Bond Market Pulls
Slowly Ahead After
Early Uncertainty
Most Gains Measured
In Fractions, but Some
Show Wider Swings
Bond Averages
co in in in
Rs:ls Indust- Util F en.
Net change -r.4 unc. +.1 +.2
Today, close 49.5 99.0 91.3 36.8
Prev. day 49.1 99.0 91 2 36.6
Month ago 58 4 103.4 97.0 46.1
Year ago 57.3 99.9 96.5 62.5
1940 high.. 59.9 103.6 97.5 53.5
1940 low 48.3 99.0 90.3 36.1
1939 high.. 64.9 102.0 97.5 64.0
1939 low..- 53.4 95.8 90.4 41.7
10 Low-Yield Bonds.
Close 108.6 Prev. day 108 5
M'nth ago 113.1 Year ago 112.5
1940 high 113.2 1940 low 108.4
1939 high 112.6 1939 low 103.6
(Compiled by the Associated Press.!
By the Associated Press.
NEW YORK, June 4.—The bond
market slowly pulled ahead in late
trade today after early uncertainty.
Most gains were measured in frac
tions, but a few loans affected by
special developments showed wider
Foreign issues inclined higher with
domestics. Uruguay adjusted 3 vs
of 1979 rose 1'8 to 42\ and Japan
6'is added 1'2 at 79.
United States Governments ap
peared on the tape more frequently
with gains ranging to 6-32 point in
the majority.
One of the heaviest-traded do
mestic loans. Boston <& Maine 5s,
jumped 4's to 52 s* as hope in
creased for successful outcome of a
voluntary reorganization plan.
Magnolia Petroleum
Will Expand Plant
By the Associated Press.
NEW YORK. June 4—The Mag
nolia Petroleum Co. announced to
day the capacity of its Fort Worth
plant will be increased to 20.000 bar
rels daily from 5.500 barrels in a
$2,000,000 plant modernization pro
gram expected to be completed in
eight months.
Dividends Announced
NEW YORK. June 4 —Dividends an
nounced. prepared by Fitch Publishing Co.:
Pe- Stock of Pay
Ra’e riod. record, able
Fox Peter. Brewing ftnc 6-15 6-29
Harding Carpets Ltd 5c 6-15 7-2
Eastern S S Lines $2 cv pf.
Am Crystal Sugar 25c _ _ 6-17 7-1
Am Enka Corp $1 5-20 6-1
Bastian-Blessing Co 40c 6-15 7-1
Beatrice Creamery Co 25c Q 0-1.2 T-l
Calhoun Mills $1 5-24 5-21
Chicago Towel Co $1.50 Q 6-1 o 6-20
Fox Pi Brewing 25c Q 6-15 6-29
General Am Trans $1.25 0-12 7-1
Hardme Carpets Ltd 1 oc S 6-15 7-2
Hercules Motors 25c 6-20 7-1
Jefferson Elec _ 25c 0-15 6-29
Lerner Stores _50c Q 7-5 7-15
Natomas Co _ 20c Q 6-15 7-1
Ohio Brass A __5oc 6-8 6-24
Do B 50c 6-K 6-24
Eouthw Port Cement *J Q 5-2 7 6-15
United Steel A* Wire 1 oc Q 6-K 6-15
Vapor Car Heating 50c 6-1 6-10
_ Do 50c 9-2 9-10
Backstay Welt 12'2c 6-15 7-1
Chamb Metal Wstrip Inc 6.14 6-20
Helena Rubinstein 25c 7-15 s-l
Do Class A 25c Q 6-15 7-1
Hycrade Sylvania H2'2c 6-10 7-1
Lsmbert 37,r>c 6-17 7-]
Margav Oil 25c Q 6-2o 7-10
55 m Filene's Sons 25c 7-15 7-°5
Amer Smelt A* Refin 5oc 8-2 K-21
Food Marhinerv Cp 25c 6-15 6-°9
Van Norman Mach T 40c 6-12 6-”4
West Penn Power 37* 2c 6-10 6-25
Muskegon Pistn Ring 25c 6-13 6-29
Chicago Produce
CHICAGO June 4 T* .—Poultry, live. 58
trucks Hens steady: small chickens
easier, broilers. 7v pounds and down.
Plymouth Rock. 70: White Rock, 70:
springs under 4 pounds, colored. 70* a:
Plymouth Rock. 77: bareback chickens.
lb-18; other prices unchanged.
Butter. 1.386.155; steady, prices un
Eggs. 78.814: steady: prices unchanged.
'United States Department of Agricul
ture > — Potatoes—Shipments 7 68; arriv
als 105: on track. 575: supplirs rather
heavy; demand slow: market weak. Cali
fornia Long Whites, washed, few sales, i
U S No. 1. under initial ice. 7.40-50:
U S No. 1. under ventilation. 7.40-50;
U S commercial under ventilation. 7.55
4" U S. No. 1. *ize B. under ventilation.
3 75: Mississippi Bliss Triumphs. U. S No.
1. unwashed late Monday, car. 7 55:
Texas Bliss Triumphs, unwashed, car. fair
Quality and condition, showing some spots.
7 1 7*2'. Alabama Bliss Triumphs, few sales.
U S. No 1. washed. 7.46-45: car. showing
Immature slight decay. 7 55: late Monday,
few. 2.50; U. S No. 1. unwashed car. 7.40:
V S No. ]. size B washed. 1.50-55: late
Monday..] 50-4 5: U S No 1. size B. un
washed. 1.15-25: Louisiana Bliss Triumphs.
U S. No. 1. unwashed, few sales. 2.50-40:
showing dirty. 7 15. Old stock, supplies
night, demand light, no sales reported.
New York Produce
NEW YORK. June 4 ' TV— Eggs. 55.051:
weak Mixed colors, fancy to extra fancy.
38-70*2: extras. 17* ». storage-packed
firsts. 17-17’ i. graded firsts. lH’^-h;
current receipts. 15*4: mediums. 14-14*4
dirties. No. J. 1-4*4- average check*.
3 3*4-15*2.
Whites, resale of premium marks. 77
24*.': nearby and Midwestern premium
marks. 70-71’, specials. lO**: stand
ards. 17-17*4 resales of exchange to fancy
heavier medium*. 17* -70: nearby and
Midwestern mediums. 17
Browns, nearby fanev to extra fancy.
20-71 *2; nearbv and Midwestern specials.
30*.’: standards. 10'4-17: mediums. IH'a.
Duck eggs. 17-10
Butter. 1.517 507: *teariy Creamery. |
higher than extra. 77 -27-*4: extra <02
score*. 76*4; firsts <88-51). 25-26*4. sec
ond* 184-87 * 74-74 L*
Cheese. 550 846: steady State whole- [
m'k flats, held. 1055. 7o'4-71*2: fresh.
Other produce prices steady and un
New York Bank Stocks
NEW YORK June 4 T .—National Asso
ciation Securities Dealers. Inc
Bid. Asked.
Bk of Am NTS <RF) (2.40) 31 33 i
Bank of Manhattan (.80a) 131 a 15
Bank of New York (14) 320 340
Bankers Trust <2> 45 a4 4734
Brooklyn Trust <4> 671 a 72*2
Cen Han Bk A Tr (4) _ ~712 80’i
Chase Nat <].40) _ 273« 2014
Chem Bank A Tr (1 80) 3034 4134
Commercial (8) 163 170
Cont Bk A Tr ( 80) ____ in34 12V4
Corn Ex Bk A Tr (3)_ 42 43
Empire Trust (.60) _ 8Vi 9%
First Nat (Boston) (2)__ 39 41
First. Natl (100) 1560 1620
Guaranty Trust M2> 243 246
Irving Trust (.60) _ 9*2 10'a
Manufactuicrs Tr (2)_ 2834 30>4
Manuf'rs Tr nf (2) _ 50>4 52,-4
Natl City (1) _ 22 V4 24V4
New York Trust (5) 89 92
Public il'2i _ 24’ 4 2534
Title Guaranty A Trust 134 2 s*
Baltimore Stocks
Special Dispatch to The Star.
Bales. STOCKS. Hieh Low. Close.
\ 223 Arundel Corp 14*2 1413 14>2
5 Consol Pow com 70 70 70
10 Consol Pow pfd 113 113 113
23 Fidelity a Deposit 101 12 101‘/a 1011,,
Soon Mar Tex 0.1 Co .40 .30 .30
19<> Mar Tex Oil Co A .25 .25 .25
' 2 Merch A Miners 1314 1314 13*4
!»5 New Am^ter Cas 12 *4 1234 1234
415 U S Fidel A Guar 1 7 1634 17
53500 Balto Tr deb 4s A 30 30 30
New York Metal Market
NEW YORK. June 4 <45.—Copper steady;
electrolytic spot. Connecticut Valley, 11.50;
export, f a.s. New York 11.50. Tin steady,
spot and nearby. 55 00; forward 5.'l.oo.
Lead steady: spot New York. 5 00-5.05; 1
East St. Louis. 4>5. Zinc steady. East St.
Louis spot and forward. H.H5 Quicksilver, ;
195.00-198.00. Pig iron, aluminum an
timony. platinum. Chinese wolframite and I
domestic scheelite. unchanged.
Br print* wire direct to The Star,
Approximate Transactions Today.
Pomestic Bonds_ 3,190,000
Foreign Bonds_, 710.000
U S Govt Bonds_, 330.000
High Low. Close.
2sl9IR-50 _ 101.13 101.13 101.13
2 H s 1948 _105.18 105.18 105.18
:>,s 1949-53_ 103.10 103.7 103.10
2 s 1950-52_ 103.12 103.12 103.12
2 ^4 s 1945-47_106.26 106.23 106.23
2 s 1951-54 _ 104.28 104.28 104.28
2 -t, s 1960-65 ... 103.24 103.17 103.24
2'ss 1955-60 _ 105.5 105.2 105.2
3s 1951-55 _ 107.25 107.23 107.25
3'»s 1946-49 _ 108,28 108.28 108.28
3Us 1 943-45 107.17 107.17 107.17
3',s 1944-46 108.7 108.4 108.4
3 1 941-43 Mar 103.1 102.27 1031
3’4s 1946-56 _ . 111.24 111.24 111:24
4s 1 944-54 _ 111.23 111.23 111.23
4>4s 1947-52 _ 117.8 117.6 117.6
2 *« s 1942-47 103.10 103.10 103.10
3%s 1944-64 105.26 105.26 105.26
1 Us 1945-47 100.5 100.5 100.5
1942-44 _ 103.1 103.1 103.1
3s 1944-52 __ 105.7 105.7 105.7
3s 1980 B w.i. 90% 90 90
3s 1980 1 w.i. 89% 89% 89%
Hieh. Low. Close.
