<£ar& of eljanka
FORD. .UTNION. I wish to thank my
man* friends for their acts of kindness,
their expressions of sympathy and the
many floral tributes at the death of my
beloved husband. JUNION FORD
ADDISON. ELLEN. Departed this life
Monday June 4. 1940. at her residence. ;
ELLEN ADDISON, wife of the late John '
Addison, loving mother of Albert Addison !
and Mrs Annie Coates She also leaves to
mourn their loss sixteen grandchildren
twenty-seven great-grandchildren. two
great-great-grandchildren and a host of
other relatives and friends Remains may 1
he viewed at her late residence after 2 j
P m Wednesday June ft.
Funeral services a' Our Lady of Perpetual j
Help Church 15th st, and Morris rd se.
Thursday. June 0. where mass will be of
fered at 9 a m for the repose of her soul
Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery
AGNKW. MARY A. On Tuesday. J ne
4 1949. at Homeopathic Hospital. Miss;
MARY A AGNEW of 1514 17th st nw.
Services at the S. H. Hines Co funeral !
home 2901 14th st n v on Thursday.
June 6 a? 9:40 a m : thenrp to St Mat
1 hew’g Cathedral Conn and Rhode Island
• ves.. where reouiem mass will be offered
at 10 am Relatives and friends invited.
Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery ft
on Tuesday. June 4 1940. at Emergency
Services at Jhe S H Hines Co funeral
home. 2901 14th st n.w on Thursday.
June G. at 1 40 p m. Interment Cedar
Hill Cemetery.
QUAKER. PHILLIP On Tuesday. June 4
1940 a» the residence of his daughter.
Mrs H H St evens 1419 S st. so,. PHILIP
BAKER, beloved husband of the late Sy
bella R Baker
Funeral servers at the above residence
on Thursday. June 0. at 2 p nv Relatives
and friends invited. Interment Glcnwood
Cemetery. 5
June 4. 1940 a' Garfield Hosnjtal. WIT -
I 1AM BONIFANT the beloved husband o!
Anna Bonifant and father of Mrs. Bertha
Haekelton and Lottip Wendell
Services at the Chambers funeral home.
1400 ChaPin st n.w on Friday June 7.
at II am. Interment Grace Church Cem
etery. Woodside. Md
day. June 4. 1940 MELVIN MARTIN
BRAGG beloved husband of Elizabeth W.
Bragg and brother of Mrs Lillian Grcaver.
Mrs Lora Childress. Mrs Blanche Mar
shall. Mrs. Elizabeth Huckster Edna.
Hugh A . Holman R. and Alonza Braea.
Funeral from the W W Deal funeral
home. 4812 Georgia ave n.w.. on Thurs
day. June 0. at 1 pm Interment Arling
ton National Cemeterv
BRAGG. MELVIN M. There will be a
gpgfebN. special meeting of the
KVA Washington Printing Press
men’s Union. No 1 on
Thursday. June 0. 1940. at .
112 o'clock noon, at Typo
graphical Temple. 424 G st. ,
n.w . for the purpose of at
• tending the funeral of our
_ late brother MELVIN M.
HARRY C WEBB. Secretary.
BRISCOE. HENRY C. Suddenly, on
Tuesday. June 4. 1940. at Hyattsville. Md .
HENRY C BRISCOE, beloved husband of
Georgia E. Briscoe of 20 Franklin st..
Hyattsville. Md. Remains resting at the
Gasch funeral home. 4H Maryland ave..
Hyattsville. Md
Services a' the above funeral home on
Thursday. June G. at 10 am Relatives
and friends invited Interm°nt Fort Lin
coln Cemetery ft
June 1. 1940. WILLIAM BRISCOE,
brother of Susie Washington and Joseph
Funeral from the Malvan & Schey fu
rirral home. N. J. ave and R st. n w ,
Thursday. June ♦>. at s 40 a m. In’er
m®nt Mount Olivet Cemetery. •
June 4. 194n. JOHN A BRODERICK, hus- I
band of the late Elizabeth T Broderirk ,
tod father of Mary C. Sweeney and
Dolores C Clark
Funeral services at the Chambers fu
neral home. 517 11th st s e on Friday.
June 7. at 8:40 am. Mass at Holy Com
forter Church at 9 a.m Relatives and
fiends invited Interment St. Johns
Cemetery. Forest Glen. Md. 0
BROWN, FANNIE. Departed this life
Monday June 4. 1940 at hpr residence. '
£21 South West st.. Alexandria. Va . FAN
NIE BROW’N She leaves to mourn ^heir
loss a loving husband Rev. Edward F. :
,Brown: two daughters Mrs S R. Nichols j
of Freedom. Pa . and Mrs. Lillian Davis of \
New York City, four >ons. Ernest Brown
Of Buffalo. N Y ; Frank Brown of Steelton.
