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Outdoor Parties Hold Center of Attention On Social Calendar Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Davies Entertain in Formal Garden At Valley View Farm Outdoor parties hold the spotlight in the Capital, although a number of other parties marked yesterday's social calendar. The cool formal garden at Valley View Farm, home of the Special Assistant to the Secretary of State and Mrs. Joseph E. Davies, was a popular gathering place yesterday afternoon, when Mr. and Mrs. Davies entertained with mint juleps and tea outdoors. A stone stairway led from the beautiful drawing room of the mansion down into the garden, and Mrs. Davies stood at the foot of these steps to greet her guests. She was gowned in a handsome floor-length dress of navy blue, with pleats of white chiffon in the skirt, and a wide-brim navy color hat with a white eyelet embroidery crown. Several From Official Circles Aid Hostess. Assisting the hostess were Mrs. Harold L. Ickes, Mrs. Charles L. Mc Narv. Mrs. Arthur H. Vandenberg, Mrs. Claude Pepper, Mrs. Paul V. McNutt, Mrs. Norris Chipman, Mrs. Warren Delano Robbins, Mrs. Emory S. Land, Lady Lewis. Mrs. George A. Garrett, Mrs. Gilbert M. Hitchcock, Mrs. Demarest Lloyd and Mrs. Donald Richberg, and the daughters of the hostess, Mrs. Merrall MacNeille and Mrs. Close Rand, and the daugh ters of the host. Mrs. Millard E. Tydings and Mrs. Aldace Walker. Miss Nedenia Hutton, another daughter of the hostess, went from group to group seeing that the guests were enjoying the delightful after noon. Iced fruit juices, mint juleps and*: other refreshing liquids were served from a long glassed-topped table. The tea table was covered with an embroidered cover over cloth of gold. In the center of this table was a huge silver bowl holding syr lngea. Canterbury bells, yellow iris, and other spring blossoms, as well as the beautiful silver services. Juleps Are Theme Of Another Party. "Juleps in the garden" was the theme of another delightful party of yesterday, when Miss Nancy Ord way entertained in honor of her brother and sister-in-law, Capt. and Mrs. Godwin Orriway, jr., who have returned to Washington with their three children for a visit. The garden of the Orriway home on Thirty-fifth street was abloom for the occasion, white rases climb ing on the walls at the side and end of the garden, and peonies, poppies and other brilliant blossoms stood out against a background of green ery. Miss Ordwav. who is always the life of any party she attends—in cluding her own—wore a cool print dress, with the background of rust: color, and her sister-in-law was in 1 Rilk jersey striped with blue and White. Capt. and Mrs. Ordwav. with God win. 3d; Claire and Roderick, are en route from Fort Hayes at Co lumbus, Ohio, to JamestowTi, R. I., where they have taken a house for the summer. After his leave is over Capt. Ordwav will be stationed at Fort Benning, Ga. Dinner Party Is Given At Dominican Legation. The Minister of the Dominican Republic and Senora de Pastoriza gave a dinner party last evening, entertaining in the new Legation at 2101 Connecticut avenue. The party was in honor of the United States Minister to the Dominican Repub lic and Mrs. Robert A. Srotten and other guests included the Nica raguan Minister and Senora de De Bavle, Col. Joseph C. Fegan. U. S. M. C.. recently returned from duty in China to the Marine Corps head quarters for station, and Mrs. Fe- ; gan: the chief of the Division of American Republics of the State De partment and Mrs. Laurence Dug gan, Maj. and Mrs. Parker W. West, i Senora Esperanza P. de Tejera. who arrived the end of the week from the Dominican Republic and will be the guest of the Minister and Senora de Pastoriza for 10 days, and the second secretary of the Domican Le gation. Senor Andres Pastoriza, jr., eon of the hosts. Two Other Parties Are Events Yesterday. Among other parties yesterday were the luncheon given by Mrs. j Harry Gr^nt Meem and the dinner i given by Miss Marya Thompson in honor of Miss Peggy Tuckerman, debutante daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ! Walter R. Tuckerman. Mrs. Meem entertained at the Bulgrave Club, where white peonies were arranged in a low mound on I the table and the place cards were 1 dainty Oriental fans. There were 24 guests and the guests lingered on after the luncheon to