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Publicity Man Given Chance to Answer Patman's Charges Dies Inquiry Will Hear Answer to Accusation He Represented Nazis Carl Bvoir, New York publicity man. today was offered an oppor tunity to answer before the Dies Committee charges that he had directed Nazi publicity in this coun- : try. The New Yorker, twice assailed on the floor of the House by Repre sentative Patman, Democrat, of Texas, yesterday wrote Chairman Dies of the House Committee on Un American Activities urging that Mr. Patman's charges be investigated. Disclaiming connection with the Nazi government, he blamed the at tack by Mr Patman to the fact that he had opposed the Patman bill to curb chain stores for the past two years Denies Approaching Congress. "I am a publicist, not a lobbyist.” I he wrote. "Never during that em- i ployment have I directly or indi rectly approached any member of Congress or any official of the Gov ernment to attempt to influence them in connection with this or any other legislative matter." Mr. Byoir told Mr. Dies that in 1933 his firm had a contract with the German federal railroads to promote travel in Germany. “Nothing was done under this contract.” he said, "that could by any stretch of the imagination be termed un-American or Nazi propa ganda. This contract was canceled by me in 1934. For six years we have had no contract of any sort with any foreign interest or foreign government except in connection with civilian relief in China.” Investigator W ill Go to Boston. Among other things. Mr. Patman said that Mr. Byoir and George Syl vester Viereck. the author, "com menced to represent Nazi Germany Boon after Hitler came into power." The Dies committee arranged yes terday to send an investigator to Boston to look into activities of the German Consul there in connection with editorial attacks on Hitler by ] the Boston Traveler. The news-, paper announced that the consulate j had protested the editorial as an' insult and served notice that it j would "refuse to give your paper any ! Information.” Washingtonians to Speak F. Taylor Ostrander, economic ' analyst of the division of monetary | research of the Treasury Depart- ! ment. and Dr. Frank Lorimer of j American University will speak be- j fore the Students' International j Union seminar. June 24-August 2, at ' Williamstown, Mass. Births Reported Karl and Mary Jarrell, boy. William and Elizabeth Coppaz*. boy. J Clifford and Ruth Hatch, boy. Joseph and Freda Senturia. boy. George and Ruth Skadding. zirl. John and Virginia Warren, girl. Clifford and Avice Howell, girl. Elmer and Dorothy Ibrre cirl. Harold and Jane Freese, boy Garnett and Martha Megre. boy. Boyd and Hazel Morrow, boy. Willard and Lois Lancas’er. nr! Elmer and A':cr Cunnineham. cirl. James and Elizabeth Butler cirl Harold and Esther Poole, girl. Herbert and Elizabeth Dorsey, boy. Henry and Edna Ilaeberle. boy. Patrick and Lila Cook. boy. James and Eleanor Welch, girl. Hermit and Martha Barclift, zirl. Milton and E?he! Reigelman. cirl. Frederick and Dolev Moss. zirl. Melvin and Libby Mandell. girl. James and Anna Kraft, boy. George and Helen Ayers, boy George and Elizabeth Barne*. boy Edwin and Josephine Bedell, girl. Thomas and Susie Oakley, girl. Perry and Opal Bastian. girl. Joseph and Nellie Woods, oov. Wallace and Mattie Jordan boy. Weilsey and Earline Washington, girl. Theodore and Katherine Duckett, girl. James and Adele Ford. boy. Thcynas and Carrie Key, pir). Deaths Reported Flourrella W Gore. 82. 