Ta : Earl L Brown of New York Citv and
George Brown of Alexandria Va.: sister.
Mrs. Emma Rouzirr of Paterson. N J
two brothers. Alonzo and Jessie Barber:
adopted daughter Ruth Evans, six grand
children. two great-grandchildren and
other relatives and friends.
Funeral Thursday. June G. at 1 pm.,
from Shiloh Baptist Chuich Interment
Brtv.pl Cemetpry.
BROWN. FANNIE M On Tuesday. June
4 I940. FANNIE M. BROWN, beloved wife
Of the late John W. Brown. She is sur
vived by her daughters. Mrs. Viola Torney. 1
Mrs. Rena McGill. Mrs Blanche Ballard
and Mrs. Estelle Burbridge i
Funeral service will be held at her late
home, 3407 Liberty Heights ave . Balti
fnore. Md.. on Thursday. June «. at 2 am. i
nferment in Cedar Hill Cemetery. Wash- !
iDRton. D. C. 5
BROWN, FANNIE M. Members of Pm
fressive Council. No. 9. D of A., are
ereby notified of the death of Sister EAN
IE M. BROWN, on June 4. 1040.
Services in Baltimore. Md.. on June R.
mf 2 p m., after which the remains will be
Interred in Cedar Hill Cemetery. Wash
ington. D. C , at 3.30 pm. to which the
members and friends arp invited.
FRANCES BAYES. Councilor. i
tered into eternal life Tuesday, June 4.
1940. at, Glochner Hospital. Colorado
CAREY. Jr . beloved son of Marcaretta
Wright and Reginald Shober Carey.
Notice of funeral later.
CROOK. NORA. On Tuesday. June 4
194n. at the Home for Incurables. NORA
CROOK Remains resting af th^ Cham
bers Georgetown funeral home. 31st and
M Ms. n.w.
Notice of funeral later
CROSS, ANITA B. On Tuesday. June 4
1940. at her residence. 1413 Stages st.
H.e.. ANITA B CROSS, the beloved wife
of Robert Vincent Cross and mother of
John R Morrison
Prayers at her late residence on Friday.
June 7. at s :>o am thence to St.
Alovsius Church, where mass will be said
*t 9 a m. Interment Cedar Hill Ceme
tery. H
June 3. 1940. at Garfield Hospital. MARY
CUNNINGHAM Remains resting at the
Chambers funeral home. 14oo Chapin st.
n.w.. until Thursday. June H, at 8:30 a m.
Mass at 9 a m. in St Paul's Catholic
Church, loth and V sts. n.w. Interment
Mount Olivet Cemetery. 5
June 3, 1940. at her residence. 1425 R
3 ave. n w.. EFFIE THOM DAVIES, wife
of the late Frank Davies.
Remains resting at the Lee funeral home.
4lh st. and Mass, ave n.e.. where services
■will be held on Friday. June 1. at 2 30 ,
pm. Interment 'private) Cedar Hill Cem
etery. Kindly omit flowers. *>
DINES. RALPH. On Monday. June 3.
1940. at Freedmen’s Hospital. RALPH
DINES. He leaves a wife. Mary Dines. !
five children one aunt and other relatives
,and friends.
Remains resting at Stewart’s funeral
home 30 H st. n.e.. where services w ill be
held Thursday. June t>. at 2 pm.
EASTON. LAURA. On Tuesday. June
4 i94o. at Frederick City Hospital. LAURA
EASTON, aged OS years, beloved wife of
Zedox Easton of Gaithersburg. Md. She
also is survived bv one daughter. Mrs.
Louis Digges of Washington. D. C : two |
aons. Richard M. Easton of Frederick. Md., i
and El wood H. Easton of Gaithersburg.
Md Body resting at Roy W. Barber’s j
funeral home. Laytonsville. Md.
Funeral services on Thursday. June fl. ,
at 3 D m . at the Grace M E. Church. 1
Gaithersburg. Md Rev. William Elliott
will officiate. Interment Forest Oak Cem
etery. i
FERRY. NELLIE. On Sunday. June 2.
3940. in full triumph of Christian faith.
NELLIE FERBY. beloved daughter of Aiica
Thomas and the late Edward Washington.