enjoy the cool of the club. Miss Thompson, who was to have made her debut in the near future, will not be presented to society until next winter. Illness in her family has brought about the change. However, she will take part in the debutante festivities during the summer season. Guests at the affair, which was given on the Shoreham Terrace last night, were Miss Yalanda Alfaro. Miss Patricia Prochnik, Miss Genevieve Roe, Miss i Rosemary Morse and Miss Gail Dawley. Others present w'ere Mr. Frederic de Peyster, jr., of New York, cousin of Miss Tuckerman: Mr. Thomas Clagett, Mr. Du Bois Brookings, Mr. Morrison Tucker, Mr. Bud Welles, Mr. John Ham mond. Mr. James Garrett and Mr. Cabell Maddux, jr. Farewell Luncheon Chapter N of the P. E. O. Sister hood is entertaining at a farewell luncheon today in honor of Mrs. J. A. Cole, a member who plans to leave soon to make her home in Minne apolis. Lawn Party The Woman's Club of Ashton Heights, Arlington, Va., will have a luncheon followed by a card party at 12:30 tomorrow' on the lawn at the home of Mrs. C. P. Warner, 3123 N. Pershing drive. Prizes for every table W’ill be awarded. nr.2r°;\ U t 'SKi’tanX REPAIRED ( look " after \ CLEANED ( . the finest ^ 1 ru*s in Wa«h- ^ STORED < , lngton. Our ' I superior service Eat. i .costs you no m JQon \ I more. 1 j 1Noiorian i J Bros. Co. [ 1221 G St. N.W. *•- - ■■ ____ Notes on Activities Of Residential Washington Mrs. Barge Llewelyn Hartz and her daughter, Mrs. Betty Hartz Ken dall. and the latter's little daughter Penny have returned to Washing ton after a several months' stay in Florida. They are now' at their home, 5509 Edgemoor lane, Bethesda. Mr. and Mrs. Frank O'Malley of Cleveland have arrived to attend the graduation exercises of Devitt School. Their son. Mr. James O'Malley, is a member of the class. He will enter the United States Naval Academy the middle of the month. Mrs. Lelia La Varre has returned from a visit with her son. Mr. Wil liam La Varre. and Mrs. La Varre. in New York City. — Mr. Floyd E. Dotson, chief clerk of the Interior Department, has re turned from a recent trip of several weeks to the Pacific Coast. — Baughmans Return From Wedding Trip Mr. and Mrs. George F. Baughman have returned from their wedding trip to Florida and are at home at 202 Lexington drive in Woodmoor. Md. Mrs. Baughman formerly was Miss Hazel R. Zoerner of Kensing ton. Md. Her marriage to Mr. Baugh man took place April 27 in the Warner Memorial Presbyterian Church in Kensington. Mrs. Cecil Skinner was matron of honor and Miss Clare Penn, Miss Mary Frances Trader and Miss j Catherine Waybright were the bridesmaids. Mrs. Baughman attended the American Institute of Banking and George Washington University. Mr. Baughman, who formerly lived in Florida, was graduated from the University of Florida and is a member of the Beta Theta Phi fraternity. Merrills Send Cards for Debut Mr. and Mrs. Keith Merrill have sent out cards for the debut of their daughter, Eugenia, on Tuesday from 5:30 to 7:30 o'clock. The reception will be followed by an informal supper for the assistants and some of their friends. Envoy to Speak The Cuban Ambassador, Se nor Dr. Perdo Martinez Fraga, went to New York this morning and will speak before the New York State Chamber of Com merce. The Ambassador will re turn the latter part of the week. Mexican Envoy Back The Mexican Ambassador, Se nor Dr. Don Francisco Castillo Najera, returned Monday from Mexico City after an absence of only a week. The Ambassador made the trip by plane. Crisp, alabaster white ray- H on sharkskin makes this fl cunning frock with squar- H ed neck edged in eyelet fl embroidery, with gradu- ■ ated gores, and bright ■ crochet belt. C P Qfi fl Sizes 12 fo 20 5 5 9 I 1 Inexpensive Dresses, fl Second Floor fl MRS. RICHARD LACHINE. The former Miss Elvie Thorne Cooksey, she is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Perrington Cooksey of Alexandria. Her marriage took place in April at the home of her parents, and she and Mr. Lachine are residing in Arlington. _ Suburban Social Notes I Mr. and Mrs. Carl Comley Return To Arlington After Motor Trip ! Mr and Mrs. Carl Comley re turned to their home in Arlington | last evening after a motor trip to the Luray and Endless Caverns. Nat ural Bridge and Williamsburg. Mrs. Meredith Page Wickes, who has been in Florida for the winter months, is the guest