Antioquia 7s 45 A ... 8% 8% 8%
Antioquia 7s 45 B_ 8% 8% 8%
Antioquia 7s 45 D_’ 8*_* 8% 8%
Ant ioauia 2d 7s 57— 7% 7% 7%
Antwerp 5s 58 . 20% 20% 20%
Argentine 4s 72 Feb . 74 73%. 73%.
Argentine 4s 72 Apr 74% 73% 73%
Argentine 4 %s 48 .. 86-% 86% 86%
Argentine 4 %>s 71_ 76% 76% 76%
Australia 4 %s 56_ 37% 37 37
Australia 5s 55_ 42% 41% 41%
Australia 5s 57_ 42% 41% 41%
Belgium 6s 55_ 47 47 47
Belgium 7s 55 _ 42% 42% 42%
Brazil 6%s 1926-57—. 9% 9% 9%
Brazil 6%s 1927-57 ... 9% 9% 9%
Brazil C Rv El 7s 52.. 9% 9% 9%
Brazil 8s 41 _ 12% 12% 12%
Brisbane 5s 57 _ . 35% 35% 35%
Buen Air 4 %s Aug 76 50% 50% 50%
Buen Air 4 %s Apr 76 50% 50 50
Buenos Aires 4 % s 75 52% 52% 52%
Bulgaria 7s 67 _ 9% 9% 9%
Canada 2%s 44_ 78% 78 78%
Canada 2 %s 45_ 74% 73% 74%
Canada 3s 67 _ 61 61 61
Canada 3 %s 61_ 64 63% 64
Canada 4s 60_ 71% 69% 71%
Canada 5s 52 84% 83% 84%
Chile 6s 61 Jan assd . 11% 11% 11%
Chile 6s 63 assd 11% 11% 11%
Chile 7s 42 13% 13% 13%
Chilean Mun E 7s 60 15% 15% 15%
Chil Mun I,n 7s6(J-asd 10% 10% 10%
Colombia 6s 61 Oet . 17% 17% 17%
Copenhagen 5s 52 — 22% 22 22
Cordoba Prov 7s 42 — 70 70 70
Cuba 5s 1914-49 _102% 102% 102%
Denmark 4Us 62_ 23% 23% 23%
Denmark 5Us 55_ 30 30 30
Denmark 6s 42 __ 33% 33 33
Frankfort 6 %s 53_ 9%. 9% 9%
French Gov 7s 49_111 111 111
Ger Govt 5 %s 65 _ 15% 15% 15%
Ger G 5 %s 65 un st_ 10 10 10
German Govt 7s 4918% 18% 18%
Ger Gov 7s 49 un st _ 12% 12 12
Italy 7s 51 41% 40 40
Ital Crd P W 7s 47 B 41 41 41
ltal P U Crd 7s 52.,_31 30% 30%
Japan 5 %s 65_ 62 62 62
Japan 6 %s 54_ 79 78 79
Milan 6%s 52 28% 27% 27%
Minas Geraes 6%s 58 5% 5% 5%
New So Wales 5s 57 _ 35% 35% 35%
Norway 6s 43 . 40 40 40
Oriental Dev 5Us 58. 51% 51% 51%
Oriental Dev 6s 53 _ 57%. 57% 57%
Panama 5s 63 st asd.. 54% .54% 54%
Pernambuco 7s 47_ 5% 5 5
Peru 1st 6s 60 _ 5% 5% 5% de Jan 6%s 53_ 5% 5% 5%
Rio Gr do Sul 6s 68_ 6 6 6
Rio Gr do Sul 7s 66 ._ 6% 6% 6%
Rome 6%s52 _ 34 33% 34
Sao Paulo St 7s 40_ 23% 23% 23%
Sao I’aulo St 7s 56_ 7 7 7
Sao Taulo St 8s 50_ 7 7 7
Serbs 7s 62 _ 9% 9% 9%
Shin su E P 6]/2S 52 60 60 60
Silesia Pr 4 %s 58 asd 3% 3% 3%
Tokyo City 5Us 61... 61% 61 61
Tokyo El Lt 6s 53_ 57%. 57 57%.
Cjigawa El P 7s 45 .. 80 80 80
Uruguay cv 3:% s 79 40 40 40
Uru 3%-4-4 %s adj 79 43 39% 40
Uruguay 4 %s-4 %s 78 44 43% 13%
W arsaw 4 Us 58 assd 3% 3% 3%
Yokohama 6s 61 60% 60% 60%
Abitibi F&P5s.'>3 29 29 29
Adams Exp 4s 48 102% 102%' 102%
Adams Kx 4 % s 46 st 102*, 102*, 102**
Alleg Corp os 44 70%. 70 70
Alleg Corp 5s 49 . HO', 60% 60%
Alleg Corp 5s 50 std 29 29 29
Allied Stores 4 Vis 51 90% 90% 90%
Allis-Chalmers 4s 52 107%. 107% 107%.
Am I G Ch 5 Vis 49 102 101% 102
Am T & T 3 Vis 61 ... 106% 105', 106%
Am T& T 3 % s 66_ 105% 104*, 105%
Am T & T 5 Vis 43 106ft 106ft 106ft
Anaconda db 4'is 50 102% 102% 102%
Arm’r(Del) 1st 4s 55 96%. 95% 96%.
Armour Del 4s 57 96% 96 96%
A T&S Fe adj 4s 95 st 76% 76% 76%
A T&S Fe gen 4s 95 102 101% 101*,
A T&S Fe gen 4s 95 rg 99 98% 99
A T&S Fe 4 %s 48 100% 100', 100%
A T&S Fe CA 4 Vis 62 105 105 105
Atlantic Refin 3s 53 . 104% 104% 104',
Aust & Xorthn 5s 41. 90 90 90
B & O 1st 4s 48 _ 58% 58% 58%
B & t) rv 60s std __ 9 9 9
B & O 95 A stamped . 17% 16%. 16%
B & O 95 C stamped 20% 20% 20%
B & O 96 F stamped . 17 17 17
B & O 2000 D stpd 17% 16% 17%
B & O S W 50s std 35% 35 35
Bang&Aroos cn 4s 51 55 55 55
Bang & Ar cv 4s 51 st 56% 56% 56%
Bang & Aroos 5s 43 89 89 89
Bell Tel of I’a 5s 48 B 112 112 112
Bell Tel (Fa) 5s 60 C 129 129 129
Beth Steel .3 % s 59 ... 102% 100", 102%
Beth Steel 3%s 52 105% 105 105%
Boston & Me 4 •% s 61 49 49 49"
Bost&Me 4%s 61 std 50 47 50
Bos & Me 5s 55 5.3% 51 53%
Boston & Me 5s 55 st. 50% 47% 50%
Bos & Me 5s 67 52% 49 52%
Boston & Me 5s 67 st. 50% 47% 49%
Brklyn C R 5s 41 cfs 74% 74% 74%
Bklyn Man 4 Vis 66 ct 85% 85% 85%
Bk QC&S cn 5s 41 st . 44% 44b, 44%
Bklyn Un ill 5s 50 ct 85% 85% 85%
Bklyn Un G rf 6s 47 _ 111% 111". 111%
Buff Roch & P 57 std 28", 28 28",
Kush Term cn as 55 32% 32% 32%
Calif Oreg Pwr 4s 66 100% 100% 100%
Canadian NR 4 Vis 51. 73 72% 73
Can NR 4 Vis 56_ 74 74 74
Can NR 4 Vis 57_ 74 72% 74
Can NR 4%s 55 _ 75% 75% 75%
Can NR 5s 6!) July_ SO 78% 80
Can NR 5s 69 Oct_ 78 77% 78
Can NR 5s 70 _ 77 77 57
Can Nor 6%s 46 _ 94% 94 94
Can Pac dh 4s perp... 42% 42% 42%
Can Pac 4Vis 46 _ 58 58 58
Can Pac 4 %s 60 _ 54 54 54
Caro Cl & Oh 6s 52 .. 104 104 104
Celotex 4 Vis 47 ww_ 76 76 76
Cent of Ga cn 5s 45_ 5% 5% 5%
Cent of Ga 5 %s 59... 2 1% 2
Cent 111 Lt 3%s 66 .110 110 J10
Cent of NJ gen 5s 87 12% 12% 12%
Cent N Y Pwr 3%s 62 106% 106% 106%
Cent Pacific 5s 60 ... 35% 35% 35V*
Cert'd deb 5 Vis 48 70% 70% 70%
Cham P&F 4%s 38-50 102% 102% 102!#
Ches&Ohio 3 Vis 63 F_ 104% 104% 104%
Ches & O 3Vis 96 D .. 94% 94V* 94%
Ches & O 3%s 96 E... 94% 94% 94%
C & O gen 4 Vis 92_119 118% 119
Chi & Alton 3s 49 _ 9% 9% 9%
Chi B&Q gen 4s 58 85% 85% 85%
C B&Q 111 div 3Vis 49. 91 91 91
CB&Q 111 div 4s 49 .. 95% 95% 95%
Chi & E 111 5s 51 11 10% 11
Chi Grt West 4s 59 _. 21% 21% 21%
Chi Mil & St P 5s 75 . 4 3% 4
Chi&NW gen 3%s 87. 11% 11% 11%
Chi & NW gen 4s 87 . 11% 11% 11%
Chi& NW cv 4%s 49_. 1% 1% p,
Chi & NW gen 5s 87.. 13 13 13
Chi & NW 6%s 36 ... 14 14 14
Chi Rwy 5s 27 ... 43 43 43
Chi RI&P rf 4s 34 .. 4% 4% 414
Chi RI&P rf 4s 34 ct. 3% 3% 3%
Chi Rl&P cv 4%s 60 1% 1% 1%
Chi Un Sta 3%s 63 . 105 105 105
Chi & W Ind cv 4s 52. 88 88 88
Chi & WT Ind 4Vis 62_. 87% 87% 87%
Cin Un Term 3%s 69. 108 108 108
Cin Un Term 3 Vis 71. 105% 105% 105%
CCC&StL rf 4Vis 77— 39% 39% 39%
Clev El 111 3%s 65 ...108 108 108
Clev Un Ter 4%s 77— 65% 64% 64%
Clev Un Terra 5s 73— 72% 72% 72%
Colo & So 4 Vis 80_ 23% 23% 23^
Hi*h. Low. Close.
