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REALTORS SINCE 1888 To Rent your PROPERTY WEAVER BUDS inc WASHINGTON BUILDING DISTRICT 8300 SAVE 'tour Money Safely I \ Here you can safely invest $i to $10,000.. We II pay you dividends semi-an nually. Every account insured up to $?,090 by a ! U. S. Government agency. ! NipjlWESTEKN -rectebaA SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN. Na. 1 Colorado Bldg NA 7335<3 m. «t i4» n.w ' • '“'-'■'Brar.cii T*komc P* _____ WASHINGTON PROPERTIES G, M. 7% INCOME BONDS A first mortaaqe upon V/ardmon Park Hotel and Carlton Hotel, and fur ther secured. Each $1,000 bond has re ceived in interest the fol lowing: 1936, $45; 1937, $51.50; 1938, $49.50; 1939, $44.50. BaseH upon these payments the bonds yield over 9% at 52. The trustee recently bought for retirement over $1,000,000 of these bonds at an average price exceeding 63. Inquiries Invited THOS. L. HUME (Est. 1899) 917 15th Street NA. 1346 flnmHnMni INTERSTATE INSURES YOUR SAVINGS Dividend* on your savings increase prin cipal rapidly. Insur ance up to $5,00 0 means lull protection of that principal. Let u* give you complete information today. INTERSTATE BUILDINC ASSOCIATION Washington Building 13th St. & Naw York Ava* District 8300 Let Us Help You to buy or build that home —or to refinance that maturing trust—with a First Mortgage Loan— Money available in any required amounts for these purposes, in the District or in nearby Maryland and Virginia. Prevailing rate of interest —and either of these plans which you may choose: 3-Year Straight Loans nr Monthly Payment Loans Also F. H A. Facilities Inquiry imposes no obligation. B. F. SAUL CO. 925 15th St. NA. 2100 Mortgage Loans Sears Roebuck Sales 10.7 Per Cent Above Year Ago in May Four Months' Volume 9.5 Per Cent Ahead Of 1939 Mark By the Associated Press. CHICAGO, June 5.—Sears, Roe buck & Co. today reported May j sales totaled $65,978,370. an increase of $6,364,902 or 10.7 per cent over the $59,613,468 reported in May, 1 1939. The four months’ total (Sears starts its fiscal year February 11, j was $214,085,119, an increase of $18,567,753 or 9.5 per cent over the $195,517,366 sold in the same four months a year ago. .Montgomery Ward. Montgomery Ward & Co reported May sales amounted to $45,904,511, an increase of 8.46 per cent com pared wait a year ago. For the four months period ending May 31 sales totaled $161.133 045, an increase of 11 42 per cent compared with the corresponding 1939 period. F. W. Woolworth Co. NEW YORK, June 5 (TP).—F. W Woolworth Co. today reported May sales increased to $26,067,164 from $24,725,427 in May last year, a gain of 5.4 per cent. Sales for the first five months of the year totaled $120,014, 889, or 5.2 per cent more than $114, 087.325 in the comparable 1939 stretch. Investing Companies NEW YORK. June 5 .■?>.—National As sociation Securities Dealers. Inc.; 'Closing Quotations ! Bid. Asked. Admin Fd 2nd Inc __ 9 15 9.79 j Aeronaut Sec . ._ . 8.98 9 11 ! Affiliated F Inc __ 2.00 2.19 •Amerex Hold _ _ . 11.00 12.50 Am Bus Shrs _ _ 2.48 2.78 , Am For Inv _ . o.64 6.29 | Am Gen Eq Inc __ _ 29 .2 7 Am Ins Stocks 9 no 9.50 'Bankers Nat Inv Corp A 5.025 6 625 Basic Industry _ _ 3 oi 'Blair A* Co _ 15 1.625 j Boston Fund Inc ___ _ 19.01 i Broad St Inv _ . 18 19 19.60 I Bullock Fund _ _ lo.5o 11.625 1 Can Inv Fund __ _ 2.25 9.o5 Chemical Fund _ s 67 9.98 ! Comwlth Invest _ _ 2 17 9."1 | •Continental Sh pf 6 75 1.15 j Corporate Trust _ Corporate Trust A A 1.94 Corp Tr Accum . _ 1 94 ! Corn Tr A A mod 2 27 Corp Tr Acc Mod . 