She also leaves a husband. Charles Ferby:
a stepfather. Wilson M Thomas, and many
other relatives and friends. Remains rest
ing at her late residence, 40 Porter st.
nr. after Wednesday.
Funeral Thursday. June 6, at 2 pm.
from the Ebenezer Methodist Church. 4th
and D sts. se . Rev. F. F. King officiating.
Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery.
(Baltimore papers please copy.' 5 j
FRISBY. SUSAN. On Saturday. June
3 15(40. at Si. Elizabeths Hospital. SUSAN
FRISBY She leaves one sister. Mrs. j
Fa rah Coleman; one son. George Frisby; |
one granddaughter, one grandson and other
relatives and friends.
Funeral Thursday. June 0. at 1 p m..
from the Morris A. Carter & Co. funeral ;
home. 2nd and F sts. s.w
FURNARI. ALFINIA. On Tuesday. June 1
4 1940. at her residence. 3903 Georgia
ave n.w . ALFINIA FURNARI. beloved
wile of Charles Furnan. Remains resting
8' the S. H Hines Co. funeral home. 2901
I4th st. n.w.
Notice of funeral later.
GROSS. JOSEPH. On Sunday. June 2.
3 940. JOSEBH GROSS, son of Elonora
Gross, brother of Catherine Carpenter.
Elonora Boyd and David Gross. He also
is survived by two children and other
reb fives and friends
Funeral from the Malvan A Schev fu
neral home. N. J. ave. and R st. n.w..
Thursday. June 0. at 1 p.m. Relatives
and friends invited. •
J. William Lee’s Sons Co.
4tb and Maas Ave. N.E._Lineoln 8200.
Zurhorst Funeral Home,
Established 1 S."»?
Day and Night Ambulance Service.
_City Calls. $2._ j
Neither successor to nor connected with
the original W R Spoare establishment
1009 H St. N.W, National*1*2802
GUDE BROS. CO. Floral Piece*
1212 F_St. NAV._National_«270_
"BiSST Co. 14th & Eye
JACKSON. OSCAR C. Departed this life
June 4. 1040. at Gallinger Hospital. OS
CAR C. JACKSON He leaves a devoted
wife. Laura B Jackson, niece. Cassia E.
Jackson: stepdaughter. Bertha Stewart;
stepson. Bernard Mywatt
Remains resting at the funeral home of
Jas. M. Miller & Son. 2250 12th st n.w..
corner 12th st. and Fla ave . where fu
neral services will be held Thursday. June
0. at 7:4ft d m. Interment at Orange.
Va.. on Friday at 1 p.m. •
:L 1040. VIRGINIA KELLEY, wife of James
H Kelley, mo;her of James H. Kelley. Jr :
Frances and Vermelle Kelley, daughter of
Mrs Carrie Lowe She also leaves one
brother, George Lowe: one sister. Mrs. Mary
Hall, and other relatives and friends. Re
mains resting at Stewart's funeral homai
30 H st, n.e . until ft n m Wednesday. June
ft: thereafter at her late residence. TOR 3rd
st s.e
Funeral Thursdpy. June 6. at 0 a.m .
from St Cyprian's Church. Interment
Mount Olivet Cemetery. ft
June 1. 104 0. at his residence. 41ft 14th
st n.e.. JOSEPH N. LAWSON the beloved
husband of Emma E Lawson, father of
Alice E Morton, son of the late Charles '
and Elizabeth Morton Remains resting at
his late residence from 1 p.m. Tuesday.
•T’’ne 1 to 4 p.m. Wednesday. June ft
thereafter remains will lie in state at the
First Baptist. Church. 27th st. and Dum
barton ave. n.w
Funeral Thursday June fl at 1 pm.
from the above church. Rev. T Ewell Hop
kms officiating Relatives and friends in
vited. Interment Union Baptist Cemetery
Arrangements bv W. Ernest Jarvis. ft
LAWSON. JOSEPH N. All members of
the General Baptist Deacons- Association
and Auxiliary please attend the funeral of
our 1 ■ate recording secretary. Brother JO
SEPH N. LAWSON, on Thursday. June fl.
!"4o. at 1 pm from First Baptist Church,
'-.th st. and Dumbarton ave nw
JENNIE ROBINSON. Acting Secretary, ft
LAWSON. JOSEPH N A special com -
murieatmn of Hiram I.odee. No. 4. F. A.
A M.. is called for Thursday. June d.