Col G * E 5s 62 May.. 1004 1004 1004
Col G * E 5s 81 ... 90S 99 99H
Colum RPAL 4e *5... 1074 1074 1074
Comw Ed 34* *8 — 1074 1074 1074
Conn R Pw 3*i* 61... 1074 1074 1074
Cons Ed N Y 34s 4* 104 104 104
Cons E NY db 3 4* 48 1064 1054 1064
Cons Ed N Y 3 4s 56 1034 1034 1034
Cons Ed N Y 34s 68 1064 1064 1064
Consol 011 3 4s 51 103*4 1034 1034
Consum Pwr 3 4s 66 1044 1044 1044
Consum Pwr 3'is 69 105*, 105 105*,
Consum Pwr 3 4s 70 107 1064 107
Conti Oil 24s 48 1044 1044 1044
Crown C&S 44s 48 1004 1004 1004
Crucible Steel 4 4s 48 1014 1014 1014
Payton T & Lt 3s 70 . 103 1024 1024
Pel & Hud ref 4s 43 404 404 404
Pen & ROW 5s 53 ast 14, 1% 14
Pen & RGW rf 5s 78 54 64 54
Puquesne Lt 34s 65. 107 1064 107
Elec Auto Lt 4s 52 ... 106 108 106
Erie gen 4s 96- 18*, 18*, 184
Erie ref 5s 67_ 9 9 9
Erie ref 5s 75_ 9 9 9
Fed Lt & Tr 6s 42 ... 1024 1024 1024
Firestone T 3 4s 48.. 1044 1044 1044
Fla E C Ry 6s 7 4 .. 44 4*, 44
Francisco Sug 6s 56.. 47 47 47
Gen Cable 54s 47 .. 994 994 994
Gen Mot Acc 34s 51.. 1044 1044 1044
Gen Stl Cast 64s 49_. 604 594 604
Goodrich 44s 66 ... 1014 1014 1014
Grt Nor Ry 3*is 67... 71 70 71
Grt Nor'Ry 4s 46 G .. 96 954 96
Grt Nor Ry 4s 46 H . 894 89 89
Grt N Ry 1st 44s 61. 1044 1044 1044
Grt Nor Ry 54s 52... 95 95 95
Hook Val 4 Us 99 115% 115% 115%
Hudson Coal 5s 62 A 26% 25% 25%
Hud A Man inc 5s 57 . 10% 10% 10%
Hud A- Man ref 5s 57 40 39% 39%
111 Cent ref 4s 55 _ 36 36 36
111 Cent 4%s 66 _ 31% 30% 31%
I CCA S3' NO 4 % s 63 . 33 33 33
ICCASt I, N'O 5s63 A . 37% 36% 37
Indust Rayon 4 %s 48 101 100% 101
lnt R 3' 1st rf 5s 66 ct 75 74% 75
Int R T 7s 32 ctfs _71 71 71
lnt Grt Nor 5s 56 R_ 7% 6% 7%
lnt Grt Nor 5s 56 C_ 7% 6% 7%
Int Hydro El 6s 44_ 41% 40% 41%
Int Paper 1st 5s 47_ 100 100 100
lnt Paper ref 6s 55_ 94% 94 94
IntTA7’4%s62_ 24% 24% 24%
Int TAT 5s 55 _ 26% 26 26
Jones A L Stl 4 %s 61. 93% 93% 93%
Kanaw A M 4s 90 85 85 85
Kan City Term 4s 60. 106% 106 106%
Kings Co Lt 5s 54 . 105% 105% 105%
Koppers Co 4s 51. .. 102% 102% 102%
Laclede Cas5%s53_ 40 38% 38%
Lake K&W 3d 5s 41 _ 71 71 71
Leh Val C 5s 44 std .. 37% 37% 37%
L V RR 4s 2003 asd . 9 8% 9
L V RR cn 4 %s 2003 10 in 10
L V RR 4 %s 2003 asd 9% 9% 9%
Lex A East 5s 65 ... 109 109 109
Llgg A Myers 5s 51 _ 124 124 124
Ltgg A Myers 7s 44 . 122 122 122
Liquid Carbon 4s 47.. 106% 106% 106%
Loew's 3%s 46 ... 101% 101 101
Long lsld ref 4s 49 .. 86% 86% 86%
Long Isl ref 4s 49 st.. 87% 87% 87%
La A Ark 5s 69 76% 76% 76%
Loulsv GAE 3 %s 66 107% 107% 107%
L A N 5s 2003 B _ 94% 94% 94%
Me Cent ral 4 %s 60 ._ 42% 42% 42%
Manati Sugar 4s 57 . 34% 34% 34%
Mich Cons Gas 4s 63 100% 99% 100%
Mid RR X J 5s 40 _ 20% 20% 20%
MStPASSM cn 4s 38 3% 3% 3*.
MStPASSM 5s 38 gtd 3% 3% 3?,
MStPASSM 5%s 78 43 43 43
Mo l\ A T 1st 4s 90_ 22 22 22
Mo KAT 5s 62 A_ 10% 10% 10%
Mo Pac 4s 75 _ 1% ]«,
Mo Pac 5s 77 F_ 13% 13% 13%
Mo Pac 5s 80 H _ 13% 13% 13%
Moh A Ohio 5s 3R 28 28 28
Mob A Ohio 5s 38 ct 27 27 27
Monong P S 6s 65 _ 105% 105% 105%
Mont Pwr 3 % s 66 98% 98 98%
Morris A Es 3 %s 2000 36 36 36
Morris A Es 4 %s 55 26% 26 26%
Morris A ES 5s 55 ... 29% 29% 29%
Nassau El 4s Si ctfs . 51', 51', 51';
Nat Dairy 3 % s 51 ... 105 104*, 105
Nat Distill 3 Us 49 . 100', 100 100
Nat Steel 3s 65 102 101', 102
New Or P S 5s 62 A 104*. 104' , 104*,
New Orl P S 5s 55 R 104'', 104*, 104*.
New Orl TAM 5 ‘4s 54 2R', 28', 28',
N Y Central 3'is 52__ 44*. 44 44
N Y Central 3**s 46 _ 74', 74 74
N Y Central 4s 42 _ 85', 85 85
N Y Cent eon 4s 98 _ 48', 47', 4814
N Y Cent 4 Us 2013 A. 40', 40 40',
N Y Cent rf 5s 2013 46', 46 46',
N Y Chi A St I, 4s 46 73 73 73
N Y ChiAStL 4 Vis 78. 44 43', 44
N Y CAStL 5 'is 74 A. 51', 51', 51H
N Y Kdis 3'is 65 D . 105*, 105*, 105*,
N V Kdis ref 3'is 66 106 106 106
N Y G E HAP 4s 49 114', 114' - 114',
N Y G E HAP 5s 48 122 122 122
NY NH A H 4 Vjs 67 .. 13', 12*, 13';
NY N’H AH cv 6s 48 . 13', 13', 13',
N VOAW ref 4s 92_ 3u 31, 311
N Y Rys 6s 58 stpd 105 105 105
N Y Steam 3 Us 63 _ 102 101*, 101*,
N Y S A IV ref 5s 37 _ 20 20 20
N Y Tel 3 >., s 67 107 106', 107
Niag Falls P 3 Us 66 108', 107*, 108',
Niag Sh 5 Vis 50 ... 97', 96’, 96U
North Am 3>.*s 49_ 104*, 104', 104*,
North Am 3 *,s 54_ 102*, 102', 102*,
North Am 4s 59 . 104', 104', 104',
Nor'n Tac gn 3s 2047 36 36*, 36
Nor'n Pac 4s 97 ... 60', 60', 60',
Nor'n Pac 4'i 2047 ... 391, 38', 39',
Nor'n Pac 5s 2047 C.. 43 42*, 42*,
Norn Pac 5s 2047 D 441, 43', 441,
Nor’n Pac 6s 2047 48', 47*, 48
Northn Sta Pw 3 Vi 67 106', 106'-, 106',
Ohio Edison 3% s 72 . 102'-, 102 102',
Ohio Edison 4s 65_ 105*, 105', 105*,
Okla GAE 33,s 66 102*. 102', 102*,
Oregon W RR 4s 61 . 104*, 104', 104*,
Pac Gas A El 3',s 66 106', 105*, 1061 ,
Pac GA E 3 *i s 61- 108*, 108', 108*,
Pac G & E is 64_1101, 110'/, 110',
Penn Co 4s 52 E_ 100 100 100
Penn Co 4s 63 _ 100 99*, 99*,
Penn PAL 3 Vis 69 ... 105U 105', 105',
Penn P A L 4'is 74 _ 101', 10ly, 101'.;
Penn RR 3'is 52_ 77 76 76
PennRR33,s7Q_ 82 81', 82
Penn RR 4s 48 111'* 111', 111',
Penn RR on 4s 48 stp 111', 111', up,
PennRU4'4 8l ... 91 90', 90'-,
Penn RR 4 ',,s 84E _. 90', 90', 90',
Penn RR gn 4 V,s 65 _ 96 95 95*.