2.27 Cumulative Tr Sh 9.92 Depos Bk Sh N Y A" 121 Depos Ins Shrs A" 2 92 Diversified Tr C 2 95 D v den i Shrs in i ni 1 ! Eaton A' How Fund "A-l” 14.19 15 88 | Equity Corn v; pf 21.50 Fidelity Fund Inc ! l 29 15 91 First Boston Corp _ J! 25 1215 i F:r Mutual Tr Fd _ 5.15 5.79 Fiscal Find Bk Sh _ 2 on 2.29 Fiscal Find Ins __ 2 59 2 91 ! F xrd Trust Sh A _ 7 ns ! Found Tr Sh A _ 5 25 9.75 Fund Investors Inc 2;: iij 14 i; j Fund Tr Shrs A _ __ 4 "5 4.16 I Fund Tr Shrs B _ 9 68 Gen Capital Corp 22 76 24 47 G»n Investors Tr I 09 4 99 Group Sec Agricultural 9 99 4 29 Group Sec Automobile 9 29 9.59 Group Sec Aviation _ 7 50 8 16 Group Sec Building __ 4 18 4.56 Group Sec Chemical _ 5 69 6.19 Group Sec Foods _ _ 9.54 9.86 Group Sec Invest Shrs __ 2 27 2.48 Group Sec M'chandising _ 4 05 4 42 Group Sec Mining _ 4 97 4 77 Group Sec Petroleum.. . 9 28 9 58 Group See R R Equip _ 2.85 9 11 Group Sec Steel _ 4 91 4 70 Group Sec Tobacco _ 4 91 4 70 Incorp Investors _ 12 02 1° 92 Independence Tr Sh _ 1.17 1.99 j Instl Sec Bank Group_ 84 99 Instl Sec Insurance _ 1 114 1 15 ! Investors Fd *•C" Inc_ 7.So 8 90 Keystone Custodn B 1 _ 24 61 26 87 Keystone Custodn B 2_ 17 49 19 11 Keystone Custodn B 9 _ II 66 12 79 Keystone Custodn B 4_ 5.54 6 10 Keystone Custodn K 1 __ 12 24 19 42 Keystone Custodn K 2 __ 7 02 7 74 Keystone Custodn S 2_10.09 11 06 Keystone Custodn S 9_ 6.75 7 47 Keystone Custodn S 4_ 2.79 3.08 Manhat. Bond Fund _ 5.59 6.19 Maryland Find _ 3.10 4 20 Mass Invest Tr _ 15.95 17 15 Mutual Invest _ 8.14 8.90 Nation Wide Sec _ 3 <»4 Nh i ion Wide Voting __ 92 1.06 Natl Investors _ 4 79 5 10 | New England Fund _ 9 45 10 19 N Y Stocks Automobile 9.68 9.99 N Y Stocks Aviation _ 9 80 10.59 ; N Y S'ocks Bk Stocks 6.90 7 47 N Y Stocks B'.dcr Supply 4.11 4 46 1 N Y Stocks Chemical _ 7.99 s.oo | N Y S ocks Elec Equip 5 85 ♦;.:{4 N Y Stocks Insurance . 7.19 8.97 j N Y Stocks Machinery_ 6.57 7 12 N Y Stocks Oils _ 5 95 5 81 N Y Stocks Railroad _ 2.08 2.26 N Y S’ocks R R Equip 111 4 18 N Y Stocks Steel 5 90 5.75 North Am Bond Tv c-fs 42.50 Nor Am Tr Sh 1059 1 .89 Nor Am Tr Sh 1955 _ 2.28 N - \m T Sh 1956 2.24 Nor Am Tr Sh 1958 _ 2 02 Plvmou*h Fund Tnc _ 29 .34 Putnam <G> Fund 11.92 12 11 Quarterly Income Sh 5 10 6 45 *Schoellkopf-Hut A- Pom . 25 1.00 Selected Am Sh Inc _ . 6.94 7 56 Selected Income Sh . _ 3 47 Sovereicn Invest _ .51 .06 Spencer 't'rask Fund __ 12 05 12 19 Stand Util Inc ... 18 .28 Super of Am Tr A _ 2 84 Super of Am Tr B _ 2 99 Super of Am Tr A A ._ 2 05 Supervised Shrs _ 7 51 8 16 •Trustee Stand Inv C _ 1 98 2 08 •Trustee Stand Inv D 1.93 2 09, Trusteed Am Bk B .47 .52 Trusteed Industry Shrs .65 79 Wellington Find 11.26 12.41 Quotations furnished bv National Asso ciation of Securities Dealers. Inc., which states thev do not necessarily reflect ac tual transactions or firm bids or offers, but should indicate approximate prices, and unless otherwise indicated are as quoted bv 'he sponsors or issuers. •Indicates "Not quoted by sponsors or issuers." Foreign Exchange NEW YORK. June 5 (<P'.—Allied cur rencies declined today in the wake of re ports a new German drive in Prance had -taried rolling. Turnover in the foreign exchanged mar ; ket was slim as operators waited for further news from the war front. Sterling lost 1 cm* in relation to the dollar and the French franc .00% of a cent. The Canadian dollar dipped .18% o’ a c°nt *o 18.31% United States cents. The market for the Swiss franc was dis urhed by reports the neutrality of Switzer land had been violated hv aircraft. The ! unif declined .02 of a cent. late rates follow 'Great Britain In dol- ! i lars. others in cents)). Canada. Official Canadian Control Board rates for United States dollars: Buying 10 per cent premium selling ll per cent pre I mium, equivalent to discounts on Canadian : doilars in New York of buying 9 01 per cent. sr”in<? 