of Mrs. Charles Cecil Wall at Mount Vernon, Va. Mrs. Wickes’ little daughter. Mere dith Wickes, will spend the sum mer with her grandmother, Mrs. Anna Boal Wickes. at Buenos Ayres Villa-on-the-Potomac. Mrs. Thomas White has returned to her home in Arlington from Blacksburg. Va.. where she visited her mother, Mrs. Anne Faulkner. The Rev. and Mrs. Carl E. Weaks have left for a trip to the West. They will spend some time in Min nesota and the Dakotas and later go to Washington and Oregon. They plan to return in August. Mrs. A. B. Dunning, who has spent the past few months with her daughter, Mrs. Kathryn Law rence. in Arlington is leaving today for Philadelphia to spend a week with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Alphonse Haupel, and , from there she will go to Scranton. Pa., for an indefinite stay with her son. Mr. H. B. Dunning. Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Sanborn and daughter. Jean Sanborn, were the dinner guests Thursday of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Flanagan of Oc coquan, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Flanagan and their children. Robert and Joan Flan agan. will motor to Charlottesville. Va., Saturday to be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. Williams for several days. Prof, and Mrs. George Lewis Caviness of South Lancaster, Mass., arrived Sunday for a stay of several weeks. He will study in the The PITPQ Hand IXtJVlO Washed 9x12 Domestic _$2.75 9x12 Oriental _ 5.00 OTHERS AT SAME RATIO Repairing — Storing CASSABIAN RUG CO, Michiran 2801 1508 Wis. Ave. ological Seminary In Takoma Park, ' Md, ! - ! Mrs. John C. Post of Takoma j Park. Md., is in Jacksonville. 111., attending closing festivities at her alma mater. McMurray College. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick William Reeder of Lorton, Va„ were hosts Sunday to Mr. and Mrs. James Haggerty and Miss Mary Ellen Min nick of Chester, Pa. Mrs. Woodward Giving Tea Today Mrs. Stanley Woodward will be hostess at a tea in her home at 2824 O street at 4 o'clock this afternoon in honor of members of the Chamber Music Guild. The party is planned to discuss plans for a concert to be given June 11 in the ballroom of the Raleigh Hotel for the benefit of the District of Columbia Chapter, Ameri can Red Cross war relief fund cam ! paign by the guild's newly organized quartette. In charge of the concert is a com mittee composed of Mrs. Woodward. Mrs. Edwin Watson, Mrs. Fisher Dunlap, Mrs. Foster Adams and Mme. L. de SokolofT. Luncheon Party Mrs. David Rumsev of New York entertained at luncheon yesterday at the Mayflower, having as her guests Miss Mabel Boardman and Mrs. Chandler P. Anderson. Mrs. Rumsey is here on a brief visit. fllCtldJl* TlUe event you've waited fa* FLEXEES ANNUAL DWI SMI Girdles and Combinations ’5 S \ Value 7.50 Value 12.50 -SAVINGS Of \ AND MORE! ** Now is your grand chance to become acquainted with Flexees ... or to get that "extra" corset, if you already know their beauty and comfort. All » new, fresh garments... the season's most impor tant savings that come but once a year! By the Way— L- Beth Rlnine- - Mrs. Crosby Miller's picnic supper at her family's beautiful estate (View Tree) near Warrenton the other day was loads of fun and was as casual and informal as picnics should be. Guests were told to come any time during the afternoon, so most of them arrived in time for cocktails on the terrace overlooking the beautiful rolling green countryside. (View Tree is supposed to be the highest point in the environs and the view from the house and gardens is superb). The gentlemen contributed the liquid refreshments and the ladies the more solid and substantial food. Tables were set up in the garden, and every one was asked to help them selves, which they did—and very ably, we thought. For the more athletic guests there was a heated baseball game with the two teams captained by Dr. Robert Moran and Donald Downes, re spectively, and Mrs. Crosby Hornblow's young son acting as coach. Celeste Miller never looked prettier, dressed in white sharkskin slacks and shirt with a bright red bandana tied about her jet black hair. In fact, all the ladies—in sports attire—looked unusually attractive. Present were, in addition to the two sisters, Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Exnicios, Mrs. Robert Moran, who by the way, is