Penn RR deb 4'is 70 80', 80'-, 80V,
Penn RR gen 5s 68 102', 102'-, 102V,
Peoria Pek U 5 Vis 54 106', 106'-, 106V,
Pere Marq 4 V4s 80 ... 50 50 50
Pere Marq 5s 56 57', 57', 571,
Phelps Dodge 3 'is 52 107*4 107*, 107*,
Phila B A W 4s 43 109', 109', 109',
Phiia Co 5s 67 .. 103 102Vi 103
Philippine Ry 4s 37 _ 5 5 5
Phillips Petrol 3s 48. 105 105 105
PCCAStL 5s 75 B . 102 102 102
PittAW Va 4 Vis 60 C. 43 43 43
Pitts Y A As 4^ 48 .. 102 102 102
Port Gen El 4',s 60 _ 67 66 66
Porto Rico A T 6s 42 . 79', 78 ', 79',
Porto R A T 6s 42 st. 79', 78', 79',
Postal Tel A C 5s 53 . 17', 17'-, 171,
Press Steel Car 5s 51 79*. 79*, 79",
Pub Svc EAG 3',s 68 108', 108'., 108V,
Pub SvaN 111 3 %s 68 107 107 107
Purity Baking 5s 48 100% 100 100%
Reading R 4 Vis 97 A 63% 63% 63%
Rep Steel 4 Vis 56 _ 93 93 93
Republic Stl 4 Vis 61 91% 91 9t
Republic Stl 5Vis 54 104% 104% 104%
Richfield Oil 4s 52 . 104 104 104
St L IMS R&G 4s 33 50% 5014 50%
StL.lM&SR&G4s33 ct 49% 491, 491,
St L-San Fr 4%s 78 8% 8% 8%
StLSF4 Vis 78 ct st. 7% 7% 7%
St L San Fr 5s 50 B_ . 9% 9 9
St L S F 5s 50 B ct 8', 8% 8%
San Antonio P S 4s 63 105% 105V, 105V,
San A & A Pass 4s 43 57% 57% 57%
Schulco 6 Vis 46 A stp 23 23 23
Seabd A L con 6s 45_. 3% 3% 3%
Seabd A L 6s 45 ct ... 3% 3 3
Shell Un Oil 2 %s 54.. 94% 94% 94%
Silesian Am 7s 41_ 13 13 13
Socony Vac 3s 64_103% 103% 103%
So Bell T&T 3s 79_ 103 103 103
Southn Cal G 4 Vis 61 107 107 107
So Colo Pwr 6s 47 A 101% 101% 101%
Southn Kraft 4 Vis 46 100 99% 100
So Natl G 4 Vi s 51_ 105 105 105
So Pac ref 4s 55_ 54% 54% 54%
So Pac 4 Vi s 68- 331,, 33% 331^
So Pac 4 Vis 69 - 33% 32% 33%
So Pac 4 Vis 81 33 32% 33
So Pac Oreg 4 Vis 77 .. 41% 40V, 4014
So Ry 4s 56 - 46V* 45% 45%
So Ry 5s 94 - 85 84% 85
So Ry gen 6s 56- 59% 58% 58%
So Ry 6 Vis 56 - 63'* 63 63%
So Ry St I, div 4s 51 66 66 66
S W Bell Tel 3 Vis 64 109 109 109
Stand Oil X J 2 Vis 53 102% 102 102
Stand Oil N J 3s 61 . 102’'. 102% 102%
Studebaker cv 6s 45.. 88V* 87% 88%
Swift & Co 3 Vi s 50 _ 105% 104% 105%
Ter RR As Stl, 4s 53. 106 106 106
Tex Corp 3s 59_ 104 103% 104
Texas Corp 3 Vis 51— 103fc 103fc 103fc
Tex & Pac 5s SOD ... 55 55 55
Tex&Pac 1st 5s 2000. 105 105 105
Third Av ref 4s 60 ... 47% 47% 47%
Third Ave adj Bs 60 . 14% 14 14
Tide Wat 011 3 63. 105% 105% 105*
Hieh. Low. Close.
Union Oil (Cal) 3s 6». 101 101 101
Un Pacific 1st 4s 47... 110% 110% 110%
United Drug 6s 83_ 77 78% 77
Utah L&T 5s 44_ 98 97 98
Utah Pwr & L 6s 44 98 96% 98
Utility Pwr & L 5s 69 77 77 77
Va Ry 1st 3% 66 _ 106 104% 104%
Wabash 4%r 78 C_ 6% 6% 6%
Wabash 5Vis 75_ 6V. 5% 6%
Walworth 4s 55 _ 67 67 67
Warner Bros 6s 48 79 79 79
Warren Bros cv 6s 41 20 19% 19%
Westch L gn 3 Vis 67 106% 105% 105%
West Penn P 3 %s 66 108% 108% 108',
West Md 1st 4s 52_ 74 74 74
West Md 5 %s 77 _ 79 79 79
West Pac 5s 46 A __ 11% 11% n%
West Pac 5s 46 A as__ 11% 11% 11%
Wes, Union 4 %s 50_ 54% 54% 54%
West Union 6s 61__ 57% 57% 67%
West Union Bs 60 __ 56% 56 66
Wheel Steel 4 Vis 68 .. 99% 99% 99%
Wilkes B & E 5s 42 10% 10% 10%
Wis Cent 1st gn 4s 49 16 15% 16
Wis El Pw 3 % s 68 __ 106 106 106
Wis Pub Svc 4s 61 __ 107% 107% 107%
Youngst’n S&T 4s 48 . 102% 101% 102%
Youngst'n S&T 4s 61. 102'i 102% 102%
What They Mean
Associated Press Statistician.
NEW YORK, June 4—Bossie the
cow may hang up a new production
record this year. The milk industry
foundation says that the 25.000,000
bovines on American farms are now
turning out milk at a rate which
will exceed last years record of
1 51,000,000.000 quarts.
The farmers, naturally, are quite
pleased, as milk is their most im
portant cash crop. Milk is paid for
monthly, not at the end of the sea
son as in the case of most crops.
; It pays for regular purchases in the
village, and gasoline and repairs for
the farmer's car.
It is doubtful if bossie appreciates
the tremendous size of the industry
' which has grown up around her
Here are a few facts about it:
Milk is produced by almost three
! quarters of America's 7,000,000 farms.
More than a quarter of a million
1 workers, not counting those on dairy
farms, are employed in getting milk
from the farm to the family front
porch, stores, hospitals, restaurants,
j etc., and in making cheese, butter,
; ice cream, and other dairy products.
In thousands of communities the dis
tributors and processors of milk, and
producers on the farm represent the
largest single group of purchasers of
nearly all of the commodities in
j daily use.
In 1939, milk brought the American
farmer a cash income of $1,355,000,000
and the output of the dairy industry
was valued at $3,500,000,000.
The supply of milk produced last
year would have filled a train of
more than 2.000.000 tank cars, each
holding 6.000 gallons. The train
would have been over 17,000 miles
Per capita consumption of fluid
milk in the United States is 39 gal
lons a year, the largest of any big
nation, but well below Switzerland's
mark of 62 gallons per person. Milk
in one form or another makes up
more than one-fourth of the 1,500
pounds of foodstuffs which the
average American consumes each
A relatively new development in
the milk industry is the increasing
manufacture of plastics from more
than 3,000.000 pounds of milk solids
left over yearly by butter and cheese
makers. Milk casein is also used in
an endless variety of articles—but
tons, paints, paper, beads, radio parts
and wallpaper.
Farm Wife Braves
Storm to Save Train
For saving a train from being
wrecked, Mrs. Harry Daziel, a
farmer's wife is hailed as a heroine
at Atherton. Australia. During a
heavy storm she heard a crash.
From a window she saw that a
telephone pole carrying many wires
was leaning dangerously over the
railway tracks. She dashed into
the storm and ran to the nearest
post office. She had to swim two
swollen creeks to get there and was
a completely exhausted heroine
when she gasped the news just in
time to save the train.
Check Volume Rises
Above Last Year
B» thf Associated Press.
The Federal Reserve Board re
ports that banks in 274 leading cities
cashed $8,825,000,000 worth of
checks in the week ended May 29, j
compared with $7,059,000,000 in the
corresponding week last year.
1,370 Tons of Lead Sold
NEW YORK, June. 4 </P).—St.
Joseph Lead Co. reported 470 tons
of Southeast Missouri pig lead sold
yesterday at $4.85 per 100 pounds
East St. Louis, 750 tons at $5.05
New York and 150 tons at the New
York average.
Oldest Horse Works
Great Britain's oldest working
horse. Margaret, a 41-year-old
Welsh mare, is helping to “grow j
more food." She is kept busy on j
a farm at Gilsinghalm. Once she !
drew London buses, but in the World
War she did farm work.
Short-Term Securities
(Reported by Smith. Barney A Co.)
Bid. Offer
Ala Ot Southern "A" 5s 43 110%
Alleghany Corp cv Ss 44.. 70% 72
Amer TAT 5%a 43 106% 106%
Austin A Nor'western fis 41 86 90
Central Foundry 6s 41 _ 90
Central RR of Georgia 6s 42 64%
Chicago Union Sta 4s 44 . 102% 104
Childs Co fis 43 ... 37 40
Colo Fuel A Iron fis 43 104% 104%
Conn A Passump RR 4s 43 88%
Cuba Northern Rys 5’as 42 22 24%
Delaware A Hudson 4s 43 40 40%
Federal Lt A Traction fis 42 100% 103
Grand Rap A Ind 4%s 41 103% •_
Inti Hydro-Elec 6s 44 40% 42
Internatl Merc Marine fis 41 63% 58
Laclede Gas Light fis 42 80% 83
Lake Erie A Western fis 41 94
Lehigh Valley Term fis 41 30 47
Liggett A Myers 7s 44 122 124
NY Central A Hudson 4s 42 83 86%
NY A Long Branch 4s 41 26 74
Norfolk A Southern 5s 41 56% .59%
Pennsylvania Co 3%s 41 101% 107%
Penn-Dixle Cement 6s 41 90% 96
Pennsylvania RR 4s 43 108
Peoples Gas Lt A Coke fis 43 110% 112
Phila Balt A Wash 4s 43 109%
Studebaker Corp Hs 45 88% 89%
Texas A New Orleans fis 43 62% 100
Union Oil of Calif fis 42 109% 111%
Utah Power A Light fis 44 9fi% 96%
Warren Bros fis 1941 19 20
Western N Y A Pa 4s 43.. 107% 108%
New York Bar Silver
NEW YORK. June 4 UP).—Bar ailver,
34%. off %
Food prices are rising in Aus
Crude Oil Production
Shows Decline in
June 1 Week End
East Texas Fields Are
Up 143 Barrels, but
State Output Drops
By the Associated Press.
TULSA, June 4.—Daily crude oil
production in the United States de
clined 89,758 to 3,747,671 barrels in
the week ended June 1, the Oil and
Gas Journal said today.