?>t i‘> o'c’ork noon at Scottish Rite I
Hall 1033 11th st. n w . fnr the purpose of
attending the funeral of Past Master JO- t
SEPH N LAWSON. 3y order of the
wot-*’’ oful master
JFSSE R NICHOLS. Worshipful Master
HENRY B. GEF. Secretary.
LAWSON. JOSEPH >: Members of the
Federal Annuitants' Relief Association are
requested to attend the funeral of Mr. JO- 1
SEPTI N. LAWSON. Thursday. June H. ;
JO 4 0 at 1 o'clock p.m . from the First i
Baptist Church 2Tth st. and Dumbarton
avr n.w. JOSEPH M. TRIGG. President
JOHN S. GEORGE Secretary. •
LYLES. ELLA LOl’ISF. On Tuesday.
Ji ne 4. in-40, in Baltimore. Md.. ELLA
LOUISE LYI.ES for many years with the
Bureau of Engraving and Printing
Services at Gawler's chapel. 17ftO Pa.
ave. n.wu on Thursday. June 0. at 1 p.m.
Interment Glenwood Cemetery
June 3. 1040. HARRY P MORTIMER, be
loved husband of Amelia S Mortimer and
father of Florence Sedgewick. Stanley T
and Fred T. Mortimer Remains resting t
at Chambers’ Georgetown funeral home.
31st and M sts. n.w
Notice of funeral later
June 2. 1040. BERNARD M. MOXLEY.
soi'. of Theresa M. Akrars. brother of
Alice T Eskridae. grandnephew of Geor
gia Downs. Also many other relatives and
friends survive Remains resting at Fra
zier's funeral home. 380 R. I ave. n w .
until 4 pm. Thursday June d; thereafter
at his late residence. WIT Que st n.w.
Funeral services at the above parlor on
Friday. June T. at It) am. Interment
Waldorf. Md. o
O'dDNNOR. BRIDGET. On Tuesday.
June 4. 1040. at her residence. 3340
Prospect ave n w BRIDGET O'CONNOR
beloved wife of the late Daniel A. O'Connor
and mother of Joseph O Connor Mrs.
Helen Znamenacek and Mrs. Catherine '
Funeral from the above residence on
Friday. June at 8:30 am. Requiem
high mass a' Holy Trinity Church at 0 I
a m. Relatives and friends invited. In- I
terment Holy Rood Cemetery. 0
OGLE. MARY ELLEN. Passed away
Tuesday. June 4. 1040, at her residence.
1810 loth st. n.w. alter a brief illness.
MARY ELLEN OGLE devoted mother of
the late Robert H . Walter and Nettie
Oele. Surviving her are her devoted sis
ters. Josephine W. Kenney and Mollie B.
Hall: three beloved grandchildren Mary
Ocle Wilson. Helen Ogle Atkins and Hazel
Ogle. and a beloved daughter-in-law.
Marea S Ogle Remains resting at the
residence of her sister. Mrs. Josephine
Kenney 1028 S st. nw. after ft pm.
Thursday. June 0.
Funeral from the above residence Fri
day. June at ] :30 p m Rev Waiter H
Brooks officiating Friends invited. Ar
rangements by Jarvis. 6
ORIANI. THOMAS I. On Wednesday.
June n. 1040. THOMAS T ORIANI. be
loved husband of Mary Ellen Orian1 'nee
Phillips• and father of Mrs John Dillon
Fitzgerald. William J Oriani. Mrs Wil
liam Leo Collins and Miss Ethel M. Oriani.
Remains resting at his late residence. l.’U.'J
Irvine st. n.w.*
Notice of funeral later.
PLATER, MARY C. Departed this life
on Sunday. June 104n. at Freerirren’s
Hospital, after a brief illness. MARY C
PLATER of 84 Myrtle st. n.e . devoted
daughter of William Plater and the late
Mary E. Plater, loving mother of June and
Maurice Plater sister of James T.. Alice A..
William J. jr.; Frances E. and Bernard A.
Plater. She also leaves to mourn their
loss a stepmother. Susie Plater, and other 1
relatives and friends. I
Remains resting at Barbour Bros.’
funeral home, 48 K st. n.e.. where funeral J
services will be held Thursday. June R.
at 9 a m. Interment Mount Olivet Ceme- ;
Wednesday. June 5. 1040. at United States
Naval Hospital. WILLIAM SERVER |
RHODES. beloved husband of Jennie
Rhodes of Kill West Virginia avp. n.e.,
father of William J. Rhodes and Mrs. Mary
Grace Baird
Funeral will bp held from the above
residence on Friday. June ' at 8::io am. j
High reauiem mass at Holy Name Church
at o am. Relatives and friends invited
Interment Arlington National Cemetery. 6
RHODES. WILLIAM S. Thr comrades
of Admiral George Dewev Naval i
Camp. No. 7. Department of the
District of Columbia. U. S. W. I
V ■ will assemble at K am Fri
day June 7. 1U40. at Hill West
Virginia ave n.r. for the fu- •
neral of our late comrade.