0.00 per cent. Canadian dollar in New York open mar ket 211’ per cent discount, or 78.31% United States cents. Europe. Belcium unquoted: Denmark unquoted; Finland 2.00n: France. 1.803*: Germany. 40 05n ''benevolent). 17 40: Greece. ,62n: Hungary 17.70n: Italy. 5.05: Nether lands unquoted Norway unquoted: Portu gal 3 25n; Rumania. .52n: Sweden. 23 82n; Switzerland. 22.40; Yugoslavia. 2.35n. Latin America. Argentina official. 20.77: free. 22.45; Brazil, official. 6.05; free. 5 10: Mexico. 16.85. Far East. Japan 23.48; Hong Kong. 20.00; Shang hai 5.35. Rates in spot cables unless otherwise Indicated, n Nominal. Federal Land Banks NEW YORK. June 5 (£*>.—Federal Land Bank bonds: Rate. Maturity. Bid. Asked. 4s July. 1046-44 _100 10p3/4 3%s May. 1055-45_ 3 03% 104% 3s July. 1055-45_102 % 103 I 3s Jan 1056-46 _102% 103 3s May. 1056-46_102% 103% London Tin Prices LONDON June 5 '/P>.—Tin easier: spot, I £215 ms bid. £275 15s asked, future. 1 £273 10s bid. £273 15s asked. COPPER CONSUMPTION—Above chart shows relative amounts of copper consumed by the British Empire and by Germany in the period from 1916 through 1938. Federal Price-Fixing Regarded as Strong Possibility Purchasing Agents Told Action Likely in Case Of War or Not By the Associated Press CINCINNATI, June 5—The Na tional Association of Purchasing Agents was told by Executive Sec retary George A. Renard of New York today that there is a strong possibility of Government price fixing “whether or not this Nation enters the war.” Reporting to a national convention of the organization, Renard said prices will become one of this Na tion's major problems if the conflict in Europe continues or spreads. “Tin. rubber, burlap and other strategic materials which must be imported into this country present a problem which may rapidly get beyond control of the individual buyer,” Renard asserted. “Some of these commodities are : already the subject of negotiation and barter between our Government and the producing countries. That development may spread. "It is not improbable that fixed prices and allocated supplies of such materials will be seen if war con tinues beyond this year—even though the United States does not become a participant.” Renard said the most destructive feature of war. aside from loss of life, is the inflation of prices, labor rates and governmental costs. He declared artificial and un necessary advances of prices must be restrained by good business sense or they will be controlled by the government, adding: “We must face the facts. All other important nations now control production, prices, exchange, etc. How can the individual in this coun try deal with those governments ex cept through his government? If we are to have rubber, tin, burlap and other strategic imports, it will be through arrangements made be tween governments and not through individuals. “Some of our highly developed individualists may call that govern ment interference: it would be more reasonable to call it government assistance and protection ” Renard asserted that all facilities of the nation must be turned to the maximum for development of ma terials and equipment required for the military and economic conflict confronting democratic nations, “al though this may be hard to swallow —as it. was for England and France.” Washington Exchange SALES. Potomac Electric Power 5^% pre ferred, 4 at 110",. BONDS PUBLIC UTILITY. Bid. Asked Anacostia & Pot 5s 1949__ PR 100U Ana At Pot Guar ns 1949-, 106 Vi Cap Traction 1st 5s 1947 98 101 City A: Suburban 5s 194K 98 101 Georgetown Gas 1st 5s 1961 115 Pot Elec Pow :i V,s 1966 103 Washington Gas 5s I960 __ 115 Wash Rwy At Elec 4s 1951-- 