East Texas fields increased 143
to 396,591 but Texas production was
off 99,190 to 1,364.534. Oklahoma
declined 5,225 to 418,250; California,
2,800 to 604,500; Kansas, 1,650 to
185,850; Eastern fields, 700 to 107,900,
and Michigan, 448 to 59,165.
Illinois increased 16,698 to 450,430;
Louisiana, 3,913 to 308,075, and the
Rocky Mountain area, 30 to 88,380.
Washington Produce
BUTTER—93 score, tubs. 28%: 1-pound
prints. 29'4: %-pound prints. 29%: 92
score, tubs. 27 V l-p^und prints. 28%: %
pound prints. 2834: 91 score, tubs. 27%:
1-Dound mints. 28% %-pound prints,
.8%. 90 score, tubs. 20% 1-prund prints.
2/%: %-pound prints. 27%: 89 score, tubs.
20%: 1-pound prints, 27. %-pound prints,
,s* •‘■core, tubs. 20: 1-pound prints.
201 ■: ’ .-pound prints. 27
LIVESTOCK --Calves. 9%; spring lambs,
o Other livestock prices unavailable
(Prices paid net fob. Wasnington >
EGGS--Market about steady. Prices
paid foi Federal-State graded egcs received
fron. grading stations (June 4>: Whites,
U. S extras, large 21-23. U. S. extras,
mediums. 17-19; U. S. standards, large.
18-2(1; U. S. standards, mediums. 10-17:
U S. Trades. 15-17. Browns. U, S. extras,
large, 29-22; U. S. extras, mediums. 17-18; !
U. S. standards, large. 18-29; U S stand
ards. mediums. 10-17 U S trades 15-17.
For nearby ungraded eggs current re
ceipts whites, 10: few higher: mixed colors,
In few higher.
LIVE POULTRY—Market about steady.
Fowl, colored, all sizes. 17. No. 2s. 12-13:
Leghorns. 12-14 Roosters 8-1 n Chick
ens, Virginia Rocks, broilers and fryers,
all sizes. 23: No. 2s. 14-10 Delaware
Rocks and crosses, broilers and fryers all
sizes. 22: No. 2s. 14-15. Leghorn broilers.
2 pounds and up 10-18 some higher:
under 2 pounds 15-18 Turkeys old toms.
8 IQ1’ hens* No- ~s* hens and toms.
Washington Exchange
Capital Traction 1st 5s—$1,000 at
Capital Transit Co —50 at 12.
Woodward ft Lothrop pfd.—8 at
118. 2 at 118. 2 at 118.
Potomac Electric Power 6% pfd—
5 at 111
Potomac ElVctric Power 5U'-C pfd—
10 at 111>2.
Washington Railway & Electric 4s—
$1,000 at 106.
Washington Gas Light com.—21 at
22, 30 at 22.
Potomac Electric Power 6^ pfd.—
9 at llli2. 4 at 111*2.
Bid Asked
Ar.acostia A Pot 5s 1949 98 1AI
Ana A Pot Guar 5s 1949 lnti'a
CaD Traction 1st 5s 1947 98 981*
City A Suburban 5s 1948 9s> lul
Georgetown Ga 1st 5s 1961 115
Pot Elec Pow :i',s 1966 105
Washlnaton Gas 5s i960 i"5
Wash Ray A Elec 4s 1951 195
Chevy Ch Cl 1st 4-*.s 1957 103
Col Country C 1st 4',s 1957 103
Ter R1 A W CP 1st 4',s I94s luu
Amer Tel A Tel <9i 150*.
Capital Transit (t.50) __ _ 1]
N A W Steamboat 141 55 70
Pol Elec Poa 6', pfd (Hi ill 11"
Pot El Pa 5‘a'' pfd i5 5(1) 111 112
Wash Gas Lt com (1 50) "it2
Wash Gas Li p!d I4.5m Ion 102
Wash Ry A El com ia36) H20
Wash Ry A El pfd Co) lot II"
Amer Sec A Tr Co (e»i °15 "35
Bank of Bethesda (.751 3o ~40
Capital cv4i .159 17j
com A Savings (ylO 00) 300
Liberty (Hi 168 18O
Lincoln ty.->) 19,,
Natl Sav A Tr (4.00) 195 "10
Pr Georges Bk A Tr it.HO) 19 25
Rises ieSi "5" "70
R*ircs pfd (51 mi
Washington (ft) _ i"n
Wash Loan A Tr ieSi _ 215
American (tfi) _ 119
Firemen's (1.40) _ "7
National Union (.75) ~~~ 1">2 19"
Columbia (k.30) 14
Real Estate imiii 150 185"'
Carpel Corn (2.00) . _ 24 30
Garflnckel com f.70> • 10
O'finckel ft', cu cv of il 50) 24 "51/,
Lanston Monotype (2.00) "H
Lincoln Serv com (*1.00) *17 ""
Line Svc or d! (3.501 •46‘, 52
Mergenthaler Lino ip.SOi 123, 15
Natl Mtge A Inv pfd (d.35> 413
PeoD Drug com new (tl (10) 15',
Real Est MAO old (.50) 5', fli,
Security Storage (5) 80
Ter Ret A Wh Corn i.'ii 53 58
Wdwd A Loth com (s'MiO) 40 5"
Wdwd A Loth pfd 1T1 115
•Ex dividend
t Plus extras d 35c paid In 19.39 e 2r-„
extra e $14.00 extra paid December 23.
1939. k 20c extra, m SI .50 extra p 50c
paid September 20 19.38 s #2.Off paid in
1939 t 50c paid December 20. 1939
extra10 extr* Dald Januar5f- 1840. y #5.00
Insurance Stocks
NEW YORK. June 4 ((Pi.—Association of
Securities Dealers. Inc.
. , _ , Bid. Asked
Aetna Cas '4a> _ 98'2 ;o°
Aetna Ins (l.H(ia) _ _ 41 \ 433,
Aetna Life (1.20a) _ 24’, •’H(1
Am Equit (li _ 141, l.V4
Am Ins Newark ('aa> _ _ pi2 It
Am Reins (1.80a) 3534 373;!
Am Reserve (1'2) _ 14’, iri.
Am Surpty (274) _ 41 433,
Automobile (la) _ 3"'/2 341,4
Balt Amer ( 20a) __ _ 5va ri2
Boston (10a) 540 500
Carolina (1.30) _ 03 05
Conn Gen Life (.80) _ _ 23’, "V,
Contin Cas (1.20) __ 27'i •’(),,,
Fid 5: DeD (4) .___ 10l>4 ldo'4
Firemen's Newark (.40) O’, s
Franklin Fire ila) _ _ 24'-, "HU
Gen Reinsur (la) __ 3434 3Hn,
Georg Home (lai _ __ .’314 •'51/
Glens Falls G.ftil) __ 34’, 331,
Globe & Ren C4) _ _ R’, 73,
Globe * Rut _ 11 14
Gt Amer Ins (la) I 21’, "314
Hanover (1.20) _ ]»’, 3j,
Hartford Firp (2a) _ fist, 70'4
Home Fire 8pe 11, *>14
Home Ins (1.20a) " I" 25'i °7
Homestead (1) . _ 1R1.4 J714
Knickerbocker (Vi) _ r’4 7,
Lincoln Fire _ 1’4 014
Maryland Cas _ is, 5s,
Mass Bond <3Vi) _ flo'2 54
Natl Fire (2) _ 4R'i 48(4
Natl Libertv (,20a) _ H 7
New Amst Cas (’,) 1214 1334
New Hampshire (l.ROa) _ 37'2 401,
N Y Fire (.80) _ _ ll'i ]°32
Nor East Ins __ 1’i oii
North River (1)_ _ ip’, 0J1/
Phoenix (2a) __ 71 (2 7314
Prov Wash (la) _ 2574 "774
Ren Ins Tex (1.20a) _ 2.7 24'4
Revere (PI In (1.20a)_ IS’, 207,
Rhode Island Ins __ 2'4 4
ft Paul Fire (81 -105 2os
Springfield (4 Via)_ P714 103
Sun Life (15) _210 2R0
JreVeif55 390 406
V S Fid & O (1)_ 1RV4 1774
D S Fire (2) 39 41 4
Westchester (1.20a) _ 2574 2774
a Also extra or extras.
Quotations furnished by National Asso
ciation of Securities Dealers. Inc . which
states they do not necessarily reflect ac
tual transactions or firm bids or offers but
should Indicate approximate prices.
U. S. Treasury Notes
NEW YORK. June 4 f/Fi.—Prices Quoted
in dollars and thirty-seconds.
Rate. Maturity. Bid AskedAPyield'
174 June 1940 _100.1
l'g Dec. 1940 _101.1 101.3
1 '4 Mar. 1941_ 101,10 101.12
17, June 1041_101.12 101.14
1'4 Dec. 1941_ 101.25 101.27 04
17, Mar. 1942 ... 102.28 102.28 13
2 Sept. 1942_ 104.2 104.4 .19
17, Dec. 1942_ 103.17 1 03.19 .32
17k June 1943 _101.10 101.12 fifi
1 Va Dec. 1943_101.10 101.12 .7.3
1 Mar. 1944_ 100.15 100.17 .85
% June 1944_ 90.14 99.16 .87
1 Sept. 1944_ 100.12 100.14 .89
*/, Mar. 1945_ 98.30 99 .90
London Money Rates
LONDON. June 4 ((Pi.—Money. 1 per
eent. Discount rates, short bills, 1 1-32
per cent; three-month bills, 11-32-1A.
•> erlvate wire dlreet te The Star.
Stock and Sales—
Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low. Close.