one of the real beauties of the Capital; Mrs. Donald Downes, Betty Byrne, who is in town for a visit with her great friend, Mrs. Eldridge Jordan; Laurence Bungardeanu, Mrs. Sims Snow and her two nieces, Mrs. William Mann and Betty Beale; Ogden Hammond, jr.; the young Robert Knowltons, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Adams, Mrs. Scudder Doeg, the Agricultural Attache of the Spanish Embassy and Senora de Echegaray, Mr. and Mrs. Mario Rodriguez, and the Commercial Counselor of the Peruvian Embassy and Senora de Chavez. The same afternoon Mr. and Mrs. George Hamilton, jr., were en tertaining in town—at a cocktail party—which took place in the garden of their Wyoming avenue house. Most of the women present wore print frocks with brimmed hats, and with the lovely flowers all in bloom in the garden, the scene looked very summery and attractive. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Clark came early, Ann in pale yellow frock and hat, and other guests were Mr. and Mrs. William MacCracken, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Chappell, Mr. and Mrs. George Maurice Morris, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carroll Morgan—all the last four ladies in printed dresses. Also present were Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hopkins, jr., she in navy blue chiffon w'ith a tiny snow white hat that looked almost heart shaped; Dr and Mrs. Victor Alfaro, Mr. and Mrs. Ashmead Fuller, and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Saul. There will be flocks of parties this week end, planned principally for the debutantes with some of their parents' friends and the young marrieds included. Mr. and Mrs. William Flather will present their daughter, Georgianna, to society at a large tea to be given at their beauti ful place, Windslope on Nebraska avenue, and before the last of the Wed nesday supper dances tonight Mrs. Chase Donaldson is entertaining at cocktails. Tomorrow afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Edward Finkenstaedt will present their daughter Sita to their friends at a tea at the 1925 F Street Club, and Maj. and Mrs. Horace Smith also are giving an afternoon party for a few friends at their house on Massachusett avenue. Friday Mr. and Mrs. James Clement Dunn are giving a tea for two debutantes— their own pretty daughter Cynthia and Pauline Curtis, whose step father and mother. Mr. and Mrs. John Gross, will give a dinner dance at the F Street Club that night. Mrs. Kent Legare also will entertain at dinner before the Gross party and on Saturday Mme. Espil will give a coming-out tea for her daughter. Louise Stillwell, at the Argentine Embassy. That night is the Warren Barbour dance for their daughter Elvsabeth preceded by numerous dinners—among them that of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Carusi. Surprise Reception Honors Weismans Mr. and Mrs. John J. Weisman were given a surprise reception Mon day evening at their home in Glen mont, Md.. in celebration of their silver wedding anniversary. The party, held in the attractive garden of their home, was arranged by their daughters, Miss Betty Weisman and Miss Anne Weisman. and their sons. Mr. Robert Weisman and Mr. John Weisman. More than 100 guests attended the affair, including Mr. Weisman's sister. Mrs. William Von Herbulus of New York. Miss Fern Stukey Engaged to Wed Mr. and Mrs. Harold A Mechem announce the engagement of the latter's daughter. Miss Fern Stukey, to Mr. Carl J. McDonald, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. I. McDonald of Parkers burg, W. Va. The wedding will take place this month. Miss Stukey. daughter of Mr. Charles E. Stukey of Parkersburg, W. Va., was educated here. Mr. McDonald was graduated from the Parkersburg schools and is con nected with the Archives Division of the Federal Government. Arthur G. Smiths To Give Garden Party Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Clarendon Smith will give a garden party for the officers and members of the Na tional Democratic League at their home Sunday afternoon from 5 to 7 o'clock. Among those invited are Senator and Mrs. Claude Pepper. Senator David Walsh. Senator Joseph Guffey, Mrs. Tucker Brown, president of the Women's National Democratic Club: Mrs. Floyd Cook, president of the Women's Democratic Council: Col Christopher B. Garnett, president of the Virginia