2144 1st st. Ella V. Woodfleld. 74. 214 Sth st n e. William Miles. 14 Galltneer Hospital. Daniel Tompkins, 72. Home for Ac*1'! and Infirm. Anna M. Krafft. 71. St. Elizabeth's Hos pital James M Dean. 70. Walter Reed Hospital Edward T Davison *'■!>. 1479 M st. Virtie M Rider H7. 1424 R st. Ernest. Huntt. 04. Gallinger Hospital. James A Moran. 58, Walter Reed Hospital 1 Nathan Loubor. 52. 7405 14th st. Claude Rrxford. 44. Veterans' Administra- ! tion Ho.'Pital. Mary Watkins 49. Sibley Hospital. E. telle M. O. Weller, 41, Georgetown Uni versity Hospital Charlps W Stewart. 41. Veterans’ Adminis tration Hospital. Charles F Reirk. 40. George Washington University Hospital Manuel Calan. 79, Gallineer Hospital. Infant George S Ayers, jr.. Doctors' Hos pital Infant Dellinger Doctors’ Hospital. Infant Fagan. Providence lospitaj Gertrude S. Morton, Ho. 1079 Kenvon st. George Hawkins. 5«j. Freedmen's Hospital Mary Jefferson. 5o. Gallineer Hospital. Marion S Barker. 4v 9o.4 9th st n.e William H Taylor. 40. Kingman Lake. Bev>ie Tate. ‘71. Freedmen's Hospital. Babv Gorham. 47. Freedmen's Hospital. Fix up Your Spare Room ALL WOOL $4.50 Si/_e 2\3 l A lev* of these colorful rugs ond your spare room will take on a liv able appearance. Size 2x4, $6 50; 3x5, $11.50, 4x6, $18.50. j ^Manning and do. 1315 G ST. N.W. Oriental and Oomestie Rugs ___ L Marriage License Applications Carl J. McDonald. 24. Parkersburg. W. Va , and Roxy F. Strikey. 22. 5208 Conduit rd. n.w the Rev. Albert E. Gingrich. Jacob M Shockey. 30. and Mabel O. Oliver. 48. both of Chambersburg, Pa.; the Rev. Simpson B Daugherty. Adolph L. Franke, 22. 82 L st n w . and Fileen M. Sheehan. 21. 32 Adams st. n.w.; the Rev. L. F. Mlltenberger Euwene S. Williams. 21.503 Kastle pi. n.e.. and Clarissa V Byrd. 10 243 10th st. ae; the Rev Henry F. Graebenstein. Raymond O Harley. 21, 2401 Alabama ave. s.e, and Mary J Hawkins. 20. 1324 Morris rd. s.e.; the Rev. F. M. W. Schneew^jss . Thomas D. Heyl. 48. Marshall. Va, and Effle C. Thompson. 48. Arlington. Va ; the Rev. John C Ball. John E S Van Cronkhlte. 38, 2003 Co lumbia rd. n.w, and Edith E. Haran Dick, 20. Harrisburg. Pa.; the Rev. J. H. Dunham Alger Cheeks. 38. and Luella Belford 30. both of 438 R. I. ave. n.w.; the Rev. Wiley Westray. James Pearson. 23. 58 M st. n w, and Vernon McKie. 23. 1053 4th st n w the Rev. S. Moss. Robert 3. Demar. 37, 803 I st. s.e., and Alice L Walthrop. 34. 105 flth st. s.e.; _ the Rev Carl C. Rasmussen. Walter Ross. 30. Brooklyn, and Miriam Wagner. 20, 512 5th st. s.e.; the Rev. J. T. Loeb. Max Stearman. 34. 4711 8th st. n.w, and Gertrude Haas. 31 4708 8th st. n.w.; the Rev. Henry Segal Neal Cameron. 43. 40 F st. n.w.. and Beulah Mathes. 30. 120H R st. n.w.; the Rev. Leon S. Wormely. Ferdinand J. Miller. 32, 812 Kennedy st »nd Kathryn P. Verson. 28, Army Medical Center, the Rev. Joseph E uedra Pa;'-,P0r'uUo-T "nd Elsie M. Armlger. 25. A°CaSlfleTd16 S St' Se; the ReV' James S Oliver Dantzic. 20. 221 Whittier st. n w . and Catherine C. Radcliffe. 30. 1430 Meridian pi. n.w, the Rev. William E i-a rue Jl‘!i w A»JhanDiro;,:UF,-15 Ineraham st. na. and Dorothy Flax. 31. 