105 _ MISCELLANEOUS Chevy Ch Cl 1st 4V4s 1957 10.3 Col Country C 1st 4 Us 1957 103 Ter Ri At W Cp 1st 4 Us 1948 100 *_ STOCKS PUBLIC UTILITY. Amer Tel Ar Tel (9) __ 14RU Capital Transit (a.50)- lo'.j 13 N At W Steamboat (4> - 55 70 Pot Elec Pow 6',, pfd (6i 111 Pot El Pw 5'iU pfd (5.50)- J I 1 112 Wash Gas Lt com (1.50 lou 21'i Wash Gas Lt ptd (4.501 loo 102 Wash Ry At El com (g.36) H30 Wash Ry At El pfd (5) _J((8 BANK AND TRUST COMPANY. Amer Sec At Tr Co (eS>_ 223 235 Bank of Bethesda (.75)_ 30 40 Capital (v4> __ 150 175 Com & Savings (yl0 00)__ 300 Liberty (fii _ 168 190 Lincoln (y.o) __ - 200 Natl Sav A: Tr (4.00) 195 210 Pr Georges Bk At Tr it.60). 19 25 Riggs (eS) _ _ 252 270 Riggs pfd (6) -_ __ _ __ 101 Washington (8( _120 _ l Wash Loan At Tr (e8)_ 223 _ FIRE INSURANCE. American ft6)_ 110 _ Firemen's (1.40) __27 National Union (.75)_ 12V4 18 TITLE INSURANCE. Columbia (k.30> _ 14 Real Estate (m6)_160 185 MISCELLANEOUS. Carpel Corp (2.00)_ 24 30 Garflnckel com (.70). _ _ *844 10 G'flnckel 6% cu cv pf (1.50) 23 25V« Lanston Monotype (2.00)_ 26 Lincoln Serv com ( + 1.00)-. *17 22 Line Svc 7% or of (3.50) *46*/4 62 Mergenthaler Lino (p.50>-_ 124« 15 Natl Mtge At Inv pfd (d.35) *3Va 4V4 Peop Drug com new (tl.OO) 15 . Real Est M At G pfd (.50).- 5V4 6V« Security Storage (5). _ 80 . Ter Ref At Wh Corp (3) ... 53 58 Wdwd At Loth com (s2.O0)._ 40 52 Wdwd At Loth pfd (7)_115 _ •Ex dividend. t Plus extras, d 35c paid in 1939. e 2% extra g $14.00 extra paid December 23. 1939. k 20c extra. m$1.50 extra p 50c paid September 20. 1938 s $2.00 paid in 1939. 1 50c paid December 20. 1939. v$1.00 extra paid January, 1940. y $5 00 extra. London Bar Silver LONDON. June 5 i/P'.—Bar silver. 2234d. off >4. ‘Equivalent 41.25 cents., based 1 on the, dollar at $4.03.) Bar gold. 168s, unchanged. (Equivalent $33.85.) United States Treasury Position By the Associated Press. The position of the Treasury June 3. compared with comparable date a year ago: June 3. 1940. June 2, 1939. Receipts - S35,624,192.29 $21,005,655.56 Expenditures - 39,194,711.59 20,829,383.51 Net balance 2.019.923,52835 2.905,352,230.96 Working balance Included _ 1.293.355,729.89 2,234.797,935.36 Customs receipts for month _ _ 2.757.731.91 1,500,197.19 Receipts for fiscal year (July 1)_ 5.185,620.950.18 5,084,247,949.64 Expenditures 8.653,095,320.39 8,399,535,128.18 Excess of expenditures- 3.467.474.370.21 3.315.287,178.64 Gross debt . _ 42,809.700,139.47 40,332,961,107.87 Increase over previous day_ 1.0,35.238.49 __ _ Gold assets _ 19,229,746,395.48 15,961,37&.479.i3 t k W/7/ys Sales Up 131.5 Pet. Over Last Year By the Associated Press TOLEDO. Ohio. June 5.—Sales of Willys cars and trucks in the United j States lor domestic use totaled 22,346 units to May 31. This was j a gain of 131.5 per cent over the I comparable portion of the 1939 model year and 99 4 per cent higher than domestic sales for all last year, Willys-Overland Motors, Inc., announced. Export shipments in May were 36 per cent over April and were the highest for nine months. Status of Machine Tool Trade Hinges On Vinson Bill Measure Is Expected To Delay Foreign Shipments By the Associated Press CLEVELAND, June 5 —A spokes man for the machine tool industry said today the status of its exports “is unchanged and will remain so pending final action on the Vinson bill." “This measure will establish pri ority of delivery to the United States Navy in its defense pro gram,’’ said Tell Berna. general manager of the National Machine Tool Builders' Association “It will not abrogate existing con tracts between builders and foreign buyers. It will only defer de liveries.” Berna said the bill would author ize the Navv to purchase