WILLIAM S RHODES Interment Arling- j
ton National Cemetery.
HARRY C. SCHAFER. Commander.
ORRIN A KITCHEN. Adjutant. 0
RYAN', CHARLES H. On Tuesday. June
4. 1040. at Sibley Hospital. CHARLES H. .
RYAN of 55 M st n.w
Funeral from the V. L. Speare Co.. 1000
H st. n.w,. on Thursday. June 0. at 4 pm.
Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery.
RYAN, CHARLES H. A special com
munication of Dawson Lodge.
/a\ No. 10. F. A. A. M.. will be held
// \\ at the Masonic Temple on
Thursday. June 0. 1040. at 'A
\Nj^^pm.. for the purpose of attend
ing the funeral of our late
' brother. CHARLES H. RYAN.
By order of the worshipful master.
JOHN A. COLBORN. Secretary.
On Wednesday. June 5. 1040. at Provi
STINCHCOMB of T’ 1K 4th st. s.e . be
loved mother of Richard L. Stinchcomb.
beloved daughter of the late Richard and
HpIpi Liston and sister of James P. and
John J. Liston.
Funeral from the above residence on
Saturday. June S. at S:;to a m : thence to
the Church of the Assumption, where mass
will be offered at 0 a m. for the repose of
hpr soul. Relatives and friends invited.
Informer* Mount Olivet Cemetery. 7
SWEETNEY. JOHN. On Tuesday. June
4. H»40. at his residence. 1514 Kith st.
n w.. JOHN SWEETNEY. beloved husband
of Mrs. Julia Sweetnev and father of
Bertha Sweetnev. He also is survived by
three sisters. Mrs. Mary M Butler. Mrs. j
Gussie Green and Miss Maud Sweetney: a
brother. Albert Sweetney: a devoted niece. ,
Mrs. M. J. Gross, and manv other rela- j
fives and friends Remains resting at the i
Allen & Morrow Funeral Home. Inc.. 1
V st. n.w.
of James E. Walker Post. No. ,
the American Legion, are
notified to assemble at the ■
home of our late comrade.
Sergt. JOHN SWEETNEY. 1514 '
Kith st. n.w . Thursday. June H. j
11*4 0. at 7:.'iO Dm. for Legion |
services. Interment Arlington j
National Cemetery Friday morning. June '
7. following church services at J* a.m. at ;
St. Augustine's Church
R W. FEARING. Commander.
S. B. DOUTE. Adjutant.
June *7 1040. GEORGE R THOMAS, fa
ther of Mrs. Mildred Key of Coropolis. }
Pa Remains restin# at Stewart's funeral
home, .'in H st n.e.
Notice of funeral later. 5
THOMAS. JAMES. Departed this life at
Gallinger Hospital. Tuesday. June 4. 1040,
JAMES THOMAS, loving nephew of Mrs.
Fmma Taylor, uncle of Mr Elsie Monroe.
Other relatives and friends also survive.
Remains resting at the funeral home of
John T. Rhines & Co . :trd and Eye sts s w.
Notice of funeral later.
day. June 5. 11*40. at his home. 8700
Georgia avc.. Silver SprinR. Md . PAUL
! YATES WATERS, beloved husband of Alta
Jenkins Waters Body resting at the War
I ner E. Pumphrey funeral home. 84‘J4
Georgia avp.. Silver Spring. Md.
Notice of funeral later
day. June 9. 1940. at Sibley Memorial Hos
pital MARY ISABEL WATKINS, wife of
Leroy Watkins of 12 Clark st., Woodmoor,
Services at the Wiedefeld & Son funeral
home. Greenraount ave. and 22nd st.. Bal
timore. Md.. on Thursday. June 6. at 11
a.m. Interment St. John's Catholic Church
Cemetery. Long Green. Md.
Tuesday. June 4. 1940. at her resi
dence. 1040 Kalorama rd. n.w.. MARIAN
STERLING WELCH, beloved daughter of
■John E. and Marian F. Welch
Funeral from the V L. Speare Co.. 1009
H st. n w.. on Thursday. June 6. at 1 p m.
dav. June 4. 1940. WILLIAM .ELMO
WETZEL. son of the late- Ida Wetzel Britt.