Aero Bud B 20* 3 6% 64 54
Ala Gt Sou (3e) 25e 62 62 62
Ala Power pf (7) 20s 934 934 934
Alum Co Am (2e) lOOg 150% 1504 150%
Alum Co pf <«> 100s 1104 110% 1104
Alum Goods 20e. 1 164 164 164
Alum Ltd (3e) _ 50s 544 544 544
Am Centrifugal . 1 ft ft ft
Am t'vnam B «0 16 31% 30% 31%
Am Export .50e .2 9 9 9
Am Um A EM 60 7 27 264 26%
Am Laun M .80a 1 134 134 134
Am Lt&Trac 1 20 4 124 124 124
Am Maracaibo... 78 % V« 4
Am Kepuhllrs . l 54 54 54
Am Superpower. 2 ft ft ft
Ark Nat Oast A> 20 1% 1% 1%
AssoGAE tAllr) 4 4 4 4
Atl Coast Fish .. 2 2 2 2
Atlas t'orp war 1 ft ft ft
Atlas Drop F .20* 1 2% 2% 2%
Atlas Plyw 625e 1 13 13 13
Austin Stlv M tr) 44 ft ft ft
Aviation ft Trans 5 3 24 24
Baldwin Lo war 20 5% 6% 5%
Barium Stain Stl 4 4 4 4
Bath Iron (,25e) m 12 124 12V* 124
Beau Brumm 25e 14 4 4
Beech Aircraft 2 44 44 44
Bellanca Aircraft 1 4% 4% 4%
Bell Aircraft 4 184 18 18
Bell T Pa pf * 50. 25s 1154 1154 1154
Bickfords pf 2.50 60s 37 37 37
Bliss (EWI . 7 154 14% 154
Blumenthal <S) .. 4 3% 3% 3%
Bohack 1H Cllst 10s 20 20 20
Borne Scry ms 2e 150s 33 28 33
Rnwman-Rilt 1st 100s 3% 3% 3%
Brartllan TrLAP 10 3% 3% 3%
Brewster Aero 10 9% 94 9%
RrnwnOn pf Irl 100s 19 18 19
Br'n Fence A 65e 1 10 10 10
BNAEPnt I fill 3 174 17 17
Runker Hill 50e_ 5 9% 9% 9%
Burry Biscuit 2 4 4 4
Calllte Tunssten 3 1% 1% 1%
Carrier Corp 1 6% 6% fix,
Catlln (Am) 8 2 2 2
Celan nte of (7a) 100s 108 107 108
Celluloid Corp 3 3Vi 2% 314
Cent N Y Pw pf 6 10s 92 92 92
Chi Flex S (5a) . 200s 57 57 57
Childs pf _ 25s 15 15 15
Cities Service 14% 4% 4%
Cities Service pf. 4 62% 62% 62%
Clev Tractor . 2 5 5 5
Col Fuel & 1 war. 2 4% 4% 4%
Col Q & E pf (6) 25s 55 55 55
Coliimb <>1l A Gas 3 1% i% i%
Comt’y P S 130a 100s 22% 22% 22%
Conn Tel A Elec. 11 11
Consol Biscuit . _ 12 2 2
Consol MAS (la) 60s 18% 18% 18%
Cons Steel Corp 1 3% 3% 3%
Conti Roll A Stl 3 7 6% 7
Copper Ranee 400s 4% 4 4%
Corroon A Reyn - 1 1% 1% 1%
Cosden Perrolm 5 1% 1% | % 1
Cosden Petr pf... 2 7% 7% 7%
Deccj Rec 60 1 4%. 4% 4%
Draper ( orp <3a) 40s 59% 58% 58%
Duke Power ,50e. 25s 72 72 72 !
DuxalTexS 25e 2 6 5% 5%
Eagle Pitch Lead 3 8% 8 8%
East’n GasAFuel 1 2% 2% 2%
Eastn GAF * of 300s 16% 15% 16%
E GAF prpf 2 25k 25s 42 42 42 !
Elec Bono A Sh 13 4% 4% 4%
Elec B A S pf (6) 2 50% 50% 50%
Elec BAS Pf (6) 4 59 56% 59
Elec PAL war 11 1 1
Emerson Electric 1 3% 3% 3%
EmpGAF6%pf 70s 61 60 61
Emp GAF 7% pf 25s 63 63 63
Equltv Corp 3 ft A ft
Equity cv pf (3) 25s 20% 20% 20%
EsaulretfiO) __ 4 3 3 3
Fairchild Avia .. 2 9% 9% 9%
Fairchild EA A 15 5% 5 5%
Falstaff Brew 60 1 «% 6% 6%
Fansteei Metal 2 9% 9% 9%
Fedders Mfe 16e 1 6% 6% 6',
Fla PAL pf 3.94k 50s 97 97 97
Ford K’an 1A (1) 2 9 9 9
Gilbert (AC) 2 44 44 44
Glen Alden 125# 16 6 6
Godehaux A (2) 100s 22 21 21
Godehaux (B). I 5'j 54 54
Gray Mfg 16 6 6
G A&P 1st pf (7) 100s 1234 1234 1234
Gulf (Ml of Pad i 6 264 26 264
Gulf St Ut pf 5 50 100s 1024 1024 1024
Hearn Dept Stra. 1 14 14 14
Hecla Min 2oe... 3 44 44 44
Ho«iR)4CoA _. 1 64 64 64
Holitneer G 65a_ 2 64 6 64
Humble Oil ,75e 3 51 504 51
Hygrarte Syl.625e 50s 34 32 34
111-la Power pf 3 26 25 26
111-la Pwr dlv ct 2 54 5s, 54
ImpOilLtd 60a 15 64 64 64
Inrt aoP&Lnf 6 60 70s 1044 104 1044
Indus Flnan vtc 1 4 4 4
Int indust 1 lOgi 1 14 14 14
Int PaftPwrwar 11 24 24 24
Int Petrolm 1.50 18 94 94 94
Irving Air Ch d) 1 14 11 14
Jones * Lau Stl 5 204 20 20
Klelnert (lg) .. 19 9 9
Hoppers ptiSl 30i 774 77 774
Lake Sh M (le) . 6 124 11 114
l-akey Kdiy & M 13 3 3
Lane-Wells (la). 1 94 94 94
Leonard 011 1 4 4 4
Locke Steel 1 20 100s 104 104 104
Lone Star 20e 4 84 84 84
Long Isl Lt pf B 100s 244 244 244
La Land&Ex .20e 2 44 44 44
Mangel Stores 3 14 14 14
Mead John (3a» . 10s 128 128 128
Memph NG.16e _ 14 4 4
Merr-Chap&S 2 24 24 24
Mesa hi Iron 3 4 4 4
Met Tex pt pf 3.25 10s 364 364 364
Mid-West Ahras 3 14 14 14
Minn M & S 60e 150s 48 474 48
Mock Jud V 25# 1 64 64 64
Molyhrtenum 25# 1 64 64 64
Monarch M 1.50e 1 37 37 37
Mont Ward Ai7) 60s 145 143 145
Mount City C 2 3 24 3
Mount Prod ( 60 * 1 5 5 5
Mount Sta P (le) 1 144 144 144
Muskogee (.25e) 200s 64 64 64
Nat City L pt (3) 100s 38 374 38
Nat Fuel Gas 11 1 3 104 104 104
Nat PS L ut ‘61 60s 774 774 774
Nat Rubber Macl 2 4 34 34
Nat Tunnei&Min 2 14 14 14
Nehi Corp .125e 2 94 94 94
NEPA 64 pf (3k) 200s 574 57 57
N Ene T&T 1.76e 10s 115 115 115
New Haven Clock 14 4 4
New Idea (.60) 2 104 104 104
N J Zinc (le) ... 300s 504 50 50
N ¥ Hon R 75e . 100s 17 17 17
Niles-B-P 1.26e . 4 61 604 604
N A Rayon A 50e 1 164 164 164
NorARprpf(3) 20s 47 47 47
NIPS 6% pt 1.60k 20s 97 97 97
NIPS 7% pf 1.75k 20s 1044 104 1044
North'n P L .40e 1 74 74 74
North n Sta P (A) 1 84 84 84
Ohio Brass B le . 25s 19 19 19
Ohio Pwr pt (61 80s 1124 112 1124
Okla Nat Gas.50e 2 144 144 144
Oldetyme Dist 2 44 44 44
Pac Gas * Elec
614% pt 1.375 1 271* 27*i 27V
Pao Gas6%pfl 50 4 30 297* 29;»
Pantepec (Ml 5 2:» 2** 2*»
Parkbg R&R .25e 1 71 v 7*4 7'a
Pennroad 8 14* l5* IV.
Pa tient Airlines 6 141* 13s* 14*«
Penn P&L pt >6) 10s 101 101 101
Phlla Co (.36e) _ 1 51* 51* 5*4
Phoenix Secur 6 6t* 6 6
Pioneer Gold 40 8 IV* 1'* 1V4
Pitts* LE (2e)_ 20s 531* 52V, 52V,
Pitts Meial 25e 1 12V4 12** 12V*
Pitts Plate G(2e) 5 78V, 75 75
Produceis Corp_. 2 4W ft -A
Prudential Inv 1 5 5 5
Pb Svo Ind $6 pf 100s 40 39** 3914
P Sind 67 prof 200s 8114 80Va 81
PS Ok pr In pf (7) 20s 105 105 105
Pug Sd 66pf 1.25k 25a 6914 69V4 69*4
Puget 8d P 66 pf 175s 18V, 1814 18V4
Pug Sd Pulpl.25e 3 181* 18 1814
Quaker Oat# (5). 90s 97 97 97
Rellanc E&E .2Se 100s 1014 10V* 1014
Republic Avlat’n 2 4V 4% 4%
Rio Gr G vtc 1 V* V* V*
Roch G&E pf C 6 25s 97 97 97
Roch G*E pf D 6 25s 9714 97W 97*4
Rustless I&S .30* 3 10 94* 9'*
Ryerson H .. 6 44 “* 4*
St Kegls Paper 9 2% 2V, 24*
St Regia Pap pf 100s 55 541* 541*
Salt Dome Oil 1 6V* 5V« 5V4
Scovill Mfg ,50e„ 1 26 26 26
Scullin Steel 1 614 6*4 6*4
Segal Lock _ 4 4 Hi
Selberllng Rub 6 4V4 4 4
Select Industries 2 % 44 4*
Sher-Wll) pf (5). 10s 108 108 108
Simmons H & P 13 44* 414 44*
Singer Mfg (6) . 130s 105 105 105
Sonotone (.10e)_. 6 14* 14* 14*
So Penn 011 1.60 1 32 32 32
S C Ed pfC 1.676 1 2514 2614 2514
Spald (AG) 1st pf 50a 84* 8% 844
Stand C & S .60*. 1 7*4 714 714
Stand Oil Ky (1). 2 17V* 171* 171*
Sterling Alum - 2 6*4 614 614
Sterling Ine (.20) 1 2 2 2
Stock and Sales—
Dividend Rate Add 00 High. Low. Cloae.