5234 Ne p hfaska ave. n.w : the Rev. M. R. Yoelson. E Ilfa BVck err,Tltus' •-’.!• 802 34th Dl. n.e, E Keattie. 18. Youngstown. Ohio, the Rev. Paul J, Dougherty Johnie A. Milton. 20. 010 2nd st nw and Lizzie McDaniel. 30 °15 Mass ave Jn<?se Robert E. Mattingly " P 'v- Hoff. 22. Hastings. Neb, and '2 J Cjisman. 22 Holdrege Neb.; the Rev. John W Rustin j nien,w, J 'a,1rsDrrl?l<’ Summit ?!..;2-e4! a,”d Doro,hy F. Hildebrand 71. I Miltenberger. St' n e ; the Rev' L™is p G<,andd u,,!rfsll?’ •?', Mount Carmel. Pa, ldnMar L. Voulelis. 74. 1110 Holbrook Elmer 5 •2hafRev- Paul J- Dougherty, timer J Godfrey, jr . 70 Windsor Va ?; Beale. 77. Holland Va ! ■ ne Rev. Walter C. Hook. EdT°nadnriRAiTir^Vr0’n*,e' :t5' Thibodeaux. Ka ■ and Alvira M Brossard. 55 Walker Minn : the Rev Austin L Healy walKcr' Dandn{daAM SRSi' MV- Taylor st n w . rd n»- ^ Incca„l 1°88 Bladensburg U e„ lh' Rev F. De Carlo ° ?r nt7a^nfB'a7' aad Wmona j. Slagle. c"Rb Banes Alexandna- Va , the Rev. Michael Tempchln, 73. Norwich rnm and Mildred Levy. 71. 017 4th st s w : 'he Rp;'. Solomon H Metz. William H S. Morey, ir . 20. Baldwinsville, Ton-J ’ 4Kndr^ Rul« L Lewis. 22. osagr. |he Rev. Bernard Braskamp di hn„,hlan.10r,d' ■’4' and Ru,h Schulman. Loeo^°1^ °* Altoona. Pa , the Rev. J T. G??J8e R.J Snider 30. Bradbury Heights. Md,;and Helen D Meeks. 23. 01 n Rhode Rakowski.'' ne: the Rrv- Peter p B Warfield. 24. 7200 Massachusetts rvP J- T,, and Mildred Cooper. ”], RandSn^p1 V- ihe Rev • Wa!tcr M Michael. Randall P Anderson, ,ir . 18. 2320 Cham S!f|ln*'"7 ■ "lid Mildred L. Johnson is. q' . Florida ave. n.e.; the Rev. S. G Spotswood. Sh?,iHaJr’.s; 44‘ and Mary J Goodwin, 30. ?? ,.,Sf ,Alexanarla- Va ■ Judge Robert E. avi.{T i n g i y Do’laAldpHuB,e,Uman na' Hyattsville. Md . aad Ruth M Pattribon. 27. 1751 Lang Pl-p i the Rev, M P German * Ffatik H. Dudley. 54. Baltimore, and Helen E Sheckels. 50. 1042 K st. n.e the 1 Rev William S Abernrthv Ralph M Colling wood. 21. Nrw Castle. Pa . and Emma V. Bentlev. 22, 1M)7 H st T n.w the Rev J. c. Ball L,2im B,B?w‘e. -■'}■ 128 Upsal st. s.e, and Eima J. Lint. 21. Hagerstown, Md.; the .Rev Charles E Reach. Hubert W Jones. 30. 1310 13th st nw. and Martha P McAlpine. 30. Natural Bridge. Va : the Rev. H M. Hennig. Charles Soitzbart. 35. and Harriet Kass. 30. both of Brooklyn; Judge Robert E Mattingly John J Byrnes. 2H. 442 Buchanan st. n w . and Mary A. Kelly. 24. 1205 Farragut ! st. n.w. the Rev. William J Sweeney CTDMEarl -1- 7(»2 15th st. n.e.. and Edna L McClees. 21. 1420 Pennsylvania ave s .e : rhe Rev Wilson Holder Milton E Cochran. 25. 215 Oth st ' gw and Be mire V Smith. 25. Paden City. W. va . the Rev J Luther Frantz OF DISTINCTION The unmistakable air of charm and refine ment at Hotel 2400 is most happily united with facilities as com plete as they are mod ern. Every element of surroundings and serv ice has been planned to satisfy the most exacting requirements. Call Columbia 7200. h e T 11 SIXTEENTH " Richard S. Butler, Mot. Archbishop Curley Presides at Trinity Graduation Rites / 85 Receive Degrees On Presentation by Dom Thomas V. Moore Eighty-five girls yesterday were graduated from Thinity College with Archbishop Michael J. Curley of Baltimore and Washington presid ing. The address to the