Funeral from the Chambers funeral
homo. 517 11th st se. on Thursday. June
0. at 9 a m. Relatives and friends in
vited Interment Washington National
June 2. 1940 at Gallineer Municipal Hos
pital. JULIA ANN WILLIAMS, beloved
mother of Chancellor Williams and Hattie
Lucas. She also leaves to mourn their loss
eleven grandchildren and many other rela
tives and friends. Remains resting at the
Henry S. Washington & Sons funeral home,
4925 Deane ave. n e.
Funeral Thursday. June 9. at 1 p.m..
from the First Baptist Church of Deanwood.
Sheriff rd and Whittingham pi n.e . Rev.
j A. Wheeler officiating. Interment in
Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. A
B. & 0. Engineer Dies
When Locomotive
Breaks From Train
Six Cars Out of Control
Smash Into Gondolas
On Adjoining Track
B> the Associated Press.
westbound Baltimore fz Ohio pas
senger locomotive broke from its
string of cars, leaped the tracks and
hurtled into an embankment on a
grade 3 miles north of this North
western Pennsylvania community
today, killing the engineer and in
juring an express messenger.
Six cars of the passenger train
sped out of control down the grade
and sideswiped an eastbound coal
train on an adjoining track, knock
ing four coal cars off the track and
derailing four of the passenger train
James F. McFarland of Salaman
ca, N. Y, engineer on the passen
ger. was crushed under coal. C. W.
Beck of Punxsutawney, the express
messenger, was cut and bruised.
The first coach following the pas
senger locomotive was an express
car loaded with gelatin. After strik
ing the coal train, it lurched off its
wheel trucks and slithered 600 feet
down the tracks. A storage mail
car, mail car. day coach and two
Pullmans followed it. All except the
Pullmans overturned.
The railroad's district offices at
Dubois said no passengers on the
train, bound from Buffalo to Pitts
burgh, were hurt.
Carl A. Cole Dies;
Salesman for Bakery
Carl Adams Cole. 55, of 621 A
street S.E, a salesman for Rice's
Bakery, died Monday in Garfield
Hospital of a cerebral hemorrhage.
Mr. Cole, a native of New York
city, nad made
his home in
since childhood.
He was active
for 25 years in
Oak Camp No. 4,
Woodmen of the
World. He was
a member of
Federal Lodge
No. 1 of Masons,
a charter mem
ber and former
patron of Fed
eral Chapter No.
38, Order of the
Eastern Star.
Carl A. Coir.
He was also a member of the Bakery
Salesman's Union.
Surviving are his widow. Mrs.
Blanche Mack Cole: a son. the Rev.
Clarence Alfred Cole, pastor of St.
Stephen's Episcopal Church. Oxford,
N. C.: a sister, Mrs. H. Frank Stof
flett of Maple Shade. N. J.. and a
brother, Chester Adams Cole, of
Cleveland, Ohio.
Funeral services were to be held
at 2 pm. today at St. Mark's Epis
copal Church. Third and A streets
S.E.. with burial in Rock Creek
Columbus University
Exercises to Be Tomorrow
The 15th annual graduation ex
ercises of Columbus University will
be held tomorrow at 8:15 p.m. in
Constitution Hall. Three hundred
and thirty graduates will receive
diplomats and hear an address by
Senator Mead of New York.
Dr. John R. Fitzpatrick, university
provost, announced beginning of a
second course in ground school
training in the department of avia
tion from June 17 through August 7.
Enrollment in the new course is
being taken this week, he said.
WOOD, ARTHUR G. Suddenly, on
Tuesday. June 4. 1940. at his residence,
109 Seaton ol. n w.. ARTHUR G. WOOD,
beloved husband of Alberta W’ood, brother
of Ada Holmes and Henry Wood. He also
leaves several nieces, nephews and other
relatives and friends to mourn their loss.
Remains resting at Henry S Washington
At Sons’ funeral home. 407 N st. n.w.
Notice of funeral later.
In mrmnrtarn
of love to our devoted husband and father.
CHARLES W. CRAWFORD, who departed
this life three years aso today. June 6.
Days of sadness still come o’er us.
Hidden tears so often flow:
But some dav God will heal them.
When we meet you on that shore
sad but loving remembrance of my beloved
husband. Sergt JAMES E. PATTERSON,
who departed this life six years ago. June
5. 19.34.
Since vou have gone before me. dear.