existing tools, though made on foreign oi - der, through direct negotiation with , the manufacturer. “If a manufacturer should receive. • meanwhile, Government inquiries concerning tools awaiting shipment, he probably would delay export pending developments," Berna said Berna’s comment resulted from a Washington dispatch saying tne ad ministration, “in effect,’’ is embar going machine tool expoits needed for defense. The State Department. I it said, responded to inquiries with a statement that sucn exports should not be made, explaining the action was not directed at any par ticular country. Short-Term Securities • Reported by Smith. Barney A Co > Bid. Offer. Ala Gt Sou "A” 5s 43 _ - llo% Alleghany Corp cv 5s 44 - 70% 73 American Tel Sc Tel 5%s 43 100% 106% Austin A Northw 5s 41 _ 88 90 Central Foundry Os 41 - - - 90 Central R R Georgia 5s 43. . - 54% Chicago Union Stat 4s 44 . . 103 104 Child* Co 5s 43 __ 38 47 Colorado Fuel A Iron 5s 43 104% lo4% Conn & Passu Riv R R 4s 43 .. _ 88% Cuba Northern Rvs 5%s 43 33 34% Delaware & Hudson 4s 43 . 39% 40% Federal Lt A Traction 5s 43 100% 103 Grand Rap A Ind 4%s 41 103% . Inti Hydro-Elec Os 41 -_ 41 4 ’% Intern Merc Marine Os 41_ 58 Laclede Gas Light 5s 43 80% 83 Lake Erie A Western 5s 41__ 94 Lehigh Val Ter Ry 5s 41 __ 30 4 7 Liggett. & Hyers 7s 44_133 134 N Y Cen A Hud Riv 4s 43 _ 83 80% N Y A Long Branch 4s 41. 35 7 4 Norfolk A Southern 5s 41__ 50 59% Pennsylvania Co. 3%s 41 -- 101% lo3% Penn-Dixie Cement 6s 41 __ 90s# 96 Penna R R Co 4s 43__ 108 Peoples G Lt A Coke 6s 43. 110% Jll^ Steudebaker Corp 6s 45_ 87% 88% Phil Balt A Wash 4s 43 - 109% _ Texas Sc New* Orleans 5s 43 63% . _ Union Oil of Calif 6s 43_109% 111% Utah Pow A Light 5s 44_ 97 98 Warren Bos. 6s 41 _ 19% 30 Western N Y ft Pa 4s 43-- 107% K>8% Foreign Markets LONDON. June 6 </P>.—Initial gains were wiped out in the securities market today following news of the fresh German offensive in France. Earlier the market responded to announcement the dividend limitations bill had been abandoned. Kaf firs and oils weakened and government bonds ended unchanged to around 14 point lower Industrial leaders reacted to open ing levels or below after a morning spurt. Losses of l to 2 points were general among Far Eastern stocks. PARIS.—Lower prices were posted for virtually all issues traded in the bourse today. Rentes closed unchanged to :i50 centimes lower. Suez Canal, however, struck against the main trend in Medi terranean issues with a 1 per cent gain. Quotations were still lacking on a num ber of issues, especially those with prop erties in war areas. U. S. Treasury Notes NEW YORK, June 5 (Pi.—Prices Quoted In dollars and thirty-seconds: Ap. Pet. Mon. Yr. Bid. Asked. Yld l'/j June, 1940_100.1 I1/, Dec.. 1940_101.1 101.3 1 Vi Mar. 1941_101.9 101.11 IV, June. 1941_101.12 101.14 IV, Dec., 1941_ 101.25 101.27 .04 l3/, Mar . 1942 _ 102.20 102.28 .13 2 Sept., 1942 _ 104.1 104.4 .18 14, Dec., 1942_ 103.17 103.20 .31 IV, June. 1943_101.10 101.13 05 IV, Dec , 1943_101.10 101.13 .72 1 Mar, 1944 _ 100.14 100.17 .80 % June. 1944_ 99.13 99.10 .88 1 Sept.. 1944_ 100.10 100.13 .91 y. Mar . 1945_ 98.28 98.31 .97 Dry Goods Market NEW YORK, June 5 (£V—Dry goods: Standard print and broad cloths sold at slight concessions. Spun rayon snort weaves and sharksln prices hold steady. Full-fashion silk hosiery sales improve. Woolen goods market stimulated by re ports of intended Government purenases. i Nearly 6,000 Banks Need More Capital, F. D. I. C. Reports Sale of Additional Stock to Protect Depositors Suggested By tlnp Associated Press. Nearly 6.000 American banks were rated by the Federal Deposit Insur ance Corp. today as having "in adequate