graduates was by Dr. Jerome G. Kerwin of the University of Chicago. The Rev. William H. Russell presented a gen eral report of the college and Dom Thomas V. Moore presented the candidates for degrees. Graduates are: Anderson, Ann Kirby. Frances Anr. Babbington. Doris M. Koch. Margaret M. Banker. Mary H. Kurzweg. Loraine Battaile. Anne T Loughman, Alice L. Butler. Virginia M. McElligott, Mary L. Bynum. Elbee K McConville. Janet M. Callahan. Nancy MrGrane. Mary E Carroll. Ruth Alice McNamara. Margaret Chagnon. C A. McNamara. Pauline Cleary E'izabeth A. McTague, Joan Conner. Evelvn F. Maguire. Mary V. Considine. M M Markey. Marion H. Cooney Margaret M Ma-tinez-Villafene. Crane, Mary E Maria Teresa Creeden. Eleanor G Mawhinney. R. C. Crotty, Patricia F Meegan. Regina E. Cullen. Eleanor F. Mehren, Grace E Dennett M A Mendes. Virginia K. Devine. H-lcn L Moore. Mary Rita Donnhoe. Mary T Morin. Patricia A. Donovan Marv J. ^a,vln‘ ^n,!1P ^>...u p ,fT„ .... tx Nolan. Helen Ruth Dwan Dori*t Marv ^ Con no i. Martha R. Pu v?f Kipe M O'Connor. Nora Anne VO, ,) TrncoJth ' O’Conor. Mary Alice F no1 S O’Donnell. Ann M. 5 HrprliH To^ T/ Oliver. Elinor Shea e t’Gernld. Jane M. p.,iionvv, m m S'7l1?rnrV M*rv J Parks Elizabeth' J. Flynn Rosemary Quinn. Rutli Elamc ' Pox, Virginia V Rozier Mary E. Gieecon Marv K. Shanafeit. Mary C. Fanekel. M M. Sherman. Regina A. Hanlon. E R. Shine. Janet McQ Heartv Marv Ann Spencer. Cecelia E Hemelt. Lenore C. Vachris. Dorothy T. Heyrit. Lois K Vocco. Dolores L. Hunter Louise V Walsh. Marjorie X Kara. Johanna J. Ward. Marjorie P Kavanaueh E T White. Elizabeth A. Keane Catherine A White. Joan Mary Keiliher Mildred M. Wolf, Marie Love. Kelly. Catharine K. Sifter M Joan, Kentz. Helen. S. C. M. M. Grandma Gets Smoke WARREN, Ohio.—"Just a moment, please,” the clerk heard after he answered the telephone to take an order. "Johnny, dear,” a feminine voice cooed in an aside, "run into the liv- I ing room and bring grandma a1 cigarette.’’ Vandenberg Would Pass Finland's 1940 Payments By the Associated Press. A resolution to relieve Finland of paying the two 1940 instalments on her war debt, while retaining her status of 100 per cent repayment, has been introduced bv Senator Vandenberg, Republican, ‘ of Michi gan. Senator Schwellenbach, Democrat, of Washington told the Senate yes terday he was informed that Fin land was prepared to make her reg ular June 15 payment of $159,398. Majority Leader Barkley added that he understood the republic ‘‘not only is prepared to make this pay ment, but wants to make it.” "My information is exactly the same,” Senator Vandenberg replied, "and that is precisecly why I offer this resolution, to prove in a modest way that it does pay to be a good war debtor to the United States.” Portugal's cotton textile mills are having hard times because of over stocking by wholesalers and re tailers. Research Professorship Is Created at G. W. U. Dean William Paul Briggs of the George Washington University School of Pharmacy today an nounced creation of a research pro fessorship in the fundamental study of certain drugs under the auspices of the Proprietary Association, a na tional group of manufacturers of drugs and medicines. The association also has made available funds for equipment and supplies to aid in carrying out re