W’alk slowly down the ways of death,
well worn and wide:
For I want to overtake you some day
And seek the journey’s ending by vour
I would be so forlorn not to detect you,
Down some shining highway when I
Walk slowly, dear, and often look behind
And pause to hear if I should call
your name.
Sadlv missed.
memory of my dear mother. IDA F.
My heart still aches with sadness.
My eyes shed many tears:
God only knows how I miss you
At the end of twenty-one sad years.
ROSS. WILLIAM F. A tribute of >ove
to the memory of my beloved husband.
WILLIAM F. ROSS, who left me nine years
ago today. June 5. 1931.
Life isn’t the same, dear husband.
None knows the pain I feel:
Mv heart was broken by your death
And none but God can heal.
TAYLOR. FRANK E. In sad but loving
remembrance of our beloved husband and
father. FRANK E. TAYLOR, who died one
year peo. June 4. 1939.
Loved in life
In death remembered.
'the weathe* skippe*
Cloudy, |
continued warm
Civic Groups Form
Association to Work
For Cleaner Streets
Action Called First Step
In Great Movement to
Beautify Washington
A city-wide organized campaign
to improve the sanitation and clean
liness of Washington streets was
under way today following the in
corporation of the Outdoor Cleanli
ness Association of the District of
Columbia at a meeting of civic
groups yesterday in the Washing
ton Board of Trade offices in the
Evening Star Building.
Representatives of nearly a score
of citizens' associations, women's
clubs and other civic groups at
tended the organization meeting.
The new organization listed its pur
poses as:
To create and foster interest and 1
co-operation among associations and
organizations and among citizens in
the improvement of sanitation and
cleanliness in the District.
To interest the public in such im
provement * • * and to assist
city authorities in the maintenance
of cleanliness by suitable methods.
To encourage good will and co
operation among its members for
the benefit of the District and of
the association.
Would Impress Visitors.
Dr. Harry A. Garfield, who pre
sided as temporary chairman, de
clared: "This is the first step in
what we hope will be a great step in
further beautifying Washington. ’
Visitors, he said, must go away
with an impression of "our careful
ness in keeping it clean.”
A constitution adopted calls for a
board of directors of 30 persons, the
majority of whom must be citizens
of the District.
Those appointed for the first year
are Robert F. Beresford. Mrs. Fred
rick H. Brooke, George J. Cleary,
James E. Colliflower, Mrs. Ernest H.
Daniel, Orrin G. Davy, Proctor L.
Dougherty. Capt. John R. Edie, Mrs.
Riley E. Eigen, Dr. Dorothy Bowling
Ferebee, Dr. Garfield. Woodson P.
Houghton, Minor Hudson, Coleman
Jennings, Mrs. C. D. Lowe. Mrs. j
Lawrence Martin. Mrs. Frank B.
Noyes, Hoffman Philip, Mrs. Mahlon 1
Four-Cylinder Elephant Fails
To Impress G. 0. P. Leaders
By the Associated Press.
PHILADELPHIA. June 5 —Offers
ranging from a two-ton model of
the Liberty Bell to a mechanical
elephant 12 feet high haven’t dent
ed the sales resistance of “no” men
among officials arranging for the
Republican National Convention
With the presidential nomination
meeting 19 days off, Arrangements
Committee members permitted to
day a peek into files which showed
scores of ideas to entertain and
Inspire delegates and visitors.
Weightiest proposal—and the
most expensive—came from a fellow
who wanted to cast a 4.000-pound
bronze reproduction of the Liberty
Bell and hang it above the Conven
tion Hall stage, over the heads of
the 1.000 persons wtio will be seated
Officials thought of Damocles’
sword and said no. They also
thought of the $5,000 asked for the
job. Furthermore, they reasoned,
visiting Republicans could see the
authentic bell by spending 15 cents
for a round-trip train ride' to In
dependence Hall.
Since the elephant is the Repub
lican symbol, elephants figure most
prominently among proposals for
putting “oomph’ ’in the party's 22d
quadrennial conclave. One con
cern offered at “a reasonable sum”
a mechanical pachyderm powered
by a four-cylinder engine, “which
can be operated by one man."
The gasoline-driven elephant was
rejected, sight unseen. So was an
offer of a live elephant.
An entertainer offered for a $200
fee, an impersonation of President
Roosevelt which once "held 15,000
persons spellbound.” The commit
tee decided against that, too.
Pitney, the Rev. Harry V. Porter,
Mrs. William Barret Ridgely, Melvin
C. Sharpe. Mrs. Philip Sydney
Smith, Harry N. Stull, Jesse C.
