elec Z 24. 3 264 254 254 Technicolor 60a. 1 104 104 107* Texon Oil ( 20e). 2 2 4 2 4 27, Thew Shoval 100* 137, 137* 137i Tob Prod Exp.40g 10 44 44 44 ToddShipyd 1.75e 125s 58 66 58 Tot Ed pt i«) 30s 98 98 98 Trans-Lux (.10#) 1111 Tubixe Chat A le 100s. 23 4 23 234 Tung-Sol Lamp 3 17. 1»* 17. Tung-Sol L pf 10 , 1 6V* 67* 67* Udylite (,20e) . 3 34 3-4 34 UnitAiictP lOe 6 12 114 114 Unit Cgr Whelan 6 4 4 7* United Gas 6 14 1 1 Unit Gas pf «.50k 3 91 904 90** Unit Lift Pwr pf 7 21 197, 21 Uni/ Profit Shar 1 4 4 4 Unit Sh M 2 60a 275s 57 56 56 U 8 Foil <B) 14 4 4 U S ft inti Secur. 2 4 4 4 U S Kub Reclaim 2 34 3>» 34 Unit Wall Paper 2 17* 174 14 UntvCorpvtc 4 34 34 3V* Ut P&L pf 3.50k . 50s 534 534 537, Utility Equities 1 7, 7, 4 Van Norman 40e 50* 234 237a 234 Venexueia Petrol 6 7* 4 7, Wentworth Mfg. 6 17* 14 14 West Va C ft C 2 14 14 14 Western An Exp 1 47. 44 44 Wichita RIt Oil.. 1 64 54 5** Wolverine Pt C . 2 37, 37, 37, Wrighi Harg.40a 11 34 34 34 r Id oanxruptc, at receivership or ocins leorcsnized undei (he Bankruptcy Act. er securities iMumro e» such companies Rate, of dividends in me foresolnt ublr tre annual disbursements based on the last ousrteri* er seml-annus' declare non Unless otherwise noted special o> extra dividends tre not incluaed s Also extra or extras d Accumulated dividends paid last vear • Declared or oald «r far this vear 1 Payable in stock s Paid faat vest b Cash or stock k Accumu lated dividend' nald 01 declared thi* (esr ur Under rule ww With warrenU *w without warrants war Warranta — Argentine Import Balance Near 27 Millions By the Associated Press. BUENOS AIRES, May 29.—Argen tina had an import balance of 81,- j 608,000 pesos (about $27,000,000) in j her foreign trade in the first four; months of 1940, said official sta-! tistics released yesterday. (The peso is currently worth around 30 cents at the official rate. > l Value of exports totaled 664.659,- I 000 pesos and imports 583,051,000 pesos. Total imports and exports repre- 1 sented an increase of 34.3 per cent from 928,153.000 pesos in the com parable 1939 period. The United States continued the largest supplier of goods to Argen tina. shipping an amount valued at 110,226,358 pesos, compared with 58, 792,718 in the first lour months of 1939. Britain was in second place, send ing 88,893,657 pesos worth of goods, against 82.957,901 in the comparable 1939 period. Brazilian shipments increased to 20.501.905 pesos from 15.853,032. The United Kingdom was the best customer, taking 159.399,180 pesos worth of Argentine products, com pared with 168.521,009 in the similar stretch of 1939. The United States took second place with imports of 93,987.440 pe sos, against 59,670,449 in 1939. Bra zilian imports of 25,034.612. com pared with 25.069.257 in the first four months of 1939. Italy Orders 250,000 Tons of Scrap Steel By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, May 29.—Italy has ordered 250,000 tons of steel scrap in the United States, trade sources re ported today, but some dealers ex pressed doubt whether all of it would be shipped in view of a move in Con gress to license war metal exports. One scrap authority said he un derstood President Roosevelt under new defense measures would have broad powers to ban metal exports when deemed in the national inter est. Italy, a leading buyer of scrap in this country in recent years, was said to have bought much more heavily than usual in placing the latest orders for delivery over the next few months. If Italy enters the war soon, trade sources observed, probably little of it would be moved because shipping into the Mediterranean presumably would be blocked. Portland Cement Output And Shipments Advance B* the Associated Press The