Sunrav 011 06a.. 6 1% 1% 1%
Sup Oil of Cal ... 1 22% 22% 22%
Technicolor 60a. 1 9% 9% 9%
Tung-Sol Lamp.. 1 1% 1% 1%
Udyllte (.20e) ... 1 3% 3% 3%
Unit Alrc't P 10a 9 11 10% 11
Unit Cur Whelan 3 % ft ft
Unit Sh M 2 60a 100* 60 69% 60
US Lines pf 1 2% 2% 2%
U S Plyw'd 60a 2 22% 22 22%
U S Plyw pf 1.60 100* 27% 27% 27%
UnlvCorpvtc 3 3% 3% 3%
Van Norman 40a 100* 27 27 27
Wentworth Mf*. 4 1% 1% 1%
West Va CAC 1 1% 1% 1%
Wichita Rlv Oil 2 5% 5% 6%
Wolverine T 10* 2 6 6 5
Wright Harg 40n 4 3% 3% 3%
r In bankruptcy or receivership or being
reorna uzed under the Bankruptcy Act. or
'ecuritie.'. assumed by such companies.
Rates ot dividends In the foregoing table
are annual disbursements based on the
last Quarterly or semi-annual declara
tion Unless otherwise noted, special or
extra dividends are not included a Also
extra or extras, d Accumulated dividends
Paid last year e Declared or paid so
tar this year 1 Payable in stock g Paid
last year h Cash or stock k Accumu
lated dividends paid or declared this year
Hr Under rule ww With warrants. xw
Without warrants, war Warrants.
Chicago Grain
By the Associated Press.
CHICAGO, June 4.—Wheat prices
broke as much as Hi cents a bushel
today under the weight of private
crop estimates, which were moie
optimistic than anticipated, and the
unsettled European situation.
Trade was slow, with prices sag
ging from the start. A rally about
the middle of the session pulled
wheat up about a cent. A spurt in
United States Steel on the "big
board" and some buying by traders
short of wheat caused the advance
which later was lost.
Near the close, however, prices
rallied again. There appeared to
be no interest in the market.
Wheat closed 'p-7* lower than
yesterday's finish, July, 81U-81H;
September. 81*g-81**, and corn was
unchanged to >2 cent down, oats
unchanged to >s lower and soy
beans unchanged.
WHEAT— Open Hich Low Close
July .82'* .*»>« .so», si i,.i,
Sep sgi, sc3, .So3, siu-3,
, Dec . _ .83 .83 .81', .823*-’,
July _ fig3, .«•»<, 62'a-S
Sep ,6]i, .63 .811, Hit,
Dec .60 .60 59', .59U
July .33'4 3314
! Sep .31 *a .31H .31', .31'4
July _ __ _ S9'2
Oct .. 77
Dec - - - .78',
1 July 44', . 44’,
Sep, .46', 46'2
Dec 4s .48', .48 48',
Julv 5 17 5 17
Sen 5 37 5 37 5 35 5.35
Oct 5 47 5 47 5 45 5 45
Dec 5 60 5 65 5 60 5 82
July 5 77 5 80 5.77 5 SO
Sep. _ 6 50
Chicago lash Market.
No shea’ sale.' Corn. No 1 yellow.
66-67-V No 2. 66'4. No. 3 64',-6634
ample erarie. TO3, Oats, No 2 white.
116',-37 No 4. 35', Barley, malting.
55-6.3 nominal: seed. »o-50 nominal. Soy
beans. No. 2 yellow. 83.
WINNIPEG. Juue 4 <4*'—Grain ranee
. , Hich. Low. Close close.
75', 74s* 75 .75’4
Oc’ober .71'* 77 773* 7 "'«
OATS— ‘ " * '" ’
July .32_Til3. .313, .32',
WinnlPfc Cash Market.
Wheat. No 1 Northern. 7414: No. *!.
20 No 673«: oats. No. C white. 317*;
No. 3. 30s«.
Baltimore Quotation*.
BALTIMORE. June 4 TV—Wheat, No 2
red wmter. garlicky, spot, domestic 97.
Chicago Stock Market
CHICAGO. June 4 <4Y—Following is the
, complete list ol transactions on the Chi
cago Stock Exchange todav
Sale’. STOCKS High. Low Close
in Abbott Lab 54% 5:1% 5:s%
Inn Adams Oil A- Gas '2% 7%
. 11> Allls-Ch Mfg 2474’, "4’!
non Am Tel A- Tel 15!'« 149% 15o%
4ott Asbestos Mlg 1 1 1
.50 Aviation Coro 5% 5% 514
55o A\ua A Trans 3 3 3
InO Bendix A'- 27% ’’h’,
mi Berghoff Brew xd s’, s’, 's’,
30;i Borg-Warner 15% 15’, 15%
loO Brown FA-xv A pf 10 in in
>0 Cn A SXV $7 d1 of PR 05 PR
2on Chi Corp 1 1 j
150 Chi Coro of 2fi or "r
SSCnryskr Coro 5R% 57% 5R’,
. mi cities Serv 4’, 41, 4%
lOnn Comwltli Edis ‘'0’, «r% n,is
no Compressed Ind G 11% 11’, 11%
5n Con Biscuit 2 •’ A *
| 40 Cons Oil 6% R% r%
no Container Corp 11% 11 % 11%
1 In Crane Co 14 14 14
70 Cudahy Pack pf 55 55 55
7oo Cunningham D St 13 r’a4 ]•>,
15 Deere A Co 15’, 15’, 15%
10 Gen Foods . 30% 39% 30%
ion Gen Motors 40% 40% 40%
£oodyear T A- R 14% 14’, 14’,
-on Gossard IHWi 9% 9% n%
l"OGt Lakes Dredge 1R% ir% ir%
| 211 Hall Print 12’, 12s, 12%
70 Hibb Spen Bart 36 36 36
•>n Hupp Mot • • •,
| loo m cent R R Raj, 6% 6%
50 Ind Pneu Tool ... 71 21 "1
45 Int Harxester . 4n3, 40% 40%
to Jarvis 1WB1 10 in in
ion Kellogg Switch 6 6 6
5(1 Kv U H% pf Rn% pn pn
I 1 on Kingsbury Brew % % %
100 La Salle Fxi 1% ]% it,
15n Loudon P° "k i», 1% 1 a,
lO'i Merch A- Mfrs A 3% 3% 3%
5n Mickelberry's Fd 3% 3% 314
1511 Mid West Corp 5’, 5% 5%
ion Midi Util 7', pf % V, %
67 Montg xvard 34s, 34 34’,
50 Noblirt-Sparks 24 24 ‘’4
50 Nor Am Car 3*, 3’, "3a,
50 Norwest Bancorp 7’, 7’, 7’,
50 Omnibus Coro 9', pa, pa,
no Peabodv Coal B % % %
65 Penn R R 17% 17 17%
31 Peop G L A C 26’, 26% 7H%
50 Potter Co a, a, a'
ion Pressed Stl Car S’, S’, S’,
170 Quaker Oats PS pn 97
70 St L N Stk Yds HR HR RR
1 os Sears Roeh 64 R3’, 03’,
50 Spiegel Inc 5’, 5’, 5%
100 std Oil Ind 21 21 71
loo Stewart-Warn 5’, 5% 5%
450 Sunstr M Tool 23 22% "3
150 Swift A Co 1R% 1 s% is%
SR Swift Int 17% 17% 177,
ion Texas Corp 34’, 34’, 341,
69 Union Carbide 62% 67% 6"%
15 Unit Air Lines __ 13’, 13% 13%
360 U S Steel 47% 45’, 46%
, ?! H ? s,"> of 11 O’, 11 o», 11 n»,
ion Util A Ini pf 1’, 1’, i’,
mi Walgreen 17% 17', 17%
50 XVest Un Tel 15% 15', 15%
50 Woodall Indust 3% 3% 3%
ISWrigley (Wi Jr 75s, 75’, 75’,
50 Zenith Rad P 9 9
Total stock sales today, ll.ono shares
Commodity Prices
NEW YORK. June 4.—The Associated
Presv weighted wholesale price index of
In commodities today declined to T1 49
Previous dav. 71.55; week aio. 7172;
month ago. 73.78 year aao. fid 74
1940 1919 191R 1911-7
High 75.29 75.22 74 17 98 14
Low 71.4H HI.78 0.1 80 41 44
<1920 average equals 100.1
Miscellaneous Markets.
COFFEE—Snot steady. Samos No. 4.
<'«• <: Rio No. 7. 5V Cost and freight
offerings included Santos Bourbon Is and
5s at 0 40-7.10, Santos No 4 "D" fu
tures closed R-10 lower 8ales. 2-500
bags July. 5.79; September. 5 ROn: May.
0-5 Rio No 7 "A" futures 4-5 lower.
No sales n Nominal.
CRUDE RUBBER—Futures closed 0-20
Higher. Sales. No 1 standard. 85 con
tracts July. 21 16: September. 1942-41:
December. 18 94 Smoked ribbed, spot,
21 din. n Nominal.
LEAD—Futures dosed 17-21 lower
Sales. 120.000 lbs. July. 4.78; December.
STRAITS TIN—Futures 25-02', lower.
8ales. 50.000 lbs September. 52 17V,. No
sales in zinc futures n Nominal
COCOA—Futures closed 2-5 lower. Sales.
1.0. 5 tons. July. 4.65n: September, 4 72;
December. 4.82n n—Nominal.
RAW SILK—Futures No. 1 closed un
changed to 2 lower sales. 180 bales. July.
2.5L, October 2.48: November. 2 40',
WOOL TOPS—Futures closed 14 to 18
points higher today, with total sales esti
mated at 1,225.000 pounds. Buying bv
commission houses and trade interests was
Stimulated by reports the Government
would soon accept bids for large quanti
ties of wool goods and blankets for mili
tary needs July, 94.8b: October 92.8b:
December. 92.1b; spot, standard tops,
100.0. b—Bid.
RAW HIDES—Futures closed 15-24
higher; sales. 5.040,000 pounds SeDtem
ber. 9.71-75: December. Io.oob March.
10.24n; snot. No. 1 Western, light native
cows, 9'/gD. b—Bid. n—Nominal.