Suter. Robert C. Swope, Charles M.
Thomas. Admiral Charles Russell
Train. Harry S. Wender and Mrs.
Thomas R. West.
Suter Heads Committer.
This board shall appoint annu
ally a council of not less than 15
members of the association to "for
mulate and prescribe the rules and
regulations to govern its own pro
ceedings. and shall act in an ad
visory capacity to the association
and the board."
Mr. Suter, chairman of the com
mittee that submitted the articles,
pointed out the Washirjgton associ
ation was modeled after the Out
door Cleanliness Association of New
York, a group that has operated
successfully in that city for 10 years.
He stressed that membership of
the board made it a purely private
citizen movement.
Four classifications of member
ship were provided, sustaining, $5 a
year; contributing. $2 a year; gen
eral, $1, and organization. 50 cents
a year.
Board to Elect Officers.
The constitution calls for an an
nual meeting to be held the second
Wednesday in May. The board,
however, is expected to meet shortly
ana elect its officers.
Represented at the meeting were
citizens’ associations of Kalorama,
Cathedral, Columbia Heights, Randle
Highlands, Dupont Circle, Mount
Pleasant, Sixteenth Street, West
End, Connecticut Avenue and Trini
dad; aL«o the Federation of Citizens’
Associations, the American Planning
and Civic Association, Twentieth
Century Club, Georgetown Garden
Club. District Congress of Parents
and Teachers, Southeast Council of
Citizens' Associations, American Hor
ticultural Society. Girl Scouts of the
District and the Board of Education.
Paris to Close Schools
PARIS, June 5 UP).—It was offi
cially announced tonight that Paris
primary schools will be closed begin
ning Saturday because children
were killed in Monday's German
bombing of the city.
L ilT ^40 up
MU iMARKERS*15”p 1
Mi I falvey
Mi' S Mi Established 50 Years
yil ^209 UPSHUR ST.N.W.
Near Rock Creek Cenetvy
City News in Brief
Meeting. Washington Philatelic
Society, Mayflower Hotel, 8 p.m.
Entertainment, National Confer
ence on weights and Measures,
Mayflower Hotel, 8:30 p.m.
Meeting, American Oil Co., Ward
man Park Hotel, all day.
Meeting, National Conference on
Weights and Measures, Mayflower
Hotel, 9:30 a.m.
Luncheon, Kiwanis Club, May
flower Hotel, 12:30 p.m.
Luncheon, Washington Institute .
of Public Accountants, Madrillon!
Restaurant, 12:30 p.m.
Luncheon. Junior Board of Com- '
merce, Annapolis Hotel, 12:30 p.m.
Luncheon, Phi Delta Phi, Hamil- |
ton Hotel, 12:30 p.m. •
Luncheon, Building Owners and
Managers’ Association, Ambassador
Hotel, 12:15 p.m.
Luncheon, North Washington;
Lions Club, Kenesaw Cafe, 12:15
Luncheon, Cosmopolitan Club,
Carlton Hotel, 12:30 p.m.
Dinner, Holy Cross Alumnae,
Mayflower Hotel, 7 p.m.
Meeting. Young Friends Club,
Raleigh Hotel, 8:30 p.m.
Meeting. Disabled American War
Veterans, Wardman Park Hotel, 8
Dance, Resident Medical Staff of
Doctors’ Hospital, Wardman Park
Hotel, 10 p.m.
Clocks Call Doctors
Doctors on duty in wards of the
Hospital for Sick Children, London,
can be called by means of clocks.
| Each has his own numeral, and if he
[ he is wanted for any reason, this
numeral flashes red until he answers
the call.
L. W. Riggs, Insurance
Official Here, Dies
Leo W. Riggs, 40. general manager
of the Washington office of the
Home Insurance Co. of New York
City, died early today in Georgetown
University Hospital, where he was
taken after collapsing at a restaurant
in Rosslyn, Va. He was on his way
from the Washington Golf and
Country Club to his home at 2941
Northampton street N.W. when
stricken with a heart attack.
Mr. Riggs, a native of Onawa,
Iowa, had been in Washington, since
November, 1939. Long engaged in
the insurance business, he previously
had worked in Chicago, Providence,
R. I., and Boston.
He leaves his wife. Mrs. Myrtle
Riggs, and a son. Rod, 8, besides
other relatives in Iowa.
The funeral will be held in Iowa,
probably Saturday.
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T. Frank Murray
741 llth St. S.E.
Ambulance Service Cremation!
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