State Society, and Mrs. Garnett: Representative and Mrs. Jennings Randolph, Representative and Mrs. Harry Sheppard and Representative and Mrs. Luther Patrick. Warners Have Guests Mr. and Mrs. Harry S. Warner are entertaining Mr. Warner's brother and sister-in-law. Prof, and Mrs. Paul J. Warnpr of Orlando. Fla . and their young daughter, Miss Betty Warner. Prof, and Mrs. Warner are en route to the old family home in Worcester, Ohio, where they will spend the summer. Prof. Warner is connected with the high school in Orlando. Grtflffi) Nom# in Womtn’i Sho#j" HAHN Exclusively 1207 F Street . MISS ELEANOR McNAMARA. She will be married Saturday to Mr. La Verne M. Poast. After July 1 Mr. Poast and his bride will reside in Washington. Miss McNamara is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Mc Namara of Delaware, Ohio. Weddings of Interest Miss Frances Stuart Rosenbusch Is Married to Mr. C. W. Cairnes The marriage of Miss Prances . Stuart Rosenbusch. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl William Rosenbusch of Georgetown, to Mr. Charles Wil son Caimes. son of Capt. and Mrs. George Wilson Caimes of Cleveland, took place last evening in the Georgetown Presbyterian Church, the Rev. John Bailey Kelly offi ciating. The bride was given in marriage by her father. She wore a gown of white lace over satin with a long j tulle veil and carried a bouquet of white orchids and lilies of the valley.1 Miss Amelia Rosenbusch. sister of the bride, was maid of honor and the bridesmaids were Miss Barbara Boose. Miss Elizabeth Powers, Miss Margaret Jacob and Miss Mary Curry of this city; Miss Jeanne Santamarie. Rosemont. Pa . and Miss Laura Cunningham of Baltimore. The maid of honor wore a gown of cornflower blue lace and carried a bouquet of garden flowers. The bridesmaids wore dresses of yellow net trimmed in cornflower blue and carried bouquets of garden flowers. Capt. Caimes, father of the bride- , groom, served as best man. The ushers were Mr. Joseph Kuhn. Mr. Albert Rhodes and Mr Allen Shep ard of Washington, Mr. Roland Seward, jr., and Mr. Winston Mat thews of Baltimore, and Mr. Sam Galbreath. Jarettsville, Md. A reception followed in the home of the bride's parents and later the young couple left for a trip through the South. Mrs. Cairnes wore a dark blue ensemble with powder blue ac cessories and a corsage of orchids. On their return they will make their home in Baltimore. The bride attended the University of Maryland, where she was a mem ber of the Alpha Omicron Pi Sorority, i Mr. Caimes is a graduate of the ; Massanutten Military Academy In Virginia and Case School of Applied Science in Cleveland. He is a mem ber of the Phi Kappa Tau Fraternity. Miss Kammermier Wed To Mr. W. E. Dailey. Miss Mary Clara Kammermier, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Kammermier of Forestville, Va., and Mr. 'William Ernest Dailey, son of Mrs. Oden Dailey and the late Mr. Dailey of Forestville. were married Wednesday evening, May 29. The wedding took place in the Arnon Chapel of the Methodist Church at Forestville, the Rev. Boyd B. Bryant officiating. Mr. Howard Gardner played the wedding music and ac companied Mrs. Gardner, who sang a solo. Mock orange and white peo nies with palms and fern decorated the church. Mr. Kammermier escorted his daughter and gave her in marriage. She wore a white net and lace dress wdth a long tulle veil and carried white roses and lilies of the valley. Mrs. Bruce Sanders of Washing ton was matron of honor. She wore pale green chiffon and carried roses and blue larkspur. Miss Virginia Matteer and Miss Marie Cockerille (Continued on Page B^4j Margaret White Will Be Married Mr. and Mrs. William Winfield White announce the engagement of their daughter. Miss Margaret Marie White, to Mr. E. Spencer Fitzgerald. The wedding will take place Satur day morning. June 22. at 11 o’clock, in the rectory of the Church of St. Francis Xavier. BEST & CO. 44JI CONNECTICUT AVE., N. W. • EMERSON 77SS Exclusive ... Our Alice Marble Dress 15.00 IT is dazzling, crisp white . cut for free, easy action . . this tennis dress, designed exclusively for Best’s by Alice Marble. Its clean-cut lines are flattering to beginners and tournament stars alike. And the short, flared skirt is America’s popular new court-fashion. White rayon twill with matching panties. Sizes 12 to 20. White Sailcloth Visor (shown) 1.00