Bureau of Mines today re ported that the Portland cement Industry produced 10,043,000 barrels in April, shipped 10,829,000 from the mills and had 25.334,000 in stock at the end of the month. Production and shipments increased 3.8 and 12.2 per cent, respectively, compared with April, 1939. Mill stocks were 6.4 per cent higher than a year ago. Specialty Exports Gain Exports of specialties in April, the Commerce Department says, amounted to (11,788,790, a gain of 6 per cent over the same month last year. Gains included sporting goods, sewing machines, glass products, watches, office supplies and con tainer closures. Steel Consumers * Launch Another Buying Movement -/ Fear Allied Purchases, j Defense Program Will Bring Shortages NEW YORK, May 29 (/P).—Iron and steel consumers "have launched another of those intensive buying movements which characterize pe riods of great stress," the magazine Iron Age said today In a weekly survey. The sharp advance in business during the past week, the steel re view said, will bring May volume for some companies near the high figures of last autumn. "Air bombing of the Ruhr district of Germany by the Allies,” said the survey, “has revived the danger that steel plants on both sides may be put out of commission, thereby in creasing the dependency of the Al lies on this continent for steel and pig iron.” Consumers “have quickly sensed the possibility of shortages or de layed deliveries later on and are building up their inventories in an ticipation of greatly expanded re quirements of the Allies and our own Government for its national defense program. « “Allied purchases of steel here are now expected to become a routine procedure at a volume far in excess of previous requirements. Moreover, a greater volume is coming from Canada, while neutral countries are turning to this country to a larger extent. “Despite higher steel production and larger shipments, mill backlogs are being built up at a surprisingly rapid rate. Ingot output this week, it is estimated, will average 78 per cent of the industry’s capacity, with further rises probable. “The advance of scrap prices has been more hesitant • • • the Iron Age steel scrap composite price moved up to a new 1940 high of $18.17, an advance of 25 cents over last week.” Machine Tool Industry Swings Into High Gear By the Aasocistea rreu. NEW YORK, May 29.—About 40 per cent of the machine tool in dustry is now operating two or three shifts, and the remainder is run ning at least 50 hours a week, the American Machinist, trade publica tion, reported today. Sales to domestic users were said to make up about 60 per cent of cur rent volume, with aircraft com panies and other firms tied in with the national defense the leading buyers. From abroad the bulk of recent contracts has come from the British and French. Wholesale Index Drops To September Low The National Fertilizer Associa tion’s index of wholesale commod ity prices declined last week to the lowest point since last September, dropping to 75.7 per cent of the 1926-28 average, compared with 76.5 the preceding week, 77.8 a month ago and 723 a year ago. Curb Bonds DOMESTIC. High Low o— Ala Power 4 4s 87 j>Jn Ala Power Ss 46 A "" 1054 105*1 105% Ala Power 5s 56 _ 104 4 104U lnSu !la 5s 68 _100410041804 Am P A- L 6s 2016 . . 90,* 4 il2' 4 Aopalach E P 4s 63... 1074 1074 1074 Ark P Ac L 5s 06 _ 104 103’, 104 As El Ind 44s 53 ... 41 40 41 As G Ac E 44s 49_ 11’, 11% iji. As G A E 5s 50 ___I U% As G & E 5s 6* ll7t 11 117h *f. T Ac T 54s 56 A_ 54 4 54 64 4 .Gag Lt 44s 55_1044 1 o« 1, 11114 Bald Loco 8s 50 107 105 106 Bell Tel C 5s 57 b::I; 93 92 9?4 Bell Tel C 5s 80 C_ 92 91 91 Birm El 44s 68 9°’, 9*”'. Q7. nir“v* na* «5s,59"-- 91'* 014 Can Nor Pwr 5s 63 ... 