Federal Land Banks
NEW YORK. June 4 tJP).—Federal Land
Bank bonds:
Rate. Maturity. Bid. Asked.
4s July 1946-44_ 109 109»4
3'«s May 1955-45_101V, 104V«
3s July 1955-45_1021« 103
3a Jan. 195fi-4fi-102', 103
3s May 1966-46_102 Vi 103 V«
Slight April Gain
Stops Decline in
National Income
Total Is 12 Per Cent j
Ahead of Year Ago,
New Rise Seen
Epfcitl Dispatch to Tha Star.
NEW YORK. June 4.—Although
the gain was slight, the national
income was larger in April than in
March, contrary to expectations.
The national income amounted to
$5,781,000,000 in April, as compared
with the 1940 low of $5,713,000,000
in March, according to the Alex
ander Hamilton Institute.
The national income in April was
12 per cent larger than in the same
month last year, when it amounted
to $5,162,000,000. This comparison
with a year ago was much more
favorable than in March, when the
gain over last year was only 5.1 per i
cent. The national income for the
first four months totaled $23,750,- '
000,000 this year, as against $21,
477.000.000 last year, an Increase of
10.6 per cent. The national in
come in the first four months of
this year was larger than in any
corresponding period since 1930. al
though the gain over the first four
months of 1937 was slight.
Preliminary information indicates
that the national income in Mav
was larger than in April, although
only a moderate gain Is indicated.
The general price average in May
was apparently as high as it was
in April, despite the sharp break
in some of the primary commodity
markets as the result of the turn
of events in Europe.
It may be assumed that there was
the usual seasonal increase in the
marketing of farm products, while
industrial activity in some lines,
especially steel, was at a higher
rate in May than in April.
The present outlook is that the
national income in June will show
little change from the May figure.
Beginning in July, the prospect is
for some expansion, although the
outlook is clouded by the European
Court Will Review Case
Of Paper's Editorials
By the Associated Press.
The Supreme Court agreed yes
terday to review litigation involving
the right of a newspaper to pub
lish editorials about court cases
prior to a final settlement.
It granted a petition by the Los
Angeles Times contesting a con
tempt of court conviction growing
out of the publication of editorials
in 1937 and 1938 concerning two
labor cases and the conviction of
a woman politician. The case will
be heard next fall.
Joining the newspaper in request
ing a review, the American News
paper Publishers’ Association as
serted that "Suppression of free
discussion of public questions is a
grave peril to all democratic in
A review also was urged by the
Southern California branch of the
American Civil Liberties Union.
Similar litigation involving the
St. Louis Post-Dispatch is pending
in Missouri courts.
The Times contended editorials
should be permitted as long as there
was no "clear and present danger”
of injury.
Curb Bonds
DOMESTIC High Low. Clot'
A a Power 4%s 67 - 100 99 99’,
Aia Power 5s 51 105’, 105’, 105’,
Ala Power 5s 68 _102% 102’, 102’,
Am P A L 6s 2016 92s, 92’j 0’%
Spnalach E P 4s 6.1 107%107%in7>,
Ark P A L 5s 56 104’, 104'. 104’.
As El Ind 4 %s 53..: 42 41’. 41%
As G A- E 5s 68 11', m, iii.
Atl Gas Lt 4 %s 55 1115 105 105
IaJ,d Jadco 6s 50 _. 106’, 105 106’,
Bel! Tel C os n, B 90', 88% 90',
Birm El 4%s 68 __ 92’, 92 9”
Birmins Gas 5s 59 _ 91', 90', 91
Broad River P 5s 54 96 96 96
Cent St El 5s 48 27*. °7 P7‘»
Cen St P&L 5%s 53 .1 68% 68', 68%
Chi Ill&M 4%s 56 A 103% 103’, 103s,
Chi Rys 5s 27 cod 42’, 42’, 4'”.
Cities Svc 5s 50 _ 72 71', 7°
Cities Svc 5s 58 _ 71', 711. 711,
Cities Svc 5s 69 _ 71', 71% 71%
Cit S P&L 5%s 52 __ 81% 80% 81%
Cit S PAL 5%s 49.. 82% 80% 82%
Comnty PAL 5s 57 86 85% 85s,
Con GELAP 3%? 71 . _ 106% 106% 106%
Cont G A E 5s 58 A 82 81 % 8"
Cudahv Pkg :i’,s 55 . 95% 95% 95%
East G A F 4s 50 A 80’, 80 80’*
Edis El IIlu 3%s 65 108’, 108’, 108%
El Pw A Lr 5s 2030 _ 71 70s, 71
Efd Wat 5%s 54 94 93% 93%
Fla Pwr coupn 4s 66 100% 100% 100%
Florida PA-L 5s 54 102', 10" 102%
Gen Pub Ut 6%s 56 92', 91% 9”%
Gen WWAE 5s 4:1 A 96 95’, 96
Georgia Pw 5s 67 1"4’« 104% 104 s*
ulen Alden Cl 4s 65 67% 67% 67%
Grn Moun P 3%s 63 . mi loi 101
Houst LAP 3%s 66 107', 107% 107'*
Hygrade Fd 6s 49 A 65 65 65
Idaho Pwr 3’.s 67 105% 105% 105%
?!! n" S V’ V2S 57 "T1* fi-'a P3%
111 Pwr A Lt hs o3 A 102% 111”'* 102',
111 Pw A- L 5%s 54 B 100 100 100
111 Pw A L 5s 56 C 98 97% 08
Indiana Ser 5s 63 A _ 61 60% 61
Inti P Sec 6%s 55 C 23% 23% *’3%
Inti Pw Sec 7s 52 F 23% "3% ■’3%
Intetst. Pw 5s 57 53% 53 53%
Inters' Pw 6s 52 35 34% 34%
Ital Su Pw 6s 63 A 31 30% 30s,
Jackson G 5s 42 sip 39% 39% 39%
Jer C PAI, 5s 47 B _ 103 103 103
Long Is Ls 6s 45 __ 103% 103'* 103 %
Mengel Co 4 %s 47 83 83 83
Metrop Edis 4s 71 E 1<1T% 107% 107%
Mil GAE 4%s 67 98% 98% 98%
Minn PAL 4%s 78 101 100% 101
Miss Pw A- L 5s 57 100% 100 100%
Nevad Cal El 5s 56 71% 70% 70%
New E OAE 5s 47 54 53% 54
New E G&E 5s 48 _ 53% 53% .43%
New E G&E 5s 50 54 53’, 54
New E Pw 5s 48 90% 90',, 90%
New Or 5s 42 stpd inn% inn', 100%
NY PaA-Ohio 4%s 50 9] 91 91
NY St EAG 3%s 64 105 105 105
N Y S EAG 4%s 80 103% 103V, 103%
M Y £:t'Yd,*1S ~?24 104 104
Nnr A LAP 5%s 56 97 97 97
No Con U 5%s 48 A 35 35 35
North P S 5s 57 A 102 102 10"
Ohio Pub Svc 4s 62 107% 106% 107%
Pec G & E 6s 41 B 107% 107% 107%
Pac Inv 5s 4s inn'* 100,’, loo,’.
Pac P&L V 55 88% 88% 88%
Penn C LAP 4%s 77. 97% 97’* 9*%
Penn Elec 4s 71 F 103 103 103
Penn Elec 5s 62 H . 105% 105% 105%
Peon GLAC 4s 61 D . 95% 95% 95%
Peon GLAC 4s 81 B 93% 90 93%
Phlla El P 5%s 72_114 114 114
Phila Rap T 6s 62 95% 95% 95%
Port GAC 5s 40 st 75 75 75
Potomac E 5s 56 E 108 107% 107%
Pub Ser N J 6s ctfs ._ 137 135 1.37
Pug Sd PAL 6%s 49 93% 02% 9.3'a
Pug S P&L 5s 5 OC . 89»* 89’* 89’*
Pu S PAL 4%s 50 D . 87% 86V* *6%
Scrlpps 5 '/as 43 .,101 101 ifn
Shw WAP 4%s 67 A_ 64% 64 84%
S E PAL 6s 2025 A . 106% 106% 106%
Sou Cal Ed ,3’*s 60 107'/* 107 107
So Co Gs Cal 4'as 08 . 104'/* 104% 104%
Sou Ind Ry 4s 51 __ 37 37 37
Souw P&L 6s 2022 A _. 90% 00% 90%
Souw Ph Sva 6s 45 A . 105 105 105
Std OAE 6s 48 st ._ 62 61% 81%
Std OAE 6s 48 cv st I 62 62 $2
Std Gas&El 6s 51 A_ 62% 61% 6"%
Std Gas A H 6s 57_ 62'/* 61% 81s*
Std Gas&El 6s 66 B__ 61s, 61% 61s,
Stand Pw&Lt 6s 57. 61% 61% 61%
Texas Elec 5s 60 ... 103 102V, 103
Tex Pw A L 5s 56 106 106 106
Tide Wat P 5s 79 A._ 92 92 90
Unit El N J 4s 49 __ 114s* 114% 114%
Unit Lt&Pw Hs 75 75% 75% 75%
Unit LlAPw H'as 74._ 78% 78% .78%
Unit L&R D 5%s 52... 83% 82% '*3%
Utah PAL Hs 2022 A _ 87 86 87
Va Pub Ser 6s 46 96 96 96
Va Pub S 5%s 46 A . 100 99% 100
Va Pub Ser 5s 5n B_ 98 97% 98
Wald Ast Hot 5s 54_ 5 5 6
Wls P&L 4s 66 ... 103% 103% 103H
Russian 5'aa 21 mat _ V* V* V*
Stinn (H) 4s 40 2d st _ 30 30 30
Terni-8oc H'as 53 A 23 23 23
Unit El 8vc 7s 56 A 28 28 28
Unit Ind CP 6%s 41. 20 20 20
ww—with warrants, xw—without war
rants. n—New. st (stD)—Stamped
^Negotiability Impaired by maturity.
Dry Goods Market
N*W YORK. June 4 i/Pi.—ftll-la busi
ness was. done In cotton cloth at steady
prices today. Rayon was quiet, with cur.
rent sprint weave prices easier and fall
plied yarns firmer Woolen goods trader*
were encouraged by prospects of Govern
ment purchases. Bilk fabrics were Inactive.