search which will be started some time in the late summer on com pletion of a present study of certain cosmetic dyes. Tire professorship is to be filled by Dr. Lloyd W. Hazelton, who recently has been associated with the George town School of Medicine. He also will offer some advanced courses in pharmacology. At the same time Dean Briggs announced a gift of $1,000 to the school from the District Pharma ceutical Association to be used for i ,1 SWEEPING SALE JUST 97 nn HATS 100 Formerly Priced 1.98 to 5.98 Every Hat From Regular Stocks . . . Dark Colors, a Few Pastels But No Whites . . . Hats for Immediate Wear. Frank’s Millinery—Street Floor ■ When Hinkel Cleans Your Rugs —and Carpets, they are properly cleaned . . . restored to their original brightness and beauty. Prompt service. ★ PHONE US TO CALL FOR YOUR RUGS AND CARPETS Lowest Prices for Finest JT ork—Why Take a Chance? Rugs and Carpets STORED in our Modern Fireproof Building and INSURED for Full Value! E. P. HENKEL & CO. 600 Rhode Island Ave. N.E. ORIENTAL RUGS Washed and Repaired by Our Expert Weavers on the Premises Telephone HObart 1171 "The Best Known . . . Known as the Best"—Since 1875 ^pruritg for your | MOTH AND BEETLE PROTECTION Lots of ways to protect goods from in sect damage, some better than others, COLD STORAGE best of all. We have for sale mothproof paper, moth flakes, Security insect spray, fumigation service (at house or ware house), mothproof storage and “Certi fiedr COLD STORAGE. BELONGINGS Silver Vaults Rug Cleaning Fumigation Dry Cold Storage _ • 'Wv'v*.VV..' pnaritg Storage Company I SAFE DEPOSITORY FOR 50 YEARS HOUSEHOLD GOODS, SILVERWARE, ART ODJEOTS i . ,J 1140 FIFTEENTH STREET District 4040 “POOL" CAR SHIPMENTS. “LIFT" VANS, MOTOR VAN SHIPMENTS, FOREIGN acquisition of additional equipment to be installed in the new laboratory. The women’s auxiliary of the lat ter association, Dean Briggs said, has agreed to contribute $100 a year to the school library fund. Man Found in Room Wounded by Bullet L. Fontaine Disney, 35, of the 100 block of Twelfth street S.E., was in serious condition at Casualty Hos pital today with a bullet wound in his chest, just above his heart. He was found in a bedroom off his home by neighbors, who rushed into the house when they heard a shot. Police said his family was away at the time. I FULLER BR1STLECOMB HAIR BRUSH Doesn't Disturb the WAVE « all Dl. 3498 or Write 977 Natl Preti Bid*. Short Tim* Only i . : ■ Annual Sale s7-50 F1 exees Girdles a n d Combinations ONE-THIRD OFF Flexee "fans" await this annual event! Because it's the perfect time i to save on the season's most im portant styles . . . models with Twin Control . . . models that help your figure and your posture. Insure yourself of smooth, suave contours ^ ... of supple loveliness, decide on a Flexee today! I 12.50 FLEXEES ... in June Sole ... 7.95 'CORSET SHOP. THIRD FLOOR ) if Twm Control Foundation... low cut bock, floce uplift bro; reinforced front ponel, ; $5 I Twin Cortfrol Girdle ... semf-zif) closing; reinforced front ponol.. S5 THE HGCHT (0. F STREET AT 7th NATIONAL 5100 A New Time! A New Station! JEAN ABBEY W ill Be Heard on WOL Thursday at 10 A.M. A new time ... a new station . . . and a program full of new and interesting information to help you through the hot weather.