capital." Without suggesting methods, the corporation implied in its annual report that these banks should raise more capital by selling stock or other means in order to protect depositors If these banks fail, and their capital does not cover losses, the F. D. I. C. must make good claims of depositors up to $5 000 each. The corporation said it "believes that every bank should have a minimum net sound capital equal to at least 10 per cent of the appraised value of its assets.' but that "ex aminations in 1939 revealed that 2.884 insured banks # had net sound capital below this minimum." "It is estimated that in addition to the 2.884 banks mentioned above, approximatelv 3,000 banks have a capital below the reasonable min imum when considered in the light of the nature and quality of the assets held and other qualifying factors." The report said that in 1939 the corporation found 10 banks which had no net sound capital at all. and 7.8 others which had less than 8 per cent. More careful supervision by State and Federal examining authorities was mentioned as one method of improving the capital position of banks, but the corporation urged against placing too much respansi bility on examiners. Maryland Job Service Sets Placement Record By the Associated Press. BALTIMORE. June 5 —The Mary land Employment Service smashed all its previous records for private job placements last month. Director David L. B. Fringer reports. Mr. Fringer announced 4.421 in dividuals found private jobs through the service, topping by a wide mar gin the previous high mark of 3,371 placements reported last October The May figure was 56 per cent ahead of the same month last year. “We're now 3.000 placements ; ahead of our last year's record,'' j Fringer said, explaining that the j service had placed 9,649 persons in | private industry since January 1, ! compared with 6,494 placed during : the first five months of 1939. Most of the jobs are being found j in industrial establishments, records I showed, and Fringer noted that “should the anticipated pickup in heavy industries materialize, still greater numbers should be reported.’ Reproductions of c?"’iSP Advertising Matter, Books, Maps, Etc. f Photo-offset process In t ' 3 black and white or colors ABflMjtK Li '*UST We Will Buy 2nd Trust Notes Be. slrablv secured on Residential Property, Reasonable Rates. National Mortgage & Investment Corp. 1312 N. Y. Are. N.W. WAHonal SM3 /Q» » Select Your Investment Your sovings should only be invested where there is PROFIT ond SECURITY. Prudential invest ment shares insured up to $5,000 earn liberal dividends. START WITH LUMP SUM ... or monthly de posits—SAVE SAFELY. Withdrawal privilege. PRUDENTIAL 1331 G ST.N.W. DI-6270 Suite 304 Irving Olds Named Board Chairman Of U. S. Steel 53-Year-Old New York Lawyer to Succeed Stettinius By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, June 5—Irving S Olds, 53-year-old New York lawyer, today was elected chairman of the board of. the huge United States Steel Corp., succeeding Edward R. Stettinius, jr., who resigned to de vote his entire time to the National Defense Commission to which he was appointed recently by President Roosevelt. A statement. by the corporation said: "The Board of Directors of the United States Steel Corp., at a spe cial meeting held this afternoon, accepted the resignation of Edward R. Stettinius, jr., as chairman of the Board of Directors and as a member of the Board of Directors and Finance Committee. Mr. Stet tinius presented his resignation in order to serve as a member of the recently appointed National Defense Commission. "At yesterday's special meeting Irving S. Olds was elected chairman of the Board of Directors to succeed Mr. Stettinius. Mr. Olds has been a director and a member of the Finance Committee of the steel cor poration since October 27, 1936. He is a member of the law firm of White & Case.’’ While Olds and other officers of the commission did not go further than the official statement in com menting on the change in top-rank ing personnel of the largest concern in the steel industry, it was pointed out by others that Stettinius had been placed in charge of raw mate rials in the defense commission and as such would have the responsi bility not only of buying steel, but would also have to deal with indi vidual companies in many other phases of the defense program. It was felt, therefore, that it would be embarrassing to Stettinius in han | dling such matters with United States Steel Corp. had he remained j in his official capacity with the cor i poration Olds was described as having taken an active part in the affairs ' of the corporation since he became 1 a member of the board in 1936. It i was said he had served in an ad I visorv capacity with other officers in many vital matters that have | come up since that time and brings to the office an intimate knowledge of the corporation's physical proper ties. Boston Wool Market BOSTON. June 5 ~P . — (United Sta'e* Department of Agriculture ».—Wool prices in Boston were showing a strengthening tendency today Orders for country-packeo ; three-eighths and one-quarter blood bright fleece wools have Increased and sales have been closed at 3H-37, in the grease, de i livered to users Good French combine ; length fine territory wools, in original bass, were selling in moderate quanti ties at around 80 cents, scoured basis, with asking prices on similar wools rang ing up to 85 cents. II MONEY I for construction loans and term loans from 3 to 5 years In D C and nearby Virginia and Maryland. REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE AND GUARANTY CORP. 1610 K St. N.W. NAtional 1403 *1! = === , . . CHEVY CHASE CLUB First Mortgage Four and One-Quarter Per Cent Bonds NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pur j suant to the provisions of an Indenture dated January 1 1937. between Chevv Chase Club and National Savings anc Trust Company. Trustee, and America! Security and Trust Company. Registrar under which the above bonds wpre issued ; Chevy Chase Club has elected to exercise I its option to and will pay and redeem all o i its outstanding First Mortgage Four and One-quarter Per Cent Bonds, due Januarj , 1. 1957. issued under said Indenture, viz ’ , Bonds in the aggregate principal amoun , of $3:M.OOO.OO. on July 1. 1940 at the redemption price of 104'T, of the principa thereof, together with the accrued interesi thereon to said redemption date. Accordingly upon surrender to the saic Registrar American Security and Trus Company at its principal office. 15th Streei and Pennsylvania Avenue N.W.. Washing ton D C. of the aforesaid bonds callec for redemption as aforesaid, together wit! al1 unmatured coupons appertaining thereto the principal amount of said bonds, witl the premium of 4*7, provided in said in denture will be paid on July 1 1940. anc the interest payable on July 1. 1940. oi said bonds will be paid to the holders o the coupons appertaining to said bond maturing on such date Said bonds wil become due and payable on July 1. 1940 at the place and at the redemption prici above provided, and from and after Juh 1. 1940 will cease to draw' interest, anc the coupons maturing subsequently to saic date will be void. Registered bonds must be accompaniec by duly executed instruments of assign ment and transfer. Dated May 31. 