67% 674 67% rw wLt ,8«s 86— 1034 10.34 Cent St El 5s 48 _ 27 n7 *>7 Cent St El 5Vis 64 _ 28 *>5*4 0114 St PAL 5%s 53ZZZ .67% 67% 67% Chi Rys 5s 27 cod_ 43% 43% 43% Cities 8vc 5s 50...Ill 70 884 cities svc si ss..:::: 704 Cities Svc 5s 68 72 * Cities Svc 5s 69 _ 70 Cit S PAcL 54s 52_'80V, Cit S PAcL 54s 49_ 80 Comntjr PAcL 5s 57 ... 85 Conn LAcP 7s 51 A... 127 1 Cont G Ac E 5s 58 A... 82 82 5!fl 2. 45 58 A — 794 79 79% Bdis El Illu 34s 85... 1084 108’', 1084 El Pw Ac Lt os 2030... 714 704 704 Emn Dis El 5s 52 . 102 4 1024 1024 Fed Wat 54s 54 ... 93 4 9.3*5 63*5 Ja Pwr coupn 4s 66... 100 100 100 Florida P&L 5s 54 ... 100’, 1004 100% Gatineau P 34s 69 _. 60 60 80 Gen Pub Ut 64s 56... 89 87% 89 Gen W WAcE os 43 A .. 92 92 92 Georgia Pw 5s 67 _. 104 ro.3’, 104 Glen Alden Cl 4s 65_ 67 86*, 67 Guard Inv 5s 48 A_ 06 '*6 ”6 Hvgrade Fd 6s 49 A... 68 68 6* ’ ' 111 Pw A Lt 54s 57 .. 96 96 96 111 Pwr Ac Lt 6s 63 A.. 1024 1014 1024 I , Pw Ac L 54s 54 B _ 1004 100*. 1004 nil Pw Ac L 5s 58 C __ 973. 97% 97% Indiana Svc 5s 50 A... 59’. 57V, 59’. Indiana Ser 5s 63 A... 574 564 674 Ind PAcL 1st 34s 68... 106 105 105 Interst Pw 5s 57_ 53 624 63 Interst Pw 65 52 _ 32 32 3° Ia-N LAcP 5s 57 A ...104 104 104 Ital Su Pw 6s 63 A... 32 30% 32 Jackson O 5s 42 sto— .394 394 39V* Jer C PAcL 5s 47 B... 103 103 103 Jer C PAcL 44s 61 C... 104 104 104 La Pw Ac Lt 5s 57_ 1064 1054 1"«4 Mengel Co 4 4s 47 ... 81 81 81 Metron Edis 4s 71 E.._ 1074 107% 111. % Mil OAcE 44s 67_ 99 4 984 994 Minn P At L 5s 55 _ 103 102’s 103 Miss Pw A L 5s 57_ 994 99 99V, Mo Pub Svc 5s 80 .. _ 87 87 87 Nass A Su L 5s 45... 98 96 96 Nat P * L 6s 2026 A .. 1094 1094 1094 Nat P Ac L 5s 2030 B._ 1014 101 1014 New Ams Gas 5s 48 117 117 117 New E GAE 5s 47... 52% 52V* 52V* New E GAcE 5s 48 _. 52 52 62 New E GAE 5s 50_ 52% 51 52 New F Pw 5s 48 ... 92 91% 914 New E Pw 54s 54 ... 94 93V, 934 New Or PS 6s 49 A.. 984 98V, 984 N Y S EAO 44s 80 .. 1034 1034 1034 Nor A LAP 54s 66 ... 97 97 97 North P 8 5s 67 A ... 1014 101V* 1014 Ohio Power 34s H8... 104 1 04 1 04 Ohio Pub Svc 4s 62... 106 105 106 Okla Nat G 34s 55_ 105 104% 105 Okla PAcW 5s 48 _1004 1004 1004 Pac G A E 6s 41 B_ 1074 1074 1074 Pac P Ac L 5s 55 ... 884 884 88' Penn C LAP 44s 77... 984 984 98 Penn Elec 4s 71 P ... 100V* 1004 10 Penn Oh E 64s 59 B... 103 103 10 Penn Oh E 6s 50 A... 104% 104% 10 Penn P Svc 6a 47 C ... IO84 1064 10 Peop GLAC 4s 61 D... 96% 95% Peop GLAC 4s 81 B_ 92 91 Phlla El P 64s 72_112V, 1124 11 Phila Rap T 6a 62_ 96 96 fi Pitta Coal 6s 49_103 103 1? Pitta Steel 61 48 _ 99 Potomac E 5s 56 E_108 Pub Bar N J 6s ctfs... 131 a: rpp*tL«4!-:: m Pu 8 PAcL 44s 50 D.. 86 Safe H We 44s 79_109% 10 thw WA$^44,467 a:::18? 1 8 B PAL 61 2026 A... 1064 10 Sou Cel Ed 3%s 80... 107V, 10 Sou Cal E 3%s 60 B .. 106% 10_„ Sa Co Gs Cal 44s 68.. 1044 104V* lfi Sou Ind Rv 4s 51 _ 384 384 3 OOUW r«L. OS 3088 A— 91 91 91 Std GAE Rs 48 st .. fll% 60 61% std GAE Rs 48 cv st.. 61% 61% 61% Std GasAEl Rs 61 A... 61% 69% 61% Std Gas A El Rs 57... 61% R1 61% Std GasAEl Rs 60 B... 62 59% 62 Stand PwALt Rs 67._. 61% 60% 61% Texas Elec 5s HO _102% 102 102 Tex Pw A L 5s 50 .. 106 10R 106 Tide Wat P 5s 79 A... 91% 91% 91% Twin C RT 5%s 52 A .. 57% 67% 57% UlenACo Rs 50 IV st._ 8 8 8 Unit El N J 4s 49_115% 115% 115% Unit LtAPw Rs 75 ... 77 74% 76% Unit LtAPw R%s 74 .. 77 77 77 Unit LAR D 5%s 52.. 81 80 81 Unit LAR M 6s 52 A... Ill 111 111 Utah PAL Rs 2022 A... 85 85 85 Va Pub S 6%s 46 A... 99% 99% 99% Wald Ast Hot 5s 64... 5 6 5 West News U 6s 44... 45 46 46 West Pa 5s 2030_104% 104% 104% Wi£pAL ^s_66 .^. 103 102% lot? Ternl-Soe 6%s 53 A.. 27% 26 Unit ElSvc 7s 56 A 31 31 llrf ww—with warrants, sw—Without wafc rants, n—New. st fstp)—Stamped ol INeietlablllty Impaired by maturity.