1940 CHEVY CHASE CLUB. Bv G. Thomas Dunlop, President. REM ESTATE LOAKS / ET us handle your real estate \j and home loan financing. Applications considered on improved property, not only in Washington but in nearby Maryland and Virginia. There are no commissions or renewal charges. Interest only on unpaid balance of principal monthly. ★ Many savers have accumulated substantial balances by regular additions to their share accounts with us. Contult any of oar off icon for information. No obligation, of eoarto. I mBII'K BUILBIIC ESSOfllTHI 300 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE S. E. Offico Hottrt 9 to 4— Saturday! 9 to 12 OFFICERS: MILTON H. PROSPER!, Chairman of Board CHARLES H. KINDLE, President ARTHUR C. BALSER. Tie*• Proaidm* WILFRED H. BLANZ. Secretary HOWARD B. KRAMER. Treaiuror GUY M. NEELY, Consultant Ann raiser LINCOLN 1131 DIRECTORS: JOHN E. MER8NER CHATHAM M. TOWERS BERNARD J. OOYLE THOMAS S. SER6E0N CHAS. A. R0S8ITER W. DUDLEY SPICKNALL DR. WM. C. PARMER iinBmMi Amamta arm now in mxemmm of $12,900,000.00 Power Output Lags After Rising for Three Weeks Production Remains 10.3 Per Cent Ahead Of Year Ago Bv the Associated Press. NEW YORK, June 5.—Electric power output in the United States broke a three-week rising trend during the week ended June 1 by dropping to 2,332,216.000 kilowatt hours, the Edison Electric Institute said today. The latest total, which covered the Memorial Day holiday, was 4.8 per cent less than 2.448,865,000 kilo watt hours in the preceding week, but 10.3 per cent more than 2,133 - 887.000 in the comparable 1939 week, which also included Memorial Day. The decline was more than sea sonally expected. The Associated Press weighted power index, based on 1929-30 as 100, dipped to 123.5 from 124 6 in the previous week. A year ago the index, which is ad justed for seasonal and long-term trend, stood at 1142 umo. man. mas. mar mamas Hieh mo 5 129.5 I 17.7 1752 11-.K Low 1214 117. :l 102.S 1118 919 Percentage gains over a year ago, | according to major geographic areas I were reported as follows by the in stitute: New England. 7.8 per cent: Mid j die Atlantic, 6.7; Central industrial, 15.8; West Central, 5.2; Southern States, 8.2; Rocky Mountain, 16.1; Pacific Coast, 5.7. Wholesale Commodity Index Moves Down By the Associated Preaa. The National Fertilizer Associa tion’s index of wholesale commod ity prices declined last week to 75.6 per cent of the 1926-1928 aver age, compared with 75.7 the pre ceding week, 77.3 a month ago and 72 a year ago, Money for Construction Loans and Loans on Completed Properties (Owner occupied or rental) Favorable Rata rtKSl DEED OS TKliBl ONLT GEORGE I. BORGER MS ladlan* At* N.W N»t-I 03M Insurance^ No matter what type •! \ policy you need, wo ean \ •erro you most efficiently. \ I & CO. . | 1700 Eye St. N.W. ME 3996 | Mortgage Loans HOUSES APARTMENTS BUSINESS PROPERT IES Randall H. Hagner Ac Company 'NCO!»»OI»AT£0 • NotroAOB Loan Cobb—pour put ^t%u*r-an<x 1321 Connecticut Ave. N.W. Telephone DEcatur 3600 ^Columbia Federal Loan will solve your Home financing problems. Poss Books • AI1 monthly payments applied directly to loan s^ow new balance, loan ba!on'e _ k, • No commissions or re a ter eazn , , payment. newal chor9es • No red tape or waiting. Loant Available in D. C. or Nearby Maryland and Virginia BUINBIAFEBERU _ asiyitt.-HI’>?il,liHt t.l'TTTTrS 716 nth Street N.W. National 6543 ON IMPROVED D. C. AND NEARDY MARYLAND PROPERTY For buying, rebuilding or refinancing at prevailing rates of interest. Loans repayable monthly. No charge for appraisal if loan is not mode. Interest charged only on unpaid balance of principal. Equitable Co-operative Building Association 915 F ST. N.W. ORGANIZED 1879